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Report On Law of Contract

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Chapter 1 Introduction
Only the simple term of law does not cover the whole area of society. As a result law has verification in their respective areas. Such as: Civil Law, Criminal Law etc. Such like that in business sectors there are laws passed by the legislature which is named as Business Law or Commercial Law. This is also known as Mercantile Law. The parliament of Bangladesh has passed some laws regarding business in Bangladesh. One of the Commercial Laws which are available in Bangladesh is The Contract Act, 1872.

1.1 Law of contract in Bangladesh

Contract act 1872 governs the law of contract in Bangladesh. The Act came into force in the then Bengal on 1 September of 1872, and was adopted in Bangladesh without change. It contains the common rules relating to contracts and differentiates them. It begins with the preliminary aspects, including a short preamble and title, extent and date of commencement and interpretation of words and expressions used in the act. All contracts in Bangladesh are governed basically by the contract act.

1.2 Contract
An agreement enforceable at law, made between two or more persons, by which rights are acquired by one or more to acts or forbearances on the part of the other or others, is a contract. Section 2(h) of the Contract Act, 1872, provides the authoritative definition of a contract, an agreement enforceable by law is a contract. It is a simple definition of the term contract given by the Act. From the definition, it is found that, to be a lawful contract, an agreement is necessary and that agreement must be lawful that is enforceable by law. A contract is thus a combination of two ideas agreement and obligation. Obviously, every agreement does not create obligation. When A offers to sell his horse to B for Tk. 5000.00, there is an obligation on A to sell and on B to buy the horse at the stipulated price. Such an agreement is therefore, enforceable by law. But an agreement between A and B to go together to a picnic does not create any obligation on either side and is not, therefore, enforceable in law. The former agreement is, therefore, a contract, while the latter is not.

1.3 A Valid Contract

To understand what these factors are we have to turn to judicial exposition of the definition of contract as given in the Contract Act, 1872. "The definition of contract appears to be built upon a

succession of definition of the elements which go to make a contract, such as proposal, acceptance, promise, consideration, agreement. The requirements for formation of contract are mainly agreement and consideration. Analyzing the statutory definition of contract in the light of the above judicial decisions, we find that in order to be treated as a contract, an agreement must satisfy certain conditions. From the definition of the Contract of section 2(h), it is expedient that a lawful agreement is a prerequisite of the formation of the contract. To form a contract the following steps are the basic steps those should be followed Firstly a proposal has to be accepted to be a promise; Secondly then the promise is to be considered to form an agreement; Finally the agreement should have the enforceability of law to form a lawful contract To understand the term contract more evidently, the following diagram can be drawn, Contract [Section 2(h)]
Agreement [Section 2(e)] Consideration [Section 2(d)]

Enforceability [Section 10]

Competency of parties Free consent

Proposal [Section 2(a)]

Acceptance [Section 29b0]

Lawful object Lawful consideration Not unlawful

Figure 1: Diagram shows the creation of a contract

1.4 Scope of a contract

The Contract Act covers a wide range of contractual rules which cover the law of variety of contracts. From this point of view the Act describes two types of law of contracts; general laws and special laws. 1. General laws relating to contract (i) Laws relating to formation of contract; (ii) Laws relating to performance;


Laws of remedy for a breach of contract.

2. Laws relating to some particular types of contract (i) Contract of agency; (ii) Contract of indemnity and guarantee; (iii) Contract of bailment and pledge.

Chapter 2 Types of contract

Contracts so far brought into practice have been classified into different groups on the basis of different tests. The classification of contract is made depending on certain modes. The classification made under certain modes, is not expressly said in the Contract Act, 1872. In the law of contract those certain terms of classification are used indicating their lawful meaning. So here is a classification of contract depending on certain moods. In English Law contracts are broadly classified into formal and informal. The primary distinction between the two is that the formal contract depends for its validity on the observance of the forms prescribed by law for the execution of a contract while the informal contract derives its validity from the presence of consideration. But formal contract is not recognized by the Contract Act, 1872.
Contracts depending on the mode of Creation


Express contract The offer and acceptance of a contract if made in words, either expressed orally or in written words, the contract will be considered to be an expressed one. For instance Mr. A proposes Mr.B, I would like to sell my house for Tk. 3lack and Mr.B replies I agree- this deemed to be an express contract. There are two types of expressed contract Written contract Oral contract Implied contract An implied contract is formed when the offer and acceptance of a contract is made without the use of any words, rather by some other means. For example, if a repairer starts to repair the watch of one person and the later permits it remaining silent knowingly that the first person is doing so to get a payment in exchange of this service, it will be treated as a implied by law.


Contracts as regards the mood of time of performance


Executed contract If the conditions of a contract are performed as soon as possible, the contract is said to be a executed contract. On other words, the contract the obligations of

which, is already performed, or to be performed in a very short time is the executed contract. ii. Executory contract In this contract the obligations of the contract is supposed to be performed at the later period of the formation of the contract. There is no limitation of time for the performance of the contract in this regard. The contract itself suggests such limitation, unless it is prescribed by law.
Contracts as regards the number of parties


Bilateral contract It is the apparent rule of a contract that at least two parties are necessary to form a contract. Therefore all contracts are bilateral or multilateral. Where there are two or more parties of a contract and both of the parties have their obligations on each other, the contract is said to be a bilateral contract.


Unilateral contract In a contract, where one party has to fulfill his obligations whereas the other party has already performed his obligations, it is called unilateral contract. Here it is simply to be noted that in both the above cases, two or more parties are necessary. But in case of the first one, all parties of a contract have something to be performed on the other hand, in the second case; only one party of the contract possesses the obligation to perform its duty.

Contracts as regards the mood of enforceability and validity

a) Valid contract b) Voidable contract c) Void contract In addition to the classification of contracts deals with in an earlier chapter, there may be a further division of contracts on the basis of their validity and enforceability. Under this criterion Jaw recognizes four classes of them, viz, (i) Valid, (ii) Void, (in) Voidable, and (iv) Unenforceable. 1. Valid Contract A contract is in law. Such a contract creates an outstanding obligation or legal liability which law steps in to enforce whenever a party to the agreement breaks it.

2. Void Contract Literally the word void means not binding in law. Accordingly the term void contract implies a useless contract which has no legal effect at all. A contract which ceases to be enforceable by law becomes void when it ceases to be enforceable [Section 2(j)] It is clear from the definition that a void contract is not void from its inception and that it is valid and binding on the parties when originally entered but subsequent to its formation it becomes invalid and destitute of legal effect because of certain reasons. According to the Contract Act, the following contracts are void abilities:

If any part of a single consideration for one or more objects or any one or any part of any one of several considerations for a single object is unlawful, the agreement is void. [Section 24]

For instance, a promise to supervise, on behalf of B, a legal manufacture of indigo, and an illegal traffic in opium. B promises to remunerate A by a salary of Tk. 10,000.00 a year. The agreement is void, the object of A's promise and the consideration for B's promise being in part unlawful and inseparable from the lawful part. (ii) An agreement made without consideration is void except in the case of those covered by exceptions 1, 2 and 3.
(iii) Every

agreement in restrain of the marriage of any person, other than a minor, is void. [Section 24]. In English law, partial restraint as to time, place or person, is allowed, provided the restraint is reasonable.

(iv)Every agreement in restraint of "a lawful profession, trade or business of any kind is void to the extent of the restraint" except that "one who sells the goodwill of a business may agree with the buyer to refrain from carrying on a similar business, within specified local limits, so long its the buyer or any person deriving title to the goodwill from him, carries On a like business therein provided that such limits appear to the court to be reasonable, regard being had to the nature of the business" In Mahboob vs. Rajcoomar case it was ruled that whether the restraint was general or partial, unqualified or qualified, if it was in the nature of a restraint of trade, it was void. This interpretation is plainly 'justified by the language used in the section. Under this section, agreements of restraint of service have been field to be void. Thus, an agreement restraining an employee from faking service in any similar business for a period

of five years from the date of the termination of his agreement, although the restriction only extended to a distance of 40 miles from the city, the place of his work, has been held to be void, as such a contract is not covered by the exception (Brahmaputra Tea Co. vs Scarth) But an agreement to exercise a trade or business for a given period in the exclusive service of one person is not an agreement in restraint of trade (Pragji vs Pranjiwan) Section 27 has also been interpreted to disfavor agreements in restraint of trade competition. "Liberty of trade is not an asset which the law will permit a person to barter away except in special circumstances'(Vancouver B. Co vs Breweries) whether a combination between traders or businessmen is or is not in reality "in restraint of trade", the answer must depend upon the facts of each particular case. Such combinations have in some instances been upheld (Collius vs Locke) and in some other ruled void, (Hitlon vs Eckersley) according as the restraints in such agreements were or were not deemed to be only sufficient to protect the rightful interests of the parties entering into them.
(v) Agreements

in restraint of judicial proceedings are void except, those that provide for reference of disputes to arbitration. [Section 28] Parties are not at liberty to contract themselves out of the jurisdiction of courts. There is, however, "a clear distinction between two classes of cases i.e. (a) where, in spite of the fact that under the ordinary provisions of law a particular court would have jurisdiction, the parties provide that another court, to the exclusion of the former court, shall have jurisdiction to adjudicate upon the dispute arising under the agreement and (b) Cases in which the agreement specifies the place where the terms of the contract have to be carried out, in other words where according to the fact stated in the agreement, the cause of action is to be deemed to have arisen.

The first kind of agreement has been held illegal but the second description of agreement cannot be held to be illegal (Abinash vs Auto supply Co.) Thus, an agreement that a suit arising out of a contract shall be brought in the High Court or Small Causes Court only of Calcutta,( Milton and Co. vs O.A. Engineerings Co.) or of Bombay is not illegal.(Tilakramn vs Kadumal.) In other words, an agreement between parties to select one of two competent tribunals for the disposal of their disputes does not infringe the provisions of this Selection. But where parties agreed between themselves that for the purpose of litigation the contract should be deemed to have been entered into Bombay, the agreement having been actually made elsewhere, the contract was void and the Bombay Court had no jurisdiction,(Dreyfus Co. vs Mirav) for the parties by mutual consent can no more take away on it when it is not so vested by law.

In Osaka Shosen Kaisha O. S. K. Line vs. Province of East Bangladesh,a Division Bench of the High Court of Dacca (Dhaka) ruled that agreement under which the place of suing is restricted to I foreign Court is not hit by the Section". The essence of this decision is that unless the parties by agreement imposes any "absolute prohibition" on the right of any party thereto to have his claim decided In a Court of law, the agreement is not in conflict with the provision of 28 of the Contract Act. The law on this point so far as Bangladesh is concerned is, therefore, that parties by agreement can those any of two or more "competent" Courts to adjudicate on their dispute. But if the Court so chosen is not by itself "competent" to adjudicate upon the matter in dispute, the agreement is void. Agreements which are uncertain, i.e., "the meaning of which is not certain or capable of being made certain, are void".[Section 29] 2.2 Illustration

For instance, A agrees to sell to B "a hundred tons of oil". There is nothing whatsoever to show what kind of oil was intended. The agreement is void for uncertainty. But A, who is a dealer in coconut oil only, agrees to sell to B "one hundred" The nature of A's trade affords an indication of the meaning of the words. The contract is, therefore, capable of being made certain so us to mean that A has entered into a contract for the sale of one hundred tons of coconut oil.

Agreements by way of wager are void. [Section 30] Similarly, a contract for permanent lease is not void for uncertainty even though it depends upon the determination of a reasonable amount of Salami in future in as much as the "reasonable amount of Salami" can be determined by the Court. agreement of which the object or consideration is unlawful is void. [Section 23]

(vii) Every

(vii) Where

both the parties to an agreement are under a mistake K to a matter of fact essential to the agreement, the agreement is void. [Section 20] (viii) Contract entered into by minors, lunatics and insolvents are void owing to the incapacity of such persons to contract. [Section 11]

An agreement to do an act impossible (Supervening impossibility) in itself is void. A contract to do an act which,, after the contract is made, becomes impossible, or by reason of some event which the promissory could not prevent, becomes void when the act becomes impossible or, unlawful (Section 56). (i) A agrees with B to discover treasure by magic. The agreement is void, (ii) A and B contract to marry each other. Before the time fixed for the marriage, A goes mad. The contract becomes void, (iii) A contracts to take in cargo for B at a foreign port. A's Government afterwards declares war against the country in which the port is situated. The contract becomes void when the war is declared.

Distinction between void and illegal contract An illegal contract is one whose object is declared illegal by law. The distinction, however, lies not in the comparative validity of the two or, both are void, but in the fact that an illegal contract is prohibited by law on pain of penalty whereas a void contract does not get the assistance of law. A further point of distinction is that an illegal contract affects the collateral transaction but a void contract does not. 3. Voidable contract An agreement which is enforced by law at the opinion of one or more of the parties thereto, but not at the opinion of the others, is a voidable contract [Section 2(i)] Thus avoidable contract is one which is enforced by the law at the opinion of one of the party. Until it is avoided or rescinded by the party entitled to do so by exercising his opinion in that behalf, it is a valid contract. Usually a contract becomes voidable when the consent of one of the parties to the contract is obtained by coercion, undue influence, misrepresentation or fraud. Such contract is voidable at the opinion of the aggrieved party i.e. the party whose consent was so caused (Section 19, 19A). But the aggrieved party must exercise his option of rejecting the contract (a) Within the reasonable time (b) before the rights of third parties intervene, otherwise the contract cannot be repudiated A voidable contract is one which can be avoided or set aside at the option of one of the parties to the contract. The following contracts are voidable under the law of Bangladesh When consent to an agreement is caused by coercion fraud or misrepresentation, the agreement is a contract voidable at the option of the party whose consent was so caused. [Section- 19] Illustration:

A threaten to shoot B if he does not sells his new Toyota Car to A for tk. 5 lac. B agrees. The contract has been brought about by coercion and is voidable at the opinion of B

When consent to an agreement is caused by undue influence or misrepresentation, the agreement is a contract voidable at the option of the party whose consent was thus caused. [Section- 16]

Illustration: A intended to deceive B falsely representing that the machine produce five hundred unit in one month at As factory and thereby induces B to buy the machine The contract has been caused by fraud and misrepresentation and is voidable at the opinion of B.
(iii) An

agreement by a parson of unsound mind due to drunkenness is voidable. [Section 13] When it is sought to avoid a document on the ground of unsoundness of mind of the executants, it is not enough to establish that he used to drink hard and was not generally in a sober state of mind, but it must be proved by specific evidence to the effect that at the time when the contract was entered into he was of unsound mind in the sense stated in Section 13 of the Act. (iv)Certain contracts by minors are voidable either during minority or within a reasonable time after the attainment of majority. These contracts generally relate to sale, lease and partnership. These contracts made by a minor are voidable at his option. (v) When a contract contains reciprocal promises and one party of the contract prevent the other from performing his promise, then the contract becomes voidable at the opinion of the party so prevented [Section- 53] (vi) When a party of the contract promise to perform certain thing within a specified time, but fails to do it then the contract becomes voidable at the opinion of the promise, if the intention of the parties was that time should be of the essence of the contract [Section- 55] Illustration: X agrees to sell and deliver 100 bags of sugar to Z or tk. 50000 within one week. But X does not supply the sugar within the specified time. The contract becomes void able at the opinion of Z 4. Unenforceable Contract An unenforceable contract is one which is valid in itself but is not capable of being enforced in a court of law because of some technical defects such as absent of writing, registration, requisite stamps etc. or time barred by the law of limitations. For instance, an oral arbitration agreement is unenforceable because the law requires an arbitration agreement to be in writing Under Sec. 10 of the Contract Act, "all agreements are contracts if they are made by the free consent of parties competent to contract, for a lawful consideration and with a lawful object, and are not hereby expressly-declared to be void". But even where all the above conditions are satisfied, the courts, under certain circumstances, will not enforce contracts which are otherwise valid because of the difficulty created by the law of procedure generally. Such contracts, called unenforceable contracts are:


