Rail Corrosion
Rail Corrosion
Rail Corrosion
Different Types of Corrosion Extent of Rail Corrosion on IR Reasons for Extensive Rail Corrosion Various preventive measures adopted on IR & efficacy of the same Trials of different preventive schemes Results / Inference Corrosion Resistant Rails Field Trials experience i) Cu Mo ii) Ni Cu Cr Cost economics Suggestions / Recommendations.
Most metals are subjected to corrosion. This is due to the high energy content of the elements in metallic form. In nature, most metals are found in chemical combination with other elements. These metallic ores are refined by man and formed into metals and alloys. As the energy content of the metals and alloys is higher than that of their ores, chemical recombination of the metals to form ore like compounds is a natural process. Reverse Metallurgy ?
Corrosion Mechanism
and Cathode are formed on same metal (Rail,liners,ERCs) having local difference either chemical or mechanical such as oxide, impurities,
of water acts as electrolyte, hence a direct current thus flows attacking the anode as result of which deterioration of metal starts Anode area -- Corrosion occurs Cathode area -- No Corrosion
Fretting Corrosion Fretting corrosion - attack accelerated by relative motion of contacting surfaces. Pitting Corrosion Due to dust particles/contaminants settled on the surface Under certain specific conditions, particularly involving chlorides (especially in saline climate) and exacerbated by elevated temperatures, humid conditions - small pits form on surface of steel. Dependent upon both the environment and type of steel small pits may continue to grow, and lead to perforation, while the majority of the steel surface may still be totally unaffected.
Crevice Corrosion Rapid corrosion at crevices due to starvation of oxygen for the deep lying section, which becomes anode & surrounding area exposed to air acts as cathode. Crevices get filled with moisture that cannot evaporate & have small surface area Localized corrosion occuring at the contact surface between the two metals due to small gap between the surfaces. Corrosion Pit on the top of Rail foot at Liner Contact area and weld collars mainly due to toilet droppings get entrapped between liner and foot of the Rail. Weld collars mainly SKV welds and partly flash butt welds also obstruct escaping toilet droppings giving rise corrosionpits corrosion pits only on the Gauge face of Rail.
Crevice Corrosion Extent of this corrosion alarming. very severe, serious &
Corrosion 8mm or more at Rail foot (GF side) within 8 years (in coastal region as seen at BZA, VSKP & MAS Divisions). At some locations, even through holes at Rail foot at Liner contact. Leads to rail fractures at Liner Contact area and weld failures at weld collar location.
IR Scenario
Rail Renewal 2011-12 :- Condition Basis - 65% Corrosion Account 37%, Rail/Weld failures 15% Rail/Weld failurespredominant on account of rail corrosion Corrosion predominant in coastal region, Station Yards, where passenger carrying trains large in number. Corrosion very severe on the GF side on the top of rail foot at Liner contact area (Crevice corrosion), at SKV Weld Collars Corrosion on non GF side on foot insignificant Corrosion on web & bottom of Rail Foot relatively less except in major Station Yards. Corrosion of Track Fittings ERC & MS liner severe on GF side. Corrosion at P&C in major Yards severe on track fittings (Plate Screws, Stretcher bars, Lugs).
Design Metallurgy - By alloying Prevention through chemistry * Protective coating of RailsElectroplating, Hot dip galvanising, Metallising * Cathodic protection * Anticorrosive paints * Improvement in corrosive environment Improvement to drainage, Artificial ventilation in tunnels etc
Lr No.CTE/ACP dtd.24.02.2006: a) New Rails Zinc metalisation in severe corrosion prone areas. b) Inservice rails anti-corrosive bituminous black to IS: 9862.
Unprotected Rail after 5 years service i.e. No painting or sealing (LCA shifted)
Sealing of LCA with Grease (110 Kg. Per unit once in a year) Curve Greasing (14.5 Kgs. Per unit once in 3 weeks) SEJ Greasing (1 Kg per set once in a month)
T.Km Set
250 12
84121 11952
Quantity Assessment for Grease Consum -ption per unit per year (Kg) 36 Total requirement for the year (Kg) BZA 65653
P&Xings Greasing (1.5 Kgs per set once in 15 days) Steel fittings of Channel Sleepers (0.2 Kg per sleeper once in 6 months) Total
Per Sleeper
Sealing with grease also very effective on Plate screws at Points and SEJs. The plate screw head will be protected against corrosion and seizure of screws can also be prevented simultaneously.
Filling of corrosion pit with grease at SKV weld collars (Pit formed already).
Protection of weld collar with grease coating over bituminous black paint (No corrosion pit)
of lubrication of ERCs and sealing for liner contact area: i. Corrosion prone locations : ERC greasing (all 4 ERCs) and sealing of inside liner contact area Once in a year ii. Other locations: ERC greasing (all 4 ERCs) Once in 2 years (B) In addition, on identified corrosion prone areas painting of new rails and in service rails : i) Painting of new rails: Before laying: one prime coat of Red lead and two coats of Red oxide. ii) Painting of in-service rails: Depending upon condition, but not earlier than once in two years on inner gauge face (web and flange) using two coats for anti-corrosive Bituminous black paint to IS-9862 1981.
