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Life Science Midterm Review 2012

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Life Science Midterm Review Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers

the question. ____ 1. Which is NOT a macromolecule? a. DNA c. cellulose b. cholesterol d. water ____ 2. All of the following are principles of the cell theory EXCEPT _____. a. the cell is the smallest unit of life b. water is the main ingredient in every cell c. all new cells come from preexisting cells d. all living things are made of one or more cells ____ 3. Which function do the lipids in a cell control? a. a protective membrane c. transport b. hold genetic information d. communication ____ 4. Which scientist belongs in the empty box?

a. Matthias Schleiden b. Theodor Schwann ____ 5.

c. Rudolf Virchow d. Robert Hooke

Which letter best represents where nucleic acids would be found?

a. A b. B

c. C d. D



What percent of human cells is made up of macromolecules that provide energy?

a. 11% b. 15%

c. 25% d. 74%

____ 7. What scientist did not contribute to the development of the cell theory? a. Theodor Schwann c. Robert Hooke b. Matthias Schleiden d. James Watson ____ 8. Which two macromolecules offer energy storage to the cell? a. lipids and nucleic acids c. nucleic acids and proteins b. proteins and carbohydrates d. lipids and carbohydrates ____ 9. Which substance makes up the macromolecule carbohydrate? a. amino acids c. nucleotides b. vitamins d. sugar ____ 10. Which best explains the function of a cell membrane? a. offers protection from the outside environment b. provides a framework to help the cell move c. transforms energy in the cell into ATP d. removes viruses from inside the cell ____ 11. Photosynthesis occurs at the cell level. Which organelle is necessary for photosynthesis? a. Golgi apparatus c. mitochondrion b. chloroplasts d. rough endoplasmic reticulum ____ 12. Which organelle prepares proteins into vesicles to transport from one area of a cell to another? a. Golgi apparatus c. mitochondrion b. chloroplasts d. rough endoplasmic reticulum ____ 13. a. water b. RNA Which is used to make proteins in the cell? c. DNA d. lipids

____ 14. What is the main difference between a prokaryotic cell and an eukaryotic cell? a. Only prokaryotic cells have vacuoles. b. Eukaryotic cells are smaller than prokaryotic cells. c. Prokaryotic cells have many organelles, each with their own specialized functions.

d. Only eukaryotic cells have its genetic material surrounded by a membrane. ____ 15. What is the function of a lysosome? a. food storage b. preparing proteins c. making food d. break down material ____ 16. What is the difference between rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER)? a. Rough ER has lysosomes covering the organelle while smooth ER does not. b. Rough ER has ribosomes covering the organelle while smooth ER does not. c. Smooth ER releases energy while rough ER absorbs energy. d. Rough ER is found on the inside of the cell while smooth ER is found on the outside of the cell. ____ 17. Which form of energy is necessary in photosynthesis? a. ATP c. glycolysis b. lactic acid d. light ____ 18. Usually, the largest organelle in a cell is the ____. a. chromatin c. vacuole b. nucleus d. lysosome ____ 19. a. snails b. frogs Which of these have prokaryotic cells? c. bacteria d. food

____ 20. Materials enter and leave the cell through openings in its ____. a. organelles c. membrane b. DNA d. chromatin ____ 21. a. oxygen b. glucose ____ 22. a. energy b. nutrients During periods of strenuous activity, muscle cells run low on ____. c. carbon dioxide d. lactic acid Respiration is the process in which organisms break down food to release ____. c. sugar d. oxygen

____ 23. The green color of tree leaves is due to green light energy reflected from ____. a. auxins c. chlorophyll b. carbon dioxide d. gibberellins ____ 24. Animal cells do NOT have ____. a. centrioles c. cell plates/walls b. centromeres d. cytoplasm ____ 25. Most of the life of any cell is spent in a period of growth called ____. a. interphase c. telophase b. prophase d. anaphase

