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Warhammer 40,000: Codex Virions (WIP)

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Virions are an ancient alien race that once ruled a vast empire through conquest but have since declined.

Virions were once a powerful conquering empire that spread across the galaxy.

Some of the Virion clans mentioned include Kriel'Tal, Bol'Org, Gara'Khan, and Shriel'Xe.



The Ancient Ages of KauReigh....7 An Emperor Arises.9 To Conquer a World........................................................10 The Coming of Enlightenment.........................................12 The Ending of an Age......................................................14 Rising from the Ruins......................................................18 The Glorious Virion Empire............................................20 Chronicles of Conquest....................................................24 Virion Clans.....................................................................28 Virion Culture and People................................................38 Virion Anatomy...............................................................40 Virion Wargear................................................................41 Virion Language..............................................................42 Virion Helidynes..............................................................64 ChiVosh, the Adventuring Spirit....................................66 DaZhar, the Border Guardian.........................................67 HirakTjon, the Liberator.................................................68 KrielTal, the Flaming Rage............................................69 BolOrg, Heavens Lash..................................................70 GaraKhan, the Butcher King..........................................71 ShrielXe, the Tyrant Slayer............................................72 PeRarzg, the Spirit Walker.............................................73 WroasBaal, King of the Seas..........................................74 RegisPet, the Destroyer of Worlds.................................75 TrarlNak, Tomb Breaker................................................76 DrahkMar, the Saviour...................................................77 Virion Alliances Chart.....................................................78

VIRION ARMOURY....................................................80
Ranged Weapons..............................................................80 Melee Weapons................................................................82 Special Issue Wargear......................................................83 Armour.............................................................................84

THE CONQUERORS...................................................45
Warlord Traits..................................................................45 Tacticians.........................................................................46 Warforgers.......................................................................47 Warseers...........................................................48 Virion Spirituality............................................................49 Battle Clanguards.............................................................50 Combat Clanguards..........................................................51 Assault Clanguards..........................................................52 Storm Clanguards.............................................................53 Mortar Clanguards...........................................................54 Veteran Clanguards..........................................................55

Virion Vehicle Equipment...............................................85 Banners and Standards.....................................................88 Virion Clan Artefacts...........89

THE CLANGUARDS....................................................92 ALIEN WARRIORS...................................................110

Virions Wargear List..111 HQ..................................................................................112 Troops............................................................................116

Attack Droids...................................................................56 Strider Tripods.................................................................57 Prime Sentry Guns...........................................................58 Assault Pods.....................................................................59

Elites...............................................................................117 Dedicated Transports.118 Fast Attack.....................................................................120 Heavy Support................................................................121

Virion Light Centruroids..................................................60 Virion Heavy Centruroids.62


Written by: Nikola Dabi

Cover Art: Beckjann

The Virions are an alien race that comes from the darkness of the Halo Zone, a part of the Galaxy which the Astronomican cannot reach. This Codex is the definitive guide to collecting and playing with a Virion army in the Warhammer 40,000 wargame.


The Warhammer 40,000 rulebook contains the rules you will need to fight battles with your Citadel Miniatures in the war-torn universe of the 41st Millennium. Every army has its own Codex book that works with these rules, allowing you to turn your collection of Citadel Miniatures into an organized force ready for your games of Warhammer 40,000. This Codex details everything you need to know about the Virions.

*The Clanguards: This section will feature colour photographs of the miniatures that would be sculpted and painted for the Virion army, as well as regards to each individual artist who would make them, if any apply in the near future. *Alien Warriors: The army list takes all of the units presented in the Conquerors section and arranges them so you can choose an army for your own games of Warhammer 40,000. Each unit type also has a points value attached to help you pit your forces against an opponents in a fair match.


A Virion army is for those who would like to field an army of alien warriors forged in nano-bionic armour and granted highly advanced weaponry and in contrast bear tribal markings to depict their glories. They follow a strict Code of Honour and prefer to fight their opponents up close and personal. A Virion army allows you to field elite units of medium and close range oriented troops, with lots of variety and options available to you, so that you could unleash the battle-ready warriors of your Clan upon any who would oppose the absolute rule of the Empire. In the 41st Millennium, the Virions are an odd race; they truly believe in honour and duty and fight with the strength and courage of an Astrates. The hostile environment of the Death World KauReigh which they call home has made them evolve into apex predators, armed with a variety of natural weapons. In addition, Virions had developed a way for their vehicles to change their shape in battlefield, allowing them to fulfil two roles at the same time. In retrospect, Virions are a flexible and adaptable army, one that can evolve to the ever-shifting scenarios of battle and come out stronger then ever, this rapid pace of change will leave your enemies out of whack and vulnerable to a direct assault from the front.


While Codex: Virions contains everything you need to play a game with your army of Virion warriors, there are always more tactics to use, scenarios to fight and painting ideas to try out. If the Codex: Virions gets a following then there will be a forum dedicated to the Virion army, where fans and critiques can post their ideas on the subject, the link would be available below:

If you are reading this Codex, then you have already taken your first steps into the Warhammer 40,000 hobby. The Warhammer 40,000 rulebook contains all the rules you need to fight battles with your Citadel miniatures, and every army has its own codex that acts as a definitive guide to collecting and unleashing it upon the tabletop battlefields of the Warhammer 40,000 universe. This codex allows you to turn your collection of Virion Clanguards into an unstoppable strike force ready to wage glorious wars of conquest and expansion in the name of the Empire.


Codex: Virions contains the following sections: *The Virions: The first section introduces the Virion race and their part in the Warhammer 40,000 universe. It includes details of their ancient history, the rise of their Empire and all the wars and conquests they had waged during the thousands of years their race has endured. This section also gives you an in-depth look into the Virion nature, their technology, their habits, their tactics, and even the individual Clans which comprise the Empire as well as what makes them different from one another. *The Conquerors: This section examines every single unit and character available to the Virion army. Firstly, you will find a full description of the unit, describing its role within the army and its specialized combat abilities. Secondly, you will find complete rules for the unit with details of any unique weapons or abilities they can use on the battlefield. *Virion Armoury: This section contains the descriptions and rules for all the nano-bionic weapons and gear constructed and utilized by the forces of the Virions.

NOTICE: Since this is a Fan-Made and Unofficial Warhammer 40,000 Codex and army, it is not endorsed by Games Workshop and is not considered actual lore. Also, since it is rather new with little to no following, there are no miniatures to be displayed and there are little to few images to be used, so lots of spacing will be made to compensate for this, leaving enough room for any images that would be added in the (hopefully) near future. Thank you in advance for taking your time to read through this.

In the Galactic West lies the Segmentum Pacificus, and on its very edge is the Halo Zone, a dark and mysterious part of space through which the blessed guiding light of the Astronomican cannot reach. For as long as Mankind can remember, this area is vastly unexplored and shrouded with mystery and superstition, no ship that would ever go in would ever come back out. But it is here that an alien race had prospered ever since the Age of Strife and became an interstellar race some time after the dreaded Horus Heresy, and from then on they were expanding in all directions, claiming everything they saw in the name of their rising Empire, one that predates the Imperium of Man by millennia. These Xenos name themselves the Virions, and they are here to enforce absolute control on a chaotic universe. Its primary enemies are scattered remains of an Orky Empire, usurping Necron Dynasties and the newly discovered Tyranid Hive Fleet that is burrowing its head deep into Virion territory, and from beyond the realms of sanity lurk the darkest evils any race had known, the vile forces of Chaos and their Dark Gods. All of these are a threat to the survival of the Virion race and the well being of their nation, and so they shall be eradicated. All who stand in the path of Order must perish by flame and blade.


It was around the age of M32, centuries after the Horus Heresy had ended and at roughly the time the Eccelsiarchy was formed. By this time, the Virion race had forged an interstellar Empire, one that would inhabit several hundred worlds, distant from their original homeworld KauReigh. This was a verdant age of colonization and expansion, where technological breakthroughs would allow them to grow stronger as a new force among the stars. It was in this age that Virions first met the likes of Eldar and their ilk face to face, as well as a number of lesser alien races, all of which would be suppressed, contained or outright exterminated to make way for the Empire. Virion Manuscripts of this age deem it The Golden Age of the Empire and it was hailed with greatness. But all good things must come to an end. It was also in this age that the Virions had met the Orks as well, at first they were just outlying worlds and Space Hulks filled with their unclean lot, mere rabble fighting amongst themselves as often as they would fight others. But as the Virions ventured deeper into the Halo Zone and closer to its edge with the Segmentum Pacificus, they had met Zogblasts Empire, named after the Ork Warboss who made it. The power-hoarding tyrant had arisen to greatness, and had gathered many thousands of Ork infested worlds under his domain, preparing to launch an attack into the still weak Imperium, if his plans went accordingly, then the Orks would massacre trillions of men across the Galaxy and would probably make it to Terra itself; however this was not to be. Either by chance, fate or the Emperors will, something else had caught the Ork Warboss greedy eye, the Virion Empire. The two Empires had clashed with great ferocity against one another. On one side the Virions, who saw their opponents as nothing more then savage beasts and low-life thieves, and on the other the Orks, which were interested in the Virions and wanted to test how strong they really are. And so the long war began, one that would rage for 5000 years. While the Ork Warboss Zogblast himself was killed some 2000 years after the war first began, there were still many more Orks, and all were attracted to the sent of war and a promise of a good fight. When the Virions liberated one world, the Orks would see it as nothing more then a challenge, and start sending more of their foul kindred into the cauldron of battle. But eventually, it was the pure stubbornness and willpower of the Virions that triumphed in the end, and the last of the Orks were vanquished from their territory. This was not the glorious victory many had imagined it would be, but nonetheless, they had endured and had then started to lick their wounds; beginning a long age of recovery, where they would try to rebuild what they once lost, and make their Empire anew.


A long time ago, long before the Emperor himself came to be, the Virion race had made its first steps towards civilized life, arising from hunter and gatherer nomadic tribes who wandered their world. They were stuck in this barbaric state until roughly M18 or M19, the prime of the Dark Age of Technology. The Virion race had started forming organized civilizations, based around powerful Clans of warriors. The strong had dominated the weak, younger factions would usurp the older ones and the vicious cycle of blood would continue until around M20, when the Virion Empire took its roots and started its conquests to unify the entire race and dominate their planet. This was not an easy task, for Virions are naturally bred killing machines, this in turn was because of the planets hostile environments, which had driven their evolutionary drive to make them living weapons. The planet in question is named KauReigh, named after the First Emperor, the one who founded the Virion Empire. The planet KauReigh is in all regards a Death World, one that trumps over Catachan any day. The planet is riddled with thick rain forests which house bloodthirsty beasts of all kind, aggressive plant life that will lash out at whim and it is also assaulted with constant thunder storms that light up the sky. Growing up in such harsh conditions had made the Virion race hardy and ready for a fight, expecting enemies from any corner and aggressive by nature. Once the Virion race was unified by M31, during the Great Crusades, the Virions made their first steps into space, and eventually over the course of thousands of years, they had conquered a vast region of space, thousands of planets belong to the ever-growing Virion Empire, which had waged many long wars to satiate its unending hunger for conquest and dominion. But it was not an easy climb to power for the Virions, for roughly at M32, the usurping Virion Empire had been assaulted from all corners and their race was on a brink of extinction. But they had fought with tooth an nail to prevent this end and came out as an even stronger and far more hostile species, bent on pummelling anything that would be foolish enough to get in its glorious path to Galactic conquest. Now, in the 41st Millennium, they are making their first encounters with the Imperium, and exploratory fleets are sent into the Segmentum Pacificus more often then ever, it is only a matter of time before the Human race takes notice of them, but some may think that its far too late for that.

In battle, the Virions are second to none. Their troops are highly skilled and trained elite warriors. They split their units into small groups, each acting on its own accord, although they loose in unity, they do become unpredictable and even more dangerous. Among their arsenal are included weapons that shoot bursts of static-electricity, seed cases that when bursts with energized shrapnel when it hits, corrosive gas that eats away flesh and armour alike, cannons that work on the coil-gun principal, accelerating ionized particles back and forth at high speeds and then unleashing them at its intended direction, splitting apart its target to burnt shreds. In contrast, Virions prefer to fight in melee, where they utilize both swords, axes and lances, as well as their natural weaponry, such as superb eye-sight, increased muscle density that grants them the ability to split their foes apart with their bare hands, tails like whips that can smash a Human ribcage with one good swing and a thick scaly hide like that of a shark. Their armoury is filled with highly advanced weaponry along with tribal artefacts, potent armaments of all kinds. It is only in war that Virions are at their greatest.


The first records of Virion history begins some 100,000 years ago (around 60,000-70,000 B.C.). The earliest fossilized remains of Virion ancestry were from this era. It is believed that the planet KauReigh was once a tropic paradise, over a thousand centuries ago, but some form of global catastrophe had swept across the entire world. The planet was enveloped in a deep dark perpetual winter and night. The thick snow had grasped the planet in an Ice Age, and the frosty clouds had blocked out the sun, not to be seen for thousands of years. This had killed of most of the planets vegetation, and soon followed the many creatures that once roamed freely. This loss of flora had made the overall oxygen levels drop notably, thus the extermination continued. Meanwhile, the continental plates grinded against one another, not only ravaging KauReigh with earthquakes, but unleashed tons of a trace-gas which was lying dormant beneath the planets surface, named Zethane. This trace-gas is usually harmless, but unleashed in vast quantities and with the lack of Oxygen due to insufficient photosynthesis has only increased the extinction rates. To survive, the creatures of KauReigh had to adapt. They not only became stronger, vicious and merciless, but they had also changed their lungs and breathing organs to inhale Zethane instead of Oxygen, while some plants evolved to produce that trace-gas instead of Oxygen, which enriched the planets atmosphere with Zethane, thus making KauReigh unique. While most planets would harbour Zethane in pockets beneath the surface, KauReigh had this gas in abundance on its surface. This age is known as NakDrahkMar, the Age of Eternal Ice. This is due to the fact that NakDrahkMar was in fact an Ice Age, lasting from around 70,000 B.C. to 50,000 B.C. and the permanent frost that had started to settle made the very continents freeze over, so the Virion ancestry, which were no more then mere pack animals at the time, only learning how to walk up-right, were able to cross between continents on long journeys which would last multiple years. By the time NakDrahkMar ended, the early Virion race had spread across the entire planet of KauReigh. At roughly 50,000 years ago, the Age of Eternal Ice had ended, and for the first time in thousands of years, the sun had shined on the planet KauReigh. But the plant is not what it once was, not nearly. Over half of the entire planets life was extinguished forever, while the ones that remained became nothing short of voracious monsters, thusly turning KauReigh into a Death World. From the fauna came blood thirsty predatory beasts and short-tempered plant-eaters, both of which would be armed with a variety of natural weapons to allow them to survive in this newly changed world. Among them are packs of feline carnivores the size of a horse, with a frightening appetite and fangs comparable to swords lurking in the dark, massive reptiles with gaping maws which drip with flesh-eating acid, large mammals comparable to a battle-tank with thick stony hides and spikes coming out of them, grazing the grasslands, and swatting away any threat, as well as blood sucking insects of all kinds, some as large as a grown man, swarming over their victims, draining their lives from their very hearts, and other large beetles which lurk beneath the ground, thus growing to be as large as a small house. The plant life is not docile either, for there are plants with gaping maws, comparable to a giant venues flytrap, vines which strangle unsuspecting prey and drag them away to the darkness of the groves, trees which can move their trunks like limbs and crush anything to death. The seas and oceans of KauReigh are riddled with all manner of sea monsters, birthed from the darkest nightmares of mortal men. However, it is not the creatures or the plants that pose the greatest threat, but the planet itself, for its skies are set ablaze by perpetual thunder storms, and arcs of lightning strike at the surface every second while clouds of hale and rain have been known to blot out the Sun for months, while the creatures on the surface could not even see a glimpse of light. These unending storms had ravaged KauReigh until the very present day in the 41st Millennium. The time period between 50,000 B.C. and M18 is known as NakZapal by the Virions, also known as the Age of Barbarism. Around 80,000 years ago, in 40,000 B.C. the Virions had started to evolve beyond mere animals and began inventing fire, the wheel, some degree of language, tools, weapons, clothing and shelter made out of the bones and hides of animals they had slain and most notably, organization. Virions had formed into more then just mere packs, but tribes which mutually trusted one another. Some were nomads, wandering the lands, others had inhabited caves and started making cave paintings of not only people and animals, but the odd structures named Xenofacts. These Xenofacts are massive spires pulsating with odd energies. They would emit a faint glow, thus attracting the early Virion ancestry to them, while most of the animals were frightened of them and stayed clear of them. The Virions had associated the Xenofacts with shelter, depicting them as holy blessings, and soil upon which they were placed as sacred. Later through the age, at the time of the Dark Age of Technology at M12, the Virions had started to slowly develop further from the Stone Age, and started finding ways to tame the animals which lurked in the growths of the jungles and rain forests which swamped the dry soil of KauReigh. In addition, they had started to make permanent residences in the forests, producing tree houses, connected to each other by robust bridges and ladders. Most trees on KauReigh could reach the height of as much as 500 feet tall, so the Virions had a lot of space to work with. But most notably of all inventions, the Virions started to produce metal, and thus the tools and weapons they produced had improved in quality. The Virions began to find it rather easier to live in the world with these new inventions and started to create civilization on the terror world of KauReigh.

The three continents of the planet KauReigh are divided by two massive oceans, FrielHanz at the North and GorraxHanz at the South. Lying on these oceans are three massive continents, XielJak in the Centre where the two oceans meet, WopoJak at the North-West and ArmikJak in the South-East. Between these continents are a multitude of islands and waters filled with all manner of creature. In addition, the constant storms that ravage the surface of KauReigh might be softened by the thick foliage of tall trees on land, but nothing would shield you if you went out to sea, therefore there was very little nautical development for the Virion race at the time. On the three continents, different types of Virions evolved, one for each continent. These three types would be referenced as Breeds by the majority of the Virion race. On ArmikJak were the Hroag, tall, limber and quite industrious. On WopoJak were the Trarl, skittish, fast and quick thinkers with a way with words. And on XielJak came the Rarzg, large, muscular, well built and ferocious. The three breeds had not made contact with one another, and were separated by ocean, for the time being. In addition to Breeds, there were also different Species of Virions, but unlike Breeds, ones Species is not determined at birth. All Virions are born with white scales and grey carapace, but as they grow they gain colour, and it all depends on where they were raised. If a Virion was raised in jungles, marshes or grasslands, then he would gain a green scale tone with dark green carapace, these are called DrenkVi. If a Virion is raised in deserts, savannahs, badlands or sandy coastlines, then they would gain yellow scales with brown carapace, thus becoming BonazVi. If a Virion is raised in snowy wastelands, grey mountains or anywhere with steep rocky terrain, then they keep their white scales, but gain light blue carapace, and are called the MaahkVi. And if a Virion is raised underground or in places near char black rock with high volcanic activity, then they will gain black scales with red carapace, and become CretVi. It was also discovered that if a Virion is born and raised in aboard a ship or the equivalent, within the darkness of space, they will become CretVi by the time they reach adulthood.

In addition to varying Classes and Species, the Virions were also divided into Tribes, Clans, feudal Kingdoms and aspiring Empires. When the NakZapal ended at M19, the Age of Unification started as well, or NakRieug in the Virion tongue. The first nations arose in the centre continent XielJak, where the young nations would rely on their warriors to lead wars of conquest in an attempt to destroy the others. Many wars have been waged, many cities have been burned, many lives have been taken, and none have survived the sands of time, all of them were long forgotten as fragments of history one should not ponder on for too long. Next to simple metal tools of the trade and weapons of war, metal was also used to support buildings, construct primitive machinery of all kinds, from mills to catapults. The early Virion warriors would be armed with heavy armour, bearing swords, axes and halberds proudly as they march to the next slaughter. For a thousand years, the first Virion nations have been rising and falling, each trying to become the world power each convinced it was chosen to rule the world, and many who had tried to reach the heavens, have fallen quickly and drowned in the blood of their own people and in the rubble of their nations.

Virions in their ancient past had always strived to achieve a better foothold to forge their nations, but the thick jungles on KauReigh were many, and clear land was a rarity. Such lands could be grassy fields, badlands, open clearings, or even deserts, any of that could be acceptable. These types of terrain were nicknamed baldlands by the Virions, and the term is used to this very day in the 41st Millennium. Virions preferred baldlands because they made it easier to start building, rather then a connection of tree houses or lurking in caves, or even being forced to live like nomads. Some young nations in desperation had tried to make their own baldlands by cutting down or burning jungles, but such actions were seen as desecration of holy soil by others.

The advancement of Virion civilization might have been descried as savage and crude. Unlike most races which would have concentrated more on advancing culturally, through architecture, literature or science, the Virions only advanced in one thing, warfare. Through the centuries they had inhabited KauReigh, the Virions preferred the use of cold weapons such as swords, axes, spears, halberds and shields. The Virion nations of the ancient times always strove to best one another in the art of war. They would usually march through the thick jungle foliage in rank-and-file formations, crushing anything in their path, making their way straight to the frontlines. The Virions had also tamed many creatures as not just beasts of burden, but mounts of war as well. Among these are the Kher, large canine carnivores with thick hairy hides or Soln, massive armoured behemoths which could bring large weaponry to bear such as catapults or giant crossbows. But the most notable were the DwaTag, a form of giant insect breed with three legs and a pair of scythes as arms to cut their prey apart. The DwaTag came in many breeds, from ones as small as cattle, to ones as large as battle tanks; hence they were a preferred choice to tame. Infantry, cavalry and warmachines alike strode through the marshes and grasslands of KauReigh for centuries. When Virions fought, they would send in the cavalry first, to perform a devastating charge, and then lines of infantry would hammer directly at the enemy while any artillery or the like would strike at the opponents flanks. Virions had also developed psykers from an early age and were able to utilize these spiritual leaders extensively in war. Such battles would be awe-inspiring and terrifying at the same time, with arcs of lightning crackling ahead or sudden bursts of warp-fire ravaging the battlefields being a common phenomenon. However, since M19 of the Imperial records, the wars the Virions fought were seemingly fruitless and none could ever get the upper hand against the other, there would always be new kingdoms raised, and new empires forged, or new Tribes uncovered, and thus the senseless wars would go on end for eternity, if it was not for one man Not many official records of KauReigh himself had survived, but it is believed he was born somewhere in the middle of M20, and that he possessed some degree of psychic power, thus presenting himself as a divine being to the other Virions. KauReighs conquests lasted for 2000 years, and this time was called The Warring States Period. By M22 the GaanLak Kingdom had unified all other Virions in XielJak, thus gaining control over the entire continent. Because sea travel was nearly impossible for Virions at the time due to the horrid storms that ravaged the planet constantly, the Virions on XielJak came to believe that the continent was the entire world and that there was nothing beyond the oceans. So when KauReigh came to conquer XielJak, his people believed he had conquered the entire world and all there is in it. After doing so, KauReigh and his personal adviser DrakahJesIk had decided to reform the Virion race entirely. Firstly, KauReigh declared himself The First Sovereign Emperor of GaanLak or simply The First Emperor and reformed the GaanLak Kingdom into a mighty Empire. He first took it as a duty to find and burn all traces of the former nations, thusly deleting them from history entirely. This meant burning of books, tearing down structures and even butchering scribes and scholars. Next, he took out all other languages except one, an adapted version of the one used by the GaanLak, which had several changes and improvements, which made it easy for all Virions to speak it, and he named the language Drakah in honour of his most trusted servant who helped create it. With the last traces of former nations gone, and leaving only his Empire to reign supreme, KauReigh had become a somewhat docile individual, spending hours and even days on end within his private quarters. Nobody knew for certain what he did inside, and none would dare ask, because his Royal Guards stood vigilant over his Glorious Empirical Palace at all times. He instead led from the shadows, and allowed DrakahJesIk to take care of all public and official businesses. At M23, KauReigh remerged from his quarters for the first time in centuries and he brought with him a hefty tome of a thousand pages. He named it the NoHeKhum, the Holy Code of Honour, and he had written down within it a detailed and explicit set of rules and scenarios a Virion must adhere to live honourably and die with pride. Shortly after the NoHeKhum was accepted inside the whole Empire, KauReigh had went back to his quarters, where he died of natural causes, but not before delivering one more thing to his people, plans for sturdy ships and vessels, which would take the Virions beyond the oceans, and towards new lands to conquer in the name of honour.

In a single small Kingdom of GaanLak, a young royal would become Kral (literally big man, equivalent of chief or king) after his father passed away. The young man would turn his entire Kingdom to war and his work would give birth to an Empire. His name was KauReigh, and he decided that it was time for someone to bring order to this chaotic world. He along his Royal Guard would lead the wars from the frontlines, and KauReigh would have conquered many other nations. KauReigh had started his Reign of Conquest at the age of 13 and would have become a veteran of a thousand battles by the time he was 100. However, ever since he was born, he had visions of glory, marching his armies across the continent of XielJak, and brining order to all Virions with an iron gauntlet. KauReigh would lead the GaanLak Kingdom, and let it expand as it devoured the lesser nations. But it is not just the Virions from outside his realm that were his threat, for KauReigh had to put down coups and strangle rebellions as well, instilling complete control over his subordinates. Over the years, many assassination attempts were made, but all had faltered and the ones responsible, as well as anyone related to them would be executed with no chance of forgiveness. KauReigh believed his cause to be true and those who said otherwise would have been crushed, pummelled, strung up or worse.

After his death, KauReigh had left many descendants, but not one would be chosen to be an Emperor in his stead. On his deathbed, KauReigh had clearly stated that the one who shall be Emperor must be chosen by the Great Spirits themselves, and thusly KauReighs favoured servant DrakahJesIk had took it upon himself to commune with the Spirits and find out who the next Emperor must be. DrakahJesIk was declared a temporary Emperor, and he had spent all of his time in deep meditation, trying to contact the so called Great Spirits and find out who must lead them. Eventually, DrakahJesIk received his answer and proclaimed that Warlord KaelHaar of the GaanLak army to become Emperor. After the warrior and the temporary leader met, DrakahJesIk and a group of lower Seers had preformed a special ritual within their private confines. The Royal Guard stayed watch, because the details of this ritual were supposed to be secret to all. When KaelHaar emerged, he had the symbol of the Empire tattooed on his left shoulder and thus he was officially proclaimed the Second Emperor of GaanLak.

During the voyages KaelHaar and his Armada undertook, he had encountered lesser Virion clans, tribes and feudal kingdoms on small isolated islands, also vying for power like the Virions at XielJak once did. The rule of the Empire and the teachings of the NoHeKhum would be spread to all Virions and a series of small conquests would begin to bring all these Virions into the fold of the Great Empire of GaanLak. Things would change once the Virion Empire took its first steps on ArmikJak, a whole new continent, which was larger and more spacious then their home. It was then that the Rarzg Virions had their first official encounter with the Hroag Virions. Albeit there were Rarzg and Hroag and even mixtures on islands between the two continents, there werent made any mentions regarding this, and it was once the Empire descended upon the new land that they finally took notice of this great genetic difference. While the Rarzg Virions are about 8 or 9 feet tall, with great thick muscular body structure, harder skeleton frame and accented ferocity and viciousness, the Hroag were about 7 feet tall, somewhat thinner and lighter then the Rarzg, but also quicker and possessed a degree of higher dexterity. In addition, the Hroag were more level-headed and rational then the impulse and easy to anger Rarzg. This had allowed the Hroag to somewhat advance technologically and scientifically, discovering new knowledge and wisdom, but most notably, it was their weapons that were advanced. While a single Rarzg could take a single Hroag in on-on-one combat, the Hroag did possess one other advantage, gunpowder. The Hroag had many types of rifles, pistols and even cannons, which belched fire and spewed iron, thus annihilating anything standing in its path. KaelHaar took notice of this and started a new conquest. This one would last for 3000 years, and it would take nearly all of the Imperial Virion forces to destroy the lesser Hroag Nations. But even if the Hroag were splintered into Kingdoms, Empires, Federations and other forms of civilization, they did see the Empirical Virions as a great threat, and so many temporary alliances had been formed among the Hroag, which would actually put a halt to Imperial advances on many occasions. But try as they might, over 3 millennia of war, the Hroag would be gathered into the fold of the GaanLak Empire, and the continent of ArmikJak fell to Empirical rule. It was not just the Hroag Virions that became part of the Empire, but the innovative gunpowder weapons as well, which would become part of standard Virion weaponry and armament in future conflicts. At M26, KaelHaar had turned his fleets north, to the FrielHanz Ocean. Although many lesser isle chains were discovered and brought to the rule of the Empire, the Virions would come to discover one more continent, the North-Western WopoJak. Eventually, the fleets discovered all they could, and a groundbreaking discovery was made. The Virions found out that the world they live on is a round sphere, a planet, and with Hroag skills of astronomy and other fields of science, they had found out more about the cosmos in general. To this reason, Emperor KaelHaar had decided to name this world KauReigh, in honour of the former Emperor who first succeeded in uniting Virions. Living for a full 3000 years, KaelHaar died of old age, and another grouping of Virion Seers would come to try and find a new Emperor. Meanwhile, the Virion armies conquered more and more of WopoJak, brining the Trarl Virions into the fold. The Trarl are some 6 or 7 feet tall, skinny, comparable in muscle structure to Hroag and had no tail spikes unlike the other two breeds. But the Trarls true strength was in their minds, and they could be the one thing the impulsive Rarzg or the energetic Hroag could rarely be, patient. Over years of meditation, the Virion Royal Seers had decided to choose TaNak a Trarl from conquered parts of WopoJak as the Third Virion Emperor.


KaelHaar took a look at the detailed blueprints his former, KauReigh, had left. They seemed to have potential and with them the Virions might be able to do what was once unthinkable. And so, KaelHaar had spent the next century or so gathering resources and putting the designs to practice. He had constructed a massive armada of over a thousand ships. He was sure that they were going to work, and so he had lead his fleets in person, and thus the Virions had set sail to the wild oceans. The Southern Ocean GorraxHanz was first to have held Virion ships. The surface of KauReigh was as stormy and savage as it ever was, and the loud thundering and flashes of lightning were not just a show. The hard rain and hail had hammered against the hulls of the ships and strong winds alone could raise massive tidal waves which would sink many of the sturdiest ships. Not to mention the various monsters that lurked in the depths, too horrific and terrifying to even mention. But against all odds, the Virions were able to find lands outside of XielJak, and not just lonely chains of islands that peeked out at seemingly random places, but also a whole new continent, one that is twice, or even thrice as large as XielJak, the Central Continent. It was then that the Virions Empire first set foot on ArmikJak, the South Eastern Continent. However, they were not the first Virions either. At the end of M23 the Age of Unification had ended and a new age had started, NakXetrek, the Age of Exploration.



At M27, TaNak had secured his position as Emperor of the Virion Empire, and all had to accept that the next Emperor was not to be a Rarzg like KauReigh and KaelHaar were, but a Trarl instead. But TaNak was given his chance to prove his worth to lead his people sooner then he had anticipated. At WopoJak, a slave fuelled Kingdom ruled by Tyrants had emerged, and it had forced the other Trarl nations to submit to it, in order to oppose the Empire. In it, the Imperial Virions saw a sick perversion of their own great nation, who sought to unite Virions through dishonourable and despicable methods. Emperor TaNak had not hesitated to declare all out war. The war had lasted for many years, and TaNak thought that perhaps he should try and think of new ways of fighting instead. Firstly, he brought an orderly leadership function; he instated three advisers to each Warlord. Firstly, a Tactician who would give strategically valuable input and led the forces from the front. Second, a Warseer, a form of Virion Seer, a psychic, who would use his powers in war and act as a spiritual leader to inspire his troops. Thirdly, a Warforger, one fully adapt at learning of enemy technology and weapons, which would help greatly in defeating them. After instating a more solid chain of command, TaNak had tried to improve the Virion equipment. By tasking the greatest Hroag minds by Trarl supervision, he gave the Rarzg new weapons to field, fuelled by steam and coal. These new contraptions would first be odd for the Virions, but they would get used to them and make excellent use in the fields of battle. Among them are the prototype Centruroids, tanks with caterpillar treads with metal shells, a single nose for a cannon which constantly puffed steam and black smoke into the air. These new pieces of armoured artillery had shattered the back of the Tyrant Kingdom and within 800 years since the war started, the Empire stood victories, and the slaves were free to join the Empire as honorary citizens. When M28 dawned, the Empire had conquered the entirety of the WopoJak Continent, and so the entire world fell to control of the GaanLak Empire. All three breeds of Virions, Rarzg, Hroag and Trarl would live as one and find peace. For once, the Virion armies did not have some great enemy to fight or savage lands to conquer, and could be put at ease, instead going to retirement, serving as law abiders and keepers of peace instead. With the NoHeKhum in play, the Virions had become an organized race and they could conquer the wild and ruthless Death World of a planet they called home. Eventually, TaNak passed away, reasons were natural causes, and the Royal Seers had found a young Hroag named DehBas to usurp the throne.

It is known that since Emperor KauReigh began his conquests, the Imperials would destroy any records existing of defeated nations and clans, completely erasing their existence from the halls of history. This would leave the survivors of that nation with only one option, to be part of the GaanLak Empire. The same was being done with the many nations within the other two continents, and only some references were kept of the Tyrant Kingdom, but not much was known about it, not even its actual name, and the only reason it was not forgotten is because it served as a lessen to others. The Fourth Emperor DehBas was a bit of an explorer himself and an eccentric spirit. He tried to uncover every little secret his world kept, map out every island, discover every Virion people, and classify every new beast on their dangerous planet. What he did encounter however were some creatures which were potentially a threat to the survival of many Virions, like packs of Virion eating beasts, or insects that carried diseases that could wipe out entire populations. It is because of this that DehBas had tried to uncover an effective way to kill off these pests. He experimented with poisons and toxins, and thus introduced Virions to chemical warfare, exterminating hundreds of species from the planet, which would pacify the entire world. Even if this did grant the Virions a more peaceful existence, tempering with venom was still too dangerous, and eventually DehBas would live for only 600 years before dying in a lab accident at the middle of M29. Afterwards, a new Virion would usurp the throne, another Rarzg. And so ZeenaWeeRa had become the Fifth Empress of the Virion Empire of GaanLak.


During the shift of control, a number of terrorist attacks had swept across the entire Empire, and planetary war had started between Virions. The insurgents would wish to overthrow the Empire and instead place a number of independent states and republics. The Empirical Virions had started to mobilize their forces and war on a global scale had begun. This was unlike any other war the Virions had. There was no country to simply point to, and nobody was sure where the next attack might come from. These attacks were more of guerrilla battles than all-out war Virions were usually very well used to. Empress ZeenaWeeRa took matters into her own hands and ordered a far more strict regime within the Empire to root out any spies, traitors and deserters who would harbour or cooperate with insurgents. While facing the rebels out in the open, the Virions had started using better versions of the Centruroid tanks, as well as alien equivalent of Gatling guns equipped to standard soldiers instead of the old muskets they used to bear. This is also when the Virions discovered aircrafts, Helidynes as they called them. These battles in the skies were ferocious and flaming wreckage would fall down crashing on the bloodied battlefields below. For nearly 500 years the Great Insurgence had lasted. Finally, at M30 by the Imperial calendar, the last of the rebel leaders were captured and the final bastion of insurgent forces was destroyed and their soldiers were slaughtered. The Virion Empress then ordered that the most notable rebel leaders be brought at the head of the Glorious Royal Palace, while the rest be killed of. When the chained rebels were brought to the balcony, the Empress personally walked up to the riot leaders who were by records too scared and shamed to even look upon her. The Empress then raised her blade, and at that mark her Royal Guards had beheaded the rebel leaders while thousands of Virion citizens watched. It was a public execution unlike no other before, and with that, the rebellions had ended and the GaanLak Empire was at peace once more. To make sure this does not happen again, ZeenaWeeRa had instructed that far harsher rules be instated into the NoHeKhum, and later at the beginning of M31, she passed away, leaving behind a bloodied path of glorious dominion.


The Virion race has a strong belief that creatures of pure light watch over them in their Celestial Plains. These are described as beings of vast knowledge and intellect, embodying wisdom and valour alike. The Virions also believe that their souls are ethereal flames which burn as intensively as the Virion who bears it. When a Virion dies, then it is believed that his flames are extinguished and it turns to spiritual smoke which transcends to the Celestial Plains to serve the spirits for a time, only to be sent back later to the mortal realm, reincarnated in new flesh. In addition, the souls of those who lived with cowardice and shame are instead brought to the Dark Realms after their deaths, to be tortured and punished by Evil Spirits, until the Great Spirits say otherwise. Virions make many references of Evil Spirits being jealous of the Great Spirits and war breaking out between them, ones so vast and glorious it is beyond their wildest imagination. It is not known if these Great Spirits are real, but the powers Virion psychics use is very real. They are usually flashes of blinding light, bright white flames or some form of manipulation of the natural world.



After Empress ZeenaWeeRa came another, more merciful Emperor. The Royal Seers had pondered about it greatly and tried to intrepid the messages of the Great Spirits until finally; they have found him, OutRargth. The Sixth Emperor OutRargth had seen that the Age of Exploration, or the NakXetrek, has had very little exploration since the insurgence, and with the entire planet KauReigh under the rule of the Empire, he decided to look upwards. Although the night sky of KauReigh was usually obscured by violent thunder clouds, there were times when the sky was clear and all the stars were present. Usually Virion forecasters would have to predict when the next clear sky would come and where for astronomic surveys to be done, but OutRargth had another idea. He would commence project ZvidOco, the Star Eye. This project would include Virions trying to further their knowledge about astronomy, and the first space probes were launched. They had to endure not only the heat of intense speed and the cold of space, but also breaching through stormy skies unscathed and avoiding the asteroid belt which circled the planet KauReigh. In less then a century, OutRargth had granted Virions an insight into the space around them beyond their comprehension. Star maps would be drawn, constellations would be classified, new terms would be invented, and all that promised something new. OutRargth was planning to take the Virion race to the stars.

While cruising through the stars, the people of Milon had desperately tried to find worlds well suited for them, and they settled on the planet Ilos. They further searched the uncharted stars, and eventually discovered KauReigh. By looking through some of the primitive space probes and satellites the Virions had launched, they had learned enough about their race, not just their appearance, but also their language, traditions and culture. The Humans of Milon had by the time claimed the name Overseers, because that is exactly what they did with the Virions. The Overseers were curiously looking at how the Virions behave, and thanks to the stormy weather of KauReigh, they were unable to detect the Overseer ships which were in orbit. Eventually, the Overseers decided to make landfall, and make contact with the Virions. Representing the Overseers was Captain Ramirez, whose shuttle landed on the balcony of the Glorious Royal Palace. But he and his men where encircled by the Virion Royal Guards who were closing in around them with spears pointed forwards. Suddenly, emerging before them was Emperor OutRargth who ordered his men to stand down as he approached to welcome the outworlders. After introductions, OutRargth welcomed Ramirez and his men into his private chambers, where they would talk plenty about each other. OutRargth had learned plenty about Mankind and its accomplishments, while Ramirez got to hear about the Virion history and all the conflicts they had to go through to achieve world dominion. Impressed by this well tuned organization, Ramirez had contacted some of the Overseer Senators from Ilos, who would come to KauReigh and meet OutRargth. Afterwards, the Virions and the Overseers would create a powerful alliance which would last beyond the 41st Millennium.


At the Age of Strife, a Human planet named Milon had advanced technologically and scientifically, reinventing and reclaiming lost knowledge, thus advancing further as a race. They also harboured friendly contacts with Xenos, such as Eldar. During the Great Crusades, the Emperor and his legions discovered the planet somewhere at the fringe of the Halo Zone at the furthest edge of the Segmentum Pacificus. The people of Milon swore loyalty to the Emperor and had sent Regiments to his cause. They also assisted the loyalists in several battles during the Horus Heresy, at which time the Virions were taking their first steps into space. At the end of the Heresy, the Inquisition had checked on the planet Milon and its people, and declared war after discovering highly advanced technologies and possibility of friendly contact with Xenos races. Eventually, the Inquisition ordered Exterminatus on the planet Milon, while only a number of around 3 billion survivors managed to flee into the depths of the Halo Zone, where none could follow.

Many planets within the Halo Zone, including KauReigh have encountered some cosmic catastrophe which had unleashed the trace-gas Zethane from the underground and into the atmosphere in vast quantities, which had forced the creatures of such planets to evolve and adapt, which include the Virions. However, even though such planets had forced many plants to produce Zethane and animals to breathe it, the planets still contain a level of Oxygen, albeit significantly lower then usual, But those who visit such planets still have to wear specialized masks with stores of Oxygen, just in case.


Once the alliance between the Overseers and Virions was forged, the Human representatives went on the surface of KauReigh to explore it and determine the reason to why this phenomenon of breathable Zethane is occurring within the Halo Zone. Their searches were fruitless, because the planet was still classified as a Death World, with many different horrors skulking in the deep undergrowths of jungles while thunder and lightning raged in the sky. This had made it nearly impossible for prolonged journeys and stays on the planet outside of Virion settlements and cities. However, the most notable find they could encounter were the Xenofacts, or SevaTil in the Virion language. The Xenofacts are massive pillars of stone which reach for the sky. The smallest are around 300 feet, while the largest was twice that big. It seems as if the Xenofacts are buried within the planets surface and reach deep into the core. They also accumulate vast amounts of energy, which pulsate through its structure and radiate to its surroundings. A Psyker could potentially connect to one, and tap into its energy supplies, but this is a hefty risk, and many were left with permanent scaring, or even died trying. However, those Psykers who succeed in harnessing a fragment of a Xenofacts energy become highly intone with nature and the world around them, while their powers become amplified and their ability to control it is significantly more potent. It is to this reason that many Virion Seers come on the holy soil upon which the Xenofacts are placed and meditate there, believing that they would come closer to the Great Spirits. Virions have respect history and do not disturb the Xenofacts, which is why the inner workings of one have not been ever uncovered. It is not just on KauReigh that these odd structures could be found, but on many other planets within the Halo Zone as well, and most of those planets contain Zethane within their atmospheres in abundance, so a link may or may not exist, but no solid proof was found to either encourage or discard this theory. This proves that the Virions had nothing to do with the creation of the Xenofacts, and that they were present long before the Virion race stood up on both feet, and it is quite possible the Xenofacts were present over 100,000 years ago, before the NakDrahkMar, the Age of Eternal Ice enveloped KauReigh. Whoever created the Xenofacts, or for what purpose, nobody knows for certain, but what is known is that whoever did it, must have possessed vast knowledge and wisdom of the universe.


The Virion and Overseer Alliance brought an advantage to both races. On one side, the Overseers received supplies and resources they required to help build their new home on Ilos, as well as star maps of some parts of the Halo Zone. On the other hand, the Virions received the scientific knowledge required to produce a much higher level of technology, and Emperor OutRargth had pronounced a new age, NakYmaaz, the Age of Enlightenment. Virions were quick learners, and could produce their own technology based on what the Overseers taught them, and so the Empire prospered and flourished in a technological renaissance. Eventually, Emperor OutRargth had made a plan, and he ordered his workers to work on the infrastructure of every major Virion city within the Empire. Decades of labour paid of, and OutRargth did what he dreamed of for a long time. By his order, the cities were propelled upwards with powerful thrusters engines, and energy shields that formed around the cities had both shielded the people from the natural storms of their world, and helped dampen the gravitational forces that affected them while on the rise. By the time it all ended, the first Celestial Cities were gently floating in the sky, with the dangers of the ground and the merciless storm clouds beneath them. For the first time ever, the Virion people could gaze upon a clear blue sky, with their alien sun shinning down upon them so warmly. There was much rejoicing and celebrating to be had. The Celestial Cities had stretched some form of cables to the clouds below them, which would harness the raw electric energy and the moisture of the clouds and then bring them up to the cities, where they could refine them to usable energy and drinkable water, which helped sustain the people in the sky. It was then, that OutRargth declared a second order, to construct space ships that would take the Virion people beyond the stars. It wouldnt be long before the Virions had produced hundreds of space ships which would carry colonists to far off planets, and help turn the Empire into an upstart interstellar force. However, Emperor OutRargth had seen it to be somewhat difficult to control multiple planets all at once, and so he decided to instead split his Empire to Clans. Each Clan would take ownership of one habitable world and the star systems around them as their territory. Each Clan was free to have its own army to defend its people, but all Clans were still in service to the Empire as a whole. It was similar to the relationship of a medieval king and his feudal lords who split his great territory. Clans were then named, and with a hundred worlds colonized at the time, there would be a hundred Clans. Even the homeplanet KauReigh received its own Clan to defend it. At the very end, OutRargth decided to rename the GaanLak Empire into simply the Grand Virion Empire, while the Clan serving the planet KauReigh, which acted as the ruling capital of a hundred worlds, would be named GaanLak, thus being the eldest and most powerful Clan. Meanwhile, the Overseers were slowly recovering their strength and steadily increasing their numbers across only a few planets. To assist them in their times of need, the Virions had sent nearly 20% of all the resources they collected as tribute to the Humans. The Overseers in turn tried to offer advice on some aspects of the universe, such as the many dangers it possesses. Among such threats were the perils of Warp travel, the fact that there was no guiding light of the Astronomican in the Halo Zone and the numerous enemies that might befall the young Empire. The most common enemies the fledgling Empire faced were the common Ork infestations, Dark Eldar raids as well as pirates and outcasts of all kinds who try to seek refuge within the quiet and unexplored parts of space known as the Halo Zone. But even against these odds, the Virions survived, and even prospered. In fact, all these threats and dangers at every corner had helped the Virions become more vigilant, and even more powerful. Thanks to the technology the Overseers granted the Virion race, the young Empire would be free to continue its interstellar conquests and expansions for the next thousand years. Indeed, this was known as the Golden Age of the Grand Virion Empire. But all good things must come to an end



The Golden Age of the Virion Empire lasted for but a few centuries, but in that time they had colonized hundreds of worlds around their home planet KauReigh. And although they had already waged many battles in space so far, they have yet to stir the hive. While the Virions were rising technologically and advancing further throughout the stars, at the edge of the Halo Zone, bordering with the Segmentum Pacificus was a rapidly rising Ork Empire. The existence of such an Empire was only rumoured so far, but it was very real. Leading this Empire was a massive Ork with great strength and cunning intellect alike. He was known as Zogblast Da Loud by his Ork followers, which he had accumulated in bounds. Because the Imperium has had no hand at all in the matter that happen in the Halo Zone the Orks were free to thrive and swell up in numbers. For many years, Zogblast was gathering Orks to his cause and sending raids to the edges of Imperial space, which would later retreat back to the Halo Zone before any sizable counterattack could be made. It is to this reason that the title of these Orks was The Halo Raiders. He had amassed an untold number of billions, perhaps even trillions of Orks, with thousands of small planets under his control, and he was planning on turning his titanic WAAAGH! at the Imperium. The Segmentum Pacificus would be his first target, and since it was scarcely defended and was the one part of the Galaxy the Imperium had least control over, a WAAAGH! of that size would have been a catastrophe for all Mankind, which was just starting to recover from the Horus Heresy at the time. But something else caught the Orks eye. While exploring further to the Galactic North, the Virion Empire had uncovered worlds belonging to Zogblasts Halo Raiders Empire, and war begun immediately. Due to the fact that the worlds held by Orks which were deeper in the Halo Zone were less defended then the ones closer to its edge, the Virions were able to achieve a streak of victories. Over the years, planet after planet, star after star, the Virions were freeing the Halo Zone from Ork infestation and had been able to further advance their military technologies to assist them. At one point, Zogblast realized that these Virions might become a nuisance if left unchecked and he really wanted to see if there was anything more out there in the blackness of the Halo. This was the reason for what was perhaps the single longest and bloodiest war in Virion history.


At one side, the Ork Warboss named Zogblast would be gathering his hordes in mass numbers and many ships would be assembled for his WAAAGH! On the other, the Virion Emperor OutRargth had ordered a great fleet of a hundred thousand vessels to be gathered at one point, an asteroid belt named PerNa. There, the Virions would set a base of operations, and send out their raider flotillas to weaken the Orks. The Greenskins had followed these small incursions to that one point, where the Virions struck viciously. The hulking and clumsy Ork warships could not keep up with the agile and manoeuvrable Virion cruisers inside the asteroid belt and the Virion Armada was winning. But as the days went by, more and more Orks would gather there, and more and more battles had to be fought. At the end, the Virions were simply overwhelmed by the numbers, and the First Frontier had fallen. For every Virion ship lost, four or five Ork ships were taken out as well, but the Orks were still victorious there. After loosing, Emperor OutRargth had declared the NakYmaaz over, and instead a new age would dawn, one of havoc and bloodshed. From M32 onwards, there would be NakQrakag, the Age of Destruction.

The closest habitable Virion world to the PerNa was a small agricultural planet of MaraDac, which was scarcely colonized by several thousand citizens. After the First Frontier was breached, OutRargth had ordered that all non-combat populace be immediately evacuated to fortified positions and if necessary, transported from their home planets en mass. The Virion Armada had sent ships to halt the Ork invasion and grant the evacuating people as much time as possible. The colossal Ork fleet had then splintered and spread into many smaller fleets, each having their own target, each lead by a smaller Boss which had his own ambitions and plans to achieve. Being close to PerNa, the planet MaraDac was almost instantly invaded by Orks lead by Boss Badjaw. The small planet has only had less then a hundred ships to defend it, and Badjaw was said to have some five hundred. Within a day, the small Virion fleet was destroyed, and the people on the planet had felt the wrath of the WAAAGH! Rokks fell from the sky and into the largest colonies on the planet. Not all civilians were able to evacuate, and many had died. The Clanguards that stayed on the planet however were many, nearly ten thousand, a coalition of warriors from various Clans that managed to survive the First Frontier. They had reached MaraDac in hopes of being able to hold the Orks there for a while and were expecting reinforcements soon. The Clanguards made valiant stands on robust fortifications they had erected and they had even tried burning down the smaller villages to deny the Orks any resources left. For four years, the Virions on MaraDac had stood heroically, with warriors from different Clans fighting side by side against overwhelming odds, being outnumbered a hundred to one. They waited, and they prayed for reinforcements to come soon to help relieve them, so that their struggle would have purpose. One by one, the strong points fell, and eventually, every single Virion on MaraDac was slain, holding on to a faint glimpse of hope. The truth was they were doomed from the start. The Virion Empire was far more concerned about the other Ork Warbands which ravaged the more notable places. The Virions heroes on MaraDac had died in vain, their losses considered an acceptable sacrifice, and their deeds were hardly even noted. This was but one of many lamentations and tragedies which would befall the Virion race during the Age of Destruction. It was only after the planet MaraDac was freed from Ork control that the fallen heroes would receive the final honours which they deserved. But this would come thousands of years later. While the corpses of dead Clanguards rotted away on MaraDac, the Virion Empire would be brought to ruin,

Back on KauReigh, Emperor OutRargth had sensed that the Orks were planning to rally in massive numbers and start a full blown invasion into Virion space. He had then ordered his men to ready themselves and from hundreds of worlds, millions of Virion warriors were sent to the front lines, amassing an army of great proportions. OutRargth had a plan; he would send small flotillas into Ork space which would take out smaller groupings and warbands, to prevent the Ork WAAAGH! from becoming too large and in turn cut them off from any resource shipments they would require. But he also instated that the Overseers should not be informed of this conflict and that the Virions would handle this themselves. He believed that if he brought the Overseers into this conflict, the Orks would target them as well, wiping out the last children of Milon from the Galaxy.



