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Carmina Gadelica

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Pagan Carmina Gadelica Series

The Carmina Gadelica was a series of prayers, charms and invokations collected by Alexander Carmichael in the latter half of the nineteenth century. He collected them from the Highlands and Islands of Scotland, and the originals are all in Gaelic. The Carmina reflects the Christianity of Scotland, and the prayers make reference to Jesus, God, and Mary the Virgin, among other Biblical figures. However, many commentators have noted a "Celtic spirituality" in the Carmina, and this work makes up much of the Celtic Christian prayerbooks and whatnot on sale today. But I believe the Celtic spirituality stems from an earlier Pagan source, and certainly I can see a great many connections to our faith within the Carmina. With that in mind I have decided to adapt the Carmina for Pagan use, for ritual, prayer, meditation and just to enjoy the poetry. I have used the English versions provided by Carmichael - I cannot read Gaelic, unfortunately - and have adapted them for our use. If you would like to read the first book of the Carmina Gadelica, in Gaelic and English, it is available at the University of the Highlands and Islands website. To read the whole Carmina, you will have to either buy it or borrow it from a library, I'm afraid. The transcription and adaptation of the whole Carmina (which is my eventual aim) will take some time, so don't be surprised if this page looks a little scanty for a bit! A note on the use of these prayers for rituals. I have not pointed out how you can use these for rituals - that depends on how you work and how you would like to use them, I have just left them as prayers and charms. Please do feel free to adapt and change them as your rituals need them to be changed, and to do whatever you feel you should if using them in ritual work, or just in prayer. In some of the prayers you will find the names of the Gods of the Celtic pantheon - you can change these as you see fit, but I have included them because of the tradition these prayers come from. You will often see the names of Brigid and Ogma in these adaptations, because Brigid is the Goddess of poetry (among other things) and Ogma of literature, and are therefore the patrons of this work.

Day Protection Prayer

Thanks to Thee ever, O gentle Lady, That Thou hast raised me freely from the black And from the darkness of last night To the kindly light of this day. Praise unto Thee, O Mother of all creatures, According to each life Thou hast poured on me, My desire, my word, my sense, my repute, My thought, my deed, my way, my fame.

Prayer at Rising
Bless to me, O Goddess, Each thing mine eye sees; Bless to me, O Goddess, Each sound mine ear hears; Bless to me, O Goddess, Each odour that goes to my nostrils; Bless to me, O Goddess, Each taste that goes to my lips; Each note that goes to my song, Each ray that guides my way, Each thing that I pursue, Each lure that tempts my will, The zeal that seeks my living soul, The Threefold Lady that seeks my heart, The zeal that seeks my living soul, The Lady who seeks my heart.

Lady's Aid
Lady to enfold me, Lady to surround me, Lady in my speaking, Lady in my thinking. Lady in my sleeping, Lady in my waking,

Lady in my watching, Lady in my hoping. Lady in my life, Lady in my lips, Lady in my soul, Lady in my heart. Lady in my suffering, Lady in my slumber, Lady in mine ever-living soul, Lady in mine eternity.

Goddess With Me Lying Down

Goddess with me lying down Goddess with me rising up, Goddess with me in each ray of light, Nor I a ray of joy without Her, Nor one ray without Her. Mother with me sleeping, Maiden with me waking, Crone with me watching, Every day and night, Each day and night. Crone with me protecting, Mother with me directing, Maiden with me strengthening, For ever and for evermore. Ever and evermore. So mote it be.

Day Protection Prayer

Thou Queen of moon and stars, Thou King of sun, Thou thyselves knowest our need, O Thou merciful Gods of life. Each day that we move, Each time that we awaken, Causing vexation and gloom To the King and Queen who love us.

Be with us through each day, Be with us through each night; Be with us each night and day, Be with us each day and night.

Morning Prayer
Bless to me, O Goddess, My soul and my body; Bless to me, O Goddess, My belief and my condition; Bless to me, O Goddess, My heart and my speech, And bless to me, O Goddess, The handling of my hand; Strength and busyness of morning, Habit and temper of modesty, Force and wisdom of thought, And Thine own path, O Lady of virtues, Till I go to sleep this night; Thine own path, O Lady of virtues, Till I go to sleep this night.

Journeys The Traveller's Aiding

The Maiden be with thee in every pass, The Mother be with thee on every hill, The Crone be with thee on every stream, Headland and ridge and lawn, Each sea and land, each moor and meadow, Each lying down, each rising up, In the trough of the waves, on the crest of the billows, Each step of the journey thou goest.

Travelling Protection Prayer

I am praying and appealing to the Goddess, The Dagda and the leadings of the Gods, To aid me in distress of sea and of land: May the Threefold Goddess succour me, may the Lord shield me, May the Gods watch me by day and by night. Danu and the Dagda and the Gods Be shielding me, be possessing me, be aiding me, Be clearing my path and going before my soul In hollow, on hill, on plain, On sea and land be the Gods aiding me. Danu and Dagda and all the Gods Be shielding and saving me, The Threefold and the One, By my knee, by my back, by my side, Each step of the stormy world.

The Aiding
May Brigid shield me, May Danu shield me, May Ogma shield me, On sea and on land: To shield me from all anguish On sea and on land, To shield me from all anguish.

