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Lecture 1 Notes: Introduction 1 Compiled Languages and C++

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Introduction to C++ Massachusetts Institute of Technology

January 4, 2011 6.096

Lecture 1 Notes: Introduction 1


Compiled Languages and C++

Why Use a Language Like C++?

At its core, a computer is just a processor with some memory, capable of running tiny instructions like store 5 in memory location 23459. Why would we express a program as a text le in a programming language, instead of writing processor instructions? The advantages: 1. Conciseness: programming languages allow us to express common sequences of com mands more concisely. C++ provides some especially powerful shorthands. 2. Maintainability: modifying code is easier when it entails just a few text edits, instead of rearranging hundreds of processor instructions. C++ is object oriented (more on that in Lectures 7-8), which further improves maintainability. 3. Portability: dierent processors make dierent instructions available. Programs writ ten as text can be translated into instructions for many dierent processors; one of C++s strengths is that it can be used to write programs for nearly any processor. C++ is a high-level language: when you write a program in it, the shorthands are suciently expressive that you dont need to worry about the details of processor instructions. C++ does give access to some lower-level functionality than other languages (e.g. memory addresses).


The Compilation Process

A program goes from text les (or source les) to processor instructions as follows:
Source File Compiler Object File Linker Source File Compiler Object File Libraries Executable OS Program in Memory

Object les are intermediate les that represent an incomplete copy of the program: each
source le only expresses a piece of the program, so when it is compiled into an object le,
the object le has some markers indicating which missing pieces it depends on. The linker

takes those object les and the compiled libraries of predened code that they rely on, lls in all the gaps, and spits out the nal program, which can then be run by the operating system (OS). The compiler and linker are just regular programs. The step in the compilation process in which the compiler reads the le is called parsing. In C++, all these steps are performed ahead of time, before you start running a program. In some languages, they are done during the execution process, which takes time. This is one of the reasons C++ code runs far faster than code in many more recent languages. C++ actually adds an extra step to the compilation process: the code is run through a preprocessor, which applies some modications to the source code, before being fed to the compiler. Thus, the modied diagram is:
Source File Preprocessor Processed Code Compiler Object File Linker Source File Preprocessor Processed Code Compiler Object File Libraries Executable OS Program in Memory


General Notes on C++

C++ is immensely popular, particularly for applications that require speed and/or access to some low-level features. It was created in 1979 by Bjarne Stroustrup, at rst as a set of extensions to the C programming language. C++ extends C; our rst few lectures will basically be on the C parts of the language. Though you can write graphical programs in C++, it is much hairier and less portable than text-based (console) programs. We will be sticking to console programs in this course. Everything in C++ is case sensitive: someName is not the same as SomeName.

Hello World

In the tradition of programmers everywhere, well use a Hello, world! program as an entry point into the basic features of C++.


The code

1 // A Hello World program 2 # include < iostream > 3 2

4 int main () {
5 std :: cout << " Hello , world !\ n " ;
7 return 0;
8 }



Tokens are the minimals chunk of program that have meaning to the compiler the smallest meaningful symbols in the language. Our code displays all 6 kinds of tokens, though the usual use of operators is not present here: Token type Keywords Identiers Literals Description/Purpose Words with special meaning to the compiler Names of things that are not built into the language Basic constant values whose value is specied directly in the source code Mathematical or logical oper ations Punctuation dening structure of a program the Examples int, double, for, auto cout, std, x, myFunction "Hello, world!", 24.3, 0, c +, -, &&, %, << { } ( ) , ; Spaces, tabs, newlines, com ments

Operators Punctuation/Separators Whitespace

Spaces of various sorts; ig nored by the compiler


Line-By-Line Explanation

1. // indicates that everything following it until the end of the line is a comment: it is ignored by the compiler. Another way to write a comment is to put it between /* and */ (e.g. x = 1 + /*sneaky comment here*/ 1;). A comment of this form may span multiple lines. Comments exist to explain non-obvious things going on in the code. Use them: document your code well! 2. Lines beginning with # are preprocessor commands, which usually change what code is actually being compiled. #include tells the preprocessor to dump in the contents of another le, here the iostream le, which denes the procedures for input/output.

4. int main() {...} denes the code that should execute when the program starts up. The curly braces represent grouping of multiple commands into a block. More about this syntax in the next few lectures. 5. cout << : This is the syntax for outputting some piece of text to the screen. Well discuss how it works in Lecture 9. Namespaces: In C++, identiers can be dened within a context sort of a directory of names called a namespace. When we want to access an identier dened in a namespace, we tell the compiler to look for it in that namespace using the scope resolution operator (::). Here, were telling the compiler to look for cout in the std namespace, in which many standard C++ identiers are dened. A cleaner alternative is to add the following line below line 2: using namespace std ;
This line tells the compiler that it should look in the std namespace for any identier we havent dened. If we do this, we can omit the std:: prex when writing cout. This is the recommended practice. Strings: A sequence of characters such as Hello, world is known as a string. A string that is specied explicitly in a program is a string literal. Escape sequences: The \n indicates a newline character. It is an example of an escape sequence a symbol used to represent a special character in a text literal. Here are all the C++ escape sequences which you can include in strings: Escape Sequence \a \b \f \n \r \t \\ \ \" \some integer x Backspace Formfeed (page break) Newline (line break) Carriage return (returns cursor to start of line) Tab Backslash Single quote character Double quote character The character represented by x Represented Character System bell (beep sound)

7. return 0 indicates that the program should tell the operating system it has completed successfully. This syntax will be explained in the context of functions; for now, just include it as the last line in the main block. 4

Note that every statement ends with a semicolon (except preprocessor commands and blocks using {}). Forgetting these semicolons is a common mistake among new C++ programmers.

Basic Language Features

So far our program doesnt do very much. Lets tweak it in various ways to demonstrate some more interesting constructs.


Values and Statements

First, a few denitions: A statement is a unit of code that does something a basic building block of a program. An expression is a statement that has a value for instance, a number, a string, the sum of two numbers, etc. 4 + 2, x - 1, and "Hello, world!\n" are all expressions. Not every statement is an expression. It makes no sense to talk about the value of an #include statement, for instance.



We can perform arithmetic calculations with operators. Operators act on expressions to form a new expression. For example, we could replace "Hello, world!\n" with (4 + 2) / 3, which would cause the program to print the number 2. In this case, the + operator acts on the expressions 4 and 2 (its operands). Operator types: Mathematical: +, -, *, /, and parentheses have their usual mathematical meanings, including using - for negation. % (the modulus operator) takes the remainder of two numbers: 6 % 5 evaluates to 1. Logical: used for and, or, and so on. More on those in the next lecture. Bitwise: used to manipulate the binary representations of numbers. We will not focus on these.


Data Types

Every expression has a type a formal description of what kind of data its value is. For instance, 0 is an integer, 3.142 is a oating-point (decimal) number, and "Hello, world!\n" 5

is a string value (a sequence of characters). Data of dierent types take a dierent amounts of memory to store. Here are the built-in datatypes we will use most often: Type Names char Description Single text character or small integer. Indicated with single quotes (a, 3). Larger integer. Size 1 byte Range signed: -128 to 127 unsigned: 0 to 255 signed: -2147483648 to 2147483647 unsigned: 0 to 4294967295 Just true (1) or false (0).


4 bytes


Boolean (true/false). Indi cated with the keywords true and false. Doubly precise point number. oating

1 byte


8 bytes

+/- 1.7e +/- 308 ( 15 digits)

Notes on this table: A signed integer is one that can represent a negative number; an unsigned integer will never be interpreted as negative, so it can represent a wider range of positive numbers. Most compilers assume signed if unspecied. There are actually 3 integer types: short, int, and long, in non-decreasing order of size (int is usually a synonym for one of the other two). You generally dont need to worry about which kind to use unless youre worried about memory usage or youre using really huge numbers. The same goes for the 3 oating point types, float, double, and long double, which are in non-decreasing order of precision (there is usually some imprecision in representing real numbers on a computer). The sizes/ranges for each type are not fully standardized; those shown above are the ones used on most 32-bit computers. An operation can only be performed on compatible types. You can add 34 and 3, but you cant take the remainder of an integer and a oating-point number. An operator also normally produces a value of the same type as its operands; thus, 1 / 4 evaluates to 0 because with two integer operands, / truncates the result to an integer. To get 0.25, youd need to write something like 1 / 4.0. A text string, for reasons we will learn in Lecture 5, has the type char *.


We might want to give a value a name so we can refer to it later. We do this using variables. A variable is a named location in memory. For example, say we wanted to use the value 4 + 2 multiple times. We might call it x and use it as follows: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 # include < iostream > using namespace std ; int main () { int x ; x = 4 + 2; cout << x / 3 << << x * 2; return 0; } (Note how we can print a sequence of values by chaining the << symbol.) The name of a variable is an identier token. Identiers may contain numbers, letters, and underscores (_), and may not start with a number. Line 5 is the declaration of the variable x. We must tell the compiler what type x will be so that it knows how much memory to reserve for it and what kinds of operations may be performed on it. Line 6 is the initialization of x, where we specify an initial value for it. This introduces a new operator: =, the assignment operator. We can also change the value of x later on in the code using this operator. We could replace lines 5 and 6 with a single statement that does both declaration and initialization: int x = 4 + 2;
This form of declaration/initialization is cleaner, so it is to be preferred.


Now that we know how to give names to values, we can have the user of the program input values. This is demonstrated in line 6 below:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

# include < iostream > using namespace std ; int main () { int x ; cin >> x ; cout << x / 3 << << x * 2; return 0; } Just as cout << is the syntax for outputting values, cin >> (line 6) is the syntax for inputting values. Memory trick: if you have trouble remembering which way the angle brackets go for cout and cin, think of them as arrows pointing in the direction of data ow. cin represents the terminal, with data owing from it to your variables; cout likewise represents the terminal, and your data ows to it.


There are two kinds of errors youll run into when writing C++ programs: compilation errors and runtime errors. Compilation errors are problems raised by the compiler, generally resulting from violations of the syntax rules or misuse of types. These are often caused by typos and the like. Runtime errors are problems that you only spot when you run the program: you did specify a legal program, but it doesnt do what you wanted it to. These are usually more tricky to catch, since the compiler wont tell you about them.

MIT OpenCourseWare

6.096 Introduction to C++

January (IAP) 2011

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6.096 Introduction to C++ Massachusetts Institute of Technology

January 5, 2011
John Marrero

Lecture 2 Notes: Flow of Control

1 Motivation

Normally, a program executes statements from first to last. The first statement is executed, then the second, then the third, and so on, until the program reaches its end and terminates. A computer program likely wouldn't be very useful if it ran the same sequence of statements every time it was run. It would be nice to be able to change which statements ran and when, depending on the circumstances. For example, if a program checks a file for the number of times a certain word appears, it should be able to give the correct count no matter what file and word are given to it. Or, a computer game should move the player's character around when the player wants. We need to be able to alter the order in which a program's statements are executed, the control flow. 2 Control Structures

Control structures are portions of program code that contain statements within them and, depending on the circumstances, execute these statements in a certain way. There are typically two kinds: conditionals and loops. 2.1 Conditionals

In order for a program to change its behavior depending on the input, there must a way to test that input. Conditionals allow the program to check the values of variables and to execute (or not execute) certain statements. C++ has if and switch-case conditional structures. 2.1.1 Operators Conditionals use two kinds of special operators: relational and logical. These are used to determine whether some condition is true or false. The relational operators are used to test a relation between two expressions: Operator Meaning Greater than Greater than or equal to Less than Less than or equal to Equal to Not equal to

> >= < <= == !=

They work the same as the arithmetic operators (e.g., a > b) but return a Boolean value of either true or false, indicating whether the relation tested for holds. (An expression that returns this kind of value is called a Boolean expression.) For example, if the variables x and y have been set to 6 and 2, respectively, then x > y returns true. Similarly, x < 5 returns false. The logical operators are often used to combine relational expressions into more complicated Boolean expressions:


Meaning and or not

&& || !

The operators return true or false, according to the rules of logic:

a true true false false b true false true false a && b true false false false

a true true false false

b true false true false

a || b true true true false

The ! operator is a unary operator, taking only one argument and negating its value:
a true false !a false true

Examples using logical operators (assume x = 6 and y = 2): !(x > 2) (x > y) && (x < y) && (x < y) || false
(y > 0) true
(y > 0) false
(y > 0) true

Of course, Boolean variables can be used directly in these expressions, since they hold true and false values. In fact, any kind of value can be used in a Boolean expression due to a quirk C++ has: false is represented by a value of 0 and anything that is not 0 is true. So, Hello, world! is true, 2 is true, and any int variable holding a non-zero value is true. This means !x returns false and x && y returns true! 2.1.2 if, if-else and else if The if conditional has the form: if(condition)


The condition is some expression whose value is being tested. If the condition resolves to a value of true, then the statements are executed before the program continues on. Otherwise, the statements are ignored. If there is only one statement, the curly braces may be omitted, giving the form: if(condition)
The if-else form is used to decide between two sequences of statements referred to as blocks: if(condition)


If the condition is met, the block corresponding to the if is executed. Otherwise, the block corresponding to the else is executed. Because the condition is either satisfied or not, one of the blocks in an if-else must execute. If there is only one statement for any of the blocks, the curly braces for that block may be omitted: if(condition)
The else if is used to decide between two or more blocks based on multiple conditions: if(condition1)

else if(condition2)

If condition1 is met, the block corresponding to the if is executed. If not, then only if condition2 is met is the block corresponding to the else if executed. There may be more than one else if, each with its own condition. Once a block whose condition was met is executed, any else ifs after it are ignored. Therefore, in an if-else-if structure, either one or no block is executed. An else may be added to the end of an if-else-if. If none of the previous conditions are met, the else block is executed. In this structure, one of the blocks must execute, as in a normal ifelse. Here is an example using these control structures:

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4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int x = 6;
int y = 2;
if(x > y)
cout << x is greater than y\n;
else if(y > x)
cout << y is greater than x\n;
cout << x and y are equal\n;
return 0;

The output of this program is x is greater than y. If we replace lines 5 and 6 with int x = 2;
int y = 6;
then the output is y is greater than x. If we replace the lines with int x = 2;
int y = 2;
then the output is x and y are equal. 2.1.3 switch-case The switch-case is another conditional structure that may or may not execute certain statements. However, the switch-case has peculiar syntax and behavior: switch(expression)
case constant1:
case constant2:
The switch evaluates expression and, if expression is equal to constant1, then the statements beneath case constant 1: are executed until a break is encountered. If expression is not equal to constant1, then it is compared to constant2. If these are equal, then the statements beneath case constant 2: are executed until a break is encountered. If not, then the same process repeats for each of the constants, in turn. If none of the constants match, then the statements beneath default: are executed. Due to the peculiar behavior of switch-cases, curly braces are not necessary for cases where

there is more than one statement (but they are necessary to enclose the entire switch-case). switch-cases generally have if-else equivalents but can often be a cleaner way of expressing the same behavior. Here is an example using switch-case: 1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 #include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int x = 6; switch(x) { case 1: cout << x is 1\n; break; case 2: case 3: cout << "x is 2 or 3"; break; default: cout << "x is not 1, 2, or 3"; } } return 0;