As Zogblasts WAAAGH! spread across the Virion Empire, every single colony was under siege and a thousand desperate battles were fought. Virion death rates could reach over a million a year and the war lasted for 1000 years until that one faithful day. Somewhere around M33, the Ork Warboss Zogblast Da Loud himself would descend upon the planet ZadEnJi. This planet held a number of Xenofacts on it, which interested the Warboss. The Orks landed on the planet, encountering only empty villages and settlements along the way. The Virions had evacuated their civilians from the planet years ago and left nothing worth of mentioning behind. The Orks were prepared to leave, when suddenly their fleet in orbit was attacked by Virions. This assault had been lead by Overlord UbEgah of the FauWyk Clan. UbEgah had quickly dispatched the Ork ships in orbit, which left the Orks with no way out. Zogblast was expecting the Virions to come down and face them in person, as they usually would, but instead, UbEgah ordered his ships to bomb the Xenofacts instead. After several of the pillars shattered, a series of earth shattering quakes had erupted and the planet itself ruptured from within. The surface of the planet was overflowing with hot lava, and volcanoes were erupting from every corner, spitting out tons of ash and cinder into the air, blotting out the sun. After several days, UbEgah had dispatched some recon units to explore the planet and they had confirmed that not a single thing had survived, the body of the Ork Warboss wasnt found, but his death was confirmed.

Decades have passed since the First Siege of KauReigh started. Over time, both sides would have received more reinforcements, to be sent out to die in that meat grinder of a conflict. What seemed to be the remaining Ork forces on the ground had regrouped a few miles form the Empirical Royal Palace and it looked as if they were going to try one last desperate assault. OutRargth and his personal Royal Guard had spearheaded the advance, in an attempt to slay Warboss Zagtrakk and lift the siege. But once OutRargth attacked the Orks and fought them in the streets of the Celestial Cities, he and his Guard were ambushed by Orks that crawled out from the sewers. Among these assailants was Zagtrakk himself and he engaged the Virion Emperor in one-on-one combat. In the end, OutRargth sliced the Orks right arm with his shinning blade. Zagtrakk had screamed in agony as blood poured out from the hole where there was once a limb. He fell back to the shadows of the streets and escaped in the sewers, while many of his Boyz followed. This was a victory, but OutRargth was wounded, and he collapsed to the ground. His Royal Guard took his unconscious body and fell back to the Royal Palace, where they would tend to his injuries, while the rest of the Clanguards tried to follow the fleeing Greenskins. Only a few days later, Zagtrakk Da Red returned, with a Power Klaw to compensate for his wound, and with him he brought every single Ork on the planet. The Empirical Royal Palace was besieged and the Royal Guards, as well as the remainder of Virion forces had rallied to its gates, to defend their sacred ground, and with it the still wounded Emperor at all costs. The battle that ensued was bloody and merciless, as chaos and pure hatred between the two races erupted like wildfire. Zagtrakk wanted to breach the gates and finish of Emperor OutRargth, but in his way stood the Overlord of the GaanLak Clan, ZenShriel, who was also a close friend and loyal servant of the Sixth Virion Emperor. Their duel was legendary, of which many heroic deeds were inspired and bloodstained legends were made. ZenShriel attempted to stab the Orks heart with his spear, but Zagtrakk picked him up with his Power Klaw and chuckled as the Virion Overlord could not break loose. Zagtrakk brought the Virion closer to his ugly face, to see if there was any fear in ZenShriels eyes, but all he saw was pure hate. In a moment, ZenShriel launched himself forward and sunk his teeth into the Orks bare skull. Zagtrakk tried to pull the mad beast away, but the Virions teeth bore too deep. With a single strong pull, ZenShriel tore a chunk of the Orks face clean off, and Warboss Zagtrakk Da Red died right there. With a bloodcurdling roar, Overlord ZenShriel signalled the death of the Ork leader, which inspired the Clanguards to fight on. The massacre that ensued had finalized the siege of KauReigh, and every last Ork was hunted down and killed, thus the Virions victory was assured.


Even leaderless, the Ork WAAAGH! continued forward, sweeping away entire worlds in their wake. The various Ork Chieftains had decided that each shall try to do as much damage as possible and they stayed out of each others way. For each planet that belonged to the Empire, there were at least three Ork warbands, prepared to rampage across Virion territory and kill all they find. Hundreds of planets, thousands of battles, countless warriors, this is all that the Virion Empire lost in this gruesome war. For the next 3000 years, this war on every front continued. Entire libraries were filled with all the heroic deeds and notable events that transpired in this era of destruction, but none were as worthy of mention as when the Orks assaulted the heart of the Empire, the planet KauReigh. In M36, the Ork Warboss Zagtrakk Da Red had rallied several smaller warbands to him and decided to attack the single most well defended world in the entire Empire. Emperor OutRargth could only watch as his Empire crumbled around him, but he did not surrender, nor did he waver. He decided that he shall lead his people from the front lines, and ensure victory for the Empire. OutRargth would go forth to meet his enemy, while an army of one million Clanguards marched beside him. The Virion fleets of 300,000 ships had tried to stave off the Ork fleet that numbered in nearly twice that much. The battle in the sky raged on, but some Rokks had managed to drop into the atmosphere and crashed to the Celestial Cities, breaching their shields, and unleashing millions of Orks into the holy capital of the Virions. Across the planet, black fumes arose, cities were burning, wreckages of Ork Trukks and Virion Centruroids littered the battlefields and corpses were pilling up on both sides. Not one would give up, not one would waver, all would fight bitterly to their very last breathe. Meanwhile beyond the skies, the fleets were hammering at each other. The natural asteroid belt of KauReigh proved as an excellent battlefield for the Virion ships to outmanoeuvre the lumbering and cumbersome Ork vessels. Wrecks were polluting the space around the planet and some would even descend into the atmosphere, crashing into the warzone, bringing death from above to countless souls. However, those Orks that crash landed on the surface of KauReigh would find the raging storms and vicious monsters far more frightening then any Virion they had ever faced and it would only be a matter of time, before they were hunted down by the very planet they wanted to destroy.


Even though the Virions had lifted the siege of KauReigh, there were still many Orks left in Virion space, but they were not the only threat the Virions were facing. Sensing weakness, the Dark Eldar Kabals had gathered and started raiding weakened worlds within the Empire, pillaging and enslaving anything they find. There were very few worlds within the Virion Empire left to stand up to this threat. Usually, the Dark Eldar would start their assaults not long after an Ork horde was defeated. Such attacks were many and sometimes, entire worlds would succumb to these dark piratical marauders. The Virions believed that a true warrior must fight his enemies head on with all his might, but the Dark Eldar preferred trickery and deceit, skulking in shadows, finding weak points and commencing ambushes. Such tactics were seen as cowardly and dishonourable by all Virions and thus they begun to hate the Dark Eldar almost instantly. No world was safe from the Dark Eldar, not even the strongest of footholds or the mightiest of fortresses. Only a few months after the First Siege of KauReigh was ruined and the Orks were expunged from the planet, the Dark Eldar attacked viciously, taking down many outlying defences and beginning to spread their forces further. It was like this that the Second Siege of KauReigh begun. It seemed as if every single outpost, city and stronghold was besieged by this new enemy. The attackers were in fact from various Kabals and Wych Cults, but they were all coordinated by the Dread Maws Kabal, lead by Archon Ucharit. To meet this threat, Emperor OutRargth, followed by Overlord ZenShriel had rallied the Clanguards and went to battle once more. Unlike the First Siege, where Orks and Virions would meet each other headfirst into bloody combat of attrition, the Second Siege was more of a series of ambushes and guerrilla combats. The Dark Eldar preferred to utilize the compact streets and alleys of the Celestial Cities to their advantage and the Virions could only be ever so vigilant to where to step. OutRargth thought that instead of searching for their enemies, they should make the enemy come to them. He told his warriors to gather everything worth of value and pile them up in fortified positions. The Virion Clanguards would form around these pockets, which would be stationed on strategically valuable positions. Eventually, the Dark Eldar saw no choice but to attack the Virions right there. Finally, the Virions could fight on their own terms and victory was in their grasp.


After seven years of war, the Dark Eldar finally mustered enough forces to attack the Empirical Royal Palace, but the Virions were ready. The heavy fortifications of the Palace and the numerous warriors that had assembled had weathered the raids and crushed any offensive the Dark Eldar could launch. Eventually, the Dark Eldar saw that they had no other choice but an all-out assault. Seeing this, OutRargth decided that he and his Royal Guard shall finish this war themselves. The Archon and his Incubi fought against the Emperor and his Retinue, while Overlord ZenShriel led the Clanguards in a counter-attack to destroy the remaining invaders. Ucharit and OutRargth faced against one another in single combat. The Virion Emperor was clearly larger and stronger, thus he was physically superior, but the Archon had speed and agility to his side. Ucharit had dodged blow after blow from OutRargths sword. OutRargth wanted to land a single decisive blow, when suddenly Ucharit grasped a knife and stabbed the Virions neck. The blade was tipped with deadly poison and OutRargth collapsed to the ground, struggling to breathe as blood gushed from his throat. The Royal Guard could not react fast enough and Ucharit had managed to retreat before the mass of Virion warriors descended upon his Incubi and furiously butchered the Dark Eldar in blind rage. Overlord ZenShriel quickly picked up OutRargths body and entered the inner sanctum of the Palace, with the Empires best healers desperately trying to save their Emperor, while the Royal Guard stood watch over the Palace entrance. But as much as they tried, the poison was too strong and OutRargth had lost too much blood already. On that day, The Sixth Sovereign Emperor of the Grand Virion Empire had died. Overlord ZenShriel of the GaanLak Clan had sworn revenge upon Ucharit and his vile kin. It was not long before the very last of the Dark Eldar were expunged from KauReigh, but the Archon and the survivors of his Kabal had managed to escape. ZenShriel had then picked up what remained of the Virion fleet above KauReigh and went in pursuit. Meanwhile, the Royal Seers had tried to contact the Great Spirits once again, to find out who will lead the Virions in this great time of need. As all this transpired, more worlds of the Virion Empire would fall silent, either due to Ork warbands or Dark Eldar raids. Many can agree that this was the climax of NakQrakag, the Age of Destruction. The day of OutRargths death would spread both lament and rage to every last Virion in the Halo Zone.


It took only a few days for the rest of the Virion Empire to receive the news of OutRargths death. This had driven the remainder of the Clans to fight on not just for survival, but for retribution. It was the GaanLak Clan, which originates form KauReigh, which led the offensive against every last invader who would dare to trespass on Virion territory. There were still many smaller Ork WAAAGH!s left and Dark Eldar were starting to appear at an alarming rate. From the several hundred planets the Virion Empire used to have, there was but a few left. Even so, despite the odds, Overlord ZenShriel had amassed every last Clan available and began his crusade of vengeance. With bloodthirsty resolve, planet after planet was purged of Greenskins, and every last raider was hunted down ruthlessly. There was no place to run, and no place to hide, because the Virions had a greater agenda to fulfil, and they would not be denied. The invaders would have to pay for their crimes in blood, and they would pay it in full.

When ZenShriel became Emperor, his first order was to call for the Overseers, and introduce them to this war. When the war started at M33, the Overseers were too weak to help, and if they were involved, then there would be chances that they would become extinct. But at the dawn of M36, when ZenShriel became Emperor, they became strong enough to wage this war. A single messenger was sent, calling for aid of the Overseers. The first to respond was Grand Chancellor Mathew of the Ilos Council. He went to KauReigh to find the scene of OutRargths death, and all the carnage that ensued not just on KauReigh, but in the rest of the Empire as well. He had then sent the full report back to the Overseer Republic. Fortunately, General Alexander, the Commander in Chief of all Overseer forces, had already amassed a fleet of heavy proportions and a sizeable army. He then ordered the Overseer forces to spread out to critical locations within what was left of the Virion Empire, while he and his veteran forces went to KauReigh. Once there, they had encountered several fragments of both Ork hordes and Dark Eldar, but they still managed to get to KauReigh with sufficient forces to relieve the planet of any fragments of resistance that remained, such as Greenskins in the sewers, or outposts still held by Dark Eldar. General Alexander went to the Empirical Royal Palace, where he met up with Chancellor Mathew and Emperor ZenShriel, which were discussing the matters at hand. After a tactical meeting, the two races, both Human and Virion had decided to bring a swift end to this conflict. This was the climax of the NakQrakag, and from here forth, there would be many glorious victories. From M37, many planets were liberated from attack by the allied forces, and they would later try to retake any worlds lost in past conflicts. For the next thousand years, the Virion Empire was gaining momentum, as it swept across its former territories, avenging all the souls beyond count that sacrificed themselves so the Virion race could live on through this horrid age.

ZenShriel himself had tried to pursue the Archon Ucharit and his Kabal, the Dread Maws across Virion space. He caught up to them near the planet BorgKrag, and his fleet had assaulted the Dark Eldar with great ferocity. Virion Clanguards had started to board the Dark Eldar vessels and massacre their misbegotten kind in close combat, where the Virions reigned supreme. Ucharit tried to flee, and his Incubi had followed him, but ZenShriel and his Veteran Clanguards caught up to them. The Incubi Retinue was annihilated, while ZenShriel dragged Ucharit to his ship. Kicking and screaming, Ucharit tried to plead for mercy, but there was none to be given, and he saw that as every single of his Kabalite warriors were being put to death. Once aboard his ship, ZenShriel and Ucharit were placed together in a caged arena. ZenShriel took of his armour and picked up only his spear to use, while Ucharit was leashed of all his gear as well, except for his Agonizer. ZenShriel then officially issued a challenge to Archon Ucharit, and that if he won in this match, then he had his word as a warrior that he would be set free, but this was a battle of life and death. The Virion Clanguards watched and cheered as the two leaders fought one another for their very lives. Dust was being picked up, blood was spilled, scars were made and names were earned. But, ZenShriel had his revenge. He first sliced Ucharits legs off, then he picked up his body with one arm and tore the Dark Eldars heart out with his other. Ucharit could only watch as the Virion held his very life in his hands. The very last thing he saw was his heart being crushed by ZenShriels bare claws. The Virion Overlord had then thrown the Archons lifeless body to the ground and gave one victorious shout. His vengeance was now complete, and his warriors cheered, seeing this as a victory. When ZenShriels fleet returned to KauReigh, they went to the Empirical Royal Palace to see OutRargths dead body. There, they saw at the throne room, the carcass of their former Emperor sitting, while the undertakers preformed the last of their rituals, preparing the body for its final journey. Rows of the Royal Guards had formed in line to greet the Overlord and his warriors. It was then that the Royal Seers had came and brought the word of the Great Spirits. They said that the Spirits themselves had chosen the Overlord ZenShriel, to be the Seventh Sovereign Emperor of the Grand Virion Empire. ZenShriel took this as a great honour, and he accepted it fully.

By M38, the war was over, but it was a Pyrrhic victory at best. At the end, the Virion Empire only had eight Clans left, and less then a hundred planets under its reign. The Orks, Dark Eldar and any other invaders that had assaulted the Empire have been driven off, but the Virions had discovered a new enemy, one from within. At the end of the conflict, the FauWyk Clan declared themselves a renegade faction, and left the Empire. To Virions, a race that upholds honour above all else, treason was the highest of sins. Even with all that had befallen the Empire, the Virion race had survived, and they managed to live through this terrible era. ZenShriel had ordered all hostilities to end and redirected his resources to rebuild the Empire instead, to perhaps one day, bring back the former glory of the Virion race. Mark my words brethren, one day things will change. We will take the fight to their land, to their race, to their blood. -Emperor ZenShriels first declaration



After the conclusion of the Long War as the Virions deemed it, the Empire faced a completely different issue. No linger did they fight an enemy from without, but instead an enemy from within. During the Long War, many Virions had deserted the Empire and became outcasts, proclaiming themselves as renegades. At the climax of the Long War, an entire Clan went rogue and become the very first Renegade Clan. This was the FauWyk Clan, and from that day forward, they would launch piratical raids on the outskirts of the Empire, trying to weaken it bit by bit and grow in numbers. They hope that one day they could overthrow the Empirical rule and assert their own, leading the Virion race any way they want to. In addition to these deserters, there was also a lot of tension rising from the working class. Riots would spread like wildfire across the surviving worlds, and rebellion against the Empirical Government would become an occurring factor. Entire planets ceased production of resources which were necessary to rebuild the Empire. It is to this reason that Emperor ZenShriel decided that instead of hunting down the former enemies of the Empire, he would turn his armies to pursuing the Renegade warriors and Rebel workers. A harsh regime was implemented, and veterans of the Long War had to turn their arms against the ones they once swore to protect. Clanguards had to beat down the rioting masses, and even use firearms to kill some extreme individuals. Even Centruroids were brought to bear, to intimidate and repress the rebelling people. While the workers were being beaten to submission, the warriors were put through strict protocols to root out any doubt in the Empire and its rule, and to further strengthen their loyalty. Those who failed would suffer the consequences which are better left unspoken of. This reign of martial law had continued, and although the Overseers did not fully approve of these actions, their efficiency was proven to be highly successful. In but a few decades, order was established yet again in Virion provinces, and the Empires supply lines would continue to function at full capacity.


What was once the pride and joy of the Empire, the Great Virion Armada, had been decimated after the Long War. It is to this reason that ZenShriel had ordered that the Armada be rebuilt. Over the centuries since the Empire started to recover, the Virions had made several thousands of powerful cruisers, some being over 2 kilometres long. The star plying behemoths would be sent to either protect important planets in the Empire or patrol its borders for any outsiders that would dare to cross into the territory of the Grand Virion Empire. From M39 however, ZenShriel had begun a project, one so large in scale and ambitious that it would impress the entirety of the Overseer Republic and all its representatives. From the eight planets that held the eight remaining Clans that survived the Long War, he ordered the majority of the engineering class to start producing massive spaceships in low orbit. These ships would be so massive; they could be compared to a natural satellite, such as Luna on Holy Terra. Massive amounts of resources would be requested from the entirety of the Empire to construct these monsters. ZenShriel had personally orchestrated each of these projects, and it wasnt until the middle of M40 that he had done it. For each of the eight Clans that survived the Long War, each had a massive spaceship of up to 100 km in length. Each possessed enough space to house hundreds of thousands of warriors on board and non-combat crew, as well as sufficient cargo hold to store all the weaponry, equipment and armaments the Virion Clan would require in combat. The Clans that did receive these crafts had named them Motherships and each would be taken as the greatest of honours. While some Clans use these Motherships to defend their homeplanets, others use them to spearhead their conquests, and some would simply use them only when needed the most. Every Mothership is also armed with a Supernova Particle Cannon, which is several kilometres long and can harness enough firepower to annihilate a planet, and leave nothing but floating debris and a memory. The Clans that received the Motherships had been named Greater Clans, while the Clans that formed after the Long War, while the Empire was rebuilding would be called Lesser Clans. With the Great Virion Armada rebuilt, ZenShriel had instead turned to political matters, trying to organize the growing Empire and maintain order on every single planet within it.

Even before the NakQrakag the Virion race had always been cautious and untrusting of outsiders. This was because of the way their homeplanet KauReigh is a Death World, with untold horrors waiting to pounce around every corner. The only reason the Virions tolerated the Humans when they first arrived was that OutRargth who ruled at the time had more curiosity then caution. It took some time before the Virions actually started to trust the Humans, and from then on had started to have a bit more of an open view of the universe and outsiders in general. But once the NakQrakag started, the Virions seemed to have closed themselves off completely, and would show nothing but hostility to those who would trespass on their territory. ZenShriel encouraged this behaviour and began turning the Empire into a highly strict and regimented nation. Whenever outsiders would be spotted near Virion space, they would receive a warning signal, demanding that they either identify or retreat. If the conditions are not met, then Virion ships would be sent to intersect the newcomers and several warning shots might be fired to chase them away. If this is not enough, then the Virions will not hesitate to launch a direct assault and destroy whoever crosses their path. Virion eyes are not just vigilant to what comes from the outside, but also to what happens in the inside as well. Each planet would have to donate a set amount of supplies of the Empires choosing, be it minerals, food, ammunition or even technology. If these requirements are not met, then the ones in charge would face a severe punishment. The most likely scenario would be the public execution of the political leaders and reinstating new ones instead, which would make sure that all goes well. The Overseers do not like what the Virion Empire has become, but this was absolutely necessary.



Ever since the Long War ended, the Virions seem to have grown far more aggressive and inhospitable, but their alliance with the Overseers still endured. Even though the Overseers could only fight in the last millennia of the war, the Virions are still thankful that they were there when they needed them the most. While the Overseers have very little ambition in the field of war and conquest, the Virions are the opposite, striving to conquer the depths of the Halo Zone in which they originated. There are still many threats that lurk in the Halo Zone. The Halo Raiders Ork Empire still lives, and although it is fragmented and scattered, with no distinct leader at its head, it still poses a great threat to Virions and Overseers alike. Also, Dark Eldar raids have not been as common as during the climax of the Long War, but they are still present, most notably at the borders of both the Grand Virion Empire and the peaceful Overseer Republic. It is these reasons that kept their alliance strong, and each tried to help each other when the assistance was necessary. However, this is not a perfect companionship. At one hand, the Overseers do not approve of the Virions instilling such a harsh regime in their Empire, nor how aggressive they are with outsiders. On the other, the Virions encourage the Overseers to wage war, and to have a bit more of a hand in their conquests, claiming that a bit more military action on their behalf would strengthen both nations. Even though such disputes are seen as minor, there have been some uneasy moments when a Virion does something cruel out of necessity or when an Overseer commits an act a Virion would deem dishonourable. Nevertheless, the alliance between the two still stands and it has endured too many hardships to be torn up by any mere dispute.

At the beginning of M41, the Tyranid Hive Fleets started invading the Galaxy. It was not just Hive Fleet Behemoth that rampaged over Ultramar, or Hive Fleet Leviathan that entered the Eastern Fringe. There was also another Hive Fleet that went to the Halo Zone. Whether the Hive Mind planned to enter the single place the Imperium has no control over, or if it was just an unlucky coincidence, the Tyranids did arrive in Mankinds single blind spot. At first, somewhere at the middle of M41, the Tyranids simply sent Space Hulks infested with Genestealers to act as a vanguard. The Virions knew that Space Hulks could potentially be a great threat, and many Clans had invested effort into purging any Space Hulk that comes into their space. These Genestealers however would only be the first of many that would enter Virion space. It was not long before an entire Hive Fleet entered the Halo Zone and ravaged the Virion Empire. This fleet would be called Hive Fleet Cerberus. The reason for their name is because instead of a single large fleet, it had split itself into three smaller ones, but each would be highly powerful and devastating. One would devour Ork worlds that belonged to the Halo Raiders, the second would breach into Virion territory, and the third would slip through the uncharted parts of the Halo Zone and enter the Segmentum Pacificus, thus wreaking havoc upon the Imperium, but that is another story entirely.


It is widely known in both the Overseer Republic and the Virion Empire that the Necron Dynasties once ruled the entire Galaxy. What happened of them was a mystery, until they started arising in the Halo Zone, somewhere at the middle of M40. There were several instances when Necron Tomb Worlds would start appearing on worlds previously owned by either Virions or Overseers. The Overseers on one hand would be able to commune with the Necrons to some degree, but trying to open negotiations would usually result in failure. The Virions however would not even bother to send warning, and an appearance of Necrons on one of their worlds would be seen as an act of invasion and would be met with military might. For some odd reason however, the Necrons seem to react to Xenofacts, which are present on many planets within the Halo Zone, and thus in the Virion Empire. There has been no proven connection between the two, but it is believed that one exists.

Virion products are assembled with nanotechnology. In short, billions of microscopic robots named Nanites would collect raw material and then be programmed to turn it into whatever shape the Virion engineers wish it to take. Nanites are collected in large spheres, and resources needed for construction are placed inside it. Within the sphere, the object would literally be grown, thus giving it a biological feel, even though it is completely technological. That way, Virions can grow armour, weapons, tools, gear, equipment, vehicles and even entire battleships. Within the circuitry of these objects surges a metallic fluid called NehGroVi, or Silver Water of Life. Inside this silver fluid flow the Nanites which help maintain the object and even repair it on a microscopic level. This gives the illusion that Virion technology heals itself like a living being. This makes it look like Virion technology is living.



At the dawn of the 41st millennium, Emperor ZenShriel passed away from old age. His work was great and it helped restore the Virion Empire to its former glory, before the Age of Destruction begun. When his rule ended, the Council of Royal Seers had gathered once more. They would come together and join in meditation as they tried to come in contact with the Great Spirits. They would ask of the Spirits who would lead the Empire now. In three long years of meditation, the Royal Seers came to an answer. From the ranks of the GaanLak Clan came forth a young Warlord who had already earned his name in war. His name was ViCath, and he would be deemed the Eighth Sovereign Emperor of the Grand Virion Empire. As he asserted control over the Empire, the young and ambitious Emperor declared that the NakQrakag be finally ended, and that a new era would begin. This would be a time of honour and glory, conquest and expansion, war and conflict. From M41 and onwards, the Virions entered the NakNakad, the Age of Conquest. From the Empire, many warriors from many Clans would be carried by the Great Virion Armada across the stars to push the borders of their territory and claim hundreds of new worlds in the name of their people and nation. ViCath had already earned respect from nearly every single Virion in the Empire, and his name is hailed with much glory. It was he who realized what the Virions are born for, waging wars and winning them. He would make it so that ultimate control and interstellar conquest become the one true destiny of the Virion race and that it would be them to bring order to the chaotic Galaxy, weeding out all who would oppose this cause. The enemies of the Empire are many, but it will do what needs to be done to accomplish its great goal of interstellar conquest. The only thing that would be left of the exterminated race would be a memory, which would fade away into oblivion. The Overseers naturally do not approve of any of this and believe that there can always be a peaceful solution to anything. But the Virion Empire is vast, and the uncharted places of the Halo Zone which are being explored are many, so it is impossible to keep tabs on the entire Virion race and all that happens on within and beyond their Empire. Ever since the Long War ended, Virions had stopped showing mercy or pity on any outsider, including other Xeno races. There are only a few sole exceptions which they tolerate and respect, the most notable of which is Mankind.


Ever since the Overseers helped the Virions ascend to a technologically higher level of awareness, the Empire had strived to create better ways of traversing through space. At first, primitive faster then light drives were enough to spread the first colonies beyond their original star system where the planet KauReigh lays, but this was not enough. After having the sufficient technology, the Virions had made their first trips into the Warp. These were just small puddle jumps as they were referred to as, similar to how the Tau Empire uses Warp travel. With this, they had been able to spread over several star systems far from KauReigh. The Empire was not satisfied by simply glancing the Warp for limited jumps which were slower then standard Warp Travel, so they had designed a way to mix the technological with the spiritual. Virion spaceships would be outfitted with a circle of Seers, Virions with psychic powers, who would be in a deep state meditation to help accumulate and control their power. When the ship is prepared to enter the Warp, the Seers generate some form of psychic bubble around the ship. The bubble acts as a shield that dampens all the tremors and repels the many daemonic terrors that lie within the Warp. This process would be called Spiritual Shielding. When sailing the chaotic tides of the Immaterium, the shields would make the vessel appear as a shinning spark of light in an endless sea of darkness. When leaving the Warp, the Virion cruiser leaps out with a powerful thrust which shatters the shield, and its remains are spread in front of the ship in the form of shinning spiritual mist, which bares resemblance to a small Aurora in the middle of space. Virion ships can vary in size, and so the larger the ship, the more Seers it is required to produce Spiritual Shielding. An ordinary Cruiser would need a small grouping of perhaps a dozen or so, while larger barges which are as much as a kilometre long would need at least a hundred, and finally the titanic Motherships would require several hundred, perhaps even a thousand at a time gathered in one area, with the deep humming of their mediation echoing across its inner chambers.

While forging their path to glorious victory, the Virions had encountered many smaller races within the Halo Zone. Some had but entered their Stone Age, while the others took their first steps into space. But as ViCath ordered, it would be the Virions that would bring ultimate order and control to the entire Galaxy, and they would start with the Halo Zone. Races that could be negotiated with would be placed under custody for a time before it is proven whether or not do they pose a threat to the Empire. If all is well, then the Virions would simply continue to cautiously monitor that race at all times. If the race seems to be hostile, then the Virions would not hesitate to bring forth the Clans to crush all opposition and install in place their own command. Sometimes, a single race would prove to be so tediously persistent that the Virions would feel no need to hold back their military power. If they would win a war, then they would either suppress the race entirely, forcing them to labour or whatever form of service to learn their place, or have their technology taken away from them, reducing them to a lower level, thus making them a lesser threat. These punishment worlds as the Virions call them would serve as an example to others who would dare stand against the Grand Virion Empire. In some rare cases however, the wars would be prolonged and much effort would be sent, until finally the Empire decides to outright exterminate the race, wiping them off from the stars. Later, the Virions would descend on their worlds and destroy any records of their existence, burning down any literature, tearing down architecture and leaving not a single trace left.

We should not fear the alien, the alien should fear us. -common Virion saying



The Ork Empire that was founded at the edge of the Halo Zone and the Segmentum Pacificus had endured since the times of the Horus Heresy and well into the 41st millennium. The Greenskins had launched raid after raid from the Halo Zone, and then retreated back into it before notable military action could be taken by the Imperium, hence the name. Many Imperial Guard Regiments and Space Marine Chapters were sent to the borders of the Segmentum Pacificus over the millennia to try and rid the Imperium from this lingering pest, but they could only destroy incoming raids and halt further advances into Imperial space. The most notable battles Mankind has had with these Orks were during the Macharian Crusade, when Lord Commander Solar Macharius entered the Halo Zone and founded Ultima Macharia. It was his plan to use this planet as a waypoint for further exploration of the Halo Zone, and to quite possibly root out the Orks once and for all, but his men lost spirit and refused to go further into the Halo Zone. Unable to do anything further, Solar Macharius had turned his forces, leaving only a few to fend off the raiders. But these are but striplings of what the Orks posses. On the other end of the Halo Zone, the Grand Virion Empire is fighting viciously against innumerable numbers of Orks and their kind. The Halo Raiders Empire still has no single leader, and their realms are divided by hundreds of thousands of smaller Bosses, each trying to raise a WAAAGH! strong enough to overthrow the others. The Virions know this fully well, and send vast numbers of their warriors from nearly every single Clan to quickly identify and destroy any Ork Warboss that could potentially unite the warring Orks together. Such missions had drawn the attention of the majority of the Halo Raiders, and so the borders of the Virion Empire are being assaulted on a daily bases. In turn however, the Virions are conquering Ork held space, purging entire star systems of their filth, in battle after bloody battle. Through these wars, the Virions are expanding further into the Halo Zone and the border of their Empire is slowly reaching into the Segmentum Pacificus. The sacrifices reach into millions over the centuries of war, but they are necessary for the Virion race to continue its glorious expansion.


Somewhere at the middle of M41, the Tyranid Hive Fleet Cerberus had invaded the Halo Zone. It had then divided itself into three smaller splinter fleets, one heading towards what is left of the Halo Raiders, the second breaching through the Halo Zone and ravaging Imperial space at the borders of the Segmentum Pacificus, while the third had sunk its teeth into the Virion Empire. Each splinter fleet could be depicted as a head of a single giant monster; it is because of this that the Hive Fleet was named after the mythical three-headed dog from ancient Terran legend. At first, the splinter which entered the Virion Empire had gone unnoticed. Communications with worlds on that border would simply cease, and no further notice would be made. Emperor ViCath had an eerie feeling about that situation, and redirected some of the forces which were supposed to be combating Orks to that part of their territory. What they found were entire planets, which were once lush with life, stripped bare, with nothing but dry lifeless rocks left behind. This had baffled the Virions at first, but ViCath knew better and he immediately started organizing Clans to redirect sufficient forces to Virion held worlds which were close to these dead planets. His assumption was correct, and the Virion race would encounter the Tyranids for the very first time on the planet CetaSab, held by the Greater VourkDwa Clan. The highly refined military organization of the VourkDwa Clanguards and with the reinforcements of several other Clans, the planet CetaSab was successfully defended and the Tyranid Hive ships were blasted from the stars, while the last of the lesser organisms were being weeded out from the planets surface. However, this was but a mere tendril of the splinter fleet. The Tyranids were still a great threat to the entirety of the Virion Empire, and perhaps the entire race. As conflicts intensified on the fronts in the Galactic South of the Virion Empire, the Clans had started to learn more about the Tyranids. They were unlike any other race they had come to blows with before. They werent murderous savages like the Orks, they werent devious madmen like the Dark Eldar, and they didnt even have any form of culture or technology. The Tyranids were simply there, living, feeding, and killing. Their cause was as simple as life, to consume and survive at any costs. The Virions fail to see the Tyranids as something to respect. In their eyes, the aliens from beyond the Galaxys edge were mere beasts. This was far from the truth. The Tyranids are no animals which simply kill out of instinct, they were driven by a far more malicious presence, one that hungered for entire worlds, and its appetite would not be quenched until the whole Galaxy is devoured. The Hive Mind, the one true leader of all Tyranids, had spared its attention on the Virion race, and saw potential within their genetic structure. It is to this very reason that the Tyranid invasions into Virion space have become ever so frequent and ever so merciless. The Virions see at as an offense to their honour to let themselves be bested by the hunger of some wild beast, and so they view the Tyranids as perhaps the single greatest threat their race had ever faced. Whoever wins in this confrontation would arise far stronger than ever before.


The two Xenos races live on opposite parts of the Galaxy. While the Virions are hidden in the depths of the Halo Zone, a part of the Galaxy where the Astronomican cannot reach, the Tau inhabit the space beyond the Eastern Fringe. Even though Virions had started to send exploratory forces outside the Halo Zone and into the Segmentum Pacificus and the Tau started expanding further into the Ultima Segmentum, they are still untold light years apart from one another and have not even met. Many speculate that the Tau might try to convince the Virions to embrace the Greater Good, which would result in war, while others claim that some form of alliance would be forged between the two alien empires. Whatever the case, a meeting between these Xenos would be intense.



The concept of dark deities is not foreign to Virions. Ever since ancient times, they had spoken of creatures that live beyond the Celestial Plains of the Great Spirits, which wish for nothing but to overthrow the Great Spirits and instil chaos and madness into the mortal world. Virions often associate these beings with the spawns of Chaos. Virions have a deep seeded hate and detest to Daemons of all kinds and to those who would willingly bow down to them. Ever since the Age of Conquest begun at the 41st Millennium, the Virions have started encountering more and more of the vile forces of Chaos and their mortal followers. It is the wish of the Grand Virion Empire to enforce order in the universe, and the forces of Chaos are therefore their one true enemy. Virions seem to possess a degree of defence against the taint of Chaos, but that does not make them fully immune. There were cases where Virions fell to Daemonic madness or when a Seer was possessed by a creature of the Warp. Such individuals are regarded as the worst of traitors who would abandon the path the Great Spirits granted them, throwing away wisdom and valour for madness and personal ambition. Fortunately, such Virions are very rare, and the vast majority of the Virion populace, even the Renegades, would go out of their way to smite down any fiend, slave or minion of the Dark Gods. Their hate is so pure and so great that a Virion warrior would not hesitate to lash out at a Greater Daemon without regret. Such behaviour had cost them many lives over the ages, but such rash actions had swayed many Warp Storms that ravaged the worlds of the Virion Empire, and had kept its people from corruption.

There are but a few Virion Clans that had defected from the Empire and turned against it, but they are still a great threat to all. These Renegades would either spend a life of piracy, pillaging less defended worlds to build up enough strength to

launch massive invasions on more fortified locations, in hopes of tearing them down, along with the Empire itself. Others would simply ply the stars, doing as they wish, free from rule, acquiring resources by either looting or working as mercenaries for the highest bidder and entering the black markets of many corrupted worlds that dont belong to Virions. Such dirty business could take place in the underhives of planet belonging to a corrupt Governor of the Imperium, smuggling weapons, technologies, exotic items, and even slaves. There are some however who had simply leashed themselves of sanity itself and go on to rampage across any world they find, slaughtering anyone who is unlucky enough to be marked as their target. All in all, Virion Renegades are extremely dangerous, one way or another. Some have even been known to masquerade as Empirical Virions to gather information and perform undercover operations, such as field sabotage, feeding the higher ups with false Intel, or even assassination. Such an occurrence happened once, not long after the 13th Black Crusade had ended. Members of the dreaded FauWyk Clan had somehow infiltrated the inner parts of KauReigh through uncensored supply lines. These infiltrators would later disguise themselves as members of the GaanLak Clan and spread out to notable hubs of interstellar communication and relays of military supply lines. The disguised renegades would then simultaneously perform mass sabotage, thus crippling the defences of KauReigh. The saboteurs were immediately executed, but it wouldnt be long before ships of the FauWyk and several other Renegade Clans would appear above KauReigh. With the GaanLak Clans Mothership away on conquests at the time, along with half of their Clanguards, the Virion Empire had to endure a Third Siege of KauReigh. After multiple engagements with the Renegades, the Empirical stood triumphant, and the FauWyk fleet escaped through the Warp, leaving many thousands of their allies to die. But even so, KauReigh took substantial damage and would be left nearly defenceless, thus shocking the entirety of the Empire.


On the western borders of the Segmentum Pacificus, near the dreaded Halo Zone lies a Hive World named Zharrit, a world claimed by the Imperium during the Macharian Crusade. Its streets were once filled with people, rushing from one end of the Hive to another, with production lines roaring on a daily bases, creating sufficient gear for the Planetary Defence Force stationed there. However, a new Xenos race had assaulted the planet. Their hideous ships had bombarded the Hives from low orbit with some form of chemical weaponry. The streets of Zharrit were from then on hollow and silent, with nearly every single Human being killed of by the alien virus that seeped everywhere. Out of millions, only a thousand survived, most of which were PDF soldiers who were trained to be strong and were the first to receive treatment so that they could fight. A single alien vessel held within in but a mere hundred warriors, but these were unlike any other the Imperium had ever seen. Within days, the very last of the PDF were mercilessly slaughtered and the people they were protecting were taken prisoner. Zharrit was lost, but not abandoned. A single message was sent, a call for aid. The first to receive it was a Strike Cruiser, the Frost Maw, belonging to the Space Wolves of Sven Bloodhowls Company. The proud Astrates were numbering barely a hundred themselves, but this would be enough to deal with any enemy of the Imperium. No Xenos scum would stand against the Adeptus Astrates, the Emperors Chosen, or so they thought. Once near the planets orbit, the Frost Maw was shot by the alien cruiser, and it started to plummet to the ground, crash-landing among the ruins of what was once an urban metropolis of mass production. The Space Wolves had managed to survive, and had scoured the ghost town of a hive for any surviving citizens, or traces of the enemy they have come to destroy. It would not be long before the battle begins. When the Space Wolves entered a clearing, in the middle of which stood a statue of the great leader Solar Macharius himself, they would find themselves under fire from all corners. The Xenos were wearing black armour with red tribal markings, and the weapons they possessed sparked with crimson arcs of lightning. The Wolves braced themselves as the alien invaders charged head on. Stuck in a deadlock, the Space Wolves had finally found a worthy opponent. The bloody battle continued to rage on and the Wolves found themselves trapped in a bloody cauldron of death. Several days later, a small fleet of Guardsmen had landed on the planet, finding nothing but empty streets and rotting corpses. Whatever came was already long gone, and what they left was utmost desecration. The statue of Macharius was torn down, and at its feet were the mangled corpses of what were once Astrates.



Mere centuries after the Virion race achieved interstellar travel, they had met the enigmatic Craftworld Eldar, although, these were mostly isolated occurrences. The Overseers knew the Eldar well and that there were two Craftworlds in the Halo Zone. There is Iybraesil, searching for the secrets of the Crone Worlds, and the mysterious Varantha, of which very little is known. At first, the Virions simply tried to evade the Eldar, because they had not even a shred of respect for them. Firstly, the Virions believe that one should face their enemy head on, not use trickery or deceit, this is seen as cowardice and weakness by true Virion warriors. Secondly, the Virions believe that an individual forges his own fate through life, while the Eldar strongly believe that all is written and that fate cannot be changed. And thirdly, the Virions expect the Eldar to take full responsibility for what happened at The Fall of their race. In addition, the Virions hold the entirety of the Eldar race fully responsible for the creation of the Eye of Terror and the birth of Slaanesh. Seeing themselves as a superior race, the Eldar take offense as the Virions throw rightful accusations at them, and instead deem the Virions as simple barbarians who are far less than them. Naturally, conflict would arise from these squabbles, and it would be the Virions who would usually bring victory. It is because of this that the two races have grown to detest one another and avoid contact at all costs. However, they would come to blows once more. When the Virions resumed their conquests in M41, they had started to inhabit a series of paradise planets, which were rife for colonization, and it was generally not that difficult to conquer them. As it turns out, these were Maiden Worlds, which were made habitable by Eldar ancestry long before The Fall so their future generations could inhabit them later. The Virions started occupying these planets and then turning them to highly productive centres of resource collection, which would later be refined and shipped out to the rest of the Empire, to keep the conquests going. Various resources could be found from the Maiden Worlds, including fertile fields which could house a substantial number of agricultural complexes. This had made these planets essentially invaluable to the Grand Virion Empire. The Craftworld Eldar did not care how well did these worlds serve them, and simply barged in, demanding that the invaders leave and let the Eldar take what is rightfully theirs. The Virions took this as heavy offense and refused to budge, instead fortifying the Maiden Worlds and enforcing a degree of military power in the systems, in hopes of simply warding of the Eldar. But the opposite happened, as Eldar forces started attacking these worlds, and the Virions defended themselves. The series of conflicts between Craftworld Eldar and the Empirical Virions is referred to as The Maiden War due to the fact that most of the battles took place on, or near Maiden Worlds. The Overseers tried to make the two sides negotiate, but failed, the two alien races were simply too stubborn to listen to each other, and war continues to rage on to this very day.


It is true that the very first alien race the Virions encountered were Humans, but those were Overseers, a faction which was forced to split away from the wider Imperium due to accusations of heresy. The Virions have not had any major encounters with the massive Imperium of Men until only the 41st millennium. Prior to that, the Virions had to rely on the stories of the Overseers to learn about the galaxy beyond the Halo Zone and its one true ruler, Mankind. Through many tales of glory and victory the Overseers told, the Virions had received an image of Humanity and its greatness. The curios aliens have come to respect the Human race and do not question their power. The difference between Virion and Eldar is that Eldar submit to fate, while Virions struggle their whole lives to make their own destiny. -Overlord BolOrg It is only when the Eighth Sovereign Emperor of the Grand Virion Empire declared a new age of conquest that the Virion race started to leave the Halo Zone and enter Imperial space. The Virions that entered the Segmentum Pacificus were not mighty armies of victory the Virions had earned their name as warriors for, those were reserved for exterminating Ork infestations and Tyranid splinter fleets, as well as hunting down the Renegade Virion Clans. In addition, the Virions had to split their forces further, to defend their worlds from the likes of Dark Eldar raiders or the sudden rising of a Necron Tomb, and even the odds of a Warp Storm, which would unleash the dreaded Chaos Daemons into the material world. To this reason, the vast majority of the Empirical military might is occupied. The Empire can however spare some of their veteran warriors in small Exploratory Fleets. Each Clan would have to contribute a fraction of all their Clanguards and but a few vessels. An Exploratory Fleet might consist of but two or three cruisers, sometimes even one, sailing the stars alone. Each would contain around a hundred Clanguards, each a highly skilled and very experienced warrior who has already had his share of action. These small armies of explorers have been sent out beyond the borders of the Empire, to explore uncharted space, be it deeper into the Halo Zone, or even beyond it and into the Imperium. The explorers have no desire to conquer or enslave mankind, and would instead simply be curious about what is going on, and perhaps even offer a helping hand when needed. The people of worlds which had been visited by these Virions would learn to trust them, and wouldnt betray them to the Inquisition or its agents, and thus the Virions went virtually unnoticed for centuries. When the Night of a Thousand Rebellions took place and cut off the Segmentum Pacificus from the rest of the Imperium, Virion activity within this part of Imperial space had intensified, and the Empire is finally entering the wider Galaxy.


From the mysterious and dangerous realm of the Halo Zone, the Virion Empire is making its move and hundreds of fleets are being launched into Imperial held space. Their duty is to divide and search, however, some would say that the conquerors would come soon. With the Segmentum Pacificus loosing contact the rest of the Galaxy, the Virion race had increased activity by a notable margin and it will only be a matter of time before the Imperium is forced to take action. But this would not be an easy task, because the Virion Clans breed only the greatest of warriors, ones that could match the Adeptus Astrates. It is only fortunate that the Virion Empire is facing many great enemies at once, so they can only send small numbers of Clanguards outside the Halo Zone. When a small army of Virion Explorers that hail from the Empire visit some new planet, it is not their duty to destroy, but to search and examine. They cautiously screen the worlds around them and make contact with the native people if necessary. Being cut off from the Empire, the Virion Explorers are forced to hunt and gather their own resources, thus becoming self-sustaining. Bu they will gladly accept the hospitality of others and will use the opportunity to learn more about that people. Even though their quests are that of harvesting knowledge, these curious explorers are still warriors and very skilled ones. Because the Empire cannot spare that many Clanguards, the ones sent on exploration missions are taken as one of the most elite and experienced members of their Clan. Such warriors might be few, but they can take on incredible odds and through pure guts and glories achieve victory. Ever since the Night of a Thousand Rebellions, the Imperial worlds within the Segmentum Pacificus have been overrun by traitors, even the Space Marine chapters located there found themselves besieged. The Virions can sympathize with these people, and so the explorers will offer to fight by mankinds side and help them endure through these dark times. Many planets have been liberated from traitor scum thanks to Virion assistance, and the people there have become thankful to the Virion Empire. This had lead to many brotherly bonds to be created between Virion explorers and elements of the Imperiums fighting forces, which include many Imperial Guard Regiments and even some Space Marine Chapters. However, not all Virions are good willed like the ones of the Empire. The Renegades will pillage and plunder any planet weak enough that gets in their sights. Such raids will end up in untold deaths of Human populations that reside too close to the Halo Zone.

039.M31 First Encounter At this year, the Human faction named the Overseers, which were forced to split away from the Imperium and flee into the Halo Zone, had discovered the Virion homeworld KauReigh within the Ragnarok Nebula. Captain Ramirez had landed on the balcony of the Glorious Royal Palace and met the Sixth Sovereign Virion Emperor, OutRargth. The two had started to converse and an alliance was formed. From then on, Virion technology would advance drastically. From then on, the NakYmaaz had begun, the Age of Enlightenment.

613.M32 First Frontier The majority of the Great Virion Armada forms at PerNa, an asteroid belt which would serve as a staging ground to halt the advances of WAAAGH! Zogblast which originated from the Halo Raiders Ork Empire. The Virions held for many days before they were simply overwhelmed by great numbers. The Greenskins were then free to rampage across the uprising Virion Empire. From then on, the NakYmaaz had ended, and a new era had begun. One of destruction and carnage which would bring the Virion race at the brink of extinction. NakQrakag, the Age of Destruction had started.

127.M31 Raising the Cities Thanks to the scientific skills the Overseers taught the Virions, Emperor OutRargth had converted all major cities on KauReigh and lifted them into the sky, thus turning them into Celestial Cities. These cities would breach through the thunderous atmosphere of their home planet and the Virion race would be able to prosper with the rays of their sun shinning warmly upon them.

613.M32-617.M32 Martyrs of MaraDac After the First Frontier, the Ork WAAAGH! had splintered and many smaller Bosses had tried to pursue their own plans. The first Virion planet to fall was MaraDac, upon which a coalition of Virion Clanguards from varying Clans had assembled. Ultimately, MaraDac fell within 4 years and every single Virion was slain. It was only after many centuries that the heroes of MaraDac received their honours.

164.M31 Launching the Fleets Not long after the creation of the Celestial Cities, OutRargth demanded that hundreds of space ships be built. At this year, a strong armada would be sent into space, and these prototypes would bring Virion people to various planets and forge the first colonies. From then on, the Virions had become an interstellar power.

613.M32 The Long War When MaraDac was invaded, the Virion race had realized that they were at war which would last for many millennia.

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726.M33 Death of Zogblast When landing on the planet ZadEnJi, Zogblast Da Loud was trapped, because his ships were destroyed by a Virion fleet. Leading the fleet was Overlord UbEgah of the FauWyk Clan. Instead of fighting the Orks on their terms, the Virion ships started firing from orbit, targeting the planets Xenofacts. The shockwave had ruptured the planet form within and everything on it was killed. This action would have been deemed highly dishonourable by the other Virions, but UbEgah was pardoned because by killing Zogblast, the Ork WAAAGH! lost momentum and it started to splinter. However, the Orks were still a great threat.

438.M36 The Second Siege of KauReigh Sensing weakness, the Dark Eldar attacked KauReigh on a massive scale invasion. It was a grouping of several Kabals and Wych Cults, lead by Archon Ucharit of the Dread Maw Kabal. The Dark Eldar did not fight like the Orks; there were no massive assaults or overwhelming numbers. The Dark Eldar attacked from the shadows, appearing out of nowhere and then retreating back to the darkness before any notable countermeasures could be taken. This had irritated the Virions greatly, and instead decided to gather all their people and belongings in large well-defended area, so the enemy would have no choice but to come to the Virions, and fight on their terms and in their territory. This plan was thought up by Emperor OutRargth, and his Royal Palace was the most notable of such points, and so it was attacked many times.

812,M33 The Dark Kin It is at around this year that the first Dark Eldar have been sighted in Virion space. They were praying on weakened worlds like vultures to a dying beast. If a planet did not fall to Orks, it would be attacked by these vile raiders.

M33-M36 The Struggle Continues Over the next 3000 years, the Virion race would have been fighting viciously for their very survival. When one WAAAGH! was put down, two more would arise. Many heroic deeds were made, and very few of them were written. Little by little, the Virion Empire was crumbling, and the death rates started to reach hundreds of billions on their side.

445.M36 Death of an Emperor At the eve of the Siege, the Royal Palace was under attack once more, and Emperor OutRargth was leading his army in person. He engaged Archon Ucharit in one-on-one combat, but the deceitful alien had bested the Virion and poisoned him to death. The Royal Guards and ZenShriel had beaten off the Dark Eldar to reclaim OutRargths body, while Ucharit and a fragment of his Kabal fled from the planet. The Virion warriors entered a frenzy and butchered their enemies.

381.M36 The First Siege of KauReigh An Ork Warboss named Zagtrakk Da Red had assembled an Ork WAAAGH! which could have matched the one of Zogblast himself. He had then unleashed it upon the Virion homeworld, and the single most fortified position in the Empire. The planet KauReigh was besieged by countless Ork invaders and the combined force of the entirety of the GaanLak Clan and fragments of other Clans had managed to meet them. The Virion capital had stayed strong; taking the very worst the Greenskins could throw at it. The joined Virion forces were lead by the Sixth Sovereign Emperor himself, OutRargth and his personal Royal Guards.

451.M36 Taking Revenge When Ucharit escaped, Overlord ZenShriel went after him, and eventually caught him. The Virion Overlord and Dark Eldar Archon had fought one another in a desperate fight. In the end, ZenShriel claimed Ucharits heart. The Virions claimed revenge and made their way back to KauReigh.

451. M36 Declaration of New Rule When ZenShriel returned to KauReigh, the Royal Seers had said that the Great Spirits chose him to be the next ruler. ZenShriel had become the Seventh Sovereign Emperor.

435.M36 Zagtrakks Demise At one battle, Zagtrakk had severely wounded OutRargth, and the Emperor was carried to the Royal Palace for healing. Sensing victory to be close, Zagtrakk rallied every Ork on the planet to launch one last attack. His efforts were met by Overlord ZenShriel of the GaanLak Clan, who had assumed control over all Virion Clanguards on KauReigh. In an intense duel, Warboss Zagtrakk Da Red had been slain by ZenShriel and the remaining Orks had scattered and fled, with the Virions hunting them down like wild animals.

451.M36 Calling the Allies When ZenShriel became Emperor, he had called for aid from the Overseers, which at the time became capable of waging war. The first to respond was Chancellor Matthew of the Ilos Council and General Commander in Chief Aleksander, who lead the entirety of the Overseer armies.

