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Rivets Aluminum

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The document discusses riveting techniques and considerations for working with aluminum alloys, including heat treating rivets, drilling, and machining speeds.

Common aluminum alloys used for rivets include 1100, 5056, 2117, 2017, and 2024. Alloys 2017 and 2024 often require heat treatment prior to use.

When selecting drill bits for aluminum, factors like drill point angle, spiral angle, thickness of material, alloy type, and depth of hole should be considered. Improved drill designs can provide better results for soft materials or thick/deep holes.

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3-156. 3-157. 3-158. 3-159. 3-160. 3-161.

Deleted. Deleted. Deleted. Deleted. Deleted. Deleted.

3-162. RIVETING. Riveting is the most common method of assembling components fabricated from aluminum. Typical advantages of this method of mechanical fastening are simplicity of application, consistent joint uniformity, easily inspected (X Ray and other type equipment not required.), low cost, and in many cases lighter weight. 3-163. The rivets used in USAF Weapon System structures require that the alloys and shapes be closely controlled by specif ication/standards, to assure structural integrity and uniformity. These rivets are presently classif ied as solid shank, hishear, blind (structural-non-structural) explosive/ chemical expanded. They are available in a variety of shapes, alloys, sizes, lengths and types. The most common alloys utilized are aluminum because the structure alloys are normally aluminum. In addition some of the aluminum rivet characteristics can be changed by heat treating which facilitates application (see paragraph 3-37.) 3-164. All of the aluminum alloys could be used to manufacture rivets; however, due to some alloys having superior properties they have been selected as standard. See Table 3-17 for alloys head, identif ication, MS/AN standard cross references, etc., for general rivets used on AF weapons systems.

3-165. Rivets in aluminum alloys 1100(A), 5056(B), 2117(AD) are used in the condition received Alloys 2017(D) and 2024(DD) of ten referred to as Ice Box Rivets require heat treatment prior to use (see paragraph 3-43). Rivets in alloy 2017 and 2024 should be driven immediately af ter quenching with a maximum delay of 20 minutes or refrigerated to delay aging. The customary procedure (unless only a few rivets are involved) is to place the rivets under refrigeration immediately af ter heat treatment The time the rivets may be used will depend on refrigeration equipment available. Cooling to 32oF will retard natural aging to the extent that the rivets may be driven up to 24 hours. Cooling rivets +0-10oF and below will retard natural aging to the extent that the rivets may be retained for use indef initely. 3-166. Rivets utilized with extended driving time should be closely inspected after upsetting for cracks. If inspection reveals that rivets are cracked, discontinue use, remove defective rivets and obtain reheat treated rivets prior to continuing the assembly operation. 3-167. If for some reason it is necessary to determine if a rivet has been heat treated this may be done by Rockwell Hardness testing. Test by supporting rivets in a vee block and hardness reading taken with a 1/16 inch ball 60 kilogram load . A hardness of over 75 will indicate a heat treated rivet.

(3-39 blank) / 3-40

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CAUTION Heat treatment and most other operations requiring use of heat will be accomplished prior to installing rivets, since heating after rivets are installed will cause warping and possible corrosion if salt bath is used. The salt from the bath will contaminate cracks and crevices of the assembly and complete removal can not be assured. 3-168. Shear strength (ultimate) of a driven rivet can be determined by the formula Ps=SsAN. Ps=ultimate shear strength (pounds), Ss=specif ied shear strength of the driven rivet (psi), A=cross sectional (area of the driven rivet, normally equal to hole cross section (square inch) and N=number of shear planes. For shear strength of protruding and f lush head rivets see Table 3-19. 3-169. The load required to cause tensile failure of a plate in a rivet joint can be determined by the formula Ts=P+ (D-A) Tp. Ts=ultimate tensile strength (pounds), PT = specified ultimate tensile strength of the plate (psi), D=pitch of the rivets (inch) - pitch is the distance between the center of two adjacent rivets on the same gauge line, A=diameter of hole (inch) and Tp=thickness of plate. 3-170. Rivet Selection. Unless otherwise specif ied rivets should be selected that have comparable strength and alloy as material being assembled. This is an important factor in preventing

