Blade Febrero 2012
Blade Febrero 2012
Blade Febrero 2012
Ranger RO ffaivlr Pck y Ontario
Available with o without a lightly elched Oak leaf deign 6" length, 4 1/2" bltde, 7/16' wide. 046" Ihick. The Frlico
Our Irouwood is uniurpused 111 figure and contrasting color. Book matched 2 pe sen.
7.95 7.95
29.95 The Burllnfrton 6.95 Tais iiew opener s easy lo ciistomiye Nickel 14.50 SU ver boliten are pre-pinned and ready lo finish, the miiror finibed slainless blade ii 9-1/4" overall, 3-1/2" below Ihe boliler. Kil includci blade, ha tulle material, and pin*.
Pattern 22
8 3/8" overall. 3 1/2" blade, 3/32" thickwn J2207 440C Steel (Peened) 29.95 J2228 D2 Steel (Saln) 29.95 K214 Stainlew Boliter 6.95 SS203 Lctter Opener...... KT103 Leather Sheath 14.50 SS203K Letter Openei Kil
Partera 23
....9.95 12.95
Bloclu 5"jtl 1/2" x l 1/8" EW270 High Contrast EW27I Da*. EW272 Exhibition EW273 Prwenlatioo.
Black Anodized Stainless overall i 7 S/8", The Pacific 4 1/2" ciosed cutling edge 3 1/8". Ii lupplied 9 9/16" overall, 4 5/8" blade. 5/32" thickne Tta mirror finished itainless blade hai 3/32" w iili preshtped. drilled Quincewood huidle material. Use a ton wrench TO and a T6. J2308 440C Steel (S.lin) 29.95 ol and ,( 8-1/2" over.ll, "-' *" Kit 29.95 lncludel bUde' handle SS652 Black Widow ....19.95 J2327 D2 Steel (Peened) K214 Stainleu BolMer 6.95 III Tech Folder KT111 Leather Sheath 14.50
Pattern 25
21.00 35.00 40.00 45.00
SS201 I-etter Opener SS201 K Letter Opener Kit 8.95 .10.95
i ili: i material used between tang A handle. Eachpiece U 5" x 10'.
8A flamlcu ilcel blade with satn nish. II il lupplied with pieihaped, drilled Quincewood 9" overall, 4 3/16" blade, 5/32" thickne batidle ni.iii.-i uil I i-iiiith 7-3/4" opened. 4-3/8" 29.95 cloted. the cuttmg edge 3-1/8". Use torx wrench J2507 440C Steel (Peened) J2528 D2 Steel (Satn) 29.95 TI O and T6. K 2 I 4 Stainleu Boliler 6.95 SS3520 Hi Tech Fighler 19.95 KT111 Leather Sheath 14.50 Fallow KM Pmttcrn 31
Ltgbt. flexible, welt balanced. 8A bladei, iahn fmished, fat ground lo a super iharp edge Ihat stays shatp 4 styles lo meet all your kitchen &. camp need*.
11 ii'li Carbn Stamless blade, NS boliler, belt clip. Supplied with ptesbaped, drilled Quince wood handle matcnal. Overall length 7 13/16" 4-1/2" cloed 3-1/4" cutling edge Ue Torx TO A T6. SS656 Fallow Locking Lmer 19.95 MI932 Canary Yellow .039" thck M 19.14 Kelly Creen 039" thck MI903 White .030" thck....
Chef's BUde
7 5/8" overtll, 3" blade. 3/32" thicke J3127 D2 Steel (Peened) 29.95 J3148 I4CM (Satn). 34.95 K314 Slainless Boliter 6.95 12-1/2" ovenll, 8-3/4" blade, .078 thickneu KT104 Leather Sheath 14.50 SS107 Cher* BUde,.... ....16.95 Pattern 36 (SS573 SU ver Mooie) Couk'i Blade 7 S/8" overall, 3" blade, 1/8" thickneM J3627 D2 Steel (Peened) 29.95 .13608 440C Steel (Satn) 29.95 10-1/2" overall. 6" blade, .078 thickness ....14.95 K364 Stamlest Boliter 6.95 SS106 Cook's Blade..... KT103 Leatber SbMth. 14.50 Steak Blade
.29 For the 603 folder. Fallow, Black Widow and ?9 Hi-Tech Folder ai well ai otbcr largc folden .29 uting ambidexlnous thumb openeri with 1/8" 19 ni 3/32" bolo, with lupplied adapter 19 7/32" da. x.200" long eacb iide.
6 5/8" ovenll, 2 5/8" blade, 1/8" Ihickness J3727 D2 Steel (Peened) 29.95 J3708 MOC Steel (Satn) 29.95 K374 Stamless Bolster 6.95 KT116 l , , ! l i < i Shealh 14.50 Pattern 38
Santnku Blade
For ftting guards. Place m a vise to file slol tot guard, or use to do faucy "file work" on lang or edge of knifc FG100 File Grade
2.35 Eich kit includei all components excepl handle 19.95 matenal. Eaay uutnictions for the 1>, c mm i VGIO Super Sharp Miiror Poliihed Luninated Blade Overall length opeoed is 6 S/8". 3 7/8" CUIDE ciosed, cutting edge is 2 1/2". VG101 Tiln- Titanium I in, i 69.95 VG102 Silver Tilanimu Lincr 64.95 VG103 stainle Lina 59.95
10-3/4" overall. 6" blade. 070 thickneu 7" o ver II, 2 1/2" blade, 5/32" thickneu SSllOSantoku Blade 17.95 J3828 D2 Steel (Satu) 29.95 J3837 CPMS 30V (Peened) 39.95 K384 Stamless Bolster 6.95 KT104 Leather Sheath 14.50 Dowaload oar oa-llae catalog trtt. PaMera 39 --A Jatz Prat Calalog
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Pattera 40
7 3/16" overall. 3 1/4" blade, 1/8" Ihickness .14(108 440C Steel (Satn) 29.95 J4027 D2 Steel (Peened) 29.95 KT103 Lealher Sheath 14.50
... VG-IO 33 Uyer Dauuscux. super sharp high colball sleel blade Length 5 1/8", 3" ciosed. cutting edge ii 2". '.39.95 SS723 VGIO Little Bighom. ...59.95
1 2 Malaysia's Men of Steel Pacific Rim makers forge uves of quiet desperation. By Philip Lim Chin Guan 20 Coat of Arms Blade coatngs add safety, style, steafth and field valu. By Mike Haskew 24 The Contradiction That Works Spyderco's Ball Bearing Lock secures two unlike pieces into one. By David Jung 38 Ray Appleton Passcs Away The fun-loving knifemaker was light years ahead of his time. By BLADE- staff 40 Knife & Gun Icons Make History Case "co-stamps" knives with Colt for two ann i versarles. By Tyler Pipes 44 Pass The Oyster Bar Exam How to make and use the Chuck Schuette "King's Oyster Knife." By Chuck Schuette 52 NBN Knives of Hroes The author took his dad's war knife back to its roots. By Gene Englehart 66 Classic Knife ame Reinvents Itsetf Puma USA pumps contemporary style into its traditional lineup. By Dave Rhea 70 In Sharp Supply Materials go-to-guys offer sweet deals on knifemaking stuff. By Joe Kertzman 82 Wonder Whackers Four factory hawks and hatchets get a campout workout.
By James Morgan Ayres
88 Big Blade Play Tim Scholl's camp knife tackles a brace of test challenges. By MSG Kim Breed
No Fingernails?
No Problem!
Vintage easy-open jackknives are useful and collectible. By Richard D. White
6 7
1O 19 30 32 36
54 6O 65 65 69 74 76 78 80 96 98
Joe Szilaski's Q&A Handmade Gallery Profile In Steel: Grace Horne Next in BLADE' BLADE Shoppe BLADE List Ad Index BLADE Web Services Knifemaker Showcase Where To Net 'Em Show Calendar Where To Get 'Em What's New Cool Custom
BLADE1 (ISSN 1064-5853} is publishcd mimihly (Vol. XXXIX, No. 2j. wilh aii additinmil IM.UC in Novcmber, by F->W Media, Inc., 700 R State St., lula, WI S49WM100I. Ptraxlicals ptistage paid al lola, WLs.. and a! mldiumial mailmg ott'ices (.anadian Agrccmcnt Numher: 4(1665675 IH)STMSTER: Senil addrtss i;hant;i;s ID BLADE. RO Box 420235, Palm Cnast. FL 32142-025,
F E B R U A R Y 2012 5
This is your column! And we want to ^iow what you think. Do you like what you've read in BLADE*? Do you have a complaint, a suggestion, or an opinin you'd like to share with the largest, most sophisticated knife audience in the world? Mail your comments to: BLADE, RO. Box 789, OoltewahJN 37363-0789, orvisit our Website at e-mail us at We reserve the right to edit your comments to fit the space available.
Two In A Million have a farm with my husband in Hopewell, Oregon. On May 14, 2010, our horse arena hurned to the ground. The cause was something that can happen in anyone's home. A healer was on low in the tack room. 'Ihe plug was pulled away from the wal! outlet a quarter inch and it began to are for hours. Picase, everyone check your outlets and get rid of those plug-insthey are causing many fires. We lost 11 horses, many ducks and geese, one donkey, and a 41-year-old pony in the fire. Our neighbor, Roy, found in the charred ruins of the tack room the precious knife my 25-year-old son gave me when he was 12. Needless to say, it had no covering and was charred but the stainless steel was still good. It is a Buck Pro Rodeo knife that is no longer made. This is the only possession left from the horrific tragedy. I contacted knifemaker Alan Warren of Roseville, California, on the Internet and took the knife to him. He said he did nol have the tools to repair it bul he knew someone who didknifemaker Leroy R. Remer of l.akeside, California. Alan contacted Leroy, who dropped what he was doing and repaired the knife so well that it made me cry. 1 have nothing but admiration for both of these great men. Leroy did not clean it up on one side, as it would have removed the logo. I went up and retrieved the knife from Alan. I am so pleased with it. It has such tremendous sentimental valu, particularly after all we have been through. Not only was it a gift from my son, who was 12 when he gave it to me after I had lost mine on the trail, but it also has been restored and engravcd, "In Memory of 5-14-10." I had never known a knifemaker before I met Alan. He convinced me he would restore the knife and that if he could not, he would pay to have il shipped to someone who could. And believe me, it took some convincing to sway me to first let him have my knife, then to have to accept that he would take good care of it when it had to be shipped to California! Both of thcse men never charged me for their efforts in getting my knife restored.
I am very, very grateful to both of these individuismore than they will probably ever know. Ihey are one, or should I say two, in a million. Reme E. Zipser-Luckart, a letter via e-mal Another Jim Schmidt Fan hanks so much for the recent article on Jim Schmidt and his knives (page 46, October BLADE-). I was fortnale enough to attend a few of the Ashokan hladesmithing seminars back in the Dan Maragni/Tim Zowada days, and the fondest memory for me was how all weekend long Jim would tcach filework to any and all intcrested parties. He would sit at a tablc in the lodge cabin and, with infinite patience, teach any tilework pattern to anyone, beginner or "expert," for as long as ti look them lo grasp each technique and until everyone had a turn. I also remember how ama/.ing his filework sample block was and I look forward to sceing it in a future issue of BLADE. Byron Mellinger, Wyomissing, Pennsylvania
Editors note: A story on Schmidt's filework block is slated for an upcoming issue of BLADE. Icing On The Cake ig thanks for the "Knifemaker Showcase" mention on page 75 in the April 2011 issue. For a sparetime maker such as myself, it was a big deal to me and greatly appreciated. So, I was completely surprised when a friend of mine called and advised me there was a photograph of one of my knives in the September issue (page 32). My friend could not remember what the article was about, so I had to wait a couple of days for my issue to arrive. Talk about suspense! The article, "What To Look For In a Utilily Fixed Blade," quoted such knifemaking greals as Murray Crter, Blade Magazine Cutlery Hall-O-Fame^ member Blackie Collins, Johnny Perry and Bob Terzuola. To have a photo of my knife featured along with these guys was just icing on the cake.
JefferyE. Wagner Editor's note: To read Mr. Wagner's post and others, visit and click the "Forum" tab.
esigned by Justin Gingrkh, the Ranger RD Hawk Pick from Ontario Knife Co. combines integral construction and a dramatic pick/ spike in a heavy-duty yet compact utility tomahawk. A 1075 carbn stcel head in a lextured black powder coatall of the steel save the edge is so coatcdand an ergonomic Micarta- haft offer a marked visual contrast between the hawk's two business ends. Cutouts reduce weight and enhance aesthetics.
F E B R U A R Y 2012 7
Edito | STEVE SHACKIEFORD Managing Editor | JOE KERTZMAN Online Editor | BEN SOBIECK, E-mail. Ben Solk@fwmedia tom UnlTi!- Conten V.jrjjr COREYGRAFF
Editorial/Advertising Office: 700 E. State St., lola, Wl 54990-0001 71 5.445.221 4
Yisil our new l:-i-omiiuTce store. ill protlin.'! sek'L'tion \\ith pkturo Mendon, CT USA
Nordic Knives
1634-C Copenhagen Drive Solvang CA 93463
FL 32142-0235. BLADf. and lis logo are regislmal hadeniaits Olhcr llames and Inyos rcfurrL-il li> DI di->|)l,iyal tn cdiuirul ot advcrtismg conten may be tniLlcmiirknl tir copyrighlcd. lil ll'i: avMinx.-^ ra n-,piiMhrlii\ utboliciled nuu;n.ils stnl lo il. l'uhli'.htr and advcrtiscrs are nol hable lur ijpDjjraphiL'iil crrors ihal in;iy appeat MI pn^'. ui tk'M.Tipiniin u aiivcrticmcnls. The posscsskm, iransponatiim an sale oCecflam t>pes of kmves is reslncled or pnihihiieU b> Rxlcral. stalc and toca! laws. Hlj{f)E ami I1'' W Media, inc.. rcly iipiin the l;u-l ih;il nilkvimv |nir\L'\ar-.(ki.ill'iv i-yluhiinn, adiiiliM-r- and manufacturen are vxpixtcd In kmni and c<ipl; wnli thcx- itgulntions F+W MEDIA, INC. DflVIDNUSSBAUM,(hairnian&CtO JAMES OCLE, Chief Finanial Offiter DAVID BLANSFIElD.Pmirtcnt CHADPHELPS, IhielDigiTalOffiei PHILGRAHAM, Snior VROperations JIMKUSTR, D,,tof,n CORVSMITH.wnisOirwior DAVID SHIBA, enior Vfi fldvertiiing Siles
SUBSCRIPTIONS/CUSTOMER SERVICE U.S.. CANAD ANII FDRIK.N: 386.246.3419 P.O. Box 420235, |'M M OIAS-T, FL 32142-0235
The Pdext Ge
Knifemakers around the world are usingTormach PCNC milis to add new dimensions to their craftsmanship. Today's top craftsman are embracing CNC technology to shape and sculpt blades and handles, cut precisin blade locks and othcr mechanisms, and customize desgns with engraving and detall. Precise computer control, sensorless vector spindle technology, and a rock solid cast ron frame combine to make a mili that is up to the task for cutting the most demanding alloys - D2, CPMS30V, 440C, ATS-34,Ttanium and more.
The ultmate too/ for the modern crasmen. Each Tormach PCNC 1*1 OO Series 3 features:
Tormach PCNC I 100 Series 3 s cast iron con (p/us shtppng) Ground P4 ballscrews and single shot lubrication Precisin R8 spindle - 100 to 5000 RPM with vector drive technology Ultra-quiet polyphase stepper motors featuring advanced Leadshine'1 technology. Offers improved tonque, precisin, and speed - up to 110IPM Computer controlled spindle speed and directio. PTFE bonded slideways [similar to Turcite ] Easy to use n manual or automatic modes Affordable expansin options, including 4th Axis, Automatic Tool Changer, and more
Shown fiere with opt/ona stand, -CD, keyboard artn toot rack, and keyboard
U N S H E A T H E D | By Steve Shackleford
Uddeholm Elmax used n Kershaw's knife Speedfbrm, awarded Blade Magazine 2009 American-Made Knife Of The Year*
Mximum cleanliness and a mnimum powder size. That's the success of Uddeholm's third generation of powder steel. Uddeholm Elmax is a perfectly balanced PM grade, with a good corrosin resistance, hardness of 60+ Rockwell and excellent edge retention. Our
process and powder propercies minimize the risk for edge chipping. For knife manufaccurers Uddeholm PM steel means excellent grinding and polishability properties, crouble free productron and sharper edges. Steel for knives that are truly a cut above the rest.
vcry morning, Lim Loong Hoi is at his dirty workshopit looks more like a shack from thc frontat about 8 o'clock. Beyond the upen door in the rear, the passage leads to a hallway and a few small rooms. 'Ihe honcshaker of a wooden shop has been home to Lim and his family for decades. He said he has been making utility tools, including parangs, goloks, large fishermars blades and sickles, since his school days. His instructor and mentor was his grandfather. Back in the day, Lim found lime aftcr school lo help his grandpa at the workshop.
