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Test 1 - Conversations

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Test 1 - Conversations 41-43 refer to the following conversation.

W: Tom, isn't it about time that you should have heard something about your promotion? 41 It's been a couple of weeks since the boss first mentioned it to you, hasn't it? M: The announcement will be posted on the company notice board after lunch today.42 I am starting to feel a bit nervous. W: Yeah, I guess you would. But you know what? Don't worry too much. I am certain that you will get the position. I mean, realistically speaking, there isn't anyone in our office who can do the job that you do.43 M: You are too kind. Let's just hope that management feels the same way as you do. 44-46 refer to the following conversation. M: Do you know why Ms. Sato called a meeting for 11?45 I thought she was leaving for Chicago this morning. W: She was, but she delayed her trip a couple of days. She apparently is not happy with the proposal we put together, and she said she couldn't possibly present that in Chicago today.44 So, she called a meeting this morning to talk to us about it. Anyway, we'd better get going, or we are going to be late. It's almost eleven o'clock. M: I hope the meeting will be short. I have to meet a client at 12:00 for lunch on the other side of town, and I have to leave the office by 11:30 at the latest.46 W: Well, I am sure that Ms. Sato will let you go early if you tell her about the situation before the meeting starts.46 47-49 refer to the following conversation. W: Hi, my name is Sarah Ferguson, and I made a reservation for a non-smoking room with a view of the river for two flights.47 M: I'm terribly sorry Ms. Ferguson, but our staff must have made a mistake 48 because according to the information in the computer, your room is facing the park, not the river. W: That's terrible. I was hoping to have a nice view of the river from my room. Oh well, I guess mistakes happen. I'll just take the room facing the park then. M: Thank you. And to make up for our mistake, we would like to offer you a free dinner coupon for two at our hotel restaurant located on the basement floor.49 50-52 refer to the following conversation. W: Hey, David, I just dropped off my car to get an oil change at George's garage,50 and I didn't see your car there. Didn't you say that you were going to take your car in to get your winter tires put on this morning? M: Oh, I didn't take my car there. I ended up taking it to another place. W: Really? Why did you do that? I thought you said you were happy with the work they did to your car the last time you took it in. M: I know, but I found a better and cheaper place near my apartment.51 Plus, the mechanic that used to take care of my car at George's garage doesn't work there anymore. He apparently started his own shop downtown somewhere. 52

53-55 refer to the following conversation. W: John, when did you say the conference is today? M: It starts at two o'clock,53 but we have to be there at least an hour early to set up the equipment for the presentation.54 Why don't we have lunch early and take off at twelve? W: Actually, the traffic during lunch hour could get bad, and I don't want to take any chances of getting stuck in traffic. Let's leave at eleven and grab something to eat there. There is a halfdecent cafeteria there. M: That's fine. I have to step out of the office right now to meet a client,55 but I will be back here by 11. I will see you then, all right? 56-58 refer to the following conversation. W: The copier has been on the blink for a few days.57 I called you guys last week to come and take a look.56 What took you so long? M: I'm terribly sorry, but some of our technicians have suddenly come with terrible colds, and I have been terribly busy running around.57 Anyway, did you check and see if any paper is jammed inside?58 W: Yes, that's the first thing I did, and that's not the problem. And it's not the toner either.58 I'm afraid the problem may be more serious. M: All right. Let me take a look and see what the problem is. 59-61 refer to the following conversation. M: Excuse me, but could you tell me how to get to City Hall?59 I heard it's within walking distance from here. W: Of course. Just walk down this road for two blocks,60 and you will see a big pharmacy at the corner of the intersection. Turn right, and walk another two blocks, and you will see the two big, identical buildings next to the post office. Those are the buildings you are looking for. M: Thank you. I think I know where that is. There is a small park across the road from it isn't there? W: Yes, you're right. And if you walk fast, you could probably get there in 10 minutes.61 62-64 refer to the following conversation. W: I noticed you walking out of the subway station this morning62 when I was driving to work. Where is your car? M: Oh, I left it at home. I've decided to take the subway to work from today62 because I can't afford to drive it every day. W: I know what you mean. The prices of gas and parking are way too high these days. And insurance, that's another story. In fact, it's so bad that I have been seriously thinking of selling my car.63 M: Well, you should think about taking the subway to work too64 then because it's not as bad as you think it is. In fact, I kind of enjoy reading the paper and not having to worry about driving. 65-67 refer to the following conversation. M: Mr. Sanchez is coming in to take a look around our factory66 to see if it's big enough to suit his demands. If he is satisfied, there is a good chance that he will sign a deal with us today.65 W: I really hope that will happen. The business this deal will bring is huge. Let's just keep our fingers crossed.

M: Don't worry too much. I'm sure we will get it. After all, we have everything he requested over the phone. Anyway, let's take off a bit early to pick him up at the airport.67 W: That sound like a good idea. We don't want to get stuck in rush hour traffic and be late for his arrival.67 68-70 refer to the following conversation. W: Did you remember to pick up the medicine at the pharmacy while you were at the mall?68 M: I did, but you wouldn't believe how long the line was. I stood there waiting nearly half an hour. I should have just gone to the supermarket across the road from here. They carry most of the over-the-counter drugs.69 W: True, but they're closed today. Did you forget that they don't open on Tuesdays?70 M: Ah, that's right. Well, I guess the wait was worth it then. I could have ended up going back to the mall again.

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