Brand Development: ClickBD
Brand Development: ClickBD
Brand Development: ClickBD
Brand Management
Assignment on
Sarah Chowdhury
Inzamamul Haque
Provat Ghosh
Urbashi Saha
Zayed Hassan
Dear Madam,
With due regards and respect we state that we are very thankful to you as you assigned us this report on Brand Redevelopment:
We believe that this assignment has given us a vast opportunity to enrich both of knowledge and experience. We made our best effort to fulfill the objective of the report and believe that it will meet your expectation. In preparing this report we have tried almost to include all the relevant information and analysis to make the report comprehensive as well as workable one. We, therefore, hope that you will enjoy reviewing this report.
Sincerely, - Inzamamul Haque - Provat Ghosh - Urbashi Saha - SHAH OBAIDUL KHALED - Zayed Hassan
At first, we would like to thank our almighty Allah who keeps us healthy & sound minded. Secondly, we would like to thank to our respected teacher Sarah Chowdhury, the lecturer of school of business of Ahsanullah University of science and technology who has given us the basic knowledge about Brand Re-development: including the relevant knowledge about how to prepare a report. Last but not least, we wish to avail our self of this opportunity, express a sense of gratitude and love to our friends and beloved parents for their manual support, strength, and help for everything.
ClickBD has a strong and growing community of users who trade in a wide range of item categories including Electronics, Cameras, Phones, Computers, CDs, Mobiles, Fashion Accessories, Music, and Travel. Through a world-class technology infrastructure ClickBD enables & simplifies e-commerce for Bangladesh's expanding online community. People spend more time on ClickBD than any other Bangladeshi site, making it the most popular site in the country. ClickBD has encouraged our young generation to earn money from selling goods using the power of the Internet. ClickBD is proud to have helped many people establish successful online businesses, who now make their living out of it. ClickBD is the place to buy what you want, sell what you have, and make new friends while you are at it. Our online community comprises thousands of users and is therefore the perfect place for you to connect with new people with similar interests and share views and opinions. Recently some websites are trying to compete with ClickBDs leading dominance. It is found that one company has shown sufficient success in that. While preparing this report we have provided sufficient document to show that which parts of the brand need to be re-developed in order to regain the old glory of the brand
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5 started its operations in April 14, 2005. ClickBD is Bangladesh's online marketplace where anyone can sell or buy almost anything. ClickBD has a strong and growing community of over 12,600 confirmed registered users who trade in a wide range of item categories including Electronics, Cameras, Phones, Computers, CDs, Mobiles, Fashion Accessories, Music, and Travel. Through a world-class technology infrastructure ClickBD enables & simplifies e-commerce for Bangladesh's expending online community. People spend more time on ClickBD than any other Bangladeshi site, making it the most popular shopping destination of the country. ClickBD aspires to continuously shape the Bangladeshi Internet revolution by building the largest person-to-person trading community in the country. We will do so by offering the best consumer experience in an environment driven by high performance, constant innovation, teamwork and opportunity for wealth creation. Our mission is to provide an e-trading platform for Bangladesh where practically anyone can trade practically anything. People from all over Bangladesh buy and sell on ClickBD. Currently, over 90% of all listed items gets sold on ClickBD giving buyer and seller the convenience of online trading. On an average day there are over 5000 items on ClickBD. People come to ClickBD to buy and sell items in an array of categories from antiques, art, collectables to practical items like used cars, mobiles, laptops, clothing, books, CDs, and electronics. Buyers have the option to purchase items in an auction-style format or items can be purchased at a set price through a feature called FixedPrice. ClickBD is the place to buy what you want, sell what you have, and make new friends while you are at it. Our online communities have more than 12,000 users that let you connect with people who share your interest.
Primary Elements
ClickBD aspires to continuously shape the Bangladeshi Internet revolution by building the largest person-to-person trading community in the country. We will do so by offering the best consumer experience in an environment driven by high performance, constant innovation, teamwork and opportunity for wealth creation. Our mission is to provide an e-trading platform for Bangladesh where practically anyone can trade practically anything. We believe people are basically good. We recognize and respect everyone as a unique individual. We believe everyone has something to contribute. We encourage people to treat others the way they want to be treated themselves. We believe that an honest, open environment can bring out the best in people.
