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Wave Scattering On A Domain Wall in A Chain of PT - Symmetric Couplers

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Wave scattering on a domain wall in a chain of PT -symmetric couplers

Sergey V. Suchkov1 , Sergey V. Dmitriev1 , Boris A. Malomed2,3 , and Yuri S. Kivshar4

Institute for Metals Superplasticity Problems, Russian Academy of Science, Ufa 450001, Russia 2 Department of Physical Electronics, School of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel 3 ICFO-Institut de Ciencies Fotoniques, Mediterranean Technology Park, Castelldefels (Barselona) 08860, Spain 4 Nonlinear Physics Center, Research School of Physics and Engineering, Australian National University, Canberra ACT 0200, Australia We study wave propagation in linear arrays composed of pairs of conjugate waveguides with balanced gain and loss, i.e. arrays of the PT -symmetric couplers, where the linear spectrum is known to feature high-frequency and low-frequency branches. We introduce a domain wall by switching the gain and loss in a half of the array, and analyze the scattering of linear waves on this defect. The analysis reveals two major eects: amplication of both reected and transmitted waves, and excitation of the reected and transmitted low-frequency and high-frequency waves by the incident high-frequency and low-frequency waves, respectively.
PACS numbers: 42.25.Bs, 11.30.Er, 42.82.Et, 42.81.Qb

arXiv:1202.5629v1 [physics.optics] 25 Feb 2012



It is well established that non-Hermitian Hamiltonians, subject to the constraint of the parity-time (PT ) symmetry, i.e., the equilibrium between spatially separated loss and gain, which are set as mirror images of each other, may give rise to entirely real spectra, provided that the strength of the gain and loss does not exceeds a critical level [1]. Although, generally speaking, PT -symmetric settings belong to the class of dissipative systems, they can support continuous families of both linear and nonlinear modes, thus resembling the main properties of conservative systems. In fact, PT -symmetric models lie at the borderline between conservative and truly dissipative dynamical systems. It is straightforward to implement PT -symmetric complex potentials, V (x), which must be subject to the aforementioned equilibrium condition, V (x) = V (x), by symmetrically juxtaposing elements accounting for the gain and loss [2]. This possibility was elaborated in a number of theoretical [3]-[8] and experimental [9] studies. In optics, the basic PT -symmetric element can be realized as a pair of linearly coupled waveguides, one with a lossy core and the other one carrying a matched compensating gain [4]. A chain composed of such coupled elements was introduced in Ref. [5], assuming that each amplied and dissipative waveguide was linearly linked to an adjacent waveguide of the opposite sign, belonging to the neighboring pair. Another type of such a PT -symmetric system was proposed in Ref. [8], with the gain- and loss-carrying units coupled to their neighboring counterparts of the same sign [see Fig. 1(a) below]. Assuming that each unit also carried the conservative cubic nonlinearity, discrete solitons were found in this setting. The subject of this paper is a system of the general same type (although without nonlinearity), but including a defect in the form of the domain wall (DW), as

shown below in Fig. 1(b). A natural dynamical problem to consider in such an array, in addition to the DW itself, is the scattering of linear waves on the DW, which is another subject of the present work (the scattering of linear waves on an isolated PT -symmetric complex, including such specic features as amplication of transmitted and reected waves and Fano resonances, was analyzed in Refs. [6] and [7]). Below we demonstrate that the scattering of waves on the DW gives rise to nontrivial eects, including the transformations between dierent branches of the traveling-wave modes and their amplication. The fact that we consider the scattering of incident waves with real frequencies, and the generation of transmitted and reected waves which are carried by real frequencies too, implies that we are dealing with the case when the spectrum of the PT -invariant system is purely real, under the condition that the gain-loss coecient is kept below the critical value [see Eq. (9) below]. It is relevant to mention that this scattering problem is related to the analysis of transport and scattering processes governed by non-Hermitian Hamiltonians [10]. In the general case, such Hamiltonians are not subject to the PT -symmetry constraint, therefore the corresponding spectrum is complex. In particular, the analysis of the generic spectra demonstrates that they contain a few eigenvalues with especially large imaginary parts. The rapid decay of the corresponding eigenstates may be considered as an analog of superradiance in optics [11], and, naturally, it strongly aects dynamical features of such systems. It remains to understand if PT -symmetric systems may give rise to similar superradiant states in the respective complex spectrum (above the transition from the real spectrum). The paper is organized as follows. Section II introduces the model, and also it discusses the geometry of a domain-wall defect introduced into the chain. Analytical results for the transmission and reection coecients are presented in Sec. III, whereas the dependence of the scattering coecients on the system parameters is analyzed