437.M36 Complete Wipeout Overlord ZenShriel and the remainder of Virion forces had cleansed KauReigh of every single Ork that was left.

452.M36 Turning the Tide Now that the Overseers joined the battle, and after careful distribution of forces to critical locations, the Virions stood a chance of victory. The combined forces of the two races had been able to accomplish a streak of victories and sweep away all enemies that were bringing destruction to the Virion Empire. However, even with a strong alliance, the Virions would still have terrible odds against their very race.


M36 25

482.M37 Destruction of QuakMazPy The homeplanet of the LakRiel Clan had been assaulted by Orks many times, but thanks to the highly productive outcome of military armament and supplies they have been able to endure. However, at this year, the Orks had started to temper with the Xenofacts they had uncovered on the planet. This had lead to the utter destruction of the planet, and its remains have formed into an asteroid belt around the sun that once bathed QuakMazPy. What was left of the LakRiel Clan was forced to fight on and settle on larger asteroids, from which they continued to extract mineral resources to supply the Empire in its struggles.

651.M38 Rising from TarRask The Virions had already met the Necrons on multiple occasions, but not one of these encounters were as notable as when the Necrons started rising from the homeworld of the ShuNaiek Clan. The planet TarRask used to own many beautiful grassy fields and snow covered mountain ranges. The Necrons were somehow capable of controlling the Xenofacts themselves and turned the planet into a red rocky wasteland. This however did not stop the ShuNaiek Clan, and the Necron Tombs were completely destroyed.

604.M37 Loosing FauWyk The planet TashWar was the homeworld of the FauWyk Clan. It was once a lush tropic paradise, but due to the intense radiation their sun radiated, the Virion people there had to live in underground passages and complexes. This had given the FauWyk an edge in battle when the Orks invaded their homeplanet multiple times. However, the Orks would eventually discover the underground cities and wreak havoc. Coming to their aid were the HomJek Clan Virions. The HomJek possessed a large number of Seers which were able to manipulate the Xenofacts on TashWar and turn the very planet against the invaders. However, due to extensive use, TashWar started to shatter, and hot magma had started to rapidly pour into every single passageway, thus exterminating the Virion people. The Orks were defeated, but the FauWyk Clan no longer had neither a homeplanet nor a people to fight for, just scorched ruins. The members of the HomJek Clan which were there had quickly redeployed to other battles, while the entirety of the FauWyk Clan simply vanished, and would not be seen for a very long time.

827.M38 The Maiden Wars Some worlds claimed by the Virion DragOek Clan turn out to be Maiden Worlds and the Craftworld Eldar demand the invaders to leave. The stubborn Virions refused and took it as an insult. Not long after that, war begun with the two races over these worlds. The Clan which contributes most of their Clanguards to this war is the DragOek Clan. They feel responsible for this event and will try to keep the Virion worlds safe from the ruthless Eldar assaults.

025.M39 ZenShriels Plans Emperor ZenShriel had declared that construction begins on the eight Virion worlds which housed the eight Clans which survived the Long War. These constructs would take extremely high quantities of resources from other worlds, and so more conquests were required to satisfy the growing tithes.

239.M38 Ending the War It was at this year that the combined forces of Virions and Overseers scoured all invaders from the territory of the Virion Empire. It was then that the Long War was finally over. Of the many hundreds of planets the Empire once held, only a bare few remained, and of the many Clans that once protected these worlds, only eight remained, with the others destroyed during the conflict. It is however confirmed that there is a ninth Clan, FauWyk, but their whereabouts are unknown. There were several sightings of FauWyk ships on the borders, but they evaded the Empirical patrols.

329.M39 Systematic Cleansing At around this time, the first Space Hulks that carried Genestealers would be found. The Virions did not comprehend the threat of the Tyranid race, but they did not take any chances either. The Empire dispatched small armies of Clanguards to any Space Hulk that enters their space, and the warriors would purge it of any threats that may lie on it. This had helped slow down the Tyrant vanguard drastically.

457.M38 The First Renegades At this time, rebellion had stirred within the Empire and many warriors had already deserted by that time. These Virions would be seen as dirt, and the Empire instated a harsh rule. However, at this year, the FauWyk Clan made its first appearance since the demise of TashWar. They had appeared above BelRadAk, the homeplanet of the HomJek Clan, and they had come for revenge. The FauWyk Clan had mimicked what happened to TashWar and started to disrupt the Xenofacts by aiming at some with orbital fire. The weather of BelRadAk had changed for the worse and ice had engulfed the entirety of the planet, with high mortality rates of the HomJek Clan due to this sudden deep frost. From then on, the FauWyk were declared a Renegade Clan.

536.M39 Wrath of the Warp This is a time period of several years when Warp Storms started erupting within the territory of the Virion Empire. Many worlds and even entire Clans would fall to Daemonic incursions, but inevitably, the Virions endured and the storms would dissipate as suddenly as they appeared. The Virions claim that the power of the Great Spirits is fading, and that they require more praise from the Virion populace, and the only true way Virions pay respect to the Spirits is in war. It is to this reason that the Virions started engaging in more conflict and expansion into the depths of the Halo Zone.

738.M39 The Black Heart Incursions Dark Eldar raids start to suddenly intensify on the borders of the Virion Empire. There are even rumours that they were being coordinated by Lord Asdrubael Vect himself.

M37 26



576.M40 The Motherships At this year, Emperor ZenShriel had unveiled the fruits of his millennia of labour. Upon the eight planets, harbouring the eight Clans that survived the Long War, he had displayed the Empire the single greatest weapons the Virion race had produced. For each of the eight Clans, there was a Mothership, a starship so great and so vast that its size was comparable to the natural satellites which orbit many planets. The Clans that received them had been greatly honoured, and have decided to utilize the Motherships the best way they can. Four of the Motherships were sent to spearhead the Virion fleets into glorious battle, two were left to defend the homes of the Clans that use them, and two were being used to patrol the territories of their Clans and be used when absolutely necessary. From then on, the Virion fleets became far more powerful, and a streak of victories would follow.

394.M41 The Imperium stirs The Overseers have found information that Lord Commander Solar Macharius began his so called Macharian Crusade in the Segmentum Pacificus. Many fear that the Imperium of Men might uncover both the Overseers and the rising Virions and see them as a threat. Emperor ViCath ordered the Clans to continue with their conquests, but maintain vigilance. ViCath had also started spreading towards the edge of the Halo Zone and closer to the Segmentum Pacificus.

580.M40 The Great Clans At this year, Emperor ZenShriel had decided that for ease of reference, he name the Clans that survived the Long War and received Motherships as a prize for their deeds, into Greater Clans. These Greater Clans would be well renowned and famed. The Clans that formed after the Long War while the Virions were recovering were called Lesser Clans. Somehow, the Renegade FauWyk had heard of this, and decided to deem themselves a Greater Clan as well. This was seen as an insult to all the Empirical Clans. Some believe that the FauWyk did that on purpose to agitate the Virion Empire.

399.M41 A Bold Decision The Macharian Crusade ends and the Imperium only went as far as Ultima Macharia, which was at the very border of the Halo Zone. With some relief, the Overseers were glad the Imperium did not uncover them; the Virions on the other hand had other plans. Emperor ViCath started sending Exploratory Fleets into the borders of Imperial space. The Overseer High Council of Ilos greatly disapproved of this action, but ViCath convinced them that if the Imperium already go this far, it would only be a matter of time before they are unveiled, and the Virions would prefer it sooner then later. Swayed by this argument, the Overseer Chancellors turned a blind eye on all the Virion explorers that entered the Imperium, and allowed ViCath to have his way, but they still advised caution.

627.M40 End of a Ruler ZenShriel had extended his lifetime thanks to a genetherapy the Overseers invented, so that he may further his reign and lead his people. However, even science had its limits, and ZenShriel had died. The entirety of the Empire was devastated by the loss of the Seventh Sovereign Emperor. It did not take long before Virion Renegades began to intensify their attacks on the Empire. They sensed weakness, and they acted upon it. The Royal Seers had then assembled once more, to ask the Great Spirits of who will inherit the throne to lead the entire Grand Virion Empire.

400.M41 Different Renegades The Virion explorers that went into the borders of the Imperium had encountered the Macharian Heresy. Being able to sympathize with Mankind about having to fight vile traitors, the Virion fleets that entered the Segmentum Pacificus had concentrated on aiding the Imperium in this conflict. Planets that were liberated by Virions had owed their saviours a favour, even if they were Xenos. These people would refuse to report the presence of Virions or the mentions of their aid, so the Inquisition or any of their agents do not come and pose a threat to the Virion explorers. It is to this reason that the Virions remained under the radar of the wider Imperium for so long.

631.M40 A New Reign ViCath was chosen to be the Eight Sovereign Emperor of the Grand Virion Empire. His first decree was to end the NakQrakag, and instead begin the NakNakad, the Age of Conquest. As the name suggests, the Virion Clans had rallied to the call of their leader, and marched forth to glory.

965.M41 The Heads of Cerberus Around this time, many worlds on the borders of the Virion Empire started disappearing. It would later be discovered that this was due to the rampages of Hive Fleet Cerberus which entered the Halo Zone. Many planets of the Virion Empire find themselves assaulted, including CetaSab, the home of the VourkDwa Greater Clan, and Wroask, the home of the JaiMark Greater Clan. Both Clans were able to defeat the splinters of the Hive Fleet, and had decided to contribute the majority of their conquering forces to destroy this new threat.

814.M40 The Halo Aliens ViCaths conquests reach into deep into the Halo Zone, uncovering many new races, which were either contained or exterminated. This regime of violence and dominion was not something new for Virions, and they continued their streak of suppressing whatever alien races they encounter. Along the way, the Clans also claim to have encountered haunted stars and entire planets inhabited by ghosts. This was seen as a bad omen, but ViCath refused to halt his conquests.

999.M41 The Third Siege of KauReigh Infiltrators of the FauWyk Clan manage to sneak into KauReigh and smuggle explosives to destroy key locations, and then plant beacons to call forth a massive fleet of many Renegade Clans combined, with the FauWyk at the head. The war lasted for a decade before the Renegades retreated.


M41 27

The Grand Virion Empire is divided by hundreds of Clans. Each Clan can have several star systems under their control. The Clans are known to compete with one another, and strive to achieve glories and honours far greater then the others, which helps improve the military achievements of the Empire as a whole. In addition, each Clan has been known to adapt to the environments presented to them in the territory they possess, be it a distinct enemy, or being close to some astronomic anomaly. It is because of this that all Clans are different from one another. Every Clan has its own ruling system in place, but they all obey the Sovereign Emperor and so the Empire is kept united. The situation is similar to that of a King who divides his land among the feudal lords who act as his vassals. A Clan is made up of Virion Warriors, named Clanguards. These Clanguards serve as full-time soldiers, who will serve the Empire till their death. And finally, there are Renegades, entire Clans which had turned traitor, or had done something highly dishonourable to have been revoked from the Empire. These Clans are either destroyed or chased away from Empirical space. After a Clan is declared Renegade, they will do whatever they desire and will spend most of their time lurking at the borders of the Virion Empire.


After a Virion finishes his basic training and reaches adulthood, he will become a Guard. Virion Guards are armed with only the basic gear and weapons, and have not yet earned their place in the Clan. Until that time, they are tasked as police officers, security, and law enforcers that keep order. After a Guard had served for several years, or until he does something very honourable, he will become a Clanguard, and will join the Clan. After many years of serving the Empire, a Clanguard can choose to either become a Warchief and lead his own squad, or become a Veteran Clanguard, and become part of a more powerful unit. Veteran Clanguards that had become the elite of the elite will be ascended to Veteran Warchief and will start leading other Veterans into battle. If he had aspired to become a great leader, the Veteran Warchief will become one of the three advisers. Either a Tactician, who thinks of all the best plans in the heat of battle, a Warseer, a psychic individual chosen by the Great Spirits, or a Warforger, a leader with great interest in technology and weapons. These three advisers all obey a single Warlord, a warrior which controls an entire army of Clanguards. In turn, all Warlords of a Clan act as advisers and servants of a single Overlord, who has absolute control over an entire Clan. An Overlord can even instate martial law when necessary, and direct the people in his territory as well as a political head. The only one within the Virion Empire who has a higher rank then an Overlord is the Sovereign Emperor himself.

There are two great distinctions between Clans. Firstly, there are Greater Clans and Lesser Clans. The Greater Clans are the ones that survived the Long War and as a reward for their endurance had been granted powerful Motherships. The Lesser Clans are ones formed after the Long War had ended and the Virion Empire started recovering. In addition to this, Clans can also be divided by what their primary objective is. There are Conquering Clans, which devote most of their Clanguards to the many offensive wars the Virions are waging. Then there are Defensive Clans, which orient around defending their territories, for one reason or another, and send only a fragment of their Clan to conquests. There are also Multitasking Clans, which divide their forces equally to both offensive and defensive missions.


The BoaskXees Clan is stationed on the planet BorgKrag, a young planet where volcanic eruptions are constant, and tons of ash and smoke is spat out into the atmosphere every day. The reason to settle on this planet is because all this activity is helping produce crystals, massive spires of them. The Virions do not actually live on BorgKrag, but on its moons instead. There is Ourk, the largest, which is completely covered in urban cities. Then theres Marg, the middle one, which has been seeded with life by Virion scientists, and is now serving as an agricultural producer. And then there is Trar, the smallest, a desolate rocky wasteland which serves as nothing more then a landing port for Virion ships and an observatory. However, even though the majority of the Virion populace inhabits the three moons, the planet itself does have Virions living on it. These are usually mining facilities which harvest the precious diamonds and minerals. There are also scientific centres which help study the planet and predict eruptions that might endanger the miners. And then theres the training barracks where Virions who join the BoaskXees Clan go. Their will and nerves shall be stretched beyond their limits as they manoeuvre around rivers of hot lava, watch their footing around molten rock, and try to evade sudden eruptions of hot ash that come out of seemingly nowhere. It is a truly dangerous world, but the Virions of BorgKrag have found themselves besieged many times. It is usually by the Dark Eldar, who wish to partake in even a fragment of the treasures produced by the planet. The Virions have fought them of time after time, and learned to hate these cruel raiders. In addition to minerals and gems, Virions also gather volatile gas from the planet, which they convert to use in warfare. The BoaskXees Clanguards will spray their enemies with these corrosive gases. Their opponents will be left to watch helplessly as their armour and flesh simply melts away and nothing but bones remain.


Conquering Clan KrielTal BorgKrag Gas Weaponry Dark Eldar Incinerate!


majority of the Virion populace is in the planets orbit. RazGar has no moons, so the Virions had constructed entire cities in the middle of space, which connect to each other through supply lines through which thousands of small starships pass, carrying resources and people from one end to the other. It is this reliance on space that has lead the DragOek Clan to form a strong fleet of several thousand vessels. The ground forces of the DragOek Clan are also quite formidable. The Clanguards train on the surface of RazGar, fighting against the fierce sandstorms and trying to survive in the sandy wastes of the planet which stretch as far as the eye can see. They have to adapt to survive in both the scorching heat of the day, and the freezing cold of night. The DragOek Clanguards have thus become excellent survivors, and opportunistic hunters. When they see a chance to strike, they will take it. Next to a large number of spaceships and aircrafts, the Clan also features a large number of Assault Clanguards, warriors armed with Jump Packs which allow them to soar through the sky and descend on top of their enemies. It is these warriors that are in charge of protecting the worlds of what is called the Maiden Cluster. This part of the Halo Zone features many systems that contain a large number of Maiden Worlds. These Virions had colonized these worlds, and they were under the protection of the DragOek Clan. The Craftworld Eldar had arrived and claimed that those worlds are rightfully theirs, and demanded that the Virions leave the Maiden Cluster. The Virions are a stubborn race however, and refused, claiming that the Clanguards had conquered these worlds in the name of the Empire, and so the Maiden Cluster belongs to the Virions. This had lead to many battles to occur between the Empirical Virions and the Craftworld Eldar. The DragOek Clan had to push back an Eldar invasion far too many times, and have grown to detest all forms of Eldar. Both factions rely on speed to carry them to battle, and a fight between them is usually fast paced and fierce. The most common enemies of the DragOek Clan are the two Craftworlds, Iybraesil and Varantha which are in the Halo Zone.


Conquering Clan BolOrg RazGar Fierce Dogfights All Eldar kin Arial Assault!

The DragOek Clan is stationed on the planet RazGar, a desert wasteland, ravaged by fierce sandstorms and strong winds on a daily bases. The planet RazGar only has four isolated seas on its surface, around which Virion colonies are built. However, the


beautiful planet with lush forests, verdant grasslands, grey mountains and many seas. However, the planet was being bombarded by fierce radiation from its sun. While the life indigenous to the planet had adapted, the Virions did not, and were forced to live in underground tunnels and chambers. When the Orks arrived, the FauWyk Clan defended their world at all costs, fighting them off day after day. The Orks did not know where the Virions were coming from, and it seemed as if they were just popping out of the ground. At one point, the Orks discovered that their crazy idea was true, and had started wrecking the underground cities of TashWar. It was then that the HomJek Clan was able to spare some of its troops to help relieve the FauWyk Clan. The two had fought side by side for many months, until the HomJek Clan decided that they should do something drastic. The Seers of the HomJek Clan had started to manipulate the Xenofacts which were present on TashWar. They did manage to start severe earth-shaking phenomenons which cut down the Orks drastically. The planet was scarred, but it seemed as if the Virions would win. But the scars were too deep, and hot magma had started pouring in, filling up the underground chambers, and murdering the entire populace. The lava had then been spat out into the surface, and it killed of every living thing on the planet, Orks and otherwise. The Virion Clanguards managed to retreat into space. After this, the HomJek Clan had been shamed and they tried to redeem themselves by returning to combat immediately. The FauWyk Clan did not accept this. They had gone missing for many centuries, and they returned only after the Long War had ended. But then, they were Renegades, throwing down the teaching of the Holy Code of Honour and abandoning the Empire. They swore that they shall overthrow the Empirical Law and instate their own rule, turning the Virion race towards pure anarchy.


Renegade Clan GaraKhan TashWar Ambush Tactics Empirical Virions Terrorize!

During the Long War, the FauWyk Clan was part of the Empire. They were stationed on the planet TashWar, a truly



Later, as KauReigh begun his conquests to unite his race, the GaanLak Kingdom became an Empire. The GaanLak Empire had begun to spread and unite all Virions on their homeplanet, which was named after the First Emperor. It was only after the Overseers met the Virions that the GaanLak Empire was renamed to the Great Virion Empire. The term GaanLak had survived, and it was passed on to the Clan which was in charge of serving and protecting the planet KauReigh, the capital of the Empire and the cradle of the Virion race. The GaanLak Clan became known as the single greatest and most powerful Clan in the entire Empire, and it was well respected by all. During the Long War, many Clans and worlds had fallen to alien invaders, but the GaanLak Clan stood firm and it protected the Empire from both Ork savages and Dark Eldar marauders. The Clan had went through thick and thin, witnessed both the best and the worst of their race, and managed to become even stronger. It was the GaanLak Clan that first entered the Segmentum Pacificus during the Macharian Heresy and made contact with the Imperium of Man. It is the GaanLak Clan both leads the glorious conquests within the Halo Zone and defends the Virion Homeplanet. Their latest conflict however, was against their own kin. The FauWyk Clan had launched a full out invasion on KauReigh, and the Third Siege of KauReigh begun. The FauWyk were leading a number of other Renegade Clans, and they chose a time when the GaanLak Clan Mothership was away on conquests. The Empirical Virions had to fight viciously against their fallen brethren with fang and claw. The Renegades preferred guerrilla warfare, ambush tactics and stealth operations, but the GaanLak knew the lay of the land, and excelled at close quarters combat. Eventually, with timely reinforcements of other Clans, including the HomJek, the Renegades were driven of, and the planet KauReigh was safe once more. However, the fact that the Renegades were able to attack the Empires capital was a shock, and the Empirical Virions had become ever so vigilant, hunting for Renegades, with the GaanLak Clan leading the way.


Multitasking Clan ShrielXe KauReigh Close Combat Every Enemy With Strength and Honour!

The term GaanLak derives since ancient times, around M21, when the Virion race left their stone age and began behaving like a civilized race. Among the first kingdoms was GaanLak, from where the First Sovereign Emperor, KauReigh, was born.


be colonized by Virions was BelRadAk. It is an icy planet, where the winters are as cold the entire oceans freeze over. The Virions managed to make a home there, and had constructed many beautiful cities on the planets surface, with snow gently descending upon them. The Virions of the HomJek Clan are zealous about the worship of the Great Spirits and had started collecting artefacts of great power or significance. They had also started raising a large number of Seers, Virions with Psychic capabilities who draw their power from the Great Spirits themselves. This large number of psykers allowed the HomJek Clan to survive the Long War. Their planet, BelRadAk was assailed many times by alien invaders, but their greatest battle was not against some alien threat, but from a traitors hand. Once the FauWyk arrived shortly after the Long War ended, their ships loomed over BelRadAk. The HomJek Clan was prepared to welcome back their lost brethren with open hands. But fate did not wish it that way. The FauWyk Clanguards descended on the planet and assaulted their former brothers. Shocked by this, the HomJek Clan did not have enough time to fight back. At the climax of the battle, the FauWyk withdrew into space, and just as they prepared to leave, they struck some of the Xenofacts on the planet, and triggered an even greater ice age. The cities of BelRadAk have been frozen over and buried in tons of snow. The many relics the HomJek Clan collected had also been lost, and its people were nearing extinction. The HomJek Clan had from then on started to despise all form of Renegade Virion, and swore to have their revenge on the FauWyk Clan. From that point on, the Empires history was riddled with battles where HomJek Clanguards hunted down deserters and outcasts, while the FauWyk ravaged the worlds of the Empire. This bloody feud lasts until this very day, and it will not stop until one side is wiped out and vengeance is claimed.


Defending Clan PeRarzg BelRadAk Psychic Powers Rebels and Chaos For Vengeance!

The second oldest Clan was HomJek. Among the first planets to



live beneath the sea, in the darkness of the reefs. These cities radiate with a warm glow which attracts the most horrid creatures that reside on the planet. The aquatic creatures that reside beneath the waves of Wroask are too many to count, and each is more terrifying then the last. The most notable of such creatures would be the KralWroask, also known as the Kings of Wroask. They are massive serpentine creatures which can be as far as two kilometres long. The KralWroask are loners, and only gather once a century for mating. It is in these gatherings that the largest and strongest of the beasts will rise and earn the respect of every single living being on the planet, including the Virions. This being becomes the KirrWroask, the Tyrant of Wroask. It is because of these many creatures that the JaiMark Clan was able to survive the Long War. Both Orks and Dark Eldar who enter the planet would find themselves attacked by horrifying sea monsters that crawled from their darkest nightmares. However, the most notable event was recent, when Hive Fleet Cerberus entered Virion space. The Mycetic Spores rained down to the planet, and submerged into the oceans, aiming for the underwater cities. The Tyranid organisms had to evolve gills and fins to survive, but they still managed to do substantial damage to the Virions, before they were defeated. The Virions of JaiMark were impressed by this new enemy, and started to hunt them down. So when a Tyranid splinter fleet is reported, it is usually the JaiMark Clan that responds first. These Virions are known for their bloody rituals and ceremony. Among these would be smearing the blood of their enemies over their armour, wearing the bones and skulls of worthy opponents, eating the heart of enemy leaders, and performing sacrificial rituals to honour the Great Spirits. The JaiMark Clanguards are feared and respected by even other Virions. On the field, these warriors will make full use of the terrain around them, and try to outmanoeuvre and pin down their enemy, like a predator would his quarry. When the warriors of the JaiMark Clan are roused to war, they will drown their enemies in a pool of their own blood.


Conquering Clan WroasBaal Wroask Hunting and tracking Tyranids The Hunt begins!

The planet Wroask has housed what is considered to be the single most vicious Clan in the entire Empire. Wroask is an oceanic planet, with nearly 98% of its surface being water. What little is left of land are but mere chains of islands upon which weather stations and the like are placed. The Virions actually


This had caused the planet, and the LakRiel Clan which was defending it, to be attacked many times by Orks. However, the industrial nature of the planet had allowed the Virions to produce sufficient armaments to defend themselves. As the Long War raged on, the workers were being pushed beyond their limits, and riots started appearing like wild fire, which severely crippled the planets production abilities. The Orks used this chance to strike, and the LakRiel Clan responded. The cities and drilling rigs that covered the planet were cantered around Xenofacts. There were only a few, but the Orks had managed to tamper with some of them. The Greenskins thought that the odd large spires had granted the Dog Faces power to fight back. They were wrong, and the planets core caved in upon itself, and the planet QuakMazPy, as well as everything on it, was destroyed in a violent explosion. The LakRiel Clan was able to regain their bearings, but their world was no more. Instead, the debris that remained had littered the star system, and formed into an asteroid belt. This however did reveal hidden stocks of minerals. So instead of mourning their losses, the Virions had decided to turn their loss into a gain. The survivors had placed their new homes on the larger rocks and begun drilling for resources. These would later be supplied to the Empire, and keep it going through the Long War. At the conclusion of the conflict, the LakRiel Clan was but a few hundred members. To make up for these losses, the Virions had started producing a large number of mechanical units. The thin ranks of the Clan were being filled up with the robotic Droids and Tripod walkers. Even to this day, the Clan is lacking in members compared to the other Greater Clans, and it uses mechanized troops to compensate for this. Over time, LakRiel Clan would deem the Orks as the single vilest race to have plagued the Galaxy and promised to wipe the universe clean of the Greenskined menace.


Defending Clan RegisPet QuakMazPy Tripods and Droids Orks and their kin Destroy!

Prior and during the Long War, the planet QuakMazPy had served as a prime producer of mineral resources and technology.



utilized a high number of Centruroids, vehicle hovercrafts. The planet TarRask was rich with resources and it had a comfortable climate as well, which made it a prime target for many invasions. But thanks to the armoured units of the ShuNaiek Clan, they were able to defend it indefinitely. After the Long War, the ShuNaiek Clan had devoted much of its resources to help rebuild the ruined Empire. Many had predicted that enemies would try to take TarRask while the Virions were in a weakened state. Yet, none could predict that the enemy would not come from above, but from below. At one point, the Xenofacts on TarRask started behaving erratic and pulsated with strange energies. Not long after that, the Necrons started rising from the lands of TarRask, revealing it to be a Tomb World. The ShuNaiek Clan tried to beat the deathless enemy, but the Centruroids were being torn to pieces by the superior Gauss weaponry the Necrons utilized. Eventually, the Necrons managed to somehow control the Xenofacts and turn the once living green planet into an orange rocky wasteland. Enraged by this, the Virions went on a counter-offensive and through many bloody battles; they had managed to beat the Necrons back to their tombs. After a complete scan of the planet, the Virions had discovered the origin of all Necrons on TarRask, and bombed it. The Catacombs had caved in and were buried by tons of rock. The ShuNaiek Clan brought victory, but their planet was scared forever. The Virions had then placed dome cities, where vegetation could grow outside of the hostile environments of TarRask. Outside of these domes, the Virions could easily extract more mineral resources which they used to construct more weapons, armour and vehicles. The ShuNaiek Clan had then aimed these inventions against the Necrons, and decided that all of their race must be destroyed. The Clan utilized a high number of Centruroids in battle, which are closely followed by Clanguards, armed with heavy weapons. This lethal combo acts as a mighty sledgehammer which can shatter any defence, and annihilate anyone who would stand in their path.


Conquering Clan TrarlNak TarRask Armoured Warfare Necrons Armoured Superiority!

Throughout the Long War, the planet TarRask had served as a supplier of weaponry and armaments to the Empire. The ShuNaiek Clan had been armed with what was thought to be the finest guns produced by Virions. In addition, they had also


VourkDwa Clan, on the planet CetaSab. Immediately, the Virions begun construction, and reformed the planet. Covering most of its surface are cities and tall spires. Being far from the capital world KauReigh, the Virions thought that they required a high level of organization to keep their world going. The planet became an industrial paradise, and progression of covering the planet with cities allowed a very high number of Virions to reside there. Up to 100 billion people were present at the planet when the Long War begun. Knowing that they would be cut off from the Empire, the Virions decided that all must learn how to fight, even civilians. The VourkDwa Clan was teaching the vast majority of the population how to fight, use weapons and fend for themselves. This civilian militia was then organized to defend the planet while a large number of the VourkDwa Clan went to fight in the Long War. It is this military competence and strict organization that allowed the planet CetaSab to survive and endure. No Ork WAAAGH! or Dark Eldar raid would breach the planets defenders. However, the Virions of CetaSab would meet their match. The first ones to uncover the presence of Hive Fleet Cerberus were the Clanguards of VourkDwa, and they had rushed back to home to arm the people once again, and prepare for war. Once the Tyranids invaded CetaSab, it was being repelled by a number of 200 billion Virions, armed and ready to fight. The battle was long and excruciating, but the Virions emerged victorious. At the end of the conflict, the VourkDwa Clan pledged that they would exterminate the Tyranid pest to the core, and ensure the safety of the Virion people. The VourkDwa Clan prefers to deploy straight into the battlefield through Assault Pods or any other method of Deep Striking. This rapid deployment had allowed the Clanguards of this Clan to win many wars, and conquer many worlds in the name of the Grand Virion Empire.


Conquering Clan DrahkMar CetaSab Deep Striking Tyranids For Victory!

The last Clan to be founded prior to the Long War was the



The planet XerokZarg was ravaged by a fully fledged Ork WAAAGH! which originated from the Halo Raiders Empire. The Clanguards had chosen that instead of fighting to the death, waiting for reinforcements that wouldnt come, they would flee. This had them deemed as Renegades, and any of their ranks who would try entering territory of the Empire would be executed. So, the Clan had decided that they would instead go to the Segmentum Pacificus, and work for any desperate Planetary Governor or Imperial General as mercenaries. They would receive payment, and fight for whoever they wrote a contract with. As payment, they could take provisions, resources, information and any form of supply they could use. While not fighting as guns for hire, they will enter the black markets of many underhives and start trading goods they found. This could be alien technology, exotic artefacts, belongings of a famed person, or even slaves. When someone is unable to pay them when a contract is signed, or simply refuse to, or if these Virions were tricked in a bad trading deal, then they would pick up arms and begin plundering the entire area. The murderous rampage would last until the Renegades had looted anything they could grab their hands on and murdered those who would stand in their way. Then they would leave the area, and leave without a trace.


Renegade Clan KhiVotik XerokZarg Infiltration and Sabotage Orks Murder, plunder, ravage!


The planet PaanQe was once an Ork world, but a Warp Storm emerged and Chaos Daemons had slaughtered every last Greenskin on the planet. Then the Virions came, and bombarded the planet from orbit to exterminate every last Daemon. After the planet was purified, the Virions had descended to see scenery of twisted mountains, floating rocks, an aurora flaring sky, and even forests of giant glowing mushrooms. The entire place was oozing with an eerie presence, but the Virions had made their home there. The Clanguards of the BoraRak Clan however had developed an odd ability. They could literally sense the taint of Chaos and Daemonic possession. It wasnt something they could explain, but they could use it. The Clan found out that their gifts are perfect for fighting of Daemons and their mortal slaves that come from the dark Immaterium. To keep their warriors from falling to madness, the BoraRak Clan had instated many strict religious ceremonies that include selfpunishment and control of ones thoughts and emotions. The Virions would find peace through meditation and ritual, becoming one with their inner self, and seeking out the Great Spirits for guidance and protection when facing the darkest of odds. It is said that the BoraRak Clanguards are able to tell if someone is a worshiper of Chaos just by looking at them.


Defending Clan FoshUlaka PaanQe Detecting Daemonic taint Daemons of Chaos By the Great Spirits!



Renegade Clan Unknown HrorhnLa Pit fights Craftworld Eldar For Commoragh!

Once a great and honourable Clan, the GriPob Clanguards were hailed as brave warriors and proud servants of the Empire. But once their planet HrorhnLa was attacked by Dark Eldar, things would change. It wasnt the first time these raiders would attack, but now was different, because the cruel marauders had took a large proportion of the populace as prisoners. The Dark Eldar had asked the Virion Clanguards to surrender, or let their people die. The GriPob Clan chose to sacrifice themselves so that their people could live. As promised, the Dark Eldar had released the Virion civilians, which would then flee from the planet and seek aid. Then, the entirety of the GriPob Clan had become slaves of the Dark Eldar. Once the other Clans came to HrorhnLa, they saw nothing but a desolate planet, without a single soul left. Meanwhile in Commoragh, the GriPob Clanguards had engaged in many battles within Wych Cult Arenas, and earned the respect of many Archons. Kabals had quarrelled with one another over possession of the Clan. Finally, Asdrubael Vect had shown interest and took the entire Virion Clan as his own personal slave army. When these Virions were not fighting in bloody arenas, they would be serving with the Black Heart Kabal, fighting for their new masters. The GriPob Clanguards have been seen on many Imperial worlds, escorting their slavers on their raids, making their own bloody path of infamy.




Conquering Clan DiveNos KaTirkuesh Helidynes Unknown To the skies! or Descend to battle!

This Clan is relatively young, but they had earned their place. The planet KaTirkuesh is ravaged by constant thunderstorms, ones even fiercer then those on KauReigh. The plant is divided into three parts; the first upper sphere is above the clouds, where Celestial Cities rise and the majority of the Virions live; the second middle sphere is ravaged by storms and very few Virions reside here; and the third lower sphere is uncharted because the storms are far too savage and powerful for anyone to fly. The Virions never quite landed on top of the planet, but they did settle above the clouds and make their own footing. This kind of living had produced many skilled Helidyne pilots among the Clan, which can rival those of the DragOek Greater Clan. But, the Clanguards of KiaTan had not fought in many wars, and they usually waited for their Helidynes to bombard the enemy first before they could wipe them out. Many other Clans believe that this young Clan had not produced proper warriors. The KiaTan Clan took this as more of a challenge instead of an insult. They had begun prepping their warriors for war, and joined the conquests. The combination of air and ground units had allowed the Clan to achieve many quick victories, but they had not entered that many new conflicts. The KiaTan Clanguards are seen as reckless, boisterous and free spirited. Some might say that they have their heads in the clouds, which might not be so far from the truth, both figuratively and literally.


The planet CeQuish is completely covered with cities and has become quite a dark and dirty area. It was once attacked by an Ork WAAAGH! and the LokanWare Clan had responded. While the Orks were getting lost in the maze of streets, alleys and corridors, the Virions had managed to use every single crack and crevasse to their advantage. They would outflank and outmanoeuvre their enemies at every turn, fighting city block after block. They would make use of using buildings as cover, and the sewer systems as passageways to go below the enemy lines. The Centruroids would make their way through emptied highways and the Clanguards would lurk in the dark alleys. This utility of tactics and making use of the terrain had granted the Virions of the LokanWare Clan absolute victory. From then on, the Clan was famed for their abilities and competence within urban environments. Whether their duty was to defend a city from invaders or to take control over some enemy fortress, the LokanWare was perfectly equipped for the task. Many Clans would say that their tactics are questionable, because most Virions would prefer to attack their enemies head on, while the LokanWare Clanguards lurked in the darkness. However, none could deny the effectiveness of such tactics and the many victories they have brought in the name of the Empire. Clan MoarGenA is feared by its enemies and distrusted by its comrades. The planet OutMart is covered by thick dark forests, in which lurk many predatory beasts, ready to strike at any moment. The people had learned to live with nature, and construct tree houses on the giant trees, which were connected with each other through a series of ropes and ladders. The Virions rarely cut down the forests, and it was only when they needed to. This backwards way of living had lead to the Clanguards to become significantly more savage and beastly in their behaviour. They will pursue their enemies like a hungry predator, and hunt then down ruthlessly. They make use of the land, and seek out any advantage the terrain could offer them. In a fight, these Virions are seen as more of some wild animal then an honourable warrior. They had also displayed affection for ritual and ceremony. Before or after battle, they would make a bonfire of either stuff they could find, or the bodies of their enemies, and then do some form of ritualistic dance to invoke to the favour of the Spirits. They also gather the heads of worthy prey, and shrink them. These shrunken heads are then left to hang of the armour of the Clanguard, for all to see. When the Tyranids entered the Virion Empire, the MoarGenA Clan saw it as a challenge to test their skills as survivors and ultimate hunters.


Multitasking Clan ChaKas CeQuish Urban Warfare Orks Death goes unseen!



Conquering Clan OsabNao OutMart Predatory behaviour Possibly Tyranids Wild fury!




Defending Clan VatarReo FauTzek Aggressive assault All trespassers Burn everything!

The surface of the planet FauTzek had only stabilized a few thousand years ago. The planet is riddled with pools of lava, and magma runs in streams just below the rocky surface. Volcanic eruptions are frequent, and geysers spit out toxic gas and ash into the atmosphere every single day. It is a very dangerous planet, but the Virions had settled there because of very high quantities of minerals and diamonds that had formed. Although, most of these resources are still below the soil, drowned in magma, there is still plenty to gather. The Virions of the NinaMik Clan are tasked with defending the miners and supply routes which deliver these resources to the rest of the Empire. While living on the hostile planet, or looking out for attackers, the NinaMik Clanguards had grown to become jumpy, paranoid, suspicious of everything, short tempered, and genuinely explosive of character. These warriors had been known to burst in violent fits of uncontrolled anger, which blinds their judgment and forces them to attack the enemy head on in bloody combat. This had lead to many casualties on behalf of the Clan, but they do not seem to be changing their ways. In fact, this aggressive nature had managed to ward off many attackers and raids on Virion trading lines had ceased since the formation of the NinaMik Clan.


For a long time, DarWash was a planet that belonged to Orks. When Virions assaulted, it was very hard to force the Orks out, because they had constructed a series of fortresses, which were built out of hunks of junk the Orks found lying around. Nevertheless, a fortress is a fortress, and it took nearly a century for the Virions to conquer the planet. However, they had never quite rid themselves of the Greenskin infestation, and many spores managed to survive and grow. Thus, the planet DarWash is being assailed by Feral Orks, which attack the fortifications the PinaHaz Clan had constructed, and then retreating back to the wilderness of the planet. The Virions of this Clan had earned experience with fighting Orks, and had been called to fight against the Halo Raiders Ork Empire. However, the Clan also has to spare half of their Clan to fight the Orks that infest their homes. Nevertheless, the PinaHaz Clan managed, and are able to fight of the Ork menace at both beyond the borders of the Empire, and within their very homes. The Clanguards usually prefer to fight their enemies up close and personal. The PinaHaz warriors had also grown an affinity to gathering bits of armour and weapons that belonged to influential Orks, and then using them in battle. This both displays the achievements a Virion had earned, and frighten the Orks that meet them.


Multitasking Clan LcpSahBo DarWash Fighting Orks Orks Fight to the end!


The planet GrallColx had been found at the border between Virion and Overseer space. It was however claimed by the Virions and thus it belonged to them, but Overseers were more then welcome to come to the planet and live there. The planet is mostly covered with ocean, and the only lands are some large islands with sandy beaches and tropic jungles. It serves as a place where Overseer veterans can rest and retire, while the Virions of the QuarzLi Clan ensure their safety. Next to possible invaders that could see the planet as an easy prey, there are also many sea monsters that reside in the planets waters, and predators lurking in the foliage of jungles. The QuarzLi Clanguards had learned how to both manoeuvre around jungles and marshes, as well s fight in the underwater environments, similar to those of the JaiMark Clan. The Virions had also constructed cities floating at the surface of the seas. These places serve as trading centres between Virions and Overseers and are usually prime targets for anyone who would come across this planet. It is the sworn duty of the QuarzLi Clan to ensure the safety of not just their own people, but also their Human allies who had come to their planet. The Clanguards are seen as laid back and carefree at times, but when battle calls, they are more then capable of fighting of their enemies with cold blooded intent, and turn the very seas crimson.


Defending Clan SerTalah GrallColx Nautical battle None Drown them in blood!




Renegade Clan IrakNox BagaPwy Serving Khorne Empirical Virions and Imperium of Man Blood for the Blood God!

During the time known as the Wrath of the Warp, many places within the Empire were attacked by savage Warp Storms and Daemons started pouring into reality. On the most part, the Virions were able to defend themselves, but some worlds had fallen, including BagaPwy and their ShniRub Clan. Their Clan was very young at the time and lacked in power to oppose the forces of Chaos. The Virions of the HomJek Clan tried to assist, but failed. When the storms died out, the ShniRub Clan had changed for the worse, far worse. They had done something no other Virion ever did. They had abandoned the teachings of the Great Spirits and fully embraced the Daemonic Powers, which the Virions referred to as the Evil Spirits. This was the single greatest act of blasphemy one could commit, but before the Empire could respond; the entire Clan vanished into the Warp, along with their new Daemonic masters. It appears as if they had restrained themselves within the Warp Space anomaly within the Forax Cluster, an area discovered during the Macharian Crusade in the Segmentum Pacificus. From there, they launch assaults on the Imperium and then withdraw back to the anomaly before any significant action could be taken. These Virions had dedicated themselves primarily to the patron of war, Khorne, the God of Blood. It is in his name that the Clanguards of ShniRub spill the blood of many and gather the skulls of the worthy, to earn the devotion of their new Gods.


There is an odd anomaly happening on the planet YxaeOzt. Its origins or purpose are unknown and there is no known cure. It is however, a seemingly harmless anomaly. The thing is, most of the planets populace are female, and male births are somewhat rare. It is said that for every male on the planet, there are then females. However, the planet does not lack in Clanguards, because Virions recruit warriors regardless of gender. Within the Empire, there is genuine equality between genders, species, even breeds. The only thing that matters is age and experience. The TinZin Clan had proven itself to be worthy of respect, as they fought of any invader who would trespass into Virion space. They had also dedicated themselves to fighting in the conquests, and spread the borders of their glorious Empire. The warrior women as the Overseers refer to them as, are not to be underestimated, and they are just as strong and capable as a warrior of any other Clan. In fact, it is even noted that the Clanguards of TinZin are vicious beyond compare, and show not a single trace of mercy to their enemies. They will meet their enemies in close combat, and butcher them with their superior melee capabilities. They had also encountered both Ork WAAAGH!s and Tyranid splinter fleets along their bloodied path of conquest and expansion, and killed them all without pity.


Conquering Clan ZharaShil YxaeOzt Melee Fighting Orks and Tyranids Show them no mercy!


The people of QuatGar have been cut off from the Empire after the Wrath of the Warp and their people had regressed to a hunter and gatherer state. It was only years later that the planter was rediscovered, and the Virions reintroduced to technology and science. The VALAKHU Clan had lost its ability to travel through space due to the Warp Storms swallowing up their vessels, so they were stranded on their own planet. There, they had come in touch with the nature of their beautiful world and reverted to a more peaceful way of living. The Clanguards served as defenders, who would drive away any daemonic or alien threat that would befall their people. It was during the reign of ViCath that the Clan was rediscovered and reinstated into the Empire. The ValaKhu Clanguards are known to respect life and love all of natures creations, which had brought in question their fighting capabilities. But they did not falter when they had to fight the Orks, Tyranids or Daemons, because they knew that these creatures threatened the coexistence of the natural order. They will slay these enemies in the name of the Great Spirits and the Grand Virion Empire without hesitation. The ValaKhu Clanguards have divided their forces to fight the enemies of the Great Spirits, and to protect their worlds, which are still threatened by alien invasions or daemonic incursions.


Multitasking Clan NorlVarar QuatGar Resourcefulness Unknown By the Great Spirits!




Defending Clan NioAbRek MopBrun Fast Attacks Necrons Energy overwhelming!

The XenonPar Clan is known to be a very boisterous and loud group of Virions. They come from the red rocky wasteland of a planet named MopBrun. The planet surges with odd energies, which can be harvested by Virion engineers and used in production. There are even entire cities and lakes of acid liquid, which can corrode steel and melt flesh within seconds. There are also large rocky formations and forests with red leaves to decorate the red deserted scenery. The lay of the land is unpredictable and earthquakes were known to stir entire continents, which forced the Virions to live as nomads. Entire populations reside upon large vehicles, which can deploy at one location and work as villages, where people can trade and live together. These nomad vessels are large hovercrafts, fully equipped to sustain a large number of Virions. The XenonPar Clan had adopted this and use their Centruroids extensively, and even live in them. In battle, they will use a large number of transports to deliver the units at the right place at the right time, and then move them to another location if necessary. The odd energy outburst that have been known to sweep over the entire planet turn out to be the fault of Necron engineering which laid dormant below the planet for a long time. When the Necrons started rising, they wanted to retake this device, which had lead them in conflict with the XenonPar Clan at many occasions.


WopDyrkEp is a world of muddy marshes and deadly jungles. The wildlife had evolved so that the plants are on top of the food chain while the animals are but mere prey. The Virions that came to colonize the planet had welcomed this challenge. The people had learned how to coexist with the wild jungles, and make use of it. They would learn how to hunt and lay traps to survive. The Clanguards of ZotAmar also use an array of ingeniously crafted, yet simple trapping mechanisms to ensnare their enemies, to pin them down in one place, and then encircle them. The Clan had also adopted a large number of poisons, which they gather from the weird animals and the hostile plants that reside on their planet. The Clanguards coat their weapons with deadly toxins, which can boil a mans blood within his very veins. It is even said that the tribal markings are also made by mixing venom with the colours. They seem to radiate with an intoxicating aura, which is known to weaken their opponents just by being close to them. The ZotAmar Clanguards have also been known to take the bodies of dead enemies with them. For what purpose, nobody really knows. Perhaps it is to perform some ritual to honour the Great Spirits. Perhaps they wish to display these bodies as reminders of a victory. The truth may not be revealed, because the Clan prefers to keep its privacy.


Multitasking Clan CwiaPhoi WopDyrkEp Trapping and poisons Unknown Fear the shadows!

My skin and flesh belong to my Clan. It is only fitting that I show my devotion to it by painting myself with its colours. -Unknown Virion Clanguard

Not all Empirical Clans cooperate fully. Different Clans can have different beliefs and perspectives, which would at some occasions result in small scale clashes between Virion warriors of two or more Clans. In most cases these fights go on ignored, because both the former Sovereign Emperor ZenShriel and the current Sovereign Emperor ViCath believe that these battles help keep their race strong. But there are times when a grudge can go too far and all out war erupts within Virion ranks. These occurrences are rare but bloody and usually end with the total obliteration of one Clan. Sometimes, an entire Clan can turn Renegade and throw away the NoHeKhum so that they can live and fight the way they want to. If an entire Clan were to turn Renegade and forsake their honour, then multiple other Clans are sent out to annihilate the traitors and make an example out of them for all to see and learn from.



The Virion race is one that had endured for over ten thousand years and suffered the worse the Galaxy could throw at them. And yet, the Virions simply learned of their mistakes and grew stronger, more powerful. It is the way of the Virions to root out weakness and instate nothing but pure discipline and order. There is no room for weakness within the Empire, and those who cannot fend for themselves are left to die alone. Rebellion and insurgence is unforgivable and the only true way to deal with these issues is to root them down to the core with utmost prejudice. The Virions show very little tolerance towards failure, and will rarely give someone a second chance for redemption. It is a ruthless and hard regime, and yet it is necessary, for it had helped the Virions survive the greatest of hardships and the direst of odds they had come across.


The three different breeds, known as Hroag, Trarl and Rarzg, have survived and live as one within the Empire. However, each breed had been recognized for its advantages and had been given a task to perform. The Hroag are raised to productive workers, to keep their Empire going; the Trarl become traders and political figures, and thus keep the order; the Rarzg are recruited to become warriors, and join the Clans to defend their people and wage wars of conquest. The Empire had produced a well refined and regimented method to keep this method working. Firstly, Virions are all born the same; they have white scales, grey carapace and silver eyes. They spend about a year with at least one parent or caretaker. By the span of that one year, they learn how to talk, walk and eat on their own, and their silver eyes receive colour, which is said to determine ones personality. Then these one year olds are sent to Schooling Centres, where they will both live and learn alongside hundreds of others. They will spend five years in these centres, and by the time they are six years old, they would already determine their breed. If a Virion child had grown a tail spike and grown tall and slender, as well as started showing signs of hyper activity and an energetic personality, its a Hroag. If a Virion child grows a tail spike, shows signs of muscle growth and aggression, then its a Rarzg. If however the child has no tail spike and becomes more calm and level headed, then its a Trarl. At that point, they have finished their basic education at the Schooling Centres, and will be sent to different Education Academies. There are three kinds of Education Academies, one for each breed. There, the Virions will spend another four years. The Hroag Academies teach their students how to work and grants them more information about the many different duties they can choose. From engineers, to techs staff, to construction and even transportation. The Trarl Academies teach the secrets of how the economy works, how to become respectable traders, politicians and government figures, or even become teachers who would pass down their knowledge to future generations. The Rarzg Academies however, are more like boot camps. The young Virions train vigorously each day to improve their bodies. They also learn how to operate weapons, use equipment and most importantly, how to kill. Once a Virion had reached the age of eleven or twelve, he is considered to have finished his academic education and is considered a full grown adult. It is also in this age that their scales and carapace had gained pigment and their Species had also been decided, however, this is trivial thing and to a Virion, the colour of skin has little significance. The young Trarl will seek out traders, politicians or advisers and become their apprentices, and slowly make their way up. The Hroag will join Worker Guilds, and serve in them. As the years pass, they will be entrusted with secrets the Guild carries of their production, and so the young worker will learn the ropes and aspire to be an asset to the Empire. The Rarzg would be granted the most basic armour, equipment and weapons, and thus become a Guard. As a Guard, he will serve and protect his people for several years, until he had proven to be worthy to join a Clan. Once the young Rarzg had joined the Clan, he would become an honorary Clanguard, and would fight to conquer a universe in the name of the Grand Virion Empire.


Ever since the First Sovereign Emperor KauReigh, wrote the NoHeKhum, the Virion people had accepted it as their ultimate guide in both life and death. Firstly, the one thousand page tome is divided into three large segments. The first describes the Emperor in his youth and his rise to power, as well as the many battles he had fought and won. Here, KauReigh planned for the readers to examine his behaviour and use it as an example of how a true Virion should behave. The second part contains a full list of all the laws and circumstances a Virion might find himself in, as well as explanations of what and how he should behave in such a circumstance. For example, if someone punches your eye out, you have the right to punch his, and then the squabble shall end right then and there. Emperor KauReigh had spent many years trying to think of as many scenarios a Virion might encounter. The last third part explains all the laws and adequate punishments for breaking them. Some might claim that making a book to dictate the life of an entire race might be seen as too much, but many forget that Virions were once ruthless savages, bloodthirsty barbarians, and something less then beasts. It was only until Emperor KauReigh united the nations and formed the Empire that the Virions started to behave beyond their primal instincts. It is to this reason that the NoHeKhum is necessary, to keep the Virions in line, and have them focused on what is truly important. As Emperors came and passed, the NoHeKhum was being rewritten by every single Emperor. KaelHaar introduced rules regarding sea travel or investigating new lands. TaNak made an improvised list of laws and punishments, and affixed them to fit each breed of Virion fairly. DehBas made rules regarding the treatment of newly discovered animals or people. Empress ZeenaWeeRa instated a far more strict and brutal regime of guidelines and protocols about dealing with traitors. OutRargth had to improvise when new alien races were being encountered. ZenShriel had instated a list of laws that would be able to tie together and solidify the Virion rule over multiple worlds and allow interstellar communications and trading to be easier. And finally, Emperor ViCath had started to make rules of how Virions should behave when encountering the Humans of the Imperium, and started thinking of proper scenarios of how to behave in front of higher ranking officials or even Inquisitors. So far, the Virion Holy Code of Honour had remained the single greatest peace of literature the Virion race had produced. It had endured for over twenty thousand years, and was able to evolve and adapt to ever changing scenarios and environments. Many Virions spend their entire lives rehearsing and memorizing the NoHeKhum, so that they could live purposeful and honourable lives, while others simply carry a shortened copy with them at all times. To break detailed and well explained tome had served the Virions many times, and had helped endure the greatest of hardships. To hate it is a sin, and to do so would deem one a Renegade, in which case he would be hunted down by his kin.