(i) a contract made on account of natural love and affection between the parties standing in a near relation to each other, unless it is written and registered; (ii) a contract made between persons whereby one agrees to repay a time-barred debt which was originally due to the other, unless it is in writing and signed by the party (iii) making the promise or by his duly authorized agent;

(iv) a contract between parties to refer their present or future disputes to arbitration, unless it is made in writing; (v) a contract made by a company, unless it is in writing; (vi)Under the Transfer of Property Act, all mortgages, other than equitable mortgages, where the principal money secured is Tk. 100.00 or upwards and gifts-of immovable property, unless they are in writing and registered.
2.2 Special Types of contract

1. Quasi contract 2. Contingent contract Constructive or Quasi-Contract Contractual obligations are generally created voluntarily. But there are obligations, which lack voluntariness such as the obligation to repay a sum of money paid under a mistake of fact. In such cases, therefore, there is no contract but, nevertheless, the law treats them as such. Such contracts, existing in Jaw but not in fact, are called quasi-contracts.The Contract Act furnishes some examples of quasi-contract:

If a person, incapable of entering into a contract, or any one whom he is legally bound to support, is supplied by another person with necessaries suited to his condition in life, the person who has furnished such supplies is entitled to be reimbursed from the property of such incapable person. [Section 68]

(ii) A person who is interested in the payment of money which another is bound by law to pay, and who, therefore, pays it, is entitled to be reimbursed by the other.
(iii) A

person, to whom money has been paid or anything delivered by mistake or under coercion, must repay or return it [Section 72]


A Quasi contract is based upon the equitable principle that a person shall not be allowed to retain unjustified benefit at the expense of another

Contingent contract A contingent contract is one to do or not to do something if some contingency happens or does not happen. "A contingent or as it is called in English law, a conditional promise", says like, "is distinguished from an absolute promise by the fact that the performance of the contract becomes due on the happening of a condition or contingency; so, it is not due immediately on the making of the contract". Thus A contracts to pay B 100 if B marries C. This is a contingent contract. A contingent agreement is not enforceable till the event on which it was to depend has arisen; but when that event has occurred, the contract, for all purpose, rests on the same footing as if it had been made positively and without reference to any contingency. The uncertain event on the happening of which the contract is conditional must be collateral to the contract. This means that it must not form part of the consideration of the contract but must be independent of or ancillary to it. The event or condition, again, must not be a certainty. The distinction between a contingent contract and a wagering contract lies in that there is no chance of mutual gain or loss in the former, while such chance forms the very basis of the latter. Bangladeshi law on contingent contract A contract to do or not to do something, if some event collateral to such contract, does or does not happen. [Section 31] As to the enforceability of a contingent contract the law in Bangladesh is as follows:

Contingent contracts to do or not to do of anything if an uncertain future event happens cannot be enforced by law unless and until that event have happened. If the event becomes impossible such contract becomes void. [Section 71] Thus, A makes a contract to pay B a sum of money when B marries C. This contract is enforceable only when C has been married to B. But if C dies without being married to B, the contract becomes void. Contingent contracts to do or not to do anything if an uncertain future event does not happen can be enforced when the happening of that event becomes impossible, and not before. [Section 72] Thus, A agrees to pay B a sum of money if a certain ship does not return. The ship sinks. The contract can be enforced when the ship has sunk.



(iii) If

the future event on which a contract is contingent is related to the way in which a person will act at an unspecified time, the event shall be considered to have become impossible when such person does anything which renders it impossible that he should so act within any definite time or otherwise than under further contingencies. [Section 71] Thus, A agrees to pay B a sum of money if B marries C. C marries D. The marriage of B to C must now be considered impossible, although it is possible that D may die and C may afterwards marry B.

(iv)Contingent contracts to do or not to do anything if a very specified uncertain event happens within a fixed time become void, if at the expiration of the time fixed, the stipulated event has not happened, or if, before the time fixed, such event becomes impossible. Contingent contract to do or not to do anything if a specified uncertain event does not happen within a fixed time may be enforced by law when the time fixed has expired and such event has not happened, or, pifure the time fixed has expired, if it becomes certain that such event will hut happen.[section 35] Thus, (a) A promises to pay B a sum of money if a certain ship returns within a year. The contract may be enforced if the ship returns within the year and becomes void if the ship is burnt within the year, (b) a promises to pay B a sum of money if a certain ship does not return within a year. The Contract may be enforced if the ship does not return within the year or is burnt within the year. (v) Contingent agreements to do or not to do anything if an Impossible event happens, are void, whether impossibility of the event is known or not to the parties to the agreement at the time when it is made (Section 36). Thus, (a) A agrees to pay B Tk. 1000.00 if two straight lines should enclose a space. The agreement is void, (b) A agrees to pay B Tk. 1000.00 if B will marry A's daughter C. C was dead at the time of the agreement. The agreement is void.


Chapter 3 Elements of a valid contract

3.1 Proposal or offer:
Each contract requires an offer and acceptance of that offer. Proposal or offer is the starting point to start to form an agreement. And this agreement may get the shape of a legally binding contract, if it acquires its enforceability in law. If it is said simply, when a person asks someone to do something, or offer to see someone for a price, the person is aid to make an offer. A mere statement of a persons intention or a declaration of his willingness to enter into negotiations is not an offer and cannot be accepted so as to form a valid contract. An offer must be a clear, unequivocal and direct approach to another party to contract. In each case, it is a question to be determined upon the language used, and in light of the circumstances in which it is used, whether what is said by the offer maker is a mere quotation or in truth an offer. For example, I might be prepared to sell my dog to you for taka 100. That is not an offer. Nor is it any good saying I offer you this but I dont intent to be bound to anything if you accept. In Bangladesh, the authoritative definition of an offer or proposal is given in the Contract Act 1872, while defining proposal it says thatwhere one person signifies to another his willingness to do or abstain from doing something with a view of obtaining the assent of that other to such act or abstinence he is said to said a proposal. If the above mentioned definition is analyzed, the following elements of a proposal are found: (i) Signification of ones willingness; (ii) Willingness is expressed to another person; (iii) The willingness may be affirmative or negative; (iv)It has a definite object with the intention to create a legal relation. Discussion on Proposal: American contract text book writer Corbin has noted, an offer confers a power on the offeree. It actually confers a power on the offeree to bind the offer maker in contract. Words, gestures or actions can signal an offer to enter into a contract and an acceptance. The simplest meaning of a proposal is a willingness of one person. But if someone has willingness in his mind it will not be sufficient to constitute an offer, rather it must be expressed to someone else. So if someone alone being in a lonely garden utters the word I would like to sell my house for Tk. 20 lacks-it will constitute an offer. The reason behind it is that it is not expressed to another person. The aforesaid willingness may be to do something or to abstain


from doing something. The last important element of an offer is relating to the intention of the person who is making the proposal i.e. proposer, that is one must make it with the intention of getting the consent from the other person to whom it is made. According to that definition given by the Contract Act, 1872, the centre point of an offer is willingness, and the sum total of the answers to certain questions around the term willingness constitutes an offer.

3.2 Rules of a Proposal:

1. The proposer must intent to create legal relations: The proposal must be one which is capable of creating a legal relation. If there is no intention to create legal relation rather the offer prevail merely an intention to create social relation, that very offer will not be considered as lawful offer. For example: A businessman residing in Ceylon, promised B, his wife who was living in England for reasons of health, to pay he, monthly allowance. It was promised also that the allowance will be continued till her comeback to Ceylon. The dispute arose when A denied subsequently giving her the promised allowance. It was held that B could not enforce the obligation as from the nature of the agreement it appeared that no intention existed to give rise to legal obligation and as such even there was no offer at all to be accepted and consequently there was no contract between A and B in respect of paying the said allowance. 2. Mere expression of Intention is not sufficient: Mere intentions are not sufficient to constitute an offer. Advertisements, price quotations of prices, catalogue, time-table of bus or train are not proposals, if someone makes any statement regarding his any intention during a conversation of course that will not suffice to constitute an offer, even though the person to whom such intention is expressed acts accordingly, there will be no offer, so no question of acceptance and as such of any contract. For example: A told B, while taking tea, I will be happy if I can sell my house situated at Rajshahi for Tk, 1 crore to a university teacher, B being a university teacher comes forward with the said money and claims the house. Bs such performance will not amount to acceptance, because as statement did not constitute any offer, since it was a mere statement of intention expressed to B, out of a conversation. 3. Offer may be made to definite Person or some definite class of person or to the world at large generally: An offer made to a definite person or a definite class of person is called a specific offer. And an offer dent to all persons or to the world at large is called a general offer. 4. The proposal must be a definite one: Any statement which is ambiguous, vague or not definite about the offeree or the subject matter, is incapable to constitute a proposal. For example: There was a contract between A and B where, inter alia, promised that if he was satisfied with him as a customer would favorably consider an application for renewal of the


contract. It was held that there was nothing in these words which would create a legal obligation, as the promise was a vague one since there is no criterion to determine the satisfaction as customer. 5. Proposal may be expressed or implied: A proposal or an offer may be expressed or implied. When an offer is made stating in words or in writing, it is called an express offer. On the other hand, when an offer is implied from the conduct of a person, it is called an implied offer. Section 9 of the Contract Act, 1872 says, in so far as the proposal or acceptance of any promise is made in words, the promise is said to be express. In so far as such proposal or acceptance is made otherwise than in words, the promise is said to be implied. 6. The offer must be definite, certain and unambiguous: There must be a certainty, distinct and unambiguous to form a lawful offer. For example: A says to B, I will give you some money if you pass the exam. This is not a valid proposal because the amount of money to be paid is not certain. 7. Offer must be communicated to the offeree: A person cannot accept an offer until he knows the subject of the offer. To complete an offer lawfully the proposal or offer must be communicated. Section 4 of the Contract Act says that, the communication of a proposal is complete when it comes to the knowledge of the person to whom it is made. For example: A proposes, by letter, to sell a house to B at a certain price. The communication of the proposal is complete when B receives the letter. 8. An offer may be conditional: An offer may be made with some conditions. In such cases, the conditions must be communicated to the offeree. Without knowledge of the condition of an offer if a person accepts an offer, the offeror cannot claim the fulfillment of the condition. But if the conditions are clearly written or expressed and should have been known to the offeree he cannot pled the ignorance of the conditions.

3.3 Communication of offer:

Communication of the offer, as also of the acceptance, is an essential element in a contract. Two persons may have a common intention but without communication there is no agreement. An offer is not; therefore, open to a person who is ignorant of it; nor an ignorant compliance with the terms of an offer means an acceptance of it. Thus where a reward is offered for an act, the doing of the act in ignorance of the proposal does not entitle a party to the reward. In our country it is now a settled law that if a man performs the conditions of a proposal made by another in ignorance of the proposal itself, the person who thus performs the conditions of the offer cannot be deemed to have accepted the proposal and thus to be entitled to any benefit out of the offer.


The principle evolved by the above cases is that an offer cannot be accepted so as to create a binding contract, unless and until it has been communicated and brought to the knowledge-of the person to whom it is made. This principle as to communication is also laid down in Section 4 of the Contract Act, which runs thus: The communication of a proposal is complete when it comes to the knowledge of the person to whom it is made".

3.4 Revocation of offer:

Revocation means cancellation. Revocation of an offer means its withdrawal by the offeror. An offer may be revoked at any time before the offeree accepts it. Revocation of an offer means after acceptance it will be ineffective. If it to be effective, it must be communicated before the dispatch of the letter of acceptance. Section 5 lays down A proposal may be revoked at any time before the communication of its acceptance is complete as against the proposer, but not afterwards. An offer is made irrevocable by acceptance. Revocation may be expressed or implied. Here a precedent is expedient showing; to what extent the revocation may be implied. In Dickinson v. Dodds case, it is said that once a person is informed that the thing that was offered to him was sold to another person, there is an implied communication of the revocation of the offer and it is too late for acceptance. In the illustration of the section 5 of the Contract Act, it is said, A proposes, by a letter sent by post, to sell his house to B. B may accept the proposal by a letter sent by post. A may revoke his proposal at any time before or at the moment when B posts his letter of acceptance, but not afterwards. Where the party making the offer has contracted under seal or for a consideration to hold it open for a certain time, he may not revoke it within such time. Notice of revocation must be communicated, to prevent an acceptance from being effective. Where an offer is made to several persons, it must be accepted by all before it becomes binding on the proposer, for an acceptance by less than all is not a compliance with the terms of the offer; and it follows that such an offer may be revoked at any time before it is accepted by all. The court said that an offer can be withdrawn before it is accepted and it is immaterial whether the offer is expressed to be open for acceptance for a given time or not. 3.4.1 Modes of Revocation: Section 6 describes various modes of revocation of offer. An offer may be revoked in any of the following ways: 1. By communication of notice: An offer may be revoked by the offeror by giving a notice of revocation to the other party before it is accepted. Notice of revocation will take effect only when it comes to the knowledge of the offeree.


For example: A offers his house to B for Tk. 1 crore. Before B accepted the offer, A withdrew his offer by informing B. there will be no contract as the offer has been revoked before its acceptance. 2. By lapse of time: If time is prescribed for acceptance, the offer gets revoked by nonacceptance with that time. 3. After expiry of a reasonable time: If no time is fixed, the offer lapses by the expiry of a reasonable time. In a celebrated case, M applied for shares on 28th June. But shares were allotted on 23rd November. M, therefore, refused to take the shares. The court held that M was entitled to refuse as the offer had lapsed by delay in acceptance. 4. By non-fulfillment of conditions: An offer is revoked when the acceptor fails to fulfill a condition precedent to the acceptance of the offer. For example, A offers to sell certain goods to B on a condition that B pays a certain amount before a certain date. If B fails to pay the required amount within the given time, the offer stands revoked. 5. By death or insanity o f the offeror: An offer is revoked by the death or insanity of the offeror, if the fact of his death or insanity of the offeror, if the fact of his death or insanity comes to the knowledge of the acceptor before acceptance. Under English Law, death of the offeror revokes an offer even if acceptance is made in ignorance of the death. 6. By counter-offer: An offer is revoked if a counter-offer is made to it. For example, A offers his watch to B for Tk. 500. B Instead of saying yes offers Tk. 350. As offer is revoked and there is no contract. 7. By refusal: A proposal once refused is dead and cannot be revived by its subsequent acceptance. 8. By failure to accept in the mode prescribed: An offer must be accepted according to the mode prescribed. If no mode is prescribed, the acceptance must be according to some usual or reasonable mode. If the offer is not accepted according to the prescribed or usual mode, the offer lapses provided the offeror gives notice to the offeree within a reasonable time that the acceptance is not according to the mode prescribed. If the offeror fails to do so, he is deemed to have accepted the acceptance.

Acceptance of a proposal means unconditional agreement to all the terms of that proposal. Acceptance may often be oral or in writing, but in some cases an offeree may accept an offer by doing something, such as delivering goods in response to an offer to buy. It is said that, an acceptance by silence could be sufficient it was the offeree who suggested that their silence would be sufficient.


