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Object Oriented Software Engineering Manual

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SIES GRADUATE SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY Nerul, Navi Mumbai-400706 Department Of Computer Engineering LAB MANUAL SEM: VI OOSE LIST


Experiment no:

Title 1 Study and Design of GUI for Login Using Java Applets 2 Study and Design of GUI for Calculator Using Java Applets 3 Study of Software Development Life Cycle Model 4 Study and Design of Use case Diagram. 5 Study and Design of Activity Diagram 6 Study and Design of Class Diagram 7 Study and Design Sequence Diagram 8 Study and Design Deployment & Component Diagram 9 OOSE Mini Project

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EXPERIMENT-1 Aim: Study and Design of GUI for Login Using Java Applets Theory: Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that represents concepts as "objects" that have data fields(attributes that describe the object) and associated procedures known as methods. Objects, which are instances of classes, are used to interact with one another to design applications and computer programs. Features of OOP OOP stands for Object Oriented Programming and the language that support this Object Oriented programming features is called Object oriented Programming Language. An example of a language that support this Object oriented features is C++. Features of Object oriented Programming The Objects Oriented programming language supports all the features of normal programming languages. In addition it supports some important concepts and terminology which has made it popular among programming methodology.

The important features of Object Oriented programming are:

Inheritance Polymorphism Data Hiding Encapsulation Overloading Reusability

Let us see a brief overview of these important features of Object Oriented programming

But before that it is important to know some new terminologies used in Object Oriented programming namely
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Objects Classes

Objects: In other words object is an instance of a class. Classes: These contain data and functions bundled together under a unit. In other words class is a collection of similar objects. When we define a class it just creates template or Skelton. So no memory is created when class is created. Memory is occupied only by object. Example: Class classname { Data Functions }; main ( ) { classname objectname1,objectname2,..; } In other words classes acts as data types for objects. Member functions: The functions defined inside the class as above are called member functions.

Here the concept of Data Hiding figures Data Hiding: This concept is the main heart of an Object oriented programming. The data is hidden inside the class by declaring it as private inside the class. When data or functions are defined as private it can be accessed only by the class in which it is defined. When data or functions are defined as
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public then it can be accessed anywhere outside the class. Object Oriented programming gives importance to protecting data which in any system. This is done by declaring data as private and making it accessible only to the class in which it is defined. This concept is called data hiding. But one can keep member functions as public. So above class structure becomes Example: Class classname { private: datatype data;

public: Member functions }; main ( ) { classname objectname1,objectname2,..; } Encapsulation: The technical term for combining data and functions together as a bundle is encapsulation. Inheritance: Inheritance as the name suggests is the concept of inheriting or deriving properties of an exiting class to get new class or classes. In other words we may have common features or characteristics that may be needed by number of classes. So those features can be placed in a common tree class called base class and the other classes which have these charaterisics can take the tree class and define only the new things that they have on their own in their classes. These classes are called derived class. The main advantage of using this concept of inheritance in Object oriented programming is it helps in reducing the code size since the common characteristic is placed
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separately called as base class and it is just referred in the derived class. This provide the users the important usage of terminology called as reusability Reusability: This usage is achieved by the above explained terminology called as inheritance. Reusability is nothing but re- usage of structure without changing the existing one but adding new features or characteristics to it. It is very much needed for any programmers in different situations. Reusability gives the following advantages to users It helps in reducing the code size since classes can be just derived from existing one and one need to add only the new features and it helps users to save their time. For instance if there is a class defined to draw different graphical figures say there is a user who want to draw graphical figure and also add the features of adding color to the graphical figure. In this scenario instead of defining a class to draw a graphical figure and coloring it what the user can do is make use of the existing class for drawing graphical figure by deriving the class and add new feature to the derived class namely add the feature of adding colors to the graphical figure. Polymorphism and Overloading: Poly refers many. So Polymorphism as the name suggests is a certain item appearing in different forms or ways. That is making a function or operator to act in different forms depending on the place they are present is called Polymorphism. Overloading is a kind of polymorphism. In other words say for instance we know that +, - operate on integer data type and is used to perform arithmetic additions and subtractions. But operator overloading is one in which we define new operations to these operators and make them operate on different data types in other words overloading the existing functionality with new one. This is a very important feature of object oriented programming methodology which extended the handling of data type and operations.

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Conclusion: Object-Oriented Programming has the following advantages over conventional approaches:

OOP provides a clear modular structure for programs which makes it good for defining abstract data types where implementation details are hidden and the unit has a clearly defined interface.

OOP makes it easy to maintain and modify existing code as new objects can be created with small differences to existing ones.

