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Level 3 Sample Unit 1 A

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1 Rescue
1 Work in pairs. Answer the questions about the safety
devices in this illustration of an air-sea rescue.


4 Read this news article and explain what the words below refer to.

How the survivors were rescued



Seventy or more kilometres from land, your boat strikes an unseen object and sinks quickly. you have no time to send a radio message. you jump into your life raft. you have flares in your life raft, but they are only visible from a distance of about 5 km. How do you send an emergency signal to the nearest rescue centre? this happened to two sailors on 18 July this year. they were sailing in the Indian Ocean when their boat, the Tiger, struck a sharp object. the boat quickly sank 77 kilometres from





the nearest land. they got into their life raft, but their radio was lost when the boat went down. At 09.30 the coastguard received a signal from the boats emergency beacon. the coastguard forwarded it to the rescue centre and by 11.00 (only 90 minutes later) the crew of the helicopter found the two sailors and winched them into the helicopter from the life raft. How was the emergency signal transmitted? Fortunately, the Tiger was fitted with a 406 MHz freefloating beacon, which was linked to the Cospas-Sarsat




satellite system. When the boat sank, the beacon automatically detached itself from the yacht and floated to the surface. there it switched on automatically and transmitted an emergency signal on the 406 MHz wavelength to the satellite. the satellite then forwarded the signal to the coastguard. the free-floating beacon and the Cospas-Sarsat satellite system can increase the chances of saving lives in any air-sea rescue, in which the most important thing is to locate the survivors quickly.

B winch

1 2 3
C life jacket D life raft E beacon

They (line 14) it (line 25) which (line 35) itself (line 39) There (line 41) in which (line 52)

the two sailors

4 5 6
F radio

kilometres flares visible emergency signal coastguard beacon free-floating satellite automatically megahertz wavelength


Which ones: 1 stop you from sinking? 2 tell the rescuers where you are? 3 rescue you from the water? Listening

5 Complete this incident report form.

IncIdent report form
Name of rescue helicopter pilot: Name of boat: Distance of boat from land: Number of people rescued: Time of first emergency signal: Type of emergency beacon: Time of rescue: Method of rescue:

Listen to this news report and put the six safety devices from 1 in the order the reporter mentions them.

Ricardo Moussa

Date of rescue:

3 Put these statements in the order the events actually

happened. Then listen again to check your answers. A B C D E F G H
4 1 Systems

The helicopter winched the sailors out of the life raft. The sailors inflated the life raft and jumped in.

The boat struck an object in the sea. The sailors fired two flares into the air. The boat sank. The beacon sent a signal to the satellite. The beacon detached itself from the boat. The rescue team saw the flares. Speaking

6 Work in pairs. Take turns to be the rescue pilot and a safety officer. The safety officer
interviews the pilot and asks questions based on the form. Examples: Whats your name? When did the rescue take place?
Systems 1 5

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