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Development Kit For The Embedded Ethernet Exercise Book

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Development Kit For the PIC MCU

Exercise Book

Embedded Ethernet
February 2006

Custom Computer Services, Inc.

Brookeld, Wisconsin, USA 262-522-6500
Copyright 2006 Custom Computer Services, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this work may be reproduced or copied in any form by any means-electronic, graphic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or information retrieval systems-without written permission.
PIC and PICmicro are registered trademarks of Microchip Technology Inc. in the USA and in other countries.

Custom Computer Services, Inc. proudly supports the Microchip brand with highly optimized C compilers and embedded software development tools.


have a spare 9-Pin Serial or USB port, a CD-ROM drive and 5 MB of disk space. Kit. Ensure every item is present.

Use of this kit requires a PC with Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 or XP. The PC must The diagram on the following page shows each component in the Embedded Ethernet


Insert the CD into the computer and wait for the installation program to start.

If your computer is not set up to auto-run CDs, then select Start>Run and enter D:\SETUP1.EXE where D: is the drive letter for your CD drive. NEXT, OK, CONTINUEas required.

Click on Install and use the default settings for all subsequent prompts by clicking Identify a directory to be used for the programs in this booklet. The install program will
have created an empty directory c:\program les\picc\projects that may be used for this purpose. a version number is shown for the IDE and PCM to ensure the software was installed properly. Exit the software.

Select the compiler icon on the desktop. In the PCW IDE, click Help>About and verify


Connect the PC to the ICD(6) using the USB cable.(1) Connect the prototyping board (9)
to the ICD using the modular cable. Plug in the DC adaptor (8) to the power socket and plug it into the prototyping board (9). The rst time the ICD-U40 is connected to the PC, Windows will detect new hardware. Install the ICD-U40 driver from the CD or website using the new hardware wizard. The driver needs to be installed properly before the device can be used.

The LED should be dimly illuminated on the ICD-U to indicate the unit is connected properly. Run the following program: Start>Programs>PIC-C>ICD. If a communication error
occurs, select a different COMM port until the ICD is discovered. See Chapter 3 for assistance. installed properly.

Select Check COMM, then Test ICD, then Test Target. If all tests pass, the hardware is Disconnect the hardware until you are ready for Chapter 3. Always disconnect the power
to the Prototyping board before connecting/disconnecting the ICD or changing the jumper wires to the Prototyping board.

ICS-S40 can also be used in place of ICD-U40. Connect it to an available serial port on the PC using the 9 pin serial cable. There is no driver required for S40.

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Carrying case Exercise booklet CD-ROM of C compiler (optional) Serial PC to Prototyping board cable Modular ICD to Prototyping board cable ICD unit for programming and debugging USB (or Serial) PC to ICD cable DC Adaptor (9VDC) Embedded Ethernet Prototyping Board with LCD Display (See inside front and back cover for details on the board layout and schematic)

Embedded Ethernet Exercise Book



Open the PCW IDE. If any les are open, click File>Close All Click File>Open. Select the le: c:\program les\picc\examples\ex_stwt.c Scroll down to the bottom of this le. Notice the editor shows comments, preprocessor
directives and C keywords in different colors.

Move the cursor over the Set_timer0 and click. Press the F1 key. Notice a Help le

description for set_timer0 appears. The cursor may be placed on any keyword or built-in function and F1 will nd help for the item. cut, paste and copy functions along with setting bookmarks and various C specic functions.

Review the editor special functions by clicking on Edit. The IDE allows various standard Review the editor option settings by clicking on Options>Editor Properties. The

IDE allows selection of the tab size, editor colors, fonts, and many more. Click on Options>Customize to select which icons appear on the toolbars.

Use the white box on the toolbar to select the compiler. CCS offers different compilers for
each family of Microchip parts. All the exercises in this booklet are for the PIC18F4520 chip, a 14-bit opcode part. Make sure PIC 18 is selected in the white box.

The main program compiled is always shown in the lower right corner of the IDE. If this is Click Options>Include Dirs and review the list of directories the compiler uses to

not the le you want to compile, then click on the tab of the le you want to compile. Right click into editor and select Make le project. search for included les. The install program should have put two directories in this list to point to the device: .h les and the device drivers. exercises. To review these settings, click Options>File Formats and Options>Global Denes. and the amount of ROM and RAM used by this program. Press any key to remove the compilation box.

Normally the le formats need not be changed and global denes are not used in these Click the compile icon to compile. Notice the compilation box shows the les created

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Click View>Symbol Map. This le shows how the RAM in the microcontroller is
used. Identiers that start with @ are compiler generated variables. Notice some locations are used by more than one item. This is because those variables are not active at the same time. generated for the C. Scroll down to the line:

Click View>C/ASM List. This le shows the original C code and the assembly code

Notice there are two assembly instructions generated. The rst loads 4C into the W

register. INTS_PER_SECOND is #dened in the le to 76. 4C hex is 76 decimal. The second instruction moves W into memory location. Switch to the Symbol Map to nd the memory location where int_count is located. microprocessor being used in the current project.

Click View>Data Sheet, then View. This brings up the Microchip data sheet for the

Embedded Ethernet Exercise Book



Open the PCW IDE. If any les are open, click File>Close All Click File>New and enter the lename EX3.C Type in the following program and Compile.

#include <18f4520.h> #fuses H4,NOLVP,NOWDT #use delay(clock=40000000) #dene GREEN_LED PIN_A5 void main () { while (TRUE) { output_low (GREEN_LED); delay_ms (1000); output_high (GREEN_LED); delay_ms (1000); } }

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The rst four lines of this program dene the basic hardware environment. The chip being used is the PIC18F4520, running at 40MHz with the ICD debugger. The #dene is used to enhance readability by referring to GREEN_LED in the program instead of PIN_A2. The while (TRUE) is a simple way to create a loop that never stops. Note that the output_low turns the LED on because the other end of the LED is +5V. This is done because the chip can tolerate more current when a pin is low than when it is high. The delay_ms(1000) is a one second delay (1000 milliseconds). Do not add device ICD=true if you are going to generate a stand-alone program that does not need an ICD for debugging.

Connect the ICD to the Prototyping board using the modular cable, and connect the ICD

to the PC using the 9-pin serial cable for ICD-S or the USB cable for ICD-U. Power up the Prototyping board. Verify the LED on the ICD is dimly illuminated. If using ICD-S40 and the COMM port box does not list the port, check that no other programs have opened that port.

Click Debug>Enable Debugger and wait for the program to load. If you are using the ICD-U40 and the debugger cannot communicate to the ICD unit go
to the debug congure tab and make sure ICD-USB from the list box is selected.

Click the green go icon:


Expect the debugger window status block to turn yellow indicating the program is The green LED on the Prototyping board should be ashing. One second on and one
second off.

The program can be stopped by clicking on the stop icon:

A B Modify the program to light the green LED for 5 seconds, then the yellow for 1 second and the red for 5 seconds. Add to the program a #dene macro called delay _seconds so the delay _ms(1000) can be replaced with : delay _seconds(1); and delay _ms(5000) can be: delay _seconds(5);.

Note: Name these new programs EX3A.c and EX3B.c and follow the same naming convention throughout this booklet. Embedded Ethernet Exercise Book

However, TCP/IP is not just one protocol, but a combination of several protocols stacked on top of each other. Just by the name TCP/IP, it is inferred that there is a TCP protocol that operates on top of the IP protocol. Below is an example of a stack of protocols that make up HTTP (HTTP is the protocol used to send and receive web pages) over an Ethernet network connection or a modem network connection: Stack Component
Application Transport & Session Network Data Link Physical Link

TCP/IP is the foundation on which many networks, such as the Internet, operate.

HTTP TCP IP Ethernet 10Base-T


The physical link denes the physical connection and properties that connect to a

network. Common properties are cable type, pin-outs, data rates, max distances, and so on. In Ethernet networks the physical network is the twisted pair cabling. When using a modem to dial an Internet Service Provider (ISP), the physical link is phone line. data framing, checksum/CRC, and collision detection. The data link layer is divided into two parts, media access control (MAC) and link layer control (LLC). MAC controls access and encodes signals to a valid format. LLC creates a link to the network via low level link negotiation. protocol primarily used on the Internet is IP. Addresses are provided in IP via a 4 byte denomination, for example IP can route incoming and outgoing packets by inspecting the IP address in the protocol and determine the best route for such packets. Another network layer often seen in Ethernet is ARP, which is used to resolve MAC addresses with IP address.

The data link denes the protocol used to maintain the physical link, which may include:

The network layer provides address and routing information for the packet. The network

The transport and session are actually separate layers, but for simplicity, shall be

combined in this tutorial. The transport layer provides for error checking, error recovery and data ow control. The session layer provides a method for creating a communication session between two points, and may include security and authentication.

