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Vu Study M Parallel and Distributed Computer

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VU University Amsterdam - Faculteit der Exacte Wetenschappen - M Parallel and Distributed Computer Syst - 20122013

VU University Amsterdam - Faculteit der Exacte Wetenschappen - M Parallel and Distributed Computer Syst - 2012-2013


Compulsory Optional Courses Theory Computer Science Compulsory Optional Courses Programming Optional Courses Individuele vakken Compulsory Courses Course: Advanced Logic Course: Advanced Topics in Computer and Network Security Course: Advanced Topics in Distributed Systems Course: Binary and Malware Analysis Course: Cluster and Grid Computing Course: Coding and Cryptography Course: Compiler Construction Course: Computer and Network Security Course: Computer Graphics Course: Computer Networking Course: Computer Networks Practical Course: Concurrency and Multithreading Course: Concurrency theory Course: Concurrent Programming Course: Distributed Algorithms Course: Distributed Systems Course: Evolutionary Computing Course: Industrial Internship Course: Internet programming Course: Logical Verification Course: Master Project Course: Operating Systems Practical Course: Parallel Programming Course: Parallel Programming Practical Course: PDCS Programming Project Course: Performance Analysis of Communication Networks Course: Research Proposal Writing Course: Scientific Writing in English Course: Selected Topics in Parallel and Distributed Computer Systems Course: Selected Topics in PDCS Course: Term Rewriting Systems

1 1 1 2 2 3 3 5 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 11 11 12 12 13 14 15 16 16 17 18 19 19 20 20 21 22 23 25 25 26

VU University Amsterdam - Faculteit der Exacte Wetenschappen - M Parallel and Distributed Computer Syst - 2012-2013


Compulsory Optional Courses Theory Computer Science

Compulsory choice Theoretical Computer Science of 6 credits, at least one choice out of the courses below. Note: Every programme, including the choice of optional courses, has to be discussed and agreed upon with the master coordinator or a personal mentor and approved by the Examination Board. Courses:

Name Coding and Cryptography Concurrency and Multithreading Concurrency theory Distributed Algorithms Logical Verification

Period Period 1 Period 1 Period 1 Period 2 Period 5

Credits 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0

Code X_405041 X_405064 X_418103 X_400211 X_400115

Compulsory Optional Courses Programming

Compulsory choice Programming of 6 credits, at least one choice out of the courses below. Note: Every programme, including the choice of optional courses, has to be discussed and agreed upon with the master coordinator or a personal mentor and approved by the Examination Board. Courses:

Name Compiler Construction Computer Networks Practical Parallel Programming Practical

Period Period 4 Period 5+6

Credits 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 12.0

Code X_400105 X_405072 X_405071 X_400162 X_405054

Operating Systems Practical Period 5+6 Period 2+3

PDCS Programming Project Ac. Year (September)

Optional Courses
Programme components: - Individuele vakken Courses:

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Name Advanced Logic Binary and Malware Analysis Computer Graphics Computer Networking Concurrent Programming Evolutionary Computing Industrial Internship Internet programming Performance Analysis of Communication Networks Scientific Writing in English Selected Topics in Parallel and Distributed Computer Systems Selected Topics in PDCS Term Rewriting Systems

Period Period 4 Period 1 Period 2+3 Period 4 Period 3 Period 1 Ac. Year (September) Period 1 Period 1+2

Credits 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0

Code X_405048 X_405100 X_400106 X_418102 X_418105 X_400111 X_405080 X_405082 X_400165 X_400592 X_400426

Period 1, Period 2, Period 3, 3.0 Period 4, Period 5, Period 6 Ac. Year (September) 3.0

Ac. Year (September) Period 2

6.0 6.0

X_400379 X_400121

Individuele vakken

Compulsory Courses
The courses Advanced Topics in Computer and Network Security and Advanced Topics in Distributed Systems and Research Proposal Writing and Master Project PDCS are part of the second year of the curriculum. Compulsory alongside the below mentioned courses (78 credits), are - optional courses Theoretical Computer Science 6 credits - optional courses Programming 6 credits - optional courses Computer Sciences 30 credits Note: Every programme, including the choice of optional courses, has to be discussed and agreed upon with the master coordinator or a personal mentor and approved by the Examination Board. Courses:

Name Advanced Topics in Computer and Network Security Advanced Topics in Distributed Systems Computer and Network Security Distributed Systems

Period Period 2

Credits 6.0

Code X_405021

Period 1

6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0

X_405022 X_400362 X_400127 X_400130

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Cluster and Grid Computing Period 4 Period 5 Period 2

VU University Amsterdam - Faculteit der Exacte Wetenschappen - M Parallel and Distributed Computer Syst - 2012-2013

Master Project Parallel Programming Research Proposal Writing

Ac. Year (September) Period 1 Period 2

36.0 6.0 6.0

X_400461 X_400161 X_405023

Advanced Logic
Course code Period Credits Language of tuition Faculty Coordinator Teaching staff Teaching method(s) X_405048 (405048) Period 4 6.0 English Faculteit der Exacte Wetenschappen dr. R.D.A. Hendriks dr. R.D.A. Hendriks Lecture, Seminar