To a Virion, his honour is everything, for without it, he is nothing. -Emperor OutRargth



As previously mentioned, the NoHeKhum is a strict set of rules which all Virions must live by. If a Virion were to break a rule, then he would receive proper punishment. Such punishment could vary from forced labour, financial loss, physical punishment, temporary imprisonment, or any other combination of the above. A Virion that is undergoing such punishment is either escorted by Guards, or thrown into groups of others who broke similar laws, and forced to undergo their rightful punishment together. If a Virion were to break multiple laws, then his punishment would also multiply. When a Virion serves his punishment, then his deeds are remembered, in case he commits crime again in his life, in which case the punishment is more severe. However, if a Virion were to break a more strict rule, then there would be but one punishment; death. In fact, some laws of the Overseers that would mean prison for but a few years would be punishable by death within Virion society. So strict are the rules and so ordered are the protocols that such extreme actions are required to keep their people in line. Execution can be committed on the spot, and so murder is in some cases legalized within the Virion Empire, or the criminal could be chained and brought on a public stadium. There, the people are free to bare witness as the dishonourable individual is being beheaded by a hooded figure, named the Jellat, or Executioner. Such things happen daily within the Virion Empire, and the masses applaud as the ones who break the law and disobey the holy NoHeKhum are being executed. However, more devious and cunning of the Virion race might try to escape their faith and become outcast, abandoning the Empire, and making their way beyond its borders. There, they will try to meet up with others who disobey the Holy Code of Honour and become part of a Renegade Clan. This is one reason why the Renegade Virion Clans such as the FauWyk gain intelligence about the Empire so easily. The Empirical Law does not tolerate such levels of treason, and will send out Clanguards to hunt down all outcasts, deserters and traitors, and bring forth the one punishment worthy of such a crime; execution.

The Virions start the building process of towns, villages, estates and other forms of civilization by choosing a significant location as a centre. This could be the first landing site, or a relic of some sort, or even a Xenofact. Then, the Virions will start erecting their buildings around that centre. The buildings would spread like waves from the centre, and expand outwards. That way, Virion cities from a birds eye view look like a series of circles that interlock with one another like massive rings and continue to spread outwards. The exact process of how Virions create buildings is simple. The Virions create pools of NehGroVi, the metallic fluid filled with Nanites, and then the workers give the microscopic robots instructions of how exactly to start construction, and are given sufficient data about every single detail of the building which they must create. The pools are then fed with raw resources necessary to start the process, and from the pools of silver metallic fluid shall start to raise spires, like plants from soil. Once the structures are finished, they would be fully capable of serving whatever purpose they were built for. The pools are either immediately placed upon where the construction is planned to be placed, or the pools are within large Virion ships, and are then dropped to a set of coordinates from low orbit. The Virion structures, like all of Virion technology, has NehGroVi flowing through it like blood through veins and inside this fluid are Nanites will help maintain it. This had allowed Virions to have a steady and secure method of mass construction. It is like this that all of Virion ingenuity is made. It all starts from a complex file and encrypted data, which is sent to the tiniest of inventions, which would create something absolutely magnificent.

The information that enters the Grand Virion Empire is being sifted and siphoned before being introduced to the masses. That way, the Empirical Government can alter the public perception, and encourage their people to think in a single way, to support war. This is achieved to large publications and advertisement of how great and glorious the Virion Clans are, and talk about the sacrifices the Clanguards commit each day to keep the Virion race safe from many alien invaders that threaten the sovereignty of the Empire. The government teaches their people to despise all form of alien, with the exception of the Humans which had aided them in their times of direst needs. They also remind the people of the threat from within, the traitors and rebels who would stand up against the righteousness of the Empirical rule. These publications of propaganda are all too often on too many worlds of the Virion Empire. The cheering masses are inspired by how the Clanguards are being represented in their struggles to bring order to a chaos ridden galaxy, and their efforts to defend the Virion people. That way, the Hroag continue to work harder, the Trarl become more productive and keep the economy steady, and the Rarzg feel obliged to train harder and aspire to noble deeds, to become part of one honourable Clan and fight for the Grand Virion Empire. It is common for large screens placed on top of buildings to display public officials, Clan Overlords, or even the Eighth Sovereign Emperor ViCath himself, preaching about how noble the deeds of the Virion warriors are, and how their purpose is true and justified, regardless of the means they use to accomplish their ends. Even Helidynes are equipped with monitors that display messages to the people, and are equipped with powerful speakers that allow the words of their leaders to echo across the Virion cities. The Overseers think that all of this might be over the top, but it has proven to be an efficient way to receive the complete trust and support from the people. That had helped the Empire survive and endure through thousands of years of unending war.


Virions are Xenos, in many ways different from Humans. Theyve adapted to living on a Jungle Death World called KauReigh, and over the millennia, they have grown even more dangerous. Displayed here is an example of a Virion of the Rarzg Breed, and of the BonazVi Species.

A Virion blood has a dark blue coloration instead of red. This is due to the presence of hemocyanin instead of hemoglobin. They are also cold-blooded by nature, but by digesting gluten, they get to store heat within their fat and warm up their blood. B - Virions produce thick carapace over three parts of their body: their head, to protect their brains, their chests, to protect their hearts, and their tails, to act as a club. C Their teeth are sharp like daggers and, over time, they fall out, to be replaced by a newer and stronger set of fangs. D Virions have four eyes, which gives them a much sharper and wider picture then Humans. Their eyes are so sharp, they can even see in the pitch black darkness of night. E A Virions skull is divided into four segments. The first one stores a hollow cavity for their snouts and eyes. Because of this, their sense of smell and their sight are very sharp. The second part includes the part of the brain that is in control of motor functions. The third part is about storing memory and learning. The fourth part has no known purpose, but it is larger in Virion psykers.

F Virions cannot sweat like some mammals can, but instead they stick out their tongues and start panting. This and the elongated snout is why the Orks refer to them as Dog Faces. G Virion skin may look smooth from afar, but by closer inspection, you could see a series of hard reptile scales. H Some Virions grow whiskers, similar to catfish. These allow them to measure air moisture and detect objects underwater. The Humans call them Jhorblocks, but the Virions say Chows. I Between the left and right wing of a lung is a centre lung. It holds the Virions heart, and stores air, which allows a Virion to spend multiple hours submerged underwater with no problem. J Virion claws are razor sharp, and combined with the aliens brute strength; they could easily tear a man limb from limb. K Their tails behave like whips, and, with a good lash, they could smash the ribcage of an ordinary Human into pieces. L A Human is only 40% muscle, while a Virion is around 60% or 70% in case of Rarzg. This makes the Virions some 200 kilograms. They can also lift objects nearly twice their size.


The Clanguards, warriors of the Virion Clans, are armed with highly sophisticated armour, equipment and weaponry. Shown below is some standard issue gear a single Clanguard can field to battle.

1 At some locations, Virion armour has exhaust vents which allow the wearer to cool down whenever it gets too hot inside. 2 The eye piece of a Virion helmet is like visors on the suits that Human astronauts used to wear. The helmet is also attached to the wearers head with tiny hooks. When the hooks are released, the three segments of the helm withdraw to the first one (presented in the picture above), which makes it easier for the wearer to remove and put the helmet back on later. 3 The Virion warrior is entirely covered with a thick black fabric which protects him from weather, small arms fire and minor cuts. The fabric is quite flexible, which makes it easier for the wearer to move around while wearing all of his armour. 4 On the gauntlet a small digital device is placed. It can be used for communication, calculation and diagnostics. Its like a small computer with a tiny screen and a series of buttons. 5 Virions do not breathe Oxygen like most creatures, but instead, they inhale a trace-gas named Zethane. Because of this, all Virion immigrants must attach breathing operators filled with Zethane to their helmets through Zethane nozzles, so they wouldnt suffocate.

6 The pockets of Virion backpacks are opened either through typing a code on the wrist device, pulling a lever on the pack, or just giving it a good punch. Once the pockets are open, a Virion can place inside them whatever he wishes (from grenades to rations, medical kits and even trinkets). 7 On the Virions armour runs a series of tubes which deliver the silver metallic fluid filled with Nanites called NehGroVi. The Nanites in this liquid then run through the Virions armour and help maintain it. So when a Virions armour is punctured or cut, it will start to leek some of that liquid and the Nanites will start repairing it. To someone who knows nothing about Virion technology, it would look as if the armour itself is bleeding out and then healing, just like a living, breathing organism. 8 Virions in warfare divide themselves in squads. Each squad is given a single task to accomplish. This way, it is very hard to keep track of all Virions on the field, and that is what makes them unpredictable and highly dangerous. However, this makes the Virions cut off from one another. It is to this reason that all Clanguards wear a pair of large powerful antennas on their backpacks, which help them communicate with each other.


The Language spoken by the Virions is incredibly versatile and rich. First of all, it is spoken phonetically, meaning that Virions speak as it is written and spell as they speak. Their grammar is also highly complex and versatile, with each word changing its end depending on the time of the tense, present, past or future. The ending of each sentence also changes depending on the gender of a subject, or even its size. Therefore, one word can be twisted and adapted in multiple ways, and have a similar, yet different meaning. The Virions also do not have a use of the, a, or an and these words are completely ignored when translated to the Virion language. The word of can also be ignored, unless it can be replaced with from or towards. It is said that the best of linguistics require years of studying to fully comprehend the Virion language and speak it properly.


Death before dishonour. -Old Virion proverb.

The Virion language is called Drakah, and it was named after DrakahJesIk, the Virion seer that worked as the personal adviser to KauReigh, the First Sovereign Emperor. DrakahJesIk tried to invent a language that could fit the entire Virion race. One that could evolve and adapt, so that it would not have to be replaced. When DrakahJesIk presented this new language to Emperor KauReigh, he accepted it, and named it after his personal adviser. Over the millennia, the exact pronunciation of the Virion tongue had been altered and many new phrases were introduced, but the entirety of Drakah remained as it originally was. The Drakah is currently the single most prominent language in the entire Grand Virion Empire, and it is most likely that it will remain that way for ages to come.


There is a list of a few letters and symbols that are not used in the Imperial Low or High Gothic languages. These symbols however can easily be transcribed to Human tongue with a little guidance: Nj - try to say N and Y (like yellow) at the same time. Lj - try to say L and Y at the same time. Ch - try to say C and H at the same time (like chips). Cj - try to say T and Y at once. Sh - try to say S and H at once (like short). Dj - try to say D and Y at once (like G in Genie). Dz - try to say D and Z at once (like G in Giant). Uh - sound of confusion or exhale (Ugh). Kh - try to say K and H at the same time. Zh - try to say Z an H at the same time. !' - this symbol is used to direct orders and commands.

The Virions have an extensive language, and a highly complex system of how grammar and correct spelling works. It is often for words to change their end to fit some new form. This way, a single word can have many different versions, either extended or shortened even. Here is a list of all the basic rules for how to properly speak the Virion language.


If a subject in question is performing some form of action, for example, from do to doing (rad in Drakah), then the ending of the word can have an extension add-on, a single syllable which alters the meaning of the original word: Docile - generic, the word doesnt change. Action it, as in radit (doing).



The Virions can add letters to the end of a word if it changes its time tense. Here is a list of word add-ons for time tenses, and an example of the word pom which means move: Past Time e as in pome (moved). Present Time generic, the word doesnt change. Future Time a as in poma (will move).

Aerh job, obligation, duty Akar order, command, directions An him (can have Gender Add-ons) Anr them, they (can have Gender add-ons) Armik - South Asot gas, mist, shrouded At you, yourself (individual) Atta tower, watcher, sentry Atr you, yourself (a group, multiple) Auil physical pain, punishment Au I, me, myself Aur we, us Aus daytime Ax rare, valuable, precious Baal naval rank (equivalent of Admiral) Be bad, expired, rancid Bech slayer, killer, murderer Brk face, profile Buwot sick, ill, not well CaiVi Human (literally: Ape Lifeform) Cal elite, experienced Cerr guardian, defender Cit train, exercise Chi good, well, pleasant Cheter to eat, to dine, to devour Chok attack, charge Cull patient Dai night time Daf to drink, to satiate Dek a group, more then one Dener time, schedule DreHak Dark Slaves (mortal servants of Chaos) DreThal Dark Aliens (Dark Eldar) Drut mistake, error, wrongdoing Dyw hack, flay, disassemble Eb wave, type of formation Ei and Erk to have, to own, to possess Ew confusion, ignorance Faer light, bright, shinning Fihk sound, noise, racket Friel cold, freezing Gawk same as the Verghast curse word Gak Gorrax warm, hot Hanz water (can also be a body of water, like sea or ocean) Hirk to shout, to be loud Heleb a form of pastry (similar to bread) Hurs wind, twister, hurricane, gale Inan creation, product Ipoh a part of Izday betrayal, treachery, rebellion Jak land, soil, continent Kaal blood KreDin Tyranids (literally, beast insects) KreHaz Orks (literally, beast savages) Lak easy, light in weight, not difficult Loi sun, celestial object MaahkNeel Tau (literally, blue hide) Mal weak, skittish Nov new, fresh (can also be referred to a recruit or rookie) Osht sharp, well made (can also refer to a person) Opa sibling, comrade, close friend Paol to fall (literally and figuratively) PeThal Ancient Alien (Eldar in general) Qill blade, tool, weapon Rei assault, forward Slog a ghost, spirit, phantom Teirel ritual, ceremony, worship Uwom inside, within (can also refer to internal organs) Xiel centre, middle Zaj the last


If a word can describe a creature that has gender, like ptie which means bird, then the end of the word can change if the gender or age is relevant to the word in question, for example: Male Gender generic, the word doesnt change. Female Gender I, as in ptiei (female bird). Genderless (or child) o as in ptieo (bird chick).


When the size of a subject which the word describes is in question, then the word add-on can change as well. For this example, well use the word cov, which means person: Small Size u, as in covu (a small person). Medium Size generic, the word doesnt change. Large Size uh, as in covuh (a large person).


In an example when there is a comparison between one subject and another, then there can be either greater or lesser. For example, from the word big (vel) can go greater add-ons like bigger or biggest, while for a word like small can be lesser add-ons like smaller (mal) or smallest: Greater ec, as in velec (bigger). Greatest ece, as in velece (the biggest). Lesser an, as in malan (smaller). The Least ane, as in malane (the smallest).


If a word changes from a single tense to multiple tense, like for example number to numbers, then they insert the add-on to the end of the word. This add-on can be stacked with addons concerning gender, or the relative size: Gender ptier, as in female birds. Size covuhr, as in bigger people.

In entirety, the Virion Language, the Drakah, is a highly complex and interchangeable language with lots of variation. The full extent of how their grammar works could fill up an entire book on itself. The grammar rules given above are the sole basics which allow communication to be even possible. A Virions brain capacity grows as he becomes older, which means that a Virion can learn for as long as he lives, especially within the first decade of their lifetimes. This allows the Virions to genuinely understand and come to somewhat comprehend their own language from an early age, and further education allows them to grasp it fully. This also allows a Virion to learn an entire new language rather quickly. It is to this reason that it was usually the Virions who started to learn the languages of others, then others trying to learn the language of the Virions. To a Virion, someone trying to speak a simplified version of their language seems odd, but they are also thought how to speak with this accent to help ease communications between the Virions and another race. Virions that actually use this simplified dialect all the time are considered backwards and less socially evolved then the rest. It is considered a street slang.



This section of the book details the forces used by the Virion race their weapons, their units and their special characters that lead them to victory. Each entry describes a unit and gives the specific rules you will need to use it in your games. The army list (pages 110-121) refers back to these entries.


The Virions army uses a number of special rules that are common to several of its units. These are collected and explained here, in full, for your convenience. Special rules that are unique to particular units are presented in the relevant entry instead. Other, more common, rules are simply listed by name these are described in full in the Special Rules section of your Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

When a unit with this rule decides to Morph, it must roll a D6. On a roll of 1, the Morphing failed, and the vehicle takes a S3 AP- hit. On a roll of 2-5, the vehicle did Morph, but you will need to roll a D3 to determine how many player turns will it take to finish Morphing. On a roll of 6, the Vehicle Morphing is a complete success, and will finish in the next player turn. While Morphing, replace the vehicle with a Morph Sphere. If the Vehicle is a Flyer, then treat the Morph Sphere as a Hovering Flyer. Morph Spheres are immobile and have the stats: BS FA SA RA - 10 10 10 HP Type 2 Skimmer or Flyer

Virions are short tempered, very aggressive and highly territorial aliens. To enrage them is easy; to stop them is the difficult part. Once they enter a berserk state, it is hard to get them back to rational thinking. If a unit of Virions with this special rule gets engaged in close combat, or is 12 away from an enemy and is forced to take a Leadership test for loosing over half of its squad, then it is referred to as a Temper Test. If it fails, the entire unit suffers from the Rage Special Rule and will not shrug it off until the next Virion player turn. If it succeeds, all is well and carry on.

Morph Sphere

Once the Morphing is complete, replace the Morph Sphere with a Morphed version of the Vehicle. The process is reversible, and the Morphed Vehicle can Morph back to its original form.


When generating his Warlord Traits, a Virion Warlord may either roll on one of the Warlord Traits tables in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook, or instead roll on this table.

The Virion race originates from a Death World, and has adapted to expect threats from every corner, and danger around every turn. This ability to expect the unexpected has not dulled over the millennia, and the Virion warriors are as sharp as ever. When a unit with this special rule is charged by the enemy, that Virion unit must take a Leadership test. If it passed, it will strike back with +1 Attack but -1 Weapon Skill and -1 Initiative. In addition, when making Overwatch rolls, they do not fire Snap Shots, but shoot at -2 Ballistic Skill to a minimum of 1.

1 Skilled Tracker: This Warlord is renowned for his skill at tracking down his enemy like a hungry hunter. If your Warlord is in reserves (due to Outflank or any other special rules), then all of your reserves (with the exception of Mechanical units) gain Acute Senses. Conquering Hero: The Virion race hails the many conquerors that fight bravely without a trace of fear. Your Warlord, and any unit he joins, receive the Crusader Special Rule. Headhunter: Some Virion warlords love to see the dismembered heads of their enemies hoisted as personal trophies and will seek out more for their bloodied collection to proudly display them in war. Your Warlord, and any unit he joins, receive the Monster Hunter Special Rule and cause Fear. Daemon Fighters: Many Clans have faced the forces of Chaos on numerous occasions, and some Virions had even evolved an ability to resist their influence. All non-Mechanical units gain the Admantium Will Special Rule and Preferred Enemy against units with the Daemon Special Rule. Venom Bearer: Within the Empire, there are many worlds with many deadly creatures that utilize poison. Some Virions like to utilize these natural weapons to their own gains, and coat their blades before battle. Your Warlord, and any unit he joins, receive the Poisoned (4) Special Rule. Glorious Charges: These Warlords are known for their ability to smash their enemies in a single great advance that tramples anything that crosses their path. This Warlord, and any unit he joins, receive the Hammer of Wrath and Fleet of Claw Special Rule.

It is known for robotic Droids, Tripod walkers or even automated turrets to accompany a Virion army to battle, to support them and act as expendable cannon fodder. Units with this rule have the Fearless and Relentless Special Rules. They cannot capture objectives, but can still hold them. 3

An Overlord is an absolute leader of a single Clan, and he alone can inspire his warriors to fight on in the direst of situations. Every non-Mechanical and non-vehicle unit within 30 from a unit with the Overlord Special Rule gains the And they shall know no fear Special Rule. If he becomes a casualty, all units with the Temper Special Rule must take a Temper Test. In addition, a Virion army can only bring one Overlord unit and he automatically becomes the army Warlord. 4

Some Virion vehicles can alter their shape entirely. They are enveloped by a glowing sphere and inside; the Vehicle is being remade from a molecular level. The Nanites that surge through it will start mutating the exterior of the vehicle and its weapons. When the sphere bursts, a completely different vehicle will appear. This had allowed the Virions to become extremely flexible and adaptable, changing the shape of their army at the very battlefield. This is referred to as evolving to war.


When a Virion warrior proves himself to be a worthy commander and displays a talent for plotting and directing the battles which would lead his comrades to a sure victory, he is arisen to the rank of Tactician. The Tactician is more then capable of leading hundreds of Clanguards and coordinating a well planned assault or defence. However, it can take centuries of unwavering service to the Empire for a Virion to rise to the rank of Tactician, and those that do have survived through the greatest of horrors the Galaxy could throw at them. A Tactician is assigned as a part of the Trinity, a team of advisers who escort the Virion Warlord in command. The Tactician is supposed to represent logical thinking and rational behaviour. He is calm, calculative and competent; otherwise he wouldnt be given a chance to become a Tactician. As the advisers to their Warlords, the Tacticians are granted complete trust from their warriors, and will obey any command he utters, even if it would lead to certain demise. The Virions might be seen as brutal and berserk in combat, but they all operate quite fluently and in sync with one another, to carry out their orders and perform complex battle plans flawlessly. This is referred to as Organized Chaos. This kind of behaviour allows the Virions to let their animalistic instincts loose, and remain as a solidified battle force. At one side, it keeps them from reverting to their savage primal behaviour, while at the other; they are still unpredictable to the enemy, and are quite terrifying to meet. A Tactician can arm himself with any variety of weapons, armour, equipment, or even modes of transportation as he sees fit. That way, he can adapt to whatever strategy he or his superiors had planned out, and no matter which way the Virions choose to fight, the Tactician will make sure that all goes accordingly.

Tactician Strategic Warlord

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv 5 5 4 4 3 6 3 9 3+ 6 6 4 4 3 6 3 10 3+

These Warlords are Tacticians which had fought in hundreds of wars and won thousands of battles in the name of the Empire. They had retained their cold domineer and remain as level headed as a Virion can be. They are sworn to lead their warriors against overwhelming adversities and come back victorious. A Strategic Warlord is one that does not require spiritual powers or highly advanced technology to win a battle. He relies on the resources granted to him, and makes use of every single Clanguard, every single weapon, and every single peace of terrain to his advantage. To this reason, a Strategic Warlord is well respected and gains much favour from his commanding Overlord, or even the Sovereign Emperor himself. These stalwart warriors had seen it all, and are asking for more. In their eyes, a new enemy, or a great threat is but a challenge they have not overwhelmed yet. A Strategic Warlord relies on his Clanguards to win the day, and guides them through a bloody path of battle to glorious victory. His men have the complete trust in him, and they would rather die then disobey one of his direct orders. From a single hand gesture, his most loyal servants see commands. While some Strategic Warlords will view the battle from a distance, and carefully plot out their following moves, others will lead from the front lines, and bark their orders to his warriors directly. Either way, a Strategic Warlord is more then qualified to lead entire conquests, start sieges, and begin wars in the name of the Great and Glorious Virion Empire. At his disposal is the entirety of the Virion arsenal, from which he can choose whatever he sees fit, and make up plans that would ensure a complete and total victory over any enemy in the name of the Sovereign Emperor and his people.

UNIT TYPE: Infantry (Character). WARGEAR: Warrior Armour (pg 84), Striker Pistol
(pg 81), Ceremony Blade (pg 82)

SPECIAL RULES: Independent Character,

Stubborn, Temper (pg 45), Quick Reaction (pg 45) Direct Approach: The Tactician or the Strategic Warlord gain the Furious Charge Special Rule, as well as any unit they join. However, the joined unit retains the ability only for as long as the Tactician or Strategic Warlord remains in the unit. Experienced Gunner: The Tactician or the Strategic Warlord gain the Relentless Special Rule, as well as any unit they join. However, the joined unit retains the ability only for as long as the Tactician or the Strategic Warlord remain in the unit. Seasoned Hunter: The Tactician or the Strategic Warlord gain the Move Through Cover Special Rule, as well as any unit they join. However, the joined unit retains the ability only for as long as the Tactician or the Strategic Warlord remain in the unit.


The Virion Clans are lead by Overlords, and his will is being carried out by a number of Warlords. But the task of carrying such immense responsibility might be too much for any individual. Fortunately, no Warlord has to carry his burden alone, for each of them has their own Trinity of Advisers. All Warlords have a Tactician, a Warseer and a Warforger to accompany them and grant them advice on different aspects of war. This had solidified the military organization of the Virion Clans.


A Warforger is a great asset to any Virion army, because he is not only a commanding leader, but also a highly skilled technician and expert in any form of armaments. The Warforger is a Virion who had displayed a great affinity towards weapons and technology in general, the kind of individual which had learned the ways of the machine and became an expert engineer. Through centuries of service in the Clan, a Virion who had grown to love all things scientific and mechanical may hope to rise up to the rank of Warforger. This Virion is part of the Trinity of Advisers and supports his Warlord with detailed knowledge of operation and engineering. In addition to this, a Warforger is given the right to lead the Clanguards into battle, and make sure that all the wargear that is part of their armoury operates at full capacity and without fail. In combat, the Warforger takes little heed of his fellow warriors, and instead dedicates his time to the time consuming task of field repairs, combat engineering and weapon maintenance. Most Virions who join a Clan would see this as an awkward trait, for it is in their nature to seek enemies and destroy them. Such individuals fail to see that the Warforger does a great part to better the Clan. Through his labour, the armoury is kept functional and all their technology is working at full capacity. This had made the Warforger a single irreplaceable part of any Virion Clan, for without him, their weapons would start failing. WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv 5 5 4 4 3 6 3 9 3+ 6 6 4 4 3 6 3 10 3+ Warforger Scientific Warlord

UNIT TYPE: Infantry (Character) WARGEAR: Warrior Armour (pg 84), Striker Pistol
(pg 81), Ceremony Blade (pg 82)

SPECIAL RULES: Independent Character,

Stubborn, Temper (pg 45), Quick Reaction (pg 45) Forge Lord: In your Shooting Phase, if a Warforger or Scientific Warlord is in base contact or embarked upon a vehicle, then instead of shooting, he may decide to repair it. Roll a D6 and add the following modifiers: Each Maintenance Droid with Fixing Tools in his unit The Warforger or Warlord has Cybernetic Upgrades +1 +2

It is a rarity for a Warforger to become a Warlord, but in some Clans that dedicate themselves to technological advancement or which simply respect and their armoury have been known to produce a type of Scientific Warlord. These Warlords are renowned and respected for their extensive knowledge and understanding of how the Virion mechanisms work. Others are keener on learning how to use the technology of their enemies, so that they may come to grasp a better way of destroying them. Either way, a Scientific Warlord is an awkward, withdrawn individual which operates from the scenes and makes little contact with his men. The only exceptions are the times when he must take to the task himself with his own two hands, and get things done the right way, without fail.

If the result is 5 or more, you may either restore a Hull Point lost earlier in the battle, or repair a Weapon Destroyed or Immobilized result suffered earlier; this is effective immediately. If the Weapon Destroyed result is repaired, then the weapon may be fired in the following Shooting Phase. The Warforger or Scientific Warlord cannot repair Vehicles if he is gone to ground or falling back. Reinforce: After deployment, but after Scout deployments and Infiltrate deployments, nominate one peace of terrain in your deployment zone. The terrain peaces cover save is increased by one for the duration of the game (to a maximum of 3+). A peace of terrain can only be reinforced once.

The Virions utilize a large number of robotic servants. These Droids are three legged servants that exist to serve. There are many kinds of Droids within the Virion Empire, and some are even used in combat. The most common type of combat Droid are the Maintenance Droids which help operate the Virion cruisers, repair anything that is damaged and do all the other little tasks that a Virion warrior would see as tedious and beneath him. But a Warforger of Scientific Warlord might decide to bring an entourage of Maintenance Droids with him, to help him in whatever job he undertakes. This can range from digging out cover, reinforcing battlements, repairing downed vehicles and even acting as a group of expendable bodyguards. WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv 2 2 2 2 1 4 1 7 6+

Maintenance Droid

UNIT TYPE: Infantry WARGEAR: Basic Plating (pg 84), Fixing Tools (pg 82),
Robotic Servos (pg 82), Tripod Legs (pg 82)

SPECIAL RULES: Mechanical (pg 45)

System Malfunction: If a Droid with this rule had lost its Warforger or Scientific Warlord, then roll a D6. On a roll of 4+, all is well and the unit remains functional. On a roll of 1, 2 or 3, then the unit has had its circuits fried. Roll a Scatter Dice to determine where they go. If a Hit is rolled, then the unit remains docile exactly where they are. They will however respond if they are charged and engaged in close combat.


It is not a rarity for Virions to aspire psychic individuals. These Seers are then given distinct tasks within the Empire. Some are tasked to divine what is happening within the Spiritual Realm, others are given the job of maintaining the Virion ships and fuelling their Warp drive engines. These individuals are hailed across the Empire, for it is said that they gain their powers from the Great Spirits themselves. Virion Seers are believed to be able draw their powers and wisdom from the very essence of the universe. However, to reach these levels, a Virion is put through rigorous training and strict disciplinary tests. Many will find themselves strained beyond the limits of their sanity, and put to death, before they could do any harm to others. Those that do survive the trials and spire to become sanctified Seers of the Virion Empire are praised and respected. Some Seers even become Clanguards, but are forced to keep their powers in check and stay in line. These warrior seers will usually feel an urge to harness more knowledge, and will spend their times in meditation, communing with the Great Spirits. Through decades of fighting and loyal service, a warrior seer may be given the chance to become a Warseer. A Warseer is a very powerful Virion with a high level of psychic energies coursing through his veins. The Warseer acts as the spiritual adviser to the commanding Warlord, alongside the Tactician and Warforger. But the Warseer does not concern himself with complex battle plans or the secrets of technology; it is the sacred lore of sorcery that falls within the Warseers duty. It is his obligation to the spirit that grants him power. A Warseer outside of battle will tutor the lesser Seers and do his best to guide them towards enlightenment and revelation of the soul. He will direct the Virion ships through the raging storms of the Warp and fight of the Daemonic threats beyond the mortal realms. He will also preach about the Great Spirits to his fellow warriors and keep their faith strong. In battle however, a Warseer can assume command of his Clanguards and reinforce their fighting spirits. His wrath is great when invoked, for he can bring down lighting from the heavens and set the very sky ablaze with holy fire. To trifle with a Warseer is a grave mistake only a bare few can hope to survive. Warseer Spiritual Warlord WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv 5 5 4 4 3 6 3 9 3+ 6 6 4 4 3 6 3 10 3+

UNIT TYPE: Infantry (Character) WARGEAR: Warrior Armour (pg 84), Striker Pistol
(pg 81), Force Weapon, Psychic Hood

SPECIAL RULES: Independent Character,

Stubborn, Temper (pg 45), Quick Reaction (pg 45), Psyker (Warseer, Mastery Level 2; Warlord, Mastery Level 3)

PSYKER: Virion Warseers and Spiritual Warlords generate

their powers from the Biomancy, Divination, Telekinesis and Virion Spirituality disciplines.


All Virions believe in the Great Spirits as beings of gestalt nature, holy bearers of wisdom and valour. The Overseers had also told the Virions about the GodEmperor of Mankind that sits upon the Golden Throne of Holy Terra. At first, the Virions were interested about hearing about him, but were generally unsure of what he is supposed to be. They did respect him as the ultimate ruler of Mankind and the Imperium. Once ViCath, the Eighth Sovereign Emperor declared that Virions should enter and explore the Segmentum Pacificus, the Virion ships had felt the guiding light of the Astronomican. After returning home, some Virions were sure that the Emperor was in fact a Great Spirit that made himself manifest in Human flesh. This belief had spread quickly, and it would not take long before the majority of the Grand Virion Empire started praising the God-Emperor and send praise to him, as a true divine power.

In many Clans that revere the Great Spirits as divinity, the Seers are seen as a token of their good will. These Clans may produce a large number of Warseers to guide their Clans through the path of righteousness. A Warseer which serves such a Clan may hope to become a Warlord himself. These Spiritual Warlords are known to utilize powerful sorcery to impress their followers and destroy their opponents. Their wisdom is vast and their minds are keen. A Spiritual Warlord is seen as a prophet of the Spirits, and a herald of their will. The words of a Spiritual Warlord are holy and his orders are unquestionable. It is very common for a Spiritual Warlord to declare holy crusades against whatever creature dares blaspheme the name of the Grand Virion Empire and the Sovereign Emperor. The Clanguards that follow such a Warlord believe themselves to be just and true in purpose. When a Spiritual Warlord is called to fight, he will not deny. Using his vast power and magical lore, he can rain down the fury of the Great Spirits upon his enemies, burn them to cinder and scatter their ashes upon the wind. All Virions revere or even worship their Spiritual Warlords as priors to the holy word and the one true path of holiness. The seers gather far and wide just to get a glimpse of such a leader. To face a Spiritual Warlord is to face a mighty alien demigod.


Spiritualists are Virion psykers which draw their powers from the Great Spirits and the natural world around them. They can call forth thundering storms, breathe white hot fire, emit a blinding pure light and grant divine protection to those around them. These powers both create and destroy.

The Seers fists are set ablaze, as does his will to fight on. Holy fire courses through his finger tips and burns brightly. Flaming Fists is a blessing that targets the Psyker. Whilst the power is in effect, his close combat attacks gain +1S and the Soul Blaze Special Rule whilst the power is in effect.


Warp Charge 1

The Spiritualist awakens a dormant power within his comrades, a primordial fury. Their souls are set ablaze, as their fighting spirits are lifted high and an urge to slaughter the enemies of the Great Spirits rises. This is visually depicted by the glowing eyes of the Virions which emit a bright glow. Enkindle is a blessing that targets one allied non-Mechanical and non-vehicle unit at least 30 away from the Psyker. The entire unit is receives the Feel No Pain, Furious Charge and Rage Special Rules, but they must charge or run at the closest enemy unit, unless they are already locked in combat.


Warp Charge 1

When surrounded and outnumbered, the Virion Spiritualist will keep his head high and stand tall without a shred of fear in his heart. This display of courage emits from his body and manifests as a warm and faint glow. As the psychic power builds up, so does the intensity of the glow. When the Seer builds up sufficient strength, he will unleash it all within a single blinding glow that burns all of his enemies but leave those he sees as friends unharmed. This glow is said to be the will of the Virion to protect those he cherishes the most and vanquish the evil that would harm them into oblivion. Searing Glow is a malediction power that targets all enemies around the Psyker. All enemies 36 away from the Psyker suffer an automatic hit with the Blind special rule with no armour or cover saves allowed.


Warp Charge 1

The Virion Seer clutches his fist as raw psychic power is being gathered around his fingers. After enough power is harnessed, the Spiritualist will point his hand towards his enemy and a beam of blinding light will burn everything in that given direction to scorched remains and burning wreck. Bright Beam is a beam with the following profile: Range 12 S 4 AP 3 Type _ Assault 1, Melta Blind, Soul Blaze


Warp Charge 2

Bright Beam

If the Virion Seer were to find himself facing great odds and numerous enemies closing in on him then like a cornered wild animal, his instincts would tell him to strike back with all the strength he could muster. He would then proceed to mutter word of Holy Scripture, and feel the flames within his soul burning brighter. His words would turn to power and his breathe to fire. With a hand gesture and a hearty shout, the holy fire would turn to a ring and spread in all directions from him and turning all of those that opposed him to ash. Ring of Holy Fire is a nova power with the following profile: Range 6 S 6 AP 2 Type _ Assault 2D6, Blind, Soul Blaze Ignores Cover


Warp Charge 1

As anger and spite builds up within the heart of the Virion, so does fire build up within his belly. With a single mighty roar that echoes the battlefield, white hot Warp fire belches out from the Virions mouth and leaves behind nothing but ash. Burning Scourge is a witchfire power with the following stats: Range Burning Scourge Template S 5 AP 5 Type Assault 1, Soul Blaze _

Ring of Holy Fire


Warp Charge 2

Across a thousand stars, on thousands of planets, war rages on as furiously as it ever did. Chaos and anarchy spread like wildfire in the gardens of creation, and it threatens to turn all to ash and cinder. It is to this reason that the Great Spirits gave the Virion race purpose, a single goal, a sacred duty. It is the fate of the Virions to bring order to the universe, and bring peace to every single world. This is our destiny, and we must give ourselves completely to it, and give our hearts and souls so that the great plan of the Spirits becomes true. Let none find you wanting, let none stand in your way. -Overlord PeRarzg

When the times are darkest and victory starts to escape the Virions grasp, the Spiritualist will plead to the Great Spirits for the power to smite down their enemies. Either through faith, or divine assistance, the Virion Seer would find himself filling up with spiritual might, and would for a moment feel like a demigod. At this point, his powers would be overflowing and spread in all directions. The Virion would then reach for the sky and bring forth lightning from the sky to strike at his enemies. The storm clouds that would appear would thunder with psychic power, and unleash bolts of high voltage, which would rain down from the heavens. Thundering Rage is a focused witchfire power with a range of 48. Place a Blast template on top of the targeted enemy and place two more as you would on a hit from a Barrage weapon. All models under the templates suffer a S7 AP1 hit with the Ignores Cover, Fleshbane and Soul Blaze Special Rules. If a model were to survive a hit, then it would suffer from the Blind Special Rule as well.



It is common for Virion Warlords of all kinds to be accompanied and served by an elite squad of Clanguards. These are the Battle Clanguards, and they are the chosen warriors which receive the full trust of their lord. These Clanguards are needed, because if the Warlord falls, then his army would start to crumble as well, even with the Trinity of Advisers to act as temporary leaders. The Battle Clanguards are seasoned veterans which had earned many scars in combat and fought in many battles. They are experienced in many forms of war, and can adapt to any given situation, and arrange their armaments accordingly so that they may be perfectly equipped for defeating whatever opposition comes before them. The Battle Clanguards had also attuned themselves perfectly to each other, for they had spent many long years in battle fighting side by side. They had seen the very worst of atrocities and remain unshaken. Applying finely tuned plans, manoeuvres and combat doctrines, the Battle Clanguards had earned the trust of their lord and became part of the elite ranks of their Clan. When a Virion Clanguard proves himself worthy, he may be hand picked by his commander to become a Battle Clanguard. Sometimes, entire squads are chosen to become part of this elite troop, at other times, it is just a group of individuals from varying squads which were joined together by the strings of fate. Either way, a Warlord can only have one entire squad of Battle Clanguards at a time, but he does have the right of adding new members if the squad had suffered substantial casualties. The composition of the squad is of hard veterans, equal to one another, but one of them stands out. This individual is considered the elite of the elite, a potential leader, and an inspiring hero. At the head of every Battle Clanguard squad is a Battle Warchief. The Warchief acts as a Sergeant and directs the rest of the squad in whatever direction his lord points at. The Battle Warchief is a legend among his subordinates, and he had earned his name among the halls of honour. The Battle Warchief is a very high rank, but he can only order those in his own squad, and his authority is overruled by his commanding lord and arguably one of his advisers that form the Clan Trinity. Either the lord of the army, or the Battle Warchief can nominate one zealous individual among the Battle Clanguards to be given the honour of waving the banner of their Clan, and bear it proudly into war, During combat, there can be situations where even some Virions would find themselves scared out of their wits, but the one chosen to bear the Clans standard is not one of them. When the times are darkest, the Standard Bearer will pick up his flag and wave its colours proudly, shouting out words of encouragement and zeal to his brethren. Such a display can spark courage into a shattered heart and set it ablaze with passion for war, thus restoring the squads morale when needed. It is even common for the Battle Clanguards to be accompanied by a stray element. This Virion individual is called a Healer Clanguard, and his rank is equivalent to a Warchief of a lesser squad of Virions. The Healer is the one that tends to the dying and gives peace to the dead. It is within his jurisdiction to tend to any wounded comrade he can save, and heal his injuries no matter how severe. The Healer Clanguards usually follow the Battle Clanguard squads, but arent part of it, meaning that they can leave it at any time to further pursuing their duty. The Healer is someone who deeply cares for his kind and would do all in his power to save as many of their lives as possible. When a Virion warrior falls, a Healer Clanguard would do his best to help him rise again, and encourage him to not give up on living. Some say that a Healer Clanguard is an individual who would give his very life a hundred times over just to save a dear friend. Battle Clanguard Battle Warchief Healer Clanguard WS 4 5 4 BS 4 4 4 S 4 4 4 T W I A Ld 4 1 5 2 9 4 1 5 2 9 4 1 5 2 9 Sv 3+ 3+ 3+

UNIT TYPES: Infantry. Battle Warchief and Healer

Clanguard are Infantry (Character)

WARGEAR: Warrior Armour (pg 84), Striker Pistol

(pg 81), Ceremony Blade (pg 82)

SPECIAL RULES: Stubborn, Temper (pg 45),

Quick Reaction (pg 45) The Chosen Ones: You can only have one Battle Clanguard squad per Strategic Warlord, Scientific Warlord, Spiritual Warlord or Overlord in your army. For example, if you have a Strategic Warlord in your army, then you can take one squad of Battle Clanguards. If you have a Spiritual Warlord and an Overlord in your army, then you can take two squads of Battle Clanguards, one for each. However, if you have no Strategic Warlords, Scientific Warlords, Spiritual Warlords or Overlords in your army, then you cannot take any Battle Clanguards. In addition, the Battle Clanguards will gain the And They Shall Know no Fear Special whenever they are 24 away from a Strategic/Scientific/Spiritual Warlord or Overlord. And they must take a Temper Test if a Strategic/Scientific/Spiritual Warlord becomes a casualty. Stray Element: The Healer Clanguard comes as a part of the Battle Clanguard squad, but he can be detached from it like an Independent Character. From that point, the Healer Clanguard behaves in every way like an Independent Character would, which includes joining units. However, a Healer Clanguard can join units which are already joined by Independent Characters, unless that unit already has another Healer Clanguard within it.



Forming the bulk of every Virion Clan are the combat Clanguards. Steadfast, hardy and adaptable, the Combat Clanguards are perhaps the single most common type of warrior in the Grand Virion Empire. They can be upgraded with a variety of weapons, equipment and armaments, that way they are prepared to face whatever is thrown at them. These alien warriors move in organized units, and train to nearly every single field of war; from assaults to defences, from sweeping advances to last stands, even reinforcements and tactical retreats. One could hardly find a more reliable unit in the Virion ranks then the sturdy and trusty Combat Clanguards. An individual Combat Clanguard possesses the brute strength, agility and cunning to rival an Adeptus Astrates, formerly known as a Space Marine. The natural strength of the Rarzg breed and the extensive military training make a deadly combo. In addition, a Combat Clanguard can bear a variety of weapons, each potent and excellent at whatever they were designed to do. There are guns and rifles that shoot either seed cases fuelled by plasma and filled with bits of shrapnel, or collect high voltage electricity and unleash it as a shocking flash of lightning, or even guns that shoot corrosive flesh-eating gas, much like how a flamethrower would spit fire. A single Virion Combat Clanguard is a deadly adversary, but the true strength of these warriors is not in individual strengths, but their combined might as a single unit. A squad of Combat Clanguards functions like a single body, detached from the main Virion army. Each squad is given a single objective and are expected to follow it to the letter. With every unit working on its own accord, it becomes very hard for the enemy to keep track, making them highly unpredictable and all the more dangerous. Thanks to the very sensitive antenna attached to their backpacks, the Virion Clanguards can communicate with one another across the battlefield, and can keep tabs of each other and so a single unit can easily access information another unit had attained from the opposite side of the warzone. To make such awkward military organization and formation to work, each squad is lead by a Combat Warchief. These Warchiefs are seasoned warriors which have earned their marks in war and with it the respect of their peers. A Combat Warchief is assigned to lead a unit of Combat Clanguards, it is usually him that directs his subordinates and pushes them on to accomplish their mission objective, or engages enemy leaders in bloody duels, where not only his life, but the honour of his Clan and his pride as a warrior hang in the balance. To help them in these duties, the Combat Warchief is allowed to choose from a wide variety of wargear, be it offensive, defensive or supportive. If something drastic happens in the battlefield, the Virions usually find themselves in a situation where they must adapt. This usually means changing the battle plans, reassigning squads and formulating combat calculations for victory to be achieved. New plans can be relayed by a Tactician, Warlord, or even an Overlord through the web of communication lines which course through the entire area. When a Combat Warchief receives his new orders, he must then try to think of his next move wisely, and proceed only when he is absolutely sure there is a chance to fulfil the new orders. Through such a complex system where information is almost literally flying through the air, it is not easy to come in contact with every single Virion in battle. But, messages can be transmitted to one squad, which would then transmit it to another which is too far for direct contact to reach. Few commanders that encounter the Virions can hardly comprehend how such a complicated, tangled, networked system of relaying battle plans can be accomplished by one individual and perhaps a mere few advisers. This had earned the Virion planners that orchestrate how the Clanguards wage war great respect and reverence from military officers that respect a well made plan of attack. Many would credit the lords and advisers for making this possible, but the network net could not possibly come to existence if it was not for the flexible and organized backbone of any Virion army, the Combat Clanguards. WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv 4 4 4 4 1 5 2 8 3+ 4 4 4 4 1 5 2 8 3+

Combat Clanguard Combat Warchief

UNIT TYPE: Infantry,

Combat Warchief is Infantry (Character)

Combat Clanguards: Warrior Armour (pg 84), Pincer Rifle (pg 80), Ceremony Blade (pg 82) Combat Warchiefs: Warrior Armour (pg 84), Striker Pistol (pg 81), Ceremony Blade (pg 82)

SPECIAL RULES: Stubborn, Temper (pg 45),

Quick Reaction (pg 45)

When a group of Virions become Clanguards, they are joined together by honour. By joining, they commit a ceremony, where they carve the symbol of their Clan anywhere on their body using their blades which they have received when they became fully fledged warriors. This ritual of blood is what binds the Virions together as one and it keeps the brotherly bonds between the members as stronger then steel. Many would say that the Virion Clanguards operate like packs of carnivorous animals, but they are more of a trusting brotherhood.



While the Combat Clanguards can deal with any given type of enemy thanks to their tactical versatility and varying utility, the Assault Clanguards are armed with mere a blade and a pistol and sent to charge at their enemies with all their might and courage. Some Warlords prefer to send their Assault Clanguards in the first wave, racing to the front lines, while others would keep them in reserves and deploy them exactly when and where they would be needed most. The Assault Clanguards are equipped with Jump Packs, which carry them upon wings of fire into the heat of battle, where the fighting is most intense. The Virion that becomes an Assault Clanguard is one that prefers to enter a fight in bloody close combat and get in noseto-nose with his adversaries. Many would call them irrational, working on impulse, letting their emotions get the best of them and at times, bloodthirsty. But this is Virion nature; their primal instincts which helped them survive on their homeplanet KauReigh, and fend themselves from the many dangerous that once lurked there. The Assault Clanguards are merely doing what Virions had evolved to do, and they give in to their inner monsters, letting them loose in battle, which leads them to fight brutally with the ferocity of a savage beast. A proper Virion leader will recognize this attribute within their soldiers, and use them wisely. The utility of Assault Clanguards is undeniable, for they can face of against any form of enemy and come back bloodstained, but triumphant. From charging at defensive gun lines, meeting enemy assaults with their own, chasing down retreating enemies baiting larger opponents, attacking the enemy weak points to reinforcing their own. The Assault Clanguards are widely used, in some Clans more then others, because even though a fast direct charge and display of strength can work at many occasions, it is also a risky move and could potentially end in disaster. Some enemies have even been known to turn the nature of these Clanguards against them, setting up bait and luring them into a devious trap. This is a phenomenon that happens quite often within the Maiden Cluster, and the DragOek Clan, tasked with securing it, had been known to encounter such despicable attacks from their most hated enemies, the Eldar race. However, even though an ambush can work on these brave warriors, they can also escape just as easily, or bring forth a counter attack and have more Clanguards surround the enemy, locking them in a boiling cauldron of death. Using their mighty Jump Packs to soar in and out of combat, as well as hurry them towards their adversaries, the Assault Clanguards have been known to coordinate with each other to perform stunning aerial manoeuvres to overwhelm their targets and bring forth a swift end to the fight. Assault Clanguard squads would rarely work as a functioning unit of an army if it werent for Assault Warchiefs to lead them. Like the Combat Warchiefs which receive their orders from the commanding officers and relay them to their subordinates, the Assault Warchiefs fulfill the exact same purpose. In addition, the Assault Warchief is also in charge of keeping the rowdy Virions in line, and using their violent temper to his advantage. Unlike other Warchiefs which are level headed compared to their squad mates, the Assault Warchief is as quick tempered and aggressive as his comrades, but merely knows how to control himself and keep his murderous urges in check, and when to release them. This great ability of self control had earned the Assault Warchiefs great respect not only among the Assault Clanguards, but other Virions and even their commanders. All in all, the Assault Clanguards can be quite unpredictable to the enemy, for at one time they are a incoherent group of berserks, while at others, a finely tuned unit of trained warriors. This had earned them the nickname dogs to loose when war is waged.

Assault Clanguard Assault Warchief

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv 4 4 4 4 1 5 2 8 3+ 4 4 4 4 1 5 2 8 3+

UNIT TYPE: Jump Infantry

Assault Warchief is Jump Infantry (Character)

WARGEAR: Warrior Armour (pg 84), Striker Pistol

(pg 81), Ceremony Blade (pg 82), Jump Pack

SPECIAL RULES: Stubborn, Temper (pg 45),

Quick Reaction (pg 45)


When the Virions of the DragOek Greater Clan first entered the Maiden Cluster and settled upon its worlds, they encountered the Exodite Eldar. At first, the Virions had offered the Eldar to coexist, but when it became apparent that the Exodites had no interest in peace, the Clanguards were called to push them of world. Eventually, as conflict escalated, the Exodite Eldar had started to retreat through the Webway Gates. This was noted, and so the Virions started to search and destroy any Webway Gate or Eldar artefact they could find. When the Craftworld Eldar came to claim the Maiden Cluster for themselves, they had noticed that there were very few points they could enter, and were forced to invade through space. Their fleets would meet with those of the Virions, and aircrafts would be deployed to bombard the Virion colonies on the surface. This had resulted in intense dogfights between Craftworld Eldar and the DragOek Clanguards. Afterwards, the loud and rowdy Assault Clanguards had become the Clans favourite after their usefulness was proven in open war.



