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1966 History Warren County Indiana

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Rhode, Eai Martindalt passed thE today. When P:l twice and , 1922 sease. ball. And wi~ to wi i of the ear Pine Vi 400 people ters, espe I changed SOl I others, SUI I nesses tod, I. tilizer pl~ ! ca1 shop, j vice static plement sur carpenter s erinary off Organiza, Eastern Sta ~ Club. Seve meet regula

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on rapidly and soon began to practice in the evenings after farming all day. Practice sessions took place right in the middle of town and football became a family affair with fathers, sons, and uncles on the team. The game was played differently in those days. The uniforms had little if any padding, helmets were seldom worn, and cleats for the shoes were homemade. The teams were allowed three tries to make their five yard first down. All the players helped the ball carrier along, any way possible and blocked opponents the same way. Speed and skill helped, but it took more brute strength then; football was no game for sissies. The Pine Village team of 1898 consisted of Floyd Sterrett, Earl Minniear, Bill Dowden, Mort Ford, Jake Ritenour, Campbell Hall, James Fenters, Pete Brier, Williard Brier, Jesse Ford, Hank Ross, a reporter who went along with the team, Roy Shackleton.. Jake Shackleton, manager and promoter of the team, Ira Fenters, Clint Beckett, founder and coach. ~~JLQkleton later played with Purdue and was in the wreck of 1903that claimed the lives of 16 who were on the Purdue football train. 1904-1908 was heyday for the famed Pine Village teams.At times more than 2000 people would crowd into town to see the mighty team play. The teams would usually go into games with only two subs on the bench. After a dozen years as an undefeated independent team, playing teams :f'romaFayette, Hontmorenci and Indianapolis, L Pine Village decided to turn professional. They beefed up their strength by bringing in college pros, which was encouraged by glaire .Rhod~ On Thanksgiving Day, 1915, Pine Village played the Purdue Allstars on the old field in the river bottom at LaFayette. Jim Thorpe, great Indian halfback and assistant coach at Indiana University, played with the Pine Village team. After the game Thorpe remarked that Eli Fenters, quarterback and forward passer, was the best quarterback he'd ever run a ball for. The unbeaten 1907 football squad consisted of Eli Fen~, ~ Mike Hudler, Ray Fenters, Cliff Hilligan, Roy Hi11igan, Ray Osborn, Clarence Osborn, ~ire Rhode, Guy Hail, Cha~e.tsker., Earl Kiblinger, Pete ~r, and Vic Foster:-P1ne Village lost only about seven games in about twenty'years. One of the huge scores was 106 to 0 over Mickey A. C. of Indianapolis. The Pine Village team of 1914, still unbeaten, was formed by John Prescott, Oral Brier, Carl Dolbow, ~~sker, Claire Rhode, Charles Simms, James Hooker, Paul Odle, pliff Mil1iH:an mll Fisher, Eli Fenters, lloyd Crane, Seymour



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Chatterton is the Quaker Cemetery. Aoross Harmon Cemetery was the Union Churoh . HISTORICAL SITES AND HO!1ES

