K4A Siddur Ishi
K4A Siddur Ishi
K4A Siddur Ishi
Personal Siddur
In Hebrew, the accent generally falls on the last syllable, however it sometimes falls somewhere else in the word. In our transliteration, when the syllable falls somewhere else other than the last syllable, that stressed syllable will be underlined. Example: Melech.
Hebrew Rules
The following are some of the Hebrew rules you may notice in our siddurim (connection books).
j Kln l k Eg Ui n
In Hebrew, the accent generally falls on the last syllable, however it sometimes falls somewhere else in the word. Whenever a syllable other than the last is accented, a meteg (the vertical line under the first letter) will appear. The masoret above the letter Chaf indicates that this is a Kamatz Katan, which is pronounced as o; in this example the word is kol. The rafe above a letter indicates it is a Shva Na. This example is pronounced yismchu. Note that the rafe does not appear above the first letter of a word that has a Shva as that is ALWAYS a Shva Na.
Copyright Kabbalah4All.com.
iyi` xicq
ysya rvdc
Siddur Ishi is a collection of prayers suited for the individual. Prayer is to the soul what food is to the body. Kabbalah encourages both communal prayer and individual meditation. Most connections are designed to be prayed in community, however there must be an alternative for the individual when they find themselves unable to access communal prayer. These prayers are suitable for individual use on weekdays and should not be used during Shabbat or Festivals, days that community connection is imperative.
zixdyl zekxa
tyrxsl tvkrb
As we awake in the morning, we should become aware of so many blessings in our lives. Prayer instills appreciation within us and appreciation attracts miracles. We should say each prayer with the consciousness of gratitude.
yna hdvm
Each morning is a new beginning, our soul is returned to us so that we may fulfill its purpose. We thank the Creator for the restoration of our soul, the One Whose faithfulness in us is abundant.
Men say Modeh /Women say Modah.
rabah emunatecha.
abundant is Your faithfulness.
,ydy tlyun
Our hands attract all sorts of energies, including negative energy. Water has the qualities of Chesed and purification. The word natal literally means to lift. By washing our hands before we engage in any connection or meditation, we are cleansing them and raising them from their mundane tasks to sacred service.
We recite the blessing and then we wash the hands by picking up the pitcher with the left hand and pouring the water over the right hand, then with the right hand pour the water over the left. This procedure is done three times.
dedi dY` KEx A ,m Frd K n Epidl l l ` ,eizFvnA EpW w xW C ` .mi c z ihp l EpEve i l r
zixdyl zekxa
roy rsa
Through this blessing we thank the Creator for the rejuevenation of our physical faculties.
chalulim chalulim.
openings of the body.
i efshar lhit-kayeim
it would be impossible to exist
vla-amod lfanecha
and stand before You
,dedi dY` KEx A ,m Frd K n Epidl l l ` ,dnk A mc`d z xv xW g ` i ` mia p mia p Fa `x w w aE .milEl milEl g g LcFak ` k i tl rEcie iEl Q p b ,mdn cg` gzR i m`W ,mdn cg` mz i F` Q m wzdl xWt` i` I Liptl cFn le r .zg` d W Elit r ` ,dedi dY` KEx A ,xUA l ` Fx k t .zFU l `iltnE r
umafli la-asot.
working wondrously.
zixdyl zekxa
hmsn yhla
Through this blessing we express our gratitude for the restoration of a pure soul and for keeping us in life and in health. When we recognize that the soul is pure, it can often assist us in the task of loving our neighbor.
Men say modeh/Women say modah.
My Elohim,
,idl ` .`id dxFdh iA Yz W dnWp P ,DYx vi dY` ,Dz`xa dY` ,iA DYgtp dY` ,iAx wA Dx Wn dY`e O ,iPOn D Hl ciz dY`e l r .`Fa ciz l iA DxifgdlE l r ,iAx wA dnWPdW onf l M ,Liptl ip` dcFn\dcFn idl dedi ` ,izFa idl` ` e ,miU Od l oFAx r M .zFnWPd l oFc M ` ,dedi dY` KEx A ig l W p FcA xW M t i ` .Wi` xUA l gExe M
Adonai Elohai
Hashem, my Elohim
vEilohei avotai,
and the Elohim of my ancestors,
zixdyl zekxa
Men say the word before / Women say the word after.
,dedi dY` KEx A ,m Frd K n Epidl l l ` d ia ie kV oz xW p l p ` .d il oi E mFi oi oigadl l a A ,dedi dY` KEx A ,m Frd K n Epidl l l ` .mix e r gwFR ,dedi dY` KEx A ,m Frd K n Epidl l l ` .mixEq xiYn ` ,dedi dY` KEx A ,m Frd K n Epidl l l ` .mitEtM s Ff w ,dedi dY` KEx A ,m Frd K n Epidl l l ` .miOx WiAln r ,dedi dY` KEx A ,m Frd K n Epidl l l ` .gM s Il ozFPd r
pokei-ach ivrim.
Who opens the eyes of the blind.
matir asurim.
Who releases those who are bound.
zokeif kfufim.
Who straightens those who are bent over.
malbish arumim.
Who clothes the naked.
zixdyl zekxa
,dedi dY` KEx A ,m Frd K n Epidl l l ` .mi Od l ux`d r Fx r w ,dedi dY` KEx A ,m Frd K n Epidl l l ` .x b ic vn oikOd a r ,dedi dY` KEx A ,m Frd K n Epidl l l ` .iMx l iN dUrW v M ,dedi dY` KEx A ,m Frd K n Epidl l l ` .dxEabA l`xUi x Fr f ,dedi dY` KEx A ,m Frd K n Epidl l l ` .dx`tzA l`xUi xhFr ,dedi dY` KEx A ,m Frd K n Epidl l l ` .l`xUi ipU W r ,dedi dY` KEx A ,m Frd K n Epidl l l ` .dgtW\c r ipU `lW a r
sheasani Yisra-eil.
Who has made me Israel.
zixdyl zekxa
dedi dY` KEx A ,m Frd K n Epidl l l ` .midl m vA ipU W ` l r dedi dY` KEx A ,m Frd K n Epidl l l ` ,i i n d W xia Od p r p r .iR t n dnEpzE r r ,dedi LiptNn oFvx idie ,EpizFa idl` Epidl ` e ` LzxFzA EpliBx YW .LizFvnA Epw ce A ,`hg icil `l Ep`iaY l`e ,oF e dxi r icil `le r a ,oFi p icil `le Q .oFi a icil `le G .rxd x i EpA h WY l`e v l ,rx mc`n Epwigx de .rx x gnE a aFHd x iA Epw ce v A .miaFh miU naE r .K c rYWdl Epxvi z ske l A ` mFi l aE mFId EppzE k ,min xlE c glE ogl g q
utnumah mei-afapai.
slumber from the eyelids.
shetargileinu bToratecha
that Your Torah be woven into our daily lives
vdabkeinu bmitzvotecha.
and that we cling to Your commandments.
umeichaveir ra.
the evil companion.
uvma-asim tovim.
and good deed.
zixdyl zekxa
lamo Yisra-eil.
on Your people Israel.
