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Cloudsim- A framework for modelling and simulation

Submitted by
Ankit Ladha Roll No. 101003007

Department of Computer Science and Engineering THAPAR UNIVERSITY, PATIALA (Deemed University)
February 2013

I hereby declare that the report work entitled Cloudsim-A framework for modelling and simulation is an authentic record of our own work carried out at Patiala as requirements of PowerPoint Presentation in Cloud Computing for the award of degree of B.E. (Computer Science & Engineering), Thapar University, Patiala, during February 2013.

Ankit Ladha Roll No. 101003007

Date: ______________

The satisfaction that accompanies the successful completion of any task would be incomplete without mentioning the gratitude to those people who made it possible, because success results not only from hard work but also from undeterred missionary zeal, steady fast determination, importuned concentration, dedication and above all adepts advice. I would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere, grateful and gratuitous concern to all those people who have, in various ways helped us in making this project successful. I would like to express our special thanks of gratitude to our Tutorial Guide ________________________ who gave us the opportunity to learn the prevailing situations and excellent practices in Cloud computing. I am thankful to our parents for their immense support and co-operation.

Ankit Ladha Roll No. 101003007










PROJECT MOTTO Cloud Computing is an important tool that can be used to enhance the next generation data centers and make the application service providers to let data center capabilities for developing applications depending upon user QoS(Quality of Service) requirements. Applications in cloud computing have different structure, configuration and deployment requirements. Measuring the performance of resource allocation policies and scheduling algorithms in details in cloud environments for various applications and service models under different constraints of varying load, power consumption, heat dissipation and system size is a daunting task to tackle. To simplify this task this report proposes Cloudsim: A framework for modelling and simulation. The toolkit supports modelling and creation of VMs on an imitated node of Data Center, jobs, and their mapping to desired VMs. Developers with innovations in their minds will no longer be required to make huge capital investments in hardware and software structures. It frees the IT companies from low level take of setting up basic hardware and software infrastructures creating focussed business values. Traditional and emerging Cloud-based applications consist of social networking, web hosting, content delivery and real time data processing. The use of real infrastructures such as Amazon EC2 limits the experiments to the scale of the infrastructure and makes the production of results extremely difficult.

RealCloudSim: RealCloudSim is a simulator of allocations of VMs based on the main engine of the CloudSim project. RealCloudSim provides a graphical interface to read network topologies 5

based on the BRITE format. RealCloudSim also uses its own engine to simulate allocations based on Genetic Algorithms, Mixed Integer Programming with Lingo software, and network simulations based on the NS2 (Network Simulator 2). A complete report is generated at the end of each simulation. RealCloudSim has been developed by team at State University of Campinas, Brazil.

CloudReports: CloudReports is a graphic tool that simulates distributed computing environments based on the Cloud Computing paradigm. It uses CloudSim as its simulation engine and provides an easy-to-use user interface, report generation features and creation of extensions in a plugin fashion. CloudReports has been developed by team at Federal University of Ceara, Brazil.

Cloudsim auction: This works extends Cloudsim by developing a package library that enables CloudSim to handle auction-based services. The main objective of this research is implementing auctionbased mechanisms in Cloudsim. To test the package library, a new market mechanism to efficiently allocate services to participants based on the combinatorial double auction principle was implemented. The mechanism considers the relevant attributes applicable in Cloud computing environments to the benefit and satisfaction of both users and providers. In this package library, the auction is held based on cost for CPU MIPS and the remaining characteristics (bandwidth, RAM size, etc.) are regarded on VM side if they match the request.

CloudMIG Xpress: CloudMIG Xpress facilitates the comparison and planning phases concerning the migration of software systems to PaaS or IaaS-based Cloud environments. Code models can be extracted from Java-based software to (1) model the current system deployment and augment it with a present workload profile, (2) compare the trade-offs that have to be made for

different cloud deployment options, and (3) automatically transform the system model to a CloudSim model to enable integrated simulation of various cloud deployment options regarding future costs, response times, and SLA violations

Cloud analyst: Cloud Analyst is a tool developed at the University of Melbourne whose goal is to support evaluation of social networks tools according to geographic distribution of users and data centers. In this tool, communities of users and data centers supporting the social networks are characterized and, based on their location; parameters such as user experience while using the social network application and load on the data center are obtained/logged.


Cloud Computing A type of parallel and distributed system consisting of a collection of interconnected and virtualized computers that are dynamically provisioned and presented as one or more unified computing resources based on service-level agreements established through negotiation between the service provider and consumers.

