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Role of Numbers in Ancient Kemet (Egypt)

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Some of the key takeaways are that numbers like seven represented completion in ancient Kemet beliefs and there were seven virtues of Ma'at related to truth, justice and order. The story of Osiris, Isis and Horus influenced later Abrahamic religions like Christianity.

In ancient Kemet beliefs, numbers played a significant role and represented important concepts. The number seven represented completion, and there were seven virtues of Ma'at. Certain numbers like thirteen and forty-two were also important.

The seven virtues of Ma'at were truth, justice, balance, order, compassion, harmony and reciprocity. Ma'at represented ethical principles and cosmological order that Egyptians had to live by for a happy society.

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Role of Numbers in Ancient Kemet (Egypt)

An analysis by Dr. Kwame Nantambu who is an Associate Professor, Dept. of Pan-African Studies, Kent State University, U.S.A.

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Under the philosophical and spiritual teachings and belief system of ancient Kemet (Egypt), numbers played a significant role. This is contrary to the sometimes derogatory, negative, ahistorical and Eurocentric interpretations that are given today. For example, in ancient Kemet, the number seven represented completion. Thus, the Euro-Christian Holy Bible says that Almighty God rested on the seventh day after the completion of creation. The seventh day of the week, Sunday, is now regarded "a day of rest from servile work." Let us also recall that in ancient Kemet, Son was synonymous with Sun. So this A.D. Euro-Christian religious belief concept of the Son of God is nothing but derivative of the original Afrikan-Kemetic spiritual belief system. In ancient Kemet, there were also seven cardinal principles/virtues of Goddess Maat to achieve human perfectibility. These principles are Truth, Justice, Balance, Order, Compassion, Harmony, and Reciprocity.
NOTE The Goddess Mat VIRTUES OF MAT Symbol of Truth, Balance, and Cosmological Order. Mat is ethical principles collectively embracing the values of truth, justice, harmony, balance, cosmological order, reciprocity and propriety. Personified as a goddess, Mat is depicted as a woman wearing an ostrich feather on her head, a symbol of the principles she represents. Controlling the movement of the stars and the seasonal flooding of the Nile River, Mat also had codes of tradition and customs. For all Egyptians to live in a happy, prosperous and peaceful environment, they had to live within the order established by Mat. The pharaoh, as absolute ruler, was the individual most responsible to manifest in life, through all his actions, the entire concept of Mat. Deviation from the tenets of Mat could prove disastrous for the pharaoh. Mat was central to funerary practices in which if the deceased had been found to not have followed the concept of Mat during his life (if he had lied or cheated or killed or done anything against Mat) his heart was devoured by a demon (she was called Ammut -Devouress of the Dead) and he died the final death. If the heart weighed the same as Mat, the deceased was allowed to go on to the afterlife. The heart of a person was considered the center of intellect and memory.

Role of Numbers in Ancient Kemet (Egypt)

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NOTE: This symbolic weighing of the heart against the feather of truth (Mat) was performed to established the righteousness of the deceased. The scale of Mat was balanced after the recitation of the 42 Declarations of Innocence or Admonitions of Mat from the tomb of a Nubian. Book of the Dead of Maiherperi): This is too said before the Forty-two gods on reaching the Hall of the Two Truths so as to purge (name) of any sins committed and to see the face of every god: The Judgment of the Dead The Declaration of Innocence Hail to you, great God, Lord of the Two Truths! I have come to you, my Lord, I was brought to see your beauty. I know you, I know the names of the forty-two gods, Who are with you in the Hall of the Two Truths, Who live by warding off evildoers, Who drink of their blood, On that day of judging characters before Wennofer. Lo, your name is "He-of-Two-Daughters," (And) "He-of-Maat's-Two-Eyes." Lo, I come before you, Bringing Maat to you, Having repelled evil for you.

The Goddess Mat VIRTUES OF MAT 1. I have not committed sin. 2. I have not committed robbery with violence. 3. I have not stolen. 4. I have not slain men and women. 5. I have not stolen grain. 6. I have not purloined offerings. 7. I have not stolen the property of God. 8. I have not uttered lies. 9. I have not carried away food. 10. I have not uttered curses. 11. I have not committed adultery, I have not lain with men. 12. I have made none to weep. 13. I have not eaten the heart. 14. I have not attacked any man. 15. I am not a man of deceit. 16. I have not stolen cultivated land. 17. I have not been an eavesdropper. 18. I have not slandered [no man]. 19. I have not been angry without just cause. 20. I have not debauched the wife of any man. 21. I have not debauched the wife of [any] man. 22. I have not polluted myself. 23. I have terrorized none. 24. I have not transgressed [the law].