Section 2(b) of the Contract Act, 1872, states that, when the person to whom the proposal is made signifies his assent thereto, the proposal is said to be accepted. We can divide the definition at least into three constituent parts: 1. Signification of the assent; 2. Assent is signified by the person to whom the proposal was made; 3. The term thereto used in this section implies that the assent must be given to the offer as it is. Acceptance typically can come in one of three types: 1. Express: A direct and absolute outward manifestation of the agreement, such as I accept your offer. 2. Implied: The acts of the parties show that the offer has been accepted, such as when both parties to a contract begin to perform the terms of the contract. 3. Conditional: Acceptance is conditional on the happening of something, such as, I accept your offer so long as you trim my tree in the next two days. By its terms, a conditional acceptance is a counter-offer. 3.5.1 Rules of a valid acceptance: 1. Acceptance must be absolute and unqualified: The basic rules regarding an acceptance is described in section 7 of the Contract Act, 1872. It says, In order to convert a proposal into a promise the acceptance must be absolute and unqualified. Accordingly about the nature of a valid acceptance the law imposes two requirements to be fulfilled i.e. the acceptance must be i. Absolute; and ii. Unqualified If there is any variation with the terms, it is no acceptance at all. Actually the indication to these basic points is found in the definition of acceptance stated in the Act where the term thereto is used to mean, the consent must be given to the offer exactly as it is made by the offeror. And just to make the fact more clear and to give emphasis in section 7 of the act it has been mentioned that in order to convert a proposal into a promise. It means the acceptance to be a valid one it should be absolute and unqualified. The two terms together make one thing definitely clear that acceptance must be made to the offer as it is. In other words, there will not be any change to the proposal made. Change of the proposal or any part o fit will not constitute a valid acceptance. 2. The acceptance must be unconditional: All of the terms of the offers must be accepted. On the other hand words an acceptance must be unconditional. An acceptance with a variation is no acceptance. Any attempts to vary the terms of a proposal will result in a counter offer (Hyde v Wrench).


3. Acceptance might be conditional: Acceptance may be conditional on the happening of something, such as I accept your offer so long as you trim my tree in the next two days. By its terms, a conditional acceptance is a counter-offer. 4. Mere enquiries do not count as rejection: In some situations what may seem to be a counter-offer may not actually deemed as such, it all depends upon how they are worded. Mere enquiry cannot be counted a rejection. (Stevenson v McLean). 5. The acceptance must be expressed in some usual and reasonable manner: Section 7 (2) of the Act says, in order to convert a proposal into a promise, the acceptance must be expressed in some usual and reasonable manner, unless the proposal prescribes the manner in which it is to be accepted. If the proposal prescribes a manner in which it is to be accepted, and the acceptance is not made in such manner, the proposer may, within a reasonable time after the acceptance is communicated to him, insist that his proposal shall be accepted in the prescribed manner, and not otherwise; but if he fails to do so, he accepts the acceptance. An offer may also be accepted by conduct. If the offeree does what the offeror wants he to do there is acceptance of the offer by conduct. 6. A counter-offer may become a terms of the agreement if it is accepted: When a proposal is not accepted without any condition or is accepted with some conditions, then the party to whom the proposal is made is said to make a new proposal that is in its legal term is called counteroffer. And if the proposer accepts the terms those can be the terms of an agreement. Technical counter-offers do not necessarily count as a rejection of the original offer it they are not of importance to the parties. 7. The acceptance must be communicated to the offeror: The acceptance must be communicated. Depending on the construction of the conduct, the acceptance may not have to come until the notification of the performance of the conditions. Prior to acceptance, an offer may be withdrawn. And before the communication of the acceptance to the offeror, it might be withdrawn. 8. Silence can never amount to an acceptance: No contract is formed if the offeree remains silent and does nothing to show that he has accepted the offer. The acceptance is complete only when it is communicated to the offeror. Silence or receipt and retention of premium cannot be constructed as acceptance. 9. The postal rule: This is an acceptance to the basic rule of communication of an acceptance, basically when an acceptance is posted this is when the contract is formed and not when the acceptance is received by the offeror. Section 4 of the Act says, the communication of an acceptance is complete, as against the proposer, when it is put in a course of transmission to him, so as to be out of the power of the acceptor. For example, A proposes, by letter, to sell a house to B at a certain price. B accepts As proposal by a letter sent by post. The communication of the


acceptance is complete, as against A, when the letter is posted; as against B, when the letter is received by A. 10. Modern methods of communication: These provide a number of further problems. It has been decided that for example telephones are to be treated under the normal rules of communication, but answer machine methods would be down to interpretation by the court. 11. The mode of acceptance: When the promisor prescribes a particular mood of acceptance the offeree must follow the particular mood of acceptance. For example if the offeror says, acceptance to be send by telegram the acceptance must be sent by telegram. Section 7 (2) says, If the proposal prescribes a manner in which it is said to be accepted, and the acceptance is not made in such manner, the proposer may, within a reasonable time after the acceptance is communicated to him, insist that his proposal shall be accepted in the prescribed manner, and not otherwise; but if he fails to do so, he accepts the acceptance. 12. Time of acceptance: if the time of accepting the proposal is prescribed by the offeror, it must be done within the time. If no time is prescribed the acceptance must be done within reasonable time. And what is reasonable depends on the fact of the case. 13. Before offer: There cannot be acceptance before the offer is given by any person. This is natural consequence. In Lalman vs. Gouri Dutt case, G sent his servant of his missing nephew. Subsequently G announced reward for information concerning the boy. L brought back the missing boy, without having known of the reward. It was held that there was no contract. 14. The Acceptance must be made when the offer in force: The acceptance must be made before the offer has been revoked or the offer has lapsed, if one passes time and before accepting the offer the offeror revokes the proposal, the late acceptance will not be guaranteed. 3.5.2 Communication of acceptance The communication of acceptance is an essential ingredient in the formation of a binding contract. Mere mental assent is no acceptance. The acceptor must do or say something to indicate his readiness to accept. It has been observed in Brogden vs. Metropolitan Rly. Co. that when the acceptor makes up his mind he should signify it to the plaintiff his having it in his own mind is nothing, "for, it is trite law that the thought of man is not triable, for, even the devil does not know what the thought of man is". Communication of acceptance need not be necessarily by words but "may be expressed symbolically as by the fall of the hammer upon a sale by auction or by a nod". There are certain offers such as are illustrated in the cases of advertisements offering rewards on condition of doing a particular act, which are desired to be accepted by performance. Such acceptance is known as acceptance conduct. "The person who makes the offer shows by his language and from


the nature of the transaction that he does not expect and that he does not require notice of the acceptance apart from notice of performance". There is a distinction between the- communication of offer and the communication of acceptance. While an offer is not communicated unless it is brought to the notice of the offeree, an acceptance is sufficiently communicated even though the offeror may be ignorant of the acceptance. This happens when "contract by post" is made. A makes an offer to B by a letter. The offer is deemed as communicated to B only when he gets the letter. If B wants to accept the offer, he must do something to inform A of his acceptance of the offer. Thus, if B posts the letter of acceptance, it will be deemed sufficient. In Other words, every offer must be accepted in the usual way provided it has a tendency to inform the offeror of the acceptance. It is not necessary that the offeror must actually know the acceptance of the offer. Thus in the above case, if B can show proof of having posted the letter of acceptance, the acceptance is sufficiently communicated to A though the letter may not reach A at all. But communication of acceptance will not be considered complete only by showing proof of posting it unless the offeror expressly or impliedly prescribes the post office as his agent. Under Bangladeshi Law, "the communication of acceptance is (Complete as against the offeror when it is put in a course of transmission to him so as to be put out of the power of the acceptor; as against the acceptor, when it comes to the knowledge of the proposer".

3.6 Counter offer

Counter offer is an offer made in response to a previous offer by the other party during negotiations for a final contract. Making a counter offer automatically rejects the prior offer and requires an acceptance under the terms of the counter offer or there is no contract. This happens when, for example, A sends B an offer and B amends it slightly and then send it back signed but amended. This action destroys the original offer and is not acceptance. It is a new offer entirely, called a counter-offer. In Livingstone v. Evans case, two persons were haggling over the price of property. The offer was for $ 1800. The buyer counter-offered, Will give $ 1600 cash. Vendor replied Cannot reduce price after which the buyer accepted. The court stated that a counter-offer normally terminates the original offer, which is no longer subject to acceptance. But in this case, the judge thought that the cannot reduce price message was a renewal of the original offerthat (the vendor) was standing by it and therefore, still open to acceptance.


3.7 Revocation of Acceptance

Before the acceptance reaches the offeror, the acceptor can revoke the acceptance and thus prevent the contract. Thus A makes a proposal to B. B sends his acceptance by post. The communication of the acceptance is complete as against A when the letter is posted, and as against B when the letter is received by A. B, therefore, is at liberty to revoke his acceptance before the communication of acceptance is complete against him, i. e., before his letter is received by A. If he were, therefore, to send a telegram revoking the acceptance, and if the telegram reaches before the letter, the acceptance will be revoked. But in English law acceptance cannot be revoked at all. English courts are bound to hold that an unqualified acceptance once posted cannot be revoked even by a telegram or a special English law, on revocation messenger outstripping the arrival of the acceptance, for, the contract is concluded when the letter of acceptance is posted; the acceptor, therefore, is no longer at liberty to recede from it. Accordingly, it may be concluded that a contract is made at the time and at the place when and where the letter of acceptance is posted; but under our Contract Act, the contract is voidable at the instance of the acceptor by the communication of his revocation reaching before the acceptance has come to the knowledge of the offeror.

3.8 Agreement
According to Section 2 (e) of the Contract Act, 1872, Every promise and every set of promises, forming the consideration for each other, is an agreement. It is also said that in the act that as agreement enforceable by law is a contract. So the term agreement is very important in the discussion of contract law. From the definition of the agreement, it is found that to be an agreement three elements are necessary it will be promise it will form a consideration the consideration will be formed for the parties each other

3.8.1 Types of agreement Agreement can be void, voidable and unenforceable. But there is no valid agreement; rather it is called a valid contract. Void Agreement: A Void agreement is one that is entirely destitute of legal effect. It confers no right on any person and creates no obligations. According to Section 2 (g) of the Act says, An agreement not enforceable by law is said to be void. For example, an agreement made by a minor, agreement without consideration (with the exception of section 25 of the Act) or the agreements against the public policy can be stated.


So from the definition it is found out that a void agreement possess two important properties; firstly it is an agreement and secondly it is not enforceable by law. The contract Act gives the explanation of non-enforceability under section 10 of the Act. Section 10 suggests that an agreement is to be considered as a void one, unless, 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. the parties of the agreement are competent, the consent is given freely, there is a lawful consideration, the object of the consideration is lawful, not expressly declared void by law.

Voidable Agreement: A voidable agreement is one that is capable of being affirmed or rejected at the option of one of the parties, but which is binding on the other. A voidable agreement is not destitute of legal effect, but may be valid and binding. It is a contract that is capable of being affirmed or rejected at the option of one of the parties. It is binding if he chooses to affirm it and is of no effect if he chooses to reject it. The other party has no say in the manner. For example, there may be a contract into which one of the parties has induced the other to enter by means of fraud. The latter may repudiate the contract, or if he sees fit, he may waive the fraud, and hold the former to his bargain. Unenforceable Agreement: An unenforceable contract is one that is valid, but incapable of being sued upon or proved. A contract which is unenforceable cannot be set aside at the option of one of the parties to it. The obstacles to its enforcement do not touch the existence of the contract, but only set difficulties in the way of action being brought or proof given. The contract is valid, but because of these obstacles it cannot be enforced. Such is a contract, as we shall see which fails to comply with some of the provisions of the statute of frauds, requiring writing and so cannot be proved; or a contract which has become barred by the statute of limitations. The defect in these contracts is not irremediable. In the first it may be remedied by supplying the writing and in the second by procuring a proper acknowledgment of barred debt; but it will be noticed that the defect can be remedied only with the concurrence of the party to be made liable. Illegal agreement: An illegal agreement, under the common law of contract, is one that the court will not enforce because the purpose of the agreement is to achieve an illegal end. The illegal end must result from performance of the contract itself, however. A contract that requires only legal performance, such as the sale of packs of cards to a known gambler, where gambling is illegal, will nonetheless be enforceable. Contracts in restraint of trade are a variety of illegal contracts and generally will not be enforced unless they are reasonable in the interests of the contracting parties and the public. Contracts in restraint of trade if proved to be reasonable can be enforced. When restraint is placed on an exemployee, the court will consider the geographical limits, what the employee knows and the


extent of the duration. Restraint imposed on a vendor of business must be reasonable and is binding if there is a genuine seal of goodwill. Under common law, contracts to fix prices are legal.

3.9 Free consent

Section 10 of the Contract Act outlines the elements of a valid contract thus: "All agreements are contracts if they are made by the free consent of parties competent to contract, for a lawful consideration and with a lawful object, and are not hereby expressly declared to be Void". Apart from other ingredients, this section emphasizes the element of free consent of the parties. In order that a valid contract may be made, an agreement should reflect the real intention of the parties. But in many cases the apparent agreement may not, in fact, be the real agreement between the parties. Thus, if A accepts the offer of B to sell a horse which he warrants as sound, when as a matter of fact it is not, A can repudiate the contract on the ground that he would not have agreed to purchase the horse at all if he knew that it was not sound. There was, therefore, no real agreement between A and B. Hence it is essential that every agreement must be a true expression of the intention of the parties. Section 13 of the Contract Act defines consent thus: "Two or more persons are said to consent when they agree upon the same thing in the same sense". Section 14 of the Act says that consent is free when it is not caused by mistake, misrepresentation, fraud, coercion and undue influence. 3.9.1 Mistake Section 20 of the Contract Act lays down thus: "When both the parties to an agreement are under a mistake as to a matter of fact essential to the agreement, the agreement is void". A agrees to buy from B a certain horse. It turns out that the horse was dead at the time of the bargain, though neither party was aware of the fact. The agreement is void. The mistake which is necessary to make a contract void must be mutual and not of one of the parties. There may be some defects which are unknown to both the parties whereby the contract is so fundamentally affected that there is a good ground for holding the contract void because of a mutual mistake of fact.21 It has been held in Ramanuj vs. Gaja-raja2" that in order to bring a case within Section 20, it is necessary to prove inter alia that the mistake was "fundamental or basic, i.e., in respect of the underlying assumption of the contract". From the above discussion it is clear that every mistake does not vitiate a contract. The following among others may be picked up: (a) Mistake as to the nature of transaction. When a man, guilty of no negligence, is induced to sign a bill of exchange by a third party who represented it to be a deed of guarantee, he will not be liable on the bill. But if the alleged mistake arises from his want of due care, he cannot set up the plea of mistake to avoid liability.


