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Tatistical Nalysis With: Course Outline

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JANUARY 13, 2004

Terry A. Cox, M.D., Ph.D. National Eye Institute Course Outline
1. The R website and documentation 2. Installing and updating R 3. The Windows GUI 4. R language essentials 5. R graphics 6. Basic statistics in R


URLs The source for R software and documentation. Links to ESS and R-Winedt, which provide R support for EMACS and Winedt, respectively. Bioconductor is an open source and open development software project for the analysis and comprehension of genomic data. R for Mac OS X. Also includes Python and Emacs. Ghostscript and GSview, software for interpreting and viewing PostScript les.
A Installation instructions for EMACS and LTEX for MS Windows. Also covers Ghostscript. Site for current EMACS versions.

A Shareware text editor for Windows designed for use with LTEX. R-Winedt provides integration with R. An easy-to-use inexpensive text editor for Windows. Syntax denition les for R are available (see the add-ons directory at the website).

R comes with several manuals in both html and pdf formats. Of particular relevance is An Introduction to R. Also the Contributed Documentation section at the R website contains several introductory manuals. In addition, the r-help mailing list is quite active, and search facilities are available for its archives. R News, available at the R website, is also very useful.

Introductory Statistics with R by Peter Dalgaard Publisher: Springer Verlag ISBN: 0387954759 Publication Date: August 2002 List Price: $44.95 Paperback: 288 pages Excellent for getting started with R. Covers basic statistical analysis, as well as linear models, logistic regression, and survival analysis. Modern Applied Statistics with S, 4th edition by Brian D. Ripley and William N. Venables Publisher: Springer Verlag ISBN: 0387954570 Publication Date: July 2002 List Price: $69.95 Hardcover: 512 pages Intermediate-level text that includes many state-of-the-art methods. Regression Modeling Strategies by Frank E. Harrell Publisher: Springer Verlag ISBN: 0387952322 Publication Date: June 2001 List Price: $79.95 Hardcover: 582 pages Lots of good stuff on linear models, logistic regression, and survival analysis. The Elements of Graphing Data (Revised Edition) by William S. Cleveland Publisher: Hobart Press ISBN: 0963488414 Publication Date: September 1994 List Price: $45.00 Hardcover: 297 pages Highly recommended. R uses Clevelands principles by default.

Before proceeding install the packages ISwR, car, and loct. If you want to type in the following listings, replace the left arrow symbols with < . The equals sign, =, can also be used, except where noted.

x c(92,63,22,32,56,80,51,14,21,38) # Or x scan() x x[1] x[2:4] x[seq(1,9,2)] ?seq x[-1] x[-(2:4)] x[c(1,3,5)] (x > 50) x[x > 50] which(x > 50) sort(x) rev(x) c.x c(rep("Boy",5),rep("Girl",5)) # Or c.x rep(c("Boy","Girl"), c(5,5)) is.character(c.x) mode(c.x)

2*x x2 xbar mean(x) xv (x - xbar)2 xvar sum(xv)/(length(x)-1) xsd sqrt(xvar) sd(x)

Missing Data
x.m x x.m[x>50] NA x.m mean(x.m) mean(x.m, na.rm=TRUE)

y c(79,24,38,45,64,58,20,53,15,83) z cbind(x,y) z[,"x"] which(z>50) which(z>50, arr.ind=T) matrix(y, nrow=2, byrow=TRUE) matrix(1,2,3) zcp t(z) %*% z diag(zcp) diag(3)

Lists and data frames

z.lst list(first=x, second=y, gender=c.x) z.lst$first z.df data.frame(first=x, second=y, gender=c.x) z.df$first z.df[z.df$first>50,] lapply(z.df[,1:2], mean) sapply(z.df[,1:2], mean) # See also apply, mapply, tapply lapply(z.df[,sapply(z.df,is.numeric)], mean) z.df[grep("b", as.character(z.df$gender),,]

search() ls() rm(z.lst) ?"%*%""fisher") options() ?kfm library(ISwR) data(kfm) The functions, source() and sink(), are also frequently useful.

