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Geometric Inequalities (Akadii Slinko)

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Geometric Inequalities 1

Arkadii Slinko

1 Basic ideas 1.1 Elementary tools and their usage . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 Three math olympiad problems . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 Ptolemys inequality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Problems to solve 3 Solutions 1 1 4 6 9 11

This assignment presents the main tools used to prove geometric inequalities. We do not go far into the geometry of triangle here because this will be the subject of a separate assignment. We assume that our triangles, quadrilaterals and polygons are non-degenerate, which means that no three vertices are on the same line. When we say that a point is inside the polygon will always mean strictly inside, that is not on the boundary.


Basic ideas
Elementary tools and their usage

The rst four tools will be considered as familiar to the reader. Tool 1 (Triangle Inequality) In an arbitrary triangle the combined length of any two sides is greater than the length of the remaining side, i.e., in a triangle ABC we always have AB + BC > AC. Tool 2 The area of a triangle ABC is not greater than 1 AB AC. 2

Copyright c Arkadii Slinko. All rights reserved.

Tool 3 In a triangle ABC the inequality AC < BC holds if and only if ABC < BAC. Tool 4 The length of the orthogonal projection of a segment s onto a line is not greater than the length of s. Now we will consider very useful but slightly less obvious tools. We will prove them. Tool 5 Let ABCD be a convex quadrilateral. Then AB + CD < AC + BD, i.e., the combined length of the diagonals of a convex quadrilateral is greater than the combined length of any pair of its opposite sides. Proof: Since the quadrilateral is convex, the two diagonals intersect. Let O be the point of their intersection.


Then, applying the Triangle Inequality twice, we get AB < AO + BO, CD < OC + OD.

Adding these two inequalities together, we get AB + CD < AO + BO + OC + OD = AC + BD. The next tool I found to be especially useful. Tool 6 Let O be a point inside a triangle ABC (can lie on a side but must be dierent from any of the vertices). Then AO + OC < AB + BC. Proof: Let P be the intersection of AO with BC.


We apply the Triangle Inequality twice as follows. AO + OC < AO + OP + P C = AP + P C < AB + BP + P C = AB + AC. We are ready for the rst nontrivial (or not completely trivial) result: Problem 1 Let O be a point inside a triangle ABC and p be a semiperimeter of ABC. Then p < AO + BO + CO < 2p. Proof: There are two inequalities here, and for the rst one we need just the Triangle Inequality.

We can write: AB < OA + OB, BC < OB + OC, CA < OC + OA. Adding them all together, we get 2p < 2(AO + BO + CO), which is the rst inequality that we were going to prove. For the second inequality we need Tool 6. We get: OA + OB < CA + CB, OB + OC < AB + AC, OC + OA < BC + BA. 3

Adding them all together, we get 2(AO + BO + CO) < 4p, which is the second inequality that we were after. Important: The idea used here is an important idea of symmetrizing inequalities. Most symmetric inequalities are proved this way. The next tool is also very important. It is used when a certain inequality must be proved for all values a, b, c, which are known to be the lengths of the sides of a triangle. This tool allows to replace a, b, c, which are not arbitrary, by arbitrary positive x, y, z. Tool 7 Numbers a, b, c are the lengths of the sides of a triangle if and only if there exist positive numbers x, y, z such that a = x + y, b = y + z and c = z + x. Proof: If a, b, c are the sides of a triangle, then x = a+cb > 0, 2 a+bc > 0, y = 2 b+ca > 0. z = 2