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In 1811 General William Henry Harrison and his men orossed the southern part of Adams Township and today the trail is marked A large, beautiful sandstone house was built qy Samuel }~rtindale, Jr. in 1864-67 on high ground southwest of Mound Cemetery. The house, which was one of the finest in the area, is still standing today but has not been occupied sinoe the 1920's due to dampness. The Heath House, located in the northeast part of the township, is a large home. Today it is oooupied qy t1r. and Mrs. Kenneth Max. Centennial Farms (This list was compiled by comparing the 1877 Atlas with a present-day platt map) Fred Frasch Hobert and Daisy Davis Fred Foster Osoar Harman MoCord Steele James Max Kenny Max Shirley Anderson Mary Little .Grim Helen Cochran Tom B.lilta Carrie Ringer Ruth Eberle Virgie Shafer Homer Christman . Flora Farden George Kerner Jake st. John Chester Ritenour H. B. Shaokleton Russell Brothers Lulu Ritenour RAILROADS One railroad ran north and south through the township. It passed on the east edge of Pine Village at a oluster of houses known as "Oklahoma" and the elevator and thenoe south through Chatterton and continued South. This railroad was originally ohartered the Chioago and Indiana Coal Railroad and started running through the township in the late 1870's or early 1880's. Later it beoame part of the Chioago and Eastern n1inois Railroad (C & E I). Beoause of finanoia1 diffioulties, the C & E I abandoned the road Deoember 31, 1920 Charles F. Propst of Paris, Illinois, was instrumental in fo;rIlling new oompany t9 take over the railroad. Many fara mers and businessmen along the entire length of traok put money into the company in order to get it going again
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3,000 Indians congregated near where Independence now is. In the year 183;, I was married to Jacob Hanes at the age ot 21. I am now 67. Jerenrl.ah Davis and my father plowed
the first furrow and tilled the soil, planted the tirst crop and raised the first stock in this part ot the county. Jtty brother sold the first goods and kept the first store in Medina Township. We saw the burial ot the tirst white man, heard the tirst sermon, extended the hospitality ot our home to the first minister of the gospel who visited, and witnessed the first marriage ceremony. The next entries ot land atter William Mace were made by ThomasBowyerand EdwardMoore, both ot Ross County, Ohio. Their wives, Kitty Foster Moore, and Elizabeth Foster Bowyer, weretirst cousins. Moore and Bowyerentered their land at the Crawfordsville Land Otfice and went back to Ohio until the swrmterot 1826 when they returned with their tamilies tor permanent residence. They lived in their covered wagons until they erected log cabins. Another cousin, JerlIl1.ah Browning Foster, son of Rtchard Foster, came in 1826. Others who came in 182.5 and -26 were James Bidwell, John and Samuel stanley, John S. Reid, WilliaM and Horatio Bailey, John Anderson;>ThomasDawson, Samuel B. Clark, and Jacob Sloat. Oct.), 1827, ThomasJohnston, brother-in-law ot ThomasBowyer, entered five 80 acre traot. ot land near .Armstrong and in 1829 JIlOved ere with his h ThomasC. Bailey ot Pickaway County, Ohio, settl8d. 1.D1828 and Josiah Magee, EdwardMace, and Aaron stevenson cne in 1829. The Bible was alvay. included along with the few posse ions that the.e early settlers could bring in theirvagon. or on hor.eback. One by one came the preachers, who, with.~ut thought ot WDl'ldl,y wealth or desire, had dedicated their lives to the service of mankind.and Jesus Christ. Those who settled around ArlUtrong, came trOll a point which centralized in the old Foster neighborhood, and there stands yet today a little old brick church, which is the JIlOthel'church ot Armstrong. 'ftle fir.t preacher there vas Rev. roster 2M, and many ot the pioneers were converted under hill and Bl"other nnley. These people wre Methodists andthey organized a society at Ar'IIlatrong a oon a. their hOlll8s were built. In the tall ot 1829, the pre.iding elder ot the Cravtord.v1Ue Di.trict, Rev. J Artutrong, came to the Bowyerhomeand held a "protracted meeting." The church was named attar him. The regular alas. lNcier tor this little group vas 'lbo_s Bowyer. Hi. log oabin, just south ot the northwest corner ot the oeMter;y, va. larger than the other., vi th the result that ting. are held in it. . 'lhi. cabin va. the birthplace ot Mlts. 11.1_ BcNyw Mather on 'eb. 25, 1827, aDd ahe