.Epi`Fx l i i aE Lipi A k p r r .miaFh mic q Eplnbze g ,dedi dY` KEx A miaFh mic qg lnFB .l`xUi FO l r ,LiptNn oFvx idi ,izFa idl` idl dedi ` e ` mFi l aE mFId ipliSYW k ,mipR zEG nE mipt i rn r G ,rx x In ,rx mc`n v ,rx okXnE ,rx x gnE a ,rxd o irn ,rx r RnE b ,zEpiWlOn ,rxd oFy n N ,x W zEc n w r ,zFIx d z`p n A ,d Wn dziOn ,d il n P l r ,mirx mix wOn ,mirx miilgn ,dWw oiC n ,zigWOd ohVnE ,dWw oiC l AnE r ,zix A o `EdW oi a A ,zix A o Fpi`W oi E a a .mPdi ly D iC nE B p
me-eidut sheker,
from false witness,
misinat habriyot,
from hatred by people,
zixdyl zekxa
hrvth tvkrb
Hillel said that all of Torah is summed up as Love your neighbor as yourself, all the rest is mere commentary, now go and learn. We are called to care about others and to share. These blessings assists us in connecting to the energy of the Torah so that we share the Light of the Creator with others. We must perform a mitzvah after a blessing is said, therefore the verses that follow are from both the Written and Oral Torah.
dedi dY` KEx A ,m Frd K n Epidl l l ` ,eizFvnA EpW w xW C ` .dxFz ixac A wFq l EpEve r ,Epidl dedi ` ax de ` p r ,EpitA LzxFz ixaC z ` ,l`xUi zi L r itaE A O ,Epi`v ve Epgp` d dpe ` i ,l`xUi zi L r i`v ve A O ` ,LnW i cFi EpNM r .DnWl LzxFz ic e nFl ,dedi dY` KEx A .l`xUi FO l dxFY cO nd r l dedi dY` KEx A ,m Frd K n Epidl l l ` miO d l n EpA xgA xW r M ` .FzxFY z Epl ozpe `
zixdyl zekxa
notein ha-Torah.
Who gives the Torah.
,dedi dY` KEx A .dxFYd ozFp dWn l dedi x ci e ` A l e oxd` l AC :xn` ` `x N z Ek az dM :xn` ei A ` e x N p :md xFn` l xUi i A l e ` y pa .LxnW ie dedi L x i k a .Pgie Lil` ei R dedi x` p i mUe Lil` ei R dedi `Vi i p .mFlW Ll i A l i W z EnUe p a r ny ` e y .mkx ` ip`e l xUi a ` y mix c EN` a el :xErW md oi`W e y l y mixEMAde d` d e ka R t mic qg zElinbE oFi`xde e e e .dxFY cEnlze ez e l F` mc`W mix c EN` ke y a e l d d m Fr mdizFx f G le A e R a t e I w Fl zn w oxTde i
lcha shalom.
peace to you.
Eilu dvarim
These are the precepts
hapei-ah vhabikurim
the corner of a field (for the poor) and the first-fruit offering
vtalmud Torah.
and study of Torah.
vhakeren kayemet lo
but whose principal remains intact for them
zixdyl zekxa
la-olam haba.
in the World to Come.
Veilu hein:
These are they:
Kibud av va-eim,
Honor father and mother,
ugmilut chasadim,
the bestowal of kindness,
shacharit varvit,
morning and evening,
vhachnasat orchim,
and hospitality to guests,
uvikur cholim,
and visiting the sick,
vhachnasat kalah,
and providing for a bride,
ulvayat hameit,
and escorting the dead,
viyun tfilah,
and meditation in prayer,
,` d m Fr a A le l :od EN`e el ,m`e a` cEAM eak ,mic qg zElinbE e e y n A ky Wxc Od zi znMWde a ,ziax e zix W r gy ,mig e` z pkde xF q ,milFg xETaE e ew e ,d M z pkde l Nk q ,zOd z elE n i e ,d tY oEire l Nz e mc` oi mFlW z` de A e y a a ,FYW`l Wi` oi E Fx gl ezy y ae e a .m M c pM dxFY cEnlze l Nk b k ez e
tylu tpyui
The tallit helps us to focus during our prayers and it also reminds us of the Creators love and protection over us.
Hold the folded tallit in your hand and inspect the tzitzits and recite:
Oteh or kasalmah,
You wrap Yourself in light as in a garment,
,dedi z iWt ik A ` p x ,c`n Ylc idl dedi B ` .YWal xcde cFd ,dnlVM xF` dhr .d ix M m inW dhFp r i
zixdyl zekxa
brich hu uShchinteih,
Blessed is He and His Shchinah,
`yc w cEg i myl ,DYpikWE `Ed Kix A cg l EnigxE Eligc A i `cEgi A d"eA d"i mW .l`xUi l my milW M A ,dedi dY` KEx A ,m Frd K n Epidl l l ` ,eizFvnA EpW w xW C ` .zviSA sH zdl EpEve r ,L qg x I dn C w mc` i aE ,midl p ` .oEi gi LitpM l A q v ,Lzi oWCn o xi A ie .m Wz Lipc lgpe w r ,miIg xFwn L r iM O .xF` d`xp L A xF` ,Lircil L qg KWn C .a ixW il L wc ve l z
Unfold the tallit and hold it in readiness to wrap around yourself and recite:
Wrap the tallit around your head and body and recite:
Take a few moments to meditate and feel the Creators love and Light surround, you just as the tallit does.
zixdyl zekxa
If you do not have Tefillin or do not wish to wear them, continue on page 17. Please note that we use the Sephardic custom of putting on Tefillin.
,dedi dY` KEx A ,m Frd K n Epidl l l ` ,eizFvnA EpW w xW C ` .oiNtY gipdl EpEve
Tighten the arm Tefillin and wrap the strap seven times counter-clockwise around the arm. After the seventh wrap, bring the strap to the outside of your hand and wrap it around to hold it there. Without any interruption whatsoever, put the head Tefillin in place, above the hairline and opposite the space between the eyes. Before tightening the head Tefillin recite the following blessing:
,dedi dY` KEx A ,m Frd K n Epidl l l ` ,eizFvnA EpW w xW C ` .oiNtY zevn l EpEve r cFaM mW KEx A .c e m Frl FzEkln r l ,oFil l` ,L nkgnE r z ,i r liv Y l `
ta-atzil alai,
may You imbue me,
zixdyl zekxa
umibinatcha tvineini,
and from Your understanding grant me understanding,
uvigvuratcha tatzmit
and with Your power cut down
oyvai vkamai.
my foes and those who rise against me.