This numbers clearly satisfy a = x + y, b = y + z and c = z + x. On the other hand, if such x, y, z exist, then all triangle inequalities for the numbers a = x + y, b = y + z and c = z + x are satised. For example, a + b = (x + y) + (y + z) = (x + z) + 2y = c + 2y > c as y > 0. Problem 2 (IMO, 1983) let a, b, c be the lengths of the sides of a triangle. Prove that a2 b(a b) + b2 c(b c) + c2 a(c a) 0. Determine when equality occurs. Solution: This was the most dicult problem of that IMO but Tool 7 makes it trivial in a sense that it reduces it to some very well-known ordinary inequalities. Substituting a = x + y, b = y + z and c = z + x and simplifying, we get x3 y + y 3 z + z 3 x x2 yz + xy 2 z + xyz 2 , which is a partial case of the Muirheads inequality. For those who are unfamiliar with it we may suggest the following argument. Since the inequality

is homogeneous, we may prove it only for those x, y, z for which xyz = 1. Then our inequality takes form x2 y 2 z 2 + + x + y + z, z x y which follows directly from the rearrangement inequality. Indeed, without loss of generality, we may assume x y z and hence x2 y 2 z z , while 1 1 1 we have . Equality occurs when x = y = z, i.e., a = b = c. x y z


Three math olympiad problems

Problem 3 In the plane there are n red points and n blue points. Prove that it is possible to draw n segments, each joining one red point and one blue point, so that no two of them intersect or have a common endpoint. Solution: This problem does not seem like a problem about inequalities but this impression is premature. There are n! ways of joining red and blue points by segments. How to choose the right one? Our solution will in fact give an algorithm how to do it. We can observe that, if two of the segments intersected, say AB and CD with the points A and C being red and the points B and D being blue (see Figure),

then we can choose the segments AD and BC, instead of AB and CD, and, by using Tool 5, reduce the combined length of segments. Eventually, we will get the right conguration. In a less constructive way, we may consider the conguration with a minimal total combined length of segments, it exists because we have only nite number of possibilities (it might not be unique but it does not matter). We can be certain that the segments of this conguration do not intersect. Problem 4 (IMO, Jury) The area of a quadrilateral with the lengths of the sides a, b, c, d is equal to S. Prove that S a+c b+d . 2 2 5

Solution: We have to be attentive and note that the quadrilateral is not necessary convex. If the quadrilateral ABCD is not convex, then one of its diagonals, say BD (see Figure) does not have common points with the interior of the quadrilateral.
B C' A C

Reecting C about BD we will get a convex quadrilateral ABC D with the same sides but of greater area. Now, having said that, we can assume that the quadrilateral is convex. Let us divide it by one of the diagonals into two triangles and use Tool 2. These triangles will have the areas, which are not greater than ab/2 and cd/2. Thus 2S ab + cd. Similarly, 2S bc + da. Adding these two inequalities (we are symmetrizing again!) we get 4S ab + cd + bc + da = (a + c)(b + d), which is equivalent to what we have to prove. Problem 5 (IMO, 64) Let a, b, c be the sides of a triangle. Prove that a2 (b + c a) + b2 (c + a b) + c2 (a + b c) 3abc. Solution: For such problems Tool 7 is just magic and we use it again. Indeed, substituting a = x + y, b = y + z and c = z + x we will have a new inequality 2(x + y)2 z + 2(y + z)2 x + 2(z + x)2 y 3(x + y)(y + z)(z + x), which has to be proved for x 0, y 0, z 0. This is a great advantage, these constraints on indeterminates are much easier to handle. Actually at this stage we can forget about the triangles and treat this inequality as we normally do. Simplifying, we get x2 y + y 2 z + z 2 x + xy 2 + yz 2 + zx2 6xyz, 6

which splits into inequalities (x2 + y 2 )z 2xyz, (y 2 + z 2 )x 2xyz, (z 2 + x2 )y 2xyz. See also a solution by means of rearrangement inequality in the paper Rearrangement Inequality by K.Wu and A.Liu1


Ptolemys inequality

One of the most important tools is Ptolemys Inequality. Let A, B, C, D be arbitrary points in the plane, not on the same line. Then AB CD + BC AD AC BD. This inequality becomes equality if and only if the points A, B, C, D are concyclic and each of the two arcs determined by the points A, C contains one of the two remaining points. Proof: Two simple ones can be found on in the Geometry section of Tutorials. Problem 6 Let ABC be an equilateral triangle and P be an arbitrary point in the plane. Prove that the lenghts of P A, P B, P C are always the lengths of the sides of a triangle. Determine, when this triangle is degenerate. Solution: By Ptolemys inequality P A BC + P C AB P B AC, and since AB = AC = BC, this becomes PA + PC PB with equality, when P is on the circumcircle of ABC. Similarly, we can get P A + P B P C. Hence, the triangle becomes degenerate, only when P is on the circumcircle of ABC.
reproduced on in the Algebra section of Tutorials with a permission of the authors.

