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APHydro Program Book

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Forewor by Vice-Ch rd hancellor

VIC CE-CHANCELLO OR I UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA Bism millahirrahmanirra ahim W Warm Greetings, and Salam 1 Malaysia to everyone m
It gives me great pleasure to wel g lcome all participants of the 6th Asia-Pacif Workshop on Mari s fic ine Hydrodynam (APHydro 2012). mics It is indeed an honor to have grea minds and experts i the field of hydrod a at in dynamics, converging to g share new in nsights and knowledg for the benefit of all who pursue this very special disciplin ge ne. Besides inspiring up-and-coming researchers, this co g onference will serve as a platform towar rds creating mor collaboration oppo re ortunities for interdis sciplinary research. We also hope that all research know wledge could be poten ntially channelled int the commercial and industrial market. to d This worksho is also a timely m op moment for participan to seize the chance of understanding ne nts e ew ideas and de evelopments in this d discipline, which I b believe are creative and innovative. Th his follow-up fro the 5th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Marin Hydrodynamics (O om ne Osaka University, Japa an) will certainly strengthen and help establish better maste over matters perta y ery aining to hydrodynam mic. Without doub participants will fi this conference in bt, ind nformative and academ mically relevant with all our pioneerin research, currently unknown to many. ng With Univers Teknologi Malays (UTM) transforme into a Research U siti sia ed University, tremendo ous effort to spur research activities ha been started. APHydro 2012 is defini r as itely one of the resear rch effort. UTM also provides full s M support to researchers and warmly welcom keen intellectuals to s me join us in our quest for knowledge and to solve tomorro r e ows problem. Lastly, congr ratulations to the Mari Center for a job w done in organizin this event. ine well ng Best wishes for a stimulating and r f rewarding workshop.


Forewor by Deputy Vice-Chance rd ellor (Research & Innovati ion)

O OFFICIATER OF F A Aphydro 2012 T 6th Asia-Pac The cific Workshop On O Marine Hydrodynam mics um warm greetings. Assalamualaiku wr. wbk and w
On behalf of Universiti Teknol logi Malaysia, I wou like to welcome all uld local and int ternational participant to the 6th Asia-Pa ts acific Workshop on M Marine Hydrodynamics (APHYDRO 2012). This event a aims to bring togeth marine researcher to share knowledg her rs ge, initiate collab boration and build ne etworking in various fields of marine dis sciplines, particularly in marine hydro odynamics field. The global challenge in marine h hydrodynamics requir continuous resear and development in res rch order to enh hance the understand ding and approaches towards designing a more efficient and s g a sustainable world system. Univ w versiti Teknologi M Malaysia (UTM) act tively encourages our o academicians and researchers to engage in impactful research-driven acti s l ivities that can make a e difference no just to the academi fraternity but also contributing to indus ot ic stries and societies as a s whole. The diversity in research activities across fa h aculties and department shows that we are a continuously enhancing our know wledge and expertise areas of concern tow wards becoming a world ity. class universi APHYDRO has contributed sign nificantly to enginee ering research partic cularly in the fields of renewable en nergy, offshore mecha anics and hydrodynam mics, advanced ship te echnology, environme ent (wind and oc cean), sloshing dynam and design, coas hydrodynamics, C mics stal CFD in hydrodynamics, sea keeping and manoeuvring, shi propulsion and pro a ip opeller, risk and fatigu ship resistances and ue, a performances and new concept development. This series of conference will further enhan s e nce research effo and innovative s orts solution in pertinent areas through excha ange of new ideas and a sharing of ins sights for continuous improvement in the f field. I am convinc that the discussion deliberations and knowledge sharing fr ced ns, rom the conference will w be a meanin ngful experience for all participants. La r astly, I would like t express my since to ere appreciation to the organizing com t mmittee and those who have been involved directly or indirectly in o d y making this conference a success. I wish you all a produ c uctive and rewarding conference. Best wishes,


Deputy Vice e-Chancellor (Rese earch & Innovation n)