This program will print x is not 1, 2, or 3. If we replace line 5 with int x = 2; then the program will print x is 2 or 3. 2.2 Loops

Conditionals execute certain statements if certain conditions are met; loops execute certain statements while certain conditions are met. C++ has three kinds of loops: while, do-while, and for. 2.2.1 while and do-while The while loop has a form similar to the if conditional: while(condition)

As long as condition holds, the block of statements will be repeatedly executed. If there is only one statement, the curly braces may be omitted. Here is an example: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 #include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int x = 0;
while(x < 10)
x = x + 1;

9 10 11 12 13 }

cout << x is << x << \n; return 0;

This program will print x is 10. The do-while loop is a variation that guarantees the block of statements will be executed at least once: do


The block of statements is executed and then, if the condition holds, the program returns to the top of the block. Curly braces are always required. Also note the semicolon after the while condition. 2.2.2 for The for loop works like the while loop but with some change in syntax: for(initialization; condition; incrementation)

The for loop is designed to allow a counter variable that is initialized at the beginning of the loop and incremented (or decremented) on each iteration of the loop. Curly braces may be omitted if there is only one statement. Here is an example: 1 2 3
4 5
6 7 8
9 10 #include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
for(int x = 0; x < 10; x = x + 1)
cout << x << \n;
return 0;

This program will print out the values 0 through 9, each on its own line. If the counter variable is already defined, there is no need to define a new one in the initialization portion of the for loop. Therefore, it is valid to have the following:

1 2 3
4 5
6 7 8 9
10 11

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int x = 0;
for(; x < 10; x = x + 1)
cout << x << \n;
return 0;

Note that the first semicolon inside the for loop's parentheses is still required. A for loop can be expressed as a while loop and vice-versa. Recalling that a for loop has the form for(initialization; condition; incrementation)

we can write an equivalent while loop as initialization

Using our example above, 1 2 3
4 5
6 7 8
9 10 #include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
for(int x = 0; x < 10; x = x + 1)
cout << x << \n;
return 0;

is converted to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 #include <iostream>

using namespace std;
int main() {
int x = 0;
while(x < 10) {
cout << x << \n;
x = x + 1;
return 0;

The incrementation step can technically be anywhere inside the statement block, but it is good practice to place it as the last step, particularly if the previous statements use the current value of the counter variable. 2.3 Nested Control Structures

It is possible to place ifs inside of ifs and loops inside of loops by simply placing these structures inside the statement blocks. This allows for more complicated program behavior. Here is an example using nesting if conditionals: 1 2 3
4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 #include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int x = 6;
int y = 0;
if(x > y) {
cout << x if(x == 6)
cout else
cout } else
cout << x }
return 0;
is greater than y\n;
<< x is equal to 6\n;
<< x is not equalt to 6\n;
is not greater than y\n;

This program will print x is greater than y on one line and then x is equal to 6 on the next line. Here is an example using nested loops: 1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 #include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
for(int x = 0; x < 4; x = x + 1) {
for(int y = 0; y < 4; y = y + 1)
cout << y;
cout << \n;
return 0;

This program will print four lines of 0123.

MIT OpenCourseWare

6.096 Introduction to C++

January (IAP) 2011

For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use, visit:

6.096 Lecture 3: Functions

How to reuse code

Geza Kovacs

#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int threeExpFour = 1; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i = i + 1) { threeExpFour = threeExpFour * 3; } cout << "3^4 is " << threeExpFour << endl; return 0; }

Copy-paste coding

#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int threeExpFour = 1; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i = i + 1) { threeExpFour = threeExpFour * 3; } cout << "3^4 is " << threeExpFour << endl; int sixExpFive = 1; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i = i + 1) { sixExpFive = sixExpFive * 6; } cout << "6^5 is " << sixExpFive << endl; return 0; }

Copy-paste coding (bad)

#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int threeExpFour = 1; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i = i + 1) { threeExpFour = threeExpFour * 3; } cout << "3^4 is " << threeExpFour << endl; int sixExpFive = 1; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i = i + 1) { sixExpFive = sixExpFive * 6; } cout << "6^5 is " << sixExpFive << endl; int twelveExpTen = 1; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i = i + 1) { twelveExpTen = twelveExpTen * 12; } cout << "12^10 is " << twelveExpTen << endl; return 0; }

With a function

#include <iostream> using namespace std; // some code which raises an arbitrary integer // to an arbitrary power int main() { int threeExpFour = raiseToPower(3, 4); cout << "3^4 is " << threeExpFour << endl; return 0; }

With a function

#include <iostream> using namespace std; // some code which raises an arbitrary integer // to an arbitrary power int main() { int threeExpFour = raiseToPower(3, 4); cout << "3^4 is " << threeExpFour << endl; int sixExpFive = raiseToPower(6, 5); cout << "6^5 is " << sixExpFive << endl; return 0; }

With a function

#include <iostream> using namespace std; // some code which raises an arbitrary integer // to an arbitrary power int main() { int threeExpFour = raiseToPower(3, 4); cout << "3^4 is " << threeExpFour << endl; int sixExpFive = raiseToPower(6, 5); cout << "6^5 is " << sixExpFive << endl; int twelveExpTen = raiseToPower(12, 10); cout << "12^10 is " << twelveExpTen << endl; return 0; }

Why define your own functions?

Readability: sqrt(5) is clearer than copy-pasting in an algorithm to compute the square root Maintainability: To change the algorithm, just change the function (vs changing it everywhere you ever used it) Code reuse: Lets other people use algorithms youve implemented

Function Declaration Syntax

Function name int raiseToPower(int base, int exponent) { int result = 1; for (int i = 0; i < exponent; i = i + 1) { result = result * base; } return result; }

Function Declaration Syntax

Return type int raiseToPower(int base, int exponent) { int result = 1; for (int i = 0; i < exponent; i = i + 1) { result = result * base; } return result; }

Function Declaration Syntax

Argument 1 int raiseToPower(int base, int exponent) { int result = 1; for (int i = 0; i < exponent; i = i + 1) { result = result * base; } return result; }

Argument order matters:

raiseToPower(2,3) is 2^3=8 raiseToPower(3,2) is 3^2=9

Function Declaration Syntax

Argument 2 int raiseToPower(int base, int exponent) { int result = 1; for (int i = 0; i < exponent; i = i + 1) { result = result * base; } return result; }

Argument order matters:

raiseToPower(2,3) is 2^3=8 raiseToPower(3,2) is 3^2=9

Function Declaration Syntax

signature int raiseToPower(int base, int exponent) { int result = 1; for (int i = 0; i < exponent; i = i + 1) { result = result * base; } return result; }

Function Declaration Syntax

int raiseToPower(int base, int exponent) { int result = 1; for (int i = 0; i < exponent; i = i + 1) { result = result * base; } return result; }


Function Declaration Syntax

int raiseToPower(int base, int exponent) { int result = 1; for (int i = 0; i < exponent; i = i + 1) { result = result * base; } return result; } Return statement

#include <iostream> using namespace std; Function declaration int raiseToPower(int base, int exponent) { int result = 1; for (int i = 0; i < exponent; i = i + 1) { result = result * base; } return result; } Function invocation int main() { int threeExpFour = raiseToPower(3, 4); cout << "3^4 is " << threeExpFour << endl; return 0; }

Returning a value
Up to one value may be returned; it must be the same type as the return type.

int foo() { return "hello"; // error }

char* foo() { return "hello"; // ok }

Returning a value
Up to one value may be returned; it must be the same type as the return type. If no values are returned, give the function a void return type

void printNumber(int num) { cout << "number is " << num << endl; } int main() { printNumber(4); // number is 4 return 0; }

Returning a value
Up to one value may be returned; it must be the same type as the return type. If no values are returned, give the function a void return type
Note that you cannot declare a variable of type void

int main() { void x; // ERROR return 0; }

Returning a value
Return statements dont necessarily need to be at the end. Function returns as soon as a return statement is executed.
void printNumberIfEven(int num) { if (num % 2 == 1) { cout << "odd number" << endl; return; } cout << "even number; number is " << num << endl; } int main() { int x = 4; printNumberIfEven(x); // even number; number is 3 int y = 5; printNumberIfEven(y); // odd number }

Argument Type Matters

void printOnNewLine(int x) { cout << x << endl; }

printOnNewLine(3) works printOnNewLine("hello") will not compile

Argument Type Matters

void printOnNewLine(char *x) { cout << x << endl; }

printOnNewLine(3) will not compile printOnNewLine("hello") works

Argument Type Matters

void printOnNewLine(int x) { cout << x << endl; } void printOnNewLine(char *x) { cout << x << endl; }

printOnNewLine(3) works printOnNewLine("hello") also works

Function Overloading
void printOnNewLine(int x) { cout << "Integer: " << x << endl; } void printOnNewLine(char *x) { cout << "String: " << x << endl; }

Many functions with the same name, but different arguments The function called is the one whose arguments match the invocation

Function Overloading
void printOnNewLine(int x) { cout << "Integer: " << x << endl; } void printOnNewLine(char *x) { cout << "String: " << x << endl; }

printOnNewLine(3) prints Integer: 3 printOnNewLine(hello) prints String: hello

Function Overloading
void printOnNewLine(int x) { cout << "1 Integer: " << x << endl; } void printOnNewLine(int x, int y) { cout << "2 Integers: " << x << " and " << y << endl; }

printOnNewLine(3) prints 1 Integer: 3 printOnNewLine(2, 3) prints 2 Integers: 2 and 3

Function declarations need to occur before invocations

int foo() { return bar()*2; // ERROR - bar hasnt been declared yet } int bar() { return 3; }

Function declarations need to occur before invocations

Solution 1: reorder function declarations

int bar() { return 3; } int foo() { return bar()*2; // ok }

Function declarations need to occur before invocations

Solution 1: reorder function declarations Solution 2: use a function prototype; informs the compiler youll implement it later
int bar(); function prototype

int foo() { return bar()*2; // ok } int bar() { return 3; }

Function prototypes should match the signature of the method, though argument names dont matter
int square(int); int cube(int x) { return x*square(x); } int square(int x) { return x*x; } function prototype

Function prototypes should match the signature of the method, though argument names dont matter
int square(int x); int cube(int x) { return x*square(x); } int square(int x) { return x*x; } function prototype

Function prototypes should match the signature of the method, though argument names dont matter
int square(int z); int cube(int x) { return x*square(x); } int square(int x) { return x*x; } function prototype

Function prototypes are generally put into separate header files

Separates specification of the function from its implementation
// myLib.h - header // contains prototypes int square(int); int cube (int); // myLib.cpp - implementation #include "myLib.h" int cube(int x) { return x*square(x); } int square(int x) { return x*x; }

Functions can call themselves. fib(n) = fib(n-1) + fib(n-2) can be easily expressed via a recursive implementation
int fibonacci(int n) { if (n == 0 || n == 1) { return 1; } else { return fibonacci(n-2) + fibonacci(n-1); } }

Functions can call themselves. fib(n) = fib(n-1) + fib(n-2) can be easily expressed via a recursive implementation
int fibonacci(int n) { if (n == 0 || n == 1) { return 1; } else { return fibonacci(n-2) + fibonacci(n-1); } }

base case

Functions can call themselves. fib(n) = fib(n-1) + fib(n-2) can be easily expressed via a recursive implementation
int fibonacci(int n) { if (n == 0 || n == 1) { return 1; } else { return fibonacci(n-2) + fibonacci(n-1); } }

recursive step

Global Variables
How many times is function foo() called? Use a global variable to determine this.
Can be accessed from any function
int numCalls = 0;
void foo() { ++numCalls; } int main() { foo(); foo(); foo(); cout << numCalls << endl; // 3 }

Global variable

int numCalls = 0;

int raiseToPower(int base, int exponent) { numCalls = numCalls + 1; int result = 1; for (int i = 0; i < exponent; i = i + 1) { Scope: where a result = result * base; variable was declared, } return result; determines where it }


can be accessed from

int max(int num1, int num2) { numCalls = numCalls + 1; int result; if (num1 > num2) { result = num1; } else { result = num2; } return result; }

int numCalls = 0;

can be accessed from numCalls has global int max(int num1, int num2) { numCalls = numCalls + 1; scope can be int result; accessed from any if (num1 > num2) { function result = num1;
} else { result = num2; } return result; }

int raiseToPower(int base, int exponent) { numCalls = numCalls + 1; int result = 1; for (int i = 0; i < exponent; i = i + 1) { Scope: where a result = result * base; variable was declared, } return result; determines where it }


int numCalls = 0;

can be accessed from numCalls has global int max(int num1, int num2) { numCalls = numCalls + 1; scope can be int result; accessed from any if (num1 > num2) { function result = num1; } result has function scope each function else { result = num2; can have its own } separate variable return result; } named result

int raiseToPower(int base, int exponent) { numCalls = numCalls + 1; int result = 1; for (int i = 0; i < exponent; i = i + 1) { Scope: where a result = result * base; variable was declared, } return result; determines where it }


int numCalls = 0; int raiseToPower(int base, int exponent) { numCalls = numCalls + 1; int result = 1; for (int i = 0; i < exponent; i = i + 1) { result = result * base; } // A return result; } int max(int num1, int num2) { Global scope numCalls = numCalls + 1; int result; if (num1 > num2) { int numCalls result = num1; } else { result = num2; } // B raiseToPower function scope max function scope return result; }
int base
int exponent

int result

int num1

int num2

int result

int numCalls = 0; int raiseToPower(int base, int exponent) { numCalls = numCalls + 1; int result = 1; for (int i = 0; i < exponent; i = i + 1) { result = result * base; } // A At A, variables marked return result; green are in scope } int max(int num1, int num2) { Global scope numCalls = numCalls + 1; int result; if (num1 > num2) { int numCalls result = num1; } else { result = num2; } // B raiseToPower function scope max function scope return result; }
int base
int exponent


int result

int num1

int num2

int result

int numCalls = 0; int raiseToPower(int base, int exponent) { numCalls = numCalls + 1; int result = 1; for (int i = 0; i < exponent; i = i + 1) { result = result * base; } // A At B, variables marked return result; blue are in scope } int max(int num1, int num2) { Global scope numCalls = numCalls + 1; int result; if (num1 > num2) { int numCalls result = num1; } else { result = num2; } // B raiseToPower function scope max function scope return result; }
int base
int exponent


int result

int num1

int num2

int result

double squareRoot(double num) { double low = 1.0; double high = num; for (int i = 0; i < 30; i = i + 1) { double estimate = (high + low) / 2; if (estimate*estimate > num) { double newHigh = estimate; high = newHigh; } else { double newLow = estimate; low = newLow; } } return (high + low) / 2; }

squareRoot function scope

double num

double low

double high

for loop scope

Loops and if/else statements also have their own scopes

Loop counters are in the same scope as the body of the for loop

int i

double estimate

If statement scope

else statement scope

double newHigh

double newLow

double squareRoot(double num) { double low = 1.0; double high = num; for (int i = 0; i < 30; i = i + 1) { double estimate = (high + low) / 2; if (estimate*estimate > num) { squareRoot function scope double newHigh = estimate; high = newHigh; double double double } else { num low high double newLow = estimate; low = newLow; } } for loop scope // A return estimate; // ERROR double int i } estimate

