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CGHS Rules

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F.No. D.12034/22/09/CGHS-Desk-I

Government of India Ministry of Health & F.W. CGHS Division

All the Hospitals /Diagnostic Centers which are to be empanelled by the CGHS are advised to prepare the Agreement between the Director, CGHS and the concerned Hospital on a non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/- for further necessary action.

(Director, CGHS)


This Agreement is made on the ________ day of _________, 2009 between the President of India acting through DIRECTOR, Central Government Health Scheme, Ministry of Health & F.W., Government of India having its office at Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi (hereinafter called CGHS, which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the First Part


.. (Name of the Hospital with Address) of the Second Part.

WHEREAS, the Central Government Health Scheme is providing comprehensive medical care facilities to the Central Government Employees / Pensioners.

AND WHEREAS, CGHS proposes to provide treatment facilities and diagnostic facilities to the Beneficiaries in the Private Recognized Hospitals s in Delhi and NCR.

AND WHEREAS, (Name of the Hospital) offered to give the following treatment / diagnostic facilities to the CGHS Beneficiaries in the Hospital .

NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY AGREED between the Parties as follows:




The following terms and expressions shall have the following meanings for purposes of this Agreement: 1.1.1 Agreement shall mean this Agreement and all Schedules,

supplements, appendices, appendages and modifications thereof made in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. 1.1.2 Benefit shall mean the extent or degree of service the beneficiaries are entitled to receive as per the rules on the subject. 1.1.3 Bill Clearing Agency (BCA) means the agency appointed by CGHS for processing of Data/ Bills of all CGHS beneficiaries (both serving and pensioner) attending the empanelled Private Hospitals and for making payment. 1.1.4 Card shall mean the CGHS Card, issued by any competent authority, of any CGHS city. 1.1.5 Card Holder shall mean a person having a CGHS Card . 1.1.6 CGHS Beneficiary shall mean a person who is eligible for coverage of CGHS and holds a valid CGHS card.

1.1.7 Coverage shall mean the types of persons to be eligible as the beneficiaries of the Scheme to health services provided under the Scheme, subject to the terms, conditions and limitations. 1.1.8 Diagnostic Center shall mean the (Name of the Diagnostic Center) performing tests / investigations 1.1.9 Imaging Centre shall mean the (Name of the Imaging Centre) performing X-ray , CT Scan, MRI, USG, etc., 1.1.10 Emergency shall mean any condition or symptom resulting from any cause, arising suddenly and if not treated at the earliest opportunity would be detrimental to the health of the patient or shall jeopardize the life of the patient. 1.1.11 Empanelment shall mean the hospital authorized by the CGHS for treatment purposes for a particular period. 1.1.12 Hospital shall mean the (Name of the Hospital) while performing under this Agreement providing medical investigation, treatment and the healthcare of human beings. 1.1.13 The meaning of General purpose hospital, Specialty Hospital and

Super specialty Hospital are as defined in para A of E-Bid document. 1.1.14 De-recognition of Hospital shall mean debarring the hospital on account of adopting unethical practices or fraudulent means in providing medical treatment to or not following the good industry practices of the health care for the CGHS beneficiaries after following certain procedure of inquiry 1.1.15 Party shall mean either the CGHS or the Hospital and Parties shall mean both the CGHS and the Hospital .

1.1.16 Package rate is defined as lump sum cost of inpatient treatment/ day care for which a patient has been referred by competent authority or CGHS to Hospital. This includes all charges pertaining to a particular treatment/ procedure including:

Registration charges, Admission charges. Accommodation charges ( includes diet provided to patient), Operation charges Injection charges, Dressing charges, Doctor/consultant visit charges, ICU/ICCU charges, Monitoring charges, Transfusion charges, Anesthesia charges, Operation theatre charges, Procedural charges/surgeons fee, Cost of surgical disposables and all sundries used during hospitalization,

Cost of medicines. Related routine and essential investigations, Physiotherapy charges etc Pre-anesthetic check up Any other charges levied during stay under package days duration.