corrosion from dissimilar metal contact and to assure structurely sound assemblies. The following tables are provided as a general guide for selection of rivet alloy vs assembly alloy. 3-171. The formula Ps = Sb AC can be used to determine failure in bearing strength. Ps = ultimate bearing strength of the joints (lbs), Sb = specif ied ultimate bearing strength of the plate (psi) and AC = projected crushing area (bearing area) of rivet, or diameter (sq in) see table 3-20 for typical bearing properties of aluminum alloy plates and shapes. 3-172. Rivet hole preparation is one of the key factors in controlling successful upsetting of rivet head, material separation and buckling which weakens the structural strength of the rivet joint, and corrosion attack of rivets and material af ter equipment is placed in service/use. The rivet hole should be drilled, punched/reamed to size that allows the minimum clearance (apprximately 0.003 for thin sheet and up to about 0.020 for 0.750 1.000 inch thick material) required to insert rivet without forcing. Theoretical rivets holes should be completed i.e., drilled, reamed to size, deburred, chips removed that may lodge or be trapped in between surface of metal and treated (anodized etc.) before starting to rivet assembly. The above cannot always be accomplished especially where the assembly is large and requires the application of a large amount of rivets due to hole tolerance and variations in holding clamping/pressures. To overcome these problems requires that holes be pilot drilled end reamed to size at time rivet is to be installed. This method has a twofold purpose: (1) allows easy insertion of rivets, (2) prevents 3-41

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elongation of rivet holes and resulting weakening of rivet joint. 3-173. Rivet holes drilled/reamed af ter assembly is started should be treated by coating with zinc

chromate primer or other approved material. Two methods for coating rivets and improving protection of hole surfaces from corrosion are:

Table 3-17. General Rivet (Alum) Identification Chart




MATERIAL See AN470 See MS20601 See MS20601 Same Same 1100 5056 2117 2017 2024




MS20470 See MS20601

Brazier Head Solid Modified 1000 Flush Head Blind Type II Class 2 Protruding Head Type II Class I Blind Same Same Universal Head Solid


See MS20600

USAF463 NAF1195 AN470

See MS20600 See MS20600 MS20470

A-Plain B-Raised Cross AD-Dimple D-Raised Dot DD-Raised Dash B AD M B AD M B

F F T-4 T-4 T-4 F T-4 F T-4 F

No No No Yes Yes No No No No No No No


Protruding Head-Blind Type II, Class I 100 Flash Head Blind Type II, Class 2 Protruding Head Blind Chemically Expanded Type I, Class I, Styles A & B

5056 2117 Monel 5056 2117 Monel 5056







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Table 3-17. General Rivet (Alum) Identification Chart - Continued




MATERIAL 5056 2117





Universal Head Blind Class I Non Struct

F T-4

No No No

Monel M or MP (MP = Monel Plated) MS20605 100o Flash Head Blind Class 2, Non Struct 5056 2117 B AD F T-4

No No No

Monel M or MP (MP = Monel Plated) 5056 2117 B AD F T-4


Modified Trusshead Blind Class 3 Non-Struct

No No No

Monel M or MP (MP = Monel Plated) 1010 Recessed Triangle Annealed C-None CW Annealed Raised Dots Class A Annealed


Universal Head Solid


302 MS20615 Universal Head Solid Copper Monel

No No No

NOTE: Copper, steel, and monel listed for information purposes only. For special rivets see manufacturing drawing, data, specif ication, etc. For other information on rivets see T.O. 1-1A-8/1-1A-1.


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Table 3-17. General Rivet (Alum) Identification Chart - Continued




MATERIAL 1100 5056 2117 2017 2024

HEAD AND NUMERICAL IDENT CODE A-Plain B-Raised Cross AD-Dimple D-Raised Dot DD-Raised Dashes Recessed Triangle C-None FRecessed Dash M-None Head Ident Recessed Triangle C-None F-Head Ident None M-None




Countersunk 100o

F F T-4 T-4 T-4

No No No Yes Yes

NOTE: See paragraph 3-44 for heat treat data. AN427 MS20427 Countersunk 100o 1006/ 1010 Copper 302/304 Monel M AN430 AN435 MS20470 MS20435 Round Head Solid 1006 A A A No No No

Round Head replaced by universal See AN470 + M520470 A No

NOTE: Listed for Reference only.