Potei-ach et yadecha,
You open Your hand,
,ippiaY L piAnE z ,i r liC bY L qgaE l C zinvY L xEabaE z .inwe i F` ai l wix Y aFHd onWe r ,dxFp d i w d aW O p r .LizFIx al L riRWdl aEh ,Lc z gzFR i ` .oFvx ig l l riAUnE k
Wrap the strap of the hand Tefillin around your palm, then down the middle finger, around the upper half of the middle finger, twice around the lower part of the middle finger (this forms the letter Dalet, the 2nd letter of Shadai), then loop it around the 4th finger and bring it over to the top, bring it around the middle of the palm until the rest of the strap (about 2 inches) is able to be tied to the other straps under the palm. Then recite:
Veirastich li lolam,
And I will betroth you to Me forever,
veirastich li btzedek,
and I will betroth you to Me in righteousness,
Veirastich li be-emunah,
And I will betroth you to Me in faithfulness,
vyada-at et Adonai.
and you will know Hashem.
,m Frl i Ki Ux`e le l j Yy z ,wcvA il Ki Ux`e a j Yy z .min xaE c gaE hRWnaE g e q e ty e ,d En A i Ki Ux`e pe `a l j Yy z .dedi z Yrce ` z i
zixdyl zekxa
,lvi ]vda
This song of praise gives us a sense of security as we begin the day.
,K n xW m Fr oFc l ` l ` .`xap xivi lM mxhA ,lM Fvtga dU p z l r r .`xw FnW K n i ` p l f ,lMd zFlkM ix `e g .`xFp KFlni FCal ,dd `Ede ,dd `Ede e i .dx`tzA ,d di `Ede i ,ipW oi`e cg` `Ede .dxiAgdl Fl liWndl ,zilkz ilA ziW`x ilA .dxUOde frd Fle ,ilB ige il` `Ede ` .dxv z A ilag xEve r ,il qFpnE iQp `Ede .`xw` mFiA iqFM z n p ,igEx ciwt` FcA i .dxir`e oWi` z A r ,iz e B igEx mre I .`xi` `le il dedi
lhamshil lo lhachbirah.
You are incomparable and unique.
zixdyl zekxa
xkb ana
Considered by the Kabbalists to be the most powerful and mystical prayer of all; the sequence of Hebrew letters is known as the 42-Letter Name of the Creator. The importance of this prayer is not in the words themselves but in the first letter of each word. The words only help us to make the sounds of each first letter. This prayer can connect us to the energy of healing and before we say it, we should think of others that need healing in order that we too may receive healing in our own lives. Following the Ana BChoach, we have a meditation known as Tikun HaNefesh, literally Correction of the Ego Self. You may wish to use your right hand and place it over the parts of your body as you look at the Divine Name (Tetragrammaton) in each box. The numbers will guide through this meditation which is also used to realign the energy points in our bodies. Some have referred to the Tikun HaNefesh as the Kabbalistic Chakra System. Kabbalah teaches that an angel presides over each day of the week. After the Tikun HaNefesh, take a moment to think about your the day ahead of you and what you need to accomplish. This is a good time of introspection and intention. You can ask yourself questions like: How can I be a channel of Creators Light and love today? If faced with adversity or negativity, how will I respond? When I confront people that are opposed to me how will I behave? Remember, no one can make you feel any way. You are in control of your emotions and your life, you choose if someones negativity will affect you or not.
Now, look at the letters that make up the name of the angel of the day. By doing this, we are invoking that angels protection over us and assistance with all that we may face.
zixdyl zekxa
xkb ana
.m nB cinY L wc v in x mx h mkx A l z g d
Barcheim tahareim rachamei tzidkatcha tamid gomleim.
Bless and purify them and always grant them Your compassionate righteousness.
zixdyl zekxa
3 Binah (Left Brain)
spnh ]vqyt
2 Chochmah (Right Brain)
1 Keter (Skull)
ded i
5 (Left Eye) 9
ded i
ded i
8 4 (Right Eye)
id e` e id c ei
id e` e id c ei
dedi dedi
id e`e id cei
id e`e id cei
10 (Mouth)
id e`e id cei
s"nea u"xyqf z"plhc w"kib r"dg`
12 Gevurah (Left Arm)
13 Tiferet (Body)
11 Chesed (Right Arm)
15 Hod (Left Thigh)
16 Ysod (Reproductive Organs)
ded i
14 Netzach (Right Thigh)
17 Malchut (Feet)
zixdyl zekxa
id e` id cei id e e id ce e i i iiddcee`ieiiddscle`i icy l` dxexv xizz jpini zlecb gka `p` dd ddi uz ba` e i e i l`en l`pre l`ix b d xhn l f i e q lebq z"x
`d F`F `d cFi i d e `e i d c e i id e` id cei e ``ddcee`ie``ddscle`i dedi l` `xep epxdh epaby jnr zpx law de di de i ohW x w d r l` pd` l` kx a l` rnW i i i `ey z"x
zixdyl zekxa
dd ee dd cFi id F`F `d cFi ddddceeieddddscle`i ipc` l` mxny zaak jcegi iyxec xeab `p dedi de i Uki cb d p l`ipgn l`icdl l`ipg mlg z"x
dd ee dd eceei e`ed ee`e e`ed eceei ddddceeieddddscle`i ipc` l` mlnb cinz jzwcv ingx mxdh mkxa de di de i ohW x w d r l`iyc w l`ihdx l`iwfg wxg z"x
zixdyl zekxa
e`ed ee`e e`ed eceei i d e `e i d c e i id e` id cei e ``ddcee`ie``ddscle`i dedi l` jzcr ldp jaeh aexa yicw oiqg ded de i r h wg i d p a l`pw l`nrx lreny i i wxy z"x (wxey z"xa eik`ln ueawd)
id e` id cei id e e id ce e i i iiddcee`ieiiddscle`i icy l` jzyecw ixkef dpt jnrl d`b cigi EdpEeEdEi dedi wtlb f i ElE`EiEWEcEw ElE`EtEx ElE`EiEUEnEW wxy z"x
zixdyl zekxa
Rav David Aburaham said that anyone who recites this Psalm and concentrates on it in the form of the menorah (on the following page) is considered to have lit the menorah in the Temple.
zixdyl zekxa
The Lamnatzeiach is in the form of the Menorah. The flames are the very first verse, and the branches are the rest of the Psalm, which begins on the furthermost leftside. The words above the Menorah are Shiviti Adonai Lnegdi Tamid, which translates as I place Hashem before me always.
zixdyl zekxa
rmas ;vrb
This prayer contains 87 words which equal the numerical value of the word paz which means finest gold. According to ancient tradition, this prayer was transcribed by the Men of the Great Assembly about 2400 years ago from a script that fell from the heavens.