ClickBD is creating a place where people can offer goods for sale and anyone in the world can buy at a fair price. It will be a market of people, where your next-door neighbor can compete with a large corporation and have an equal chance of success. It will be a place that constantly adapts and improves to meet the needs of buyers and sellers. Trust, honesty and efficiency will be rewarded. In the end, our market will be so large and open that you will be able to find almost anything you can imagine. And every other way to buy and sell things will seem inferior.
Secondary Elements
The founder and the Chief Software Engineer of ClickBD, Humayoun Alamgir, is a graduate from Arizona State University (USA) who worked for many top-notch companies in the US, UK and Bangladesh. His continued passion for software engineering and desire for contributing in Bangladesh's internet revolution had led him to build from scratch. According to his vision, this truly dynamic e-commerce solution will change the way we buy and sell in Bangladesh. He hopes, success of ClickBD will inspire more ICT entrepreneurs to come up with new and innovative ideas to shape up our country's future in IT. The ClickBD Team Robert Dighero, Director Peter Oertlin, Director Dil Afrose, Chief Executive Officer Humayoun Alamgir, Chief Software Engineer and Managing Director Golam Mohiuddin, Software Engineer Ariful Azim Abdulla, System Analyst Nashrah Rubyath, Customer Service Representative Tanzillah Wahid, Customer Service Representative Rasel Ahmed, Graphic Artist Kamruzzaman Khan, Sales Officer Imran Mahmud, Marketing Officer Iqram Ahmed, Receptionist People from all over Bangladesh buy and sell on ClickBD. Currently, over 90% of all listed items gets sold on ClickBD giving buyer and seller the convenience of online trading. People come to ClickBD to buy and sell items in an array of categories from antiques, art, collectibles to practical items like used cars, mobiles, laptops, clothing, books, CDs, and electronics. Buyers have the option to purchase items in an auction-style format or items can be purchased at a set price through a feature called FixedPrice. ClickBD is the place to buy what you want, sell what you have, and make new friends while you are at it. Our online community of thousands of users that let you connect with people who share your interest.
Points of Difference
Points-of-difference (PODs) Attributes or benefits consumers strongly associate with a brand, positively evaluate and believe they could not find to the same extent with a competing brand i.e. points where you are claiming superiority or exclusiveness over other products in the category. Point of difference is used for an outcome of product differentiation. In business economics, differentiation is seen as an important strategic move for companies to make. Because of an overwhelming variety of products and services on the market, those that stand out in some manner are better noticed by consumers. There are various (positive and negative) ways of being different compared to competitors in the same market. Differentiation is the term given to the positive way in which a company's product differs from its competitors. Points of difference (PODs) describe the individual factors of differentiation. The key points of difference of a company are synonymous with its unique selling proposition (USP) although not interchangeable, and are critical in defining its competitive advantage and branding strategy. They must be attributes or benefits that consumers strongly, uniquely, and positively associate with the company's brand; and not with any competing brand. Once points of difference have been clearly communicated to consumers, the company and its brand are set apart from its competitors. Brand loyalty depends upon the ability of the company to establish and maintain clarity of communication with the consumer regarding their brand; and to maintain and expand the points of difference that defines the brand. ClickBD is currently the only online item listing portal, where people can feature their listings ClickBD is the only website, where online transaction can be made instantly with wide range of payment processing cards ClickBD offers the user to buy store with various advantages
Points of Parity
Points-of-parity (POPs) Associations that are not necessarily unique to the brand but may be shared by other brands i.e. where you can at least match the competitors claimed benefits. While POPs may usually not be the reason to choose a brand, their absence can certainly be a reason to drop a brand. While it is important to establish a POD, it is equally important to nullify the competition by matching them on the POP. As a late entrant into the market, many brands look at making the competitor's POD into a POP for the category and thereby create a leadership position by introducing a new POD. POP may not be the reason to choose a brand ,but it's absence can be a reason to drop a brand. Unlike basic item listing portal, ClickBD offers personal space to post the ad ClickBD enables the user to share their listings with the community ClickBD enables the user to maintain full privacy
Brand feelings are customers emotional responses and reaction with respect to brand. Brand feelings also relate to the social currency evoked by the brand. The following are six important types of brand-building feelings - Warmth: ClickBD gives the user an warmth feeling, with generous words and interactive environment online! - Fun: Every day ClickBD shares funny posts on their blog and social community. This gives a funny feeling about the brand ClickBD to its users. - Excitement: Every month item posters get one iPhone 5, which gives the user an excitement about using ClickBD. - Security: ClickBD is 100% spam-free and secured website to transact money and protect privacy. - Self-respect: Users feel proud, as leading brands are using ClickBD now! - Social approval: ClickBD is leading the market as market leader.