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25. I have not been wroth. 26. I have not shut my ears to the words of truth. 27. I have not blasphemed. 28. I am not a man of violence. 29. I have not been a stirrer up of strife. 30. I have not acted with undue haste. 31. I have not pried into matters. 32. I have not multiplied my words in speaking. 33. I have wronged none, I have done no evil. 34. I have not worked witchcraft against the king. 35. I have never stopped [the flow of] water. 36. I have never raised my voice. 37. I have not cursed God. 38. I have not acted with arrogance. 39. I have not stolen the bread of the gods. 40. I have not carried away the khenfu cakes from the Spirits of the dead. 41. I have not snatched away the bread of the child, nor treated with contempt the god of my city. 42. I have not slain the cattle belonging to the god.

The Declaration to the Forty-two Gods O Wide-of-stride who comes from On: I have not done evil. O Flame-grasper who comes from Kheraha: I have not robbed. O Long-nosed who comes from Khbmun: I have not coveted. O Shadow-eater who comes from the cave: I have not stolen. O Savage-faced who comes from Rostau: I have not killed people. O Lion-Twins who come from heaven: I have not trimmed the measure. O Flint-eyed who comes from Khem: I have not cheated. O Fiery-one who comes backward: I have not stolen a god's property. O Bone-smasher who comes from Hnes: I have not told lies. O Flame-thrower who comes from Memphis: I have not seized food. O Cave-dweller who comes from the west: I have not sulked. O White-toothed who comes from Lakeland: I have not trespassed. O Blood-eater who comes from slaughterplace: I have not slain sacred cattle. O Entrall-eater who comes from the tribunal: I have not extorted. O Lord of Maat who comes from Maaty: I have not stolen bread rations. O Wanderer who comes from Bubastis: I have not spied. O Pale-one who comes from On: I have not prattled. O Villain who comes from Anjdty: I have contended only for my goods. O Fiend who comes from slaughterhouse: I have not committed adultery. O Examiner who comes from Min's temple: I have not defiled myself. O Chief of the nobles who comes from Imu: I have not caused fear. O Wrecker who comes from Huy: I have not trespassed. O Disturber who comes from the sanctuary: I have not been violent. O Child who comes from the nome of On: I have not been deaf to Maat. O Foreteller who comes from Wensi: I have not quarreled. O Bastet who comes from the shrine: I have not winked. O Backward-faced who comes from the pit: I have not copulated with a boy. O Flame-footed who comes from the dusk: I have not been false. O Dark-one who comes from darkness: I have not reviled.

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O Peace-bringer who comes from Sais: I have not been aggressive. O Many-faced who comes from Djefet: I have not had a hasty heart. O Accuser who comes from Utjen: I have not attacked and reviled a god. O Horned-one who comes from Siut: I have not made many words. O Nefertem who comes from Memphis: I have not sinned, I have not done wrong. O Timeless-one who comes from Djedu: I have not made trouble. O Willful-one who comes from Tjebu: I have not waded in water. O Flowing-one who comes from Nun: I have not raised my voice. O Commander of people who comes from his shrine: I have not cursed a god. O Benefactor who comes from Huy: I have not been boastful. O Nehebkau who comes from the city: I have not been haughty. O High-of-head who comes from the cave: I have not wanted more than I had. O Captor who comes from the graveyard: I have not cursed god in my town. OVERVIEW: The students aim in ancient Kemet (Egypt) was for a person to become "One with God." The path to the development of god-like qualities was through the development of virtues. These virtues were sought by the Kemites (Egyptians) to become one with Mat (the cosmic order). Control of thoughts; Control of actions; Devotion of purpose; Have faith in the ability of your teacher to teach you the truth; Have faith in yourself to assimilate the truth; Have faith in yourself to wield the truth; Be free from resentment under the experience of persecution; Be free from resentment under the experience of wrong; Cultivate the ability to distinguish between right and wrong; and Cultivate the ability to distinguish between the real and the unreal

