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Face-ing Extinction:

The North Atlantic Right Whale

Power Point Presentation

Curriculum and Teachers Guide
Table of Contents
I. How to Use This Guide

II. Introduction to Whales

III. Introductory Activities

IV. Activities to Augment Face-ing Extinction Power Point

V. Matching Activities

VI. Supplemental Activities

VII. Resources

Right whale and Calf (1980) Richard Ellis

North Atlantic Right Whale Consortium Education Committee

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How to Use the Power Point

The goal of this curriculum is to evaluate and strengthen students knowledge of North
Atlantic right whales through a series of hands-on activities, teacher demonstrations,
and a power point presentation. While some of the activities are independent of the
power point, the majority are designed to coincide with and augment the presentation.
Section VII contains a list of resources for both students and teachers to further their
knowledge on the subject.

Section III contains activities that are designed to introduce the topics and terms used
throughout the curriculum. The first suggested activity is the pre- and post-evaluation.
Students will be asked to draw an image of a right whale in its habitat. This will give
insight as to the students prior knowledge and understanding of the North Atlantic right
whale. In addition, it will provide a benchmark for information retention throughout
the curriculum. They should be evaluated prior to receiving any information. Once the
pre-evaluation is completed, it is recommended that the students follow up with the
word search (to become familiar with the terms) and the online scavenger hunt (to
become familiar with the topics).

The power point, aided by the list of resources, is designed to be self-sufficient. The
slides that have correlating activities have an asterisk with the activity number in the
lower right corner. To accurately prepare for the correlating activity, the entire slide
should be discussed prior to the activity. This will ensure that students have all the
information they need to understand and complete each activity.

It is important to look in the notes section for each slide; in most cases there are
talking points pertaining to those slides. While the information can be overwhelming to
someone unfamiliar with the topic, the talking points are meant to guide you towards
the main idea of each individual slide, and consequently, the overarching goal of the
power point: to motivate students to care about the plight of the species, get involved
in protecting them, and educate their family and friends.

Comprehension of the information is evaluated by a number of supplemental activities

to occur after the conclusion of the presentation. The crossword puzzle asks the
students to fill in missing terms that have been covered during the power point. The
rope measuring activity will test students understanding of the actual size of the
animals. Students will be able to compare familiar objects in their lives with right
whales in the math and science activity. The final activity should be the same as the
first- the drawing of a right whale in its environment. Assuming there is a significant
level of retention, there should be a marked difference between the pre- and post-
evaluation drawings. If the two drawings do not greatly differ, it is recommended that
additional resources are implemented to further educate the student.

Any questions, concerns, or helpful tips should be directed to


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Introduction to Whales
Whales are members of the Order Cetacea. Dolphins and porpoises are also cetaceans.
All cetaceans are highly specialized, carnivorous mammals that share the following features or

Move air into and out of their lungs by swimming to the surface of the ocean
Blubber layer to keep them warm
Young are born live, typically tail first
Mothers provide milk for their young
Horizontal tails that are moved vertically in the water column by a very muscular spine
Front flippers for steering
Do not chew their food
Fully aquatic, always living in the water
Fusiform bodies, that is, they are shaped similarly to a torpedo

The Society for Marine Mammalogy currently recognizes 87 living species of cetaceans.
Fourteen are known as mysticetes, or baleen whales. The remainder are considered
odontocetes, or toothed whales. Mysticetes filter their prey from the water using flexible strips
of fingernail like material, called baleen, that hang down from the roof of the mouth. The inside
edges of baleen are hairy or bristly and trap small marine animals while allowing water to pass
through, back into the ocean. Odontocetes are able to locate their prey using echolocation and
typically swallow their prey whole.

Cutaway view of the head of a dolphin, with

Cutaway view of the head of a typical baleen whale. Note features typical of nearly all toothed whales.
the baleen plates that hang from the roof of the mouth.

Minke whale, a species of baleen whale. Sperm whale, the largest species of toothed whale.

Cutaway and minke whale diagrams by Jon Baldur Hlidberg. Sperm whale diagram by Uko Gorter. Used with permission.

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Image of a Right Whale: Pre- and Post- Evaluation

Objective: To obtain a grasp of how much information the students retain after the lesson.

Background: To really understand right whales, their habitat has to be considered. Usually they
can only be seen at the surface of the water, but there are a lot of things underwater with
whales. Right whales also have some distinctive body features that are different from other
whales. Refer to the power point for the activities in this lesson.

Activity: Prior to the lesson, have students draw a picture of a right whale in its environment as
a means of a pre-evaluation. Their drawing should include anything and everything they
perceive about a whale and its surroundings, whether it be at the surface or below, in a group
or solo, with fish or other animals present, etc. Make sure they write their name and the date
on the drawing.

At the conclusion of the lesson, have the students complete the exact same activity. Did their
drawings change?