Lim hammers a blade on his shop anvil. (photo courtesy of the author)
Picture a teenager's delicate hands with a heavy hammer and a pair of tongs when, during morning hours, he was holding a pen or ruler in school. That was about 50 years ago. Called Sin Sam Hup Lee, Lim's shop still stands firm against fluctuating economic conditions and the ravages of time. His back is slightly bent frorn the long, dreary years of standing before the furnace or hydraulic pump, pounding away at pieces of elongated steel. Pasir Penambang is a small village on the outskirts of Kuala Selangor in the state of Selangor, Malaysia. The locis, especially the Chinese, are mostly fishermen, shopkeepers or fish wholesalers. The Chinese fishermen are Lim's regular customers. 'Ihe edged tools he makes for them are larger than usual. 'Ihe blades
are similar to huge butcher knives, having a curvature that helps in slicing a big fish in two with one swift downward stroke. The Malay farmers usually ask for long sickle blades used in dislodging oil palm fruits, a.k.a. kdapa sawit nuts. Each sickle is hollowed out at the handle to accept a long pole. The pole enables the user to extend the blade about 7 to 8 feet to harvest the nuts from the palm trees. Each sickle costs $2 to $2.60. The price depends on the quality of the steel and blade size. In Lim's workshop, stacks of Jeep leaf
A selection of Pee's parangs and goloks are ready for sale. Note the dropped design of the handles. (photo courtesy of the author) (Below) Cleaver-type tools and utility knives, sharpened and ready for sale, (photo courtesy of the author)
F E B R U A R Y 2012
simply buy.s another one from Lim. After all, it costs just a few bucks. Compared to its long-term usefulness and hardiness, the cost per blade is minuscufewhich is why the agrarian folk in Pasir Penambang and nearby villages are's loyal customers. Lim's assistant is taciturn, works like a well-oiled machine and knuws ihe blademaking process intimately. I-ike his boss, the assistant relishes the feel of steel in his hands. Of coursc, the untidy workplace is not exactly ideal for a prvate conversaron. Customers determine what they want, haggle over the price and depart with the edged tool they bought wrapped in a newspaper. Occasionally, some outsider brings a drawing of the piece he wants made. 'Ihe bladesmith examines the drawing and Ihen determines whether his outdated cquipment and other machines are suitable for the order. The volume of edged tools he sells wilf not even make Lim a member of the middle class. He obviously is not making a fortune, as some people no doubt suspect. Chuan Lee Chan A couple of doors away along the same row of wooden shops is another knifemaker, Ah Pee. A sign at the front of his cstahlishment says "Chuan Lee Chan." Originally from China, he has aged beibre his time, though his eyes have a certain fire that belics his years. Pee said his children, especially his son, have absolutely no interest in knifemaking. "The young men today prefer airconditioned offices and as littlc dirt on their hands as possible," he observed. The long hours and intense heat from the furnace are enough to deter most from pursuing such a profession. It is backbreaking work with the added disadvantage of low and slow financial return.
Sickles are the subject of conversaron in a Pasir Penambang workshop. (photo courtesy of the author)
03 f
springs used for blade steel rest in a crner. The four-wheel-drive springs are rusty and grimy. The haggard bladesmith likely sourced the spring steel pieces by the ton from an od junkyard. He probably got them cheap, too. Most of the time they are cut to required lengths. H is a low-tech, slightly primitive method of stock removal. Practcallty and function rule the land. Almost nobody here has heard of CPMS30V, VG-10 or ZDP-189. The most convincing line Lim uses is, "This is Jeep spring steel." That alone gives his cuslomers some assurance they are getting quality steel. Kdged tools used by fishermcn or farmers in the fields have no time to get rusty because they are used regularly and on a daily basis. After six to eight years, the parang, golok, fisherman's blade or farmer's sickle may be dcemcd unusable. The user
A Jesper Voxnaes design Micarta scales Full tang construction 440C stainless steel blade Two tone satn flnish Includes leather sheath Limited editon (999 pieces) Blade length: 6" Overall length: 11 Vi" Weight: 13.2 02. Model No.: 02BO2011
According to the author, the knives are functional and for utility purposes only. (photo courtesy of the author)
42J2 stainless interframe with ZyteP scales. AUS 8 stainless steel spear-point blade with non-reflective black finish. Seat belt cutter and tungsten carbide window breaker. 2 position pocket /gear clip included.
-o re
CM ii O
E u
er. The way Pee does it looks easyuntil you put the same grinder in your hands. A lat grind is apparcntly the way to go. First, he clamps the blade on a table vise, covers his mouth with a piece of cloth and dons plstic goggles. He moves the grinder side to side and applies just the right amount of pressure. A shower of bright orange sparks fly past his body, but Pee pays them no heed. When he is fully satisfied the blade has
the correct grind, he unclamps it and adds the finishing touches to the edge with a smnoth stone. Again, it is all "touch and feel." When a man has spent three-quarters of his life sharpening blades, you do not question his judgment. He said, "The blade can easily shave the hair on the arm." I believe him totally. He then gives me a piece of advice. After the blade has been used, wash it in
Drop furged hlciHi- made from 1.4116 st.iinless steel Stng scales
The ongest bladeis a blank with no handte. The author bought it because the customer who wanted a custom handforged goloK did not return to pick it up. "I like the weight, the feel of the steel and the shape, so I bought it," the author stated. "I am s/// looking for a suitable tropical wood for the handte and sheath. Malaysia has a wde variety ofexotic hardwoods that have lovely grains that are suitabte to be made into handles." (photo courtesy of the author)
Spring Assisted Linerlock dcsign wth (huml)knol) 44ATI.inium coaled Germn steel Bl.ide . 4.5" t losed longlh, i.25" blade
SAVE THE DATE running water. Do not wipe the water off but put the knife out in thesun todry. Allow the sun to dry the blade and it will remain sharp indefinitely. It took awhilc hefore I realized the wisdom of his words. Could it be the tropical weather, coupled with the scorching Malaysian sun, acts as a form of heat treatment on the sharpened blade? Perhaps the sLin's rays strengthen the already hardened molecular structure of the blade's edgc? Or is it a sales gimmick? Who knows betterthe bladesmiths of Pasir Penambang or me, the end user from the city? Paying Homage There are only two bladesmiths along the main road in Pasir Penambang. Both are advancing in age. This is a dying trade. The youngsters are not intercstcd. Trise of us who appreciate all things steel and sharpened tools come to this tiny town, away from the hustle and bustle of the bigger cities, to pay homage to men of steel who live a life of quiet desperation. To read similar stories and all the latest knife news, forums, btogs and much more, sec http://knifeshowca$e,
% Knife
American Bladesmith Society
-^ j.mj.j.j_i.\^0 ^
Encrusted with dirt and grime, an od power hammer keeps a lonely vigil. (photo courtesy of the author)
MGE Wholesale, < ill 800-734-5965 O Blue Ridge Knives, <. ai 800-635-2583 o . si:
Knives and
MGI Wholesale
I carry a Bear & Son Mini Executive Lockback in mother-of-pearl. At 2.5 nenes it makes a great gent's knife, and Tve
noticed more than one nice young lady checking t/me out when l'm using it. Yeah,baby!ff PatrickBlanchard, a lettervia e-mail
l'm new to knife carrying and selected the Columbia River Knife & Tool M16-DFSG Kit
after 29 years service in the Army and am getting on in age, which makes me less sure I can either run away or handle myself in a threatening situation. So, I carry a knife that clearly says 'military.' I considered a smaller blade but it does not have the same visual impact the large one does. By the way, I chose CRKT as I always carried a CRKT A.B.C. blade sheathed on my web gear whenever I was deployed to one of my three combat tours, along with a CRKT K.I.S.S backup, and they never failed me." LTC John Thompson, U.S. Army (retired), from
I carry a Kershaw 1480 with a blade of VG-10 steel ciad in 420HC I love the classic look
of the knife and it cuts like it's going out of style. Tve had it since my Navy service and still use it daily to cut shroud Une for my Job as a civilian. It also does a number on the occasional apple and the errant strings on my wife's sweaters.ff
J.S. Dondino, Portland, Oregon
Tell us what knife you carry. Add a titile history or an anecdote. Try to include a photograph (if digital, at least 600 K but no larger than 2 MB) o you with your knife. We will publish your comments in an upcoming "The Knife I Carry." Your ame will then be entered in a drawing to win a free, high-quality, name-brand pocketknife. The drawing will be Nov. 15. Mail to: BLADE, P.O. Box 789, Ooltewah, TN 37363-0789, or e-mail If you send your entry by e-mail, please include your mailing address in case you win the pocketknife. FEBRUARY 2012
coated blade offers protection, non-glare and striking looks. For those who serve in the military, preserve the peace through law enlotvo ment or for knife enthusiasts in general, hiades are coated black, Fat Dark Earth, tan or what have you for a variety of reasons, and are permanent fixtures in their complement o" working gear. The look and feel are appealing, and the ease of maintenance is an attractive attribute.
Buying a coated blade makes a statement and serves a practica! purpose. Knife manufacturers recognize the demand for such hiades and scc their contributions to the available selection as filling a necessary niche. According to Paul Tsujimoto, snior engineer at KA-BAR Knives, powder coating was developcd in the mid-to-Iate 1960s. "Powder coating is applied using the electrostatic principie," he said. "The
parts to be coaled are given a negative charge and the powder coat is givcn a positive charge and sprayed on. The dry coated parts are Lhen baked in an oven or furnace, where the powder nielts and fuses into a hard, protective finish." For HSHE Knives, Rowen Mfg. applies Textured Powder Coat to blades of 1095 carbn steel through an electrostatic spray process that causes powder particles to adhere to the steel. Then the coated steel goes through four stages to complete the process: mclt, fiow, gel and cure. "The powder is applied with an electrostatic spray gun. Before the powder is sent to the gun, it is fluidized to seprate the individual grains of powder and improve the electrostatic charge that can be applied 10 the powder so Ihat the powder flows
(Left) ESEE knives receive the Textured Powder Coat at Rowen Mfg. (Rowen Mfg. photo) ESEE employs its Textured Powder Coat for the finish on the ESEE-5P fixed biade. Blade steel: 1095 carbn. Blade length: 5.25 inches. Blade grind; Sabr. Handle: Canvas Micarta. Features: Glass breaker, bow-drll pivot. Weight: 16 ounces. Overa 11 length: 11 inches. Sheath: Kydex with belt clip. MSRP-. $262 (includes sheath). (ESEE photo)
Spartan Blades' latest model to sport the company's SpartaCoat is the Spartan Harsey Hunter (below), a Bill Harsey design. Blade coating: PVD in Fiat Dark Earth. Blade steel: CPM-S35VN. Handle material: 3D contoured CE canvas Micarta. Overall length: 10.5 inches. MSRP: $495. (Spartan Blades photo) Spartan Blades' models hang on racks befare being coated at lonBond. (lonBond photo)
for about 17 minutes, depending on the thickness of the material. It's not an ultra-smooth finish like some coatings have, and it enables the user to hold the blade for cise work il necessary." Carbn and Stainless While the processes are similar from manufacturar to manufacturer, each has its own variation on the coaling theme. KA-BAR coats both carbn and stainless steels, while ESEE uses 1095 carbn steel exclusively as a bade material. Spartan Blades uses CPM-S30V and S35VN, and 154CM stainless steels. "At our clients' request, we use Black Traction Coating on ail our producs, 1095, 5160 and all the stainless steels as well," TOPS' Fuller noted. "One of the reasons we use it on 440C or 154CM stainless is that it preserves the visual integrity of the blade, as well as being easier to clean. it doesn't add appreciably to the knife's cost, but the benefit from our perspective is that the chance for oxidation is nil where the covering takes place. However, in reas like the final edye of the knife whcrc there is no covering, the blade still needs to be oiled like any other good tool." Spartan ollkials acknowledge that the coating o their stainless steels tbllows the surface blasting of the blades in order to elimnate glare. However, when a knife blade is blasted, a surface is creaed thal is less corrosin resistan!. Therefore, the PVD/SpartaCoat helps resist corrosin and maintain the fat finish. Tsujimoto identiries four primary reasons for. coating knife blades: corrosin proteclion, anti-reflection, enhancing cutting lubricity, and any combination of F E B R U A R Y 2012 21
more easily to the gun. Because the powder partiles are clectrostatically chargcd, the powder wraps around the back of the part as it passes by tovvard the air off-take system," ESEE's Jeff Randall explained. "To obtain the final solid, timgh, abrasin-resistan! coating, the powder-coated items are placed in an oven and heated to U-m per al u res that range from 160 to 210 Cclsius, depending on the powder400 in our case.'1 President and co-owner of Spartan Blades, Curts lovito said his company's coating of knife blades is called Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD). "The process is characterized by the creation of a material vapor that can be reacted with different gases to form a thin film coating," he noted. "We use a method called are deposition. This process is carried out under nigh-vacuum conditions. One of the nice propcrties ot" CVD coating is that it ap-
plies uniformly so that you don't get build-up on corners and edges like some coatings." lonBond coats SparUm's blades. The cominercial ame Spartan Blades has given its PVD coating is SpartaCoat. lovito and business partner Mark Carey became familiar with PVD coating while working on the development of a new rille with Special Forces applications. "While in the Army, we had been looking for a durable coating in [a Fat Dark Earth color] for a new weapons system we were developing," lovito remarked. "Fortunately, we were aware thal the development of a true Fat Dark Earth Pantone had been done usiny /irconium carbn nitride. We believe that we were the first company lo use a true Fat Dark Earth PVD coating on knivcs. This coating is often referred to as diamond-like coating, or DLC, in the gun and knife industry because of its resistance to wear." Iil<n k Traction Coating is the proprietary ame of the tnish TOPS Knives uses on its blades through the services of James Bowen (see page 22). "We use an epoxy hybrd base with polyester in it," TOPS President Mike Fuller said. "It is electrostatically applied in its dry powder form, and it goes on the blade between three and five thousandths-inch thickness. The knives are then put into an oven and baked at a little over 400 Fahrenheit
1: The blades are sandbfasted to remove oils, dirt, rust, mili scale, etc. 2: The blades hang in the coating booth, ready to be coated. 3: A slow, even application of Black Traction Coating is applied via an electrostatic spray. 4: Completely sprayed, all of the blades are placed in the oven to bake on the powder coat. 5: The blades cool down after baking. 6: The blades are removed from the oven. 7: The finished blades are given a final inspection.
7"OPS /ses Black Traction Coating for the finish on its blades, including the onPoint Tctica! (top). Desgned by Kevin Reeve, the knife features a 4-inch blade of 1095 carbn steel and a tan canvas Micarta handle. Weight: 6.3 ounces. Overall length: 8 3/8 inches. MSRP. $169.95 (includes Kydex sheath). (TOPS Knves photo) Many think only of carbn steel when it comes to blade coating, but many stainless blades are coated, too. The Bull Dozier Fixed Blade (middle) from KA-BAR in AUS-8A stainless at a Rockwell hardness of 57-59 HRC is an example. Blade length: 6.5 inches. Blade grind: Hollow. Handle: Zytel. Overall Length: 12 1/8 inches. MSRP: $127.74. (KA-BARphoto) Camillus coate its blades with Carbonitrrde Titanium, reporedty one of the hardest surface treatments containing titanium. The Model 18513 (bottom) employs the coating on its hollow-ground AUS-8 stainless blade. The handle is aluminum. MSRP. $43.99. (Camillus photo)
A collaboration with Jesigners Gran and (7av/n Hawk, the Ti-Lock is unusual, innovativc, and eye-catching. The bluc titanium spring and thumblugs drop nto recesses in the handle "tying'" blade and handle together.
so me blades in the past, primary because the owner requested a change of color or to have something etched on the blade. lovito said only a couple have been recoated for any other reason through the years.
the first three. "KA-BAR is no exception," he said. "Because wc use a lot o carbn stee! that is very pronc to corrosin, we utilize blade coatings a grea deal. Stainless is coated for both anti-reflection and corrosin. Remember, stainless steel means that it wll slain less than carbn steel. Stainless is not totally stain proof." lovito agreed. "Knives generally are coated to provide anti-glare surfaces and provide wear resistance, as well as to add additional corrosin resistance, not to mention that it makes for a grcat looking finish," lovito noted. "This finish should not be conlused with other spray or paint finishes. While these other inishes are OK, PVD coating cannot chip or rub of I" because its bonded lo the steel at a molecular level." Of course, the coating is only as good as its ability to stay on the blade. Durability may relate to the composition of the coating itself, and to the degree of abuse and wear a particular knife is expe ted to weather. Recoating of blades is cither rare or not offered by many manufacturera, and the premise is simple. The coating is made (o last. SpartaCoat is applied at a thickness of 3to-5 microns, and its final hardness regsters 70-to-90 HRC on the Rockwell scale.