May the Maiden aid me, May the Mother aid me, May the Crone aid me, On sea and on land: In the shielding of the Summerland everlasting On sea and on land, In the shielding of the Summerland everlasting. May the Gods succour me, May the Gods follow me, May the Gods guide me, On sea and on land, To the Vine-garden of the godlike On sea and on land, To the Vine-garden of the godlike.

Prayer for Travelling

Life be in my speech, Sense in what I say, The bloom of cherries on my lips, Till I come back again. The love the Lady gave Be filling every heart for me, The love the Lady gave Filling me for every one. Traversing corries, traversing forests, Traversing valleys long and wild. The Lady Brigid still uphold me, The Lord Ogma be my shield, The Lady Brigid still uphold me, The Lord Ogma be my guide.

Makes reference to the Celtic Gods. This would make an excellent circle casting ritual.

Kindling the Fire

I will raise the hearth-fire As Brigid would. The encirclement of Brigid On the fire, and on the floor, And on the household all. Who are they on the bare floor? Angus and Giobniu and Manannan. Who are they by my bed? The lovely Brigid and Her brother Ogma. Who are those watching over my sleep? The Dagda and the Badb they are. Who is that anear me? The King of the sun, Lugh Himself it is. Who is that at the back of my head? Danu the Mother without beginning, without time.

Smooring the Fire

I will build the hearth, As Brigid would build it, The encompassment of Brigid, Guarding the hearth, guarding the floor, Guarding the household all. Who are they on the lawn without? Lugh the sun-radiant of my trust. Who are they on the middle of the floor? Angus and Goibniu and Manannan. Who are they by the front of my bed? The radiant Brigid and Her brother Ogma. The mouth of the Goddess ordained, The messenger of the Goddess proclaimed, A Goddess bright in charge of the hearth Till white day shall come to the embers.

A Goddess bright in charge of the hearth, Till white day shall come to the embers.

Charms, Banishings, Ritual Work

To be said before commencing a work of magick.

Rune Before Workings

I am bending me knee In the eye of the Mother who created me, In the eye of the Maid who delights with me, In the eye of the Crone who protects me, In friendship and affection. Through Thine own desire, O Goddess, Bestow upon us fullness in our need, Love towards the Goddess, The affection of the Goddess, The smile of the Goddess, The wisdom of the Goddess, The grace of the Goddess, The protection of the Goddess, And the will of the Goddess. To do on the world of the Three, As those who have gone before Do in the Summerlands; Each shade and light, Each day and night, Each time in kindness, Draw me to You.

Prayers (general)
This would equally do as well as a late-night prayer, or to open a circle with others.

Resting Prayer
Goddess shield the house, the fire, the kine, Every one who dwells herein to-night. Shield myself and my beloved group, Preserve us from violence and from harm; Preserve us from foes this night, For the sake of the love Thou hast for us, In this place, and in every place wherein we dwell to-night, On this night and on every night, This night and every night.

Festivals The Blessing of the New Year

Goddess, bless to me the new day, Never vouchsafed to me before; It is to bless Thine own presence Thou hast given me this time, O Goddess. Bless Thou to me mine eye, May mine eye bless all it sees; I will bless my neighbour, May my neighbour bless me. Goddess, give me a clean heart, Let me not from sight of Thine eye; Bless to me my children and my wife, And bless to me my means and my cattle.

The Moon Moon Worship

Glory to thee for ever, Thou bright moon, this night; Thyself art ever The glorious lamp of the poor.

The New Moon

Hail to thee, thou new moon, Guiding jewel of gentleness! I am bending to thee my knee, I am offering thee my love. I am bending to thee my knee, I am giving thee my hand, I am lifting to thee mine eye, O new moon of the seasons. Hail to thee, thou new moon, Joyful maiden of my love! Hail to thee, thou new moon, Joyful maiden of the graces! Thou art travelling in thy course, Thou art steering the full tides; Thou art illuming to us thy face, O new moon of the seasons. Thou queen-maiden of guidance, Thou queen-maiden of good fortune, Thou queen-maiden my beloved, Thou new moon of the seasons!

Beauteous Fair One of Grace

Hail to thee, thou new moon Beauteous guidant of the sky; Hail to thee, thou new moon, Beauteous fair one of grace.

Hail to thee, thou new moon, Beauteous guidant of the stars; Hail to thee, thou new moon, Beauteous loved one of my heart. Hail to thee, thou new moon, Beauteous guidant of the clouds; Hail to thee, thou new moon, Beauteous dear one of the heavens!

Queen of the Night

Hail unto thee, Jewel of the night! Beauty of the heavens, Jewel of the night! Mother of the stars, Jewel of the night! Fosterling of the sun, Jewel of the night! Majesty of the stars, Jewel of the night!

Death Death Prayer

O Brigid, give me of Thy wisdom, O Brigid, give me of Thy mercy, O Brigid, give me of Thy fullness, And of Thy guidance in face of every strait. O Cernunnos, give me of Thy wildness, O Cernunnos, give me of Thy shielding, O Cernunnos, give me of Thy surrounding, And of Thy strength in the knot of my death. Lord and Lady, give me Thy surrounding, And of Thy peace in the hour of my death!