____ 26. a. growth b. division

Which choice is NOT a process of the cell cycle? c. development d. death

____ 27. Which choice correctly describes the two phases of the cell cycle? a. Cells grow and develop during interphase. Cells reproduce during the mitotic phase. b. Cells grow and develop during the mitotic phase. Cells reproduce during interphase. c. The nucleus of a cell divides during interphase. The cytoplasm of a cell divides during the mitotic phase. d. The nucleus of a cell divides during the mitotic phase. The cytoplasm of a cell divides interphase. ____ 28. How long does it take for most dividing human cells to complete a cell cycle? a. a few minutes c. a year b. a day d. about 7 years ____ 29. What is the first thing that happens when a new cell is produced? a. It gets larger. c. It divides again. b. It gets smaller. d. It rests. ____ 30. During which stage of interphase do cells perform their normal cell functions (such as making enzymes to digest your food)? a. S stage c. G2 stage b. G1 stage d. Metastage ____ 31. a. S stage b. G1 stage ____ 32. a. S b. G1 During which stage of interphase do cells copy their DNA? c. G2 stage d. Metastage During which stage of interphase do cells store energy for use in the mitotic phase? c. G2 d. S2

____ 33. During the S stage of interphase, pairs of identical chromosomes are held together by which structure? a. chromatid c. connectroid b. centromere d. centromatid ____ 34. Identify the two stages of the mitotic phase. a. mitosis and interphase b. cytokinesis and interphase c. mitosis and cytokinesis d. interphase and metaphase ____ 35. a. 22 b. 44 ____ 36. If a cell has 22 duplicated chromosomes, how many chromatids does it have? c. 11 d. 88 If a cell has 18 chromatids, how many duplicated chromosomes does it have?

a. 18 b. 9

c. 36 d. 6

____ 37. What is the shortest phase of mitosis? a. prophase c. anaphase b. metaphase d. telophase ____ 38. Which of the following occurs during prophase? a. The chromosomes line up in the center of the cell. b. The sister chromatids separate. c. Two new identical nuclei are formed. d. The nucleolus disappears and the nuclear membrane breaks down. ____ 39. Which of the following occurs during metaphase? a. The chromosomes line up in the center of the cell. b. The sister chromatids separate. c. Two new identical nuclei are formed. d. The nucleolus disappears and the nuclear membrane breaks down. ____ 40. Which of the following occurs during telophase? a. The chromosomes line up in the center of the cell. b. The sister chromatids separate. c. Two new identical nuclei are formed. d. The nucleolus disappears and the nuclear membrane breaks down. ____ 41. apart? a. animal b. plant Which type of cell divides by the cell membrane pinching together until the two cells split c. mineral d. chromosomal

____ 42. Which best describes how a plant cell divides? a. The membrane pinches shut in the middle of the cell and the cells are split apart. b. The two cells twist apart. c. A new cell wall forms in the middle of the cell and two new cells are formed. d. Plant cells do not divide. ____ 43. Which of the following is NOT a result of cell division? a. reproduction c. nutrition b. growth d. repair ____ 44. Which of the following functions can a unicellular organism perform? a. eat c. reproduce b. eliminate waste d. all of the above ____ 45. What are the differences between a prokaryote and a eukaryote? a. The prokaryote does not have a membrane bound nucleus, but the eukaryote does. b. The prokaryote has more cell structures than the eukaryote. c. The prokaryote is larger. d. The eukaryote has several cells.

____ 46. What is the process called by which cells coming from the same cell become different types of cells? a. cell migration c. cell differentiation b. cell mutation d. cell alteration

____ 47. A large animal, such as a lion is made of __________. a. one large cell b. ten or fewer cells c. trillions of cells d. No one can know the correct answer without looking closely at the individual animal ____ 48. Similar types of cells can be grouped together to carry out specific tasks. What are these groups of cells called? a. tissues c. organ systems b. organs d. organisms ____ 49. What does muscle tissue do? a. carries messages to and from the brain b. provides structure and support c. forms the protective outer layer of skin d. causes movement ____ 50. What does nervous tissue do? a. provides structure and support b. forms the protective outer layer of skin c. carries messages to and from the brain d. causes movement ____ 51. What is the bodily purpose of epithelial tissue? a. transports water and nutrients b. carries messages to and from the brain c. provides structure and support d. forms the protective outer layer of skin ____ 52. Connective tissue serves which purpose in a multicellular organism? a. transports water and nutrients b. provides structure and support c. carries messages to and from the brain d. forms the protective outer layer of skin

Use the diagram to answer the following questions.