In addition, the Greeks who were the students of Afrikans teachers in ancient Kemetic Temples, "were given and education in the seven Liberal Arts, which became the prototype for the later Greek and Roman (and current world-wide) education systems". These seven Liberal Arts courses were Grammar, Arithmetic, Rhetoric, Dialetic, Geometry, Astronomy, and Music. In Biblical times, there are thus "seven deadly sins of the bible," viz, Sloth, Lust, Anger, Pride, Envy, Gluttony, and Greed. There is also the "seven pointed star," where all seven points are equidistant, radiating seven currents of force that represent seven principles of human existence. This ancient Afrikan belief system gave rise to the seven Hermetic principles, which are the foundation of Hermetic philosophy. These principles are the Principle of Mentalism, The Principle of Correspondence, The Principle of Vibration, The Principle of Polarity, The Principle of Rhythm, The Principle of Cause and Effect, and The Principle of Gender.

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Hence, it need occasion no great surprise that in 1965, an Afrikan-American professor, Dr. Maulana Karenga, created the Afrikan-centered celebration of Kwanzaa based on the doctrine of Kawaida. This Nguzo Saba (Kwanzaa) celebration lasts for seven days from the 26th December to 1st January. Its primary raison d'etre is "to give thanks and to make a joyful noise in a meaningful and traditional way." The seven principles of Kwanzaa are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Umoja (Unity) Kujichagulia (Self-Determination) Ujima (Collective work and Responsibility) Ujamaa ( Cooperative Economics) Nia (Purpose) Kuuma (Creativity) Imani (Faith)

Kwanzaa indeed solidifies and perpetuates our ancient Afrikan spirituality. In addition, the Afrikan spiritual belief system cities seven Stages/Ages of Man in the completion of his life cycle. They are Infancy, Boyhood, Youth, Manhood, Middle-age, Old-age, and Senility. And every human being possesses seven senses; they are Hearing, Touch, Sight, Taste, Smell, Intuition, and Clairvoyance. In ancient Kemet, our Afrikan ancestors believed in the nine inseperable parts of the soul. According to Dr. Kwabena F. Ashanti is his Rootwork and Voodo in Mental Health, (1997) these parts are: (1) The Ka -the abstract personality of the individual to whom it belongs, Possessing the form and attributes of a human with power of movement omnipresence, and ability to receive nourishment. Equivalent to what we call the shadow image. (2) The Khat - the mortal concrete personality, the physical body. (3) The Ba- the heart-soul, which lives in the Ka and sometimes beside it, to supply the Ka with food and air. Capable of metamorphosis. (4) The Ab- the heart, the physical life in humans, spiritual, rational and ethical. Associated with the Ba(heart-soul). In the Egyptian Judgment Drama, it undergoes examination in the presence of the God Osiers, the great creator and judge of the dead. (5) The Kaibit-the shadow. Also associated with the Ba, from which it receives its nourishments. Has the power of movement and omnipresence. (6) The Khu-spiritual soul that lives forever. A heavenly being, closely associated with the Ba.

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(7) The Sahu- the spiritual body in which the Khu or spiritual soul dwells. The moral nature of mental and spiritual qualities is united to form new powers that man has the choice to use for good or evil. (8) The Sekhem- the power or spirit of the vital force in humans. Lives in the heavens with the spirit of Khu. (9) The Ren- the name of an individual, the essential attribute for preservation of a being. The ancients believed that in the absence of a name, individual ceased to exist. The quality of a name, therefore, was very important. In addition, Egyptians were also "the first to identify the Gods of order and arrangement in the universe." This Ennead of ancient Kemet consisted of nine gods. They are: (1) (2) (3) (4) Shu, the God of air; Tefnut, the Goddess of Moisture; Geb, the God of Earth; and Nut, Goddess of the sky; universe

These Gods gave birth to (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Osiris, the God of omnipotence and omniscience; Isis, the wife of Osiris, the female principle; Seth, the God of evil, opposite good; Nephthys, wife of Seth, and Atum (Atom), the creator God of Gods.

