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ISO-TS 16949 Practice Test

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What must the quality




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a. Documented statments of a qualitypolicyandquality c;>bjl:..

A quality manual c. Documented procedures required by this Intematiol1al.Standah d. Documents needed by the organisation to en.sure the 'effec I?I . .' . and control of its processes s. All oHie above f. a and conly


2. Whatis theextentof thequalitymanagement systemdocumentation depende!.

a. b. c. d. e. The size of organisation and type of activities The complexity of processesand their interactions The competence of personnel All of the above a and b only

3. At minimum, a quality manual must include: a. Toe scope of the quality management system, including details of and justificationfor any exclusions b.o The documented proceduresestablishedfor the quality managementsystem, 0:refeitmce to them c. A d5("iption of the interactionbetween the processes of the qualit)'manaemer:t

d. Documentedstatements of a quality policy e. All of the above f. a, band conly

4. A documented procedure forcontrol of documents shall be established to define the

controlsneeded : a. To appiOvedocuments for adequacyprior to issue b. To review 2nd update as necessaryand re-approve documents c. To identify the circulationof documents d. To ensure that documentsremain !egible and readiiy identifiable e. All of the above f. a, band d only .

5. The organisation shail have a processfor control of customer engineeringspecificatior.s

whiCi'1 includes

a. b. c. d. e.

: Identification Control of distribution Timely review Record of the date of implementationon production PJIof the above

f. a, c and d only
6. Timely review of customerengineeringspecifications is defined as : a. As soon as possible,not exceeding2 working weeks b. In business days, notweeks or months c. In line with customerinstructions

7. A documented procedure controlof recordsmustaddressretrieval: for a. True b. False {

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8. Records retention shall : a. Satisfy regulatory requirements b. Satisfy customer requirements c. Satisfy senior managem~nt r~!Jirements i uf tlltJ auove' e. a and b only

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9. Top management shall provide evidence of its commitment to the development and implementation of t~e quality management system and continually improving its . effectiveness by : a. Establishing the quality policy b. Ensuring that quality objectives are established c. Conducting management reviews d. All of ttie above e. a and b only 10. Top management shall ensure that the quality policy : a. Is appropriate to the purpose of the organisation b. Provides a framework for establishing and reviewing quality objectives c. Is communicated and understoodwithin the organisation d'. Is reviewed for continuing suitability e. All of the above f. a, band d only 11. Quality objectives : a. Shall be established at relevantfunctions and levels within the organisation b. $hall be measurable c. $hallbe consistent ith, and used to deploy the quality policy w d. Shall be included in the business plan e. All of the above f. b, c and d only 12. Top management shall ensure that responsibilities and authorities a~edefined and communicated within the organisation, particularly regarding: a. Managers with respOnsibilityand authority for corrective action shall be promptly informed of products or processeswhich do not conform to requirements b. Personnel responsible for product quality shall have the authority to stop production to correct quality problems c. Production operations across all shifts shall be staffed with personnel in charge of, or delegated responsibility for, ensuring product quality d. All of the above
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13. Management representative shall have responsibility and authority that includes : a. Ensuring that processes needed for the quality management system are established, implemented and maintained . b. Reporting to top management on the performance of the quality management system and any need for improvement c. Ensuring the promotion of awareness of CUstomerrequirements throughout the organisation. . d. Ensuring the availability of resources e. All of the above f. a, band conly

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14. Customer representative(s) shall ensure the ctJstom~r requirements are addressed. including: . a. Selection of special characteristics

b. Settingqualityobjectives andrelatedtraining c. Communication requirements .

d. Processdesign and development e. All of the above f. a and b only 15. ManagementReview shall : a. Be conductedby top management b. Be conductedat planned intervals c. Be formally recorded d. Be communicatedto customers and suppliers e. All of the above f. a. band conly 16.At a. b. c: d. e. f. review resultsshall provide evidence of the achievement of : The qualityobjectives specified in the business plan Customersatisfaction with product supplied Continuousimprovementtargets All of the above a and b only a and conly

17.Inputto management reviewshallinclude information actual& potential ieldfailures: on f a. True b. False

18.Which of the following is NOT a mandatoryinput to management review? a. Resultsof audits b. Trainingneeds analysis c. Customerfeeqback d. Processperformanceand product conformity
. e.