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is thought to be the tirst Hoosier-born child ot the old church people. In 1833 the log church was built, and the heat was turnished b.Ya fireplace. In 1851 the present trame structure was erected, replacing the log church. It also had a center partition and two entrances when constructed. In 1943 major improvements were made, including a lIlOdern basement and vestibule, and in 1958 the church was turther moderniMd. Nine ot Rev. John Foster 1st's granddaughters lIIAlrried and came here with their husbands. Later came the children ot Sarah Foster Mather and three ot the sons of William and Nancy Foster Morgan. A brother, Zebulon, came in 1833 and settled on 400 acres in Pike 'lWp. His sister, Asenath Foster Compton, lived near him and both are 'buried at Redwood Cemetery in steuben Twp. "/ The first United Brethren minister, Rev. John D.mham, came into the vicinity ot what is now Green Hill in the tall ot 1828. A tew families gathered at the cabin ot William Bailey to listen to this typical pioneer oircuit rider. He 1mmediat.elytormed a class ot the Bailey, Green, Cook, Talbot, Anderson, Magee, and other tamilies. A U. B. Church was brllt in the 1840s and was used until the Seminary building was erected south and west ot Miltord in 1869. The church people infiuenced the townspeople to change the name ot the town town trom Miltord to Green Hill in 1869. It was named first for a town in DelawaN,-Milford. Dr. Poole was the tirst 'resident pnysioian, atter whom the tirst postottice was ~d -- Poolesville. The present United Brethren Church was builtin 1.908 . . Green Hill is situated on the bank ot Little Pine Creek and was laid out in 1832 b.YWilliam Bailey, and the platting was oolllpleted ~ 1835. li1sinessmen during the early days were: Lorenzo Westgate, tirst store, 1833; Nathan B1ddlecome, tirst postmaster, 18)6 and. also had a general stock ot goods; Joseph Gray, a shoemaker; Joseph '!hompson,a tavern keeper; John W-.rdand George Scott, blaokSDdths; Stephen lobore, a wagonmaker; AbrahamTimmons and Jonathan BaUey, cabinet and cottin makers; John Cowgill and Willi&Jl1 Virgin, who oonducted tanneries; Lemuel Cowgill and Asa Robb, aboemakers; William Jones, a tailor; .Marshall MUtoI'd, storekeeper; Frederick Fenton, cabinet and turn1ture aaker; In 18)8, James Stewart, grooery store; ElljahHolloway, made chairs; John and Zed Lewis blrned brick. L William and Horatio Bailey conducted a saw mill as early as 1835.. . It was the usual old tashioned mill, operated by water-power on Little Pine Creek. It ran tor about twelve years and turnishttd the lumber tor all the early' houses. Henry Foster, ~erem1.ah' son, had a groce~ store and was s
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postmaster in the 184Oa. Alvin Potte? and Joseph TiDlmona built houses around the village. Benjamin Isley, who came to Warren County in 1829, built many ot the houses in Medina and Adams. .Q:!or~:a . Th~~~so_n_ .. f.l".2m W .ca~ _ Ro.!~_ ounty, Ohio, .. g ~ ... ~833,and... op&ra . a stone quarry near town. ---... . ---- .... The principal businessman in the area tor manyyears was NewtonMorgan. He was born in the Scioto Valley in 1810 and. was married in 1832 to a daughter of John Foster 2nd. His first goods were trom Chicago. He had driven a small herd ot cattle to that market. but was compelled to take considerable commercial paper in ~ent. Since this vas worth little in cash, he traded tor goods. He established his store in either 18)6 or 18)8, but continued to live on his farm. Ever.y morning he would ride his tough little,white horse, "Joe", down to the store where the animal would stand all day without tood. At night horse and rider would return on the gallop - always on the gallop -, and yet the pony was always sleek and fat. Newtonwould buy hogs in the colder months, pack them in barrels that were manufactured near . Independence, and ship them by flat-boats down the Wabash, and on down. usually to NewOrleans. Many seasons, from 2,000 to ,5,000 hogs were slaughtered, packed, and shipped trom Independence. NewtonMorgan also bought large numbers or cattle, which were driven east into Ohio, where they were fatted for the eastern markets. Morgan hired Peter SN1tzar, whomhe had known in Ross Co., Ohio, to herd his cattle. In 18,54William McKinley, Sr., accompanied by his 12 year old son, William, who afterward became president of the United states, c. on horseback trom their home in Trumble County, Ohio, to bwthe Morgan cattle. '!'hey stqed several days in tile SwitM!' hOMe At his death in 18,57 Morgan had I1I&sseda fortune ot about $60,000, which waa a good deal in those dars. He and his wite are buried at Armstrong. His .on, John Foster Morgan, was the tather ot Martha, who married Harry LesUe. They later lived on her father's fa!'DluntU Leslie becaM Governor in 1929, and they moved to IndianapoUs. This tarm is now owned by Leonard Mann. In the ear1.Ypart ot the 1800' s the Germansbegan coming to the Unitad states to escape military service. Among those who sailed over in 1818 were George Wolter, John Michael Wagner, and his two sisters, Catherine and Mary Wagner. '!'hey came to a large tara near Chillicothe, OhiO, and worked to pay their pa~sage expense which the farmer, George Waah-r lngton Renick, had advanced. 'ftle all married in Ross Co; John Michae1 Wagner to Miss Ma ~t Day who was born in North Carollna; Catherine Wagne~gto John mind; Mary Wagner to John Knaur; and with Gao Wolter Armstr( In: to Med:l cobblel their (