Before we continue with the Baruch She-amar, we recite the following Kabbalistic declaration of intent:
brich hu uShchinteih,
blessed be He and His Shchinah,
zFcFdl iR z oO n ipix ` f d .i` z gAWlE l dlE xFA ` N `Wc w cEg i myl ,DiYpikWE `Ed Kix A ,m r e xinh `Edd ici l l p r .l`xUi l my M A ,m Frd dde xn`W KEx l i A .`Ed KEx A .dUFre xnF` KEx A .m wnE x FB KEx I f A .ziW`xa dUFr KEx A .ux`d l mgxn KEx r A .zFIx d l mgxn KEx A r A m Wn KEx N A .ei`xil aFh xkU .gvpl m we c l ig KEx I r A .liSnE dcFR KEx A
While saying this blessing, the front two tzitzit of the talit are held in the hand, and upon completion they are kissed.
Baruch hu.
Blessed is the One!
Baruch mshaleim
Blessed is the One, who gives
zixdyl zekxa
Baruch shmo.
Blessed is the Name.
ha-Eil Av harachamav,
Almighty and merciful Father,
chasidav va-avadav,
of Your pious ones and servants,
bishvachot uvizmirot.
with praises and chants.
malkeinu Eloheinu.
our Sovereign and our Elohim.
.FnW KEx A ,dedi dY` KEx A ,m Frd K n Epidl l l ` ,on xd a` l`d g ,FO d A l dnd r t N oFWlA x`tnE gAWn ,eicare eiciq g .LCa ce c ixiWaE r ,Epidl dedi Ll dp ` N ,zFxinfaE zFgaWA Lx tpE L AWpE LlC p ` g b ,LnW xiMfpe L ln e ki p .Epidl EpMln ` ,min Frd ig ,cig l i ,x`tnE gAWn K n l .lFc d FnW c ic B r r ,dedi dY` KEx A .on` .zFgAWY l dn K n A N l
zixdyl zekxa
q ,ylht
There are 42 words in this Psalm which form a connection to the 42-letter Name of the Creator.
Mizmor ltodah
A song of thanksgiving,
Du ki Adonai hu Elohim,
Know that Hashem is the Elohim,
chatzeirotav bit-hilah.
the Eternals courts with praise.
,dcFzl xFnfn .ux`d l dedi Erix d M l ,dgnUA dedi z Ecar ` .d px A ei tl E`A p p ,midl `Ed dedi iM ErC ` ,Epgp` `le ,EpU `Ed r .Fzirx n o`ve FO r ,dcFzA eix W E`A r .d dzA eizxvg N .FnW Ek A ,Fl EcFd x ,FCqg m Frl ,dedi aFh iM l .Fz En xce xC c e p ` r
zixdyl zekxa
The Sh'ma is an affirmation of faith. It both expresses our love for the Creator, and also serves as an ode to the divinity of the soul. Kabbalah teaches that the Shma is the acknowledgement of unity and connects us to Briyah, the World of Creation. It brings the Creators Oneness into our consciousness and reminds us that we must extend unconditional love to all. The enlarged letters r and c form the word c , which means witness. By saying the r Shma, we bear witness to the Creators unity as we declare it to the world. The second verse we say in a whisper because it is the prayer of the angels and we are not ordinarily in a state to say it as they do. Just as the previous blessing expressed the Creators love for us, the blessings that follow the Shma express our love for the Creator. Each section corresponds to one of the letters of the Divine Name.
It is important to say each word clearly and not to run words together. We recite the first verse aloud while covering the eyes with the right hand.
zixdyl zekxa
Vahavta eit Adonai Elohecha
You shall love Hashem Your Elohim,
uvchol modecha.
and with all your being.
Uchtavtam al mzuzot
And you shall write them upon the doorposts
beitecha uvisharecha.
of your house and your gates.
j dl e Li ` d di z Yad e ` z ` jy p k e j ka LWt l aE Laall A :Lc`nl aE j k e xW` d `d mix Cd Ede y N ac ei l :Laall mFId L vn i p` j r ei jE k e m x c e Lipal m pPWe az a A Y A j Y py z jz l e j aa jz ya LYk aE Lzi A LYaWA :LnEwaE LAkWaE KxCa j e e ja y e j c jc r e Y y e L il zF`l m x WwE z :Lipi oi z h l Eide j r A t h e a zFffnl m azkE e r Y e z :Lix WaE L A j ry e jzi a
Vhayah im shamo-a tishmu
And it shall happen if you listen attentively
lahavah et Adonai
to love Hashem
Eloheichem ulovdo
to serve your Elohim
Er WY r W m` dide e n yz n y i p` x ` izevnl k W ` y mFId m z dvn ei k ` E e dediz d d`l ` a e r e ` Fca lE mkidl :mkWt l aE m a ll A y p k e k a ka ez a k Y FYrA m vx `xhn i zpe z j Y ye e xF Lpbc tq`e WFwlnE dei z
zixdyl zekxa
vtiroshcha vyitzharecha.
and your wine and your oil.
vachalta vsavata.
and you shall eat and be satisfied.
to them.
:Lxdv ie LWx ize j jy jY j ya yr Y L ndal LcUA aU i zpe z z :YraUe lk`e z y Y z d ti o mkl Ex Xd z t Y R e ny mYcare mYx e m a l z z q k a m e YWde mixg mi ` zi gzy ` dl :md l x re mkA dedi s` dxge v a xhn d di `le m inXd z i y ` dle iz Y l `d D Ea ` o z ` dnc e z ux d l n dxdn m ca e ` r Y ` z :mkl o p dedi x ` daHd z W h y
Vsamtem et dvarai eileh
Set these words of Mine
bein eineichem.
before your eyes.
and as you rise up.
Uchtavtam al mzuzot
And write them upon the doorposts
d ` iaC z mYnUe l N x c ` z y m Wt lre m a ll ky p k a r zF`l m ` mYx WwE e z z y e z hFhl Eide mkc l t e e i r :mki ir oi p A a m i Az m ` m cOle k pa ` z Y n z Lzi A LYaWA m x cl j aa jz ya A A a a ja y e j c jz l e LAkWaE KxCa LYk aE :LnEwaE j e e zFfEfnl m azkE e e r Y e z
zixdyl zekxa
beitecha uvisharecha.
of your house and upon your gates.
al ha-aretz.
on earth.