Course objective The objective is to obtain a good understanding of modal logic and its use in computer science and artificial intelligence. Course content A thorough introduction to modal logics, and its applications in computer science and artificial intelligence. We will select some themes from the book Modal Logics for Open Minds, by Johan van Benthem: basic modal logic and possible world semantics, bisimulation and invariance, modal definability, decidability, ... In particular we treat the modal logics most relevant to computer science and AI: temporal, dynamic and epistemic logic. Form of tuition Weekly 2 lectures and 1 exercise class, for the duration of 7 weeks. Type of assessment A written exam and assignments that can make half a point bonus. Course reading Johan van Benthem, Modal Logics for Open Minds, CSLI Publications 2010. Recommended background knowledge The bachelor course Logica en Modelleren (previously Inleiding Logica), or an equivalent introduction to first-order logic. Target group mAI-KTIIA, mAI-TLI, mAI-C-var, mCS-FMSV

Advanced Topics in Computer and Network Security

Course code Period Credits Language of tuition Faculty Coordinator X_405021 (405021) Period 2 6.0 English Faculteit der Exacte Wetenschappen dr. B. Crispo
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VU University Amsterdam - Faculteit der Exacte Wetenschappen - M Parallel and Distributed Computer Syst - 2012-2013

Teaching staff Teaching method(s)

dr. B. Crispo Lecture

Course objective The goal of this course is for students to develop an in-depth understanding of classical and recent research in system and network security, and practice their presentation and argumentation skills. The class is restricted only to PDCS students so that individual guidance can be offered. Course content The course takes the form of seminars based on a selection of papers that either have had a strong impact on security today, or explore novel ideas that may be important in the future. Students are required to read all papers assigned during the semester and be able to competently discuss the material in class. Each student will be responsible for presenting one lecture -- that lecture will be based on the assigned paper for the week including as much relevant related work as necessary to distill the work presented in the paper. The speaker will have 25 minutes talk to present the papers she read. The presentation will be followed by 20 minutes of interactive discussion in the class. Before each lecture each student must submit to me at least two thought-provoking questions on the main paper for that week. These questions should critically evaluate the paper (eg, questioning the assumptions). At the end of the semester, each student must write a 4-pages long position paper about one of the topics that has been discussed in class. This can be about the topic the student has presented, or about any other topic that has been discussed in class.This is intended to be an interactive class, and as such, class participation will play a significant role in the grading criteria. Students will be graded on the presentation and analysis of their assigned paper, their participation in discussions and questions. Form of tuition Seminar, active participation Type of assessment Presentations, participation at seminar, and a 4-page position paper. You will be graded with respect to your presentation, your position paper, and your active participation to the seminar. Each of these aspects will account for 1/3 of the final grade. Important: you have to get at least 6 in all the 3 aspects to be able to pass the exam. Course reading A selection of papers. Entry requirements The class is restricted only to PDCS students so that individual guidance can be offered Target group This course is only accessible for mPDCS students. Remarks Course registration is compulsory and must also be done on the first day of lecture directly with the lecturer.

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Advanced Topics in Distributed Systems

Course code Period Credits Language of tuition Faculty Coordinator Teaching staff Teaching method(s) X_405022 (405022) Period 1 6.0 English Faculteit der Exacte Wetenschappen dr. G.E.O. Pierre dr. G.E.O. Pierre Lecture

Course objective Discuss advanced topics relevant for traditional and modern distributed systems. Course content The course takes the form of a seminar that is based on a selection of papers that either have had a strong impact on distributed systems today, or explore novel ideas that may be important in the future. Subjects will cover important aspects of distributed systems such as communication, data consistency, replication, fault; tolerance, performance, scalability, etc. Also, modern distributed systems such as next- generation Web- based systems and wireless sensor networks will have their place. For this seminar we expect the students to actively participate by means of presentations and discussions. Papers for discussions will be selected from the base set, with possibly 1 or 2 added where appropriate. Form of tuition Seminar. Type of assessment Presentations, participation at seminar, and a 4-page position paper. Course reading A (selection of a) list of papers, yet to be decided. Entry requirements Distributed Systems (400130). Target group mPDCS Remarks This course is only accessible for mPDCS students. More information about this course is available at

Binary and Malware Analysis

Course code Period X_405100 () Period 1

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Credits Language of tuition Faculty Coordinator Teaching staff Teaching method(s)