Snowmobiles & Judian Chiefs The coating of blades has a practica!, aesthttic and utilitarian appeal. Il adds an element of safety, stealth, survival and style (o a blade, while demonstrating a good valu every day in the field. Two of Fuller's experiences are telling. "Some time ago we were working with a snowmobile manufacturer," Fuller commented. "The manuhicliiK'r used the coating material as an undercoating on its snowmobiles. That says something about the toughness of our Black Traction Coating. It's extremely durable with a bit of flcxibility, and the mixture we make has passed military 24-hour saltwater spray tests and chemicai emergent tests with flying colors. "Years ago, a survival expert took one of our knives to the Peruvian Ama/on and left it with a chief down there. These people use their knives every day and sharpen them on river stones." The survival expert returned three or four years later, Fuller added, and found the chief, who still had the knifeand the coating on the blade was intact. for the contact informaron for the knives nctured, see "Where To Get 'Etn" on page 80. To read similar stories and the latest knife news, forums, blogs and much more, see http;//knifeshowcase. blademag, com,
lhulr lA-ii^tli: .1.75" Tilunimn 11 mulle: 34" Titanium I liiiniMiii's SiliaiiiL- Hron/e Wt'iflil: 3 02 crkinfo@chniirKve.coni
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hiahtt Mude
That Works
he idea of a ball bearing used as a knife lock may seem like a contradiction. Ball bearings are designed to kecp things in motion, not freeze them in place. Howcver, it is the shape of the ball bearing that gives the Spyderco Ball Bearing Lock some of its greatest strengths. Since variatons on knife shapes and handle materials are harder to patent, that leaves lock designs. Borrowing such a design involves paying a royalty. Devising your own lock negales paying the royalty but involves many hours of research, design and testing. The Ball Bearing Lock began on paper, progresscd to plstic models and then to the metal prototypc stage. Throughout Ihe process, the locks patcntabiliy was consideredthough holding a patent does not mean the patent holder is free and clear. Competitors love to pore over a design to look for loopholes to exploit. Defcnding a patented design is crucial to its econornic success. In the end, Spyderco CEO Sal Glesser, a Blade Magazine Cutlery HaH-Of-Pamee member, said he felt his Ball Bearing Lock was dilierent enough to warrant a patenl, and the design would be difficult to copy. The Ball Bearing Lock and the evolutionary caged Ball Bearing Lock comprise Spyderco's attempt to develop a robusl lock that meets martial blade craft (MBC) standards without being too bulky or hard to open or cise. The hardened ball bearing, which is the main element, is allowed lo rotate freely Ihroughout its travel. Because it will always be in a diferent position, wear and tear is greatly reduced. Another benefit is the lock continually self-adjusts wth each use. Because of its design, it can be operated on either side of the handle. An additional benefit is the lock is hard to accidentally disengage, which adds to its safety. One look at the Hall Bearing Lock reveis the creative thouglu process required in its creation. "The design objective," Glesser noted, "was to have a fairly simple, very strong, very reliable folding knife lock."
* * m
A close-up shows the larger first-generation Ball Bearing Lock. The hardened ball bearing sudes easily and allows for a smooth opening action. The knife is the Spyderco Polliwog. (David Jung photo) (Right) A Spyderco Manix 2 is surrounded by a selection of Spyderco models resting on a "lser remnant" cutout sheet, clockwise from top: Blue Dodo G-10, P'Kal, Phoenix, Polliwog, Polliwog G-10, P'Kal Trainer and Black Dodo G-10. The P'Kals and the Manix 2 have the smaller caged Ball Bearing Lock. The others have the first-generation Ball Bearing Lock. (David Jung photo)
How It Works When the knife is closed, the ball bearing sits in a slightly curved channel. The channel provides the track for the ball bearing, which is pushcd toward the blade due to pressure from a small shaft surrounded by a coil spring. Opposite the slightly curved ramp is the other side of the channel, which is formed by the knife blade. As the blade pivots, the ball bearing pushes past the resisance
When the knife is closed, the newer, smaller "caged" bat bearing pushes into a cutout on the tang's underside. As the blade pivots (shown above in a cutaway versin of a Spyderco knife), the ball 4 bearing rolls atong the curved tang. When the knife is fully o**-the bal! bearing sudes forward into a channel formed by the handle on top and tang on bottom. Pressure to cise is res/si by compression on the ball bearing. Only when the ball bearing is retracted will the blade cise. (David Jung photo)
F E B R U A R Y 2012
of the closed-position detcnt and ibllows a circular path untii the knife approaches the open position. When the knife is nearly open, the blade channel drops away, allowing the hall bearing lo push out into the channel formed at the top of the blade. Throughout ihe travel the hall
bearing rolls unobstructed, with the outward spring prcssure providng the resistance to allow the blade to swing freely. In the open positkm, the pressure to cise is SUrmounted by (he hall bearing locking in place, 011 top by the liner and below by the blade. When the user removes the
outward spring pressure by pulling back on the ball bearing, the blade can be pivotcd to the closed position. 'lie hardened ball bearing is unyielding under normal use. In the case of the newer models, a cage of a durable proprietary polymer blcnd surrounds and centers a smaller
From left, the four-panel photograph shows how the ball bearing sudes into the channel formed by the blade and the handle as the Polliwog is closed. The ball bearing self-adjusts when the knife is opened and/or closed. (David Jung photo)
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and a much thinner profilc. The original Ball Bearing Lock was visihly difieren! than any other lock, and some of thc first models using it did not look iraditional. Hric's Polliwog design allows the ball-bearing channel to be open when the knife is closed, making it appear the hall bearing could slip out. Erics Dodo design features an ergonomic handle. It is scheduled to return in Spyderco's carbn fiber and orange G-10 "Sprint
Run" versions. The Phoenix, designed by knifemakcr Howard Viele, also used the larger Ball Bearing I.ock. 'Ihe P'Kal has the cagcd Ball Bearing Lock. The knife is based on an edged martial arts technique from the Philippines, which involves an "ice-pick" grip with corresponding downward pulling thrusts. I.ock strength s crucial in knives used in the martial arts, so the P'Kal needs the MBC-rated lock.
'Ihe knife that has received the most attention of the caged series is the Manix 2. The original Manix knives fcatured a massive, heavy-duty design. By moving to the caged versin of the Ball Bearing Lock, Spyderco changed the Manix in a positive way for everyday carry. Use & Maintenance The Ball Bearing Lock takes some getting used to if you are accustomed to LinerLocks or traditional lockbacks. Opening is the same as with othcr Spyderco knives via the blade hole. The difference is in closing. While it is possible to unlock the blade using one side of the lock, the best way is to pul the lock cage back with thc thumb and ndex fingcr until it releases. Once the lock disengages, the blade can be pivoted closed. "People either like t or they don't," Sal obscrved. "They like the smooth action. They like the strong lockup. We wanted it tunctional and easy to open, but I guess 'not too easy' would be
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The 2002 Spyderco World Trade Center Knife was a volunteer-driven project to raise funds for 9/11 survivors. It was the frst knife to feature the Ball Bearing Lock. (David Jung photo)
one way of saying it." Among thc advantages of having an exposcd lock is ease of cleaning. "We usually just rinse them out and add a drop of oil here and there," Sal said. "Wc've never had an issue with the spring. These coil springs go a long time, so really there is not much maintcnance, other than occasional oil." The Ball Bearing Lock is one of many locks on the market. Others that share similar characteristics include the Bolt Action Lock designed by Cutlery HallOf-Famer Blackie Collins, and the Axis lock designed by Bill McHenry and Jason Williams and tound on severa! Benchmade folders.
28 BLADE F E B R U A R Y 2012
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F E B R U A R Y 2012
ur inj KIU-J li "I think all locks compete and have advantages and disadvantages, so I dort know that one would be better than another," Sal opined. "Most locks will either slide or roate; I guess [the Ball Bearing Lock] would be considered sliding, although it is more rolling than sliding that is the action of the lock." Henee, the Ball Bearing Lock takcs the contradictory rolling motion of a ball bcaring and the sliding of a pistn nto a channel to lock two pieces of metal into one. It is a contradiction that works. Por more information on the Ball Bearing Lock and the Spyderco knivcs that have it, contad Spyderco, attn: f. Laituri, Dept. BL2, 820 Spyderco Way, Golden, CO 80403 800.525.7770, To read similar stories and the latest knife news, forums, blogs and much more, see fcl li-JC.U C?i',l 33!)?.
F E B R U A R Y 2012
a while to learn how, hut now we can fine tune the tcmperature in the forge with a high degree of precisin. Kailure to evenly heat the stccl also can be a causativo factor in blade warp. Thus, wc nced to tend our blades carefully as they heat up in the forge or va a torch while hardening. When I program my Paragon hcattrcating oven to tempcr a blade, I set it to heat to 388F in onc hour, hold it at that tcmperature for two hours and then shut it down. This dctales that the Paragon will slowly and evenly heat the blade to the
desired tcmperature. I allow the Paragon to cool naturally to room temperaturc, and strongly rccommend against cooling blades rapidly from tempcring tcmpcratures. Anothcr significant event that can cause an inferior blade is thermal shock. Never place a hot blade on an anvil or steel table to cool. Instcad, suspend the blade in the air or in a cooling rack thal makes mnimum contact with the blade surfacc until you can hold the blade comfortably in your har hands withoul burning lliem.
Larry Davis, a student at one of the Willow Bow seminars, watches his blade heat up in the forge, To avoid blade warp, "it is absolutely mandatory to carefully tend blades through all thermal cycles," the author observed. (photo courtesy of Ed Fowler)
To avoid thermal shock, never place a hot blade on an anvil or steel table to cool. Instead, suspend the blade in the air or in a cooling rack (right) that makes mnimum contact with the blade surace. (photo courtesy of Ed Fowler)
Blade Geometry hour, and held at that temperaUniformity in the geometry of ture for two hours. The oven the blade also can be a signifishuts off and naturally cools can! variable. If one side of the back down to room temperature blade is flat and the other congrada lly to achieve what we vex, the potential for blade warp believe is optimum softncss for during heat treat increases. Irgrinding and future heat treatrcgularities on the surfacc of the ing, while still maintaining the sides of the blade also increase uniform flow and fine grain we the probability of warp. When have developed in the blade you qucnch a blade, the quenchthrough our methods. 1 strongly ing fluid must be able to flow advise against cooling blades evenly over it. I rccommend at from their annealing or tempcrleast a 220-grit surface or finen ing temperature rapidly. Rex Walter and I explored evThe net result was the three ery variable wc could identify. The author's three-burner Mankel forge has one inline regulator, post-forging quenches providWe read the literature available and three seprate regulators, one for each burner. "While these are ed succcss on the fourth blade high-ticket regulators, they allow us to very accurately reglate the to us and traveled many paths, individual burners and the resultant temperature inside the forge," he that I finished into a completed some of valu to various de- noted. (photo courtesy of Ed Fowler) knife and sent to Evan. She grees, others that Icd nowhere. was perfectly straight, the first Slowly and by increments we were able to temperature Texaco Typc "A" quenching of my commemorative fighter blades. fluid for 35 seconds. 1 repeatcd this opAgain, I thank Evan for challcnging me reduce the influence of internal stress in cration for a total of thrcc quenches, one in another direction and providing anour blades, but they still occasionally exother Icarning opporlunity. This solution immcdiatcly following the other. perienced warp to some minor degree. From thcrc I suhjected the blade to for the reduction of blade warp was not two flash normalizng heata (thcrmal my sol revelation. Many worked on the Post-Forging Quenches devclopment of the methods we now use. cycles up Ihrough the allotropic phasc My friend, attorney and defender ofSecchange, from magnetic to non-magnetic, The importance of tcamwork in any enond Amendment rights, BLADE- condeavor cannot be overcmphasizcd. then cooling down to magnetic in still tributor Evan Nappen, ordered a blade air, then immediately back into the forge These approaches may or may not with hardened, sharpencd edges on top work for other knifemakers using other for the next cycle). That was followcd and bottom, and with a soft core. In atby one full normalizing cycle of heating stccls or methods, but I suggest blade tempting to provide him with his knife, I warp is both our friend and our foe. Blade the blade until it was non-magnetic, then was required to forge, harden and temper warp is a symptom of stress and can lead allowing it to cool to room temperature three blades, all of which failed. One at a us to new methods- -providing we pay while suspended in still air at 70F. time all three warped. The hard edges on attentionthat can aid us in our quest for All blades of our high-endurancc perboth top and bottom of the blade with a a bettcr knife. formance knives are then annealed at soft center were asking too much for my 988F three times for two-hour soaks, methods. When I tried to straighten the Yours truly, heated slowly from room temperature warped blades, I had to apply a tremenin our Paragon oven up to 988F in one dous amount of forc of well over 100 Ed Fowler foot pounds, requiring a cheater bar on Knifetalkonline the handle of my heavy-duty bench vise. They would barely flex and then broke catastrophically into two or more pieces with a very loud bang!, rendering them Aurhor's note: A future article will dixcusx worthless (see page 38, January BLADE). grindintz timi huffing mcthods thal can lead I was not going to allow this challenge eithcr !<> u belter hlade, or one that is not as to defeat me. ! tried manipulating many good as U could be. variables and failed while developing the first three blades. Then and I must adTo read similar glories and he laest knife mit, mostly in utter desperation I tried newa. forums, blogs and much more, see subjccting the blades to three post-brgh tip://knifesh owcase. bludemag. com. ing quenches in the following manncr. What initially looked like a flawless 3-inch I forged the blade lo shape. After all the ball bearing was annealed, welded onto forging was done, I heated the blade a lita bar and heated to forging temperature. tle above critical tempcrature in my forge It fractured after a couple of hits from a as determincd by the blade bccoming power hammer, illustrating how well forging BLADE exposes bad steel early in the process. non-magnetic, and quenched it in roomF E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 2 31
Marked wth masking tape and held between the two leather strips in the vise, the elk antier (ten) is ready for cutting on the band saw in the author's shop. (photo courtesy of Joe Szilaski) Dave Hermn, the author's friend and ex-partner, made this knife and gave it to the author as a present in 1989. It shows how creativa you can be with elk antier. The handle is pieced together like a jigsaw puzzle. The top half is hidden-tang construction and the bottom half is slabs. (photo courtesy of Joe Szilaski)
i~r D r> i i A o v
Elk-Antler Handles
Photo 1: Seasoned antier (right) is less porous in the center and has a thicker outer wall. Green antier (left) is usually more porous in the center and has a thinner outer wall. (photo courtesy of Joe Szilaski)
Photo 2: After cutting the antier section to sze, cut it in half lengthwise to form slabs. Mark the centerline using masking tape along the antler's top, bottom and ends. (photo courtesy of Joe Szilaski)
void with wood or other solid material. When working with a more solid antier, by the time you grind your scales to the desired thickness and si/e, thcrc will not be much porous section left to worry aboutand that you can satrate with extra-thin Super (le- in order to make it solid. Most likcly you will need to repcat the application of glue a few times. Make sure the glue has completely dried belbre applying another coat. As far as the best way to cut your antier, 1 can tell you what has workcd for me. WARNING: Be safety conscious ifyou use tools such as a powersaw. Before cutting it, I study the rack from difcrent angles and determine which sections would be more suitablc for hidden-tang knives or as slabs for ull-lang knives. I hold the difercnt parts of the antier to find the sections that feel most comfortable in my hand. l;rom there, I Resale Certifcate or FFL Required mark with masking lape where cach cut Lone Star Wholesale, PO BOX 587, will be. Amarillo, TX 79105 FAX 806-359-1603. After cutting the section to size, I cut All FAX Correspondence, please include it in half lengthwise to form slabs. 1 mark Tax info, and phone number. the centerline using masking tape along the top, botlom and ends of the antier (see Photo 2, page 33). When positioning the antier in the vise, 1 use 10-ounce leather to line the vise jaws. The leather prevens damage to the antier and will rcsult in a better vise Retail cutlery and cutlcry aecessories since 1987 grip because the soft leather will brm to the antlers irregular shape. 1 use a small precisin drill block to CALL FOR YOUR FREE CATALOG check the angle of the antier in the vise. The goal s to have the centerline positioned perfectly vertical for cutting. Most of the time, I use a small wooden KNIVES PLUS Retail cutlery and cutlery accessories since 1987 wedge to compnsate for the irregularily 2467 I 40 West, Amarillo, TX 79109 of the anller and to help true up the centerline. If marked and cut correctly, the slabs should be similar in size and thickness, so not much efibrt will be required to grind or sand the scales fat. i .^.^.^ kH^^^^^Z^Mu^ If the antier is small, I may use a widefaced, sheet-metal locking pliers instead of a maehinist's vise (see Photo 3, page 35) and slowly push the antier into the Cali us Toll Free 800.338.6799 band-saw blade to cut lengthwise. Only yuur imagination Knives Kltch en Shaving Mnlti -Tools Flashllqhis Shafpentnij \ The Original & Largest limils what you can make using elk antier. llave Hermn, my frend and ex-partner, made the knife on page 32 and gavc it to me as a present in 1989. It shows how creative you Online Catalog of Cutlery can be with elk antier. Ifyou look closely, the handle is pieced togerher lke a jigsaw
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Photo 3-. If the antier is small, the author may use a wide-faced, sheet-metal locking pliers instead of a machinist's vise and slowly push the antier into the band-saw blade to cut lengthwise. (photo courtesy of Joe Szilaski) puzzle. The top half is hiddcn-tang construction and the bottom half is slabs. I madc a few sub-hilt fighters with similar "jigsaw handles." It is a lot of fun but also a lot of fitting. As noted, you are limited only by your maginationand maybe your patience. Send your questions for Wayne Goddard or Joe Szilaski to BLADE, POB 789, Ooltewah, TN 37363-0789 Inclitdc a self-addressed, stamped envelope with your ame and address for a personal response from Wayne, or e-mail him at wgoddard44@ To contad Joe by e-mail, his e-mail address is If yon wish, BLADE will not print your ame with your question. To read similar stories and the latest knije news, forums, blogs and much more, see
t te v.. feele ty $4 * __
F E B R U A R Y 2012 35
anna Casteel; Haley DesRosiers; Chantal Gilbert; Dee Hedges; Harumi Hirayama; Grace Horne (see page 48); Julie Warenski-Erickson and those are among the female knfemakers' knives not pictured on this and the facing page. Which ones have we left out? Let us know. For the contad Information for the pictured knives, see "Where To Get 'Em" on page 80.