(C) Weld collar painting: Identified corrosion prone areas - once a year, with two coats of anti-corrosive bituminous black paint (thickness 200 microns) to IS-9862 1981 Non-corrosive prone areas- once in two years. (D) Use of galvanized metal liners, galvanized plate screws and stretcher bars in points and crossing areas. i) Galvanized liners In all identified corrosion prone areas . ii) Galvanized Plate screws and Stretcher bars - In all areas irrespective of corrosion Proneness. (E) Lubrication of Plate screws at P&Cs i) Corrsion Prone areas once a year. ii) In other areas once in two years (F) Corrosion prone Sections - identified in each Division.
Corrosion on Rail foot due to Liner Bite - Protection (shifting of Liner Contact area along with destressing)SCR-ESO dt. 28.01.2009 To overcome problems of Rail failures, arising out of deep corrosion pits under the Liner seat Destressing involving shifting of Liner Contact area irrespective of any other criteria. Minimum shift of liner contact area 150mm by pulling rail in the direction of Traffic on Double Line. At an interval of 5 years, or, before corrosion pit depth at liner contact area reaches a limit of 1.5mm, which ever is earlier.
Next round of destressing after 5 years or before corrosion pit depth at liner contact area reaches 1.5mm at shifted locations, whichever is earlier. Above operation repeated till Rail reaches full GMT or no possibility of further shifting of Rail due to existence of a number of pits. In non-corrosive areas, no time limit of 5 years. Inservice painting of Rails Web & Top Flange only on GF side at other than platform lines. At platform lines in Yards Non GF side also to be painted.
LCA Shifted
Zinc Metallisation
Nearly half the zinc of commerce used for metal coating/galvanising Zinc coating-by hot dipping, electrolysis, spraying, vapour deposition, cementation Zinc metallisation by spraying technique for new rails just commenced at FBWP/Moulali of SCR. Approximate cost Rs.8 lakhs/Tkm ( Web & Top of Flange, both sides), Zn coating - 150 microns Etch wash, Zn cr- 45microns Al paint- 70 microns Spraying by oxy-acetylene spray gun/plasma gun Globules of molten metal flatten out against the surface & flow into pores/irregularities which lock the coating. existence of pores in coating not damaging since zinc is anodic to Iron & tends to protect it.
C - 0.69%
Cu 0.24% Mo 0.18%
Subjected to field trials on Vishakapatnam & Vijayawada Divisions (laid in the year 2004) Showed improved performance vis--vis normal 90 UTS Rail due to formation of protective magnetite on Cu-Mo Rails Cost about 30% higher than normal 90 UTS Rail due to import of Mo IR entrusted for development of new alloy Rail Steel to IIT/K
Results from Profilometer Analysis at Crevice Locations on immersion in 3.5% NaCl + 3.5% FeCl3 for 30 days
MACRO IMAGES OF the foot portion of rail steel: (a) C-Mn, (b) Cu-Mo and (c) CrCu-Ni showing microscopic features (observed by SEM) of the outer rust on the rail steels; (d, e & f) after six months of salt fog exposure showing the lower rusting and compact rust formation in the case of Cr-Cu-Ni rail steel.
Surface condition of C-Mn, Cu-Mo and NCC rail pieces after six months of salt fog exposure showing the lower rusting in the case of NCC rail steel.
Corrosion Resistant Rails results of field trials on BZA Division Cu-Mo Rails a) laid on BZA-VSKP Section (3.5 km on one side only) during April 2004 & GDR-BZA Section in March 2006. b) Normal 90 UTS Rails & ACR Rails laid in pairs for comparison. c) Corrosion at LCA & at other locations on surface of Rail lower by 40%-60% than normal 90 UTS Rail (Sealing of LCA done since laying once a year. d) But Pit Corrosion at LCA more than Normal 90 UTS Rail, where Sealing of LCA done only after 4 yrs. of laying for Cu-Mo Rail,while for Normal Rail Sealing done once a year since laying. d) Costlier by about 30% than normal 90 UTS Rails.