6.0 English Faculteit der Exacte Wetenschappen prof. dr. ir. H.J. Bos prof. dr. ir. H.J. Bos Lecture

Course objective Deepening insights in static and dynamic analysis, applied to binaries and malware Course content Binaries in general, and malware in particular, are very hard to analyse. Unlike with source code, you have no idea what the binary does, or even what the data structures look like - let alone what they mean!. Security analysts, forensic experts, and reverse engineers often have to dig their way through such programs to figure out what the code is all about, and where the interesting pieces of information are. How do they do this? What techniques and tools can they fall back on, and, conversely, what techniques do the malware authors use to prevent this? This is a (tough) hands-on specialisation course for a small group of motivated students, who will learn essential analysis techniques and methods in both static and dynamic analysis. Not only will they pick apart real malware, they will also be working on a set of cool and very complicated challenges to find a secret burried deep inside a binary program. For static analysis, we will look in depth at the generation of control flow graphs, and complications that may arise due to indirect calls and jumps (as well as deliberate obfuscation). For dynamic analysis, we will look at data and control flow tracking (dynamic information flow tracking) Binary patching will be used to circumvent the binary's defenses. To do so, students need to know details about popular binary formats (ELF, PE, etc.), and work with all manner of state-of-art system tools to analyse the binaries (think IDA Pro, OllyDbg, taint analysis tools, etc.). In addition, students will be exposed to programs that actively fight static and dynamic analysis. Form of tuition Hoorcollege and practical Course reading Slides and online material

Cluster and Grid Computing

Course code Period Credits X_400362 (400362) Period 4 6.0
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VU University Amsterdam - Faculteit der Exacte Wetenschappen - M Parallel and Distributed Computer Syst - 2012-2013

Language of tuition Faculty Coordinator Teaching staff Teaching method(s)

English Faculteit der Exacte Wetenschappen dr. ing. T. Kielmann dr. ing. T. Kielmann Lecture

Course objective Students shall both explore the area of Cluster and Grid Computing and develop their skills in critical assessment of scientific literature. Course content Both Cluster and Grid computing are areas of rapid technical developments. Many technical developments are still in flux. We investigate resource management and scheduling, remote data access, network and other performance issues, as well as software architecture and programming models for grids. Form of tuition Introductory lecture, followed by a seminar part and practical programming assignments. In the seminar part, students explore topic areas of Cluster and Grid Computing in small groups, present their findings in a presentation session and prepare a report. The practical programming assignments are to be addressed individually. Type of assessment Both parts contribute 50% to the grade: (i) seminar presentation and report (ii) programming assignments Course reading Various research articles as available online. Entry requirements Parallel Programming (code 400161) Target group mCS-FMSV, mCS-HPDC, mCS-IWT, mCS-MM, mCS-SE, mCS-TAI, mPDCS Remarks Participation in the course is limited; priority is given to students of the M.Sc. programme in Parallel and Distributed Computer Systems (mPDCS), and to students following the HPDC specialization of the M.Sc. in Computer Science (mCS-HPDC).

Coding and Cryptography

Course code Period Credits Language of tuition Faculty Coordinator Teaching staff Teaching method(s) X_405041 (405041) Period 1 6.0 English Faculteit der Exacte Wetenschappen prof. dr. R.M.H. de Jeu prof. dr. R.M.H. de Jeu Lecture
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VU University Amsterdam - Faculteit der Exacte Wetenschappen - M Parallel and Distributed Computer Syst - 2012-2013

Course objective To give an introduction the theory of error correcting codes and to cryptography. Course content This course provides a thorough introduction to the theory of error correcting codes, and to cryptography. It is aimed especially at students of Computer Science. For error correcting codes we shall include cyclic codes, BCH codes, Reed-Solomon codes and burst error correction. For cryptography we discuss some modern public key cryptography (e.g., RSA, ElGamal, DSA). Form of tuition Lectures and exercise classes Type of assessment Written exam and homework Course reading We shall be working from "Coding theory and cryptography, the essentials" by Hankerson, Hoffman, Leonard, Lindner, Phelps, Rodger and Wall (second edition, revised and expanded). Recommended background knowledge "Algebra en Discrete Wiskunde 1", "Inleiding Codering en Discrete Wiskunde", or equivalent. Target group mAI-CIS, mAI-TAI, mCS-FMSV, mCS-HPDC, mCS-IWT, mCS-MM, mCS-SE, mCS-TAI, mMath, mPDCS

Compiler Construction
Course code Period Credits Language of tuition Faculty Coordinator Teaching method(s) Course content The course description is available on: X_400105 (400105) Period 4 6.0 English Faculteit der Exacte Wetenschappen prof. dr. A.T. Schreiber Lecture

Computer and Network Security

Course code Period Credits Language of tuition Faculty X_400127 (400127) Period 5 6.0 English Faculteit der Exacte Wetenschappen

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Coordinator Teaching staff Teaching method(s)

prof. dr. ir. H.J. Bos prof. dr. ir. H.J. Bos Lecture

Course objective Introductory course on security with a scope that includes systems work. At the end of the course students will understand the basic notion of memory corruption attacks (buffer overflows, format strings, etc), SQL injection, cross-site scriting attacks, and other vectors used by computer hackers. Also, they will be able to understand and apply cryptography. Course content The course covers a wide spectrum of security issues. We explicitly aim wider than cryptography, as we want to show students how hackers penetrate systems. Part of the course will be hands-on: in lab assignments, student will carry out and investigate attacks in a controlled environment. This involves programming at the both the highest and lowest levels (say SQL and assembly). However, we will also discuss cryptography and trust infrastructures. Form of tuition Lectures and practical assignments Type of assessment Written exam (50%) and practical assignments (50%). Course reading No set book. All material will be made available during the course. Entry requirements No formal requirements, except a keen interest. Programming experience in C strongly recommended. Target group mCS, mPDCS Remarks

