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VibSoft Data Acquisition Software


Vibrometer Controller
Standard Sensor Heads
Compact Sensor Head
Fiber Interferometers
VDD PC-Based
Digital Vibrometer
VibSoft Software


VibSoft is a comprehensive software and hardware package for acquiring and pro-
cessing data from Polytec’s line of single-point laser vibrometers. It manages the data
acquisition, signal decoding, function generator, data display and remote control
of vibrometer controller settings. Measurements can be presented in both time and
frequency domains with applying digital filters, signal averaging as well as real-time
integration and differentiation.

Software for Single-Point Within VibSoft, the user can access a spectrum
of high quality measurement features including a
Vibration Measurement
wide range of functions that are standard for FFT
Polytec’s family of single-point laser vibrometers analyzers. Also, there are special features designed
are indespensable tools for engineers looking to just for Polytec vibrometers such as vibrometer
optimize product performance and to investigate controller operation and function generator control.
natural dynamic responses. Based on the Doppler When an application needs a specialized solution
effect, these instruments are precise optical trans- that isn’t met by the standard functionality of
ducers that sense the frequency shift of back VibSoft, Polytec can supply software products
scattered laser light from a moving surface to that allow the user to customize VibSoft to their
determine the vibration velocity and displace- individual requirements.
ment at a specific point on a test structure.
VibSoft is available in several versions featuring
To properly measure a structure’s vibration either two or four channel data acquisition of
response, Polytec’s VibSoft data acquisition velocity and displacement. Maximum vibration
software precisely controls the vibrometer, pro- frequencies can range from 80 kHz to 40 MHz.
ducing accurate data and meaningful analysis.
It is optimally designed for interfacing with To learn more about laser-Doppler vibrometry,
laser vibrometers and for interactive acquisition please visit
and analysis of measurements.

Advancing Measurements by Light

VibSoft Data Acquisition VibSoft Data Processing
Features Features
Provides access to all vibrometer settings Displays 3rd octave, magnitude,
via RS-232 interface real & imaginary, and Nyquist diagrams
Sets integrated function generator (optional) Provides complex spectral analysis with
to standard and user-defined excitation auto power, cross power, H1, H2, FRF,
waveforms phase and coherence functions, and other
Provides live video images of the test object signal properties
and laser beam position when using an Applies digital high, low and band pass
OFV-534 Sensor Head equipped with an filters
internal video camera, or an MSV-050/100 Enables automatic test routines and
Microscope Adapter interface with other software using
Acquires time and FFT response signatures Visual Basic scripting (VBS)
of arbitrary drive voltages Exports data in ASCII format and
Averages the input signal in the time domain Universal file UFF, provides direct access
Differentiates and integrates in time and to binary data for processing in MATLAB
frequency domain
Calculates FFT with 12,800 lines of For full-field Scanning Vibrometer
resolution; optional Zoom FFT measurements, VibSoft should be
Enables sensitivity calibration for 3rd party replaced by PSV Software to provide
sensors 2-D and 3-D data acquisition and
visualization as well as interface to
modal, FEM and other software

VibSoft Package

Head VibSoft

Vibrometer Junction ADC board

Controller Box

Vibrating Polytec PC-I Industrial PC

Sample Object Vibrometer PC-D Desktop PC

How it Works
Turnkey Systems –
The VibSoft package manages the data acquisi-
tion, signal decoding, function generator and
Leave it to Polytec’s Experts!
data display. It includes a data acquisition board If VibSoft is ordered together with either
to be installed in the computer, and a Junction PC-D or PC-I computers, Polytec will do all
Box to connect the vibrometer to the board. necessary installation, configuration and
The Junction Box provides inputs and outputs system testing.
for the vibrometer signal, function generator, Just unpack and start your measurements!
reference, trigger and others.
When using vibrometer hardware equipped with
a video camera, choose the VIB-S-Video option
to display and save the video image along with
the measurement data.

Features a software component according to the Microsoft

COM standard for 3rd party software data access
All VibSoft packages include a Visual Basic®
(e.g. MATLAB). ME’scope binary export is avail-
compatible scripting engine to implement
able as an option.
automated process sequences, for example:
Carrying out a sequence of measurements
Exporting data in specific target formats Band cursor featuring statistical
parameters in VibSoft analyzer window
Customer specific applications, e.g. monitoring
external instruments by programming the
digital I/O port, creating customer-specific
dialog boxes
VibSoft’s extensive peak analysis capability is
enhanced by a band cursor providing statistical
parameters and harmonic oscillator curve fitting
as well as a harmonic cursor that plots up to
12 cursor lines at the 2nd, 3rd, … order of the
base frequency. VibSoft can export files as a uni-
versal file (UFF), ASCII data and as PolyFileAccess,

Powerful Options
The performance of VibSoft can be greatly
enhanced by adding appropriate hardware and
software options. Various external or internal
function generators support a wide range of
arbitrary waveforms for sample excitation.
The Polytec Signal Processor is a powerful user
interface to the math library included in VibSoft.
Designed as an easy-to-use spreadsheet, meas-
urement data from different sources can be post
processed by simple drag and drop operations.
Data can easily be shown in one plot, subtracted
from a trace in another plot, and integrated in
a third plot.