Forewor by Chairma rd an
CHAIRMAN A Aphydro 2012 T 6th Asia-Paci Workshop On The ific Mari Hydrodynam ine mics. Assalamualaiku wr. wbk and w um warm greetings!
I am grateful with the grace of A l, Allah S.W.T., I have this opportunity to s a few words in th say his workshops programme booklet. O behalf of the local organizing committe I would like to tha p On ee, ank the internatio onal organizing comm mittee, our sponsors, fellow participants an to just about anyo nd one who had a pa in making this wor art rkshop a success. The Maritime industry of any cou e untry plays an importa role in its econom stability and succe ant mic ess. Whilst Malay ysia aspires to be a developed country b the year 2020, on of the criteria for a by ne r developed na ation is its capability as a contributor to the development o the global maritim y of me industry. The maritime industry of this country can be regarded as havin a high potential for e ng f success and one of the major cont o tributors to the countr development. The government has tak rys ken various meas sures to support this industry and further expand it. It is unde eniable that of late, the t maritime ind dustry has been playin a major role in st ng timulating the Malay ysia's economic grow wth. Thus, it is cr rucial that we not on equipped ourselv with knowledge and be technologica nly ves ally competent in order to achieve th developed nation status but also to ex n he xtend and enhance our o collaboration with researchers in other countries espec ns cially in the Asia-Paci region. ific As part of our effort to participa and contribute in the global arena, t Marine Technolo o ate n the ogy Department of Universiti Tekno ologi Malaysia is m most grateful and ho onored to host the 6th 6 Asia-Pacific Workshop on Marin Hydrodynamics ( ne (APHydro2012). The workshop which was e w initiated by Japan and Korea in 2 J 2002 and now held biennially has the mai objective to promo in ote technical and cultural exchange am d mong marine research in the Asia-Pacifi region. hers ic Finally, I hope that this worksho will be a success and will benefit all parties. The maritim op l me industry is by nature global, comp y plex and multidiscipli inary. To achieve succ cess, we definitely ne eed to collaborate at both national and international levels and also able to work with researchers fro e d k om different disc ciplines. I am happy to note here that APH Hydro 2012 is well a attended by participan nts from differen countries especially in the Asia-Pacific r nt y region and is also wel supported by sponso ll ors from the mar industries. rine Thank You

Chairman, APHYDRO 2012 6th Asia-Pacific Work kshop on Marine Hydr rodynamics.



Profesor Dr. Atilla Incecik University of Strathclyde

Dr. Allan Magee R & D Technip

Profesor Dr. Doi Yasuaki Hiroshima University

Dr. Shankar Bhat Aramanadka Malikai Top Tension Riser Tendon Delivery, Shell



7.00 am 8.00 am 8.30 am 8.45 am 8.50 am 8.55 am 9.00 am 9.10 am 9.20 am 9.30 am 9.35 am 9.45 am 10.15 am 10.45 am Registration

Monday, 3rd September 2012 ACTIVITIES

Organising Committee Assemble at N24 DK Participants to be Seated Announcement on the Arrival of Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research & Innovation) Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Negaraku and Then VIP To Be Seated Welcome Remark by Master of Ceremony & Recital of Doa Welcome Remark 1 by Chairman APHydro2012 Opening Speech and Ceremony by of Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research & Innovation) Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Gimmick Launching and Multimedia Presentation Momento Award to Sponsors and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research & Innovation) UTM Exhibition Tour of VIP Keynote Lecture 1: Profesor Dr. Atilla Incecik (University of Strathclyde) Keynote Lecture 2: Dr. Allan Magee (R & D Technip) TEA BREAK

Room A 11.00 am 1.10 pm 2.30 pm 4.50 pm 5.05 pm Session D ( Environment: Wind and Ocean) Session A: (Renewable Energy)

Room B Session B ( Offshore Mechanics and Hydrodynamics) LUNCH BREAK Session E ( Sloshing Dynamics and Design) TEA BREAK SESSION ADJOURNED Room C Session C (Advance Ship Technology)

Session F (Coastal Hydrodynamics)

8.30 am 9.00 am

Tuesday, 4th September 2012 3 PARALLEL SESSIONS

Keynote Lecture 3: Profesor Dr. Doi Yasuaki (Hiroshima University) Keynote Lecture 4: Dr. Shankar Bhat (Shell) Room A Session G (CFD in Hydrodynamics) Room B Session H (Seakeeping and Maneuvering) TEA BREAK LUNCH BREAK Session K (Ship Resistance & Performances) TEA BREAK SESSION ADJOURNED MEETING OF INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE CONFERENCE ANNUAL DINNER (PULAI SPRING RESORT) Room C Session I (Ship Propulsion and Propeller)