Gail Lunn's "Galaxy" lockback folder boasts a damascos handle trame with a black-lip mother-of-pearl inser, 10 sapphires, full filework and a 4-inch stainless blade. (Point Seven photo)
To read similar stories and the latest knife news, foruttts, blogs and much more, see
Dellana outfits her sole-authorship art folder in a 3.5-inch clip-point \. damascus blade and an 18krose-gold handle and bail. ^ (Point Seven photo)
"Antier & Turquoise" by Audra Draper features a 3-inch damascos blade and an antier handle with a turquoise spacer. Overall length; 8 inches. ( photo)
A 2.75-inch wharncliffe blade of CPM-154 stainless, an ivory handte with Gary Williams scrimshaw and a bolster of Mike Sakmar mokume top off Barbara Baskett's gent's knife. (Point Seven photo)
Elizabeth Loerchner delivers catving that ripples throughout the knife and handle of her folding art dagger. (Point Seven photo)
Kathleen Tomey equips her fxed blade in a 4.5-inch fleworked blade of 01 tool steel, a red oak burl handle, and brass furniture. Overall length: 8.75 inches. (Point Seven photo)
Lora Sue Schwarzer offers up the William Scagel styte in a 5.5-inch blade of 1084 carbn steel and a crown stag handle with leather and fiber spacers, silver and brass. Overatl length: 10.75 inches. {Point Seven photo)
opening mechanisms Appleton built inlo Me knives that he delighted in having people try and figure out how to oprate. The knives featured button locks with the opening and locking mechanisms self-conlained in Ihe hlade pivot. On average, each multilock liad a lotal of 10 locking positions. While soine might be said to be years ahead of their time, Appleton was light years ahead of his. "We've lost a master, genius and greitl man with the passing of Ray," said the award-winning knifemakerknown simplyas Dcllana. Born in Denver, Colorado, in 1924, Appleton enlisted i n t h e Armyat 18 and fought in North frica and Italy during World War II. He made his knives
with the use of only one good arm, as his right arm was permancntly crippled in a ski accident in 1949. Until then, he had been an Olympic-class downhill skier. His "Ap" blade mark, when viewed sideways, is a tiny picture of a ski racer. His niain business was custom tool and component machining, and prototype die and machine work, including some of [he latter for Martin Marietta. He also made hi-tech surgical instruments such as wire-thin orthoscopic nippers from titanium used hy surgeons to oprate inside a human knce joint through an incisin about a quarter o an indi long. In his shop he had most every conventional machine tool you can imagine. He excelled at using electrically discharged
Ray Appleton made his first "Super IQ" folders (right) in 1993. (from the collection of Laurence J. Marin; photo by Dr. David Darom from his book, The Great Collections; photo of Ray Appleton [above] also by Dr. Darom)
machining (EDM) to make knives, and, in the late 1960s, bought what reportedly was the first EDM machine installed between the Appalachian and Rocky Mountains. A round 6'6" tall, with long hair, head wrapped in a bandana or capped by a cowboy hat, plaid shirt and blue jeans, Appleton literally stood above the crowd at knife shows. His echoing laugh was unmistakable, his im-loving nature infectious. According to "Ray Ap~ pleton Redefines the Folding Knife" by Bladc Magazine Cutlery HallOf-Fameo member Bernard Levine in the January/February 1988 RLADK-, Appleton liked to reserve his time for "making his knives, taking high-speed photographs of hummingbirds, programming his computer, driving fast cars, or telling stories to his seven pet horses." BLADE field editor Ed Fowler, a long-time acquaintance of Appleton's, had nothing bul good things to say about his friend. "Ray was my hero when I was a kid in high school and remains a hcro to me," Fowler observed. Added knifemaker Steve Hill, "I'm real sorry to hear of this fine gent's passing. We used to have some in-depth spiritual yak fests back in the day. Vaya con dios, mi companero!" According to Appleton's son, Ron, an accomplished maker who was preparing for the Art Knife Invitatonal at press time, his father had not been in a knife shop in at least seven years and had not made a sole-authorship piece in a decade. Appleton had moved from Colorado to live with his son in Texas circa 2001 before moving to Montana three years ago to be with bis daughter and grandkids, and do one of ihe things he liked bestplay on the computer. To read similar stories and the latcst knife news, forums, blogs and much more, see http://knife$howcase.
The GH3 is HTM modeled from t.. of Darrel Ralph's custom Gun Hammer.
i -t
\S 9.9,* 9 5
F E B R U A R Y 2012 39
Accpr'ding to/Case spokesman Fred Feightner, th series ef Case pocketknives celebrating Colt's 175th anniversary marks the first time in Cap officials' recotlection that a Case knf or series of knives has been offered in wnich afmtipf company's tang stamp appears /along witi'ihe Case stamping. (photos courtesy/of Srnoky tjuntain Knife Works)
t was inevitable two great American companies such as Case and Colt would eventually come togcther to crate a line of knives that could be made only n the heart and soul of the USAand what better year to do it than 2011 to mark Colt's 175th anniversary? Case, the company who produces sonie of the best and most collected knives in America, has teamed with Smoky Mountain Knife Works, the world's largest knife retailer and the licensee for Colt, to make a collaboration of knives not only to mark Colt's 175th anniversary, but also to commemorate the lOOth anniversary of the Colt Model 1911, the gun that forever changed the world of pistols and quite possibly the outcome of World War I. And in what appears to be a first for Case, the knives will include tang stamps of both Case and another companyin this instan ce, Colt. Samuel Colt received a patent for his design of a revolving pistol in 1836, and, after many triis and hardships, began making the pistols on a commercial basis for everyone from the Texas Rangers to the US. Army. The accuracy, precisin and quality of Colt firearms wcre legcndary and inspired the od saying, "God created man, Sam Colt made them equal." Pete Cohan said all serious It is hard to find a movie about collectors should take note the Civil War, the Od West or even of the co-stamped Case/Colt World War II in wbich yon do not knives. see a Colt pistol carried or referenced. The same is said about every great knife collectionthat it is not truly complete if it does not include a fcw Case knives. Behind The Scenes About three years ago, Smoky Mountain Knife Works acquired the exclusive licensing from The New Colt Holding Corp, to be the official licensee to design and produce knives undcr the Coll brand ame. Since then, Smoky Mountain Knife Works has not only grown and improved the Colt line of knives, but also has expanded its licensing of Colt tems to otfer a wide range of products under the new Colt Tactical Gear lineeverything from tactical vests and universal pistol holsters to AR-15 rifle cases. "We are really excited to be able to bring these two American companies together and produce a series of products that we believe every die-hard American cannot live without in their collection," said Kevin Pipes, president and CF,O of Smoky Mountain Knife Works. To many, it may seem like just another set of anniversary knives made special by
Three different Case knives commemorate the lOOth anniversary of the Colt Model 1911, one of which is the Case Bowie. The front tang has the Case 2011 stamp. The back side has the same COLT U.S.A. tang stamp as the Case 175th Colt anniversary pocketknives. The blade features special etched artwork commemorating the 1911 's centennial. (photo courtesy of Smoky Mountain Knife Works)
two very well-known, respectable American companies. However, onc niajor difference should makc these knives more collectible than the standard anniversary models. According to Case spokesman Fred Fcightner, it is thought to be the first time Case has ever offered a knife or series of knives with both the Case tang stamp and that of another company. "Case has done much co-branding over the years," Feightner noted. "In most cases, these co-branded opportunities consisted of a knife made by Case with a Case tang stamp and a shield, and/ or embellishment on the handle, and/or a blade representing the licensee's brand. Examples include the John Deere, John Wayne, lohnny Cash, Boy Scouts of America or other licensed products in our current catalogs. "This is the first time in our recollection that a Case knife, or series of knives, has been offered in which another company's lang stamp appears along with the Case stamping" All of which, National Knife Museum Curator Pete Cohan said, bodes well for Case aficionados and anyone who vales collectible knives. "This is a really signiricant move on the part of Case because, to my knowledge, in all of their history, they have never done this with another company before," Cohan noted, "and most serious collectors should take note of that." Co-Stamped The first series is a set of six pocketknives. On the fronl tang of
Smoky Mountain Knife Works is one of two exclusive sources for the Colt/Case knives, the other being retail stores supplied by Blue Ridge Knives. Inset is Kevin Pipes, SMKW CEO and president. (photo of Kevin Pipes courtesy of SMKW)
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the primary blade of each is the Case 2011 stamp. Meanwhile, history is made on the front tang of the secondary blade, where each knife is stamped COLT US.A. Along with the dual tang stamps, the first series of pocketknives features a "Rampant Colt," the symbol of Colt quality, etched on the center bolster. On the secondary blade is not only an etching of Sam Colt's signature but W.R. Cases signature as well. A gold color etch on the primary blade reads 75th Anniversary of Colt. All the knives have Colt-blue Delrin handles and are packed in collectible I75th annivcrsary tn boxes. Depcnding on the pattern, the knives rangc anywhere from $59.99 to $72.99 in manufacturis suggested retail prices, and are available exclusively at Smoky Mountain Knife Works and through Illuc Ridgc Knives. 1911 Centennial Knives 'Ihreediffcrent Case knives commemorate the lOOth anniversary of the Colt Model 1911. The first and most prominent is the Case Bowie. The front tang has the Case 2011 stamp. The back side has the same COLT U.S.A. tang stamp as the pocketknives. 'Ihe main blade surface features special etched artwork commemorating the 1911 s centennial. The other two Model 1911 anniversary knives are trappers. One is the standard "54" pattern and the other is the saddlehorn. Each is sold separately and features its own distinctive packaging celebrating the pistol's centennial. "After this first series of knives we are planning on continuing the line with several more series of knives," Pipes noted. When asked what elsc is in store concerning the knives, he simply said, "Stay tuned." For information on how to obtain your Case/Colt knives, contad Smoky Mountain Knife Works at 800-251-9306or visit www., or contad Blue Ridge Knives at 276-783-6143 onestop<a>bli4eridgt>knives. comfor the retail knife store that ses the knives in your rea. To read similar stories and the latest knife ncws, forums, blogs and tnuch more, see http://kn ifeshowcase.blademag. cotn.
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Spatks fy as Chuck grinds oe of his oyster knives. (photo courtesy of Chuck Schuette)
The Chuck , Schuette King's Oyster Knife rests atop a bed of Chesapeake Bay oyster shells. (phot courtesy of Chuck Schuette)
h, the brave man who first ate the guts of a stone. What a marvelous discovery! The lowly oyster has been esteemed for thousands of years as a gourmet food and is dstributed worldwidc in many variations. In my homo state of Maryland there has always been a strong oyster culture, and the Chesapeake Bay oyster is highly prized. I carne to Maryland from the Midwest as a youth and soon learned of the wonderfu! oysler and the bluc crab, for which the Chesapeake Bay is also renownedbut that is another animal. I am here to tell you how I make my "King's Oyster Knife." My wife, Pam, actually deserves the credit for urging me to make oyster knives. I have forged many hunters, camp knives, fighters and swords, and enjoyed making them, but she would always say, "You should be making uyster knives; they would sell like crazy." Well, I finally listened and made a few and took them to a local show, along with my usual fare. Darned if in 15 minutes the oyster knives werc sold and gone. Guys, listen to your wives! The first oyster knives 1 made were simple, standard designs with stabilized wood handles. However, I realized there was a niche for an upgraded model. We wanted to produce something that would be very functional but also bcautiful and eye catching, something unlike anythng else on the market. As the design has evolved, I think we are on the right path.
Steel & Startup When 1 first began the King's Oyster series, I was forging 1.5-inch round bar 52100E into suitable sizes for the smallish knives, but soon concluded forging was not really improving the end product. My oyster knives are designed primarily for prying and scraping, not cutting. As a result, now I use 5210QF, round bir just over a half inch indiameter. My shop tests have shown the smaller bar produces a tool that is just as strong and allows for fewer steps in the process. Lel's get started. (Refer to the picture at upper right as a guide for the following steps and for those under "Guard & Buttcap" and "The Handle") Cut the bar stock to a predetermined length and mark it with a permanent marker to show the cul Unes. Next, grind a set of parallel flats on the billet to allow for the attachment of a hardened file guide. Using the grinder, grind the stub tang to near the guide and finisb by hand filing, leaving a slight radius to prevent stress risers. From there, using a small chainsaw file, cut three grooves around the billet half the depth of the file to lcate the ricasso and blade. Next, grind ihe barrel-shaped ricasso. U goes quickly if you do it on the edge of the pialen and with a flexible belt. Shape the point and ground out the top of the bladc for later beveling. Ihen, grind the bottom of the blade in the shape of the botlom of a spoon. Cut in the top bcvcls and the blade is ready to hcat treat, Heal Trealing I leal trcatment is pretty standard for 52100. Normalize it three times and thcn anncal. Apply a coat of satanite slurry to the en-
With the completad knife at upper right, the various pars appear in assorted stages of completionhandles at top, guaros, buttcaps and pin stock in the middle, and 52100 bar stock and blades (in order of stages of compietion from left) at bottom. (photo courtesy of Chuck Schuette)
tire piece and let dry. I use a torch to heat the blade to the correct temperature and plunge it into 125F quenching oil. Do this three times over a three-day period. Draw the temper down in a small oven so the blade has a Rockwell hardncss of 55-57 HRO. Do it three times for a mnimum of two hours, cooling to room temperature between draws. This method gives me great results. 1 test ea_ch blade by trying to break the tips off. I have not broken one yet. (uard S Huttcap Since nickel silver is easy to shape and embellish, 1 use it in sheet and rod form for the guard and buttcap. Cut out squares of the material, mark them with the correct shapes and profile them on the grinder. Drill a hoie through the guard and hand-file it to fit the tang. Filework the center section of the guard and texture the background. From there, cut a top and bottom piece o" t h i n n e r stock, clamp it to the cent,er piece, and drill two holesone on cach side ior pinning. Apply a little J-Ii Wcld-and pin the three pieces together. Precisin holes allow foran invisible fit on the pins when sanding and polishing ihe top and bottom of the guard. Grind the guard lo match the lop and bottom with the oval center. Mark, profile and drill ihe buttcap to accept a short section of pin stock bard soldered in place. Using the grinder, grind the dome shape. Filework the piece and it is ready for installation. Complete the guard and, using J-R Wckl, install it on the blade. Making everytbing Hat belps ensure a good fit.
FEBRUARY2012 4 5
The Handle I use many different types of wood for batidles but prefer olive wood, dcsert ironwood and rosewood. They are stable and beautiful when polished. Cut a block 2 inches by 2 inches and 3.5 inches loiig, niark it for the profile, then shape it on the grinder, using a 3-inch wheel to help cut the contours. Shape the
handle completely before installation so only minor fitting is necessary later. Glue on the handle and install the huttcap. We're alniost done! I.astly, detail the knfe. Hand-sand the blade to remove all scratches and buff to a fine luster. Fine sand and buff the handle. I etch my logo on the blade and give the knife to my wife for final inspection. She has a discerning eye that misses nothing.
Once she approves, the knife is off to ts new home and, hopefully, will open oysters for many years. Designing and making knives has becn a very rewarding activity for me for some three decades, and 1 hopc those who use my knives expericnce the same level of satisfaction I get in making them. Keep on shuckin'!
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Step 1: Hold the oyster down on a hard surface with the flat-shell side up, and insert the point of the knife into the hinge.
For more information contad Chuck Schuette, Dept. BL2, 2588A Davisonville Rd., Gambris, MD 21054 410-721-7885 To read similar storics and (he tatest knife news, forums, blogs and much more, see h ttp://kn ifeshowcase. bladem ag. cotn.
Phone: 507-720-6063 Fax: 507-720-6305
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Sfep 2: Pressing down on the knife utilizas the rounded bottom 's mechanical advantage and pops the hinge.
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Step 3: Cut the oyster's top accutor muscle and remove the top half of the shell. Send $2.00 for Complete Listing ALL MAJOR CRED1T CAROS ACCEPTED
Sfep 4: Cut the bottom accutor muscle and you have a perfectly shucked oyster.
