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Matthew is a 5th grade student at Margaret Winn Holt Elementary in Lawrenceville, GA. He is not on grade level for his math, so I did not give him a 5th grade probe. When given a 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade probe, his median score was on the 3rd grade probe (sheet number 1). He got 24 digits out of 48 digits correct. The problems that he answered and completed correctly, they were adding such as: 97 + 97 (problem M) and 710 + 799( problem K); multiplication of basic facts such as: 6 x 6(problem E) , and 5 x 4(problem F) ; multiplying problem such as: 54 x 4 ( problem N) ; and division of basic facts such as: 28 7 (problem A) , and 355 (problem B). The problems that Matthew missed in his baseline probe were subtracting with regrouping, subtracting with regrouping using 0, and a multiplying problem. With the subtracting with regrouping problems, he missed 98-19 (problem C) , with subtracting with regrouping using 0 he missed 400-114 (problem G), and with the multiplying problem, he missed the middle digit in the problem 73 x 5 (problem I). When looking at the problems with Matthew subtracting with regrouping, he missed the end digit when subtracting 18-9. He said that is was 8. Then with the problem of subtracting with regrouping using 0, he borrows from the tens place and makes it a 9 but then makes the one place a 9 instead of a 10 and he does not go all the way to the left and borrow from the hundreds place. With the multiplying problem, he forgets to carry the 1 from 3 x 5 and so he missed the answer by one digit. During the probes, I noticed that Matthew works at a slower pace and when he comes to a problem that he struggles with, he did not skip it and continue on to the next problem. He would sit there and work out the problem to the best of his ability and then move on to the next problem when he thought the answer was satisfactory. From this, he did not get past the 2nd row on the probe. INSTRUCTIONAL DETERMINATION FOR PROBE 1 From look at Matthews baseline probe, at first it is hard to decide where I should start with the instructional determination for probe 1. After looking at the problems he missed and seeing what digits he missed in the problems, starting with subtracting with regrouping is probably the best skill to start with. By starting with this, I can make sure he understands why we regroup and how to regroup. Then from there, I can go to subtracting with regrouping using 0 and help him on this instruction and then move from there.

MINI-LESSON FOR PROBE 1 For the mini-lesson I did with Matthew for Probe 1 was subtracting with regrouping. In this mini lesson, I gave Matthew two examples of subtracting with regrouping and we used the uni-fix cubes for the two examples. Then I gave him a worksheet with 8 problems on there. Some of the problems involved subtracting with regrouping and some of them did not involve subtracting with regrouping. While we were doing this, I noticed that Matthew was not having any trouble with the regrouping. After he completed, the worksheet, I gave him his probe. SUMMARY FOR PROBE 1 When Matthew attempted this probe, he got 14 digits correct. For this probe, he attempted 6 problems. On these 6 problems, Matthew got 5 of the problems completely correct. The one problem that he missed was problem D, which is subtracting with regrouping using zeros. The problem was 500- 464. He said the answer to this problem was 146. When he did the problem, he got the tens and the ones place correct, but he did not borrow all the way over to the hundreds place. From this, he did 5-4 instead of doing 4-4. Also, with this probe, I noticed that Matthew did not get very far. When he approached problem F, the problem was hard for Matthew and he stopped and worked on this problem for the rest of the time and was not able to finish. INSTRUCTIONAL DETERMINATION FOR PROBE 2 When looking at Matthews probe, I determined which mini-lesson I would work with him next because he made the same mistake on both the baseline and probe 1. The determination for instruction is subtracting with regrouping using zeros. When Matthew subtracts with regrouping and involves zeros, he forgets to go over to the hundreds place and change the number, even though he knows he borrowed from there.

