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Personal Statement Ay

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The author was motivated to study mechanical engineering due to their interest in mathematics and technical problem solving from a young age. They also saw it as a versatile field that could help address societal issues. Additionally, the author wishes to contribute to the development of Nigeria through their work.

The author chose mechanical engineering because it exposed them to various fields like automotive, aeronautical and materials engineering. It also taught them problem solving skills to address the needs of both urban and rural societies in Nigeria.

The author belongs to organizations like the Royal Ambassador Association, various student associations at their university, a church choir and was involved in sports. They took on leadership roles in many of these groups.

PERSONAL STATEMENT It is said that A blind mans world is bounded by the limit of his touch, an ignorant mans work

by the limit of his knowledge, a great mans work by the limit of his vision. A visionary man always works in the context of his visions to actualize the set goals. Thus vision, determination and diligence serve as impetus for sound career achievement. It is in this direction that I have been walking to actualize my desired goals. The quest and the eagerness to inquire understand and proffer solutions to the causes and effects of societal problems led to my strong desire to be in my chosen career. There is a belief that a broad problem could best be solved through effective training of young mind billed to be leaders of tomorrow through giving a careful consideration to every aspects of life. Additionally, the era of technological revolution is growing at an increasing rate and its sustenance demands for people of cognitive abilities with efficient understanding in technical and mathematical computations. As a result, I chose to study Mechanical engineering in my undergraduate programme being a course that forms the bedrock of engineering courses and as well as the most versatile of all engineering programs. My choice for Mechanical engineering is not by accident, it evolved through ability to define a general path or ladder of achievement from my primordial stage of education as talented student with proficiency in mending wire frames together during my elementary school days to my secondary days as a member of junior technicians society to a mature graduate with rich and quality life. During my undergraduate programs, I was exposed to the principle of being objective in life so as to have a clearly defined goal. Hence, after clear understanding of the general rudiments of mechanical engineering, there is a need to narrow the goal and focus through specialization Through my undergraduate programs, I was made to realize that mechanical engineering course encompasses lots of options such as automotive engineering, aeronautical engineering, material science and engineering, petroleum engineering, engineering management to mention a few. During these days, the introduction to various fields in mechanical engineering was taught by various lecturers through which I was made to understand that as a

mechanical engineer, I was responsible to the society by contributing immensely to societal development. One of the fascinating expressions usually given by one of my lecturers is that as a mechanical engineer, you are needed to proffer solutions to the immediate yearnings of your society irrespective of the set up you find yourself whether in urban centers or among rural dwellers. This has indeed being my motivating factor to look into status of my country I was raised from which is Nigeria in a bid to salvage the worrisome and impoverished state of most of the citizens of the country. Ideally, student like any human being needs to belong to and interact with a family, an association or other groups. He becomes concerned with more than his own welfare where he needs love and acceptance. In this regard, I am dedicated to the idea of associating with the people of the society. That is why i belong to many reputable organizations. These include Member and Commandant of Royal Ambassador for Bachelor Association (then Ijesa Descendants Association) an arm of Nigeria Baptist Convention (General Secretary), Member of National Association of Mechanical Engineering Students ( NAMES) , Ladoke Akintola University of Technology Ogbomoso Chapter, Member of Nigeria University of Engineering Student association (NUESA), Ladoke Akintola University of Technology Ogbomoso Chapter, Member of the Sanctuary Unit of the Living Faith Church Worldwide, Member of the football team for my, hostel , department and faculty, Member of Mass choir of Living Faith Church Worldwide. Indeed an individual needs not only to fit into a social group but also to stand out in that group to have his ego satisfied by the admiration of his/her fellows. This has made me to have demonstrated leadership roles in various areas of life among my peers. This began as a school office boy in my primary school day. In my post primary education days, I also became the class captain from junior secondary school 1 to junior secondary school III. In continuation of my general acceptance for leadership ability I was, during my university days, made the general class representative for my department from year one to final year. In my 300 level days, I became the general secretary of the university chapter of association of Mechanical Engineering student (NAMES) as well as Editor 1 of the Nigerian University of Engineering student Association (NUESA) of my University. As a reward of demonstration for leadership ability, I was appointed as the chairman of various

