Mmm2371-Nov 5
Mmm2371-Nov 5
Mmm2371-Nov 5
Emergency Weather
Response Shelter
Volunteers are
needed Merritts Emer-
gency Weather Re-
sponse Shelter. If you
are interested, please at-
tend a volunteer meet-
ing at the Civic Ctre
room 4, Nov. 6, 7pm.
FMI Community Polic-
ing Office, 378-3955.
2012 flu clinics
Next free clinic is
Nov. 7, 10am-5pm at
the Civic Centre, no
appointment neces-
sary. Also Dec. 5,
9:30am-4pm at NV
Health Ctre by ap-
pointment only. Bring
your care card. FMI
or call the public health office, 378-3400.
Arts Council AGM
The Nicola Valley Community Arts
Council invites you to their annual general
meeting on Wed., Nov. 7, 7pm, Courthouse
Art Gallery. Everyone welcome! RSVP to
Patricia Rebekah Lodge Bazaar
Luncheon, bake and Craft sale, Nov
10, 11am-1pm, Seniors Hall. $5 for lunch
Remembrance Dayceremonies
The Remembrance Day service will be
held Sunday, November 11, at the Civic
Center 10am, followed by the gathering
outside at the cenetaph at 10:45am.
Kamloops Eagles Ladies Auxiliary
bazaar and sale
This annual Christmas Bazaar and bake
& book sale will be heldNov. 10th, 8am -
11am at 755 Tranquille Rd, in the same
building as the Moon Wok Cafe. Moneys
from table rentals and the bake & book sale
goes to charities in Kamloops cancer,
hospice, diabetes research, etc.
Food Bank Christmas hampers Pick up Christmas hamper applications. The dead-
line is Nov. 29, but the sooner you apply, the sooner you receive. 1937 Quilchena Ave.,
Tues, Wed & Thurs, 10am-2pm. FMI 378-5827.
Christmas craft sale The Catholic Womens League will hold its Christmas craft
sale Nov. 17, 10am-2pm. For table rental, call Joan 378-3910
Wreath auction Country Christmas wreath applications for adult and youth divisions
are now available for pick up at the Civic Centre, Baillie House, Country Bug Books,
Home Hardware and the Chamber of Commerce. FMI Mischelle 378-6258.
guy fawkes day edition november 5, 2012 #2371
News, opinion, community events & classifieds since 1996! Box 2199 Merritt, BC V1K 1B8
T (250)378-5717 F(250)378-4700
Please recycle
Stuffed Pockets A small boy stunned his parents after church one Sunday when he
began to empty his pockets of nickels, dimes, and quarters. Finally his mother asked
the obvious question: "Where did you get all that money?" "At Sunday school," the
boy replied nonchalantly. "They have bowls of it."
What did the bunny say when he only had thistles to eat? Thistle have to do!
What do you get when you pour hot water down a rabbit hole? A Hot Cross bunny.
A magician pulls rabbits out of hats.
An experimental psychologist pulls habits out of rabbits.
follow us online at
space for your ad
Tel 378-5717 fax 378-4700
WhAT iS hoSPiCe?
Caring people working in coopera-
tion with physicians and other mem-
bers of the health care team to offer
support for the terminally
ill and their families
c/o 3451 Voght Street, Merritt, BC V1K 1C6
Contact 250-280-4040
Tel (250)378-8283 1953 nicola Ave.
Tropico Spice
dinner buffeT
Each evening, 4:30pm-8pm
Eric J. Chalmers
[250] 315-5692 Cell
2499 Priest Ave., Merritt, BC
1HANK5 10 0Uk 5P0N50k5 * lack's Pharmacy
11*Mandolins * Alastair Murdoch & Co * City of Merritt.
0avid rown & lnvestors' Croup * koyal LePage Merritt keal Estate
Friday 0ctober 12, 212
1hursday February 2, 213 5aturday April 6, 213
Monday 0ecember 1, 212
orne 8//Iott
ohn ee
Merritt Civic Centre, 7:3pm
1ickets @ lack's & aillie House
Adult 5eason Pass $ - Value of $91
5ingles Adults $22 (J.L. 5anders $25)
5enior/5tudent 5eason Pass $6 - Value of $76
5ingles 5enior & 5tudent $17 (J.L. 5anders $25)
Children 6 & under FkEE
cert _
Lakeview Gas Bar
3512 Hwy 5A, Quilchena, BC
Telephone (250)315-1392
Fireworks Fish Sales
Crime Prevention Wk
The BC government has declared
Nov. 1-7, Crime Prevention Week and en-
couraging British Columbians to stand
up against crime in neighbourhoods
throughout the province.