(b) Mistake as to the identity of the party to a contract. When a person forges the signature of another and induces a seller to supply him with a quantity of goods, no contract is formed. In Cundy vs. Lindsay, C forged the signature of B and induced A to supply him with a quantity of goods. These goods were subsequently sold by C to X who was bona fide purchaser for value without notice. When A came to know of this fraud he brought a suit against X to recover the articles. It was held that he was entitled to do so. It is to be noted that in this case there was no contract between A and C; for, A accepted the offer believing that it came from B, but B made no offer. In the absence of a contract C could Ipt claim any right and title over A's goods and X who purchased the articles from C, got no right and title over the things for the simple reason that the seller himself had none. The goods, therefore, remained all along the property of A which he could recover at any time. But in Philips vs. Brooks, C appeared before A and said that he was B and induced A to part with certain articles. In this case it was held that there was a contract between A and C though the contract was vitiated by fraudulent misrepresentation which has the effect of making a contract voidable, not void. Now, a voidable contract is presumed to remain valid unless and until it is avoided. It follows, therefore, that before the avoidance of the contract, if C sells those articles to X, the latter acquires a good title over them and A will not be entitled to recover them from X. The soundness of this decision has, however, been questioned by Salmond. He observes : "If identification by sight and hearing is enough, what shall be said of identification by hearing alone? Why was not the purchaser in Cundy vs. Lindsay identified as the person who actually wrote the letter and who actually received the goods delivered at his address? Would it not be simpler and more satisfactory to adopt the general rule that wherever the identity of the purchaser is known by him to be material and he knows that he is not the person whom the seller believes him to be, the contract is void because of error"? Mistake as to the subject-matter of the contract. This kind of mistake happens when the seller intends to sell one thing and the purchaser intends to purchase a different thing. Thus, if A has two horses, one black and the other white, and offers to sell his horse to B intending to sell the white horse and B accepts the offer intending to purchase the black one but nobody makes any mention of the particular horse to be sold or purchased, there is no real contract between the parties.

Similarly, if A offers to sell his black horse to B and B accepts the offer but, after the agreement is made, neither of them would know that the horse was dead at the time of the bargain, the agreement is void. (d) Mistake by one party as to the intention of the other does not render a contract void. The


mere knowledge of the seller as to any mistake made by the buyer regarding to the quality of the goods would not vitiate the sale, for, the seller is under no obligation to disabuse the purchaser of any such mistake. If, however, the seller knows that the purchaser is believing that the seller is selling the goods as what he takes them to be, then and then only the contract can be avoided. It follows, therefore, that a mistake by one party as to the intention of the other vitiates the contract when the circumstances are such that the silence on the part of the seller may be construed as an implied misrepresentation by him. The above point came up for consideration in the leading case Smith vs. Hughes, in which it was held that "the mere knowledge of the seller as to any mistake made by the buyer regarding the quality of the goods would not vitiate the sale". From this case, the following conclusion has been drawn: "A mistake regarding the quality of the goods to be sold does not vitiate the contract unless the seller has, by act or omission, done something to cause the mistake on the part of the buyer. In other cases of mistake regarding the quality of goods, the Maxim of Caveat Emptor (purchasers beware) applies. Thus, if A purchases a chain believing it to be made of gold when, as a matter of fact, it is not, he cannot afterwards avoid the sale on the ground that he made a mistake regarding the quality of the chain. But he can make the quality of the goods a condition of the contract". To the above rule, there are two exceptions: (i) When things are sold by description it is necessary that they should be of the mercantile quality or reasonably fit for the purpose for which they are required. (ii) When goods are sold by samples, the bulk of the goods supplied must agree with the samples. The effect of mistake on contract: English law (i) Mistake renders the contract absolutely void because it prevents the formation of a real agreement which is the basis of the contract. (ii) When a contract is vitiated by mistake its specific performance may be successfully resisted, (iii) In the case of mutual mistake the court allows the parties to rectify the written contract so as to make it expressive of their real intention. Bangladeshi Law The Contract Act provides that, "where both the parties to an agreement are under a mistake as to a matter of fact essential to the agreement, the agreement is void".24 But the mistake must be mutual. A contract is not voidable merely because it was caused by one of the


parties to it being under a mistake as to a matter of fact. The explanation to Section 20 also provides that "an erroneous opinion as to the value of the thing which forms the subject-matter of the agreement is not to be deemed a mistake as to a matter of fact". Though a mistake of fact vitiates a contract, a mistake of law does not. It is based on the maxim: Ignoratia Juris hand excusat (ignorance of law is no excuse). Section 21 of the Contract Act lays down, "A contract is not voidable because it was caused by a-mistake as to any law in force in British India. Bangladeshi Relief may, however, be available in the following cases of mistake of law: (i) Where a mistake is so fundamental that it prevents the formation of a real agreement between the parties, it will vitiate the contract though, after all, it is a mistake of law. (ii) A mistake as to the existence of a private right has to be treated as a mistake of fact. Thus, a man's promise to buy a thing belonging to himself cannot be enforced on the ground that it is a mistake of law. (iii) If a contract is brought about by deliberate misrepresentation of law, it can be set aside. (iv)Mistake as to any foreign law is a mistake of fact. Hence such a mistake vitiates a contract 3.9.2 Misrepresentation Misrepresentation is the positive assertion of something, which is not true though the person making it believes it to be true. Thus defined, misrepresentation means innocent misrepresentation as distinguished from fraudulent misrepresentation where there is a wrongful intention to deceive. Condition and warranty In English law a distinction is drawn between a representation which induces a party to enter into a contract but which is not intended to form a part of it and a representation which forms a part of the contract. When a representation is made before a contract and afterwards incorporated into it, a question often arises whether the representation should be regarded as a condition or a warranty. Now, the representation is regarded as a condition when it forms a part of the contract and for the breach of which the party, who is affected by the breach, is entitled to avoid the contract. If, however, the representation is not essential to the contract but is more or less of the nature of a subsidiary promise, it is called a warranty. For the breach of the warranty, the party concerned is not entitled to avoid the contract, but he can sue for damage and compensation. Thus in a contract of charter-party a statement contained therein as to the port at which the ship is lying usually regarded as a condition, whereas statements regarding seaworthiness of the ship, etc. are warranties. (A charter-party means an agreement by which a ship-owner agrees to place an entire

ship, or part of it, at the disposal of a merchant for the carriage of goods binding the ship-owner to transport them to a particular place, for a sum of money which the merchant undertakes to pay as freight for their carriage.) In Bangladeshi Law, as laid down by Section 18 of the Contract Act, misrepresentation means and includes:

"The positive assertion, in a manner not warranted by the information of the person making it, of that which is not true, though he believes it to be true". A represents to B that 500 mds. of indigo are made annually at A's factory and thereby induces B to buy the factory while it turns out that the factory produces only 400 mds, of indigo. Now, if A can show that he had good reason to believe his statement on the information that he had, it would be a case not of misrepresentation but of mutual mistake. But if it appears that A had no reason to believe so on the information that he had, B can treat the contract as void for misrepresentation. Any breach of duty which, without intent to deceive, gains an advantage to the person committing it, or any one claiming under him by misleading another to his prejudice or to the prejudice of any one claiming under him". Now, in a contract of insurance, the person assured has a duty to disclose correctly his age and other relevant facts. If the assured state even on an honest belief, that his age is 22 whereas he is really 25 and thereby obtains a lower premium, it will be a case of misrepresentation in breach of duty without intent to deceive. "Causing, however innocently, a party to an agreement to make a mistake as to the substance of the thing which is the subject of the agreement". X says to Y: "My car is free from any defect". Y buys the car. X did not know that there was a rupture in the engine of the car which has made it unfit for use. If and when Y finds out the defect, he can treat the contract as void for misrepresentation as the defect relates to the very substance of the contract. If, however, only one tyre was damaged, Y could not have treated the contract as void, for; the damaged tyre does not vitally affect the subjectmatter of the contract.



Before the Sale of Goods Act, 1930, the Contract Act made no distinction between a condition and a warranty. Section 12 of the Sale of Goods Act, however, distinguishes a condition from a warranty. A condition has been defined as a population essential to the main purposes of the contract, the breach of which gives rise to a right to treat the contract as repudiated. A warranty, on the other hand, is a stipulation collateral to the main purpose of the contract, the breach of which gives rise to a claim for damages, but not to a right to reject the goods and treat the contract


as repudiated. Whether a stipulation in a contract of sale is a condition or a warranty depends in each case on the construction of the contract A stipulation may be a condition though called a warranty in the contract. 3.9.3 Fraud Fraud has been defined by Anson as "a false representation of fact made with the knowledge of its falsehood or recklessly without belief in its truth, with the intention that it should be acted upon by the complaining party and actually inducing him to act upon it". So, (i) Fraud is a representation of fact which is false. A representation of fact is different from a statement of opinion; for, in the latter case, the person making the statement does not invite the other party to accept the opinion as true. (ii) The false statement must be made with the knowledge of Vs falsehood or recklessly. Fraud is thus distinguished from innocent misrepresentation. (iii) The false statement must be made with an intention to deceive. (iv)The person to whom the false statement has been made must be actually deceived; or, in other words, a false statement is not actionable unless it causes injury to the person to whom it has been made. In Bangladeshi law, as laid down by Section 17 of the Contract Act, fraud means and includes any of the following acts: (i) "The suggestion as a fact of that which is not true by one who does not believe it to be true." A tells B knowing it to be false that his factory produces 500 pounds of butter a day. On this suggestion B agrees to buy the factory for Tk. 50,000.00. The contract is voidable at the option of B on account of fraud. (ii) "The active concealment of a fact by one having knowledge or belief of the fact". It is a fraud for one to conceal material facts which he is under an obligation to disclose when he is entering into a contract with another. This duty to disclose is not enforceable in all cases of contract. It arises only in the following cases: (a) Statutory obligation to disclose: Section 55 of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 requires a seller of immovable property to disclose to the buyer all defects as to his title to or value or character of the property. Any failure in this respect on the part of the seller will vitiate the contract and the buyer may treat the contract as void even after the transaction has been complete. (b) Contracts uberrimae fidei: A contract requiring utmost good faith on the part of both the parties to a contract or of that party who being in advantage position has the monopoly of material facts, is called contracts uberrimae fidei. In the case of such a

contract, it is the duty of both the parties or of the party-at-advantage to disclose all material facts. Family settlements, compromise of disputes, contracts between solicitors and clients, between doctors and patients or father and son, are illustrations of contracts of this type wherein the parties must disclose all meterial facts. Some other contracts uberrimae fidei, though apparently not so, are; Contracts of insurance. Here the insured knows more about the subject-matter of the contract than the insurer. So a duty is cast upon the former to disclose all material facts which might influence the insurer's decision in entering into the contract or in fixing the amount of premium, (ii) Contracts for the purchase of shares in companies. When a prospectus is issued by a company inviting the people to take shares it must disclose everything which may influence an intending investor regarding the nature and advantage of such investments. Omission of any material fact would vitiate the contract. (iii) Contract of suretyship: Since there is no universal obligation to disclose in a contract of suretyship as we find in the case of contract of Marine insurance, some are inclined4 to think that a contract of suretyship is not a contract uberrimae fidei. But a contract of suretyship is nevertheless classed as a contract uberrimae fidei because a surety is entitled to know the real nature of the transaction he guarantees and of the liability he is undertaking and he generally and naturally depends on the creditor for information on this point, although he is acting usually at the debtor's request. It has also been provided in the Contract Act that any guarantee which the creditor has obtained from the surety by means of keeping silence as to material circumstances is invalid. (iv) Contract of partnership: Like the contract of suretyship, the contract of partnership cannot properly be regarded as a contract uberrimae fidei because as between the partners there is no general duty to disclose the facts at the time of entering into the contract. But once the partnership is formed, a partner is bound to render true accounts and full information of all things affecting the firm to other partners.

In all other cases of contracts, that is, contracts other than those uberrimie fidei, where no duty to disclose is cast on the parties, the parties must take care of themselves. Thus, in ordinary contracts of sale the buyer must take care of himself. The seller is under no obligation to disclose material facts. A sells his horse to B for Tk. 500.00. A knew that the horse was ill. But he never made any representation to B to the effect that his horse was not ill. His concealment of the horse's illness will give B no ground to treat the contract as void, for, A had no duty to disclose material facts. B ought to have verified facts for himself. This is what is known as caveat emptor, i.e. "Purchaser beware".


A promise made without any intention of performing it, A gives B Tk. 250.00 on the latter's promise to appear for him in a suit. If it can be shown by evidence that B had no intention to do so, he is guilty of fraud. Any other act fitted to deceive. Where a person assigned the whole of his properly to trustees for the benefit of his creditors, the act amounted to an act of insolvency and the property vested in the official assignee. Any act or omission which the law specially declares to be fraudulent. Thus, any transfer of immovable property made with intent to defraud creditors is fraudulent because it is declared so by the Transfer of Property Act. Explanation (Silence as fraud): Mere silence as to facts likely to affect the willingness of a person to enter into a contract is not fraud, unless the circumstances of the case are such that, regard being had to them, it is the duty of the person keeping silent to speak, unless his silence is, in itself, equivalent to speech. (i) A sells by auction to B a horse which A knows to be unsound. A says nothing to B about the horse's unsoundness. This is not fraud in A. But if B is A's daughter and has just come of age, the relation between the parties would make it A's duty to tell B that the horse is unsound. (ii) B says to A: "If you do not deny it I shall assume that the horse is sound". A says nothing. Here A's silence is equivalent to speech. If in this case B buys horse and finds that the horse is unsound, he can impeach the contract for fraud. Distinction between fraud and misrepresentation (i) The distinction between the two turns mainly on the intention of the parties. If the defendant has made the false statement with an intent to deceive another, the action is fraudulent. If no such deceitful intention is present, the action constitutes misrepresentation. (ii) Misrepresentation entitles the effected party to avoid the contract if he does not desire to have it fulfilled. But in a case of fraud, not only is the contract voidable but also the party on whom fraud has been practised can sustain an independent action in tort for damages. 3.9.4 Coercion Coercion or duress consists in actual or threatened violence or imprisonment. Where the consent of a party to a contract can be shown to have been obtained by coercion, it is voidable at the option of the party whose consent was so obtained.


The violence or the threat of violence must be to the person and not to his goods. It is not, however, necessary that the violence or threat of violence should be held out to the contracting party himself. The contract is no less voidable if the violence or threat of violence was held out to the near relative of the contracting party, e.g., wife, children, brother etc. Bangladeshi Law Section 15 of the Contract Act defines coercion as "the committing or threatening to commit, any act forbidden by the Penal Code or the unlawful detaining or threatening to detain any property to the prejudice of any person whatever with the intention of causing any person to enter into an agreement. The explanation to the Section says: ''It is immaterial whether the Penal Code is or is not in force in the place where the coercion is employed". Thus, A, on board an English ship on the high seas, causes B to enter into an agreement by an act amounting to Criminal intimidation under the Penal Code. A afterwards sues B for breach of contract at Chittagong. A has employed coercion though his act is not an offence by the law of England and although Section 506 of the Penal Code was not in force at the time when or the place where the act was done. Effect of coercion on contract An agreement vitiated by coercion is voidable at the option of the party coerced. But if he finds it profitable to uphold the contract, he can enforce specific performance of it. The party employing coercion has, however, no right under the contract. 3.9.5 Undue influence Undue influence is a subtle and improper pressure brought to bear upon a person to induce him to enter into a contract which, in the absence of the said pressure, he would not do. Result of compensation between undue influence and coercion that in coercion the method of obtaining the consent of a party to a contract is rather palpable; but in undue influence the method employed for the same purpose is not so evident. There is no threat or violence; yet the party with whom a contract is made is not a free agent. He is under some improper influence which makes it difficult, if not impossible, for not him to negotiate on equal terms. "To be undue influence in the eye of the law there must be to sum it up in a word coercion. It is only when the will of the person is coerced into doing that which he or she does not desire to do, that it is undue influence". Bangladeshi law: Section 16(1) of the Contract Act lays down thus: "A contract is said to be induced by 'undue influence' where the relation subsisting between the parties are such that one of the parties is in a position to dominate the will of the other and uses that position to obtain an unfair advantage over the other".