Computer Graphics
Course code Period Credits Language of tuition Faculty Coordinator Teaching staff Teaching method(s) X_400106 (400106) Period 2+3 6.0 English Faculteit der Exacte Wetenschappen dr. ing. T. Kielmann dr. ing. T. Kielmann Lecture

Course objective The students shall get theoretical insights and practical knowledge that allows
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them to implement graphics applications and to understand how such applications get executed on current, shader-based graphics hardware. Course content The course has a top-down structure, starting with the applications. Topics of the lectures are: * Shader-based graphics programming with OpenGL * Events, input, interaction * Transformations (translation, rotation, scaling, shear) * 3-dimensional viewing (projections, perspective) * Light and shading * Discrete techniques, buffers, texture mapping * Modeling (object hierarchies, scene graphs) * Advanced topics (terrain generation, post processing) Form of tuition Class sessions consist of lecture elements and practical exercises. Towards the end of the class, an individual programming project will be done by which students apply what they have learned throughout the class. All programming exercises and the project will be based on OpenGL and the programming languages Java and GLSL. It is highly recommended that students bring their own laptop computer to the class sessions in order to perform the practical exercises. Type of assessment Written exam (code 4001061) and programming project (code 4001062). The project contributes 2/3 to the final grade. The exam contributes 1/3. Both parts need to be graded sufficient or better in order to get the credit points for the course 400106. Entry requirements Project Programmeren (400559) Target group mCS, mPDCS Remarks During the class weeks, several small programming assignments have to be handed in. During period 3, a programming project will be executed. The project contributes 3/4 to the final grade. The homework contributes 1/4. Solid knowledge of the Java programming language is required.

Computer Networking
Course code Period Credits Language of tuition Faculty X_418102 () Period 4 6.0 English Faculteit der Exacte Wetenschappen

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Coordinator Teaching method(s) Course content

O.W. Schrofer Lecture

Remarks Course registration at the UVA is compulsory at least 4 weeks before the start of the semester via

Computer Networks Practical

Course code Period Credits Language of tuition Faculty Coordinator Teaching staff Teaching method(s) X_405072 (405072) Period 5+6 6.0 English Faculteit der Exacte Wetenschappen dr. S. Voulgaris ir. M.P.H. Huntjens Lecture

Course objective Put concepts of Computer Networks and Operating Systems into practice, in the context of smartphones. Course content Low-level programming assignments on smartphones, requiring the thorough understanding of operating systems and network concepts. Form of tuition Practical computer work Type of assessment Practical computer work. Recommended background knowledge Mandatory: Computer Networks (400487). Strongly recommended: Operating Systems (400011) Target group mCS-FMSV, mCS-IWT, mCS-HPDC, mPDCS Remarks Assignments can be submitted until the end of August. Students who have not taken the Operating Systems course at the VU are strongly advised to do so, or to study and experiment with the corresponding material themselves.

Concurrency and Multithreading

Course code Period Credits X_405064 (405064) Period 1 6.0
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VU University Amsterdam - Faculteit der Exacte Wetenschappen - M Parallel and Distributed Computer Syst - 2012-2013

Language of tuition Faculty Coordinator Teaching staff Teaching method(s)

English Faculteit der Exacte Wetenschappen prof. dr. W.J. Fokkink prof. dr. W.J. Fokkink Lecture, Seminar

Course objective This course provides a comprehensive presentation of the foundations and programming principles for multicore machines. Course content Shared memory, mutual exclusion, synchronization operations, concurrent data structures, scheduling, transactional memory, multithreaded programming. Form of tuition 4 hours per week HC 4 hours per week WC 1 labs Type of assessment Written exam (which counts for 70% of the final mark) and two programming assignments (which together count for 30% of the final mark). Course reading Maurice Herlihy, Nir Shavit, The Art of Multiprocessor Programming, Morgan Kaufmann, 2008. Recommended background knowledge Voorgezet Programmeren Target group mAI-CIS, mAI-KTIIA, mAI-TAI, mCS-FMSV, mCS-HPDC, mCS-IWT, mCS-MM, mCSSE, mCS-TAI, mPDCS

Concurrency theory
Course code Period Credits Language of tuition Faculty Coordinator Course content Remarks Course registration at the UVA is compulsory at least 4 weeks before the start of the semester via X_418103 () Period 1 6.0 English Faculteit der Exacte Wetenschappen O.W. Schrofer

Concurrent Programming
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VU University Amsterdam - Faculteit der Exacte Wetenschappen - M Parallel and Distributed Computer Syst - 2012-2013

Course code Period Credits Language of tuition Faculty Coordinator Teaching method(s) Course content

X_418105 () Period 3 6.0 English Faculteit der Exacte Wetenschappen O.W. Schrofer Lecture