F E B R U A R Y 2012 47
A handle <jf shakudo with gold, silver and copper inlays highlights Grace Horne's piece in RWL-34 stainless. Blade length: 2.25 inches. Overall length: 5.5 inches. (Point Seven photo)
race Horne is an artist, embracing the basic elements of her subFelt, wool, silk and aluminum combine ject and then allowing them to on the handle Home take flight in her imagination. customized for her For two decades she has plied her craft "woolly" Spyderco in the eradle of modern knifemaking, Urban folder. (Point Seven photo) Sheffield, England. Before that, completion of her collcgc degree in design, craft and technology required a project. For it she ambitiously chose a set of three slip jonts with damascus blades, making the steel with artist and blacksmith Richard Quinnell at his forge in the Fire and Iron Gallery in Surrey. By 1994, Horne had relocated to Shcfficld to seek an apprenticeship in knifemaking wilh Stan Shaw, perhaps the last of the legendary "LiUle Mesters," the independent Sheffield knifemakers who helped sustain the citys storied reputation for quality cutlery. (See "Stan Shaw: Little Mester of Shefficld," March \994BLADE-.) Though Shaw was unable to ire an apprentice, he gave Horne a box of od blades to work with, some having been forged a century before. "I decided to lake a more academic approach," she recalled, "completing both a knife-related masters degree and Ph.D. at Sheffield Hallam University. My work was workshop based, and the material I ended up working with was layers of carbn steel separated by 99.99 percent pur silver foil. Visually, I like steel and silver together. It is a combination I have often come back to over the years. But if the two main rcsearch questions were 'Can it be done?' and 'Was it worth the etfort?' then the answer would have to be 'Yes.'" Horne produces only about l to 12 knives each year and does not accept custom orders. She does not sell through purveyors but maintains a lisl of people to notify when a knife is available or whcn her online portfolio is updated. She describes her work as m ate r i al-and-con cept driven yet deeply embeddcd with the historical Sherfield knifemaking tradition. While knives are one of her loves, another is textiles, and a recent foray combined the two. "A couple of years ago," she recalled, "while my new workshop was being converted Irom an od Victorian public toilet, I didn't have knifemaking space but my textile studio was still accessible. '[his Icd to my first pieces that cross the boundaries belween knives and textiles. These modified Spyderco knives were thc result of a project to visnally represcnl ihe valu of knives as everyday tools. During a three-week period I collected everything that I cut with the knife,
Based on a silver-bladed fruit knife made by William Needham in 1918, "Shadow of Opportunity" put Horne's work before BLADE- readers on page 98 of the January 2010 issue. The handle is kitn-fired giass enamel with sterling silver flecks. The 2.95-inch blade is RWL-34 stainless. (Point Seven photo)
and at the end of each week I made all the bits nto new scales for that knife and then went on to the next one." The modified knives actually incorprate pieces of tems such as corrugated board, duct tape, envclopes, and packaging mesh into the handles, and the effort has been followed by a series of "fluffy" knives. Since knife laws are oppressive in Britain and the sight o a pocketknife can elicit comments, Horne covered the Spyderco UKPK she often carries with woolen felt. "I love felt making," she said. "II is versatile and the final product can be very hard wearing. My complete knife just gets washetl
FEBRUARY 2012 49
when it's dirty, and how can anyone be scared of a woolly knife?" From a woolly knife, the innovative artist progressed to "cocoon knives" that she characterized as soft, warm and visually non-threatening. "Mosl of the fouiidation work is a woolen felt," she commented. "I use a combination of wet, necdlc and uo fclting to crate the desired effect, incorporating silk, cotton and other meshes intu the structure of the felt. The surfaces are then stitched, reworked, embroidered and embellished. "l-'olding knives fascnate me bccause they are all about change open and closed, dangerous and safe, big and small. A cocoon holds a similar fascination; it is full of potential to be somethng completely difieren!." When she finished her academic studies, Horne said she recognized her education had bccn not only about the production of metal, but also about the creative process. This led to the keeping of extensive noles and sketches. "I rarely take on commissions but, if I do, then part of the creative dialogue is often conducted through photos of drawings from my sketchbook, and then photographs as the work progresses," she Horne's "Cocoon related. "Ihe story of each knife is importan!why 1 made it, the #2" incorporales inspiration behind it, what makes it difterent from Ihc other knives I felt, wool, silk and aluminum for the have madc. liecauseof this, cach knife has its own littlebookcontaincocoon handle. The ing vital statistics, life story, background information and pictures." 2.9-inch blade is Every knife Horne makes is one of a kind, likc the creative energy RWL-34 stainless. she channels into her work. "Much o my work develops like a se(Point Seven photo) ries of slightly misheard whispers," she smiled. '"Ihc title ofa picture or a writtcn description of an event will crate an image in my hcad that often is very difierent from the one that would have developed from a visual input. A physical event becomcs a wrirren or spoken distillation and is then reinvented as a new object. Very often, when I track back, I am surprised at how far my creativo process has lakcn me from the original sourcc." Tbough she never makes the same knife twice, Horne does see recurring themes in her work, and she revisits basic forms from time to time. She does 3 1/2" blade and 6 1/2" not oprate a forge in her shop but does total length. (Sizesare enjoy making her own pattern-wcldcd approximate.) steel. Award-winning damascus niakers Daryl Meier, Hank Knickmeyer and F.d $95.00 andf 6.00 shippfng Schempp work with her in steel mak1095 high Carbn Steel, Elk handles, ing after some "gentle coaxing and tuhandmade custom leather sheath ition" on Horne's part. She also likes to use RWL-34 and other Swedish stainless To choosi; from available models, steels for knife blades. go lo Most of the work she does is by hand or with a small surface grinder, and she has plans to have a belt grinder up and running soon. A visit to her shop reveis P.O. Box 328, Toutle, WA 98649 a number of hand tools used by jewelers, cutlers and watchmakers through the 360-601-1927 generations. An od Shcffield knifemaker would probably feel right at home there. ' Annual trips to the BLADE Show are
vital in maintaining contad with other knifemakers and supplement her use of social media such as Facebook. When she comes to the USA, she has knives photographed by Point Seven and catches up with others in the global knifemaking community. She also attends the KnivesUK show and the SICAC show in Pars. "I'm not entirely sure what my knives will look like next year," Horne laughed. 'Tve started playing with glove leathers, and 1 fancy incorporating some visual elements from the corsets that I make. One thing 1 am certain about s that, yet again, they will be completely different from the stuff I'm working on at the moment!" To read similar stories and the latest knfe news, forums, blogs and much more, see
Grace Horne
Dep. BL2, 182 Crimicar Ln Sheffield, Britain United Kingdom S104EJ 07812672 788 Active on Facebook Specialties: One-of-a-kind knives, folders and fixed blades Blade Steels: Damascus of her own making and also that of Daryl Meier, Hank Knickmeyer and Ed Schernpp; RWL-34 and other Swedish stainless steels Handle Materials: Any number of different ones, from the traditional to common, including everyday materials not normally seen on knives; also, shakudo (with a dark blue-purple patina, t is 4 percent gold, 96 percent copper) and shibuichi (with muted shades of blue or green, often one part silver to three parts copper); also blue coral, mother-of-pearl, ableme and other natural substances Your Grace: Makes 10 to 12 knives per year; does not normally accept custom orders rice Ranges: $450-$900
MadeilT the US A
F E B R U A R Y 2012
The author's dad kept the Warther Commando Knife in the original box and, as far as the author knows, nevar used it. The 7-inch blade has the author's father's ame and serial number engraved on it. The sheath is original, (photo courtesy of Gene Englehart)
The author (left) holds his dad's World War U Warther Commando Knife in the Warther knife shop in Dover, Ohio. At right is knifemaker Dale Warther, grandson of Ernest Warther, Dale passed away in 2010. (photo courtesy of Gene Englehart)
Editor's note: On page 114 of the December BLADE; we ran the story "Ed's Dad's WWII Ek" about the knife BLADE field editor Ed Fowler's dad carried during the Second World War. Along with the story we asked readers to sena us pictures and information about their dads' military knives. It didnt take longfor reader Gene Englehart to suppiy the following.
y father, Orville Englehart of Paw Paw, Illinois, spent four years in the Navy as a chief petty officer during World War II. He was stationed stateside, Iraning aircraft BLADE FFR R I I A R Y
mechanics in Michigan, Florida and Oklahoma. I believe it was when he was stationed in Michigan thal he ordered a Commando Knife from Krnest Warther in Dover, Ohio. After Dad got thc knife, he kept it in the original box and, as far as I know, never used it. It has a 7-inch blade with his ame and serial number engraved on it. Ever since I was a little kid the knife fascnated me, and I was forbidden to touch it. In 2009,1 took it with me on a trip Fast that included a visit to the Warther Muscum and workshop in Dover. I liad the
good fortune to meet Ernests grandson, Dale, and to show him the knife. He told me the copper in the sheath came from a local sheriffwho had confiscated it from a moonshne still. 'Ihe brass came from the kick plates on the men's room door at the local bigh school. Ernests son Dave took it all home for the war effort. Ernest made only about 1100 of these knives and sold them for about $15 apiece, which is probably less than they cos him to make. Ernest was a genius and an incrcdibly skilled carver and craftsman. Dale was very gracious to me the day I vsited his shop, and I was very sad to hear of his
passing about a year later. I consider Dad's Warther Commando knife to be a family heirloom now.
Do you have your dad's knife or any knife used hy any family memberincluding youwhile in the service? Send a photograph or photographs of it andlor of you or the family mcmbcr holding it, any information/anecdotes about the knife and its use by the family rnember who owned/carried it, along with the knife's specsbrand/ maker, model, ovcrall length, your family member's ame, runk and branch/years/
theater of service, etc.lo BLADE, 700 E. State St., ola, W 54990. f digital, the imdge(s) must be at least 600 K. E-mail it/ them to To read similar stories and the latcst knife news, forums, blogs and rnuch more, see h ttp://knife$howcase.bademag. com.
Ernest Warther makes a metal sheath for one of his Commando knives in 1943.
mi **
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Lambert, Kirby 95 Lansky Sharpeners 42 Lightfoot Knives 95 Lone Star Wholesale 34 M Magnum USA 90 Masecraft Supply 8 Meyerco 100 Midwest Gun Exchange 18 Midwest Knifemakers Supply LLC....47
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An example of Puma USA's new SGB tactical knives is the Springbok Black assistedopening fipper folder with a 3.3-inch blade of German-made 440A stainless steel. It is 4.2 inches closed and sports a locking liner in a black aluminum handle. (Puma USA photo)
or Puma Knife Co., there s a con uncir un. On the one hand, Puma is among the world's most famous and longest-lived cutlery brands, recognizable because of a rich pedigree and back story. It was the eighth registered trademark in Germany, founded by Johann Wilhelm Lauterjung in 1769. That alone is pretty darn impressive. About halfway through the 20th century, particularly after World War II, Puma turned its focus to the outdoors by ramping up productton of huntng, fishing and pocketknives. "There were a lot of really cool things done in the '50s, some of the classics like the Waidbcsteck, Waidmesser and the (agdnicker," Vice Presiden! of" Marketing and Operations Chris Lalik said of Pumas models with the distinctive Germn ames. However, while Kershaw, Columbia River Knife & Tool and others have taken leaps and bounds in recent years to make their lines known, Puma has done little in terms of keeping up in North America, the world's largest knife market. 'Ihat is where Lalik enters the picture. As a 16-year veteran specializing in binocular;;, scopes, optics and other tems for Bushnell and Meade, he knows the American sporting merchandise market. The team of Lalik and Bob Carpenter, the latter presiden! of Puma USA who adds 19 years of outdoor/sporting industry expericnce to the equation, have spent
strategy was needed, Lalik noted. "[Puma] was actually the No. 3 [knife] brand in the early '70s," he explained. "The people who distributed it before changed the focus of their business. Ihey focused a lot of their eftbrts on lashlights," though he said his predecessors' approach made sense in the context of the company business model as it was structured at the time. Now, though, the emphasis has changed. "[Knives are our sol business and weare tbcusing 100 percent of our effort on the Puma knife brand," he continued. "This is all we do. We are in the knife business." Carpenter and Lalik took over Puma USA in lanuary 2009. Since then they have been adding ncw knives, Lalik said, and picking up new distribution fairly regular I y, "We are getting a significan! portion of our sales from the ncw knives that we've introduced," he said. "We're updating the product linc to make it more current
Characterized by Puma USA's Chris Lalik as probably one of the most famous knives of all time, the Puma White Hunter features a 5.9-inch blade of 440A staintess with a big skinning belly, a false edge on top for hacking, and old-style serrations for three years cutting through joints and gristle of wild planning and game. The stag handle is rounded executing a strategy for comfort. Made in Germany, it has a manufacturis to return the Puma brand suggested retail pnce to tbe forefront. of $409.95. (Puma '1 here was a time when no such USA photo)
not just the traditional hunters but some of the other parts of the knife market for the younger consumers who are looking for sprng-assist and lip knives. We are trying to realign the product line with what the consumers are looking for today." Bringing to market what consumers want now breaks down to two major components: the aforementioned updating of the line with more modern ofierings, and lowering the price point to something more affordable for working-class Joes. These days, that means outsourcing part of the production to ("hia. Puma USA recently entered the offshore production market in order to be successful at the
Clip and saw blades of 440A stainless steel and a handle of Jacaranda wood complete the Warden lockback. MSRP: $79.95. (Puma USA photo) A 4.2-inch blade of 440A stainless, a stag handle and brass single guard highiight the Elk Hunter SGB. MSRP: $95.95. (Puma USA photo)
Thanks to such pocketknives as the Stockman SGB, Puma shows it has not forgotten its roots. Blade steel: 440A stainless. Handle material: brown jigged bone. Approximate closed length: 3 inches. MSRP: $37.95. (Puma USA photo)
latter component. The new line is called SGB (Solingen, Germany Blade) and Lalik said it is different than the standard Asian-production offering. The vast majority of tactory knives are niade in Asa, he noted, so he of course maintains no aversin to China-produced knives. However, he stressed that German-made blade steel is the musthave ingredient to a great Puma knifc. With that in mind, he set out to lower the cost of the company's otherwise somewhat-priccy knives by shipping pre-made Puma models to China for assembly. "What Puna is trying to do is bridge the gap some between a pure-Asian product and a pure-German product," Lalik noted. "It's really more of a hybrid, and it's really been selling very, very wcll." A great example of a new SGB tactical is the Springbok Black assisted-opening lipper folder with a 3.3-inch blade of German-made 440A stainless steel. It is 4.2 inches closed and sports a locking liner in a black aluminum handle. It is a far cry from the traditional Puma slip joint. Lalik said Puma also is devcloping a folder based on the vintage Puma Tac 2. "We're updatng the design, niaking
it into a folder, and it will come with a spring assist," he said. "It will combine an older design with some of the things that the modern consumers are looking for." Meanwhile, the Puma line remains rich with dassics, Including one in production that premiered in 1956: the White Hunter. It is an archetypal multi-purpose hunting knifc that features a big skinning belly, a false edge on top for hacking, and old-style serrations for cutting the joints and gristlc of wild game. With a 5.9-inch blade, the White Hunter is all about variable tasks. "Il has a lot of really cool features," Lalik grinncd. "It's probably one of the most famous knives of all time." Otherclassicsremaining in the lineare the 1964-era mililary offerings, the Corporal, Lieutenant and Sergeanl. "Many of these knives went over to Vietnam," he explained. "People who were deployed typically flew through (ermany, and they would pick up a bowie or a skinner or a White Hunter, and they would take them to war. So, in that sense, [such Puma models] were sort of the forerunners to tactical knives." Now that the Puma brand is making a comeback, Lalik and Carpentcr are hope-
ful their efforts can bring the richness and quality of the brand to bear in North America. "We have focused on being easy to do business with. Wc want people to like to do business with us, both on a consumer and retailer level," Lalik explained. "We're advertising really for the first time in probably 15 years. We're trying to get the brand back out in front of people. We're trying to let people know we're slill playing the game and we're paying attention." To read similar stories and the latest knife news, forums, blogs and much more, see http://knifeslwwcase. blademag. com.
The Cougar exhibits the look and feel of an outstanding using fixed bladeclassic German-made Puma in evety rsped. (Puma USA photo)
click on Knife Showcase at
. '
S T O C K S P E C I A L S | By Joe Kertzrnan
In Sharp Supply
he Boone & Crockett Kit offers everything yon need to assemble a quality, finished knifc, says Andrew Robinson of Texas Knifemaker's Supply. The kit includes an AUS-6A stainless Steel blade heat treated to 58-59 HRC on the Rockwell Hardness scale, epoxy, 3/16-inch brass rod, Dymondwood handle scales and thong hole tubing. Available for $29, f the kit's parts were sold separately, they woud add up to $35. "Whlle the Boone & Crockett Kit itself is not necessarily unique to other knife kits on the market, we offer our experience and cxpertise, either by phone or c-mail, to
For the contad information for the supplics jeaturcd in this story, see "Where To Get 'Etn" on page 80. To read similar lories and a the latest knife news, forums, blogs and much more, see
first-time knifemakers who are unfamiliar with the building process," Robinson states. "For handle materials, customers can choose from over 30 colors of Dymondwood scales, and the only finishing required is shaping, sandThe Texas Knifemaker's Supply Boone & Crockett ing and buffing with non-coloring Kit includes an AUS-6A stainless steel blade, eprouge," he notes. "The typical cusoxy, 3/16-inch brass rod, Dymondwood'" handle tomer is either a first-tme builder, scales. and thong hole tubing. or a returning customer who has assemblcd a kit and has been regifts, and for Scout troops. quested by a friend or family member to "We feel our kits are best utilized by assemble one for them, as well. Customers putting them together and thcn using the purchase kits for birthday and Christmas knves in the field," Robinson adds.
* - ^his is without a doubt the highest-quality man-made material that we ofFer," says Chris Hartman of Masecraft Supply. "It is manufacturcd to cxacting standards in the USA and is true heirloom quality." Hartman refers to M3 Metal Composite knife scalc and bolster material, available in blanks and billets. Macro-Molccular Metals (M3) are part of a new breed of composite materials used, according to Hartman, for everything from the Stealth Bomber to the International Space Station. He says they are recognized for astounding aesthctic properties, and for taking a highmirror fmish. "They are made with pur metis and exotic elemens," he notes. "Tht; engineers at M3 Cornposite Industries produce them in a variety of shapes and sizes, including matched sets for knife scales. They crate exotic metal colors, beautiful wood-grain
patterns and metal combinations never before possible." Knife scale sets range from $30-$90, depending on size and thickness. "They are engineered to be dense and stablc with a high strength-toweight ratio," Hartman claims. "The colors and patterns run completely through the material. It can only be described as a modern-day versin of mokum gane, which literally transales to Svood-grained metal.' Real mokum gane s more expensivc than M3, with M3 being about the same price as our high-cnd natural handle materials, and worth every penny." So confident are Masecraft officials of the strength and quality of M3, Hartman says the company offers a full replacement warranty against defects and "unsightly patterns." "We even offer an 'oops insurance'replacing a part for 50 percent of
Described as a modern-day, affordable alternative to mokum gane, M3 Metal Composite is offered by Masecraft Supplyin blanks and billetsfor knife handle scales and bolsters.
the price a maker initially pad us for a scale that breaks hy mistake while working his or her first few pieces. "It is unbelievably easy to turn, cut, shapc and polish with standard woodworking tools, wood and metal iathes, or CNC equipment," Hartman concludes.
and scales are availablc as large as 2-by-7 inches each. , . _ "*li . "We were getting ready for the 2011 * ? J^H BI.ADE Show, and what we had done is l ?" fc >dye the coral for one day, take it out, dry it, and then pul it in resin for another day to stabilize it," Turnage explains. "My son mistakenly pul it in resin that had hlack dye in it, and it carne out black and red, basically a douhle dye of rich colors. When Goldie Russell saw it, she thought it was unbelievable, so now we offer it in different color combinations as a result of the mistake."