Crime Prevention Week is an oppor-
tunity for families, schools, businesses
and neighbourhoods to work together to
create safer streets in every community.
It is also a chance to acknowledge the
many dedicated British Columbians who
make significant contributions to crime
prevention and community safety.
The government provided $6.1 mil-
lion in civil forfeiture proceeds in 2011-
12 to support local crime prevention and
remediation efforts throughout the
province. In addition to civil forfeiture,
government provides more than
$375,000 in direct funding for crime pre-
vention programs each year. Statistics
show that overall the BC crime rate is the
lowest it has been in nearly 35 years.
office 378-2821 pub 378-5711
restaurant 378-4543 beer/wine 378-8859
fri-sat, 9Pm-2am eVery thurs! wed. @ 9Pm!
D.J. John
dance Party
with Allison Produc-
dance Party
with Allison Produc-
Christmas party, soon!
Book your
(250) 378-6655 2151 Quilchena Ave.
Dates are
filling up!
March 21
- April 19
It may be hard to keep things on
an even keel in relationships as
work pressures mount and you
cut back the time you can
spend on leisure activities.
Work comes rst at this time.
June 21 -
July 22
You are eager to enjoy leisure
time, family life & friends, but
powerful reasons dictate you
have to go along with work de-
mands and devote more time
to fullling your obligations.
Sept 23 -
Oct 22
Your desire to establish warm
and friendly relationships comes
up against the reality that you
have to defend your posses-
sions & cannot afford to get too
relaxed in dealings.
Dec 22 -
Jan 19
There are prestige occasions
& inuential people you want
to mix but you need to stay in
control and make your own
fate and destiny by showing
some leadership.
Aug 23 -
Sept 22
There is a good atmosphere
in relationships where you
enjoy support, but you also
wonder what is behind the
displays of love and affection,
is there a hidden agenda?
Nov 22 -
Dec 21
You are eager to relax with
friends but be careful not to
incur prohibitive costs trying to
keep up with their expensive
tastes and lifestyles.
Feb 19 -
Mar 20
Rich rewards awaiting you as
long as you push your aspira-
tions & hopes to a new level
and go further into your ideals
for the future than you ever
have before.
May 21 -
June 20
Close relationships come under
pressure from nancial commit-
ments & you feel put under sub-
tlepersuasions that cloud the
picture and produce a sense of
April 20 -
May 20
You may believe you enjoy
good relationships at work,
but you may experience con-
icts when you have to put in
place some harsh but neces-
sary decisions.
July 23 -
Aug 22
You are keen to establish rela-
tionships with people through
travel and communications, but
you are being driven by a com-
pelling need to bring about
drastic changes at work.
Oct. 23 -
Nov 21
The temptation to take time out
and enjoy some of your pas-
sions could end up with you
concocting plots & strategies
to defend your privacy from
prying eyes.
Jan 20 -
Feb 18
You are attracted to enriching &
glamorous experiences that are
outside your usual range. It
could be driven by unconscious
desires which you are hardly
aware of.
his Weeks Horoscope
Harry S. Lali
M.L.A. Fraser-Nicola
Monday - Thursday
2099 Granite Ave., Bag 4400 Stn. Main Merritt, BC V1K 1B8
Tel 250 378-4802 Fax 250 378-4852
Lieutenant Governor Judith Guichon Her Honour Judith
Guichon was installed today as BCs 29th Lieutenant Governor.
The ceremony took place in the Legislative Assembly of British Co-
lumbia, in the presence of Premier Christy Clark. Mrs. Guichon
was also invested into the Order of British Columbia at the cere-
mony and was accompanied by Mr. Bruno Mailoux and other
members of her family.
Photo: BC Govt
Recovery Powder
Blacks Pharmacy
2037 Quilchena Ave. 378-2155
monday edition november 5, 2012 #2371
Box 2199, Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 Tel: (250)378-5717 Fax 378-4700 email
We fix, build,
improve and clean
Home, yard, renos, projects, planning,
sml jobs ok, inside/outside landscape,
fencing & more. Reas rates. Refs avail.
Odd Jobber stands for integrity
mike poirier 315-1039 or cell 315-5398
We have Good Earth Compost avail-
able. Bring your own containers.