Problem 7 Let M, A1 , A2 , . . . , An (n 3) be distinct points in the plane such that A1 A2 = A2 A3 = = An1 An = An A1 . Prove the inequality 1 1 1 1 + + + , M A1 M A 2 M A 2 M A3 M An1 M An M A1 M An and determine all cases when equality occurs. Solution 1: Applying Ptolemys inequality to M A1 Ak Ak+1 we get M A1 Ak Ak+1 + A1 Ak M Ak+1 A1 Ak+1 M Ak , (which for k = 1 degenerates into an equality). We divide this expression by M A1 M Ak M Ak+1 to get Ak Ak+1 A1 Ak+1 A1 Ak . M Ak M Ak+1 M A1 M Ak+1 M A1 M Ak Summing these inequalities for k = 1, 2, . . . , n1 we obtain A1 A2 A2 A3 An1 An + + + M A 1 M A2 M A2 M A3 M An1 M An A1 An A1 A1 A1 An = . M A 1 M An M A1 M A1 M A1 M An As A1 A2 = A2 A3 = = An A1 we get the desired inequality. Equality holds i it holds for each inequality that was added, that is for all k = 1, 2, . . . , n1. It happens when the points A1 , Ak , Ak+1 , M lie on a circle and in this particular order. This means that the points M, A1 , . . . , An lie on the circle in this order. In this case A1 , A2 , . . . , An is a regular n-gon and M belongs to the shortest arc A1 An . Solution 2: Consider an inversion i with pole M and any coecient r. Let A1 , A2 , . . . , An be the images of A1 , A2 , . . . , An , respectively, under this inversion. Applying the Triangle inequality (in fact, several times) for the points A1 , A2 , . . . , An , we get A1 A2 + A2 A3 + + An1 An A1 An . (1)

It is well-known (or easy to prove) how distances between images of points under inversion can be expressed. In our case, if X, Y are any two points dierent from M , and if X , Y are their images under i then XY = r2 XY . MX MY 8

This formula can be applied to any pair of points A1 , A2 , . . . , An because they are all dierent from M . So we rewrite (1) in the form r2 A1 A2 r2 A2 A3 r2 An1 An r2 A1 An + + + . M A1 M A 2 M A 2 M A3 M An1 M An M A1 M An Since A1 A2 = A2 A3 = = An1 An = An A1 , the latter yields 1 1 1 1 + + + , M A1 M A 2 M A2 M A3 M An1 M An M A1 M An as desired. It is clear from the above argument that (1) and (2) are simultaneously strict inequalities or equalities. So it remains to establish all cases when (1) is equality. This happens if and only if A 1 , A 2 , . . . , A n are points on a line arranged in this order. Now, the preimage of under i can be either a) the same line, if it passes through the pole M , b) a circle C through M , if does not contain M . In case a) the disposition of A 1 , A 2 , . . . , A n on in this order is equivalent to M, A1 , A2 , . . . , An being arranged in the order Ak , Ak1 , . . . , A1 , M, An , . . . , Ak+1 on . This is, however, impossible, given the condition A1 A2 = A2 A3 = = An1 An = An A1 . In case b), the condition is satised if and only if M, A1 , A2 , . . . , An are on a circle, the points A1 , A2 , . . . , An are arranged in this order in one of the two possible directions (clockwise or anticlockwise) with M being on the arc A1 An of C that does not contain any of the points A2 , A3 , . . . , An1 . Summing up, we conclude that equality occurs if and only if the points M, A1 , A2 , . . . , An lie on a circle, and arranged in this order with respect to one of the two possible directions. Comment 1: The argument is independent of whether or not the given points lie in a plane. Nothing changes if they are in three-dimensional space. Comment 2: It follows from the above solution that arbitrary distinct points M, A1 , A2 , . . . , An satisfy the inequality A2 A3 An1 An A1 An A1 A2 + + + , M A1 M A 2 M A 2 M A3 M An1 M An M A1 M An and that the only possible cases of equality are the ones listed above. 9 (2)