:Lix WaE L A j ry e jzi a i e mkini EAxi o nl ni ea r xW` dnc d l mki a y ` r p z l m iz `l dedi r Wp z k a a Ay mi Xd i M m l ny nik d :ux`dl r
The Tzizit which have been held in the left hand are now also taken in the right hand. At each mention of the Tzizit and at the end of the paragraph, kiss the Tzizit. At the words Fz` m `xE Uritem Oto, glance at the Tzizit zi
Vayomer Adonai el Mosheh leimor:
Hashem talked to Moses, saying:
of blue.
zonim achareihem.
leading to lust.
:x N d nl d di xn`Ie n` W ` e l y i x n`e l`xU i i Al x C z Y y pa ` Ac a z v m l EUre md ` vi d ey l m xc l m cba i pMl z di t k r li R sMd z vl Epzpe zt pk vi r e :z kY l z m `xE zvivl mkl dde zi e i z vnl z mYx kfE Fz` e M ` z e e k m ` m Ure dedi z ziy mka l ig` ExEzz `le a x e e m `xW` mki ir ig`e z Y y p x :mdix ` mipf g
zixdyl zekxa
kdoshim lEiloheichem.
holy to your Elohim.
m Ure Ex fY o l ziy e M z rn k m ide i evnl z zi z M ` k :mkidl` mi cw l W y xW` mkidl d di ip` y ` e m ixvn ux n mkz iz` Fd ` ` ve mi l m l zFidl dl` k e .mkidl d di ip` ` e
Shir hama-alot,
A song of ascents,
Su ydeichem kodesh,
Lift your hands in the Sanctuary,
uvarchu et Adonai.
and bless Hashem.
,zFl Od xiW r ,dedi z Ek A d d ` x P ,dedi ica l r M .zFli A dedi zi A mic rd N a n ,Wcw m ci E`U k .dedi z Ek aE ` x ,oFISn dedi L x i k a .ux`e mi nW dUr
:minrt 'b
Adonai tzva-ot,
Hashem of Hosts,
Adonai hoshi-ah,
Hashem grant salvation,
,d iWFd dedi r .Ep`x mFia Eppri K Od w l ,LO z d iWFd r ` r ,Lz gp z Kx E l ` a .m Frd c m`V e m xE l r p r ,l`xU i z EWi oFISn oYi in r
Hoshiah et amecha,
Save Your people,
uvareich et nachalatecha,
and bless Your inheritance,
lavetach toshiveini.
securely will make me dwell.
ki chasu vo.
for they took refuge in the One.
,FO zEaW dedi aEWA r .l`xU i gnUi awri l i b ,oWi`e daMW` eCg mFlWA i ,ccal dedi dY` iM .ipaiWFY ghal ,FCqg dedi dvi mnFi E ,iOr dxiW d i NaE l .i g l`l d tY I N ,dedin miwiC v z EWzE r .dxv z A m Ern r G ,mhNti e dedi mxfr e I ,m iWFie mirW n mhNti r x .Fa Eqg iM
xkb ana
Considered by the Kabbalists to be the most powerful and mystical prayer of all; the sequence of Hebrew letters is known as the 42-Letter Name of the Creator. The importance of this prayer is not in the words themselves but in the first letter of each word. The words only help us to make the sounds of each first letter. This prayer can connect us to the energy of healing and before we say it, we should think of others that need healing in order that we too may receive healing in our own lives. Following the Ana BChoach, we have a meditation known as Tikun HaNefesh, literally Correction of the Ego Self. You may wish to use your right hand and place it over the parts of your body as you look at the Divine Name (Tetragrammaton) in each box. The numbers will guide through this meditation which is also used to realign the energy points in our bodies. Some have referred to the Tikun HaNefesh as the Kabbalistic Chakra System. After you have finished the Tikun HaNefesh, you may look at the letters of the angel for the new day. Keep in mind that Hebrew days begin at evening, so on Sunday night you would look at the name of the angel for Monday.
xkb ana
.m nB cinY L wc v in x mx h mkx A l z g d
Barcheim tahareim rachamei tzidkatcha tamid gomleim.
Bless and purify them and always grant them Your compassionate righteousness.
3 Binah (Left Brain)
spnh ]vqyt
2 Chochmah (Right Brain)
1 Keter (Skull)
ded i
5 (Left Eye) 9
ded i
ded i
8 4 (Right Eye)
id e` e id c ei
id e` e id c ei
dedi dedi
id e`e id cei
id e`e id cei
10 (Mouth)
id e`e id cei
s"nea u"xyqf z"plhc w"kib r"dg`
12 Gevurah (Left Arm)
13 Tiferet (Body)
11 Chesed (Right Arm)
15 Hod (Left Thigh)
16 Ysod (Reproductive Organs)
ded i
14 Netzach (Right Thigh)
17 Malchut (Feet)
id e` id cei id e e id ce e i i iiddcee`ieiiddscle`i icy l` dxexv xizz jpini zlecb gka `p` dd ddi uz ba` e i e i l`en l`pre l`ix b d xhn l f i e q lebq z"x
`d F`F `d cFi i d e `e i d c e i id e` id cei e ``ddcee`ie``ddscle`i dedi l` `xep epxdh epaby jnr zpx law de di de i ohW x w d r l` pd` l` kx a l` rnW i i i `ey z"x
dd ee dd cFi id F`F `d cFi ddddceeieddddscle`i ipc` l` mxny zaak jcegi iyxec xeab `p dedi de i Uki cb d p l`ipgn l`icdl l`ipg mlg z"x
dd ee dd eceei e`ed ee`e e`ed eceei ddddceeieddddscle`i ipc` l` mlnb cinz jzwcv ingx mxdh mkxa de di de i ohW x w d r l`iyc w l`ihdx l`iwfg wxg z"x
e`ed ee`e e`ed eceei i d e `e i d c e i id e` id cei e ``ddcee`ie``ddscle`i dedi l` jzcr ldp jaeh aexa yicw oiqg ded de i r h wg i d p a l`pw l`nrx lreny i i wxy z"x (wxey z"xa eik`ln ueawd)
id e` id cei id e e id ce e i i iiddcee`ieiiddscle`i icy l` jzyecw ixkef dpt jnrl d`b cigi EdpEeEdEi dedi wtlb f i ElE`EiEWEcEw ElE`EtEx ElE`EiEUEnEW wxy z"x
The darkness of the first day differed from the darkness that preceded creation. Ma-ariv also means mix and suggests that the Creator mixed light into the primordial darkness. This blessing reminds us that darkness can be transformed by the tiniest spark of light.