Copper 302/304


No No

Monel AN441 AN442 AN450 Use MS20435 Use MS20470 MS20450 See AN435 See AN70+ MS20470 Countersunk & oval tubular 1006/ 1010/ 1015 Copper 2117 Brass MONEL AN455 MS20470 Brazier Head Solid Superseded by Universal. See AN470

Blank/ None C-None AD-None B-None M-None


Note: Listed for Reference only.

A T-4 Grade B A

No No No No


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Table 3-18. General Aluminum Rivet Selection Chart (Rivet Alloy vs Assembly Alloy)

Rivet Alloy 1100 2117-T4 (AD)

Assembly Alloy 1100, 3003, 3004, 5052 3003 - H16 and H-18, 5052 - H16 and H18, 2014, 2017, 2024, 6061, 7075, and 7178 2014, 2017, 2024, 5052, 6061, 7075 and 7178 5052 and magnesium alloys, AZ31B, etc. a. Allow more space for chips to be formed and expelled from tool than allowed for steel. b. Design tools (grind tool) so that chips and cuttings are expelled away from the work piece. c. Keep cutting edges of tools sharp, smooth, free of burrs, wire edges and scratches. d. Use high machining speeds, moderate feeds and depths of cut. e. Apply lubricant/coolant in large quantities to tool when cutting. 3-178. The higher speeds utilized for machining aluminum requires: a. Machines be free of vibration and lost motion. b. Rigid support of tool near cutting edge to minimize clatter and vibration. c. Secure clamping of work to machine to avoid distortion or slippage. d. Use of proper lubricant, cutting compound or coolants to prevent overheating, warpage/distortion and to provide adequate lubrication to cutting tool. 3-179. CUTTING TOOLS FOR MACHINING ALUMINUM. There are four general types of tool steel material that can be used to machine aluminum. They should be selected in accordance with availability and scope of job to be accomplished. The following is a suggested guide for selection of tools: a. High carbon tool steel is adequate for machining a small number of parts or where cutting speed required is relatively low. This material will exceed the performance of some of the other types of tools when used for fragile tools such as drills, taps, etc., because it does not break as easily as the other types. Stock material is 3-45

2017-T4 (D), 2024T4 (DD) 5056-H32 (B) a. Spraying holes with primer af ter drilling and immediately preceding installation of rivet. b. Dipping rivet in zinc chromate primer and installing while still wet. 3-174. For additional information on rivets (strengths, factors, etc.) see MIL-HDBK-5, T.O.s 11A-8 and 1-1A-1. 3-175. MACHINING. The resistance encountered in cutting alminum alloys is low in comparison to other metals. In fact most of the aluminum alloys will machine approximately 10 times faster than steel. This factor combined with other properties, i.e., strength, heat treatability, weight, corrosion resistance, etc. makes aluminum a preferred material in many instances for fabrication of parts by machining. Brass (free machining) is the only other material with comparable machining properties. 3-176. Personnel accomplishing the work should be properly trained in machining aluminum as with other types of metals. Due to various circumstances personnel familiar with machining steel products are required to machine aluminum without proper training/information on speeds, feeds, tools etc., required to effectively accomplish a specif ic task. The purpose of this section is to provide a general guide for selection of tools, machining, speeds, etc. 3-177. The tools used for machining aluminum will normally require more rake side-top and operation at higher/feeds than used for steel. The amount of rake required will depend on composition, physical form (cast or wrought) and temper. The more ductile or softer the alloy the more rake required. The following general practices are recommended for shaf ing, grinding and maintaining tools for cutting aluminum:

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obtainable in accordance with Federal Specification QQ-T-580 where required for local fabrication of high carbon tools etc. b. High speed tool steel is the most common type used for machining except on the higher silicon alloys. (1) Availability, reasonable cost.