Remarks Course registration at the UVA is compulsory at least 4 weeks before the start of the semester via

Distributed Algorithms
Course code Period Credits Language of tuition Faculty Coordinator Teaching staff Teaching method(s) X_400211 (400211) Period 2 6.0 English Faculteit der Exacte Wetenschappen prof. dr. W.J. Fokkink prof. dr. W.J. Fokkink Lecture, Seminar

Course objective To obtain a good understanding of concurrency concepts and a large range of distributed algorithms. Course content Snapshots, graph traversal, termination detection, garbage collection, deadlock detection, routing, election, minimal spanning trees, anonymous networks, fault tolerance, failure detection, synchronization, consensus, mutual exclusion,self-stabilization, on-line scheduling. Form of tuition 4 hours per week HC 4 hours per week WC Type of assessment Written examen (plus a take-home exercise sheet that can provide up to 0,5 bonus point). Course reading Lecture notes by the lecturer. Recommended background knowledge Datastructuren en Algoritmes Target group

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Distributed Systems
Course code Period Credits Language of tuition Faculty Coordinator Teaching staff Teaching method(s) Course objective After taking this course, you will be able to: - understand to a large extent the intricacies related to designing and developing a distributed computer system. - understand the tradeoffs between centralized, distributed, and fully decentralized solutions. - be capable of successfully studying research papers on (advanced) distributed systems. Course content It is difficult to imagine a standalone modern computer system: every such system is one way or the other connected through a communication network with other computer systems. A collection of networked computer systems is generally referred to as a distributed (computer) system. As with any computer system, we expect a distributed system to simply work, and often even behave as if it were a single computer system. In other words, we would generally like to see all the issues related to the fact that data, processes, and control are actually distributed across a network hidden behind well-defined and properly implemented interfaces. Unfortunately, life is not that easy. As it turns out, distributed systems time and again exhibit emergent behavior that is difficult to understand by simply looking at individual components. In fact, many aspects of a distributed system cannot even be confined to a few components, as is easily seen by just considering security. In this course, we pay attention to the pillars on which modern distributed systems are built. Unfortunately, these pillars cannot be viewed independently from each other: each one is equally important for understanding why a distributed system behaves the way it does, and depends on the way that other pillars have been constructed. In this sense, pillars form principles, in turn offering a view that one can take when studying distributed systems. We will consider the following principles: - architectures - processes X_400130 (400130) Period 2 6.0 English Faculteit der Exacte Wetenschappen prof. dr. ir. M.R. van Steen prof. dr. ir. M.R. van Steen Lecture

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- communication - naming - coordination - consistency and replication - fault tolerance - security These principles will be discussed in the context of a few simplifying concepts that have been used to master the complexity of developing distributed systems: objects, files, documents, and events. Form of tuition The course is taught as a series of lectures. Type of assessment There is a written exam. Course reading Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Maarten van Steen, "Distributed Systems, Principles and Paradigms", 2nd edition, Prentice-Hall (2007). Entry requirements Students should have taken a standard course on computer networks. Experience with (distributed) programming will be helpful. Target group mCS, PDCS, mAI, mIS

Evolutionary Computing
Course code Period Credits Language of tuition Faculty Coordinator Teaching staff Teaching method(s) X_400111 (400111) Period 1 6.0 English Faculteit der Exacte Wetenschappen prof. dr. A.E. Eiben prof. dr. A.E. Eiben Lecture

Course objective To learn about computational methods based on Darwinian principles of evolution. To illustrate the usage of such methods as problem solvers and as simulation, respectively modelling tools.To gain hands-on experience in performing experiments. Course content The course is treating various algorithms based on the Darwinian evolution theory. Driven by natural selection (survival of the fittest), an evolution process is being emulated and solutions for a given problem are being "bred". During this course all "dialects" within evolutionary computing are treated (genetic algorithms, evolutiestrategien, evolutionary programming, genetic programming, and classifier systems). Applications in optimisation, constraint handling and machine learning are discussed. Specific subjects handled include: various genetic structures (representations), selection techniques,

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sexual and asexual genetic operators, (self-)adaptivity. If time permits, subjects in Artificial Life and Artificial Societies, and Evolutionary Art will be handled. Hands-on-experience is gained by a compulsory pogramming assignment. Form of tuition Oral lectures and compulsory pogramming assignment. Type of assessment Written exam and pogramming assignment (weighted average). Course reading Eiben, A.E., Smith, J.E., Introduction to Evolutionary Computing. Springer, 2003 ISBN 3-540-40184-9. Slides available from . Target group mBA, mAI, mCS, mPDCS

Industrial Internship
Course code Period Credits Language of tuition Faculty Coordinator X_405080 () Ac. Year (September) 6.0 English Faculteit der Exacte Wetenschappen dr. G.E.O. Pierre