____ 53. a. A b. B ____ 54. a. A b. B ____ 55. a. A b. B ____ 56. a. A b. B

Which picture shows a cell? c. C d. D Which picture shows an organ system? c. C d. D Which picture shows tissue? c. C d. D Which picture shows an organ? c. C d. D

____ 57. Choose the type of tissue that causes movement in most animals. a. muscle c. nervous b. connective d. epithelial ____ 58. a. gene b. genotype A ____ is part of the DNA code on a chromosome. c. phenotype d. gender

____ 59. The study of ____ is called genetics. a. heredity c. pea plants b. dominance d. mutations ____ 60. a. rose b. pea ____ 61. a. alleles b. eggs ____ 62. a. recessive b. dominant ____ 63. Gregor Mendel studied heredity using ____ plants. c. maize d. tundra A Punnett square shows you all the ways in which ____ can combine. c. sperm d. colors In a Punnett square, a capital letter stands for a ____ allele. c. homozygous d. heterozygous Of the following, which represents a homozygous recessive genotype?

a. TT b. Tt

c. tt d. TTT

____ 64. ____ is the study of how traits are passed from parents to offspring. a. Fertilization c. Seed production b. Genetics d. Selective breeding ____ 65. A heterozygous orange-flowered plant is crossed with a homozygous purple-flowered plant. If orange is a dominant allele and purple is recessive, what color ratio will the flowers of the offspring plants have?

a. b. c. d.

1 purple: 3 orange 4 purple: 0 orange 2 purple: 2 orange 0 purple: 4 orange 66. In this cross between two pea plants, the offspring are:


a. b. c. d.

100% smooth. 50% smooth and 50% wrinkled. 75% wrinkled and 25% smooth. 75% smooth and 25% wrinkled.

____ 67. A man and a woman want to have a child, but the man is heterozygous (Cc) for a recessive trait that causes a fatal illness. What is the probability of a childs inheriting the trait?

a. 50%

b. 25% c. 0% d. 75% ____ 68. A and B are the same kind of fish. A has a genotype for narrow fins (ww), and B has a genotype for wide fins (W-). Which of the following genotypes of parent fish will produce only offspring having wide fins?

a. b. c. d.

Ww and Ww WW and ww Ww and ww ww and ww 69. Bird A has the genotype ll for bill length, and Bird B is LL. The bills of their offspring would

____ be:

a. b. c. d.

long in 100% of the offspring. short in 100% of the offspring. long in 50% of the offspring. short in 75% of the offspring.

____ 70. Two blue flowers are crossed. One is homozygous and one is heterozygous for flower color. If blue is the dominant allele and white is recessive, what will be the ratio of colors in the offspring plants? a. 1 white: 3 blue b. 4 white: 0 blue c. 2 white: 2 blue d. 0 white: 4 blue ____ a. 2 b. 3 71. Mendel concluded that _____ factors control each inherited trait. c. 4 d. 5

____ 72. Parents pass their traits down to their offspring through their __________. a. daughter cells c. body cells b. son cells d. reproductive cells

____ 73. Mendel thought the purple factor was the only factor seen because it _____ the white factor. a. emphasizes c. cancels out b. blocks d. adds to ____ 74. Which of the following is NOT a trait that Mendel recorded? a. flower color c. seed shape b. seed color d. length of leaf

____ a. 2 b. 5


Mendel tested _____ plants. c. 100 d. hundreds

____ 76. A true-breeding purple plant and a true-breeding white plant cross-pollinate. The offspring will be _____. a. all purple c. 75% purple, 25% white b. half purple, half white d. 75% white, 25% purple ____ a. 0 b. 1 77. A recessive trait is observed when _____ recessive genetic factors are present in offspring. c. 2 d. 3

____ 78. A genetic factor that blocks another genetic factor is called a(n) _____. a. genetic trait c. recessive trait b. heredity trait d. dominant trait ____ 79. Which of the following is NOT an example of a complex pattern of inheritance? a. incomplete dominance c. multiple alleles b. Punnett square d. polygenic inheritance ____ 80. What type of inheritance determines eye color? a. incomplete dominance c. multiple alleles b. codominance d. polygenic inheritance ____ 81. a. proteins b. cell Which of the following is NOT part of a chromosome? c. deoxyribonucleic acid d. DNA

____ 82. Which of the following did NOT investigate genetics through studying the structure of DNA? a. Gregor Mendel c. James Watson b. Rosalind Franklin d. Francis Crick ____ 83. DNA? a. adenine b. cytosine ____ 84. a. DNA b. RNA Which of the following is NOT one of the nitrogen bases that form the rungs of the ladder in c. francine d. guanine Proteins are made with the help of _____. c. PNA d. MNA