Cu-Mo Rails Corrosion Measurement Feb. 2011 Div. : BZA Section: GDR-BZA SVPM-KVZ Rail : 52 Kg. 3.1Km
Item GF mm Corrosion pit LCA Loss of flange width Remarks 0.6-0.7
GMT : 34
Rails not painted & Rails painted Sealing of LCA done Sealing of LCA since laying done since laying
Cu-Mo Rails Corrosion Measurement Feb. 2011 Div. : BZA Section: GDR-BZA SPF-BPP Rail : 52 Kg. 3.0Km
GMT : 34
Laid : Feb.2006
Normal 90 UTS Rails GF NGF mm mm 0.2-1.2 Rails painted Sealing of LCA done since laying
Ni-Cu-Cr Rails
a) Laid on GDR-BZA Section of SCR in Feb. 2009 (3.1 Km) b) Normal 90 UTS Rails & NCC Rails laid in pair c) Corrosion at liner contact after 2 years (Feb.2011) i) NCC Rail-100 microns.ii)Normal 90UTS Rails200 microns at Stn. Approach. No Corrosion on both at other locations. d) General Corrosion at other than LCA insignificant. e) Needs to be observed & corrosion to be monitored duly recording the readings on half yearly basis for at least another 3 years before taking final decision for adoption or otherwise. f) Cost: i) NCC Rail : Rs.71,000/MT (Rs.85 lakh/Tkm 60 Kg Rail) Normal 90 UTS Rail: Rs.57000/MT (Rs.68 lakh/Tkm 60 Kg) ii) NCC Rail costlier by 25% than normal 90 UTS Rail.
Normal 90 UTS Rail (60 Kg) Corrosion Pit 200 microns (Stn approach) After 2 yrs
NCC Rail (60 Kg) Corrosion Pit 100 microns (Stn. approach) After 2 yrs
Normal 90 UTS Rail (60 Kg) NCC Rail No Corrosion Pit (mid section)
Glass Fibre Reinforcement as Strengthening/ Preventive measure S.Rly developed system of strengthening corroded Rail foot with Glass Fibre reinforcement glued at LCA Lab results enhanced load carrying capacity of locally strengthened corroded rail Trials for provision of GFR at top of rail foot for entire length as preventive measure Practical aspects of execution, performance, efficacy & cost economics under study
Rate of corrosion is hardly 0.1 to 0.2mm/year as against earlier 0.81.0mm/year on GF side in coastal region.
Zinc Metallisation just commenced at FBWP/ Moulali/SCR. Efficacy & Economics in terms of life cycle cost to be studied (could be effective for 5-6 years)
Creating of gap of 150-200 mm pulling rail with rail tensor using hydraulic pump of weld trimmer 0.500.75 km at a time. Thereafter destressing
Lab test results promising & better than Cu-Mo rails. 5% cheaper than Cu-Mo rate of corrosion to reduce with passage of time.
To Conclude Effective / promising Rail Corrosion Preventive Measures Painting of New Rails before laying in track:- (Red lead & Red oxide scheme) (except top, sides & bottom of Rail Head) Alternative scheme for New Rails (since red lead is banned/likely to be banned, Zinc Chromate and Red Oxide Scheme) i) Primer coat : a) ready mixed Zinc chromate to IS 104 one coat thickness 45 microns (Yellow) b) Zinc chromate red oxide to IS 2074 one coat - 35 microns ii) Finish Coat : Red oxide ready mixed two coats (each 45 microns thick 90 microns) to IS 123-1962 Contd
Contd Painting of Inservice Rails : Anti-corrosive bituminous black to IS 9862-1982 in 2 coats each 100 microns (frequency as specified in ESO 59 of SCR) Detailed procedure order for Red lead + Red oxide scheme for New Rails, Anti-Corrosive Bituminous Black painting scheme for In-service Rails as issued by SCR in 2004. Mechanised surface preparation of New rails (method as found satisfactory during trials in the last three years on Vijayawada Division) before application of paint Sealing of liner contact area of rail on GF side with grease graphite O Procurement of adequate quantity of Grease Graphite (about 150 Kg./Tkm) exclusively.
Shifting of liner contact area along with destressing periodically as detailed in ESO 60 dt.28.01.09 of SCR. Galvanisation of track fittings Viz., MS liners, plate screws, stretcher bars and lugs. Use of corrosion resistant Ni-Cr-Cu rails if trials prove to be effective and economical based on life cycle cost (these rails costlier by Rs.14100/MT Viz., 25% as per the prevailing price in the year 2010).
Interchange of rails to be done selectively since flash but welds are aligned on one face only (GF), as it can result in alignment defects and hence, rough ride. Epoxy painting schemes totally failed since it requires highest quality surface preparation, otherwise paint peels off in flakes within a few months. Change in position of toilet chutes of coaches to the centre of track instead of rail foot location/ Zero discharge toilets
Zinc metalisation of Rail Foot & Web for new rails at centralised locations (at FBWP of Zonal Railways) work just commenced on trial basis at FBWP/Moulali of SCR if field trails prove to be satisfactory and economical in terms of life cycle cost (cost about Rs.8 lakh/Tkm) Cold galvanising of rail foot & web for new rails at centralised locations (at FBWP of Zonal Railways ) Trials can be undertaken. Impregnated MS liners to prevent ingress of moisture and contaminates, toilet droppings etc. between liner and rail foot. Trial just commenced on Vijayawada Division appears to be promising to be closely monitored and watched for its efficacy to prevent pit corrosion of rail foot at liner contact area.