9.30 am 10.40 am 11.00 am 1.10 pm 2.30 pm 4.50 pm 5.00 pm 5.00 pm 8.00 pm


Session J ( Risk and Fatigue) Session L (New Concept Development)

Day 1: Session A (Room A1): RENEWABLE ENERGY

Chairman Time 11.00 am 11.20 am Paper Title Transmission of Energy to Waves by Instantaneous Ground Motion on a Beach Wave Power Absorption Capability of a Multi-Resonant Double Chamber Oscillating Water Column Device Study on Wave-Energy Absorption by a Floating Body Equipped with Interior Pendulum-Type Rotating Cylinder Hydrodynamic Aspects on Vulnerability Criteria for Surf-Riding of Ships Numerical Study of the Effect of Leading Edge Protuberances on Wing Hydrodynamic Performance Applying the Body Force Method to the Simulation of Flow Around a Horizontal Axis Marine Current Turbine Authors Arghya Bandyopadhyay R.Wilbert, V.Sundar and S.A.Sannasiraj Katsuhiro Sakai, Saki Nishimatsu and Masashi Kashiwagi Yuto Ito, Naoya Umeda and Hisako Kubo Van Trieu Nguyen and Jeng Horng Chen I-Hui Tseng, Ching-Yeh Hsin, Wei-Che Wei, Hsun-Jen Cheng and Ya-Lin Tsai

11.40 am 12.00 am 12.20 am

12.40 am

13.00 am

A New Proposal for the Design of TLP Type Offshore Wind Turbines

Midori Matsuura and Yasunori Nihei


Chairman Time 11.00 am Paper Title Hydrodynamic Loading on Riser Support Structures Model Test of Hydrodynamic Interactions of Floating Structures in Regular Waves Nonlinear Response Prediction of Deep Water Floating Structure Using Artificial Neural Network Wave Absorption by Twin Floating Bodies with External Dynamics Systems A study on Suitable Arrangement of Legs of a Semi-Submersible Type Offshore Wind Turbine in the Sea Around Japan Fracture of Scantling Support Structure of Gas Processing Module on FPSO Authors S. Nallayarasu and Lakshmi V.G Hassan Abyn, Adi Maimun, Jaswar, M. Rafiqul Islanm, Allan Magee, Behnam Bodaghi, Mohamad Pauzi and C.L.Siow Md. Alhaz Uddin, Mohammed Jameel and Hashim Abdul Razak Chutatsu Hirao, Munehiko Minoura and Yuki Miyazaki M.Takei and M.Murai Mufti F.M, E.B. Djatmiko, Murdjito and Jaswar and Efi K.M. Yen, Allan Magee, Shankar Bhat, Ir. Dr. Mohamad Pauzi bin Abdul Ghani, Nasrudin bin Haji Ismail and Nor Bahrain Ahmad Zukni

11.20 am

11.40 am 12.00 am 12.20 am 12.40 am

13.00 am

Riser VIV Suppression Device Test

Day 1: Session C (Room C1): ADVANCED SHIP TECHNOLOGY Chairman Time Paper Title Authors
11.00 am 11.20 am Numerical Study of Hydrodynamic Response of a Floating Wave Energy Converter, Backward Bent Duct Buoy (BBDB) Improvement of Ship Geometry in Light of Ship Performance in Actual Sea Sung-Jae Kim and Weoncheol Koo MuhdarTasrief and Masashi Kashiwagi

11.40 am 12.00 am

12.20 am

12.40 am

Effect of Asymmetrical Bridle Towline Configuration on Course Stability of a Towed Ship Design of a Body with Depth Control System for an Underwater Glider Development of a New Energy-Saving Tanker with Non-Ballast Water and Podded Propulsors - Characteristic of Roll Motion and Defects of Ikedas Prediction Method for Roll Damping A Multi-Criteria Controller for Ship Autopilots