According to Section 16(2) of the Contract Act, "a person is deemed to be in a position to dominate the will of another": (i) Where he holds real or apparent authority over the other, or where he stands in a fiduciary relation to the other; or (ii) Where he makes a contract with a person, whose mental capacity is temporarily or permanently affected by reason of age, illness or mental or bodily distress. Burden of proof In some cases, undue influence is presumed, such as, in .contracts between a preceptor and his disciple, between father and his son. In such cases, the person who is in a position to dominate the will of the other is to prove that there was no undue influence, if such influence is alleged. In other cases, undue influence must be proved by the party alleging the same. If, however, it is once shown in any such case that the defendant was in a position to dominate the will of the plaintiff, and that position was used to obtain an unfair advantage over the plaintiff, the onus of proving that the contract was not induced by undue influence shifts over to the defendant27 Transaction in the ordinary course of business. No allegation of undue influence is sustainable when the transaction relates to one in the ordinary course of business. A applies to a banker or loan at time when there is stringency in the money market. The banker declines to make the loan except at an unusually high rate of interest. A accepts the loan on these terms. This is a transaction in the ordinary course of business and the Contract cannot be challenged on the ground of undue influence. Effect. All contracts caused by undue influence are voidable at the option of the party over whom such influence is exercised. Contract with a Pardanashin lady The question of contract with a pardanashin lady becomes relevant in connexion with the issue of undue influence, for, such a lady having little chance of commerce with the outside world, is likely to be unduly influenced more easily than others. Hence law allows her some protection. The person who enters into a legal contract with a pardanashin lady takes upon himself the duty to prove feat that lady understood fully well the nature of the transaction and she entered into it out of her free will. The fact that the lady had independent and disinterested advice would go a great way to prove the fairness of the transaction. But even in the absence of such advice the court may uphold the transaction if it otherwise appears to have been freely consented to by the pardanashin lady.


Chapter 4 Consideration
In the leading case of Curre vs, Misa (1875) the described consideration thus: "A valuable consideration in the sense of the law may benefit interest, profit or accruing party for some forbearance, detriment, loss or responsibility given suffered or undertaken by the other. As pointed out by Sir Frederick Pollock, the second branch of this judicial description is more important, for consideration means not so much that one party is profited as that the other abandons some legal right in the present or limits his legal freedom of action in the future as an inducement for the promise of the first is immaterial whether the party accepting the condition has thereby any apparent benefit or not. It should be enough if he accepts if and the party giving it does thereby undertakes some burden or loses something which law treats as being of value. Examples (i) Parag agrees to sell a house to Qulsum for Tk. 800,000 For Porags promise , the sonsideration is tk. 800,000. For qulsums promise the consideration is the house. (ii) A promises to pay B Tk. 500.00 if B promises to canvass votes for him. B promises to do so. B's promise of the act is the consideration for A's promise. (iii) A promises to pay B Tk. 1000.00 if B promises not to support C in an election. B promises accordingly. B's promise of the forbearance is the consideration for A's promise.

4.1 Rules for consideration in English Law

(a) Real and not sham. Unreality of consideration arises from a number of causes, such as, legal impossibility, physical absurdity, uncertainty, and also when it involves doing of what one is bound to do. Thus: (i) A, a servant of B, in return for a promise of Tk. 100 promises to give C a discharge for a debt which C owes to B. A's promise is unreal because it is legally impossible for him to give a discharge for a debt owed to his master. (ii) A promises to pay B Tk. 500 in consideration of B's promise to restore a dead man to life. Here the consideration (the promise of B) is unreal as being physically absurd on the very face of it. (iii) A promises to pay B a reasonable sum of money in return for the latter's services. Here the consideration (promise to pay a reasonable sum of money) is unreal because of uncertainty. (iv) A promise to pay a certain sum of money to a policeman for chasing a thief. The consideration is unreal and enforceable, for, the policeman, in doing so, has only done

what he was legally bound to do. But where a police constable who sued for a reward, offered for the supply of information leading to a conviction, had rendered services outside the scope of his ordinary duties, it has been held that his suit is sustainable.28

Not be illegal. A consideration is said to be illegal when it is intended to defeat the provisions of any law, or is against public policy. Thus, a promise by A to pay B Tk. 100,000 in consideration of B's promise to drop a prosecution for robbery instituted by him against A, is illegal as being aimed at defeating the provisions of Law. Similarly, A pays B Tk. 100,000 in consideration of B's promise to obtain for A an employment in public service. The consideration is illegal as being against public policy.

(c) Must not be past. A past consideration is that which is executed before the promise for which it is paid. Thus, if A promises B Tk. 5,000 for his having accompanied A to a shooting last week, the consideration is past. It is something done before the offer and cannot, therefore, sustain a binding contract in English law, for, the rule is that "a past consideration is no "consideration". To this rule, however, there are the following exceptions: Exceptions (i) If the past consideration was given at the desire of the promissor, it will sustain a subsequent promise. Thus, in Lamp-Leigh vs. Braiihwait,29 the appellant who killed a man requested the respondent to exert his influence to obtain A's pardon from the king. The respondent did so. Afterwards the appellant promised to pay the respondent 100 for his service. It was held that the consideration though past was valid and the promise, enforceable. (ii) When, without being asked, one person performs the legal duty of another, and the later promises to pay subsequently, the promise is binding. In Wing vs. Nill, a pauper was residing out of his parish of settlement He fell ill and was attended by a doctor. The overseer of the parish to which the pauper belonged was legally bound to maintain him and pay for his medical attendance. After the pauper died, the overseer promised to pay the doctor's bill. It was held that the overseer was bound by his promise. (iii) When a person revives a time-barred debt by a subsequent promise, the promise is binding.

Move from the promise. This means that consideration ought to proceed from the party who is entitled to sue on the contract, for the rule is: "No stranger to the consideration can sue on the contract". Thus, if A promises to pay B Tk. 10 if C works for him in an election, the

promise is not enforceable and B cannot sue on it, for, he has neither done nor forborne nor suffered anything nor made any promise in return for A's promise.

Need not be adequate. This means that it is fiat the business of the court to enquire whether the consideration in a particular case is substantial, that is, whether the act or forbearance or promise of the promise is proportionate in value to the promise of the promissor. It is enough if there is a consideration, however minute, which is otherwise valid. Thus, if A promises to pay B Tk. 50 for an autograph of Words, worth, it would be a poor defence for A to say that tn actual the autograph was of a much smaller value.

Bangladeshi law Section 2 of the Contract Act defines consideration thus: When at the desire of the promissor, the promise or any other person, has done or abstained from doing, does or abstains from doing, promises to do or to abstain from doing something, such act, abstinence or promise is called a consideration for the promise"

4.2 Comparison between laws of English and Bangladeshi

Consideration in Bangladeshi law differs in two important aspects from that in English law, namely: In Bangladeshi law past consideration is a good consideration. In Sinha vs. Abraham it was held that an agreement which was for compensating past services rendered by the plaintiff to the defendant was a valid one. (ii) Consideration may move either from the promise or from someone other than the promisee. Thus in Chinnya vs. Ratnyyo, A, by a deed of gift, made over a certain property to her daughter on condition that the daughter should pay an annuity to A's brother as had been done by A. On the same date the daughter promised in writing to pay the said annuity.

The daughter having subsequently declined to fulfill her promise, the brother sued the daughter to recover the amount due under the agreement. It was contended by the daughter that no consideration proceeded from the brother and that he, being a stranger to the consideration, had no right to sue. It was held that the "consideration indirectly moved from the brother to the daughter" and that he was, therefore, entitled to maintain the suit. The Bangladeshi law on consideration, as laid down in Section 25 of the Contract Act, also differs from the English law in that certain agreements without consideration are valid. These are:

(i) A gratuitous promise is binding if it were in writing and. registered and if it were made on account of natural love and affection between parties, standing in near relation to each other. (ii) A gratuitous promise is also binding when it is a promise to pay a time-barred debt, though without any consideration A provided the promise is in writing and is signed by the promissor or his duly authorized agent. (iii) A promise to compensate wholly or in part a person has already voluntarily done something for the promissor is, enforceable, even though it is without consideration. (iv)A gratuitous promise to compensate fully or in part a person who has already done something voluntarily which the promissor can legally be compelled to do is a valid contract (v) Where the contract is a promise to appoint an agent under Section 185 of the Contract Act, the contract of agency requires no consideration. The above five cases provide exception to the rule: No consideration, no contract".


Chapter 5 Legality of Object

It is essential to the validity of a contract that its object is lawful, a contract, otherwise is void if the object of the agreement is unlawful. Now, it may quite happen that the object of a contract is illegal though its consideration is perfectly lawful. For instance, A takes the lease of a house belonging to B for monthly rent of Tk. 15,000. There is nothing unlawful in this. But if A intends to set up an illicit distillery in the house, the contract is void as its object is unlawful. 5.1 Unlawful objects English Law In English law, the following are generally regarded as unlawful objects: (i) When the object of an agreement contravenes provisions of any Act, the object becomes illegal. (ii) A contract the object of which is to be defrauding others becomes illegal. (iii) An object that contravenes public policy. Bangladeshi Law In Bangladeshi law, as laid down in Section 23 of the Contract Act, an unlawful object is that which: (i) Contracts forbidden by law It is an established principle that the Court will not lend its aid in order to enforce a contract entered Into with a view to carrying into effect anything which is prohibited by law.33 But the Court would not refuse to enforce a contract (or decree) die object of which was actually performed in a country where it was legal.34 Similarly, a party entering into a contract in England is not excused from performance because such performance may be visited With penalties under the law of the foreign country. (ii) Contract defeating the provisions of any law "Every contract made for or about any matter or thing which is prohibited or made unlawful by statute is a void contract". Thus, a contract for realisation of customary dues from the roots is illegal and void .Similarly, an agreement to indemnify the doer of an illegal act is void. (iii) Fraudulent Where money is paid for the purpose of defrauding the intended shareholders by holding out to them the assurance of an exclusive right to use a certain process as an inducement

to them to contribute their money, when it was known to the parties that no such exclusive right existed, the plaintiff cannot maintain an action to recover back the money on the well established principle that money paid in furtherance of a fraud or other unlawful purpose cannot be recovered back/8 Where a railway company refuses to enter into a contract with a particular person, an agreement with another person to secure in his name the contract is fraudulent and void. (iv)Injury to property or person of another An agreement which binds down the executants to daily attendance and manual labor until a certain sum is repaid is indistinguishable from slavery. Such a contract is not enforceable. (v) Immoral A promissory note executed for the repayment of the balance of the security deposit for the lease of a house taken for immoral purposes is not enforceable.41 A man who knowingly lets out quarters to an unlicensed prostitute to carry on prostitution cannot recover the rent in a Court of Law.42 So also a man who knowingly sells articles to her for the same purpose cannot recover the price thereof. (vi)Against Public policy Public policy may be described as the policy of the state to secure the ultimate good of the citizens at large. As the concept of the good of the citizens varies with the change of time and circumstances, so public policy differs from age to age according to the changed circumstances and the ideas and ideals of the people. At present however, it has been settled by judicial precedents that the following contracts are, in general, against public policy: (i) Agreements which disturb the friendly relation of the state with other states. (ii) Agreement tending to injure the public service. Thus, a contract by a person to use his influence to secure a public appointment for a particular person is void as being against public policy. (iii) Agreement tending to interfere with the course of justice. As has been said, "You shall not make a trade of a felony. If you are aware that a Crime has been committed, you shall not convert that crime into a source of profit or benefit to yourself. Accordingly, a settlement made by a father with certain bankers in order to shield his son from a criminal prosecution on the charge of forgery has been held to be invalid".44 The reason is that the effect of such an agreement is to take the administration of the law out of the hands of judges and put it in the hands of private individuals and so has a tendency to subvert public justice.45 But there are many cases which are compoundable. An agreement with the alleged offender to drop the prosecution in a compoundable case does not amount to the

stifling of prosecution. Section 345 of the Cr.P.C. offers a test of offences which may be compounded with the offender. In England, too, an offence is compoundable where it is a tort as well as a crime. (iv)Agreements which tend be an abuse of the process of Law. The principle of Law is that legal remedies, which exist for the vindication of rights, must not be used for harassment of an individual and in furtherance of unconscionable monetary purpose. Hence in English law Maintenance and Champerty are regarded as against public policy. "Maintenance means the officious intermeddling in a civil suit that in no way belongs to one, by maintaining or assisting either party with money or otherwise, to prosecute or defend it". Thus, if A contracts with B to finance him in contesting a civil suit, to which A is not a party, the contract is void as being one of Maintenance. "Champerty is the maintenance of a person in an action or suit upon condition to have part of the things when recovered. Thus9 a bargain that the plaintiff will maintain an action in consideration of the defendant transferring to him half of the property, which the defendant might become possessed of as the fruits of the action, is illegal as being champertous according to English law. Maintenance and Champerty are always treated together by writers on the subject. Maintenance is called the genus of an offence of which Champerty is a species. Champerty is but a form of maintenance, though it is maintenance aggravated by an agreement to have a part of the thing in dispute. Both are founded on the same principle or policy of law, namely, the tendency of the transaction to pervert the course of justice.

Chapter 6

Dissolution of Contract
A contract may be dissolved or discharged in any of the following ways: 6.1 By Performance Performance is the most natural and common mode of discharging a contractual liability. As soon as the parties to a contract have performed their shares of the promises, the contract is dissolved both the promissor and the promisee having been freed from the obligations thereof. In this connexion we must distinguish between performance which discharges one of the two parties from his liabilities under a contract and performance which dissolves the contract as a whole. Thus, if A promises to repair B's time piece in consideration of B's promise to repair A's fountain pen, the contract is not dissolved when A has fulfilled his part of the promise; only his liability is discharged. But if A makes the same promise in consideration of B's having paid him Tk. 5.00 for the work, the whole contract will stand discharged as soon as A has repaired B's time-piece. The performance of a contract must, however, always be made in the manner prescribed by the contract, regard being had to the place and time of performance. 6.1.1 Tender of Performance Besides performance, contract may also be discharged by a valid tender. Tender means an offer of performance. The law considers a party, who has entered into a contract to deliver goods or pay money to another, as having substantially performed the contract, if he has tendered the goods or money to the person to whom the delivery or payment was to be made; provided only that the tender has been made under such circumstances that the party to whom it was made had a reasonable opportunity of examining the goods or the money tendered, in order to ascertain whether the thing tendered was really what it purports to be. Without such an opportunity an offer to deliver or pay does not amount to a tender. The Bangladeshi law on tender has been laid down in Section 38 of the Contract Act which says: "Every such offer must fulfill the following conditions: (i) It must be unconditional;
(ii) It must be made at a proper time and place, and under such circumstances that the

person to whom it is made may have a reasonable opportunity of ascertaining that the person by whom it is made is able and willing there and then to do the whole of what he is bound by his promise to do;
(iii)If the offer is an offer to deliver anything to the promisee, the promisee must have a

reasonable opportunity of seeing that the thing offered is the thing which the promissor is bound by his promise to deliver.