Layered Design

The figure on previous page shows a layered design of service-oriented Cloud computing architecture. Physical cloud resources and core middleware capabilities form the basis for Iaas. User-level middleware provides PaaS capabilities. The top layer delivers SaaS based on the services from lower layers. User-Level Middleware This layer consists of software frameworks such as Web 2.0 Interfaces (Ajax, IBM workplace) that enables the developers to create rich, cost-effective user-interfaces for browser-based applications. It provides the programming environment as well as compositions tools to make the creation, deployment, and execution of applications easy. Core Middleware It implements the platform level services to provide runtime environment which enables cloud computing capabilities to application services built using User-Level middleware. Services at this layer include Dynamic SLA management, accounting, billing, execution 8

monitoring and management, and pricing. Examples include Amazon EC2, Google app engine and Aneka. System Level There exist massive storage servers and application servers that power the data centers which are transparently managed by higher level virtualization services and toolkits which allow sharing of capacity between virtual instances of servers.

Federation (Inter-Networking) of Clouds Currently, Cloud Computing providers have several data centers at different geographical locations over the Internet so as to serve the customers optimally. But, existing system fails to support mechanisms and policies for dynamically coordinating load-shredding among different data centers to determine optimal location for hosting application services. Moreover, Cloud service providers cannot predict geographic distribution of users consuming their services. Therefore, load coordination must happen automatically, and distribution of services must change responding to the changes in load behaviour. The following figure depicts service-oriented Cloud Computing architecture consisting of service customers brokering and providers coordinator services supporting utility-driven internetworking of clouds viz application scheduling, resource allocation, and workload migration. Every data center that (i) exports the cloud services, both infrastructure and platform-level, to the federation; (ii) keeps track of load on the data center and undertakes negotiation with other cloud providers for dynamic scaling of services across multiple data centers for handling the peak in demands; and (iii) monitors the application execution and over oversees that agreed SLAs are delivered, represents the Cloud coordinator component.

A Case for Simulation and Related Work To support research and development of new Grid simulators, policies, and middleware; several Grid simulators like GridSim, SimGrid and GangSim have been proposed. SimGrid is a generic framework for simulation of distributed applications on Grid platforms. GangSim is a Grid simulation toolkit that provides support for modelling of Grid-based virtual organizations and resources. GridSim is an event-driven simulation toolkit for heterogeneous Grid resources. It supports modelling of Grid entities, users, machines, and network including network traffic. These are unable to support the infrastructure and application level requirements arising from Cloud computing paradigm. Since clouds promise to deliver services on subscription-basis in a pay-as-you-go model to cloud customers, cloud infrastructure and modelling and simulation toolkits should provide for economic entities.



At the lowest layer there is the SimJava event simulation engine which implements the core functionalities required for higher-level simulation frameworks like queuing and processing events, creation of ecosystem components (services, host, data, center, broker, and VMs), communications among components, and management of the simulation clock. Then spring up the libraries implementing the GridSim toolkit which supports the following: (i) High level software components for modelling multiple Grid infrastructures, including networks and associated traffic profiles and (ii) Fundamental Grid components such as the resources, data, sets, workload traces, and information services. The CloudSim is implemented at the next level by programing. The program extends the core functionalities exposed by the GridSim layer. CloudSim provides novel support for modelling and simulation of virtualized Cloud-based data center environments such as dedicated management interfaces for VMs, memory, storage and bandwidth.


The topmost layer in the simulation stack is the User Code that exposes configuration related functionalities for hosts (number of machines, their specification), applications (number of tasks and their requirements), VMs, number of users and their application types, and broker scheduling policies. Modelling the Cloud The core hardware infrastructure services related to the Clouds are modelled in the simulator by a Datacenter component for handling service requests. These requests are application elements sandboxed within VMs, which need to be allocated a share of processing power on data centers host components. By VM processing, we mean a set of operations related to VM life cycle: provisioning of a host to a VM, VM creation, VM destruction, and VM migration. A Datacenter is composed by a set of hosts, which are responsible for managing VMs during their life cycles. Host is a component that represents a physical computing node in a Cloud: it is assigned a pre-configured processing capability (expressed in millions of instructions per second MIPS), memory, storage, and a scheduling policy for allocating processing cores to VMs. The Host component implements interfaces that support modelling and simulation of both single-core and multi-core nodes. Allocation of application-specific VMs to Hosts in a Cloud-based data center is the responsibility of the VM Provisioner component. This component exposes a number of custom methods for researchers, which aids in implementation of new VM provisioning policies based on optimization goals (user centric, system centric). The default policy implemented by the VM Provisioner is straightforward policy that allocates a VM to the Host in First-Come-First-Serve (FCFS) basis. The system parameters such as the required number of processing cores, memory and storage as requested by the Cloud user form the basis for such mappings. Other complicated policies can be written by the researchers based on the infrastructure and application demands. For each Host component, the allocation of processing cores to VMs is done based on a host allocation. The policy takes into account how many processing cores will be delegated to each VM, and how much of the processing core's capacity will effectively be attributed for a given VM. Each Host component instantiates a VM scheduler component that implements the spaceshared or timeshared policies for allocating cores to VMs. Cloud system developers and researchers can extend the VM scheduler component for experimenting with more custom allocation policies. Next, the finer level details related to the timeshared and space-shared policies are described. The requests are the application elements sandboxed within VMs, which need to be allocated a share of processing power on Datacentres host components. By VM processing, we mean a set of operations related to VM life cycle: provisioning of a host to a VM, VM creation, its destruction and migration.