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, Gene' John M. in Ross' in the I Elizabe;, father': the Rel' tive, ar half. the 10Wl ReP'1b~i' He Wi tions, 8pecia~ . He 0 and was went to and his Apri reached ;i the adv of Ston 29, 186 ' dered t Chickan took ar He 1 where } died il


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Mound Township ar Mrs. Harlan J. Meade

MoundTownshipvas one ot the foUl'"original townships. in Warren County, Indiana. 'lhis township, which at first.. included Kent, vas laid out March 6, 1827. Kent vas cut;' from Moundin 1864. Moundden ved its name trom the. MoUnd aulders, who lett~ of these land marks in the township and throughout the county. Weare told the reason that Vel'lllillion County reached to this point, where MoundTownship begins, was due to an agreement with the Indians. A certain amount of moneyvas to be paid the Indians for as much terrl tory along the Wabash River north ot Vincennes as a man could ride a horse from sun up to sun down. Somewhat taking advantage of the Indians good taith, the white man staged fresh horses at intervals to be mounted by the rider. At sun downhe stopped where now the southern edge of Warren County begins. The western edge of Mound Township is bordered by nlinois, while the eastern border is washed by the vaters of the,Wabash River. One or the lIlOst scenic drives in the state' is State Road winding its way along the river and at all seasons the scenery is lovely, especiall.y' in autumn when the colortul beauty is magnificent. Perhaps the first family to settle in MoundTownshipwas that of Nathaniel 9lttertield in 1822. In the latter part of the same year the families of James Black, John Barnes, and ThomasClmningham settled in the lower part ot the township. These 1'amilies moved in attar General William Henry Harrison had marched across Warren County to subdue the Indians in the battle ot 'l'1ppecanoe on Novel11ber l8ll. 7, General Harrison's march Cl"OssedMound Township. Other settlers coming soon after were Benjamin Beckett, WilliaJll Henderson, Joseph Foster, Isaac MtMr, and Captain Stone. 'ftle fil"st settlers timbered land tor they looked at the prairie and said, "It land cant grow trees, then it wont grow rood." 'l'bey also needed wood tor tuel, to build homes, and tor protection. streams were used 1'01'travel and tor lllill sites; also good spring_ 01' pure water were found near the streams. .

Baltillore ear13 ciqs shipped fro wharves were landed and 1 , 'The town hi_ attorney served for laid out to ,spring of go' ing house all William ~ in 1828, a y worth over license cost pl'Opl"ietors tor .the sale of fifteen d county at tt Business



TOWNS In 1829 the town ot Baltillore vas laid out. It was the third oldest town in Warren County, onli Warrenton and Williamsport being platted previous to this ti1lHt.

