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Pac Kag E S Accommodations: 4Days/3Nights

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PARTIcUI"{RS Rooms Kinabalu Park, Laban Rata and Sutera Harbour Resort Day 1 - Dinner at Kinabalu Park Day 7 - Breakfastand Packed Lunch at Kinabalu Park - Dinner at laban Rata Day 3 - Early Supper and Breakfastat Laban Rata & Lunch at Kinabalu Park Dav 4 - Breakfastat SuteraHarbour Resort

Rock Hostel Grace Hostel Rock Twin Share Hill Lodse Liwagu Suite PeakLodge NepenthesLodge PREMIERCHALET
0ncluiw Of BslJog lanch, Dimer And Enmne Fe Payable To Sabah Parl6)


(RM) Roomwith _ Uontlgurauons Breakfast

20 beds 20 beds 4 rooms l0 units 4 units 4 units 8 units Beds Beds 2 Persons 2 Persons 2 Persons 4 Persons 4 Persons

100.00 100.00 310.00 365.00 435.00 590.00 685.00

Rajah Lodge Kinabalu Lodge Garden Lodge Summit Lodge

unrt unit unit unit

6 Persons 6 Persons 4 Persons 4 Persons

8,000.00 4,000.00 2,500.00 2,500.00

(RM) Package


I unit I unit I unit 60 beds 60 beds 8 beds 8 beds

PARTIcUI.{RS Rooms Mesilau, Laban Rata and SuteraHarbour Resort Day 1 - 1 way transfer Kinabalu Park to Mesilau Dinner at Mesilau Day 2 - Breakfastand Packed Lunch at Mesilau - Dinner at LabanRata Day 3 - Early Supper and Breakfastat Laban Rata & Lunch at Kinabalu Park Day 4 - Breakfastat SuteraHarbour Resort


Room I Room 2 Room 3 Laban Rata Resthouse Gunting LagadanHut Waras Hut PanarLaban Hut

2 Persons/room 695.00 2 Persons,/room 695.00 2,080.00 6 Persons 330.00 Beds 290.00 Beds 290.00 Beds 290.00 Beds

Package arrangementis inclusive of : Lunch to be collected Day 1 . Room at Laban Rata,Packed at Kinabalu Park. Dinner at Laban Rata Day 2 - Ear\ Supper and Breakfastat laban Rata & Lunch at Kinabalu Park BalsamRestaurant


Bishop'sHead Resthouse Crocker RangeLodge \Uitti RangeLodge Ugly Sister'sPeakLodge StJohn's PeakLodge Low's Peak lndge 40 beds 36 rooms 4 units I unit I unit I unit

(RM) Roomwith Configurations Breakfast

Beds 2 Persons/room 6 Persons 4 Persons 6 Persons 6 Persons 100.00 305.00 825.00 755.00 925.00 925.00

PARTICUIARS Rooms Kinabalu Park and Laban Rata Day 1 - Dinner at KinabaluPark Day 2 - Breakfastand Packed Lunch at Kinabalu Park - Dinner at laban Rata Ddy 3 - Early Supper and Breakfastat Laban Rata & Lunch at Kinabalu Park


@ @

(Incluire Of Brealdrt, hnch, Dinmr And Entmne Fe Payable To Sabah Par*r)

Donkev's Ear Peak King Edward'sPeakLodge

2 units I unit

4 Persons 4 Persons

2,500.00 3,000.00 (RM)


Serindit Hostel Serindit Twin Share Jungle Lodge River Lodge 20 beds 7 rooms I unit I unit

Configurations Room With Beds 2 Persons4oom 2 Persons 4 Persons


100.00 310.00 590.00 775.00

PARTIcUIARS Rooms Mesilau and Laban Rata Day 1 - 1 way transfer Kinabalu Park to Mesilau Day 1 - Dinner at Mesilau Day 2 - Breakfastand Packed Lunch at Mesilau Dinner at laban Rata Day 3 - Early Supper and Breakfastat Laban Rata & Lunch at Kinabalu Park



(Inclusive Break{ast, Lunch + Dinner, Entrance Fee )

Palm Villa

I unit

6 Persons

4,000.00 (RM) Roomwith



Hill Side Villas (Single Storey) 2 units Hill Slde Villas (Double Storey) 6 unia BeachSide Villas (SingleStorey) 4 unia BeachSide Villas (Double Storey)6 units Additional PersonPer Night

Conf igurations

4 Persons 2 Persons 4 Persons 2 Persons

2,500.00 966.00 1,050.00 770.00

RM140/per person

Package arrangementis inclusive of: Day I - Return boat transfer Entrance fee Dav 2, Breakfast



Loc at e d 2 h o u r s d r i v e a wa y fr o m Su te r a Ha r b o u r Re so r r K i n a b a l u P a r k i s a d e sig n a te d Wo r ld He r ita g e Site s h o w c a s i n g a n e co lo g ica l syste m t h a t i s u n r i v a l l e d a n vwh e r e e lse in th e wo r ld .