Winter Hrs: 10am-4pm, Tuesday-Saturday
Corner of Voght & Mammette
(250) 378-0349
Fits a 2004 Dodge Dakota crew cab box;
suitable for landscaping/ATV/snomo
trailer. Heavy duty mesh, 66"L x 64"W x
48"H with removable, lockable rear doors
- can be opened from inside/outside.
reasonable offers or Trade
Phone 250-378-6001 Merritt.
May be seen at Jackson's Welding in Collettville.
CAnoPy for SALe
tilt bd trlr 6'x10' flat dck & lng
tongue, u-blt gd for hauling quad,
snowmo or long loads $325 378-4853
sai lmaker- UPHOLSTeR
Chandler sailmakerspro sew. mach.
w/ tbl, dual needles.$1000. 378-6787
arcweld wirefeed wldr, 110v,
wrks grt $150 378-4059
JohnDeereridingmwr $850378-9866
coleman Powermate Vantage
3500w generator $400 378-4853
lots scrap mtl. Cans & pails nuts
& blts, assorted. Car & truck prts.
Offrs 378-6637, 378-4135
6.5 amp elect. snwblwr, 12 plw
width, for 6 snw, lk nw $35
brnd nw: tent garage. elect. garage
opener 378-4619
bryant model 395CAV. 85% effi.,
exc. cond. $450 378-0902
elect. fireplace, Dimplex Fran-
dlin-style 1500w $100 firm 378-7531
save$700: 34 brad nails, cases 3000/6
cs. Framngnails10-1/4ga. 3-1/4. 3cstrim
nails 20,000/cs, 15ga. 2. 378-4247eves.
cementmixr, gd cnd $125 378-8156
boliy 3600w sie invrtr/gen, lk
Honda silent $1100 378-6696
t200 Cmpct Pro Gx31 Honda 4-strk
pellet stove $250, nds nw cndrl
board, costs $300 378-8787
cedarlumber, any length 378-3648
cinder blocks, bricks , what have
you. for retaining wall 378-1987
clean/quiet ste <$500 util/wifi
incl, Nov 1, pref furn'd. Tim 525-
lvngrmfurniture 378-5441
16.5 tires, gd cnd 315-3038
metal dr, 36"x80", reas. gd cond.
elect. hotplte 378-2778
fncng5ft wood, chain link. Reas.
prices pls
dont take your leaves to dmp,
bag them & brng to me 378-2778
used horse trlr, reas., road-wrthy,
or transportation for this wknds
rodeo 378-4887
gd used oak or othr wd table set w/
chairs, prfr drkr wdcol. 378-0442aft 6pm
handyman special, two only Mo-
bile Homes: Foreclosure $ 5000 &
$8900, in prk 315-1000, (800)361-8111
to be moved: 14x70 mbl home,
82 Manco stnless appl., plnk lam.,
nw wndws $35,000 firm 378-4411
princeton beaut. dblwide in
Princeton Prk, fncd, evrythng nw, 5
appl, lam., nw wndws $78,000. Live
for $400/mo. 378-4411
2010 4-bdrmhse,3 bths, 1630sf,
dbl gar.,not anaverage home, w/o
full basement (total 3200sf), cherry
hrdwd flrs, cabinets etc 378-3593
rooms @ Coldwater Hotel, start-
ing from $400/mo 378-2821
2-bdrmhse on quiet cul-de-sac in
gd dwntwn neighbrhd, Dec 1, gar.,
sun rm, part. bsmt, lrg yrd, n/s, n/p,
refs & favourabel credit report reqd
$800 (250)314-9655
2-bdrmbsmt ste $700 315-4477
petit crk Rd., quiet cmfrtble rural
setting w/ wd htfor wrkng cpl, Dec 1,
reply w/ refs to
3-bdrm bright twnhome, frnt/bck
yrd. 1100sf, 2-bath, Nov. 1 $900 inc
hot wtr ht.lots prkng, nd refs. Carol
dplx, wlk dist to twn, n/p, 4-bdrm,
3-bth $1200 315-8729
1-bdrm lgl bsmt ste, n/s, n/p,
f/s/util., nr dwntwn, immed 378-2701
2-bdrmbsmt, lrg, nw crpt/pnt, hot
wtr ht, Dec 15 378-6268
1-bdrm ste, Sage Plc, n/p, n/s 1.5
bths 315-5470
3-bdrm upstrs hse nr CMS Nov
15. 3-bdrm bsmt ste, immed. nr
CMS 315-2345, 525-0240
4 rooms fully-furn'd $650 + HST
+ RM. 378-4201
2-bdrm + dn, 2-bath, lvng/dining,
mbl home, 1152sf, 5 appl., $1375 spec.
