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Coaching Essentials For Leaders Overview: Helping Leaders Emulate Great Coaches

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Coaching Essentials for Leaders Overview

Helping Leaders Emulate Great Coaches

Think about the great managers and great leaders with whom youve worked. What made them effective? The unanimous response is that the most effective managers and leaders have the qualities of a great coach. Leaders who utilize coaching skills have more effective teams, retain their key people, provide better customer service in their organizations, and experience higher productivity overall. People remember them and their positive impact. The Ken Blanchard Companies is dedicated to improving leaders skillsparticularly their ability to coach. Initially, learning to coach requires time and practice, but it will save time by making leaders and employees more effective. Being more coach-like means that leaders will focus on drawing out ideas and solutions, collaborating, partnering, and focusing on the development of their people by using directive and supportive behaviors, while moving toward their organizational objectives and driving business results. Coaching Essentials for Leaders is a skillsbased training program that focuses on helping leaders to integrate coaching into their leadership style by developing core coaching skills and applying new behaviors to help develop their employees, colleagues, and teams.

Coaching Essentials for Leaders is dedicated to improving leaders skills-particularly their ability to coach. The program addresses the single biggest problem managers and leaders face today: maintaining the balance between caring for their people and being tough when needed. Linda Miller, Corporate Alliance Executive for Coaching and Master Certied Coach (a credential from the International Coach Federation and an honor held by fewer than 300 individuals).

Use coaching to accelerate individual and team progress toward an organizations objectives Create an environment of trust that accelerates the development of others so that they can more effectively contribute to the organizations goals Understand and use communication skills that develop self-reliance in others Understand and apply a four-step coaching process that results in clear agreements and initiates action Determine situations when coaching is appropriate for helping others reach a higher level of performance

The Process
Coaching Essentials for Leaders is for people who seek to learn and apply coaching skills with others in order to increase their effectiveness and inuence within their organizations. This program is dedicated to increasing participants ability to integrate coaching into their current leadership style.
OUTCOMES: Leaders who participate in this program

will be able to utilize coaching skills to support others in taking focused and purposeful actions. This ability increases their organizations productivity, growth, business results, and industry impact.
APPROACH: Coaching Essentials for Leaders does not attempt to make leaders into coaches. Rather, leaders are encouraged to examine their current behaviors and leadership styles while experiencing how the use of coaching can make them more effective. LEARNER-CENTERED DELIVERY: The leaders who will be

Rather than being a training event, Coaching Essentials for Leaders is a learning process that allows learning to take place over time. Coaching Essentials Provides a simple coaching conversation model Includes three coaching sessions for better application of material Establishes a consistent language that ts with all leadership styles Has immediate, real-world application Teaches communication skills that improve Partnering for Performance conversations Provides specic coaching skills that can be applied immediately Establishes an internal coaching structure that gives leaders and managers the tools that equip them to talk through and resolve challenges Helps individuals achieve balance between their needs and those of the organizations change objectives

participating in this training are already high functioning leaders who use coaching and other leadership skills daily. For that reason, our approach is to create a collaborative and interactive learning environment. Depending on how conversations ow during the session, materials may or may not be delivered in a linear fashion. Short segments of information stimulate conversations, and then the facilitators draw out the points from the participants, utilizing the participant workbook to support the learning. Thus, the learning experience is highly productive for busy people.

Coaching Essentials for Leaders does not attempt to make leaders into coaches. Rather, leaders are encouraged to examine their current attitudes, behaviors, and leadership styles while learning coaching skills that make them more effective managers. Madeleine Homan, Vice President of Blanchard Coaching Services and Master Certied Coach (a credential from the International Coach Federation and an honor held by fewer than 300 individuals).



Coaching Essentials for Leaders Overview


Because the quality of the training is directly connected to the quality of the discussions among the participants and the facilitator, numerous interactions are built into the training design. Skill practices occur throughout the training with small groups of two or three people. We recommend that the participants bring current situations to the skill practices, thereby giving them an opportunity to do real work as they practice coaching and being coached.

Effective leaders understand that the key to driving business results is developing and empowering their people to achieve the strategic objectives of the organization. Coach-like leaders are simply more procient in inciting their people to stretch and meet their targets. Scott Blanchard

desired, Blanchard will work with an organization to develop specic scenarios that relate to common situations and that provide a focus for discussions, demonstrations, and/or skill practices.

concepts are discussed, the facilitator may demonstrate the skills or concepts for the benet of the group. Afterward, demonstrations are debriefed so that observations are shared and discussed.
COACHING SESSIONS: Research shows that

training followed by coaching increases the level of skill retention. Blanchard knows that training followed by coaching turns a training event into a learning process, thereby leveraging training costs. The focus is on applying the coaching concepts within the workplace and discussing areas of concern for the leader.



Coaching Essentials for Leaders Overview

Training Design
Coaching Essentials for Leaders includes two distinct segments: the training component to learn and practice the skills, and individual coaching sessions to support and apply the learning.
TRAININGCoaching Essentials for Leaders is

offered on-site in a 1 to 1 1/2 day format or in ve 90-minute virtual sessions using WebEx. The following areas are threaded throughout each training session: Coaching skills Coaching processes Coaching skill practices

What Participants Are Saying

The Coaching Essentials program was outstanding! Im going to use the coaching process immediately. Im aware that I have to practice the What,How, and When questions until they come naturally. I would strongly recommend this program to my colleagues. I was given the opportunity to take this class as an experiment. I was very eager to see what I could learn about coaching, because the majority of my work day is spent coaching managers in problem resolution and decision making. I have a tendency to be too directive in the interest of time. Learning to get to the heart of the matter and to make each conversation productive will make me more effective and will improve my leadership ability.


training, each participant receives a minimum of three coaching sessions. All individual coaching sessions are approximately 45 minutes long and are held over the telephone. Participants are carefully paired with a professionally trained coach, and all coaching is condential. The primary benets of these coaching sessions include Increased content application and retention Improved communication between participants and their direct reports and teams Effective practice and evaluation of coaching skills

Delivery Options
Keynote Speeches On-site and Remote Delivery Seminars and Public Workshops Training for Trainers
Ordering and Information In the United States 760 489-5005 or 800 728-6000 In Canada 905 568-2678 or 800 665-5023 In the United Kingdom +44 (0) 20 8540 5404 All Other Countries 760 839-8070



Coaching Essentials for Leaders Overview

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