The above list is an illustrative one only.

The package rate, however, does not include expenses on telephone, tonics, cosmetics / toiletries, etc. These are not part of the treatment regimen. Cost of these additional items, if provided with the prior consent of the patient, has to be settled with the patient, for which no reimbursement shall be admissible. In order to remove the scope of any ambiguity on the point of package rates, it is reiterated that the rate quoted for a particular procedure must be inclusive of all sub-procedures and all related procedures to complete the treatment procedure. The patient shall not be asked to bear the cost of any such procedure/item. Implants shall be allowed as per CGHS ceiling rate or as per actual, whichever may be less or as per actual, if there is no CGHS rate.

1.1.17 Specialized treatment shall mean the treatment in a particular specialty.

1.1.18 TPA shall mean a Third Party Administrator authorized by CGHS to process the medical reimbursement claims or to carry out medical audit. 1.1.19 Rate Charges for approved procedures / services as may be notified by CGHS from time to time. .



The Hospital agrees that it shall charge from the CGHS beneficiary as per the rates for a particular procedure / package deal as prescribed by the CGHS and attached as Annexure (rate list), which shall be an integral part of this Agreement.



This Agreement shall remain in force for a period of 2 years or till it is modified or revoked, whichever is earlier. The Agreement may be extended for another year subject to fulfillment of all the terms and conditions of this Agreement and with mutual consent.



In case of Pensioners , etc., where credit bills are sent to CGHS, the Hospital shall submit the physical bill as well as electronic bill to the BCA for processing of bills and payment.

In case of serving employees the electronic bill and details shall be submitted to BCA where as physical Bill shall be submitted to concerned department/ serving employee for payment.

On completion of the

treatment/ procedure (s)

of the CGHS beneficiary, the

Hospital shall submit credit bill (in those cases where credit facility is extended) along with other documents electronically (a scan copy) for pre-auditing by the BCA team through web access (Internet) and sharing of data shall be through electronic media.



CGHS shall appoint a Bill Clearing Agency (BCA), for processing of Data/ Bills of all CGHS beneficiaries attending these Hospitals. CGHS would ensure that payment of hospital claims would be done in time bound manner- within a period of 10 days from the date of submission of bills in physical format to the designated BCA.

CGHS beneficiary attending hospital in emergency: In such a situation the Hospital shall intimate to BCA within 2 hours of admission and BCA shall respond in 4 hours (however treatment shall not be denied to any CGHS member and this is only an initiation of the e-workflow). Post discharge hospital would upload bills and download documents as per requirements of CGHS within 72 hours.



CGHS beneficiary attending hospital with permission letter -- upon admission hospital shall verify and submit information of admission online to BCA. BCA shall respond in 4 hours. Post discharge hospital would upload bills and download documents as per CGHS requirements within 72 hours. BCA shall respond/clear the bill in seven working days.



The Hospital shall have:

Dedicated Personal Computer with Dual Core /Core 2 DUO processor and minimum 2 GB RAM supported by UPS. OS should be Windows. Dedicated Colour scanner with a minimum resolution 200dpi. Scalable Broad Band internet connectivity with minimum assured speed of 512kbps. Necessary security systems should be taken care of. A designated Nodal Person to interact with BCA. The Private Hospital would be legally responsible for user authentication.



The actual auditing shall start when physical copies of these bills are submitted by concerned Hospital to the BCA on behalf of the CGHS and counting of days shall start from such date for the purpose of discount etc.

The Private Hospital shall also submit to BCA the electronic bills and other Data online in case of serving employees and original bills (Hard Copy) shall be provided to the beneficiary where payment has been made by the beneficiary. The Data and electronic bills in respect of Serving employees shall be utilized for statistical purposes.

