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Blood: The Body's Vital Defense Force

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Blood: The bodys vital defense force

Ouchyouve cut your nger! A familiar red substance oozes out. As you reach for a bandage, take a moment to ponder the vital role this remarkable uid performs. Blood feeds your cells, kills o invaders, and will soon begin healing up that wound. It carries every substance on the move within your bodyoxygen, vitamins, drugs, hormones, water, and nutrients from your last meal. Whats in your blood varies from hour to hour, and its components can be read like a report card, oering volumes of information on how your body is functioning. What is blood?
Human blood cells and the beginning of a blood clot

In many cultures, blood is a powerful symbol or talisman, capable of giving life, purifying objects, and placating the gods. Shared blood is considered the strongest of bonds between people, and shedding blood is the ultimate sacrice. Blood is certainly central to our survival, an organ we cant do without. Its the second most common tissue in the body (skin being the rst), and comprises about 7% of a humans body weight. When you think of blood, you probably think red. Red blood cells (RBCs) are by far the most common cells in your blood, but they are only one of over ten types of blood cell. RBCs carry oxygen from your lungs to your tissues, using a protein called hemoglobin. Hemoglobin, which binds oxygen, contains iron, the element that gives blood its familiar crimson shade. All animals use blood cells to transport oxygen, but not all animals RBCs are the same. Blood: The Bodys Vital Defense Force
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Humans make RBCs in their bone marrow. Before the cells enter the bloodstream to do their job, they lose their nuclei, which keeps them from dividing. When your body needs more RBCsthey wear out and die after about 120 daysyour bone marrow must produce them. Birds, on the other hand, have hollow bones without marrow. Their RBCs retain their nuclei, and therefore can reproduce by dividing. The shapes of RBC dier between animals as well. Human RBCs are doughnut shaped, while those of some other animals, like camels and penguins, have a more oval appearance. Whichever shape they take, an important characteristic of RBCs is their exibility: their shapes make them Blood samples pliable enough to squeeze through What does blood do for you? the tiny capillaries where oxygen is carries oxygen to all your tissues exchanged for carbon dioxide. But blood contains other types of cells as well. About one percent of the cells in your blood are white blood cells. These make up the most important part of your immune system. Unlike RBCs, WBCs can leave your circulatory system and move out into other types of tissues to fend o invading bacteria and viruses. They rush to the site of an injury (remember that cut on your nger?), seek out foreign cells and particles, and engulf them. There are many dierent types of white cells; some live less than a day, others stay with you for much of your life.
protects you from viral and bacterial invaders heals wounds Whats blood made of? Red blood cells, doughnut-shaped oxygen carriers Numerous kinds of white blood cells, such as granulocytes, T cells, and macrophages, important components of your immune system Platelets, tiny cells that help heal wounds Complement, proteins that assist in ghting infections Plasma, the watery substance that carries nutrients The average adult has 5-6 quarts of blood. blood makes up about 7% of your bodys weight In one day, your blood travels nearly 12,000 miles. About half of your blood volume is water. There is no known medical substitute for human blood one teaspoon of blood contains about 25 million red blood cells