2 in Sec. IV. Finally, Sec. V concludes the paper.


We consider the array of paired waveguides with balanced gain and loss (), i.e., PT -symmetric couplers, as shown in Fig. 1(a). The linear-coupling constant for the waveguides in the PT elements is normalized to be 1, while the coecient of the linear coupling between adjacent elements in the array is C1 . Thus, the model is based on the following system of linear Schrdinger equations: o d dz un vn = un vn +i vn un , (1)
Figure 1: (a) A schematic of the chain of PT -symmetric couplers composed of waveguides with gain and loss, which are designated by dark and bright circles, respectively. (b) The model with the domain wall, created by inverting gain and loss in a half of the chain.


un+1 + un1 2un vn+1 + vn1 2vn

where un (z) and vn (z) are the complex amplitudes in the amplied and damped waveguides at each site of the array. Actually, Eq. (1) is a linearized version of the model introduced in recent work [8]. The DW in the array is created by switching the gain and loss in a half of the chain; generally, the constant of the linear coupling between the halves, C2 , may be dierent from the regular value, C1 [see Fig. 1(b)]. Thus, the array with the embedded DW is described by the following equations: dun = un + ivn + iC1 (un+1 + un1 2un ), dz dvn = vn + iun + iC1 (vn+1 + vn1 2vn ), dz n 1, (2) dun = un + ivn + iC1 (un+1 + un1 2un ), dz dvn = vn + iun + iC1 (vn+1 + vn1 2vn ), dz n 2, (3) du0 dz dv0 dz du1 dz dv1 dz

in looked for as un vn = ei 1 exp[i(kn z)], (6)

where wavenumber k may be complex, while frequency is real. Substituting Eq. (6) into Eq. (1), one nds the high-frequency (HF) and low-frequency (LF) branches of the dispersion relation for the linear waves, denoted by subscripts h and l, respectively: h = 2C1 1 sin h = , l = 2C1 sin l = , eik + eik 2 cos h , (7)

cos h = 1 2 , eik + eik 1 2 cos l = cos l ,

1 2.


= u0 + iv0 + iC1 (u1 u0 ) + iC2 (u1 u0 ), = v0 + iu0 + iC1 (v1 v0 ) + iC2 (v1 v0 ), (4) = u1 + iv1 + iC1 (u2 u1 ) + iC2 (u0 u1 ), = v1 + iu1 + iC1 (v2 v1 ) + iC2 (v0 v1 ), (5)

In particular, for k = i with real we obtain an exponential-wave (EW) solution to Eq. (1), while k = i + gives rise to a staggered exponential-wave (SEW) one. Continuous-wave (CW) solutions correspond to k = , i.e., real wavenumbers. Only these three types of the waves admit real frequencies , which, in addition, requires that the gain/loss coecient must be smaller than the constant of the coupling between the amplied and dissipative waveguides in each PT element, i.e., || 1. (9)



First, we consider the wave propagation in the array without the DW. The corresponding solution to Eq. (1)

An example of the spectrum determined by Eqs. (7) and (8) is presented in Fig. 2. In the EW region, < < 0, h (i) and l (i) are plotted. The range of 0 corresponds to the CW solutions, where we show the frequencies as h () and l (). At > , we have