Cannot access variables that are out of scope

If statement scope

else statement scope

double newHigh

double newLow

double squareRoot(double num) { double low = 1.0; double high = num; for (int i = 0; i < 30; i = i + 1) { double estimate = (high + low) / 2; if (estimate*estimate > num) { squareRoot function scope double newHigh = estimate; high = newHigh; double double double } else { num low high double newLow = estimate; low = newLow; } if (i == 29) for loop scope return estimate; // B } double int i B return -1; // A estimate }

Cannot access variables that are out of scope Solution 1: move the code

If statement scope

else statement scope

double newHigh

double newLow

double squareRoot(double num) { double low = 1.0; double high = num; double estimate; for (int i = 0; i < 30; i = i + 1) { estimate = (high + low) / 2; squareRoot function scope if (estimate*estimate > num) { double newHigh = estimate; double double double high = newHigh; num low high } else { double newLow = estimate; low = newLow; } for loop scope } return estimate; // A } int i

double estimate

Cannot access variables that are out of scope Solution 2: declare the variable in a higher scope

If statement scope

else statement scope

double newHigh

double newLow

Pass by value vs by reference

So far weve been passing everything by value makes a copy of the variable; changes to the variable within the function dont occur outside the function
// pass-by-value void increment(int a) { a = a + 1; cout << "a in increment " << a << endl; }

int main() { int q = 3; increment(q); // does nothing cout << "q in main " << q << endl; }

a in increment 4 q in main 3

Pass by value vs by reference

main function scope

// pass-by-value void increment(int a) { a = a + 1; cout << "a in increment " << a << endl; }

int main() { int q = 3; // HERE increment(q); // does nothing cout << "q in main " << q << endl; }

a in increment 4 q in main 3

Pass by value vs by reference

main function scope
increment function scope

// pass-by-value void increment(int a) { // HERE a = a + 1; cout << "a in increment " << a << endl; }

int main() { int q = 3; increment(q); // does nothing cout << "q in main " << q << endl; }

a in increment 4 q in main 3

Pass by value vs by reference

main function scope increment function scope
q=3 a=4

// pass-by-value void increment(int a) { a = a + 1; // HERE cout << "a in increment " << a << endl; }

int main() { int q = 3; increment(q); // does nothing cout << "q in main " << q << endl; }

a in increment 4 q in main 3

Pass by value vs by reference

If you want to modify the original variable as opposed to making a copy, pass the variable by reference (int &a instead of int a)
// pass-by-value void increment(int &a) { a = a + 1; cout << "a in increment " << a << endl; }

int main() { int q = 3; increment(q); // works cout << "q in main " << q << endl; }

a in increment 4 q in main 4

Pass by value vs by reference

main function scope

// pass-by-value void increment(int &a) { a = a + 1; cout << "a in increment " << a << endl; }

int main() { int q = 3; // HERE increment(q); // works cout << "q in main " << q << endl; }

a in increment 4 q in main 4

Pass by value vs by reference

main function scope increment function scope
q=3 a

// pass-by-value void increment(int &a) { // HERE a = a + 1; cout << "a in increment " << a << endl; }

int main() { int q = 3; increment(q); // works cout << "q in main " << q << endl; }

a in increment 4 q in main 4

Pass by value vs by reference

main function scope increment function scope
q=4 a

// pass-by-value void increment(int &a) { a = a + 1; // HERE cout << "a in increment " << a << endl; }

int main() { int q = 3; increment(q); // works cout << "q in main " << q << endl; }

a in increment 4 q in main 4

Implementing Swap
void swap(int &a, int &b) { int t = a; a = b; b = t; } int main() { int q = 3; int r = 5; swap(q, r); cout << "q " << q << endl; // q 5 cout << "r " << r << endl; // r 3 }

Implementing Swap
void swap(int &a, int &b) { int t = a; a = b; b = t; } int main() { int q = 3; int r = 5; // HERE swap(q, r); cout << "q " << q << endl; // q 5 cout << "r " << r << endl; // r 3 }
main function scope



Implementing Swap
void swap(int &a, int &b) { // HERE int t = a; a = b; b = t; } int main() { int q = 3; int r = 5; swap(q, r); cout << "q " << q << endl; // q 5 cout << "r " << r << endl; // r 3 }

main function scope



swap function scope

Implementing Swap
void swap(int &a, int &b) { int t = a; // HERE a = b; b = t; } int main() { int q = 3; int r = 5; swap(q, r); cout << "q " << q << endl; // q 5 cout << "r " << r << endl; // r 3 }

main function scope



swap function scope


Implementing Swap
void swap(int &a, int &b) { int t = a; a = b; // HERE b = t; } int main() { int q = 3; int r = 5; swap(q, r); cout << "q " << q << endl; // q 5 cout << "r " << r << endl; // r 3 }

main function scope



swap function scope


Implementing Swap
void swap(int &a, int &b) { int t = a; a = b; b = t; // HERE } int main() { int q = 3; int r = 5; swap(q, r); cout << "q " << q << endl; // q 5 cout << "r " << r << endl; // r 3 }

main function scope



swap function scope


Returning multiple values

The return statement only allows you to return 1 value. Passing output variables by reference overcomes this limitation.
int divide(int numerator, int denominator, int &remainder) { remainder = numerator % denominator; return numerator / denominator; } int main() { int num = 14; int den = 4; int rem; int result = divide(num, den, rem); cout << result << "*" << den << "+" << rem << "=" << num << endl; // 3*4+2=12 }

Libraries are generally distributed as the header file containing the prototypes, and a binary .dll/.so file containing the (compiled) implementation
Dont need to share your .cpp code
// myLib.h header // contains prototypes double squareRoot(double num);


Library user only needs to know the function prototypes (in the header file), not the implementation source code (in the .cpp file) The Linker (part of the compiler) takes care of locating the implementation of functions in the .dll file at compile time
// myLib.h header // contains prototypes double squareRoot(double num);


// libraryUser.cpp some other guys code #include "myLib.h" double fourthRoot(double num) { return squareRoot(squareRoot(num)); }

Final Notes
You dont actually need to implement raiseToPower and squareRoot yourself; cmath (part of the standard library) contains functions pow and sqrt

#include <cmath> double fourthRoot(double num) { return sqrt(sqrt(num)); }

MIT OpenCourseWare

6.096 Introduction to C++

January (IAP) 2011

For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use, visit:

6.096 Introduction to C++ Massachusetts Institute of Technology

January 10, 2011

John Marrero

Lecture 4 Notes: Arrays and Strings

1 Arrays

So far we have used variables to store values in memory for later reuse. We now explore a means to store multiple values together as one unit, the array. An array is a fixed number of elements of the same type stored sequentially in memory. Therefore, an integer array holds some number of integers, a character array holds some number of characters, and so on. The size of the array is referred to as its dimension. To declare an array in C++, we write the following: type arrayName[dimension];
To declare an integer array named arr of four elements, we write int arr[4]; The elements of an array can be accessed by using an index into the array. Arrays in C++ are zero-indexed, so the first element has an index of 0. So, to access the third element in arr, we write arr[2]; The value returned can then be used just like any other integer. Like normal variables, the elements of an array must be initialized before they can be used; otherwise we will almost certainly get unexpected results in our program. There are several ways to initialize the array. One way is to declare the array and then initialize some or all of the elements: int arr[4];
arr[0] arr[1] arr[2] arr[3] = = = = 6;

Another way is to initialize some or all of the values at the time of declaration: int arr[4] = { 6, 0, 9, 6 };
Sometimes it is more convenient to leave out the size of the array and let the compiler determine the array's size for us, based on how many elements we give it: int arr[] = { 6, 0, 9, 6, 2, 0, 1, 1 };
Here, the compiler will create an integer array of dimension 8. The array can also be initialized with values that are not known beforehand: 1 #include <iostream>
2 using namespace std;
4 int main() {
6 int arr[4];
7 cout << Please enter 4 integers: << endl;
9 for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
10 cin >> arr[i];

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 }

cout << Values in array are now:; for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) cout << << arr[i]; cout << endl; return 0;

Note that when accessing an array the index given must be a positive integer from 0 to n-1, where n is the dimension of the array. The index itself may be directly provided, derived from a variable, or computed from an expression: arr[5];
Arrays can also be passed as arguments to functions. When declaring the function, simply specify the array as a parameter, without a dimension. The array can then be used as normal within the function. For example: 0 1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 #include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int sum(const int array[], const int length) {
long sum = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < length; sum += array[i++]);
return sum;
int main() {
int arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7};
cout << "Sum: " << sum(arr, 7) << endl;
return 0;

The function sum takes a constant integer array and a constant integer length as its arguments and adds up length elements in the array. It then returns the sum, and the program prints out Sum: 28. It is important to note that arrays are passed by reference and so any changes made to the array within the function will be observed in the calling scope. C++ also supports the creation of multidimensional arrays, through the addition of more than one set of brackets. Thus, a two-dimensional array may be created by the following: type arrayName[dimension1][dimension2];
The array will have dimension1 x dimension2 elements of the same type and can be thought of as an array of arrays. The first index indicates which of dimension1 subarrays to access, and then the second index accesses one of dimension2 elements within that subarray. Initialization and access thus work similarly to the one-dimensional case: 1 #include <iostream>
2 using namespace std;
4 int main() {
5 int twoDimArray[2][4];
6 twoDimArray[0][0] = 6;
7 twoDimArray[0][1] = 0;
8 twoDimArray[0][2] = 9;

9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18
19 20 21 }

twoDimArray[0][3] twoDimArray[1][0] twoDimArray[1][1] twoDimArray[1][2] twoDimArray[1][3]

= = = = =


for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++)

for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
cout << twoDimArray[i][j];
cout << endl;
return 0;

The array can also be initialized at declaration in the following ways: int twoDimArray[2][4] = { 6, 0, 9, 6, 2, 0, 1, 1 };
int twoDimArray[2][4] = { { 6, 0, 9, 6 } , { 2, 0, 1, 1 } };
Note that dimensions must always be provided when initializing multidimensional arrays, as it is otherwise impossible for the compiler to determine what the intended element partitioning is. For the same reason, when multidimensional arrays are specified as arguments to functions, all dimensions but the first must be provided (the first dimension is optional), as in the following: int aFunction(int arr[][4]) { }
Multidimensional arrays are merely an abstraction for programmers, as all of the elements in the array are sequential in memory. Declaring int arr[2][4]; is the same thing as declaring int arr[8];. 2 Strings

String literals such as Hello, world! are actually represented by C++ as a sequence of characters in memory. In other words, a string is simply a character array and can be manipulated as such. Consider the following program: 1 2 3
4 5 6 7
8 9
10 11 #include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
char helloworld[] = { 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ',', ' ',
'w', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd', '!', '\0' };

cout << helloworld << endl;

return 0;

This program prints Hello, world! Note that the character array helloworld ends with a special character known as the null character. This character is used to indicate the end of the string. Character arrays can also be initialized using string literals. In this case, no null character is needed, as the compiler will automatically insert one: char helloworld[] = Hello, world!;

The individual characters in a string can be manipulated either directly by the programmer or by using special functions provided by the C/C++ libraries. These can be included in a program through the use of the #include directive. Of particular note are the following: cctype (ctype.h): character handling cstdio (stdio.h): input/output operations cstdlib (stdlib.h): general utilities cstring (string.h): string manipulation

Here is an example to illustrate the cctype library: 1 2 3 4

5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 #include <iostream>
#include <cctype>
using namespace std;
int main() {
char messyString[] = "t6H0I9s6.iS.999a9.STRING";
char current = messyString[0];
for(int i = 0; current != '\0'; current = messyString[++i]) {
cout << (char)(isupper(current) ? tolower(current) : current);
else if(ispunct(current))
cout << ' ';
cout << endl;
return 0;

This example uses the isalpha, isupper, ispunct, and tolower functions from the cctype library. The is- functions check whether a given character is an alphabetic character, an uppercase letter, or a punctuation character, respectively. These functions return a Boolean value of either true or false. The tolower function converts a given character to lowercase. The for loop beginning at line 9 takes each successive character from messyString until it reaches the null character. On each iteration, if the current character is alphabetic and uppercase, it is converted to lowercase and then displayed. If it is already lowercase it is simply displayed. If the character is a punctuation mark, a space is displayed. All other characters are ignored. The resulting output is this is a string. For now, ignore the (char) on line 11; we will cover that in a later lecture. Here is an example to illustrate the cstring library: 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14
15 16 17 #include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
int main() {
char fragment1[] = "I'm a s";
char fragment2[] = "tring!";
char fragment3[20];
char finalString[20] = "";
strcpy(fragment3, fragment1);
strcat(finalString, fragment3);
strcat(finalString, fragment2);
cout << finalString;
return 0;

This example creates and initializes two strings, fragment1 and fragment2. fragment3 is declared but not initialized. finalString is partially initialized (with just the null character). fragment1 is copied into fragment3 using strcpy, in effect initializing fragment3 to I'm a s. strcat is then used to concatenate fragment3 onto finalString (the function overwrites the existing null character), thereby giving finalString the same contents as fragment3. Then strcat is used again to concatenate fragment2 onto finalString. finalString is displayed, giving I'm a string!. You are encouraged to read the documentation on these and any other libraries of interest to learn what they can do and how to use a particular function properly. (One source is

MIT OpenCourseWare

6.096 Introduction to C++

January (IAP) 2011

For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use, visit:

Introduction to C++ Massachusetts Institute of Technology

January 12, 2011 6.096

Lecture 5 Notes: Pointers 1


Variables and Memory

When you declare a variable, the computer associates the variable name with a particular location in memory and stores a value there. When you refer to the variable by name in your code, the computer must take two steps: 1. Look up the address that the variable name corresponds to 2. Go to that location in memory and retrieve or set the value it contains C++ allows us to perform either one of these steps independently on a variable with the & and * operators: 1. &x evaluates to the address of x in memory. 2. *( &x ) takes the address of x and dereferences it it retrieves the value at that location in memory. *( &x ) thus evaluates to the same thing as x.


Motivating Pointers

Memory addresses, or pointers, allow us to manipulate data much more exibly; manipulat ing the memory addresses of data can be more ecient than manipulating the data itself. Just a taste of what well be able to do with pointers: More exible pass-by-reference Manipulate complex data structures eciently, even if their data is scattered in dier ent memory locations Use polymorphism calling functions on data without knowing exactly what kind of data it is (more on this in Lectures 7-8)


Pointers and their Behavior

The Nature of Pointers

Pointers are just variables storing integers but those integers happen to be memory ad dresses, usually addresses of other variables. A pointer that stores the address of some variable x is said to point to x. We can access the value of x by dereferencing the pointer. As with arrays, it is often helpful to visualize pointers by using a row of adjacent cells to represent memory locations, as below. Each cell represents 1 block of memory. The dotarrow notation indicates that ptr points to x that is, the value stored in ptr is 12314, xs memory address.