,dedi dY` KEx A ,m Frd K n Epidl l l ` Eloheinu melech ha-olam, asher bidvaro ma-ariv aravim, ,miax aix n Fx c A xW r r a ` bchochmah potei-ach sharim, ,mix W gzFR dnk A r g uvitvunah mshaneh itim, ,miYr d Wn d EazaE P p umachalif et hazmanim, ,miPnGd z sil nE ` g umsadeir et hakochavim miakFMd z xCqnE ` bmishmroteihem baraki-a kirtzono. .FpFvxM ri x mdizFx WnA w A n Borei yom valailah, ,d i le mFi `xFA l goleil or mipnei choshech, ,KW i Rn xF` l FB g p l vchoshech mipnei or. .xF` i Rn KW e p g Uma-avir yom umeivi lailah, ,d i l `ianE mFi xia nE l r umavdil bein yom uvein lailah, ,d i l oi E mFi oi liC anE l a A Adonai, tzva-ot shmo. .FnW zF` v dedi a Eil chai vkayam, ,m we ig l` I tamid yimloch aleinu lolam va-ed. .c e m Frl Epilr KFln i cinY r l
Baruch atah Adonai,
Blessed are You Hashem, our Elohim, Sovereign of the universe, who brings on the evening twilight, with wisdom You open the gates of dawn, and with foresight You make time pass, and make the seasons change, You order the stars in their courses, Your will keeping them in the sky. You create the day and the night, turning light into darkness, and darkness into light. You make the day fade away and bring on the night, separating the day from the night, Hashem, Ruler of the hosts of heaven. Eternal Source of Life, the universe is fixed within You for ever and ever.
hama-ariv aravim.
who brings on the evening twilight.
,lvi tbha
Through this prayer we are reminded of the Creators eternal love for us, the expression of which is through the gift of Torah. It moves us to love others as we have been loved.
amcha ahavta.
You have loved Your people.
Torah umitzvot,
Torah and commandments,
,l`xWi zi m Fr z d` A l a ,Yad` L r O ,zFvnE dxFY .YcOl EpzF` mihRWnE miTg ,Epidl dedi oM l ` r EpnEwaE EpAkWA ,LiTgA giU p LzxFz ixac A gnUpe .c e m Frl LizevnaE r l ,Epin Kx`e EpiIg md iM i ,d ile mnFi d d mdaE l B p xiqY l` L ad`e z .min Frl EPOn l ,dedi dY` KEx A .l`xU i FO adF` r
bshochbeinu uvkumeinu
when we lie down and when we rise
nasi-ach bchukecha,
we will meditate on Your laws,
vahavatcha al tasir
may Your love never depart
mimenu lolamim.
from our hearts.
The Sh'ma is an affirmation of faith. It both expresses our love for the Creator, and also serves as an ode to the divinity of the soul. Kabbalah teaches that the Shma is the acknowledgement of unity and connects us to Briyah, the World of Creation. It brings the Creators Oneness into our consciousness and reminds us that we must extend unconditional love to all. The enlarged letters r and c form the word c , which means witness. By saying the r Shma, we bear witness to the Creators unity as we declare it to the world. The second verse we say in a whisper because it is the prayer of the angels and we are not ordinarily in a state to say it as they do. Just as the previous blessing expressed the Creators love for us, the blessings that follow the Shma express our love for the Creator. Each section corresponds to one of the letters of the Divine Name.
It is important to say each word clearly and not to run words together. We recite the first verse aloud while covering the eyes with the right hand.
Vahavta eit Adonai Elohecha
You shall love Hashem Your Elohim,
uvchol modecha.
and with all your being.
Uchtavtam al mzuzot
And you shall write them upon the doorposts
beitecha uvisharecha.
of your house and your gates.
j dl e Li ` d di z Yad e ` z ` jy p k e j ka LWt l aE Laall A :Lc`nl aE j k e xW` d `d mix Cd Ede y N ac ei l :Laall mFId L vn i p` j r ei jE k e m x c e Lipal m pPWe az a A Y A j Y py z jz l e j aa jz ya LYk aE Lzi A LYaWA :LnEwaE LAkWaE KxCa j e e ja y e j c jc r e Y y e L il zF`l m x WwE z :Lipi oi z h l Eide j r A t h e a zFffnl m azkE e r Y e z :Lix WaE L A j ry e jzi a
Vhayah im shamo-a tishmu
And it shall happen if you listen attentively
lahavah et Adonai
to love Hashem
Eloheichem ulovdo
to serve your Elohim
Er WY r W m` dide e n yz n y i p` x ` izevnl k W ` y mFId m z dvn ei k ` E e dediz d d`l ` a e r e ` Fca lE mkidl :mkWt l aE m a ll A y p k e k a ka ez a k Y FYrA m vx `xhn i zpe z
vtiroshcha vyitzharecha.
and your wine and your oil.
vachalta vsavata.
and you shall eat and be satisfied.
to them.
j Y ye e xF Lpbc tq`e WFwlnE dei z :Lxdv ie LWx ize j jy jY j ya yr Y L ndal LcUA aU i zpe z z :YraUe lk`e z y Y z d ti o mkl Ex Xd z t Y R e ny mYcare mYx e m a l z z q k a m e YWde mixg mi ` zi gzy ` dl :md l x re mkA dedi s` dxge v a xhn d di `le m inXd z i y ` dle iz Y l `d D Ea ` o z ` dnc e z ux d l n dxdn m ca e ` r Y ` z :mkl o p dedi x ` daHd z W h y
Vsamtem et dvarai eileh
Set these words of Mine
bein eineichem.
before your eyes.
and as you rise up.
d ` iaC z mYnUe l N x c ` z y m Wt lre m a ll ky p k a r zF`l m ` mYx WwE e z z y e z hFhl Eide mkc l t e e i r :mki ir oi p A a m i Az m ` m cOle k pa ` z Y n z Lzi A LYaWA m x cl j aa jz ya A A a a ja y e j c jz l e LAkWaE KxCa LYk aE :LnEwaE j e e
Uchtavtam al mzuzot
And write them upon the doorposts
beitecha uvisharecha.
of your house and upon your gates.
al ha-aretz.
on earth.
zFfEfnl m azkE e e r Y e z :Lix WaE L A j ry e jzi a i e mkini EAxi o nl ni ea r xW` dnc d l mki a y ` r p z l m iz `l dedi r Wp z k a a Ay mi Xd i M m l ny nik d :ux`dl r
Vayomer Adonai el Mosheh leimor:
Hashem talked to Moses, saying:
zonim achareihem.
leading to lust.
kdoshim lEiloheichem.
holy to your Elohim.
