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Meaning and Process of Organising

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INTRODUCTION Organising in a general sense means systematic arrangement of activities. In this sense, organising is done by each individual.

However, organising as a process of management essentially relates to sub-dividing and grouping of activities. Organising becomes necessary when two or more persons work together to achieve some common objectives. When a player is playing alone, there is perhaps no need of organising. But organising becomes important when players are playing in a team. In that case, it is important to determine the role of each player and for the team as a whole to attain victory over the rival team. Similarly, in a one-man business, all the activities are performed by the owner himself. But when the owner employs someone to assist him, he has to determine the work to be done by the employee and give him the right to use materials, machinery, equipment, etc. This is the point when organising becomes necessary. As more people are appointed, there has to be further division and sub-division of work among them. When an organisation becomes large, separate departments are created to perform different functions. Each department has to be divided into a number of smaller units. Ultimately, the work of the organisation is divided into a number of positions of employees and managers. Relationships are then established among the different positions in the organisation. The outcome of the organising process is a set of formal relationships which is known as organisation structure. In this lesson, we shall study about the process of organising which leads to the setting up of an organisation structure. MEANING AND PROCESS OF ORGANISING Organising refers to the way in which the work of a group of people is arranged and distributed among group members. The function of organising includes the determination of the activities to be performed; creation of departments, sections and positions to perform those activities; and establishing relationships among the various parts of an organisation. The purpose is to create a framework for the performance of the activities of an organisation in a systematic manner. It is important to note that the term organisation should not be used in the same sense as organising.Organising is a function of management, while organisation refers to a group of persons who have come together to achieve some common objectives. The process of organising refers to identifying and grouping of activities to be performed, defining and delegating authority, casting responsibility and establishing relationships to enable people to work together effectively in accomplishing objectives. Steps in the process of organising The process of organising consists of the following steps: 1. Determining the activities to be performed to achieve the objectives of the organisation. 2. Identification of major functions to which these activities relate. 3. Grouping and sub-dividing the activities within each function on the basis of similarity or relatedness. 4. Establishing relationship among individuals and groups.

1. Determing the activities to be performed to achieve the objectives of the organisation: Business organisations undertake economic activities with a view to earning profit. They may perform manufacturing, trading or service activity. In a manufacturing organisation, production and sales are the two major activities. In a trading organisation, purchases and sales are the two main activities. Service organisations provide services such as transportation to their customers. In carrying out these major activities, business units have to perform a number of other activities such as producing, financing, marketing, accounting, recruiting employees, etc. Since the objectives of different organisations are different, it is therefore, necessary to determine the activities of each organisation separately. 2. Identification of major functions to which these activities relate: The next step is to identify the major functions to which these activities relate. In a manufacturing organisation, production, selling, finance and personnel are the major functions. If the amount of work to be done in connection with each of these functions is large, separate departments may be created for each of these functions. Managerial positions will have to be created to supervise the activities of these departments. At this stage, a list of activities relating to each function must be prepared. 3. Grouping and sub-dividing the work within each function: In this step, it is decided how best the activities can be grouped on the basis of similarity or relatedness. The activities of a production department, for example, can be divided into a number of workshops where production will actually take place. Besides, separate sections may be created for such production related activities as quality control and repairs. The activities of other departments can similarly be sub-divided. This division and subdivision of activities goes on till individual positions have been created for performing all types of work in an organisation. The reasons of dividing and sub-dividing functions and activities are as follows (i) The total work may be so large that it cannot be done by a single individual or by a few persons. (ii) If the work is divided into smaller units, it becomes easy to assign work to individuals who have the necessary skill and knowledge to perform the work efficiently. 4. Establishing relationship among individuals and groups: Managers divide activities to increase efficiency and to ensure that work is properly done. The activities which are performed by persons holding different positions must be related. The responsibility, authority and accountability of each person must be well defined. This is necessary to avoid conflict and confusion and to ensure that work is performed as planned. Establishing relationships among individuals and groups is, therefore, an important aspect of the organising process. Importance of organising Performance of the organising function can pave the way for a smooth transition of the enterprise in accordance with the dynamic business environment. The significance of the organising function mainly arises from the fact that it helps in the survival and growth of an enterpriseand equips it to meet various challenges. In order for any business enterprise to

