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Intra Aortic Balloon Pump

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The document discusses the history, principles, physiological effects and factors influencing the effects of intra-aortic balloon pump counterpulsation therapy.

Counterpulsation involves balloon inflation in diastole to displace blood volume and increase coronary blood flow, and deflation in early systole to reduce left ventricular afterload.

IABP therapy aims to improve ventricular performance by increasing myocardial oxygen supply and decreasing demand through effects like increased diastolic pressure, reduced systolic pressure and improved coronary perfusion.

Principles of intra-aortic balloon pump counterpulsation

Murli Krishna MBBS FRCA FFPMRCA Kai Zacharowski MD PhD FRCA

Key points The primary goal of intraaortic balloon pump (IABP) treatment is to increase myocardial oxygen supply and decrease myocardial oxygen demand. Decreased urine output after the insertion of IABP can occur because of juxtarenal balloon positioning. Haemolysis from mechanical damage to red blood cells can reduce the haematocrit by up to 5%. Suboptimal timing of ination and deation of the balloon produces haemodynamic instability. An IABP is thrombogenic; always anticoagulate the patient. Never switch the balloon off while in situ.

Intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP) remains the most widely used circulatory assist device in critically ill patients with cardiac disease. The National Centre of Health Statistics estimated that IABP was used in 42 000 patients in the USA in 2002. Advances in technology, including percutaneous insertion, smaller diameter catheters, sheathless insertion techniques, and enhanced automation, have permitted the use of counterpulsation in a variety of settings, with greater efcacy and safety.

potential improvements in systemic perfusion by augmentation of the intrinsic Windkessel effect, whereby potential energy stored in the aortic root during systole is converted to kinetic energy with the elastic recoil of the aortic root.

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Physiological effects of IABP therapy

The primary goal of IABP treatment is to improve the ventricular performance of the failing heart by facilitating an increase in myocardial oxygen supply and a decrease in myocardial oxygen demand. The overall haemodynamic effects of IABP therapy are summarized in Table 1. Although these effects are predominately associated with enhancement of LV performance, IABP may also have favourable effects on right ventricular (RV) function by complex mechanisms including accentuation of RV myocardial blood ow, unloading the left ventricle causing reduction in left atrial and pulmonary vascular pressures and RV afterload.5 IABP inates at the onset of diastole, thereby increasing diastolic pressure and deates just before systole, thus reducing LV afterload. The magnitude of these effects depends upon: (i) Balloon volume: the amount of blood displaced is proportional to the volume of the balloon. (ii) Heart rate: LV and aortic diastolic lling times are inversely proportional to heart rate; shorter diastolic time produces lesser balloon augmentation per unit time. (iii) Aortic compliance: as aortic compliance increases (or SVR decreases), the magnitude of diastolic augmentation decreases.

Kantrowitz1 described augmentation of coronary blood ow by retardation of the arterial pressure pulse in animal models in 1952. In 1958, Harken2 suggested the removal of some of the blood volume via the femoral artery during systole and replacing it rapidly in diastole as a treatment for left ventricular (LV) failure, so called diastolic augmentation. Four years later, Moulopoulos and colleagues3 developed an experimental prototype of an IABP whose ination and deation were timed to the cardiac cycle. In 1968, Kantrowitz1 reported improved systemic arterial pressure and urine output with the use of an IABP in two subjects with cardiogenic shock, one of who survived to hospital discharge. Percutaneous IABs in sizes 8.59.5 French (rather than 15 French used earlier) were introduced in 1979, and shortly after this, Bergman and colleagues4 described the rst percutaneous insertion of IABP. The rst prefolded IAB was developed in 1986.

Murli Krishna MBBS FRCA FFPMRCA Consultant in Anaesthetics & Pain Medicine Frenchay Hospital Bristol BS16 1LE, UK E-mail: Kai Zacharowski MD PhD FRCA Chair of Cardiovascular Anaesthesia and Critical Care Consultant in Anaesthesia and Critical Care Department of Anaesthesia Bristol Royal Inrmary Bristol BS2 8HW, UK Tel: 44 117 928 2301/2365 Fax: 44 117 926 8674 E-mail: (for correspondence)

Basic principles of counterpulsation

Counterpulsation is a term that describes balloon ination in diastole and deation in early systole. Balloon ination causes volume displacement of blood within the aorta, both proximally and distally. This leads to a potential increase in coronary blood ow and

Myocardial oxygen supply and demand

Ination of IAB during diastole increases the pressure difference between aorta and left


doi:10.1093/bjaceaccp/mkn051 Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain | Volume 9 Number 1 2009 & The Board of Management and Trustees of the British Journal of Anaesthesia [2009]. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