Course objective Deepening insights by applying study contents in an industrial setting Course content Individual project work by which the student applies the study contents in an industrial setting. Before the start of the internship, the student has to get approval for the internship project by a VU (Computer Science) lecturer. The project has to focus on research or development aspects, by which the student can apply and validate the study contents within the specific constraints of an industrial setting. At the end of the internship, the student submits a written report to the lecturer, in which the work, the lessons learned, and the insights from applying study contents in an industrial setting are described. Form of tuition individual project work in an industrial setting Type of assessment written report Recommended background knowledge 36 credit points within the programme mPDCS or mCS Target group mCS-FMSV, mCS-HPDC, mCS-IWT, mCS-MM, mCS-SE, mCS-TAI, mPDCS

Internet programming
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Course code Period Credits Language of tuition Faculty Coordinator Teaching staff Teaching method(s)

X_405082 () Period 1 6.0 English Faculteit der Exacte Wetenschappen dr. S. Voulgaris dr. S. Voulgaris Lecture

Course objective Guide the student through the design and development of Network and Web applications. Course content The course discusses the principles for understanding, designing, and developing Internet applications. This includes programming the network (sockets, threads, RPC, RMI), programming the web interface (servlets, PHP, Javascript, AJAX), and setting up secure communication channels. Throughout the course, as well as in the context of the lab assignments, attention is paid to practical issues of applying these concepts. Form of tuition Lectures combined with lab assignments Type of assessment Final exam plus lab assignments Course reading Course slides Entry requirements Knowledge of C, Java Recommended background knowledge Systems Programming (X_400377) preferred: Computer Networks, Distributed Systems Target group mAI-CIS, mAI-CS, mAI-KTIIA, mAI-TAI, mCS-FMSV, mCS-HPDC, mCS-IWT, mCSMM, mCS-SE, mCS-TAI, mPDCS

Logical Verification
Course code Period Credits Language of tuition Faculty Coordinator Teaching staff Teaching method(s) X_400115 (400115) Period 5 6.0 English Faculteit der Exacte Wetenschappen dr. F. van Raamsdonk dr. F. van Raamsdonk Lecture, Practical

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Course objective Introduction to the proof assistant Coq and its foundations Course content A proof-assistant is used to check the correctness of a specification of a program or the proof of a theorem. The course is concerned with the proof-assistant Coq which is based on typed lambda calculus. In the practical work, we learn to use Coq. One of the exercises is concerned with the correctness proof of the specification of a sorting algorithm, from which a functional program is extracted. In the course, we focus on the Curry-Howard-De Bruijn isomorphism between proofs on the one hand and lambda-terms (which can be seen as functional programs) on the other hand. This is the basis of proof-assistants like Coq. We study various typed lambda calculi and the corresponding logics. Form of tuition 2 hours theory class, 2 hours practical work

Type of assessment Written exam and obligatory Coq exercises Course reading Course notes Entry requirements An introduction course in logic.

Master Project
Course code Period Credits Language of tuition Faculty Coordinator X_400461 (400461) Ac. Year (September) 36.0 English Faculteit der Exacte Wetenschappen dr. ing. T. Kielmann

Course objective With the Master project, the student is to demonstrate the ability to integrate knowledge, insights, and skills gained so far in the Master programme, and to apply them to a new or otherwise unknown subject. Course content The student is offered a research question that needs to be answered following a systematic approach. This approach includes steps such as exploring relevant literature, and will, in general, consist of setting up and carrying out experiments by means of simulations, emulations, or actual systems software. The results and findings will be described in a thesis conforming to the academic standards in the field. An oral presentation of the project results concludes the project. Type of assessment The grade will be determined based on written thesis and oral presentation.

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Target group mPDCS Remarks Various lecturers

Operating Systems Practical

Course code Period Credits Language of tuition Faculty Coordinator Teaching staff Teaching method(s) X_405071 (405071) Period 5+6 6.0 English Faculteit der Exacte Wetenschappen ir. M.P.H. Huntjens ir. M.P.H. Huntjens Lecture

Course objective Gain practical experience with the contents of the Computer Networks and Operating Systems courses. Course content Three problems covering (as much as possible) the content of the courses. Form of tuition Practical computer work Type of assessment Practical computer work. Recommended background knowledge Mandatory: Computer Networks (400487). Strongly recommended: Operating Systems (400011) Target group mCS-FMSV, mCS-IWT, mCS-HPDC, mPDCS Remarks Assignments can be submitted until the end of August. Students who have not taken the "bedrijssystemen" or "operating systems" course at the VU are strongly advised to follow the Operating Systems course or study the internals of Minix in details before the start of the practical.