In this section, we provide finer details related to the fundamental classes of CloudSim, which are building blocks of the simulator. DataCenter This class models the core infrastructure level services (hardware, software) offered by resource providers in a Cloud computing environment. It encapsulates a set of compute hosts that can be either homogeneous or heterogeneous as regards to their resource configurations (memory, cores, capacity, and storage).Furthermore, every DataCenter component instantiates a generalized resource provisioning component that implements a set of policies for allocating bandwidth, memory, and storage devices. DatacenterBroker This class models a broker, which is responsible for mediating between users and service providers depending on users QoS requirements and deploys service tasks across Clouds. The broker acting on behalf of users identifies suitable Cloud service providers through the Cloud Information Service (CIS) and negotiates with them for an allocation of resources that meet QoS needs of users. The researchers and system developers must extend this class for conducting experiments with their custom developed application placement policies SANStorage This class models a storage area network that is commonly available to Cloud-based data centers for storing large chunks of data. SANStorage implements a simple interface that can be used to simulate storage and retrieval of any amount of data, at any time subject to the availability of network bandwidth. Accessing files in a SAN at run time incurs additional delays for task unit execution, due to time elapsed for transferring the required data files through the data center internal network. VirtualMachine This class models an instance of a VM, whose management during its life cycle is the responsibility of the Host component. As discussed earlier, a host can simultaneously instantiate multiple VMs and allocate cores based on predefined processor sharing policies (space-shared, time-shared). Every VM component has access to a component that stores the characteristics related to a VM, such as memory, processor, storage, and the VMs internal scheduling policy, which is extended from the abstract component called VMScheduling.

Cloudlet This class models the Cloud-based application services (content delivery, social networking, business workflow), which are commonly deployed in the data centers. CloudSim represents the complexity of an application in terms of its computational requirements. Every application component has a pre-assigned instruction length (inherited from GridSims Gridlet component) and amount of data transfer (both pre and post fetches) that needs to be undertaken for successfully hosting the application. CloudCoordinator 13

This abstract class provides federation capacity to a data center. This class is responsible for not only communicating with other peer CloudCoordinator services and Cloud Brokers (DataCenterBroker), but also for monitoring the internal state of a data center that plays integral role in load balancing application scaling decision making. The monitoring occurs periodically in terms of simulation time. The specific event that triggers the load migration is implemented by CloudSim users through Sensor component. Each sensor may model one specific triggering procedure that may cause the CloudCoordinator to undertake dynamic load-shredding. BWProvisioner This is an abstract class that models the provisioning policy of bandwidth to VMs that are deployed on a Host component. The function of this component is to undertake the allocation of network bandwidths to set of competing VMs deployed across the data center. Cloud system developers and researchers can extend this class with their own policies (priority, QoS) to reflect the needs of their applications. MemoryProvisioner This is an abstract class that represents the provisioning policy for allocating memory to VMs. This component models policies for allocating physical memory spaces to the competing VMs. The execution and deployment of VM on a host is feasible only if the MemoryProvisioner component determines that the host has the amount of free memory, which is requested for the new VM deployment. VMProvisioner This abstract class represents the provisioning policy that a VM Monitor utilizes for allocating VMs to Hosts. The chief functionality of the VMProvisioner is to select available host in a data center, which meets the memory, storage, and availability requirement for a VM deployment. The default SimpleVMProvisioner implementation provided with the CloudSim package allocates VMs to the first available Host that meets the aforementioned requirements. Hosts are considered for mapping in a sequential order. However, more complicated policies can be easily implemented within this component for achieving optimized allocations, for example, selection of hosts based on their ability to meet QoS requirements such as response time, budget. VMMAllocationPolicy. This is an abstract class implemented by a Host component that models the policies (space-shared, time-shared) required for allocating processing power to VMs. The functionalities of this class can easily be overridden to accommodate application specific processor sharing policies.


Entities and Threading Programming component referred to as entity if it directly extends the Sim-Entity component. CloudSim minimizes the number of entities in the system by implementing only the core components. Java VM needs to handle only two threads namely Datacenter and Broker. Dtatacenter invokes a method called VMProcessing ( ).