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The application layer employs user dened data and protocols. In the case of the web,
asking for and transmitting web pages are done through a protocol called HTTP, which sits in the application layer. Other protocols, such as TELNET and FTP, also sit in the application layer.

As a packet progresses through the a network, such as the Internet, all machines

involved in the routing from point A to point B may change the contents of the link layer and network layer as needed. For example, a PC may be connected to the Internet via a modem with a PPP connection, and therefore, all packets originating from that PC will use PPP for the link layer. However, not all machines are connected to the Internet using PPP, so as a packet is sent through the network each unit will use their own link layer protocol. rmware will be discussed.

Over the next few chapters of this tutorial, these layers and how to implement them in A great way to learn to TCP/IP, and the underlying foundation of all layers involved, is to
use a packet sniffer. A packet sniffer can inspect packets as they enter and leave a PC. A free, open-source, packet sniffer in software is available called Ethereal, and can be downloaded at Below is a screen-shot of Ethereal inspecting an ARP packet on Ethernet:

Embedded Ethernet Exercise Book

require waiting for a connection, response, or acknowledge. Often there are many network requests that need to be handled; sitting in a innite loop waiting for a response may not be acceptable. For this reason, a multitasking scheme must be employed when implementing a TCP/IP stack on the PIC. The easiest multitasking scheme to implement on a microcontroller, such as a Microchip PIC MCU, is a cooperative multitasking scheme. It is called cooperative because all tasks and processes must cooperate and give back control for other processes.

When implementing TCP/IP and other networking protocols, portions of the code will

Cooperative multitasking is where processes must give control back to other processes. The following is an example program that is not cooperative:
void blink _ leds(void); void handle_input(void); void main(void) { while(TRUE) { blink_led(); handle_input(); } } void blink_led(void) { output_low(PIN_LED); delay_ms(1000); output_high(PIN_LED); delay_ms(1000); } void handle_input(void) { //get input from user and act upon it }

blink_leds() is not a routine that is compatible with cooperative multitasking schemes

because it will take over the microcontroller for two seconds. During that two seconds, other tasks are not running, including the function handle_input(). If a button is pressed in the middle of the blink_leds() routine, it may take up to two seconds before seeing the microcontroller act upon that input.

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The following is a replacement for blink_leds() that is cooperative multitasking friendly:

void blink _ led _ task(void) { static enum {LED_TASK_TOGGLE, LED_TASK_WAIT} state=LED_TASK_TOGGLE; static TICKTYPE last_counter; switch(state) { case LED_TASK_TOGGLE: output_toggle(PIN_LED); state=LED_TASK_WAIT; last_counter=TickGet(); break; case LED_TASK_WAIT: if (TickGetDiff(TickGet(), last_counter) > TICKS_PER_SECOND) { state= LED_TASK_TOGGLE; } break;

Unlike blink_leds(), blink_leds_task() has no delay() routines, so it operates very fast.

Since it operates fast, it is cooperative with other tasks in the system. Updating blink_leds() to blink_leds_task() does involve more overhead, as more RAM is needed to save the previous state of the task and more code space is needed to continue from the previous state of the task. Note that other tasks in the program, such as handle_input() in the example, have to be cooperative also. typedef to dene the datatype used for the counter. TickGet() gets the current timing value; the current timing value is automatically incremented by the timer task or the timer interrupt. The timing value increments in such a way that the number of ticks per second is dened by the TICKS_PER_SECOND constant. TickGetDiff() nds the difference between two counter values, in order to nd if a certain interval of time has happened. This nomenclature was used for this example because this is the timing system that Microchip has employed for their TCP/IP stack.

TICKTYPE, TickGet() and TickGetDiff() are part of the timing system. TICKTYPE is a

Embedded Ethernet Exercise Book


CCS made modications in porting the stack to compile under the CCS C Compiler PCH, and also added PPP as a possible physical/link layer. Despite these modications the API remains relatively unchanged, and Microchip provides a documentation of the API in application note AN833. cooperative multitasking friendly routine that handles all the tasks for the stack including: Ethernet, PPP, IP, ARP, UDP, timing engine, and so forth. the stack and get the stack ready for the next interation of the user code. For example, if there is a new TCP packet in the Ethernet receive buffer, StackTask() will process the Ethernet, IP and TCP task which will result in TCPIsGetReady() returning TRUE. In the user task, inspect the TCPIsGetReady() after each StackTask() to determine if there is any action that needs to be taken with the received data. The next time StackTask() is called, all remaining data in the receive buffer is discarded and the next set of data in the receive buffer is processed.

The TCP/IP stack used in this tutorial is a modied version of Microchips TCP/IP stack.

The heart of the Microchip TCP/IP stack is the function StackTask(). StackTask() is a

When StackTask() is called in the main loop, StackTask() will process all components of

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Embedded Ethernet Exercise Book

reviewed. In general, it is not necessary to know the underlying foundation of a TCP/IP network. To skip the internals of TCP/IP, Chapter 13 outlines how to begin creating an application. However, it is the physical layer of most home and ofce local area networks (LAN); and this tutorial will focus on that aspect.

This chapter will start to look at the TCP/IP API. In particular, the Ethernet layer will be

Not every node connected to a network or the Internet is connected using Ethernet. The Ethernet packet is formatted as follows:
0 0 1 2 3 Destination Address Source Address (cont) Payload (cont) CRC 4 5 6 7 Source Address



n m m+1

The Source and Destination address is the 6 byte Media Access Control (MAC) address,

and each device is given a unique address. The rst three bytes of the MAC address are the hardware vendor of the device, the second three bytes of the MAC address are often the units serial number. The type eld is used in two ways. If the value of type is greater than 1500 bytes, the packet is an Ethernet 2 frame and type eld represents the protocol ID of the data. The two protocols used in this book will be IP (0x0800) and ARP (0x0806). If the value of type is less than 1500 bytes, then the packet is an IEEE 802.3 frame and type eld represents the length of the data. Data is the data being sent by the Ethernet packet, and can represent many types of packets. The only types of packets that we will care about will be ARP and IP packets. The minimum length of an Ethernet frame is commonly 64 bytes, therefore, if there is less than 64 bytes of data, the data eld will be padded with invalid bytes. The CRC eld is used by the link layer to determine if there is an error in the packet, and the link layer will use this to automatically discard packets that are not valid. The CRC will be generated by the TCP/IP stack, and often the CRC is automatically generated by the network interface card (NIC).

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The NIC used in the CCS Embedded Ethernet development kit is Microchips ENC28J60.
the ENC28J60 is a full-duplex, 10 Mb/s Ethernet NIC with 8K of RAM to buffer incoming and outgoing Ethernet packets.. Although the TCP/IP stack will handle the MAC layer automatically, here is an example showing how to receive Ethernet packets using the MAC code.

All NIC related code in the Microchip TCP/IP stack is located in MAC.C and MAC.H. Enter the following example code and save as ex7a.c.

#include <18F4520.h> #use delay(clock=20000000) #use rs232(baud=9600, xmit=PIN_C6, rcv=PIN_C7) #fuses HS, NOWDT, NOLVP, NODEBUG #dene STACK_USE_CCS_PICENS TRUE #dene STACK_USE_MCPENC TRUE //use the nic card //include Microchip stack

#include drivers\stacktsk.c

void MACDisplayHeader(MAC_ADDR *mac, int8 type) { int8 i; printf(\r\nMAC: ); for (i=0;i<6;i++) { printf(%X, mac->v[i]); if (i!=5) putc(:); } printf( PROT:0x08%X ,type); if (type==MAC_IP) printf([IP]); else if (type==MAC_ARP) printf([ARP]); } (continued...)