:x N d nl d di xn`Ie n` W ` e l y i x n`e l`xU i i Al x C z Y y pa ` Ac a z v m l EUre md ` vi d ey l m xc l m cba i pMl z di t k r li R sMd z vl Epzpe zt pk vi r e :z kY l z m `xE zvivl mkl dde zi e i z vnl z mYx kfE Fz` e M ` z e e k m ` m Ure dedi z ziy mka l ig` ExEzz `le a x e e m `xW` mki ir ig`e z Y y p x :mdix ` mipf g m Ure Ex fY o l ziy e M z rn k m ide i evnl z zi z M ` k :mkidl` mi cw l W y
xW` mkidl d di ip` y ` e m ixvn ux n mkz iz` Fd ` ` ve mi l m l zFidl dl` k e zn :mkidl d di ip` ` ` e
o shechata knegdi,
or who did wrong against me,
bein bichvodi
whether against my honor
Adonai Elohai
Hashem my Elohim
vEilohei avotai,
and Elohim of my ancestors,
,m Fr lW FpFAx l in l l lgFn ipix k d ,izF` hipwde qirkdW ,iC b M `hgW F` p ,ipFnnA oi itEbA oi A A icFakA oi A ,il xW l A oi ` k A ,oFvxA oi q`A oi A p A ,cifnA oi b FWA oi A b A ,dU nA oi xEAc A oi r A A ,xEdx dA oi daW nA oi A g A d lEblbA oi f A ,xg` lEblbA oi A ,l`xUi x l l A k .iz qA mc` mEW W ri `le A p ,LiptNn oFvx idi idl dedi ` ,izFa idl` ` e
vachalayim ra-im.
or evil illnesses.
,cFr `h ` `NW g Liptl iz`hgX dnE ,miAxd Lin xA wFgn g mixEQi ici l `l l ` r a .mirx mii ge l it ixn` oFvxl Eidi ,Liptl iAl oFibde .ilbe ixEv dedi `
This blessing ensures that our soul safely departs our body while it sleeps and returns to our body when we awake.
utnumah al af-apai,
and slumber upon my eyelids,
shetashkiveini lshalom,
that You lay me down to sleep in peace,
dedi dY` KEx A ,m Frd K n Epidl l l ` ,i i l d W i ag liROd p r r p l ,iR t l dnEpzE r r r .oi r z oFWi`l xi`nE A ,LiptNn oFvx idie ,izFa idl` idl dedi ` e ` ,mFlWl ipaiMWYW miaFh miIgl ipcin ze r
and for peace.
umeichalayim ra-im.
and from serious illnesses.
vachalomot ra-im,
and bad dreams,
vhir-hurim ra-im,
and bad fleeting thoughts,
.mFlWlE ,LzxFzA iwlg oze ,devn x c l ipliBx ze a ,dx r x c l ipliBx Y l`e a a ,`hg icil `l ip`iaY l`e ,oFi p icil `le Q ,oFi a icil `le G ,aFh x i iA hFlWi e v ,rxd x i iA hFlWi l`e v rx r RnE ohVn ipliSze b .mirx mii gnE l ,i Firx ipEl a l`e p d i ,mirx zFnFl e g ,mirx mixEdx de ,Liptl dn W izHn `dzE l .zOd oWi` o i i x`de e R p r ,dedi dY` KEx A .FcFakA FNM m Fr xi`Od l l
Before we begin the Shma, we must think about the concept of loving our neighbors as we love ourselves. The first verse of the Shma is chanted while we cover our eyes. The second verse is said in a whisper.
uvchol modecha.
and with all your being.
al lvavecha.
shall be upon your heart.
Vshinantam lvanecha,
And you shall teach them thoroughly to your children,
vdibarta bam,
and speak of them,
bshivtcha bveitecha,
and while sitting in your house,
uvlechtcha vaderech,
and while walking along the way,
uvshochbcha, uvkumecha.
upon lying down and upon rising.
,Lidl dedi z` Yad`e ` ,L t l aE ,L al l A W p k a k .Lc`n l aE k ,d `d mix Cd Eide N a ,mFId L vn ikp`xW E ` .Laal l r ,Lipal mYpPWe ,mA Yx c e A ,Lzi A L aWA a Y ,KxCa L k aE Y l .LnEwaE ,L kWaE A ,Lc l zF`l mYx WwE i r
Uchtavtam al mzuzot
And you shall write them upon the doorposts
beitecha uvish-arecha.
of your house and your gates.
.Lipi oi zthhl Eide r A zFfn l mYazkE f r .Lix WaE Lzi r A ,Epilr Epidl ic` m p idie ` p r ,Epilr d pFM Epic dU nE p i r .EdppFM Epic dU nE i r
PSALM 91/`v
This Psalm reminds us that our only protection and refuge is in the Most High, and when we put our trust in Hashem we have nothing to fear.
midever havot.
from pestilence that is devistating.
,oFil xzqA aWi r .o Flzi iCW l A p v ,izcEvnE iqgn dedi xn` l .FA gha idl ` ` ,WEw gRn LliS `Ed iM i i .zFEd x Cn a ,K K i Fzxa A l q ` ,d gY eit M zgze q p .FYn dxgqe d v ` P ,d i l cgRn `xiz `l l .mnFi sEr ugn i ,Kl i l `A x Cn d t a .mi x v cEW ahTn d i
Al kapayim yisa-uncha,
On their palms they will carry you,
Ki vi chashak va-afalteihu,
Because for Me have they yearned and I will deliver them,
Yikra-eini ve-eneihu,
They will call upon Me and I will answer them,
achaltzeihu va-achabdeihu.
I will release them and I will bring them honor.
vareihu bishu-ati.
and I will show them My salvation.
vareihu bishu-ati.
and I will show them My salvation.
daaxE ,s ` L Sn lRi l C .W i `l Lil` ,Lpinin B ,hiAz Lipi A wx r .d`x Y mirWx znNWe ,iqgn dedi dY` iM .LpFrn YnU oFil r ,d x Lil` d `z `l r P .Lld`A axw i `l r pe b ,K dvi eik`ln iM N E .LikxC l A Lx nWl k ,LpE`Vi m iRM l r .Llbx o ` sBY o a A R ,Kxc Y ozte lgW l r .oiPze xitM qnx Y ,EdhNt e wWg ia iM ` .inW rc iM EdaBU i ` ,Edpr`e ip`xwi ,dxva ikp` FOr .Edc k e EdvNg A ` ` ,EdriAU` min Kx` i .iz EWiA Ed`x `e r ,EdriAU` min Kx` i .iz EWiA Ed`x `e r
PSALM 128/ha:b
This psalm instills serenity within us and reaffirms our trust in the Creator.
ein yshu-atah lo
there is no salvation for him
Veilohim selah.
from Elohim, selah!