In ancient Kemet, "in keeping with the nine inseparable parts of the human soul, a child is not given a name (Ren) until it was nine days old." This ancient Kemetic spiritual ceremony is now called "Baptism" in the Euro-Christian religious ceremony. In addition, it need occasion no great surprise that a mother (mom) carries her baby in her womb for nine months before delivery/birth and the fact that today a cat has nine lives. There were also nine cardinal Principles of Righteousness or being right in ancient Kemet. They were as follows: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Right intentions Right thought Right speech Right effort Right action Right living Right reality Right understanding

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(9) Right wisdom Under the philosophical and spiritual teachings of the ancient Egyptian (Kemetic) Mystery System, the number thirteen represented transformation, resurrection, rebirth and a new life. So in the B.C. era, originally, there was nothing negative, scary, shameful, or unlucky about the number thirteen. Its use has only been bastardized in today's cynical, ignorant world, belief systems and modus vivendi. Furthermore, under the ancient Egyptian secret Brotherhood, commonly known today as Freemasonry, the number thirteen had special meaning and significance with regard to the establishment of complete freedom of worship, governance, social order and esoteric philosophy. The fact of the matter is that all the early U.S. Presidents were Masons steeped in the teachings and philosophy of the ancient Egyptian Mystery System. These individuals then transferred all the positive aspects of the number thirteen to rule, govern and protect life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness in the United States. First, when the U.S. Constitution was signed on 17 September 1787, thirteen out of the forty signatories were freemasons. Second, the independence of United States falls on 4 July 1776. This date was timed by Masonic "Founding Fathers" to coincide with the astrological sign of Cancer-which also ruled ancient Egypt. Now, the fourth of July follows exactly thirteen days after the Sun enters the sign of Cancer during the summer solstice beginning 21 June and 4 July. Thus, the United States was founded on ancient Egyptian (Kemetic) spiritual principles and belief. In the year 1776, we have seven plus six, which makes thirteen. The "Founding Fathers" of the United States did not arbitrarily select the Fourth of July 1776 as Independence Day. In the tradition of Kemetic spiritually, philosophy and belief systems in the B.C. era, the 4 July 1776 then gave America a new life, a rebirth, a transformation and resurrection from its status as a colony of Britain to that of a new sovereign, independent, nation-state. On the whole then, Masonic lodges, based on the principles concepts and belief system of number thirteen were introduced in American colonies in 1738. The Boston Masons organized the "Boston Tea Party" at the Green Dragon Tavern, described by Daniel Webster as "the headquarters of the American revolution." Paul Revere was a master Mason as was every general officer in the U.S. revolutionary army starting with Joseph Warren, Grand Master of the Massachusetts Grand Lodge and the first to die at Bunker Hill. Two thousand more Masons were among officers of all grades, including George Washington's aide-de-camp, who fought in this battle. Of the fifty-six signatories of the Declaration of Independence, fifty were Masons including its prime author, Thomas Jefferson.

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In the colonies, the practice of Freemasonry, was the only institution in which leaders of different colonies could meet on common ground. Founded on universal principles, i.e., the brotherhood of man, the immortality of the soul and the existence of a supreme spiritual being, which came out of ancient Kemet, in the B.C. era, the Mason Lodge in early America became a sanctuary in which each man could not meet on an equal plane. In Virginia, when members of Alexandria's Mason Lodge 22 declared themselves independent from the foreign jurisdiction, the named George Washington "First Master of their Lodge". And when peace finally came, Robert Livingston, Grand Master of New York's Grand Lodge, administered the oath of office to George Washington as the first president. And at George Washington's burial on his estate at Mount Vernon, six of the pallbearers and three of the officiating clergymen were Masons. One by one, Washington's Masonic brethren cast upon his coffin the ritual of the ancient Egyptians Osirian symbol of the resurrection of the spirit. Freemasons decided to raise a Tekhenu, the phallic symbol of the God Ausar (Osiris as the Greeks were later to call him) in Washington's memory. Proposed in Congress be Mason John Marshall of Virginia, the Tekhenu was built from granite and marble blocks. At the Tekhenu's dedication in 1884, Speaker of the House, Robert C. Wintrop, regretted that Americans did not have the skill the Egyptians had and could not build the 600-foot Tekhenu from one single slab of stone. Mason John C. Palmer declared that the monument symbolized human society which consisted of people whose minds were enlightened with divine truth, their hearts radiant with discovering the joy of pure love, and their souls cherishing (like ancient Egyptians worshipers of Osiris) the hope of immortality. Third, it is no accident, that at independence, there were thirteen colonies. Fourth, if one were to look at a U.S. one dollar bill, one will discover with amazement that there are thirteen layers of the pyramid-which was built by Afrikans in the B.C. era and not by putative aliens from out of space or "tanned Europeans" and the Great Seal of the United States has thirteen layers. Fifth, the thirteen amendment gave the slaves a new life, a rebirth, transformation, and resurrection from their status as slaves to that of "freemen". Sixth, in courtroom proceedings under any legal system in the entire world, there are twelve members of the jury plus the one judge, which gives a total of thirteen participants. And Finally, the Euro-Christian Holy Bible says that there is no record of Jesus from age thirteen until age thirty. Well where was he? Why did Jesus leave home at this age "to be about his father's business"? Why didn't he choose to leave home at sixteen or seventeen years of age? Did Jesus know about the spiritual teachings of the ancient Kemetic (Egyptian) Mystery System and that's why he had to leave home at that celestial age? Where did Jesus go at age thirteen to be educated so that he can be resurrected and transformed?