Fine Turnage Productions offers fossil brain coral in a variety of colors and patterns for knife handles.
can now get 10 percent orf by mentioning they read about the new pallfrn-- in lii.ADE . "This is a great deal because it saves money on a high-quality product," McClure reasons. "It is different from other producs because it is stainless, and bolh steels harden. The steel is the same every time, and easy to grind, heat treat, sharpen and take to a high rinish. The two newest
An example of "Big Rose" pattern Damasteel damascus, available from Giraffe Bone Knife Supply, comprises the blade ofJerry McCIure's "Beaver Cleaver" model in a rounded tip, mosaic-damascus bolsters, a mammoth-ivory handle and gold pins.
source of knifemaking supplies since 1997, Halpern Titanium, in addition to ofFering Americanmade knifemaking supplies, contines its partnership with Spyderco and its "Mul Team Project," according to Halpern's Melanie Sartori. Spyderco describes the Mul Team Project as a "simple, inexpensive venue for 'steel junkies' to have an opportunity to test different blade steels themselves. Each run [of knives] is madc with a diferent, interesting steel. They all have the same pattern, a full-tang fixcd blade. They all have the same thickness, grind and edge, and are hcat treated to the optimal hardness for ihat steel."
Upon Spyderco president Sal Glesser's suggestion two ycars ago, Halpern Titanium bogan machining a limiled run of precisin G-10 handle scales for the Mul Team blades. "What started out as a tral run has turned into a Mul Team frenzy," Sartori quips. "To keep things interesling, Halpern Titanium has developed different styles of grips and now offers fivc handle options in varying textures and colors." Complete with hardware, handle scales range in list prices from $20-to-$40 per sel of two, depending on style. Halpern Titanium also has expanded its inventory of titanium stock to indudc
One of several G-l O scale styles Halpern Titanium offers for the Spyderco Mul Team Project is an orange diamond-textured pattern.
hard-to-find pate si/es, including a precut inventory of,180-to-.210-nch6AL-4V titanium available in 1/2-square-foot-by1-square-foot sheets. Additionally, a .050inch-thck, 10.5-nch-by-ll-inch titanium sheet is available for $32, while supplies last. Finally, in celebration of its upcoming I5th anniversary, Halpern Titanium offers Torx" screws at the reported 1997 price of $12 per pack of 100. Socket-head screws are$20-to-S25 for a pack of 100.
F E B R U A R Y 2012 71
hollow-ground hunting knives using the stock-removal method, simple jigs and basic edge geometry. 'Ihc "bcginner" DVD, as Osborn describes it, carres a lisl price of $40, and includes instruclion on hollow grinding, fileworking, and tasks like setting screw depths and making sheaths. "Center Cross Instructional Videos have set the standards in knifcmaking videos since 2004," Osborn states.
In The Hollow Ground Hunter DVD, Gene Osborn takes viewers through the process of fashioning hollow-ground hunting knives.
he maniifacturing divisin Jantz Supply has created an exclusive line of Crucible Steel fulltang knife blades. Steels available are D2, 440C, 154CM, CPM-S30V and US.-made damascus, all of which [antz reports are priced "to compete with imported products, which are often of lesser, unknown materials and qualty." "It's a line of blades utilizing only USA materials, supplies and labor," claims Venice (antz. "Qualily control inspections are performed throughout the manufacturing process to assurc the highest-quality blade. Each Jantz full-tang blade pattern is precisin ground before and after bevel grinding, then cryogenically heat treated to ensure wear resistance, toughness and correct Rockwell hardness for each type of steel. "They are hard enough to retain a razor-sharp edge and flexible enough for a perfectly crafted blade," Jantz adds. "Each is finished with a choice of satin or 'ceramic peen,' and each blade is hand sharpened to a ra?,or-sharp edge by a skilled craftsman." fantz says the company introduced the blades lo promote knifemaking as a hobby, as well as to offcr a quality product to novice and cxperienced knfemakers. Jantz also offcrs Icather and Kydex* sheaths, bolsters, guarda and handle material. "We are the only knifemaking supplier producing and sclling its own line of custom blades
Two full-tang knife blades offered for sale by Jantz Supply are shown as they come from the supplier, as well as after the handle materials have been added.
Venice Jantz said Jantz Supply is the exclusive U.S. distributor of GTC 440C thrust bearings designed by Brazlian knifemaker Gustavo Cecchini for his handmade folders.
and stcels for knifemaking," she claims. "Kach blade is etched with the type of steel and 'Made in the U.S.A.' on the tang," she adds, "allowing the knifemaker to etch his logo on the blade if desired." [antz supply is also the exclusive U.S. distributor for GTC 440C thrusl bearings developed by Gustavo Cecchini for his custom Iblding knives, according to Venice. "The GTC thrust bearing system is one piece, thus eliminating the frustration of
working with individual bearings that are difficult to take apart and reassemble," she notes. "Simply mili pockets in the blade and frame, place one bearing in the blade pocket, another in the framc, and yon have an awesome, smooth, fast-opening system." fantz oflers the GTC thrust bearings for $2.95 each. List pnces for the full-tang knife blades vary from $17.95 to $39.95 apiece, depending on steel and frnish.
percent discount on carved stag bone slabs in specific si/es, like 3 3/4-by-l 1/8 inches, until the end of 2011. Natural and dyed carved stag bone handle scales are $8 and $10 a pair, respectively, and availablc in eight colors"natural," amber, "fire oak" (red), "mossy oak" (green), "lapis bine," dark brown, "sunset" (orange-brown) and "moss green." "The dye process penetrales the piece, and in a way, stabilizes the voids witliin thcm by filling ihem with substance," Culpepper remarks. "The process can be used on all types of antier, including sambar, elk, whitetail and axis, as well as bone, like camel and cattle. We have even dyed exotic bone for a customer, and I turned out well. The supply of stag has not improved the last few years, and is becoming increasingly difficult to obtain. "We are thc only company in the world, not only in the U.S., ottcring the dying and
Culpepper & Co. offers carved "stag bone" (bone carved to resemble stag) in eight distinct colors. jigging services," Culpepper insists. "We offer around 40 dye colors, and 15 or so regular-stock jig patterns, and thus limilless combinations. We also offer a 100 percent return policy on these and other tems."
F E B R U A R Y 2012
"Knifemaker Showcase" spothghts the photographs of knives sent by any and all custom knifemakers to BiAE for ftlmg n the Knifemakers' Archive. The Knifernakers' Archive is the most complete collection of photographs of knifemakers' knives and information n the world. If you are a custom knifemaker and have not sent us a photo (the better quality the photo, the better chance it has of getting n the magazine), write to: BLADE, c/o Krause/F+W Media, 700 E. State St., lola, Wl 54990, or e-mail Please include a mug shot of yourself with your knife picture.
Weslev Davis
A Texas ranchcr and part-time knifemaker, Wcslcy Davis was intcrested in making knives long before he practiced the craft. In the 1980s, he contacted now-deceased k n i f e m a k e r l e n n Marshall. "He told me what I needed to get startcd and how much it would cost," Davis relates. "1 hung up the phone and looked in the l i v i n g room wherc my three kids were playing. and I knew t would be <t while heforc I could pursue t." Once Davis' kids werc grown, he became a membcr of the "Kour States Iron Munchers," and a few uf the other nicmbcrs made knives. "The spark was back on," he says. "This was in 2004, and I had the money and lime to go to the Bill Moran Sehool of Bladesmithing." Davis, who makes (blders and fixed blades. ames liill Ruple and Harvey Dean as inspirational and influcnrial knifemakers. "Making something with your own hands and doing it well is satisfying," Davis remarks. "Most of the world relies on someone clse to make things." The slccveboard whittler ( r i g h t ) sports ladder-patterndamascus blades, stainless steel bolsters, liners and sliield, and stag handle slabs. Davis' list pnce: $ 1,000. Contaet Wesley Davis, Dept. BL2, POB 33, Cunningham, TX 75434 903652-2784 wwdavis( (Point Seven photo)
Shawn Shrooshire
"The outdoors is where I gct recharged," says Shawn Shropshire, who ames hunting, fishing, hiking. camping and canocing as favorite pursuits. "I love to be able to take one of my knives into the field and use it on game or in bushcraft activities. I test designs and malcriis on game that I harvest, and am more comfortable walking on grass and din than on concrete and asphalt." A fulltime plice officer, Shropshire plans lo spend inore time b u i l d i n g military, tactical, h u n t i n g and frontier-style knives when he retires. An Eagle Scout and assistant Cub Scout pack leader. Shropshire says, 'Tin passing on my passion for knives to the Scouts in my pack. I gct to take them out and teach ihem the things I learned." The bowie/fighter (lel't) dons a D2 bladc, stag handle, Alabama Damascus guard and pommel, and a frontier-style rawhide sliealh with beaver-tail wrap. Shropshire's list price: $400. Contad Shawn Shropshire, Dept. BL2, POB 453, Picdmont, OK 73078 405833-5239, (Ward photo)
Paul Jarvis
"I have been gifted with a good imagination. and I wish to use it to its fullest," says Paul Jarvis, adding that a machine shop teacher encouraged him to gct into knifemaking. "lich knifc 1 made was getling better, and he told me so, which led me to make more knives," he recalls. "I have always liked knives. and I also collcet Europcan automatics and aunque Japanese swords. The thing 1 likc about knifcmaking is that it s only limited by your imagination." A part-time maker and full-time machinist, Jarvis says he ollen spends six months on a knife, and enjoys working with silver, bronze and gold. His "Fixed Fighter" (right) paradcs a 12-inch Dcvin Thomas damascus blade, a tcxturcd and blackened nickel silver guard blade collar and butt. a mammoth-tooth handle, bronzc fittings and spacers, and a Chris Kravitt leather sheath. Jarvis' list price: $7,500. Contaet: Paul Jarvis, Dept. BL2, 30 Chalk Si., Cambridge, MA 02139 617-913-2008 or 617-661-301? pauljarvisknives(/' ( photo)
Jim Dunla
"It's not about making a dollar, it's about making Btnnething someone is proud lo own," surmiscs knifeinakcr Jim Dunlap. "It's the pride and craftsmanship thal goes inlo making the knives. I have always liad a knifc in my pocket, and I don't know how anyone coukl makc it wilhoul one" Dunlap builds slip-joint and locking-lincr folders, and says he cnjoys being around othcr knifemakcrs to sce what thcy make and to learn from them. A part-time maker. he builds approximately 40 knives a year and prefcrs ATS-34 blade stecl. "I like sccing the km te dcvclop through the whole process, from what it was to what it turns out to be," he says. "1 am a hunter and fisherman. I don't know who gave me my first knifc. Tve liad one as longas I can rcmcmber."The slipjoint (right) is 3 5/8 inehes closed with a clip-point ATS-34 blade, 410 stainless stecl bolstcrs, lincrs and springs, and stag handlc slabs. Dunlap's list price: S300. Contad: Jim Dunlap, Dept. BL2, 800 E. Badger Lee Rd., Sallisaw, OK. 74955 918-774-2700, (Kayla Minchew photo)
Ernie Swanson
A tull-iimc truck driver, Ernie Swanson uses his time wisely on vvcekends, fashioning fixed-blade hunters from high-carbon and stainless steels. stabili/.ed wood, M carta", nickel silver and brass. "I got into knifemaking bccausc 1 always wanted a well-built knife bul could not a fiord one. A member on BladeForums offcrcd to scnd me somc supplies," Swanson relates. "The craftsmanship is what it's all about for me, not so mueh the arl, but good. " flowing lines. The strength and overall fccl of a good knife is hard to beat." An avid hunter and fisherman, Swanson reasons that nol only is a knfe somcthing he cannot live without. it has more uses than any othcr tool. Me ames Bruce Bump, EdCaffrey, Liob Loveless, Bill Moran, Ken Erickson andTodd Davidson as influenees. "These are makers who, without ever talking to thcm, blew me away with their work," he says. The drop-point hunter ( l e l t ) fcatures a 4.25-inch 1084 blade. a spaltcd-birch handle and nickel-silver pins. Swanson's list price: $ 125. Contad: Ernie Swanson, Dept. BL2, 23642 State Rd. 35, Lot 42, Siren, WI 54872 715349-5766 (Kayla Minchew photo)
Chad Nell
Growing up in Manti. Utah, gave Chad Nell the opportunity to spend valuablc time with knifcmakers Steve Johnson and John Young. "They have been willing to sharc their tcchniqucs and seercts about making a high-quality, precisin knife," Nell cxplains. "Everything I have Icarned about knifemaking has becn from those two talentcd artists." Having becn in the business only since June 2010, Nell says knifemaking has becoine one of the passions and great joys in his life. "My dad was a mastcr meehanic who enjoyed making beautifully craftcd arrowhcads from tlint gathcred in the hills surrounding Manti. He gave me my first Schrade Od Timer pocketknife when I was 6 ycars od, and 1 have been hookcd on knives ever since," Nell relates. He employs CPM154 and ATS-34 blade steels, 416 stainless for guards and fittings, and stag, sheep horn, ivory, giraffe bone, exotic woods and synthctic handlc malcriis. Every knife he builds, from small hunters to sub-hilt fighters, has a tapered tang. and his list prices range from $350-51,200. Hs versin of a Bob Loveless-stylc chute knifc (right) showcases a 4.5-inch CPM-154 blade. a 416 stainless steel guard and fittings, a desert-ironwood liandle and a brick-rcd spacer. The basket-weave-style lealher belt sheath is by Coot Pollock. Ncll's list price: $625. Contact: Chad Nell, Dept. BL2, 75-6201 Hookuku Moho Pl.. Kailua Kona, HI 96740 435-229-6442 ncllknivcs(< F E B R U A R Y 2012 75
Missy Beyer,
A.G. Russell Knives, Inc.
Cutlery Specialties Renaissance MicroCrystalline Wax/Polish Dennis Blaine; dennis13@ Der Knives Discount LED Lights and Knives Don Hanson III Sunfish Forge DLT Trading Company customerservice@ Bob Dozier Knives Ek Commando Knife Co. Brian Forrest TacticalTomahawks Grand Prairie Knives Great Eastern Cutlery Ernie Grospitch Custom Handcrafted Knives Guild Knives -Selling Custom Collection, Don Guild Halpern Titanium
7OO East State St. lola, Wl 54990-0001 PH. 715-445-4612 Fax: 71 5-445-4087 Advertising Sales ext. 13642 e-mail: Bruce Wolberg Advertising Sales ext. 13403 e-mail; bruce. wolberg@fwpubs.
Buckeye Engraving stamps@steelhandstamps. com Adiinis International Manufacturer of Custom Knifeworks Hand Stamps Busse Combat Knife Company Automatic & Customized Cutlery Specialists Alaska - Northern Knives C.A.S. Hanwei A Real Store & Working Knite Shop! Canada's Knife Zone Ars Cultri EK Online Knife & Sword Store Chestnut Ridge Knife Shop Atlanta Cutlery Classic Knife Design Robert Nelson Parker Beckwith's Blades Cobra Imports Swords, Knives, Armor Benchmade Cndor Tool & Knife, Inc. Bill Buxton Knives 1 ; COWBOYKNIVES.COM Blade Art Inc. Culpepper & Co., Inc. Blade HQ, LLC Custom Knife Gallery of Colorado BladeOps, LLC Custom Leather Knife Brian Tighe Sheaths
^- fc _
Hawkins Knife Making Supplies Hollinan Haus Knives Order Custom Knives Hoffman Knives - Setling Top Quality Collection - Walt Jays Knives/American Edge JerzeeDevil The best damn forum, period FREE Shipping-Discount PricingIn Stock Knife Country USA Knife Center o the Internet Knife City Outlet Knife Mart We Ship Worldwide Knives Plus Lee's Cutlery Lightfoot Knives
Darrel Ralph nele Al www.riversidemachine.nel DON MORROW Santa Fe Stoneworks Morrow Custom Knives, Inc. Unique one of a kind gemstone Specializing in Custom Folders handled cutlery Moore Cutlery Shepherd Hills Cutlery MIKE MURPHY Smoky Mountain Knife Works Michigan Custom Knives Sooner State Knives Purveyor of Custom Knives Neilson's Mountain Hollow J Neilson Steel Addiction Custom Knives New Graham Knives Peter Steyn (South frica) Northwest School of Knifemaking Swamp Rat Knives O'Brien Knives The Cutting Edge Handmade Custom Knives O'Hare Knives The aftermarket for Knives Toolshop Only Fine Knives Specializing in William Henry, True North Knives Chris Reeve, Strider and Custom Handmade Peter Martin Knives Twin Blades Qumtessential Cutlery Unique Blade LLC Grazyna Shaw Custom Knife Purveyor Richard S. Wright Rich Staebler
Note: Events murked with un asterisk (*) nave knives setttinars or sympo.sitims, blf/e-thruwng compttttons, qfon'im'ntioned "**" events. lLADE^'a "Show Calendar"t d hiifc accessories as the main/sole focas. Events marketl \vith Aiw asterisks (**) atv knifcmaking ting comi>elitii>ii\. uuctions or similar events, or knife shows fhat alst> indude orle or more of the .wcn on /?/,/f/)/:,'v website til WwW.biadeTnag.CQm.