Evaluation: This pre- and post-evaluation will allow us to compare images and get ideas of what
the students have learned throughout the lesson. An accurate retention should show things
like fishing line, copepods, vessels, etc. in the environment. The whale itself should lack a
dorsal fin and have blowholes, callosities on its rostrum, tail flukes and pectoral flippers. To
verify that students have a good idea of an image of a right whale, display actual photos of
whales in their environment and ask the students to compare them to their own depictions.
For your own reference, make sure that you collect the drawings for comparison between the
pre- and post-evaluations.

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Image of a Right Whale
In the space below, please draw a right whale in its environment. Include anything that you
think you would see if you went underwater and looked at a right whale. This can include other
animals, plants, or anything else you can think of. Of course, it should also show the whale

Date: _________________ Your Name: _______________________

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Who, Why and What about Whales
How much can you learn about the
North Atlantic right whale?

With adult permission, venture online to find the answers to the questions.

How big is a right whale calf when its born?

Find a story about a right whale that was freed from entanglement
and write a brief summary.

How far do North Atlantic right whales migrate? Why do the migrate?

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List three products that whale blubber was used for in the 1800s.

Find and download a picture of a North Atlantic right whale eating. Does it skim feed,
gulp feed or bottom feed?

Why are right whales struck by ships?

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What is the current population size of North Atlantic right whales?

Find where right whales give birth.

List three things you can do to help the North Atlantic right whale.

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North Atlantic Right Whales
Find the words listed in the puzzle below:

Baleen Copepods Fluke Pollution

Blowholes Endangered Habitat Scars

Blubber Entanglement Mammal Ship Strike

Callosities Flippers Migrate Urban Whale

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Easy Whale Teaching Tools
Objective: To use everyday objects to gain a better understanding of whales and their
importance in our ecosystem.

The chart below is a list of easy, everyday objects educators can use in the classroom to
represent the various aspects and features of whales.

Teaching Prop Whale representation Additional comment

Tea Cup or Tennis Ball Whale eye
Dried Krill Whale food Can be found in any pet store
Dried rosemary, parsley or Whale food
sesame seeds
Baby bottle Whales drink milk
Snorkel Breathes air
Thermometer Whales are warm blooded
Grapefruit Size of a Right whales throat
Fake hair piece All whales have hair
Pencil tip eraser Size of a whales ear opening
12 inch Ruler Approximate size of blubber
thickness of the North Atlantic
right whale
Fun foam Feel of a whale skin Can be found in any craft
Crisco Whale blubber
Baby doll Whales give birth to live
Paint brush or comb Whale baleen
Empty Milk Jugs (gallon size) Right whale calf daily milk Right whale calves can drink
consumption up to 58 gallons of milk a day

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Slide #2 North Atlantic Right Whale Activity Sheet

Use these terms to label the parts of the whale:

Flukes Lower jaw
Eye Callosities
Flippers Blowholes

True or False? (circle the correct letter)

1. Right whales are a cetacean. T/F

2. Right whales have teeth. T/F
3. Right whales are critically endangered. T/F
4. North Atlantic right whales dont
swim across the equator. T/F
5. Right whales have a huge dorsal fin. T/F

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Slide #4 Whale Blubber


1. Learn about the whale's layer of insulating fat, known as blubber.

2. Conduct a simple experiment to test the effectiveness of fat as an insulator.
3. Discuss how humans use insulating materials to protect themselves from cold

Background Information:

Whales are warm-blooded mammals that can survive in water temperatures as frigid as the
low-40s F. How do they manage to stay warm, even in the ice-cold waters of the Atlantic? By
wearing a thick layer of fat, called blubber just beneath the skin.

How does the whale acquire this fat layer? Being mammals, whales suckle their young. A baby
right whale, for example, may drink up to 58 gallons of its mother's milk which has the
consistency of soft margarine every day! An adult right whale, on the other hand, may eat
2,000 lbs of food each day. All of this intake is necessary to not only provide the whale with the
energy it needs to swim great distances and dive to incredible depths, but to help maintain an
essential layer of fatty insulation.


One box of large Ziploc freezer storage bags

One box of smaller Ziploc sandwich bags
Depending on class size, multiple cans of shortening
Plastic buckets of ice water

Activity: Make a "Blubber Glove"

1. Let the students work in small groups, with each student

taking one small Ziploc. Give each group one bucket of
ice water, a large Ziploc bag and a can of shortening.
2. Have each group fill their large Ziploc bag with about six
inches of shortening.
3. Instruct students to take turns placing their small
Ziploc bags on one of their hands, and then placing
hand in the ice water. Have students time one
another to see how long they can withstand the cold.

Adapted from

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Instruct students to keep precise records of the results.
4. Next, have students switch hands, placing their warm hand in
the small bag and place that hand inside the larger bag
containing the shortening. Run the ice-water dip test again,
this time with the insulated hand. Again, keep exact time
records of the results.