Problems to solve
1. (USSR, 84) Four points on a straight line are situated in the order A, B, C, D. Prove that for every point E, which is not on the line, AE + ED + |AB CD| > BE + EC. 2. (Czecho-Slovakia,76) One convex polygon is situated inside another convex polygon. Prove that the perimeter of the inner polygon is smaller than the perimeter of the outer one. 3. How many sides can have a convex polygon if all its diagonals have equal length? 4. A point M is given inside a triangle ABC. Prove that 4Area (ABC) AM BC + BM AC + CM AB. 5. (Yugoslavia, 75) The midpoints of adjacent sides of a convex polygon are joined by segments which become the sides of a new polygon. Show that its area is not less than half the area of the original polygon. 6. A parallelogram is inside the triangle. Prove that the area of the parallelogram is not greater than half the area of the triangle. 7. (IMO, 66) Points M, K, L are on the sides AB, BC, CA of a triangle ABC. Prove that, of the triangles M AL, KBM , LCK, the area of at least one triangle is not greater than a quarter of the area of ABC. 8. (a) Prove that every convex polygon of area S and perimeter P contains a circle of radius greater than S/P . (b) A convex polygon of area S1 and perimeter P1 contains a convex polygon of the S2 and perimeter P2 . Prove that 2S1 /P1 > S2 /P2 . 9. Prove that if a, b, c are the lengths of the sides of a triangle, then (a + b c)(a b + c)(a + b + c) abc.

10. (Shortlist IMO, 97) Let ABCDEF be a convex hexagon such that AB = BC, CD = DE, EF = F A. Prove that 3 BC DE F A + + . BE DA F C 2 10

11. Let A1 A2 A3 A4 be a square and P be an arbitrary point in the plane. Of the distances P A1 , P A2 , P A3 , P A4 , let M be the maximal and m be the minimal. Prove that P A1 + P A2 + P A3 + P A4 (1 + 2)M + m, with equality, when P is on the circumcircle of the square and strict inequality otherwise. 12. (IMO, 1995) Let ABCDEF be a hexagon with AB = BC = CD and DE = EF = F A, and BCD = EF A = 60 . Let also G and H be two arbitrary points. Then AG + BG + GH + DH + EH CF. 13. A square with the length of its side 1 is given. A broken line of length L is drawn inside it in such a way that the distance from every point of the interior of the square to a certain point of the broken line is less than . Prove that 1 L . 2 2 14. A 7-gon A1 A2 . . . A7 is inscribed in a circle. Prove that, if the centre of the circle is inside the 7-gon, then A1 + A3 + A5 < 450 . 15. (Shortlist IMO, 96) Let ABCD be a convex quadrilateral, and let RA , RB , RC and RD denote the circumradii of the triangles DAB, ABC, BCD and CDA respectively. Prove that RA + RC > RB + RD if and only if A + C > B + D.

1. Suppose that CD > AB. We choose a point D on CD such that AB = CD .


B M C D' D

Now D D = |AB CD| and ED + |AB CD| > ED by the Triangle inequality. Therefore it is sucient to prove that AE + ED > BE + EC. Note that the midpoints of AD and BC coincide. Let us construct a point F which is centrally symmetric to E about M . Then both quadrilaterals AED F and BECF are parallelograms. Now we use Tool 7 to get AE + ED = AE + AF > BE + BF = BE + EC. 2. Solution 1: For every vertex of the inner polygon let us erect in the exterior of it two rays which are perpendicular to the two sides of the polygon which meet at this vertex as shown below. Since the polygon is convex each angle of it is less than 180 and the shaded areas in the gure do not intersect. Let us consider the side AB of the inner polygon and two rays r and q which are perpendicular to it.


q B r A E D C

The two rays r and q cut a peace of the boundary of the outer polygon which is a broken line situated between these rays. The side AB will be the projection of this broken line and will be shorter than this broken line (Tool 4). Since we can nd such a broken line for every side of the inner polygon and these broken lines do not have points in common, the statement is proved. Note that we did not use the convexity of the outer polygon.