Brand Positioning
Brand positioning is defined as the act of designing the companys offer and image so that it occupies a distinct and valued place in the target customers minds. Positioning is all about identifying the optimal location of a brand and its competitors in the minds of consumers to maximize potential benefit to the firm. According to customer based brand equity model, deciding on a positioning requires determining a frame of reference by identifying the target market and the nature of competition and the ideal points-of-parity and points-of-difference brand association. While it is important to establish a POD, it is equally important to nullify the competition by matching them on the POP. As a late entrant into the market, many brands look at making the competitor's POD into a POP for the category and thereby create a leadership position by introducing a new POD. POP may not be the reason to choose a brand ,but it's absence can be a reason to drop a brand. Unlike basic item listing portal, ClickBD offers personal space to post the ad ClickBD enables the user to share their listings with the community ClickBD enables the user to maintain full privacy
Brand Mantra
A brand mantra is highly related to handing concepts such as brand essence used by others. A brand mantra is an articulation of the heart and soul of the brand. Their purpose is to ensure that all employees within the organization and all external marketing partners understand what the brand most fundamentally is to represent with consumers so that they can adjust their actions accordingly. Brand mantras are powerful devices. They can provide guidance what ad campaigns to run, where and how the brand should be sold and so on. Brand mantras can be broken down into three terms brand functions, descriptive modifier and emotional modifier. The brand functions describe the nature of the product. The descriptive modifier is a way to circumscribe the business functions term to further clarify its nature. Finally emotional modifier provides another qualifier in terms of how the brand delivers these benefits. ClickBD aspires to continuously shape the Bangladeshi Internet revolution by building the largest person-to-person trading community in the country. We will do so by offering the best consumer experience in an environment driven by high performance, constant innovation, teamwork and opportunity for wealth creation. Our mission is to provide an e-trading platform for Bangladesh where practically anyone can trade practically anything.
ClickBD is creating a place where people can offer goods for sale and anyone in the world can buy at a fair price. It will be a market of people, where your next-door neighbor can compete with a large corporation and have an equal chance of success. It will be a place that constantly adapts and improves to meet the needs of buyers and sellers. Trust, honesty and efficiency will be rewarded. In the end, our market will be so large and open that you will be able to find almost anything you can imagine. And every other way to buy and sell things will seem inferior.