The BCA during the course of the auditing shall restrict the claims as per CGHS rules and regulations. BCA shall also examine in terms of the following:

Appropriateness of treatment including screening of patients records to identify unnecessary admissions and unwarranted treatments

Whether the planned treatment is shown as emergency treatment Whether the diagnostic medical or surgical procedures that were not required were conducted by hospital including unnecessary investigations

Maintaining database of such information of CGHS beneficiaries for future use.

Whether the treatment procedures have been provided as per the approved rates and the packages.

Whether procedures performed were only those for which permission has been granted

The BCA shall record their findings and intimate the same to the Hospital concerned with a copy endorsed to CGHS authority of the city. The payment of the bill/claim to the Hospital concerned shall be made directly by the BCA after receipt of the physical bills in respect of CGHS pensioner beneficiaries, etc., who had taken treatment in these Private empanelled Private Hospital in a time bound manner.

BCA rendering services will charge from the Hospital

a certain amount per claim

(and service tax as applicable) as per details given below or such amount as specified by CGHS. The CGHS shall be free to revise these rates without any notice.

Bill Amount (in Rs) Less than 500/501/- to 1000/1001/- to 5000/5001/- to 10000/More than 10000/-

Hospital Payment t to BCA Rs.5/- + Service Tax Rs. 10/-+ Service Tax Rs. 25/-+ Service Tax Rs.100/-+ Service Tax Rs200/-+ Service Tax



The Hospital shall agrees for deduction of 10% of admissible amount if payments are made within Ten days from the date of submission of physical bill to the BCA.

Hospital shall also allow a discount of 10% on every cash payment. 10. CREDIT

On production of a valid permission by the CGHS beneficiary- the hospital shall provide credit facilities to the Members of Parliament, Pensioners, Ex-Members of Parliament, Freedom Fighters, Serving CGHS employees, serving employees of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, serving employees of Directorate General of

Health Services and such other categories of CGHS cardholders as notified by the Government.

In case of emergency the hospital shall provide credit to all CGHS beneficiaries.


There shall be a continuous Medical Audit of the services provided by the empanelled Private Hospital.


In emergency the hospital shall not refuse admission or demand an advance payment from the beneficiary or his family member and shall provide credit facilities to the patient whether the patient is a serving employee or a pensioner availing CGHS facilities, on production of a valid CGHS card and the hospital shall submit the bill for reimbursement to the concerned Deptt. / Ministry / CGHS. The refusal to provide the treatment to bonafide CGHS beneficiaries in emergency cases without valid ground, would attract disqualification for continuation of empanelment.

The following ailments may be treated as emergency which is illustrative only and not exhaustive, depending on the condition of the patient :








Percutaneous, Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty) including Myocardial Infarction, Unstable Angina, Ventricular Arrhythmias, Paroxysmal Supra Ventricular Tachycardia, Cardiac Temponade, Acute Left Ventricular Failure / Severe Congestive Cardiac Failure, Accelerated Hypertension, Complete Heart Block and Stoke Adam attack, Acute Aortic Dissection. Acute Limb Ischemia, Rupture of Aneurysm, Medical and Surgical shock and peripheral circulatory failure. Cerebro-Vascular attack-Stokes, Sudden unconsciousness, Head injury, Respiratory failure, decompensated lung disease, Cerebro-Meningeal Infections, Convulsions, Acute Paralysis, Acute Visual loss. Acute Abdomen pain. Road Traffic Accidents / with injuries including fall. Severe Hemorrhage due to any cause. Acute poisoning. Acute Renal Failure. Acute abdomen pain in female including acute Obstetrical and

Gynecological emergencies. Electric shock. Any other life threatening condition.


Every patient is required to produce a valid CGHS card.

Treatment / Procedure

on credit shall

be performed

to such categories of

beneficiaries as mentioned under Caluse 10 above.

Bill should be submitted to the bill clearing agency / CGHS in digital format and Physical format. A discount of 10% shall be deducted in case payment is made within ten days from the date of submission of the bill.