Communication among Entities In the beginning of the simulation, each Datacenter entity registers itself with the CIS (Cloud Information Service) Registry. CIS provides database level match-making services for mapping user requests to suitable cloud providers. Brokers acting on behalf of users consult the CIS service about the list of clouds who offer infrastructure services matching users application requirements. In case the match occurs, then the broker deploys the application with the cloud that was suggested by the CIS.



In order to quantify the efficiency of CloudSim in modeling and simulating Cloud computing Environments, The experiments were conducted on a Celeron machine having configuration: 1.86GHz with 1MB of L2 cache and 1 GB of RAM running a standard Ubuntu Linux version 8.04 and JDK 1.6. To evaluate the overhead in building a simulated Cloud computing environment that consists of a single data center, a broker and a user, we performed series of experiments. The number of hosts in the data center in each experiment was varied from 100 to 100000. As the goal of these tests were to evaluate the computing power requirement to instantiate the Cloud simulation infrastructure, no attention was given to the user workload. For the memory test, profile the total physical memory used by the hosting computer in order to fully instantiate and load the CloudSim environment. The total delay in instantiating the simulation environment is the time difference between the following events: (i) the time at which the runtime environment (Java virtual machine) is directed to load the CloudSim program; and (ii) the instance at which CloudSims entities and components are fully initialized and are ready to process events. The growth in memory consumption is linear, with an experiment with 100000 machines demanding 75MB of RAM. It makes our simulation suitable to run even on simple desktop computers with moderated processing power because CloudSim memory requirements, even for larger simulated environments can easily be provided by such computers. Regarding time overhead related to simulation instantiation, the growth in terms of time increases exponentially with the number of hosts/machines. Nevertheless, the time to instantiate 100000 machines is below 5 minutes, which is reasonable considering the scale of the experiment.


After creation of VMs, task units were submitted in groups of 50 (one submitted to each VM) every 10 minutes. The VM were configured to use both spaceshared and time-shared policies for allocating tasks units to the processing cores. In figures below, task units progress status with increase in simulation steps (time) for the space-shared test and for the time-shared tests respectively. As expected, in the space-shared case every task took 20 minutes for completion as they had dedicated access to the processing core. Since, in this policy each task unit had its own dedicated core, the number of incoming tasks or queue size did not affect execution time of individual task units. However, in the time-shared case execution time of each task varied with increase in number of submitted tasks units. Using this policy, execution time is significantly affected as the processing core is concurrently context switched among the list of scheduled tasks.


Evaluating federal Cloud Computing Components This experiment is aimed at testing CloudSim components that form the basis for simulating federated Cloud computing environments. To this end, a simulation environment that models federation of 3 data centers and a user are created. Every data center instantiates a sensor component, which is responsible for dynamically sensing the availability information related to the local hosts. Next, the sensed statistics are reported to the Cloud Coordinator that utilizes the information in undertaking load-migration decisions. Evaluation of a straightforward load-migration policy that performs online migration of VMs among federated data centers only if the origin data center does not have the requested number of free VM slots available is done. The migration process involves the following steps: (i) creating a virtual machine instance that has the same configuration, which is supported at the destination data center; and (ii) migrating the Cloudlets assigned to the original virtual machine to the newly instantiated virtual machine at the destination data center.


Conclusion and Future Scope

The recent efforts to design and develop Cloud technologies focus on defining novel methods, policies and mechanisms for efficiently managing Cloud infrastructures. To test these newly developed methods and policies, researchers need tools that allow them to evaluate the hypothesis prior to real deployment in an environment where one can reproduce tests. Simulation-based approaches in evaluating Cloud computing systems and application behaviours offer significant benefits, as they allow Cloud developers: (i) to test performance of their provisioning and service delivery policies in a repeatable and controllable environment free of cost; and (ii) to tune the performance bottlenecks before real-world deployment on commercial Clouds. To meet these requirements, the CloudSim toolkit for modeling and simulation of extensible Clouds was developed.


As a completely customizable tool, it allows extension and definition of policies in all the components of the software stack, which makes it suitable as a research tool that can handle the complexities arising from simulated environments. In Future, new pricing and provisioning policies can be incorporated to CloudSim. Also, CloudSim can be extended by implementing the BRITE topology model for networking multiple clouds.

Research paper titled Modeling and Simulation of Scalable Cloud Computing Environments and the CloudSim Toolkit: Challenges and Opportunities by Rajkumar Buyya, Rajiv Ranjan and Rodrigo N. Calheiros published in IEEE Publication year: 2009 Link: erence+Publications&searchField%3DSearch_All%26queryText%3Dcloudsim


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