Ahmad Fitriadhy, Hironori Yasukawa, Tomoyuki Yoneda and Kho Koh King Muhamad Fadli B. Ghani and Shahrum Shah B. Abdullah Tatsuya Miyake, Yasunori Nihei and Yoshiho Ikeda Le Thanh Tung Nofrizal, Zulkarnain, Jaswar, E.Prayetno, H. Saputra, Mufti F.M, Sanusi, A.Deah, Risandi.D.P, Surhan, Bayo and Yasser.M.A

13.00 am

Production Process of Traditional Ships in Kepulauan Riau-Indonesia


Chairman Time 2.30 pm Paper Title Corrosion Behavior of Aluminium Alloy in Seawater at Two Different Sites off Kuala Terengganu Coast Fundamental Study on Thermal Insulation of Bulk Storage Tank of Hydrate for Natural Gas Transport Simulation of Oil Spill Trajectory In Johor, Malaysia Shoreline Wind Tunnel Investigation into the Drag Characteristics of a Pair of Demihull Catamaran in Proximity Identification of Key Ethnographic Factors and Their Influences on Traditional Malaysian Trawlers Method of Coupled Analysis of TLP Type Offshore Wind Turbines and Results of Tank Tests Authors Fakhratul Zulkifli, Mohammad Fadhli Ahmad, Khalid Samo and Wan Mohd Norsani Wan Nik Masatoshi Sadano and Susumu Tanaka Mohammad Rashidi bin Razali, Jaswar, Mohd Zamani Bin Ahmad and Muhandes A. Jamaluddin , R. Hutauruk and I.K.A.P. Utama Mohd. Ruskiman Abdullah Nawawi, Mohd Zamani Ahmad, Agoes Priyanto and Jaswar Yasunori Nihei, Minori Kozen and Kazuhiro Iijima

2.50 pm

3.10 pm

3.30 pm

3.50 pm

4.10 pm

4.30 pm

Development of skin-friction reduction paint using fine powder of PEO Mooring Analysis for Very Large Offshore Aquaculture Ocean Plantation Floating Structure Methodology for LNG Terminals (FLNG, FSRU & LNGRV)

4.50 pm

5.10 pm

Inwon Lee, Hyun Park, Ho Hwan Chun, and Sang-Min Kim O. Sulaiman, A. Magee, Z. Bahrain, A.S.A.Kader, AdiMaimun, A.G. Pauzi, W.B. Wan Nick, K. Othman Louis Diebold, Thomas Gazzola and Eric Baudin


Chairman Time 2.30 pm Paper Title Study on the Prediction of Sloshing Severity Validation of a Motion Simulation Technique in Various Regular Oblique Wave Conditions for a Container Ship Numerical Computations of Strongly Nonlinear Slamming and Resultant Wave Loads Particle Image Velocimetry Measurement on the Oscillating Characteristics of Sloshing-induced Internal Flow Fields Take Off Resistance Estimation of Wing In Ground Effect (WIG) Craft Hydrodynamic Interaction between Two Ships Advancing in Close Proximity in Waves Authors Miaozi Zheng, Yonghwan Kim, Sang-Yeob Kim and Ying Gou Hiromichi Akimoto, Md. Mashiur Rahaman and Kenji Tanaka Sunbum Kim and Masashi Kashiwagi Yangjun Ahn, Jae-Han Kim, Sang-Yeob Kim, Kyong-Hwan Kim and Yongwhan Kim M.Mobassher B.Tofa, Adi Maimun,Yasser M.Ahmed and S jamei Hafiz Mahyuddin and Faizul Amri Adnan Norul Hidayah Kadir, Hairil Afif Hamid, Mohd Zamani Ahmad, Ab Saman Abd Kader, Adi Maimun Abd Malek, Agoes Priyanto and Mohd Afifi Abdul Mukti Sanusi, Jaswar and Azaniza Wati V.Belyaev, D.Kuznetsov and S.Chizhiumov

2.50 pm 3.10 pm 3.30 pm

3.50 pm 4.10 pm

4.30 pm

Practical Issues on the Implementation of Ballast Free System

4.50 pm 5.10 pm

Optimization of Rounded-Shape Floating LNG Production and Storage Capacities Using Simulation Modeling (Part I) Ships with an Elastic Fin Propulsors