1. Rann romh Urnuigh - Ta mi lubadh mo ghlun
Rune before Prayer - I am bending my knee


Ta mi lubadh mo ghlun An suil an Athar a chruthaich mi, An suil an Mhic a cheannaich mi, An suil an Spioraid a ghlanaich mi, Le caird agus caoimh. Tre t'Aon Unga fein a Dhe, Tabhair duinn tachar 'n ar teinn, Gaol De, Gradh De, Gair De, Gais De, Gras De, Sgath De, Is toil De, Dheanamh air talamh nan Tre, Mar ta ainghlich is naoimhich A toighe air neamh. Gach duar agus soillse, Gach la agus oidhche, Gach uair ann an caoimhe, Thoir duinn do ghne.


I am bending my knee In the eye of the Father who created me, In the eye of the Son who purchased me, In the eye of the Spirit who cleansed me, In friendship and affection. Through Thine own Anointed One, O God, Bestow upon us fullness in our need,

Love towards God, The affection of God, The smile of God, The wisdom of God. The grace of God, The fear of God, And the will of God To do on the world of the Three, As angels and saints Do in heaven; Each shade and light, Each day and night, Each time in kindness, Give Thou us Thy Spirit.

2. Dia liom a laighe - Dia liom a laighe

God with me lying down - God with me lying down


Dia liom a laighe Dia liom ag eirigh, Dia liom anns gach rath soluis, Is gun mi rath son as aonais, Gun aon rath as aonais. Criosda liom a cadal, Criosda liom a dusgadh, Criosda liom a caithris, Gach la agus oidhche, Gach aon la is oidhche. Dia liom a comhnadh Domhnach liom a riaghladh, Spiorad liom a treoradh, Gu soir agus siorruidh, Soir agus siorruidh, Amen. Triath nan triath, Amen.


God with me lying down God with me rising up, God with me in each ray of light, Nor I a ray of joy without Him,

Nor one ray without Him. Christ with me sleeping, Christ with me waking, Christ with me watching, Every day and night, Each day and night. God with me protecting, The Lord with me directing, The Spirit with me strengthening, For ever and for evermore, Ever and evermore, Amen. Chief of chiefs, Amen.

3. Ora nam Buadh - Ionnlaime do bhasa

The Invocation of the Graces - I bathe thy palms


Ionnlaime do bhasa Ann am frasa fiona, Ann an liu nan lasa, Ann an seachda siona, Ann an subh craobh, Ann am bainne meala, Is cuirime na naoi buaidhean glana caon, Ann do ghruaidhean caomha geala, Buaidh cruth, Buaidh guth, Buaidh rath, Buaidh math, Buaidh chnoc, Buaidh bhochd, Buaidh na rogha finne, Buaidh na fior eireachdais, Buaidh an deagh labhraidh.

Is dubh am bail ud thall, Is dubh na daoine th'ann, Is tu an eala dhonn, Ta dol a steach 'n an ceann.

Ta an cridhe fo do chonn, Ta an teanga fo do bhonn, 'S a chaoidh cha chan iad bonn Facail is oil leat. Is dubhar thu ri teas, Is seasgar thu ri fuachd, Is suilean thu dha'n dall, Is crann dh' an deoraidh thruagh, Is eilean thu air muir, Is cuisil thu air tir, Is fuaran thu am fasach, Is slaint dha'n ti tha tinn. Is tu gleus na Mnatha Sithe, Is tu beus na Bride bithe, Is tu creud na Moire mine, Is tu gniomh na mnatha Grg, Is tu sgeimh na h-Eimir aluinn, Is tu mein na Dearshul agha, Is tu meanm na Meabha laidir, Is tu taladh Binne-bheul. Is tu sonas gach ni eibhinn, Is tu solus gath na greine, Is tu dorus flath na feile, Is tu corra reul an iuil, Is tu ceum feidh nan ardu, Is tu ceum steud nam blaru, Is tu seimh eal an t-snamhu, Is tu ailleagan gach run.

Cruth aluinn an Domhnuich Ann do ghnuis ghlain, An cruth is ailinde Bha air talamh. An trath is fearr's an latha duit, An la is fearr's an t-seachdain duit, An t-seachdain is fearr's a bhliadhna duit, A bhliadhn is fearr an domban Mhic De duit. Thainig Peadail's thainig Pol,

Thainig Seumas's thainig Eoin, Thainig Muiril is Muir Oigh, Thainig Uiril uile chorr, Thainig Airil aill nan og, Thainig Gabriel fadh na h-Oigh, Thainig Raphail flath nan seod, 'S thainig Micheal mil air sloigh, Thainig's Iosa Criosda ciuin, Thainig's Spiorad fior an iuil, Thainig's Righ nan righ air stiuir, A bhaireadh duit-se graidh is ruin, A bhaireadh duit-se graidh is ruin.


I bathe thy palms In showers of wine, In the lustral fire, In the seven elements, In the juice of the rasps, In the milk of honey, And I place the nine pure choice graces In thy fair fond face, The grace of form, The grace of voice, The grace of fortune, The grace of goodness, The grace of wisdom, The grace of charity, The grace of choice maidenliness, The grace of whole-souled loveliness, The grace of goodly speech.

Dark is yonder town, Dark are those therein, Thou art the brown swan, Going in among them. Their hearts are under thy control, Their tongues are beneath thy sole, Nor will they ever utter a word To give thee offence. A shade art thou in the heat,

A shelter art thou in the cold, Eyes art thou to the blind, A staff art thou to the pilgrim, An island art thou at sea, A fortress art thou on land, A well art thou in the desert, Health art thou to the ailing.