Collect results of the two tests (uninsulated and insulated) and compare.
Students should draw conclusions regarding the effectiveness of fat (shortening) as an
insulator. Have them consider how effective a thick layer of blubber must be in order to keep a
whale warm while submerged in cold water throughout its life.

Discuss the applications of insulation for cold protection in humans. Point out that long-
distance swimmers, such as those who cross the English Channel, typically coat their bodies in
shortening or other fatty compounds. Consider the fact that native peoples inhabiting arctic
regions rely upon blubber and other fatty foods they harvest from marine mammals to help
build and maintain a fat layer of their own. Discuss the effectiveness of a diver's wetsuit in
providing the same sort of thermal protection for a submerged human. (Remember that a
wetsuit is a snugly fitting suit of spongy rubber called neoprene that traps a layer of water
between itself and the diver's skin. As the diver's body temperature raises the temperature
level of the water, the water retains this heat and maintains the diver's body temperature at a
comfortable level.) If available, try neoprene gloves in the above experiment.

Adapted from

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Slide #5 Whale Feeding
Objective: To demonstrate to students the basic feeding methods used by baleen whales.

Background Information: Whales feed using different methods. A baleen whales skull shape,
jaw size, and baleen plates determine the type of prey it catches and how it feeds. For instance,
right whales have long and fine baleen which allows them to feed on small zooplankton called
copepods. In comparison, gray whales have short coarse baleen which allows them to feed on
small marine animals hidden in the oceans muddy bottom. Humpback whales, on the other
hand, use a gulp feeding method. Their baleen acts like a fishing net catching small fish and
krill. The activity below will investigate right whales feeding behavior, called skim feeding.


Clear plastic bin-about the size of a dish pan

Dried rosemary or parsley
Open glass or jar


Right whales are skim feeders. They move through the water with their mouths open allowing
food and water to pass through their baleen as they move. To demonstrate this, fill a plastic
container with water (this represents the ocean), drop in rosemary (this represents copepods-
right whales primary food source). Tell students they will need to use their imaginations. The
glass will represent a whales open mouth and the comb represents the baleen. Hold the comb
at the top of the opening of the glass so that the teeth of the comb hang down towards the
opening of the glass. Move the jar though the water so that the rosemary sticks to the teeth of
the comb as you move it. This represents skim feeding.


Discuss with students how feeding like this fills the whales mouth with food and also water.
Where does the water go? How does the whale get rid of the water and not the food? Do any
of these feeding methods pose a risk to the whales? Why or why not?

The baleen in right whales mouths acts as a sieve or colander. It allows the water to pass
through the baleen while their food, tiny marine plankton (copepods), gets trapped in the
fringe of the whales baleen. This method is so effective right whales can eat over a ton (2,000
lbs) of copepods a day-an amazing fact considering each copepod is no bigger than a grain of

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Slide #8 Circle the Products Made From Whales
Objective: Students will test their knowledge of how whales were processed into product.

Background: Once whales had been captured and killed, their blubber, bone, baleen and organs were
turned into a variety of products. Refer to the slides on whaling in the power point for details on how
whalers converted carcasses into products.

Activity: Circle the products that were once made from whales. Some were made during the time of
whaling from sailing vessels. Others were made during the years of industrial, mechanized whaling.

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Slide #8 Circle the Products Made From Whales
Objective: Students will test their knowledge of the how whales were processed into product

Background: Once whales had been captured and killed, their blubber, bone, baleen and organs were
turned into a variety of products.

Activity: Circle the products that were once made from whales. Some were made during the time of
whaling from sailing vessels. Others were made during the years of industrial, mechanized whaling.

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Slide #10 Whale of a View

Objective: To view your surroundings from the perspective of a whale and understand
the difficulty of finding things around you.

Background: Your eyes are in front of your head. So you see what is in front of you and
some of what is on either side. With both your eyes you see one view. This is called
binocular vision. But whales eyes are on the sides of their heads. Each eye sees a
separate view. This type of vision is called monocular vision. In this experiment, youll
find out what its like to have monocular vision. You will need an adult helper for this

Materials: scissors, a paper towel tube, tape and two small mirrors that fit in paper
towel tube (can be found in a craft store).


1. Have an adult cut the paper towel tube

into four equal pieces.

2. Have the adult cut one end of each

piece at a 45-degree angle.

3. Tape the angled ends together as

shown. Repeat with other two pieces.

4. Have the adult insert the mirror into a

tube at a 45-degree angle, as shown.

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5. Hold your left hand up at eye level slightly to the left,
under and in front of you. Look into the tube with your
left eye, as shown. If you cant see a reflection of your
hand at first, adjust the mirror until you can.

6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 with the other mirror and tube

as shown.

7. Tape the pieces together.

8. Hold the monoculars up to your eyes


Point your monoculars towards different points in the room. Place objects in different
locations and take turns trying to walk over to them. Pose the following questions:
Are you able to see whats in front of you?
Can you simultaneously focus on everything you are seeing?
Of all your senses, would you rely most on your sight if this is how well you were
able to see?
How is this helpful or harmful to whales? For instance, whales are often unable
to see rope from fishing gear that is in front of them and may become entangled.
However, having eyes on the side of the head enables whales to have a wider
range of vision.