For serving employees (other than CGHS/ DGHS /Ministry of H&FW), the payment shall be made by the patient and he shall claim reimbursement from his office subject to the approved ceiling rates. The Private Hospital shall allow a discount of 10% on all payments made in cash.

The treatment procedure shall be performed on the basis of the authorization letter issued by the Chief Medical Officer of the concerned CGHS dispensary in case of pensioners and by the administrative department / ministry in case of serving employees.

CGHS beneficiaries shall be attended to on priority.

Treatment procedure shall be carried out on the production of valid CGHS card and valid permission from the competent authority.

CGHS shall have the right to monitor the treatment/ procedure provided by the Hospital to CGHS beneficiary.

14. GENERAL CONDITIONS 14.1 All investigations regarding fitness for the surgery shall be done prior to the admission for any elective procedure and are part of package. For any material / additional procedure / investigation other than the condition for which the patient was initially permitted, would require the permission of the competent authority. 14,2 The hospital shall verify the CGHS card and the CGHS/ Department is not liable to pay in cases of impersonation or treatment of ineligible persons.


The package rate shall be calculated as per the duration specified in the tender document under the treatment requirements. No additional charge on account of extended period of stay shall be allowed if that extension is due to infection on the consequences of surgical procedure or due to any improper procedure and is not justified.


The procedure and package rates for any diagnostic investigation, surgical procedure and other medical treatment for CGHS beneficiary under this Agreement shall not be increased during the validity period of this Agreement.


The empanelled Hospital shall provide services only for which it has been empanelled by CGHS at rates that shall be fixed by Central Government Health Scheme from time to time and shall be binding.


The Hospital shall intimate all instances of patients admitted on the basis of the Authority letter issued by the CGHS authorities in the prescribed format within one working day through fax / email (the number of which shall be notified) followed by post to CGHS / BCA.


The Hospital shall intimate all instances of patients admitted as emergencies without prior permission to the CGHS authorities / BCA, in the prescribed format within one working day through fax / email (the number of which shall be notified) followed by post. The nature and appropriateness of the emergency is subject to verification, which may be verified, inspected or medically audited by the nominated authority on random basis at its discretion.


The Hospital shall provide reports on monthly basis by the 10th day of the succeeding calendar month in the prescribed format to the CGHS in respect of the beneficiaries treated / investigated.


The Hospital shall submit all the medical records in digital format.


The Hospital agrees that any liability arising due to any default or negligence in providing or performance of the medical services shall be borne exclusively by the hospital who shall alone be responsible for the defect and / or deficiencies in

rendering such services.

14.10 The Hospital agrees that during the In-patient treatment of the CGHS beneficiary, the Hospital shall not ask the beneficiary or his attendant to purchase separately the medicines / sundries / equipment or accessories from outside and shall provide the treatment within the package deal rate, fixed by the CGHS which includes the cost of all the items. Appropriate action, including removing from CGHS empanelment and / or termination of this Agreement, may be initiated on the basis of a complaint, medical audit or inspections carried out by CGHS teams / appointed TPA.

14.11 The Hospital shall honour permissions issued by the CMO i/c , Additional Director (AD) / Joint Director (JD) of CGHS to the Pensioner beneficiaries holding CGHS card. Treatment shall be provided as per CGHS approved rates and bills submitted for payment to the BCA.

14.12 CHANGES IN INFRASTRUCTURE / STAFF TO The Hospital shall immediately communicate to Additional Director / Joint Director of CGHS about any change in the infrastructure / strength of staff. The empanelment shall be temporarily withheld in case of shifting of the facility to any other location without prior permission of CGHS. The new establishment of the same Hospital shall attract a fresh inspection, at the prescribed fee, for consideration of continuation of empanelment.

14.13 The Hospital shall submit an annual report regarding number of referrals received, admitted, bills submitted to the CGHS and payment received, details of monthly report submitted to the Additional Directors / Joint Directors of CGHS of city, changes in the strength of doctors / staff and infrastructure if any. Annual audit report of the hospitals s shall also be submitted along with the statement.