Response of a MEMS pressure sensor to a pulsed

input and frequency spectrum calculated by the
VibSoft Signal Processor

VibSoft Software Versions Decoders. VibSoft-FC is the ideal tool for all appli-
cations requiring displacement measurements
VibSoft Based on Analog-to-Digital ranging from high speed valve lift to large am-
Conversion plitude printer head tracking. For displacement
The analog-to-digital converter (ADC) board measurements, VibSoft-FC is more accurate, has
included in these packages is intended for digiti- a wider dynamic range and is lower cost than
zing both the analog velocity and displacement feeding the analog controller output into an FFT
signals from the vibrometer controller output, analyzer. It features data acquisition in time and
as well as reference signals of various origins. frequency domain, digital filters, signal averaging
VibSoft can be operated in conjunction with and real-time integration and differentiation.
any single-point laser vibrometer ranging from
VibSoft-VDD for PC-Based Digital Vibrometers
industrial vibration sensors to high-end OFV-
5000 based systems. VibSoft-VDD is a software package for PC-based
vibrometer systems. In the VDD system, a quad-
VibSoft is available as a standard two-channel
rature demodulator generates the sine and cosine
version with maximum signal bandwidths of
components of the sensor head signal. These are
either 80 kHz, 1 MHz or 40 MHz. When more
digitized by a high sampling rate ADC board
inputs are needed for velocity, displacement
inside the data management system to measure
or frequency response measurements from the
the dynamic displacement of the test object.
high-end OFV-5000 Modular Vibrometer Con-
The VDD PC-Based Digital Vibrometer is an
troller, VibSoft can be ordered in an expanded
excellent tool to characterize very
four-channel version. The same ADC board is
small dynamic displacements with
incorporated in the PSV-400 Scanning Vibro-
large bandwidth, flat response
meters. VibSoft can therefore be the base for
and fine resolution. For more
a subsequent upgrade to a PSV system.
information please see the
VibSoft-FC for Digital Fringe Counting VDD PC-Based Vibrometer
VibSoft-FC is a two-channel FFT analyzer soft- data sheet or visit
ware for measurements using laser vibrometers
that are equipped with a displacement decoder usa/LM-digital.
based on digital fringe counting. It acquires the
counting pulses from the fringe counter output
signal of the vibrometer controller. Regarding the
OFV-5000 Modular Vibrometers, VibSoft-FC is best
suited for the DD-100 and DD-200 Displacement

Applications Time response of an optical switch

VibSoft supports and enhances any application

of single-point vibrometry including acoustics,
medical and biological research, production
testing, civil engineering, automotive, aerospace
and data storage development.

Decaying oscillation from a seismic sensor Response of a loudspeaker to a short input pulse

Technical Data
VibSoft Specifications
Version VibSoft- VibSoft- VibSoft- VibSoft- VibSoft- VibSoft- VibSoft-VDD
80 84 1000 1004 M2-40 FC
Operating ADC ADC ADC ADC ADC Fringe I&Q
principle counter demodulator
Acquisition 80 kHz 80 kHz 1 MHz/ 1MHz/ 40 MHz 100 kHz 2 MHz
bandwidth 2 MHz1) 2 MHz1)
No. of channels 2 4 2 4 2 2 1 Vib. 1 Vib.
1 Ref. 2 Ref.
Recommended Vibrometer Configurations (when covering the whole frequency range):
Modular VD-01 VD+DD VD-02, VD+DD DD-300, DD-100, DD-600
(OFV-5000) Combi- -04,-06 Combi- VD-05 DD-200
nation DD-400, nation
Single-Point IVS-200 OVF- OFV-2502 OFV-2570 OFV-2510 VDD-
IVS-300 2500-1 E-600
PDV-100 CLV-2534
Special OFV-4000 HSV-2000 HSV-2000 CLV-3230
Purpose OFV-3310 CLV-3220 OFV-3320
Included Software Features
VIB-S-FFT128 Supports 12,800 FFT lines
VIB-S-VBEng Creates Visual Basic® Scripts for automation of measurements and data presentation.
Supports User Defined Data Sets (UDDS) to apply mathematical operation to internal
and external measurement data files. Includes PolyFileAccess which supports Microsoft’s
standard Component Object Model (COM).
VIB-S-ExpUFF Converts data to Universal File Format (UFF)
With VIB-S-Bw2M 2 MHz Bandwidth option