rnt $ 975 + sec. dep., dwntwn Merritt,
spec.for right cple, w/ sml caretaking
task, priv., 315-1000, (800)361-8111
2-bdrmgrnd lvl ste, priv. entr., off-
st. prkng, frsh pnt, nw lam. flrng, nw
f/cer. top stove, w/d, suit. for wrkng
sngl/cple. $750 + hydro, refs/dep.
req'd. Debbie 378-6844
2-bdrm mbl ovrlookng river, nr
Coopers, n/s, refs reqd, prfct for
wrkng cpl $700, Dec 1 378-4411
sml 3-bdrm hse, retirement area,
1430 Collett St., f/s/w/d. f/p, nice view,
n/s, n/p $800 + dep. Dec 1 378-1337
collettville 2-bdrm, lrg yrd
pets ok Nov 1 $750 + util. 315-3943
immed: Rm $450, dep. req., util incl.
Bnch, use of lndry/kitch. 315-5236
3-bdrmhse, lrg yrd, pets ok, 1375
Parcel $850 + util. Jason 378-7122
furn'd rm $465 incl.xtreme in-
ternet/cbl/lndry/util., priv. entr.,suit.
for stdnt/wrkng prsn, on bus route,
n/drnkng n/drgs 378-5128.
nw renod & furnd bach. ste, n/s
inside, priv prkng/entr./dck, 300-chnl
sat. tv $475, LN 315-1031
5-bdrm hse or 3-bdr up/2-bdrm
bsmt ste, nr 7-11 378-6899
2-brdm condo for wrkng people,
n/p, n/s 378-8161
grnd lvl 2-bdrm, n/p, n/s, w/d/util
incl $750 280-0749
2-bdrmgrnd lvl bsmt ste, util incl.
Nov 1 378-6659
seekingwrkng or pensioned prsn
to share home, reduced B&R for
household care assistance 378-4001
wanted/wanted to buy
for sale house/property
for rent
Valley Collision
quALiTy Paint & Body Repairs
Windshield Rock Chips Body Blends
CALL 250-378-1620
follow us online at
Devinas craft Place
Wools, cottons, Notions,
crafts & Al terations
Mon - Sat, 10am-5pm
1950 Quilchena Ave., 250-280-1937
e check
it ou
2 7 7 6 V o g h t S t . T e l : 2 5 0 - 3 7 8 - 5 9 6 6 w w w . m e r r i t t c o u n t r y a u t o s a l e s . c a
for cars
2663 Granite Ave. (next to Fountain Tire)
Merritts Auto Glass
ICBC Claims
Commercial Residential
Automotive Industrial
space for your ad
Tel 378-5717 fax 378-4700
space for your ad
Tel 378-5717 fax 378-4700
hsekeepng 378-0426
transportation reqd for student
attending Cntrl Schl, from Collettville,
parent prefd 378-6919
wtd: senior lookng for someone to put
up Xmas lights 378-4619
angies tealeaf readingNat-
ural gift, accurate, time untld, no ? asked
378-8326 wknds/eves/holidays
periodic yard & house cleaning serv-
ices req'd. contact:
hlp wtd: p-t dshwshr & bus person,
apply in persn @ Golden Chopticks
c&c custom motorworks.
Motorcycle, snowmobile, Powersport &
small eng. repair. Factory-trained Harley
Mechanic. Parts & accessories available.
(778)639-0008, 1937 Quilchena Ave
drumlessons by DHKB. kit drum-
ming lessons in all genres and styles of
music on a full drum kit for all ages. Dave
Berezan 315-5236,
fallclean-up & snow shovelling. Senior
discounts. Call for free estimates 936-8308
quality hse cleaning serv. 378-7312
Joes computer service. File
trnsfr to nw comp., install hrdware/soft-
ware, fix password, viruses, trojan, file
recovery, pwr supply, lessons 378-8802
simply stonework. Brick, block &
stone mason, quality wrk assured. Chim-
neys, f/p, patios, brick walls, chimney
sweepng. Joe 378-9421
granny's House Quilting & Retreat
has fabric and sewing notions. New
Treasures by La: unique wool felt items,
ie mug rugs & table centers, pins and
fobs. See them at Ballie House plant ex-
change Sat May 26. eleanor 378-3734
demurt handyman services: home re-
pair, appliance installs, painting, electri-
cal & plumbing repair, renovations,
honey-do lists. Murray 315-8729
for allyour lawn care nds & doggy doo
clean-up. Senior discounts, rain or shine. Call
for free estimates (250)936-8308
complete Home Improvement Serv-
ice. Repairs, add's, nw cnstrction. No job
too sml, lic'd & ins'd. Jim 378-7200
odd Jobber Handyman Services
315-1039, 315-5398
pipe-it Plumbing: Qual'd, journeyman
plumbers avail. for all your plmbng nds.