12314 ...


Pointer Syntax/Usage
Declaring Pointers

To declare a pointer variable named ptr that points to an integer variable named x:
int * ptr = & x ;
int *ptr declares the pointer to an integer value, which we are initializing to the address
of x.
We can have pointers to values of any type. The general scheme for declaring pointers is:
data_type * pointer_name ; // Add "= initial_value " if applicable pointer name is then a variable of type data type * a pointer to a data type value. 2.2.2 Using Pointer Values

Once a pointer is declared, we can dereference it with the * operator to access its value: cout << * ptr ; // Prints the value pointed to by ptr ,
// which in the above example would be x s value
We can use deferenced pointers as l-values: * ptr = 5; // Sets the value of x

Without the * operator, the identier x refers to the pointer itself, not the value it points to: cout << ptr ; // Outputs the memory address of x in base 16
Just like any other data type, we can pass pointers as arguments to functions. The same way wed say void func(int x) {...}, we can say void func(int *x){...}. Here is an example of using pointers to square a number in a similar fashion to pass-by-reference: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 void squareByPtr ( int * numPtr ) { * numPtr = * numPtr * * numPtr ; } int main () { int x = 5; squareByPtr (& x ) ; cout << x ; // Prints 25 } Note the varied uses of the * operator on line 2. 2.2.3 const Pointers

There are two places the const keyword can be placed within a pointer variable declaration. This is because there are two dierent variables whose values you might want to forbid changing: the pointer itself and the value it points to. const int * ptr ;
declares a changeable pointer to a constant integer. The integer value cannot be changed through this pointer, but the pointer may be changed to point to a dierent constant integer. int * const ptr ;
declares a constant pointer to changeable integer data. The integer value can be changed through this pointer, but the pointer may not be changed to point to a dierent constant integer. const int * const ptr ;
forbids changing either the address ptr contains or the value it points to.


Null, Uninitialized, and Deallocated Pointers

Some pointers do not point to valid data; dereferencing such a pointer is a runtime error. Any pointer set to 0 is called a null pointer, and since there is no memory location 0, it is an invalid pointer. One should generally check whether a pointer is null before dereferencing it. Pointers are often set to 0 to signal that they are not currently valid. Dereferencing pointers to data that has been erased from memory also usually causes runtime errors. Example: 1 2 3 4 int * myFunc () { int phantom = 4; return & phantom ; } phantom is deallocated when myFunc exits, so the pointer the function returns is invalid. As with any other variable, the value of a pointer is undened until it is initialized, so it may be invalid.


When we write void f(int &x) {...} and call f(y), the reference variable x becomes another name an alias for the value of y in memory. We can declare a reference variable locally, as well: int y ;
int & x = y ; // Makes x a reference to , or alias of , y
After these declarations, changing x will change y and vice versa, because they are two names for the same thing. References are just pointers that are dereferenced every time they are used. Just like point ers, you can pass them around, return them, set other references to them, etc. The only dierences between using pointers and using references are: References are sort of pre-dereferenced you do not dereference them explicitly. You cannot change the location to which a reference points, whereas you can change the location to which a pointer points. Because of this, references must always be initialized when they are declared. When writing the value that you want to make a reference to, you do not put an & before it to take its address, whereas you do need to do this for pointers.


The Many Faces of * and &

The usage of the * and & operators with pointers/references can be confusing. The * operator is used in two dierent ways: 1. When declaring a pointer, * is placed before the variable name to indicate that the variable being declared is a pointer say, a pointer to an int or char, not an int or char value. 2. When using a pointer that has been set to point to some value, * is placed before the pointer name to dereference it to access or set the value it points to. A similar distinction exists for &, which can be used either 1. to indicate a reference data type (as in int &x;), or 2. to take the address of a variable (as in int *ptr = &x;).

Pointers and Arrays

The name of an array is actually a pointer to the rst element in the array. Writing myArray[3] tells the compiler to return the element that is 3 away from the starting el ement of myArray. This explains why arrays are always passed by reference: passing an array is really passing a pointer. This also explains why array indices start at 0: the rst element of an array is the element that is 0 away from the start of the array.


Pointer Arithmetic

Pointer arithmetic is a way of using subtraction and addition of pointers to move around between locations in memory, typically between array elements. Adding an integer n to a pointer produces a new pointer pointing to n positions further down in memory. 4.1.1 Pointer Step Size

Take the following code snippet: 1 long arr [] = {6 , 0 , 9 , 6}; 2 long * ptr = arr ; 3 ptr ++; 5

4 long * ptr2 = arr + 3;

When we add 1 to ptr in line 3, we dont just want to move to the next byte in memory, since each array element takes up multiple bytes; we want to move to the next element in the array. The C++ compiler automatically takes care of this, using the appropriate step size for adding to and subtracting from pointers. Thus, line 3 moves ptr to point to the second element of the array. Similarly, we can add/subtract two pointers: ptr2 - ptr gives the number of array elements between ptr2 and ptr (2). All addition and subtraction operations on pointers use the appropriate step size. 4.1.2 Array Access Notations

Because of the interchangeability of pointers and array names, array-subscript notation (the form myArray[3]) can be used with pointers as well as arrays. When used with pointers, it is referred to as pointer-subscript notation. An alternative is pointer-oset notation, in which you explicitly add your oset to the pointer and dereference the resulting address. For instance, an alternate and functionally identical way to express myArray[3] is *(myArray + 3).


char * Strings

You should now be able to see why the type of a string value is char *: a string is actually an array of characters. When you set a char * to a string, you are really setting a pointer to point to the rst character in the array that holds the string. You cannot modify string literals; to do so is either a syntax error or a runtime error, depending on how you try to do it. (String literals are loaded into read-only program memory at program startup.) You can, however, modify the contents of an array of characters. Consider the following example: char courseName1 [] = { 6 , . , 0 , 9 , 6 , \0 };
char * courseName2 = " 6.096 " ;
Attempting to modify one of the elements courseName1 is permitted, but attempting to modify one of the characters in courseName2 will generate a runtime error, causing the program to crash.

MIT OpenCourseWare

6.096 Introduction to C++

January (IAP) 2011

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6.096 Lecture 6: User-defined Datatypes

classes and structs

Geza Kovacs

Representing a (Geometric) Vector

In the context of geometry, a vector consists of 2 points: a start and a finish Each point itself has an x and y coordinate

End = (0.9, 1.5)

Start = (0.4, 0.8)

Representing a (Geometric) Vector

Our representation so far? Use 4 doubles (startx, starty, endx, endy) We need to pass all 4 doubles to functions

End = (0.9, 1.5)

Start = (0.4, 0.8)

End = (2.0, 1.6)

int main() { double xStart double xEnd = double yStart double yEnd = }

= 1.2; 2.0; = 0.4; 1.6;

Start = (1.2, 0.4)

void printVector(double x0, double x1, double y0, double y1) { cout << "(" << x0 << "," << y0 << ") -> (" << x1 << "," << y1 << ")" << endl; } int main() { double xStart = 1.2; double xEnd = 2.0; double yStart = 0.4; double yEnd = 1.6; printVector(xStart, xEnd, yStart, yEnd); // (1.2,2.0) -> (0.4,1.6) }

void offsetVector(double &x0, double &x1, double &y0, double &y1, double offsetX, double offsetY) { x0 += offsetX; x1 += offsetX; y0 += offsetY; y1 += offsetY; } void printVector(double x0, double x1, double y0, double y1) { cout << "(" << x0 << "," << y0 << ") -> (" << x1 << "," << y1 << ")" << endl; } int main() { double xStart = 1.2; double xEnd = 2.0; double yStart = 0.4; double yEnd = 1.6; offsetVector(xStart, xEnd, yStart, yEnd, 1.0, 1.5); printVector(xStart, xEnd, yStart, yEnd); Many variables being passed to // (2.2,1.9) -> (3.8,4.3) functions }

A user-defined datatype which groups together related pieces of information





class definition syntax

name class Vector { public: double xStart; double xEnd; double yStart; double yEnd; };

This indicates that the new datatype were defining is called Vector

class definition syntax

class Vector { public: double xStart; double xEnd; double yStart; double yEnd; };


Fields indicate what related pieces of information our datatype consists of

Another word for field is members

Fields can have different types


class MITStudent { public: char *name; int studentID; };



An instance is an occurrence of a class. Different instances can have their own set of values in their fields. If you wanted to represent 2 different students (who can have different names and IDs), you would use 2 instances of MITStudent

name =?

studentID =?

name =?

studentID =?

Declaring an Instance
Defines 2 instances of MITStudent: one called student1, the other called student2
class MITStudent { public: char *name; int studentID; }; int main() { MITStudent student1; MITStudent student2; }


name =?

studentID =?


name =?

studentID =?

Accessing Fields
To access fields of instances, use variable.fieldName
class MITStudent { public: char *name; int studentID; }; int main() { MITStudent student1; MITStudent student2; = "Geza"; }


name = Geza

studentID =?


name =?

studentID =?

Accessing Fields
To access fields of instances, use variable.fieldName
class MITStudent { public: char *name; int studentID; }; int main() { MITStudent student1; MITStudent student2; = "Geza"; student1.studentID = 123456789; }


name = Geza

studentID = 123456789


name =?

studentID =?

Accessing Fields
To access fields of instances, use variable.fieldName
class MITStudent { public: char *name; int studentID; }; int main() { MITStudent student1; MITStudent student2; = "Geza"; student1.studentID = 123456789; = "Jesse"; student2.studentID = 987654321; }


name = Geza

studentID = 123456789


name = Jesse =?

studentID = 987654321 =?

Accessing Fields
To access fields of instances, use variable.fieldName
class MITStudent { public: char *name; int studentID; }; int main() { MITStudent student1; MITStudent student2; = "Geza"; student1.studentID = 123456789; = "Jesse"; student2.studentID = 987654321; cout << "student1 name is" << << cout << "student1 id is" << student1.studentID cout << "student2 name is" << << cout << "student2 id is" << student2.studentID

endl; << endl; endl; << endl;

A point consists of an x and y coordinate A vector consists of 2 points: a start and a finish

End = (0.9, 1.5)

Start = (0.4, 0.8)

class Vector { public: double xStart; double xEnd; double yStart; double yEnd; };

A point consists of an x and y coordinate A vector consists of 2 points: a start and a finish





End = (0.9, 1.5)

Start = (0.4, 0.8)

class Vector { public: double xStart; double xEnd; double yStart; double yEnd; };

A point consists of an x and y coordinate A vector consists of 2 points: a start and a finish
Doesnt show that coordinates can be grouped into points





End = (0.9, 1.5)

Start = (0.4, 0.8)

class Point { public: double x; double y; };

A point consists of an x and y coordinate A vector consists of 2 points: a start and a finish

End = (0.9, 1.5)


Start = (0.4, 0.8)

class Point { public: double x; double y; };

A point consists of an x and y coordinate A vector consists of 2 points: a start and a finish



Point (start)

Point (end)

class Point { public: double x; double y; }; class Vector { public: Point start; Point end; };

A point consists of an x and y coordinate A vector consists of 2 points: a start and a finish

Fields can be classes



Point (start)

Point (end)

class Point { public: double x, y; }; class Vector { public: Point start, end; }; int main() { Vector vec1; }

vec1 (instance of Vector) start (instance of Point) end (instance of Point)





class Point { public: double x, y; }; class Vector { public: Point start, end; }; int main() { Vector vec1; vec1.start.x = 3.0; }

vec1 (instance of Vector) start (instance of Point) end (instance of Point)





class Point { public: double x, y; }; class Vector { public: Point start, end; }; int main() { Vector vec1; vec1.start.x vec1.start.y vec1.end.x = vec1.end.y = }

vec1 (instance of Vector) start (instance of Point) end (instance of Point)





= 3.0; = 4.0; 5.0; 6.0;

class Point { public: double x, y; }; class Vector { public: Point start, end; }; int main() { Vector vec1; vec1.start.x vec1.start.y vec1.end.x = vec1.end.y = Vector vec2; }

vec1 (instance of Vector) start (instance of Point) end (instance of Point)





vec2 (instance of Vector) start (instance of Point) end (instance of Point)

= 3.0; = 4.0; 5.0; 6.0;





class Point { public: double x, y; }; class Vector { public: Point start, end; }; int main() { Vector vec1; vec1.start.x vec1.start.y vec1.end.x = vec1.end.y = Vector vec2; vec2.start = }

vec1 (instance of Vector) start (instance of Point) end (instance of Point)





vec2 (instance of Vector) start (instance of Point) end (instance of Point)

= 3.0; = 4.0; 5.0; 6.0; vec1.start;





Assigning one instance to another copies all fields

class Point { public: double x, y; }; class Vector { public: Point start, end; }; int main() { Vector vec1; vec1.start.x vec1.start.y vec1.end.x = vec1.end.y = Vector vec2; vec2.start = vec2.start.x }

vec1 (instance of Vector) start (instance of Point) end (instance of Point)





vec2 (instance of Vector) start (instance of Point) end (instance of Point)

= 3.0; = 4.0; 5.0; 6.0; vec1.start; = 7.0;





Assigning one instance to another copies all fields

Passing classes to functions

Passing by value passes a copy of the class instance to the function; changes arent preserved
class Point { public: double x, y; }; void offsetPoint(Point p, double x, double y) { // does nothing p.x += x; p.y += y; } int main() { Point p; p.x = 3.0; p.y = 4.0; offsetPoint(p, 1.0, 2.0); // does nothing cout << "(" << p.x << "," << p.y << ")"; // (3.0,4.0) }

Passing classes to functions

When a class instance is passed by reference, changes are reflected in the original
class Point { public: double x, y; }; void offsetPoint(Point &p, double x, double y) { // works p.x += x; Passed by p.y += y; reference } int main() { Point p; p.x = 3.0; p.y = 4.0; offsetPoint(p, 1.0, 2.0); // works cout << "(" << p.x << "," << p.y << ")"; // (4.0,6.0) }

class Point { public: double x, y; };

Point class, with fields x and y

class Point { public: double x, y; }; class Vector { public: Point start, end; };

Fields can be classes

class Point { public: double x, y; }; class Vector { public: Point start, end; };

int main() { Vector vec; }

vec is an instance of Vector

class Point { public: double x, y; }; class Vector { public: Point start, end; };

int main() { Vector vec; vec.start.x = 1.2; }

Accessing fields

class Point { public: double x, y; }; class Vector { public: Point start, end; };

int main() { Vector vec; vec.start.x = 1.2; vec.end.x = 2.0; vec.start.y = 0.4; vec.end.y = 1.6; }

class Point { public: double x, y; }; class Vector { public: Point start, end; };

void printVector(Vector v) { cout << "(" << v.start.x << "," << v.start.y << ") -> (" << v.end.x << "," << v.end.y << ")" << endl; }

int main() { Vector vec; vec.start.x = 1.2; vec.end.x = 2.0; vec.start.y = 0.4; vec.end.y = 1.6; printVector(vec); // (1.2,0.4) -> (2.0,1.6) } classes can be passed to functions

class Point { public: double x, y; }; class Vector { public: Point start, end; };