Solution 2: Let us extend the side AB of the inner polygon to the points K and L of intersection of AB with the sides of the outer polygon P . Then, due to the convexity of P , the segment KL divides it into convex polygons P1 and P2 . Since the inner polygon is also convex it lies inside either P1 or P2 . Both P1 and P2 have perimeters smaller than P since in each case we replace a broken line by the straight segment KL. If we repeat this procedure with another side of the inner polygon we will get yet another outer polygon whose perimeter is again smaller than the perimeter of the previous outer polygon. When we repeat this procedure for all sides of the inner polygon the outer and the inner 13

polygons will coincide. Since the perimeters of all outer polygons were decreasing, the statement is proved. 3. It can have ve sides as in the case of a regular pentagon. But it cannot have more. If it had six or more sides, then we can choose two nonintersecting diagonals AB and CD with vertices A, B, C, D all dierent from each other. But then AC and BD are also diagonals. All they have equal length which contradicts to our Tool 6. 4. Let P, Q, R be the points of intersection of AM , BM , CM with BC, CA, AB, respectively. Let = AP B, = BQC, = CRA.


We have 1 AB(CM + M R) sin , 2 1 BC(AM + M P ) sin , S = 2 1 CA(BM + M Q) sin . S = 2 Adding these together, we get S = 1 3S = (AB CM sin + BC AM sin + CA BM sin ) + S 2 since 1 (AB M R sin + BC M P sin + CA M Q sin ) = 2 Area (ABM ) + Area (BCM ) + Area (CAM ) = S. This implies 4S = AB CM sin + BC AM sin + CA BM sin AB CM + BC AM + CA BM, as required. 14

5. Let A1 , A2 , . . . , An be the vertices of the n-gon, S be its area, and B1 , B2 , . . . , Bn be the midpoints of the sides A1 A2 , A2 A3 , . . . , An A1 , respectively. For convenience of notation we will also set An+1 = A1 and An+2 = A2 . Then each of the triangles Ai Ai+1 Ai+2 i = 1, 2, . . . , n

intersects only with triangles Ai1 Ai Ai+1 and Ai+1 Ai+2 Ai+3 (only points of the interior of the polygon are considered, not just common vertex) and no three of these triangles intersect.

Ai Bi A i+1 B i+1 A i+2

Hence 2S We also notice that 1 Area (Bi Ai+1 Bi+1 ) = Area (Ai Ai+1 Ai+2 ). 4 Therefore Area (B1 B2 . . . Bn ) = S S

Area (Ai Ai+1 Ai+2 ).


Area (Bi Ai+1 Bi+1 ) =


1 1 1 n Area (Ai Ai+1 Ai+2 ) S S = S. 4 i=1 2 2


6. Suppose that a parallelogram P QRS is situated inside a triangle ABC. We may assume that at least three vertices of the parallelogram are on the sides of the triangle. Indeed, if we had only two such vertices, then one of the sides of the triangle does not contain a vertex or else one of the vertices of the parallelogram is simultaneously a vertex of the triangle. In both cases we can nd a triangle of smaller area which contain the same parallelogram as shown below.

Of course, if we have less than two vertices of the parallelogram on the sides of the triangle this argument also works. If three vertices of the parallelogram P QRS are on the sides of the triangle ABC, we can always nd a parallelogram P QR S , which is of the same area as P QRS, has three vertices on the boundary of ABC, and whose one side is lying completely on a certain side of the triangle. As shown in the Figure we have to extend the side of the parallelogram which has only one vertex on the boundary of the triangle. In this particular case, we extended SR and replace P QRS with P QR S , where S is the point of intersection of RS with AC.
B Q R' R

S A P S' C

Let us consider now this latter case. We can assume from the very beginning that one side of the parallelogram, namely P S, is on a side of the triangle, in this case AC (see Figure below).