lard oil such as Specif ication C-O-376 or mineral oil, Specif ication VV-O-241 is recommended. In practice it will be found that some machining operations can be performed dry. 3-182. Tables 3-22 and 3-23 cite suggested turning speeds, tool angles and feeds. Tool projection in relation to work should be set at or slightly above work piece center line. Sturdy construction of tools and holders is essential to minimize vibration/chatter at the high speeds aluminum alloys are machined. NOTE Parting tools should have less top rake than turning tools. Recommend top rake angles of 12o - 20o and front clearances of 4o - 8o grind face concave (slightly) and so that corner adjacent to work will lead opposite corner by 4o - 12o or as required for best results. 3-183. MILLING - ALUMINUM. Milling of aluminum alloys should be accomplished at high cutter speeds. The limitations will usually depend on the machine and type cutters used. The reason for the higher cutter speeds is that at low speeds the cutters will have a tendency to load and gum. This will normally clear as the speed is increased. 3-184. The tooling for milling should be selected according to the operation and duration/size of job to be performed. The cutters should have fewer teeth and should be ground with more top and side rake than those used for milling steels. Most operations can be accomplished with spiral cutters. Nick tooth cutters are used when reduction in size of chips is required. Solid-tooth cutters with large helix angles are used where free-cutting tools are required. When cutters with large helix angles are used it is of ten necessary that two interlocking cutters of opposite helixes be employed to alleviate axial thrust. 3-185. Tool alloys should be selected for milling aluminum as follows: a. For short runs high carbon steel is normally satisfactory. b. For production runs of extended duration high speed steel is recommended. c. Where climb milling/high speeds are utilized, carbide tipped tools are recommended for extended runs.

(2) Heat resistance (will retain cutting edge up to about 950oF dull red). (3) Permits use of large rake angle required. Federal Specif ication QQ-T-590 applies to stock material. All the various classes (T1, T2, T3, etc.) may be used for machining aluminum. Class T1 (18-4-1) general purpose type is the most widely used. c. Where long production runs are involved cemented carbide (solid or tipped) tools give better service. The carbide tools have been known to last thirty times longer than high speed tool steel. The carbide tools are also recommended for cutting high silicon content alloys. Because of the brittleness of the cemented carbide tool the cutting angle should be greater than those recommended for high carbon/high speed steels. d. Diamond tipped tools should only be used for light f inishing cute or special f inishing operations. Normal cutting of 75o - 90o are used with top rake angles of 6o - 10o. Tool projection (or set) should be slightly above center line (CL) of the work. 3-180. TURNING. To properly perform the turning operation f irmly attach the work to the machine (lathe) chuck, collet or faceplate. The work should be held in the best manner to minimize distortion from chuck or centrifugal force action during the turning operation. Long rods/ stock should be supported by ball or roller bearing tailstock centers which are more satisfactory than solid or f ixed centers in resisting thrusts from centrifugal force and thermal expansion. Sof t liners may be used between work and machine jaw faces to prevent jaw teeth from damaging/marring work piece. When it is necessary that work be held by clamping from inside diameter outward the tightness of jaws should be checked frequently to be sure that work is not being released as a result of thermal expansion. 3-181. The recommended cutting f luids are the soluble oil emulsion which combine the functions of cooling and lubricating for general purpose use. For heavy cutting especially when speeds are low,


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Table 3-19. Shear Strength of Protruding and Flush Head Aluminum Alloy Rivets, Inch Pounds

Size of Rivet(In Dia) Alloy + driven temper 5056 FSU = 28 KSI 2117-T321, FSU = 30 KSI 2017-T31, FSU = 34 KSI 2017-T3, FSU = 38 KSI 2024-T31, FSU = 41 KSI

1/16 99 106 120 135 145

3/32 203 217 297 275 296

1/8 363 388 442 494 531

5/32 556 596 675 755 815

3/16 802 862 977 1,090 1,180

1/4 1,450 1,550 1,760 1,970 2,120

5/16 2,290 2,460 2,970 3,110 3,360

3/8 3,280 3,510 3,970 4,450 4,800

FSU = Average Shear Strength of alloy in specified temper. KSI = 1000 lbs square inch example: 34 KSI = 34,000 lbs per square inch. Single shear rivet strength correction factor (resulting from use in thin plates and shapes). Sheet thickness (in) 0.016 0.018 0.020 0.025 0.032 0.036 0.040 0.045 0.050 0.063 0.071 0.080 0.090 0.100 0.125 0.160 0.190 0.250 Double shear rivet strength correction factor (resulting from use in thin plates and shapes) SIZE OF RIVETS Sheet Thick Inch 0.016 0.018 0.020 1/16 0.688 0.753 0.792 3/32 1/8 5/32 3/16 1/4 5/16 3/8 0.0964 0.0984 0.0996 1.000 0.972 1.000 0.964 0.980 0.996 1.000 0.964 0.980 0.996 1.000 0.972 1.000 0.964 0.980 0.996 1.000 0.964 0.974 0.984 0.996 1.000 0.972 1.000