Specialize in nw homes. Rens, serv. wrk,
drain cleaning. No job too big or too sml.
Brian 378-4892 (off.), 315-9970 (cell)
drywall, textured ceiling, painting.
Call Jeff (250)378-3709, (250)315-2066
lookng for casual/on-callchildcare, my
home, 2childrenages4&6. Mon-Fri 3-11pm.
Chris or Jaime 378-4857
lookng to babysit: my home, off
Coldwater Rd. Crystal 378-6025
fridge, stove. wshr & dryer. dshw-
shr 315-2345, 525-0240
nr nw elmira 4-burner, slf-cln gas
stove, cayenne red, looks lk antique wd
stove, pd $8000 sell $3500 378-5661
2 med chest freezers $125each. 1 lrg
fridge $150. Panasonic microwave $30.
All in exc wrkg cond. 378-5661
st. stln/g bbq w/ side brnr $200 378-4128
moving: st. stl side-x-side fridge, pd
$3000 sell $1000obo. St stl stove
$600obo. wshr & dryer $600obo. elect.
fireplace $500obo. Rev. osmosis syst.
$500obo. Hot tub $1800obo (250)448-
4470, txt 280-2142
coleman fldng camp ovn fits on
Coleman stove $25. Cln wstnghse 15cf
freezr $50 (250)295-3642
elect. stove, slf-cln ovn, exc cnd
$125, changed to gs 378-9459
dryer exc cnd 378-4395
brndnwColemanbbqw/ sidebrnr378-4619
free, oldr kitch. stove, 4-brnr, timer, gd
wrkng cond., u pck-up 280-2780
wht Inglis 4-brnr range, gd cond
$100obo 378-6844
92 geo Tracker 4x4 auto, hrdtp, 238k,
$3000. firm Gary 315-0151
98 f150 shrtbx 2wd pck-up, loaded. Alum
drybx. Headache rck. 378-3990, 315-2017
4 - 185x14 studded & bal'd Goodyr snw tires,
on 4 stud stl rims, exc. cond. $200 378-4388
4 m+s Radial tires 265/70/17 $120. 4
Hankook w400 235/60/16 $80 378-4916
92 dodge 3/4-tn turbo diesl, 340k,
brnd nw strtr, mag whls & Cooper tires
$3800obo 378-2889
04 fordF250 4x4, gd shape $6000obo
92 dodge 3/4 tn diesl 340k, nw strtr, mag
whls $3500 378-2990
4 steel rims fit Dodge Dakota.16" 6-
hole, gd cond. $100obo 378-9202
auto trans for v6 eng. for 99 Monte
Carlo or othr Chev cars, vry cln, lw km
$250 315-0209
98 olds 88 4-dr, lady-drvn local car, lw
km. wntr-ready, vry nice cond., well-serv'd,
2 set tires, will finance if necess. 936-9106
4 205/65r15 Artic Claw wntr tires w/
rims off Ford Taurus $200. 1 T-135/65R14
spare tire off Ford Taurus $40. 378-9229
4 wntr Yokohama Geolander tires
P225/5R16, used 1 wntr 378-5441, out of
twn Nov 1-15.
4 snwtires 195/60R14 studded, 80% read
left $200 315-0202, 378-1883
fourLT M&S 235x85Rx16 load e snw
tires w/ studs on GM whls, used 2 seas.
$500 378-5297
97 f350 7.3l diesl pck-up, xtra tires $2000
97 ford escort, 4-dr, 200k, gd cnd, Mich.