14.14 Authorized signatory / representative of the hospital shall attend the periodic meetings held by Director / A.D. / J.D. / Department / Establishment of CGHS, required in connection with improvement of working conditions.

14.15 During the visit by Additional Director / Joint Director / CMO In-charge of the dispensary or any other authorized representative of the Ministry of Health / Directorate General of Health Services / concerned Department, including TPA, the Hospital authorities shall cooperate in carrying out the inspection.

14.16 In case of any natural disaster / epidemic, the hospital shall fully cooperate with the Ministry of Health / Directorate General of Health Services, Additional Director / Joint Director of CGHS of City and shall convey / reveal all the required information, apart from providing treatment.

14.17 The Hospital shall not make any commercial publicity projecting the name of CGHS / Ministry of Health & F.W. or Government of India. However, the fact of empanelment under CGHS shall be displayed at the premises of the empanelled center, indicating that the charges shall be as per CGHS approved rates.

14.18 The hospital shall investigate / treat the CGHS beneficiary patient only for the condition for which they are referred with permission, and in the specialty and / or purpose for which they are approved by CGHS. In case of unforeseen emergencies of these patients during admission for approved purpose / procedure, provisions of emergency shall be applicable.

14.19 The Hospital shall not undertake treatment of referred cases in specialities for which it is not empanelled. But it shall provide necessary treatment to stabilize the patient and transport the patient safely to nearest recognized hospital under intimation to CGHS authorities. However in such cases the Hospital shall charge as per the CGHS rates only for the treatment provided.

14.20 The hospital shall not refer the patient to other specialist / other hospital without prior permission of CGHS authorities. Prior intimation shall be given to CGHS whenever patient needs further referral.


CGHS beneficiaries are entitled to facilities of private, semi-private or general ward depending on their pay drawn in pay band/ pension. These entitlements are amended from time to time and the latest order in this regards needs to be followed. The entitlement is as follows:-

S.No. 1. 2.

Pay drawn in pay band/Basic Pension Upto Rs. 13,950/Rs. 13,960/- to 19,530/-

Entitlement General Ward Semi-Private Ward


Rs. 19,540/- and above

Private Ward


Private ward is defined as a hospital room where single patient is accommodated and which has an attached toilet (lavatory and bath). The room should have furnishings like wardrobe, dressing table, bed-side table, sofa set, carpet, etc. as well as a bed for attendant. The room has to be airconditioned.


Semi Private Ward is defined as a hospital room where two to three patients are accommodated and which has attached toilet facilities and necessary furnishings.


General ward is defined as a hall that accommodates four to ten patients.

Treatment in higher Category of accommodation than the entitled category is not permissible.


It shall be the duty and responsibility of the Hospital , at all times, to obtain, maintain and sustain the valid NABH Accreditation , recognition and high quality and standard of its services and healthcare and to have all statutory / mandatory licenses, permits or approvals of the concerned authorities under or as per the existing laws.


The Hospital shall not assign, in whole or in part, its obligations to perform under this Agreement, except with the CGHSs prior written consent at its sole discretion and on such terms and conditions as deemed fit by the CGHS. Any such

assignment shall not relieve the Hospital from any liability or obligation under this agreement


The Hospital

is responsible for and obliged to conduct all contracted activities in

accordance with the Agreement using state-of-the-art methods and economic principles and exercising all means available to achieve the performance specified in the Agreement. The Hospital is obliged to act within its own authority and abide by the directives issued by the CGHS. The Hospital is responsible for managing the

activities of its personnel and shall hold itself responsible for their misdemeanors, negligence, misconduct or deficiency in services, if any.