Embedded Ethernet Exercise Book


(continued...) void main(void) { MAC_ADDR mac; int8 type; printf(\r\n\nCCS TCP/IP TUTORIAL\r\n); MACInit(); while(TRUE) { if (MACGetHeader(&mac, &type)) { if (type!=MAC_UNKNOWN) { MACDisplayHeader(&mac, type); } (); } }

Compile and run on the prototyping board. Inspect the output on a serial terminal program. The messages should appear as follows:
CCS TCP/IP TUTORIAL MAC: 00:0B:6A:B4:31:8C PROT:0x0800 [IP] MAC: 00:D0:59:7F:23:A8 PROT:0x0800 [IP] MAC: 00:09:5B:E1:30:E2 PROT:0x0800 [IP] MAC: 00:C0:B6:02:92:BD PROT:0x0800 [IP] MAC: 00:03:6D:1D:53:9A PROT:0x0806 [ARP] MAC: 00:C0:B6:02:E2:CA PROT:0x0800 [IP]

The MAC displayed is the source MAC address of the unit sending the Ethernet packet.
PROT is the protocol eld of the Ethernet header, and it is ltered by Microchips TCP/ IP stack to only allow IP and ARP packets. The NIC automatically lters out Ethernet packets that are not destined to the unit, and so it can be assumed that the Ethernet packet either had the Destination MAC address or the Ethernet packet was a broadcast packet. Broadcast packets are made with a MAC address of FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF

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MACInit() initializes the RTL8019AS, which includes setting the MAC address and initializing buffers. MACGetHeader(*MAC, *prot) checks the NICs receive buffers. If there is data in the receive buffer, MACGetHeader will return TRUE and update the pointer MAC and prot. Prot will also return if its an IP, ARP or unknown packet. Unknown packets should be thrown away. When using the full TCP/IP stack provided by Microchip, MACGetHeader() is called automatically by StackTask() to process any incoming IP and ARP packets. Microchips TCP/IP stack clears the NIC receive buffer after each StackTask(). Therefore, after each StackTask(), any incoming messages within one task must be processed or the data will be lost. After MACGetHeader() returns TRUE, use the routines MACGet() and MACGetArray() to read the data eld. See AN833 for documentation. In the next chapter MACGet() and MACGetArray() will be used. MACDiscardRX() frees the currently used receive buffer, making it ready to receive more data. Normally this routine will automatically be called by StackTask() when needed. The data in the Ethernet header, and all other TCP/UDP/IP headers, are stored big endian (most signicant byte rst). The Microchip PICmicro and CCS C Compiler store data in a little endian format (least signicant byte rst). Therefore, any data in headers, such as the type eld in the Ethernet header, needs to be converted from big endian format to little endian format.


Copy the rst nine lines of ex7a.c into a new le called ccstcpip.h. This header le will
be used in the next few examples.

Embedded Ethernet Exercise Book


The following example shows how to use the MAC code to send Ethernet packets. Enter the following code into ccstcpip.h and save.
#dene BUTTON1_PRESSED() #dene BUTTON2_PRESSED() #dene #dene #dene #dene #dene USER_LED1 USER_LED2 USER_LED2 LED_ON LED_OFF (!input(PIN_A4)) (!input(PIN_B1))

PIN_A5 PIN_B4 PIN_B5 output_low output_high

void MACAddrInit(void) { MY_MAC_BYTE1=1; MY_MAC_BYTE2=2; MY_MAC_BYTE3=3; MY_MAC_BYTE4=4; MY_MAC_BYTE5=5; MY_MAC_BYTE6=6; } char ExampleIPDatagram[] = { 0x45, 0x00, 0x00, 0x20, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x64, 0x11, 0x2A, 0x9D, 0x0A, 0x0B, 0x0C, 0x0D, 0x0A, 0x0B, 0x0C, 0x0E }; char ExampleUDPPacket[] = { 0x04, 0x00, 0x04, 0x01, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04

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Now create ex7b.c with the following code.

#include ccstcpip.h void main(void) { MAC_ADDR mac_dest; set_tris_b(0); MACAddrInit(); MACInit(); mac_dest.v[0]=0xFF; mac_dest.v[1]=0xFF; mac_dest.v[2]=0xFF; mac_dest.v[3]=0xFF; mac_dest.v[4]=0xFF; mac_dest.v[5]=0xFF; while(TRUE) { if (MACIsTxReady()) { MACPutHeader( &mac_dest, ETHER_IP, sizeof(ExampleIPDatagram) + sizeof(ExampleUDPPacket) ); MACPutArray(ExampleIPDatagram, sizeof(ExampleIPDatagram)); MACPutArray(ExampleUDPPacket, sizeof(ExampleUDPPacket)); MACFlush(); output_toggle(USER_LED2); delay_ms(1000);

Compile and run on the prototyping board.

Embedded Ethernet Exercise Book


malformed packets from interrupting the network, the data being sent is actually a valid IP datagram holding a valid UDP packet. IP and UDP will be discussed in upcoming chapters. Examining network trafc in Ethereal returns the following results:

An Ethernet packet with 32 bytes of data is sent every second in this code. To prevent

While examining the trafc on a network using Ethereal, there may be a lot more trafc that is not from this example. Because of this, lter out all other trafc that is not from MAC address 01:02:03:04:05:06. This is the MAC address CCS has assigned the NIC, so only these examples will be using it.

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Since the destination MAC address sent was FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF, this packet is broadcast to the entire LAN. MY_MAC_BYTE1 to MY_MAC_BYTE6 are macros to the stacks method of assigning a units MAC address. They have to be set before MACInit() is called. Each unit should have a unique MAC address. MACPutHeader(*MAC, type, size) puts the 14 byte Ethernet header to the NICs transmit buffer, where MAC is the destination address. The source address is always the units address. Size is the number of bytes that make up the data eld of this Ethernet packet. MACPutArray(*array, size) puts the specied data into the NICs transmit buffer. Call MACPutArray() once to stuff the IP datagram, and then call MACPutArray() again to stuff the UDP datagram. This is similar to what the TCP/IP stack will do when it has to stack all the layers of the protocol. Also, a simpler MACPut() is also provided to stuff just one byte into the transmit buffer. MACFlush() will mark the transmit buffer as ready for transmit. Once the data is marked ready for transmit, the NIC will continuously attempt to send the data using Ethernets collision sense detection method. MACIsTxReady() will return TRUE if the transmit buffer is ready and free. It will return FALSE if it is not, probably because it is still handling the last MACFlush() command to send out the transmit buffer. Although the two examples in this chapter show how to send and receive Ethernet packets, the examples are purely academic. The TCP/IP stack will handle most of these low level functions.


Embedded Ethernet Exercise Book

primary design feature was to allow for a packet-switched internetwork, where packets from several networks could be dynamically routed to each other to nd the fastest route between two nodes. ago to increase the addressing space of the Internet to allow for more devices, and in several years it is planned for all Internet nodes to be running IPv6. However, IPv4 will still be supported for a long time.

The Internet Protocol, or IP, is the network layer that makes up most of the Internet. Its

Note, this tutorial will be discussing the IPv4 protocol. IPv6 was introduced several years

The IP packet format looks like this:

0 0 Version & Header Len Time to Live 1 Service 2 3 Length 4 5 Ident 6 7 Fragment Flags & Offset Source address




Destination address Header options 0-40 bytes IP Payload 0-n bytes

20 m m+1 m+1+N

Version & Header Len The rst byte in the IP header is actually two 4-bit elds. The

most signicant four bits is the version of IP being used, which will be IPv4. The least signicant four bits are the length of the header in 32-bit words, not including the header options. The size of the header shown above is ve 32-bit words. microchip TCP/IP stack.

Service Often used by IP routers as a priority setting. This eld is ignored by the Length The total length of the IP packet, including the header, header options and data. Ident and Fragment Flags & Offset As packets route between several networks,
different physical/link layers may have different MTUs. Therefore, routers may need to split IP packets into smaller IP packets to accommodate networks with smaller MTUs. These elds handle this. The Microchip TCP/IP stack does not handle fragmentation.

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Time to Live The time for this packet to live in seconds. As a packet is routed through Protocol The protocol that is being used in the IP data eld. Common protocols are
TCP (0x06), UDP (0x11) and ICMP (0x01).

networks, routers will decrease this value until it reaches zero. Once it reaches zero the router will discard the packet, and it is considered lost.

Checksum A checksum of the IP header ensures the packet is not corrupted. Note that
this checksum does not include the payload.

Options Several options can be added to the IP, such as extra information about routing
and security. Options will not be used in this tutorial or in the programs.

Source & Destination Address An address to identify an individual computer on the

Internet. Each IP address must be unique. IPv4, the version of IP that we will be using, uses four bytes of data to represent an IP address. IPv6 has increased the address space to 16 bytes.

There are a few IP addresses that have special meaning:

Broadcast An IP address of is used to broadcast to all nodes on the LAN (local area network). Determining what is the LAN and what is the wide area network (WAN) will be described shortly. Loopback Any address starting with 127 is a loopback address, and most TCP/IP stacks will loop all transmitted packets right back into the receiver. Usually the loopback address in TCP/IP stacks is, and the rest of the 127.*.*.* address space is unused. Private Networks - The following address ranges have been reserved for private use and are not explicitly connected to the Internet: to to to Many LAN networks will use these addresses, but then use a gateway (router or rewall) to connect the LAN to the Internet.

IP was designed to create a routed, packet-switched internetwork, composed of several

different networks. The IP address is the primary component used to determine how to route between several different networks. For example, a computer in the LAN with an address of, talks to with an IP address of Since 192.168.*.* range was reserved for the LAN and not connected to the Internet a gateway is used to bridge the LAN with the WAN (internet) .

Embedded Ethernet Exercise Book

difference between the LAN and the WAN. The source and destination address are logically AND with the subnet mask, and if the two values are the same they are considered on the same network. If the two values are different then the two nodes are considered on a different network, so the communication must proceed through a gateway (router or rewall). ( & ( = ( & ( = ( != ( therefore these two nodes are on a different network, use a gateway.