ClickBD has a strong and growing community of users who trade in a wide range of item categories including Electronics, Cameras, Phones, Computers, CDs, Mobiles, Fashion Accessories, Music, and Travel. Through a world-class technology infrastructure ClickBD enables & simplifies e-commerce for Bangladesh's expanding online community. People spend more time on ClickBD than any other Bangladeshi site, making it the most popular site in the country. ClickBD has encouraged our young generation to earn money from selling goods using the power of the Internet. ClickBD is proud to have helped many people establish successful online businesses, who now make their living out of it. ClickBD is the place to buy what you want, sell what you have, and make new friends while you are at it. Our online community comprises thousands of users and is therefore the perfect place for you to connect with new people with similar interests and share views and opinions. Recently some websites are trying to compete with ClickBDs leading dominance. It is found that one company has shown sufficient success in that. While preparing this report we have provided sufficient document to show that which parts of the brand need to be re-developed in order to regain the old glory of the brand ClickBD recently signed up with Ogilvy, an advertising agency to promote their brand with quality TVC. It is because, is the first and most popular e-commerce website in Bangladesh where anyone can buy or sell almost anything. The site started its journey in April 2005. In six years it has gained immense popularity among the masses. By 2010 became the top e-commerce site in Bangladesh and received foreign investment from Business Angels based in Switzerland, UK, Belgium, and Germany. The key to its remarkable achievement is an easy to use superb website and top-notch customer service. Currently, has over 3,00,000 active users trading almost anything and everything ranging from clothing, jewellery, cars, real-estate, laptops, mobile phones to hightech gadgets that have not even hit the market yet. The company provides virtual stores allowing businesses to sell products online with complete e-commerce package that includes website, product catalog, inventory management, order management, payment processing, and delivery. Almost anything available at a real shop can be purchased from ClickBD at a much cheaper price. The company aims to make e-commerce transaction possible for everyone; including those people who do not have credit cards. ClickBD, recently launched an innovative product called Click-Card, the first pre-paid online payment card in Bangladesh. Click-Cards beta version allows people to purchase product and services from for the time being, but soon other e-commerce sites in Bangladesh can accept online payment through Click-Card. ClickBD is truly a company based on innovation and quality. These all messages must be reached to the valuable users of
ClickBD aspires to continuously shape the Bangladeshi Internet revolution by building the largest person-to-person trading community in the country. We will do so by offering the best consumer experience in an environment driven by high performance, constant innovation, teamwork and opportunity for wealth creation. Our mission is to provide an e-trading platform for Bangladesh where practically anyone can trade practically anything.
ClickBD is creating a place where people can offer goods for sale and anyone in the world can buy at a fair price. It will be a market of people, where your next-door neighbor can compete with a large corporation and have an equal chance of success. It will be a place that constantly adapts and improves to meet the needs of buyers and sellers. Trust, honesty and efficiency will be rewarded. In the end, our market will be so large and open that you will be able to find almost anything you can imagine. And every other way to buy and sell things will seem inferior. ClickBD urges to:
- Be protected under trademark law - Be easy to pronounce - Be easy to remember - Be easy to recognize - Be easy to translate into all languages in the markets where the brand will be used - Attract attention -Suggest product benefits or suggest usage - Suggest the company or product image - Distinguish the product's positioning relative to the competition. - Be super attractive - Stand out among a group of other brands like that one compared to the others
People from all over Bangladesh buy and sell on ClickBD. Currently, over 90% of all listed items gets sold on ClickBD giving buyer and seller the convenience of online trading. People come to ClickBD to buy and sell items in an array of categories from antiques, art, collectibles to practical items like used cars, mobiles, laptops, clothing, books, CDs, and electronics. Buyers have the option to purchase items in an auction-style format or items can be purchased at a set price through a feature called FixedPrice. ClickBD is the place to buy what you want, sell what you have, and make new friends while you are at it. Our online community of thousands of users that let you connect with people who share your interest.
ClickBD is creating a place where people can offer goods for sale and anyone in the world can buy at a fair price. It will be a market of people, where your next-door neighbor can compete with a large corporation and have an equal chance of success. It will be a place that constantly adapts and improves to meet the needs of buyers and sellers. Trust, honesty and efficiency will be rewarded. In the end, our market will be so large and open that you will be able to find almost anything you can imagine. And every other way to buy and sell things will seem inferior. ClickBD aimed to spend 1 crore Bangladeshi taka for the promotion in the year of 2013, including sponsorship at several events. This is how clickbd is gaining more market attention from its local competitor. ClickBD wishes all the best to its users and supporters. ClickBD promises to provide the excellent service as long as forever.
Bangla Wiki ClickBD Team Bangladeshi Entrepreneurs authored by Anik Khan with article on ClickBD Last but not least,