____ 85. a. 27% b. 57%

How much DNA in human chromosomes does not form genes and is considered junk DNA? c. 77% d. 97%

____ 86. Which of the following is NOT a type of RNA? a. messenger RNA c. ribosomal RNA b. transfer RNA d. translational RNA ____ 87. Which of the following is NOT an external causes of mutation? a. exposure to X-rays c. exposure to neon light b. exposure to ultraviolet light d. exposure to radioactive materials ____ 88. a. protons b. proteins ____ 89. a. life b. Earth Mutations cause changes in _____. c. electrons d. neutrons Which of the following is NOT a branch of science? c. biodiesel d. physical

____ 90. What should a scientist do first if a hypothesis is NOT supported? a. more repetition c. gather more info b. more testing d. modify and revise the hypothesis ____ 91. Which of the following is a way that scientists communicate their results to others? a. speak at a conference b. write scientific articles c. exchange information on the Internet d. all of the above ____ 92. Scientists analyze results by using which tool(s) to help recognize patterns? a. graphing and tables c. speaking at conferences b. models and calculations d. a and b only ____ 93. Which is NOT a result of scientific inquiry? a. adding more branches of science c. technology b. possible explanations for questions d. new materials ____ 94. An explanation of observations of events based on knowledge gained from many observations and investigations is which of the following? a. scientific law c. scientific theory b. scientific truth d. scientific experiment ____ 95. Which of the following describes a pattern or an event in nature that is always true? a. scientific theory c. scientific experiment b. scientific law d. scientific truth ____ 96. Which involves studying a small amount of something in order to learn about the larger whole? a. bias c. sampling b. skepticism d. none of these

____ 97. When you are skeptical of scientific issues in the media, what are you doing? a. using critical thinking to question information presented b. accepting the information as truthful c. dismissing the information as false d. using your bias to form opinions ____ 98. important? a. precision b. bias When using living animals in scientific research, which of the following is especially c. ethics d. constants

____ 99. Which scientific tool is where observations are recorded and organized? a. balance c. thermometer b. glassware d. science journal ____ 100. Which scientific tool would be primarily used by life scientists? a. thermometers c. balances b. dissecting tools d. computers ____ a. 101. Which diagram illustrates both accurate and precise shooting of an arrow at a target? c.



____ 102. Which group is the part of a controlled experiment where the independent variable does NOT change? a. experimental group c. constant group b. control group d. variable group ____ 103. One example of technology that is commonly used by scientists is ____. a. computers c. variables b. hypotheses d. observations ____ 104. A prediction or statement that can be tested is ____. a. a conclusion c. a control b. an observation d. a hypothesis ____ 105. One tool that can be used to display your data is a ____. a. balance c. microscope b. spring scale d. computer

____ 106. Although Darwin did not know about genes, he could see that animals of the same species who had slight variations that helped them to survive longer could produce more offspring than animals who were not as well equipped. Which of the following could be an example of a variation that would help a group of animals survive? a. black bears in a region that was always covered with snow b. turtles with long necks on an island where the food source was elevated c. choosing a cat to take home from an animal shelter d. planting a certain kind of flower to attract butterflies ____ 107. a. wolf b. bear Which animal would you expect a dogs genes and proteins to be the most like? c. alligator d. lion

____ 108. ____ are remains of life from an earlier time. a. Sedimentary rocks c. Variations b. Fossils d. Limestones ____ 109. a. hair color b. teeth Scientists can tell whether organisms are closely related by comparing their ____. c. DNA d. scientific names

____ 110. Change in the hereditary features of a type of organism over time is ____. a. growth c. spontaneous generation b. biogenesis d. evolution ____ 111. You are studying two animal species. You hypothesize that they are very distantly related to each other. What would be most useful for testing your hypothesis? a. comparing their skulls b. analyzing their DNA c. comparing their embryos d. looking up the answer on the Web Completion Complete each statement.

1. 2. 3. 4.

In the animal cell shown, structure A is the ____________________. In the animal cell shown, structure B is the ____________________. In the animal cell shown, structure C is the ____________________. In the animal cell shown, structure D is the _________________________.