Principles of IABP counterpulsation

Table 1 Summary of haemodynamic effects of IABP therapy Aorta Left ventricle Heart Blood ow #systolic pressure, "diastolic pressure #systolic pressure, #end-diastolic pressure, #volume, #wall tension #afterload, #preload, "cardiac output "! coronary blood ow

Table 2 Indications and contraindications for the use of IABP therapy Indications Acute myocardial infarction Cardiogenic shock Acute MR and VSD Catheterization and angioplasty Refractory unstable angina Cardiac surgery Weaning from cardiopulmonary bypass Contraindications Absolute Aortic regurgitation Aortic dissection Chronic end-stage heart disease with no anticipation of recovery Aortic stents

Refractory LV failure Refractory ventricular arrhythmias Cardiomyopathies Sepsis9 Infants and children with complex cardiac anomalies10

ventricle, the so-called diastolic pressure time index (DPTI). The haemodynamic consequence of this is an increase in coronary blood ow and, therefore, myocardial oxygen supply. Myocardial oxygen demand is directly related to the area under the LV systolic pressure curve, termed as tension time index (TTI). Balloon deation during systole causes a reduction in the LV afterload, thereby decreasing TTI. Thus, the ratio of oxygen supply (DPTI) to oxygen demand (TTI), known as the endocardial viability ratio (EVR), should increase if the IABP is working optimally. This can be evidenced by a decrease in coronary sinus lactate.

Relative Uncontrolled sepsis Abdominal aortic aneurysm Tachyarrhythmias Severe peripheral vascular disease Major arterial reconstruction surgery

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Coronary perfusion
According to the Hagen Poiseuille principle, ow through a tube is directly proportional to the pressure difference across it and the fourth power of the radius while being inversely proportional to the length of the tube and the viscosity of uid owing through it. Hence, in patients with severe coronary artery disease in whom autoregulation is perceived to be absent, coronary blood ow is directly related to diastolic perfusion pressure. Therefore, IABP should theoretically improve coronary ow in these patients.

Severe mitral regurgitation secondary to papillary muscle dysfunction or rupture after myocardial infarction can lead to signicant haemodynamic instability. This can initially be managed by IABP, pending denitive surgery.

Ventricular arrhythmias
IABP is also effective in stabilizing patients with refractory ventricular ectopy after myocardial infarction by increasing the coronary perfusion pressure, reducing ischaemia and trans-myocardial wall stress, and maintaining adequate systemic perfusion.

Renal function
Renal blood ow can increase up to 25%, secondary to increase in cardiac output. Decrease in urine output after insertion of IABP should raise the suspicion of juxta-renal balloon positioning.

Cardiogenic shock
This is life-threatening complication of acute myocardial infarction, is characterized by low cardiac output, hypotension unresponsive to uid administration, elevated lling pressures and tissue hypoperfusion leading to oliguria, hyperlactaemia, and altered mental status. IABP therapy is considered to be a class I indication (ACC/AHA guidelines) for the management of cardiogenic shock not rapidly reversed by pharmacological therapy.7

Haematological effects
The haemoglobin levels and the haematocrit often decrease by up to 5% because of haemolysis from mechanical damage to the red blood cells. Thrombocytopenia can result from mechanical damage to the platelets, heparin administration, or both.6

Unstable angina
Unstable angina refractory to drug treatment is an indication for IABP. These patients are at increased risk of developing acute myocardial infarction and death. By improving the haemodynamic condition of these patients, IABP can facilitate further percutaneous interventions or bridge the patient to surgery.

Over the years, indications for the use of IABP have developed in clinical practice and are summarized along with contraindications in Table 2.

Refractory ventricular failure

IABP has a role in managing patients with refractory ventricular failure outside the setting of acute myocardial infarction, such as those with cardiomyopathy or severe myocardial damage associated with viral myocarditis. This can aid the progression to more denitive treatments such as ventricular assist device or cardiac transplantation.

Acute myocardial infarction

IABP is aimed at achieving haemodynamic stability until a denitive course of treatment or recovery occurs. By decreasing myocardial work and SVR, intracardiac shunting, mitral regurgitation, or both (if present) are reduced while coronary perfusion is enhanced.

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Principles of IABP counterpulsation

Cardiac surgery
IABP is used for stabilization of patients with acute myocardial infarction referred for urgent cardiac surgery. IABP support is often initiated in the cardiac catheterization laboratory and continued through the perioperative period. Elective placement is considered in high-risk patients such as those with signicant left main stem disease, severe LV dysfunction (ejection fraction ,30%), congestive heart failure, cardiomyopathy, chronic renal failure, or cerebrovascular disease. Weaning from cardiopulmonary bypass may be difcult in cases where aortic cross-clamping is prolonged, revascularization is only partially achieved, or preexisting myocardial dysfunction is present. Separation from cardiopulmonary bypass may be marked by hypotension and a low cardiac index despite the administration of inotropic drugs. The use of IABP in this setting decreases LV resistance, increases cardiac output, and increases coronary and systemic perfusion, facilitating the patients weaning from cardiopulmonary bypass.