Can pass to value if you dont need to modify the class void printVector(Vector v) { cout << "(" << v.start.x << "," << v.start.y << ") -> (" << v.end.x << "," << v.end.y << ")" << endl; }

int main() { Vector vec; vec.start.x = 1.2; vec.end.x = 2.0; vec.start.y = 0.4; vec.end.y = 1.6; printVector(vec); // (1.2,0.4) -> (2.0,1.6) }

class Point { public: double x, y; }; class Vector { public: Point start, end; }; Pass classes by reference if they need to be modified

void offsetVector(Vector &v, double offsetX, double offsetY) { v.start.x += offsetX; v.end.x += offsetX; v.start.y += offsetY; v.end.y += offsetY; } void printVector(Vector v) { cout << "(" << v.start.x << "," << v.start.y << ") -> (" << v.end.x << "," << v.end.y << ")" << endl; }

int main() { Vector vec; vec.start.x = 1.2; vec.end.x = 2.0; vec.start.y = 0.4; vec.end.y = 1.6; offsetVector(vec, 1.0, 1.5); printVector(vec); // (2.2,1.9) -> (3.8,4.3) }

Observe how some functions are closely associated with a particular class

void offsetVector(Vector &v, double offsetX, double offsetY); void printVector(Vector v);

int main() { Vector vec; vec.start.x = 1.2; vec.end.x = 2.0; vec.start.y = 0.4; vec.end.y = 1.6; offsetVector(vec, 1.0, 1.5); printVector(vec); }

Observe how some functions are closely associated with a particular class Methods: functions which are part of a class

Vector vec; vec.start.x = 1.2; vec.end.x = 2.0; vec.start.y = 0.4; vec.end.y = 1.6; vec.print();

Method name

Observe how some functions are closely associated with a particular class Methods: functions which are part of a class
Implicitly pass the current instance
Vector vec; vec.start.x = 1.2; vec.end.x = 2.0; vec.start.y = 0.4; vec.end.y = 1.6; vec.print();

Object instance

Observe how some functions are closely associated with a particular class Methods: functions which are part of a class
Implicitly pass the current instance
Vector vec; vec.start.x = 1.2; vec.end.x = 2.0; vec.start.y = 0.4; vec.end.y = 1.6; vec.print(); vec.offset(1.0, 1.5);
Arguments can be passed to methods





Vector vec1; Vector vec2; // initialize vec1 and vec2 vec1.print();

Analogy: Methods are buttons on each box (instance), which do things when pressed





Vector vec1; Vector vec2; // initialize vec1 and vec2 vec1.print();

Which boxs button was pressed?





Vector vec1; Vector vec2; // initialize vec1 and vec2 vec1.print();

Which button was pressed?

class Vector { public: Point start; Point end; void offset(double offsetX, double offsetY) { start.x += offsetX; end.x += offsetX; methods start.y += offsetY; end.y += offsetY; } void print() { cout << "(" << start.x << "," << start.y << ") -> (" << end.x << "," << end.y << ")" << endl; } };

class Vector { public: Point start; Point end; void offset(double offsetX, double offsetY) { start.x += offsetX; end.x += offsetX; Fields can be accessed in a method start.y += offsetY; end.y += offsetY; } void print() { cout << "(" << start.x << "," << start.y << ") -> (" << end.x << "," << end.y << ")" << endl; } };

class Vector { public: Point start, end; void offset(double offsetX, double offsetY) { start.offset(offsetX, offsetY); end.offset(offsetX, offsetY); methods of fields can be called } void print() { start.print(); cout << " -> "; end.print(); cout << endl; } }; class Point { public: double x, y; void offset(double offsetX, double offsetY) { x += offsetX; y += offsetY; } void print() { cout << "(" << x << "," << y << ")"; } };

Implementing Methods Separately

Recall that function prototypes allowed us to declare that functions will be implemented later This can be done analogously for class methods
// vector.h - header file class Point { public: double x, y; void offset(double offsetX, double offsetY); void print(); }; class Vector { public: Point start, end; void offset(double offsetX, double offsetY); void print(); };

#include "vector.h" // vector.cpp - method implementation void Point::offset(double offsetX, double offsetY) { x += offsetX; y += offsetY; } void Point::print() { cout << "(" << x << "," << y << ")"; } void Vector::offset(double offsetX, double offsetY) { start.offset(offsetX, offsetY); end.offset(offsetX, offsetY); } :: indicates which class method is being void Vector::print() { start.print(); implemented cout << " -> "; end.print(); cout << endl; }

Manually initializing your fields can get tedious Can we initialize them when we create an instance?
Vector vec; vec.start.x vec.start.y vec.end.x = vec.end.y =

= 0.0; = 0.0; 0.0; 0.0;

Point p; p.x = 0.0; p.y = 0.0;

Method that is called when an instance is created
class Point { public: double x, y; Point() { x = 0.0; y = 0.0; cout << "Point instance created" << endl; } }; int main() { Point p; // Point instance created // p.x is 0.0, p.y is 0.0 }

Can accept parameters
class Point { public: double x, y; Point(double nx, double ny) { x = nx; y = ny; cout << "2-parameter constructor" << endl; } }; int main() { Point p(2.0, 3.0); // 2-parameter constructor // p.x is 2.0, p.y is 3.0 }

Can have multiple constructors
class Point { public: double x, y; Point() { x = 0.0; y = 0.0; cout << "default constructor" << endl; } Point(double nx, double ny) { x = nx; y = ny; cout << "2-parameter constructor" << endl; } }; int main() { Point p; // default constructor // p.x is 0.0, p.y is 0.0) Point q(2.0, 3.0); // 2-parameter constructor // q.x is 2.0, q.y is 3.0) }

Recall that assigning one class instance to another copies all fields (default copy constructor)
class Point { public: double x, y; Point() { x = 0.0; y = 0.0; cout << "default constructor" << endl; } Point(double nx, double ny) { x = nx; y = ny; cout << "2-parameter constructor" << endl; } }; int main() { Point q(1.0, 2.0); // 2-parameter constructor Invoking the copy constructor Point r = q; // r.x is 1.0, r.y is 2.0) }

You can define your own copy constructor

class Point { public: double x, y; Point(double nx, double ny) { x = nx; y = ny; cout << "2-parameter constructor" << endl; } Point(Point &o) { x = o.x; y = o.y; cout << "custom copy constructor" << endl; } }; int main() { Point q(1.0, 2.0); // 2-parameter constructor Point r = q; // custom copy constructor // r.x is 1, r.y is 2 }

Why make a copy constructor? Assigning all fields (default copy constructor) may not be what you want

class MITStudent { public: int studentID; char *name; MITStudent() { studentID = 0; name = ""; } };

int main() { MITStudent student1; student1.studentID = 98; char n[] = "foo"; = n; MITStudent student2 = student1;[0] = 'b'; cout <<; // boo }
By changing student 2s name, we changed student 1s name as well

Why make a copy constructor? Assigning all fields (default copy constructor) may not be what you want

class MITStudent { public: int main() { int studentID; MITStudent student1; char *name; student1.studentID = 98; MITStudent() { char n[] = "foo"; studentID = 0; = n; name = ""; MITStudent student2 = student1; }[0] = 'b'; MITStudent(MITStudent &o) { cout <<; // foo studentID = o.studentID; } name = strdup(; } Changing student 2s name doesnt effect }; student 1s name

Access Modifiers
Define where your fields/methods can be accessed from

Access Modifier

class Point { public: double x, y;

Point(double nx, double ny) { x = nx; y = ny; } };

Access Modifiers
public: can be accessed from anywhere
class Point { public: double x, y;

Point(double nx, double ny) { x = nx; y = ny; } };

int main() { Point p(2.0,3.0); p.x = 5.0; // allowed }

Access Modifiers
private: can only be accessed within the class
class Point { private: double x, y;

public: Point(double nx, double ny) { x = nx; y = ny; } };

int main() { Point p(2.0,3.0); p.x = 5.0; // not allowed }

Access Modifiers
Use getters to allow read-only access to private fields
class Point { private: double x, y;

public: Point(double nx, double ny) { x = nx; y = ny; } double getX() { return x; } double getY() { return y; } };
int main() { Point p(2.0,3.0); cout << p.getX() << endl; // allowed }

Default Access Modifiers

class: private by default
class Point { double x, y; };

Equivalent to

class Point { private: double x, y; };

Structs are a carry-over from the C; in C++, classes are generally used In C++, theyre essentially the same as classes, except structs default access modifier is public
struct Point { double x; double y; };

class Point { public: double x; double y; };

Default Access Modifiers

struct: public by default class: private by default
struct Point { double x, y; }; class Point { double x, y; };

Equivalent to

Equivalent to

struct Point { public: double x, y; };

class Point { private: double x, y; };

MIT OpenCourseWare

6.096 Introduction to C++

January (IAP) 2011

For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use, visit:

Introduction to C++ Massachusetts Institute of Technology

January 19, 2011 6.096

Lecture 7 Notes: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) and Inheritance

Weve already seen how to dene composite datatypes using classes. Now well take a step back and consider the programming philosophy underlying classes, known as object-oriented programming (OOP).

The Basic Ideas of OOP

Classic procedural programming languages before C++ (such as C) often focused on the question What should the program do next? The way you structure a program in these languages is: 1. Split it up into a set of tasks and subtasks 2. Make functions for the tasks 3. Instruct the computer to perform them in sequence With large amounts of data and/or large numbers of tasks, this makes for complex and unmaintainable programs. Consider the task of modeling the operation of a car. Such a program would have lots of separate variables storing information on various car parts, and thered be no way to group together all the code that relates to, say, the wheels. Its hard to keep all these variables and the connections between all the functions in mind. To manage this complexity, its nicer to package up self-sucient, modular pieces of code. People think of the world in terms of interacting objects: wed talk about interactions between the steering wheel, the pedals, the wheels, etc. OOP allows programmers to pack away details into neat, self-contained boxes (objects) so that they can think of the objects more abstractly and focus on the interactions between them. There are lots of denitions for OOP, but 3 primary features of it are: Encapsulation: grouping related data and functions together as objects and dening an interface to those objects Inheritance: allowing code to be reused between related types Polymorphism: allowing a value to be one of several types, and determining at runtime which functions to call on it based on its type

Lets see how each of these plays out in C++.


Encapsulation just refers to packaging related stu together. Weve already seen how to package up data and the operations it supports in C++: with classes. If someone hands us a class, we do not need to know how it actually works to use it; all we need to know about is its public methods/data its interface. This is often compared to operating a car: when you drive, you dont care how the steering wheel makes the wheels turn; you just care that the interface the car presents (the steering wheel) allows you to accomplish your goal. If you remember the analogy from Lecture 6 about objects being boxes with buttons you can push, you can also think of the interface of a class as the set of buttons each instance of that class makes available. Interfaces abstract away the details of how all the operations are actually performed, allowing the programmer to focus on how objects will use each others interfaces how they interact. This is why C++ makes you specify public and private access speciers: by default, it assumes that the things you dene in a class are internal details which someone using your code should not have to worry about. The practice of hiding away these details from client code is called data hiding, or making your class a black box. One way to think about what happens in an object-oriented program is that we dene what objects exist and what each one knows, and then the objects send messages to each other (by calling each others methods) to exchange information and tell each other what to do.


Inheritance allows us to dene hierarchies of related classes. Imagine were writing an inventory program for vehicles, including cars and trucks. We could write one class for representing cars and an unrelated one for representing trucks, but wed have to duplicate the functionality that all vehicles have in common. Instead, C++ allows us to specify the common code in a Vehicle class, and then specify that the Car and Truck classes share this code. The Vehicle class will be much the same as what weve seen before: 1 class Vehicle { 2 protected : 3 string license ; int year ; 4

6 public :
7 Vehicle ( const string & myLicense , const int myYear )
8 : license ( myLicense ) , year ( myYear ) {} 9 const string getDesc () const 10 { return license + " from " + stringify ( year ) ;} 11 const string & getLicense () const { return license ;} const int getYear () const { return year ;} 12 13 }; A few notes on this code, by line: 2. The standard string class is described in Section 1 of PS3; see there for details. Recall that strings can be appended to each other with the + operator. 3. protected is largely equivalent to private. Well discuss the dierences shortly. 8. This line demonstrates member initializer syntax. When dening a constructor, you sometimes want to initialize certain members, particularly const members, even before the constructor body. You simply put a colon before the function body, followed by a comma-separated list of items of the form dataMember(initialValue). 10. This line assumes the existence of some function stringify for converting numbers to strings. Now we want to specify that Car will inherit the Vehicle code, but with some additions. This is accomplished in line 1 below: 1 class Car : public Vehicle { // Makes Car inherit from Vehicle 2 string style ; 3 4 public : 5 Car ( const string & myLicense , const int myYear , const string & myStyle )
6 : Vehicle ( myLicense , myYear ) , style ( myStyle ) {}
const string & getStyle () { return style ;}
7 8 };
Now class Car has all the data members and methods of Vehicle, as well as a style data member and a getStyle method. Class Car inherits from class Vehicle. This is equivalent to saying that Car is a derived class, while Vehicle is its base class. You may also hear the terms subclass and superclass instead. Notes on the code: 3

1. Dont worry for now about why we stuck the public keyword in there. 6. Note how we use member initializer syntax to call the base-class constructor. We need to have a complete Vehicle object constructed before we construct the components added in the Car. If you do not explicitly call a base-class constructor using this syntax, the default base-class constructor will be called. Similarly, we could make a Truck class that inherits from Vehicle and shares its code. This would give a class hierarchy like the following:



Class hierarchies are generally drawn with arrows pointing from derived classes to base classes.


Is-a vs. Has-a

There are two ways we could describe some class A as depending on some other class B: 1. Every A object has a B object. For instance, every Vehicle has a string object (called license). 2. Every instance of A is a B instance. For instance, every Car is a Vehicle, as well. Inheritance allows us to dene is-a relationships, but it should not be used to implement has-a relationships. It would be a design error to make Vehicle inherit from string because every Vehicle has a license; a Vehicle is not a string. Has-a relationships should be implemented by declaring data members, not by inheritance.


Overriding Methods

We might want to generate the description for Cars in a dierent way from generic Vehicles. To accomplish this, we can simply redene the getDesc method in Car, as below. Then, when we call getDesc on a Car object, it will use the redened function. Redening in this manner is called overriding the function. 1 class Car : public Vehicle { // Makes Car inherit from Vehicle 2 string style ; 3 4

4 public : 5 Car ( const string & myLicense , const int myYear , const string & myStyle ) 6 : Vehicle ( myLicense , myYear ) , style ( myStyle ) {} const string getDesc () // Overriding this member function 7 8 { return stringify ( year ) + + style + " : " + license ;} const string & getStyle () { return style ;} 9 10 };


Programming by Dierence

In dening derived classes, we only need to specify whats dierent about them from their base classes. This powerful technique is called programming by dierence. Inheritance allows only overriding methods and adding new members and methods. We cannot remove functionality that was present in the base class.


