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AOA Course Contents

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International Islamic University Department Of Computer Science & Software Engineering Analysis Of Algorithm(CS311) Course Instructor: Sadia Arshid


Course Objective: Detailed study of the basic notions of the design of algorithms and the underlying data structures. Several measures of complexity are introduced. Emphasis on the structure, complexity, and efficiency of algorithms. Course Contents: Introduction o Problem, instance, Algorithm, Solution o What is Algorithm o Properties Of Algorithms o Important Problem Types o Fundamental Data Structures Asymptotic notations o Input size, Basic operation, o Time Complexity o Types Of Time Complexity o Space Complexity o Order Of Growth o Big O, Big Omega, Small O, small Omega, theta Mathematical Analysis of Recursive Algorithms &Non Recursive Algorithms

Brute Force o String matching o Selection sort.

Divide & Conquer o Mergesort


Maxmin1 ,MaxMin2,MaxMin3

o Quick Sort Decrease & Conquer o Insertion Sort o DFS o BFS o Fake coin problem o Russian peasant multiplication o Euclids algorithm, o Interpolation search o Robust interpolation search

o Selecting kth smallest element Threshold among algorithms Transform & Conquer o PreSorting o Heap o Heap Sort o Horners rule

o finding LCM Dynamic Programming o Binomial coefficient o WarShall Algorithm o Floyds algorithm o Binary Search tree

Principle of Optimality

o Longest Common Subsequence Problem Greedy approach o prims algorithm o Kruskals algorithm ,

set theory(Union, find set)

o Disjoint sets o Dijkastras algorithm o Huffman approach Back tracking


n-queen problem

o Hamiltonian circuit o Sum of subset problem

Branch & Bound o Job optimization problem o Knapsack problem

Theory of P & NP o NP Complete Problems

o NP Hard o NP Soft Text Book: The Design And Analysis of Algorithm by Anany Leivitin Fundamentals of Algorithm by Richard Neopolitan

Reference Material: Algorithm Design by Micheal T. Good Rich Introduction to Algorithms /2E, T. H. Cormen, C. E. Leiserson, and R. L. Rivest, MIT Press, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 2001.

Attendance Policy: Students not making up to the 75% attendance will not be allowed to sit in the final exam.

Assignment / Quiz Policy:

Deadlines must be followed. There will be no makeup of any quizzes. Late assignment would be accepted with ve marks, 2 maks would be deducted on each day. A copied assignment/project will be simply marked zero.

Evaluation Criteria: Quizzes Midterm Assignm ents Semeste 5% 20% 5% 10%

r Project Final Exam 60%

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