Status preventive of andcorrective actions

Follow-upactions from previous managementreviews


19.The outputfrom the managementreviewshall includeany decisions and actions related to: a. Improvementof the effectivenessof the quality management system and its processes b. Improvementof product related to customer requirements c. Resourceneeds d. All of the above e. a andb only 20. Regardingcompetence.awarenessand training. the organisation shall : a. Determinethe necessarycompetencefor personnelperformingwork affecting productquality b. Providetraining or take other actionsto satisfy these needs c. Evaluatethe effectivenessof actionstaken d. All of the above e. a andb only

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21. Records of appropriate education, training, skills andoexperienf;:e are a mandatory

requirement: a. True b. False 22. Organisations mustensure theirpersonnelare aware of the relevanceand importance of their activities howthey contribute the achievementofthe qualitypolicy and to : a. True b. False
23. Documented trainingprocedures shall be established and maintained for:

a. Identifying trainingneeds
b. c. d. e. f. Providetraining or take other actions to satisfy these needs Achievingcompetence of all personnel performing activities affecting product quality Allof the above a and conly No documented procedure is required for training

24. The organisation shall provide on the job training for : a. Personnel in any new or modifiedjob affecting product quality b. Contract personnel c. Agencypersonnel d. Allof the above e. a and b only f. on the job training is not a requirement 25. The organisation shall have a process to motivate employees to : a. Achieve qualityobjectjves b. Make continualimprovements c. Create an environmentto promote innovation d. Allof the above e. a and b only 26. The organisation shall determine, provideand maintain the infrastructure needed to achieve conformityto product requirements, including, as applicable: a. Buildings,workspace and associated utili1;ies b. Customer and sUPP.lier rocess equipment related to the organisation's product p c. Supportingservices (such as transport or communication) d. Allof the above e. a and b only f. a and conly - 27. Plant;facility.&equipment plans shall be developed using a multidisciplinary. appr:QacI:L:.__ a. True

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b. False
28. Whichof the followingmust plant layouts achieve : a. Improveproductivity b. Optimisematerial travel, handling and value added use of floor space c. Facilitatesynchronous materialflow d. Allof the above e. a and conly f. band c ~>nly

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29. Contingency plans shall be prepared to satisfy customer requirements in the event of an emergency such as : a. Utility interruptions b. Labourshortages c. Key equipment failure d. Field returns e. All of the above f. a, band conly 30. Product safety shall be addressedby the organisation,especially in : a. Design and development processes b. Manufacturing process activities c. Quality polisy d. All of the above e. a and b only f. band conly
31. The organisation shall maintain its premises in a state of order, cleanliness and repair consistent with manufacturing process needs: a.. True

b. False

32. Customersatisfaction with the organizationshall be monitored through continual evaluationof performance indicators,including: a. Deliveredpart quality performance b. Customerdisruptions includingfield returns c. Deliveryschedule performance(includingincidents of premium freight) d. Customer notifications related to quality or delivery issues e. All of the above f. a, band conly 33. InternalAudit plans shall : a. Cover all quality managementrelated processes, activities and shifts b. Includeaudit of all processes,activities and shifts on an annual basis, at minimum c. Be appropriately increasedwhen internal/externalnonconformities or customer complaints occur d. All of the above e. a and conly f. band conly 34.The organisation shall have internal auditorswho: a. Are qualified to IS01g011 b. Are qualified to audit the requirementsof this Technical Specification c. Are approved by the organisation'scustomers d. All of the above e. a and conly f. band conly
35. A layout inspection and a functional verification to applicable customer engineering material and performance standards shall be performed:

a. For each product as specifiedin the control plans d. All of the above


b. For products as requested by the customer c. For any product where customer returns are experienced
. .