NOV. 5-6 MT. VERNON, IL Mt. Vernon Knifc Show, Jeffcrson County Custom Knife Club, Roland I.ewis Community H u i l d i n g in the Mt. Vernon Veterans Park. Contad Nancy or Larry Hancock, 12193 E. Turner Dr, Deptw. BL2, Mt. Vernon, IL 62864* NOV. 11-12 CHATTANOOGA, TN SoddyDaisy Knife Collectors 1 two-day show, Alhaiiibra S h r i n e Temple. Contact Ron Franklin 423-400-4812 or Dewayne Huckner 423-332-5671* NOV. 12-13 TULSA, OK Wanenmacher's Tulsa Arms Show, Expo Square (Tuisa fairgrounds}. Contad Tuina Gun Show, Inc., Dept. BL2, POB 33201, Tulsa, OK 74153 918492-0401 NOV. 18-20 JERSEY CITY, NJ The 34th Animal New York City Custom Knife Show, The Westin-Jersey City Newport. Visit www. tor more Information." DECEMBER DEC. 8-10 S E V I E R V I L L E , TN Park ers' Greatest Knife Show on Earth, Sevierville Events Center. C a l i F.d I le u l e y 423-892-0448." DEC. 10 EUGENE, OR Oregon Winter Knife Show, Lae County Convenlion Center. Contact POB 2091, Dept. BL2, Eugene, OR 97402* DEC. 11 TIMONIUM, MD Chesapeake Knife Show, Crowne Plaza. Cali 410-3430380,*
determined. Contact lid Wormscr 847-7579926 e-mail,* JAN. 27-29 SAN ANTONIO, TX The American Bladesmith Society's 9th All-Forged Blade Expo, Sheraton Gunter. Cali Harvey Dean 512-446-3111 or Steve Dunn 270-5639830* JAN. 28-29 ST. LOU1S, MO Gateway rea Knife Club Cutlery Fair 2012, Carpenters Hall. Cali Mike 636-566-6632 or e-mail* F E B R U A R Y FEB. 3-5 I.AKELAND, FL The 34th Annual Gator Cutlery Club Custom, Modern & A n l i q u e Knife Show, Lakeland Center. Contact Dan Piergallini 813-754-3908 or 813-967-1471' FEB. 18-19 LITTLE ROCK, AR The 2012 Arkansas Custom Knife Show, Robinson Center Rxhihit Hall. Contact David Etchieson, Dept. BL2, 60 Wendy Cove, Conway, AR 72032 501-554-2582 aka@alliancecable.nct,*
POB 511, Dept. BL2, Elm Grove, WI 53122 414-479-9765* MARCH 23-25 PASADENA, CA Knife Expo 2012, Pasadena Convention Center. Contact the Southern California Blades, c/o Show Chairperson Helen Nauert KnifeExpo2()12@* MARCH 23-25 SALT LAKE CITY, UT Salt Lake City Knife Show, South Towne Exposition Center. Contact Rocky Mountain Productions LLC or cali David Jacobson 208447-7000.* MARCH 30-APRII. 1 HARRISONBURG, VA The 21st Annual Shenandoah Valley Knife Collectors Show, Rockingham County Fairgrounds. Contact Ralph Eagle 540-8280778 or Wes Shrader 540-862-3877 www.*
AFRIL 14-15 EUGENE, OR The 37th Annual Oregon Knife Show, Lae Events Center. Contact Oregon Knife Collectors, POB 2091, Dept. BL2, Eugene, OR 97402 541-484-5564* APRIL 19-21 FT. MITCHELL, KY The (ircater Cincinnati Knife Show, Drawbridge Hotel and Convention Center. NKCA-sanctioned. Cali 423-238-6753 spiritofsteel@,* A P R I L 28 SOLVANG, CA The Solvang Custom Knife Show. Cali Nordic Knives 805688-3612.* APRIL 28-29 NOVI, MI Wolverine Knife Collectors Show, Suburban Collection Showcase. Cali Pat Donovan 586-786-5549 or FrankMeek 586-264 2031.* JUNE JUNE 8-10 ATLANTA, GA The 31st Annual BLADE Show & International Cutlery Fair & Tactical Gear Expo, Cobb Gallera Centre, 1-285 8t US 41, one exit off 1-75 across from the Cumberland Mal, adjacent to the Renaissance Waverly Hotel. The world's largest combined show of handmade, factory and antique knives. Over 700 tables and almost 175 factory booths. )oin the world's greatest national and international knifemakers, cutlery manufacturers, colleclors, collections and knife lovers. Site of the Illade Magazine 2012 Knife-Of-The-Year* Awards for factory knives, the Blade Magazine Cutlery Hall-Of-
MARCH 2-4 JERSEY CITY, NJ The 2012 East Coasl Custom K n i l e Show, The WeslinJersey City Newport. Visit www.nyckshow. com for more Information.* MARCH 3 NORMAN, OK Oklahoma KGA Knife Show, Cleveland County h'airgrounds. Contact Sandy McClure 405-321-3614* MARCH 9-11 DALTON, GA The Dalton Knite Road Show, Northwest Georgia Trade and Convention Center. NKCA-sanctioned. Cali 423-238-6753,* MARCH 10-11 FORT WORTH, TX Lone Star Knife Expo, Stampede Rooni, Stockyards Station. Contact Loyd McConnell 830-7988087 Thomas Rucker 936-205-4657 www.* MARCH 17 WINDGAP, PA Eastern Pennsylvania Knife Collectors Show, Plainfield Fire Co. Contact Bill Odor 610-982-5773 or Tomlobst 610-965-8074.* MARCH 23-25 JANKSVILLE, WI Badger Knile Show, Holiday Inn Express and Janesville Conference Center. Contad Bob Schrap,
JAN. 6-7 HELSINKI, FINLANI) Helsinki Knife Show, Hotel Marski. Contad info(> (c/o Pekka Tuominen)," JAN. 20-22 LAS VEGAS, NV Trie 50th Annual Antique Arms Show, International Sporting Arms Show and Invitational Knifemakers Show, Riviera Hotel Casino. Contact Beinfeld Productions, attn: W. Beinfeld, Dept. BL2, POB 2197, Cathedral City, CA 92235 fax 760-202-4793 e-mail, www.AntiqueArmsShow. JAN. 21 LAS VEGAS, NV The 8th Annual Tctica! Invitational Knife Show at a site to be
ULY 27-29 ROGERS, AR A.G. Russell's Knife Event 2012, John Q. H a m m o n s Convention Center. Contact A.G. Russell Knives, attn; 13. Myers, Dept. BL2, 2900 S. 26th St.. Rogers, AR 72758 479-631-8493 www.kni"
AUG. 11-12 MISSOULA, MT Montana Knifemakers Association 17th A n n u a l Custom Knife Show & Sale, Montana Harley-Davidson. Contact Dan Westlind 360-795-0228 or Nancy McLaughlin 406-728-2861* AUG. 17-19 DENVER, CO Professional Knifemakers Association 20th Annual Denver Custom Knite Show, Crowne PlazaD1A. Contact Mike or Denise Alien 903-4891026"
SEPT. 13-16 LOUISVILLE, KY The 43rd Annual Knifemakers' Guild Show, Seelhach Hilton Hotel. Contact Blade Magazine Cutlery Hall-Of-Fame member Gil Hibben* To ensure tmely publcation ofyour knife show in the "Show ('.alendar," BLADE1 requcsts that you scnd all pcrtinent Information coticerning youT show in written Jormdates, locations, least three months befare the show takes place to Krause Publications, a divisin o/F+VV Media, attn: )oe Kertzman, 700 E. State St., lola, WI 54945 715.445.2214 fax 715.445.4087. BLADE depends on the shows themselves for prompt and accurate information. To read similar stories and all the latest knife news, forunts, blogs and knifemaker profiles, see J)tirai. n.\
gfaipfi J(jchanCs
Krday MulH
I t n i i Kni" (irinder
,'ttt A/"7c
Mike Alien. TX David Andera. AR Russ Andrews, MO Reggie Barker, LA Kim Breed. TN Tim Bmion, NC BillButan.MO Joel Chambhn. GA J R.Cook.AR Larry Cox, AR JimCrowell.AR Jesse W. Daus, MS WesteyDavis TX Bill Dufl, OK Fred Durio. LA Lee-nda Ferguson, AR Jerry Fisk. AR Ronrie Fosler. AR BobHam.AZ Don Hanson III, MO Douglas-Gall Hardy. GA Larry Inman. AR Lacy Key, AR Harvey King, KS Ray Kirk. OK Jprry Latrsor. OK Roger Massey, AR Jerry McCIure. OK W. J. McDonald, TN Robert Merz, TX Bill Miller MO Sidney Moon, LA Gary Mulkey, MO Keith Murr. AR Mark Nevling. IL Alan Newberry, AR Corbln Nowcomb, MO Ron Newlon, AR ClitfPatker FL Logan Pearce, AR Jotin Perry, AR Paul Plccola, TX Rusty Polk, AR Steven Rapp, NC Venwn Red, AR Lm Rhea, AR Ralph Richards, AR Ron Ricdersov KY Kyte Royer, MO Michael Rulh, Jr., TX Mike Ruth, TX Richard Self TX
Tei Skow. MS Marvin Solomon, AR Craig Sleketee, MO Ed Slicker, MS C na res Stoul. AR Tim Tabor, FL Brian Thie. IA Bnon Tomberlin, OK RusselITownsley.AR Pete Truncali, TX JimWalker.AR John While, FL Albanla Damascus AnKrom Exolics
Burr King Forresl Cases Culpepper & Co Chuc* Ward Photography Girafeoone, Inc. Green River Lealher Knife World Kochheiser Ivory Jirn's Specially Wood Pop Knife Supplies Riverside Machine Rowe's Leather TX Knifemakers Supply Wood Lab
Benchmade USA, attn: Alicia Hunt, Dept. BL2,300 Beavercreek Rd., Oregon City, OR 97045 503.655.6004 www.; Boker USA, attn: D. Weidner, Dept. BL2, 1550 Balsam St., Lakewood, CO 80215 303.462.0662 fax 303.462.0668; Camillus, c/o Rick Constantino, Dept. BL2, 60 Round Hill Rd., Fairfield, CT 06824 203-319-2120 www.camillusknives. com; Columbia River Knife & Tool, attn: L Phelps, Dept. BL2, 18348 SW 126th Place, Tualatin, OR 97062 503.685.5015; ESEE Knives, attn: J. Randall, Dept. BL2, 60 Randall Rd., Gallant, AL 35972 865.933.8436 or 256.527.2808; Gerber, attn: Customer Service, Dept. BL2, 14200 SW 72nd, Portland, OR 97281-3088 503.639.6161; KA-BAR, attn: P. Tsujimoto, Dept. BL2, 1125 E. State, Olean, NY 14760 800.282.0130 www.ka-bar. com; Spartan Blades, attn: C. lovito, Dept. BL2, POB 620, Aberdeen, NC 28315 910.757.0035; TOPS, attn: M. Fuller, Dept. BL2, POB 2544, Idaho Falls, ID 83403 208.542.0113 www.topsknives. com 727-5512,; Web:; Audra Draper, Dept. BL2, #10 Creek Dr, Riverton, WY 82501, Phone: 307-856- 6807 or 307-851-0426 cell,; Web: www.draperknives. com; Elizabeth Loerchner, Dept. BL2, PO Box 255, Bayfield, Ont., CANAD NOM 1GO, Phone: 519-565-2196,; Web: www.; Gail Lunn, Dept. BL2, 434 CR 1422, Mountain Home, AR 72653, Phone: 870-424-2662. gail; Web: www.lunnknives. com; Lora Sue Schwarzer, Dept. BL2, 119-2 Shoreside Trail, Crescent City, FL 32112, Phone: 386-698-2840, Fax: 386-649-8585, steveschwarzer@gbso. net; Web:; Kathleen Tomey, Dept. BL2,146 Buford Pl., Macn, GA 31204 478-746-8454 IN SHARP SUPPLY Center Cross Instructional Videos, attn: G. Osborn, Dept. BL2, 851 House St., Ft. Worth, TX 76103 817-496-3414,; Culpepper & Co., attn; K. Culpepper, Dept. BL2. POB 690, Otto. NC 28763 828-524-6842, www.stingrayproducts. com: Fine Turnage Productions, attn: C. Turnage, Dept. BL2,1210 Midnight Dr, San Antonio. TX 78260 210-352-5660,; Giraffe Bone Knife Supply, attn: S. McCIure, Dept. BL2, 3052 Isim Rd., Norman, OK 73026 888-804-0683,; Halpern Titanium, attn: M. Sartori, Dept. BL2, POB 214, Three Rivers, MA 01080 413-283-8627 sales,; Jantz Supply, attn: V. Jantz, Dept. BL2, 309 W. Main, Davis, OK 73030 800-351-8900 jantz@jantzusa. com,; Masecraft Supply, attn: C. Hartman, Dept. BL2, 254 Amity St., Meriden, CT 06450 800-6825489, www.; Texas Knifemaker's Supply, attn: J. Lemcke, Dept. BL2, 10649 Haddington, Ste. 180, Houston, TX 77043 888-461-8632,
Cndor Tool & Knife, attn: R. Jones, Dept. BL2, 6309 Marina Dr, Orlando, FL 32819 407.876.0886; Ontario, attn: N. Trbovich, Dept. BL2, POB 145, Franklinville, NY 14737 716.676.5527; SOG Specialty Knives & Tools, attn: C. Cashbaugh, Dept. BL2, 6521 212th St. SW, Lynnwood, WA 98036 425.771.6230 www.sogknives. com; Timberline, attn: J. Anthon, Dept. BL2, 7223 Boston State Rd, Boston, NY 14075 800-548-7427 gateo, HANDMADE GALLERY Barbara Baskett, Dept. BL2, 427 Sutzer Ck Rd, Eastview, KY 42732, Phone: 270862-5019, baskettknives@windstream; Web:; Dellana STARLANI INT'L INC, 1135 Terminal Way Ste #209, Reno, NV 89502, Phone: 877-88dellana or 304-
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omahawks and hatchets are an American tradition. From colonial times, the woodsman's essential tool kit was the knife and the hawk or hatchet. The knife handled all cutting chores and the hawk or halchet served for anything that required chopping. 'I hese days, folks do not usually chop down a half-dozen trees to make camp. Nonetheless, the one-hand hawk or hatchet still has a place in the modern woodsman's outfit. No knife will chop as well as a hawk or hatchet. My son, Justin, and I reviewed four modelstwo hawks and two hatchets. Each was designed to different specification.s and with somewhat different purposes in mind. However, all are well suited to the primary role of one-hand whacking. We used all the hatchets and hawks for basic work, and br some things ihat are a bit beyond the basics. Many hawks are designed to be thrown, so we threw them. Any of these models might be needed in a survival situation where no other cutting tool is available and whcre you might need to forage for food. Consequently, we used them to cut rope, vnes and cativas, and for food preparation. We foraged in the neighborhood supermarket rather than our local mountains for chow, and peeled a pineapple, sliced tomatoes and a beef roast. All four models were used for all Jobs during a three-day campout. Nessmuk's Choice? Modei. Scout Hatchet. Company: Cndor Tool & Knife. Specifications: Forged 1045 carbn steel head, American hickory handle, 1 poumi, 10.25 inches ovcrall, Icather cover. MSRP: $49.98. New this year, Condors Scout Hatchet is a classic design. Variations have been used around campfires for at least a couple of hundred years. It works as well now as it always has. We used the Scout Hatchet for such basic tasks as pounding tent stakes and getting up some firewood. The fat back works well as a hammer. We did not throw this one for fear of damaging the nice wooden haft. The sniooth grip was comfortable even after considerable choppingwhich was a good thing since the bevel was too blunt for easy cutting, and considerable chopping was required to get through a 5-inch log. Due to the
blunt bevel, the Camp Hatchet did poorly peeling the pineapple and slicing tomatoes. A few minutes on a slack belt or an hour or so with hand tools would result in a thinner, better cutting edgc and you would have a terrific all-around tool, It is probably the hatchet Nessmuk would choose today. The Cndor is lightweight and a good choice for the woodsman traveling afoot. Lively Little Bro' Modd: Fast Hawk. Company: SOG Specialty Knives & Tools. Specifications: 420
stainless steel head, fiberglass nylon haft, 19 cunees, 12.5 inches overall, nylon sheath. MSRP: $50. The Fast Hawk is a lighter versin of its big brother, SOG's Tactical Tomahawk. l.ighter but no less useful and no less tough, the Fast Hawk is a formidable, modern take on the tomahawk. The haft is comfortable in hard use and the grooves prevent even a sweaty hand from slipping. The edge design is outstandingground fine and sharp, it cuts deep with little drag and served as an excellent all-around chopper and cutter. The fine
The test pieces, from left: Cndor Tool & Knife Scout Hatchet, SOG Specialty Knives & Tools Fast Hawk, Ontario/Ranger RD Hawk Pick and Timberline Alaskan Canoe Hatchet. (Justin Ayres photo)
The author stated that the Fast Hawk is well balance and with its sharp pick was the best thrower of the bunch. (Justin Ayres photo)
F E B R U A R Y 2012 83
edgc offset the narrow head and made wood chopping a pleasure. Pineapple peeling was a cinch, as was slicing tomatoes and the roast.
In the past we used the Tactical Hawk to chop through sheet metal and auto bodies, and I am confident the Fast Hawk would serve as an entry tool. The Fast Hawk is well balanced, and with its sharp pick/spike was the best thrower of the bunch. The pick also was useful for digging and prying. The side was used for pounding, which worked OK, but not as well as the Cndor. The Fast Hawk is light enough for a backpack and a good choice for the backpacker who prefers niodern designor anyone who needs a tomahawk. Fireman's Hawk? Model: Ranger RD Hawk Pick. Company: Ontario. Dcsigner: fustin GingricH. Specifications: 1075 carbn steel head, black nylon sheath, Micarta- haft, 12 inches overall, MSRP:$19I. This issue's cover piece, the Rl) Hawk Pick is a heavy-duty, durable model. We agreed that if you need to chop through a concrete block wall, it is the tool for the Job. The haft provides a good non-
The fat back of Condor's Scout Hatchet performed admirably hammering tent stakes, (Justin Ayres photo)
I &. 11 2012
& Casino
F F R R I I A R Y P01?