An offer to one of several joint promises has the same legal consequences as an offer to all of them". Illustration: A contracts to deliver to B at his warehouse, on the 1st March, 1873, 100 bales of cotton of a particular quality. In order to make an offer of performance, A must bring the cotton to B's warehouse, on the appointed day, under such circumstances that B may have a reasonable opportunity of satisfying himself that the thing offered is cotton of the quality contracted for, and that there are 100 bales. Now, a tender may be an offer to deliver goods or to pay a sum of money. So far as the contract to deliver goods is concerned, it is completely discharged by tendering the goods for acceptance according to the contract. If the goods are refused they need not be offered again, and the seller is discharged from liability. He can thereafter being an action for non-acceptance or defend an action for non-delivery. But where a sum of money is due, tender by the debtor if refused, does not operate as a discharge. The debtor must remain ready and willing to pay debtor and, if sued, must pay the money in the court, and plead the tender which is then a good defense. "In the case of tender of money, if it is a valid tender, it shall be in evidence that the money has been deposited". The interest on the loan, however, ceases to run from the date of the valid tender. A tender, in order to be valid, must be of the whole amount due. A creditor is not bound to accept a less sum nor does such a tender stop the running of interest or the liability for costs of the suit. 6.1.2 Time and place of performance: (i) Where, by the contract the promissor is to perform his promise without application by the promisee, that is, without the promisee asking him to do it, and no time for performance is specified, the engagement must be performed within a reasonable time (Section 46). What is a reasonable time depends in each case on the facts and circumstances of the case. (ii) When a promise is to be performed on a certain day, and the promissor has undertaken to perform it without application by the promisee, the promissor may perform it at any time during the usual hours of business on such day and at the place at which the promise ought to be performed (Section 47). Illustration: A promises to deliver goods at B's warehouse on the 1st January. On that day A brings the goods to B's warehouse but after the usual hour for closing it, and they are not received. A has not performed-his promise. As to delivery on holiday, it is well settled that in the absence of a statutory provision or trade custom or usage to that effect, the fact that the performance of a contract falls due on a holiday does not alter the rights of the parties by suspending the transaction of private business. The sellers have to establish that they were entitled to perform the contract on the day following the holiday by reason of the existence of a valid usage which may be deemed to have been incorporated in the contract between the


parties. Even the term of a written contract as to this may be modified by usage. According to the custom of Calcutta merchants, delivery is to be completed on Saturday if it falls on Sunday. (iii) When a promise is to be performed on a certain day, and the promissor has not undertaken to perform it without application by the promisee it is the duty of the promisee to apply for performance at a proper place and on a certain within the usual hours of business (Section 48). The question as to "what is a proper time and place" is, in each particular case, to be determined by reference to the facts and circumstances of the case. (iv) When a promise is to be performed without application by the promisee, and no place is fixed for the performance of it, it is the duty of the promissor to apply to the promisee, to appoint a reasonable place for the performance of the promise, and to perform it. at such place (Section 49). Illustration: A undertakes to deliver one thousand mounds of jute to B on a fixed day. A must apply to B to appoint a reasonable place for the purpose of receiving it, and must i deliver it to him at such place. (v) The performance of any promise may be made in any manner or at any time which the promisee prescribes or sanctions (Sec. 50). Illustration: B owes A Tk. 2,000.00, A desires B to pay the amount to A's account with C, a banker. B, who also banks with C, orders the amount to be transferred from his account to A's credit, and this is done by C. Afterwards, and before A knows of the transfer, C fails. There has been a good payment by B. 6.1.3 Performance of reciprocal promise: (i) When a contract consists of reciprocal promises to be simultaneously performed, no promissor need perform his promise unless the promisee is ready and willing to perform his promise (Section 51). (ii) Where the order in which reciprocal promises are to be performed is expressly fixed by the contract, they shall be performed in that order; and, where the order is not expressly fixed by the contract, they shall be performed in that order which the nature of the transaction requires (Section 52). Illustration: (a) A and B contract that A shall build a house for B at a fixed price. A's promise to build the house must be performed before B's promise to pay for it. (b) A and B contract that A shall make over his stock-in-trade to B at a fixed price and B promises to give security for the payment of the money. A's promise need not be performed until the security is given, for the nature of the transaction requires that A should have security before he delivers up his stock. (iii) Liability of party preventing performance


When a contract contains reciprocal promises and one party to the contract prevents the other from performing his promise, the contract becomes voidable at the option of the party so prevented; and he is entitled to compensation from the other party for any loss which he may sustain inconsequence of non-performance of the contract (Section 53). Illustration: A and B contract that B shall execute certain work for A for one thousand rupees. B is ready and willing to execute the work accordingly, but A prevents him from doing so. The contract is voidable at the option of B; and, if he elects to rescind it, he is entitled to recover from A compensation for any loss which he has incurred by its nonperformance. 6.1.4 Effect of default When a contract consists of reciprocal promises, such that one of them cannot be performed or that its performance cannot be claimed till the other has been performed and the promissor of the promise last mentioned fails to perform it, such a promissor cannot claim the performance of the reciprocal promise, and must make compensation to the other party to the contract for any loss which the other party may sustain by the non-performance of the contract (Section 54).

Illustration: A contracts with B to execute certain builder's work for a fixed price, B supplying the timber necessary for the work. B refuses to furnish any timber and the work cannot be executed. A need not execute the work and B is bound to make compensation to A for any loss caused to him by the non-performance of the contract.
Performance of contract where time is or is not the essence of it. When a party to a contract

promises to do a certain thing at or before a specified time or certain things at or before specified times and fails to do any such thing at or before the specified time, the contract or so much of it as has not been performed, becomes voidable at the option of the promisee, if the intention of the parties was that time should be the essence of the contract. If it was not the intention of the parties that time should be the essence of the contract, the contract does not become voidable by the failure to do such a thing at or before the specified time but the promisee is entitled to compensation from the promissor for any loss occasioned to him by such failure.

If, in case of a contract voidable on account of the promissor's failure to perform his promise at the ditto agreed, the promisee accepts performance of such promise at any ditto other than that agreed, the promisee cannot claim compensation for any loss occasioned by the non-performance of the promise at the time agreed, unless, at the time of such acceptance, he gives notice to the promissor of his intention to do so (Section 55).

The rule of equity is to look at the whole scope of the transaction to see whether the parties really meant the ditto named to be of the essence of the contract. The principle is formulated in Sec. 55 of


the Contract Act. Even where time is not the essence of the contract, the court may infer that in the circumstances of the case it has to be performed within a reasonable time or even with the utmost diligence. When agreement as regards time for transfer of immovable property is not the essence of the contract, the contract has to be fulfilled in a reasonable time. Whether time is of the essence of the contract or not, depends upon the nature of the property, upon the construction of the contract and upon the objects which the parties had in entering into it. The mere fact that time is specified for the performance of a certain act is not by itself sufficient to prove that time is of the essence of the contract. Under Section 55 of the Contract Act, the question whether or not time is of the essence of the contract depends upon what the parties may reasonably be seen to have intended with regard to it. This intention is to be ascertained: (i) from the express stipulation of the contract, (ii) from the nature of the property and (iii) from the surrounding circumstances. When there is nothing in the surrounding circumstances from which such an intention can be inferred, the fact that the contract is for sale of land does not import such an intention. It if well settled that the mere fact that a date has been mentioned for the performance of the agreement does not conclusively prove that time was intended to be of the essence of the contract. The court has to determine whether from an express promise to that effect, or because such a promise is to be implied from a consideration of the real intention of the parties, inferred from the nature of the contract, time is to be deemed of the essence of the contract. Relating to sale of Immovable property, even fixation of the period of contract with power to treat it as cancelled, if not fulfilled within time, does not always make time essence of the contract. The tendency of courts in case of contracts relating to real property is to lean against a construction which would make time the essence of the contract unless it can be held to be the unmistakable intention of the parties. In the case of a contract of sale generally the time may not be the essence of the contract, but, in the case of a contract, for the re-sale of the same, the time is the essence of the contract. Time subsequently made essential. Section 55 of the Contract Act apparently contemplates that time will be of the essence of the contract when made so by the contract itself and, therefore, made at the same time as the contract is entered into. In English law, however, where time is not made of the essence of the contract itself, although a day for performance is named, if either party is guilty of delay, a distinct notice by the other that he shall consider the contract at an end, if it be not completed within a reasonable time to be named, would be treated in equity as binding on the party to whom it is given, but a reasonable time must be allowed; non-compliance within the time allowed amounts to a repudiation of the contract and a party not complying with it is not entitled to specific performance. 6.2 By Agreement A contract being the product of an agreement can also be dissolved by a fresh agreement between the same parties. Such an agreement may take the one or the other of the following forms:


6.2.1 Release: Release or waiver means the surrender of a contractual right. Thus, A who has advanced a loan of money to B gives up, by an agreement, the right to recover the debt from B. This surrender of a right is called release or waiver. If gratuitous, an agreement of release must be made under seal. To this rule there is, however, one exception. The holder of a bill of exchange or a promissory note may waive his rights without consideration, either by writing or surrender of the bill or the note as the case may be. 6.2.2 Accord and satisfaction: If the promise, instead of giving a release to the promissor for nothing does so by accepting something for giving up his right or by accepting, instead of the promise made to him, any satisfaction which he thinks fit, it is a case of accord and satisfaction. By 'accord' is meant the agreement of discharge and by 'satisfaction' is meant the consideration moving from the discharged party to the other. Thus, A owes to B Tk. 5,000.00. A pays B, and B accepts Tk. 2,000.00 in satisfaction of the whole debt at the time and place at which the sum of Tk. 5,000.00 was payable. The whole debt is discharged. 6.2.3 Rescission: Rescission means cancelling the original contract by mutual agreement whereby the old contract ceases to be binding on any of the parties. The contract must, however, be executory on both sides. Thus, A promises to paint for B a picture in consideration of B's promise to pay Tk. 100.00. This contract can be rescinded by an agreement in which A surrenders his right to Tk. 100.00 and B to the picture promised to be painted by A. 6.2.4 Alteration: Alteration means substituting a fresh contract with altered or different terms from the original one. Thus, A agrees to supply B 1,000 maunds of salt at Tk. 5.00 a maund within 3 months from date. Later on, A and B alter the agreement in the following way: A agrees to supply 800 mounds of salt at the same rate within 2 months instead of three. The latter agreement puts an end to the former. 6.2.5 Novation: A case of novation arises when the parties to a contract agree to substitute a new contract for the original one. Illustration: A owes money to B under a contract. It is agreed between A, B and C that B shall thenceforth accept C as his debtor, instead of A. This is a case of novation of contract and by this the old debt of A to B has been liquidated and a new debt from C to B has been contracted. Novation operates as an absolute release of the original debtor. Thus, where a creditor released his principal debtor and accepted another as debtor, and the surety for the former debtor agreed to give a guarantee for the latter and to continue his former guarantee but died without actually giving the guarantee, the Privy Council observed : "It may be taken as settled law that where there is an absolute release of the principal debtor, the remedy against the surety is gone, because the debt is extinguished". 6.3 By Frustration


By frustration is meant impossibility of performance. A contract to do an impossible thing, such as to bring a dead man back to life, is void as the object of the contract is impossible to be performed. But it happens very often that parties to a contract agree to perform certain things which are not impossible at the time when the contract is made but which become impossible to be performed subsequently due to causes beyond their control. This is called supervening impossibility. In such a case, the contract is discharged as having become void. 6.3.1 Supervening impossibility may arise in the following ways: (i) Impossibility arising due to change of law. It is absolutely forbidden to contract the performance of a thing illegal at the time when the contract is made. But if a thing agreed to be done becomes illegal due to subsequent change in the law of the land, the contract is dissolved and the promissor thereto is discharged from liability. In Kursell vs. Timber, Operators and Contractors, there was an agreement for the supply of timber from Lativian forests. A Lativian Law enacted subsequent to the contract forbade the cutting of timber by private companies. The contract was held to have been discharged in the face of the new Latvian Law. (ii) Impossibility due to the destruction of a specific thing essential for the performance of a contract. In Taylor vs. Caldwell, Justice Blackburn observed: "The principle seems to us to be that in contracts in which performance depends on the continued existence of a given person or thing, a condition is implied that the impossibility of the performance arising from the perishing of the person or thing shall excuse the performance". In this case, the defendants agreed to lend to the plaintiff the use of a music hall, of which they were owners, for giving a concert therein. Before the time came for the delivery of the hall, it was destroyed by fire. Consequently the concert had to be abandoned after the plaintiff had incurred considerable expenses for preparation. In a suit for compensation, it was held that the defendants were not liable. (iii) Impossibility arising out of the death or incapacitating illness of one of the parties to the contract. In Robinson vs. Davidson . the plaintiff made a contract with the defendant that at a concert to be given by the plaintiff on a specified day, the defendant's wife would play the piano. On that day the lady could not fulfil the contract due to incapacitating illness. In a suit for compensation it was held that her failure to do so gave no cause of action to the plaintiff. But the benefit of this rule is available only in a contract of personal service. Where personal considerations are of the foundation of the contract as in the case of principal and agent, or master and servant, the death of either party puts an end to the relation; and in respect of service after death, the contract is dissolved unless there is a stipulation expressed or implied to the contrary. (iv) Impossibility due to non-occurrence of contemplated events or state of things. The rule laid down in Krell vs. Henry, viz., "the underlying ratio is the failure of something which was the basis of the contract in the mind and the intention of the contracting parties" is theoretically capable of application to all contracts. The rigidity of the rule that an express unconditional contract is not


generally dissolved by its performance being or becoming quite impossible in fact, by reason of particular circumstances, has been relaxed and exceptions have been afforded on grounds explained in Bailey vs. De Crespigriy. Since then implied terms the doctrine of frustration or adventure has become a gloss on the older theory of impossibility, and has been greatly developed under the guise of reading "implied terms" into contracts. When supervening events, not due to the default of either party, render the performance of the contract indefinitely impossible, and there is no undertaking to be bound in any event, the "doctrine of frustration is invoked, even though the parties may have expressly provided for the case of a limited interruption. "A court can and ought to examine the contract and the circumstances in which it was made not, of course, to vary but only to explain it, in order to see whether or not the parties must have made their bargain on the footing that a particular state of things would continue to exist And if they must have done so, then a term to that effect might be assumed though it be not expressed in the contract. In applying this rule it is manifest that such a term can rarely be implied except where the discontinuance is such as to upset altogether the purpose of the contract". (v) Impossibility due to the absence of a fundamental condition. A condition is said to be fundamental to a contract when the whole contract rests on it. Such a condition may be (i) a condition precedent or (ii) a condition subsequent or (iii) a condition concurrent. (i) A condition precedent is one, express or implied, which provides that the contract shall not bind one or both the parties unless some state of things exists. Thus, A agrees to hire the house of B provided it is air-conditioned. In this case, the contract will not bind A unless the house is or has been air-conditioned. (ii) A condition subsequent is one, express or implied, which requires that upon its disappearance after the contract has been concluded, the contract will be discharged. Thus, A takes the house of B for five years upon the condition that the lease will terminate whenever the water supply to the house is withdrawn. Here, if at any time during the lease the water supply duty is withdrawn, A can terminate the lease. (iii) When in a contract the obligation of each party is dependent on the performance by the other of his obligation, the obligation of each in it is said to be a concurrent condition of obligation of the other. Thus, A agrees to marry B if B can obtain a marriage certificate within a specified time which he agrees to do. Here, if B fails to perform his part of the agreement, the liability of A as to her part is discharged. The condition of a contract, whether precedent, subsequent or concurrent, need not always be expressly mentioned. The same rule applies to cases where it can be inferred from the terms of the contract and the surrounding circumstances that the condition must have been contemplated by both the parties as the foundation of the contract. Thus in Krell vs. Henry the defendant agreed to hire the plaintiffs flat for June 26th and 27th, on which days the Coronation procession of King Edward VII was arranged to be held and to pass by that flat. No express reference to the procession was made, but the

purpose of the contract was known to both the parties. After the contract was made the procession was abandoned and the defendant did not occupy the flat of the plaintiff. In a suit for rent by the plaintiff, it was held that "the contract was to be read subject to the implied condition that the procession would take place on the appointed days and that this implication could be inferred from the circumstances of the case known to both the parties, although there was no basis for it in the terms of the written contract". Bangladeshi law The law on this point in our country is set forth in Section 56 of the Contract Act which lays down that "a contract to do an act which, after the contract is made, becomes void when the act becomes impossible or unlawful". Thus, A contracts to take in cargo for B at a foreign port A's Government afterwards declares war against the country in which the port is situated. The contract becomes void when war is declared. The third paragraph of the same section, however, provides that the supervening impediments must not have arisen by reason of some event which the promissor could prevent. If such is the case, compensation may be obtained against the person who is unable to perform it, whether through impossibility or unlawfulness. The real question that has to be considered in applying the section is not whether the contract was or became void but whether the promissor has to make compensation for non-performance. The substance of the section can only apply when there is no contract to the contrary, i.e., the section must be read, when possible, as an implied term in contracts. The section can be excluded by an express or implied term in the contract. The general rule is that where a party has not qualified his obligation under a contract he is liable to make compensation for non-performance, although performance has been rendered impracticable by some unforeseen cause beyond his control. Where a contract ceases to have application without any default by the plaintiff, he can claim refund of the money paid by him. But when a party is entitled to treat a contract as null and void if certain step is not taken by the other party in a certain time, there is no frustration of contract if the party does not treat the contract as null and void but treats it as subsisting. Rights and liabilities of the parties to a frustrated contract: The Bangladeshi law on this point has been laid down in Section 65 of the Contract Act which says: "When an agreement is discovered to be void or when a contract becomes void, any person who has received any advantage under such agreement or contract is bound to restore it or to make compensation for it to the person from whom he received it". "Thus, A pays B Tk. 1,000.00 in consideration of B's promising to marry C, A's daughter. C is dead at the time of the marriage. The agreement is void but B must repay A the sum of Tk. 1,000.00. Likewise, A contracts with B to deliver to him 250 mounds of rice before the 1st of May. A delivers 130 mounds only before that day and none after. B retains the 130 mounds after the 1 st of May. He is bound to pay A for them.