Table 3 Complications associated with IABP Transient loss of peripheral pulse Limb ischaemia Thromboembolism Compartment syndrome11 Aortic dissection Local vascular injuryfalse aneurysm, haematoma, bleeding from the wound Infection Balloon rupture (can cause gas embolus) Balloon entrapment Haematological changes, for example thrombocytopenia, haemolysis Malpositioning causing cerebral or renal compromise Cardiac tamponade

The contraindications to IABP are summarized in Table 2. It is contraindicated in patients with aortic regurgitation because it worsens the magnitude of regurgitation. IABP insertion should not be attempted in case of suspected or known aortic dissection because inadvertent balloon placement in the false lumen may result in extension of the dissection or even aortic rupture. Similarly, aortic rupture can occur if IABP is inserted in patients with sizable abdominal aortic aneurysms. Patients with end-stage cardiac disease should not be considered for IABP unless as a bridge to ventricular assist device or cardiac transplantation. IABP device placement should be avoided in patients with severe peripheral vascular disease. Percutaneous femoral IABP device insertion is contraindicated in the presence of bilateral femoral popliteal bypass grafts. Uncontrolled sepsis and bleeding diathesis are relative contraindications to the placement of IABP device.

Technique of insertion and operation

The IABP device has two major components: (i) a double-lumen 8.09.5 French catheter with a 25 50 ml balloon attached at its distal end; and (ii) a console with a pump to drive the balloon. The balloon is made of polyethylene and is inated with gas driven by the pump. Helium is often used because its low density facilitates rapid transfer of gas from console to the balloon. It is also easily absorbed into the blood stream in case of rupture of the balloon. Before insertion, the appropriate balloon size is selected on the basis of the patients height (as supplied by Datascope, for a patient ,152 cm in height, a balloon volume of 25 cc is appropriate; for height between 152 and 163 cm, balloon volume 34 cc; for height 164 183 cm, balloon volume 40 cc, and for height .183 cm, balloon volume 50 cc). Smaller balloons are available for paediatric use. The diameter of the balloon, when fully expanded,

should not exceed 80 90% of the diameter of the patients descending thoracic aorta. The IABP catheter is inserted percutaneously into the femoral artery through an introducer sheath using the modied Seldinger technique. Alternative routes of access include subclavian, axillary, brachial, or iliac arteries. The catheter can also be inserted surgically using a transthoracic or translumbar approach, but this is associated with an increased periprocedural mortality.8 Once vascular access is obtained, the balloon catheter is inserted and advanced, usually under uoroscopic guidance, into the descending thoracic aorta, with its tip 2 to 3 cm distal to the origin of the left subclavian artery (at the level of the carina). Intraoperatively, balloon placement can be ascertained using transoesophageal echocardiography. The outer lumen of the catheter is used for delivery of gas to the balloon and the inner lumen can be used for monitoring systemic arterial pressure. Complications associated with IABP are summarized in Table 3. The console is programmed to identify a trigger for balloon ination and deation. The most commonly used triggers are the ECG waveform and the systemic arterial pressure waveform. The balloon inates with the onset of diastole, which corresponds with the middle of the T-wave. The balloon deates at the onset of LV systole and this corresponds to the peak of the R-wave. Poor ECG quality, electrical interference, and cardiac arrhythmias can result in erratic balloon ination. The balloon is set to inate after the aortic valve closure (which corresponds to the dicrotic notch on the arterial waveform) and deate immediately before the opening of the aortic valve (which corresponds to the point just before the upstroke on the arterial pressure waveform). IABP timing refers to ination and deation of the IAB in relation to the cardiac cycle. The cardiac cycle is monitored by continuous display of the arterial pressure waveform. As the balloon inates at the onset of diastole, a sharp and deep V is observed at the dicrotic notch (Fig. 1). Balloon ination causes augmentation of diastolic pressure and a second peak is observed. This peak is referred to as diastolic augmentation. Diastolic augmentation is ideally higher than the patients systolic pressure except when reduced stroke volume causes a relative decrease in augmentation. Depending upon the patients

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Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain j Volume 9 Number 1 2009

Principles of IABP counterpulsation

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Fig 1 One complete cardiac cycle and the corresponding waveform of the IABP during ination and deation. Reproduced with permission from Datascopew.

haemodynamic status, the balloon is programmed to assist every beat (1:1) or less often (1:2, 1:4, or 1:8). With haemodynamic improvement, the device can be weaned to less frequent cycling before complete removal. However, the device should never be left unused in situ to prevent thrombosis. Suboptimal timing of ination and deation of the balloon will result in haemodynamic instability (Fig. 2A D): Examples of this include: (i) Early ination: ination of the IAB before aortic valve closure (Fig. 2A). (ii) Late ination: ination of the IAB markedly after closure of the aortic valve (Fig. 2B). (iii) Early deation: premature deation of the IAB during the diastolic phase (Fig. 2C). (iv) Late deation: deation of the IAB after the onset of systole (Fig. 2D).