The RD Hawk Pick's cutting edge had a good bevel and severed the pineapple as well as thick wood. (Justin Ayres photo)
slip grip, though the edges of the Micarta slabs proved a bit sharp for heavy chopping without gloves. The cutting edge had a good bevel and severed the pineapple, as well as thick wood. I have no doubt it would render an auto body into ribbons and serve as an excellent entry tool. The edge design and pick/spike make the RD Hawk Pick suitable for throwing, though the balance is not ptima! for such use. With the pick/spike, any pounding had to be done with the side of the head. While the hawk served well as a camp hatchet and general chopper, it appears to be designed more as a weaponand a beastly one at that. My son's reaction: "If I was a fireman, I'd keep this in my truck."
The author described the Alaskan Canoe Hatchet as "a terrifc camp ax." (Justin Ayres photo)
Canoe, Horse or Jeep Hatchet Mode: Alaskan Canoe Hatchet. Company: Timberline. Designen Russ Kommer. Specifications: 440 stainless sted head, Zytelhaft, leather sheath, 2.14 pounds, 3.25 inches overall MSRP: $69. 'Ihe Alaskan Canoe Hatchet is a larger versin of Timberline's Bush Pilot Survival Halchet, and would serve efficiently
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The author said Timberline's Alaskan Canoe Hatchet was best in the chopping category. (Justin Ayres photo)
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The Scout Hatchet's smooth grip was comfortable even after considerable chopping. (Justin Ayres photo)
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as a survival tool as well as an all-around camp chopper. The linger grooves make for a comfortable haft, though not as cinfortable as the smooth grips of the Fast Hawk and Scout Hatchet. The edge is sharp and precise, with a good bevel for chopping and slicing. 'Ihe hest overall chopper of the group, it devoured an 8-inch-thick log with litlle effort. It zipped off outer laycrs of pineapple with ease and sliced tiny tomatoes smoothly. The back of the head served well for pounding tent stakes and lenderizing a tough beefsteak for cooking over the fire. Though a hit too heavy to be a good thrower, as its ame suggests, t is a terrinc camp ax if you are traveling by canoeor horse or jeep. Given the Canoe Hatchet's weight, its littlc brother, the Bush l'ilot Survival Hatchel, might be a better choice for a backpacker.
"If I was a fireman, l'd keep this in my truck," Justin Ayres said of the RD Hawk Pick. (Justin Ayres photo)
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The fine edge o the SOG Fast Hawk offset the narrow head, the author noted, and made wood chopping a pleasure. (Justin Ayres photo)
Final Thoughts The Fast Hawk and RD Hawk Pick are obviously designed for military use, as well as functioning as camp tools. The spike or pick opposite the head of each appears ashioned more as an anti-personne! device than a camp tool. Both the Scout Hatchet and Alaskan Canoe Hatchet have a fat pul opposite the cutting edge to faciltate pounding tent stakcs or tenderizing a tough beefsteak. All the hawks and halchets performed the jobs they were designed for and, at need, any could substitute for the other. For the contad information for the hawks and hatchets pictured, see "Where To Get 'Em" on page 80. To read similar stories and the latest knife news, forums, blogs and much more, see hltp-.likn ifesh o wcase. blademag. cotn.
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F E B R U A R Y 2012 87
A hand-sanded, deepbellied blade of 5160 carbn steel and a brown canvas Micarta handle with lanyard highlight Tim Scholl's "Big Chopper" camp knife. Overall length: 14.75 inches. Maker's list price: $750.
BLADE F E B R U A R Y 2012
love playing with big knives, and nothing is better than having a huge blade in your hand like Tim Scholl's "Big Chopper." I knew the camp knife's thin, wide blade would chop great in theory, so I challenged the blade tip first. Grabbing an od phone book, I wrapped the lanyard around my wrist. (As the knife does not have a guard, the lanyard is the only feature that kept my hand on the handle.) Employing the ice-pick grip, I stabbed the tip into the book. It penetrated to page 347roughly halfway through. If the blade had a tip designed more for such a job, peiietration would have been deeper. No problems, though, as from there I successfully drove the tip into a license pate several times. Time To Chop First up: 1-inch pine. I managed to get about halfway through the 2-foot-long board with the first chop when I remembered I had not wrapped the lanyard around my wrist. With the lanyard securing the knife to me, I was able to split the pine board with a mdium power swing. The knife went through the board so quick it bounced or" my workbench and made a beeline toward my midsection. I am glad the lanyard did its job! On the way to the woodpile I found a new coil of half-inch sisal rope. The thin blade gives the knife a neutral balance, which made cutting the rope with the blade belly awkward. When I moved the cutting surface closer to the handle, the knife gave me nice crunching noises for 40 cuts. I also laid the rope out and chopped it every half inch. The belly worked fine. Next up: chopping into the end of a seasoncd oak log 4 inches in diameter. I averaged 1-inch penetration with each chop. I needed some kindling, so I used the knife as a splitting wedge. Employing a smaller log as a baln, I beat the blade through the oak. It did not phase the knife in the least, and the edge still felt nice and sharp. I stopped after four logs and decided to try going across the wood's grain. It took me a couple of times to get the log into a position where it would not rol] or bounce after each chop. Once the log was secured, the knife did its best work. Big wood chunks were flying and the knife did not twist in my hand.
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The author said the knife did its best work chopping the oak cross grain. Big wood chunks were ftying and the knife did not twist in his hand. (photo courtesy of Kim Breed)
"Nirk Tighe"
Cutting with the blade belly, the author moved the cutting surface closer to the handle, resulting in nice crunching noises for 40 cuts. He also laid the rope out and chopped it every half inch. The belly worked fine.
Blade Magazine Field Editors say: Ed Fowler: "The xnost significant advance in the art and science of cut that I have seen in over 55 years in the knife community." Kim Breed: "I have never had a knife that acts better the more I use it." Unparalleled Edge Sharpness Retention Carbide Treated Wear Protected Edge Self - Sharpens With Continued Use Eliminates Need For Heat Treatment Rapid Application Process Affordable - Portable - Easy To Apply
Employing a smalter log as a baton, the author beat the blade through the oak. He indicated it did not phase the knife in the least, and the edge s/// felt nice and sharp afterward.
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The author drove the blade mto the steel door five times with no damage to the tip or cutting edge.
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Visit for show/time, channels & LIVE Webstreaming! With the lanyard securing the knife to him, the author split the 1-inch pine board with a mdium power swing.
F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 2 91
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open an almosl guaranteed nail breaker. The cutlery industry understood the problem and dcveloped an "easy" solution. A pocketknife with a half-round notch cut into both sides of the handle allowed the user to grasp the master blade bctween thumb and ndex fingcr and pul t open. Because the notch was ncar the far end of the knife, away from the pivot, the
user had leverage to open the blade with two fingers instead of a single thumbnail. The knife was commonly known as an easy-open jackknife. Some collectors refer to it as an EZ-open knife. Since a notch had to be manufactured into the side of the knife, thus cutting away much of a portion of the side, most appeared on "swell-end" jackknives where the notched
r r n n i i Anv
end is larger than thc pivot end. The difficulty of opening a traditional pocketknife with a thumbnail apparently was a common problem, as most major pocketknife companies produced a variety of easy-openers n different sizes and handle materials. For example, Schrade Cutlery Co. made not only a bonc-stag series of easy-openers, but also several Boy Scout jackknives with stag or ebony handles. The Boy Scout models had a bail for attachment to a chain or belt. Some carne with a chain that attached to a shirt button. Schrade and J. Russell & Co. also made a larger "daddy barlow"-style fishing knife with an easy-open notch. Another company that produced an assortment of easy-open jackknives was the original Remington. It made hundreds of various patterns, including easy-openers. Remington manufactured at least a dozen distinctive patterns featuring an easy-open notch, each available in a wide choice of handle malcriis, including Pyremite (celluloid), redwood, bone stag, encoblo and slick black. Remington also produced a Boy Scout-style knife with a chain and an interesting large sheepfoot blade instead of the traditional spear blade found on most easy-openers. The company also made a notable all-metal easy-open knife in brass, a very heavy, unusual model with brass rivets, liners and sides. Cattaraugus followed suit by producing several different easy-openers, including one with an ebony handle, and a number of "balloon-end" jacks with jigged-bone handles. The knives were extremely well made and are very collectible. Robeson manufactured several diverse models of large, bone-handle easy openers, generally in the gorgeous red bone Robeson made famous. One of the company s easy-open patterns had "EasyOpen" etched into the master bladea rare embellishment indicative of an outstanding cutlery manufacturen One of the thrills of collecting easy openers is to find rare brands. One is a light-colored jigged-bone knife stamped "Brantford Cutlery Company," an early imported brand. Another is a large swellend jackknife with a celluloid handle stamped "Commander," a brand made by the obscure Metropolitan Cutlery Co. Military EZs Probably the most important use for the
The U.S. military used bone-handle easy-open knives with two blades during World War II. Clockwise from left are knives by Pal, Imperial (two), Pal and Camillus. The chain on the Camillus model is indicative of a Boy Scout easy opener, though military service personnel used such knives, too. (Richard D. White photo)
"Author's vales for knives in excellent-to-near-mint condition, with no broken bone or cracked celluloid handles. Blades must be ful! length, with good snap in both the open and closed positions, and no other defects in bolsters or backsphngs.
F E B R U A R Y 2012 93
Robeson made several easy-open jackknives. While the manufacturar was famous for its jigged-red-bone handles (bottom), it also handied knives with outstanding brown jigged bone (top). (Richard D. White photo)
easy-opener was by the US. military. The Navy had a tradition nf not supplying sailors with pointed-blade knives, and those iised in World War I were no exception. However, sailors needed knives for cutling rope, sail material, the ends from powder cartridges, etc. In Pocket Knives of the United States Military, Michael Silvey indicates that easy-openers by Camillus, Schatt & Morgan, Case, Robeson, New York Knife, Valley Forge, Empire Knife, Challenge and others had a sheepfoot blade instead of a poinled spear master blade. For collectors interested in military pocketknives, Silvey's book is a must have. The closed lengths of the easy-openers produced for the military during World War II were generally 3.5-IO-3.75 inches. 'I he knives also inckided a second shorter pen blade, which was opened in the traditional manner. Such pieces are fairlycommon. Conversely, those from World War I are very rare. Imperial, Camillus, Utica and Pal made thousands of bone-handle easy-openers for the Navy during World War II. Unlike World War 1, the master blade was a spear pattern, not a sheepfoot. Ihey did have a smaller pen blade like many of their World War I counterparts. Most Navy easy-openers had jiggedbone handles. Most, if not all, had a bail. Some had sleel bolsters and liners, mainly due to the shortage of brass during World
It only takes a moment to lose a coLlection that's taken years to build. Don't let that moment be one in which you don't have insurance.
F F R R I I A R Y 2012
War II. Many had nickel-silver bolsters and brass liners. Miniature Models 'Hiere is yet anothcr completely diflerent type of easy-open knife that might be good for young or novice collectors: the miniatures from Kent (made by Camillus), Colonial and Imperial during the 1930s. The knives have celluloid handles in a rainbow of colors. They were not toys but actual mmialure jackknives with easy-open cutouts in the sides. They were made with cutlery steel and were cutting tools. They measure 2 inches closed, and the better ones have excellent snap wlien the blade is opened and closed. Like the lull-size versions, the miniatures almost always have a bail. In mint condition, manygo for less than $15 each. Whether your tastes incline toward colorful miniatures, celluloid handles or bone-handle military models, there are easy-open jackknves to fit any interest and budget. Excellent examples are still available, and this specialized piece might just be the "easy" answer to collectors who have drtculty opening a standard pocketknife blade. To read similar stories and the latest knife ncws, forums, blogs and much more, see
Remington and Cattaraugus manufactured a number of different two-blade easy-open jackknives. From top are models by Cattaraugus, Remington and the rare Brantford Cutlery piece mentioned in the story. (Richard D. White photo)
F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 2
High Carbn Damascus Spans Bladc And Bolsters
ergio Ramondelti's lockback tblder parades mammolh-ivory handlc scatcs, and a high-carbon damascus blade and bolsters forged by Santino Ballcstra. Contact: Sergio Ramondetli, Dept. BL2, Via Marconi N 24, 12013 Chiusa di Pesio (CN>, Italy +39-0171734490 info()ramon-knives.eom,
Mountaineer Ueli Steck Designs Knife For Wenger Three-Stage Knife Sharpener Now Comes In Black Finish
reviously available only n whitc, thc thrcc-stage Chcf's Choice Model 1520 Diamond ^Hone AngleSelect Knife Sharpener now comes in an optional black finish, and f'eatures diamond-coated discs at preset angles br honing 15- and 20degree bevels, as well as flexible stropping/polishing discs. Contact: Chef's Choice c/o Edgecraft, attn: V. Gleason, Dept. BL2,825 Southwood Rd., Avondale, PA 19311 800-342-3255,
he Ueli Steck-designed elimbcr's knifc from Wenger is a lockingliner folder that sports striated titam'um handle scales witli toan integral quartcr-inch bit ^H adaptcr, lliree hex keys milled through ihe onc-hand-opcning, partially serrated blade, a combination metal saw/file, a locking screwdriver, can opener and poueh. Contact: Wenger, attn: D. Piretra, Dept. BL2, 15 Corporate Dr., Orangcburg, NY 10962 800431-2996 marketing(,
ean O'Hare's "Finback" model incorporates a 3.5-inch blade of CPM-154 stainlcss steel with a full, tapered tang, dovetailed 416 stainless steel bolsters, stabilized-snakewood handle scales and a tooled-lcathcr belt sheath. Contact: Sean O'Harc. Dept. BL2, 1831 Rte. 776, Grand Manan, New Brunswick, Canad E5G 2H9 506-6628524 scan(o;, www.ohareknives. com.
he Leatherman "Charge TTi" multitool employs a stainless steel body, titanium handlc scales, a necdlc-nose pliers, standard pliers, wire cutters, cap crimper, CPM-S30V plain bfade. 420HC serraled blade, saw, a wood/ metal file, scissors and a hex bil holder with bit kit. Contact: Leatherman, attn: S. Leatherman. Dept. BL2, 12106 N.E. Ainsworth Cir., Portland, OR Q7220 800S47-H665 i n foto,
uss Andrews II fashions a 15-incli bowie employing a 10-inch blade of W2 tool steel, a 416 stainlcss steel guard and a walrus-ivory handle. Contact: Russ Andrews II, Dept. BL2, POB 7732, Sugar Creek, MO 64054 816252-3344 russandrcws(o),
lie combination of a machined G-10-and-stanless-stcel handle results n the ame "Contrast" for Cerberos newest clip-point, frame-lock folder, which also fcatures a 3-nch plain or semi-serrated blade of 7Crl7MoV stairtless steel. Contact: Gerber, attn: J. Mchelotti, Dept. BL2, 14200 S.W. 72nd Ave., Portland, OR 97223 503-639616!,
AUS-8 Blade Showcases Black Carbonitride Finish Folding Tanto Locks Closed, Open And In Partial Positions
eber's "Ratcheting Tanto Blade Knife" works off the "RotationLoc," which securcs the blade of 8Crl3MoV Stainless steel in the open, closed and parlially open positions. The folder also sports G-10 handle scales, Stainless stccl bolsters and framc, a seat-belt cutter and a glass brcaker. Contact: Seber Design Group, attn: K. Wilson, Dept. BL2, 2438 Cades Way, Vista, CA 92081,
amillus 1 8.25-inch Carbonitride Titanium Fixed Blade fnife includes a black-carbonitride-coated blade of AUS-8 stainlcss steel, and an ergonomic aluminum and glassfilled-nylun handle. Contact: Camillus, c/o Rick Constantine, Dept. BL2, 60 Round Hill Rd., Fairfield, CT 06824 800-8352263,
ohn Parks scnds his latcst integral k n i f c lo markct in a 5-ineh, rlat-ground blade of 5160 carbn steel and a snakewood handle. Contact: John Parks, Dept. BL2, 3539 Galilee Church Rd., Jefferson, GA 30549 706-3674916 dparks('?
F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 2 97
Buffalo by tbe
Zac Buchanan said he has made knives since 2008~he figures he has made about 50 so farand is fut time. He also does his own leatherwork. (Point Seven photo)
ac Buchanan fashions knives Ihat are obviously a chip off the od block of his father's, award-winning maker Thad Buchanan. Much like the "o' man" Zac also likes challenges and the handle of his repro of a Lovelessstyle boot knife illustrates the point. Zac opted for the bumpy, rough exterior of cape buftalo horn instead of the smoother interior of the material for which most makers opt. "[Knifemaker] Mitch Jenkins used the [exterior] material and that inspired me to do the same," the 27-year-old Buchanan said. He added that the outer surface o the horn is hard to finishso much so the handle bolt on the right handle slab is partially raised. "Most don't seem to mind the raised bolt, though one or two who saw it at the BLADH Show weren't too crazy about it," he noted. In addition to sporting the unusual handle material, it is also the first double-ground knife Zac made, and also the initial knife he had professionally photographed. In our humble opinin, such "Zac firsts" overshadow any raised-bolt issues. For more information contad Zac Buchanan at 541-815-6706 At press time, Zac said his new Websitezacbuchananknives. comshould be up and running by early November. To read similar stories and the latest knife ncws, forums, blogs and much more, see