perform tasks and successfully meet goals, the organising function must be properly performed. The following points highlights the crucial role that organising plays in any business enterprise: Benefits of specialisation: Organising leads to a systematic allocation of jobs amongst the work force. This reduces the workload as well as enhances productivity because of the specific workers performing a specific job on a regular basis. Repetitive performance of a particular task allows a worker to gain experience in that area and leads to specialisation. Clarity in working relationship: the establishment of working relationships clarifies lines of communication and specifies who is to report to whom. This removes ambiguity in transfer of information and instruction. It helps in creating a hierarchical order thereby enabling the fixation of responsibility and specification of the extent of authority to be exercised by an individual. Optimum utilisation of resources: organising leads to the proper usage of all material, financial and human resources. The proper assignment of jobs avoids overlapping of work and also makes possible the best use of resources. Avoidance of duplication of work helps in preventing confusion and minimising the wastage of resources and efforts. Adaption to change: The process of organising allows a business enterprise to accommodate changes in the business environment. It allows the organisation structure to be suitably modified and the revision of inter-relationships amongst managerial levels to pave the way for smooth transition. It also provides much needed stability to the enterprise as it can then continue to survive and grow inspite of changes. Effective administration: Organising provides a clear description of jobs and related duties. This helps to avoid confusion and duplication. Clarity in working relationships enables proper execution of work. Management of an enterprise thereby becomes easy and this brings effectiveness in administration.

MEANING OF ORGANISATION STRUCTURE You must have noted that in the organising process, work is arranged and distributed among the members of a group. The end-result of orgnising is a framework of formal relationships among different departments and positions. This framework of formal relationships is known as organisation structure. The term structure refers to the arrangement of parts and interrelationships among activities and people. For example when we refer to the structure of a building, following things immediately come to our mind. What is the total area in which the building has been constructed? How many floors are there? The number of rooms in each floor? The number of doors, windows and ventilators in each room. For what specific purpose, each room will be used. How is one room connected with the other and how is one floor connected with another and so on. Similarly, the organisation structure of a business unit consists of the following elements: The number of departments The number of sections, units and positions in each department The function of each department, section and position The number of levels of management

The responsibility, authority and accountability relationships The channels of communication, i.e., the paths through which information travels from one position to another and from one level to the other. The structure of an organisation is created by top management and the structure so created is known as formal structure. The purpose of having a formal structure is to perform the activities in a planned and systematic manner. How an organisation structure is created In most organisations, the structure is created on the basis of functions. In one-man business, all the functions are carried out by the owner himself. The same person produces and sells. As the amount of work increases, he has to appoint some people to assist him. When the work further increases, he will need more people to perform the production and selling functions. The owner may now be forced to create separate departments for production and selling and appoint managers for each of these two departments. This is necessary because he has limited capacity and time. He cannot supervise the activities of more than a few subordinates. In other words, the owner is guided by the principle of span of management. According to this principle, there is a limit to the number of subordinates who can be effectively supervised by a single manager. The decision of the owner-manager to create separate departments for production and selling gives rise to one level of management. The structure of the organisation at this stage would appear as follows: Owner manager

Production manager

Sales manager

Production worker


The structure of a small manufacturing organisation is based on two functions, viz., production and selling. These functions are known as primary, basic or line functions. Line functions are those which directly contribute to the objectives of the organisation. With further growth in the size of business unit, the work of raising money, keeping accounts and making payments may increase. The owner will now have to appoint some people to help him in these matters. After some time, he may create a separate department, Finance Department to deal with financial matters. The organisation is now divided into three departments.

The managers of all these departments will have to do a number of related activities. For example, they will have to hire and train people. As the business grows in size, it will no longer be possible for the managers of these departments to efficiently perform the function of hiring and training people. A separate department may be created for this purpose. The job of this department will be to assist the managers of production, sales and finance departments to efficiently perform the function of hiring and training people. This department may be called personnel department. It is important to remember that personnel function is not a basic or line function of a manufacturing organisation. The main job of a manufacturing organisation is not to hire and train people. The main job is to produce and sell. Personnel function is, therefore, called secondary or staff function and personnel department is a staff department. The job of a staff department is to assist line and other staff departments. Personnel department has been created at the first level. Staff departments can, however, exist at any level. Let us now see how this happens in the production department. When the volume of work increases further, it will be necessary to divide the production department into two or more workshops and one more level of management will be created. Managers of these workshops will have to perform a number of production related activities such as quality control and repairs. These functions require special knowledge and skill. Therefore, these functions may be taken out of workshops and grouped separately into staff departments. As the number of employees in each workshop increases, each workshop may be divided into two sections and supervisors (or foremen) may be appointed for each of these two sections. Similarly, there may be further downward division of activities in sales, personnel and finance departments. The structure of organisation may now be as shown below.