LAdonai hayshu-ah,
To Hashem is salvation,
,ixv EAx dn dedi ea .i r minw miAx l a ,iWt l mix ` miAx y p n a el rey FN dz EWi oi` .d q midl` l a ,ic A o n dedi dY`e ra b z .iW`x mix nE icFaM y e e k ,`xw` dedi l ilFw ` e .d q FWc xdn ipprIe l ey w i ,d Wi`e iYakW ip` py z y .ipknq i dedi iM izFviw k e d ,m zFa x n `xi` `l r e a .i r EzW aia xW` l e y q y ,idl ipriWFd dedi dnEw ` ye e ,igl i ` l z ziMd iM ai M ` k k k .YxAW mirWx i W z ay y Py p ,d EWi d dedi rey l .d Q Lzkx a LOr l lq j jn r
This blessing invokes divine protection over us during the night.
dedi EpaiMWd Eloheinu lshalom, ,mFlWl Epidl ` vha-amideinu malkeinu lchayim. .miIgl EpMln Epcin de r Ufros aleinu sukat shlomecha, ,LnFlW zMq Epilr UFxtE vtakneinu beitzah tovah milfanecha, ,LiptNn daFh dv A EppTze r vhoshi-einu lma-an shmecha, ,LnW o nl EpriWFde r vhagein ba-adeinu, ,Epc A o de r b vhaseir mei-aleinu oyeiv, dever, ,x C ,a F` Epilrn x de a i q vcherev, vra-av, vyagon, vhaseir x de ,oFbe ,a xe ,axge q i r satan milfaneinu umei-achareinu, ,Epix `nE EpiptNn ohU g uvtzeil knafecha tastireinu, ,EpxiYqY LitpM l aE v ki Eil shomreinu umatzileinu atah, ,dY` EpliSnE Epx l` iM nFW ki Eil melech chanun vrachum atah. .dY` mEgxe oEPg K n l` iM l Ushmor tzeiteinu uvo-einu, ,Ep`FaE Epz` xFnWE v lchayim ulshalom, ,mFlWlE miIgl mei-atah vad olam. .m Fr c e dY n l r r
Hashkiveinu Adonai
May we lie down, Hashem our Elohim, in peace, and may we arise, our Sovereign, to life. Spread over us the shelter of Your peace, guide us with Your good counsel, and save us for the sake of Your Name. and protect us for our sake, and remove from us enemies, disease, and war, and famine, and anguish, and remove the Opponent from before us and from behind us, Under the shadow of your wings hide us, for the One who guards us and saves us is You, for You are the Sovereign of mercy and compassion. Guard us when we go out and when we return, for life and for peace, from now until eternity.
Ki vyadcha nafshot
For in Your hands are the souls
hachayim vhameitim,
of the living and of the dead,
Eloheinu shebashamayim,
Our Elohim who is in heaven,
yacheid shimcha,
bring unity to Your Name,
.EpnEwA dedi KEx A zFWt L ia iM p c ,mizOde miIgd ig l W p FcA xW M t i ` .Wi` xUA l gEx e M ,igEx ciwt` L iA c .zn` l` ,dedi ,izF` dzic R ,m inXAW Epidl ` ,LnW cg i ,cinY L ln m we zEk I .c e m Frl Epilr KFlnE r l ,EpAl gnUi e ,Epipi E`xi r L rEWiA EpWt l ze z p b ,oFIvl xFn A ,zn A ` ` .Kidl K n ` l ,K n dedi ,K n dedi l l .c e m Frl KFln i dedi r l ,`id LNW zEklOd iM ,cFakA KFlnY c inlFrlE r .dY` ` ` K n Epl oi` iM N l rx l n iz` l`Bd K`lOd M ,mix Pd z Kx i r ` a
malach Elohayich.
Your Elohim has reigned.
yvareich et hanarim,
bless the youth,
vha-azanta lmitzvotav,
and you listen closely to My mitzvot,
,inW mda `x i e T ,wgvi e mdxa` izFa mWe ` .ux`d axwA axl EBc i e rnWY rFnW m` ,xn`Ie ,Lidl dedi lFwl ` ,dU Y ei i A xW de r p r I ,eizevnl Ypf`de ,ei g l Yx nWe T M iYnU xW d gOd l ` l M ,Lilr miU` `l mi xvna .L`tx dedi ip` iM ,ohVd l dedi xn`Ie ` ,ohVd LA dedi x bi r LA dedi x bie r ,mi lWExiA xgAd .W`n lSn cE` d `Fl f d ,dnlWNW FzHn d d P ,D aia mixAB miXW l q .l`xU i ixABn ,axg i g m M f ` N ,dngln ic ln O Fkx l FAx g Wi` i r .zFli A cgRn N
habocheir Birushalayim,
Who chooses Jerusalem,
migiborei Yisra-eil.
from among the mighty ones of Israel.
mlumdei milchamah,
trained in battle,
mipachad baleilot.
from terror in the nights.
lcha shalom.
peace to you.
.Lx W ie dedi L x i n k a .Pgie Lil` ei R dedi x` p i mUe Lil` ei R dedi `Vi i p .mFlW Ll ,oWii `le mEp `l d d i P .l`xUi xnFW
shomeir Yisra-eil.
the Guardian of Israel.
mimini Micha-eil,
may Michael be at my right,
umismoli Gavri-eil,
and may Gabriel be at my left,
umilfanai Uri-eil,
and may Uriel be before me,
umei-achorai Rfa-eil,
and may Raphael be behind me,
,l`xUi idl dedi mWA ` ,l`kin ipinin ,l`ix a il`nVnE B ,l`ixE` i tNnE p ,l`tx ixFg nE ` .l` z ikW iW`x l e p r
haholeich bidrachav.
and who walks in His ways.
Eshtcha kgefen
Your partner will be like a vine
saviv lshulchanecha.
surrounding your table.
yrei Adonai.
who is in awe of Hashem.
shalom al Yisra-eil.
peace upon Israel.
.K aFhe LixW` l o bM LYW` t ,Lzi iz x A d xR a M i I ,mizi i zWM LipA f l .LpglWl aia q ,x B Kxai ok ik d d a P .dedi `x i ,oFISn dedi L x i k a ,mi lWEx aEhA d`xE i .Li g ini lM I ,Lipal mipa d`xE .l`xU i l mFlW r ,E`h Y l`e Efbx g ,m aMWn l m a la Exn` k r k a .d q EOc e l
vdomu selah.
and be utterly silent, selah.
lvi ]vda
This song of praise gives us a sense of security as we end the day.
,K n xW m Fr oFc l ` l ` .`xap xivi lM mxhA ,lM Fvtga dU p z l r r .`xw FnW K n i ` p l f ,lMd zFlkM ix `e g .`xFp KFlni FCal ,dd `Ede ,dd `Ede e i .dx`tzA ,d di `Ede i ,ipW oi`e cg` `Ede .dxiAgdl Fl liWndl ,zilkz ilA ziW`x ilA .dxUOde frd Fle ,ilB ige il` `Ede ` .dxv z A ilag xEve r ,il qFpnE iQp `Ede .`xw` mFiA iqFM z n p ,igEx ciwt` FcA i .dxir`e oWi` z A r ,iz e B igEx mre I .`xi` `le il dedi
lhamshil lo lhachbirah.
You are incomparable and unique.