A network specic conguration called the subnet mask is used to determine the

In the case using the above for, if a subnet mask of is used:

Another network specic conguration is the gateway address. A gateway connects two

networks, and is often used to connect a LAN to a WAN. For simplicity a gateway can also be considered a router, although they are not exactly the same. Many hardware rewalls sold today also combine a router and rewall. In the above example, since is not on the LAN, any physical/link layer packets cannot be directly sent to Instead the IP packet is sent to the gateway. The IP header will still contain the IP address of, but in the physical/link layer the MAC address will be the gateways address. The gateway/router/rewall will then know how to send the IP packet to the next router in the network. communicate with each other, they need a method to learn the physical/link address of each other. The protocol used in Ethernet to learn the physical/link address is ARP, and is covered in Chapter 10. incoming IP packets.

IP sits on the network layer, above the physical/link layer. In order for two IP nodes to

The next example will act as an IP packet sniffer and display header information of Enter the following code into ex8a.c.

#include ccstcpip.h void IPDisplayHeader(void) { IP_ADDR dest_ip; NODE_INFO node; int8 prot; int16 len; (continued...)

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(continued...) if (IPGetHeader(&dest_ip, &node, &prot, &len)) { printf(\r\n DEST: %U.%U.%U.%U SRC: %U.%U.%U.%U LEN: %LU PROT: %X , dest_ip.v[0], dest_ip.v[1], dest_ip.v[2], dest_ip.v[3], node.IPAddr.v[0], node.IPAddr.v[1], node.IPAddr.v[2], node.IPAddr.v[3], len, prot); if (prot==IP_PROT_ICMP) {printf([ICMP]);} else if (prot==IP_PROT_TCP) {printf([TCP]);} else if (prot==IP_PROT_UDP) {printf([UDP]);} } else { printf(\r\n [MALFORMED IP]); }

void MACDisplayHeader(MAC_ADDR *mac, int8 type) { int8 i; printf(\r\nMAC: ); for (i=0;i<6;i++) { printf(%X, mac->v[i]); if (i!=5) putc(:); } printf( PROT:0x08%X ,type); if (type==MAC_IP) { printf([IP]); IPDisplayHeader(); } else if (type==MAC_ARP) printf([ARP]); } void main(void) { MAC_ADDR mac; int8 type; printf(\r\n\nCCS TCP/IP TUTORIAL, EXAMPLE 0A\r\n); MACAddrInit(); MACInit(); while(TRUE) { if (MACGetHeader(&mac, &type)) { if (type!=MAC_UNKNOWN) { MACDisplayHeader(&mac, type); } } }

Compile and run on the prototyping board

Embedded Ethernet Exercise Book

MAC: 00:C0:EE:D6:0F:99 MAC: 00:03:6D:1D:53:9A MAC: 00:A0:CC:63:E5:AA DEST: MAC: 00:0A:E6:60:68:11 DEST: MAC: 00:03:6D:1D:53:9A MAC: 02:A0:CC:65:8F:C9 DEST: MAC: 00:03:6D:1D:53:9A PROT:0x0806 [ARP] PROT:0x0806 [ARP] PROT:0x0800 [IP] SRC: PROT:0x0800 [IP] SRC: PROT:0x0806 [ARP] PROT:0x0800 [IP] SRC: PROT:0x0806 [ARP]

Examine the serial output, and notice the messages will appear as follows:

LEN: 198 LEN: 58 LEN: 215

PROT: 11 [UDP] PROT: 11 [UDP] PROT: 11 [UDP]

MAC is the MAC address of the sender, PROT is the protocol eld. If an IP protocol was
detected, it will display the destination and source IP address of this packet, as well as the length of the IP datagram and the IP protocol being used.

Notice that this is the same code as ex7a.c, but IPDisplayHeader() was added to display IP header information if the received Ethernet packet contains an IP packet. IPGetHeader(*DEST_IP, *NODE, *PROTOCOL, &LEN) will return TRUE if that Ethernet packet contains an IP header that is compatible with the IP stack, and if the IP packet destination address matches the IP address (or if its a broadcast IP address). Only call IPGetHeader() if MACGetHeader() was successfully called and the Ethernet protocol eld species IP. The NODE eld contains the MAC address and IP address of the node on the network that transmitted the network packet. Keep both of these values in case a reply needs to be sent. NODE_INFO and IP_ADDR are structures dened in the TCP/IP stack. To read the contents of the data in the IP packet after a succesful IPGetHeader(), use the function IPGetArray(). See AN833 for more documentation.

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To inspect the process of sending IP packets, add the following code into ccstcpip.h:
* Note: alter the code in IPAddrInit() to use the Subnet Mask and Network Gateway address of your network. Also, set the IP address of the unit to a free IP address in your network. If these values are unknown, consult your network administrator or use the ipcong tool included in Microsoft Windows (ifcong in Linux).

void IPAddrInit(void) { //IP address of this unit MY _ IP _ BYTE1=192; MY _ IP _ BYTE2=168; MY _ IP _ BYTE3=100; MY _ IP _ BYTE4=7; //network gateway MY _ GATE _ BYTE1=192; MY _ GATE _ BYTE2=168; MY _ GATE _ BYTE3=100; MY _ GATE _ BYTE4=1; //subnet mask MY _ MASK _ BYTE1=255; MY _ MASK _ BYTE2=255; MY _ MASK _ BYTE3=255; MY _ MASK _ BYTE4=0; }

Enter the following code into ex8b.c.

void main(void) { NODE _ INFO node; set _ tris _ b(0); IPAddrInit(); MACAddrInit(); MACInit(); memset(&node.MACAddr.v[0], 0xFF, sizeof(MAC _ ADDR)); node.IPAddr.v[0]=192; node.IPAddr.v[1]=168; node.IPAddr.v[2]=100; node.IPAddr.v[3]=8; while(TRUE) { if (IPIsTxReady()) { IPPutHeader(&node, IP _ PROT _ UDP, sizeof(ExampleUDPPacket)); IPPutArray(ExampleUDPPacket, sizeof(ExampleUDPPacket)); MACFlush(); output _ toggle(USER _ LED1); delay _ ms(1000); } }

Compile and run on prototyping board.

Embedded Ethernet Exercise Book

datagram is sent that contains a UDP datagram. In fact, the same packet is sent in this example that was sent in Chapter 7. The only difference in this new example is that the stacks IP routines were used to generate the IP header. While this example is running, use Ethereal to view the packets:

This example is similar to the second example in Chapter 7: every second an IP

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NODE_INFO is a structure that contains the MAC Address and the IP Address of the destination node. Both addresses are needed.. This example sets the units IP address to and the destination IP address to Or set both of these IP addresses to two open IP addresses on the network to prevent confusion within a network. This example sets the destination MAC address to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF, which is the broadcast address, so each node on the Ethernet network will receive this packet. It is not efcient to use the broadcast address, later ARP will be used to nd the MAC address of the specied IP address. IPIsTxReady() veries that the IP stack is ready to transmit a new IP datagram, and also veries that the Ethernet transmit buffer is open and free. IPPutHeader(*NODE_INFO, protocol, size) creates a valid IP datagram header for the specied destination node, and puts that header into the transmit buffer. IPPutArray(*array, size) puts the specied array into the transmit buffer. Do not call this until after IPPutHeader() has put the IP header into the transmit buffer. MACFlush() marks the Ethernet transmit buffer as ready for transmission, just as in the previous example.


While the two previous examples show how to send and receive IP packets, these

examples are purely academic. If using TCP/IP or UDP/IP, the Microchip stack will handle all this.

Embedded Ethernet Exercise Book


the medium. In order for two devices on the link layer to communicate the two devices must know their link layer address, which is different from the IP address. In Ethernet the link layer address is the MAC address. Therefore, if two devices using IP want to communicate with each other they must have a way of determining the link layer address between the two nodes. On Ethernet, the method of determining the MAC address of a specied IP address is Address Resolution Protocol (or ARP).

The IP protocol is in the network layer, so it requires a physical and link layer to act as

The ARP packet format is as follows:

0 0 1 Hardware Type 2 3 Protocol Type Sender Hardware Address Sender IP Address (cont) Target IP Address Target Hardware Address 4 Hardware Adr. Len 5 Protocol Adr. Len 6 7 Operation

Sender IP Address



Hardware Type The Link Layer medium being used. Ethernet (0x0001) will be used. Protocol Type The Network Layer protocol being used. IP (0x0800) will be used. Hardware Address Length The size, in bytes, of the Link Layer address. A MAC address
is 6 bytes long.

Protocol Address Length - The size, in bytes, of the Network Layer address. An IP
address is 4 bytes long.

Operation The opcode. We will handle request (0x0001) and reply (0x0002). Sender Address These specify the link layer (Ethernet) and network layer (IP) address of
the unit making the request/sending reply.

