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Mathematics, Sum M Ative Assessm Ent - Ii Class X D Esign of The Question Paper

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Mathematics, S um m ative Assessm ent - II Class X D e sign o f the Question Paper

pe of Question Marks per question Total No. of Questions Total Marks

e.Q. A

1 2 3 4

10 8 10 6

10 16 30 24

B lue P rin t Sam ple Question Paper M athematics,SA-IIClass

its MCQ(1) SA-I(2) SAil (3) LA(4) Total

ebra ometry

2(2) 4(4)

4(2) 2(1)

6(2) 6(2)

8(2) 4(1)

20(8) 16(8)

S am ple Q uestion Paper Mathematics(Code-041) C lass X, SA-II

e: 3 hours.

M.M.: 80

eral Instructions A ll questions are compulsory. The question paper consists of 34 questions divided into four sections A, B, C and D. Section A contains 10 questionsof 1 mark each, which are m ultiple choice type questions, Section B contains 8 questions of 2 marks each, Section C contains 10 questions of 3 marks each, Section 0 contains 6 questions of 4 marks each. There is no overall choice in the paper. However,internalchoice isprovidedin one questionof 2 m arks. 3 questions of 3 marks and two questions of 4 marks. Use of calculators is not permitted.


e s tio n n u m b e rs 1 to 10 c arry 1 mark each. For each o f the q u es tio n s 1-10, fo u r ernative ch o ices ha ve b ee n p ro vid ed of w hich o n ly o n e is c orrec t.Y o u h ave to se le ct co rre ct c ho ic e. W hich of the following equationshas the sum of its roots as 3? (A)x2+3x-5=0



fix2-_2_x-1 fi



The sum of first five multiplesof 3 is (A)


45 75

(8) (0)

65 90

If radii of the two concentric circles are 15cm and 17cm, thenthe length of each chord of one circle which is tangent to other is (A)

8cm 30cm

(8) (0)

16cm 17cm

In Fig.1 , PO and PR are tangentsto the circle withcentre 0 such that LOPR=50, then LOOR is equal to (A)

25 40

(8) (0)

30 50

Two tangentsmakingan angle of 120 with eah other, are drawn to a circle of radius 6cm, then the length of each tangent is equal to (A)



6J3cm 2J3cm


To draw a pair of tangents to a circle which are inclined to each other at an angle of 100, it is required to draw tangents at end points of those two radii of the circle,

the angle betweenwhich should be (A) 100




If the circumferenceof a circle is equal to the perimeterof a square then the ratio of their areasis (A) (C) 22:7 7:22 (8) (0) 14:11 7:11

A pole 6m high casts a shadow 2.J3 m long on the ground,then the sun's elevation is
(8) (0)

45 90

W hich of the following cannot be the probabilityof an event? (A)









estion numbers 11 to 18 carry 2 marks each.

Find the roots of the following quadraticequation:

If the numbersx-2, 4x-1 and 5x+2 are in A . P ., F in d th e v a lu e o f x. Two tangents PA and P8 are drawn from an external point P to a circle with centre O. Prove thatA08P is a cyclic quadrilateral. In Fig.2, a circle of radius 7cm is inscribed in a square. 2 Find the area of the shaded region. [use n= 27 ]

Fig. 2

How many sphericallead shots each having diameter 3cm can be made from a cuboidal lead solid of dim ensions 9cm x 11cm x 12cm?

s tio n s n u m b e rs 1 9 to 28 c a rry 3 m arks each. 1 1 Find the roots of the equation 2x-3+ x-5 = t OR Anatural number,when increasedby 12, becomesequal to 160times its reciprocal.Find the number. Find the sum of the integers between 100 and 200 that are divisible by 9. In Fig. 3, two tangents PO and PR are drawn to a circle with centre 0 from an externalpoint P. Prove that LOPR = 2LOOR. OR Prove that the parallelogramcircumscribinga circle is a rhombus. Draw a triangleABC with side BC=6cm,AB=5cmand LABC=60.Then constructa triangle 3 whose sides are '4 time the corresponding sides of ~ABC. In FigA, OABC is a square inscribed in a quadrant OPBO. If OA=20cm,find the area of shaded region. [Use n=3.14]
Fig. 4 A p

Fig. 3

A hemisphericaldepressionis cut out from one face of a cubical wooden block such that the diameter' e 'of the hemisphereis equal to the edge of the cube. Determinethe surface area of the remainingsolid. OR A copper rod of diameter 1cm and length 8cm is drawn into a wire of length 18m of uniformthickness.Find the thickness of the wire. A tower stands vertically on the ground. From a point on the ground which is 20m away fromthe foot of the tower, the angle of elevation of the top of the tower is found to

be 60. Findthe height of the tower.