Since the Age of Barbarism, Virions had used cavalry as shock troops in their armies, but in ancient times, they rode upon nasty beasts of all kinds they found in the jungles of KauReigh. They were commonly referred to as Storm Warriors for the cries of their mounts could echo across the entire battlefield like a thundering tempest. However, ever since the Age of Enlightenment and through the Age of Destruction, Virions have replaced living mounts with mechanical constructs. These machines are called Tempest Jetbikes, to honour and remember the Virion cavalry from ancient past which served the Empire in its infancy. The Tempest Jetbikes serve the Virion Empire even at the Age of Conquest in the 41st Millennium. The brave warriors which are given the honour of riding atop these crafts are called the Storm Clanguards. The Virions which are given the right to ride atop the Tempest Jetbikes are often seen as rowdy, hot headed, careless and some might say that the Storm Clanguards believe that they are unstoppable and undefeatable. When not waging war, the Storm Clanguards will ride their bikes back and forth through any landscape they can find, racing with one another, enjoying the thrill of speed, dosing themselves with adrenaline. They adore their mounts, and will often try to seek out combat engineers or Maintenance Droids to repair anything that is broken, or to simply have a look at it, to make sure all is well. Many of their comrades might see them as a nuisance and at times annoying. When trapped upon their ships, the Storm Clanguards will ride through its large corridors and cargo bays, with the noise of their engines echoing across the entire vessel, altering everyone on it of their presence. But through it all, they are part of the Clan, and they seem to possess a degree of compassion for their comrades and will try their best to assist their brethren. These Virions are said to care deeply for their kindred, and form brotherly bonds with others outside of their own squad easily. The Storm Clanguards are first and foremost, a military unit and a very useful one as well. Their task is similar to those of Assault Clanguards, but instead of wildly charging their enemies, they choose their marks, strike swiftly and do as much damage as they can. Their bikes are heavily armoured and finely tuned, enabling their riders to perform acrobatic manoeuvres which they had rehearsed in their spare time. With these moves, they can enter the midst of enemy lines, swoop overhead and leave a payload of damage in their wake. Most commonly, they would fly over their enemies, and behead them along the way with their blades, or impaling them on the frontal spikes of their jetbikes. Their daredevil moves have been known to run down enemies far more powerful then they are. Such acts had earned them many honours, and had their bikes and armour extensively coated with war paint depicting their deeds in battle. The bonds these warriors form are stronger then steel and as precious as gold. The Storm Clanguards form such bonds not only with members of their own squad, but also other Virions from other squads. These Clanguards are living their lives to the fullest and wish to die with no regrets, such an attitude makes them charismatic and it makes it easier for them to make brotherly bonds with others. These very bonds are alive at all times, even in battle. When a Storm Clanguard squad sees their brethren struggling in combat, they feel the urge to assist them in any way possible. At times, this would deviate from their original orders and at times had driven these warriors to either go against their commanders to help the ones they care about, or on the other hand, to betray their hearts and accomplish the tasks which were granted to them. To act as the tie breaker, the Storm Clanguards are lead by a skilled Storm Warchief, who decides whether to honour the commander or honour the comrades. Despite this, the Virions in command are sometimes lax about the decisions the Storm Clanguards take. Some even see benefits in different squads cooperating together and even try to adjust the plans so that the Storm Clanguards can both assist the ones in need and accomplish their tasks at once. Such devotion and fraternity between Virions had inspired many to try and match these displays of courage and daring resolve. To see the Storm Clanguards in battle is to behold at hearty warriors who will do all in their power to defend those they care for and stay true to their own ideals. To them their comrades come above all else and the ties they make will chain the entire Virion army together, unifying them as a single great force.

Virions do not use badges or whatnot to depict their acts in battle like Humans do. Instead, they colour their armour and gear with permanent war paint, which will display the deeds that individual had accomplished during his service to Clan and Empire. Over his lifetime, a Virion can have a large portion of his armour coated in paint, each stripe depicting a single act of loyalty, courage, resolve and strength. If a Virion were to change his armour, then he will keep his old gear as a reminder of his past, while his new equipment is fresh for new achievements to be committed in the future for the Clan. WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv 4 4 4 5 1 5 2 8 3+ 4 4 4 5 1 5 2 8 3+

Storm Clanguard Storm Warchief

UNIT TYPE: Jetbike

Storm Warchief is Jetbike (Character)

WARGEAR: Warrior Armour (pg 84),

Ceremony Blade (pg 82), Tempest Jetbike (pg 84)

SPECIAL RULES: Hit & Run, Stubborn, Scouts,

Skilled Riders, Temper (pg 45), Quick Reaction (pg 45)



The best gunners of the Virion Clans are granted the heaviest of armaments to bear. Upon their backs are strapped powerful mortars which shoot large seed cases glowing with plasma energy into the air, which would then descend upon their enemies and rain down like a shower of meteorites. They are known as the Mortar Clanguards. Renowned for their marksmanship, the Mortar Clanguards specialize in long range combat. But because Virions prefer to close the distance between their enemies, and engage them up close and personally, the Mortar Clanguards are somewhat rare in most Clans of the Virion Empire. The Mortar Clanguards were first utilized during the Long War, when both Orks and Dark Eldar assailed the usurping Empire. These new enemies were known to display great cunning at times and had been known to use tactics that a Virion would deem cowardly and dishonourable. For example, Ork Commandos or Dark Eldar Mandrakes, who would stalk from the darkness and strike from hiding. To this reason, the Mortar Clanguards were invented, to flush out the hidden enemies from their cover and get them into the open, where the Virion Clanguards could fight them on their own terms. These warriors were not so well respected at first, due to the deviance in the traditional Virion tactics, but over the millennia, they had earned their place among the Clans and had become a notable asset to the Virion military organization. The Virions who aspire to become Mortar Clanguards are usually withdrawn individuals which prefer to keep their distance from the rest. This type of lifestyle had given them the affinity towards long range combat over the grit and grime of close quarter engagements most other Virions would prefer. Even outside of combat, these warriors distance themselves from others, including their own comrades. Withdrawn from the rest, the Mortar Clanguards are known as socially awkward and rarely fraternize with any others outside of their own squads. This does not mean that they dislike their fellow warriors, instead, they simply shy away from direct communication. It is possible that this anti-social behaviour is simply natural, but there is also a chance that it is also due to the unstable structure of the weapons they possess. Even though, the Virion Mortars are powerful guns that deal a horrendous amount of punishment to their targets, they are also dangerous to the one who wears them and uses the mortars in battle. The cooling systems inside the Mortar can function properly for only a short period of time after several separate shots, but in the heat of battle, when volleys of mortar fire is sent to the skies, the coolers start to malfunction and the mortar guns become overheated, thus unstable and hazardous to the user and those around them. When a Mortar overheats, there is a chance that its inner circuitry will spontaneously combust and it will violently explode. Such an accident can be fatal to the bearer, for hot plasma will burst out from all sides of the gun, in a desperate attempt to cool down. If the plasma hits the bearer, there is a chance that it will corrode his armour and even kill him. The danger is not only restricted to him alone, but also the ones around him, friend and foe alike. In a way, the Mortar Clanguards are a suicide unit, because overusing their weaponry could potentially kill them. But, they do not hesitate to continue firing, for they believe that it is only expected for a true warrior to sacrifice himself and endure through the searing pain so that his comrades might achieve victory. They martyr themselves for the good of a higher cause and they keep away from the main army body so that the hazards they carry do not affect the others. In addition, their immense firepower would also attract the enemys attention and would be drawn to the Mortar Clanguard squads. The Mortar Clanguard squads are lead by a Mortar Warchief. Even though the Warchief himself does not hold a mortar, he still has the scars which display all the sacrifices he had committed in the past, thus proving himself as worthy of leading such a dangerous group of warriors. The Mortar Warchief inspires his companions to fight on, to destroy their enemies, to drag them out from hiding and to bait out the greater threats. But most importantly, it is his duty to convince his squad that their sacrifices will not go in vain. WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv 4 4 4 4 1 5 2 8 3+ 4 4 4 4 1 5 2 8 3+

Mortar Clanguard Mortar Warchief

UNIT TYPE: Infantry

Mortar Warchief is Infantry (Character)

Mortar Clanguards: Warrior Armour (pg 84), Bombardier (pg 80), Ceremony Blade (pg 82) Mortar Warchiefs: Warrior Armour (pg 84), Striker Pistol (pg 81), Ceremony Blade (pg 82)

SPECIAL RULES: Stubborn, Temper (pg 45),

Quick Reaction (pg 45) Unstable: If a Mortar Clanguard bearing a Bombardier or Demolisher became a casualty due to any reason, roll a D3: 1 All units, friendly or enemy, within 2 of the Mortar Clanguard suffer a S3 AP- hit with no cover saves allowed. 2 All units, friendly or enemy, in base contact with the Mortar Clanguard suffers a S3 AP- hit with no cover saves allowed. 3 The cooling mechanism had not failed and the Mortar Clanguards death leaves no further effect. Afterwards, remove the Mortar Clanguard model as a casualty.



After centuries of service to the Clan, an individual Virion, or even an entire squad might be granted the honour of becoming Veteran Clanguards. First and foremost, the Veterans have to prove themselves worthy through either hundreds of years of loyal and obedient service or by performing an act of bravery and heroism that they had earned the honours through skill alone. Be it the former or the ladder, a Veteran Clanguard is among the most well respected warriors of a Virion Clan. In some situations, Veterans are gathered from individuals from different groupings within the army and are put together as a single new unit, while at other times an entire squad had proven its worth and was able to entirely earn the rank of Veteran. Through forming new ties, or strengthening old ones, the Veteran Clanguards will form a neigh unstoppable unit of highly trained, extremely skilled and very powerful warriors. Veteran Clanguards are told apart from the rest quite easily, because they had replaced their former Warrior Armour with newer and heavier Veteran Armour. As the name suggests, the Veteran Armour is reserved for Veteran Clangaurds only. It is an experimental armour invented somewhere at the end of the Long War and production was running low due to the complexity of the armour itself. Even in the 41st Millennium, as the Age of Conquest is starting to gain momentum, the Veteran Armour is still somewhat rare, at least compared to the more mainstream Fighting Armour. Even so, every Greater Clan has at least a thousand Clanguards wearing Veteran Armour, while Lesser Clans can have a few hundred. Despite their scarcity in numbers, the Veteran Clanguards had still proven themselves to be a nearly irreplaceable unit within any Virion army and it is quite often to see them leading the spearhead of assaults or forming a solid core of a defence. Their tactical versatility is comparable to that of the Combat Clanguards, the backbone of many armies. Veteran Clanguards are not to be mistaken with Battle Clanguards. The former are veteran units which had earned their name through many battles by winning entire wars, while the Battle Clanguards are handpicked individuals who serve as the Warlords personal bodyguard and are entrusted to carry out his orders to the letter. Sometimes, the two units are mixed, resulting in Battle Clanguards which carry Veteran Armour. These Veterans are part of the Overlords personal retinue, and are considered to be the most powerful Clanguards in the entire Clan, being able to rival the authority of a lesser Warlord. When these individuals strike, they do so under the direct supervision of the Overlord, and therefore they carry out the will of the entire Clan, as well its the immense burden that comes with this responsibility. Therefore, the Veterans that serve the Clan Overlord are praised as the exemplars of what true warriors are. Veteran Clanguards can be recruited from Combat Clanguards, Assault Clanguards, Storm Clangaurds and even Mortar Clanguards. A simple Veteran Clanguard which serves a Warlord has the rank equal to that of a Warchief leading these types of Virion units. However, there are also Veteran Clanguards which prove themselves further, not only as great warriors, but idealistic leaders and are granted the title of Veteran Warchief, which are tasked with leading a squad of Veteran Clanguards into battle. With the best armour in the Clan and a variety of extremely powerful weaponry, the Veteran Clangaurds act as the elite fighting unit of any Virion army. They are revered by their allies and feared by their enemies, because when these warriors come forth to battle, blood shall be spilled, fire shall be thrown and victory will be in their grasp. Of all the Virions in the Empire, these seasoned soldiers had earned every bit of respect they get.

Veteran Clanguard Veteran Warchief

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv 4 4 5 5 1 5 2 9 2+ 4 4 5 5 1 5 2 9 2+

UNIT TYPE: Infantry

Veteran Warchief is Infantry (Character)

WARGEAR: Veteran Armour (pg 84), Crusher Gun

(pg 80), Power Fist (Veteran Clanguard only), Striker Pistol (pg 81), Power Sword (Veteran Warchief only)

SPECIAL RULES: Stubborn, Split Fire, Temper

(pg 45), Quick Reaction (pg 45) Veteran Assault: Units entirely composed of models that have both this special rule and Veteran Armour can choose to make a Veteran Assault. Immediately after determining Warlord Traits, tell your opponent which units are making a Veteran Assault and roll a D3 for each of them. The number of the dice rolled determines in which of your turns the Veteran will take place in. All units making the Veteran Assault immediately arrive via Deep Strike at the start of their chosen turns there is no need to roll for reserves. Skilled Attack: When a model with this special rule arrives by Deep Strike, it treats all of its ranged weapons (not including psychic powers) as having the Twin-Linked special rule until the end of the turn. It is in combat that we are truly born, it is in war that we truly live and it is in battle that we truly die. This is the warrior way. -Overlord ShrielXe



Next to Virion Clanguards lead by Warchiefs, the Virion armies are also comprised out of a large number of Droids. An individual Droid is a mechanical construct with a small torso which has three legs, a pair of hands and a large head attached to it. The design of Virion Droids is based upon the DwaTag creatures which live on the planet KauReigh even to this day. The DwaTag creatures were tripod creatures of insect origin which varied in size. Some were the size of Humans or Virions; others were as small as hunting dogs, while some could match the Dreadnoughts in size. Many different breeds of DwaTag were being tamed and used by the Virions since time immemorial, even before Virions uncovered written text. The creatures were even used in war, as either hounds to loose on the enemy, or mounts to ride into battle. However, as the centuries passed and technology progressed, the DwaTag were being used less frequently, until finally the Age of Enlightenment signalled a great breakthrough in scientific understanding. Once Virions started utilizing vehicles of all kinds to their advantage, the DwaTag were being used no more. Eventually, the creatures were either localized on the surface of KauReigh or brought as nothing more then pets. But the Virions did not forget all their trusted companions, and in their honour, the first Droids were being produced in their shape. As the millennia passed and the Virion Empire reached to the stars, the Droids followed their masters and served them obediently through thick and thin. In Empirical Culture, Droids are used in every day tasks, either to help in construction, maintenance, carry heavy objects, clean the streets and overall tend to tedious tasks which a Virion would see beneath him. An example would be the Maintenance Droids which scurry back and forth through the Virion vessels, doing field repairs and keeping everything in check. They could also be employed in battle, either following a Warforger while he is doing his work, or by tending to mechanized defences. However, some Droids are utilized in combat. They are given a pair of pistols in place where the arms would be and sent to combat in large units. These are referred to as Attack Droids. When a Virion army finds itself lacking in Clanguards, then they will feel obliged to field large numbers of Attack Droids to compensate for such losses in number. One attack Droid is a weak and easily replaceable unit, and about half a dozen is worth a single decent Virion warrior. Regardless of their weaknesses, the Attack Droids are still widely used in wars all across the borders of the Virion Empire and into alien space within their reach. The reason for this is because the true strength of an Attack Droid lies in their sheer numbers and quantity of firepower they can unleash if they function as a single unit. Acting as the ideal cannon fodder, the Attack Droids can be amassed in substantial numbers, and simply let loose upon the enemy. Their Virion masters do not hesitate to send wave after wave of their robotic minions upon a single target. This could either be a weak point, which could easily be swept away, or a fortified position, which would crack under the pressure of having to deal with a numerous enemy. Attack Droids can also be used to reinforce the Virions lines when in direst needs, or to smash into the enemy in a single mindless charge. They have been known to cover tactical retreats or secure victories through sweeping advances or even make themselves into decoys to draw enemy fire to themselves. Not all units of Attack Droids are incoherent blobs of metal and mass firepower. Some squadrons are lead by Command Droids, robotic constructs which resemble the standard Attack Droid, but possess a higher quality of design, including stronger armour, better weapons and a more sophisticated intelligence. The Command Droids do not possess a high degree of artificial intelligence which would make them sentient, but instead are simply smart enough to organize other Droids and coordinate their moves to achieve a higher level of performance. In addition, it is far easier to deliver a set of orders and coordinates to a single Command Droid which would rally the message to the other Droids around him, then trying to communicate with a group of mindless automatons. With a leader or not, Attack Droids will still fulfil their primary function; to search and destroy any enemies of the Virion masters.

An Energy Droid is a form of mechanical unit which serves a single squad of either Virion Clanguards or other Droids. The Energy Droid bears little offensive capabilities, but its function is a defensive one. When charged, the Energy Droid will release an energy bubble that acts as a shield to halt or at least slow down incoming enemy fire and keep its squad safe from harm. Energy Droids do not function in units, but instead are attached to a single squad, which they will serve and protect at any costs. WS 2 3 3 BS 3 3 S 2 2 2 T 2 2 2 W 1 1 1 I 4 5 4 A 1 2 2 Ld 7 8 7 Sv 5+ 4+ 4+

Attack Droid Command Droid Energy Droid

UNIT TYPE: Infantry, Command Droid and

Energy Droid are Infantry (Character)

Attack Droid: Standard Plating (pg 84), Twin-linked Striker Pistol (pg 81), Tripod Legs (pg 82) Command Droid: Advance Plating (pg 84), Robotic Servos (pg 82), Tripod Legs (pg 82) Energy Droid: Advance Plating (pg 84), Robotic Servos (pg 82), Tripod Legs (pg 82), Energy Pack (pg 83)

SPECIAL RULES: Mechanical (pg 45)



Among the Virion arsenal lies a distinct type of Droid. These machines are built to destroy the enemy, wage wars and win battles. They rise much larger then most other types of Droid, and are definitely far more powerful. Just like the Droids, the Strider Tripods have their designs based upon the DwaTag beasts native to the planet KauReigh. Through Virion history, the larger versions of the beast have served as mounts of war and beasts of burden. By the climax of the Age of Exploration, Virion engineers had attempted to make giant platforms with three metal legs and a gun battery on top, which would act as the predecessors of the robots the Virions would make later on. These mobile gun platforms were at the time constructed of brass, steel and fuelled by steam and coal. At that time, these robust contraptions would be the apex of Virion ingenuity. When the Age of Enlightenment came, its designs were improved upon and refined to fit the new technology and science the Virions were learning. When the Age of Enlightenment was at its full swing, Virions were fielding Tripods to fulfil their every day needs. They would lift heavy burdens, deal with large scale construction work, and even carry large speakers from which the words of Emperor OutRargth or any other influential leader could echo around the area the Tripod would stride through. Such machines are used even in the current age of the 41st Millennium, but their primary functions had changed drastically. Once, the Tripods were mere aids, but once the Long War broke out, they were quickly put to a far more deadly use. The Tripods would no longer use their mighty claws to lift the burden of others, but instead to rip apart the enemies of the Empire limb from limb and then toss their bloody corpses aside as they pick their new victims. As the Tripods strode across warzone after warzone, the world after world to liberate from alien invasions, their utility in battle was quickly noted. Eventually, the term Strider Tripod would be used to describe one of the most potent weapons the Virions can field into battle. These super Droids had earned their place in the vast armoury of many Virion Clans. In the Age of Conquest, the Strider Tripods are still being used quite extensively in Virion warfare. Their use became evident as enemies started using their own walker vehicles; such as the Orks with their Killa Kanz and Deff Dreadz, or perhaps the Dark Eldar with their Talos Pain Engines or Chronos Parasite Engines, even Eldar Wraithlords and War walkers were fought against during the Maiden Wars. The Strider Tripods would be able to match these warmachines in single combat thanks to their sturdy structure and powerful weaponry. The most notable weapons utilized by the Tripods are their mechanical servos which can carry large and heavy objects and then use the hydraulics within their claws to crush whatever it is holding and then throw it several meters into the air. Its legs are also powerful, with a single blow they could sink deep into the armour of larger opponents like a blade through raw flesh. But the most powerful weapon within their arsenal are the lumbering guns named Spike Cannons. These ranged weapons turn the Tripods into mobile gun batteries that will obliterate everything that stands in their path to glorious victory.

A variation of the regular Strider Tripod that focuses around ranged firepower over close combat capabilities. They are given a twin-linked pair of Spike Cannons, and even greater defensive capabilities that allow them to weather down enemy fire before dishing out an even greater amount straight back at them. Both versions of Tripods are highly powerful and devastating. Their task is to strike the enemy flanks and steamroll through their ranks, running down, tearing apart, or incinerating any enemy they come across. As they march to war, they release a loud noise through their powerful battle horn. The sound echoes across the battlefield like thunder through the skies. It is said that whoever listens to this sound is listening to the song of their quick demise, for once the Tripod blows the horn, the end is near and the lives of their enemies will reach a bloody end. WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv 4 4 8 7 3 5 3 10 2+ 4 5 7 7 3 5 2 10 2+

Strider Tripod Annihilator Tripod

UNIT TYPE: Monstrous Creature WARGEAR:

Strider Tripod: Supreme Plating (pg 84), Sphere Cannon (pg 86), Mechanized Claws (pg 82), Tripod Legs (pg 82) Annihilator Tripod: Supreme Plating (pg 84), Twin-Linked Sphere Cannon (pg 86), Tripod Legs (pg 82)

SPECIAL RULES: Mechanical (pg 45)

Tripod Horn: When charging, a Tripod may force the targeted enemy unit to take a Leadership test. If they fail, then the Tripod that charged that particular unit counts as having the Fear Special Rule for the duration of the turn. Entrench: In the Movement Phase, an Annihilator Tripod may choose to Entrench instead of moving. By doing so, its shooting attacks gain +1 Strength, but it cannot move, which includes Running, Falling Back and Going to Ground. The Annihilator Tripod may choose to reverse the process in the following Movement Phase of the owning player.



Next to the robotic Droids and Tripods, the Virions also use a number of automated weapon platforms. These gun batteries have a simple artificial intelligence coursing through its inner circuitry that allows it distinguish between friend and foe. These turrets lie immobile on the field and will fire upon anyone they see as a threat. The automated defence turret systems are more commonly known as the Prime Sentry Guns. A Prime Sentry Gun is usually placed upon the Virion spaceships and used for defensive purposes. They can also be seen in the broad corridors or within the massive cargo bays. There, they will serve as the guard dogs that warn off intruders and keep important areas secure from intrusion. The production of Prime Sentry Guns is quite simple, meaning that the Virions can easily produce sufficient numbers of them if they are lacking in any given situation. The Prime Sentry Guns are composed of a base, which has extensions on its bottom which behave like roots and entrench into place, and on top of the base is a gun battery which can rotate a full circle around its position. Within the rooted base is also a series of operators and calculating systems, which give the Prime Sentry Gun a limited intelligence. The Sentry has no optical sensors, but instead releases a low humming noise, which acts as echo location, giving it a detailed view of its surroundings, even if an enemy was concealed. When needed in battle, the Prime Sentry Guns will literally be uprooted from their base, placed in pods, along with a number of Maintenance Droids, and simply dropped from low orbit directly into the field of battle. As the pods enter orbit, they will keep together in formation, which is possible due to a complex linked interface between the pods. When breaching through the atmosphere, the pods will start to burn up, so liquid nitrogen which is kept in small pockets within the pods, would be released. Then, the liquid nitrogen will form like a smoke screen around the pods, cooling down their surface, which both keeps the Sentries safe from burning up, and it blocks incoming fire. When the final destination is reached and the pods slam themselves into the ground, they will shatter, revealing their deadly cargo. Almost instantly, the Prime Sentry Guns would awake, and the Maintenance Droids that were brought with them would scurry around, making sure no critical damage was sustained and that all is well. In war, the Prime Sentry Guns are used to secure objectives and positions of high importance. To a Virion, this would be a demeaning task, for it is in their nature to seek out the enemy, not wait for them to come. The Prime Sentry Guns however, are mere machines and will do as they are told. Thanks to them, the Virions are able to quickly secure a captured location on the battlefield and deploy sufficient firepower to hold it. Many Warlords and even Overlords had found it far easier to keep tabs of how the battle is progressing if they know that their critical points remain safe, and that they can send their Clanguards to perform far more active mission instead of defending objectives. When it reaches its destination, a Prime Sentry Gun will root itself into position and hold their ground. It is their responsibility to defend locations of high importance in the warzone, and patiently wait for the enemy to come into their line of fire. If an enemy were to be foolish enough to get into their sights, the Prime Sentry Guns will unleash a payload of fire upon them, no holding back, no quarters, no mercy. As they do so, the Maintenance Droids that were sent with them will repair what is broken, and keep the Prime Sentry Guns perfectly operational. The two different units had become the perfectly synced combination that creates an unstoppable and synchronized line of defence that will hold at bay any opposition.

Prime Sentry Gun

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv - 4 - 7 2 - - - 3+

Each Prime Sentry Gun is crewed by at least a single Maintenance Droid (pg 47). Note that the Maintenance Droids do not benefit from their System Malfunction Special Rule unless all Prime Sentry Guns in the unit have been destroyed.

UNIT TYPE: Artillery, Maintenance Droids are Infantry WARGEAR:

Prime Sentry Guns: Light Spike Flicker (pg 86) Maintenance Droids: Basic Plating (pg 84), Fixing Tools (pg 82), Robotic Servos (pg 82), Tripod Legs (pg 82)

SPECIAL RULES: Deep Strike, Mechanical (pg 45)

Coordinated Deployment: When the Prime Sentry Gun unit Deep Strikes successfully, place a single Sentry Gun with at least one Maintenance Droid in unit coherency with it. Then roll a Scatter Dice; the direction on the dice determines where the next Prime Sentry Gun will land, but if a Hit result is rolled, feel free to place the Sentry Guns in whatever direction you want. Note that a Prime Sentry Guns must be at least 6 away from at least one other Prime Sentry Gun of the same unit. When all Prime Sentry Guns are deployed this way, place the remaining Maintenance Droids in unit coherency with them, each Prime Sentry Gun must have at least one Maintenance Droid with it. If you cannot place a Prime Sentry Gun when deploying (due to Impassable Terrain or enemy models 1 away) then remove the Prime Sentry Gun as a casualty. Roll for a Leadership test for every Maintenance Droid that came with that Prime Sentry Gun. If the Leadership test is passed, then the Maintenance Droid must be placed in unit coherency with another Prime Sentry Gun of that unit. If the Leadership Test had failed, then remove that Maintenance Droid as a casualty. Note that Prime Sentry Guns are immobile, and cannot move, run or charge once deployed.



The Assault Pods represent the single most common way of transportation the Virion Clanguards utilize in war and their favoured one as well. There is no Virion Clan that does not possess in its arsenal a large quantity of these Assault Pods, for none can deny their strategic utility and tactical variability. The Assault Pods are launched from the Virion Clanships from low orbit, and then traverse through space towards their destination at super-sonic speed, gaining momentum as they enter the atmosphere of the targeted location. The design of this construct derives from the must simpler Deployment Pods which are much easier to produce. Those robust capsules are launched from Virion ships in a one way trip towards a single targeted location. Deployment Pods can be used for emergency evacuation, boarding enemy vessels, or deploying Prime Sentry Guns and supplies directly to the battlefield. But Deployment Pods cannot handle atmospheric re-entry, and become useless once they smash into the ground. When war is to be waged, Virion Clanguards within their Clanship will rush towards their Assault Pods and enter. Once inside, the Pod will put the pilot in a form of cold stasis, which would help them survive the trauma of an orbital drop. The Pods are then launched in volleys towards a targeted location. The Pods will manoeuvre around each other in squadron, so units of Clanguards will remain in coherency with one another. When the Pods enter the atmosphere, it will heat up quickly. To prevent melt down, pockets of liquid nitrogen are placed in the inner shell of the Pod, which are released in these situations. The smoke cools down the Pod and its pilot, and it obscures them from the sights of enemy gunners. It will not take long for the Pod to ram itself headfirst into the ground, smashing whatever would lie below it. Thanks to the precise calculation systems within the Pods, the Assault Pods would remain in unison, thus Virion Clanguard squads will stay in coherency. As the Pods shell splits open, smoke will gush out from its chamber, and the Virion warrior within shall awake from stasis. When the Clanguards regain their bearings, they will be prepared to meet whatever opponent they had landed upon and engage them in combat. After the battle is won, the husks of the Assault Pods that landed can be gathered and rebuilt, thus preserving on resources. The usefulness of the Assault Pods is undeniable, and many wars have been won because these crafts had carried the Empires warriors from the heavens and guided them straight through the fires of conflict, straight to victory. Armour BS F S R 3 10 10 10

Assault Pod

HP 2

UNIT TYPE: Vehicle (Open-topped, Transport) WARGEAR: Toxic Gas Vents (pg 86) SPECIAL RULES:
Assaulting: Assault Pods must enter play using the Deep Strike rules. At the beginning of your first turn, choose half of your Assault Pods (rounding up) to make an Assault. Units making this assault arrive on their controlling players first turn. The arrival of the remaining Assault Pods is rolled for as normal. A unit that Deep Strikes via Assault Pods cannot charge in the turn it arrives. Immobile: An Assault Pod cannot move once it has entered the battle, and counts in all respects as a vehicle that has suffered an Immobilized damage result that cannot be repaired in any way. Coherent Strike: Should an Assault Pod scatter on top of impassable terrain or another model (friend or foe) then reduce the scatter distance by a minimum required in order to avoid the obstacles. Note that if an Assault Pod scatters off the edge of the board then they will suffer a Deep Strike mishap as per the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. Coordinated Volley: When deciding to Deep Strike, treat a squadron of Assault Pods as a single unit. Once rolling for Deep Striking is done, place one Assault Pod model directly on the selected location. Then roll a Scatter Dice to determine where to place the other Assault Pods (if a Hit result is rolled, feel free to decide where the Pod will land), roll a Dice for each Pod in the unit. Once that is done, roll a D6 for each of the Pods, the number rolled determines the distance in inches the Pod will land from the first Assault Pod that was placed. When every Assault Pod has been placed, place the passenger model 2 away from its Pod. If not all models that were transported by the Assault Pods are in unit coherency, that unit must then consolidate for the following turn.

Transport Capacity: One model per Assault Pod. Once the Assault Pods have landed, they will split open and their passengers must immediately disembark. Once passengers have disembarked, no models can embark on the Assault Pod for the remainder of the game. In addition, the Assault Pod model remains on the field, acting as a peace of terrain, which confers a 4+ Cover Save, unless it is destroyed. Ride the storm, burn the skies, bring forth the doom. -Inscription on an empty Assault Pod



The Virion Clans possess a large variety of Centruroids within their armoured arsenal. These sluggish hovercrafts are considered bulky and slow compared to the more elegant ones used by Tau and Eldar, but they compensate this with heavier armour and greater firepower capacity. Centruroids can also Morph, which means that they change their shape entirely right in the heat of combat, therefore a single vehicle can serve two separate rolls and can change between them at will. This had granted Virion armies a high level of versatility and adaptability. Armour BS F S R Engineer Centruroid 4 11 11 12 HP 3

UNIT TYPE: Vehicle (Tank, Transport, Skimmer) WARGEAR: Gas Purger (pg 85) SPECIAL RULES: Morphing (Mortar Centruroid)
Engineering: If an Engineer Centruroid is Immobilized, then in subsequent turns it may attempt to repair itself instead of shooting. To make the attempt, roll a D6 in the Shooting Phase; on the roll of a 6, the vehicle is no longer Immobilized. Note that a successful Engineering attempt doest not restore a Hull Point.


The armoured transports which bring Virion Clanguards into the thick of enemy lines, the Engineer Centruroids are a great addition to many Virion armies that find themselves lacking in mobility. This Centruroid has a large peace of bulk at its rear, which opens up to allow Virions to embark or disembark. It has a limited cargo capacity, but it makes up for it with a large gun on its top, called a Gas Purger, which spits out clouds of corrosive gas which seeps through armour, rusts metal and east flesh with stunning speed. This weapon allows the Engineer Centruroid to clear a path so its passengers could deploy safely. The name of the Engineer Centruroid derives from the fact that the vehicle originally served to safely transport combat engineers in and out of battle. The engineers would do their duty and repair downed Centruroids, including the ones they were transported in. Eventually, the tactical usefulness of this was evident, and all Engineer Centruroids would hold a small team of engineers with it, which would help patch it up when necessary, to keep it functional and ensure the safety of the Clanguards that choose to ride upon the craft. Through the millennia, the Engineer Centruroids have seen plenty of action, and are still considered highly valuable.

Transport Capacity: Eight models. It cannot carry units with the Mechanical rule or if they possess Veteran Armour. Fire Points: None, the vehicle is sealed. Access Points: The Engineer Centruroid has only one access point at its rear.

Next to regular warriors, there are also Pilot Clanguards, who are tasked with driving the bulky Centruroids or flying the manoeuvrable Helidynes. A crew of Pilot Clanguards can be lead by an experienced Pilot Warchief, who acts as a tank commander. More experienced Pilot Clanguards earn the right to drive the heavier Centruroids such as the Penetrator or Corrupter Centruroids, or even to pilot the vast Virion spaceships.



The Morphed version of the Engineer Centruroid. It sacrifices the entirety of its cargo space for a powerful gun which has a long reach and it can bring down plasma fire from the heavens. Armour BS F S R 4 12 10 11

Mortar Centruroid

HP 3

UNIT TYPE: Vehicle (Tank,


Spike Mortar (pg 86)

When it does so, then the Mortar Centruroid cannot move in the following owning players turn.

Form in: If the Engineer Centruroid decides to Morphing (Engineer Centruroid) Morph into a Mortar Centruroid, then all of Starfall: In the Shooting Phase, if its passengers must The Mortar Centruroid has not moved, disembark first. If they it may choose to fire a Barrage of S8 cannot do so, then the AP2 Large Blast attacks with the Engineer Centruroid Pinning and Gets Hot Special Rules. cannot Morph.



The single most common type of Virion Centruroid in the entire Empire. It is sturdy, mobile and can be used in both offense and defence. Its mostly used as a heavy mobile battering ram. Armour BS F S R 4 11 11 11

Gun Centruroid

HP 3

UNIT TYPE: Vehicle (Tank, can increase its front armour

Skimmer) by +1, but decrease its side armour by -1. After this WARGEAR: exchange, the Centruroid Spike Flicker (pg 86) counts as having suffered the Immobilized damage result SPECIAL RULES: that cant be repaired. But it Morphing (Missile Centruroid) can restore itself to its former state, becoming mobile again Armour Forwards: In the owning in the subsequent owning Players Movement Phase, instead players Movement Phase, of moving, the Gun Centruroid but it doesnt have to.


The Morphed version of the Gun Centruroid. While its former version concentrates on assaulting the enemy directly, this vehicle uses volley fire to shower the enemy in intense fire. Armour BS F S R 4 11 11 11

Missile Centruroid

HP 3

UNIT TYPE: Vehicle (Tank,


Missile Spewer (pg 85)

Morphing (Gun Centruroid)



During the Long War, Virion technicians had sought out ways to improve their fighting capabilities against the numerous enemies known as the Ork race. They had devised blueprints which would create vehicles much larger and sturdier then their usual Centruroids used at that time. The heavier chassis of the Centruroids did make them sluggish in comparison to the standardized versions of Virion hovercrafts, but this had made them sturdier as well, being able to absorb incoming fire and shrug it off with ease. Also, the larger bases of these new vehicles had allowed them to bear forth even greater armaments. By the time the Long War had ended and the Empire started recovering, the Clans had seen how mighty these new crafts could be. It is said that inspiration for the construction of the improved Centruroids derives from the designs of Human tanks. The similarity can sometimes be obvious, considering that these vehicles have bulky torsos upon which gun batteries which long noses would be placed on. Regardless of this, the heavier Virion Centruroids had retained their shape and purpose, acting as the sledgehammer that breaks through enemy lines and pulverizes all that treads through their path to glory. Armour BS F S R HP Penetrator Centruroid 4 13 11 12 3

UNIT TYPE: Vehicle (Tank, Skimmer) WARGEAR: Heavy Spike Flicker (pg 86) SPECIAL RULES: Morphing (Hellfire Centruroid),
Positioning Gun: In the owning players Movement Phase, the Penetrator Centruroid can choose to instead of moving that turn to remain immobile. By doing so, the Penetrator Centruroid gains +1 Ballistic Skill and the range of its Heavy Spike Flicker is increased by 6. At the beginning of the next owning players turn, the Penetrator Centruroid can choose to regain mobility.


The Morphed version of the Penetrator Centruroid. This tank specialized in delivering huge payloads of fire from a medium distance while they close in onto the enemys position. Armour BS F S R 4 13 11 12


The most common variety of the heavy Virion Centruroids would be the Penetrator Centruroids. The reason for the name is simply because these battle tanks are primarily used to breach through enemy defences or to counter an assault. Once they are in the midst of enemy formations, they will unleash substantial amounts of firepower, destroying everything they see as a threat. Being tactically flexible and adaptable, this vehicle had remained in use among most Virion Clans. In fact, this particular type of Centruroid is symbolic to Virion armies that orient around formations of armoured units to deliver a crushing blow.

Hellfire Centruroid

HP 3

UNIT TYPE: Vehicle

(Tank, Skimmer)

Morphing (Penetrator Centruroid)

Heavy Missile Spewer (pg 85)



A preferred transport option of Virion Veterans. A bulkier frame grants it a higher level of defence and allows more passengers to enter. This tank can make a clearing with its corrosive weapon. Armour BS F S R Corrupter Centruroid 4 13 11 12

HP 3

UNIT TYPE: Vehicle

(Tank, Skimmer, Transport)

Transport Capacity: Eight Models. It cannot carry units with the Mechanical rule. Fire Points: None.

Toxic Spore Lobber (pg 87)

Assault Vehicle, Morphing (Thumper Centruroid) Access Points: It has one. access point at its rear.


The Morphed version of the Corrupter Centruroid. This tank is armed with cannons that unleash a powerful sonic blast which sweeps away all opposition, making a clear path of destruction. Armour F S R 13 11 12

BS Thumper Centruroid 4

HP 3

UNIT TYPE: Vehicle

(Tank, Skimmer)

Assault Vehicle, Morphing (Corrupter Centruroid) Form In (pg 61)

Thumper Cannon (pg 86)


Among the most powerful vehicles in the entire Virion arsenal is this very tank. It has the capability to unleash a firestorm of missiles towards a single target and obliterate it completely. Armour BS F S R Warlord Centruroid 5 14 14 14

HP 4

UNIT TYPE: Vehicle

(Tank, Skimmer)

Morphing (Overlord Centruroid)

Heavy Missile Spewer (pg 85)


The Morphed version of the Warlord Centruroid. Quite possibly the mightiest tank the Virions possess. It has the strength to annihilate entire squadrons with a single blow of its main gun. Armour BS F S R Overlord Centruroid 5 14 14 14

HP 4

UNIT TYPE: Vehicle

(Tank, Skimmer)

Morphing (Warlord Centruroid)

Heavy Spike Cannon (pg 86)


The first concepts of Helidynes appeared in Virion history just several years prior to the coming of the Overseers which ensued in the Age of Enlightenment. The Helidynes are not designed for speed, but for manoeuvrability. This implies that the aircraft is oriented towards agility. The thruster designs of a Virion Helidyne can be compared to a balloon with two openings. The first opening is attached to the energy source, while the second remains shut. Once the engines are engaged, the thrusters will gather up energy, while the second opening releases it in controlled intervals, allowing for an easy change of speed. The thrusters are shaped like balloons and they can rotate, meaning that the Virion Helidyne can easily move not only forwards, but also to the sides and even backwards. Many who had seen Virion flyers perform such aerial acrobatics had said that it seemed as if the Helidyne was dancing in mid air, manoeuvring around obstacles and avoid shots with ease. This makes the Virion aircrafts somewhat slower then the ones of most other races, but it also makes them far more durable in the skies. The weapon it uses during combat is a simple cannon that shoots static bursts of electricity. With this, it can fend of any assailants, and continue its work as a recon unit. Armour BS F S R HP Surveillance Helidyne 4 12 11 11 3

UNIT TYPE: Vehicle (Flyer) WARGEAR: Spike Flicker (pg 86) SPECIAL RULES: Strafing Run, Vector Dancer,
Morphing (Contaminator Helidyne), Form In (pg 61) Survey Scan: At the beginning of the owning players Movement Phase, the Surveillance Helidyne may choose to remain Immobile and begin a Survey Scan. By doing so, it cannot choose to move, shoot or assault for the rest of the turn. When a Survey Scan is activated, it creates a field 24 in diameter around the Helidyne. All enemy units with either the Stealth of Infiltrate Special Rules loose all benefits when entering this area. In addition, all friendly units within the scanned area gain the Night Vision Special Rule, but they will loose it once they leave the area or if Helidyne choose to return to its former state. At the beginning of the following owning players Movement Phase, all Surveillance Helidynes which are doing a Survey Scan may choose to cease doing so, and regain their mobility and the ability to fire weapons normally, but it does not have to and may continue its Survey Scan for that turn.


This particular flyer is among the most common types of Virion Helidynes in the entire Empire. Its primary purpose, as the name implies, is to survey through the battlefield, to detect every hidden enemy and to mark them so that the other Virions may see them as well. To do so, it utilizes a highly sensitive sensor array hidden below a pair of wings at its sides. Once opened, these sensors will scan a large area around them, mapping out the landscape, documenting every single notable detail. But to do so, the Helidyne must remain perfectly still to continue scanning the area around it. In this state, it cannot even fire back.



The Morphed version of the Surveillance Helidyne. This Aircraft serves as the aerial transport which carries the Virion warriors from the heavens and into the flaming hell of war. Armour BS F S R Contaminator Helidyne 4 12 11 11

HP 3

Vehicle (Flyer, Transport)

Transport Capacity: Eight Models. It cannot carry models with the Mechanical rule or if they have Veteran Armour. Fire Points: None. Access Points: It has one access point at its rear.

Gas Purger (pg 85)

Strafing Run, Vector Dancer, Morphing (Surveillance Helidyne)


Among the more mainstream Virion Helidynes. This fast moving aircraft is capable to match the flyers of other races in speed and it bears an arsenal of missiles under its disposal. Armour BS F S R 4 11 11 11

Fighter Helidyne

HP 3

Vehicle (Flyer)

Strafing Run, Vector Dancer, Vector Strike, Morphing (Screamer Helidyne)

Missile Spewer (pg 85)


The Morphed version of the Fighter Helidyne. When the enemy is dug in cover or simply refuses to leave a well armoured position, it is up to the Screamer Helidyne to swoop in and flush them out. To do so, it will utilize its powerful cannon that emits waves of sonic blasts that echo across the warzone like a terrible scream that ruptures eardrums, shatters bones and shakes the very foundations of armoured bunkers, brining ruination to all. Armour BS F S R 4 11 11 11

Screamer Helidyne

HP 3

Vehicle (Flyer)

Strafing Run, Vector Dancer, Vector Strike, Morphing (Fighter Helidyne)

Vibrator Cannon (pg 87)

The Cruiser vessels that comprise the Great Virion Armada are referred to as Clanships. These ships bear similar thruster engines like their smaller counterparts, the Helidynes, and are thus commemorated for their advance level of agility. Also, these ships bear cavities at their fronts, which serve as the tips of their main gun batteries. However, these holes are often mistaken for eyes, hence making the Clanships look like grotesque alien faces. Show courage, Show strength, Show pride, But show no mercy! -The Litany of Conquest


There are many Virion fleets that cruise through the Segmentum Pacificus and encounter the Imperium on a daily bases. These are but the vanguards which seek out as much knowledge as they can to bring back to the Empire. It is said that hundreds of thousands of Virions are within Imperial space by the eve of the 41st millennium, but not one is as famed and renowned as the Adventuring Spirits, lead by Warlord ChiVosh. In retrospect, he is an eccentric individual among Virions, always trying to find something new, always on the move, never resting and never hesitating to dwell in the darkest corners of the Galaxy. To him, the journey is its own reward, and the end goal is but a triviality. This mindset has led him and his followers to what appeared to be certain doom and come back strutting about triumphantly. His authority as a leader had been questioned on multiple occasions, but he had always proved himself worthy to command through his experience and skill alone. When in his free time, he rarely takes things too seriously and prefers to fraternize with his comrades and any locals he encounters on his journeys. Described as laidback, headstrong and sometimes irrational person, ChiVosh does not fear to risk his own life for a thrill. In contrast to this, the adventurous Warlord takes full responsibility in direst times and leads his men with valour and conviction which only a few can compare to. He keeps his comrades close to him and is the first in the front lines, leading the charge in person. He seeks out the strongest among the enemies and challenges them to do battle for their honour. If the challenged accepts, then he and ChiVosh would engage in a heart stopping duel, in which ChiVosh rarely looses. If the challenged declines, then ChiVosh would see him as a pitiful coward and will charge at him along with his Clanguards following close by. For many years, ChiVosh and his army of Adventuring Spirits had helped document and extensively explore thousands of worlds outside of Virion held space. His efforts to help enlighten the Empirical people about the galaxy that surrounds them did not go unnoticed. Currently, Warlord ChiVosh is among the most famed heroes of this new age and his name is hailed with glory among the Virion people and even many Overseers. WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv 6 5 4 4 3 6 3 10 3+

Warlord ChiVosh

UNIT TYPE: Infantry (Character) WARGEAR: Warrior Armour (pg 84), Striker Pistol
(pg 81), Adrenaline Boosters (pg 83), Aerial Droid (pg 83)

WARLORD TRAIT: Skilled Tracker (pg 45) SPECIAL RULES: Independent Character,
Stubborn, Temper (pg 45), Quick Reaction (pg 45) The journey is the reward: Any squad Warlord ChiVosh joins gains the Moves Through Cover and Furious Charge Special Rules. In addition, the squad of Battle Clanguards he brings with him will posses the above rules regardless of weather or not he had joined their unit. However, if ChiVosh did join that unit of Battle Clanguards, then they would gain the And They Shall Know No Fear Special rule as an addition. Fight for your honour: If ChiVosh issues a challenge or is challenged by an enemy character, then he can re-roll any Leadership rolls while the challenge lasts. ChiVosh cannot withdraw from a challenge unless he becomes a casualty.

Slayer Spear: A weapon forged specifically for ChiVosh by the greatest artisans of KauReigh. ChiVosh had earned this weapon when he returned to the Empire, being the first to bear news of the Night of a Thousand Rebellions and volunteering to take part in the event, to aid Humanity in this time of predicament. Emperor ViCath had praised the young Warlord and allowed him to take any number of Clanguards he desires and wage a war beyond the borders of the Empire. The next time he returned, about several years later, ViCath himself had approached ChiVosh and handed him this finely crafted spear, as a token of gratitude for the centuries of dedicated service to the Grand Virion Empire and his Clan. Range S +2/+1 AP 3/4 Type _ Melee, Master-crafted

Gauntlet of GaanLak: This armoured fist is a relic which was handed down from generation to generation by Virion Overlords of the GaanLak Clan to their most trusted Warlords. The Gauntlet had been handed from Overlord ShrielXe to ChiVosh after the latter wanted to fight in the Night of a Thousand Rebellions. Ever since, the young Warlord had used this gauntlet in personal duels, carrying with him the accumulated strength of his Clan. While wearing it, ChiVosh bears the might of GaanLak. The Gauntlet of GaanLak grants ChiVosh the Instant Death Special Rule when fighting in a challenge.


Ever since the Long War had ended, the Virion law stated that there must be one Warlord stationed to protect the borders from alien invasion. The title of Border Guardian had been passed down across the millennia, and the one bearing the title to this very day is Warlord DaZhar. His observant eyes had monitored the line that separates Empirical space and the vast outside. To a Border Guardian, the land that is not Virion held space is to be considered potential enemy territory, DaZhar is no exception. When an unidentified fleet passes by, DaZhar will respond post haste and deal with it accordingly. He bears little mercy to trespassers and distrusts outsiders. His personality is said to be that of a cold stone statue. He spends his time in meditation, conserving his energy, and only talks when necessary, preferring silence at all times. It is only when an imminent threat is spotted that he awakens and prepares starts barking orders to his subordinates, preparing them for war. His cold, calculating and ruthless resolve had helped the Virions endure through thousands of invasions and scare of any enemy foolish enough to tread into the Virion homeland. Time and time again, countless attackers had tried to topple the Virions, but all of their efforts had been met by the steady wall of defence placed by Warlord DaZhar, on top of which he gazes to the borders, awaiting for the next foolhardy opponent to come. WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv 6 6 4 4 3 6 2 10 3+

Warlord DaZhar

UNIT TYPE: Infantry (Character) WARGEAR: Warrior Armour (pg 84), Striker Pistol
(pg 81), Advance Visor (pg 83), Energy Pack (pg 83)

WARLORD TRAIT: Daemon Fighters (pg 45) SPECIAL RULES: Independent Character,
Stubborn, Temper (pg 45), Quick Reaction (pg 45) Shield bearers: If Warlord DaZhar is taken, then the Battle Clanguards and Battle Warchief that come as part of his retinue may take a Battle Shield (pg 82) as a weapon upgrade which replaces their Ceremony Blades. Potentially, the entire squad may be upgraded with Battle Shields. In addition, if DaZhar had joined that unit of Battle Clanguards, then they gain the And They Shall Know No Fear Special Rule. The effects of this rule last only for as long as DaZhar is in the unit. Note that this effect does not count on Healer Clanguards. Defensive Formation: Any non-Mechanical and non-Vehicle Virion unit that is in base contact with two or more models with Battle Shields or Warlord DaZhar has +1 Toughness. With careful positioning, this can increase the whole squads Toughness. Also only one model that is base contact with Warlord DaZhar gains this benefit, but if he is in base contact with multiple models, then he can choose which model he will grant the additional Toughness to. To save and to destroy are one and the same. To protect that which you hold dear, you must eradicate all that would threaten it. This is the duty of the Border Guardian. -Warlord DaZhar

Eon Guard: This sanctified relic had been part of the revered armoury of the HomJek Clan for millennia. It is said that the first Overlord of the Clan made this shield and used it in the first interstellar wars the Virions waged during the Age of Enlightenment. As part of the HomJek Clan, DaZhar was given the honour of choosing a holy relic of his own choice by the permission of Overlord PeRarzg when the Warlord became the Border Guardian. Such a rank was to be revered and to uphold it, DaZhar requested for the Eon Guard. Quite a fitting weapon for the newest Border Guardian. Sparkling with arcane energies, the Eon Guard can deflect the mightiest of blows and remain unscathed. The Eon Guard counts as a Battle Shield (pg 82) except it confers Warlord DaZhar the Eternal Warrior Special Rule. Sigil Robes: Inscribed with sacred text, these robes had been blessed by Overlord PeRarzg when DaZhar became the Border Guardian. Over the centuries, the robes remain unstained and seem to confer some form of spiritual protection to its bearer, thus helping him in his duties. The Sigil Robes confer a 4+ Invulnerable Save to Warlord DaZhar and allow him to re-roll his Deny the Witch rolls.


A relatively young Virion warrior, hardly a century old, who comes from the infamous FauWyk Renegade Clan. HirakTjon had earned a bloody reputation not only among his fellow Virions from the Empire, but had also become a bane for Eldar Craftworlds, Ork warbands and even the Imperium of Man. He started of a lowly Warlord, who got through the ranks with backstabbing and fraud, like all Renegades. However, he did something no other outcast ever did. At the planet Haerk in the outskirts of the Segmentum Pacificus, the local PDF forces were rebelling against the Imperium, during the Night of a Thousand Rebellions. Then came HirakTjon and with his words, he rallied the rioting Humans to his cause, and amassed a combined army of traitors from both Virion and Mankind. He had then overthrown the Imperial governing body, trampling their strongholds to dust and hanged all who would not join him. After the planet was his, he gathered a large army and went out to the borders of the Virion Empire. He gambled his chances when he assaulted CetaSab, thinking that if he could turn as many people there to his cause, then he might just win. His ambitions were too high, and he was cast aside by Overlord DrahkMar, who had arrived several days after HirakTjon attacked. The rebellious Warlord squirmed to safety and fled to the dark unexplored regions of the Halo Zone, where neither Virions nor Humans could follow. After licking his wounds, HirakTjon did not cut down on his ambitions; instead, his passion was raging as high as ever. From then on, the Warlord HirakTjon of the FauWyk Clan was a plague to both the Virion Empire and the Imperium of Man. He would launch raids after raids on weaker worlds, and gathering more followers to his cause with his words, preaching about true freedom and talks about the tyrannical Empire of his former Virion brethren. He would liberate world after world, amassing an army of renegades and scoundrels, as well as the nave fools who actually believe in every word he utters. He is preparing a new revolution, in which he would instate his own dictatorship, ruling over Man and Virion alike with an iron fist. WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Warlord HirakTjon 6 6 4 4 3 6 3 10 3+

Emperor Killer: This mighty battle axe is a weapon that can slice through solid matter with great ease and sears flesh into burning husks. The exact origins of this weapon are unknown, and some might think it is not even crafted by Virion, or even mortal hands, but by the Daemons of Chaos. Such rumoured origins make the bearer himself seem like a daemonic beast with an eerie presence around him. HirakTjon however does not negate these claims, nor confirm them, but simply uses the thin cloak of mystery to trouble his enemies further and inspire his followers. He uses it not only in war, but also as a symbol of a tool that will slice the shackles of captivity and bring forth liberty. Range S User AP 3 Type Melee, Fleshbane, Master-crafted _

Price of Ambition: The title Warlord HirakTjon gave to his bionic upgrades, which include two left eyes, his right arm, his left leg and several of his left ribs. The scars were earned in his brief duel with Overlord DrahkMar of the VourkDwa Clan, who came to deal with him momentarily after fighting of a splinter fleet of Tyranid Hive Cerberus. With a single swipe of his blade, DrahkMar toppled HirakTjon and once the latter retreated, the Overlord returned to his quest of purging the Tyranid menace from Virion space. HirakTjon is always reminded of this event when he looks upon his cybernetics, but he does not regret it, in fact, he displays them proudly, showing the world that he is not afraid to sacrifice himself for his own great cause. Price of Ambition allows Warlord HirakTjon to cause Fear when fighting in a challenge.