Chairman Time 2.30 pm 2.50 pm 3.10 pm 3.30 pm 3.50 pm Paper Title Phase Resolved and Averaged Wave Simulations in Jakarta Harbour Study On Mobile Floating Harbor Concept Justification of Efficiency of Application and Manufacturing Techniques of Rowing Screws with Long Wavy Blades Hydrodynamic Settlement of the Core and Foundation in Earth Dam During Earthquake Research of Dynamic Characteristics of Airfoil Boat on the Takeoff Conceptual Designs of Fishing Vessels for the Storm and Ice Conditions on Seas of Sakhalin and Kurily Islands Numerical Simulation of Free Surface Effect on Wave Interference of Catamaran with Fin Stabilizer Environmental parameters and their influence of marine diatoms of Karaikal coast, Southeast coast of India Optimization Planning and Scheduling in FPSO E-House Module Fabrication Model Authors Didit Adytia, Meirita Ramdhani and E. van Groesen K.U. Tiau, Jaswar, Hassan Abyn and C.L. Siow Aleksandra Vladimirovna Slavgorodskaya Behrouz Gordan and Azlan Bin Adnan Michael Latukhin, Eugeny Kirilyuk, Sergey Antonenko and Valery Novikov Vasily N. Khramushin A. Ali , A. Maimun A. Malik and Y. M. Ahmed Natanamurugaraj Govindan, Mashitah M. Yusoff and Jeyachandran Savarimuthu Moh Hafidz Efendy and Jaswar

4.10 pm

4.30 pm

4.50 pm 5.10 pm

Day 2: Session G (Room A1): CFD IN HYDRODYNAMICS

Chairman Time 09.30 am 09.50 am 10.10 am Paper Title Investigation of Nonlinear Effects on Ship-Generated Unsteady Waves and Added Resistance Using CFD Simulations CFD Simulations of the Effects of Fouling and Antifouling Fast Ocean-Going Hospital Ship: The Algorithm Of Concept Designing and Some Options Numerical Simulation on Strongly Nonlinear Wave-Body Interaction Problems by Using a FV-Based Cartesian-Grid Method Authors Daisuke Nakagawa, Kenta Yamamoto and Masashi Kashiwagi Yee Shin Khor and Qing Xiao Victor A. Dubrovsky Kyung-Kyu Yang, Jae-Hoon Lee, Bo-Woo Nam and Yonghwan Kim

10.30 am

TEA BREAK 10.45 am A Study on Application of a Commercial CFD Code to Reduce Wave Resistance Acting on a Non Ballast Tanker (Part 2) Viscous Flow Computation Around the Wigley Hull with the Maneuvering Motion Using the Inertial Coordinate System on the Non-Inertial Grids Probabilistic Sea-State Model Based on the Poisson Process and Its Application to Ship Performance Estimation Composite Indirect Rankine Panel Method for a Symmetric Ship Hull 2-D Simulations of Water Flooding by a CIP-Based Method Aerodynamic Behavior of a Compound Wing Configuration in Ground Effect Validation Study for Savonius Vertical Axis Marine Current Turbine Using CFD Simulation Ngo Van He, Yasunori Nihei and Yoshiho Ikeda Yan Naing Win and Yasuyuki. Toda Takayuki Hamada and Munehiko Minoura Thang Gia Nguyen and Cap Sy Truong Yui Shimizu and Hirotada Hashimoto Saeed Jamei, Ad. Maimun, Shuhaim. Mansor, Agoe. Priyanto and No. Azwadi Omar Yaakob, Yasser M. Ahmed and M. Arif Ismail

11.05 am

11.25 am 11.45 am 12.05 am 12.25 am 12.45 pm


Chairman Time 09.30 am 09.50 am 10.10 am Paper Title Pure Loss of Stability in Astern Seas -Is it Really Pure?Model Experimental Study of a Towed Ships Motion Assessment of Ship-Bank Interactions on LNG Tanker in Shallow Water Motion Characteristics of FLNG Systems Under the Effect of Drift Motions of Two Floating Bodies TEA BREAK 10.45 am 11.05 am Examining New Generation Intact Stability Criteria on Parametric Rolling Experimental Study On Seakeeping Performance of a Catamaran with Asymmetric Demi-Hulls Fuka Yoshiyama, Naoya Umeda and Takumi Kubo S. Ikezoe, N. Hirata and H. Yasukawa Authors Hisako Kubo, Naoya Umeda, Keisuke Yamane and Akihiko Matsuda U.I. Zan, H. Yasukawa, K.K. Koh and A. Fitriadhy Maimun A., Y. Mohamed, Priyanto A., Y. S. Ang and M. Nakisa Kohei Sugata, Yasunori Nihei and Yoshiho Ikeda