Thine is the skill of the Fairy Woman, Thine is the virtue of Bride the calm, Thine is the faith of Mary the mild, Thine is the tact of the woman of Greece, Thine is the beauty of Emir the lovely, Thine is the tenderness of Darthula delightful, Thine is the courage of Maebh the strong, Thine is the charm of Binne-bheul. Thou art the joy of all joyous things, Thou art the light of the beam of the sun, Thou art the door of the chief of hospitality, Thou art the surpassing star of guidance, Thou art the step of the deer of the hill, Thou art the step of the steed of the plain, Thou art the grace of the swan of swimming, Thou art the loveliness of all lovely desires. The lovely likeness of the Lord Is in thy pure face, The loveliest likeness that Was upon earth. The best hour of the day be thine, The best day of the week be thine, The best week of the year be thine, The best year in the Son of God's domain be thine.

Peter has come and Paul has come, James has come and John has come,

Muriel and Mary Virgin have come, Uriel the all-beneficent has come, Ariel the beauteousness of the young has come, Gabriel the seer of the Virgin has come, Raphael the prince of the valiant has come, And Michael the chief of the hosts has come, And Jesus Christ the mild has come, And the Spirit of true guidance has come, And the King of kings has come on the helm, To bestow on thee their affection and their love, To bestow on thee their affection and their love.

4. Achanaidh choitcheann - Dhe, eisd ri m' urnuigh

A general Supplication - God, Listen to my prayer


Dhe, eisd ri m' urnuigh Lub rium do chluas, Leig m' achan agus m' urnuigh T' ionnsuidh a suas. Thig, a Righ na glorach Da m' chomhnadh a nuas, A Righ na bith's na trocair, Le comhnadh an Uain, A Mhic na Muire Oighe Dam' chomhnadh le buadh, A Mhic na Muare mine Is finne-ghile snuadh.

God, Listen to my prayer Bend to me Thine ear, Let my supplications and my prayers Ascend to Thee upwards, Come, Thou King of Glory, To protect me down, Thou King of life and mercy With the aid of the Lamb, Thou Son of Mary Virgin To protect me with power, Thou Son of the lovely Mary Of purest fairest beauty.

5. Dhe bi maille ruinn - Dhe bi maille ruinn

God be with us - God be with us


Dhe bi maille ruinn Air an la an diugh, Amen. [Dhe bi maille ruinn Air an oidhche nochd, Amen.] Ruinn agus leinn Air an la an diugh, Amen. [Ruinn agus leinn Air an oidhche nochd, Amen.] Tha e soilleir duinn ri leirsinn, Bho thaine sinn chon an t-saoghail, Gu robh sinn toillteanach air ta fhearg. Amen. O t' fhearg fein A Dhe nan dul, Amen.

Tabhair mathanas duinn, Amen. Tabhair mathanas duinn, Amen. Tabhair duinn do mhathanas fein A Dhe mheinich nan dul, Amen. Ni sam bith is dona duinn, No thogas fianuis 'n ar n-aghaidh Far am faide am bi sinn, Suabharaich thus oirnn e, Duabharaich thus oirnn e, Fuadaich fein uainn e, Agus ruaig as ar cridheachan, Duthainn, suthainn, sior, Duthainn, suthainn, sior.


God be with us On this Thy day, Amen. [God be with us On this Thy night, Amen.] To us and with us, On this Thy day, Amen. [To us and with us, On this Thy night, Amen.] It is clear to be seen of us, Since we came into the world, That we have deserved Thy wrath, Amen. O Thine own wrath, Thou God of all, Amen. Grant us forgiveness, Amen.

Grant us forgiveness, Amen. Grant to us Thine own forgiveness, Thou merciful God of all, Amen. Anything that is evil to us, Or that may witness against us Where we shall longest be, Illume it to us, Obscure it to us, Banish it from us, Root it out of our hearts, Ever, evermore, everlastingly. Ever, evermore, everlastingly. Amen.

6. Ios, a Mhic Muire - Ios, a Mhic Muire

Jesu, Thou Son of Mary - Jesu, Thou Son of Mary


Ios, a Mhic Muire Dean trocair oirnn, Amen. Ios, a Mhic Muire Dean siochain ruinne, Amen. Ruinn agus leinn Far am faide am bi sinn, Amen. Bi mu thus ar slighe, Bi mu chrich ar saoghail, Amen. Bi aig mosgladh ar beatha, 'S aig dubhradh ar laithean, Amen. Bi ruinn agus leinn A Dhe mheinich nan dul, Amen. Coisrig sinn Cor agus crann, A Re nan re, A Dhe nan dul, Amen. Coisrig sinn Coir agus cuid, A Re nan re, A Dhe nan dul Amen. Coisrig sinn Cri agus cre, A Re nan re, A Dhe nan dul, Amen. Gach cri agus cre, Gach la dhuit fein, Gach oidhche nan reir, A Re nan re, A Dhe nan dul, Amen.