OOP provides a good framework for code libraries where supplied software components can be easily adapted and modified by the programmer. This is particularly useful for developing graphical user interfaces.

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EXPERIMENT-3 Aim: Study of Software Development Life-Cycle Model Theory: A Software Development Life Cycle Model is a set of activities together with an ordering relationship between activities which if performed in a manner that satisfies the ordering relationship that will produce desired product. Software Development Life Cycle Model is an abstract representation of a development process. In a software development effort the goal is to produce high quality software. The development process is, therefore, the sequence of activities that will produce such software. A software development life cycle model is broken down into distinct activities. A software development life cycle model specifies how these activities are organized in the entire software development effort.

Waterfall Software Development Life Cycle Model The simplest software development life cycle model is the waterfall model, which states that the phases are organized in a linear order. A project begins with feasibility analysis. On the successful demonstration of the feasibility analysis, the requirements analysis and project planning begins. The design starts after the requirements analysis is done. And coding begins after the design is done. Once the programming is completed, the code is integrated and testing is done. On successful completion of testing, the system is installed. After this the regular operation and maintenance of the system takes place. The following figure demonstrates the steps involved in waterfall life cycle model.

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With the waterfall model, the activities performed in a software development project are requirements analysis, project planning, system design, detailed design, coding and unit testing, system integration and testing. Linear ordering of activities has some important consequences. First, to clearly identify the end of a phase and beginning of the others. Some certification mechanism has to be employed at the end of each phase. This is usually done by some verification and validation. Validation means confirming the output of a phase is consistent with its input (which is the output of the previous phase) and that the output of the phase is consistent with overall requirements of the system. The consequences of the need of certification are that each phase must have some defined output that can be evaluated and certified. Therefore, when the activities of a phase are completed, there should be an output product of that phase and the goal of a phase is to produce this product. The outputs of the earlier phases are often called intermediate products or design document. For the coding phase, the output is the code. From this point of view, the output of a software project is to justify the final program along with the use of documentation with the requirements document, design document, project plan, test plan and test results. Another implication of the linear ordering of phases is that after each phase is completed and its outputs are certified, these outputs become the inputs to the next phase and should not be changed or modified. However, changing requirements cannot be avoided and must be faced. Since changes performed in the output of one phase affect the later phases, that might have been performed. These changes have to make in a controlled manner after evaluating the effect of each change on the project. This brings us to the need for configuration control or configuration management.

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The certified output of a phase that is released for the best phase is called baseline. The configuration management ensures that any changes to a baseline are made after careful review, keeping in mind the interests of all parties that are affected by it. There are two basic assumptions for justifying the linear ordering of phase in the manner proposed by the waterfall model. For a successful project resulting in a successful product, all phases listed in the waterfall model must be performed anyway. Any different ordering of the phases will result in a less successful software product. Project Output in a Waterfall Model As we have seen, the output of a project employing the waterfall model is not just the final program along with documentation to use it. There are a number of intermediate outputs, which must be produced in order to produce a successful product. The set of documents that forms the minimum that should be produced in each project are:

Requirement document Project plan System design document Detailed design document Test plan and test report Final code Software manuals (user manual, installation manual etc.) Review reports

Prototyping Software Life Cycle Model The goal of prototyping based development is to counter the first two limitations of the waterfall model discussed earlier. The basic idea here is that instead of freezing the requirements before a design or coding can proceed, a throwaway prototype is built to understand the requirements. This prototype is developed based on the currently known requirements. Development of the
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prototype obviously undergoes design, coding and testing. But each of these phases is not done very formally or thoroughly. By using this prototype, the client can get an "actual feel" of the system, since the interactions with prototype can enable the client to better understand the requirements of the desired system. Prototyping is an attractive idea for complicated and large systems for which there is no manual process or existing system to help determining the requirements. In such situations letting the client "plan" with the prototype provides invaluable and intangible inputs which helps in determining the requirements for the system. It is also an effective method to demonstrate the feasibility of a certain approach. This might be needed for novel systems where it is not clear that constraints can be met or that algorithms can be developed to implement the requirements. The process model of the prototyping approach is shown in the figure below.

The basic reason for little common use of prototyping is the cost involved in this built-it-twice approach. However, some argue that prototyping need not be very costly and can actually reduce the overall development cost. The prototype are usually not complete systems and many of the details are not built in the prototype. The goal is to provide a system with overall functionality. In addition, the cost of testing and writing detailed documents are reduced. These factors helps to reduce the cost of developing the prototype. On the other hand, the experience of developing the prototype will very useful for developers when developing the final system. This experience helps to reduce the cost of development of the final system and results in a more reliable and better designed system. 1. Advantages of Prototyping 2. Users are actively involved in the development
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3. It provides a better system to users, as users have natural tendency to change their mind in specifying requirements and this method of developing systems supports this user tendency. 4. Since in this methodology a working model of the system is provided, the users get a better understanding of the system being developed. 5. Errors can be detected much earlier as the system is mode side by side. 6. Quicker user feedback is available leading to better solutions. Disadvantages 1. Leads to implementing and then repairing way of building systems. 2. Practically, this methodology may increase the complexity of the system as scope of the system may expand beyond original plans.