3 expressions into Eqs. (2)-(5), we obtain



Rl =

eikl e2 (e3 1) + (1 2 ) e1 2e2ikl D

2 2 2


+ e3 (e1 + 4(eikh 1) 2e3 ) C (1 e1 + e3 ) + C 1 eikl 1 eikh 1 3eikh ,




0 ** h


Rh =

Figure 2: Spectrum of the array without the domain wall, obtained from Eq. (1) for C1 = 2, = 0.5. The HF and LF branches, h and l , are dened by Eqs. (7),(8), with k = i for < < 0 (the EW region), k = for 0 (the CW region), and k = + i( ) for < < (the SEW region).

eikh 1 e2ikl e2 ( + i 1 2 ), D 1 1 + e2ikl 1 + eikh Tl = D 2eikh + C 1 + eikh 1 2, 1 2ikl e 1 e1 2e3 + C(e3 e1 + 1) Th = D 1 2 + i 1 2 (12)

where we dene D e2 2 1 2 e1 2 4e3 (e1 e3 ) , (13)

the SEW region, in which the branches of the dispersion relation are plotted as h (+i[]) and l (+i[]). Now we proceed to the scattering of linear waves on the DW, within the framework of Eqs. (2)-(5). To this end, we consider an incident wave, with frequency I (and the intensity set equal to 1), which approaches the DW from the left. Only the case when the incident wave belongs to the LF branch is studied below in an explicit form, as the case of the HF incident wave can be considered similarly. We look for the scattering solution to Eqs. (2)-(5) as follows: un vn = ei(kl nI z) eih 1 eil 1 + Rl ei(kl nI z) eil 1 (10) ,

+C(e3 e1 + 1) 2e1 4e3 + C(e3 e1 + 1)

C C1 /C2 , e2 e

e1 eikh + eikl ,

(14) . (15)

e3 e

i (kh +kl )

+Rh ei(kh nI z) for n 0, and un vn

= Th ei(kh nI z) +Tl ei(kl nI z)

1 eih 1 eil , (11)

for n 1. Here the characteristic of the plane-wave components of the solution are sin l = sin h = , cos l = cos h = 1 2 , and kh , kl are to be found from Eqs. (7) and Eqs. (8), respectively, where we set h = l = I . Amplitudes Rl , Tl and Rh , Th , dened in expressions (10) and (11) are complex reection and transmission coecients for the LF and HF waves. Substituting these

The so obtained reection and transmission coecients can be analyzed for the LF incident wave of any of the three types, EW, CW, or SEW. As seen from Eqs. (10) and (11), the incident wave of the LF type generates, generally speaking, both LF and HF reected and transmitted wave components, whose frequencies are identical to I . We start by considering two examples, which are desig nated in Fig. 2. Taking I = I , we conclude that both kh = and kl = are in the CW region, meaning h l that the reected and transmitted HF and LF waves are all of CW type (here, the asterisk does not stand for the complex conjugate). On the other hand, for I = I we have kh = ih and kl = l , meaning that the incident wave is the LF of the CW type, while the reected and transmitted ones have the HF and LF components of the EW and CW types, respectively. Care should be taken as concerns the choice of the sign in front of imaginary part of kh and kl for the EW. For the plus (minus) sign, the reected and transmitted waves of the EW type exponentially decrease (increase) with the increase of the distance from the DW. Both cases are physically meaningful in the PT system, but in the following we focus only on the evanescent (exponentially decaying) EWs. Several generic examples of the wave-intensity proles are present in Fig. 3 in the array of couplers for dierent frequencies of the incident wave, I , which are chosen with regard to the dispersion relation displayed in

