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Informative Speech

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What do you think this is an advertisement for? Some women could see it as sexist or unappealing to them This is actually the director of marketing But then what do you feel when you see this advertisement which is obviously geared toward women?

Slide 5 o Blog/Feedback Slide 6 o Womens Crusade of 1873 At the end of the 19th century Americans spent over a billion dollars on alcoholic beverages each year Before Prohibition Women not allowed to enter saloons Fighting for the banning of alcohol to protect home life Non-violent protest against the dangers of alcohol Silently on knees in pray-ins in local saloons and demanded that the sale of liquor be stopped. In three months the women had driven liquor out of 250 communities 1874 The Womens Christian Temperance Union was formed and their motto was protection for the home Mrs. Annie Turner Wittenmyer First National President (1874-1879) through education and example the WCTU hoped to obtain pledges of total abstinence from alcohol quickly became the largest womens union in the US Slide 7 o Prohibition 1880s dry movement and the passage of the 18th Amendment Prohibtion laws were passed based on the concern of the behavior of those who drank as well as the culture of certain growing populations within the country, particularly the European immigrants. The 18th Amendment to the United States Constitution was ratified by 36 states on January 16, 1919 o Dry Period Took the business licenses away from every brewer, distiller, vintner, wholesaler and retailer of alcoholic beverages in the United States Slide 8 o WONPR (1929) Womens Organization for National Prohibition Reform Believed that the banning of alcohol caused more problems More money was spent on illegal liquor and hidden saloons would try to attract the younger population and the Mob o Immigrant Women Drank heavily and made liquor in their homes during the dry period Slide 9 o Repeal Roosevelt administration repealed the 18th Amendment. It was a two-step process; the first was the Beer Revenue Act. This legalized beer and wine with alcohol content up to 3.2% alc/vol in April of 1933. The second step was to pass the 21st Amendment to the Constitution where Americans could once again drink legally and on December 5, 1933 the nationwide prohibition was over. Slide 10 o Early Attempts at Appealing to Women

After the 18th amendment was repealed and the idea of consuming alcohol became tolerable to the American public, the liquor industry jumped at the opportunity to create the first ads that would appeal to women. Dixie Bell Gin presented the formality of an elegant socialite enjoying a martini Pabst celebrated a more casual blue ribbon girl Many advertisements began incorporating women with a man to show that it was socially acceptable to indulge in a drink Issue: when the television came out and liquor commercials started being created many conservative women during the 50s protested those commercials because they appeared provocative and sexual and they did not want their children to witness these ads

Slide 11 o Brands Created for Women Bacardi and daiquiri type cocktails were created to appeal to women o Ads using actresses and showing a woman voting Slide 12 o How companies are attracting women NOW o According to research published in Forbes Magazine Women have become familiar with wines for the past 20 years and the industry believes that fine liquor is next The number one liquor that has become more accessible to women and even men is Whiskey Cultural references such as Mad Men, Boardwalk Empire, Pan Ameven Law and Order are seen as touch points for women and spirits Slide 14 o Womens Groups Ladies United for the Preservation of Endangered Cocktails Pendleton Whisky, the official spirit of the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association, has its own Pendleton Posse to encourage female fans of the brand. Slide 15 o How According to Beam, Inc marketing to women happened accidentally in 2009 with the introducing of a cherry infused bourbon called Red Stag They also sell Basil Hayden, which was named the most purchased bourbon by women Women account for 45% of Beams drinkers Beam decided to research this phenomenon and discovered something called the girlfriend connection So they decided to redefine wine night into spirits night Slide 16 Beam, who just recently acquired pinnacle vodka, are taking the time to research the next hot flavor that will attract women They are doing this through Skinny Girl brand and some of their current brands like Courvoisier by changing the flavors and cutting alcohol content and calories in half as to create a female version of the popular male drink So the industry is not just trying to attract women to dark liquors like rum, whiskey, cognac, or bourbon; but to products that are being produced by companies that are known for creating dark liquors. In this case it is Beam that is known for Makers Mark, Courvoisier, Jim Beam Bourbon, Canadian Club, etc Chocolate liqueurs called Crave

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