Until recently the English law on the point was different from that in Bangladesh. Under the old law, as laid down in Chandler vs. Webster, when a contract was dissolved the parties were excused from further performance but the loss remained where it lay at the time when the contract was dissolved, But in the latest decision of the House of Lords in Fibrosa Spoika Akcyin vs. Fairbairn Lawson Combe Barbour Lid, the English law has been brought into line with the law in Bangladesh and the old law established by Chandler vs. Webster has been overruled. 6.4 By breach Every breach of contract by one party does not entitle the other party to rescind the contract, that is, release him from the performance of his obligation. Such option is available to him only in a few cases. As a general rule, if a contract is to be avoided on the ground of breach, it must be shown that the breach relates to the essential terms or conditions of the contract. Non-performance of terms that are inessential or, in other words, warranties, does not entitle a party to avoid the contract. When such is the case, he must be ready and willing to perform his share of the obligation, though at the same time he can claim damages for the breach of the contract. A breach of contract by one party entitling the other party to the right of rescission may be of two kinds: "(i) An actual or present breach, and (ii) a constructive or anticipatory breach". a) Actual breach: This happens when a party does not perform his promise in the manner and at the time stipulated by the contract. Thus, A covenants to deliver a horse to B on or before the 3rd March, 1963, in consideration of B's promise to pay him Tk. 1,000.00. A fails to fulfil the contract. A has committed actual or present breach of the contract. This breach entitles B to rescind the contract, and also of suing him for damages. b) Constructive or anticipatory breach: This happens when before the time for performance a party shows by his conduct or words his unwillingness to perform his part of the contract or is incapacitated in such a way as not to be able to perform it. It is called anticipatory breach because the contract is not yet broken but circumstances are such as suggest beyond doubt that it is unlikely of being performed. Thus, A contracts to deliver to B his black horse within three months from date. One month after the contract, A sells his black horse to C. There has been anticipatory or constructive breach of the contract. This is an example of anticipatory breach by impossibility of performance. Anticipatory breach may take place by repudiation. When such is the case, the other party is not bound to wait in order to see whether the contract is actually broken when the time of performance approaches. In Rochester vs. De La Tour, the defendant engaged the plaintiff as a courier at 10 a month the appointment repudiation taking effect from the 1st of June. Before that date he informed the plaintiff that he should not require him. It was held that the plaintiffs right of action accrued on the receipt of the renunciation and that he was not bound to wait until the 1st of June.


A party is not, however, bound to take advantage of repudiation immediately. He can keep the contract alive if he so chooses, until the due date of performance and then sue the other party for damages and rescission. But if he tails to take advantages of the repudiation rescinding the contract, it remains alive up to the date of performance with all the normal incidents attached to it. If, therefore, in the interval between repudiation and the due date of performance, something happens which enables the repudiating party himself to avoid the contract, he is entitled to do so notwithstanding his prior act of unaccepted repudiation. Thus, if A agrees on the 3rd February to sell a horse to B on the 3rd March and informs B on the 16th February that he will not sell the horse at all, B can at once sue A for damages. But if he disregards the repudiation and waits till the 3rd March and in the meantime the horse dies, B cannot recover any damages from A, for, the contract is dissolved by the death of the horse and A can take advantage of it. The Bangladeshi law on the point has been set forth in Section 54 of the Contract Act which says that "when a contract consists of reciprocal promises such that one of them cannot be performed or that its performance cannot be claimed till the other has been performed and the promissor of the promise last mentioned fails to perform it, such promissor cannot claim the performance of the reciprocal promise, and must make compensation to the other party to the contract for any loss which such other party may sustain by the non-performance of the contract." Promises which form the consideration or part of the consideration for each other are called reciprocal promises. 6.5 Discharge by operation of law A contract valid in every respect may be discharged by the operation of law. Thus, under the law of limitation certain contracts are discharged after the lapse of a prescribed period of time and parties thereto cannot sue on them after the prescribed period of time has expired. A contract may also be discharged by the operation of law in any of the following ways: (i) Merger: It means the assimilation of a smaller contract by a larger one by reason of the fact that they meet and coincide in one and the same person. Thus, if a party makes an oral contract and makes the identical contract under seal, the former is merged in the latter, with the result that the oral contract is discharged. (ii) Insolvency: When an insolvent is discharged by the Insolvency Court, he is released from all his debts provable under the Bankruptcy. (iii) Alteration: When a written contract is altered by way pf addition or erasure in a material part, it is dissolved. It is to be remembered that such alteration must be affected without the consent of the other party; otherwise, it will be a new contract.


Chapter 7 Parties Competent to Contract

In order that an agreement may be a valid contract, it must be |p by parties who have contractual capacities, as every person does possess full contractual capacity. Thus, as a general rule, contracts, id Into by (a) minors and (b) persons of unsound mind are void. 7.1 Contracts by Minors According to the English law, a minor (called an infant) is a Hen who is below the age of 21 years. Under the Common Law of tglnnd, a minor's contract was, either valid or voidable. When it was for Notaries or for the benefit of the infant, it was valid. It was voidable at minor's option when it was for neither of these two purposes. But after the passing of the Infants Relief Act, 1874, a minor's contract has come to be divided into three classes:

Valid. As by common law so under the Act, a minor can mier into a valid contract for necessaries and for his benefit

Necessaries" include everything that is essential for the maintenance and education of the infant, regard always being had to the minor's social position. Thus velvet might be considered a necessary fijf ii scion of the English nobility but no more than a luxury for an infant of the middle-class. Even if things sold are of everyday use, Hipply in excess of the demand cannot be justified. Minors are expected to learn some trade or business and as such Ihf if contracts of apprenticeship are binding on them as being made for thlr benefit unless the terms are unreasonable. (b) Voidable. Contract generally relating to sale, lease and partnership are voidable. They remain binding unless avoided by the minor either during his minority or within a reasonable time after the Attainment of maturity. (c) Void. The following contracts by a minor are void ah initio'. (i) Contracts for repayment of loan. (ii) Contracts for goods supplied excepting necessaries. But if the minor has already 'paid for such supplies and taken benefit under the contract, he can not recover the money on the plea that the contract is void.


(iii) Contracts on accounts stated. An account stated is the* admission of balance due from one part to another. Such an admission implies in law a promise to pay it. 7.1.1 How far a minor be held liable for contract by suing him in an action of tort? The answer, as given in Jerming vs. Rundall (3 T. R., 335) is that a minor cannot be made liable in a contract by suing him in tort. In the above case, a minor hired a mare for riding and rode it so carelessly that he sprained the animal. It was held that the minor was not liable. But if the wrongful act of the minor is independent of the contract, the minor may be sued in tort though he has no contractual liability. Thus in Burnard vs. Haggis, an infant hired a mare for riding on the road and in spite of being expressly told that it was not let out for jumping, rode it across the country and fatally injured it by jumping on a stake. The minor was held liable. In Bangladesh majority is attained at the end of eighteen years. However if some one is appointed for the superintendence of person or property or both of the minor, majority is attained at the age of 21. Unlike the English law, the Contract Act of our country declares that all contracts by a minor are absolutely void and not merely voidable. This principle has been finally confirmed in Mohori Bibee vs. Dhurm Das* Exception to this rule is provided by contracts for necessaries and for the benefit of the minor, in respect of which the law here is same as in England. There is, however, one fundamental difference between the two which is that while in England the minor is personally liable for such contracts, in Bangladesh the liability lies not with the minor but with his estate. Section 68 of the Act provides thus: 'if a person incapable of entering into a contract is supplied by another person with necessaries suited to his condition of life, the person who has furnished such supplies is entitled to be reimbursed from the property of such incapable person". But when an agreement is made on behalf of a minor by a person competent to do so, it can be validly enforced by the minor against him. Thus, a minor's property can be sold or leased out by his guardian and the minor, in all such cases, is bound by the transaction unless it is proved that the guardian acted against the minor's interest. 7.1.2 Minor and Estoppel There has been a conflict of judicial opinion for long whether a minor who has made a false representation as to his age while making a contract can be estopped from pleading his minority to avoid the contract. The Bombay High Court originally held that an infant was to be estopped under Sec. 115 of the Evidence Act and so was bound by the transaction.83 The Allahabad, Madras and Lahore High Courts also held the same view. But a Full Bench of the Bombay High Court overruled the above decision of the same High Court in Gadlgeppa vs. Balaugowda*4 where it has been laid down that a minor, who by falsely representing himself to be of age has induced a person, to enter into a contract, is not estoppel from pleading his


minority to avoid the contract, in an action founded on the contract, this rule against the application of the doctrine of estoppel to a contract, void en the ground of infancy, has been adopted by. The High Courts of Calcutta,85 Madras86 and Allahabad.87 The High Courts or the Supreme Court of Bangladesh having evolved no contrary rule, the aforesaid principle of law with regard to estoppels applies here. There can, therefore, be no decree against a person on a contract made during his minority, and this cannot be avoided either on the ground that the minor having represented himself to be a major is estopped from showing that he was a minor or on the ground that by such representation he was guilty of cheating or fraudulent conduct. In other words, Section 115 of the Evidence Act must be read (in such cases) as subject to the provisions of the Contract Act. 7.2 Contract by lunatics and drunken persons Lunatics and drunken persons are generally regarded as 'persons of unsound mind'. In English law, contracts entered into by such a person is not void but voidable provided the following two conditions are fulfilled: (a) That the unsound man was incapable of understanding the true nature of the transaction at the time of the contract and (b) that the other party knew of his condition. It has, however, been provided that a person who makes a contract in a state of intoxication may affirm it in his sober moment. When so affirmed the contract is binding on him. In Bangladeshi law, as it follows from Section 11 of the Contract Act, a contract made by a person of unsound mind is void. Section 12 of the Act says that "a person who is usually of unsound mind but occasionally of sound mind, may make a contract when he is of sound mind", and that "a person who is usually of sound mind but occasionally of unsound may not make a contract when he is of unsound mind". The meaning conveyed a contract made by a lunatic in his lucid interval is valid but a contract made by a usually sound man either when he is drunken or delirious from fevers is void. 7.3 Married Women In English law, by virtue of the Married Women's Property Act of 1882 and 1893, a married woman may contract and bind her separate estate when it is given to her absolutely. But she has no personal liability for her contract. The Contract Act makes no such provision as to prevent a married woman from making a contract. Both under the Muslim and the Hindu Laws, a married woman is entitled to make a contract so as to bind her separate property. 7.4 Corporation Corporation is not a natural person, that's why its contractual capacity is somewhat limited. Besides, the Act from which it derives its authority also imposes some restrictions on it. Thus, a

corporation cannot make a contract personally; it must do so through an authorized agent for the simple reason that it has no physical existence. Secondly, a corporation has generally to make a formal contract using the Corporate Seal because the seal is the symbol of the corporation's personality as different from the personalities of its members. In some cases, however, such as the following, a corporation can make simple contracts: (i) A corporation can make a simple contract on a subject-matter which frequently recurs or is of little importance or of urgent necessity. Thus, the contract of a Municipality with its menials or for the supply of stationery need not be under the Corporate Seal. (ii) When work has been done or services rendered at the request of a corporation and the benefit of the work has been accepted by it, a contract to pay is implied. In such cases, the absence of a formal contract is no defence against the liability to pay. (iii) When a Company is incorporated for trading purposes it may make simple contracts relating to the object for which it has been incorporated. 7.5 Legal Practitioners A barrister cannot make a contract regarding his fees. But vokils, Advocates, solicitors and mukhters can sue for their fees. There is no provision, however, in our Contract Act to debar any lawyer from making a contract regarding his fees. 7.6 Doctors Under Common Law a doctor could not sue for his fees but the disability has been removed by the Medical Act of 1878. There is no such bar in Bangladesh. 7.7 Independent Sovereign An independent Sovereign is competent to make a contract but he cannot be sued in an English Court unless submits to its jurisdiction. The same is the law in Bangladesh. 7.8. Alien The English law permits a friendly alien to acquire or dispose of property like a natural-bom British subject. But he cannot hold landed property situated outside the United Kingdom nor can he own a British ship. With regard to an alien enemy the test is not the nationality but the domicile. During the Second World War every German was not treated as |jftalien enemy; Germans domiciled in America were alien friends.


Modern English law has made a contract with an alien enemy not only void but also illegal and punishable. But if an alien enemy is resident in England with the express or implied licence of the Crown, he can make a valid contract with a British subject. The law in Bangladesh is similar. 7.9. Convicts A person convicted of felony is debarred from contracting. In Bangladesh there is no law to deny contractual right to a convicted person.


Chapter 8 Remedies for breach of Contract

If a contracting party fails to perform an absolute duty owed under a contract, it is called a breach of contract (Cheeseman, 2008) A breach of contract by one party always entitles other to sue for damages. However, not every breach operates as a discharge - in other words not every breach entitles the innocent party to accept the breach and treat the contract as at an end (legalmax). In order to have this effect the breach must be such as to constitute repudiation by the party in default of his obligations under the contract (legalmax). What Follows the Breach?

Figure 1: What follows the breach?


8.1 Parties involved in breach of contracts The party committing breach of contract is called the guilty party and the other party called the inured or aggrieved party. 8.2 Types of remedies in breach of contract The following remedies are open to a person injured by the breach, whether the breach is of such a kind as to justify him in treating the contract as discharged or not.