e.. a and


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36. Reaction plans for unstable or non-capable characteristics shall include, as appropriate: a. Containment of product
b. c. d. . e. f. 100% inspection Customer approval of proposed actions All of the above a and b only band conly

37. The organisation shall ensure tAat the control pl~n and process flow diagram are implemented. including adherence to the specified: a. Measurement techniques b. Sampling plans c. Acceptance criteria d. Reaction plans when acceptance criteria are not met e. All of the above f. a, c and d only 38. For organizations manufacturing parts designated by the customer as "appearance items., the organization shall provide: a. Appropriate resour~s including lighting for evaluation b. Masters for colour, grain, gloss, metallic brilliance, texture, distinctness of image (001) as appropriate c. Maintenance and control of appearance masters and evaluation equipment d. Annual verification that personnel making appearance evaluations are competent and qualified to do so e. All of the above f. a, band c 39. The organisation shall deal with nonconforming product by: a. Taking action to eliminate the detected nonconformity b. Authorising its use, release or acceptance under concession by a relevant authority and, where applicable, by the customer c. Taking action to preclude its original use or application

d. All of the above .


a and conly

40. Instructions for rework shall : a. Include re-inspectionrequirements b. Be available at the workstation c. Be utilised by appropriate personnel d. All of the above
e. .~.e!t9-_9~~.I:i__.



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41. Where nonconforming product is identified, the organisation shall obtain customer concession or deviation permit prior to further processing: a. True b. False 42. Customer concession or deviation shall be obtained: a. Whenever the product is different to that which is currently approved b. Whenever the manufacturing process is different to that which is currently approved c. Whenever purchasedproduct used in the manufacturing process is different to that which is currently approved d. All of the above e. a and b only

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43. In relation to customer waiveron nonconforming product, the organisation shall : a. Maintain a record of the expirationdate or.the quantity authorised b. Ensure compliancewith the original or superseding specifications and requirements when waiver expires c. Properly identify any material shipped under a waiver d. Perform 100% inspectionon the material affected by the waiver e. All of the above f. a, band conly 44. Analysis of data shall provideinformation relating to : a. Customer satisfaction b. Conformance to product requirements c. Characteristics and trends of processes and products, including opportunities for preventive action d. Suppliers e. All of the above f. a, band conly 45. The organisation shall continuouslyimprove the effectiveness of the quality management system through the us~ of : a. The quality policy b. Quality objectives c. The business plan d. Corrective and preventiveactions e. All of the above f. a, band d only 46. Manufacturingprocess improvementshall continually focus on control and reduction of variation in product characteristicsand manufacturing process parameters:

a. True b. False

47. A documentedCorrectiveAction procedureshall be established to define requirements


a. Reviewingnonconformities(includingcustomer complaints) and determining the cause of the nonconformities b. Evaluatingthe needfor action to ensure nonconformities do not recur c. Determining and implementingaction needed d. Reviewingcorrectiveactionstaken e. All of the above f. a. c and d only 48. A documented PreventiveAction procedureshall be establishedto define requirements for: a. Determining potentialnonconformitiesand their causes b. Evaluatingthe need for action to prevent occurrence of nonconforrnities c. Determiningand implementingaction needed d. Reviewingpreventiveactiontaken e. All of the above f. a, c and d only

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49. In planning product realisation, whichof the followingmust the organisation determine, as appropriate : a. Qualityobjectives and requirements for-the product b. The need to establish processes, documents, and provide resources specific to the


c. Required verification,validation,monitoring,inspection and test activities specific to the product and the criteriaforproduct acceptance d. Allof the above e. band conly 50. When determining requirements related to the product, the organisation shall determine requirements not stated by the customer but necessary for specified or intended use:

a. True b. False

51. When determining requirements related to the product, the organisation is not required to consider post delivery activities,such as after sales product service: a. True b. False 52. The organisation shall reviewthe requirements related to the product to ensure that: a. Prodl,lctrequirements are defined b. Contract or order requirements differingfrom those previously expressed are resolved c. The organisation has the abilityto meet the defined requirements d. Allof the above e. band conly 53. Reviewof requirements related to the product shall be conducted : a. Prior to the organisation's commitmentto supply a product to the customer b. Prior to commencement of productdesign activities

c. Priorto commencementofproduction

d. Priorto product approval e. There is no defined requirementfor when requirements should be reviewed