Since the parallelogram AQRT is of the same area as P QRT , by replacing P QRT by AQRT , this case in turn may be reduced to the case, when one of the angles of the parallelogram coincides with one of the angles of the triangle. Let us consider this remaining latter case (see Figure).


Let us denote U = Area (P QRS), V = Area (BQR), U = Area (RSC). Then Area (P QR) = Area (P RS) = U/2. We have 2V Area (BQR) BQ BR AS Area (P RS) U = = = = = = . U Area (P QR) QA RC SC Area (SRC) 2W or 4V W = U 2 . Now AM-GM inequality gives us that (V + W )2 4V W = U 2 , or V + W U , and hence U = Area (P QRS) is less than half the area of the triangle ABC. 7. Since Area (M BK) = M B BK sin B and Area (ABC) = AB BC sin B, we have Area (M BK) M B BK = Area (ABC) AB BC


Similarly AM AL Area (M AL) = , Area (ABC) AB AC Area (KLC) KC LC = . Area (ABC) BC AC Suppose that all these three ratios are greater than 1/4. Then multiplying all three of them together we get 1 BM BK AM AL CK CL > AB BC AB AC BC AC 64 or 1 AM BM BK CK AL CL > . AB 2 BC 2 AC 2 64 But on the other hand, and Similarly AM BM AM + BM AB = 2 2

1 AM BM . 2 AB 4 1 BK CK , 2 BC 4 1 AL CL . 2 AC 4


1 AM BM BK CK AL CL , 2 2 2 AB BC AC 64 the contradiction.

8. (a) This is an application of Pigeonhole principle in geometry. For every side of the polygon we construct a rectangle, whose one side 18

coincides with the given side of the polygon, whose another side is S/P , and which is oriented so that it intersects the interior of the polygon. The total area of all such rectangles is S and any two neighboring rectangles intersect, hence the area, which they jointly cover, is less than S. Hence there exist an uncovered area, which is of course also a polygon. Taking any interior point of this polygon as the centre, we may draw a circle with the centre at this point of radius R > S/P , which lies inside the polygon. (b) Let us prove rst that, if a circle or radius R is situated inside a polygon of area S and perimeter P , then R 2S/P . To prove this we join the centre of the circle with the vertices of the polygon, which will then be divided into n nonintersecting triangles. Let h1 , h2 , . . . , hn be the altitudes of these triangles drawn from the centre of the circle to the sides of the polygon. Then, as hi R for all i = 1, 2, . . . , n S= P (h1 + h2 + . . . + hn ) PR , 2 2

which proves the statement. Part (b) can be deduced from part (a) and the argument above. Indeed, (a) guarantees that a circle of radius R > S2 /P2 can be inscribed into the smaller polygon. Then by the argument above, 2S1 S2 <R , P2 P1 and the statement (b) is proved. 9. Using Tool 9, we substitute a = x + y, b = y + z and c = z + x, where x 0, y 0, z 0. The new inequality will be 8xyz (x + y)(y + z)(z + x), which reduces to 6xyz x2 y + y 2 z + z 2 x + xy 2 + yz 2 + zx2 , which splits into three inequalities (x2 +y 2 )z 2xyz, (y 2 +z 2 )x 2xyz, (z 2 + x2 )y 2xyz, which are AM-GM inequalities. Or else it can be splitted into two inequalities 3xyz x2 y + y 2 z + z 2 x, 3xyz xy 2 + yz 2 + zx2 ,

which follow from the Rearrangement inequality (see Algebra Tutorial 1 on 19

10. Applying the Ptolemys inequality for the quadrilateral ACEF we get AC EF + CE AF AE CF. Since EF = AF , it implies FA c DE b . Similarly, and FC a+b DA c+a

a BC . It follows now that BE b+c

a b c 3 BC DE F A + + + + BE DA F C b+c c+a a+b 2 by the well-known inequality.