Target Address These specify the link layer (Ethernet) and network layer (IP) of the

unit receiving the request/receiving the reply. If a request is being made for an Ethernet address, the Target Hardware Address will be zeroed out. the Microchip TCP/IP stack.

The rst example will look at answering ARP requests using the ARP functions included in
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Enter the following code into ex9a.c

#de ne STACK _ USE _ ARP 1 #include ccstcpip.h enum {ARP _ ST _ IDLE=0, ARP _ ST _ REPLY=1} my _ arp _ state=0; NODE _ INFO arp _ req _ src; void my _ arp _ task(void) { switch (my _ arp _ state) { case ARP _ ST _ REPLY: if ( ARPIsTxReady() ) { ARPPut(&arp _ req _ src, ARP _ REPLY); my _ arp _ state=ARP _ ST _ IDLE; } break; } default: break;

void main(void) { NODE _ INFO src; int8 opCode, type; set _ tris _ b(0); printf(\r\n\nCCS TCP/IP TUTORIAL, EXAMPLE 9A (ARP RECEIVE)\r\n); MACAddrInit(); IPAddrInit(); MACInit(); while(TRUE) { if (MACGetHeader(&src.MACAddr, &type)) { if (type==MAC _ ARP) { if (ARPGet(&arp _ req _ src, &opCode)) { output _ toggle(USER _ LED1); my _ arp _ state=ARP _ ST _ REPLY; } } } my _ arp _ task(); }

Compile and run on the prototyping board.

Embedded Ethernet Exercise Book


asking for a MAC address. Unfortunately, there is no simple way of making an ARP request on a Windows PC, but there are some tools available. The ARP tool can be used to display a list of all known Ethernet addresses and their accompanying IP address. Running arp -a will display this table. Run arp -a in a command line prompt and verify that the IP address of the unit, which is set in the IPAddrInit() function, is not in the current ARP table. If the IP address of the unit is in the ARP table, use arp -d to delete that entry in the ARP table. IP connections to verify that an IP address is reachable. Ping will be covered in the next chapter. For now use a ping to initiate an ARP request. From the command line, run ping where is the IP address specied in the IPAddrInit() function. While the unit will not respond to the ping, it will respond to the ARP request. Running arp -a should now show in the ARP table at 01:02:03:04:05:06. If running Ethereal to packet sniff this transaction, the following will appear:

Once running on the prototyping board, this rmware will answer any ARP requests

Make an ARP request by issuing a ping to the unit. Ping is a tool that is used to debug

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Dene STACK_USE_ARP as TRUE early in the code to include the ARP functions. Not all link layers need ARP (for example point-to-point protocols such as SLIP and PPP do not need address resolution since there is no link layer addressing), so it does not always need to be included. ARP is required for Ethernet. ARPGet(*NODE_INFO, *opCode) returns TRUE if it received a request for its IP address, and the opCode was a request. Over the LAN there will be many ARP requests being made, but the unit should only respond to requests asking for its address. ARPIsTxReady() returns TRUE if the Ethernet transmit buffer is empty and ready, and if the ARP handler is available for sending requests/responses. Do not attempt to send ARP requests/responses unless this returns TRUE. To prevent sitting in a loop waiting for ARPIsTxReady() to return TRUE, MY_ ARP_TASK() use a cooperative method to free up CPU time for other tasks as detailed in Chapter 5 of this tutorial. ARPPut(*NODE_INFO, opCode) sends an ARP response/request to the specied remote node. It is possible to replace ARPGet() and ARPPut() with MACGet() and MACPut(), but then you would have to manually parse an ARP packet.


ARP can be used to sniff the entire network to determine the IP<->MAC address of

each node in the network. The following example ex9b, will do just that, and has been provided on the Development Tools CD-R. Open ex9b.c on the CD-R, compile and run on the prototyping board. When viewing the output on a serial terminal, notice which IP addresses respond to ARP and what that IP address is: <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> 00:0D:88:B0:12:6F NO RESPONSE 61:3B:F7:7A:11:55 NO RESPONSE 00:09:5B:E1:30:E2 00:0A:E6:61:F4:1D

This example assumes that the network is 192.168.100.*. If this is not the case, edit IPAddrInit() in ccstcpip.h. This example calls the same ARP functions as the previous example, but instead of sending a response we send a request. Most TCP/IP stacks hold a cache of ARP results. For example, using the ARP tool in Microsoft Windows shows the current cache of ARP results. The Microchip TCP/IP stack only caches one result.

These two examples were purely academic. The Microchip TCP/IP stack will handle all
ARP requests and responses. Embedded Ethernet Exercise Book



most useful tool in ICMP is ping, which is used to determine if a specic IP address is reachable. ICMP messages are carried in an IP payload with the IP datagram protocol eld set to 1. The ICMP header and packet follows this format:
0 1 Type Code Payload (cont) 2 3 Checksum 4 5 6 Payload Payload (cont) [optional] 7

The Internet Control Message Protocol, or ICMP, is used primarily for diagnostics. The

0 8

Type The ICMP request type. Since the primary goal will be to respond to ping

requests, the two codes are: 0x00-Echo Reply and 0x08-Echo Request. There are many more requests. port, etc).

Code If a destination is unreachable, this eld denotes at which level (host, protocol, Checksum A checksum of the ICMP header and data. The IP header checksum
algorithm is used.

Payload A minimum of eight bytes. When making an echo request/reply, the rst two
bytes are the identier and the next two bytes are the sequence number.

When an ICMP packet with an echo request code is received the receiving node just has
to echo it back with an echo response code. The following example will do just that and is included on the Development Tools CD-Rom. rmware is running on the unit, use the command line tool ping to ping the unit, and it will respond successfully:
C:\ping Pinging with 32 bytes of data: Reply Reply Reply Reply from from from from bytes=32 bytes=32 bytes=32 bytes=32 time=3ms time=3ms time=3ms time=3ms TTL=100 TTL=100 TTL=100 TTL=100

Open ex10a.c on the CD-R, compile and run on the prototyping board. Once the

Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 3ms, Maximum = 3ms, Average = 3ms

The following is a screen shot of Ethereal viewing a ping transaction:

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This example assumes that the IP address is If this is not the case, edit IPAddrInit() in ccstcpip.h. Also, edit the IP address used for the ping command.

This example is purely academic, the TCP/IP stack provided by Microchip will automatically
handle ICMP requests. To demonstrate how the TCP/IP stack provided by Microchip handles all the low level functions, enter the following code as ex10b.c, compile and run on the prototyping board:
#de ne STACK _ USE _ ICMP #de ne STACK _ USE _ ARP #include ccstcpip.h void main(void) { MACAddrInit(); IPAddrInit(); StackInit(); while(TRUE) { StackTask(); } 1 1


StackInit() initializes the Microchip TCP/IP stack. This will initialize the Ethernet controller, the IP, ARP, UDP and TCP state machines, etc. It is still necessary to initialize MAC address and IP address, which is done by the custom functions MACAddrInit() and IPAddrInit(). The next chapter will use DHCP to automatically nd an IP address and network information. StackTask() checks the Ethernet receive buffer for incoming packets, and if there are packets in the buffer, it will pass the packet to the higher layers, such as ARP, IP, TCP, UDP, etc. For example, if an ARP request is received StackTask() it checks to see if it is a request for the user, and if it is, it will parse and send a response. StackTask() also keeps an eye on the Ethernet transmit buffer, as certain tasks must wait for the transmit buffer to be free. For example, the ARP task may take a few StackTask() calls until the transmit buffer is free, at which time the response is sent. From this point onward StackTask() will be used to handle all the lower level functions.

Embedded Ethernet Exercise Book



automatically allocate an IP address to the unit and learn the network parameters such as gateway and netmask. DHCP is found on many networks, and is great for allowing notebooks (or other hosts) to simply plug into a network without having a user enter network conguration parameters. This chapter will use DHCP to congure the Microchip TCP/IP stack automatically. (If DHCP is not available on your network, skip to the next chapter. This example will write to the LCD on the prototyping board, so it may still be interesting to users without DHCP.) Implementing DHCP in an application is easy using the Microchip TCP/IP stack, as DHCP support is provided. An example is provided on the Development Tools CD-R, called ex11.c. Open ex11.c, compile it and run on the prototyping board. The second line of the LCD will show one of three messages:
No Ethernet DCHP Not Bound x.x.x.x No Ethernet cable is connected to the Ethernet connector. DHCP could not reach a DHCP server, or DHCP server has not nished conguring unit. DHCP server has responded by conguring your unit to this IP address.

Dynamic Host Conguration Protocol, or DHCP, allows a node on an IP network to

Once an IP address is congured, verify by using the ping tool.