Jesu, Thou Son of Mary Have mercy upon us, Amen. Jesu, Thou Son of Mary, Make peace with us, Amen. Oh, with us and for us Where we shall longest be, Amen. Be about the morning of our course, Be about the closing of our life, [world Amen. Be at the dawning of our life, And oh! at the dark'ning of our day, Amen. Be for us and with us, Merciful God of all, Amen. Consecrate us Condition and lot, Thou King of kings, Thou God of all, Amen. Consecrate us Rights and means, Thou King of kings, Thou God of all, Amen. Consecrate us Heart and body, Thou King of kings, Thou God of all, Amen. Each heart and body, Each day to Thyself, Each night accordingly, Thou King of kings, Thou God of all, Amen.

7. Athair Naomha na Gloir - Buidheachas duit, Athair Naomha

Holy Father of Glory - Thanks be to Thee, Holy Father


Buidheachas duit, Athair Naomha na Gloir Athair chaomha bhith-bheo, bhith-threin, Thaobh gach foghair, gach labhair, gach foir, Tha thu bairigeadh oirnne 'n ar feum; Ge b'e freasdal thig oirnn mar do chlann, 'N ar cuibhrionn, 'n ar crann, 'n ar ceum, Tabhair 'na chuideachd dhuinn soirbhis do laimh Agus suilbhireachd saibhir do bheuil. Ta sinn ciontach is truaillidh, a Dhe, Ann an Spiorad, an cre, is an corp, Ann an smuain, am focal, am beus, Tha sinn cruaidh 'na do leirsinn's an olc. Cuir-sa tabhachd do ghraidh dhuinn an ceill. Bi leum thairis thar sleibhtean ar lochd, Is nigh sinn am fior-fhuil na reit Mar chanach an t-sleibh, mar leuig an loch. An slighe chorraich choitchinn ar gairm, Biodh i soirbh no doirbh do ar feoil, Biodh i soilleir no doilleir ri seirm, Do threorachadh foirfe biodh oirnn. Bi 'n ad sgeith dhuinn bho chuilbh an fhir-cheilg, Bho'n chreach-cheilgneach ta le dheilg air ar toir, Is anns gach run gheobh ar curam r'a dheilbh, Bi-sa fein air ar failm is aig ar sgod. Ged bhiodh madruich is gadruich gar sgaradh bho'n chro, Biodh Aoghar crodha na gloir air ar sgath. Ge be cuis no cion-fath no cion-sgeoil Bhios gu leireadh no leoin thoir 'n ar dail, No bheir fianuis 'n ar n-aghaidh fa-dheoidh, Taobh thall abhuinn mhor an dubh-sgail, O duabharaich thusa sin oirnn, Is as ar cridhe dean fhogradh gu brath. Nis dh' an Athair a chruthaich gach creubh, Nis dh' an Mhac a phaigh eirig a shloigh, Nis dh' an Spiorad an Comhfhurtair treun :Bi d' ar dion is d' ar seun bho gach leon, Bi mu thus is mu dheireadh ar reis, Bi toir dhuinn a bhi seinn ann an gloir,

Ann an sith, ann am lois, ann an reit, Far nach silear an deur, far nach eugar ni's mo. Far nach silear an deur, far nach eugar ni's mo.


Thanks be to Thee, Holy Father of Glory Father kind, ever-loving, ever-powerful, Because of all the abundance, favour, and deliverance That Thou bestowest upon us in our need. Whatever providence befalls us as thy children, In our portion, in our lot, in our path, Give to us with it the rich gifts of Thine hand And the joyous blessing of Thy mouth. We are guilty and polluted, O God, In spirit, in heart, and in flesh, In thought, in word, in act, We are hard in Thy sight in sin. Put Thou forth to us the power of Thy love, Be thou leaping over the mountains of our transgressions, And wash us in the true blood of conciliation, Like the down of the mountain, like the lily of the lake. In the steep common path of our calling, Be it easy or uneasy to our flesh, Be it bright or dark for us to follow, Thine own perfect guidance be upon us. Be Thou a shield to us from the wiles of the deceiver, From the arch-destroyer with his arrows pursuing us, And in each secret thought our minds get to weave, Be Thou Thyself on our helm and at our sheet. Though dogs and thieves would reive us from the fold, Be Thou the valiant Shepherd of glory near us. Whatever matter or cause or propensity, That would bring to us grief, or pains, or wounds, Or that would bear witness against us at the last, On the other side of the great river of dark shadows, Oh! do Thou obscure it from our eyes, And from our hearts drive it for ever. Now to the Father who created each creature, Now to the Son who paid ransom for His people,

Now to the Holy Spirit, Comforter of might : Shield and sain us from every wound; Be about the beginning and end of our race, Be giving us to sing in glory, In peace, in rest, in reconciliation, Where no tear shall be shed, where death comes no more. Where no tear shall be shed, where death comes no more.

8. Uirnigh - A Dhia, ann mo ghniamh

A Prayer - O God, in my deeds

A Dhia, ann mo ghniamh Ann mo ghniamh, Ann mo bhriathar, Ann mo mhiann, Ann mo chiall, Ann an riarachd mo chail, Ann mo shuain, Ann mo bhruail, Ann mo chluain, Ann mo smuain, Ann mo chridh agus m'anam a ghnath, Biodh an Oigh bheannaichte, Moire, Agus Ogan geallaidh na glorach a tamh, O ann mo chridh agus m'anam a ghnath, Biodh an Oigh bheannaichte, Moire, Agus Ogan cubhraidh na glorach a tamh.