Data entry
k.df read.delim("R:/R Course/kfm.txt") summary(k.df) fix(k.df) # Use only for looking at data attach(k.df) search() mat.height detach(k.df) See also the R manual, R Data Import/Export, and the package, foreign. 4

Summary plots
hist(k.df$weight, xlab="Weight (kg)") boxplot(weight sex, data=k.df, boxwex=0.3, ylab="Weight (kg)", names=c("Boys","Girls")) See Figure 1 for an example of a dot plot, an alternative to bar graphs.

Scatter plots
plot(k.df$mat.weight, k.df$weight) plot(weight mat.weight, data=k.df) attach(k.df) library(locfit) fit locfit(weight mat.weight) plot(fit, band="global") points(mat.weight, weight, pch=20, col="gray50") detach(k.df) library(car) scatterplot(weight mat.weight, reg.line=lm, smooth=TRUE, labels=FALSE, boxplots=xy, span =0.5, data=k.df) pairs(k.df[,c("weight","mat.weight","mat.height")])

Cumulative histogram
The following code plots the empirical cumulative distribution function: attach(k.df) boy.wt weight[sex=="boy"] girl.wt weight[sex=="girl"] m length(boy.wt) n length(girl.wt) plot(sort(boy.wt), (1:m)/m, type="s", ylim=c(0,1), xlim=range(weight), xlab="Weight", ylab="Cumulative frequency", lty=1) lines(sort(girl.wt), (1:n)/n, type="s", lty=2) legend(c(6,6.5), c(0.14,0.3), legend=c("Boys","Girls"), lty=1:2) detach(k.df) See also the function, ecdf(), in Frank Harrells Hmisc library.

Line plots
x seq(-4,4,0.01) y dnorm(x) plot(x, y, type="l", main="Normal Density", xlab="x", ylab=substitute(paste(phi, "(x)"))) text(-3, 0.2, expression(phi), cex=2, col="gold") # For fun phi (sqrt(5) + 1)/2 text(3, 0.2, phi)

Plot output
The following code produces Figure 2: attach(k.df) postscript(file="R:/R Course/", horizontal=F, width=5, height=5) plot(weight mat.weight, type="n", xlab="Maternal weight", ylab="Infant weight") points(weight[sex=="boy"] mat.weight[sex=="boy"], pch=19, col="blue") points(weight[sex=="girl"] mat.weight[sex=="girl"], pch=19, col="red") detach(k.df)
A Postscript les produce publication-quality graphics on laser printers, and they can be used in LTEX documents. To create an encapsulated postscript le that can be imported into MS Word, substitute the following line:

postscript(file="R:/R Course/Fig2.eps", horizontal=FALSE, paper="special", width=5, height=5) The following code produces a graphic that can be imported into MS Powerpoint: win.metafile("R:/R Course/boxplot.wmf") old.par par(no.readonly=TRUE) line.col "gray" boxplot(weight sex, data=k.df, boxwex=0.3, ylab="", names=c("Boys","Girls"), notch=TRUE, col=heat.colors(2), border=line.col, pars=par(fg=line.col, col.axis=line.col, col.lab=line.col, cex=1.5, lwd=2)) mtext("Weight (kg)", side=2, line=2.5, cex=1.5) par(old.par)

Summary statistics
mean(k.df$weight) sd(k.df$weight) quantile(k.df$weight) median(k.df$weight) IQR(k.df$weight) mad(k.df$weight) table(k.df$sex)

Tabular data
wtable table(k.df$sex, (k.df$weight < 5.5) ) ft fisher.test(wtable) ct chisq.test(wtable, correct=FALSE) For other relevant functions, see the documentation for the package, ctest. The package, vcd, contains functions for Cohens kappa and weighted kappa, among others.

t tests
t.test(weight sex, data=k.df) wilcox.test(weight sex, data=k.df)

cor(k.df[,c("weight","mat.weight","mat.height")]) cor(k.df[,c("weight","mat.weight","mat.height")], method="spearman") See also the function, cor.test(), in the package, ctest.