The Hospital shall furnish in the prescribed format a performance Bank Guarantee of Rupees Ten Lakhs in case of Hospitals / Rupees Two lakhs in case of Eye Center or Dental Clinic , valid for a period of two years to ensure efficient service and to

safeguard against any default:


In case of any violation of the provisions of this Agreement by the hospital such as:

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

refusal of service, undertaking unnecessary procedures, prescribing unnecessary drugs/tests over billing, reduction in staff/ infrastructure/ equipment etc. after the hospital/ has been empanelled.


Non submission of the report, habitual late submission or submission incorrect data in the report


Refusal of credit to eligible beneficiaries and direct charging from them.

(h) (i)

if recommended by NABH at any stage Discrimination against CGHS beneficiaries vis--vis general patients

i) the Bank Guarantee shall be forfeited and the CGHS shall have the right to derecognize the hospitals / diagnostic laboratory as the case may be. Such action could be initiated on the basis of a complaint, medical audit or inspections carried out by CGHS teams at random.

ii) the decision of the CGHS in this regard shall be final.


a. The Hospital shall provide the services as per the requirements specified by the CGHS in terms of the provisions of this Agreement. In case of initial violation of the provisions of the Agreement by the Hospital such as refusal of service or refusal of credit to eligible categories of CGHS Beneficiaries ( as mentioned under Clause 10) or defective service and negligence, the amount equivalent to 15% of the amount of Performance Bank Guarantee shall be charged as agreed Liquidated Damages by the CGHS, however, the total amount of the Performance Bank Guarantee shall be maintained intact being a revolving Guarantee. b. In case of repeated defaults by the Hospital , the total amount of Performance Bank Guarantee shall be forfeited and action shall be taken for removing the Hospital from the empanelment of CGHS as well as termination of this


c. For over-billing and unnecessary procedures, the extra amount so charged shall be deducted from the pending / future bills of the Hospital and the CGHS shall have the right to issue a written warning to the Hospital not to do so in future. The recurrence, if any, shall lead to the stoppage of referral to that Hospital d. Before initiating action under sub clause (a) (c) above , CGHS shall serve a show cause notice to the Hospital for which the Hospital shall have to respond within ten days of its receipt.


The CGHS may, without prejudice to any other remedy for breach of Agreement, by written notice of default sent to the Hospital terminate the Agreement in whole or part: a) If the Hospital fails to provide any or all of the services for which has been recognized within the period(s) specified in this Agreement, or within any extension thereof if granted by the CGHS pursuant to Condition of Agreement or b) If the Hospital fails to perform any other obligation(s) under this Agreement. or c) If the Hospital , in the judgment of the CGHS has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing this Agreement.


The Hospital

shall at all times, indemnify and keep indemnified CGHS / the

Government against all actions, suits, claims and demands brought or made against it in respect of anything done or purported to be done by the Hospital in execution of or in connection with the services under this Agreement and against any loss or damage to CGHS / the Government in consequence to any action or suit being brought against the CGHS / the Government, alongwith (or otherwise), Hospital as a Party for anything done or purported to be done in the course of the execution of this Agreement. The Hospital shall at all times abide by the job safety measures and other statutory requirements prevalent in India and shall keep free and indemnify the CGHS from all demands or responsibilities arising from accidents or loss of life, the cause or result of which is the Hospital negligence or misconduct.

The Hospital shall pay all indemnities arising from such incidents without any extra cost to CGHS and shall not hold the CGHS responsible or obligated. CGHS / the Government may at its discretion and shall always be entirely at the cost of the Hospital defend such suit, either jointly with the Hospital or singly in case the latter chooses not to defend the case


If any dispute or difference of any kind whatsoever (the decision whereof is not herein otherwise provided for) shall arise between the CGHS and the Hospital upon or in relation to or in connection with or arising out of the Agreement, shall be referred to for arbitration by the Director General Health Services, Ministry of Health & FW, Government of India, who shall give written award of his decision to the Parties. The decision of the Director General of Health Services shall be final and

binding. The provisions of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 shall apply to the arbitration proceedings. The venue of the arbitration proceedings shall be at Delhi / New Delhi.