O God In my deeds, In my words, In my wishes, In my reason, And in the fulfilling of my desires, In my sleep, In my dreams, In my repose, In my thoughts, In my heart and soul always, May the blessed Virgin Mary, And the promised Branch of Glory dwell,

Oh! in my heart and soul always, May the blessed Virgin Mary, And the fragrant Branch of Glory dwell.

9. Duan na Muthairn - A Righ na gile

Rune of the 'Muthairn' - Thou King of the moon


A Righ na gile A Righ na greine, A Righ na rinne, A Righ na reula, A Righ na cruinne, A Righ na speura, Is aluinn do ghnuis, A lub eibhinn. Da lub shioda Shios rid' leasraich Mhinich, chraicich; Usgannan buidhe Agus dolach As gach sath dhiubh


Thou King of the moon Thou King of the sun, Thou King of the planets, Thou King of the stars, Thou King of the globe, Thou King of the sky, Oh! lovely Thy countenance, Thou beauteous Beam. Two loops of silk Down by thy limbs, Smooth-skinned; Yellow jeweIs And a handful Out of every stock of them.

10. Beannaich, a Thriath - Beannaich, a Thriath nam flath fial

Bless, O Chief - Bless, O Chief of generous chiefs


Beannaich, a Thriath nam flath fial Mi fein's gach sion a ta na m' choir, Beannaich mi 'n am uile ghniomh, Dean mi tearuinte ri m' bheo, Dean mi tearuinte ri m' bheo. Bho gach gruagach is ban-sith, Bho gach mi-run agus bron, Bho gach glaistig is ban-nigh, Gach luch-sith agus luch-feoir, Gach luch-sith agus luch-feoir. Bho gach fuath bhiodh feadh nam beann Bho gach greann bhiodh teann d' am thoir, Bho gach uruisg measg nan gleam, Teasruig mi gu ceann mo lo, Teasruig mi gu ceann mo lo.


Bless, O Chief of generous chiefs Myself and everything anear me, Bless me in all my actions, Make Thou me safe for ever, Make Thou me safe for ever. From every brownie and ban-shee, From every evil wish and sorrow, From every nymph and water-wraith, From every fairy-mouse and grass-mouse, From every fairy-mouse and grass-mouse. From every troll among the hills, From every siren hard pressing me, From every ghoul within the glens, Oh ! save me till the end of my day. Oh! save me till the end of my day.