',tel' March, l' tember, l83J George r. T~ In 1835 it ' sold goods :i and Hobbs ~ A. and E. Rc censed to' Sf ' licen in J. cmaftd1sein area during "~ business in .joshua made instrw.nts .Another son!. close by. J Elisha Rc structed a years. It which i_ aU In the It traffic on Baltimore a! '!'be Baltj 18'3, with 11 John B. (inl Office was I


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.. J'/"((i ~ 1Mre the graves or John High and wite. (Or somesay Suskin or Iaaac High.) In .ither case, ston.s were broken up years ago and the land rarmed over. Somefragments ot the stones were tound in Redwood Creek. John High was alao a Revolutionary soldier and appears in D. A. R. recotds. ThUll sleep, unknown po.terl ty, three ot Washington's to a.dwoodPoint Redwood Caetery, located on state Route 28, is 11 kept. It contains o.. two hundred rked graves. J'ud.1;r r n.aMStound there are !bolt, Armstrong, Barwick, Bell, 1m'ton, Bel"l'Y,Bowera, Compton,Chavers, Covalt,Caltlin, Ene1x, roM, roster, Farrington, Hanea, Harris, Hanson, Hill, High, Hunt, Hurt, Jordan, Johnson, Leak, M:>ng, MUler, McCoskey, Mains, Musgrave, McClellan, lItrers, McLaughlin, Nelaon, Potter, Ponll, Pearaon, Ritter, Reed, Rosebrough, Siddens, Sale, Swank,Sadth, stuttlebeu, Slramer, Slrisher,' :hielda, Spaoy, Sikea, &Bart, Tharp, Vannatter, VanPelt, Wallace, Wilson, Winks, West, Yoakelll, and Zimmerman.The aonument tor Aaadah High is shaped as the trunk ot a tree.ntwined with 1v;y and an aD and don. It takes on added meaning whenone knows that Amasiahlost his lite cruahed UDdera tree he had been 'cutting down. " Payne Cemetery Only one atone arks this burying ground, although it 1a believed there ".re IIOreat one t1Dle. The inscription is, "Sarah Payne, Consort ot Baylor~. Died AprU 7, 184), aged 57 years, 9 DlOnths,20 days." ~ons Cemetery '!his cemetery is located in the aoutheast part ot the township, hidden tar back in the woods. It is an old ce.tery and many ot the people shownon the map ot first land owners are buried here. There are close to one hundred Dl8.1'ked graves, with a good JU.n7DlOre umurked. P'amUy names tound. there are Album, A111son,Beever, Black, Clelll, Conner, Curtia, De&ss, Punk, G&rrison, Gee, Guinn, Hall, Hanthorn, Long, 16ona, McClellan, Miller, Ritchey, Salts, Sayaour, stephenson, Stinglq, i'banq, Verden and Wagner. Man7 beaut1tu1 epitaphs an written on ~ese old stones which would JUke an interesting chapter in theuel ves. Although we have gained DlUch t durability in our modem granite JII.1'o kers, we have lost DlUcht the beau't\Y the old marble o ot ones. 'these epi taphs speak again and again ot our toretathers' taith in God, without which they would hardly have been able to race the hardships necessary to turn the wilderness into the tru1 ttul land ". enjoy today. Irish Catholic c-eter,r 'Dns cemetery in Mction 29 is the burial place: ot many ot the Irish whohad Doe worked on the railroads and had



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.Fpr ,''''-7.1' ot Mrs. H. L. Kramer. It was called the Chapel ot the King's Daughters. It was used not o~ tor non-sectarian religious services, but also ooncerts,lectures, recitals, and.the like. A beautiful vine-clad pavilion stood over the big lithia spring. A stage coach JIlet all the trains at the . local stations to provide transportation to and troJll the hotel. Somerailroads oftered reduced rates to Mudlavia. Famouspeople froJll all over the world caJllehere. SoJlle of the renowned visitors were John L. Sullivan, James Bingham, James WhitcombRiley, Harry Lauder, Capt. Jack Crawford, and of course Paul Dresser. The large building burned on Feb. 29, 1920, later to be replaced by a smaller, though more modern, building, still standing ~nd now called the "Pleasant Valley Lodge." It is '. operated as a rest homefor the ailing and aged. The oper.;. ators are Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ruark, Jr., who are probably " descendents, of the first store owner in Kramer,R. A. Songer. - Mudlavia has doubtless attracted more world wide interest ;~han any other place in Warren County, or this area of the ,,:state.
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Mudlavia stage

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