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Table 3-19. Shear Strength of Protruding and Flush Head Aluminum Alloy Rivets, Inch Pounds - Continued

0.025 0.032 0.036 0.040 0.045 0.050 0.063 0.071 0.080 0.090 0.100 0.125 0.160 0.190 0.250

0.870 0.935 0.974 0.987 1.000

0.714 0.818 0.857 0.896 0.922 0.961 1.000 0.688 0.740 0.792 0.831 0.870 0.935 0.974 1.000 0.688 0.740 0.792 0.883 0.919 0.948 0.974 1.000 0.714 0.818 0.857 0.896 0.922 0.961 1.000 0.688 0.740 0.792 0.831 0.870 0.935 0.987 1.000 0.688 0.753 0.792 0.883 0.835 0.974 1.000 0.714 0.818 0.883 0.935 1.000

Note: Values (lbs) of shear strength should be multiplied by the correction factor whenever the D/T = rivet diameter/plates sheet or shape thickness ratio is large enough to require correction. Example: Rivet diameter 1/8 (alloy 2117 - T3) installed in 0.040 sheet, shear factor is 388 lbs correction factor 0.996 = 388 0.996 2328 3492 3492 386.448 corrected shear pounds
Table 3-20. Bearing Properties, Typical, of Aluminum Alloy Plates and Shapes

Edge Distance = 1.5 X Rivet Diameter Alloy 1100 - 0 1100 - H12 1100 - H14 1100 - H16 1100 - H18 3003 - 0 3003 - H12 3003 - H16 3003 - H18 Yield Strength 10,000 18,000 22,000 23,000 27,000 12,000 21,000 28,000 32,000 Ultimate Strength 21,000 23,000 24,000 16,000 19,000 22,000 27,000 34,000 38,000

Edge Distance = 2.0X X Rivet Diameter Yield Strength 12,000 21,000 23,000 26,000 32,000 15,000 24,000 33,000 38,000 Ultimate Strength 27,000 29,000 31,000 34,000 38,000 34,000 36,000 42,000 46,000


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Table 3-20. Bearing Properties, Typical, of Aluminum Alloy Plates and Shapes - Continued

Edge Distance = 1.5 X Rivet Diameter Alloy 2014 - T4 2014 - T6 2024 - T3 Alclad 2024-T-3 2024 - T36 Alclad 2024-T36 5052 - 0 5052 - H32 5052 - H34 5052 - H36 5052 - H38 6061 - T4 6061 - T6 7075 - T6 Alclad 7075-T6 Yield Strength 56,000 84,000 64,000 60,000 80,000 74,000 25,000 37,000 41,000 47,000 50,000 29,000 56,000 101,000 94,000 Ultimate Strength 93,000 105,000 102,000 96,000 110,000 100,000 46,000 54,000 59,000 62,000 66,000 56,000 72,000 123,000 114,000

Edge Distance = 2.0X X Rivet Diameter Yield Strength 64,000 96,000 74,000 69,000 91,000 85,000 30,000 42,000 47,000 54,000 58,000 34,000 64,000 115,000 107,000 Ultimate Strength 118,000 133,000 129,000 122,000 139,000 127,000 61,000 71,000 78,000 82,000 86,000 73,000 94,000 156,000 144,000

3-186. Milling cutters should be inclined to work and beveled on leading corner (least bevel for finish cuts) to minimize clatter. 3-187. The cutting f luids for milling aluminum should combine cooling and lubrication properties. Coolant lubrication should be applied under pressure (atomized spray if available) in large quantities to tool and work. The recommended cutting f luids are water base cutting f luids such as soluble oils and emulsions, mixed 1 part to 15 for high speeds and 1 part to 30 for low speed cutting. 3-188. Tables 3-24 and 3-25 cite suggested speeds, contour and tool angles, for milling aluminum. The best combination of cutting speeds, feed and cut for a given job will depend on design of tool/cutter, kind of tool material, condition of machine, machine power, size, clamping method and type material being worked. 3-189. SHAPING AND PLANING. The speed at which aluminum alloys can be cut by planing and shaping is somewhat slower in comparison to other machining methods, due to equipment design and limitations.