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Slide #13 All Tangled Up
Objective: To learn about North Atlantic right whale entanglement by experiencing what it
might be like to be trapped in marine debris. The rope being presented in this activity is the
type of rope in which right whales get entangled; students will feel this rope and analyze its
structure and the possibility for entanglement.

Background: Approximately 75% of North Atlantic right whales exhibit scars from
entanglements in fishing gear. Entanglements as well as ship strikes are the leading causes of
North Atlantic right whale mortality. This problem is not limited to right whales. All Marine life
can become entangled in marine debris. This can lead to suffocation, starvation, drowning,
increased vulnerability to predators, or other injury. Volunteers participating in the 2008
International Coastal Cleanup event discovered 443 animals and birds entangled or trapped by
marine debris (2008 ICC Report, Ocean Conservancy).


Rubber bands
Fishing Rope*

*Recycled fishing rope can be purchased through Custom Cordage- 151
One Pie Road, PO Box 1387, Waldoboro, ME 04572, (207)-832-0569. If you live in a coastal community you
may also be able to obtain used rope through your local fishermens association.

Activity: Students perform an experiment in which they wrap a rubber band around their
fingers and try to disentangle themselves. Distribute rubber bands to students and have them
follow the procedure below.

Hold your hands up in front of your face, with the back of your hands towards your face.
Hold the rubber band in your right hand and hook one end of it over the little finger of
your left hand.
Hook the other end of the rubber band over the left-hand thumb. The rubber band
should be taught and resting across the bottom knuckles on the back of your left hand.
Place your right hand on the bottom of your left elbow, and keep it there. You can also
ask students to sit on their right hand if they are tempted to use it.
Try to free your hand of the rubber band without using your right hand, teeth, face, or
other body parts.

Based on curriculum from Project Oceanography 1999.

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Next, using the fishing rope, explain to the students that this rope is used in commercial
fishing. Make sure all students have a chance to feel the rope and understand that this is
also the type of rope in which right whales get entangled.

Evaluation: While students are struggling, ask the class to imagine that they are North Atlantic
right whales that have gotten pieces of fishing line, abandoned net, or other debris wrapped
around their bodies. Ask them the following questions:

How would you feel after struggling like this all morning?
How would you feel after missing breakfast?
What would happen if you continued to miss meals and spend all of your strength
fighting to get free?
Would you be able to care for your young or even surface for air?

Encourage students to share their thoughts and feelings about being entangled. Remind them
that their experience is similar to marine animals that become entangled in debris.

Based on curriculum from Project Oceanography 1999.

North Atlantic Right whale Consortium Education Committee.

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Slide #19 Life as a Right Whale
Objective: For students to complete a map that shows the threats and protections that whales
have in each of their environments.

Background Information: Historical whaling is the main reason why right whales are
endangered today. Even though they are currently protected under the Marine Mammal
Protection Act and the Endangered Species Act, they still face a number of threats each and
every day. The question remains whether or not there is sufficient protection for the whales
from these threats, and if the designated protected areas cover enough area to be effective.

Materials: Printed copies of the map and questions below for each student and a marker.

Activity: This activity will help the students see a whales year-round journey by filling in areas
on a map that have a significance in the survival of the right whale population. Students will
refer to the power point presentation to answer the questions below the map and follow the
instructions given to populate the map with features that impact right whales.

Evaluation: Have the students discuss whether or not it looks easy to find food, travel, and
mate off the east coast of the United States. Discussion topics can include the threats,
protection measures, and migration path.

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1. On the map above, notice the purple and peach shaded areas that are designated as
critical habitat. What is critical habitat?
2. Shade in and label the areas known as their mating/calving grounds. Then, do the same
for their feeding grounds.
3. Draw arrows indicating the migration route. Try to keep in mind the approximate
distance from the coast that the migration usually takes place. HINT: They are
nicknamed the urban whale.
4. List three major cities along the US East Coast. How might daily human activities in
these cities impact right whales?

5. Do you think there is enough protection for right whales? Why or why not?

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Right Whale Match
Objective: To learn how scientists study the North Atlantic right whale by tracking the whales
and photographing them.

Background: Each year new photos are taken and matched to a catalog maintained by the New
England Aquarium. Each whale is given a number and sometimes a name. By matching photos
scientists can learn more about individual whales and gain a better knowledge about the North
Atlantic Right Whale population.

Right whales are matched by their callosity patterns on their heads as well as scars and other
distinguishing features. What are callosities??? Callosities are raised patches of tissue on a right
whales body. These patches appear white but the actual callosities themselves are dark in
color. The presence of light-colored cyamids, or whale lice gives the callosities a white
appearance. The callosities of a right whale are completely unique; no two whales have the
same pattern. Callosities begin to develop soon after birth, but do not mature until the whale is
7 to 10 months old.