Linear regression
k.lm lm(weight mat.weight, data=k.df) summary(k.lm) k.lm.summ summary(k.lm) names(k.lm) names(summary(k.lm)) summary(k.lm)$r.squared k.lm$coefficients summary(k.lm)$coefficients plot(k.lm) # Regression lines and confidence intervals pwt seq(min(k.df$mat.weight), max(k.df$mat.weight), 0.05) clim predict(k.lm, data.frame(mat.weight=pwt), interval="c") plim predict(k.lm, data.frame(mat.weight=pwt), interval="p") plot(weight mat.weight, data=k.df, ylim=range(plim[,2:3])) lines(pwt, clim[,1], lty=1, col="black") lines(pwt, clim[,2], lty=2) lines(pwt, clim[,3], lty=2) lines(pwt, plim[,2], lty=3) lines(pwt, plim[,3], lty=3) # Alternatively, add lines as follows: matlines(pwt, clim, lty=c(1,2,2), col="black") matlines(pwt, plim[,2:3], lty=3, col="black")

Logistic regression
k.glm glm(sex mat.weight*mat.height, data=k.df, family="binomial") summary(k.glm)

Function creation
summ.var function(y) { q.y quantile(y, na.rm=T) names(q.y) c("minimum","1st quartile","median","3rd quartile","maximum") c(N = length(y), mean = mean(y, na.rm=T), "st. dev." = sd(y, na.rm=T), q.y[1], q.y[2], q.y[3], q.y[4], q.y[5], IQR = IQR(y, na.rm=T), "mean abs. dev." = mad(y, na.rm=T), missing = sum(, "Shapiro-Wilk test" = shapiro.test(y)$p.value ) } 7

proc.univariate function(y) { if (is.numeric(y)) { out summ.var(y) } else { y.num y[,sapply(y,is.numeric)] if (is.list(y.num)) out sapply(y.num, summ.var) # or lapply else { out list(summ.var(y.num)) names(out) names(y)[sapply(y,is.numeric)] } } return(out) } options(digits=4) proc.univariate(k.df) proc.univariate See also the function, describe(), in Frank Harrells Hmisc library.

Random numbers
sample(1:10) sample(LETTERS, size=10, replace=T) set.seed(10); runif(1) k.df[sample(1:length(k.df$no), size=5),] x rnorm(1000) hist(x,nclass=20) Functions are automatically available for a number of distributions in R. See also the packages, bindata, mvtnorm, SuppDists, MCMCpack, and MASS. # Poker suit rep(c("Diamonds","Clubs","Spades","Hearts"), rep(13,4)) card rep(c(2:10,"Jack","Queen","King","Ace"), 4) deck paste(card, suit, sep=" of ") shuffle sample(deck) player.1 shuffle[1:5] player.2 shuffle[6:10]

Create external dataset

k.df$wtbin (k.df$weight < 5.5) zz file("R:/R Course/", "w") write.table(k.df, file=zz, sep="", quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE) close(zz)

Using the malaria dataset in the ISwR library, investigate the relationship between antibody levels and symptoms of malaria with graphics, data summaries, and statistical tests. Extra credit: Use graphics and statistical models to investigate the inuence of age on the relationship between antibody levels and symptoms of malaria.


Figure 1: Example of a dot plot.

Nil B6 bm8 Control AB B6 bm8 anti V8 B6 bm8 0 20 40 60 [ ] [ ] [ [ ] ] [ [ ] ]



% Survival

Figure 2: Example of a plot good enough to publish.

Infant weight













Maternal weight


Figure 3: R plotting symbols.

1 6 11 16 21

2 7 12 17 22

3 8 13 18 23

4 9 14 19 24

5 10 15 20 25

Figure 3 was produced using the following code: postscript(file="R:/R Course/", horizontal=F, width=5, height=5) x rep(1:5,5) y rep(5:1,rep(5,5)) z rep(seq(5.4,1.4,-1),rep(5,5)) plot(x,y,pch=1:25,type="n",axes=FALSE,xlab="",ylab="",ylim=c(1,5.7)) points(x,y,pch=1:25,cex=2,col="blue",bg="yellow") text(x,z,pch=as.character(1:25),cex=1.2)


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