tires, ir $1895 378-4771
chev Sprint w/ 2 sets tires, nds mtr wrk
$350obo (250)448-4470, txt 280-2142
93 isuzuRodeo 4x4, v6 $1600 378-4059
4 snw tires 165R70/16 used, studded
wntr tires, Gdrich P195-70-14, brnd
nw, pd $400+, sell $250 378-6784
p185/65r14all seas. set of 4 (2 used 1 seas./2
brndnwnvr used) $160/set. 378-0442aft 6pm
98 dodge diesl, auto, 430k, rns gd
$6000 -378-7370
90 toyota Forerunner, v6 stndrd,
daily drvr, nds rear wndw reassembly, 31
tires, many nw prts $1500 378-4059
hankook winter iPikes w/ rims, 5 lug
205/65R15 94T, set of 4, 75% tread $400
99 chrysler300M, leather, p/l, p/w, v6,
rns grt, mechanic ownr $2200obo 378-5214
07 ford edge, blk w/ beige inter., exc
cnd $19,500obo 315-9276
89 toyota Corolla, A/T, cheap to rn,
nw exh., wntrzd $1500 378-8802
2 snowtires 215/60R15 $40 378-8835
97 mazdaprotege exc cond, 238k, grt on
gas, snw studded tires on rims & 1 set all-
seas. tires $1800, no use for car just parked
for 18 mos., only serious enq 378-3777
4 - 15" Rally rims, 6-hole for Chev 4x4
$100 firm 315-3084
78 cadillac Coupe de Ville, 425
mtg, 29 orig. mi., 2-dr sedan, wht
exter/burg. leathr inter, prt. vinyl roof,
exc cnd all round $5500obo. 89 Jeep
YK blk, soft-top 130k on 2nd eng., gd
shape $2200obo. 378-3648
brandnw: 2snwradial tires, canbestudded
235/75R-15, hvy load rated $185 378-9269
set 4 studded wntr tires, only used last
wntr. 205/75R15 $350 Sharon 280-5034
canopy: 7 lx6w, fits 89-96 Ford shrt
bx c/w clmps $300obo 315-2780
92 merc. Marquis, 144k, $700 as is.
Bob 315-4751
245r75/17 m&s Continental tires fo trck
$100/4. Cust.-made boat carrier, frnt-
mount, elect. $2000obo. hdache rck for
nwr Ford $200obo 378-5144, 315-9317
canopy 24h, reg 8 bx, w/ boat rack,
vry gd shape $125obo 378-5165
80 fordF150 cust. 2wd, 351 mtr, 4-spd
man trans., rns grt, lt rust around whls, nr
nw 16 APT tires c/w mid-80s 9 Vangard
cmpr, no leaks, s/furn./snk/icebx, grt
shape. Clayton 378-6876
88 chev S10 Blazer, rns, Hiddn-Htch,
gd shape $1250obo OTF sml 4-dr car.
Rodney 378-2370
86 fiero $2500 378-1337
11 gmcTerrain, 22k, $29,000 378-7789
14-hnd horse, exc for kids/beginners
18.5 years old $1500obo Jolene 378-5588
2 male kittns, 6 mos. old, gd farm cats
hamster free to gd home, w/ cage &
access. 315-8796
30 oldrchckns, all must go, cheap/offrs.
Bill 315-3621, 378-4534
llama male, exc guard animal $125
5-yr old appallosa/thoroughbred x gldnt
$800obo Jim 315-3241
firewood sale, vry dry, gd fir
$80/pck-up load 378-5379
adJust. mtl drftng tble, enduro2 pwr
lft prof. tbl, 60"x38", adjust. ht & tlt w/
lckng ft pd, c/w vinyl cvr & slide rule,
all-stl hvy duty tbl gd for wrkshp or artist
studio, wrath $2300 sell $199 315-0167
approx. 3' Russian Olive log chunks for
wd turning, beaut.grain $15/chunk 378-3569
movng: beaut. taxidermied elk head
w/ nice rck $250 378-3905
plntsale, moving: sml, med., lrg 378-8383
50 asortd vcr tapes $20 378-6480
free: 3 sets pnk vert. blnds w/ cream
valances, gd cond 378-6230
storage clear out, unit 45 & 46 @
LN: washer& dryer $40ea. Sew. mach.
$60 Cabinet, ent. ctre & match. coffee
table & 2 end tables $75 dollars. Oak l
shape counter. Off. desk $25. 315-0209
shoprider pwr whlchair, mdl
P424L, 09, gd cnd $1750obo 378-0246
tropical plnt sale, ser. inq. only.
Mon-Fri, maybe Sat. 378-8383
3 gall. semi-gloss wht pnt $75 378-
2052, 315-5795
royalAlbert Old Country Rose, 14-place
set & xtra pcs, oak china cabinet incl.
$2000obo (250)499-8853,
firewd fir $140/cord, $70/pck-up
load, $120/cord mixed, ltd qty 378-3496
glsdr 30"x76.5" $25. 3 flr lmps. pixs avail.