courses during University days by the noble Professor E.B. Lucas. I was also the chairman of all events for 2010 Mechanical Engineering graduating student. My selfless concern for other people welfare earned me accolades among my colleagues and this made me to be appointed by my colleagues as the hostel representative for 3 years. This availed me the opportunity to liaise with security agents on security of life and properties of fellow students in my hostel. In my final year project, I worked on design and fabrication of electrically operated screw jack through which I received accolades by having my project work shortlisted as one of the project for the fourth edition of the university project exhibition fair. I strongly believed that learning goes beyond the shore of classroom studies, it connotes going outside the school for placement in industries relevant to the chosen discipline in a bid to complement theoretical experience with practical background. As part of my school scheme of study I went for a compulsory sixmonth industrial training at the government ministry. I was posted to water and sanitation department of the ministry of water resources. I did an additional three months voluntary work on drilling of bore holes where I explore opportunities to be familiar with the art and process of generating water from downstream for human consumption, domestic and industrial use. From this industrial experience, I was able to understand the real application of classroom studies in the area of fluid machineries the principle of their operations and their governing equations. With this work experience, I gained practical experience such as digging of bore holes, fitting of water pipes and installation of water pump machines. further improve my course of study. It is said Amputated limbs constitute no block to a mans destiny but the amputated mind. The mind is the end to a mans dream even if he has limbs and wheels. In review of this, as a visionary soul I feel the need to be of creative minds. I am a true believer and apostle of self empowerment. This ability to be selfempowered became my motivating spirit to dive into the art of making customized casual wears such as T-shirts and the likes for sales to my other colleagues. This served as a complementary source of income for my education. I have attended series of professional trainings such as Auto CAD training as well as MATLAB to

Subsequent to securing my undergraduate programme, there is a need to further my studies towards the betterment of society at large. Looking into the various options in my chosen field, which was coupled with the economic state of my country (Nigeria), it was discovered that the issue of petroleum development and its engineering remains the best option for me to specialize in my further studies. Needless to say, petroleum forms the major basis for the source of revenue for the country. In this regards, much are invested into the petroleum sector and this indeed yield huge success, it is however noted that there is much to contribute as a young synergetic mind to the sector thereby improving the sector in the area of mining, refining, production, petroleum waste recycling, pollution control as well as environmental sanitation in the sector. In-depth understanding of technical courses like fluid machinery, thermodynamics, fluid dynamics plant power engineering as well as material science in my undergraduate programme propel my affinity to studying petroleum engineering as second degree course in which I believe that a high ranking university like University of Manchester will help me to actualize the dream. Additionally my strong aptitude and interest in technical courses that are related to petroleum development in my university days endeared me to consider choosing the course for second degree These courses include mineral processing and extractive metallurgy, ore preparation, floatation solution chemistry and surface chemistry as related to froth and floating, tribology, kinematics of fluid motion; streamlines, control volume analysis, energy equations, plant maintenance, heat exchangers. Thermos chemistry: Hess law of heat summation, heat of combustion and reaction, idea adiabatic flame temperature, reciprocating internal combustion engines, energy studies as well as engineering risk/benefit analysis endeared me to consider my further study in petroleum engineering option to contribute to the societal needs in the petroleum sector as part of solving the yearnings of petroleum dependable country like my country. Notably, the course that kindled my interest for studying petroleum engineering is fluid mechanics with the particular area on Bernoullis principle and continuity equation where potential energy per unit volume, kinetic energy per unit volume as well as momentum losses was critically studied and well understood by me.

Through this course, I was able to understand the principle of flow of fluids in pipes, (since petroleum is an example of fluid) the energy required, the kind of flow whether laminar or turbulence flow, kinematics of flow and others in which I demonstrated strong understanding with my outstanding results in this area. I believe if I am given the opportunity to study petroleum engineering in your university, your impact as a repository of knowledge in this area will strongly influence me to proffer better path to the development of petroleum sector. The issue of gas flaring which is a predominant case in the country will be a force to combat with. Losses and waste in the country God-giving resources will be curtailed to an appreciable standard and more foreign earnings will be enhanced towards the development of my country. Permit me to say that the problem of country like Nigeria is not the shortage of resources but the shortage of synergetic minds capable of integrating the modern technological revolution to optimizing sustainable development. I strongly believe that with the opportunity to study petroleum engineering, it will be productive for me and the country at large. After the completion of my studies, I will focus on ways to concentrate on meeting the needs of Nigeria petroleum sector. University of Manchester is reputable for excellence in the field of petroleum engineering. It is one of the high ranking universities in the world with up to date facilities and state of the art edifices. It is a red brick university that has produced people who have contributed gallantly to the entire universe with respect to their discoveries and products. Having understood this, I preferred to be in the confine of those that will make my dream of making a positive revolution a reality. This will avails me chance to contribute my quota to this university by embarking on meaningful research on petroleum development and finding lasting solutions to environmental problems in the oil region of the developing countries especially Nigeria. Noteworthy, securing a place in such a reputable university will no doubt be a blessed and productive one.

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