54. Determination manufacturingeasibinty of f ofthe proposedproductsshallinclude: a. Investigation b. Confirmation c. Documenting d. Riskanalysis e. Allof the above - . f. _. a.bandC!.o.nly ... _ _._~._._--_.55. The organisation shall determine and implement effective arrangements for communicating with customers in relationto : a. Product information b. Enquiries, contracts or order handling, includingamendments c. Customer feedback, includingcomplaints d. Communication of informationin a customer specified language and fOnTIat e. Allof the above f. a, band conly

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56. During the design and development planning, the organisation shall determine:

a. Thedesignand development stages

b. The review, verification and validation that are appropriate to each design and development stage c. The responsibilities and authorities for design and development d. The functional and performance requirements of the product e. All of the above f. a, band conly 57. The organisation shall use a multidisciplinaryapproach to prepare for product realisation, including : a. Developmentlfinalisationand monitoring of special characteristics b. Development and review of FMEAs including actions to reduce potential risks c. Development and review of control plans . d. All of the above e. band conly 58. Design and development inputs shall include information derived from previous similar designs, where applicable: a, True b. False 59. Design and development inputs shall include: a. Applicable staMory and regulatory requirements b. Design FMEA c. Product error-proofing,as appropriate d. Functionaland performancerequirements e. All of the above f. a and d only 60. The organisation shall identify, document and review the product design input

requirements, including:

a. Customer requirements,such as special characteristics, identification, traceability and packaging b. Use of information c. Targets for product quality, life, reliability, durability maintainability, timing and cost d. All of the above e. a and conly 61. Productdesign input DOES NOT require to include targets for: a. Product quality b. Reliability c. Recyclability d. Durability e. Maintainability

f. TIming
62. Product design input shall use informationfrom: a. Previousdesign projects b. Competitor analysis c. Supplierfeedback d. Field data e. All of the above f. a and b only Paqe 9 of 155

. 'i. ~:~1


63. The organisation shall identify,document and review the manufacturing process design. input requirements, including: a. Product design input data


b. Targets forproductivity, processcapability cost and c. Fielddata . d. Experiencefrompreviousdevelopments

e. Allof the above f. band d only

64. The organisation shall identifyspecial.characteristics and : a. Include all special characteristics in the control plan b. Comply with customer specified definitionsand symbols c. Identifyprocess controldocuments with the customers special characteristic symbol or the organisation's equivalent symbol or notation d. Allof the above e. a and conly 65. Design and development outputs shall specify the characteristics of the product that are essential for its safe and proper use: a. True b. False

66. Designand development utputssheill o : a. Meetthe inputrequirements fordesignand development b.' Provideappropriateinformationorpurchasing,productionand for serviceprovision f c. Containor referenceprocessapprovalacceptancecriteria d. Atlof the above e. Aand b only 67. Productdesignoutputsshallinclude: a. Productspecialcharacteristics, pecifications s b. Productdefinition Including drawingsor mathematically based data c. Workinstructions d. Diagnostic guidelines, hereapplicable w e. Allof the above f. a, band d only
68. Manufacturingprocess design outputs shall include : a. Specifications and drawings b. Manufacturingprocess FMEAs c. Data for quality,reliability, aintainabilityand measurability m d. Method.sQf~pig .d~t~~~n a~~ feedback of product/manufacturing process non conformities ... -- _. . .. .. -.._. ... - .-. ...e. Allof the above f. b, c and d only


. .- ..