11. Solus-iuil na Siorruidheachd - Dhe, thug mis a fois na h-oidhch

The guiding light of Eternity - O God, who broughtst me

12. Achanaidh Grais - Ta mi lubadh mo ghlun

A Prayer for Grace - I am bending my knee

13. Achanaidh Comhnadh - Bho is tu is Buachaill

Prayer for Protection - As Thou art the Shepherd

14. Eosai bu choir a mholadh - Bu cho fus a dh' Iosa

Jesu who ought to be praised - It were as easy for Jesu

15. Carraig nan Al - Air Carraig nan al

The Rock of Rocks - On the Rock of rocks

16. Sorchar nan Reul - Feuch Sorchar nan reul

The Lightener of the Stars - Behold the Lightener of the stars

17. Crois nan Naomh - Crois nan naomh

The Cross of the Saints - The cross of the saints

18. An t-Aingheal Diona - Ainghil Dhe a fhuair mo churam

The Guardian Angel - Thou angel of God who hast charge

19. Ruin - Labhram gach la a reir do cheartais

Desires - May I speak each day according to Thy justice

20. Ora Ceartais (a) - Ionnlaidh mise m' aodann

Invocation for Justice (a) - I will wash my face

21. Ora Ceartais (b) - Dhe, tha mi liuthail m' aodainn

Invocation for Justice (b) - God, I am bathing my face

22. Ora Buaidh - Ionnlaidh mi m' aodann

Prayer for Victory - I bathe my face

23. An Liuthail - Ta mi liuthail m' aodainn

The Lustration - I am bathing my face

24. Ora Boisilidh - Boisileag air th' aois

Bathing Prayer - A palmful for thine age

25. Dhe stiuir mi - Dhe stiuir mi le d' ghliocas

God guide me - God guide me with Thy wisdom

26. Beannachadh Cadail - Biodh do lamh dheas, a Dhe

Sleep Blessing - Be Thy right hand, O God

27. Thigeam an Diugh - Thigeam an diugh 'an t-Athair

Come I this Day - Come I this day to the Father

28. An Achanaidh Anama - O Ios, a nochd

The Soul Plaint - O Jesu ! to-night

29. Urnuigh Chadail - Ta mi cur m' anama 's mo chorp

Sleeping Prayer - I am placing my soul and my body

30. Tiubhradh nan Tri - Spioraid tiubhair dhomh do phailteas

The Gifts of the Three - Spirit, give me of Thine abundance

31. Urnuigh Chadail - O Ios gun lochd

Sleep Prayer - O Jesu without sin

32. Beannachd Taimh - An ainm an Tighearn Iosa

Resting Blessing - In name of the Lord Jesus

33. Coisrig Cadail (a) - Luighim sios an nochd

Sleep Consecration (a) - I lie down to-night

34. Beannachadh Leapa - Laighim sios an nochd mar is coir

Bed Blessing - I am lying down to-night as beseems

35. An Urnuigh Chadail - Tha mis a nis a dol dh' an chadal

The Sleep Prayer - I am now going into the sleep

36. Coisrig Cadail (b) - Ta mise laighe nochd

Sleep Consecration (b) - I am lying down to-night

37. Beannachadh Leapa - Laighim sios an nochd

Bed Blessing - I am lying down to-night

38. A Choich Anama - Dhe tabhair aithne

The Soul Shrine - God, give charge

39. Coich-Anama - Ainghil Dhe, a fhuair mo churam

Soul-Shrine - Thou angel of God who hast charge

40. Laighim am Leabaidh - Laighim am leabaidh

I lie in my Bed - I lie in my bed

41. Urnuigh Maduinn - Taing dhut Iosda Criosda

Morning Prayer - Thanks be to Thee, Jesus Christ

42. An Tionnsgann - Taing dhuit, a Dhe

The Dedication - Thanks to Thee, God

43. Achanaidh Taimh - Dhe, teasruig an tigh

A resting Prayer - God shield the house

44. Teisreadh Taighe - Dhe, beannaich an ce's na bheil ann

House Protecting - God, bless the world

45. Beannachadh Taighe - Dhe, beannaich an taigh

Blessing of House - God bless the house

46. Co dha dhiolas mi Cios - Co dha dhiolas mi cios

To whom shall I offer - To whom shall I offer oblation

47. Earna Mhoire - Failt, a Mhoire ! failt, a Mhoire !

Hail, Mary - Hail, Mary! hail, Mary !

48. Failte a Mhoire - Failte dhuit, a Mhoire Mhathair !

Hail to Thee, Mary - Hail to thee, Mary, Mother !

49. An Cath nach tainig - Iosa Mhic Mhoire

The Battle to Come - Jesus, Thou Son of Mary

50. Am Beannachadh Baistidh - Thi, tha comhnadh nan ard

The Baptism Blessing - Thou Being who inhabitest

51. An Treoraich Anama - An t-anam-s' air do laimh

The Soul Leading - Be this soul on Thine arm

52. Am Beannachadh Bais - Dhia, na diobair a bhean

The Death Blessing - God, omit not this woman

53. Fois Anama - O 's tus a Chriosd a cheannaich

Soul Peace - Since Thou Christ it was

54. A Ghealach ur - An ainm Spiorad Naomh nan gras

The new Moon - In name of the Holy Spirit of grace

55. Nuall Nollaig - Ho Ri, ho Ri
Christmas Hail - Hail to the King, hail to the King

56. Duan Nollaig (a) - Hoire ! hoire ! beannaicht e!

Christmas Carol - Hail King! hail King! blessed is He!

57. Duan Nollaig (b) - Hoire! hoire! beannaicht e!

Christmas Chant - Hail King! hail King !

58. Heire Bannag - Heire Bannag, hoire Bannag

Hey the Gift - Hey the Gift, ho the Gift

59. Heire Bannag, hoire Bannag - Heire Bannag, hoire Bannag

Hey the Gift, ho the Gift - Hey the Gift, ho the Gift

60. Bannag nam Buadh - Is mise Bannag, is mise Bochd

The Gift of Power - I am the Gift, I am the Poor

61. An Oigh agus an Leanabh - Chunnacas an Oigh a teachd

The Virgin and Child - Behold the Virgin approaching

62. Rugadh Buachaille - Oidhche sin a dhealraich an reult

The Shepherd of the Flock - That night the star shone

63. Calluinn a Bhuilg - Calluinn a bhuilg

Hogmanay of the Sack - Hogmanay of the sack

64. Cairioll Callaig - Nis tha mis air tighinn dh' ur duthaich
Hogmanay Carol - I am now come to your country

65. Duan Callaig - Nist o thaine sinn dh' an duthaich

The Song of Hogmanay - Now since we came to the country

66. Oidhche Challaig - Thaine sinne chon an doruis

Hogmanay - We are come to the door

67. Beannachadh Bliadhna Uir - Dhe, beannaich dhomh an la ur

Blessing of the New Year - God, bless to me the new day

68. Criosda Cleireach os ar Cionn - Criosda Cleireach os ar cionn

Christ the Priest above us - Christ the Priest above us

69. La Chaluim-Chille - Daorn Chalum-chille chaoimh

The Day of St Columba - Thursday of Columba benign

70. Sloinntireachd Bhride - Sloinneadh na Ban-naomh

Genealogy of Bride - The genealogy of the holy maiden

71. Bride Ban-Chobhair - Thainig thugam cobhair

Bride the Aid-Woman - There came to me assistance

72. Manus mo Ruin - A Mhanuis mo ruin

Magnus of my Love - O Magnus of my love

73. Am Beannachadh Bealltain - Beannaich, a Thrianailt

The Beltane Blessing (a) - Bless, O Threefold

74. Am Beannachd Bealltain - A Mhoire, a mhathair nan naomh

The Beltane Blessing (b) - Mary, thou mother of saints

75. Laoidh an Triall - Mhicheil mhil nan steud geala

Hymn of the Procession - Valiant Michael of the white steeds

76. La Feill Moire - La feill Moire cubhr

The Feast Day of Mary - On the feast day of Mary the fragrant

77. Micheal nam Buadh - Mhicheil nam buadh

Michael, the Victorious - Thou Michael the victorious

78. An Beannachadh Struain - Gach min tha fo m' chleibh

The Blessing of the 'Struan' - Each meal beneath my roof

79. Duan an Domhnuich - Duan an Domhnuich

Poem of the Lord's Day - The Poem of the Lord's Day

80. Duan an Domhnaich - An Domhnach naomha do Dhe

Hymn of the Sunday - On the Holy Sunday of thy God

81. Duan na Dilinn - Di-luain thig

Poem of the Flood - On Monday will come

82. Beannachadh Beothachaidh - Togaidh mi mo theine an diugh
Blessing of the Kindling - I will kindle my fire this morning