The slower cutting speeds can be overcome to some extent by securely anchoring the work to the machine and using heavy rough cutting feeds. The tools used for rough cut should be (round nose) of heavy construction and properly ground to operate eff iciently. Rough cut tools should be ground with moderate amount of rake to provide maximum cutting edge support. Finish tool should have more top rake and an extra large amount of side rake. Finishing tool shall be used with f ine feeds only due to the additional side and top rake (f inish cut should not exceed 0.018 inch). 3-190. Most cutting operations by shaping and planning can be accomplished without cutting f luids, however f ine f inishing can be improved by lubrication. Recommended cutting compounds are kerosene, mixture of 50-50 lard-oil and soluble oil. 3-191. Tables 3-26 and 3-27 cite suggested turning speeds, tool angles and feeds. Secure clamping of work is re-emphasized especially when heavy cutting feeds are to be used.


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Table 3-21. Standard Rivet Hole Sizes with Corresponding Shear and Bearing Areas for Cold Driven Aluminum Alloy Rivets

3-192. DRILLING ALUMINUM ALLOY. Standard type twist drills may be used satisfactorily for many drilling operations in aluminum alloys. However, better results can be obtained with improved designed drills where sof t material and drilling of thick material or deep holes are involved. These drills are usually designed having more spiral twists per inch (see f igure 3-2). The additional spiral twist gives more worm action or force to drill causing the drill to cut/feed faster and is helpful in removing chips, especially in deep hole drilling operations. 3-193. Generally a drill for a given job should be selected according to the thickness, type alloy and

machine/drill motor to be utilized. The following is a general guide for the selection of drills and recommended speeds: a. Drill press. Point Angle: 118o - 140o for general work and 90o 120o for high silicon. Spiral Angle: 24o - 28o for thin stock and medium depth holes up to 6 times drill diameters, 24o - 48o for deep holes over 6 times drill diameter.


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Table 3-22. Turning Speeds and Feeds

ALLOY TYPE AND TEMPER Sof t Series, 1100 All temp 5052-H12, H14





TOOL MATERIAL Plain high carbon/high speed Plain high carbon/high speed Carbide Carbide

0.250 Maximum

0.050 Maximum


0.040 Maximum

1500 - 3500

0.004 - 0.015


2011-2024-0 5056-0-6061-0 7075-0, 113 138, 214, 212 750, 220, 122 HARD SERIES

0.250 Maximum 0.020 Maximum 0.010 Maximum

4000 - 7000 6000 - 8000 At Minimum vibration

0.012 Maximum 0.010 Maximum 0.002 - 0.005

Rough Finish

Finish only Diamond

0.200 Maximum

400 - 650

0.007 - 0.020


Plain high carbon/high speed Plain high carbon/high speed Carbide Carbide Diamond tipped Diamond tipped Plain high carbon/high speed Plain high carbon/high speed Carbide Carbide

108, 319, 43

0.020 Maximum

600 Maximum

0.002 - 0.004


5052-H34, H36, H38 T4, 2024-T3 7075-T6, 7178T6 6061-T4, T6, etc. HIGH SILICON SERIES

0.200 Maximum 0.020 Maximum Not recommended 0.006 Maximum 0.120 Maximum

500 - 1300 700 - 2500

0.010 Maximum 0.010 Maximum

Rough Finish Rough

At minimum vibration 600 Maximum

0.002 - 0.004 0.007 - 0.020

Finish Rough


600 Maximum

0.002 - 0.004


4032, 333, A132, 132, 356

0.120 Maximum 0.020 Maximum

500 - 1000 500 - 1500

0.008 Maximum 0.004 Maximum

Rough Finish


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