Encourage students to visit the North Atlantic Right Whale Consortium Website at to view the actual North Atlantic Right Whale Catalog maintained by the New
England Aquarium.

Print out of Right Whales Images 1-6
Right Whale Matching book

Print out and hang right whale images 1-6 around the room. Ask students to move around the
room and look closely at each image. They should observe the features of each whale and what
makes them unique.

Next give each student or team of students a copy of the Right Whale Matching Book. Ask
students to match the whales in the book to the whale images around the room. Write the
whales name above its picture.

Evaluation: Ask students what were the key features they noticed about the whales? Was it
easy or difficult to match the whales in the book to their images? Would this be harder to do at
sea? Why?

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NUMBER: 1121_________
NAME: FIDDLE________
SEX: MALE_________
IN 2011._
NUMBER: 1133 __
NUMBER: 2223 _____
NAME: Calvin_____
NUMBER: 1310________
NAME: AMANDA_________
SEX: FEMALE__________
NUMBER: 1804 __
NAME: KATZ ___________
YEAR OF BIRTH: 1988____________
NUMBER: 1608 __
YEAR OF BIRTH: 1986 __
Be A Whale Scientist

Can you be a whale scientist?

Match the whales in this book to the whale

images and write the correct whales name

above its picture.

Whales name_______________
Whales name:________________

Scientists see this whale almost every year.

It seems to enjoy traveling and exploring; Born in 1992 to Delilah. This whale has a
it has been seen in northern Norway and
distinct scar across her back as well as
North America! The scar on its back is
probably from a harpoon injury. This whale
scar across her flukes. She has had 2
was first sighted in 1981. calves, one named Hobbes born in 2005
and another born in 2009.
Whales name:________________ Whales name:_______________

This whale is the calf of a whale

First spotted in 1979 in the Gulf of
named Stars. This whale is unique be-
Maine, this right whale has an inter-
cause of its white markings, tag scar
esting tail notch. This whale was last
on its back and droopy fluke tips.
seen in the Cape Cod Bay in Massa-
Whales name:________________ Whales name:________________

The name of this whale is another word for

violin. It has white spots and scars on its Last seen in 2010, this whale has a large
back and enjoys searching for food in the white scar that was not discovered until
Bay of Fundy and Cape Cod Bay, but also 1991. This whale is the offspring of a right
likes the Gulf of Maine. whale named Bolo.
Be A Whale Scientist

Can you be a whale scientist?

Match the whales in this book to the whale

images and write the correct whales name

above its picture.

Whales name__Porter____ Whales name:____Calvin_______

Scientists see this whale almost every year.

Born in 1992 to Delilah. This whale has a
It seems to enjoy traveling and exploring;
distinct scar across her back as well as
it has been seen in northern Norway and
scar across her flukes. She has had 2
North America! The scar on its back is
calves, one named Hobbes born in 2005 and
probably from a harpoon injury. This whale
another born in 2009.
was first sighted in 1981.
Whales name:___Amanda___ Whales name:___Morse___

This whale is the calf of a whale named

First spotted in 1979 in the Gulf of Maine,
Stars. This whale is unique because of its
this right whale has an interesting tail
white markings, tag scar on its back and
notch. This whale was last seen in the Cape
droopy fluke tips.
Cod Bay in Massachusetts.
Whales name:___Fiddle____ Whales name:___Katz______

The name of this whale is another word for Last seen in 2010, this whale has a large
violin. It has white spots and scars on its white scar that was not discovered until
back and enjoys searching for food in the 1991. This whale is the offspring of a right
Bay of Fundy and Cape Cod Bay, but also whale named Bolo.
likes the Gulf of Maine.
Rope Activity
Objective: To help students visualize the size of right whales, including the size of calves,
baleen, and flippers. Students will measure and mark different lengths on a rope for

Background: Whales are the largest animals to have existed on Earth. Unlike large land animals
that can be seen at a zoo, whales cannot be seen easily by an average person. Visualizing the
size of a whale and comparing it to human size will help students better understand the


50 foot length of fishing rope*

Measuring tape
Marker or electrical tape

*Recycled fishing rope can be purchased through Custom Cordage- 151
One Pie Road, PO Box 1387, Waldoboro, ME 04572, (207)-832-0569. If you live in a coastal community you
may also be able to obtain used rope through your local fishermens association.

Activity: Follow these steps to represent the actual sizes of right whale anatomy:

1. 50 feet is the average length of a right whale. Have 2 students hold out the length of the
rope to see how long it actually is.
2. Take the measuring tape and measure 15 feet down the rope from one end. This is the
length of a newborn calf. Mark the rope with the marker/electrical tape.
3. Take the measuring tape and measure 8 feet down the rope. This is the average length
of their baleen. Mark the rope with the marker/electrical tape.
4. Take the measuring tape and measure 6 feet down the rope. This is the height of a
typical human male. Mark the rope with the marker/electrical tape.
5. Take the measuring tape and measure 5 feet down the rope. This is the length of a right
whale flipper. Mark the rope with the marker/electrical tape.