69. Systematic reviews of design and development shall be performed: a. At suitable stages b. In accordance withplanned arrangements c. To evaluate the abilityof the results of design and development to fulfillrequirements

d. To identify problemsand proposenecessary actions any

e. Allof the above f. c and d only

/D PaQe 10 of 155

70. Design and developmentverification shall : a. Be performed in accordancewith planned arrangements b. Be performed on customerspremises c. Ensure design and developmentoutputs have satisfied the design and develqpment input requirements d. All of the above

e. a and p"only
C, 1-1

71. D'esignand developmentvalidation shall : a. Be performed in accordancewith planned arrangements b. Ensure resulting productis capable of meeting the requirementsfor the specified application or intendeduse, where known c. Be completed prior to the delivery or implementation of the product,wherever practicable d. Be performed in accordancewith customer requirements includingprogramme timing e. All of the above f. a, c and d only 72. A prototype programmeis a mandatory step in the product realisationprocess for all products manufactur~dunderan 180fT816949:2002 system: a. True b. False 73. The product approval processapplied to suppliers must be that recognised by the organisation's cu$tomers:

a. True



74. The review of design and developmentchanges shall include evaluation of the effect of the changes on constituentparts and already delivered product :

a. True b. False
75. The type and extent of controlapplied to suppliers and the purchasedproduct snail be dependant upon the effect of the purchased produ~ on subsequentproduct realisation or the final product: a. True b. False 76. The first step of achievingthe goal of supplier conformitywith 180fT816949:2002, as part of supplier quality managementsY$temdevelopment is third partycertification to 1509001:2000 :

a. True b. False
77. Purchasinginformationshall describe the product to be purchased,including where appropriate: a. Requirementsfor approvalof product, procedures,processesand equipment b. Requirementsfor qualificationof personnel c. Quality managementsystemrequirements d. All of the above e. a and b only f. a and conly

/ (


78. Which of the followingare NOT defined as acceptable methods for assurance of
incoming product quality ?


a. Receiptof, andevaluation statisticaldata by the organisation of,

b. ReceMng inspection and/or testing such as sampnng based on performance

c. Feedbackon acceptability previousdeliveriesfromproduction of d. Secondor third party a:>sessmentsor audits of supplier sites, wh~n coupled with
records of acceptable delivered product quality e. Part evaluation by a designated laboratory f. c and e 79. Supplier performance shall be monitored through the following indicators : a. Delivered product quality b. Customer disruptions including field returns c. Delivery schedule performance (including incidents of premium freight) d. Special status customer notifications related to quality or delivery issues e. All of the above f.. a, band conly 80. The organisation shall carry out production and service prevision under controlled conditions, including, a~ applicable: a. The availability of information that describes the characteristics of the product b. The availability of work instructions, as necessary

c. The use of suitableequipment

d. The availability an~ use of monitoring and measuring devices e. All of the above f. a, band d only 81. The organisation shall develop control plans at the follo\Vinglevels: a. System b. Subsystem c. Component d. Material e. All of the above f. a, band conly 82. The organisation are only obliged to have a control plan for pre-launch activities if they are design responsible: a. True b. False


a... U~t.t! used for the manufacturing process control

b. IncludemethodS-for moniforingofcontrol xe'rc1s-ed special characteristics' . . "-"'''-- .e over

defined by both the customer and the organisation c. Initiate the specified reaction plan when the process becomes unstable or not statistically capable. d. Include reference to product and process audit activities e. All of the above f. a, band conly

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84. Controlplans shall be reviewedand updated when any change occurs affecting: a. Manufacturingprocess b. Measurement c. Logistics d. FMEA e. Allof the above

f. a, band conly sourcessuch as :


85. The organisation shall prepare documented workinstructionswhich shall be derived from a. b. c. d. e. f. The quality plan The control plan The business plan The product realisation process Allof the above a, band d only

86. Workinstructions shall : a. Be prepared for all employees havingresponsibilitiesfor the operation of process that impact product quality b. Be accessible for use at the work-station c. Be available forjob set-up personnel d. Allof the above e. a and b only
87. Job set-ups shall be verified. whenever performep. such as : a. Initial run of a job

b. c. d. e. f.

Material hangeover c Job change Shiftchange Allofthe above a. band conly

88. Last-off comparisons are recommended in relation to verification of job set-ups:

a. True b. False

89. The organisation shall develop an effective planned total preventive maintenance system, which shall include. as a minimum:

a. b. c. d. e. f.

