The Oriflame Logotype: 1 Ori Ame Corporate Identity Manual
The Oriflame Logotype: 1 Ori Ame Corporate Identity Manual
The Oriflame Logotype: 1 Ori Ame Corporate Identity Manual
Oriflame is represented by the Oriflame Logotype, which should be applied with the utmost care and respect. The distinctive features of its design create maximum awareness and recognition of the Oriflame brand. The Logotype is the standard logotype of Oriflame and can be used on all types of applications. It has been carefully modernized to underline the fact that Oriflame is a dynamic organization. The design has been visually adjusted to retain a modern look and a high level of perception.
To ensure a consistent appearance over a wide range of applications, two versions of the logotype have been designed. The Standard Logotype is for use in applications requiring a larger logotype. The Small Use Logotype is for applications in which the logotype is in a small size. It is important to ensure that the correct logotype is used. All versions of the Oriflame logotypes and symbols are found on Togethernet under Oriflame Corporate Identity.
Standard logotype. This version is to be used when the symbol is applied in sizes above 40mm.
Small Use logotype. This version is to be used when the symbol is applied in sizes between 40mm and 15mm.
The primary colours for the Oriflame Logotype are white, silver and gray with black as the secondary colour. The logotype may never appear in any other colour. This range enables a dynamic visual appearance to be achieved while ensuring high quality reproduction in a wide variety of applications and print ing techniques. When the logotype is to appear in a range of related applications that may be seen together, every effort shall be made to ensure a consistent approach
with regard to size, positioning and colour. The logotype may be reproduced with special techniques such as embossing, engraving and etching (not shown here). However, contact Oriflame Corporate Identity Management at if you are in doubt as to whether or not the logotype reproduced in this way is correct with regard to our identity rules.
The Oriflame Symbol should be regarded as an abbreviated version of the Oriflame logotypes. The symbol should not be used to communicate the Oriflame identity on its own but should appear with an Oriflame logotype clearly visible in association with it. For example, the preferred usage on print material is to have the symbol on the back page and the Oriflame logotype on the front page, or vice versa (however, the symbol does not need to be shown in association with the Oriflame logotype
in environments or applications clearly identified with Oriflame, such as an Oriflame office, conference or internal print material). A special version of the Oriflame Symbol has been designed for use in smaller sizes. Please always ensure that the correct version of the symbol is used. To ensure quality print reproduction, please observe the minimum reproduction size set for the different versions of the Oriflame Symbol.
Standard Symbol. This version is to be used when the symbol is applied in sizes above 5 mm.
Small Use Symbol. This version must be used when the symbol is applied in sizes between 5 and 3 mm. The minimum size of the Small Use Symbol is 3 mm.
The primary colours for the symbol are white, silver and gray with black as the secondary colour. By special request, a different colour version of the Oriflame Symbol may be developed and authorized for usage on specified applications. The symbol may be reproduced with special techniques such as embossing, engraving and etching (not shown here).
Contact Oriflame Corporate Identity Management at ocim@oriflame. com if you are in doubt as to whether or not the symbol reproduced in this way is correct with regard to our identity rules.
The preferred sizes of the Oriflame Logotype on print applications are shown below. Their purpose is to create a visual standard, minimize variation and coordinate printed material. To ensure good print reproduction, please observe the minimum reproduction size for the different versions of the Oriflame Logotype. Please ensure that the correct Oriflame Logotype is used.
Larger than 40 mm wide Sizing guide for the Small Use logotype. Maximum size 40 mm wide
The Oriflame Symbol should always be used with the Oriflame logotype clearly visible in association with it, especially in external situations and environments where the Oriflame presence is not dominant (however, the symbol does not need to be shown in association with the Oriflame logotype in environments or applications clearly identified with Oriflame, such as an Oriflame office, conference or internal print material).
The size of the symbol can vary between different applications. Please ensure that at least the minimum amount of clear space is applied.
Oriame Symbol.
To ensure a high degree of visibility, legibility and consistency of impression, the Oriflame Logotype should be surrounded by clear space. This ensures that no distracting elements interfere with the appearance of the logotype and reduce its visual effect. For this purpose a clear space area has been defined. The amount of clear space is in direct proportion to the size of the Oriflame Logotype and must not be altered.
Always apply at least the minimum amount of clear space around the Oriflame Logotype, as shown on this page.
To ensure a high degree of visibility and consistency of impression, the Oriflame Symbol shall be surrounded by clear space. This ensures that no distracting elements interfere with the appearance of the symbol and reduce its visual effect. For this purpose a clear space area has been defined. The amount of clear space is in direct proportion to the size of the Oriflame Symbol and must not be altered. Always apply at least the minimum amount of clear space around the Oriflame
This spread illustrates the correct and incorrect usage on printed material of the Oriflame Logotype and Symbol against a selection of possible backgrounds. The purpose is to ensure a high degree of visibility, legibility and con sistency of appearance. Please use it as a guide to correct application of the logotype and thus ensure a clear, distinct and strong impression of it at all times.