Access Modiers and Inheritance

If wed declared year and license as private in Vehicle, we wouldnt be able to access them even from a derived class like Car. To allow derived classes but not outside code to access data members and member functions, we must declare them as protected. The public keyword used in specifying a base class (e.g., class Car : public Vehicle {...}) gives a limit for the visibility of the inherited methods in the derived class. Normally you should just use public here, which means that inherited methods declared as public are still public in the derived class. Specifying protected would make inherited methods, even those declared public, have at most protected visibility. For a full table of the eects of dierent inheritance access speciers, see Programming/Classes/Inheritance.


Polymorphism means many shapes. It refers to the ability of one object to have many types. If we have a function that expects a Vehicle object, we can safely pass it a Car object, because every Car is also a Vehicle. Likewise for references and pointers: anywhere you can use a Vehicle *, you can use a Car *.


virtual Functions

There is still a problem. Take the following example: 1 Car c ( " VANITY " , 2003) ; 2 Vehicle * vPtr = & c ; 3 cout << vPtr - > getDesc () ; (The -> notation on line 3 just dereferences and gets a member. ptr->member is equivalent to (*ptr).member.) Because vPtr is declared as a Vehicle *, this will call the Vehicle version of getDesc, even though the object pointed to is actually a Car. Usually wed want the program to select the correct function at runtime based on which kind of object is pointed to. We can get this behavior by adding the keyword virtual before the method denition: 1 class Vehicle {
2 ...
virtual const string getDesc () {...}
3 4 };
With this denition, the code above would correctly select the Car version of getDesc. Selecting the correct function at runtime is called dynamic dispatch. This matches the whole OOP idea were sending a message to the object and letting it gure out for itself what actions that message actually means it should take. Because references are implicitly using pointers, the same issues apply to references: 1 Car c ( " VANITY " , 2003) ; 2 Vehicle & v = c ; 3 cout << v . getDesc () ; This will only call the Car version of getDesc if getDesc is declared as virtual. Once a method is declared virtual in some class C, it is virtual in every derived class of C, even if not explicitly declared as such. However, it is a good idea to declare it as virtual in the derived classes anyway for clarity.


Pure virtual Functions

Arguably, there is no reasonable way to dene getDesc for a generic Vehicle only derived classes really need a denition of it, since there is no such thing as a generic vehicle that isnt also a car, truck, or the like. Still, we do want to require every derived class of Vehicle to have this function. 6

We can omit the denition of getDesc from Vehicle by making the function pure virtual via the following odd syntax: 1 class Vehicle {
2 ...
virtual const string getDesc () = 0; // Pure virtual
3 4 };
The = 0 indicates that no denition will be given. This implies that one can no longer create an instance of Vehicle; one can only create instances of Cars, Trucks, and other derived classes which do implement the getDesc method. Vehicle is then an abstract class one which denes only an interface, but doesnt actually implement it, and therefore cannot be instantiated.

Multiple Inheritance

Unlike many object-oriented languages, C++ allows a class to have multiple base classes: 1 class Car : public Vehicle , public InsuredItem {
2 ...
3 };
This species that Car should have all the members of both the Vehicle and the InsuredItem classes. Multiple inheritance is tricky and potentially dangerous: If both Vehicle and InsuredItem dene a member x, you must remember to disam biguate which one youre referring to by saying Vehicle::x or InsuredItem::x. If both Vehicle and InsuredItem inherited from the same base class, youd end up with two instances of the base class within each Car (a dreaded diamond class hier archy). There are ways to solve this problem, but it can get messy. In general, avoid multiple inheritance unless you know exactly what youre doing.

MIT OpenCourseWare

6.096 Introduction to C++

January (IAP) 2011

For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use, visit:

6.096 Lecture 8: Memory Management

Clean up after your pet program

Geza Kovacs

Review: Constructors
Method that is called when an instance is created

class Integer { public: int val; Integer() { val = 0; cout << "default constructor" << endl; } }; int main() { Integer i; }

Output: default constructor

When making an array of objects, default constructor is invoked on each

class Integer { public: int val; Integer() { val = 0; cout << "default constructor" << endl; } }; int main() { Integer arr[3]; }

Output: default constructor default constructor default constructor

When making a class instance, the default constructor of its fields are invoked
class Integer { public: int val; Integer() { val = 0; cout << "Integer default constructor" << endl; } }; class IntegerWrapper { public: Integer val; IntegerWrapper() { cout << "IntegerWrapper default constructor" << endl; } }; int main() { IntegerWrapper q; }

Output: Integer default constructor IntegerWrapper default constructor

Constructors can accept parameters

class Integer { public: int val; Integer(int v) { val = v; cout << "constructor with arg " << v << endl; } }; int main() { Integer i(3); }

Output: constructor with arg 3

Constructors can accept parameters

Can invoke single-parameter constructor via assignment to the appropriate type

class Integer { public: int val; Integer(int v) { val = v; cout << "constructor with arg " << v << endl; } }; int main() { Integer i(3); Integer j = 5; }

Output: constructor with arg 3 constructor with arg 5

If a constructor with parameters is defined, the default constructor is no longer available

class Integer { public: int val; Integer(int v) { val = v; } }; int main() { Integer i(3); // ok Integer j; Error: No default constructor available for Integer }

If a constructor with parameters is defined, the default constructor is no longer available

Without a default constructor, cant declare arrays without initializing
class Integer { public: int val; Integer(int v) { val = v; } }; int main() { Integer a[] = { Integer(2), Integer(5) }; // ok Integer b[2]; Error: No default constructor available for Integer }

If a constructor with parameters is defined, the default constructor is no longer available

Can create a separate 0-argument constructor

class Integer { public: int val; Integer() { val = 0; } Integer(int v) { val = v; } }; int main() { Integer i; // ok Integer j(3); // ok }

If a constructor with parameters is defined, the default constructor is no longer available

Can create a separate 0-argument constructor Or, use default arguments
class Integer { public: int val; Integer(int v = 0) { val = v; } }; int main() { Integer i; // ok Integer j(3); // ok }

How do I refer to a field when a method argument has the same name? this: a pointer to the current instance
class Integer { public: int val; Integer(int val = 0) { this->val = val; this->val is a shorthand for (*this).val } };

How do I refer to a field when a method argument has the same name? this: a pointer to the current instance
class Integer { public: int val; Integer(int val = 0) { this->val = val; } void setVal(int val) { this->val = val; } };

Scoping and Memory

Whenever we declare a new variable (int x), memory is allocated When can this memory be freed up (so it can be used to store other variables)?
When the variable goes out of scope

Scoping and Memory

When a variable goes out of scope, that memory is no longer guaranteed to store the variables value

int main() { if (true) { int x = 5; } // x now out of scope, memory it used to occupy can be reused }

Scoping and Memory

When a variable goes out of scope, that memory is no longer guaranteed to store the variables value

int main() { int *p; if (true) { int x = 5; p = &x; } cout << *p << endl; // ??? }

Scoping and Memory

When a variable goes out of scope, that memory is no longer guaranteed to store the variables value

int main() { here int *p; if (true) { int x = 5; p = &x; } cout << *p << endl; // ??? }

int *p

Scoping and Memory

When a variable goes out of scope, that memory is no longer guaranteed to store the variables value

int main() { int *p; if (true) { here int x = 5; p = &x; } cout << *p << endl; // ??? }

int x

int *p

Scoping and Memory

When a variable goes out of scope, that memory is no longer guaranteed to store the variables value

int main() { int *p; if (true) { int x = 5; here p = &x; } cout << *p << endl; // ??? }

int x

int *p

Scoping and Memory

When a variable goes out of scope, that memory is no longer guaranteed to store the variables value
Here, p has become a dangling pointer (points to memory whose contents are undefined)
int main() { int *p; if (true) { int x = 5; p = &x; } cout << *p << endl; // ??? }



int *p

A Problematic Task
Implement a function which returns a pointer to some memory containing the integer 5 Incorrect implementation:
int* getPtrToFive() { int x = 5; return &v; }

Implement a function which returns a pointer to some memory containing the integer 5 Incorrect implementation:
x is declared in the function scope

int* getPtrToFive() { here int x = 5; return &x; } int main() { int *p = getPtrToFive(); cout << *p << endl; // ??? }

int x

Implement a function which returns a pointer to some memory containing the integer 5 Incorrect implementation:
x is declared in the function scope As getPtrToFive() returns, x goes out of scope. So a dangling pointer is returned
int* getPtrToFive() { int x = 5; return &x; here } int main() { int *p = getPtrToFive(); cout << *p << endl; // ??? }


int *p

The new operator

Another way to allocate memory, where the memory will remain allocated until you manually de-allocate it Returns a pointer to the newly allocated memory

int *x = new int;

The new operator

Another way to allocate memory, where the memory will remain allocated until you manually de-allocate it Returns a pointer to the newly allocated memory

int *x = new int;

Type parameter needed to determine how much memory to allocate

The new operator

Another way to allocate memory, where the memory will remain allocated until you manually de-allocate it Returns a pointer to the newly allocated memory Terminology note:
If using int x; the allocation occurs on a region of memory called the stack If using new int; the allocation occurs on a region of memory called the heap

The delete operator

De-allocates memory that was previously allocated using new Takes a pointer to the memory location

int *x = new int; // use memory allocated by new delete x;

Implement a function which returns a pointer to some memory containing the integer 5
Allocate memory using new to ensure it remains allocated

int *getPtrToFive() { int *x = new int; *x = 5; return x; }

Implement a function which returns a pointer to some memory containing the integer 5
Allocate memory using new to ensure it remains allocated. When done, de-allocate the memory using delete
int *getPtrToFive() { int *x = new int; *x = 5; return x; }

int main() { int *p = getPtrToFive(); cout << *p << endl; // 5 delete p; }

Delete Memory When Done Using It

If you dont use de-allocate memory using delete, your application will waste memory
int *getPtrToFive() { int *x = new int; *x = 5; return x; } int main() { int *p; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { p = getPtrToFive(); cout << *p << endl; } }


If you dont use de-allocate memory using delete, your application will waste memory

int *getPtrToFive() { int *x = new int; *x = 5; return x; } int main() { int *p; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { p = getPtrToFive(); cout << *p << endl; } }

int *p

If you dont use de-allocate memory using delete, your application will waste memory

int *getPtrToFive() { int *x = new int; *x = 5; return x; }

The Heap

int main() { int *p; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { 1st iteration p = getPtrToFive(); cout << *p << endl; } }

int *p

If you dont use de-allocate memory using delete, your application will waste memory

int *getPtrToFive() { int *x = new int; *x = 5; return x; }

The Heap

int main() { int *p; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { 2nd iteration p = getPtrToFive(); cout << *p << endl; } }

int *p

If you dont use de-allocate memory using delete, your application will waste memory When your program allocates memory but is unable to de-allocate it, this is a memory leak
int *getPtrToFive() { int *x = new int; *x = 5; return x; }
The Heap

int main() { int *p; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { 3rd iteration p = getPtrToFive(); cout << *p << endl; } }

int *p

Does adding a delete after the loop fix this memory leak?

int *getPtrToFive() { int *x = new int; *x = 5; return x; }

The Heap

int main() { int *p; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { 3rd iteration p = getPtrToFive(); cout << *p << endl; }

delete p;

int *p

Does adding a delete after the loop fix this memory leak?
No; only the memory that was allocated on the last iteration gets de-allocated
int *getPtrToFive() { int *x = new int; *x = 5; return x; } int main() { int *p; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { p = getPtrToFive(); cout << *p << endl; }

The Heap

delete p;

int *p

To fix the memory leak, de-allocate memory within the loop

int *getPtrToFive() { int *x = new int; *x = 5; return x; } int main() { int *p; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { p = getPtrToFive(); cout << *p << endl; delete p; } }

To fix the memory leak, de-allocate memory within the loop

int *getPtrToFive() { int *x = new int; *x = 5; return x; } int main() { int *p; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { p = getPtrToFive(); cout << *p << endl; delete p; } }

int *p

To fix the memory leak, de-allocate memory within the loop

int *getPtrToFive() { int *x = new int; *x = 5; return x; }

The Heap

int main() { int *p; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { 1st iteration p = getPtrToFive(); cout << *p << endl; delete p; } }

int *p

To fix the memory leak, de-allocate memory within the loop

int *getPtrToFive() { int *x = new int; *x = 5; return x; } int main() { int *p; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { p = getPtrToFive(); cout << *p << endl; delete p; 1st iteration } }

The Heap

int *p

To fix the memory leak, de-allocate memory within the loop

int *getPtrToFive() { int *x = new int; *x = 5; return x; }

The Heap

int main() { int *p; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { 2nd iteration p = getPtrToFive(); cout << *p << endl; delete p; } }

int *p

To fix the memory leak, de-allocate memory within the loop

int *getPtrToFive() { int *x = new int; *x = 5; return x; } int main() { int *p; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { p = getPtrToFive(); cout << *p << endl; delete p; 2nd iteration } }

The Heap

int *p

To fix the memory leak, de-allocate memory within the loop

int *getPtrToFive() { int *x = new int; *x = 5; return x; }

The Heap

int main() { int *p; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { 3rd iteration p = getPtrToFive(); cout << *p << endl; delete p; } }

int *p

To fix the memory leak, de-allocate memory within the loop

int *getPtrToFive() { int *x = new int; *x = 5; return x; } int main() { int *p; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { p = getPtrToFive(); cout << *p << endl; delete p; 3rd iteration } }

The Heap

int *p

Dont Use Memory After Deletion


int *getPtrToFive() { int *x = new int; *x = 5; return x; } int main() { int *x = getPtrToFive(); delete x; cout << *x << endl; // ??? }

Dont Use Memory After Deletion

incorrect correct

int *getPtrToFive() { int *x = new int; *x = 5; return x; } int main() { int *x = getPtrToFive(); delete x; cout << *x << endl; // ??? }

int *getPtrToFive() { int *x = new int; *x = 5; return x; } int main() { int *x = getPtrToFive(); cout << *x << endl; // 5 delete x; }

Dont delete memory twice


int *getPtrToFive() { int *x = new int; *x = 5; return x; } int main() { int *x = getPtrToFive(); cout << *x << endl; // 5 delete x; delete x; }

Dont delete memory twice

incorrect correct

int *getPtrToFive() { int *x = new int; *x = 5; return x; } int main() { int *x = getPtrToFive(); cout << *x << endl; // 5 delete x; delete x; }

int *getPtrToFive() { int *x = new int; *x = 5; return x; } int main() { int *x = getPtrToFive(); cout << *x << endl; // 5 delete x; }