UNIT TYPE: Infantry (Character) WARGEAR: Warrior Armour (pg 84), Striker Pistol
(pg 81), Adrenaline Boosters (pg 83)

WARLORD TRAIT: Conquering Hero (pg 45) SPECIAL RULES: Independent Character,
Stubborn, Temper (pg 45), Quick Reaction (pg 45) Inspiring Speeches: Every non-Mechanical Virion unit that is within 36 of HirakTjon can use his Leadership for Morale, Pinning or Leadership tests and any squad he joins receives the Fearless Special Rule. In addition, if HirakTjon joins the unit of Battle Clangaurds that come with him, then they receive the And They Shall Know No Fear Special Rule whenever he is in the squad, but they will loose the rule if the were to leave. Outcast: If Warlord HirakTjon is on the battlefield, then you cannot take any other Virion Special Character, with the sole exception of Overlord GaraKhan, because they are both Renegades from the FauWyk Clan. This is because a respected Empirical Virion would never fight side by side with a traitor.


KrielTal is the youngest of the Overlords among the ones ruling the Greater Clans. This had earned him some flak from his equals, but Emperor ViCath chose wisely when he picked KrielTal to lead the BoaskXees Clan. Hardly 100 years of age, the Overlords story of greatness begun when he was but a Warlord serving in the Clan. His former Overlord had chased of a large fleet of Dark Eldar that wanted to invade BorgKrag, the homeworld of the Clan. But this was but part of the aliens devious plot, and more ships would emerge from hiding and obliterate the former Overlord. Overwhelmed with grief, the Clangaurds of BoaskXees had gone in hot pursuit after the killers, and swore to avenge their former master. The one who got to the Dark Eldar Archon and ruthlessly butcher him, as well as his entire army was KrielTal, who was but a Warlord at the time. By doing so, he had also made the time to free the slaves which were on board the only way he knew how, with the sweet release of death. With the alien ships burned and their crew slaughtered, KrielTal had earned the respect of his comrades. This rise of status had been noticed by Emperor ViCath, who decided to crown KrielTal as the new Overlord of the BoaskXees Greater Clan. The other Overlords hardly approved of this at first, but as the years passed, KrielTal had proven that he has skill and valour in abundance, earning the respect of many other Virions and the entirety of his own Clan. When the battle draws near, KrielTal will appear before the enemy with no fear and approach them headstrong. While fighting, KrielTal unleashes his fury like wildfire and it spreads further in all directions, scorching all that gets caught up within it. His anger is comparable to a volcanic eruption, it comes suddenly and violently, it spreads slowly, but everything that it touches gets burnt to cinders. In his wake, nothing but ash and smoke remain. He was even known to be lost in his anger, going on in berserk fury rampaging across the battlefield, killing, burning, smashing and ravaging anything that he comes across. The other Overlords of the Greater Clans see this as a side effect of his youth and lack of experience in war, but most of them believe that he might be more calm and potent as he ages. KrielTal on the other hand misunderstands their advice as insults and seeks out to better himself as both a powerful warrior and an inspiration leader. He is young, and has much to learn, but even so, he is a not someone to be trifled with, and underestimating him due to his age would be a grave mistake one would not be given a second chance to make amends for. WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Overlord KrielTal 6 6 5 5 4 5 3 10 2+

Flame Belcher: This is the symbolic weapon of the Overlord and is unique to him alone. He had ordered it to be built to not spit corrosive gas like most Virion weapons of that type, which were a preferred option of the BoaskXees Clan, but to instead belch torrents of flames, turning everything in its direction into burning husks and smouldering debris. The Flame Belcher had proven its usefulness time and time again. When KrielTal brings forth this gun, the enemy will soon become nothing more then ash, smoke and cinder lying at his feet. Range Template S 7 AP 2 Type _ Assault 1, Blind, Soul Blaze, Master-crafted

UNIT TYPE: Infantry (Character) WARGEAR: Veteran Armour (pg 84), Adrenaline
Boosters (pg 83), Gas Grenades (pg 83)

WARLORD TRAIT: Glorious Charges (pg 45) SPECIAL RULES: Independent Character,
Stubborn, Temper (pg 45), Quick Reaction (pg 45), Overlord (pg 45) Incinerate: When KrielTal is taken as Overlord, all Infectors (pg 80), Purifiers (pg 81), Gas Purgers (pg 86), Spore Cannons (pg 86) and Toxic Spore Lobbers (pg 87) receive the Twinlinked Special Rule and wounds caused by Gas Grenades can be re-rolled. In addition, all non-Mechanical Virion units gain the Preferred Enemy (Dark Eldar) Special Rule.

Blade of Rupture: Quite possibly the single most revered relic in the entire BoaskXees Clan. This sword had been passed down from Overlord to Overlord since the Age of Enlightenment and is said that Emperor OutRargth had ordered it to be built. The sword has small openings on its surface, from which a liquid leeks and soaks the entire blade. With a strong grip, the user can trigger a spark, which ignites the liquid. To those who do not understand this, it seems as if the sword suddenly came ablaze according to the bearers own will. It is the iconic symbol of the entire Greater Clan and is to this reason that it is greatly revered. It is currently wielded by Overlord KrielTal, and his title, the Flaming Rage is very fitting. Range S +2 AP 2 Type _ Melee, Fleshbane, Soul Blaze, Master-crafted


As a Virion born in the sandy world of RazGar, BolOrg grew up fighting the vicious sandstorms that plagued the people which had been raised there. However, these people had learned how to survive, adapt and even respect the sandstorms. BolOrg understood the deserts the most, for he thought that he could relate to them. The sandy plains could be calm and peaceful at times, then suddenly violent and deadly. BolOrg is a patient individual, but once his patience had been pushed to its limits, he will explode in a storm of anger and blind fury. These outbursts of rage had him feel isolated from the others, but he had learned to accept it and thrive in solitude. Regardless of this, BolOrg had earned his status as Overlord through many decades of obedient service in the Maiden Wars. This rise in status had proven that BolOrg is a competent leader, and that he can suppress his murderous urges when he needs a calm spirit and a clear mind. He spends plenty of his free time in isolation, calming himself, becoming one with his own spirit, absolving his anger and replacing it with tranquillity. But these rigorous rituals of peace were not enough to keep him calm in some situations, most notably when dealing with the Craftworld Eldar. During one occasion, the Overseers managed to force the Eldar of Craftworld Iybraesil and Virions of Greater Clan DragOek to come on neutral ground and start negotiations of peace. Overlord BolOrg had accepted to come in person, along with his personal Battle Clanguard retinue. The talks did not go nearly as smoothly as the Overseers hoped they would. Instead, the Eldar would insist that the worlds of the Maiden Cluster belong to them, because life was seeded there by the Eldar predecessors, while the Virions debated that those planets are rightfully theirs, because it was the Virions who conquered those worlds and gave countless lives trying to protect them from alien invaders of all kinds. Neither side would let up, and eventually, Overlord BolOrg had enough of that worthless banter. He gave the Eldar an ultimatum, either they leave, or they die. The Eldar chose to fight, and so the war resumed. The Virions did not wait, and BolOrg had immediately massacred the Eldar representatives which were standing before him, and declared that the war would last until either of the sides were extinct. At that point, the Overseers had given up and retreated from the Maiden Cluster, allowing for the senseless bloodshed to continue. Even at the eve of the 41st Millennium, the Virions there are being lead by Overlord BolOrg, the Heavens Lash. He earned his title because of the way he fights. He descends from the sky and lands on top of the enemy. Then he delivers punishment to those who oppose him, and his attacks are like a crack of a whip, quick and painful. As hard as he may try to control his killing instincts, he cannot deny that they had helped him win in countless battles across the centuries and that he is now among the most feared enemies the Eldar had ever faced. WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv 6 5 6 6 4 6 4 10 2+

Overlord BolOrg

UNIT TYPE: Jump Infantry (Character) WARGEAR: Veteran Armour (pg 84), Adrenaline
Boosters (pg 83), Blaster Pistol (pg 80), Dual Energy Sabres (pg 82)

WARLORD TRAIT: Glorious Charges (pg 45) SPECIAL RULES: Independent Character,
Stubborn, Temper (pg 45), Quick Reaction (pg 45), Overlord (pg 45) Arial Assault: When BolOrg is taken as Overlord, you may take one squad of Assault Clangaurds as Troops. All units bearing the title Warchief and the Battle Clangaurds taken with BolOrg can replace their Ceremony Blades with Energy Sabres (pg 83) and if they do take an Energy Sabre, they may replace their Striker Pistols (pg 82) with an additional Energy Sabre. In addition, all non-Mechanical Virion units gain the Preferred Enemy (Eldar) Special Rule. Blind Rage: Whenever BolOrg is under the effects of the Rage Special Rule (which is caused if he fails a Temper test), then his attacks again the Smash Special Rule.

Wings of Fire: BolOrg had requested of the best Virion technicians to create a Jump Pack so powerful, it can lift his massive body clad in Veteran Armour. There are rumours saying that the Virions are utilizing Eldar Flip belts, confiscated from earlier conflicts. These anti-gravity devices are one of the possibilities of why a hulking giant clad in heavy armour like BolOrg is capable to move around with such stunning speed and accuracy. But no Virion engineer would admit to doing such a heinous act, and those who took part in the creation of this pack would rather die than spill the secrets of their craft. Regardless of how it was built, the Wings of Fury allow BolOrg to fly around at high speeds and descend upon the foe like an angel of vengeance. Wings of Fury allow Overlord BolOrg to behave like Jump Infantry in all aspects and all of his Hammer of Wrath charges receive the Strikedown Special Rule.


In the deepest and darkest corners of the Halo Zone, one may find many perils and dangers beyond a mortals wildest imagination. From haunted ghost planets to monstrous threats born of the bloodiest of nightmares, none of these compare to the Virion Renegades. Since the Long War had ended, the FauWyk Clan declared itself Renegade, and it abandoned the Empirical Law and the Holy Code of Honour. Over the millennia, several more Clans would start to follow their example, and that is how the first Renegade Clans were formed. Because it survived the Long War, the FauWyk Clan is technically a Greater Clan and they use this fact to taunt the Empirical Virions. The FauWyk Clan gathers up criminals, outcasts, rebels, deserters and every single peace of scum the Virion Empire had produced. This filth would seek out Renegade Clans to join, and the one that will always grant a helping hand to these radicals is the FauWyk Clan. It is to this reason that this Clan had managed to sustain sufficient numbers to plague the Grand Virion Empire still. The FauWyk Clan is scattered across the stars, at the borders of the Empire, in the unexplored parts of the Halo Zone, and even at some parts of the Segmentum Pacificus, staying in the blind spot of the Imperium. However, the one who can rally all the Virion Renegades is the current Overlord of the FauWyk Clan, GaraKhan. He despises both the Grand Virion Empire and the Imperium of Man equally. His desire is nothing more then to topple the foundations of both in a single great revolution and instate the Virions as the ultimate rulers of the Galaxy, enforcing their own ruthless regime. He is still far from this ultimate goal, but he is working tirelessly to come one stop closer. He is currently organizing a series of raids in the Segmentum Pacificus, and many Imperial worlds had fallen silent, while both the Empirical Virions and Imperial officials can do very little to try and hold back his advances. He is building up a force like no other, and is planning to amass an army of Virion and Human renegades, and then let them loose upon Humanity, letting them rampage across the stars. Even now, they are tearing down the icons of the God-Emperor, burning his churches and butchering his priests. This is only the beginning. Not long before the Night of a Thousand Rebellions started, a Company of the Lions Defiant Chapter went to investigate an Imperial agricultural planet near the Sabbat Worlds. What they found was nothing more then pure carnage, bloodshed and dismay. Corpses and ruins littered the planet, while the alien invaders were enslaving the survivors. The battle that ensued was intense, but the FauWyk Virions had prevailed. The Captain of the Lions Defiant was brought before GaraKhan. He then presented the Space Marine with a line of Human children, which were blindfolded and chained and behind each was a Virion Clanguard. With a single hand gesture, the Virions slit the throats of the young ones and blood poured in all directions. GaraKhan and his ruthless minions were bursting with laughter, while the Astrates could do very little but watch as the bodies simply fell to the ground, lifeless. The Marine was then set up in an escape pod and launched towards the nearest Imperial planet. He would then tell tales of what he saw, and spread the terror of the gruesome scenes he bared witness to. GaraKhan usually leads his warriors from behind the scenes, but when he must take matters into his own hands, and then he will take joy in slaughtering his enemies, earning the title the Butcher King. WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv 6 6 5 5 4 6 3 10 3+

WARGEAR: Warrior Armour (pg 84), Adrenaline

Boosters (pg 83), Runic Symbols (pg 84)

WARLORD TRAIT: Skilled Tracker (pg 45) SPECIAL RULES: Hit & Run, Independent
Character, Stubborn, Skilled Riders, Temper (pg 45), Quick Reaction (pg 45), Overlord (pg 45), Outcast (pg 68) Terrorize: When GaraKhan is taken as Overlord, you may take one unit of Storm Clangaurds as Troops and all Combat Clanguards gain the Infiltrate Special Rule. In addition, all non-Mechanical Virion units gain the Preferred Enemy Special Rule when fighting other Virions, Space Marines and the Imperial Guard.

Hurricane Gale: This is quite likely the most powerful jetbike ever produced by Virion hands. Its exact time of creation is a mystery, just like its original user, but it is known that it is currently used by GaraKhan and he uses it as his personal steed which carries him to the thick of battle. Hurricane Gale is a Jetbike fitted with a Spike Flicker and twin-linked Light Missile Spewer. The Slaughterer: This doubled bladed spear comes with serrated blades on both ends. It had impaled thousands of hearts and beheaded countless enemies of the FauWyk Clan and GaraKhans great plans for all Renegades. Range S +2/+1 AP 2/3 Type Melee, Fleshbane, Master-crafted _

Overlord GaraKhan

UNIT TYPE: Jetbike (Character)


Leading the eldest and most powerful of the Clans is Overlord ShrielXe. He is well respected by any other Overlord that leads a Clan loyal to the Empire. As the greatest of the greater Clans, the GaanLak must uphold all the virtues and duties any other Virion Clan is expected to understand. At the head of this Clan is what many may consider the greatest warrior in the entire Virion Empire. His skills are finely tuned, his strength is nearly unmatched, and his tactical prowess is flawless. ShrielXe had received plenty of praise within the centuries of service in war. He received many honours and he goes by many titles, but his most notable one would be the Tyrant Slayer. This title had been granted to ShrielXe when a splinter of Hive Fleet Cerberus entered Empirical Virion space. The Tyranids had threatened to destroy many planets, but ShrielXe and his army of Clanguards from GaanLak had stepped in to intervene. While the Clanships and Hive Ships clashed in the skies, the Clangaurds and Bioforms of all kinds were at each others throats down on the surfaces of many worlds. Eventually, the Hive Tyrant that was leading the charge had stepped forward, and ShrielXe accepted the challenge. The two alien leaders clashed and fought with bestial fury. It was hard to tell which the greater monster was, either the Tyranid or the Overlord. In the end however, ShrielXe spilled the guts of the Hive Tyrant and claimed its head as a reward. Without a leader, the Tyranids had become disoriented and scattered, which made it easy for the Virions to expunge them and reclaim their worlds. From that point on, Overlord ShrielXe was known as the Tyrant Slayer. The head of the Hive Tyrant hangs still in the personal quarters of the Overlord and it is guarded as a sacred artefact of the Clan. It was not just alien invaders from without that ShrielXe had fought, but also the traitors and renegades that lurked within. The Overlord was present at the Third Siege of KauReigh. During the Siege, ShrielXe had received the permission of Emperor ViCath to bring with him a quarter of the Royal Guard and fight of the invading renegades. The Overlord of GaanLak had lead the Clanguards on KauReigh with such brutality and vicious resolve that the Renegades trembled with fear at the mere sight of him. Celestial Cities were being cleared of resistance on a daily bases and it took less then a year to purge all of KauReigh from every single traitor that dared to set foot on the sacred homeplanet of the Virion race, the home of the Sovereign Emperor and the capital of the Grand Virion Empire. There are even records of ShrielXe fighting GaraKhan in one on one battle. But the Renegade Overlord was too quick and managed to escape in time, leaving many of his comrades behind to buy the FauWyk Clangaurds enough time to flee. Ever since, ShrielXe had managed his Clan to defend the planet KauReigh and to lead the conquest which expand the Empire. While leading these wars, ShrielXe is a force to be reckoned with, a warrior to behold, something to look upon and tremble. He does not hesitate to unleash the primal fury and to give in to his killer instincts which run through the veins of every Virion Rarzg that earns his right to become a Clanguard. Overlord ShrielXe expects danger around every turn, an enemy in every corner; he is always ready and never lets his guard down. When his adversaries are in his sights, he will charge at them directly, with steel nerves and unshakeable resolve. Reckless or courageous, it matters little, for ShrielXe had won many wars and earned many honours by relying on his instincts. WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Overlord ShrielXe 6 5 5 5 4 5 3 10 2+

UNIT TYPE: Infantry (Character) WARGEAR: Veteran Armour (pg 84), Adrenaline
Boosters (pg 83), Blaster Pistol (pg 80)

WARLORD TRAIT: When determining Warlord

Traits (pg 45) roll a D3 and choose the results accordingly: 1 Conquering Hero 2 Headhunter 3 Glorious Charges

SPECIAL RULES: Independent Character,

Stubborn, Temper (pg 45), Counter Attack (pg 45), Overlord (pg 45) With Strength and Honour: When ShrielXe is taken as Overlord, all units with the Quick-Reaction Special Rule gain the Counter Attack Special Rule instead. In addition, all units with the title Warchief or are wearing Veteran Armour can replace their Ceremony Blades with Heavy Chainswords.

Shredder: This type of Chainsword is unique to Overlord ShrielXe. It is his most favoured weapon, because he loves the sound it produces when it clashes with the flesh of his opponent. As a hundred blades go forth from its base at high speed, they will grind against armour and tear it to ribbons. It is a very large sword and even ShrielXe sees it as heavy. Range S 2 AP 2 Type _ Melee, Armourbane , Two-handed, Unwieldy


The Overlord of the HomJek Clan is considered to be the single most powerful Virion seer in the entire Empire. PeRarzg is nearly two thousand years old, and he remembers at least ten thousand wars in which he participated. He still remembers the times when ZenShriel was the Sovereign Emperor, when the difference between Greater and Lesser Clans was proclaimed, and even when the Motherships first took flight. He even recalls the times when ZenShriel passed away and ViCath came to rule. Even the images of the Macharian Heresy are clear to him. He is the eldest and most experienced of the Overlords, hence he is also the most respected and revered. In the case of Virions, age brings wisdom and power alike, hence PeRarzg is also highly powerful and can bring forth vast amount of spiritual energy to assist his comrades and vanquish his adversaries. In his time, PeRarzg had spent many years exploring the icy wasteland BelRadAk, the homeworld of the HomJek Clan, which had suffered major climatic changes since the FauWyk Clan came to render their vengeance not long after the Long War ended. The surface of BelRadAk was once covered with beautiful cities, now all that remains are ruined buried in snow. Volcanic eruptions are also quite common, with sudden tremors shaking entire mountains and splitting the ground, allowing for tons of flame and smoke to gush out into the sky. This mix of fire and ice had given BelRadAk its own dangerous appeal. Regardless, PeRarzg seeks out the lost and forgotten artefacts and relics which were lost when the FauWyk Clan attacked. He and his personal retinue of Warseers are scattered on the planets surface, desperately trying to recover the glory of olden times. However, when the Clan needs him, PeRarzg will abandon his eternal quest for the time being and go forth to where he and his might are required. Because he is finely tuned with the spiritual energies and the nature of the Warp, he had been called for many times to deal with sudden risings of Chaos Daemons and their mortal servants. With his psychic powers, he cut down legions of Bloodletters and Daemonettes, he vanquished Lords of Change and Great Unclean Ones, and he even blasted the minds of Daemon Princes. He stopped many Warp Storms and Daemonic incursions, but he also lost at a few occasions. At those dark times, he got to see the worst nightmares the Warp can unleash, lead by Daemonic lords of such great power, they might just be the legendary traitor Primarchs. Whether he fought power evils of ancient past or not, he still cannot forget the terrors he bared witness to and the faces of all the souls he could not save. His mind is eternally tormented by the thoughts of failure, and so went on a self imposed crusade of penance, to make amends for the errors he made in the past. When roused to fight, PeRarzg will bring with him a company of Seers, not to protect his physical form, but to shield his mind and soul from the perils that lay beyond. His abilities go as far as to receiving flashing images of future events that are yet to transpire, so he may be prepared for what is to come. Only a few sorcerers can hope to match the might of Overlord PeRarzg. WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv 6 6 5 5 4 5 3 10 2+

SPECIAL RULES: Independent Character, Psyker

(Mastery Level 4), Stubborn, Temper (pg 45), Quick Reaction (pg 45), Overlord (pg 45) Vengeance: When PeRarzg is taken as Overlord, all of the Battle Clanguards and the Battle Warchief (but not the Healer Clanguard) become Psykers (Mastery Level 1) and a Brotherhood of Psykers which can only use the Primaris Powers of whatever Disciplines PeRarzg chooses. In addition, all nonMechanical units gain the Preferred Enemy Special Rule against other Virions, Chaos Daemons and Chaos Space Marines.

PSYKER: PeRarzg may choose two disciplines before

battle, and he knows every single power in them, which are: Biomancy, Divination, Telekinesis and Virion Spirituality.

Daemon Flayer: This long spear is engraved with mystic runes which grant it the power to cut down the hardest of daemonic hides. Its blade had tasted the blood of Greater Daemons, Daemon Princes and quite possibly Primarchs. Range S +2 AP 1 Type _ Melee, Force, Soul Blaze, Fleshbane, Master-crafted

Overlord PeRarzg

UNIT TYPE: Infantry (Character) WARGEAR: Veteran Armour (pg 84), Xenofact Shard
(pg 84), Adrenaline Boosters (pg 83), Blaster Pistol (pg 80),

Runes of Battle: PeRarzg had engraved upon himself a series of mystic runes which protect both him and his allies. PeRarzg and all friendly units 12 from him receive a 3+ Invulnerable save. The effects last for as long as he lives.

WARLORD TRAIT: Daemon Fighters (pg 45)


Ever since his youth, WroasBaal was always impressed by the deep seas and all the creatures that lurked within. The planet of his origin, Wroask, has the vast majority of its surface covered in deep blue oceans. The Virions there are forced to reside in bubble cities on the ocean floor. They illuminate a faint warm glow which attracts aquatic predators of all kinds, including the monstrous KralWroask. These colossal serpents can exceed the length of an entire kilometre and their teeth can be compared to Titans. At one occasion, a KralWroask attacked the primary Virion aquatic city. To defend it came the former Overlord of the JaiMark Clan. The fighting was intense, but the KralWroask had devoured him. In an outbreak of vengeful fury, the JaiMark Clanguards rallied to slay the beast. Many had died, having found themselves between the fangs of this beast. One Virion managed to slip through and enter the belly of the beast. He survived by feasting on its flesh and drinking its blood. There, he remained for nearly a month, before he found the serpents heart and ripped it from within. When that KralWroask was writhing in pain, exhaling its own blood, the Virion warrior emerged triumphant, bearing the Trident that belonged to the former Overlord. He found his way back to civilization and told tales of his success, bearing a peace of the beasts heart as proof. Ever since, that warrior was proclaimed as the new Overlord of the JaiMark Clan, and his name was WroasBaal. He sought out the creatures of the deep, hunting them down and claiming their fangs, claws, heads, eyes and even frozen hearts as trophies. But the greatest of the beasts he had encountered was Hive Fleet Cerberus. At one point, the Tyranid splinter fleet assaulted the planet Wroask. Mycetic Spores started to pummel the surface and submerge underwater. The Tyranid organisms had adapted themselves with gills and fins, allowing them to survive in underwater conditions. However, the Virions of JaiMark are expert hunters and trackers, being raised in the darkest depths and facing the gruesome monsters that stalk the ocean floor. The hunters became the hunted, and the Tyranids were expunged from the planet. This was possible due to the leadership of WroasBaal. He coordinated his warriors in an orderly fashion and had them strike in perfect sync. His warriors are like predators that treat their enemies as prey. When the splinter fleet was destroyed, WroasBaal wanted to see if there were more such creatures, and decided to go out and hunt down every last Tyranid he can find, and gather more trophies for his bloody tally. Ever since, the JaiMark Clan had dedicated themselves to pursing and killing every Tyranids they can find. Overlord WroasBaal leads with cunning intellect, brutal resolve and vicious nature. He trusts his instincts and approaches his opponents as he would a prey animal. He takes thrills in killing and a powerful adversary is nothing more then a challenge to him. He always seeks the strongest, to prove himself stronger. WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv 6 5 5 6 5 3 4 10 2+

SPECIAL RULES: Independent Character,

Rampage, Stubborn, Temper (pg 45), Quick Reaction (pg 45), Overlord (pg 45) The Hunt begins: When WroasBaal is chosen as Overlord, all units bearing the title Warchief or posses Veteran Armour can be upgraded with Power Lances. In addition, all non-Mechanical Virion units receive the Preferred Enemy (Tyranids) rule.

War Trident: This trident had been passed down from Overlord to Overlord within the JaiMark Clan since the planet Wroask was discovered during the Age of Enlightenment. It is believed that its blades are forged from the fang of a KralWroask. The blade in the centre is a charged spike that unleashes a burst of electricity that fries the nerves of its target. The War Trident is the symbolic weapon of the entire Clan, and WroasBaal bears it with great honour, using it to cut down the enemies of JaiMark. Range S +1/User AP 2/3 Type Melee, Fleshbane, Master-crafted _

ArGhark: A massive beast that resembles a four legged shark. Its name literally means many teeth. WroasBaal found the egg of this beast not so long ago in an underwater cavern. Thinking it was abandoned; WroasBaal took it and raised the creature that hatched as a caring parent. The beast is now fully grown, and WroasBaal can ride it to war, where it will rip and tear those who oppose its master. ArGhark grants WroasBaal the Skilled Rider special rule and one of his Attacks receives the Shred rule.

Overlord WroasBaal

UNIT TYPE: Monstrous Creature (Character) WARGEAR: Veteran Armour (pg 84), Adrenaline
Boosters (pg 83), Blaster Pistol (pg 80)

WARLORD TRAIT: When determining Warlord

Traits (pg 45) roll a D3 and choose the results accordingly: 1 Skilled Tracker 2 Headhunter 3 Venom Bearer


RegisPet is the single most feared Overlord in the entire Empire. He is most likely the strongest Virion in existence. He is no bloodthirsty maniac, but a cold blooded killer. When he sees an enemy, he will not stop until they are no more. He has no concern for those around him, be it friend or foe. He is dreaded by all, for he knows not the meaning of mercy or pity, because his entire life is dedicated to death and destruction. He was not always such a cruel lord; in fact, he was far more merciful when he was but a Warlord of the Clan. Since QuakMazPy became an asteroid belt, it served as a prime export of mineral resources. Warlord RegisPet was in charge of making sure that a supply route was safe. But at one point, he was attacked by Ork Freebooters. The Virions fought with great vigour against their hated enemies and stood their ground. The Greenskins boarded the Virion ships and slaughter began. Being outnumbered, RegisPet and his personal Battle Clanguards made a last stand to oppose the incoming Ork assailants. The Virions there fought with such valour and courage that even the Ork Kaptin Redeye was impressed and allowed the Virion Warlord RegisPet to live. The Orks chucked the unconscious Virion into an escape pod and left him to float in space. When he was found a few days later, immediate surgery and cybernetic implantation was necessary to sustain him. RegisPet ended up with his limbs and parts of his torso removed, replaced with robotic mechanisms. Parts of his face and neck were also missing due to a lucky Slugga shot, so bionic upgrades were necessary in that region as well. By the time the surgery was done, RegisPet became more machine then mortal in body and in mind. His thoughts were filled with nothing more then hate. He quickly rose to rank of Overlord, by proving his power in battle. He grew to utterly detest all of green kind and their very existence is a pain to him. He seeks out any Ork he can find and destroy it entirely. His reputation preceded him not only in Virion space, but among the Halo Raiders as well. The Orks call him Da Big Destroya and tremble at the very mention of his name. To look upon him is to behold a wrathful deity of war, which will annihilate all that stands before it without hesitation. To him, his personal vendetta against the Greenskins takes precedence over everything else and anyone who stands in his way shall be trampled to a bloody pulp. He is described as a six ton engine of mass destruction bent on galactic extermination. WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Overlord RegisPet 6 6 6 6 5 4 3 10 2+

RegisPet is the ultimate fighting machine! Unstoppable! Merciless! Glorious! No one is safe from RegisPet!

Coordination Beacon: Overlord RegisPet brings with him a sensitive and accurate beacon array which can directly transmit his orders to any mechanized unit on the battlefield. This allows him to take direct control over specific units and direct them precisely where they are needed. In short, RegisPet may exchange the limited sentience of a robotic unit and replace it with his own ruthless intentions. Coordinated Beacon makes every unit with the Mechanical Special Rule within 30 of RegisPet use his Leadership for any Morale, Leadership or Pinning test they need to take. Bionic Implants: These cybernetic enhancements had allowed RegisPet to survive through the great ordeal after meeting Kaptin Redeye. Ever since, he has become nothing short of a killing machine, with but a single purpose, complete annihilation of all enemies. Not only is he superbly powerful and immensely heavy, but also a terrifying sight to behold, presenting himself as the harbinger of doom. Bionic Implants give RegisPet the Eternal Warrior and It will not die Special Rules. In addition, his first attack in a challenge and his Hammer of Wrath attacks receive the Smash Special Rule.

UNIT TYPE: Monstrous Creature (Character) WARGEAR: Veteran Armour (pg 84), Adrenaline
Boosters (pg 83), Energy Pack (pg 83), Dual Power Fists, Twin-linked Spike Cannon (pg 86), Tripod Legs (pg 82)

WARLORD TRAIT: Conquering Hero (pg 45) SPECIAL RULES: Independent Character,
Rampage, Stubborn, Temper (pg 45), Quick Reaction (pg 45), Overlord (pg 45), Entrench (pg 57) Tripod Retinue: When RegisPet is taken, he does not bring a unit of Battle Clanguards, but instead a unit of Strider Tripods or Annihilator Tripods. He can leave and rejoin the unit at will. Destroy: When RegisPet is taken as Overlord, all nonMechanical Virion units have the Preferred Enemy (Orks) Special Rule.


Coming from the industrial centre of the Virion Empire, TrarlNak had aspired to love all forms of technology. His desire to improve himself in the field of science had reflected upon his exterior appearance. Due to his somewhat reckless behaviour, he had to endure through cybernetic enhancements multiple times. His actions cost him an arm and a leg, quite literally, which had to be replaced with robotic servos. He pays little heed to this, and never regrets the actions he had committed in the past. He was described as scatterbrained, with short attention spans and little interest in what is in front of him. It is not that he isnt paying attention, but instead he tries to scan every single detail around him, it is simply the way he is. He grew to accept his cybernetics and aspired to become a great Warforger. Centuries passed, his skills improved, his mastery of engineering was flawless and his capabilities as a military commander were inspiring, and yet, even when he became an Overlord, a leader of an entire Clan, the representative of his people, he did not change one bit. He remained the same reckless and eccentric Virion he always was and he had no plans of changing his ways. Even when he has the burden of immense responsibility as Overlord resting on his shoulders, his true love is and always will be engineering and machinery. He loves to study up on new knowledge the Virions discover and examine any bit of technology they uncover. He extensively studies anything he can grab his hands on in hopes of better understanding the arts of science to better the lives of all. It is his dream to guide the Virion race into a new age of technological enlightenment, one that would help them pass the borders of what was once thought impossible. In his free time, he will toy around with any machine he can find, trying to repair what doesnt need to be fixed, making whatever he is tinkering with work at its best. This quest of his for new technologies had leaded him in the face of danger numerous times, being baited by obvious traps at some times and at others simply ending up at the wrong place at the wrong time. The most notable such occasion is when he received his title. At an uncharted planet, very close to TarRask, the homeworld of the ShuNaiek Clan, the Virions picked up odd energy readings. TrarlNak decided to take a small army of around five hundred Virion Veterans with him to investigate in person. What he found was a maze of tunnels which seemed to have lead to no end. At the core, he found a Necron Catacomb, silent and slumbering. He knew how dangerous the deathless truly are, so he ordered his technicians to plant powerful explosives at key locations around the complex, meanwhile he would try to examine some of the Necron artefacts and study them when he returns to TarRask. Most of the inhabitants of the Catacombs were slumbering, but not all of them. Scarabs, Wraiths and Spider constructs arose to defend their sleeping masters. The Virions tried to make a hasty retreat back to the surface, fighting of the nightmarish machinery and any Necron that would start to arise. On the Overlords order, the explosives were triggered and the catacombs started to cave in upon themselves. TrarlNak and roughly a hundred other Virions managed to escape, but the others had either died fighting or remained buried in rock. From then on, he was known as the Tomb Breaker and the Necron relics he acquired were studied. This helped the Virions in future conflicts against the Necron threat. The warriors that died in that expedition were the most trusted of TrarlNaks followers and their deaths were a heavy price to pay for victory. Ever since, TrarlNak would swear to do all in his power to prevent such needless sacrifices and would fight on bravely for a better future of all Virions. WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Overlord TrarlNak 6 6 5 5 4 4 4 10 2+

UNIT TYPE: Infantry (Character) WARGEAR: Veteran Armour (pg 84), Adrenaline
Boosters (pg 83), Advanced Visor (pg 83), Cybernetic Upgrades (pg 83), Blaster Pistol (pg 80), Thunder Hammer

WARLORD TRAIT: Glorious Charges (pg 45) SPECIAL RULES: Independent Character,
Stubborn, Temper (pg 45), Quick Reaction (pg 45), Overlord (pg 45), Forge Lord (pg 47), Reinforce (pg 47) Armoured Superiority: When TrarlNak is taken as Overlord, all units bearing the title Warchief can replace their Ceremony Blades with Thunder Hammers. In addition, all non-Mechanical Virion units receive the Preferred Enemy (Necrons) special rule.

Spectral Scanners: TrarlNak had granted himself a pair of bionic eyes which can adapt to any given situation and pierce the blackest of darkness. None can escape his gaze. Spectral Scanners allow TrarlNak and any unit he joins to receive the Night Vision special rule. Tools of Destruction: Unlike most Overlords, TrarlNak prefers creation over destruction, but that does not mean he cant use his tools of trade as weapons of war. One of TrarlNaks attacks receives the Tank Hunter rule.


Many Overlords have to choose whether they will dedicate themselves to protecting their homeworld or to lead the conquests. DrahkMar is the kind of leader who manages both. He makes the time to fight in the name of the Empire and wage war against the enemies of the Virion race and then he returns to planet CetaSab to coordinate the people living there and to solve issues on a political level. He cares for his people, but he also wishes to do his best and fight of all the evils that would threaten the Grand Virion Empire. Yet, not once did he think that he would be granted the opportunity to do both at once. At the eve of the 41st Millennium, DrahkMar received news of worlds on the borders of the Empire disappearing of the grid, loosing contact with them completely. DrahkMar had sent many fleets to investigate, many did not return, and those that did reported that the worlds that were once rich with life and thriving with Virions had become dry desolate rocks. The Overlord knew that these were all horrible omens and he rallied as many Clanguards from the VourkDwa Clan as he could to CetaSab. He also instated martial law on the entire planet, warning his people of the dangers that might come. Every able bodied Virion was trained to wield a gun and use a sword. Eventually, the main body of Hive Fleet Cerberus arrived on CetaSab, but the people were ready, all twelve billion of them. Tyranid Hive Ships battled the Virion Clanships in space, trying to outmanoeuvre each other. Mycetic Spores rained down from the heavens and into the compact streets and boulevards of CetaSab. However, besides the Virion population, there was very little biomass to devour, because the entire surface of the planet was chocked with tall spires and other Virion structures. The war with Cerberus lasted for months, before DrahkMar finished his project he was secretly working on. When the war was at its climax, a massive five hundred meter long rocket was launched, dubbed as the Peacemaker. The Virion fleets had tried their best to encircle the main Tyranid ships, herding them to the slaughter. When the Peacemaker detonated, it released an explosion which was several kilometres in diameter, and it wiped out the main body of the Tyranid fleet. The remaining Hive Ships were either obliterated by the Virion armada or had fled, becoming splinter fleets which plague the borders of Virion space still. The Tyranids that remained on the planet would be left to fend for themselves, and the Dominatrix which was coordinating the ground forces was slain by DrahkMar himself. Ever since then, DrahkMar swore to hunt down and destroy every last Tyranid that invades Virion territory. At that point he had earned two titles; the Savoir of CetaSab and the Bane of Cerberus. Overlord DrahkMar is the kind of individual who bares little malice against his opponents and fight because he must, but the Tyranids are the one thing he cannot stand. In his eyes, they are nothing more beasts that must be put down. As war rages on, DrahkMar does not loose the important things out of his sight, and still tries to dedicate himself to both the conquests to expand the Empire and returning home to lead his people. None can deny that DrahkMar is a truly inspiring hero. WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Overlord DrahkMar 6 5 5 5 4 4 3 10 2+

SPECIAL RULES: Independent Character,

Stubborn, Temper (pg 45), Quick Reaction (pg 45), Overlord (pg 45) For Victory: When DrahkMar is taken as Overlord, all Reserves can be re-rolled (including Deep Strike) and Assault Pods gain the Assault Vehicle special rule. In addition, all nonMechanical units receive the Preferred Enemy (Tyranids) rule.

The Conqueror: A mighty blade forged by DrahkMars predecessor who was leading the VourkDwa Clan before he did. Whenever DrahkMar waves this blade in battle, he remembers the teachings of his former Overlord. DrahkMar used this very sword to liberate the planet CetaSab from the Tyranid invasion by slicing the head of a Dominatrix. To this day, Overlord DrahkMar holds this blade with pride. Range S User AP 3 Type _ Melee, Armourbane, Fleshbane, Master-crafted

Banner of Victory: This flag bears the symbol of the VourkDwa Clan and graphic depictions of DrahkMars honours and triumphs during his many centuries of service in war. When the colours of the banner fly, the Clanguards feel inspired to fight on with renewed vigour and strength. All Virion non-Mechanical units within 12 of DrahkMar can re-roll their Morale, Leadership and Pinning tests.

UNIT TYPE: Infantry (Character) WARGEAR: Veteran Armor (pg 84), Adrenaline
Boosters (pg 83), Battle Shield (pg 83), Blaster Pistol (pg 80)

WARLORD TRAIT: Conquering Hero (pg 45)



Because the Virions are a non-canon race, they do not have their own Alliance Chart in the main Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. To this reason, a list of all the official armies had been presented here and the Virions relation with them and alliance status.

As a Chapter of the Adeptus Astrates, the Black Templars will not tolerate Xenos. However, the Virions are unlike any other alien they had ever encountered before. With a strong belief in martial honour and warrior pride, the Virions had to some extent, impressed the Black Templars. But an alien is an alien, and these zealous Space Marines will still be cautious when dealing with any form of Xeno race. Black Templars and Virions are Allies of Convenience.

The mysterious Chapter of the Adeptus Astrates known as the Dark Angels is one shrouded in a thick veil of secrets. Virions do not believe that one should hide anything important from his comrades, so the distrust is mutual. There were times when a Company of Dark Angels entered the Segmentum Pacificus to hunt down the Fallen, and the Virions, who despise Renegades of all kinds, were known to gladly offer their assistance in these holy quests. Dark Angels and Virions are Allies of Convenience.

Within the ranks of the Imperium, few are as perfectly coordinated and well trained as the Blood Angels. This Chapter in particular had very few meetings with the Virions, due to their lack of activity in the Segmentum Pacificus. But in those few times the two had met, the Virions had not given these Space Marines any reason to doubt. They have not yet grown to trust these aliens, but they do not hate them either. Blood Angels and Virions are Allies of Convenience.

Ever since the Long War, the fallen kin of the Eldar race have plagued weaker worlds on the borders of Virion space. These aliens utilize stealth, cunning and deception as their primary weapons, which are a bane to many Virion warriors, who believe that the true way to fight is up close and personal. It were also Dark Eldar who had slain the Sixth Sovereign Emperor OutRargth, so many Empirical Virions spit at the very name of these depraved marauders. Dark Eldar and Virions are Come the Apocalypse.

To the Virions, the vile spawns of the Warp are synonymous with the Evil Spirits of ancient legends. They embody everything the Virions strive to destroy. While the Daemons spread malice and insanity, the sacred goal of the Virions is to instate order into the Galaxy with an iron fist. The very existence of Daemons is bane to every Empirical Virion. Chaos Daemons and Virions are Come the Apocalypse.

To say the Virions dislike the Eldar is an understatement. While one alien relies on outrunning and outthinking their opponents, plotting schemes and planting traps, the other would rather charge headstrong towards their enemy and crush them with all theyve got. But in the big picture, the Eldar race had fought alongside the Virions as often as they were fighting one another. In truth, the two races are like polar opposites and so became bitter rivals. Eldar and Virions are Allies of Convenience.


If there is anything the Virions hate as much as Daemons, it is the mortal followers which granted their souls to them. The NoHeKhum dictates that anyone who is found serving the Evil Spirits must be put to death. The wars between these two factions are very bloody. Chaos Space Marines and Virions are Come the Apocalypse.

The Chapter 666, formerly known as the Grey Knights is the military arm of the Ordo Malleus. They work in absolute secrecy and their very existence is but a rumour to most people living in the Imperium. Naturally, the Virions would not be easy to trust such a faction, but when facing the horrors of the Warp and left with no alternative, these two form a deadly duo which cannot be stopped. Grey Knights and Virions are Allies of Convenience.


Ever since the Virions made contact with the Imperium during the Macharian Heresy, the aliens had started to form strong bonds with some of the Guard regiments stationed in the Segmentum Pacificus. Some Imperial Officers have even called for the aid of the Virions in times of direst need. Many Clans that ventured into Imperial space had made close allies in the Guard. The Imperial Guard and Virions are Battle Brothers.

Several Adeptus Astrates Chapters are stationed in the Segmentum Pacificus, such as the Lions Defiant and the White Consuls. Through the centuries, a few Chapters have come to trust the Virions and had become their close allies and brothers in arms. Both feel the same way about treachery from within and alien invasion from without and both serve their people until death. Few evils can stand against their combined might. Space Marines and Virions are Battle Brothers.

Several planets in the Virion Empire had turned out to possess Necron catacombs hidden beneath the surface. This had lead to contact with several Necron Dynasties. But Virions are territorial creatures and usually intrepid such an occurrence as acts of hostility and conflict breaks out quickly. Although at some occasions, there are Necrons who bear reason and honour in what remains in their souls, which the Virions respect. Necrons and Virions are Desperate Allies. Space Wolves and Virions are Allies of Convenience.

Probably the most famed and admirable Chapter in the entire Imperium. The Space Wolves are true warriors who fight to achieve glory in battle and favour from the God-Emperor. Their purpose is to destroy the enemies of their master and they have never wavered yet. There were not many occasions the Space Wolves met the Virions, but at times they did, the two had acknowledged each other as proper warriors.

Next to the vile forces of Chaos, the Orks are the single most hated enemy to the entirety of the Virion race. There is no such thing as a Virion who does not wish to see every single Ork in the Galaxy dead. The Long War began because the Orks invaded Virion held territory, while the Empire was young. Many Clans still bear a great grudge to this day. Orks and Virions are Come the Apocalypse. The Tau Empire and Virions are Battle Brothers.

A young alien race that is found in the Eastern Fringe. The Tau are on the opposite edge of the Galaxy from the Virions, so the two had only met in very rare occasions in isolated incidents. While the Tau want to spread the Greater Good to all, the Virions want to instate absolute control to the universe. This and a shared sense of duty and self sacrifice had made it so that these Xenos work fluently together when fighting for order.

Quite possibly the single most zealous and religious part of the entire Imperium. The women of the Adeptus Sororitas give themselves entirely to the GodEmperor and burn all that is unclean in his holy name. Mutants, heretics, traitors, daemons and aliens are all seen as blasphemous filth in the eyes of a Battle Sister. In fact, their hate is so strong that they believe even Virions are an evil that must be expunged. Sisters of Battle and Virions are Desperate Allies. DISCLAIMER: All pictures featured in this section are not made by the writer of this Codex nor are they his property. All these icons rightfully belong to their respective creators and artists. The following pictures were simply found online.

A new threat had come from the edge of the Galaxy from dark space. An ominous presence descends and blots out the stars. The Tyranid race is driven by an insatiable hunger for all that lives. The Virions had already encountered the fangs of Hive Fleet Cerberus. Wars between Virions and Tyranids are intense and bloody. There are no quarters, no respite, no mercy, only hate and death. Tyranids and Virions are Come the Apocalypse. Note: There is also a possibility for an Overseer Codex to be made in the future, but nothing is for sure at this moment.


This section of Codex: Virions lists the weapons and equipment used by the Virions and their Clans, along with the rules for using them in your games of Warhammer 40,000. Equipment that is carried by named special characters is detailed in the appropriate entry in the Conquerors section (pages 45 to 79), while weapons and equipment used by all other types of units are detailed here.

A form of large gun with three long spikes at its edge. These spikes surge with electric energy and then unleash it all in one flash of lightning. The shock would fry the nervous systems of organic enemies and burn down the circuitry of machinery. The three long spikes can also be used as bayonets, impaling the enemy of the wielder and letting raw electricity run through their living bodies, burning them from within. Range 18 S 6 AP 4 Type Heavy 2 _ Range 30 S 8 AP 2 Type _ Heavy 1, Barrage, Blast, Gets Hot, Ignores Cover

Superior to the Bombardier is the Demolisher mortar gun. Just like its relative, the Demolisher is strapped on top of Mortar Clanguards and is used to flush out enemies from cover and get them into the open. It also fires the same type of seed cases like the Bombardier, but the Demolisher instead fires them at a much slower interval. This means that a Demolisher needs more time to create more seed cases to launch, but it makes up for it with the fact that the shells it makes are notable more potent.

Virions prefer to engage their enemies in close combat rather then shooting at them from a distance. A pistol allows them to do both, and the Blaster variant is among the most potent. It is usually brought by Warchiefs, Veterans or Virions of high rank. It generates in its belly a seed case which is filled with plasma. Once the seed case hits something, it will burst and release its deadly content, which burns down flesh in mere seconds. Range 12 S 5 AP 3 Type Pistol _

This weapon is in many ways similar to the Crusher Gun. Both are reserved for Virions who wear Veteran Armor and both are immensely powerful. This weapon has a soft underbelly, where seed cases are being produced and are filled with plasma energy and hot shrapnel. The range of these seed cases is limited, but they are propelled at high speeds straight towards the enemy. Once the intended target is reached, the seed cases will detonate, leaving behind only charred husks and pierced flesh. Range 24 S 8 AP 3 Type Heavy 1, Blast _

The mortar gun which are strapped to the backs of the appropriately named Mortar Clangaurds. This weapon has a pouch, similar to that of its smaller cousin, the Blaster, but the Bombardier also grows sharp fragments which are filled inside seed cases along with plasma. The mortar will spit the seed cases high into the air and let them rain down upon the enemy, showering them with plasma fire and white-hot shrapnel. The Bombardier does have its drawbacks. Due to the immense power used to propel the seed cases, the Mortar is prone to failures in its cooling systems, which leads to its sudden combustion. Range 30 S 7 AP 3 Type _ Heavy 2, Barrage, Blast, Gets Hot, Ignores Cover

A preferred option in many Clans such as BoaskXees, which love to see their enemies being melted away to a stinking blob of what once used to be flesh and bone. The infector produces a form of highly toxic slime in its insides. The liquid is then funnelled to a larger cavity, where it is converted to a gaseous state. As a gas, the toxin is then released, being propelled forwards in a similar fashion as flames from a flamethrower. The toxic gas will seep through cracks in armour and enter the body of the enemies. The gas is extremely corrosive, so when someone comes in contact with it, their armour will spontaneously rust and their skin will rot away in a matter of seconds. What remains of the corpse can hardly be recognized. Range Template S 4 AP 4 Type Assault 1 _

Clangaurds who receive the right to bear Veteran armour often see the Crusher Gun as a preferred option for ranged weaponry. It has a simple shape and a single large hole that somewhat resembles an eye. From that hole are spawned currents of extremely high voltage, which crack in the air and incinerate the intended target, shaking them to their very bone structure or construction frame. A barrage of electric fire unleashed from a squad of Veteran Clangaurds can put a stop to enemy charges, smash through the sturdiest of defences and break through the armour of battle tanks. Such a gun is to be feared and admired. Range 18 S 7 AP 4 Type Heavy 2 _

Related to the Blaster Pistol is the Pincer Rifle. This gun is the mainstream firearm of the Clans. It is most commonly utilized by Combat Clanguards, the backbone of every Virion army. The seed cases launched by this gun are propelled at high speeds and they pierce through the armour and flesh of anyone who would stand in the path of the Virions. If the plasma fire s not enough to slay an opponent, then they would surely suffer intense bleeding from all the shrapnel that would pierce them. Range 18 S 5 AP 3 Type Rapid Fire _


Related to the Infector, the Purifier can be considered its bigger counterpart, which is used by Veteran Clanguards. It functions in nearly the exact same way as the Infector, except for the fact that the corrosive gas produced by the Purifier is far more deadly. The gun received the name from the fact that when an enemy gets engulfed by the toxic clouds produced by this gun, hardly anything remains. Flesh will liquefy and metal will corrode to an extent it can be broken by hand effortlessly. Range Template S 5 AP 3 Type Assault 1 _

As previously mentioned, Virions prefer to meet their enemies in close combat, fighting them face to face. A pistol allows a Virion to do so at improved efficiency. The Striker Pistol is like a scaled down version of the Assaulter Gun. With three spikes through which a surge of electric current runs, they shoot arcs of electric energy at their targets. These pistols are commonly used by all Virions who specialize in the bloody art of melee fighting. Range 12 S 4 AP 4 Type Pistol _

This oddly shaped weapon resembles some form of trumpet more then a gun. It is used by Veteran Clangaurds who have brought necessary equipment to deafen themselves, muting all sound that would usually be heard. The reason for this is that when the Shocker is activated, it will unleash high frequency noise which affects everything in front of it. The noise itself can kill; bursting ear drums and intensive bleeding from the nose and eyes can cause a shock to unprepared adversaries. But the true effect of the gun is the fact that it will stir the very internal organs of their targets, making them tremble uncontrollably. Those that arent killed by the screaming noise will suffer in agony as they star to bleed internally and haemorrhage to death. Range Template S 5 AP 1 Type _ Heavy 1, Torrent, Cacophony

There are many weapons the Virion Clanguards can wield, but few can compare to the Tormentor. Similar to a bazooka or rocket launcher of other races, the Tormentor has a very large cavity inside of it which produces large quantities of very powerful plasma and sharp fragments. Both of these are brought together in a seed case, which pulsates with raw energy. Once the seed case reaches the intended foe, it will explode and the target will be showered by plasma and shrapnel. Such attacks can shatter the armours and hides of very powerful enemies. The seed cases of some are even upgraded with a tiny droid at its nose, which seeks out moving targets and guides the shell to it. Once a Virion holding a Tormentor has his sights on you, there is no place to run, and no place to hide, you may only pray. Range 24 S 7 AP 4 Type _ Heavy 1, Blast, Skyfire

Cacophony: When a model survives a wound inflicted by the Shocker Cannon, it must take a Pinning test. If it fails, then the model automatically counts as suffering a Concussive hit.