5. In the animal cell shown, structure E is the ____________________. 6. The energy used in photosynthesis comes from ____________________. 7. A plant wilts as a result of the process of ____________________. 8. One property of a molecule that determines whether it will pass through a semipermeable membrane is ____________________. 9. The compound that moves through cell membranes by osmosis is ____________________. 10. ____________________ is important because it changes food energy into a form all cells can use. 11. DNA copying occurs during ____________________. 12. Mitosis is defined as division of a(n) ____________________. 13. During the ____________________ step of mitosis, two new identical cells form. 14. During the ____________________ step of mitosis, chromosomes line up in single file at the middle of the cell. 15. The joining of an egg and a sperm is called ____________________. 16. A contracting _________ collects excess water from an amoebas cytoplasm. 17. When the fertilized egg shown in the picture divides into other cells, they all have identical chromosomes. The different types of cells use different parts of the instructions in the chromosomes. This is the process of cell _____________.

18. _________ stem cells carry out cell repair and replacement such as making new blood cells and repairing damaged muscle fiber. 19. During the ________ stage of interphase, chromosomes are replicated. 20. During prophase of mitosis, the __________ disappears. 21. Looking in a microscope at a cell, Thomas sees what looks like a plate of spaghetti. He is seeing a cell in ___________ . 22. A duplicated chromosome is two sister chromatids joined by a _______________.

23. Josiah looks in a microscope and sees the chromosomes lining up as shown below. He confirms his lab partners statement that the cell is in the ____________ stage of mitosis.

24. __________ are groups of different tissues working together to perform a particular job. 25. Some ____________________ are due to environmental influences. 26. Passing of traits from parents to offspring is ____________________. 27. Different forms of a gene are called ____________________. 28. When two of the same alleles are needed to be seen in the offspring's genotype, those alleles are ____________________. 29. A ____________________ square is a model that helps make genetic predictions. 30. A yellow pea plant (Yy) and a green pea plant (yy) could produce ____________________ green offspring. 31. A(n) ____________________ is a visual tool for following a trait through generations of a family. 32. The father of genetics is an Austrian monk named ____________________. 33. Mendel made crosses of garden peas like this cross. If the symbol for a tall plant is T, and the tall plant is homozygous, and the symbol for a short plant is t and the short plant is homozygous, ____________________ is the symbol for the offspring of this cross.

Use the diagram to answer the following questions.

34. The sides of the helix labeled as A are made of ______ groups. 35. ______ bases, labeled as B, form the rungs of the helix. 36. The ______ is labeled as C and shows a base, a sugar, and a phosphate group. 37. All _______________ numbers are significant. 38. Comparing what you already know about something with new information and then making a decision about whether you agree with the new information is called _______________ thinking.

39. 40.

A sample should be a(n) _______________ representation of the whole. This diagram shows a _______________ study of three types of cereal.

41. The prefix mega- means _______________. 42. Converting from one SI Unit to another involves writing the correct mathematical _______________. 43. A _______________ fossil shows the activity of an organism. 44. Earths current era is the _______________ era. 45. The longest units in the geological time scale are _______________, and there are four of them. 46. Darwin traveled on the HMS _______________, a British survey ship. 47. Darwin saw relationships between the species and the _______________ sources of each island. 48. Although Darwin traveled around the world observing and collecting animals and plants, he was especially interested in those he saw on the _______________ Islands. 49. Animals with _______________ that benefit them, allowing them compete better for food, live longer than other animals in the same species. 50. Turtles species became different on the different islands because their _______________ sources were different. 51. On her porch, Anna finds a bug that looks like a twig with legs. She realizes that if this bug was on a tree, she might never have seen it. This bug uses the structural adaptation called _______________ to avoid predators. 52. _______________ involves the reproduction of animals best suited to their environment in greater numbers than the reproduction of less well-suited animals. 53. A dog breeder prefers very pointy noses for his dogs. So, he breeds dogs with the most pointed noses he can find in hopes of getting puppies with very pointy noses. This process is called selective breeding or _______________. 54. All organisms on Earth have _______________ that are made of DNA and work in similar ways. 55. Homologous structures indicate that two or more species might share ______________________________. 56. A(n) ____________________ is any variation that makes an organism better suited to its environment. 57. Polar bears have white fur to blend into their environment. This is an example of ____________________.



Label the compound microscope and explain the function of each part.


Explain the difference between animal cells and plant cells.


List all the organelles in an animal cell and tell its function.


Explain each part of the scientific method.

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