Please note that there are no restrictions to what background colours that can be used (those shown here are the corporate colours). Although the use of silver on a green background is not normally allowed, it can be permitted in applications where the silver is reproduced in a form that permits sufficient contrast with the background (e.g. silver foil on print material and threedimensional cutout letters on signs).
Silver or Gray on different coloured backgrounds and on light or dark colour pictures.
There are seven preferred positions for the Oriflame Logotype and Symbol on printed matter. Their purpose is to create a visual standard that will minimize variation and secure a coordinated appearance on printed material. On a layout that is A4 size, the logotypes should be positioned as illustrated on this page. As can be seen, in some applications the logotype needs more than the minimum clear space to achieve a good visual harmony in the layout. Please always ensure that you
use the correct version of the logotype (Standard Logotype or Small Use Logotype) for each application.
2X Positioning the Oriame logotype on printed matter. In this example the proportions are a4, using the Standard logotype. X = the height of the logotype. 2X X
2X Positioning the Oriame logotype on printed matter. In this example the format is square. X = the height of the logotype. 2X X
Oriflame is represented by a carefully composed palette of identity colours: green, white, silver, black and gray. Green is the primary identity colour. White, silver, black and gray are complementary colours. Green, in combination with any of the other identity colours, is used as the primary colour in product communication. Green, in combination with any of the other identity colours, can be used as the primary colours for corporate
communication such as the Oriflame Annual Report, The Oriflame Way, Together magazine, etc.
It is important that the Oriflame identity colours are always reproduced accurately. Make sure that the special Pantone *) colours are used for visual matching purposes. The density and visual appearance of a colour varies according to the surface it is printed on. For this reason, the colours should be matched with the samples provided at the end of this manual. Suppliers should always be given the samples and not previously produced material as a
colour reference. A coated colour sample should be supplied for matching purposes when printing in a special colour or four colour process on coated or uncoated paper. This also applies when printing on surfaces other than paper (e.g. glass).
Please match the colour to the colour swatches at the back of the manual. Process colours (CMYK) should only be used when it is not possible to use a special, Pantone, colour. When printing, always ensure that the correct colour density is achieved. Oriflame Green Pantone 382C Pantone 388U four Colour Process C & U: 33% Cyan, 0% Magenta, 100% Yellow, 0% Black rGB Colour: r 186, G 212, B 5 Oriflame Gray Pantone Cool Gray 9C Pantone Cool Gray 9U four Colour Process C & U: 0% Cyan, 0% Magenta, 0% Yellow, 50% Black rGB Colour: r 135, G 135 B 135 Oriflame Silver Pantone 877C Pantone 877U Not available in four Colour Process (CMYK) or rGB
Identity applications
Business cards
This spread shows Oriflame business cards and examples of other common applications. All typographic information on Oriflame business cards should be in Monotype GillSans. Names and company name should be in Monotype GillSans Regular, all other contact information should be in Monotype GillSans Light. For Consultant business cards, there are three approved titles that can be used Independent Beauty
Consultant, Independent Beauty Consultant Manager and Independent Beauty Consultant Director. Consultants who wish to produce business cards are free to do so at their own cost. The Oriflame office will be happy to provide you with original artwork. Do not use any other business card designs other than the design below. We recommend printing on Scandia 2000, 300g paper stock.
Business card, 90 mm x 55 mm. Oriflame Gray text and Oriflame Green backside. All typography in Monotype GillSans.
Employee business cards. Small Use logotype, 35 mm x 7.65 mm. Name, 9/10pt type/leading. Title and contact information 7.5/9pt type/leading.
Yourname Surname
Your Job Title Here
Oriflame Cosmetics AB P.O. Box 1095 SE-101 39 Stockholm, Sweden Mster Samuelsgatan 56
Direct +46 8 xxx xxx xx Mobile +46 76 xxx xxx xx Tel +46 8 xxx xxx xx
Consultant business cards. Small Use logotype, 35 mm x 7.65 mm. Name, 9/10pt type/leading. Title and contact information 7.5/9pt type/leading.
Yourname Surname
Yourname Surname
Oriflame Cosmetics AB P.O. Box 1095 SE-101 39 Stockholm, Sweden Mster Samuelsgatan 56
Direct +46 8 xxx xxx xx Mobile +46 76 xxx xxx xx Tel +46 8 xxx xxx xx
Oriflame Cosmetics AB P.O. Box 1095 SE-101 39 Stockholm, Sweden Mster Samuelsgatan 56
Direct +46 8 xxx xxx xx Mobile +46 76 xxx xxx xx Tel +46 8 xxx xxx xx
Yourname Surname
Oriflame Cosmetics AB P.O. Box 1095 SE-101 39 Stockholm, Sweden Mster Samuelsgatan 56
Direct +46 8 xxx xxx xx Mobile +46 76 xxx xxx xx Tel +46 8 xxx xxx xx