Evaluation: Can the students figure out how many of them it would take to make up the length
of an adult right whale? Have the students think about the size of other animals they are
familiar with to help them put into perspective the size comparison.

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North Atlantic Right Whale Math and Science

Objective: Students will learn some basic biological facts about right whales by comparing and
contrasting them with other familiar organisms.

Background: Right whales are enormous animals. Their dimensions and nutritional needs may
be difficult to understand, especially for those who have never seen one up close. We provide
comparisons to animals that are more familiar to students.

Activity: Compare North Atlantic right whales to other animals using the suggestions below.

Right whales weigh an average of 100,000 pounds (lbs.) or 45,454.5 kg

Calculate how the RWs weight compares to some other mammals.

1. An African elephant weighs a maximum of 13,200 lbs (6000 kg).

One right whale weighs as much as how many elephants?

2. A polar bear weighs 1,760 lbs (800 kg).

One right whale weighs as much as how many polar bears?

3. An NBA basketball superstar weighs approximately 220 lbs. (99.8 kg).

One right whale weighs as much as how many NBA basketball superstars?

4. A ring-tailed lemur weighs 6.6 lbs (3 kg).

One right whale weighs as much as how many ring-tailed lemurs?

5. A white-footed mouse weighs .81 ounces (23 g). This = 0.05 lbs.
One right whale weighs as much as how many white-footed mice?

Right whales consume approximately 395,000 calories daily.

Calculate how the RWs calorie consumption compares to some items you might enjoy eating.

1. How many pepperoni pizzas would a right whale eat if one pizza contains 1500 calories?

2. How many Big Macs would a right whale eat if one Big Mac contains 704 calories?
3. How many Milky Way bars would a right whale eat if one bar contains 130 calories?

4. How many apples would a right whale eat if each apple contains 44 calories?

All cetacean (whales, dolphins and porpoises) dive for their food. We have included some
dive times from North Atlantic right whales. Calculate the average dive time for this species.
You may want to convert the times to seconds to do the addition and division and then convert
them back to minutes and seconds when youre finished.

First dive: 8 minutes 15 seconds

Second dive: 4 minutes 33 seconds
Third dive: 5 minutes 05 seconds
Fourth dive: 3 minutes 44 seconds
Fifth dive: 6 minutes 25 seconds
Sixth dive: 4 minutes 11 seconds
Seventh dive: 7 minutes 14 seconds
Eighth dive: 5 minutes 38 seconds
North Atlantic Right Whale Math and Science

Objective: Students will learn some basic biological facts about right whales by comparing and
contrasting them with other familiar organisms.

Background: Right whales are enormous animals. Their dimensions and nutritional needs may
be difficult to understand, especially for those who have never seen one up close. We provide
comparisons to animals that are more familiar to students.

Activity: Compare North Atlantic right whales to other animals using the suggestions below.

Right Whales weigh an average of 100,000 pounds (lbs.) or 45,454.5 kg

Calculate how the RWs weight compares to some other mammals.

1. An African elephant weighs a maximum of 13,200 lbs (6000 kg).

One right whale weighs as much as how many elephants? 1 RW = 7.5 African elephants

2. A polar bear weighs 1,760 lbs (800 kg).

One right whale weighs as much as how many polar bears? 1 RW = 57 polar bears

3. An NBA basketball superstar weighs approximately 220 lbs. (99.8 kg).

One right whale weighs as much as how many NBA basketball star? 1 RW = 455 stars

4. A ring-tailed lemur weighs 6.6 lbs (3 kg).

One right whale weighs as much as how many ring-tailed lemurs? 1 RW = 15,152 ring-tailed

5. A white-footed mouse weighs .81 ounces (23 g). This = 0.05 lbs.
One right whale weighs as much as how many white-footed mice? 1 RW = 2,000,000 white-
footed mice.

Right Whales consume approximately 395,000 calories daily.

Calculate how the RWs calorie consumption compares to some items you might enjoy eating.

1. How many pepperoni pizzas would a right whale eat if one pizza contains 1500 calories?
263 pepperoni pizzas

2. How many Big Macs would a right whale eat if one Big Mac contains 704 calories?
561 Big Macs

3. How many Milky Way bars would a right whale eat if one bar contains 130 calories?
3,038 bars
4. How many apples would a right whale eat if each apple contains 44 calories? 8,977

All cetacean (whales, dolphins and porpoises) dive for their food. We have included some
dive times from North Atlantic right whales. Calculate the average dive time for this species.
You may want to convert the times to seconds to do the addition and division and then convert
them back to minutes and seconds when youre finished.