Iterative Enhancement Life Cycle Model The iterative enhancement life cycle model counters the third limitation of the waterfall and tries to combine the benefits of both prototyping and the waterfall. The basic idea is that the software should be developed in increments, where each increment adds some functional capability to the system until the full system is implemented. At each step extensions and design modifications can be made. An advantage of this approach is that it can result in better testing, since testing each increment is likely to be easier than testing entire system like in the waterfall model. Furthermore, as in prototyping, the increments provide feedback to the client which is useful for determining the final requirements of the system. In the first step of iterative enhancement model, a simple initial implementation is done for a subset of the overall problem. This subset is the one that contains some of the key aspects of the problem which are easy to understand and implement, and which forms a useful and usable system. A project control list is created which contains, in an order, all the tasks that must be performed to obtain the final implementation. This project control list gives an idea of how far the project is at any given step from the final system.

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Each step consists of removing the next step from the list. Designing the implementation for the selected task, coding and testing the implementation, and performing an analysis of the partial system obtained after this step and updating the list as a result of the analysis. These three phases are called the design phase, implementation phase and analysis phase. The process is iterated until the project control list is empty, at the time the final implementation of the system will be available. The process involved in iterative enhancement model is shown in the figure below.

The project control list guides the iteration steps and keeps track of all tasks that must be done. The tasks in the list can be include redesign of defective components found during analysis. Each entry in that list is a task that should be performed in one step of the iterative enhancement process, and should be simple enough to be completely understood. Selecting tasks in this manner will minimize the chances of errors and reduce the redesign work.

The Spiral Life Cycle Model This is a recent model that has been proposed by Boehm. As the name suggests, the activities in this model can be organized like a spiral. The spiral has many cycles. The radial dimension represents the cumulative cost incurred in accomplishing the steps dome so far and the angular dimension represents the progress made in completing each cycle of the spiral. The structure of the spiral model is shown in the figure given below. Each cycle in the spiral begins with the identification of objectives for that cycle and the different alternatives are possible for achieving the objectives and the imposed constraints. The next step in the spiral life cycle model is to evaluate these different alternatives based on the objectives and constraints. This will also involve identifying uncertainties and risks involved. The next step is to develop strategies that resolve the uncertainties and risks. This step may involve activities such as benchmarking, simulation and prototyping. Next, the software is developed by keeping in mind the risks. Finally the next stage is planned.
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The next step is determined by remaining risks. For example, its performance or user-interface risks are considered more important than the program development risks. The next step may be evolutionary development that involves developing a more detailed prototype for resolving the risks. On the other hand, if the program development risks dominate and previous prototypes have resolved all the user-interface and performance risks; the next step will follow the basic waterfall approach. The risk driven nature of the spiral model allows it to accommodate any mixture of specificationoriented, prototype-oriented, simulation-oriented or some other approach. An important feature of the model is that each cycle of the spiral is completed by a review, which covers all the products developed during that cycle, including plans for the next cycle. The spiral model works for developed as well as enhancement projects. Spiral Model Description The development spiral consists of four quadrants as shown in the figure above
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Quadrant 1: Determine objectives, alternatives, and constraints. Quadrant 2: Evaluate alternatives, identify, resolve risks. Quadrant 3: Develop, verify, next-level product. Quadrant 4: Plan next phases. Although the spiral, as depicted, is oriented toward software development, the concept is equally applicable to systems, hardware, and training, for example. To better understand the scope of each spiral development quadrant, lets briefly address each one.

Quadrant 1: Determine Objectives, Alternatives, and Constraints Activities performed in this quadrant include: 1. Establish an understanding of the system or product objectivesnamely

performance, functionality, and ability to accommodate change. 2. Investigate implementation alternativesnamely design, reuse, procure, and

procure/ modify 3. Investigate constraints imposed on the alternativesnamely technology, cost, schedule, support, and risk. Once the system or products objectives, alternatives, and constraints are understood, Quadrant 2 (Evaluate alternatives, identify, and resolve risks) is performed.