StackTask() handles all the Ethernet, IP, ARP, DHCP and ICMP messages necessary for this example. Since StackTask() is doing all the work, the majority of this code is refreshing the LCD every second with the current DHCP status. Dening STACK_USE_DHCP to TRUE will include all the DHCP code into the TCP/IP stack. Once it is included StackInit() and StackTask() will automatically handle DHCP requests. MACIsLinked() returns TRUE if an Ethernet cable is connected to the Ethernet controller. DHCPIsBound() returns TRUE if the unit has been successfully congured by the DHCP server. If using DHCP, do not attempt to use the network until DHCPIsBound() returns TRUE. Once DHCP is bound, the network mask and the network gateway will also be congured. To dynamically disable DHCP in the code, call DHCPDisable() before the rst StackTask(). Disable an already congured DHCP connection by calling DHCPAbort(). This will release the IP address so the DHCP server can use it for another node.

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The rest of this tutorial assumes there is no DHCP, and will statically congure the IP
network settings as done in previous chapters.



UDP/IP, the user may quickly design simple communications between two devices on an internetwork. As a transaction layer, UDP is a lightweight alternative to TCP; UDP is easier to implement and requires fewer resources on the microcontroller. received in the order they were sent. Second, there is no method to determine if a packet was successfully received. TCP does not have these drawbacks, and TCP will automatically resend a packet if it was not successfully received. For some applications, such as audio and video streaming, these drawbacks are not a concern. If these drawbacks are a problem in an application, implement a sequencing and ACK messaging format.

UDP is a simple, lightweight transaction layer. Combined with IP, commonly called

UDP does have some drawbacks. First, there is no guarantee that packets will be

The format of a UDP datagram is as follows:

0 0 8 Payload n 1 Source Port 2 3 Destination Port 4 5 Message Length 6 7 Checksum

Source/Destination Port Application multiplexing is provided through the source and

destination port. An application can listen to a specic port, and any packet received that matches that specic destination port is considered destined for that application. The application could then respond by sending a response to the port specied in the source port.

Message Length Length of UDP header and data. Checksum The checksum of the UDP header and data. Payload Data of the UDP datagram. It can be 0 bytes if the request contains no data.
There is no limit to the size of the data eld as IP will fragment messages as needed by network constraints. and talks to a simple PC application. First, compile and run EX12.C included on the Development Tools CD-R. Once running, note the following on the LCD screen:

To demonstrate UDP, CCS has provided an example that runs on the development kt

Embedded Ethernet Exercise Book



UDP.EXE that is also on the CD-R. UDP.EXE is a simple application that can let you send/receive UDP packets to a specied IP address:

The prototyping board is now listening for incoming UDP packets on port 1024. Execute

Once both UDP.EXE and EX12.C is running, press the Open port button in UDP.EXE.

(Note: The IP address of the development kit should be entered into the text box labeled Dest IP). Once the port is open, insert characters into the Outgoing Data text box and press Send. If successful, the text will show up on the LCD screen. The LCD will also show the IP address of the last unit that sent a UDP packet. development board. Pressing this button will send a plain-text BUTTON over UPD. This text will show up in the Incoming Data textbox in UDP.EXE..

Once the prototyping board has received an IP address, press the button labeled A4 on the

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Before any UDP communication can take place, UDPOpen() must be called. Calling UDPOpen() creates an active socket between the microcontroller and the remote node. This socket identier is used to distinguish between several active communications. With cooperative multitasking, several of these communication sockets can be active at once. UDPOpen(localPort, *remoteNode, remotePort) will create a communication socket between the microcontroller (using localPort as its socket) and the remote node (where remoteNode is a NODE_INFO struct holding the IP and MAC address, and remotePort is the UDP port of the remote node) UDPOpen(localPort, NULL, INVALID_UDP_PORT) will create a communication socket that listens for incoming packets from any remote node. If UDPOpen() returns INVALID_UDP_PORT that means there are no more communication sockets. Dene the maximum number of UDP and TCP sockets by the constants MAX_SOCKETS and MAX_UDP_SOCKETS. One socket takes more than 35 bytes of RAM, so only enable as many sockets as needed to save RAM. UDPIsPutReady(socket) checks to make sure the Ethernet transmit buffer is free, and that the socket is still connected. Make sure this returns TRUE before an attempt to transmit any data. This also sets this socket as the active socket for any future UDPPut() calls. UDPPut(c) puts the specied byte into the UDP datagrams data eld. It will return TRUE if successfully. UDPFlush() marks the UDP datagram as ready to transmit. Once the Ethernet transmit buffer is free and ready, the Microchip TCP/IP stack will then create the Ethernet and IP headers automatically, and then send the UDP datagram. UDPIsGetReady(socket) checks the Ethernet receive buffer, and returns TRUE if the data in the Ethernet receive buffer is destined for this socket. It also marks this socket as the active socket for any future UDPGet() calls. IMPORTANT: if data is in the receive buffer it must be received and processed, because the next time StackTask() is called, the data in the receive buffer will be thrown away. UDPGet(&c) returns the next byte of data in the UDP datagrams data eld. If it successfully received a byte, it saves to pointer and returns TRUE. If it returns FALSE there is no more data left in the datagram. UDPDiscard() throws away the rest of the data in the receive buffer. UDPClose(socket) frees the specied socket. Once freed, use UDPOpen() to create a new connection. The source code to UDP.EXE is also available on the Development Tools CD-R.


Embedded Ethernet Exercise Book



design does not include guaranteed packet delivery. TCP is a more complex transport layer that adds: a persistent bi-directional connection, datagram duplication handling, datagram out-of-order handling, datagram loss handling, and ow control.

The previous chapter reviewed the UDP transport layer, and was noted that UDPs simple

The TCP datagram appears as follows:

0 0 1 Source Port Acknowledge Number Urgent Pointer 2 3 Destination Port Header Length 4 5 6 Sequence Number Window Size 7





n m


Source Port and Destination Port To allow multiplexing TCP over several different

applications, source and destination port combined with remote nodes IP address can give many concurrent, persistent and individual connections. Several ports are well known, for example port 80 is used for HTTP. Web servers will listen to port 80 for incoming TCP connections. datagram and datagram loss handling. For example, if a node sends a TCP datagram with 20 data bytes with a sequence number of 100, the receiving node will send an acknowledge of 120 to signify to the transmitting node that it received the 20 bytes of data. The receiving node now knows that the next packet should have a sequence number of 120, otherwise it will be out-of-order. If a node received two packets with the same sequence number and same data size, it would know that one is a duplicate. If a node received a packet with a sequence number that was out-of-order, it must save the packet until the missing packet arrives. The node will then place the packets back into order. Also see Window Size.

Sequence Number and Acknowledge number These provide a method of out-of-order

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Header Length Total size of the TCP datagram header, including options, divided by 4. Flags Option ags. Here are a few of the more important ones:

Bit 4 ACK Acknowledge the last received packet Bit 2 RESET Force a closure of the connection Bit 1 SYN Synchronization (create connection) Bit 0 FIN Ask for a closure of the connection

Window Size - Species how much buffer space the receiving node has for

reconstructing packets if they arrive out-of-order. The Microchip TCP/IP stack will set the window size to one segment as Microchip microcontrollers do not have enough RAM to reconstruct out-of-order packets.

Checksum Checksum of the header and data. Urgent Pointer Can be used to signify urgent data. This is not used by the Microchip
TCP/IP stack.

TCP is a connection orientated transport layer. Once a connection is made, data can be
sent bi-directionally until one of the units initiates a disconnect and both units close the connection. The methods to listen, open and close connections can best be described with the TCP/IP state diagram:

Embedded Ethernet Exercise Book



IP stack to open connections and close connections. Once a connection is established, data can be sent and received bi-directionally. that will talk to a TCP/IP server on a PC. Open EX13.C on the Development Tools CDR. Change the IP address in ServerAddrInit() to the IP address of the computer. Then compile and run EX13.C on the prototyping board. Once it is running, the following will appear on the LCD screen:

Imposed on the previous state diagram are the routines provided by the Microchip TCP/ This chapter will use the Microchip TCP/IP routines to create an example TCP/IP client

This example is now attempting to connect to the IP address set in ServerAddrInit(). On

the CD-R, run TCPServer.EXE. Note the following on the PC:

Press the Listen button. The PC will now listen to the specied socket, which is what the

prototyping board is trying to connect to. Now that the PC is listening, a connection should eventually be made. Notice a successful connection in the Incoming Data text box in TCPServer.EXE. Also, the LCD it should now say Connected! on the bottom line. Now that it is connected, enter text into the Outgoing Data window of TCPServer.EXE and press send that text should now be shown on the second line of the LCD.