Parallel Programming
Course code Period Credits Language of tuition Faculty X_400161 (400161) Period 1 6.0 English Faculteit der Exacte Wetenschappen

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Coordinator Teaching staff Teaching method(s) Form of tuition Class with separate practicum (6 ECTS). Type of assessment Written exam. Course reading To be announced.

prof. dr. ir. H.E. Bal prof. dr. ir. H.E. Bal, dr. R.V. van Nieuwpoort Lecture

Entry requirements Knowledge about the first part of the class Parallel Programming is recommended (introduction into parallel programming, MPI, and Java). Target group mAI, mBIO, mCS, mPDCS

Parallel Programming Practical

Course code Period Credits Language of tuition Faculty Coordinator X_400162 (400162) Period 2+3 6.0 English Faculteit der Exacte Wetenschappen prof. dr. ir. H.E. Bal

Course content With this practicum, several parallel programs have to be written, using different programming environments, including Java, MPI, and CUDA/OpenCL (for GPUs). The programs must be tested on a parallel machine of the faculty (see ) and the performance (speedups) of the programs must be measured, analyzed, and, whenever necessary, optimized. A brief report must be written that explains the approach and discusses the measurements. Form of tuition Practical computer work. Type of assessment Practical computer work. Entry requirements Parallel Programming Course. Recommended background knowledge Parallel Programming Course. Target group mAI-TAI, mCS-FMSV, mCS-HPDC, mCS-IWT, mPDCS

PDCS Programming Project

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Course code Period Credits Language of tuition Faculty Coordinator

X_405054 (405054) Ac. Year (September) 12.0 English Faculteit der Exacte Wetenschappen dr. ing. T. Kielmann

Course content PDCS programming projects can be taken instead of other practical courses. They are often related to existing research programs in computer systems. There is no set course description as each project is negotiated individually with the professor supervising and grading it. The assignment aims to offer students challenging projects that are often research-oriented by nature. Students are strongly advised to talk to staff members individually to see whether they have a project that matches the student's interest, as well as the capacity to supervise such a project. Target group mPDCS Remarks Various lecturers

Performance Analysis of Communication Networks

Course code Period Credits Language of tuition Faculty Coordinator Teaching staff Teaching method(s) X_400165 (400165) Period 1+2 6.0 English Faculteit der Exacte Wetenschappen prof. dr. R.D. van der Mei dr. ing. T. Kielmann, prof. dr. R.D. van der Mei Lecture

Course objective The student will acquire basic knowledge of: - quantitative models for predicting and analyzing the performance of communication networks; - traffic models; - traffic management techniques; - performance evaluation and approximation techniques, - performance measurement techniques. The student will gain experience in the development and analysis of performance models and will learn how to tackle practical performance problems arising in the telecommunications industry. Course content Over the past few years the use of communication services (WWW, mobile voice telephony, mobile Internet access, PC banking, on- line ticket reservation, on- line games, peer- to- peer applications, video services) has experienced tremendous growth. Consequently, communication networks are expected to handle huge amounts of (digital)
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information, and in many situations the available amounts of transmission or processing capacity is a limiting factor, which in many cases leads to degradation of the Quality of Service (QoS). A key factor for the commercial success of communication services in the competitive telecommunications market is the ability to deliver a high and predictable QoS level to the customers (in terms of response times, throughput and availability) in a cost- effective manner. Typical questions that will be addressed during the course are: - What does the traffic in the network look like? - How can we measure performance of the network? - How many customers can a given network handle with good quality? - How can we predict the performance of a service in the network? - How do we deal with traffic problems in the network? In addition to the basic theory of performance models for communication networks, the application of the theory to solve practical problems will play a central role. Form of tuition The course is 2 hours per week. Practical homework assignments will be distributed. Type of assessment On the basis of both the homework assignments and a written exam. Course reading Background reading material will be put on the course Website. Entry requirements Basic knowledge of stochastics and computer networks. Target group mBA, mCS, mPDCS, mEct Remarks This course might be helpful for master students Mathematics.

Research Proposal Writing

Course code Period Credits Language of tuition Faculty Coordinator Teaching staff Teaching method(s) X_405023 (405023) Period 2 6.0 English Faculteit der Exacte Wetenschappen prof. dr. A.S. Tanenbaum prof. dr. A.S. Tanenbaum, prof. dr. ir. H.E. Bal Lecture

Course objective The aim of this course is to learn to read papers at a research level, organize the material for the framework of a seminar talk, and practice presentation skills for such talk. At the end of this course, the student will be able to acquire the prerequisites for reading and understanding a paper by researching the literature on his own, understand the logic of a paper, and be able to critically evaluate a paper. He or she will be able to extract and condense the material for

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a talk of a fixed length, and give a captivating and interesting talk to fellow students. Course content This course has the single main aim to teach students the first steps of writing a research proposal. Students are asked to evaluate a number of existing proposals that were submitted by staff members in recent years. In addition, each student will also have to write his or her own proposal, which is then evaluated by fellow students following a procedure very similar to what happens in real life. This class may only be attended by PDCS students. Target group mPDCS

Scientific Writing in English

Course code Period Credits Language of tuition Faculty Teaching method(s) X_400592 (400592) Period 1, Period 2, Period 3, Period 4, Period 5, Period 6 3.0 English Faculteit der Exacte Wetenschappen Lecture, Seminar