Rules for the following Melee weapons can be found in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. Force Weapons Heavy Chainsword Power Fist Power Weapons Thunder Hammer

When Virion Tripods stride towards the battle, they will attempt to pick up their enemies, tear them limb from limb, dissect them alive and then throw away anything that remains. This is possible thanks to these mechanized claws. The claws are controlled by a separate calculating system which is attached to the side of the Tripods torso, but it functions in unison with the primary Tripod artificial intelligence. Mechanized Claws are directly attached to this separate system, which makes it easier for it to control the claws. A claw is like an elongated metal limb which can turn and bend in any given direction and on top of it is a base with a single round eye to detect and search for its foes. Onto this base are placed a number of pincers, powered by a strong hydraulic mechanism, which enables them to crush and grind all that gets in their grasp. Range S 2 AP 2 Type Melee _

When a Virion of the Rarzg breed becomes a fully fledged Clanguard, he receives a blade of some sort to be used in fraternity ceremonies with his brethren. Such rituals usually include cutting oneself and smearing of blood on each others faces to introduce new squad members. Such a weapon can be anything from a sword to an axe and even a Chainsword. Next to being used in ritual, they also serve a purpose in battle. When a Virion no longer needs his Ceremony Blade in battle, he will keep it in his private quarters, as a remainder of his past. Range S User AP Type Melee _


Common in most Virion Clans, the Energy Blade is a form of melee weapon with blades through which energy circuits run. This gives the blades an ability to pierce through armour and sear living flesh. Many Warchiefs use these to distinguish themselves from their squads, but ordinary Assault Clangaurds and Storm Clangaurds have been known to use them as well. In addition to defeating an enemy, the Energy Blade is also a symbolic tool for executing traitors, deserters and cowards within Virion ranks. By doing so, the Virion leaders sustain order and loyalty within the Clans, keeping them taintless. Range S User AP Type Melee, Armourbane, Fleshbane _ Almost identical to the Mechanized Claws are the Robotic Servos; the only actual difference is the size and proportional strength of the two weapons. The primary function of the Robotic Servos is not to kill, but to assist. Originally meant to act as the limbs of a Droid, the Robotic Servos are mostly used for regular tasks which sustain the Virion technologies properly functional at all times. But when a unit bearing these tools is provoked, it can lash out and begin to rip and tear skin from living flesh and cut up the assailant in lightning fast attacks. Range S User AP Type _ Melee, Specialist Weapon

Utilized only by the Healer Clangaurds, the Thrasher Claws are both tools of healing and weapons of death. It resembles a Power Fist, except it has a pair of energized blades that act as a pair of oversized scissors. The steady hands of a Healer Clanguard inside these claws can carefully cut open the armour of a wounded brother, so that it would be easier to tend to his injuries. But if he so wishes, the Healer Clanguard can use it to behead, flay, maim, mutilate and disembowel his opponents, it all tends towards the users preferences. Either to aid or to kill, a Thrasher Claw will be drenched in blood when the battle ends. Range S 2 AP 2 Type _ Melee, Armourbane, Specialist Weapon, Unwieldy

A relative of the simpler Energy Blade, the Energy Sabre functions in the exact same manner, only on a bigger scale and with more efficiency. The energy that surges through the sabre is comparable to Power Weapons, meaning that it can easily shred the toughest of enemies in a short span of time and with little effort. It is mostly seen on Storm Warchiefs and Veteran Clanguards, meaning it is reserved for more elite melee combatants. However, there were also instances of regular Warchiefs of the DragOek Clan to bear these weapons to war, due to their personal preference of this particular tool. If one Energy Sabre was not deadly enough, a pair is twice as deadly, hence why some Virions who are granted these blades relinquish themselves of any ranged weapons to be able to wield a pair of Energy Sabres at once to tear apart any opposition. Range S User AP 3 Type Melee, Armourbane, Fleshbane _

Virion Droids and Tripods alike are robots which move on three legs. These legs have powerful pistons and pumps in their inner mechanisms, which function alongside steady hydraulics. These limbs can make their way through any type of terrain with relative ease. In addition, the Tripods Legs can also be lodged at an opponent to impale them, tearing their guts out and then throwing them out of their way, so that they may continue onwards on their path. Range S User AP Type _ Melee, Specialist Weapon, Stride, Unwieldy

As simple as that, a set of tools that fire bursts of energy to wield together metal or to cut open holes in armour to commence repairing. Either way, the fixing tools are primarily used for engineering and maintenance, not for combat. This does not mean that the tools of trade cannot be used as weapons of war. Range S User AP Type _ Melee, Specialist Weapon

Stride: When a model is upgraded with Tripod Legs, it receives the Move Through Cover Special Rule.



Rules for the following items are listed on the summary page (pg xx). The full rules can be found in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. Gas Grenades* Psychic Hood Pulse Grenades** * see Assault Grenades ** see Defensive Grenades Shock Grenades*** Sharp Grenades**** *** see Haywire Grenades **** see Krak Grenades

Next to the sword, a shield had been an iconic peace of wargear since ancient times. Since Virions first discovered warfare, the shield had been used to deflect blows and keep their user as safe from harm as possible. Ever since firearms were discovered, shields were not used as much, but still exist. This variety of shield is upgraded with a small force field which can absorb small incoming fire and turn away weaker blows. Even in the 41st Millennium, the shields still act as the guards of the warriors, unwavering, unshaken, unbroken. A Battle Shield confers a 5+ Invulnerable save.

In the heat of battle, a Virion would prefer to head straight towards the enemy lines. The more senior warriors had proven their worth by performing glorious charges and ramming themselves towards their adversaries headstrong with no fear. To assist them further in these feats, they are fitted with a pair of Adrenaline Boosters, attached to their backpacks. When the Nanites in the armour detect a surge of hormones in the Virions body, they will trigger the boosters, making them unleash chemical compounds into the warriors bloodstream, making him go into a berserk state, caring not for his own wellbeing. A model with Adrenaline Boosters receives the Feel No Pain Special Rule. In addition, Healer Clangaurds with Adrenaline Boosters can confer this benefit to any unit they join with the exception of units with the Mechanical special rule. If the Healer Clanguard joins with a model that already has Adrenaline Boosters, then that model receives Feel No Pain (4+) instead.

Either from sustaining grave injuries in battle, or through simple devotion to machine, many Virions had replaced their natural body parts with cybernetic enhancements. From severed limbs to gouged eyes, broken jaws, missing ribs, broken tails and even parts of the skull can be replaced with bionics of all kinds. The most notable individuals who posses Cybernetic Upgrades are the Warforgers, those who specialize in all that is scientific and technological. When a Virion becomes a Warforger, it is common for them to add more robotic limbs which would serve a variety of tasks, depending on how they are made and how the Virion they are added to plans on using them. Cybernetic Upgrades gives the Warforger or Scientific Warlord an extra Fixing Tool, Robotic Servo and a Welder. In the Shooting Phase, the Warforger of Scientific Warlord can fire the Welder and another weapon. Range 12 S 7 AP 2 Type _ Assault 1, Gets Hot

To a Virion, a warrior that conceals himself is no true warrior, but they had met many who would hide from the Virions, waiting for an opportunity to strike. To this reason, some senior Virions replace their standard helmets with a specially designed visor which has a highly sensitive sensor mechanism integrated in it. This enables the user to see what previously could not be seen. A model with an Advanced Visor can target an enemy unit within 12 (this does not count as choosing a target for his unit to shoot at). A unit that is targeted by one or more Advanced Visor has its cover saves reduced by 1 until the end of the phase.


A stationary object which acts as a homing beacon that can rally Virion Veterans to a single tactically critical position. It is compact, meaning it can be carried around by a single Virion. It is in some ways similar to a Prime Sentry Gun, except it serves a supporting role, not a defensive one. The Deployable Sensor (or KaaZi in the Virion language) is composed of a base with three legs and a large antenna that rotates around its own axis, transmitting coordinates towards the Virion Clanships in orbit. Friendly units composed entirely of models in Veteran Armor do not scatter when they Deep Strike, so long as the first model is placed within 6 of the Deployable Sensors bearer. For this to work, the bearer of the Deployable Sensor must have been on the board at the start of the turn. Just like an Arial Droid, the Deployable Sensor is represented on the tabletop by a separate miniature that will always remain as close as possible to the model it is attached to and will be removed if the bearer is slain.

Unlike most Droids that are placed on top of three legs, this type has a small hover engine on it, which allows it to fly and move around with stunning agility. Virion commanders have been known to be accompanied by these mechanical companions. The purpose of the Arial Droid is to scout ahead and makes notes of the enemy positions, as well as warn his master of anyone who is following them or hiding just nearby. The Droid itself has no fighting capabilities and it can only support the Virions from a distance. It is directly linked to its master, so when he is killed, a backlash will fry the circuits of the Arial Droid, killing it as well. An Arial Droid is represented on the tabletop by a separate miniature that will always remain as close as possible to the model to which it is added. The model itself plays no part in the game; if the model gets in the way, simply move it on the side. If the Virion model is killed, the Arial Droid is also removed. When the unit the Arial Droid is attached to attacks an enemy that has the Infiltrate and/or Stealth special rules, then that Virion unit can target them normally and the enemy looses the benefits from the Infiltrate and Stealth rules, but only when dealing with the Virion unit which has an Arial Droid attached.

This complex alien device is an attachment to Virion backpacks. When activated, it will create an energy shield around the user and a small area around him. Inside, the bearers entire squad can take shelter, as incoming enemy fire is deflected, absorbed, or simply weakened as it comes in contact with the field. A model with an Energy Pack and all models (friendly and enemy) within 6 of a model with an Energy Pack have a 4+ Invulnerable Save.


To meet the enemy in close quarters is the only proper way to fight as far as the Virions are concerned. The problem comes when the enemy prefers to keep his distance, but this did not discourage the Virions not one bit. To help propel their warriors forwards, the Virions had engineered their own version of the Jump Pack, which carries the Virion Clanguards on top of wings of fire into the heat of the battlefield and carry them to victory. Models equipped with Jump Packs gain the Jump unit type as described in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

In many ways similar to a Centruroid, except smaller and weaker, the Tempest Jetbike is an invention the Virions were proud to use for millennia. The bike is propelled by a powerful thruster engine and the blinding speeds it reaches can outrun any fleeing enemy. They are also fitted with guns that can shred their targets before the rider swoops in for the finishing blow. Models equipped with Tempest Jetbikes change their unit type to Jetbike as described in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. Tempest Jetbikes are fitted with a Light Spike Flicker.

Virion Seers have been known to inscribe symbols of the Clan and mystic writings on the armour of many warriors. These runes are then fused with spiritual energy, granting whoever wears the armour divine protection of some sorts. The runes must be renewed before each battle through rigorous ceremony and tribal rituals, overseen by a Warseer. This can be represented in different ways among the Clans, such as the JaiMark who would sacrifice a prisoner of war on an altar and smear themselves with his blood and guts, or the HomJek Clan which purify themselves with blessed water while chanting prayers. Regardless of the means, the end is the same; the runes are filled with spiritual power which shields the bearer. A model with Runic Symbols receives a 4+ Invulnerable Save. Also, the effects stack with any other Invulnerable Saves, improving it by 1. For example, if a model has a Battle Shield and Runic Symbols, it would receive a 3+ Invulnerable Save. The effects cannot be raised beyond the limit of a 2+ save.

The monumental pillars of energy that reside on many planets in the Halo Zone had attracted Virions like beacons of light in a sea of perpetual darkness. To this reason, many notable planets in the Empire became notable because they have Xenofacts on them. The origin of these structures is unknown, but they had existed for as long as Virions can remember. There are even pictographs nearly a hundred thousand years old in KauReigh that display these odd monuments of light and power. As great as they are, they are not indestructible, and chunks of them have been known to fall of from time to time. Virions will then pick up these shards, shape them and engrave holy writings on them. The power of the Xenofacts still lies dormant in even the smallest of rocks that split away from it, so Virion Seers will strive to seek out these artefacts. The Xenofact Shards are revered as holy relics, for they enhance a Virions psychic abilities by a substantial margin. It is believed that this power derives from the Great Spirits themselves. Virion Psykers with a Xenofact Shard may use one Primaris Power for free. In addition, the Virion Psyker can re-roll his Deny the Witch and Perils of the Warp rolls.

Many Virion constructs bear very little armour, and are thus easy to destroy. This type of armoured plating cannot take much of a hit, but it is very easy to mass produce and maintain. Basic Plating confers a 6+ Armour Save.

Through the circuitry of this armour run the microscopic Nanites, which repair and maintain the nano-bionic technology that is essential to Virion production. The armour itself can also change shape, adapting to the users body, so that it would fit perfectly like a glove. The armour also monitors the Virions body functions, because Nanites are inserted into his bloodstream as well. It is as if the warrior and his armour had formed a symbiotic relationship that helps them survive as one. Warrior Armour confers a 3+ Armour Save.

This type of armour is fitted on the mainstream Droids and machinery to give them an edge in combat. It is not very durable, but comes cheap and in vast quantities. Standard Plating confers a 5+ Armour Save.

When a Virion Clanguard achieves the rank of veteran through hundreds of years of dedicated and unwavering service to the Empire, then he is permitted to wear what is considered the most powerful suit the Clans have to offer. Veteran Armour is like a bulkier version of Warrior Armour, with stronger inner circuitry that allows it to hold and use much heavier armaments. Also, the backpack is integrated almost entirely into the armour, appearing only like an elongated hood at the back. This armour can be fitted with a very large variety of weaponry and equipment that turns them into the deadliest of soldiers. Veteran Armour confers a 2+ Armour Save and a 6+ Invulnerable Save. Furthermore, models in Veteran Armour have the Bulky, Deep Strike and Relentless Special Rules and may not make Sweeping Advances. Veterans: Virion characters equipped with Veteran Armour gain the Veteran Assault and Skilled Attack rules (pg 55).

For Virion mechanical units that possess some degree of importance and higher levels of utility are equipped with somewhat sturdier armour that can withstand the heat of battle. Advance Plating confers a 4+ Armour Save.

Virion Tripods are powerful and mighty. They are given the most powerful ranged weaponry to bear; hence they would attract enemy fire. To this reason, the Tripods are given some of the sturdiest and most endurable armour the Virions can offer. Supreme Plating confers a 2+ Armour Save.



Some Centruroids are given an extra layer of armour in its interior, which helps protect the crew and the passengers from the outside effects, preserving all within the craft as safe and sound as possible in the midst of battle. Vehicles equipped with Armour Enhancements count Crew Stunned results from the Vehicle Damage table as Crew Shaken results instead. The vehicle also gains +1 HP.

This weapon is a bulkier version of the Infector or the Purifier. It is equipped on top of Engineer Centruroids so that it may clear a path through the enemy lines. By doing so, it makes a path for its passengers to use, allowing them to disembark moderately safely. The corrosive gas seeps in between the smallest cracks in armour and rots away flesh, ages bones and rusts armour in a matter of a few short agonizing moments. Range Template S 6 AP 3 Type Assault 1, Corrosive Ignores Cover _

Virion hovercrafts have been known to house a swarm of small hovering Droids under its own belly. When an enemy carelessly charges at such a vehicle, the tiny Droids are awakened and they begin to scurry around towards the attacker. The Droids will attach themselves to the enemy with small hooks, burrow themselves as deep as possible and detonate. During the owning players Shooting Phase, a vehicle upgraded with Droid Launchers can use them instead of its primary weapon. You may also roll a D6 when an enemy unit charges the Centruroid with Droid Launchers. On a roll of 4+, the Centruroid may return fire using the Droid Launchers. Range 12 S 5 AP 3 Type Assault 1, Blast, One use only _

Corrosive: A weapon with this special rule can harm friendly units as well as enemy units and has Poisonous (4) special rule.

Loaded with an array of missiles, similar to those used by Tormentors or Grinder Guns, the Missile Spewer homes in on its target and unleashes a volley of fire to exterminate all threats. The missiles are equipped with small targeting Droids on their heads. The Droid is used to steer the missile in mid-air, allowing it to catch fleeing enemies and even intercept enemy flyers. Range Missile Spewer 24 Light Missile Spewer Heavy Missile Spewer 18 30 S 7 6 8 AP 4 4 3 Type _ Heavy 2, Blast, Skyfire Heavy 1 Heavy 3, Blast, Skyfire

Some transports used by the Clanguards have the troop carrier segment of their structure separated from the main body. Through a simple detachment mechanism, the torso of the vehicle can separate from the rest, with the passengers still inside. This is a failsafe integrated by Virion mechanics into many of their crafts, so prevent unnecessary losses. When a Vehicle with the Ejection System is Destroyed, roll a D3 and consult the table below: 1 The failsafe didnt work; treat the crew as you would normally if the vehicle they were in was Destroyed. 2 The crew must pass a Leadership test. If it succeeds, then all is well, if it fails, then they count as if they suffered a Crew Shaken result and they disembark normally. 3 The crew disembarks from the vehicle normally, as if it wasnt even destroyed.

When the battle is too intense and the vehicle is in need of immediate cover, it is likely that it would use this device. Placed under the belly of the vehicle are vents from which cooling gas derived from liquid nitrogen is released. The fumes will engulf the vehicle like a gentle mist, clouding the vision of its enemies for a short period of time. The Smoke Discharger counts as Smoke Launchers (which can be found in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook) with the exception that the 5+ cover save also affects units within 3 of the vehicle that used the Smoke Discharger, regardless of whether they are friendly or enemy units.

This peace of equipment can be considered as an odd variation of a Searchlight. From orifices dotted around the vehicle is emitted an eerie light which constantly changes its own spectrum and is accompanied by a sound of high frequencies. The light and the sound combined can disrupt an enemy formation, blinding their vision and irritating their hearing. The changing sound frequencies and blinding light can disorientate the enemy, making them feel ill and confused, making them collapse and even faint. The Virions utilize this gadget when facing overwhelming odds, to disrupt the enemy coordination. When an enemy unit charges a vehicle with a Frequency Disruptor, that enemy unit must take a Leadership test. If it succeeds, then they charge as normal, but if they fail, then their assault had failed and they suffer from the Blind special rule. In Night Fighting, the vehicle and the targeted enemy are illuminated (place a counter next to the units as a reminder). Illumination lasts until the end of the following turn. Illuminated units gain no benefit from the Night Fighting special rule.

In situations when a Virion craft is surrounded by enemy infantry at all sides, it may want to rely on this device to regain its space. At the sides of the craft are placed voice boxes which will unleash a high pitched noise blast which will knock down the attackers on their feet and shake up their internal organs. Once the enemy is incapacitated, they make easy targets. During the Initiative 10 step of the Fight sub-phase, any enemy unit with at least one model in base contact with the vehicle suffers a number of Strength 3 AP4 hits with the Cacophony special rule equal to the number of models in base contact with the vehicle.


A variation of the coil-gun (a relative of the Rail-gun) which fires energized particles at high speed and velocity. The particles are unstable, so anything they pass through is annihilated. The trace of the particles passing through resembles an effect of an aurora. Although beautiful and stunning for the eye, the Spike Cannon is deadly beyond compare, capable of shredding armour and incinerating flesh. It received the name because all of the targets that were hit by this weapon look as if a massive spike vent straight through them. Range Spike Cannon 36 Light Spike 30 Cannon Heavy Spike 42 Cannon S 9 8 10 AP 2 3 1 Type _ Heavy 1, Blast Heavy 1 Heavy 1, Large Blast

In the tarsal region of this gun lies an energy core that gathers up heat in large proportions. The heat is then shaped into a shinning ball of flame. The fireball is then launched at the enemy, propelled by its own power, leaving a flaming trail behind. The ball of heat will melt down anything it hits, engulfing them in intense heat. It would be as if someone were to be hit by a speeding meteor. The gun is prone to overheating and is therefore seen as unstable, but its efficiency is undisputed. Range 24 S 7 AP 3 Type Heavy 1, Gets Hot, Soul Blaze _

Unlike Infectors, Purifiers or Gas Purgers which convert the toxic fluids being produced in them into an acid cloud, the Spore Cannon instead unleashes the fluid itself, like a hose would water. The corrosive liquid would stick to the enemy, seep through every single tiny gap and eat them alive, until there is nothing left but a stinking blob and a malformed corpse. Range Template S 5 AP 3 Type _ Assault 1, Corrosive (pg 86), Ignores Cover

Related to the Assaulter Gun and the Crusher Gun, the Spike Flicker is a weapon that propels massive arcs of lightning. It builds up energy in its base and when the power levels spike, it will unleash the pent up electricity in a flash of destructive might. The gun has one hole that somewhat resembles a way from which the lightning bolts are shot. The sound of this gun firing resembles more a raging thunder storm that echoes across the battlefield, heralding a storm of war to all who can hear it. Range Spike Flicker 24 Light Spike 24 Flicker Heavy Spike 24 Flicker S 6 5 7 AP 3 4 3 Type Assault 3 Assault 2 Assault 1, Blast _

A highly advanced peace of technology that scans a large area around it. The Targeting Beacon is equipped with highly sensitive sensors which scan the area around it, making detailed information about the surroundings. This gadget can relay the exact coordinates of enemy units to other Virion squads or even other Vehicles and mechanized units. It primarily has a supporting role, marking out all possible threats to the Virions. A vehicle with a Targeting Beacon and friendly units which are 12 away from it can re-roll all of their shots (except psychic). But to do so, the Targeting Beacon must be positioned, meaning that the vehicle upgraded with it must not move during that turn.

Deriving its design from the Bombardier and Demolisher mortar guns, the Spike Mortar is attached to Mortar Centruroids instead of Mortar Clanguard. But unlike the mortars used by the appropriately named Virion Clangaurds, the Spike Mortar has far more advanced and stable cooling systems which make it so that the Mortar Centruroid is not likely to explode due to overusing its primary weapon. This assists it greatly, allowing to freely unleash a rain of seed case projectiles, which will rain down hot plasma and energized shrapnel upon the enemy. Range 48 S 7 AP 2 Type _ Heavy 3, Barrage, Blast, Ignores Cover

Similar in many ways to the Shocker Cannon, the Thumper Cannon is exclusive to Thumper Centruroids. This weapon has a set of frequency adjusters, which gather up high frequency inside of the cannon. Once enough is gathered, the sound is splashed forward like a wave, hugging the ground and mowing down anything that gets in its way. Enemies will find themselves thrown to the ground, their insides scrambled and their heads pounding as blood starts to gush from their ears and eyes. This gun had been known to throw down the mightiest of adversaries. Range Template S 8 AP 3 Type _ Heavy 1, Cacophony (pg 81), Pinning

This cannon fires a continuous burst of plasma energy that melts down armour. It functions like a heat ray, focusing al of the power at one spot and then shooting at a single point. No type of armour can withstand for long under the rays of the Spear Cannon. The reason for its name is quite simple; it penetrates through the enemy in a single straight line, like a spear would. With this weapon, a Virion machine could pierce through the opposition with pin-point accuracy and flawless precision. Range 18 S 8 AP 1 Type _ Heavy 1, Melta, Torrent


At times when a Virion Centruroid is besieged at all sides and is in danger of being breached, the Toxic Gas Vents would activate, spraying corrosive smoke around the vehicle. The enemy would be engulfed by the deadly cloud. At that point, their skin will peel away; their eyes will dissolve within their skulls and if they inhale the gas, their internal organs would die out and rot from within. Horrifying, yet brutally efficient. During the Initiative 10 step of the Fight sub-phase, any enemy unit with at least one model in base contact with the vehicle suffers a number of Strength 4 AP5 hits with the Corrosive rule equal to the number of models it has in base contact with it.



A mix between the Gas Purger and the Spore Cannon, the Toxic Spore Lobber is a weapon used only by the Corrupted Centruroid. The way this gun works is that the corrosive gas is shot just like at a Gas Purger, but spores containing the acid fluid, like the one used by the Spore Cannon, are propelled with it. The toxic gas and the fluid make their way together as a spray of burning pain followed by an agonizing death. The effectiveness is unquestionable, because few can stand up after being dozed with corrosive gas and sticky acidic fluids. Range Template S 7 AP 3 Type _ Heavy 1, Corrosive (pg 86), Ignores Cover, Torrent

Its not only Virion Clangaurds who decorate their armour with tribal paints that depict the honours and deeds they had committed in war. The Pilot Clanguards who drive the Centruroids or fly the Helidynes also paint the exteriors of their crafts to show of all the notable achievements they had made. Such colorations are proudly shown of so that all who see the chassis of a Virion vehicle can see how great it truly is. All friendly non-Mechanical units within 12 of a Vehicle with War Paint can re-roll their Leadership and Morale tests.

Virion Helidynes, as the flyers that serve the Clans, can be equipped with a variety of explosives which it can drop on top of its enemies in swift bombing runs. The type of bomb can be an electric burst of high-voltage lightning, or a seed case which sprays plasma and shrapnel in all directions, or a mixture of toxic gas and acid fluid which dissolves anything it touches, or even a shockwave of varying frequencies that shakes up the very ground itself. Regardless of the type, all of these are simply referred to as Xenocide Bombs. When deployed, the bombs will rain down death to all beneath it. They are often compared to divine punishment, sent from the very heavens to punish the wicked and the vile, exterminating them from the world. Range S 6 AP 3 Type Assault D3, Bomb, Large Blast, One Use Only _

When the Screamer Helidynes go forth to wage war, they do so using this weapon in particular. Functioning in a similar way as the Shocker Cannon, the Vibration Cannon fires rings of noise that stir up all that it hits to its very foundation. Infantry is thrown away like leaves on a wind, vehicles are pinned down and even smaller buildings collapse when facing the dreaded beats produced by this cannon. When the sound waves are unleashed, it produces something that resembles a bloodcurdling scream that tears the very sanity of those who are unfortunate enough to hear it. Range 18 S 7 AP 4 Type _ Heavy 1, Blast, Cacophony (pg 81), Pinning

Bomb: The rules for Bombing Runs are found in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.



Many Virion Clans are far older than the Second Founding Chapters of the Adeptus Astrates. With over ten thousand years of interstellar travel, the Virions had accumulated a large number of war banners, standards and icons which they proudly carry to battle to inspire their troops to fight on in grim times. When determining assault results, add 1 to your total if there are one or more friendly units with a banner or standard locked in combat. Banners also have additional effects depending on their type, as described here.

A unique type of equipment, not exactly a banner or a standard, but more of a staff with lights that illuminate the darkness, showing the path for all Virions around them. Those who bear this tool to war are usually entrusted of leading a path through darkened paths and chasing away the shadows with the purity of pure and blessed light that shines from their souls. The Glowing Beacon count as a Searchlight (see the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook) except it not only illuminates the enemy and the bearer, but also all models (friend or foe) that are 12 from the model that holds the Glowing Beacon.

Perhaps one of the greatest honours a Virion Clanguard may achieve is the right to carry one of these into battle. A Battle Standard proudly displays the symbol and colours of the Clan, as well as graphic depictions of all the battles won, glories earned and other notable events that army in particular had went through. When a Virion brings forth this standard to war, those who look upon it will be granted renewed vigour and new courage to continue fighting even in he most adverse of odds. Non-Mechanical friendly units from Codex: Virions within 12 of the Battle Standard re-roll failed Morale and Pinning tests. In addition, all friendly non-Mechanical Virion models in the same unit as the banner have +1 Attack whilst the bearer is alive.

If the enemies were to send scouts to spy on the Virions and he were to be caught, then the scout would be brutally tortured to death. His corpse is then crucified on an iron cross, which is then carried to battle. The sight of a dead comrade being carried around like an object is horrifying and sickening to many. It is a reminder of what is to happen to all who would be foolish enough to try and hide from the Virions. The bearer and his unit cause Fear. In addition, no enemy Scout or Infiltrator can deploy within 30 of the unit that carries the Hideous Display.

Some squads of Virion Clanguards become well respected in their army, and the Warlord in charge of them might feel it necessary to document their deeds some way. He then orders for a new flag to be made, one depicting all the deeds worthy of mention that one squad had made in the field of battle. After it is done, the squad may feel proud of themselves for being granted such an object. The Clanguards of that squad may gaze upon their own banner and be reminded of all the things they went through together in the past, thus being encouraged to fight on. Non-Mechanical friendly units from Codex: Virions within 12 of a Combat Banner re-roll failed Morale and Pinning tests.

Some parts that break of a Xenofact are small enough to be used as tools by Virion seers, but some are large enough to be placed upon a staff and be carried like revered banners. The energy that pulsates in the Xenofacts also runs through this fragment, and its bearer can call forth for the power of the Great Spirits to blind the enemies of the Virions with their holy mystic light. All enemy ranged attacks (including psychic) fired at the unit from within 12 suffer an additional -2 to Hit, or -1 To Hit if fired from over 12 away. In addition, all successful wounds caused in close combat by the unit with the Xenofact Fragment have the Blind special rule. This unit is always Illuminated.

An Overlord may have his own banner or standard of sort that best suits him. What exactly this icon would be varies between individuals that become Overlords. Regardless of shape or function, they are all seen as holy by the members of the Clan. Only one of the Sacred Standards may be chosen per army, even if you have more than one Battle Clanguard squad (of any type).

This rack contains all the severed heads of various Tyranid creatures from Hive Fleet Cerberus that were slain by the GaanLak Clan under the leadership of Overlord ShrielXe. Among these trophies is also the large head of the Hive Tyrant that was killed by ShrielXe when he earned his title. The unit with this standard causes Fear, has the Monster Hunter Special Rule and the Hate Special Rule against Tyranids. The Bane of Tyrants can only be taken if Overlord ShrielXe is in the army.

To depict the burning fighting spirit of the Virions from the BoaskXees Clan is this pier which is constantly belching flames into the sky. It acts as a torch that illuminates the dark corners of the universe and banishes the shadows into oblivion, leaving behind nothing but cinder and ash. This standard acts just like a Glowing Beacon, except all close combat attacks made by this unit have the Soul Blaze rule. The Burning Scourge can only be taken if Overlord KrielTal is in the army.

Many battles have been won and many sieges were lifted when this glorious banner was brought to bear. It has depicted on it many wars the VourkDwa Clan won, including when Tyranids attacked their blessed homeworld but were able to fight back, and win. All friendly non-Mechanical units from Codex: Virions that are 18 away from the Herald of Conquest may re-roll their Leadership, Morale and Pinning tests. The Herald of Conquest can only be taken if Overlord DrahkMar is in the army.



These artefacts are items of incredible rarity, and each is unique to a single Greater Clan. Such heirlooms are reserved for only the mightiest of Virions that prove themselves worthy in the eyes of their Overlord. Each of these was either passed down from Overlord to Overlord through the generations as the Clan endured, or had played an important part of a single Overlords story during his rise to greatness, or were earned through the many feats that Overlord had done. Regardless of their source, all of these relics are seen as precious and irreplaceable by their Clan, for they possess vast amounts of power.

The trials of becoming an Overlord of the HomJek Clan are rigorous at best. The Virion who is chosen must tread through the frozen wastelands and fiery pits that engulf BelRadAk. On his journey, PeRarzg had met with a massive canine beast. PeRarzg had chocked the creature with his bare hands and wore its skin as a cloak. This very cloak had been infused with the Overlords own psychic power and a part of it will be carried down to whoever is chosen to wear it. PeRarzg himself will pick a single of his finest Clanguards for the honour of wearing his cloak The chosen Virion will be able to feel the spiritual world around him, and achieve control over the psychic powers within the cloak if he has a degree of psychic discipline himself. While wearing the fur of the canine creature, the Virion will be able to awake his inner beast and set it loose upon his enemies. The wearer of the Beast Cloak will become a Mastery 1 Psyker, or his Mastery level will increase by +1 if he is already a Psyker. If he wasnt a Psyker to begin with, then he may access the powers from either the Biomancy, Divination, Telekinesis or Virion Spirituality Psychic Disciplines. He may only choose one. In addition, the wearer also gains a 5+ Invulnerable Save. If he already has an Invulnerable Save, then it is increased by +1 to a maximum of a 2+ Invulnerable Save. Only available if Overlord PeRarzg is taken in the army.

When the DragOek Clan was requested to negotiate with the Eldar of Craftworld Iybraesil by the Overseers, Overlord BolOrg could not stand the arrogance and smug of what he considered were the invaders, so he killed them. After the slaughter that ensued, BolOrg had decided that he should try fighting fire with fire. He asked of his forgers to remake an Eldar blade into a Virion sword. The result was the Quick Sword. Light as a feather, fast as the wind, and as deadly as lightning, the Quick Sword was unbeatable. But due to his own personal vendetta against the Eldar, BolOrg believed that he shouldnt be carrying a weapon of their origin, even if it forged anew by Virions. He instead decided that he would carry the weapon with him and grant it to the one of his Clanguards he deems worthy of it. Range S AP Type _ +2 2 Melee, Fleshbane, Rending Only available if Overlord BolOrg is taken in the army.

When experimenting with the phase technology of the Necrons, Overlord TrarlNak thought he could have unlocked the secret to creating a perfect melee weapon for smashing armour. The sledgehammer he crafted had not only advanced technology but also his very heart and soul. But TrarlNak would never use the hammer, because he is a creator before a destroyer. He instead thought of letting his subordinates field test it for him at every chance he got. The Virion who was given this hammer was able to crush the iron hides of tanks and crack the shells of the greatest defences. TrarlNak watches with joy in his heart and a toothy grin on his face whenever the one he entrusted the Siege Hammer delivers a killing blow, thus proving that the Overlords research does not go in vain. Type _ Melee, Concussive, Smash, Unwieldy, Tank Hunters, Specialist Weapon Only available if Overlord TrarlNak is taken in the army. Range S 2 AP 2

This spear was used by WroasBaal when he was but a simple Warlord of the JaiMark Clan. When WroasBaal entered the belly of the KralWroask that consumed his former Overlord, it was this weapon that helped him cut chunks of the serpents flesh so that he could have survived. When he found the War Trident of his former Overlord, he decided to take it, and with the Halberd and the Trident, he split open the serpents heart from the inside and he was belched out into the sea in a mist of blood and gore. WroasBaal was obliged to keep the Trident, so he could no longer use his Halberd, but he did not abandon it, instead he would offer it to a single Virion of his Clan that had earned his trust. This is a great honour for the JaiMark Clanguards. The Halberds blade is covered with the fangs of smaller aquatic beasts and it is said that their poison was so potent that the fangs on the blade are still highly toxic if cut.


Nobody quite understands how did this ominous weapon come to existence, but many claim that it was used by Overlord Range S AP Type _ GaraKhan to trap a Daemon inside and enslave it to his will. +2/+1 4/3 Melee, Shred, Poisonous (3), Whether these daemonic rumours are true, or were spread Master-crafted, Two-handed by Renegades to seed fear into the Empire, this blade is still Only available if Overlord WroasBaal is taken in the army. extremely powerful and frightening to behold. It is said that the Daemon inside the blade was getting restless, so GaraKhan GAUNTLET OF DESTRUCTION relinquished it and allowed anyone strong enough to resist the When RegisPet was still a merciful leader, he had but a single monster to use it. But few could match their willpower to the Power Fist as a weapon to smite the wicked. It was his favoured infamous Butcher King, and one by one, champions fell to their tool, for he could have also used it as a helping hand to his own blade, but not before slaying hundreds of enemies. Those comrades that required aid. But once he lost to the Ork Kaptin who hold this weapon feel an urge to seek out bloodshed, to Redeye, he had to replace his limbs with cybernetic enhancements, satiate the Daemon that lives within, or so it is whispered. and his Power Fist could no longer be used by him. So RegisPet had decided that he would still carry the gauntlet as a reminder of Range S AP Type _ his former life and his vendetta against all Ork kind. He will pass +2 2 Melee, Dread, Unwieldy, the gauntlet to a single Virion he sees worthy and takes it back later. Rending, Master-crafted Dread: Whenever the user causes an unsaved wound in close Range S AP Type _ combat, the attacked unit must take a Leadership test. If it fails, 2 3 Melee, Unwieldy, Concussive, Smash then its Initiative is reduced to 1 for the rest of the game turn. Only available if Overlord RegisPet is taken in the army. Only available if Overlord GaraKhan is taken in the army.




The Virions are a fan-made and unofficial army; therefore they do not have their own official range of miniatures for potential players to collect, assemble, paint and decorate. But in general, Virion models would possess a striking contrast between a futuristic and technologically advanced alien race and a race of ritualistic tribesman who uphold ancient traditions and ceremony. The colours of their armour and the symbols of their Clans would form a colourful presentation and the Virions would be very rich in flavour.

KrielTal, the Flaming Rage, Overlord of the BoaskXees Clan

BolOrg, Heavens Lash, Overlord of the DragOek Clan

GaraKhan, the Butcher King, Overlord of the Renegade FauWyk Clan, riding on top of his Hurricane Gale Jetbike

ShrielXe, the Tyrant Slayer, Overlord of the GaanLak Clan

PeRarzg, the Spirit Walker, Overlord of the HomJek Clan

WroasBaal, King of the Seas, Overlord of the JaiMark Clan, mounted on the back of ArGhark, a monstrous shark beast


RegisPet, the Destroyer of Worlds, Overlord of the LakRiel Clan, he is a giant of a warrior, being more machine than a mortal man

TrarlNak, the Tomb Breaker, Overlord of the ShuNaiek Clan

DrahkMar, the Saviour, Overlord of the VourkDwa Clan

Warlord ChiVosh, the Adventuring Spirit followed closely by his Arial Droid assistant

Warlord DaZhar, the Border Guardian

Warlord HirakTjon, the Liberator

Here would be presented an array of symbols that belong to the Greater Virion Clans.


A Strategic Warlord holding up his blade, as a signal for his warriors to charge forwards

A Spiritual Warlord preparing to cast a malediction upon his foes

A Scientific Warlord upgraded with a set of cybernetic upgrades and artificial limbs

A Tactician is an adviser to a Warlord who plots new strategies to achieve victory

A Warseer is an adviser to a Warlord who A Warforger is an adviser to a Warlord which calls upon the power of the Great Spirits specializes in the fields of technology

Free space, sufficient for scenery with a unit of Virion warriors being lead by a competent Warlord through a war-torn battlefield.


Battle Clanguard with Battle Shield

Healer Clanguard with Thrasher Claw

A Battle Clanguard Standard Bearer

A Battle Warchief with Power Fist

Battle Clanguard with Assaulter Gun

Combat Warchief with Striker Pistol and Ceremony Blade

Combat Clanguards with Pincer Rifles

Combat Clanguard with Infector

Combat Clanguard with Tormentor

Combat Warchief with Blaster Pistol and Power Axe

Combat Clanguards with Pincer Rifles and a variety of Ceremony Blades

Combat Clanguard with Assaulter Gun


More blank space, reserved for a battle scene involving a large unit of Attack Droids, making their way towards the enemy lines.

Command Droid

A squadron of Attack Droids, equipped with twin-linked Striker Pistols and Blaster Pistols

Energy Droid

A group of Maintenance Droids with several different weapon options displayed

Prime Sentry Guns with Light Spike Flickers

Prime Sentry Gun with Light Spike Cannon


Battle Warchief with Blaster Pistol and Heavy Chainsword

Battle Clanguard with Ceremony Battle Clanguard with Power Battle Clanguards with Pincer Rifles Blade and a Striker Pistol Sword and Blaster Pistol

Battle Clanguard with Jump Pack

Battle Clanguard with Tempest Jetbike

Battle Clanguards in Veteran Armour

Here would be presented several different variations of Virion Banners, Standards and Icons depicting the symbols of their Clans


Virion Assault Clanguards with Ceremony Blades and Striker Pistols

Assault Warchief with Energy Blade

Mortar Clanguards with Bombardiers

Mortar Clanguards with Demolishers

Mortar Warchief with Power Fist

Storm Warchief with Energy Sabre

Storm Clanguard with Ceremony Blade

Storm Clanguard with Energy Blade

Storm Warchief with Power Lance


Veteran Warchief with Power Maul

Veteran Clanguards are elite soldiers, they are the best soldiers of the Clans

Veteran Clanguard with Grinder Gun

Veteran Clanguard with Purifier

Veteran Clanguard with Shocker Cannon

Enough room is left here to show a torn up warzone through which Virion Veterans are marching, making a clear path towards victory


Strider Tripod with Sphere Cannon and Mechanized Claws

Strider Tripod with Spear Cannon and Mechanized Claws

Annihilator Tripod with twin-linked Spore Cannons

Annihilator Tripod with twin-linked Spike Cannons

Down here would be presented an array of different Virion helmet designs, each depicting a different type of warrior within the Clans


An array of Assault Pods, descending from the sky, carrying with them the Virion Clanguards into the thick of battle

A Morph Sphere wraps around a Virion Centruroid

Morph Sphere which is about to reveal a new vehicle

Morph Spheres of Helidynes gently float in the air


Engineer Centruroid, the mainstream transport of the Virion armies

Mortar Centruroid, the long ranged artillery which strikes from afar

Reserved for a picture of Engineer Centruroids deploying Combat Clanguards in enemy territory


Gun Centruroid, the common assault vehicle

Missile Centruroid, which brings forth volleys of missile fire

An alternate view (from the top) on a Missile Centruroid, with some wargear options below


Penetrator Centruroid, the main battle tank that breaks through enemy lines

Hellfire Centruroid, among the heavier Virion crafts available


Corrupter Centruroid, a sturdy transport which can handle the heat of war

Thumper Centruroid, the support tank which can clear a path through enemy lines


Warlord Centruroid, a hard-hitting heavyweight of a tank

Overlord Centruroid, quite possibly the most powerful type of Centruroid


Surveillance Helidyne, the scout air unit

Contaminator Helidyne, the flying troop carrier

Fighter Helidyne, the common bomber unit

Screamer Helidyne, an excellent suppressing craft

Enough room to display a squadron of Virion Helidynes flying through the air, straight towards the battle


These two whole pages are reserved to display a massive picture of a complete Virion army, preparing themselves for a bloody fight



The following army list enables you to field an army of the Xenos Virion Clanguards and fight battles using the missions included in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.


The Virions army is split into six sections: HQ, troops, dedicated transports, elites, fast attack and heavy support. All of the squads, vehicles and characters in the army are placed into one of these categories depending upon their role in the battlefield. Each model is also given a points value, which varies depending on how effective that model is in battle. Before you choose an army, you will need to agree with your opponent upon the type of game you are going to play and the maximum total number of points which you will spend. Then you can proceed to pick your army following the guidelines given in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.


Each entry in the army list represents a different unit. More information about the background and rules for the Virions and their options can be found in the Conquerors section, while examples of miniatures you will need to represent them would be found in the Clanguards section.

2. Tactician WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv 5 5 4 4 3 6 3 9 3+ 3. Unit Type Infantry (Character) 4. Unit Composition 1 Tactician

1. 80 Points Page 46

5. Wargear: 6. Special Rules: 7. Options: Warrior Armour Independent Character A Tactician in warrior armour may take items from the Melee Weapons, Ranged Striker Pistol Stubborn Weapons, Special Issue Wargear and/or Clan Relics sections of the Wargear list. Ceremony Blade Temper A Tactician may replace his warrior armour with Veteran Armour.30 pts Quick Reaction -A Tactician in Veteran Armour may take items

Each unit in the Virions army list contains the following information: 1. Unit Name: At the start of each army list entry you will find the name of the unit alongside the points cost of the unit without any upgrades. 2. Unit Profile: This section will show the profile of any models the unit can include, even if they are upgrades. 3. Unit Type: This refers to the unit type rules in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. For example, a unit may be classed as Infantry, Cavalry or Vehicle, which will subject it to a number of rules regarding movement, shooting, assaults, etc. 4. Unit Composition: Where applicable, this section will show the number and type of models that make up the basic unit, before any upgrades are taken. If the Unit Composition includes the word Unique, then you may include only one of this unit in your army. 5. Wargear: This section details the weapons and equipment the models in the unit are armed with. The cost of all these models and their equipment is included in the points cost listed next to the unit name.

6. Special Rules: Any special rules that apply to the models in the unit are listed here. These special rules are explained in further detail in either The Conquerors section of this book or the Special Rules section of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. 7. Options: This section lists all of the upgrades you may add to the unit if you wish to do so., alongside the associated points cost for each. Where an option states that you may replace either or both, provided you pay the points cost for each. The abbreviation pts stands for points and pts/model stands for points per model. Dedicated Transports: Where applicable, this option refers to any Transport the unit may take. These have their own army list entries. Dedicated Transports do not use up any Force Organization chart selections, but otherwise function as separate units. The Transports section of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook explains how Dedicated Transports work. Warlord Traits: Sometimes an entry will have a specific Warlord Trait, in which case it will be listed here in its army list entry. Clan Artefacts: Some entries have unique Clan Artefacts, listed here. These, like Wargear, are already included in the units point cost.



These lists detail the points values of various items of Wargear available to units in your army. Many unit entries in the army list that follows may include Wargear options from one or more of these lists in each instance, the army list entry will tell you (in bold text) exactly which of these lists you may use. Ranged Weapons..Page 80 A model can replace his Striker Pistol and/or Ceremony Blade with one of the following: -Pincer -Blaster Pistol.....10 pts Melee Weapons.Page 82 A model can replace one weapon with one of the following: -Ceremony -Energy Blade..10 pts -Energy Sabre*.........15 pts -Heavy Chainsword*....15 pts -Power Weapon*......15 pts -Power Fist....25 pts -Thunder Hammer*..30 pts Veteran Weapons A model wearing Veteran Armor can replace his Striker Pistol with one of the following: -Blaster Pistol......12 pts -Crusher Gun...........................................................................10 pts -Grinder Gun...........................................................................15 pts -Purifier...................................................................................12 pts -Shocker Cannon....................................................................15 pts Special Issue Wargear...Page 83 A model can take up to one of each of the following: -Gas Grenades2 pts -Pulse Grenades..2 pts -Sharp Grenades.3 pts -Shock Grenades....3 pts -Advanced Visor5 pts -Battle Shield.5 pts -Arial Droid..10 pts -Adrenaline Boosters...............................................................15 pts -Jump Pack#-.....15 pts -Runic Symbols....15 pts -Tempest Jetbike#-........25 pts -Energy Pack....30 pts Clan Artefacts.....Page 89 Only one of each Relic may be taken per army. A model can replace one weapon with one of the following: -Fangblade Halberd.................................................................30 pts -Quick Sword..........................................................................30 pts -Gauntlet of Destruction.........................................................35 pts -The Possessed........................................................................35 pts -Siege Hammer.......................................................................40 pts -Beast Cloak..........................................................................50 pts Does not replace one of the characters weapons. Sacred Standards..............................................................Page 88 You may only include one Sacred Standard per army. A standard bearer may take one of the following: -Burning Scourge...................................................................40 pts -Bane of Tyrants....................................................................45 pts -Herald of Conquest...............................................................50 pts Virion Vehicle Equipment..............................................Page 85 A model can take up to one of each of the following: -Droid Launchers................................................................10 pts -Smoke Discharger.............................................................12 pts -Armor Enhancements........................................................15 pts -Frequency Disruptor..........................................................15 pts -Sonic Amplifiers+...............................................................8 pts -Toxic Gas Vents+...............................................................8 pts -War Paint..........................................................................20 pts -Targeting Beacon..............................................................25 pts Notes: *This weapon is unlocked when a certain Overlord is taken in the army. BolOrg allows Combat, Assault, Mortar and Battle Warchiefs, as well as Battle Clanguards to take Energy Sabres. ShrielXe allows any type of Warchief and Battle Clangaurds to take Heavy Chainswords. WroasBaal allows any Warchief and Battle Clanguards to take Power Lances (other types of Power Weapons are always available). TrarlNak enables any Warchief, Battle Clanguard or Veteran Clanguard to take Thunder Hammers. In addition, Storm Warchiefs can choose Energy Sabres and Power Lances by default, while Veteran Clanguards and Veteran Warchiefs can take Energy Sabres. Also, Healer Clanguards dont count as Battle Clanguards. # Warseers, Warforgers, Spiritual Warlords, Scientific Warlords, Battle Clangaurds and Battle Warchiefs cant take these. Battle Clanguards, Battle Warchiefs and Healer Clangaurds can only take the following if the Warlord or Overlord they are attached to has the particular wargear as well (with the exception of RegisPet who takes a unit of Tripods instead of Battle Clangaurds as his personal retinue). - Units in Veteran Armour cannot take this Wargear. + These two pieces of Wargear are incompatible with each other, meaning you can only take one or the other. In addition, these items cannot be used by Flyers.


WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Overlord KrielTal 6 6 5 5 4 5 3 10 2+ Wargear: Veteran Armour Adrenaline Boosters Gas Grenades Clan Artefacts: Flame Belcher Blade of Rupture Warlord Traits: Glorious Charges Unit Type Infantry (Character) Unit Composition 1 (Unique)

215 Points
Page 69

Special Rules: Independent Character Stubborn Temper Quick Reaction Overlord Incinerate

Options: Can take Sharp Grenades, Shock Grenades and Pulse Grenades from the Special Issue Wargear section of the Wargear list.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Overlord BolOrg 6 5 6 6 4 6 4 10 2+ Wargear: Veteran Armour Adrenaline Boosters Blaster Pistol Dual Energy Sabres Clan Artefacts: Wings of Fire Warlord Traits: Glorious Charges Unit Type Unit Composition Jump Infantry (Character) 1 (Unique) Special Rules: Independent Character Stubborn Temper Quick Reaction Overlord Arial Assault Blind Rage

220 Points
Page 70

Options: Can take Gas Grenades, Sharp Grenades, Shock Grenades and Pulse Grenades from the Special Issue Wargear section of the Wargear list.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Overlord GaraKhan 6 6 5 5 4 6 3 10 3+ Wargear: Warrior Armour Adrenaline Boosters Runic Symbols Clan Artefacts: Hurricane Gale The Slaughterer Warlord Traits: Skilled Tracker Unit Type Jetbike (Character) Unit Composition 1 (Unique)

250 Points
Page 71

Special Rules: Hit & Run Independent Character Stubborn Skilled Riders Temper Quick Reaction Overlord Outcast Terrorize

Options: Can take Gas Grenades, Sharp Grenades, Shock Grenades and Pulse Grenades from the Special Issue Wargear section of the Wargear list.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Overlord ShrielXe 6 5 5 5 4 5 3 10 2+ Wargear: Veteran Armour Adrenaline Boosters Blaster Pistol Clan Artefacts: Shredder Unit Type Infantry (Character) Unit Composition 1 (Unique)

230 Points
Page 72

Warlord Traits: When determining Warlord Traits (pg 45) roll a D3 and choose the results accordingly: 1 Conquering Hero 2 Headhunter 3 Glorious Charges

Special Rules: Options: Independent Character Can take Gas Grenades, Sharp Stubborn Grenades, Shock Grenades and Pulse Temper Grenades from the Special Issue Counter Attack Wargear section of the Wargear list. Overlord With Strength and Honour

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Overlord PeRarzg 6 6 5 5 4 5 3 10 2+ Wargear: Veteran Armour Adrenaline Boosters Xenofact Shard Blaster Pistol Clan Artefacts: Daemon Flayer Runes of Battle Warlord Traits: Daemon Fighters Unit Type Infantry (Character) Unit Composition 1 (Unique)

260 Points
Page 73

Special Rules: Independent Character Psyker (Mastery Level 4) Stubborn / Temper Quick Reaction / Overlord Vengeance

Psyker: PeRarzg may choose two disciplines before battle, and he knows every single power in them, which are: Biomancy, Divination, Telekinesis and Virion Spirituality.


WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Overlord WroasBaal 6 5 5 6 5 3 4 10 2+ Wargear: Veteran Armour Adrenaline Boosters Blaster Pistol Clan Artefacts: War Trident ArGhark Unit Type Unit Composition Monstrous Creature (Character) 1 (Unique) Special Rules: Independent Character Rampage Stubborn Temper Quick Reaction Overlord The Hunt Begins

270 Points
Page 74

Warlord Traits: When determining Warlord Traits (pg 45) roll a D3 and choose the results accordingly: 1 Skilled Tracker 2 Headhunter 3 Venom Bearer

Options: Can take Gas Grenades, Sharp Grenades, Shock Grenades and Pulse Grenades from the Special Issue Wargear section of the Wargear list.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Overlord RegisPet 6 6 6 6 5 4 3 10 2+ Wargear: Veteran Armour Adrenaline Boosters Energy Pack Dual Power Fists Tripod Legs Twin-linked Spike Cannon Clan Artefacts: Coordination Beacon Bionic Implants Warlord Traits: Conquering Hero Unit Type Unit Composition Monstrous Creature (Character) 1 (Unique) Special Rules: Independent Character Rampage Stubborn Temper Quick Reaction Overlord

300 Points
Page 75

Entrench Tripod Retinue Destroy

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Overlord TrarlNak 6 6 5 5 4 4 4 10 2+ Wargear: Veteran Armour Adrenaline Boosters Advance Visor Cybernetic Upgrades Blaster Pistol Thunder Hammer Clan Artefacts; Spectral Scanners Tools of Destruction Warlord Traits: Glorious Charges Unit Type Infantry (Character) Unit Composition 1 (Unique)

240 Points
Page 76

Special Rules: Independent Character Stubborn Temper Quick Reaction Overlord Forge Lord Reinforce Armoured Superiority

Options: Can take Gas Grenades, Sharp Grenades, Shock Grenades and Pulse Grenades from the Special Issue Wargear section of the Wargear list.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Overlord DrahkMar 6 5 5 5 4 4 3 10 2+ Wargear: Veteran Armour Adrenaline Boosters Battle Shield Blaster Pistol Clan Artefacts: The Conqueror Banner of Victory Warlord Trait: Conquering Hero Unit Type Infantry (Character) Unit Composition 1 (Unique)

230 Points
Page 77

Special Rules: Independent Character Stubborn Temper Quick Reaction Overlord For Victory

Options: Can take Gas Grenades, Sharp Grenades, Shock Grenades and Pulse Grenades from the Special Issue Wargear section of the Wargear list.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Warlord ChiVosh 6 5 4 4 3 6 3 10 3+ Wargear: Warrior Armour Adrenaline Boosters Arial Droid Striker Pistol Clan Artefacts: Slayer Spear Gauntlet of GaanLak Warlord Traits: Skilled Tracker Unit Type Infantry (Character) Unit Composition 1 (Unique)

150 Points
Page 66

Special Rules: Independent Character Stubborn Temper Quick Reaction The journey is the reward Fight for your honour

Options: Can take Gas Grenades, Sharp Grenades, Shock Grenades and Pulse Grenades from the Special Issue Wargear section of the Wargear list. Replace Striker Pistol with Blaster Pistol................................12 points


WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Warlord DaZhar 6 6 4 4 3 6 2 10 3+ Wargear: Warrior Armour Advance Visor Energy Pack Striker Pistol Clan Artefacts: Eon Guard Sigil Robes Warlord Traits: Daemon Fighters Unit Type Infantry (Character) Unit Composition 1 (Unique)

155 Points
Page 67

Special Rules: Independent Character Stubborn Temper Quick Reaction Shield bearers Defensive Formation

Options: Can take Gas Grenades, Sharp Grenades, Shock Grenades and Pulse Grenades from the Special Issue Wargear section of the Wargear list. Replace Striker Pistol with Blaster Pistol................................12 points

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Warlord HirakTjon 6 6 4 4 3 6 3 10 3+ Wargear: Warrior Armour Adrenaline Boosters Striker Pistol Clan Artefacts: Emperor Killer Price of Ambition Warlord Traits: Conquering Hero Unit Type Infantry (Character) Special Rules: Independent Character Stubborn Temper Quick Reaction Inspiring Speeches Outcast Unit Composition 1 (Unique)

160 Points
Page 68

Options: Can take Gas Grenades, Sharp Grenades, Shock Grenades and Pulse Grenades from the Special Issue Wargear section of the Wargear list. Replace Striker Pistol with Blaster Pistol................................12 points

Tactician WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv 5 5 4 4 3 6 3 9 3+ Unit Type Infantry (Character) Unit Composition 1 Tactician

110 Points
Page 46

Wargear: Warrior Armour Striker Pistol Ceremony Blade Special Rules: Independent Character Stubborn Temper Quick Reaction

Options: Can be upgraded to Strategic Warlord (pg 46)............................................................................................30 pts A Tactician or Strategic Warlord can take items from the Melee Weapons, Ranged Weapons and Special Issue Wargear sections of the Wargear list. Strategic Warlords can also choose from the Clan Artefacts list. A Tactician or Strategic Warlord can replace his Warrior Armour for Veteran Armour..............................40 pts -A Tactician or Strategic Warlord in Veteran Armour can take items from the Melee Weapons, Veteran Weapons and Special Issue Wargear sections of the Wargear list. A Strategic Warlord can also choose from the Clan Artefacts list. A Tactician or Strategic Warlord can choose only one of the following Special Rules: -Direct Approach, Experienced Gunner or Seasoned Hunter.........................................................20 pts each

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Warforger 5 5 4 4 3 6 3 9 3+ Wargear: Warrior Armour Striker Pistol Ceremony Blade Unit Type Infantry (Character) Unit Composition 1 Warforger

120 Points
Page 47

Special Rules: Options: Independent Character Can be upgraded to Scientific Warlord (pg 47).....................................................30 pts Stubborn A Warforger or Scientific Warlord can take items from the Melee Weapons, Temper Ranged Weapons and Special Issue Wargear sections of the Wargear list. Scientific Quick Reaction Warlords can also choose from the Clan Artefacts list. Forge Lord A Warforger or Scientific Warlord can replace his Warrior Armour for Veteran Armour...40 pts Reinforce -A Warforger or Scientific Warlord in Veteran Armour can take items from the Melee Weapons, Veteran Weapons and Special Issue Wargear sections of the Wargear list. A Scientific Warlord can choose from the Clan Artefacts list. A Warforger or Scientific Warlord can take Cybernetic Upgrades..................................25 pts

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Maintenance Droid 2 2 2 2 1 4 1 7 6+ Wargear: Basic Plating Fixing Tools Robotic Servos Tripod Legs Special Rules: Mechanical System Malfunction Unit Type Infantry Unit Composition 3 Maintenance Droids

21 Points
Page 47

Options: Can include up to five additional Maintenance Droids.................................7 pts/model Up to three Maintenance Droids can replace their Robotic Servos with: -Striker -Blaster Pistol...............................................................................................12 pts/model


WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Warseer 5 5 4 4 3 6 3 9 3+ Wargear: Warrior Armour Striker Pistol Force Weapon Psychic Hood Special Rules: Independent Character Stubborn Temper Quick Reaction Psyker (Mastery Level 2) Unit Type Infantry (Character) Unit Composition 1 Warseer

130 Points
Page 48

Psyker: Virion Warseers and Spiritual Warlords are Psykers who use the Biomancy, Divination, Telekinesis and Virion Spirituality disciplines.

Options: Can be upgraded to Spiritual Warlord (pg 48)....................................................30 pts A Warforger or Scientific Warlord can take items from the Melee Weapons, Ranged Weapons and Special Issue Wargear sections of the Wargear list. Spiritual Warlords can also choose from the Clan Artefacts list. A Warseer or Spiritual Warlord can replace his Warrior Armour for Veteran Armour......................................................................................................40 pts -A Warseer or Spiritual Warlord in Veteran Armour can take items from the Melee Weapons, Veteran Weapons and Special Issue Wargear sections of the Wargear list. A Spiritual Warlord can also choose from the Clan Artefacts list. A Warseer or Spiritual Warlord can take a Xenofact Shard..................................30 pts


100 Points

For each HQ choice in your army with the title Warlord or Overlord (not necessarily the army Warlord) you may include a Battle Clanguard squad. These selections do not use up a Force Organization slot. WS BS Battle Clanguard 4 4 Battle Warchief 5 4 Healer Clanguard 4 4 Wargear: Warrior Armor Striker Pistol Ceremony Blade Special Rules: Stubborn Temper Quick Reaction The Chosen Ones Stray Element S 4 4 4 T W I 4 1 5 4 1 5 4 1 5 A 2 2 2 Ld 9 9 9 Sv 3+ 3+ 3+ Unit Type Infantry Infantry (Character) Infantry (Character) Unit Composition 4 Battle Clanguards Page 50

Options: One Battle Clanguard may take a banner Any Battle Clanguard or Battle Warchief can take items from from the following list: the Melee Weapons, Ranged Weapons Wargear list. Battle -Battle Standard* Warchief and Healer Clanguard can also take items from the -Combat Banner Special Issue Wargear list. -Glowing Beacon Any Battle Clanguard can take: -Hideous Display* -Gas Grenades............................................................2 pts/model -Xenofact Fragment* -Sharp Grenades.........................................................3 pts/model -Alternatively, they may take a banner from the -Shock Grenades........................................................3 pts/model Sacred Standards section of the Wargear list. Pulse Grenades.........................................................2 pts/model One Battle Clanguard can be upgraded to a Up to two Clanguards can replace their Striker Pistols for: Battle Warchief.........................................10 pts -Assaulter Gun...........................................................7 pts/model One Battle Clanguard can be upgraded to a -Infector.....................................................................5 pts/model Healer Clanguard, replacing their Ceremony -Tormentor...............................................................15 pts/model Blade with a Thrasher Claw......................15 pts Can select an Assault Pod Squadron, Engineer Centruroid, Can include up to three additional Battle Corrupter Centruroid or Contaminator Helidyne as a Clangaurds......................................25 pts/model Dedicated Transport (pg 118-119). * One per army.

As previously mentioned, a Battle Clanguard squad can only be taken for each HQ option that bears the tit le Warlord or Overlord, but the options the Battle Clangaurds can take also depend on how the Lord they are attached to takes. For example, if a Battle Clanguard Squad is attached to a Strategic Warlord that has a Jump Pack, then the entirety of the Squad (including the Battle Warchief and Healer Clanguard) must also be upgraded with Jump Packs. This also works if the Lord is a special character, for example GaraKhan, who is riding a Jetbike. Meaning, if a Battle Clanguard squad is attached to GaraKhan, then they two must be upgraded with Jetbikes (see Tempest Jetbike). You can see price values for both in the Special Issue Wargear list. In addition, if the Battle Clanguard squad is attached to an Overlord, then all Battle Clanguards, the Battle Warchief and the Healer Clanguard can replace their Warrior Armor for Veteran Armor (for 40 points per model). The only exceptions are BolOrg (where the squad would have to take Jump Packs), GaraKhan (where the squad would have to take Tempest Jetbikes, as stated above) and RegisPet (who does not take Battle Clangaurds as a retinue, but instead a unit of Strider Tripods or Annihilator Tripods). W hen the Battle Clanguard squad takes Veteran Armor, then they can take any items from the Melee Weapons, Veteran Weapons and Special Issue Wargear sections of the Wargear list. Battle Warchiefs can also choose from the Clan Artefacts list. Note, that when wearing Jump Packs, Battle Clanguards cannot take any banners. While riding Tempest Jetbikes, they can only take Battle Standard, Combat Banner or any banner from the Sacred Standards section of the Wargear list. While in Veteran Armor, the Battle Clangaurds can choose any banner as they normally would. Also, Battle Clanguards with Jump Packs, Tempest Jetbikes or Veteran Armor cannot replace their Striker Pistols with Pincer Rifles, Assaulter Guns, Infectors or Tormentors, but can still take Blaster Pistols (see the Ranged Weapons section of the Wargear list for the appropriate points cost). Battle Clanguards with Jump Packs or Tempest Jetbikes cannot take any Dedicated Transports, but Battle Clangaurds with Veteran Armor can take only the Corrupter Centruroid (and its Morphed equivalent, the Thumper Centruroid).


WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Combat Clanguard 4 4 4 4 1 5 2 8 3+ Combat Warchief 4 4 4 4 1 5 2 8 3+ Wargear: Warrior Armour Pincer Rifle Ceremony Blade Special Rules: Stubborn Temper Quick Reaction Unit Type Infantry Infantry (Character) Unit Composition 4 Combat Clanguards

80 Points
Page 51

Options: One Combat Clanguards can be upgraded to Combat Warchief, replacing his Pincer Rifle for a Striker Can include up to four additional Combat Clanguards....................................20 pts/model If the squad numbers less then six models, one Combat Clanguard can replace his Pincer Rifle with a Heavy Weapon from the list, right. If the squad numbers more then six models, two Combat Clangaurds can replace their Pincer Rifles with Heavy Weapons from the list, right, The Combat Warchief can take items from the Melee Weapons and Ranged Weapons sections of the Wargear list. The Combat Clanguard squad can add a single Energy Droid (see below).............25 pts/model

Any Combat Clanguard or Combat Warchief can take: - Gas Grenades........................................................2 pts/model - Sharp Grenades.....................................................3 pts/model - Shock Grenades.....................................................3 pts/model - Pulse Grenades......................................................2 pts/model Can select an Assault Pod Squadron, Engineer Centruroid, Corrupter Centruroid or Contaminator Helidyne as a Dedicated Transport (pg 118-119). Heavy Weapons: -Assaulter Gun......................................................7 pts/model -Infector................................................................5 pts/model -Tormentor..........................................................15 pts/model


WS BS Attack Droid 2 3 Command Droid 3 3 Energy Droid 3 Wargear: Standard Plating Twin-linked Striker Pistol Tripod Legs Special Rules: Mechanical S 2 2 2 T W I 2 1 4 2 1 5 2 1 4 A 1 2 2 Ld 7 8 7 Sv 5+ 4+ 4+ Unit Type Infantry Infantry (Character) Infantry (Character) Unit Composition 5 Attack Droids

50 Points
Page 56

Options: One Attack Droid can be upgraded to Can include up to fifteen additional Attack Droids...10 pts/model Command Droid, replacing his Standard If the squad numbers less then eight models, three Attack Plating for Advanced Plating and his Droids can replace their Twin-linked Striker Pistols for Twin-linked Striker Pistol for Robotic Twin-linked Blaster Pistols....................................12 pts/model Servos and Striker Pistol......10 pts/model If the squad numbers more then eight models, five Attack One Attack Droid can be upgraded to Droids can replace their Twin-linked Striker Pistols for Energy Droid, replacing his Standard Twin-linked Blaster Pistols....................................12 pts/model Plating for Advanced Plating, his The Command Droid can take items from the Ranged Twin-linked Striker Pistol for Robotic Weapons sections of the Wargear list. Servos and additionally giving him an Energy Pack........................15 pts/model


WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Prime Sentry Gun - 4 - 7 2 - - - 3+ Unit Type Artillery Unit Composition 2 Maintenance Droids and 1 Prime Sentry Gun

84 Points
Page 58

Wargear: Light Spike Flicker Special Rules: Deep Strike Mechanical Coordinated Deployment

Options: Can include up to three additional Prime Any Prime Sentry Gun can replace its Light Spike Flicker: Sentry Guns.................................70 pts/model -Light Missile Spewer.........................................10 pts/model Can include up to six additional Maintenance -Light Spike Cannon...........................................15 pts/model Droids...........................................7 pts/model Up to three Maintenance Droids can replace their Robotic Servos with: - Striker - Blaster Pistol.............................12 pts/model


WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Veteran Clanguard 4 4 5 5 1 5 2 9 2+ Veteran Warchief 4 4 5 5 1 5 2 9 2+ Wargear: Veteran Armour Crusher Gun Power Fist Special Rules: Stubborn Split Fire Temper Quick Reaction Veteran Assault Skilled Attack Unit Type Infantry Infantry (Character) Unit Composition 3 Veteran Clanguards

165 Points
Page 55

Options: One Veteran Clanguard can be upgraded to Veteran Warchief, replacing his Crusher Gun for Striker Pistol and Power Fist for Power Sword..........10 pts/model Can include up to three additional Veteran Clanguards.......................55 pts/model Any model can replace his Power Fist or Power Sword with: -Energy Sabre........................................................................................15 pts/model -Battle Shield...........................................................................................5 pts/model Any model can replace his Crusher Gun or Striker Pistol with: -Blaster Pistol......................................................................................12 pts/model For every three models in the squad, one Veteran Clanguard may choose an item from the Veteran Weapons section of the Wargear list. A Veteran Warchief can take items from the Melee Weapons and Special Issue Wargear sections of the Wargear list. Can select a Corrupter Centruroid as a Dedicated Transport (pg 118).

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Strider Tripod 4 4 8 7 3 5 3 10 2+ Wargear: Supreme Plating Sphere Cannon Mechanized Claws Tripod Legs Special Rules: Mechanical Tripod Horn Unit Type Monstrous Creature Unit Composition 1 Strider Tripod

90 Points
Page 57

Options: Can include up to two additional Strider Tripods....................................90 pts/model Any model can replace its Sphere Cannon with: -Spear Cannon..........................................................................................15 pts/model -Spore Cannon..........................................................................................10 pts/model -Spike Cannon..........................................................................................20 pts/model

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Annihilator Tripod 4 5 7 7 3 5 2 10 2+ Wargear: Special Rules: Supreme Plating Mechanized Twin-linked Sphere Cannon Tripod Horn Tripod Legs Entrench Unit Type Monstrous Creature Unit Composition 1 Annihilator Tripod

100 Points
Page 57

Options: Can include up to two additional Annihilator Tripods..........................100 pts/model Any model can replace its Twin-linked Sphere Cannon with: -Twin-linked Spear Cannon.....................................................................15 pts/model -Twin-linked Spore Cannon.....................................................................10 pts/model -Twin-linked Spike Cannon......................................................................20 pts/model

Armour BS F S R HP Gun Centruroid 4 11 11 11 3 Wargear: Spike Flicker Special Rules: Morphing Armour Forwards Unit Type Vehicle (Tank, Skimmer) Unit Composition 1 Gun Centruroid

75 Points
Page 61

Options: Gun Centruroids can take items from the Virion Vehicle Equipment list. Morphed Upgrades: When a Virion vehicle Morphs, it retains all the Vehicle Equipment it was upgraded with. So if a Gun Centruroid has War Paint and Morphs into a Missile Centruroid, then that Missile Centruroid will also have the War Paint upgrade and vice versa.

Armour BS F S R HP Missile Centruroid 4 11 11 11 3 Wargear: Missile Spewer Special Rules: Morphing Unit Type Vehicle (Tank, Skimmer) Unit Composition 1 Missile Centruroid

75 Points
Page 61

Options: Missile Centruroids can take items from the Virion Vehicle Equipment list.


Armour BS F S R HP Engineer Centruroid 4 11 11 12 3 Wargear: Gas Purger Special Rules: Morphing Engineering Transport Capacity: Eight models. Unit Type Vehicle (Tank, Transport, Skimmer) Unit Composition 1 Engineer Centruroid

60 Points
Page 60

Options: Engineer Centruroids can take items from the Virion Vehicle Equipment list. Can take Ejection System...................................................................................30 pts Note that when a Transport is upgraded with the Ejection System and Morphs into a different vehicle, the Morphed version will count as having bought the upgrade as well (increase point cost appropriately) even though it cannot benefit from it.

Armour BS F S R HP Mortar Centruroid 4 12 10 11 3 Wargear: Spike Mortar Special Rules: Morphing Starfall Form In Unit Type Vehicle (Tank, Skimmer) Unit Composition 1 Mortar Centruroid

60 Points
Page 61

Options: Mortar Centruroids can take items from the Virion Vehicle Equipment list.

Armour BS F S R HP Corrupter Centruroid 4 13 11 12 3 Wargear: Toxic Spore Lobber Special Rules: Assault Vehicle Morphing Transport Capacity: Eight models. Unit Type Unit Composition Vehicle (Tank, Transport, Skimmer) 1 Corrupter Centruroid

85 Points
Page 63

Options: Corrupter Centruroids can take items from the Virion Vehicle Equipment list. Can take Ejection System..................................................................................30 pts

Armour BS F S R HP Thumper Centruroid 4 13 11 12 3 Wargear: Special Rules: Thumper Cannon Assault Vehicle Morphing Form In Unit Type Vehicle (Tank, Skimmer) Unit Composition 1 Thumper Centruroid

85 Points
Page 63

Options: Thumper Centruroids can take items from the Virion Vehicle Equipment list.

Armour BS F S R HP Surveillance Helidyne 4 12 11 11 3 Wargear; Spike Flicker Special Rules: Strafing Run Vector Dancer Morphing Form In Unit Type Vehicle (Flyer) Unit Composition 1 Surveillance Helidyne

180 Points
Page 64

Options: Surveillance Helidynes can take items from the Virion Vehicle Equipment list. Can take Xenocide Bombs................................................................................35 pts

Morphing Before Battle: When deploying models on the battlefield, you can choose if you wish to deploy a vehicle in its original form or its Morphed form. For example, instead of fielding an Engineer Centruroid next to a Combat Clanguard squad it accompanies, you can place a Mortar Centruroid instead. That way, your army can gain far more versatility even before the game begins. By simply placing a Morphed version of the vehicle instead of its original version before battle does not count as actually Morphing, meaning you do not need to roll for Morphing on every model that you wish to place in its Morphed form before battle. However, once the game begins, all vehicles that can Morph will have to do so normally from that point on. Presumably, the crew of those particular vehicles have decided to Morph just before battle and without the stress of being in the middle of a fight, they had Morphed successfully.


Armour BS F S R HP Contaminator Helidyne 4 12 11 11 3 Wargear: Gas Purger Special Rules: Strafing Run Vector Dancer Morphing Unit Type Vehicle (Flyer, Transport) Unit Composition 1 Contaminator Helidyne

180 Points
Page 65

Options: Contaminator Helidynes can take items from the Virion Vehicle Equipment list. Can take Xenocide Bombs......................................................................................35 pts Can take Ejection System........................................................................................30 pts


Armour BS F S R HP Assault Pod 3 10 10 10 2 Wargear: Toxic Gas Vents Special Rules: Assaulting Immobile Coherent Strike Coordinated Volley Transport Capacity: One model per Assault Pod. Unit Type Vehicle (Open-topped, Transport) Unit Composition 4 Assault Pods

60 Points
Page 59

Options: Can replace Toxic Gas Vents for Sonic Can include up to four additional Assault Pods.............................................15 pts/model Each Assault Pod carries only one Virion model at a time. Meaning if an Assault Pod Squadron was added to a Combat Clanguard squad of 6 models, then you must take 6 Assault Pods as well (one for each model in the squad). Also, if you decide to add an independent character in the squad (like a Tactician) then he must take an Assault Pod as well (which would be 7 Assault Pods in total for the example given above).

This space is reserved for a large picture with Virion miniatures deploying from orbit and leaving their Assault Pods.


WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Assault Clanguard 4 4 4 4 1 5 2 8 3+ Assault Warchief 4 4 4 4 1 5 2 8 3+ Wargear: Warrior Armour Striker Pistol Ceremony Blade Jump Pack Special Rules: Stubborn Temper Quick Reaction Unit Type Unit Composition Jump Infantry 4 Assault Clanguards Jump Infantry (Character)

92 Points
Page 52

Options: One Assault Clanguard can be upgraded to Assault Can include up to four additional Assault Clanguards..........................23 pts/model The Assault Warchief can take items from the Melee Weapons and Ranged Weapons sections of the Wargear list. Assault Clanguards can exchange their Ceremony Blades for: -Energy Blades......................................................................................10 pts/model Any Assault Clanguard or Assault Warchief can take: -Gas Grenades..........................................................................................2 pts/model -Sharp Grenades......................................................................................3 pts/model -Shock Grenades......................................................................................3 pts/model -Pulse Grenades.......................................................................................2 pts/model The entire squad may remove their Jump Packs, changing their unit type to Infantry. They may then have an Assault Pod Squadron, Engineer Centruroid, Corrupter Centruroid or Contaminator Helidyne for free (pg 118-119).


WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Storm Clanguard 4 4 4 5 1 5 2 8 3+ Storm Warchief 4 4 4 5 1 5 2 8 3+ Wargear: Warrior Armour Ceremony Blade Tempest Jetbike Special Rules: Hit & Run Stubborn Scouts Skilled Riders Temper Quick Reaction Unit Type Jetbike Jetbike (Character) Unit Composition 3 Storm Clanguards

90 Points
Page 53

Options: One Storm Clanguard can be upgraded to Storm Can include up to three additional Storm Clanguards.................................30 pts/model The Storm Warchief can take items from the Melee Weapons and Ranged Weapons sections of the Wargear list. Any Storm Clanguard can exchange their Ceremony Blades for: -Energy Blades..............................................................................................10 pts/model -Energy Sabres..............................................................................................15 pts/model

Armour BS F S R HP Fighter Helidyne 4 11 11 11 3 Wargear: Missile Spewer Special Rules: Strafing Run Vector Dancer Vector Strike Morphing Unit Type Vehicle (Flyer) Unit Composition 1 Fighter Helidyne

160 Points
Page 65

Options: Fighter Helidynes can take items from the Virion Vehicle Equipment list. Can take Xenocide Bombs.......................................................................................35 pts

Armour BS F S R HP Screamer Helidyne 4 11 11 11 3 Wargear: Special Rules: Vibration Cannon Strafing Run Vector Dancer Vector Strike Morphing Unit Type Vehicle (Flyer) Unit Composition 1 Screamer Helidyne

160 Points
Page 65

Options: Screamer Helidynes can take items from the Virion Vehicle Equipment list. Can take Xenocide Bombs..........................................................................................35 pts


WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Mortar Clanguard 4 4 4 4 1 5 2 8 3+ Mortar Warchief 4 4 4 4 1 5 2 8 3+ Wargear: Warrior Armour Bombardier Ceremony Blade Special Rules: Stubborn Temper Quick Reaction Unstable Unit Type Infantry Infantry (Character) Unit Composition 4 Mortar Clanguards

100 Points
Page 54

Options: One Mortar Clanguard can be upgraded to Mortar Warchief, replacing his Bombardier with a Striker Can include up to four additional Mortar Clanguards.....................................25 pts/model The Mortar Warchief can take items from the Melee Weapons and Ranged Weapons sections of the Wargear list. For every three models in the squad, one Mortar Clanguard can exchange his Bombardier for a Demolisher............................................................................5 pts/model Any Mortar Clanguard or Mortar Warchief can take: -Gas Grenades....................................................................................................2 pts/model -Sharp Grenades...............................................................................................3 pts/model -Shock Grenades...............................................................................................3 pts/model -Pulse Grenades................................................................................................2 pts/model Can select an Assault Pod Squadron, Engineer Centruroid, Corrupter Centruroid or Contaminator Helidyne as a Dedicated Transport (pg 118-119).

Armour BS F S R HP Penetrator Centruroid 4 13 11 12 3 Wargear: Heavy Spike Flicker Special Rules: Morphing Positioning Gun Unit Type Vehicle (Tank, Skimmer) Unit Composition 1 Penetrator Centruroid

200 Points
Page 62

Options: Penetrator Centruroids can take items from the Virion Vehicle Equipment list.

Armour BS F S R HP Hellfire Centruroid 4 13 11 12 3 Wargear: Heavy Missile Spewer Special Rules: Morphing Unit Type Vehicle (Tank, Skimmer) Unit Composition 1 Hellfire Centruroid

200 Points
Page 62

Options: Hellfire Centruroids can take items from the Virion Vehicle Equipment list.

Armour BS F S R HP Warlord Centruroid 5 14 14 14 4 Wargear: Heavy Missile Spewer Special Rules: Morphing Unit Type Vehicle (Tank, Skimmer) Unit Composition 1 Warlord Centruroid

250 Points
Page 63

Options: Warlord Centruroids can take items from the Virion Vehicle Equipment list.

Armour BS F S R HP Overlord Centruroid 5 14 14 14 4 Wargear: Heavy Spike Cannon Special Rules: Morphing Unit Type Vehicle (Tank, Skimmer) Unit Composition 1 Overlord Centruroid

250 Points
Page 63

Options: Overlord Centruroids can take items from the Virion Vehicle Equipment list.


All of the rules and tables here are condensed for ease of reference. If you need the full rule, see its main entry in the main pages of the book.

Quick Reaction: When charged, the unit with this rule must
take a Leadership Test. If passed, the unit will strike with +1A but also -1WS and -1I. When making Overwatch rolls, they do not fire Snap Shots but fire at -2BS to a minimum of 1BS.


Mechanical: Fearless and Relentless; units with this rule
cannot capture objectives, but they can hold them.

Temper: A unit with this rule that is either in close combat or

within 12 of an enemy unit must take a Leadership Test after loosing over half of its members (this includes Independent Characters but not Mechanical units). This is a Temper Test and if failed the entire unit suffers from Rage until the next player turn, if succeeded then the unit continues on as normal.

Morphing: Morphing Vehicle must roll a D6;

1 - the Morphing failed and the vehicle takes a S3 AP- hit. 2-5 - the vehicle Morphed, but roll a D3 to determine how many player turns will it take to finish Morphing. 6 - the Vehicle Morphing will finish in the next player turn. While Morphing, replace the vehicle with a Morph Sphere. If the Vehicle is a flyer, then the Morph Sphere is a Hovering Flyer, otherwise treat it as a Skimmer Tank. Treat the Morph Sphere as a vehicle that has suffered the Immobilized damage result that cannot be repaired in any way. When finished, replace the Morph Sphere with the Morphed variation of the Vehicle. The Morphed Vehicle can later Morph back into its original form.


D6 1 Warlord Trait _ Skilled Tracker: If your Warlord is in reserves (due to Outflank or any other special rules), then all of your reserves (except Mechanical units) gain Acute Senses. Conquering Hero: Your Warlord, and any unit he joins, receive the Crusader Special Rule. Headhunter: Your Warlord, and any unit he joins, receive the Monster Hunter and Fear Special Rules. Daemon Fighters: All non-Mechanical units gain Admantium Will Special Rule and Preferred Enemy against units with the Daemon Special Rule. Venom Bearer: Your Warlord, and any unit he joins, receive the Poisoned (4) Special Rule. Glorious Charges: This Warlord, and any unit he joins, receive Hammer of Wrath and Fleet of Claw.

2 3 4

Overlord: There can only be one model with this rule on the
battlefield at a time and he is always the army Warlord. All units that do not have the Mechanical Special Rule that are within 30 of the model with this rule gain And They Shall Know No Fear. When this unit becomes a casualty, all player owned models on the field with Temper must take a Temper Test.

5 6

Armour Forwards (pg 61): In the owning players Movement Phase, the model can add +1 Front Armour but also -1 Side Armour and becomes immobile for the rest of the turn. Can revert back to normal in the next turn. Assaulting (pg 59): Must Deep Strike half of your Assault Pods on your first turn. Units in Assault Pods cannot charge on the turn they arrive. Cacophony (pg 81): Every unsaved wound by this weapon is Concussive. Coherent Strike (pg 59): Assault Pods do not scatter on top of Impassable Terrain or other models. Instead reduce the scatter distance to avoid obstacles. Coordinated Deployment (pg 58): When it Deep Strikes, place a Prime Sentry Gun with at least one Maintenance Droid in unit coherency. Roll Scatter Dice to determine where the other Prime Sentry Guns will land. Then place at least one Maintenance Droid with each Prime Sentry Gun so that they maintain unit coherency. If a Prime Sentry Gun cannot be placed (due to impassable terrain or other models) remove it as a casualty. Its Droids must take a Leadership test. Coordinated Volley (pg 59): Treat entire Assault Pod Squadron as a single unit when Deep Striking. If successful, place a single Pod at the targeted location and then roll a Scatter Dice for every other Pod to determine where they land. Then roll a D6 to determine in how many inches did a Pod land from the first Pod. When finished, place the passenger models within 2 of the Pod they disembarked form. If they are not in unit coherency, then the squad must spend the following turn consolidating. Corrosive (pg 85): Poisonous (4), but can harm friendly and enemy units. Direct Approach (pg 46): The model and any unit it joins gain the Furious Charge Special Rule. Engineering (pg 60): Immobilised Engineer Centruroids may attempt to repair themselves instead of shooting. Roll a D6 in the Shooting Phase; it is no longer Immobilised if you roll a 6. Entrench (pg 57): Annihilator Tripods can Entrench instead of moving in the Movement Phase. By doing so its shooting attacks gains +1S but it also becomes immobilized during that turn. Experienced Gunner (pg 46): The model and any unit it joins gain the Relentless Special Rule. Forge Lord (pg 47): If the unit is in base contact or embarked upon a vehicle then it can choose to repair it instead of firing that turn. Roll a D6 and on a roll of 5 or higher he can repair a Hull Point or a Weapon Destroyed or Immobilised Damage Result. If a Weapon Destroyed result is repaired, than the vehicle can fire it normally in the next Shooting Phase. The unit with this rule cannot repair if its gone to ground or falling back. Form In (pg 61): If a Transport Vehicle decides to Morph, it must disembark all of its passengers first. If it cannot do so, then the vehicle cannot Morph that turn.


Immobile (pg 59): Deployed Assault Pods are Immobilised, this cannot be repaired in any way. Positioning Gun (pg 62): During the Movement Phase, instead of moving a Penetrator Centruroid can remain immobile and gain +1BS and its Heavy Spike Flicker gains +6 to its range. Reinforce (pg 47): After deployments, but before Scout redeployments and Infiltrate deployments, one piece of terrain in your deployment zone has its cover save increased by one. Seasoned Hunter (pg 46): The model and any unit it joins gain the Move Through Cover Special Rule. Skilled Attack (pg 55): When this model Deep Strikes, all of its ranged weapons are Twin-Linked until the end of the turn. Starfall (pg 61): If the Mortar Centruroid hasnt moved that turn, it may fire a Barrage of S8 AP2 Large Blast attacks with the Gets Hot and Pinning Special Rules. If it does that, then it cant move in the next turn.

Survey Scan (pg 64): A Surveillance Helidyne becomes Immobile and creates an area of 24 around it. All enemy units with the Stealth or Infiltration Special Rules inside this area loose benefits from those rules. Additionally, all friendly units in the area gain the Night Vision Special Rule. While doing a Survey Scan, the Helidyne cannot do anything else for the following turn. Stray Element (pg 50): A Healer Clanguard can join and leave units like an Independent Character would, except it can join units that already have another Independent Character in them. But it cannot join units that already have a Healer Clanguard. Stride (pg 82): Move Through Cover. System Malfunction (pg 47): If a unit of Maintenance Droids loose the Warforger, Scientific Warlord or all Prime Sentry Guns in their unit, then they must roll a D6. On 4+, all is fine. On 1, 2 or 3 the unit must then roll a Scatter Dice to determine where they will move. If a Hit is rolled, then the unit remains in place. This unit must roll a Scatter Dice for Movement at every following owning players turn.

The Chosen Ones (pg 50): You can only take one Battle Clanguard squad per model that has the title Warlord or Overlord and the squad will have the And They Shall Know No Fear Special Rule when 24 from it. If the model they are accompanying becomes a casualty, then that Battle Clanguard squad must take a Temper Test. Tripod Horn (pg 57): When a Tripod charges an enemy unit, that unit must take a Leadership Test. If it fails, then the Tripod gains the Fear Special Rule for the duration of the turn. Unstable (pg 54): If a Mortar Clanguard becomes a casualty, roll a D3 and consult the chart below: 1 All that are 2 of the model take an S2 AP- hit that ignores cover saves. 2 All that are in base contact with the model take an S2 AP- hit that ignores cover saves. 3 No effect. Veteran Assault (pg 55): Units of models with both this Special Rule and Veteran Armour can make a Veteran Assault. After determining Warlord Traits, tell your opponent which units are doing so make a note of whether it takes place during turn one or two. All units making the Veteran Assault automatically Deep Strike at the start of the chosen turn with no Reserve rolls.


(PG 83-84)
Adrenaline Boosters: Feels No Pain. Additionally Healer Clanguards upgraded with it can confer Feel No Pain to all nonMechanical units in the squad they are in. If a model has Adrenaline Boosters when a Healer Clanguard with another pair joins the unit, then that model receives Feels No Pain (4), Advanced Visor: When used, an enemy unit within 12 has -1 Cover Save until the end of the phase. Arial Droid: Presented on the battlefield as a separate model. When a model with it attacks an enemy unit with Stealth and/or Infiltration Special Rules, then they loose benefits granted to them those two rules. Battle Shield: 5+ Invulnerable Save. Cybernetic Upgrades: Grants the Warforger or Scientific Warlord an extra Fixing Tool, Robotic Servo and a Welder. The Warforger/Scientific Warlord can fire one harness mounted weapon and another weapon at once. Range S AP Type _ Welder 12 7 2 Assault 1, Gets Hot Deployable Sensor: Friendly Deep Striking models in Veteran Armour do not scatter if the first model is placed within 6 of a Deployable Sensor that was already on the board at the start of the turn. Energy Pack: 4+ Invulnerable Save for bearer and all models within 6 (friendly and enemy). Jump Pack: Unit type changes to Jump. Runic Symbols: 4+ Invulnerable Save. If a unit already has an Invulnerable Save, then it is improved by 1 to a maximum of 2+. Tempest Jetbike: Unit type becomes Jetbike. Has a Light Spike Flicker. Xenofact Shard: Virion Psykers can cast one Primaris Power for free each turn. Additionally, they can re-roll their Deny the Witch and Perils of the Warp rolls.


Basic Plating: 6+ Armour Save. Standard Plating: 5+ Armour Save. Advance Plating: 4+ Armour Save. Supreme Plating: 2+ Armour Save. Warrior Armour: 3+ Armour Save. Veteran Armour: 2+ Armour Save, 6+ Invulnerable Save, Bulky, Deep Strike, Relentless, Skilled Attack, Veteran Assault and no Sweeping Advances.


If one of your models with a banner or a standard is locked in combat, you get +1 assault results for that combat. Bane of Tyrants: Fear, Monster Hunter, Hate (Tyranids). Must have Overlord ShrielXe in your army to use. Battle Standard: Friendly non-Mechanical units from this Codex within 12 re-roll failed Morale checks and Pinning tests and have +1 Attack whilst the bearer is alive. Burning Scourge: Counts as Glowing Beacon, all close combat attacks in unit have Soul Blaze. Must have Overlord KrielTal. Combat Banner: Friendly non-Mechanical units from this Codex within 12 re-roll failed Morale checks and Pinning tests. Glowing Beacon: Counts as a Searchlight that Illuminates the bearer, the targeted enemy unit and all units (friendly or enemy) that are 12 away from the bearer of the Glowing Beacon. Herald of Conquest: Non-Mechanical units within 18 re-roll Leadership, Morale and Pinning tests. Must have DrahkMar. Hideous Display: Causes Fear. All enemy Scouts and Infiltrators cannot deploy within 30 of the bearer. Xenofact Fragment: All enemy shooting attacks (including Psychic) directed at the bearers unit that are within 12 of the bearer suffer -2 To Hit or -1 To Hit if they are over 12 from the bearer. All successful hits in close combat made by the unit with it have the Blind Special Rule. The unit is always Illuminated.



(PG 85-87)
Armour Enhancements: +1HP and Crew Stunned results count as Crew Shaken results in the Vehicle Damage Table. Ejection System: When the vehicle is destroyed, roll a D3: 1 Vehicle is Destroyed, proceed as you usually would. 2 Crew disembarks but count as suffering from Crew Shaken. 3 Disembark normally, as if the vehicle wasnt destroyed. Frequency Disruptor: Enemy units that charge at a vehicle with it must take a Leadership test. If they fail then they suffer from Blind. The effects last until the next turn. In Night Fighting, both the vehicle and the charging unit are Illuminated. Smoke Discharger: The vehicle and all models 3 from it (enemy or friendly) receive a 5+ Cover Save. Sonic Amplifiers: At Initiative 10 step of the Fight sub-phase, enemy units with any models in base contact with the vehicle suffers a number of Strength 3 AP4 hits with Cacophony equal to the number of models it has in base contact with the vehicle. Targeting Beacon: If a vehicle does not move during a turn, all friendly units 12 away from the vehicle can re-roll all of their shots (excluding psychic shooting powers). Toxic Gas Vents: At Initiative 10 step of the Fight sub-phase, enemy units with any models in base contact with the vehicle suffers a number of Strength 4 AP5 hits with Corrosive equal to the number of models it has in base contact with the vehicle. War Paint: Friendly (non-Mechanical) units that are 12 away from the vehicle can re-roll their Leadership and Morale tests.

(see page 89 unless otherwise noted)
ArGhark (pg 74): Skilled Rider and one attack has Shred. Banner of Victory (pg 77): Non-Mechanical units that are 12 away can re-roll Leadership, Morale and Pinning tests. Beast Cloak: Bearer becomes a Mastery Level 1 Psyker or his Mastery Level increases by 1 if he is already a Psyker. If he wasnt a Psyker he can choose Biomancy, Divination, Telekinesis or Virion Spirituality Psychic Disciplines. Also, a 5+ Invulnerable Save, or if the bearer already has an Invulnerable Save, it gets increased by 1 to a maximum of 2+. You must have Overlord PeRarzg in your army to use. Bionic Implants (pg 75): Eternal Warrior, It Will Not Die and first attack in a challenge/Hammer of Wrath attack gets Smash. Blade of Rapture (pg 69): Range S AP Type _ +2 2 Melee, Fleshbane, Soul Blaze, Master-crafted Coordination Beacon (pg 75): Mechanical units within 30 can use the bearers Ld for Leadership, Morale and Pinning tests. Daemon Flayer (pg 73): Range S AP Type _ +2 1 Melee, Force, Soul Blaze, Fleshbane, Master-crafted Emperor Killer (pg 68): Range S AP Type _ User 3 Melee, Fleshbane, Master-crafted Eon Guard (pg 67): Battle Shield that grants Eternal Warrior. Fangblade Halberd: Range S AP Type _ +2/+1 4/3 Melee, Shred, Poisonous (3), Master-crafted, Two-handed You must have Overlord WroasBaal in your army to use. Flame Belcher (pg 69): Range S AP Type _ Template 7 2 Assault 1, Blind, Soul Blaze, Master-crafted Gauntlet of Destruction: Range S AP Type _ 2 3 Melee, Unwieldy, Concussive, Smash You must have Overlord RegisPet in your army to use.

Gauntlet of GaanLak (pg 66): Instant Death when fighting in a challenge. Hurricane Gale (pg 71): Jetbike with Light Spike Flicker and Twin-linked Light Missile Spewer. Price of Ambition (pg 68): Fear when fighting in a challenge. Quick Sword: Range S AP Type _ +2 2 Melee, Fleshbane, Rending You must have Overlord BolOrg in your army to use. Runes of Battle (pg 73): All friendly units within 12 receive a 3+ Invulnerable Save as long as the bearer is alive. Shredder (pg 72): Range S AP Type _ 2 2 Melee, Armourbane, Two-handed, Unwieldy Siege Hammer: Range S AP Type _ 2 2 Melee, Concussive, Smash, Unwieldy, Tank Hunters, Specialist Weapon You must have Overlord TrarlNak in your army to use. Sigil Robes (pg 67): 4+ Invulnerable Save and can re-roll Deny The Witch rolls. Slayer Spear (pg 66): Range S AP Type _ +2/+1 3/4 Melee, Master-crafted Spectral Scanners (pg 76): Night Vision. The Conqueror (pg 77): Range S AP Type _ User 3 Melee, Armourbane, Fleshbane, Master-crafted The Possessed: Range S AP Type _ +2 2 Melee, Dread, Unwieldy, Rending, Master-crafted Dread: When the bearer causes an unsaved wound in close combat, the enemy must take a Leadership test, if it fails then its Initiative is 1 for the remainder of the turn. You must have Overlord GaraKhan in your army to use. The Slaughterer (pg 71): Range S AP Type _ +2/+1 2/3 Melee, Fleshbane, Master-crafted Tools of Destruction (pg 76): One close combat attack has Tank Hunter rule. War Trident (pg 74): Range S AP Type _ +1/User 2/3 Melee, Fleshbane, Master-crafted Wings of Fire (pg 70): Bearer is Jump Infantry and his Hammer of Wrath attacks have Strikedown rule.


WS Battle Clanguard 4 Battle Warchief 5 BolOrg 6 ChiVosh 6 DaZhar 6 DrahkMar 6 GaraKhan 6 Healer Clanguard 4 HirakTjon 6 KrielTal 6 Maintenance Droid 2 PeRarzg 6 RegisPet 6 Scientific Warlord 6 ShrielXe 6 Spiritual Warlord 6 Strategic Warlord 6 Tactician 5 TrarlNak 6 Warforger 5 Warseer 5 WroasBaal 6 BS 4 4 5 5 6 5 6 4 6 6 2 6 6 6 5 6 6 5 6 5 5 5 S 4 4 6 4 4 5 5 4 4 5 2 5 6 4 5 4 4 4 5 4 4 5 T 4 4 6 4 4 5 5 4 4 5 2 5 6 4 5 4 4 4 5 4 4 6 W 1 1 4 3 3 4 4 1 3 4 1 4 5 3 4 3 3 3 4 3 3 5 I 5 5 6 6 6 4 6 5 6 5 4 5 4 6 5 6 6 6 4 6 6 3 A 2 2 4 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 4 Ld 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 9 10 10 7 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 10 9 9 10 Sv Unit Type 3+ In 3+ In (ch) 2+ J. In (ch) 3+ In (ch) 3+ In (ch) 2+ In (ch) 3+ Jb (ch) 3+ In (ch) 3+ In (ch) 2+ In (ch) 6+ In 2+ In (ch) 2+ Mc (ch) 3+ In (ch) 2+ In (ch) 3+ In (ch) 3+ In (ch) 3+ In (ch) 2+ In (ch) 3+ In (ch) 3+ In (ch) 2+ Mc (ch) Pg_ 50 50 70 66 67 77 71 50 68 69 47 73 75 47 72 48 46 46 76 47 48 74 Weapon Assaulter Gun Blaster Pistol Bombardier Crusher Gun Demolisher Droid Launcher Gas Purger

Range 18 12 30 18 30 12 S 6 5 7 7 8 5 AP 4 3 3 4 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 3 3 1 2 3 1 3 4 3 2 1 3 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 Type _ Heavy 2 Pistol Heavy 2, Barrage, Blast, Gets Hot, Ignores Cover Heavy 2 Heavy 1, Barrage, Blast, Gets Hot, Ignores Cover Assault 1, Blast, One use only Assault 1, Corrosive Ignores Cover Heavy 1, Blast Assault 1 Heavy 2, Blast, Skyfire Heavy 1 Heavy 3, Blast, Skyfire Rapid Fire Assault 1 Heavy 1, Torrent, Cacophony Heavy 1, Blast Heavy 1 Heavy 1, Large Blast Assault 3 Assault 2 Assault 1, Blast Heavy 3, Barrage, Blast, Ignores Cover Heavy 1, Melta, Torrent Heavy 1, Gets Hot, Soul Blaze Assault 1, Corrosive, Ignores Cover Pistol Heavy 1, Cacophony, Pinning Heavy 1, Blast, Skyfire Heavy 1, Corrosive, Ignores Cover, Torrent Heavy 1, Blast, Pinning Cacophony Assault D3, Bomb, Large Blast, One Use Only

Template 6 8 4 7 6 8 5 5 5 9 8 10 6 5 7 7 8 7

Grinder Gun 24 Infector Template Missile Spewer 24 Light Missile Spewer 18 Heavy Missile Spewer 30 Pincer Rifle 18 Purifier Template Shocker Cannon Template Spike Cannon Light Spike Cannon Heavy Spike Cannon Spike Flicker Light Spike Flicker Heavy Spike Flicker Spike Mortar Spear Cannon Sphere Cannon Spore Cannon Striker Pistol Thumper Cannon Tormentor Toxic Spore Lobber Vibration Cannon 36 30 42 24 24 24 48 18 24

WS Attack Droid 2 Combat Clanguard 4 Combat Warchief 4 Command Droid 3 Energy Droid 3 Prime Sentry Gun BS 3 4 4 3 4 S 2 4 4 2 2 T 2 4 4 2 2 7 W 1 1 1 1 1 2 I 4 5 5 5 4 A 1 2 2 2 2 Ld 7 8 8 8 7 Sv Unit Type 5+ In 3+ In 3+ In (ch) 4+ In (ch) 4+ In (ch) 3+ Ar Pg_ 56 51 51 56 56 58

Template 5 12 4 Template 8 24 7 Template 7 18 7 6

WS Annihilator Tripod 4 Strider Tripod 4 Veteran Clanguard 4 Veteran Warchief 4 BS 5 4 4 4 S 7 8 5 5 T 7 7 5 5 W 3 3 1 1 I 5 5 5 5 A 2 3 2 2 Ld 10 10 9 9 Sv Unit Type 2+ Mc 2+ Mc 2+ In 2+ In (ch) Pg_ 57 57 55 55

Assault Clanguard Assault Warchief Storm Clanguard Storm Warchief WS 4 4 4 4 BS 4 4 4 4 S 4 4 4 4 T 4 4 5 5 W 1 1 1 1 I 5 5 5 5 A 2 2 2 2 Ld 8 8 8 8 Sv Unit Type 3+ J. In 3+ J. In (ch) 3+ Jb 3+ Jb (ch) Pg_ 52 52 53 53

Xenocide Bombs

Weapon Ceremony Blade Energy Blade Energy Sabre Fixing Tools Mechanized Claws Robotic Servos Thrasher Claw Range S User User User User 2 User 2 AP 3 2 2 Type _ Melee Melee, Armourbane, Fleshbane Melee, Armourbane, Fleshbane Melee, Specialist Weapon Melee Melee, Specialist Weapon Melee, Armourbane, Specialist Weapon, Unwieldy Melee, Specialist Weapon, Stride, Unwieldy

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Pg_ Mortar Clanguard 4 4 4 4 1 5 2 8 3+ In 54 Mortar Warchief 4 4 4 4 1 5 2 8 3+ In (ch) 54

Assault Pod Contaminator Helidyne Corrupter Centruroid Engineer Centruroid Fighter Helidyne Gun Centruroid Hellfire Centruroid Missile Centruroid Morph Sphere Mortar Centruroid Overlord Centruroid Penetrator Centruroid Screamer Helidyne Surveillance Helidyne Thumper Centruroid Warlord Centruroid BS 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 5 Armour F S R HP 10 10 10 2 12 11 11 3 13 11 12 3 11 11 12 3 11 11 11 3 11 11 11 3 13 11 12 3 11 11 11 3 10 10 10 2 12 10 11 3 14 14 14 4 13 11 12 3 11 11 11 3 12 11 11 3 13 11 12 3 14 14 14 4 Unit Type O, T Fl, T Tk, S, T Tk, S, T Fl Tk, S Tk, S Tk, S Tk, S/ Fl Tk, S Tk, S Tk, S Fl Fl Tk, S Tk, S Pg _ 59 65 63 60 65 61 62 61 45 61 63 63 65 64 63 63

Tripod Legs


Artillery = Ar, Flyer = Fl, Infantry = In, Jetbike = Jb, Jump Unit = J. Monstrous Creature = Mc, Open-topped = O, Skimmer = S, Tank = Tk, Transport = T, Character = (ch).


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