PRINCIPLES OF ORGANISATION The organising function is carried out on the basis of guidelines given by experts. These are known as principles of organisation. These principles have been developed by management experts from time to time. The principles of organisation developed by Lyndall Urwick are briefly stated below. You have already read about the principles of management given by Henry Fayol. Since organising is a part of management, you will find some of the principles at both the places. (i) Purpose: All organisations and each part of any undertaking should be the expression of a purpose, either explicit or implied the principle of objective. (ii) Authority and responsibility: Formal authority and responsibility must be co-terminus and equal the principle of correspondence. (iii) Responsibility of supervision: The responsibility of higher authority for the acts of its subordinates is absolute the Principle of responsibility. (iv) Scalar Principle: There must be a clear line of formal authority running from top to the bottom of every organisation (v) Span of control: No supervisor can supervise directly the work of more than five, or at the most, six subordinates whose work interlocks the Principle of Span of Control. (vi) Specialisation of functions: The work of every person in the orgnisation should be confined as far as possible to the performance of a single leading function the Principle of specialisation (vii) Coordination of Effort: The final object of all organisations is smooth, effective coordination the Principle of co-ordination (viii) Definition: Every position in every organisation should be clearly described in writing the Principle of definition. LINE, STAFF AND FUNCTIONAL AUTHORITY RELATIONSHIPS Till now, we have discussed how departments, sections and levels of management are created. We now turn our attention to authority relationships. These are of three types: 1. Line Authority 2. Staff Authority 3. Functional Authority Line Authority Line authority is the authority of a manager over his immediate subordinates. In figure on the above page, the owner manager has line authority over production manager and production manager has line authority over managers of workshops. Line authority is not the right of

managers of line departments only. Managers of staff departments also enjoy line authority over their subordinates. Line authority is the right of a manager to issue orders and to see that these orders are carried out. If the orders are not obeyed, managers have a right to take action. A manager gets this authority from his superior and shares it with his subordinates. In the figure referred to above, the owner manager gives his authority to production manager. The production manager shares his authority with workshop managers who in turn share it with the foremen. Foremen exercise this authority over the workers. Similarly, authority flows from top to bottom in other line as well as staff departments. This chain of authority from top to bottom is known as Scalar Chain. Every order must pass through this scalar chain. This scalar chain also acts as the line of accountability. Subordinates report to their superiors about their performance through this scalar chain. The scalar chain gives rise to a series of superior-subordinate relationships in an organisation. Staff Authority Managers of line as well as staff departments have line authority over their subordinates. When the work of line managers increases, staff officers are appointed to help them. The job of staff is to give advice, information, suggestion and guidance. For example, personnel manager is appointed to help the managers in hiring and training people. He does not have the final authority to appoint people. Final authority is that of line managers. Staff people can only advise. Their advice can be accepted or rejected by line managers. Functional Authority Functional authority is similar to line authority, but it is exercised over a person who is not the immediate subordinate of a manager. The purchasing manager, for example, has functional authority relating to procedures to be used in purchasing goods for various production departments. The purchasing manager may be given this authority to ensure that goods purchased are of right quality and are suitable for the purpose for which they have been purchased. Consider another example. Production is a line activity. Security is a staff function. Normally, production manager takes decisions relating to production. But in the event of fire, manager of security would be given functional authority to handle the emergency situation. He will exercise this authority till the crisis is over. The main reason for using functional authority is to take advantage of the special knowledge and skill of functional specialists such as purchasing or personnel manager. In practice, however, functional authority is restricted to specialised persons. If too much functional authority is used, the position of line managers becomes weak and they are not able to perform their managerial duties properly. The Process of Organising Organising refers to the way in which the work of a group is arranged and distributed among members to efficiently achieve the objectives of an organisation. The process of organising consists of the following steps a) Determining the activities to be performed. b) Identification of the major functions to which these activities relate.

c) Grouping and sub-dividing activities within each department on the basis of similarity or relatedness. d) Establishing relationships among different individuals and departments. Responsibility is the obligation of a subordinate to perform the assigned duties. Authority includes the right to decide, issue orders and take action in case orders are not carried out. Accountability means answerability. Each person has to report to his superior how the work has been done and how authority has been used. Organisation Structure Structure refers to the arrangement of parts and interrelationships among activities and people. The structure of an organisation mainly involves the following a) The number of departments, sections and positions in which an organisation has been divided. b) The levels of management. c) The relationships among different parts and levels. In most organisations, structure is created on the basis of functions. A small manufacturing organisation may have only two departments to perform the functions of production and sale. These two functions are known as line functions. In large organisations, there are staff officers and staff departments to help the line departments. Staff departments may be created at any level in the organisation The principle of span of control states that there is a limit to the number of subordinates who can be effectively supervised by a manager. The span of control gives rise to management levels. There are three types of authority relationships viz. line, staff and functional. a) Line authority is the authority to issue orders and to see that these orders are carried out. b) Staff officers are appointed to help line managers. Their main job is to give advice. c) Functional authority is the authority of a manager over a person who is not his immediate subordinate. The main reason of using functional authority is to take advantage of the special knowledge and skill of functional specialists.

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