Nothing under this Agreement shall be construed as establishing or creating between the Parties any relationship of Master and Servant or Principal and Agent between the CGHS and the Hospital .

25.2 25.3

The Hospital shall not represent or hold itself out as agent of the CGHS. The CGHS shall not be responsible in any way for any negligence or misconduct of the Hospital and its employees for any accident, injury or

damage sustained or suffered by any CGHS beneficiary or any third party resulting from or by any operation conducted by and on behalf of the Hospital or in the course of doing its work or perform their duties under this Agreement or otherwise. 25.4 The Hospital shall notify the Government of any material change in their

status and their shareholdings or that of any Guarantor of the Hospital in particular where such change would have an impact on the performance of obligation under this Agreement. 25.5 This Agreement can be modified or altered only on written agreement signed by both the parties. 25.6 Should the hospital get wound up or partnership is dissolved, the CGHS shall have the right to terminate the Agreement. The termination of Agreement shall not relieve the hospital or their heirs and legal representatives from the liability

in respect of the services provided by the Hospital during the period when the Agreement was in force. 25.7 The Hospital shall bear all expenses incidental to the preparation and stamping of this agreement.



Any notice given by one party to the other pursuant to this Agreement shall be sent to other party in writing by registered post or by facsimile and confirmed by original copy by post to the other Partys address as below.

CGHS : Director CGHS, Ministry of Health & FW, Government of India, Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi.

Hospital with address:



A notice shall be effective when served or on the notices effective date, whichever is later. Registered communication shall be deemed to have been served even if it returned with remarks like refused, left, premises locked, etc.

IN WITNESSES WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be signed and executed on the day, month and the year first above mentioned.

Signed by

Director, Central Government Health Scheme Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India For and on behalf of The President of India

In the Presence of (Witnesses) 1.

2. Signed by For and on behalf of (Hospital ) Duly authorized vide Resolution No. dated . of (name of Hospital ) In the presence of (Witnesses) 1.


Annexure - A Performance Bank Guarantee

To: President of India Acting through (Director, CGHS), M/o Health & Family Welfare Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi.




Hospital) has undertaken, Agreement No. ______________ ________________________ dated, __________________2009 to ________ ___________ _________

_______________________ (Description of Services) hereinafter called "the Agreement".

AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by you in the said Agreement that the Hospital selected for empanelment shall furnish you with a bank Guarantee by a nationalized bank for the sum specified therein as security for compliance with the Hospital performance obligations in accordance with the Agreement. AND WHEREAS we have agreed to give the Hospital a guarantee:

THEREFORE WE ( Name of the Bank)

hereby affirm that we are Guarantors and

responsible to you, on behalf of Hospital (herein after referred to the Second Party up to a total of _________________________________(Amount of the guarantee in Words and Figures) and we hereby irrevocably, unconditionally and absolutely undertake to immediately pay you, upon your first written demand declaring the Second Party to be in default under the Agreement and without cavil or argument, any sum or sums within the limit

of ___________________________ as aforesaid, without your needing to prove or to show this grounds or reasons for your demand or the sum specified therein. This guarantee is valid until the ___________ day of ______________ 2009

This Guarantee shall be incorporated in accordance with the laws of India.

We represent that this Bank Guarantee has been established in such form and such content that is fully enforceable in accordance with its terms as against the Guarantor Bank in the manner provided herein. The Guarantee shall not be affected in any manner by reason of merger, amalgamation, restructuring or any other change in the constitution of the Guarantor Bank or of the Hospital.

Date Address:

Signature and Seal of Guarantors

_____________________________________ _____________________________________

Amount of Performance Bank Guarantee to be obtained from the Hospital s at the time of signing the Agreement:-

General Purpose Hospital Specialty Hospitals Super Speciality Hospital Speciality Eye Care Hospital Speciality Dental Clinic

Rs. 10.00 lacs Rs. 10.00 lacs Rs. 10.00 lacs Rs. 2.00 lacs Rs. 2.00 lacs

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