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Y4 Geography

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Early villages

1. In the countryside, some people live in _____________________.

2. But many live in a __________________________________.
3. Most villages are too ______________.
Where did the first people lived?

Many of todays villages have been in existence for ________________________.

That is because early people chose very carefully where to put the __________________________.
Everyone needs ___________________________________ and somewhere safe to _______________.
The earliest people roamed the country ___________________ for their meat and skins and wild fruits
and seeds to eat.
5. They lived in ______________________ because they had to keep moving in search of food.
6. Later, during what we called the ______________________, people became farmers by planting
____________ and ______________________.
Where were early villages built?
1. The villages were built near _____________________________________ so people could obtain water.
2. There had to be good ____________ in the area so that the people could _________________ and
______________ for their animals.
3. The village site also had to be somewhere sheltered and away from ________________________.
4. Many fishing villages grew up on the coast where there were ________________________.
5. Other villages grew up near materials that could be ____________________________.
Changing villages
1. ___________________ could grow and improve so that people could _____________ with people in other

Rosedale Abbey village


People have lived in rosedale, since ________________________.

An ____________ was built in the 12th century.
__________________ were found in the surrounding hills.
______________ from a nearby monastery produced small quantities of iron from the ore until 1539.

Mining the ore


In ______________, people began to mine large quantities of the iron ore.

Soon the population grew to ________________.
Many travelled to work at the _______________, while some ______________________________.
At first, ______________ and ______________ transported the ore.
Later, _________________ were built to take the iron to _____________________.

The declining village

1. For the next ___________________, Rosedale Abbey was a hive industry.
2. After ________________________________, the demand for iron grew lesser and railways closed in the

How a village grows


Bradford is a large city in ___________________________.

It has population about ________________.
But in Saxon times, it was a ______________ village.
It was then called _________________, because it was where the local rivers could be crossed on foot.

Bradford becomes a town

1. By the Middle Ages, Bradford had grown into a _________________.
2. Most of the farmers _____________________, and local people spun and wove the wool into
______________ in their homes.
3. When people began to build factories for making __________________________, about 250 years ago,
Bradford was a good place to put them.
4. It had plenty of wool, and fast flowing rivers to turn __________________ that powered the weaving
5. There were ____________ nearby to produce coal to heat the boilers, as well as the water to make steam.
The coming of railway

The railway linked Bradford and the other parts of _________________.

The town grew as people came from all over the ______________________ to work in the woollen mills.
By 1850, Bradford was the centre of _________________________________ and the town grew rich.
Many fine _________________ were put in the town centre, and thousands of small back-to-back terrace
houses were built for ______________________.
5. Bradford became a ______________ in 1897.
Changing needs

During the second half of the 20th century, things changed.

Cloth could be made more ________________ in other parts of the world.
There was less demand for woollen cloth, so factories ______________________.
Then new ____________________ grew up.
They included engineering and ______________ works, as well as banking and _________________.
The old back-to-back houses has been _____________ away, and some old ________________________
have been turned into offices, flats and museums.
People no longer lived in the centre of the _____________.
New housing estates are being built on the _______________________________________.
The city is linked by _________________.
It shares a modern airport with neighbouring city of _________________.

1. India is the ____________ largest country.
2. It has the _____________________ number of people, after China.
3. The population of India is about ________________.
Rich resources

The Deccan plateau has _________________ and _____________________.

It is also rich in ___________, iron ____________ and bauxite.
Most of the population lives on the __________________.
The Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers, and tributaries of the ________________ river flow across the plains.

5. Many of the great cities of India, including the capital, __________________ are on the Northern Plains.
1. Between them, the people of India speak ________ main languages and hundred other languages.
2. Children often speak _________ language at home and learn two more at school.
1. In most of India there are _____________ seasons in the year.
2. From _______________________, cold winds blow south from Himalayas.
3. These bring cool, dry condition to all parts of the country except for the far _____________ and
4. There it is _________ and ___________.
5. In spring, ________________________, the wind changes direction.
6. Much of India has little or no _____________.
7. It gets hotter and hotter until finally the ________________ rain comes.
8. Warm, wet winds sweep in form the ____________________ in June or early July.
9. It usually rains heavily for the next ________ months.
10. If the monsoon rain doesnt arrive, there is _______________ and ________________.
11. In October and November, the winds change direction again and ________________ returns, sometimes
with violent tropical _________________.
Country life in India

About three-quarters of the people live in the ________________.

Many of them are ___________ who own their own land.
Others rent their land and pay the landlord either _______________ or with pat of their _____________.
Some people have no land of their own but work for __________ at busy times.

What do farmers grow?

1. In the Northern Plains, where the winters are cool, ____________ is the main crop.
2. Wheat flour are used to make _____________ or ___________ baked in a clay oven over charcoal.
3. Two more cereal crops- _______________________________ are grown in India, as well as large variety of
4. India is one of the worlds largest producers of _________________________________________________
_______________________ and cotton and jute for _________________.
Modernizing farming
1. India has huge areas farmland, but much is not very _____________ and vast areas are too _________ to
grow good crops.
2. The government has done a lot to modernize _____________ methods.
3. __________________ has brought water to some of the dry areas.
4. New types of seeds and ______________ have produced bigger harvest.
The country way of life
1. Most farms are too small for ________________________ to be used and so they can produce only enough
for one family.
2. Instead of __________________, cows and bullocks drag the ______________ and pull ___________ to

3. The cows milk, and the ____________, _____________ and ______________ made from it, are important
4. The cow is a holy animal to ______________ people and cannot be killed.
5. In many Indians villages the way of life has not changed much in ___________________.
6. People light their homes with ____________________ and burn ___________ or ______________ in their
cooking stoves.
7. As India becomes richer, however, more villages are obtaining _________________________ and
Life in an Indian city
1. Kolkata is the ___________ largest city in India (after ___________) and a great _____________.
2. Kolkata began life as a small settlement by _______________ River in the days when ______________ ruled
3. The city grew rapidly as a result of trade in ____________,____________,____________ called indigo and
later ______________ and _____________.
4. After India became independent from ______________ in 1947, millions of ________________ poured into
the city from what is now the country of ________________.
The city today
1. Today, ___________ is still produced in Kolkata and exported from the port, as well as rice, tea, textiles,
chemicals and paper.
2. The city has become the most ______________ city in India, with almost _____ million people.
3. Kolkata has an _______________ two __________________, and a well developed ____________________,
as well as may factories, large and small.
4. It also has grand and beautiful public ________________ and houses where the rich people ___________.
5. But there also many poor people who live in ________________________.
Shanty towns

Many people who could not earn a living moved to _______________ in search of work.
They live in __________ houses or ___________, made from scrap pieces of wood, plastic and metal.
Few houses in Kolkata have __________________________.
In the shanty towns up to 125 families may have to obtain water from a single _______ or ____________ in
the street.
The women and children often queue for hours for _____________.
In the shanty towns, the children have to work form a very _____________ age.
Many of them work in _________________, although it is against the law.
Some do odd jobs for money, or _____________.
Large numbers of people look for thing to _________________ or _____________ in the rubbish on the
outskirts of Kolkata.

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