10.30 am

11.25 am 11.45 am 12.05 am

Manoeuvring of Podded Propulsion LNG Carrier Effect of Stern Appendages on Course Stability of a High Speed Vessel A Design of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Model for Estimation of Underwater Manoeuvring Coefficients Experimental Study of a Tanker Ship Squat in Shallow Water Seakeeping Analysis of Semi-SWATH Ship in Following Wave under Effect of Surge Motion

J.N Loh, Jaswar, Agustin Dwi Sumiwi and Munirah Kunitake Y., Sano M., Hirata N. and Yasukawa H. Le Thanh Tung, Le Quang and Nguyen Dong Mohammadreza Fathi Kazerooni and Mohammad Saeed Seif Rahimuddin, A.Maimun, Pauzi.A.Ghani, Zakaria and Ismail

12.25 am

12.45 pm


Chairman Time Paper Title Phase-Averaged 3D-PIV Flow Field Measurement for KVLCC2 Propeller Plane in Waves Numerical Simulation of Propeller Hydrodynamic Performance of LNG Carrier in Open Water Using Fluent A Study on Performance of Cascade of Wing Sails for Sail-Equipped Vessels Considering Their Aerodynamic Interaction On the Service Performance of LNG Carriers in Actual Seas TEA BREAK The Influence of the Propeller Loading Distributions to the Propulsive Efficiency Numerical Simulation of Self-Propulsion Model Tests for a Container Ship An Investigation on the Tandem Propeller with High Aspect Ratio Blade for Energy Saving Authors Ho Kim, Yoshiki Hayashi, Sho Oshita, Ryuichi Inoue, Keisuke Akamatsu and Yasuyuki Tado A. Maimun, M. Nakisa, Najmi, Y. Mohamed, Y.S.Ang, A. Priyanto, Jaswar and F. Behrouzi Qiao LI, Yasunori NIHEI and Yoshiho IKEDA M Azuwan Ahmad and Faizul Amri Adnan Wei-Che Wei, Ching-Yeh Hsin, Po-Fan Chen, Jyh-Yih Li, Sheng-Ann Shieh and I-Chung Chien Tsung-Yueh Lin, Yun-Shan Wang, Po-Wen Wang and Jen-Shiang Kouh Yih-Wei Tzeng

09.30 am

09.50 am

10.10 am 10.30 am

10.45 am

11.05 am 11.25 am

11.45 am 12.05 am

Research of Trans-Velocity Propellers on Hydrodynamic and Structure Fatigue Analysis in Inclined Shaft Conditions Hydrodynamics Estimation based on Analytical Method for A Hybrid-Driven Underwater Glider Field Measurement of Fishing Boats Generated Waves A Study on Simplified BHP Estimation Method for Planing Craft with Outboard Engine

12.25 am

12.45 pm

Shang-Sheng Chin, Jeng-Li Hwang, Kuan-Kai Chang, Jin-Ching Tu and Ya-Lin Tsai Khalid Isa, M. R. Arshad and Syafizal Ishak Dedy Triawan Suprayogi, Faizul Amri Adnan, Omar Yaakob, Mohamad Pauzi A. Ghani and Usman Ullah Sheikh Izzat Ullah Sheikh Hiroyuki Katayama, Toru Katayama

Day 2: Session J (Room A1): RISK AND FATIGUE

Chairman Time 2.30 pm Paper Title A Study on Influence of Elasticity of Materials to Impact Load Response of Jacket Structure Due To Ship Collision Response Investigation of Mooring Systems for Deepwater Semi-Submersible Platform with Different Component of Mooring Lines The Device of Compensation of Bending & Torsion Fluctuations for the Rowing Screw Quality Issues in Traditional Ship Production in Kepulauan Riau-Indonesia Authors Jae-Young Shin, Chang-Woo Park, Sun-Hong Kwon, Sang-Beom Lee and Jang-Young Chung Agustin Dwi Sumiwi, Handayanu, Jaswar and Efi Budi Setyo Prasodjo Slavgorodskiy Vladimir M. and Kitaev Maksim V. E.Prayetno, Jaswar, H. Saputra, Mufti F.M, Sanusi, A.Deah, Risandi.D.P, Nofrizal, Zulkarnain, Surhan and Bayo A.Deah, Jaswar, E.Prayetno, H. Saputra, Mufti F.M, Sanusi, Risandi.D.P, Nofrizal, Zulkarnain, Surhan and Bayo Sulaiman Oladukun Olanrewaju