4 Fig. 2. As mentioned above, the LF incident wave generates reected and transmitted waves belonging to the HF and LF branches, with the same frequency I . The following four cases are present in Fig. 3: (a) I = 1, with kh = 0.931843 i, kl = 0.258102 i, hence the incident wave is the EW of the LF type, the corresponding HF and LF components also being EWs [see Fig. 3 (a), where the logarithmic scale is used on the vertical axis]. The intensity of the incident wave increases with distance form the DW, while the reected and transmitted waves are evanescent. (b) I = 0.5, with kh = 0.424603 i, kl = 0.851981, hence the incident LF wave is a CW, while the reected and transmitted waves include LF CW and HF evanescent component, the latter rapidly decaying with the distance from the defect [Fig. 3(b)]. (c) I = 6, with kh = 1.85823, kl = 2.36958, in which case all the waves are of the CW type [Fig. 3 (c)]. (d) I = 7.5, with kh = 2.28961, kl = + 0.424603 i, which makes the incident LF wave an SEW, while the reected and transmitted waves include the HF CW and LF SEW terms [see Fig. 3 (d), where the logarithmic scale is again used on the vertical axis]. Note that, at 1 2 > 2C1 , (16)



= -1

= 6

u n|




10 -10 3.0 2.5





0 -10





10 10 10 10 10

2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 -15 -10 -5

= 0.5

= 7.5

u n|



10 10 15 -10





the splitting between the LF and HF branches in Fig. 2 becomes so large that their CW regions do not have common frequencies. Under this condition, the case presented in Fig. 3(c), with all the wave components being of the CW type, is impossible. In terms of min = 1 2 and max = 4C1 1 2 , which are the smallest and the largest frequencies of the HF and LF branches in the CW region (see 2), condition (16) is tantamount to max < min . In the following we take C1 0.5, which rules out condition (16) for all 0 < 1. We thus always include the possibility of having all the reected and transmitted waves of the CW type, excited by the incident LF CW. In the following Section we present the analysis of the transmission and reection coecients as functions of parameters of the system, assuming, as said above, min < max , and focusing on the range of the incidentwaves frequency min < I < max , when this wave is of the most relevant CW type. Further, it is convenient to dene the normalized frequency,
I =

Figure 3: Examples of solutions of the scattering problem in the array of couplers for C1 = 2, C2 = 1, = 0.5, and dierent values of the incident-waves frequency, I . (a) The incident low-frequency exponential wave excites the highfrequency evanescent wave, with I = 1, kh = 0.931843 i, kl = 0.258102 i. (b) The incident low-frequency CW excites a high-frequency exponential wave, with I = 0.5, kh = 0.424603 i, kl = 0.851981. (c) The incident low-frequency CW excites a high-frequency CW, with I = 6, kh = 1.85823, kl = 2.36958. (d) The incident low-frequency staggered exponential wave excites a high-frequency CW, with I = 7.5, kh = 2.28961, kl = +0.424603 i. Dots and open circles show |un |2 and |vn |2 , respectively.

As mentioned above, we consider only the case of the CW incident wave as the most natural one. Then, two possibility may be expected, with the incident LF wave exciting either HF-EW or HF-CW. It is useful to study rst the case with no gain and loss, = 0. Under this condition, Eq. (12) reduces to (C 1)eikl (eikl 1) , C(eikl 1) 2eikl Rh = 0, 1 + eikl Tl = , C(eikl 1) 2eikl Th = 0. Rl =

I min max min ,


so that I = 0 at I = min , and I = 1 at I = max .




Here we analyze the transmission and reection coefcients for the LF incident wave, given by Eq. (12) and Eq. (13), varying parameters , C1 , and C C1 /C2 .