Role of Numbers in Ancient Kemet (Egypt)

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The number fourteen was also significant in ancient Kemet. This is associated with the "Osirian Drama". The story/mythology is as follows: Seth (the God of evil) was jealous of his brother Osiris (the God of the dead, underworld and resurrection) who was receiving all the praise and glory. In his rage, Seth cut Osiris' body into fourteen parts and distributed them all over Kemet.
NOTE: The God Set aka Seth Son of Geb and Nut. Brother of Auset, Nephthys, and Ausar. The husband of Nephthys (Auset twin sister). Man with the head of an animal. Some times he takes the form of a crocodile. Seth is the god of evil, of drought, of destruction, thunder and storm. Seth tore himself from his mother's womb in his hurry to be born. Every month Seth attacks and devours the moon, the sanctuary of Ausar and the gathering place of the souls of the recently dead. Jealous of his older brother Ausar - either because of the birth of his sister-wife's son, Anubis, or because of Ausar rulership of Egypt -- Seth made a plan to murder his childless brother and take the throne. When Auset found out about this, she went on a search through the world to find her husband. Bringing him back, Seth happened on the coffer, and tore it open and cut up his brother's corpse, spreading body parts through the land of Egypt. Auset and Seth's wife Nephthys (who had left him to join her sister) went on a quest to restore Ausar. They succeeded enough so that Auset conceived Ausar's son and eventually bore the child Heru in the Delta region where he grew up. By this time Heru had reached manhood ... Heru thereupon did battle with Seth, the victory falling now to one, now to the other ... Heru and Seth, it is said, still do battle with one another, yet victory has fallen to neither. NOTE: The God Ausar aka Osiris Ausar, Tutankhamen and his Ka. Burial chamber J: rear wall (left part) - KV 62 Valley of the Kings East Valley, Thebes West Bank, Thebes New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, Tutankhamen The god Ausar (Osiris) was the central deity in ancient Egyptian mortuary rituals. In Egyptian mythology he is ruler of the Underworld and associated with resurrection. Ausar is also associated with agricultural renewal. He is depicted as a man wrapped in white mummy bandages and holding the crook and the flail, both symbols of kingship. He is also wearing the White Crown a symbol of the South. According to Egyptian mythology, Ausar was murdered by his brother Seth then brought back to life by the love of his sister and wife, Auset (Isis). This myth describes the forces of destruction that initiated the process of mummification. The love of Auset is symbolic of regeneration and the promise of eternal life. The cycle of destruction, death and rebirth was repeated each year in the annual flood of the Nile, the river that provided the essential ingredients needed to sustain life, giving birth to

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one of the first civilizations. Ausar (Osiris) and Auset (Isis) had a son named Heru (Horus). Together they represent a holy family: god, goddess and divine child. In the New Kingdom, the main temples throughout Egypt venerated a holy family modelled on the Ausar, Auset and Heru triad.

However Osiris' wife, Isis transformed herself into a bird and flew all over kemet in search of the body parts of Osiris. Isis only found thirteen parts. The missing part that she was unable to find was Osiris phallus/penis.