S ectio n-O
s tio n n u m b e rs 29 to 34 c arry 4 m arks each. A train travelsat a certainaveragespeedfor a distanceof63km and then travels a distance of 72km at an average speed of 6km /hr m ore than its original speed. If it takes 3hours to com pletethe total journey,what is its original average speed? OR Find tw o consecutive odd positive integers, sum of whose squares is 290. A sum of Rs. 1400 is to be used to give seven cash prizes to studentsof a schoolfor their overall academ ic perform ance. If each prize is Rs. 40 less than the preceding price, find the value of each of the prizes. Prove that the lengths of tangents drawn from an externalpoint to a circle are equal. A well of diam eter 3m and 14m deep is dug. The earth, taken out of it, has been evenly spreadall around it in the shape of a circular ring of width 4m to form an em bankm ent. Find height of the embankment. the OR 21 glass sphereseach of radius 2cm are packed in a cuboidalbox of internaldim ensions 16cm x8cm x8cm then the box is filled w ith w ater. Find the volum e of w ater filled in the and box. The slant height of the frustumof a cone is 4cm and the circum ferences its circular ends of are 18cm and 6cm . Find curved surface area of the frustum. From a point on the ground,the angles of elevationof the bottomand top of a transm ission tow er fixed at the top of a 20m high building are 45 and 60 respectively.Find height of the tower.

Marking Scheme

M athem atics,S A-II

Class X
(8) (C) 2. 7. (A) (C) 3. 8. (8) (8) 4. 9. (A) (A) 5. 10. (0) (0)



2x2-6X+x-3=0 2x(x-3)+1 (x-3)=0 (2x+1 )(x-3)=0 ~ 2(4x-1 )=x-2+5x+2 8x-6x=2 x=3

,x=-- 2

= > x=1


= > LAP8+LA08=180 = > A08P

is a cyclic quadrilateral Side of square = 14cm 22 :. Shaded area = (14)2_-x7x7


No. of lead shots = 4 9x11x12 22 3 3 3

:. Q IS (5-2+-1' --23--5) .

or (3,-4)

P,A, B should be collinear .. Clearlythe three points lie on the line x=-4 1%

P (differentnumbers) = 1-P (same number) = 1-366=1-~=% OR P (atmostone head) = P (IT or HT or TH) 1 3 1-P(HH) = 1--=1%

4 4

S ection-C
. 1 --+ 2x -3 1


= 1 => x-5+2x-3 = (2x-3)(x-5)


=> 2x2-16x+23=0 => x=4 3..[2 2 OR 1 x+12 = 160x x2+12x-160=0 (x+20)(x-8)=0=>x=-20,x=8 :. the number is 8 . Integersare 108, 117, 126, .., 198 198= 108+(n-1)9=>n=11



11 = "2(108+198)

OR ~_..;.;..._~c ABCD is a IIg m = > AB=CD and AD=BC AP=AS ) BP=BQ RC=QC DR=DS
A p 8

= > (AP+PB)+(RC+DR)= (AS+DS)+(BQ+QC)


= > 2AB = 2AD = > AB=AD = > ABCD is a rhombus

Drawing ~ABC correctly Constructionof similar ~ Radius = .JON+AB2 = 20.ficm :. Shaded area = (20)2 1 '4 x 3 . 14x800-

= 628-400=228cm2 RequiredSA = 6t2

- 7 r ( % 2 fJ r ( % f +

1 '1 2 1 '1 2

1 '1 2
1 ~ r=-cm


~ thickness = 2r=_!_cm

AB=.J4+ 1 = ..j5,C D = .J i+ 4 " =..j5 i.e. AB=CD BC=.J + 1 =.J1Q1,AD=.J 100 100 + 1 =.J1Q1 i.e. BC=AD = > ABCD is Ilgm
C (5,5)

2 AB2+BC = AC2 = > (a-2)'+16+(a-5)2=9+16 => 2a2-14a+20=0 => a2-7a+10=0 (a-5)(a-2)=0,a*5 = > a=2

A (2,9)

B (a,5)

.A r e a= ~ .A B xsc0(4X3)=6sq uits

Total Numberof cards=100 Perfect squares are 4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81,100 :. Probability = ~ 100 i.e. 9

'1 2 1 '1 2

S ection-D
Let average speed be x km/hr = > 63 +~=3 x x+6 = > 21 (x+6)+24x= x2+6x or x2-39x-126=0 = > (x-42)(x+3)=0 => x - 42 km/hr OR x2+(x+2)2=290 2x2+4x-286=0or x2+2x-143=0

(x+ 13 )(x-11 = > x=11 )=0 .. Numbersare 11 and 13

Correct proof

Volume of earth dug out



Vol. of embankment = n[(S.S)2 -(1.SnXh

= > ~x14=7x4xh 4 = > h =-x -m -=

4 7x4 9 14 9 8

Vol. of 21 spheres = 21x-x-x8=704cm3 Vol. of cuboid = 16x8x8= 1024cm3 .. Vol of water = 1024-704=320cm . 2nr,

4 22 3 7

1% 1%

= 18 = > nr, = 9

SA = n e (r + r2) = 12x4 = 48cm2 ,

. Correct fig. 20 = tan 4S

1 20

= > x=20m
h+20 M -= tan60 =..;3



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