From here, we immediately arrive at the conclusion that the LF incident wave excites only the LF reected and transmitted waves, satisfying condition |Rl |2 + |Tl |2 = 1 due to the energy conservation. Thus, the excitation of the HF reected and transmitted waves by the LF input is a specic eect of the PT system, due to the presence of the gain and loss in it. Expressions for Rl



Rl| , |Tl|



Rh| , |Th|

R l| , | T l|



10 10 10





10 10 10





0 1 2






















Figure 4: |Rl |2 (the thick line) and |Tl |2 (the thin line) as functions of I in the case of the incident low-frequency CW for C1 = 2, C2 = 1, and = 0 (no gain and loss). In this case, the high-frequency waves are not excited by the low-frequency input (Rh = 0, Th = 0).


Rh| , |Th|

Rl| , |Tl|



0.010 0 0.000 0.005

0 0.000


and Tl in Eqs. (18) become singular, with a vanishing denominator, only when C = 1 and kl = , which means the absence of the DW in the system (in which case Tl = 1 and Rl = 0). Figure 4 displays |Rl |2 and |Tl |2 as functions of I for parameters = 0 and C = 2. In the presence of the gain and loss ( > 0) the solution of the scattering problem for the LF incident wave contains Rh , Th = 0, i.e., the HF components are excited. Note, however, that Rh = Th = Tl at kl = 0 or kl = , i.e., at the borders of the considered range of the incident-waves frequency, I . Also, Tl = 0 if kh = 0 or C = 2/(1 eikh ) (the latter is possible in the SEW region, which is not under consideration here). We now x = 0.5, C1 = 2, and plot the (typical) results, produced by Eqs. (12) for C = 2, C = 1, and C = 0.5. Figure 5 shows that, at C = 2, all four reection and transmission coecients have nite maxima close to the point I = 0.001 (I = 0.872). Note that (a) and (b) show blowups of (a) and (b), respectively, in the vicinity of the maxima. Also, Tl vanishes at I = 0 (I = 0.866025). For C = 1, the reection and transmission coecients are presented in Fig. 6. All four coecients di verge at I = 0.0022 (I = 0.88 ) and I = 0.999 (I = 7.1225) because at these two points the denominator D in Eq. (12), which is common for all coecients, vanishes. On (a),(b) we show the blowups of (a),(b) for the maxima close to I = 0, while in (a),(b) for the maxima close to I = 1. The coecient Tl drops to zero at I = 0 (I = 0.866). For C = 0.5, the reection and transmission coecients are displayed in Fig. 7. All the four coecients have nite maxima at I = 0.00446 (I = 0.894), and Tl vanishes at I = 0 (I = 0.86603). The above results can be summarized by saying that for C = 1 all the four reection and transmission coef cients attain nite maxima at I close (but not equal)

Figure 5: Relative intensities of the reected and transmitted waves as functions of I in the case of the low-frequency incident CW, for = 0.5 an C = 2. Thick and thin lines depict |Rl |2 , |Rh |2 in (a) and |Tl |2 , |Th |2 in (b), respectively. (a) and (b) are the blowups of (a) and (b), respectively.



Rl| , |Tl|

10 10 10 10 10

Rh| , |Th|

10 10



10 10 10




0.0 0.5

0.0 0.5






Rl| , |Tl|

10 10 10 10


Rh| , |Th|











10 0.000



Rl| , |Tl|


Rh| , |Th|






10 0.990
-2 -2




10 0.990


Figure 6: Same as in Fig. 5, but for C = 1.


Rl| , |Tl| , |Rh| , |Th|




Rh| , |Th|

Rl| , |Tl|

10 10 10 10


















0.0 0.5









0.5 1.0





0.5 1.0



20 16 12


Rh| , |Th|

Rl| , |Tl|


8 4





0.010 0 0.000 0.005

0 0.000


Figure 8: |Rl |2 (thick line), |Tl |2 (thin line), |Rh |2 (dashed thick line), |Th |2 (dashed thin line) as functions of in the case of low-frequency incident CW for C1 = 2, C2 = 1. (a) kl = 2 with real kh , and (b) kl = 1 with kh changing from imaginary to real at = 0.39.
10 10 10 10 10