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When connected, pressing the left button on the prototyping board should send a

BUTTON C=1 string to the PC, which will be displayed in the Incoming Data text box of TCPServer.exe. The number will increment with each button press.
TCPConnect(*NODE_INFO, port) will attempt a connection to the remote node (specify both an IP address and a MAC address) using the specied port. After issuing a TCPConnect(), the Microchip TCP/IP stack will start issuing SYN packets to the specied remote node and handle responses to the SYN request. TCPConnect() will return a socket number used to signify this connection. The rmware must remember this socket number if it wishes to use this connection. TCPIsConnected(socket) returns TRUE when the TCP/IP state has reached Established state. Due to the cooperative method that the Microchip TCP/IP stack is implemented, do not sit in an innite loop until TCPIsConnected() returns TRUE. If it returns FALSE, wait until the next task time to try again. (A task time in the Microchip TCP/IP stack is the next time after calling StackTask()). TCPIsPutReady(socket) returns TRUE if the TCP/IP socket is connected, the Ethernet transmit buffer is free and the TCP/IP state is ready to handle transmitting a packet. It also prepares the TCP/IP stack for the next TCP datagram by initializing the TCP header and writing the Ethernet and IP header to the Ethernet transmit buffer. TCPPut(socket, c) puts a character into the TCP datagram data eld, and returns TRUE if successful. TCPPutArray(socket, int8 *ptr, int16 size) will put the specied characters into the TCP datagram eld and return TRUE if successful. (Note: This function was not written by Microchip and so it is not in their API documentation) TCPFlush(socket) marks the TCP datagram (and accompanying Ethernet and IP header) as ready for transmission. It may take several task times for a TCP datagram to be sent, especially if there is a retry. After calling TCPFlush() do not use TCPPut() again until TCPIsPutReady() returns TRUE. TCPIsGetReady(socket) returns TRUE if there is a TCP datagram destined for this socket that must handled. The Microchip TCP/IP stack veries all header checksums, and that the TCP packets are received in order, and that there are no duplicate TCP packets. If the TCP packet is not handled now, the datagram will be lost by the next task time. TCPGet(socket, *c) and TCPGetArray(socket, *array, size) reads data out of the TCP datagram data eld. TCPGet() returns TRUE if successful, and TCPGetArray() returns the number of bytes read. TCPDiscard(socket) discards any remaining data left in the TCP datagram and frees up the Ethernet receive buffer for more data. This is automatically done at the end of the task time. The source code for TCPServer.Exe is on the Development Tools CD-R.


For further study: try EX!#B.C with TCPClient.Exe. In this example the PIC is the server and the PC is the client. Embedded Ethernet Exercise Book



running on the PC. This chapter will focus on using the Microchip TCP/IP stack and the develpment kit to make a TCP server, in particular a webserver.

The last chapter reviewed a custom made TCP client that talked to a simple TCP server HTTP is the protocol used to serve and request web pages from web-servers. The

protocol is fairly simple: requests are made in ASCII strings, where each parameter of the request is a separate line of ASCII. An empty line is used to denote end of parameters. After a client makes its requests, the web server answers with its response. First the webserver responds with its own parameters, where each parameter is a seperate line of ASCII. An empty line is used to denote end of parameters, and then any data following is considered the web page or the content that was requested by the web client. browser (such as Internet Explorer) opens a communication socket to TCP port 80 and will not close the socket until after a user closes the web browser or goes to a different site. By keeping the TCP port open as long as possible, it can speed up the time it takes to download a page by not having to open/close a socket for each request, especially since a webpage may have linked images that need to be downloaded to properly display the page.

Most HTTP servers listen to TCP port 80, but this is not a requirement. Typically a web

For example, here is a simple request:


/directory/le is the le requested. There are many other options that may be found in a

HTTP requests, but the only necessary one is the GET command which tells the webserver which le to download. The le requested does not have to be a webpage, HTTP can be used to transfer any kind of le an example would be when downloading a ZIP le or a PDF from a website. /directory/le is relative to the host domain. For example, when viewing, the GET request would be /dir1/dir2/le. html. Asking for would result in a GET/ (this is called the root index).

Here is a simple response to the above request:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/html insert webpage here

There can be many other responses, such as content-length, date/time, etc, but these are

the only two that are needed. The rst line is the error code result as a response to the GET command. 200 is an error code for success, 404 is the error code for page missing, etc. The second line is the response that tells the browser what format the resulting data is in. Do not forget that after all response options, a blank line is needed before sending data.

CCS, Inc.

To see more HTTP requests examples, use Ethereal to packet sniff while surng with a web

To demonstrate the server mode of the TCP/IP stack, a simple webserver example has

been created and can be found on the Development Tools CD-R as EX14.C. Compile EX14.c and run on the prototyping board. Once the example is running, the following will appear on the LCD: Listening

The top line of the LCD is the IP address of the development kit. In a web browser, open

that IP address. There should be a page that displays the analog-to-digital values for AN0:

Turn the potentiometer on the prototyping board and refresh the page to change what is
displayed on the webpage. While a web browser is connected to the prototyping board, the IP address of the web browser will be displayed on the second line of the LCD. If no browser is connected, it should say Listening.

TCPListen(port) will open the specied port and listen for a connection. TCPListen() will return a socket number if successful, or INVALID_SOCKET if there are no more sockets left. To have multiple sockets listening to the same port, call TCPListen() more than once with the same port. HTTPTask() only creates one socket, and therefore, only one web browser may connect at once. Add more sockets for more simultaneous connections by changing HTTPSocket and state in HTTPTask() to be an array; where each element of such array represents the socket and state for each connection. HTTPTask() will have to iterate though the state machine for each socket within one task time. This simple webserver does not parse any of the requests made by the websever. In particular, it does not parse the GET command to nd the requested page. The webserver assumes it is only asking for one page.


Embedded Ethernet Exercise Book



microcontroller. While this method works, each PC needs that specic application installed on the computer and some computers cannot run those applications because of incompatible processor architecture or incompatible operating systems. Every modern operating system has a web browser, and implementing a web interface on the embedded device may give access to the device from any computer. Such web interfaces can be implemented using CGI.

Chapters 12 and 13 used custom PC applications to send and receive data to the

Common Gateway Interface, or CGI, is the name of the method used to transfer data from

the client (or web browser) to the web server at which point the web server can execute the data and generate a dynamic page based upon that content. An example is When entering a search term on, CGI is used to pass that value to the web server, at which point executes the search and reports the result.

In order to use CGI, a web server must support it. The previous chapter created a very

simple webserver, but it did not include CGI support. This chapter will look at using a more advanced HTTP server that is included in the TCP/IP stack that supports CGI and multiple pages.


The HTTP server included by CCS was written by CCS, and is different than the HTTP server that was originally included by Microchip.

CCS, Inc.

There are two methods by which the web browser can send data to the HTTP server, GET
and POST. The previous chapter reviewed GET, although no CGI data was sent. GET sends CGI data by appending key/value pairs onto the request line. The following is an example request:

GET /directory/le.html?KEY1=VALUE1&KEY2=VALUE2&KEY3=VALUE3 HTTP/1.1

This looks similar to the GET request that was demonstrated in the previous chapter, but
the key/value pairs are appended after the lename. The ? character is used to denote parameters that the HTTP server is supposed to parse for CGI when using GET. Each key/value pair is then seperated by the & character.

When using the POST method, CGI data is appended to the end of the HTTP request.
Here is an example:

POST /directory/le.html HTTP/1.1 Content-Length: xx KEY1=VALUE1&KEY2=VALUE2&KEY3=VALUE3

Embedded Ethernet Exercise Book



these examples only show the required parameters. When a POST request is made, an important parameter is Content-Length, which tells the server how many characters of CGI data are being sent. the location bar of the web browser, but there is a limitation of 255 characters for the GET request. (This is a standard limitation of HTTP, not a limitation based upon the Microchip TCP/IP stack). POST gives you more security as the data is not shown in the location bar, and there is no maximum number of characters that POST can handle. to TRUE before including the TCP/IP stack header le stacktsk.h. The application must also include three callback functions that the HTTP server must use for nding pages and processing CGI data. Open ex15.c in the examples directory. Compile and run ex15.c on the prototyping board. IP address of the prototyping board. (The IP address of the prototyping board is set in IPAddrInit() and is displayed on the top line of the LCD). A web page with a form allows for change of the LEDs or the message displayed on the LCD:

For both GET and POST examples there may be many more parameters being passed, and

GET requests are easier to develop and use because parameters can be passed using

Using the more advanced HTTP server can be done by dening STACK_USE_HTTP

Once the example is running in the prototyping board, use the web browser to open the

The website uses an HTML input form to change the data displayed on the LCD and to

change the status of the two LEDs. Click on the Analog Readings link to go to another page on the prototyping board server that displays the current ADC reading of AN0.

CCS, Inc.