Common law Damages

Equitable remedies



Specific Performance


Quantum meruit

Common Law 8.2.1 Suit for damages It means compensation for the loss suffered by the affected party on account of breach of contract. It can be claimed in every case. A breach of contract may put the aggrieved party to some disadvantage or inconvenience or may cause a loss to him. The court would desire the guilty party to accept responsibility for any such loss of the aggrieved party and compensate him adequately.


Figure 2: Steps in determining an award of damages Keeping in view the provision of section 73 of the act and the court judgment, the aggrieved party would be entitled to one of the following types of damages, depending upon the circumstances of the case: 1. 2. 3. 4. General or ordinary damages Special damages Exemplary or punitive damages Nominal Damages

General or ordinary damages Such losses can be called general or ordinary losses which can be seen as arising naturally and directly out of the breach in the usual course of the things. They would be unavoidable and logical consequences of the breach. The damages for such losses are called general or ordinary damages. An aggrieved partys right to damages applies most naturally for the direct or general losses. There can be no damages for indirect or remote losses. Company A delivered the wrong kind of furniture to Company B. After discovering the mistake later in the day, Company B insisted that Company A pick up the wrong furniture and deliver the right furniture. Company A refused to pick up the furniture and said that it could not supply the right furniture because it was not in stock. Company B successfully sued for breach of contract through general damages.


Special or substantial damages: Special damages (also called consequential damages) cover any loss incurred by the breach of contract because of special circumstances or conditions that are not ordinarily predictable. At the time making the contract, a party may place before the other party some information of about the special circumstances affecting him and tell him that if the contract is not performed properly, he would suffer from particular types of losses because of those special circumstances. If the other party still proceeds to make the contract, it would imply that for the special loasses that may be casued by the improper performance of his obligation. Compensation for such special losses is called special damages. In the scenario mentioned in General Damages if Company A knew that Company B needed the new furniture on a particular day because its old furniture was going to be carted away the night before, the damages for breach of contract could include all of the damages awarded in the scenario above, plus payment for Company Bs expense in renting furniture until the right furniture arrived. Case of Hadley v Baxendale (1854) With regard to the measure of the substantial damages, the loss or injury which must not be too remote, i.e. losses must be reasonably related to the contract and for which the compensation is claimed, (a) must arise naturally from the breach in question or (b) might reasonably be supposed to have been in contemplation of the parties at the time of entering into the contract. Theses two criteria for a proper estimate of loss of suffered through breach of contract were laid down in the English case of Hadley v Baxendale (1984, 1 Ex, 347). The facts of the case were as follows: The owner of a flour mill sent a broken iron shaft to the office of the defendants, who were common carriers, to be conveyed by them to the consignee to whom it had been sent by the plaintiff mill owners as a pattern by which to make a new shaft. Owing to the negligence of the carriers, i.e. by the defendants, the delivery of the shaft was delayed and the plaintiff could not get a new shaft for many days, as a result of which the plaintiffs mill was closed. It was held that the carrier never contemplated at the time of the contract that the mill would be closed if the new shaft did not come quickly. The mill might easily have had a spare shaft under the same conditions. Of course, if the owners of the mill had informed the carriers at the time that mill would be closed in case of delay in the delivery of the shaft, the case have been different. In this case the plaintiff can only claim for general damages, not special damages for the consequences of the delay.


The two rules of estimating damager were evolved out of this case. They are: 1. The loss for which damages are claimed must arise naturally out of the breach of the contract. This precludes the consideration of consequences that are remote. Thus X delivers to Y, a common carrier, a machine to be conveyed without delay X mill, informing Y that his mill is stopped for want of the machine. Y unreasonably delays the delivery of the machine and X, in consequence, loss a profitable contract of government. X is entitled to recover from Y, by way of compensation, the average amount of profit which would have been made by the working of the mill during the time that it delivery was delayed, but not the loss sustained through the loss of the government contract, because it is remote and not a natural or profitable consequences of the breach. 2. Losses which might be remote may still be recovered in an action of breach of contract provided such losses were contemplated by the parties at the time of contract. Thus in the above case, the plaintiff could have recovered the loss of profit which might have been earned if they had informed the defendants at the time of contract that the mill would be closed in case of delay in delivery and any consequences thereafter will have to carry by the defendants. Exemplary or punitive damages Generally, punitive damages, which are also termed exemplary damages in the United Kingdom, are not awarded in order to compensate the plaintiff, but in order to reform or deter the defendant and similar persons from pursuing a course of action such as that which damaged the plaintiff. Sometimes, the courts award damages for mental or emotional sufferings also caused the breach. The guilty party needs to compensate the claimant for the non-monetary aspects of the specific harm suffered. This is usually termed 'pain, suffering and loss of amenity', physical or emotional pain and suffering, loss of companionship, loss of consortium, disfigurement, loss of reputation, loss or impairment of mental or physical capacity, loss of enjoyment of life, etc. Theses may be taken as an exception to the general principle that damages are awarded only for financial losses caused by breach of contract. Some of examples of such damages are: Unjustified dishonor of cheque Breach of promise of marriage Failure of vendor of real estate to make title Failure to provide holiday service


Mr Jackson booked a four week family holiday in Ceylon for himself, his wife and their three children with Horizon Holidays Ltd. The cost of the holiday was 1,200. Mr Jackson stressed that the holiday was to be of the highest standard. In the event the holiday was very disappointing. Amongst other things the children's room was mildewed, there was fungus growing on the walls, the toilet was stained, the shower was dirty and there was no bath. Mr Jackson sued Horizon Holidays Ltd for breach of contract and claimed damages for himself, his wife and his children On this question a point of law arises. The judge said that he could only consider the mental distress to Mr Jackson himself, and that he could not consider the distress to his wife and children. He said: '... the damages are the Plaintiff's; that I can consider the effect upon his mind of his wife's discomfort, vexation and the like, although I cannot award a sum which represents her vexation.' Counsel for Mr Jackson disputes that proposition. He submits that damages can be given not only for the leader of the party, in this case, Mr Jackson's own distress, discomfort and vexation, but also for that of the rest of the party. Nominal Damages If the breach of contract causes no loss to the aggrieved party, no damages need to be awarded to him. However, in order to record the fact of breach of contract by guilty party, the courts may award nominal or token of damages, i,.e. compensation of Tk.50. they would be called nominal damages In Charter v Sullivan case (1957) 2 QB 117, the buyer repudiated a contract to buy a Hillman Minx, which was then sold by the dealers to another customer. The dealers manager admitted that could sell all of the Hillman Minx cars they could get, and the court of the Appeal held that they were entitled to nominal damages only since they could not show any profit or loss account. Liquidated damages and penalty Some contracts contain stipulation that a specified sum which shall be payable for the breach of contact the sum so fixed may be either:

A Liquidated damages, i.e. a sum payable as damages the amount of which determined by the parties beforehand, instead of being left to the court by a fair and honest estimate of probable losses likely to be caused by the breach.


A penalty, i.e. a sum which has no relation to probable loss which may arise and which has been stipulated by the parties ad in terrorem i.e. for the purpose of penalizing a party for not performing the contract.

Dunlop sued its tyre retailer, New Garage, for breaching an agreement to not resell Dunlop tyres at a price lower than that listed in the contract. The agreement then said if that did happen, New Garage would pay 5 per tyre by way of liquidated damages and not as a penalty. The judge held the 5 sum was liquidated damages and enforceable. The Court of Appeal held the clause was a penalty and Dunlop could only get nominal damages. Dunlop appealed. Section 74 of the Contract Act provides against enforcing a stipulating of a pane nature, however, well-deserved the punishment intended to be imposed. In such cases the Court award such sum as damages as the court thinks fit. Whether a stipulated sum is in the nature of penalty or liquidated damages is to be determined not by the wording of the stipulation but by reference to all the facts and circumstances of the particular case. Whether a sum fixed is penalty or liquated damages is often difficult to decide and the answer varies with the circumstances of each case. 8.2 Rescission of contract Strictly speaking the equitable right to rescind an agreement is not a remedy for breach of contract, it is a right which exists in certain circumstances, such as where a contract is voidable due to misrepresentation, duress and undue influence When one party to the contract breaches the contract, the other party need not perform his part of the obligations. The aggrieved party may rescind the contract. In such cases, the injured / aggrieved party can either cancel the contract of file a suit for damages. It is possible if the parties can restore their original contract. Conditions to be metIt must be possible for each party to be returned to the pre-contract condition (restitutio in integrum). If the situation has prevented front going back, equity will not allow rescission. b) An innocent third party who has acquired rights in the subject-matter of the contract will prevent the original transaction being rescinded c) The right to rescission must be exercised within a reasonable time of it arising otherwise the equitable doctrine of `laches' comes into effect. d) Where a person affirms a contract expressly or by conduct it may not then be rescinded


The right to rescission is lost if the injured party: continues with the transaction; fails to act or act within a reasonable time; or if an innocent third party acquires an interest in the subject matter.

8.3 Restitution of contract Is based on the concept of unjust enrichment and sometimes referred to as quasi-contract. The plaintiff must establish: the benefit was at the plaintiffs expense; it would be unjust to allow the defendant to keep that benefit or enrichment; and CASE: Pavey & Matthews Pty Ltd v Paul (1987) the defendant must obtain a benefit or enrichment; the defendant has no defences to rely upon. Restitution can be used if: the defendant has received a sum of money from the plaintiff and there has been a total failure of consideration or a mistake of fact; CASE: McCormack v Commonwealth (1984) under a mistake of law; CASE: David Securities Pty Ltd v Commonwealth Bank (1992) under duress or compulsion.

Restitution makes use of the doctrine of quantum meruit 8.4 Suit for quantum meruit as much as earned . In implies a payment deserved by a person for the reason of actual work done When a party has done some work under a contract, and the other party rejected the contract or somehow the full performance of the contract becomes impossible, then the party who has done the work can claim remuneration for the work under a suit for quantum meruit


In order to successfully recover under a quantum meruit theory, the plaintiff generally must demonstrate to the court the performance of the services in good faith, the acceptance of the services by the person to whom they are rendered, an expectation of compensation for those services, and the reasonable value of the services Colburn had commenced a periodical publication called 'The Juvenile Library' and had engaged Planch for 100 to write a volume on costume and ancient armour for it. Planch had written part of the volume and was ready and willing to complete and deliver the whole for insertion in 'The Juvenile Library' but Colburn in breach of contract would not publish it and refused to pay Planch the sum of 100 as previously agreed. Planch sued on a quantum meruit for work and labour he had expended on preparing his volume. Colburn said that Planch entered into a new contract. The trial judge left it to the jury to say whether the work had been abandoned by Colburn, and whether Planch had entered into any new contract. A verdict was found for Planch with 50 damages. 8.5 Suit for specific performance In certain cases of breach of contract, damages may not an adequate remedy. Then the Court may direct the party in breach of carry out his promise according to the terms of contract. But in general, Courts do not wish to compel a party to do that which he has already refused to do. The lease of a residential flat contained a covenant by which the landlord agreed to appoint a resident porter who would perform certain services specified in the lease. The landlord appointed a resident porter but he spent several hours every weekday acting as chef at a neighbouring club. The tenants brought an action against the landlord for breach of his covenant to appoint a full time resident porter. The issue before the Court was whether the Court could grant an injunction to prevent continuance of the breach of the covenant or order specific performance of it. Whether or not a specific performance order should be made seems to me to depend on the following considerations: (a) is there a sufficient definition of what has to be done in order to comply with the order of the court (b) will enforcing compliance involve superintendence by the court to an unacceptable degree (c) what are the respective prejudices or hardships that will be suffered by the parties if the order is made or not made? As to (a), one may in this case sufficiently define what has to be done by the defendants by ordering the defendants, within say two months, to employ a porter

to be resident at Danes Court for the purpose of carrying out the... duties... As to (b) I do not see that such an order will occasion any protracted superintendence by the court. If the defendants without good cause fail to comply with the order in due time, then the plaintiffs can take appropriate enforcement proceedings against the defendants. As to (c), I see no hardship or prejudice resulting to the defendants from the order. They will simply be performing what they have promised to do and what has been carried out by the lessors over the past 20 years. On the other hand I see considerable inconvenience, if not exactly hardship, for the plaintiffs if, having bargained for a resident porter and paid a premium and having enjoyed his presence for 20 years, they are to be expected for the future to be content with a porter who simply walks up and down the stairs for two hours only during the day doing his cleaning and refuse collection. It follows that there should be an order for specific performance. Unlike damages, specific performance cannot be claimed in every case as a matter of right. As per provision of the Section 12 of the Specific Relief Act, in the following cases court may, at its discretion, direct specific performance of a contract: When the act agreed to be done is in the performance, wholly or partly, of a trust; or When there exists no standard for ascertaining the actual damage caused by the non-performance of the act agreed to be done; or iii. When the act agreed to be done is such that pecuniary compensation for its nonperformance would be afford adequate relief; or iv. When it is probable that pecuniary compensation cannot be got for the nonperformance of the act agreed to be done. Unless and until the contrary is proved, the court shall presume that the breach of contract to transfer immovable property cannot be adequately relieved by compensation money and that breach of contract to transfer movable property can be thus relieved (Explanation of Section 12). But as laid down in Section 21 of the Specific Relief Act, contracts of the following classes cannot be directed to be specifically performed: i. relief; A contract which runs into such minute or numerous details or which is dependent on the personal qualifications or violation of the parties or otherwise from its nature is such that court cannot enforce specific performance of its material terms. iii. A contract the terms of which the court cannot find with reasonable certainty iv. A contract which is in its nature revocable ii. A contract for the non-performance of which compensation money is an adequate i. ii.


v. trust vi.

A contract made by trustees either excess of their powers, or in breach of their

A contract made by or on behalf of a corporation or public company created for special purpose or by the promoters of such Company, which is in excess of its powers vii. A contract of which material part of the subject-matter supposed by both parties to exist, has, before it has been made, ceased to exist. 8.6 Suit for injunction An aggrieved party can sue for an injunction i.e., an order of the court restraining the wrong doer from doing or continuing the wrongful act complained of. It is a restraining order which prevents a person from breaking a contract. It is a discretionary remedy and aims at enforcing negative promises. Injunctions are usually granted to enforce negative stipulations in cases where damages are not adequate relief. Injunction is a preventive relief. It is particularly appropriate in cases of anticipatory breach of contract. N, a film actress agreed to act exclusively for Warner Bros for one year. During the year she contracted to act for X. It was held that she could be restrained by an injunction from acting for X. [Warner Bros. v. Nelson. (1937) I.K.B. 209J.

Injunction may be temporary or perpetual. Section 53 of the Specific Relief Act say: Temporary injunctions are such as are to continue until specified time or until the further order of the court. They may be granted at any period of a suit and regulated by the decree made at the hearing and upon the merit of suit; the defended is thereby perpetually enjoined from the assertion of a right or from the commission of an act, which would be contrary the rights of plaintiff. On the other hand mandatory injunctions are such when it is necessary to compel the performance of certain acts which the court is capable of enforcing.


Reference Islam, Mafizul Islam, edited by. Hannan, M. Abdul. Commercial Law ed.5th, Bangladesh, Shams Publication, February, 2012 Hossain, Naznin, edited by Sir, Altaf, Contract Act. 1872 Bangladesh, Family Law Book Corner, 2011 Samad, Md. Atickus, edited by Ballow, Sachanchidananda. Commercial Law of Bangladesh Bangladesh, Kamrul Book House. 2011


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