Rl| +|Rh| , |Tl| +|Th|

Figure 7: Same as in Figs. 5 and 6, but for C = 0.5.



to zero. For the special case of C = 1 all four coecients diverge at I close to zero and close to unity. It is relevant to note that, if Rl = 0 at a particular value of I , then Tl = 1, and, conversely, Rl = 1 if Tl = 0. These cases correspond to the full transmission and full reection for the LF waves, respectively. However, at = 0 the HF reection and transmission waves are excited too, therefore, in fact, these cases imply not full transmission and reection, but rather full conversion of LF waves into their HF counterparts. It is also interesting to consider the eect of amplication of the reected and transmitted waves, which is possible in the presence of the gain and loss, > 0 [6]. To this end, we x C1 = 2 and C2 = 1 and vary the gain/loss parameter within the range of 0 < 1 at xed kl , which leads to the variation of I from 4C1 (1 cos kl ) 1 to 4C1 (1 cos kl ). Accordingly, kh changes too, taking both real and imaginary values. For this case, coecients |Rl |2 , |Tl |2 , |Rh |2 , and |Th |2 are shown versus in Fig. 8, for kl = 2 (a) and kl = 1 (b). Note that kh remains real in (a) for all , while in (b) kh changes from imaginary to real at = 0.39. As seen in the gure, in (a) all the reection and transmission coecients increase with . On the other hand, in panel (b) they feature additional extrema in a vicinity of the point where kh changes from imaginary to real. The amplication of the reected and transmitted waves can be dened in terms of their total intensities. Thus, in the case of the incident LF CW, when both reected and transmitted HF waves are of CW type, the amplication of reection and transmission takes place when |Rl |2 + |Rh |2 > 1 and |Tl |2 + |Th |2 > 1, respectively (as shown in Fig. 9). We notice that the range of the incident-waves frequency, I , where the amplication occurs, increases with . Also note that in Fig. 9 (a) the reection and transmission coecients feature sharp

-1 -1











Rl| +|Rh| , |Tl| +|Th|


10 10


10 10 10












Figure 9: |Rl |2 + |Rh |2 and |Tl |2 + |Th |2 (thick and thin lines, respectively) as functions of I in the case of low-frequency incident CW for C1 = 2, C2 = 1, and = 0.01 (a), = 0.5 (b), = 0.9 (c), = 0.999 (d) Note that the vertical scale is logarithmic.

maxima in a vicinity of I = 0. In the limit = 0, as it has been already mentioned, the system becomes conservative and these maxima disappear.



We have studied the scattering of linear waves on a domain wall introduced into a waveguide array composed of PT -symmetric waveguide pairs. Such arrays support the propagation of HF (high-frequency) and LF (low-frequency) waves. Considering incident LF waves

7 of various types (continuous waves or unstaggered and staggered exponential waves), we have derived the corresponding reection and transmission coecients and analyzed their dependence on the system parameters. The case of the HF incident wave can be analyzed similarly. We have found that the LF incident wave generates both LF and HF reected and transmitted waves, provided that the gain and loss are present ( > 0). We also demonstrated that both reected and transmitted waves can be substantially amplied, provided that the gain > 0 is present. The range of the incident-waves frequency where the amplication takes place expands with the increase of . Our results suggest that the use of PT -symmetric elements in waveguide arrays oers various possibilities for manipulations of optical signals in photonic lattices. It may be interesting to add nonlinearity to the system. In addition to the formation of solitons [8], the nonlinearity may give rise to spontaneous symmetry breaking [6]. Obviously, these eects may strongly aect the scattering problem. Finally, a challenging problem is to extend the analysis to the case of two-dimensional PT -invariant networks.


Sergey V. Suchkov thanks Liya Z. Khadeeva for the discussions. S. V. Suchkov and S. V. Dmitriev acknowledge nancial support from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, grant 11-08-97057-p-povolzhie-a. The work was partially supported by the Australian Research Council.

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