The Goddess Auset aka Isis Statute of Isis Suckling Horus; Bronze Karnak Late Period (664-332 B.C.) Egyptian Museum, Cairo Despite the minute scale of this figure of Isis with the Horus child on her lap, the workmanship is rich in detail. The sides of the throne display woven patterns and the traditional motif of the unification of the Two Lands. The goddess wears anklets and armbands in addition to a close-fitting dress and uraeus diadem. The small Horus figure wears the Double Crown. But even here Kushite details can be recognized. Auset was the daughter of Nut and Geb. Twin sister of NebHet,wife and sister of (Ausar aka Osiris). The ideal wife and mother. Generally a goddess of the home and person rather than of the temple and the priest. Here divine mother, Auset, is sitting on a lion throne. Her tripartite wig is covered with a vulture headdress, surmounted by the corba crown, with cows horns and solar disc. She is offering her breast to her son Heru, seated on her lap. He, in turn, is shown with a side lock and nude, to indicate that he is a child.

According to Egyptian mythology, Ausar was murdered by his brother Set then brought back to life by the love of his sister and wife, Auset. This myth describes the forces of destruction that initiated the process of mummification. The love of Auset is symbolic of regeneration and the promise of eternal life. The cycle of destruction, death and rebirth was repeated each year in the annual flood of the Nile, the river that provided the essential ingredients needed to sustain life The myth says that it was eaten by the fish in the Nile River. Isis then made an artificial penis with mud and water from the water from the Nile. She was then able to impregnate herself and thus give birth to a Son called Heru, whom the Euro-Greeks renamed Horus, and Catholics now call Jesus.

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NOTE: Rameses I between Horus and Anubis Burial chamber J: left wall (left part) KV16 New Kingdom, Dynasty 19, Rameses I Valley of the Kings East Valley, Thebes West Bank, Thebes Horus is the son of Osiris and Isis, the divine child of the holy family triad. He is one of many gods associated with the falcon. His name means "he who is above" and "he who is distant". The falcon had been worshipped from earliest times as a cosmic deity whose body represents the heavens and whose eyes represent the sun and the moon. The story of Osiris, Isis: The God Osiris and the Goddess Isis were King and Queen in Egypt. Their brother, the God Seth was jealous of Osiris and murdered Him. Seth took Osiris's body and threw it in the river. Auset was then removed from power and Set took over the rule of the country, reigning as a tyrant. Isis searched tirelessly for the body of her husband. When she found him she performed a ritual. Through ritual, the Spirit of the God Osiris came to Isis, and through their Divine spiritual union Auset became pregnant with Horus.

In other words, Isis created a new life consistent with the spiritual concept of number thirteen and this spiritual phenomenon of ancient Kemet is called the "Immaculate Conception" or "Virgin Birth" in the Euro-Christian religion today. In addition, at Easter Christians/Catholics all over the world, celebrate the "Fourteen Stations of the Cross," which is a direct religious derivative of the ancient Kemetic spiritual "Osirian Drama". This artificial penis that Isis created was originally called the Tekhenu by the ancient Afrikan Kemites; it was later called the Obelisk by the Greeks when they occupied Egypt 332 B.C. to 30 B.C.; and the Washington Monument in Euro-America in the modern A.D. era. Moreover, on 19 May 1798, when Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Egypt with 328 ships, 175 scholars and 35,000 soldiers he was so overwhelmed and totally annoyed at the massive monuments he saw that were built by Afrikan people that he ordered his soldiers to blow off the nose of the Horem Akhet (called the Sphinx by the Greeks). But his soldiers had to fire twenty-one shots in order to blow the nose off the Sphinx: hence, the origin of the "Twenty-one gun Salute" that is performed at Arlington Cemetary in the United States. As an addendum, Spirituality represents a direct connectedness/inter-relatedness with nature, the cosmos, universe and that spiritual God-force, Amum-Ra, "the giver of life"; it is this ancient Afrikan god who was born on 25 December. Religion represents the deification of a people's cultural experience, politics and political power control intent. Hence, the reason why in ancient Kemet, under the spiritual belief system and way of life, the Afrikan-Kemites were judged by the "42 Negative Confessions", "42 Declarations of Innocence" or "42 Admonitions of Maat." They were 42 in number because there were 42 "Nomes" (called districts/states today) in Kemet at

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that time. Today, however, under the religious belief system and way of life of EuroChristianity/Catholicism, Christians are judged by the "Ten Commandments". The fact of the matter is that in the B.C. era Afrika was known as the "land of the spiritual people"; but as a result of the European supremacy, Afrikan peoples have been transformed into a religious people.

Role of Numbers in Ancient Kemet (Egypt)

Dr. Kwame Nantambu

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