First dive: 8 minutes 15 seconds

Second dive: 4 minutes 33 seconds
Third dive: 5 minutes 05 seconds
Fourth dive: 3 minutes 44 seconds
Fifth dive: 6 minutes 25 seconds
Sixth dive: 4 minutes 11 seconds
Seventh dive: 7 minutes 14 seconds
Eighth dive: 5 minutes 38 seconds

Average dive time is 5 minutes 38 seconds

45 minutes and 5 seconds = 2705 total minutes

2705 total minutes / 8 dives = 338.125 seconds per dive
338.125 seconds per dive / 60 seconds = 5.64 minutes per dive = 5 minutes 38 seconds
North Atlantic Right Whales
Fill in the puzzle below using the clues on the next page.

North Atlantic Right Whale Consortium Education Committee.

Permission is given for educators to reproduce this page 2012


2. The Florida and Georgia coasts are their ____ grounds

4. What right whales have instead of teeth
5. Right whales are facing ______ if their numbers don't increase
7. They are _____ -blooded
10. Whales have 2 ____, just like we have 2 nostrils
12. Sinking ground line was created to prevent this
16. Right whales lack a _____ ____ that most other whales have
17. Right whales have paddle- shaped ____
18. Busy ports such as Boston and Charleston have ____ lanes
19. The number of months (on average) that a female is pregnant

1. This keeps whales warm.

2. Right whales feed on _____
3. Critical ____ is a designated area for increased protection
6. We can identify right whales based on patterns of these
8. Right whales are not fish, but _____
9. To dive, they sometimes bring this out of the water
11. This action helps to keep plastic out of the ocean
13. The main reason why they became endangered
14. Right whales ____ from Florida to the Gulf of Maine each winter
15. Right whales are referred to as the ____ whale because they stay close to shore

North Atlantic Right Whale Consortium Education Committee.

Permission is given for educators to reproduce this page 2012


North Atlantic Right Whale Consortium:

Audubon Society of Rhode Island:
Center for Coastal Studies:
Cornells Right Whale Listening Network:
Discovery of Sound in the Sea:
National Marine Mammal Laboratory:
New Bedford Whaling Museum:
New England Aquarium Teacher Resources:
NOAA Northeast Regional Office:
NOAA Fun for Kids:
NOAA Games:
NOAA Office of Education:
NOAA National Marine Sanctuary Program:
Whale Alert app:
Whale and Dolphin Conservation:

Carwardine, Mark. Eyewitness Handbooks: Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises. Dorling

Kindersley Publishing, Inc., 1995

Clapham, Phil. Right Whales. World Life Library, Voyageur Press. 72 pages; 2004

Kraus, Scott and Kenney Mallory. Disappearing Giants: The North Atlantic Right Whale.
Bunker Hill Publishing in association with New England Aquarium. 2004

Kraus, Scott D. and Rosalind Rolland. The Urban Whale: North Atlantic Right Whales at
the Crossroads. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 2007.

Leatherwood, Stephen and Randal Reeves. The Sierra Club Whales and Dolphins. Sierra
Club Books. 1983

Perrin, William F., Bernd G. Wrsig and J. G. M. Thewissen. Encyclopedia of Marine

Mammals. Academic Press, 1316 pages. 2009
North Atlantic Right Whales:
Face-ing Extinction: The North Eubalaena glacialis
Atlantic Right Whale


Just Like Us Endangered, ~500 remain

Life span less than
Mammals: 60 years
Breathe air Females are
pregnant for 12
Give birth to live young months
Females produce milk Mothers give birth to
Have hair a single offspring
Similar skeletal set-up, every 3 to 5 years.
including finger bones Begin reproducing
and vertebrae around age 10.
4-chambered heart SE United States is
the only known
Modified middle ear calving area
Right Whale Blueprint, Lyle Bennett, 1980 NBWM Kendall Collection
Calves are born
December-March Photo: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission/NOAA
and nurse for about
12 months. *4

Skim Feeding Hunting Right Whales
Baleen plates can be up to 9 feet long Vikings and Basques (from coastal Spain) were the first to hunt right whales, along the
shore. Basques later sailed after their prey.
Skim feed along the surface Dutch, French and British whalers hunted them in the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries.
Prey source is copepods- microscopic plankton Commercial hunt for the North Atlantic right whale (NARW) effectively ended around
1750. Very few log books in the New Bedford Whaling Museum (NBWM) collection
During feeding season right whales will eat between mention NARWs.
Efforts were then put into hunting Southern and Pacific right whales.
2,000-3,000lbs of copepods each day, which is about the
weight of a VW Beetle

Peche de la Baleine Garneray, A.L. 1835 NBWM collection

Credit: Provincetown Center for Coastal Studies
*5 Example of a log book entry Kendall Collection: NBWM

Historical Uses of Whale Products Whale Products

A depiction of the
process of making
Frames of parasols were
products from baleen.
made with baleen.