Quadrant 2: Evaluate Alternatives, Identify, Resolve Risks Engineering activities performed in this quadrant select an alternative approach that best satisfies technical, technology, cost, schedule, support, and risk constraints. The focus here is on risk mitigation. Each alternative is investigated and prototyped to reduce the risk associated with the development decisions. Boehm describes these activities as follows:

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This may involve prototyping, simulation, benchmarking, reference checking, administering user questionnaires, analytic modeling, or combinations of these and other risk resolution techniques. The outcome of the evaluation determines the next course of action. If critical operational and/or technical issues (COIs/CTIs) such as performance and interoperability (i.e., external and internal) risks remain, more detailed prototyping may need to be added before progressing to the next quadrant. Dr. Boehm notes that if the alternative chosen is operationally useful and robust enough to serve as a low-risk base for future product evolution, the subsequent risk-driven steps would be the evolving series of evolutionary prototypes going toward the right (hand side of the graphic) . . . the option of writing specifications would be addressed but not exercised. This brings us to Quadrant 3.

Quadrant 3: Develop, Verify, Next-Level Product If a determination is made that the previous prototyping efforts have resolved the COIs/CTIs, activities to develop, verify, next-level product are performed. As a result, the basic waterfall approach may be employedmeaning concept of operations, design, development, integration, and test of the next system or product iteration. If appropriate, incremental development approaches may also be applicable.

Quadrant 4: Plan Next Phases The spiral development model has one characteristic that is common to all modelsthe need for advanced technical planning and multidisciplinary reviews at critical staging or control points. Each cycle of the model culminates with a technical review that assesses the status, progress, maturity, merits, risk, of development efforts to date; resolves critical operational and/or technical issues (COIs/CTIs); and reviews plans and identifies COIs/CTIs to be resolved for the next iteration of the spiral. Subsequent implementations of the spiral may involve lower level spirals that follow the same quadrant paths and decision considerations. Conclusion: Thus, Successfully studied the SDLC Lifecycle Model.

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EXPERIMENT-4 Aim: Study and Design of Use case Diagram. Theory: In software and systems engineering, a use case is a list of steps, typically defining interactions between a role (known in UML as an "actor") and a system, to achieve a goal. The actor can be a human or an external system. In systems engineering, use cases are used at a higher level than within software engineering, often representing missions or stakeholder goals. Use case diagrams depict:

Use cases. A use case describes a sequence of actions that provide something of measurable value to an actor and is drawn as a horizontal ellipse.

Actors. An actor is a person, organization, or external system that plays a role in one or more interactions with your system. Actors are drawn as stick figures.

Associations. Associations between actors and use cases are indicated in use case diagrams by solid lines. An association exists whenever an actor is involved with an interaction described by a use case. Associations are modeled as lines connecting use cases and actors to one another, with an optional arrowhead on one end of the line. The arrowhead is often used to indicating the direction of the initial invocation of the relationship or to indicate the primary actor within the use case. The arrowheads are typically confused with data flow and as a result I avoid their use.

System boundary boxes (optional). You can draw a rectangle around the use cases, called the system boundary box, to indicate the scope of your system. Anything within the box represents functionality that is in scope and anything outside the box is not. System boundary boxes are rarely used, although on occasion I have used them to identify which use cases will be delivered in each major release of a system.

Packages (optional). Packages are UML constructs that enable you to organize model elements (such as use cases) into groups. Packages are depicted as file folders and can be used on any of the UML diagrams, including both use case diagrams and class diagrams.

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I use packages only when my diagrams become unwieldy, which generally implies they cannot be printed on a single page, to organize a large diagram into smaller ones. Actor You can picture an actor as a user of the IT system, for example Mr. Steel or Mrs. Smith from check-in. Because individual persons are irrelevant for the model, they are abstracted. So the actors are called check-in employee or passenger:

Actors represent roles that users take on when they use the IT system, e.g., the role of a check-in employee. One person can act in more than one role toward the IT system. It is important for the IT system in which role a person is acting. Therefore, it is necessary to log on to many IT systems in a certain role, for instance, as a normal user or as an administrator. In each case access to the appropriate functionalities (use cases) is granted. Actors themselves are not part of the IT system. However, as employees they can be part of the business system. Use Case Use cases describe the interactions that take place between actors and IT systems during the execution of business processes:

A use case represents a part of the functionality of the IT system and enables the user (modeled as an actor) to access this functionality.
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Anything that users would like to do with the IT system has to be made available as a use case (or part of a use case). Functionalities that exist in the IT system, but that are not accessed by means of use cases, are not available to users. Even though the idea behind use cases is to describe interactions, flows of batch processing, which generally do not include interactions, can also be described as use cases. The actor of such a batch use case is then the one who initiates batch processing. For instance, generating check-in statistics would be a batch use case. Association An association is a connection between an actor and a use case. An association indicates that an actor can carry out a use case. Several actors at one use case mean that each actor can carry out the use case on his or her own and not that the actors carry out the use case together:

According to UML, association only means that an actor is involved in a use case. We use associations in a restricted manner. Include Relationships An include relationship is a relationship between two use cases:

It indicates that the use case to which the arrow points is included in the use case on the other side of the arrow. This makes it possible to reuse a use case in another use case. Figure 4.9 shows an example of this relationship. In the flow of the use case, express check-in is a point at which the use case generating boarding pass is included. This means that at this point the entire process generating boarding pass is carried out. Include relationships can be viewed as a type of call to a subprogram:
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Include relationships between use cases Reading Use Case Diagrams Figure shows a use case diagram with the actors (employee and passenger) as well as the use cases check-in and express check-in:

A simple use case diagram According to your interest, you can start reading a use case diagram with the actor or with the use case. Starting with the actor check-in employee (1) you can find associations between the two use cases check-in (2) and express check-in (3). This means that persons who interact with the IT system as check-in employees can carry out the use cases check-in and express check-in. For the readability of the diagram it makes sense that use cases are located one below the other. However, this means nothing. A meaningful order in which a worker carries out use cases cannot be documented in a use case diagram. Unless the use case diagram has to be amended, the use

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cases check-in (2) and express check-in (3) are everything that a check-in employee can do with the IT system. The actor passenger (5) has an association to the use case express check-in (3), which means that people who interact with the IT system as passengers can carry out the use case express checkin (3) directly with the IT system. The actor check-in employee (1) also has an association to the use case express check-in (3), which means that both passengers and check-in employees can carry out this use case. It does not mean that these two work together during express check-in. Of course, during the use case check-in (2) too, a passenger checks himself or herself in and not an employee, but actor of the IT system is always the one who directly interacts with the IT system. For the use case express check-in (3) this can be either the passenger, who, with his or her plane ticket, can obtain a boarding pass at a machine, or a check-in employee who can do this in place of the passenger. However, for the business system the passenger is always the actor, because he or she is located outside the business. The employee, on the other hand, is not an actor from the perspective of the business system, because he or she works inside the business system.

Use case diagram with include relationships Figure shows a use case diagram with the include relationships that both the use cases checkin (1) and express check-in (2) have with the use case generating boarding pass (3) This means that during both check-in and express check-in, a boarding pass is generated. According to our practical experience, this is the easiest way to reuse parts of use cases. Conclusion: Advantages of Use case Diagrams are: 1. Minimizes Redundancy 2. Shorter Description 3. Re-Use
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EXPERIMENT-5 Aim: Study and Design of Activity Diagram Theory: Activity diagrams are typically used for business process modeling, for modeling the logic captured by a single case or usage scenario, or for modeling the detailed logic of a business rule. Although UML activity diagrams could potentially model the internal logic of a complex operation it would be far better to simply rewrite the operation so that it is simple enough that you dont require an activity diagram. In many ways UML activity diagrams are the objectoriented equivalent of flow charts and data flow diagrams (DFDs) from structured development. Activity diagram is another important diagram in UML to describe dynamic aspects of the system. Activity diagram is basically a flow chart to represent the flow form one activity to another activity. The activity can be described as an operation of the system. So the control flow is drawn from one operation to another. This flow can be sequential, branched or concurrent. Activity diagrams deals with all type of flow control by using different elements like fork, join etc. Notations:

Initial node. The filled in circle is the starting point of the diagram. An initial node isnt required although it does make it significantly easier to read the diagram.

Activity final node. The filled circle with a border is the ending point. An activity diagram can have zero or more activity final nodes.

Activity. The rounded rectangles represent activities that occur. An activity may be physical, such as Inspect Forms, or electronic, such as Display Create Student Screen.

Flow/edge. The arrows on the diagram. Although there is a subtle difference between flows and edges I have never seen a practical purpose for the difference although I have no doubt one exists. Ill use the term flow.

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Fork. A black bar with one flow going into it and several leaving it. This denotes the beginning of parallel activity.

Join. A black bar with several flows entering it and one leaving it. All flows going into the join must reach it before processing may continue. This denotes the end of parallel processing.

Condition. Text such as [Incorrect Form] on a flow, defining a guard which must evaluate to true in order to traverse the node.

Decision. A diamond with one flow entering and several leaving. The flows leaving include conditions although some modelers will not indicate the conditions if it is obvious.

Merge. A diamond with several flows entering and one leaving. The implication is that one or more incoming flows must reach this point until processing continues, based on any guards on the outgoing flow.

