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Introduction To The Roman Missal 2011 PDF

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Office of Worship 2011

Lord Jesus Christ, you call us to worship the Father in Spirit and in truth. Send your Spirit upon us as we reflect upon the Eucharistic Liturgy the celebration of your Paschal Mystery. May the liturgy make us one Body in you and lead us to your table in heaven. Amen.
Parish Guide to Implementing the Roman Missal, Third Edition 2010 USCCB, pg. 43

Office of Worship - 2011

Introduction to the Roman Missal Order of Mass Review

15-minute Break
Break into Groups

Office of Worship - 2011

Missale Romanum in Latin

The ritual book of prayers, chants and rubrics (rules) for Mass We call it the Sacramentary

Office of Worship - 2011

The Mass has the same parts, the same patterns, and the same flow. Only the translation of the Latin text into English is changing. The peoples responses are affected the changes for priests are much more extensive. Does not affect other language groups.
Office of Worship - 2011 5

Is the Roman Missal from 1570 identical to the one in use before Vatican II? Not exactly 1570 Pius V [Missal from Trent] 1604 Pope Clement VIII 1634 Pope Urban VIII 1884 Pope Leo XIII 1920 Popes Pius X and Benedict XV 1950s Pope Pius XII [Holy Week] 1962 Pope John XXIII

Most changes were minor

Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions (FDLC) 2010 Office of Worship - 2011 6

1963 Revision called for in the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy (#21) 1965 Pope Paul VI acknowledged the necessity for prayers in the vernacular

1965 Order of Mass released in Latin (1st typical ed.)

1966 English translation by ICEL Interim
Priests parts in Latin Peoples parts in English (similar to new English translation) God of hosts in the Holy, Holy And with your Spirit
Adapted from FDLC 2010

Office of Worship - 2011

International Commission on English in the Liturgy

11 Full-member nations: United States, Australia, Canada, England and Wales, India, Ireland, New Zealand, Pakistan, the Philippines, Scotland, and South Africa
FDLC 2010

Office of Worship - 2011

1969 New Order of Mass in Latin; 1970 Order of Mass in English 1974 First U.S. Sacramentary in English (1st typical ed.) 1975 Roman Missal 2nd typical edition in Latin; 1985 Update of the 1974 Sacramentary 1987 English translation of RM 2nd edition begins 1996 Approved by USCCB; never confirmed

2000 Roman Missal 3rd typical edition in Latin; 2010 Third Edition in English
Adapted from FDLC 2010 Office of Worship - 2011 9

To incorporate the addition of:

Prayers for newly canonized saints since 1985
Prefaces of the Eucharistic Prayer Masses and Prayers for Various Needs and Intentions

Solemn Blessings & Prayers Over the People During Lent

Votive Masses Emend rubrics (especially the Easter Vigil and the RCIA)

To include revisions to the 2002 GIRM

To follow new guidelines for the translation of texts
Adapted from FDLC 2010

Office of Worship - 2011


Liturgical Books begin in Latin Typical Editions ICEL prepares the English translations

1969 Translation Guidelines: Comme le prvoit

2001 New Guidelines: Liturgiam Authenticam
(The Fifth Instruction on Vernacular Translation of the Roman Liturgy)

Office of Worship - 2011


Dynamic Equivalence Comme le prvoit

1969 2001 Aims to expresses the meaning of the original text while respecting a language groups rules of grammar, sentence structure and idioms Result: equivalent thought units

Formal Equivalence Liturgiam Authenticam

2001 present Aims to translate texts in the most exact manner, without omissions or additions and without paraphrases or glosses Result: more literal translation

Office of Worship - 2011


Eternal Father, turn our hearts to you. By seeking your kingdom and loving one another, may we become a people who worship you in spirit and truth.

Turn our hearts to you, eternal Father, and grant that, seeking always the one thing necessary and carrying out works of charity, we may be dedicated to your worship. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.

Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.

Dynamic (1974/1985)

Formal (2010)
Office of Worship - 2011 13

To retain traditional expressions, e.g. et cum spiritu tuo and mea culpa To maintain connection of clauses, especially those involving causality (ut, enim, quia, ideo) To maintain word order, parallelisms and original in number of persons and gender

To reclaim the full meaning and nuances that may have been lost or overlooked in first translation

Office of Worship - 2011


Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments

Prior to 2002 Conferences of Bishops responsible for translating (CSL #36.4); with confirmation from CDWDS

2002 Vox Clara (an advisory group to the CDWDS) makes specific recommendations; confirmation from CDWDS 2007 Ratio Translationis issued by CDWDS; Specific Rules for translating Latin into English
Adapted from FDLC 2010 Office of Worship - 2011 15

This is a time to appreciate more deeply the parts of the Mass, the meaning behind the texts, and how to respond using the revised texts. - USCCB

In the DOSP we have already begun the ground work of catechesis.

How so?

Office of Worship - 2011


Fall 2005 Presbyterate recommendation 2006 From Maintenance to Mission 2007 Eucharist: Source and Summit 2007 Living Eucharist Pastoral Letter & DVD 2008 LE Conference: Gathered 2009 LE Conference: Nourished 2010 Pastoral Letter Supplement: Sent 2010 LE Conference: Sent

Office of Worship - 2011


It is a new translation of the prayers at Mass.

The English translation is closer to the Latin original in words and sentence structure, e.g. consubstantial for one in Being.

Distinct Biblical & Patristic references

Inclusion of more prayers (e.g. Saints, solemn blessings, prayers over the people, Votive Masses, etc.)

The way we celebrate the Mass will not change.

Office of Worship - 2011


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