VibSoft Specifications
Polytec GmbH (Germany)
Polytec-Platz 1-7
Version VibSoft- VibSoft- VibSoft- VibSoft- VibSoft- VibSoft- VibSoft-VDD
76337 Waldbronn
80 84 1000 1004 M2-40 FC
Junction Box VIB-Z- VIB-Z- VIB-Z VIB-Z – VIB-Z VDD-Z- – Tel. + 49 (0) 7243 604-0
012 016 017 017 015 011 Fax + 49 (0) 7243 69944
Trigger In • • • • • • • •
Gate In • • • • – – • •
Sync Out • • • • • – • •
ICP Support • • – – – – – – Polytec-PI, S.A. (France)
32 rue Délizy
Ref. 1 3 1 3 1 – 1 2
93694 Pantin
VibSoft Options Tel. + 33 (0) 1 48 10 39 34
Fax + 33 (0) 1 48 10 09 66
Version VibSoft- VibSoft- VibSoft- VibSoft- VibSoft- VibSoft- VibSoft-VDD
80 84 1000 1004 M2-40 FC
Function Generators
Lambda Photometrics Ltd.
Internal Generator VIB-S- VIB-S- VIB-S- VIB-S- VIB-S- – VIB-S-SIG-M
SIG-B SIG-H SIG-M SIG-M SIG-M40 (Great Britain)
Bandwidth 20 kHz 80 kHz 500 kHz 500 kHz 40 MHz – 500 kHz
Lambda House, Batford Mill
Harpenden, Herts AL5 5BZ
Output waveforms Sine, periodic chirp, burst chirp, pseudo random, burst random, true random,
Tel. + 44 (0) 1582 764334
rectangle, triangle, ramp, and user defined signals
Fax + 44 (0) 1582 712084
External Generator 1) For model HP 33120A function generator:
– GEN-HP-IEEE including IEEE connecting cable
– GEN-HP-232 including RS-232 connecting cable
Polytec KK (Japan)
Software Options Hakusan High Tech Park
VIB-S-ExtSig Controls external function generator via optional adapter 1-18-2 Hakusan, Midori-ku
VIB-S-ZFFT Zoom FFT, significantly increases frequency resolution for selected frequency bands Yokohama-shi, 226-0006
VIB-S-ExpME Binary data interface for data exchange with ME’scope software Kanagawa-ken
Tel. +81 (0) 45 938-4960
VIB-S-SigPro Polytec Signal Processor, the user interface to the math library included in the VibSoft
Fax +81 (0) 45 938-4961
Software. Operations include FFT, inverse FFT, digital filters, windowing functions, basic
math functions (+; -; *; /), integration, differentiation, resampling or extracting data
Technical specifications are subject to change without notice. OM_DS_VibSoft_2006_11_3000_E

VIB-S-VIDEO Video option, in conjunction with the optional video camera. Polytec, Inc. (USA)
The video image is displayed and saved together with the measurement data
North American Headquarters
VIB-S-SM-1 Software Maintenance. New releases of the software are provided free of charge 1342 Bell Avenue, Suite 3-A
for a period of 24 months from purchase (12 months is standard). Tustin, CA 92780
Data Management System Tel. +1 714 850 1835
Optional Polytec PC-D Desktop PC or PC-I Industrial PC Fax +1 714 850 1831
System Requirements Windows® XP Professional or Windows® 2000 operating system

VibSoft-VDD AMD Athlon(64)™ (X2) 3000 XP+ or higher; Intel Pentium 4(D), 3.0 GHz or higher;
Midwest Office
Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.0 GHz or higher; min. 512 MByte RAM
3915 Research Park Dr.
All other Pentium III 800 MHz; min. 128 MB RAM. Suite A-12
Recommended: AMD Athlon 1.3 GHz; min. 256 MB RAM Ann Arbor, MI 48108
This option is included in the internal generator adapter to be added Tel. +1 734 662 4900
Fax +1 734 662 4451

East Coast Office

25 South Street, Suite A
For additional technical information and applications of Polytec VibSoft Software please contact Hopkinton, MA 01748
your local Polytec sales engineer or visit our website at Tel. +1 508 544 1224
Windows® and Visual Basic® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp. ICP® is registered trademark of PCB, Inc. Fax +1 508 544 1225

Advancing Measurements by Light

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