Purpose: The basic purposes of activity diagrams are similar to other four diagrams. It captures the dynamic behavior of the system. Other four diagrams are used to show the message flow from one object to another but activity diagram is used to show message flow from one activity to another. Activity is a particular operation of the system. Activity diagrams are not only used for visualizing dynamic nature of a system but they are also used to construct the executable system by using forward and reverse engineering techniques. The only missing thing in activity diagram is the message part. It does not show any message flow from one activity to another. Activity diagram is some time considered as the flow chart. Although the diagrams looks like a flow chart but it is not. It shows different flow like parallel, branched, concurrent and single. So the purposes can be described as:

Draw the activity flow of a system.

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Describe the sequence from one activity to another. Describe the parallel, branched and concurrent flow of the system.

How to draw Activity Diagram? Activity diagrams are mainly used as a flow chart consists of activities performed by the system. But activity diagram are not exactly a flow chart as they have some additional capabilities. These additional capabilities include branching, parallel flow, swimlane etc. Before drawing an activity diagram we must have a clear understanding about the elements used in activity diagram. The main element of an activity diagram is the activity itself. An activity is a function performed by the system. After identifying the activities we need to understand how they are associated with constraints and conditions. So before drawing an activity diagram we should identify the following elements:

Activities Association Conditions Constraints

Once the above mentioned parameters are identified we need to make a mental layout of the entire flow. This mental layout is then transformed into an activity diagram. The following is an example of an activity diagram for order management system. In the diagram four activities are identified which are associated with conditions. One important point should be clearly understood that an activity diagram cannot be exactly matched with the code. The activity diagram is made to understand the flow of activities and mainly used by the business users. The following diagram is drawn with the four main activities:

Send order by the customer Receipt of the order Confirm order

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Dispatch order

After receiving the order request condition checks are performed to check if it is normal or special order. After the type of order is identified dispatch activity is performed and that is marked as the termination of the process.

Where to use Activity Diagrams? The basic usage of activity diagram is similar to other four UML diagrams. The specific usage is to model the control flow from one activity to another. This control flow does not include messages. The activity diagram is suitable for modeling the activity flow of the system. An application can have multiple systems. Activity diagram also captures these systems and describes flow from one system to another. This specific usage is not available in other diagrams. These systems can be database, external queues or any other system. Now we will look into the practical applications of the activity diagram. From the above discussion it is clear that an activity diagram is drawn from a very high level. So it gives high
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level view of a system. This high level view is mainly for business users or any other person who is not a technical person. This diagram is used to model the activities which are nothing but business requirements. So the diagram has more impact on business understanding rather implementation details. Following are the main usages of activity diagram:

Modeling work flow by using activities. Modeling business requirements. High level understanding of the system's functionalities. Investigate business requirements at a later stage.


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EXPERIMENT-6 Aim: Study and Design of Class Diagram Theory: In software engineering, a class diagram in the Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a type of static structure diagram that describes the structure of a system by showing the system's classes, their attributes, operations (or methods), and the relationships among the classes. Class Diagram Symbols and Notations: Classes represent an abstraction of entities with common characteristics. Associations represent the relationships between classes. Illustrate classes with rectangles divided into compartments. Place the name of the class in the first partition (centered, bolded, and capitalized), list the attributes in the second partition, and write operations into the third.

Active Class Active classes initiate and control the flow of activity, while passive classes store data and serve other classes. Illustrate active classes with a thicker border.

Visibility Use visibility markers to signify who can access the information contained within a class. Private visibility hides information from anything outside the class partition. Public visibility allows all

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other classes to view the marked information. Protected visibility allows child classes to access information they inherited from a parent class.

Associations Associations represent static relationships between classes. Place association names above, on, or below the association line. Use a filled arrow to indicate the direction of the relationship. Place roles near the end of an association. Roles represent the way the two classes see each other. Note: It's uncommon to name both the association and the class roles.

Multiplicity (Cardinality) Place multiplicity notations near the ends of an association. These symbols indicate the number of instances of one class linked to one instance of the other class. For example, one company will have one or more employees, but each employee works for one company only.

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Constraint Place constraints inside curly braces {}.

Simple Constraint

Composition and Aggregation Composition is a special type of aggregation that denotes a strong ownership between Class A, the whole, and Class B, its part. Illustrate composition with a filled diamond. Use a hollow diamond to represent a simple aggregation relationship, in which the "whole" class plays a more important role than the "part" class, but the two classes are not dependent on each other. The diamond end in both a composition and aggregation relationship points toward the "whole" class or the aggregate.

