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The Citizens Court Rules

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The Citizens Court Rules

I have spent many hours in courts">

The Citizens Court Rules

I have spent many hours in courts, reading court transcripts and have listened to many people tell me what they said in court. I will tell you what not to do. First do not put the judge on trial by challenging the him or her as to their oath of office and their bond. If you want to challenge the judge, file a complaint in the court, then you can challenge them to prove they have a bond and a signed oath of office.

Remember you are the one on trial.

If you are defending yourself on real and personal property rights, the prosecutor will read all of the laws, codes, ordinances and other violations you have committed.
Even if the code officer stepped on your wifes best tulip and kicked your dog, never challenge any of these violations in this court proceeding. To do so you will begin to play their game and you will spend days in court defending yourself and getting nowhere.

You are defending your CIVIL rights.

The opposing side will have to prove they have a monetary,

proprietary or contractual interest in your real (dirt) and personal property (boat, bicycle, gun, car, computer, etc). If you use the 42 USC 1982 Property rights of citizens, stay with defending your civil rights and all the federal statutes that go with it as well the exhibits and high court cases. I dont recommend that you use the land patent or the U.S. Constitution. The U.S. Constitution like the land patent, seems to be secondary in the courts. The U.S. Statutes are the law of the land.

you can use. These can be found on You will have to click on More USC Codes to find the statutes in their entirety. The court cases and exhibits will be found by clicking on 42 USC 1982. The Law.

I have 16 federal statutes

Copy the following.

1. Copy the full text of 42 USC 1982. (5 pages). 2. Copy 42 USC 1982 The Law. (2 pages) 3. Scroll down to this brings out again(5 pages). 4. Michigan could lose(1 page). 5. Ruling makes sex-bias(1 page). 6. Ballet school accused(3 pages). 7. Maximum Minimum (1 page). 8. Good title (4 pages). 9. Withholding of money (1 page).

10. Beechgrove(first 5 pages and last). 11. Jones v Mayer (5 pages).

As you read the exhibits you will see they all point to the fact that the government shall have a monetary, proprietary or contractual interest in your Real and or Personal Property.

Next copy More USC Codes. This will be the menu of the statutes that can be used in court to prove the elected and appointed officials violated your civil rights.

The government officials think they are IMMUNE. Click on Immunity and copy the first page. Scroll down to foot note 25. Copy it. Put the two together. Put them on the bottom of the documents.

Now the documents should be put in order.

First is the 42 USC 1982, 42 USC 1982 THE LAW. Next are the 7 exhibits and the two court cases. Then the More USC Codes and last, Immunity,
Owen v. Independence.

NOW get very familiar with all of the documents. When you have done that, contact the person who sent you the notice. Give them all the documents as a packet before you meet with them. Let them view them so you can have a balanced meeting. DONT get in to any local or state laws!!!!!! Stay with the statutes you have.

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