Only delete if memory was allocated by new


int main() { int x = 5; int *xPtr = &x; cout << *xPtr << endl; delete xPtr; }

Only delete if memory was allocated by new

incorrect correct

int main() { int x = 5; int *xPtr = &x; cout << *xPtr << endl; delete xPtr; }

int main() { int x = 5; int *xPtr = &x; cout << *xPtr << endl; }

Allocating Arrays
When allocating arrays on the stack (using int arr[SIZE]), size must be a constant
int numItems; cout << "how many items?"; cin >> numItems; int arr[numItems]; // not allowed

Allocating Arrays
If we use new[] to allocate arrays, they can have variable size
int numItems; cout << "how many items?"; cin >> numItems; int *arr = new int[numItems];
Type of items in array

Allocating Arrays
If we use new[] to allocate arrays, they can have variable size
int numItems; cout << "how many items?"; cin >> numItems; int *arr = new int[numItems];
Number of items to allocate

Allocating Arrays
If we use new[] to allocate arrays, they can have variable size De-allocate arrays with delete[]
int numItems; cout << "how many items?"; cin >> numItems; int *arr = new int[numItems]; delete[] arr;

Ex: Storing values input by the user

int main() { int numItems; cout << "how many items? "; cin >> numItems; int *arr = new int[numItems]; for (int i = 0; i < numItems; ++i) { cout << "enter item " << i << ": "; cin >> arr[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < numItems; ++i) { cout << arr[i] << endl; } delete[] arr; }

how many items? 3 enter item 0: 7 enter item 1: 4 enter item 2: 9 7 4 9

Allocating Class Instances using new

new can also be used to allocate a class instance
class Point { public: int x, y; }; int main() { Point *p = new Point; delete p; }

Allocating Class Instances using new

new can also be used to allocate a class instance The appropriate constructor will be invoked
class Point { public: int x, y; Point() { x = 0; y = 0; cout << "default constructor" << endl; } }; int main() { Point *p = new Point; delete p; }

Output: default constructor

Allocating Class Instances using new

new can also be used to allocate a class instance The appropriate constructor will be invoked
class Point { public: int x, y; Point(int nx, int ny) { x = ny; x = ny; cout << "2-arg constructor" << endl; } }; int main() { Point *p = new Point(2, 4); delete p; }

Output: 2-arg constructor

Destructor is called when the class instance gets de-allocated
class Point { public: int x, y; Point() { cout << "constructor invoked" << endl; } ~Point() { cout << "destructor invoked" << endl; } }

Destructor is called when the class instance gets de-allocated

If allocated with new, when delete is called
class Point { public: int x, y; Point() { cout << "constructor invoked" << endl; } ~Point() { cout << "destructor invoked" << endl; } }; int main() { Output: Point *p = new Point; constructor invoked delete p; } destructor invoked

Destructor is called when the class instance gets de-allocated

If allocated with new, when delete is called If stack-allocated, when it goes out of scope
class Point { public: int x, y; Point() { cout << "constructor invoked" << endl; } ~Point() { cout << "destructor invoked" << endl; } }; int main() { Output: if (true) { constructor invoked Point p; } destructor invoked cout << "p out of scope" << endl; p out of scope }

Representing an Array of Integers

When representing an array, often pass around both the pointer to the first element and the number of elements
Lets make them fields in a class

class IntegerArray { public: int *data; Pointer to the first element int size; };

Representing an Array of Integers

When representing an array, often pass around both the pointer to the first element and the number of elements
Lets make them fields in a class

class IntegerArray { public: int *data; int size; Number of elements in the array };

class IntegerArray { public: int *data; int size; };

int main() { IntegerArray arr; arr.size = 2; = new int[arr.size];[0] = 4;[1] = 5; delete[]; }

class IntegerArray { public: int *data; int size; };

int main() { IntegerArray arr; arr.size = 2; Can move this into a constructor = new int[arr.size];[0] = 4;[1] = 5; delete[]; }

class IntegerArray { public: int *data; int size; IntegerArray(int size) { data = new int[size]; this->size = size; } }; int main() { IntegerArray arr(2);[0] = 4;[1] = 5; delete[]; }

class IntegerArray { public: int *data; int size; IntegerArray(int size) { data = new int[size]; this->size = size; } }; int main() { IntegerArray arr(2);[0] = 4;[1] = 5; delete[]; Can move this into a destructor }

class IntegerArray { public: int *data; int size; IntegerArray(int size) { data = new int[size]; this->size = size; } ~IntegerArray () { delete[] data; De-allocate memory used by fields in destructor } }; int main() { IntegerArray arr(2);[0] = 4;[1] = 5; }

incorrect class IntegerArray { public: int *data; int size; IntegerArray(int size) { data = new int[size]; this->size = size; } ~IntegerArray() { delete[] data; } }; int main() { IntegerArray a(2);[0] = 4;[1] = 2; if (true) { IntegerArray b = a; } cout <<[0] << endl; // not 4! }

class IntegerArray { public: int *data; int size; IntegerArray(int size) { data = new int[size]; this->size = size; } ~IntegerArray() { delete[] data; } };

a (IntArrayWrapper)


int main() { IntegerArray a(2);[0] = 4;[1] = 2; here if (true) { IntegerArray b = a; } cout <<[0] << endl; // not 4! }

Default copy constructor copies fields

class IntegerArray { public: int *data; int size; IntegerArray(int size) { data = new int[size]; this->size = size; } ~IntegerArray() { delete[] data; } };

a (IntArrayWrapper)

b (IntArrayWrapper)



int main() { IntegerArray a(2);[0] = 4;[1] = 2; if (true) { IntegerArray b = a; here } cout <<[0] << endl; // not 4! }

When b goes out of scope, destructor is called (deallocates array), now a dangling pointer
class IntegerArray { public: int *data; int size; IntegerArray(int size) { data = new int[size]; this->size = size; } ~IntegerArray() { delete[] data; } };


a (IntArrayWrapper)


int main() { IntegerArray a(2);[0] = 4;[1] = 2; if (true) { IntegerArray b = a; } cout <<[0] << endl; // not 4! }


2nd bug: when a goes out of scope, its destructor tries to delete the (already-deleted) array
class IntegerArray { public: int *data; int size; IntegerArray(int size) { data = new int[size]; this->size = size; } ~IntegerArray() { delete[] data; } };


a (IntArrayWrapper)


int main() { IntegerArray a(2);[0] = 4;[1] = 2; if (true) { IntegerArray b = a; } cout <<[0] << endl; // not 4! } Program crashes as it terminates

Write your own a copy constructor to fix these bugs

class IntegerArray { public: int *data; int size; IntegerArray(int size) { data = new int[size]; this->size = size; } IntegerArray(IntegerArray &o) { data = new int[o.size]; size = o.size; for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) data[i] =[i]; } ~IntegerArray() { delete[] data; } };

class IntegerArray { public: int *data; int size; IntegerArray(int size) { data = new int[size]; 4 2 this->size = size; } IntegerArray(IntegerArray &o) { data = new int[o.size]; a (IntArrayWrapper) size = o.size; for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) data data[i] =[i]; } ~IntegerArray() { delete[] data; } }; int main() { IntegerArray a(2);[0] = 4;[1] = 2; here if (true) { IntegerArray b = a; } cout <<[0] << endl; // 4 }

class IntegerArray { public: int *data; int size; IntegerArray(int size) { data = new int[size]; 4 2 4 2 this->size = size; } IntegerArray(IntegerArray &o) { data = new int[o.size]; a (IntArrayWrapper) b (IntArrayWrapper) size = o.size; for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) data data data[i] =[i]; } ~IntegerArray() { delete[] data; } }; int main() { IntegerArray a(2);[0] = 4;[1] = 2; if (true) { IntegerArray b = a; Copy constructor invoked } cout <<[0] << endl; // 4 }

class IntegerArray { public: int *data; int size; IntegerArray(int size) { data = new int[size]; 4 2 this->size = size; } IntegerArray(IntegerArray &o) { data = new int[o.size]; a (IntArrayWrapper) size = o.size; for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) data data[i] =[i]; } ~IntegerArray() { delete[] data; } }; int main() { IntegerArray a(2);[0] = 4;[1] = 2; if (true) { IntegerArray b = a; } cout <<[0] << endl; // 4 here }

MIT OpenCourseWare

6.096 Introduction to C++

January (IAP) 2011

For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use, visit:

6.096 Introduction to C++ Massachusetts Institute of Technology

January 24th, 2011

John Marrero

Lecture 9 Notes: Advanced Topics I


We have seen that functions can take arguments of specific types and have a specific return type. We now consider templates, which allow us to work with generic types. Through templates, rather than repeating function code for each new type we wish to accommodate, we can create functions that are capable of using the same code for different types. For example: 1 int sum(const int x, const int y) {
2 return x + y;
3 }
For this function to work with doubles, it must be modified to the following: 1 double sum (const double x, const double y) {
2 return x + y;
3 }
For a simple function such as this, it may be a small matter to just make the change as shown, but if the code were much more complicated, copying the entire function for each new type can quickly become problematic. To overcome this we rewrite sum as a function template. The format for declaring a function template is: template <class identifier> function_declaration;
or template <typename identifier> function_declaration;
Both forms are equivalent to one another, regardless of what type identifier ends up being. We can then use identifier to replace all occurrences of the type we wish to generalize. So, we rewrite our sum function: 1 template <typename T>
2 T sum(const T a, const T b) {
3 return a + b;
4 }
Now, when sum is called, it is called with a particular type, which will replace all Ts in the code. To invoke a function template, we use: function_name <type> (parameters);
Here is an example main function using the above sum function template: 1 int main() {
2 cout << sum<int>(1, 2) << endl;
3 cout << sum<float>(1.21, 2.43) << endl;
4 return 0;
5 }
This program prints out 3 and 3.64 on separate lines.

The identifier can be used in any way inside the function template, as long as the code makes sense after identifier is replaced with some type. It is also possible to invoke a function template without giving an explicit type, in cases where the generic type identifier is used as the type for a parameter for the function. In the above example, the following would also have been valid: 1 int main() {
2 cout << sum(1, 2) << endl;
3 cout << sum(1.21, 2.43) << endl;
4 return 0;
5 }
Templates can also specify more than one type parameter. For example: 1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 #include <iostream>
using namespace std;
template <typename T, typename U>
U sum(const T a, const U b) {
return a + b;
int main() {
cout << sum<int, float>(1, 2.5) << endl;
return 0;

This program prints out 3.5. In this case we can also call sum by writing sum(1, 2.5). Class templates are also possible, in much the same way we have written function templates: 1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 #include <iostream>
using namespace std;
template <typename T>
class Point {
T x, y;
Point(const T u, const T v) : x(u), y(v) {}
T getX() { return x; }
T getY() { return y; }
int main() {
Point<float> fpoint(2.5, 3.5);
cout << fpoint.getX() << ", " << fpoint.getY() << endl;
return 0;

The program prints out 2.5, 3.5. To declare member functions externally, we use the following syntax: template <typename T>
T classname<T>::function_name()
So, for example, getX could have been declared in the following way:

template <typename T>

T Point<T>::getX() { return x; }
assuming a prototype of T getX(); inside the class definition. We can also define different implementations for a single template by using template specialization. Consider the following example: 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 #include <iostream>
#include <cctype>
using namespace std;
template <typename T>
class Container {
T elt;
Container(const T arg) : elt(arg) {}
T inc() { return elt+1; }
template <>
class Container <char> {
char elt;
Container(const char arg) : elt(arg) {}
char uppercase() { return toupper(elt); }
int main() {
Container<int> icont(5);
Container<char> ccont('r');
cout << << endl;
cout << ccont.uppercase() << endl;
return 0;

This program prints out 6 and R on separate lines. Here, the class Container is given two implementations: a generic one and one specifically tailored to the char type. Notice the syntax at lines 14 and 15 when declaring a specialization. Finally, it is possible to parametrize templates on regular types: 1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 #include <iostream>
using namespace std;
template <typename T, int N>
class ArrayContainer {
T elts[N];
T set(const int i, const T val) { elts[i] = val; }
T get(const int i) { return elts[i]; }
int main() {
ArrayContainer <int, 5> intac;
ArrayContainer <float, 10> floatac;
intac.set(2, 3);
floatac.set(3, 3.5);
cout << intac.get(2) << endl;
cout << floatac.get(3) << endl;

20 return 0;
21 }
This program prints out 3 and 3.5 on separate lines. Here, one instance of the ArrayContainer class works on a 5-element array of ints whereas the other instance works on a 10-element array of floats. Default values can be set for template parameters. For example, the previous template definition could have been: template <typename T=int, int N=5> class ArrayContainer { ... }
and we could have created an ArrayContainer using the default parameters by writing: ArrayContainer<> identifier;
2 Standard Template Library

Part of the C++ Standard Library, the Standard Template Library (STL) contains many useful container classes and algorithms. As you might imagine, these various parts of the library are written using templates and so are generic in type. The containers found in the STL are lists, maps, queues, sets, stacks, and vectors. The algorithms include sequence operations, sorts, searches, merges, heap operations, and min/max operations. We will explore how to use some of these through example here: 1 #include <iostream> 2 #include <set> 3 #include <algorithm> 4 using namespace std; 5 6 int main() { 7 set<int> iset; 8 iset.insert(5); 9 iset.insert(9); 10 iset.insert(1); 11 iset.insert(8); 12 iset.insert(3); 13 14 cout << "iset contains:"; 15 set<int>::iterator it; 16 for(it=iset.begin(); it != iset.end(); it++) 17 cout << " " << *it; 18 cout << endl; 19 20 int searchFor; 21 cin >> searchFor; 22 if(binary_search(iset.begin(), iset.end(), searchFor)) 23 cout << "Found " << searchFor << endl; 24 else 25 cout << "Did not find " << searchFor << endl; 26 27 return 0; 28 }
In this example, we create an integer set and insert several integers into it. We then create an iterator corresponding to the set at lines 14 and 15. An iterator is basically a pointer that provides a view of the set. (Most of the other containers also provide iterators.) By using this iterator, we display all the elements in the set and print out iset contains: 1 3 5 8 9. Note that the set automatically sorts its own items. Finally, we ask the user for an integer, search for that integer in the set, and display the result.