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Generalization Generalization is another name for inheritance or an "is a" relationship. It refers to a relationship between two classes where one class is a specialized version of another. For example, Honda is a type of car. So the class Honda would have a generalization relationship with the class car.

In real life coding examples, the difference between inheritance and aggregation can be confusing. If you have an aggregation relationship, the aggregate (the whole) can access only the PUBLIC functions of the part class. On the other hand, inheritance allows the inheriting class to access both the PUBLIC and PROTECTED functions of the super class. Conclusion:

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EXPERIMENT-7 Aim: Study and Design of Sequence Diagram Theory: UML sequence diagrams are used to show how objects interact in a given situation. An important characteristic of a sequence diagram is that time passes from top to bottom: the interaction starts near the top of the diagram and ends at the bottom (i.e. Lower equals Later). A popular use for them is to document the dynamics in an object-oriented system. For each key collaboration, diagrams are created that show how objects interact in various representative scenarios for that collaboration. Sequence diagrams are typically used to model: 1. Usage scenarios. A usage scenario is a description of a potential way your system is used. The logic of a usage scenario may be part of a use case, perhaps an alternate course. It may also be one entire pass through a use case, such as the logic described by the basic course of action or a portion of the basic course of action, plus one or more alternate scenarios. The logic of a usage scenario may also be a pass through the logic contained in several use cases. For example, a student enrolls in the university, and then immediately enrolls in three seminars. 2. The logic of methods. Sequence diagrams can be used to explore the logic of a complex operation, function, or procedure. One way to think of sequence diagrams, particularly highly detailed diagrams, is as visual object code. 3. The logic of services. A service is effectively a high-level method, often one that can be invoked by a wide variety of clients. This includes web-services as well as business transactions implemented by a variety of technologies such as CICS/COBOL or CORBAcompliant object request brokers (ORBs).

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Sequence Diagram Header Elements The header portion of the sequence diagram represents the components or objects of the system being modeled and are laid out horizontally at the top of the diagram. See an example sequence diagram here. Actor Represents an external person or entity that interacts with the system Object Represents an object in the system or one of its components Unit Represents a subsystem, component, unit, or other logical entity in the system (may or may not be implemented by objects) Separator Represents an interface or boundary between

subsystems, components or units (e.g., air interface, Internet, network) Group Groups related header elements into subsystems or components

Sequence Diagram Body Elements Action Represents an action taken by an actor, object or unit Asynchronous Message Block An asynchronous message between header

elements A block representing a loop or conditional for a particular header element

Call Message

A call (procedure) message between header elements

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Create Message

A "create" message that creates a header element (represented by lifeline going from dashed to solid pattern)

Destroy Element Represents the destruction of a header element Destroy Message Represents the destruction of a header element as a result of a call from another element Diagram Link Represents a portion of a diagram being treated as a functional block. Similar to a procedure or function call that abstracts functionality or details not shown at this level. Can optionally be linked to another diagram for elaboration. Else Block Represents an "else" block portion of a diagram block Flow Note Documentation note that is automatically

formatted to flow after previous elements Free Note Documentation note that is free-flowing and can be placed anywhere in the diagram (can also be anchored relative to a flow element) Message Page Break A simple message between header elements A page break in the diagram

Return Message A return message between header elements Scenario Start Scenario Case Scenario End Start of a scenario (set of alternatives) Start of an alternative or case in a scenario End of a scenario

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State Steady State Timer Start Timer Stop Timer Expiration

A state change for a header element A steady state in the system Start of a timer for a particular header element Stop of a timer for a particular header element Expiration of a timer for a particular header element

An example of high level sequence diagram for Online Bookshop. Online customer can search book catalog, view description of a selected book, add book to shopping cart, do checkout.

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An example of sequence diagram for Online Bookshop Conclusion:

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EXPERIMENT-8 Aim: Study and Design of Deployment and Component Diagram Theory: Deployment diagrams Deployment diagrams are used to visualize the topology of the physical components of a system where the software components are deployed. So deployment diagrams are used to describe the static deployment view of a system. Deployment diagrams consist of nodes and their relationships. Purpose: The name Deployment itself describes the purpose of the diagram. Deployment diagrams are used for describing the hardware components where software components are deployed. Component diagrams and deployment diagrams are closely related. Component diagrams are used to describe the components and deployment diagrams shows how they are deployed in hardware. UML is mainly designed to focus on software artifacts of a system. But these two diagrams are special diagrams used to focus on software components and hardware components. So most of the UML diagrams are used to handle logical components but deployment diagrams are made to focus on hardware topology of a system. Deployment diagrams are used by the system engineers. The purpose of deployment diagrams can be described as:

Visualize hardware topology of a system. Describe the hardware components used to deploy software components. Describe runtime processing nodes.