Planned maintenance activities Packaging and preservationof equipment. toolingand gauging Maintenanceworkinstructions Documenting.evaluatingand improvingmaintenance objectives Allof the above a. band d only

90. Predictive maintenance methods shall be used to continually improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the production process :0....

a. True b. False


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91. The organisation shall establish and implement a system for production tooling management, including: . a. Storage and recovery b. Set-up .- - - - - --c.--Tool desigll modification-dOCl:1mentationdncludiAgngineeriAg-chaAge.level.e d. Tool identification, defining the status, such as production, repair or disposaf e. All of the above f. a, band conly


92. productionshall be scheduled orderto meetorganisation in requirements : a. True b. False

93. The organisation shall establish and maintain a process for communication of service concerns to : a. Manufacturing b. Engineering c. Design

d. Sales

e. All of the above f.' a, band conly 94. Where there is a service agreement with the customer, the organisation shall verify the effectiveness of : a. Any organisation service centres . b. Any special purpose tools or measurement equipment c. Any arrangements for replacement of defective parts d. Training of service personnel e. All of the above f. a, band d only 95. Customer owned tools shall be permanently marked so that ownership of each item is visible, and can be determined :

a. Tr.ue b. False
96. Preservation requirements need not be applied to constituent parts of a product: . a. True .

b. False
97. The following shall be controlled in a similar manner to nonconforming product:
" . .

a:-.Obsoleteproduct.., .

b. Unidentified product

._ _ "___'_ ""___'__ ______

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.. - .

c. Productwith suspect status

d. All of the above e. a and conly


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98. Where necessary to ensure valid results,measuring equipment shall: a. Be calibratedor verifiedat specifiedintervals,or prior to use, against measurement standards traceable to intemational or national measurement standards; where no such standards exist, the basis used for calibration or verification shall be recorded

- -- - ---j):-Seidentifiedio-enable-the-caHbration-status-to-oo-determil'led--c. Be safeguarded from adjustmentsthat would invandatethe measurement result d. Be protected from damage and deterioration during handling, maintenance and storage e. All of the above f. a, band conly



99. When measuring equipmentis found not to conform to requirements, the organisation shall : a. Assess and record the validity of the previous measuring results b. Take appropriateaction on the equipment and any product affected c. Review and amend control plan d. Revalidate MSAstudies e. All of the above f. a and b only 100. Records of calibratlon/verificationactivity for aUgauges, measuring and test equipment, neededto provide evidence of conformity of product to determined requirements shall include: a. Any out-of-specificationreadings as received for calibration/verification b. An assessmentof the impact of out-of-specification condition c. Statements of conformanceto specification after calibration/validation d. Notificationto the customer if suspect product or material has been shipped e. All of the above f. a, band d only

101. a. b. c. d. e. f.

Records'of calibration activity are requireQ for: Organisation-owned gauges Customer-owned gauge~. Employee-owned gauges All of the above a and b only a and 6 only

102. An organisation'sintemallaboratory facility shall specify and implement, as a minimum, technicalrequirementsfor: . a. Adequacy of the laboratory procedures b. Competencyof the laboratorypersonnel c. Testing of the product d. Review of the related records e. All of the above f. A, band conly 103. Any extemallaboratory used by the organisation must be accredited to ISOIIEC17025or nationalequivalent: a. True b. False

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3. 5.
6. 7. 9. 4.




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10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.
. 17.

X X X X X X X X X X X X X .X

18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.

.. X X. X X X
. X..... .. .._.... 0_0- u_____ ...0.....

29. 30. 31. 32.

. .. .._....

n _ _... __..._ _


- --.


35. 36.


39. 40. 41.


! ! I

42. 43.



Question No.
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-- -44.--45.
46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 3. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 1. 62. 63. . 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71.

x._ -X X X


X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 7 X X X X X .N/' 'l'){ X

73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87.-

X .X




Question No. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. F A -... -_. .B. .. . . ..c . ..u. ... ..0. _ ._. - . .. 1;_. .-. _. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X




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