The capture of each whale was

marked in the ships log with a
stamp and the relevant details.
Snow goggles and eyeglass frames
could be made using whale baleen.

Baleen was pressed to create

decorative sculptures

for corsets made
Corset busk made from baleen
from baleen
Whale oil was used to light lamps

*All objects from New Bedford Whaling Museum collections. *8

That Was Then, This Is Now Habitat Invasion
Noise pollution threatens the survival of the species.
The sounds of a ship can mute whale calls for miles.

*The figures presented in this panel are estimates based on the best scientific data available at the time of publication. It is *10
not possible to account for every whale hunted, nor is it possible to count every living whale.

Habitat Degradation Habitat Protection

Chemical pollution and offshore development may be hazards.

Conservation groups petitioned to increase federally

protected habitat along the eastern seaboard.
Expanded in 2016 to cover almost 40,000sq. Nm.

Entanglements Long Term Impact

About 3/4 of the population bears scars from entanglement

in fishing gear

Credit: Florida
Some whales can be seen trailing fishing gear for days, weeks, Fish and Wildlife
months, or even years. Commission

Sinking Ground Line Hunting

Last confirmed hunting in
Line between lobster pots sinks instead of floating, making it safer the US of a North Atlantic
for the whales. right whale was the calf of
Eg1045 in 1935.
Before: After:
Last sighting of Eg1045 was
in 1995 east of Cape Cod,
critically wounded by a ship
strike. She was probably at
least 70 years old.

Can this accidental removal

of whales from the
population, by human
activity, still be considered
*Images courtesy of Scott Landry, PCCS

Ship Strike Modern Threats - Urban Life
NARW is called the
Urban Whale because
The right whale skeletons in the New Bedford Whaling its migration between
Museum are from a 15-year old female named Reyna and calving and feeding
grounds, and its other
her fetus that were accidentally killed by a ships propeller activities, take place
in November 2004, in the mouth of Chesapeake Bay. within 50 miles of the
Whales swim through
high densities of fishing
and shipping activity
Colored lines on the
graph indicate
shipping traffic
Bay of Fundy, Scotian
Shelf, Cape Cod Bay,
Great South Channel:
North Atlantic feeding
Florida and Georgia
coasts: only known
calving grounds

Shipping Who Has the Right of Way?

Along a crowded
coastline, who has
Ship strikes are the the right of way-
leading cause of ships or whales?
injury and mortality
to the species. It takes a fully
Red lines represent loaded
a busy highway of supertanker 14
ship traffic in and
out of the Northeast min and ~2 mi to
Image depicts crash stop;
traffic over a 1 realistic stop
month period would take at
least 20 min


How to Solve the Problem? Benefits of Reducing Speed
Ship Strike Rule (2009): Requires large ships to reduce speeds to 10 knots in areas
where the whales feed and reproduce, as well as along migratory routes. This was a
5 year rule.
Combining reduced speeds with recommended routes reduces the probability of right Shenzhen, China is the source
whale mortality from ships by 71.9%.
of many electronics we have in
Compliance rates jumped when rule was made mandatory. the U.S.
According to an economic analysis report done by the Woods Hole Oceanographic
Institution, the cost of the ship strike rule would equate to only $1/cruise ship
If a container ship traveled at
passenger. 10 knots while shipping a
The Ship Strike Rule was made permanent in December of 2013. product from Shenzhen to
Boston, it would add 3 weeks
to the travel time
Would use less fuel and create
less noise
Reduce the chance of striking
a whale

1.Lagueux KM, Zani MA, Knowlton AR, Kraus SD (2011) Response by vessel operators to protection measures for right
whales Eubalaena glacialis in the southeast US calving ground. Endang Species Res 14:69-77
2. Kite-Powell, H. (2005) Economic Implications of Possible Reductions in Boston Port Calls due to Ship Strike Management Measures.

20 days, 47 days,
12 hours 4 hours

10 knots

Buy Whale Friendly Products
What Can You Do?
Buy a door mat
Keep trash off the streets and out of the ocean. -Formerly used floating rope is
recycled and turned into
colorful door mats and dog
leashes by a company called
Custom Cordage.

Eat a Massachusetts lobster

-Mass lobstermen use 3,000
miles of sinking line, which is
safer for whales, to catch their
lobster and voluntarily mark
them with a green band.

Adopt A Right Whale Face the Facts

NARWs are endangered, with only ~500 individuals

The New England remaining.
Aquarium supports a Human activity both on land and on the water are threats
right whale adoption to ocean life.
You CAN get involved and make a difference.
Choose from 6 different
whales and 4 different
Slower shipping speeds would help prevent collisions with
right whales.
sponsorship levels
Information can be
Mitigations are constantly being tested to determine the
most efficient ways to protect NARWs.
found at
Write or call your legislators encouraging them to support
measures protecting the North Atlantic right whale.

To learn more, find us on Facebook:
Face-ing Extinction: The North Atlantic Right Whale

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