StackTask() will call HTTP_Task() to automatically answer HTTP requests made to the unit. In order to transfer dynamic content HTTP_Task() will use three call back functions that the application must provide: http_get_page(), http_format_char(), http_exec_cgi(). http_get_page(char *lename) is a callback function the application must provide, and will be called by HTTP_Task() to nd the requested GET/POST page. Instead of implementing a le system on a device, this HTTP server expects the pages to be stored into program memory. The http_get_page() then must nd the specied lename in ROM, and return the location in program memory. If this page is not in ROM http_get_page() must return 0 to indicate page not found. http_format_char(int32 le, char id, char *str, int8 max_ret) is a callback function the application must provide, and returns special formatting information for the web pages stored in the program memory. For special formatting, use a % character, when HTTP_Task() is serving a web page and sees a % it calls this function with the id variable set to the formatting character. *str is where the callback function must save the formatting result, and it should not store more than max_ret characters to this pointer (buffer-overrun protection). File is the address in ROM of the webpage being served, if special formatting characters need special meaning depending on what page is being served. This function must return the number of characters saved to *str. http_exec_cgi(int32 le, char *key, char *val) is a callback function the application must provide, and is called with each key=value pair read in the GET/POST request. File is the location in ROM of the webpage being served, in the case special processing is desired, depending on what page is being served. http_exec_cgi() is called for each key/value pair before any web data is sent to the web browser. HTML forms are used to place user input elds in webpages. For more help about HTML forms, see documentation about <FORM> and <INPUT> tags in any HTML documentation. The example uses GET transactions. Try this example using POST by changing the <FORM method=GET> to <FORM method=POST> in HTML_INDEX_PAGE[].


Embedded Ethernet Exercise Book



protocol used on the Internet today. SMTP uses a simple, text-based protocol from which a client or server can relay an e-mail message. When a client uses SMTP to send an e-mail, if the e-mail is not destined to someone on that server it will be relayed to the next SMTP server in a manner similar to how a real-life post-ofce relays paper mail. client. SMTP commonly uses TCP port 25. Here is an example transaction, which can be reproduced by telneting into a SMTP server. The shaded lines are sent by the client (you), the non-bold lines are responses sent by the SMTP server:
220 SMTP ehlo 250-parameter 1 250-parameter 2 250 parameter 3 mail from: 250 Sender <> Ok rcpt to: 250 Recipient <> Ok data 354 Ok Send data ending with <CRLF>.<CRLF> From: To: Subject: An E-Mail The 220 is the result code for service ready. Any other number is an error. The data after the result code will be different for each server. Identify ourselves as an SMTP client, with this host name. Most SMTP servers ignore the host name here. SMTP accepts our identication as a client, and responds with its conguration parameters (such as max size, MIME types, etc). 250 is a successful error code, any other number would be an error. Client identies the sender for this e-mail. Some SMTP servers will verify that this domain exists rst. SMTP accepts the sender address. 250 is a successful error code. Client identies the recipient for this e-mail. Some SMTP servers will verify that this domain exists rst. SMTP accepts the recipient address. 250 is a successful error code. Tell the SMTP server that any following data being sent is the body of the e-mail. SMTP server is ready to accept data. If you want to stop sending email you must put a period on an empty line. The SMTP client sends standard e-mail headers. Notice that the mail from: and rcpt to: commands do not create the e-mail header. If you use a different From and To address than what was specifeid in the mail from: and rcpt to: commands many spam lters may delete the e-mail as header spoong is common from spammers. This is the body of the e-mail. Message was successfully read by the server. There is no guarantee that it will reach the recipient, however. Gracefully terminate session with SMTP server. You could also just close the TCP socket. Server accepts our session termination, and closes the connection.

The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, or SMTP, is the current de-facto standard mail transfer

Since SMTP uses a text based protocol, the standard telnet tool can be used as an SMTP

Body of the email .250 Message received QUIT 221 Goodbye

CCS, Inc.

CCS has implemented an SMTP engine as an add-on to the Microchip TCP/IP stack that

will properly handle all the SMTP commands. To demonstrate this SMTP engine, look at the example code ex16.c that is included on the Development Tools CD-Rom. Before running this example code, look at the function MYSMTPInit() and change the IP address to the IP address of your SMTP server. Compile and run this example on the prototyping board.

When running and idle, the following will appear on the LCD:
SMTP Idle Emails Sent: 0

Pressing the button next to the potentiameter will send an e-mail using the SMTP IP address
and e-mail addresses provided in the MYSMTPInit() function. On the rst line, the LCD will show the current status of the SMTP connection in progress. When completed the second line will increment the counter of e-mail sent, or if there was an error it will display the error.

SMTPConnect(*IP, port, char *from, char *to, char *subject) will initiate the SMTP engine. If needed, it will do an ARP lookup rst. It will return TRUE if a socket was created, but that does not mean a successful SMTP connection was made. from, to and subject must be global. port is almost always 25. The SMTP engine can only handle one socket at a time. Therefore, it is not possible to call a SMTPConnect() until the previous SMTPConnect() has been disconnected. SMTPIsFree() will return TRUE if you can call SMTPConnect(). Once SMTPConnect() is called and returned TRUE, poll SMTPIsPutReady() and SMTPLastError(). SMTPIsPutReady() will return TRUE if a successful SMTP connection was made and is ready for the body of the e-mail. SMTPLastError() will return a non-zero value if there was an error creating the SMTP connection. Look at the SMTP_EC enum in smtp.h for documentation on the error codes returned by SMTPLastError() SMTPPut(char c) can be use to put a character into the body of the e-mail. SMTPIsPutReady() must return TRUE before you use SMTPPut(). SMTPDisconnect() will nish off the e-mail and close the connection. To determine if the e-mail was accepted by the SMTP server, wait for SMTPIsFree() to return TRUE and then check SMTPLastError() to verify that it still returns 0. Use the SMTP server provided by your ISP. If unknown ask the ISP. The reason for this is that in the war on spam, almost all SMTP servers block access to clients who are not on their network. Due to the war on spam, many internet service providers are placing restrictions upon SMTP servers. Such restrictions may be authentication, sender-id, messageid and maximum message-per-minute rate. This engine deals with none of those restrictions. Its very likely in the future that it will be impossible for a microcontroller to have the resources to send e-mail using SMTP.


Embedded Ethernet Exercise Book

Book: TCP/IP Lean By: Jeremy Bentham Summary: An excellent book that details the internals of Ethernet, IP, ARP, UDP, TCP, PPP and more. Its primary focus is how to develop a TCP/IP application on microcontrollers with limited resources. Application Note: AN833 By: Microchip Summary: Documentation of Microchips TCP/IP, including example code and API specications. Software: Ethereal URL: http// Summary: Excellent, free, open-source packet snifng software for the computer. Can analyze network trafc of many types: Ethernet, 802.11, IP, UDP, TCP, PPP and more. Work in Windows, Linux, BSD Mac OS X and more.

CCS, Inc.


The ICD used in this booklet uses two I/O pins on the chip to communicate with a small debug program in the chip. This is a basic debug tool that takes up some of the chips resources (I/O pins and memory). An emulator replaces the chip with a special connector that connects to a unit that emulates the chip. The debugging works in a simulator manner except that the chip has all of its normal resources, the debugger runs faster and there are more debug features. For example an emulator typically will allow any number of breakpoints. Some of the emulators can break on an external event like some signal on the target board changing. Some emulators can break on an external event like some that were executed before a breakpoint was reached. Emulators cost between $500 and $3000 depending on the chips they cover and the features.


The ICD can be used to program FLASH chips as was done in these exercises. A stand alone device programmer may be used to program all the chips. These programmers will use the .HEX le output from the compiler to do the programming. Many standard EEPROM programmers do know how to program the Microchip parts. There are a large number of Microchip only device programmers in the $100-$200 price range. Note that some chips can be programmed once (OTP) and some parts need to be erased under a UV light before they can be re-programmed (Windowed). CCS offers the Mach X witch is a stand-alone programmer and can be used as an in-circut debugger.


There are a large number of Prototyping boards available from a number of sources. Some have an ICD interface and others simply have a socket for a chip that is externally programmed. Some boards have some advanced functionality on the board to help design complex software. For example, CCS has a Prototyping board with a full 56K modem on board and a TCP/IP stack chip ready to run internet applications such as an e-mail sending program or a mini web server. Another Prototyping board from CCS has a USB interface chip, making it easy to start developing USB application programs.


A simulator is a program that runs on the PC and pretends to be a microcontroller chip. A simulator offers all the normal debug capability such as single stepping and looking at variables, however there is no interaction with real hardware. This works well if you want to test a math function but not so good if you want to test an interface to another chip. With the availability of low cost tools, such as the ICD in this kit, there is less interest in simulators. Microchip offers a free simulator that can be downloaded from their web site. Some other vendors offer simulators as a part of their development packages. Embedded Ethernet Exercise Book

+5 +5

B7 B6

B5 B4

B3 B2

B1 B0

D7 D6

D5 D4

D3 D2

D1 D0

C5 C4

C3 C2

C1 C0

A5 A4

A3 A2

A1 E1 E2 EO




Pushbutton A4


RS232 C6, C7


ICD Connector

Power 9V DC

Pushbutton RESET

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