Here is another example: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 #include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
void printArray(const int arr[], const int len) {
for(int i=0; i < len; i++)
cout << " " << arr[i];
cout << endl;
int main() {
int a[] = {5, 7, 2, 1, 4, 3, 6};

sort(a, a+7);
printArray(a, 7);
printArray(a, 7);
reverse(a, a+7);
printArray(a, 7);
return 0;

This program prints out: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

4 5 6 7 1 2 3
3 2 1 7 6 5 4
The STL has many, many more containers and algorithms that you can use. Read more at and 3 Operator Overloading

We have been using operators on primitives, but sometimes it makes sense to use them on user-defined datatypes. For instance, consider the following struct: struct USCurrency {
int dollars;
int cents;
Perhaps we would like to add two USCurrency objects together and get a new one as a result, just like in normal addition: USCurrency a = {2, 50};
USCurrency b = {1, 75};
USCurrency c = a + b;
This of course gives a compiler error, but we can define behavior that our datatype should have when used with the addition operator by overloading the addition operator. This can be done either inside the class as part of its definition (the addition from the point of view of the object on the left side of the +): 1 2 3 4 USCurrency operator+(const USCurrency o) {
USCurrency tmp = {0, 0};
tmp.cents = cents + o.cents;
tmp.dollars = dollars + o.dollars;

6 if(tmp.cents >= 100) {
7 tmp.dollars += 1;
8 tmp.cents -= 100;
9 }
11 return tmp;
12 }
or outside the class as a function independent of the class (the addition from the point of view of the +): 1 USCurrency operator+(const USCurrency m, const USCurrency o) {
2 USCurrency tmp = {0, 0};
3 tmp.cents = m.cents + o.cents;
4 tmp.dollars = m.dollars + o.dollars;
6 if(tmp.cents >= 100) {
7 tmp.dollars += 1;
8 tmp.cents -= 100;
9 }
11 return tmp;
12 }
Similarly, we can overload the << operator to display the result: 1 ostream& operator<<(ostream &output, const USCurrency &o)
2 {
3 output << "$" << o.dollars << "." << o.cents;
4 return output;
5 }
Assuming the above definitions, we can run the following program: 1 int main() {
2 USCurrency a = {2, 50};
3 USCurrency b = {1, 75};
4 USCurrency c = a + b;
5 cout << c << endl;
6 return 0;
7 }
and get the printout $4.25. The list of overloadable operators: + = << [] == >> () * < <<= , / > >>= ->* += <= & -> -= >= ^ new *= ! | new[] /= % != && &= ^= delete %= ++ ||
|= ~

MIT OpenCourseWare

6.096 Introduction to C++

January (IAP) 2011

For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use, visit:

Introduction to C++ Massachusetts Institute of Technology

January 26, 2011


Lecture 10 Notes: Advanced Topics II 1


Stu You May Want to Use in Your Project

File handling

File handling in C++ works almost identically to terminal input/output. To use les, you write #include <fstream> at the top of your source le. Then you can access two classes from the std namespace: ifstream allows reading input from les ofstream allows outputting to les Each open le is represented by a separate ifstream or an ofstream object. You can use ifstream objects in excatly the same way as cin and ofstream objects in the same way as cout, except that you need to declare new objects and specify what les to open. For example: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 # include < fstream > using namespace std ; int main () { ifstream source ( " source - file . txt " ) ; ofstream destination ( " dest - file . txt " ) ; int x ; source >> x ; // Reads one int from source - file . txt source . close () ; // close file as soon as we re done using it destination << x ; // Writes x to dest - file . txt return 0; } // close () called on destination by its destructor As an alternative to passing the lename to the constructor, you can use an existing ifstream or ofstream object to open a le by calling the open method on it:"other-file.txt");. Close your les using the close() method when youre done using them. This is automat ically done for you in the objects destructor, but you often want to close the le ASAP, without waiting for the destructor.

You can specify a second argument to the constructor or the open method to specify what mode you want to access the le in read-only, overwrite, write by appending, etc. Check documentation online for details.


Reading Strings

Youll likely nd that you want to read some text input from the user. Weve so far seen only how to do ints, chars, etc. Its usually easiest to manage text using the C++ string class. You can read in a string from cin like other variables: 1 string mobileCarrier ;
2 cin >> mobileCarrier ;
However, this method only reads up to the rst whitespace; it stops at any tab, space, newline, etc. If you want to read multiple words, you can use the getline function, which reads everything up until the user presses enter: 1 string sentence ; 2 getline ( cin , sentence ) ;



In many cases youll nd that youll want to have a variable that represents one of a discrete set of values. For instance, you might be writing a card game and want to store the suit of a card, which can only be one of clubs, diamonds, hearts, and spades. One way you might do this is declaring a bunch of const ints, each of which is an ID for a particular suit. If you wanted to print the suit name for a particular ID, you might write this: 1 const int CLUBS = 0 , DIAMONDS = 1 , HEARTS = 2 , SPADES = 3; 2 void print_suit ( const int suit ) { 3 const char * names [] = { " Clubs " , " Diamonds " , 4 " Hearts " , " Spades " }; 5 return names [ suit ]; 6 } The problem with this is that suit could be integer, not just one of the set of values we know it should be restricted to. Wed have to check in our function whether suit is too big. Also, theres no indication in the code that these const ints are related. Instead, C++ allows us to use enums. An enum just provides a set of named integer values which are the only legal values for some new type. For instance: 2

1 enum suit_t { CLUBS , DIAMONDS , HEARTS , SPADES }; 2 void print_suit ( const suit_t suit ) { 3 const char * names [] = { " Clubs " , " Diamonds " , 4 " Hearts " , " Spades " }; 5 return names [ suit ]; 6 } Now, it is illegal to pass anything but CLUBS, DIAMODNS, HEARTS, or SPADES into print suit. However, internally the suit t values are still just integers, and we can use them as such (as in line 5). You can specify which integers you want them to be: 1 enum suit_t { CLUBS =18 , DIAMONDS =91 , HEARTS =241 , SPADES =13};
The following rules are used by default to determine the values of the enum constants: The rst item defaults to 0. Every other item defaults to the previous item plus 1. Just like any other type, an enum type such as suit t can be used for any arguments, variables, return types, etc.


Structuring Your Project

Many object-oriented programs like those youre writing for your projects share an overall structure you will likely want to use. They have some kind of managing class (e.g., Game, Directory, etc.) that maintains all the other objects that interact in the program. For instance, in a board game, you might have a Game class that is responsible for maintaining Player objects and the Board object. Often this class will have to maintain some collection of objects, such as a list of people or a deck of cards; it can do so by having a eld that is an STL container. main creates a single instance of this managing class, handles the interaction with the user (i.e. asking the user what to do next), and calls methods on the manager object to perform the appropriate actions based on user input.


Some of the new concepts well cover require familiarity with concepts weve touched on previously. These concepts will also be useful in your projects.



References are perfectly valid types, just like pointers. For instance, just like int * is the pointer to an integer type, int & is the reference to an integer type. References can be passed as arguments to functions, returned from functions, and otherwise manipulated just like any other type. References are just pointers internally; when you declare a reference variable, a pointer to the value being referenced is created, and its just dereferenced each time the reference variable is used. The syntax for setting a reference variable to become an alias for another variable is just like regular assignment: 1 int & x = y ; // x and y are now two names for the same variable
Similarly, when we want to pass arguments to a function using references, we just call the function with the arguments as usual, and put the & in the function deniton, where the argument variables are being set to the arguments actually passed: 1 void sq ( int & x ) { // & is part of the type of x 2 // - x is an int reference 3 x *= x ; 4 } 5 sq ( y ) ; Note that on the last line, where we specify what variable x will be a reference to, we just write the name of that variable; we dont need to take an address with & here. References can also be returned from functions, as in this contrived example: 1 int g ; // Global variable 2 int & getG () { // Return type is int reference 3 return g ; // As before , the value we re making a 4 // reference * to * doesn t get an & in front of it 5 } 6 7 // ... Somewhere in main 8 int & gRef = getG () ; // gRef is now an alias for g 9 gRef = 7; // Modifies g If youre writing a class method that needs to return some internal object, its often best to return it by reference, since that avoids copying over the entire object. You could also then use your method to do something like: 1 vector < Card > & cardList 4

2 = deck . getList () ; // getList declared to return a reference 3 cardList . pop_back () ; The second line here modies the original list in deck, because cardList was declared as a reference and getList returns a reference.


Converting between const and non-const

You can always provide a non-const value where a const one was expected. For instance, you can pass non-const variables to a function that takes a const argument. The const-ness of the argument just means the function promises not to change it, whether or not you require that promise. The other direction can be a problem: you cannot provide a const reference or pointer where a non-const one was expected. Setting a non-const pointer/reference to a const one would violate the latters requirement that it not be changeable. The following, for instance, does not work: 1 int g ; // Global variable 2 const int & getG () { return g ; } 3 4 // ... Somewhere in main 5 int & gRef = getG () ; This fails because gRef is a non-const reference, yet we are trying to set it to a const reference (the reference returned by getG). In short, the compiler will not let you convert a const value into a non-const value unless youre just making a copy (which leaves the original const value safe). 2.2.2 const functions

For simple values like ints, the concept of const variables is simple: a const int cant be modied. It gets a little more complicated when we start talking about const objects. Clearly, no elds on a const object should be modiable, but what methods should be available? It turns out that the compiler cant always tell for itself which methods are safe to call on const objects, so it assumes by default that none are. To signal that a method is safe to call on a const object, you must put the const keyword at the end of its signature, e.g. int getX() const;. const methods that return pointers/references to internal class data should always return const pointers/references.


Sometimes functions encounter errors that make it impossible to continue normally. For instance, a getFirst function that was called on an empty Array object would have no reasonable course of action, since there is no rst element to return. A functions can signal such an error to its caller by throwing an exception. This causes the function to exit immediately with no return value. The calling function has the opportunity to catch the exception to specify how it should be handled. If it does not do so, it exits immediately as well, the exception passes up to the next function, and so on up the call stack (the chain of function calls that got us to the exception). An example: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 const int DIV_BY_0 = 0; int divide ( const int x , const int y ) { if ( y == 0) throw DIV_BY_0 ; return x / y ; } void f ( int x , int ** arrPtr ) { try { * arrPtr = new int [ divide (5 , x ) ]; } catch ( int error ) { // cerr is like cout but for error messages cerr << " Caught error : " << error ; } // ... Some other code ... } The code in main is executing a function (divide) that might throw an exception. In anticipation, the potentially problematic code is wrapped in a try block. If an exception is thrown from divide, divide immediately exits, passing control back to main. Next, the exceptions type is checked against the type specied in the catch block (line 11). If it matches (as it does in this case), the code in the catch block is executed; otherwise, f will exit as well as though it had thrown the exception. The exception will then be passed up to fs caller to see if it has a catch block dened for the exceptions type. You can have an arbitrary number of catch blocks after a try block: 1 int divide ( const int x , const int y ) { 2 if ( y == 0) 3 throw std :: runtime_exception ( " Divide by 0! " ) ; 4 return x / y ; 6

5 } 6 7 void f ( int x , int ** arrPtr ) { 8 try { 9 * arrPtr = new int [ divide (5 , x ) ]; 10 } 11 catch ( bad_alloc & error ) { // new throws exceptions of this type 12 cerr << " new failed to allocate memory " ; 13 } 14 catch ( runtime_exception & error ) { 15 // cerr is like cout but for error messages 16 cerr << " Caught error : " << error . what () ; 17 } 18 // ... 19 } In such a case, the exceptions type is checked against each of the catch blocks argument types in the order specied. If line 2 causes an exception, the program will rst check whether the exception is a bad alloc object. Failing that, it checks whether it was a runtime exception object. If the exception is neither, the function exits and the exception continues propagating up the call stack. The destructors of all local variables in a function are called before the function exits due to an exception. Exception usage notes: Though C++ allows us to throw values of any type, typically we throw exception objects. Most exception classes inherit from class std::exception in header le <stdexcept>. The standard exception classes all have a constructor taking a string that describes the problem. That description can be accessed by calling the what method on an exception object. You should always use references when specifying the type a catch block should match (as in lines 11 and 14). This prevents excessive copying and allows virtual functions to be executed properly on the exception object.

friend Functions/Classes

Occasionally youll want to allow a function that is not a member of a given class to access the private elds/methods of that class. (This is particularly common in operator overloading.) 7

We can specify that a given external function gets full access rights by placing the signature of the function inside the class, preceded by the word friend. For example, if we want to make the elds of the USCurrency type from the previous lecture private, we can still have our stream insertion operator (the output operator, <<) overloaded: 1 class USCurrency {
2 friend ostream & operator < <( ostream &o , const USCurrency & c )
; 3 int dollars , cents ; 4 public : 5 USCurrency ( const int d , const int c ) : dollars ( d ) , cents ( c ) {}
6 };
8 ostream & operator < <( ostream &o , const USCurrency & c ) {
9 o << $ << c . dollars << . << c . cents ;
10 return o ; 11 } Now the operator<< function has full access to all members of USCurrency objects. We can do the same with classes. To say that all member functions of class A should be fully available to class B, wed write: 1 class A { 2 friend class B ; 3 // More code ... 4 };

Preprocessor Macros

Weve seen how to dene constants using the preprocessor command #define. We can also dene macros, small snippets of code that depend on arguments. For instance, we can write: 1 # define sum (x , y ) ( x + y ) Now, every time sum(a, b) appears in the code, for any arguments a and b, it will be replaced with (a + b). Macros are like small functions that are not type-checked; they are implemented by simple textual substitution. Because they are not type-checked, they are considered less robust than functions.


Casting is the process of converting a value between types. Weve already seen C-style casts e.g. 1/(double)4. Such casts are not recommended in C++; C++ provides a number of more robust means of casting that allow you to specify more precisely what you want. All C++-style casts are of the form cast type<type>(value), where type is the type youre casting to. The possible cast types to replace cast type with are: static cast This is by far the most commonly used cast. It creates a simple copy of the value of the specied type. Example: static cast<float>(x), where x is an int, gives a float copy of x. dynamic cast Allows converting between pointer/reference types within an inher itance hierarchy. dynamic cast checks whether value is actually of type type. For instance, we could cast a Vehicle * called v to a Car * by writing dynamic cast<Car *>(v). If v is in fact a pointer to a Car, not a Vehicle of some other type such as Truck, this returns a valid pointer of type Car *. If v does not point to a Car, it returns null. dynamic cast can also be used with references: if v is a Vehicle & variable, dynamic cast <Car &>(v) will return a valid reference if v is actually a reference to a Car, and will throw a bad cast exception otherwise. reinterpret cast Does no conversion; just treats the memory containing value as though it were of type type const cast Used for changing const modiers of a value. You can use this to tell the compiler that you really do know what youre doing and should be allowed to modify a const variable. You could also use it to add a const modier to an object so you can force use of the const version of a member function.

Thats All!

This is the end of the 6.096 syllabus, but there are lots of really neat things you can do with C++ that we havent even touched on. Just to give you a taste: Unions group multiple data types together; unlike classes/structs, though, the elds of a union are mutually exclusive only one of them is well-dened at any time Namespaces allow you to wrap up all your code, classes, etc. into a directory of names, like std Advanced STL manipulation allows you to do all sorts of wacky things with STL containers and iterators 9

void pointers pointers to data of an unknown type virtual inheritance the solution to the dreaded diamond problem described in Lecture 8 String streams allow you to input from and output to string objects as though they were streams like cin and cout Run-time type information (RTTI) allows you to get information on the type of a variable at runtime vtables how the magic of virtual functions actually works If you are interested in learning more about these subjects or anything weve discussed, we encourage you to look through online tutorials, perhaps even to buy a C++ book and most importantly, to just play around with C++ on your own!


MIT OpenCourseWare

6.096 Introduction to C++

January (IAP) 2011

For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use, visit:

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