Course objective The aim of this course is to provide the writing student with the essential linguistic means for producing English academic texts which are effective, idiomatically and stylistically appropriate and grammatically correct. Course content The initial focus in the course lies on the form of scientific texts in the Exact Sciences: Abstract (or summary) Introduction Methods Results Discussion General course outline Introducing the topics - Academic and technical writing in English - The characteristics of different kinds of scientific texts - How scientific writing is judged and assessed - Where do you find your information and how do you present it? - How to avoid committing plagiarism Who am I writing for? What do I want to say? - Your readership - Key parts of an academic article: title, abstract, introduction, methods, results and discussion Writing the actual article - Paragraph and sentence construction: how do I link paragraphs together? - Writing simple and complex sentences. Active and passive sentences. - Argumentation : how do I put an argument? How do I frame my own opinion?
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Should I use I or we? Writing correct English - Use of apostrophes and colons - Word order, verb tenses, time and tense - Avoiding mistakes typically made by Dutch writers - Common spelling mistakes You will be making considerable use of peer assessment: examining fellow students written work and giving them feedback. This method provides useful insights into how a text might be improved. The process of providing someone else with feedback on their text is something that you will find very instructive. Form of tuition The course is focused on self-tuition. The plenary sessions concentrate on the process of writing and the product of writing. Homework is part of the course. With each topic, participants work through a phased series of exercises that usually conclude with the requirement to write a short piece of text. The instructor will append extensive written remarks to this text. Type of assessment There will be no examination. However, students will receive their credits only when they have participated in all classes (presence is obligatory) and also when they have handed in the assignments satisfactorily. Students will receive a 'pass' when they have finished the course. Course reading For this course you need the book Effective Scientific Writing: an advanced learner's guide to better English (A. Bolt & W. Bruins, ISBN 978 90 8659 6171). This book can be obtained at the VU bookstore, which is located in the VU main building. The costs are 27,95 per book. For questions contact the Taalcentrum-VU at 020 - 598 9804. Entry requirements Bachelor Exact Sciences Target group Compulsory for mAI, mBMI, mMath, mMNS, mSFM; Optional for mCh, mDDS, mPhys Remarks Registration for this course in period 5 and 6 is only possible at the Educational Office of the Faculty of Exact Sciences. The usual registration deadlines are applicable. Opening hours and contact information can be found here:

Period 1 Compulsory: mAI, mCS; Period 1 Optional: mIS, mBIO, mPDCS; Period 2 Compulsory: mAI, mCS; Period 2 Optional: mIS, mBIO, mPDCS; Period 3 Compulsory: mAI, mCS, mMNS; Period 3 Optional: mIS, mBIO, mPDCS, mCH, mDDS, mPHYS; Period 4 Compulsory: mAI, mCS, mMATH, mBMI, mSFM; Period 4 Optional: mIS, mBIO, mPDCS;
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Period 5 Compulsory: mAI, mCS; Period 5 Optional: mIS, mBIO, mPDCS; Period 6 Compulsory: mAI, mCS; Period 6 Optional: mIS, mBIO, mPDCS. Co-ordinator: drs J.K.A. Meijer

Selected Topics in Parallel and Distributed Computer Systems

Course code Period Credits Language of tuition Faculty X_400426 (400426) Ac. Year (September) 3.0 English Faculteit der Exacte Wetenschappen

Course objective The goal of this course is to treat special topics, which are otherwise not included in the regular curriculum, to individual students as part of further preparation for their masters degree. Course content The actual content of the course is to be decided after consultation of one the staff members, who will act as project supervisor. Form of tuition Self study. Type of assessment To be decided by the supervisor. This course can also be extended to 6 cp (X_400379). Course reading To be decided by the supervisor. Entry requirements None specific. Target group mPDCS

Selected Topics in PDCS

Course code Period Credits Language of tuition Faculty X_400379 (400379) Ac. Year (September) 6.0 English Faculteit der Exacte Wetenschappen

Course objective The goal of this course is to treat special topics, which are otherwise not included in the regular curriculum, to individual students as part of further preparation for their masters degree.

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Course content The actual content of the course is to be decided after consultation of one the PDCS staff members, who will act as project supervisor. Form of tuition Self study. Type of assessment To be decided by the supervisor. Course reading To be decided by the supervisor. Entry requirements none specific Target group mPDCS

Term Rewriting Systems

Course code Period Credits Language of tuition Faculty Coordinator Teaching staff Teaching method(s) X_400121 (400121) Period 2 6.0 English Faculteit der Exacte Wetenschappen dr. R.C. de Vrijer drs. J. Endrullis Lecture, Seminar

Course objective Learning the fundamental notions of term rewriting and getting acquainted with some more advanced topics in the field Course content Term rewriting systems (TRSs) provide for a natural formalism for specifying rules of computation and investigating their properties. TRSs are of basic importance for functional programming and for the implementation of abstract data types. Applications can also be found in theorem proving, proof checking and logic programming. Some topics that will be covered in the course are: - abstract reduction systems; - critical pairs and Knuth-Bendix completion; - orthogonality and reduction strategies; - termination (rpo's, monotone algebras); - combinatory logic; - decidability issues; - infinitary rewriting. Form of tuition Lectures and practice sessions. Type of assessment Written examination.

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Course reading Course notes will be provided. Entry requirements Compulsory: Inleiding logica. Advised: Inleiding theoretische informatica. Target group mCS, mAI, mMath

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