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Yoga For Runners

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H in balance

yoga for runners

Do you feel tight before or After A run? Caroline Sandry hAs six yogA moves to help bAlAnce your boDy
running is an amazing way to stay fit, healthy and lean, and most people who start running develop a love for it that will last a lifetime. however, running is incredibly demanding and puts more strain on the muscles and joints than many other forms of exercise. yoga is the perfect complement to running, as it will address many runners issues, such as tight hips, short hamstrings (rear thighs) and quadriceps (front thighs), and it will also offer essential relaxation and recovery benefits.

stretching is vital to your recovery from running, and also to keeping the body free from injury. runners knees are very vulnerable, and tightness in the hips, thighs and lower back can create imbalances, which can increase likelihood of injury and pain. i have specifically chosen the following yoga postures to address such issues, and keep your body in balance and harmony. these postures may be performed every day if you choose and can be incorporated into your after-run stretch or performed after a gentle warm-up at any time of day.



48 | Awards issue

in balance H

The runnerS STreTCh areas trained: rear thighs and calves. Technique: H on all fours with hands under shoulders and knees under hips, step your right foot forward between your hands so that your ankle is directly below your knee. H lengthen your torso forwards over your right leg and lift onto the ball of your left foot. H inhale to lift your left knee from the floor, and exhale to lift your hips up, straightening the right leg. H stay long in the spine and, if possible, straighten your left leg. H hold steady for a few breaths. H repeat on the other side. Safety tips: H Keep the backs of the knees soft do not force or lock them. H if you have back problems or find this too intense, hold the seat of a chair with your arms as you stretch.




The Wide leg ForWard Bend areas trained: back of the legs and inner thigh. it releases tension in the back and calms the mind. Technique: H stand with legs wide, feet parallel and hands on hips. H tighten front thighs, drawing kneecaps up and lift your chest H exhale and hinge forward from the hips, lengthening your spine as you reach your chest down towards the floor. H place your hands under your shoulders and press into the floor. H rest here and breathe for 30 seconds to a minute, allowing the crown of the head to sink towards the floor. Safety tips: H Keep the arches of the feet lifted. H relax your neck and shoulders. H if you have a back problem, keep the knees bent, or bend over, resting your arms on a chair.


Awards issue | 49

H in balance
SiTTing ForWard STreTCh areas trained: rear thighs and spine. its also calming for the mind and balances energy. Technique: H sit up with your legs outstretched. pull your buttocks in so that you are sitting up on your bones. H bring the sole of your left foot onto the inside of your right thigh as close to the groin as is comfortable. H stretch your arms up overhead, with your upper arms close to your ears and turn towards your right leg. H exhale and hinge forward from the hip, lengthening the spine forwards as you lower your chest towards your thigh. H Allow your arms to rest on your legs, relax your shoulders and breathe. H exhale and stretch a little deeper, holding the right foot if comfortable. stay steady and breathe into the stretch for up to two minutes. H gently come up on an inhale, and repeat on the other side. Safety tips: H if your rear thighs are very tight, or you have a back problem, try using a belt or strap around the foot and/or sit up on a block or a book. H to balance the spine after a deep forward stretch, sit with legs outstretched and place your hands on the floor behind you fingers pointing away from you. inhale and lift your hips up as high as you can, trying to place the soles of your feet on the floor. Allow your head to drop back, and take a couple of deep breaths.





lunge Warrior areas trained: hips and thighs. it also extends the spine and builds energy. Technique: H on all fours, with hands under shoulders and knees under hips. Draw your shoulders away from your ears and lengthen through your arms. H bring your right leg forward between your hands, so that your ankle is directly beneath your knee. H tuck your left toes under and take your left foot back a little. H sink your hips towards the floor and lift your head so your eyes gaze forwards. H inhale and stretch your left heel back, lifting the knee off the floor if it is comfortable. H if your knee is lifted, place your hands onto your front leg and keep your shoulders open as you breathe and remain steady. H try to build up to a minute on each side. Safety tips: H Keep your spine long and chest open. H if you have a lower back issue, keep your hands on the floor to avoid extension.
50 | Awards issue



in balance H
SuPine BuTTerFly areas trained: gently opens hips and releases the pelvis. it also relaxes the body and mind. Technique: H lie on your back, knees bent and feet and knees hip-width apart. H Draw your feet closer to your buttocks, and then bring your soles together, gently opening the knees. H press the soles of your feet together to release the hips, and allow your knees to sink towards the floor. H remain steady and breathe deeply into your stomach. H to come out of the pose, bring your knees together and slide your feet away form you until you are lying outstretched. H take your feet shoulder-width apart and rest there for several deep breaths. Safety tips: H place a cushion or towel under the knees if you are very tight in the hips. H try placing a book on your stomach to help abdominal breathing focus on the book lifting and lowering with each breath.
Model: caroline sandry Photos: eddie macdonald Clothing: model | brand | xx Trainers: model | brand | xx




Triangle areas trained: spine and trunk, as well as the hips and legs. Technique: H stand with your feet at least a metre apart and turn your right leg and foot so the foot is parallel with the mat. stretch your arms out beside you at shoulder height. H turn your left heel out a little. H stretch your right arm up towards the ceiling and breathe. H exhale and stretch your right arm forward and down to rest on your leg or the floor. Keep your hips facing forward and your left arm lengthened up towards the ceiling. H hold for several breaths on each side. Safety tips H Keep the outer edges of your feet firmly on the floor. H Keep the head and neck in line with the spine. H you can place your hand onto a block or similar if you cannot reach the floor.





Awards issue | 51

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