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How to draw Deployment Diagram? Deployment diagram represents the deployment view of a system. It is related to the component diagram. Because the components are deployed using the deployment diagrams. A deployment diagram consists of nodes. Nodes are nothing but physical hardwares used to deploy the application. Deployment diagrams are useful for system engineers. An efficient deployment diagram is very important because it controls the following parameters

Performance Scalability Maintainability Portability

So before drawing a deployment diagram the following artifacts should be identified:

Nodes Relationships among nodes

The following deployment diagram is a sample to give an idea of the deployment view of order management system. Here we have shown nodes as:

Monitor Modem Caching server Server

The application is assumed to be a web based application which is deployed in a clustered environment using server 1, server 2 and server 3. The user is connecting to the application using internet. The control is flowing from the caching server to the clustered environment. So the following deployment diagram has been drawn considering all the points mentioned above:
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Where to use Deployment Diagrams? Deployment diagrams are mainly used by system engineers. These diagrams are used to describe the physical components (hardwares), their distribution and association. To clarify it in details we can visualize deployment diagrams as the hardware components/nodes on which software components reside. Software applications are developed to model complex business processes. Only efficient software applications are not sufficient to meet business requirements. Business requirements can be described as to support increasing number of users, quick response time etc. To meet these types of requirements hardware components should be designed efficiently and in a cost effective way.

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Now a day's software applications are very complex in nature. Software applications can be stand alone, web based, distributed, mainframe based and many more. So it is very important to design the hardware components efficiently. So the usage of deployment diagrams can be described as follows:

To model the hardware topology of a system. To model embedded system. To model hardware details for a client/server system. To model hardware details of a distributed application. Forward and reverse engineering.

Component Diagram Component diagrams are different in terms of nature and behavior. Component diagrams are used to model physical aspects of a system. Now the question is what are these physical aspects? Physical aspects are the elements like executables, libraries, files, documents etc which resides in a node. So component diagrams are used to visualize the organization and relationships among components in a system. These diagrams are also used to make executable systems. Purpose: Component diagram is a special kind of diagram in UML. The purpose is also different from all other diagrams discussed so far. It does not describe the functionality of the system but it describes the components used to make those functionalities. So from that point component diagrams are used to visualize the physical components in a system. These components are libraries, packages, files etc. Component diagrams can also be described as a static implementation view of a system. Static implementation represents the organization of the components at a particular moment.
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A single component diagram cannot represent the entire system but a collection of diagrams are used to represent the whole. So the purpose of the component diagram can be summarized as:

Visualize the components of a system. Construct executables by using forward and reverse engineering. Describe the organization and relationships of the components.

How to draw Component Diagram? Component diagrams are used to describe the physical artifacts of a system. This artifact includes files, executables, libraries etc. So the purpose of this diagram is different, Component diagrams are used during the implementation phase of an application. But it is prepared well in advance to visualize the implementation details. Initially the system is designed using different UML diagrams and then when the artifacts are ready component diagrams are used to get an idea of the implementation. This diagram is very important because without it the application cannot be implemented efficiently. A well prepared component diagram is also important for other aspects like application performance, maintenance etc. So before drawing a component diagram the following artifacts are to be identified clearly:

Files used in the system. Libraries and other artifacts relevant to the application. Relationships among the artifacts.

Now after identifying the artifacts the following points needs to be followed:

Use a meaningful name to identify the component for which the diagram is to be drawn. Prepare a mental layout before producing using tools.
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Use notes for clarifying important points.

The following is a component diagram for order management system. Here the artifacts are files. So the diagram shows the files in the application and their relationships. In actual the component diagram also contains dlls, libraries, folders etc. In the following diagram four files are identified and their relationships are produced. Component diagram cannot be matched directly with other UML diagrams discussed so far. Because it is drawn for completely different purpose. So the following component diagram has been drawn considering all the points mentioned above:

Where to use Component Diagrams? We have already described that component diagrams are used to visualize the static implementation view of a system. Component diagrams are special type of UML diagrams used for different purposes.

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These diagrams show the physical components of a system. To clarify it, we can say that component diagrams describe the organization of the components in a system. Organization can be further described as the location of the components in a system. These components are organized in a special way to meet the system requirements. As we have already discussed those components are libraries, files, executables etc. Now before implementing the application these components are to be organized. This component organization is also designed separately as a part of project execution. Component diagrams are very important from implementation perspective. So the implementation team of an application should have a proper knowledge of the component details. Now the usage of component diagrams can be described as:

Model the components of a system. Model database schema. Model executables of an application. Model system's source code.


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