T.qnIFF R,{.rp
A half-wayrest house for climbers aftempting to scale Mount Kinabalu. It offers comfortable hostel accommodation (a total of 160beds), heated shower facilities and a restaurant

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Ne s t l e d a t t h e f o o t o f th e m a sn ifice n t M t.Kin a b a lu a t 2 , 0 0 0 m e t r e s a b o ve se a le ve l with in th e Wo r lJ H e r i t a g e S i t e , M e sila u Na tu r e Re so r t p r o m ise s t o e n c h a n t v i s i t o r s w ith its co o l te m p e r a te clim a te & s er e n e s u r r o u n d i n g s a s a n a m a zin g n a tu r e ' s p a r a d ise ,

The curative properties of this popular local hot spring promisesto rejuvenateand relievesore muscles. Spend the day enjoying the captivatingButtedly Farm, Canopy l7alkway and Orchid Conservation Cenrre



'Witness crystal clearwaters,.liscoverSabah'sextensivemarine life and amazingcoralson this idyllic island located a mere 15-minute ferry ride from Sutera Harbour Resort.


S A NCTU AR Y L O D G E S TheMogellon Sutero, Level 3, I Sutero Horbour Boulevord, Sutero Horbour, 88100 KoloKinobolu, Soboh, MALAYSIA BORNEO. (6 ) T el:( 60- 88) 318 8 8 8 F o x : 0 -8 8 3 0 3 3 3 7 : Websiie: www.suieroso rylod nctuo my




(Effective September 1st 2OO8)

ENTRANCEFEE Malaysian RM 3.00 per person(Adult) RM 1.00 per person(Below18 years) CLIMBING PERMIT Malaysian RM 30.00 per person(Adult) RM 12.00per person(Below18 years) CLIMBING INSURANCE TRANSPORTATTON (OPT|ONAL) Via Timoohon Gate 1 - 4 persons(1 Mt. Guide) 5 persons& Above (1 Mt. Guide) Via MesilauTrail 1 - 6 persons(1 Mt. Guide) 7 persons& Above (1 Mt. Guide) Non-Malavsian RM 15.00per person(Adult) RM 10.00per person(Below18 years) Non-Malavsian RM 100.00per person(Adult) RM 40.00 per person(Below18 years) RM 7.00 per person

RM 16.50perway RM 4.00 per person RM 85.00 per way RM 15.00per person

MOUNTANGUIDEFEE Total Climbers Timpohon Peak/ Timpohon i 1 - 3 Climbers 4 - 6 Climbers PORTER FEE (OP I

Timpohon Peak lMesilau I RM 95.00 oer trio R M 115.00 ertri o D

MesilauI Peak lMesilau RM 95.00 Dertrio RM 120.00 Dertrio

RM 85.00Dertrio RM 100.00 trio oer

Timpohon Timpohon /



To Laban Rata RM 80.00/ trio (10ko) RM 90.00/ trio ('10 ko) RM 102.00 trip ('10 ko) / To Savat-savat RM 94.00/ trio (10 ko) RM 100.00 trio (10ko) / RM 114.00/ trip (10 kq) To Summit RM 102.00 trio (10 ko) I / RM 114.00/ trio (10ko) RM 124.00/ trip (10 kq) r Maximum weight is 10 Kgs and additional weight will be charged base on daily rate Per Kg. cERTTFICATE (OPTtONAL) Summit RM10.00 Laban Rata RM1.00 Summit(via MesilauTrail) RM2.00 EXTENSION STAY OF lf you plan to stay longerthan the usualone nightstay at eitherLabanRata Resthouse, GuntingLagadanHut,Waras Hut or Panar Laban Hut, kindly note that an additional50"/ofrom the publishedGuide and/or Porter Fee will be charged for every additional night. /n accordance with the Sabah Parks Rutes& Regutations,all climbers must be accompanied by a mountain guide at all times vvhileascending and descending Mount Kinabatu. THINGS TO BRING . Suitablewalkingshoes/warm clothing/wind breaker/long sleeveshirts/change clothes of . Drinking water/high energyfood (chocolates, glucose) nuts, raisins, . Headachetablets/sunblock/lipgloss/deepheat lotion/plasters/insect repellent . Binoculars/camera/water proof bag for camerdtorchlight . Extra socks/towel/gloves/hat mask/tissuepaper/toiletroll SPECIALNOTE It is recommended that all climbersshould have themselvesmedicallychecked before attemptingany mountain climb. lf you have a historyof suffering from the followingailments,it is highlyrecommended that you shouldrefrain from climbing:Hypertension, Diabetes,Palpitation, Arthritis,Heart Disease,SevereAnemia,Peptic Ulcers,Epileptic Fits,Obesity(Overweight), ChronicAsthma,MuscularCramps,Hepatitis (Jaundice); any other diseasewhich may or hamper climber. the PARK - ALL FEESARE TO BE PAID IN CASH UPONARRIVALAT KINABALU

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