$10 378-5264,
apples: goldn delicious, red delicious,
spartan, gala 378-9545
genie bras 378-4247
42 round gls for tbl top $15. mirr.:
6hx30w $15. Lrg brass bx w/ crvngs
for stor., pd $150, sell $60. 378-5775
westernSafety workSafe BC Lvl 1 first
aid kit, metal container type, nor used/still in
plastic, worth $100 nw, sell $40 378-4853
singer sew. mach., instruct./access.
incl $30 378-6480
work boots, brnd nw, sz 8.5 mns 280-
0085, 315-2071
medical supplies: ceiling pole $200.
Multi-pos. bdw/ memory foam matt. $3000.
Shoprider pwr whlchair, brnd nw $3000.
Roho cushion $250 378-2052, 378-9028
firewd: Fir $120, pine $100 (per load,
split/dlvrd). Cust. lengths avail., de. avail.
eves/wknds only.Curt 315-0181
moving: arm charm $5. Kitch t/l w
leaf, 2 chairs $10 378-6354, 315-2077
sklar-Peppler chstrfld, exc cnd, pd
$899, sell $200. bookcase/wall unit, blk,
6 shlvs $20. Round gls tbl, 40 dia. w/
blk legs $20. 378-5775
lrg chair & ottoman, lk nw pd $1200,
sell $300obo Deb 378-8309
3-pcchtrfld set $400. 9-drwr drssr $75.
Dbl bd w/ hdbrd $225 378-8188
qu-sz bdrm suite. Kitch. tbl w/ 4 chairs.
Kitch. tbl w/ 6 chairs. tv stnd, coff. tbl,
comp. dsk & chair 378-4565 aft 4pm
crnr comp. dsh $50 firm 378-4139
2-unit oak Palliser ent. ctre w/ 27"
Toshiba tv, exc cond $100 378-6230
kngsz matt. ,looks lk nw $300obo 525 0319
china cabinet $100. Oak ent. ctre
$100 378-6540
smldsk w/ htch, gd cnd $30obo 378-7531
bdrmsuite w/ 48 bd 378-4395
huge moving sale: qu bd brass frame.
Qn poster bd, drssr, 2 nite stnds. 8 hrdwd
capt. chairs . wine cabinets. 2 13-drwr
drssrs w/ wng mirr. 2 oak display china
cab, w/ gls/mirr. drs. 4 spanish-style oc-
cassional chairs. Broyhill diningrm set. 2
hrdwd crnr units. Kng bd frame. Pine
cabinet. Sml drssr. 2 bkshelves. Unique
tbl w/ gls top. Grndfthr clock. Pub -style
tbl w/ lazy susan. walnut coff. tbl & end
tbl. Comp. cabinet. And more 315-0209
3-pc couch, chair, lng footrest $100/set.
Nw sngl pillow matt. from City Furn.,
hrdly used $75 378-2351
free: 2 loveseats & wing-bck chair,
pck up 1925 Quilchena, Apt C, back alley
leather, 3-seat sofa with high back
$100. 2 un-matched occasional chairs w/
ottomans $50 ea. 378-6158
krohler sofa bd w/ loveseat,
cln/prfct cnd $400obo 378-00838
antiquesolid oak desk $375, 31"hx54"w
x30"d 6 drwrs, 2 pull-out side rests 315-0279
dbl bs sprng & matt. w/ hdbrd. Sew.
machs: kenmore & Singer. Microwave
stnd. Maytag dryer. w/d tower. wht tbl
w/ 2 chairs. Composter. 2x2 cemnt slabs
10. whte bench. Resin grey bench. 2
coffe tbls, oak Chinese. Tv stnd. 4-drwr
drssr, purpl/pnk. 378-8383
ent. ctre for 27 tv. 2 sets kitch. tbls w/ 6
chairs ea. Coffee & 2 end tbls set. Comp. dsk.
Bookcase. 2-pc sofa set, all exc cnd 378-4503
brnd nw: wht wool rug. Loveseat.
Futon 378-4619
leathersofa, ivory. Lazy-Boy chair.