MINI-LESSON 2 For the mini-lesson with Matthew for Probe 2 was focused on subtracting with regrouping using zeros. For this lesson, I talked to Matthew about the mistake I was noticing when he was doing those problem types. I told Matthew of the strategy when you have a problem such as 600-125 that you take one away, so it becomes 599. This way, you do not have to borrow. Then you subtract the problem and you add one back to the answer at the end. Matthew did a worksheet that I made for him with these problem types and he showed me his work and he got the answers right. For the time constraints, we only had time to do 3 of the 5 problems. SUMMARY OF PROBE 2 For probe 2, I started of telling Matthew the same instructions that I have been. I made sure to tell him a couple of times that if one problem was too hard, to keep on working. When the probe started, Matthew worked faster and got through more problems than last time. After the probe, he got 23 digits correct. He answered 13 problems and got 12 of the problems correct. The problem that Matthew missed on this probe was problem I. Problem I is 28 7. With this problem, he did not realize that 4 would go into 28 and so he said 3 would. Next, he did not realize that there were 7 left over and that he could make the answer 4 instead of 3. For the problem types that were related to the mini lesson, he got them all correct. During the probe, he used the trick and then he said: Am I supposed to add one back? After he asked, this he added the one back to get the correct answer. INSTRUCTIONAL DETERMINATION FOR PROBE 3 The instructional determination for probe 3 will be to work on dividing basic facts. Matthew has struggled with the dividing for all of the probes. This determination has been made from the fact that on probe 2, he has not been able to recognize the basic division facts. The mini- lesson will be on reviewing the basic division facts from a strategy that I heard from my placement.

MINI- LESSON FOR PROBE 3 For the mini-lesson that I did with Matthew this week, I felt like it was a good lesson to work on him with. Each math probe that I have done with him, he has struggled with the division the problems. This time, I had fact family triangles and what you do is you list the product at the top of the triangle and put a division and multiplication sign in the middle of the triangle. Then you write the two numbers that give you the answer. For example, if it is 28, you would put 4 and 7 in the two corners. Then there is a box below that allows the student to write out all the problems. Matthew did really well this activity and he knew all the facts that we worked with. He did not get to do all the problems, because we were doing this while the children were coming in the morning. I allowed him to pick a couple to do on his own and he picked some of the harder ones that were not the 5 times table or the 3 times table for example. Overall, he did really well with this activity. SUMMARY OF PROBE 3 For probe 3, I remember to tell Matthew the same instructions that I told him last time about starting at the top of the page and work through all the problems and if any of them were too hard to move on and come back to them if there was time. This time when Matthew worked, he actually skipped of couple of the problems and if he started to work one, and he couldnt figure it out, he kept moving on. After the probe, he got 23 digits correct. He answered 14 problems and got 12 of the problems right. Within in those 12 problems, one of the problems he got 2 digits correct instead of all 4 digits, but he still attempted the problem and got part of it correct. The problems that Matthew missed on this probe were problem E, problem K, and he skipped problem I. Problem E was a division problem and it was one of the first fact family triangle I did with him. It was 287. He missed the problem and he stated that the answer was 25 and then he was not sure and moved on. Problem K was a subtraction problem of 83-74 and as he was working through this problem, I realized that he had just worked a multiplication problem and I think he just assumed this problem was a multiplication problem. Problem I was the problem he skipped. It was 9 4. I am not quite sure as to why he skipped this problem on the probe. For how Matthew has been responding to the CBM instruction, he had a rough first week, but the last 2 weeks have been better. I think if I were to continue the probes with him, I would see more of an improvement. Matthew did not meet where I thought he would be, but he did improve, and that is what matters to me the most. INSTRUCTIONAL DETERMINATION FOR NEXT PROBE

If I had to determine instruction for a 4th probe, I would say that I would continue to work with Matthew on division and multiplication facts. He seems to struggle with them the most on the probes.

Math Probe Graph

26 25.5 25 24.5 24 23.5 23 22.5 22 21.5 21 20.5 20 Number of Digits Correct 19.5 19 18.5 18 17.5 17 16.5 16 15.5 15 14.5 14 13.5 13 12.5 12 11.5 11 10.5 10 Baseline (9/7/10) Probe 1 (9/14/10) Probe 2 (9/21/10) Probe 3 (9/21/10) Probe Date Trend Line Goal Line

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