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PHP Syllabus

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1. Introduction to Web Technology

1. Overview Of HTML 2. HTML Documents 3. Formatting HTML Documents 4. Inserting Images 5. Linking Document 6. List 7. Table 8. Form 6.Installation & Configuration Files

5. Development Concept
1. How PHP Script Work 2. PHP Syntax 3. Write your First PHP Program 4. Embed PHP in HTML/HTML In PHP 5. PHP Data Types 6. Variable in PHP 7. Contants In PHP 8.Operator In PHP

2. Introduction to CSS
1. Overview of CSS 2. Inline CSS 3. Internal CSS 4. External CSS

6. Control Structure:
1. If Statement 2. IfElse Statement 3. IfIfElse Statement 4. Nested If Statement 5. Switch Statement

3. Introduction to JavaScript
1. Overview of JavaScript 2. Variable 3. Operator 4. Data Type 5. Conditional Statements 6. Looping Statements 7. Function 8. Event 9. Date &Time Function 10. String Function 11. Form Validation

7. Looping Structure
1. For Loop 2. While Loop 3. DoWhile Loop 4. Foreach Loop

8. Function
1. What is function? 2. Syntax 3. User Defined Function 4. System Defined Function 5. Parameterized Function 6. Non Parameterize Function 7. Date & Time Function 8. Hash Function 9. Mail Function

4. Introduction to PHP
1. What is PHP? 2. How PHP better than other 3. Benefits of Using PHP MYSQL 4. Server Client Environment 5. Web Browser, Web Server


9. File Inclusion
1. Include () 2. Require ()

14.State Management
1.Creating Cookies 2.Set Cookies 3.Destroying Cookies 4.Creating Session 5.Set Session 6.Destroying Session

10. Array
1. What is Array 2.Syantax 3.Associative Array 4.Numeric Array 5.Multi-Dimensional Array

15.Error Handling & Exception

1.Introducation to Error Handling 2.Try,catch,throw Block

11. String Function

1.Chr() 2.strlen() 3.strpos() 4.strcmp()

16.Introducation to MYSQL
1.What is Database? 2.Understanding an RDBMS 3.Understanding Tables, Record & Fields 4. SQL Language

12.Working With File

1.Opening File 2.Reading File 3.Writeing File 4.Closing File 5.Appending File 6.Uploading File

17.Woking with MYSQL Admin

1.Working with PHP MyAdmin 2.Types Data Type 3.Creating Database & Tables 4.Dropping Database & Tables 5.iAdding Fields 6.Selecting Table 7.Alerting Fields Properties

13.OOPs Concept
1.Class & Object 2.Access Modifier 3. Properties of Object 4. Encapsulation and abstraction 5. Inheritance. 6. Polymorphism. 7. Abstract class. 8. Function overriding.

18. MySQL Function In PHP

1. Database Connections 2. Managing Database Connections 3. Performing Queries 4. Closing Connection


19. SQL Queries

1. Create Database & Table 2. Drop Database & Table 3. Insert Record 4. Select Record 5. Deleting Record 6. Modifying Record 8. WHERE Clause 9. Using Operators 10 Sorting Records 11. Eliminating Duplicates 12. Grouping Records, Having Clause 13. Joinging Tables 14. Subqueries 15. Using Table and Column Aliases

20. PHP Project

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