For the equality to occur we need (1) to be an equality and also we need an equality each time when the Ptolemys inequality was used. The latter happens when the quadrilaterals ACEF , ABCE, ACDE are cyclic, that is, ABCDEF is a cyclic hexagon. Also for the equality in (1) we need a = b = c. Hence the equality occurs if and only if the hexagon is regular. To prove the inequality (1) let us make the the substitution x = a + b, y = c + a, z = b + c after which the inequality takes the form 1 2 1 2 x+zy x+yz y+zx + + y z x 3 x y x z y z + + + + + 3 , y x z x z y 2 =

and it is now obvious. 11. Let M = P A4 , then it is easy to see that m = P A2 . By the Ptolemys inequality P A1 A3 A4 + P A3 A1 A4 P A4 A1 A3 with equality occuring and only if A1 , P, A3 , A4 are concyclic. Since if A1 A4 = A3 A4 = A1 A3 / 2, we get P A1 + P A3 2P A4 . Hence P A1 + P A2 + P A3 + P A4 (1 + 2)P A4 + P A2 = (1 + 2)M + m.

Equality holds, when P lies on the circumcircle of the square. 20

12. As BCD and AEF are equilateral triangles, ABDE is a kite.




Reect C and F about BE to get points C and F . Then CF = C F and we obtain equilateral triangles DEF and ABC . Let X be any point on the segment GH. By Ptolemys Inequality, we have F H DE F E DH + F D EH or F H DH + EH, and C G AB C A BG + C B AG or C G BG + AG. Thus AG + BG + GH + DH + EH C G + GH + HF C F = CF . This beautiful problem was submitted to the IMO by New Zealand and the author of it is Alastair McNaughton. This problem can also be solved using Fermat Point inequality (see Chapter Geometric Transformations.) 13. Let us consider a segment of length and all points which are within distance from this segment. This points belong to the gure shown below


which is of area 2 + 2 . Suppose that the broken line consists of n straight segments of lengths 1 , 2 , . . . , n . Let us construct such gures for all segments of the broken line. We see that the intersection of any two such neighboring gures will contain a disc of radius .

Hence the total area covered will be not greater than n


+2 (

+ ... +


(n 1)

= 2 L + 2.

Since these gures cover the whole square, we have 1 2 L + 2 , or 1 . L 2 2 14. We shall count the arcs which the angles subtend. We have 2 A1 = arcA2 A7 , 2 A3 = arcA4 A2 , 2 A5 = arcA6 A4 ,

where denote arcs using the agreement that the arcP Q denotes the arc, which P must travel clockwise in order to meet Q.


A3 A2 A1 A6 A4 A5



2( A1 + A3 + A5 ) = 720 + arcA6 A7 .

Now as the center of the circle is inside the 7-gon we have arcA6 A7 < 180 , which together with the equation above gives 2( A1 + A3 + A5 ) < 900 . or A1 + A3 + A5 < 450 .

15. Let the diagonals AC and BD meet at X. Of the two angles AXD and AXB, at least one must be greater than or equal to 90 . Without loss of generality, we assume that AXD 90 . Let 1 = CAD, 2 = CBD, 3 = ADB, 4 = ACB. These four angles are all acute and 1 + 2 = 3 + 4.
1 2

3 4

We note that AB AB CD CD , RB = , RC = , RD = , RA = 2 sin 3 2 sin 4 2 sin 2 2 sin 1 23


sin 4 RA = . RB sin 3

We now consider three dierent cases: A+ C = B + D. Then B + D = 180 , and the quadrilateral is cyclic. This implies 1 = 2, 3 = 4, and hence RA = RB , RC = RD . Thus, in this case RA + RC = RB + RD . A + C < B + D. Then B + D > 180 , and the vertex B lies inside the circle circumscribed about ACD. This implies 1 < 2, 3 > 4. This further translates to and hence RA < RB and RC < RD . Thus, in this case RA + RC < RB + RD . A + C > B + D. Then B + D < 180 , and the vertex B lies outside the circle circumscribed about ACD. This implies 1 > 2, 3 < 4. This further translates to and hence RA > RB and RC > RD . Thus, in this case RA + RC > RB + RD .


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