2.50 pm 3.10 pm 3.30 pm

3.50 pm

4.10 pm

Safety Issue in Production of Traditional Ship in Kepulauan Riau-Indonesia Risk and Reliability Analysis Study of Offshore Aquaculture Ocean Plantation System

4.30 pm


Chairman Time 2.30 pm 2.50 pm 3.10 pm Paper Title Experimental Study on Ship-Generated Unsteady Waves and Added Resistance Response Comparison of Floating Platforms for Wind Turbines Under Wind and Wave Loads The Study of Aerodynamic Characteristics of Vessel Energy Efficiency Improvement by the Use of a Series Hybrid Propulsion System Applied to a Bulk Carrier in Head Waves Added Resistance actinga New Large Non Ballast-Water Ship Due to Waves Large eddy simulation of flow around an asymmetric wavy cylinder Study on Powering of Podded Propulsion VLCC Study on Comparison Performance of Various Full-Spade Rudder for a Container ship (KCS) Authors Kenta Yamamoto, Tomoki Wakabayashi and Masashi Kashiwagi Misako Kawai, Kazuhiro Iijima and Masahiko Fujikubo R.Veresnikov, M.Chekhranov and M.Kitaev Ryoma Kushida, Naoya Umeda, Hidenori Sekiguchi and Yasunori Matsunaga Hiromu Funakoshi, Seijirou Miyake, Satowa Ibata and Yoshiho Ikeda Jae Hwan Jung, Hyun Sik Yoon and Ho Hwan Chun Jaswar, A.Amin, Agustin, A.Maimun, Munirah, Mufti F.M, Jonathan and C.L.Siow W.J. Lee, M.C. Kim, W.J. Moon, H.J. Kang

3.30 pm

3.50 pm 4.10 pm 4.30 pm 4.50 pm


Chairman Time 2.30 pm Paper Title Study on the Braking Performance of a Biomimetic Squid-Like Robot with Two Undulating Side Fins Authors Md. Mahbubar Rahman, Sinpei Sugimori, Hiroshi Miki, Risa Yamamoto, Yogo Sanada and Yasuyuki Toda Mufti F.M, Jaswar, E.Prayetno, H. Saputra A.Deah, Sanusi, Risandi.D.P, Surhan, Bayo, Nofrizal and Zulkarnain Zulzamri B. Salleh, Muhamad Fadli B. Ghani and Mohd Amin Hakim B. Ramli

2.50 pm

Design Issue in Traditional Shipbuilding Process

3.10 pm

Preliminary Design of AUV(Autonomous Underwater Vehicle) with Higher Resolution Underwater Camera for Marine Exploration

3.30 pm

The Concept of Hybrid Ballast Free System

3.50 pm

About designing of Some Multipurpose Small-Sized Autonomous Underwater Vehicles

4.10 pm

Critical Path Analysis of Traditional Ship Production in Kepulauan Riau-Indonesia

4.30 pm

Effect of Mesh Number on Accuracy of Semi Submersible Motion Prediction

Hairil Afif Hamid, Norul Hidayah Kadir, Mohd Zamani Ahmad, Mohd Afifi Abdul Mukti, Adi Maimun Abd Malek and Agoes Priyanto V.E. Gornak, A.A. Kushnerik, S.V. Maltseva, A.Ph. Scherbatyuk and S.V. Antonenko H. Saputra, Jaswar, Nofrizal, Zulkarnain, E.Prayetno, Mufti F.M, Sanusi, A.Deah, Risandi.D.P, Surhan and Bayo Hassan Abyn, Adi Maimun, M. Rafiqul Islanm, Allan Magee, Jaswar, Behnam Bodaghi and Mohamad Pauzi

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