25-disc cd chngr 315-4571
rckr/recliner, plum $100obo, grt
shape 378-6584
amdAthlonII P340dual-coreprocessor 2.20
GHz, 3.00 GB Ram, 32-bit OS, service pck 2
$400obo 525-2093,
2 peavey guitar amps 378-5165
17" macbook Pro, screen col. prob-
lem, but works well w/ lrg flat screen, get
for student, etc. $378 firm, 2GB memory,
well worth a look 378-3569
lk nwwindows Vista & Vista upgrade
$250obo or part trade. office 2008 for Mac
nvr opened $125. Jimi Hendrix fuzz pedal
lk nw $100obo. RC flight simulator for
comp. w/ 4-chnnl rem. $200obo.
bell 4100 rcr & Bell sat. dsh incl 100+
coaxial wire $50. (250)295-3642
32 JVC tv w/ remote $50 315-4453
nwNokia C3-01 touch screen cellphone,
warm grey w/ Telus Simcard $150.obo.
apple tv1, lk nw $125obo. New HPPhoto
Smart All-in-One, prntr/scannr/copier
$75. Nw D-Link wireless Xtreme N gam-
ing router $100 378-5004
computer tower with win XP, fresh
install $75 378-8802
02 polaris RMK800, 151x2" trek,
2500km w/ stngr, car, gas can $3800obo
07 skidoo Summit. $800, must sell
one rifle teaka3 300 w s m w/ 4x12
elite scope, 1 yr old/lk nw, must have pal,
$700 378-3905
bowflex TredClimber 5000, lk
nw/hrdly used, w/ evrythng, pd $2500,
sell $1800 firm Jolene 378-5588
74 parkAve 22 cmpr trlr, f/s/pv/furn.,
slps 6 $1000obo 378-2303
02 summit 800 skidoo, 151 trck, rev.
$2500obo, rns grt. 97 MXZ 670 skidoo,
136 trck, rns grt $1500obo 315-3038
04 rockwd 23 trvl trlr, loaded, hrd-
wall, nw tires, outdr shwr $12,900obo
2 pr skis $40ea or $60/both 378-3484
84 skidoo440 w/ nw seat, rns exc, grt
for ice fshng/rail ridng $400 378-4059
80 ford camper van, self-cont., rns
well, gd tires, cln $3500 315-0116
gear for ice hockey goalie. Drtbike
boots & hlmt 378-0827
exerc. spin bike, Free Spirit X-trainer
55, 3 sets wts $90 378-5775
4trlrrims8-blt, stl whls$100/all 315-2829
98 claris 700 snwblwr, 159 trck, 2
paddles, rns ok, may nd nw crnkshft
$3000 in prts, sell $3000ob 378-5198
2 nr-nw fldng bikes $75ea. 378-5036
28 78 Centurion mtrhome w/ 32
flatscrn tv, sereo syst., nw tires/exhst/
trans., rns exc, 12v cnvrtr $8000obo. 98
800 seadoo w/ trlr, nw upholst/seat/batt.
$5000. 3-in-1 wt bnch w/ free-stndng
wts $150obo. Normal wt bnch $100obo.
87 YZ250 Yamaha drtbike, nds fuel tnk
rns exc, reblt mtr $1500obo 378-5198
97 f350 diesl w/ 10 Vanguard cmpr,
7.3L $2500 378-1610
30diesel Pusher Cumins 93 class A
mtrhome $25,000 378-2776
8' profess. built pram-demo, model-made
in Penticton http://www.woodenflyfishing- original price $1500 incl. oars,
DeMO Model $1400 incl oars, swivel seat,
anchor mount, 2 rod mounts, floor rug. Only
been used 4x a beauty. Mharie 378-9269
treadmill $325. Joe 378-2676
mtnbike frnt whl, Sun Ringle sngl trck,
26", Formula hub 20mm, wrath $160,
used 2x, sell $90
recumbent bike, lk nw, vry lw kms.
$75 378-0349
free-stndng weight bnch, cabl operd
$150oobo 378-5198
pooltbl in Merritt, nds to be gone ASAP
$400obo. Txt/call Shawn (250)263-2199
02 summit 800 skidoo, 151 trck, re-
verse $3000obo. 97 skidoo MXZ670,
136 trck $1500obo 315-3038
16 Oregon chainsaw chain, nvr used 15
tndmaxle trlr for haulng wd/hay, canvas
cvr, 19lx76w, 5h sides, $2500obo. Joe
sect. fact. fold alum./gls, 3 sect. on
trck 9x26 $250 378-6217
four 5-stud trlr-wheel tires 205/75
D14 $80 378-4778
early 1900 wht McClary Kootenay
wd burning stove, exc cond., wrmng
ovn/water jckt/spare parts, re-chromed.
$3000 378-5661
employment opportunity
for sale - appliances
for sale - automotive
livestock/pets & access.
for sale - miscellaneous
for sale - furniture
forsale- electronics/software
for sale - recreational
for sale - tools/equipment