Weaning from IABP should be considered when the inotropic requirements are minimal, thus allowing increased inotropic support if needed. Weaning is achieved gradually (over 6 12 h) reducing the ratio of augmented to non-augmented beats from 1:1 to 1:2 or less and/or decreasing the balloon volume. The balloon should never be turned off in situ except when the patient is anticoagulated because of the risk of thrombus formation on the balloon. Patient care should be carried out with three primary goals in mind: (i) evaluation in terms of haemodynamic status, systemic perfusion, and relief of cardiac symptoms; (ii) observation for early signs of complications including limb ischaemia, balloon malpositioning, thrombus formation, bleeding, and infection; (iii) ensuring proper functioning of IABP, including correct timing, consistent triggering, and troubleshooting of alarms.

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Principles of IABP counterpulsation

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Fig 2 (A) Waveform characteristics: ination of IAB before dicrotic notch; diastolic augmentation encroaches onto systole, may be unable to distinguish. Physiological effects: potential premature closure of the aortic valve; potential increase in LVEDV and LVEDP or PCWP; increased LV wall stress or afterload; aortic regurgitation; increased MVO2 demand. (B) Waveform characteristics: ination of IAB after the dicrotic notch; absence of sharp V. Physiological effects: suboptimal coronary artery perfusion. (C) Waveform characteristics: deation of IAB is seen as a sharp decrease after diastolic augmentation; suboptimal diastolic augmentation; assisted aortic end-diastolic pressure may be equal to or less than the unassisted aortic end-diastolic pressure; assisted systolic pressure may increase. Physiological effects: suboptimal coronary perfusion; potential for retrograde coronary and carotid blood ow; suboptimal afterload reduction; increased MVO2 demand. (D) Waveform characteristics: assisted aortic end-diastolic pressure may be equal to the unassisted aortic end-diastolic pressure; rate of increase of assisted systole is prolonged; diastolic augmentation may appear widened. Physiological effects: afterload reduction is essentially absent; increased MVO2 consumption because of the left ventricle ejecting against a greater resistance and a prolonged isovolumetric contraction phase; IAB may impede LV ejection and increase the afterload. Reproduced with permission from Datascopew.

1. Kantrowitz A. Experimental augmentation of coronary ow by retardation of the arterial pressure pulse. Surgery 1953; 34: 678 87 2. Harken DE. The surgical treatment of acquired valvular disease. Circulation 1958; 18: 1 6 3. Moulopoulos SD, Topaz SR, Kolff WJ. Extracorporeal assistance to the circulation and intraaortic balloon pumping. Trans Am Soc Artif Intern Organs 1962; 8: 85 9 4. Bergman HE, Casarella WJ. Percutaneous intra-aortic balloon pumping: initial clinical experience. Ann Thorac Surg 1980; 29: 1535 5. Miller RD. Millers anaesthesia. In: Nyhan D, Johns RA eds. Anesthesia for Cardiac Surgery. Elsevier, 1991/2007 6. Walls JT, Boley TM, Curtis JJ, Silver D. Heparin induced thrombocytopenia in patients undergoing intra-aortic balloon pumping after open heart surgery. ASAIO J 1992; 38: M574 6 7. Ryan TJ, Antman EM, Brooks NH et al. 1999 update: ACC/AHA Guidelines for the Management of Patients with Acute Myocardial

Infarction: Executive Summary and Recommendations: A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines (Committee on Management of Acute Myocardial Infarction). Circulation 1999; 100: 101630 8. Arafa OE, Geiran OR, Svennevig JL. Transthoracic intra-aortic balloon pump in open heart operations: techniques and outcome. Scand Cardiovasc J 2001; 35: 404 9. Mercer D, Doris P, Salerno TA. Intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation in septic shock. Can J Surg 1981; 24: 643 5 10. Pinkney KA, Minich LL, Tani LY et al. Current results with intraaortic balloon pumping in infants and children. Ann Thorac Surg 2002; 73: 88791 11. Velez CA, Kahn J. Compartment syndrome from balloon pump. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2000; 51: 2179

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Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain j Volume 9 Number 1 2009

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