83. Togail an Teine - Togaidh mis an tula

Kindling the Fire - I will raise the hearth-fire

84. Smaladh an Teine (a) - An Tri numh

Smooring the Fire (a) - The sacred Three

85. Smaladh an Teine (b) - Cairidh mi an tula

Smooring the Fire (b) - I will build the hearth

86. Beannachd Smalaidh - Tha mi smaladh an teine

Blessing of the Smooring - I am smooring the fire

87. Beannachadh Smalaidh - Smalaidh mis an tula

Smooring Blessing - I will smoor the hearth

88. An Coisrigeadh Sioil - Theid mi mach a chur an t-sioil

Consecration of the Seed - I will go out to sow the seed

89. Beannachadh Buana (a) - Dhe beannaich fein mo bhuain

Reaping Blessing (a) - God, bless Thou Thyself my reaping

90. Beannachadh Buana (b) - Di-mairt feille ri eirigh greine

Reaping Blessing (b) - On Tuesday of the feast

91. Beannachadh Fuiriridh - A lasair leith, chaol, chrom

Blessing of the Parching - Thou flame grey, slender, curved

92. Beannachadh Brathain - Oidhch Inid

The Quern Blessing - On Ash Eve

93. Cronan Bleoghain (a) - Thig, a Bhreannain, o'n a chuan

Milking Croon (a) - Come, Brendan, from the ocean

94. Cronan Bleoghain (b) - Sian a chuir Moire nam buadh

Milking Croon (b) - The charm placed of Mary of light

95. Beannachadh Bleoghain - Bheir Calum-cille dhi-se piseach

Milking Blessing - Columba will give to her progeny

96. Ho Hoiligean - Eudail thu

Ho Hoiligean - My treasure thou

97. Ho m' Aghan! - Oidhche sin bha 'm Buachaill

Ho, my Heifer! - The night the Herdsman

98. Thoir am Bainne - Thoir am bainne, bho dhonn

Give thy Milk - Give thy milk, brown cow

99. Cronan Bleoghan - Thig, a Mhuire, 's bligh a bho

Milking Song - Come, Mary, and milk my cow

100. Beannachadh Buachailleachd (a) - Comraig Dhe is Dhomhnuich

Herding Blessing (a) - The keeping of God and the Lord

101. Beannachadh Buachailleachd (b) - Cuiridh mi an ni seo romham

Herding Blessing (b) - I will place this flock before me

102. Beannachadh Buachailleachd (c) - Siubhal beinne, siubhal baile

Herding Blessing (c) - Travelling moorland

103. Comraig nam Ba - Blaragan reidh, fada, farsuinn

Protection of the Cattle - Pastures smooth, long

104. Gleidheadh Treuid - Gun gleidheadh Moire min an ciob

Guarding the Flocks - May Mary the mild keep the sheep

105. Cronan Cuallaich - An crodh an diugh a dol imirig

A Herding Croon - The cattle are to-day going a-flitting

106. Beannachadh Guir - Eiridh mi moch maduinn Luan

Hatching Blessing - I will rise early on the morning

107. Comharrachadh nan Uan - Bidh mo sgian ur, geur, glan

Marking the Lambs - My knife will be new, keen, clean

108. Am Beannachd Lombaidh - Falbh lom's thig molach

The Clipping Blessing - Go shorn and come woolly

109. Duan Deilbh - Daorn nam buadh

The Chant of the Warping - Thursday of beneficence

110. Beannachd Beairte - Fuidheagan no corr do shnath

Loom Blessing (a) - Thrums nor odds of thread

111. Suidheachadh na h-Iomairt - An dubh mu'n gheal

Setting the Iomairt - The black by the white

112. Beannachadh Garmain - Beannaich, a Thriath nam flath fial

Loom Blessing (b) - Bless, O Chief of generous chiefs

113. Coisrigeadh an Aodaich - Is math a ghabhas mi mo rann

Consecration of the Cloth - Well can I say my rune

114. Beannachadh Seilg - Bho m' leasraidh ghineadh thu

Hunting Blessing - From my loins begotten wert thou

115. Coisrigeadh na Seilg - An ainm na Trianailt

Consecrating the Chase - In name of the Holy Three-fold

116. Ora Turais - Bith a bhi na m' bhial

Prayer for Travelling - Life be in my speech

117. Beannachd Iasgaich - La na soillse thainig oirnn

Fishing Blessing - The day of light has come upon us

118. Beannachadh Cuain (a) - Thi tha chomhnadh nan ard

The Ocean Blessing - O Thou who pervadest the heights

119. Beannachadh Cuain (b) - Dhe, Athair uile-chumhachdaich

Ocean Blessing - God the Father all-powerful

120. Riaghlair nan Sian - Clann Israil

Ruler of the Elements - The Children of Israel

121. Urnuigh Mhara - Beannaicht an long

Sea Prayer - Blest be the boat

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