The cells in your blood have a variety of lifespans. Its worth marveling at the scope red blood cells 120 days of your white blood cells eective granulocytes 6 hours ness: every day, youre exposed some macrophages and some T cells decades to thousands of germsbacteria and virusesbut the vast majority never succeed in infecting you. An invading cell does slip through just about every other day. But thanks to the quick response of your immune system, you actually get a cold or u far less often than that. When you do get a cold, you usually get over it in Blood: The Bodys Vital Defense Force
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a few days. Thats your immune system at work, too. (Without it, youd constantly have a runny nose!) Just as there are dierent types of WBCs, there are also many dierent types of invading bacteria and viruses. But your white cells form an agile and adaptive swarm keeping this ever-changing set of microscopic trespassers at bay. What is immunity? The protection from bacterial and viral infections conferred by your white cells is called immunity. Your immune system has two primary methods of protecting you, innate and acquired immunity, and they involve dierent kinds of white blood cells. Most of us are born with a set of cells already prepared to ght o viruses and bacteria, giving us a built-in system of innate immunity. These cells include the granulocytes and the macrophages, both of which stop potential invaders by engulng and digesting them. Cells like these are preprogrammed to recognize a huge number of pathogens, and are able to discern invaders from cells that belong to the body. Both granulocytes and macrophages rush to the site of infection or injury, ready to defend the home front. The swelling you nd around a wound (or, when youre sick, in your lymph nodes) is this army of white blood cells on the scene. Granulocytes get their name from tiny granules within them that hold the potent chemicals used to destroy the microorganisms theyve consumed. Like RBCs, granulocytes are produced in bone marrowbut they have a much shorter lifespan, usually around 6 hours. Granulocytes can eat one or several bacteria, but then die after releasing their toxic granules. Macrophages, in contrast, can live for decades. These are large, malleable cells that can stretch themselves out within tissues as they look for marauders, and can eat many microorganisms. Not only do they kill the bugs, they also recycle their components (such as DNA and proteins), and parts of dead cells (like spent granulocytes). The innate immune system protects us from many potential pathogens, but babies and children still get sick. In fact, they get sick more often than middle-aged adults. Thats because we also gain acquired or adaptive immunity as we get older. Some white cells, called T cells, have a kind of cellular memory for invaders theyve encountered before. They can help spot a previously troublesome microorganism and jumpstart an immune response to it. There are several kinds of T cells: some signal that an invader is present, others can sidle up to a foreign microorganism and kill it. Still others regulate the immune response Blood: The Bodys Vital Defense Force
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to keep it from getting out of control. Vaccines work by invoking acquired immunity: a person receives a small amount of a virus that has been weakened in the laboratory. As they ght the weakened virus, some of the T cells learn the characteristics of the invader and so can fend it o, should it invade again. In many cases, these memory T cells remain with a person their entire life. A person whos had mumps or chicken pox, for example, develops a strong acquired immunity, and is protected from getting the disease again. When the immune system goes awry For most of us, and for most of our lives, the immune system does its job to perfection. Occasionally, however, an overzealous immune system is the cause of a condition or disease. Allergies, for example, are actually the out-of-control responses of our own T cells. An allergy is caused when your body perceives some chemical from a bee, a poison oak leaf, or some type of foodas a foreign substance. The T cells responsible for going after the substance mount a prolic response. But the allergy suerer either has too few regulator T cells to control the response, or the response is so strong that it overrides regulation. In either case, the result can be a rash, stuy head, or inammation. Overactive macrophages can also cause debilitating inammation. Arthritis is painful swelling in the joints that happens when the body has triggered an inappropriate immune response. Macrophages move into the scene, and their presence encourages blood ow. The excess white cells and whole blood cause tissues to swell. Because the system started acting up without a real cause, the swelling cycle may also stop as randomly as it started. There is also evidence that macrophages play a role in other conditions, such as psoriasis and atherosclerosis. Telling good cells from bad Most of the time, your white blood cells recognize the other types of cells that make up your body and dont attack them. But there are times when you want your WBCs to attack your own cells. T cells have a way of recognizing cells from your body that are misbehavingin other words, cells that are threatening to divide uncontrollably and cause cancerous tumors. T cells often turn their attacks on precancerous cells. In fact, some researchers believe this is actually one of their primary functions. When a person receives an organ transplant, of course, theyre getting someone elses cells. The natural response of the recipients T cells would be to attack those foreign cells, even though they were transplanted to save the persons life. Thats why doctors Blood: The Bodys Vital Defense Force
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have to try to prevent the recipients immune system from seeing the new organ as an invader to be destroyed. Drugs like cyclosporine are used to hinder the bodys immune response to transplanted tissuesbut theyre used with caution, because they may also aect immune responses to other invaders. A similar situation arises with blood transfusionswhich is why doctors have to make sure that blood donors and recipients have compatible blood types. The symbolic power of blood in many cultures is not surprising, especially when you consider the emotional impact of seeing it ow from an injury. Its one of the few internal tissues that we occasionally get a glimpse ofand when we do, it usually means something bad has happened. But even when its out of sight, blood is working behind the scenes, ferrying oxygen and nutrients and providing a vital defense force for your body.

Blood: The Bodys Vital Defense Force

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