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4th Workshop in Virtual Reality Interactions and Physical Simulation "VRIPHYS" (2007) J. Dingliana, F.

Ganovelli (Editors)

A Fast and Compact Solver for the Shallow Water Equations

Richard Lee and Carol OSullivan
Graphics, Vision and Visualisation Group, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Abstract This paper presents a fast and simple method for solving the shallow water equations. The water velocity and height variables are collocated on a uniform grid and a novel, unied scheme is used to advect all quantities together. Furthermore, we treat the uid as weakly compressible to avoid solving a pressure Poisson equation. We sacrice accuracy and unconditional stability for speed, but we show that our algorithm is sufciently stable and fast enough for real-time applications. Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.3.7 [Computer Graphics]: Three-Dimensional Graphics and Realism

1. Introduction The shallow water equations are a simplied version of the 3D Navier-Stokes equations, suitable for animating heighteld-based bodies of liquid such as ponds, lakes or oceans. There are two equations. The rst describes conservation of mass and the second describes conservation of momentum: 1 Du = p Dt (4)

Dh = h u Dt


where is density and p is pressure. By considering the uid to be slightly compressible we can introduce an articial equation of state, p = c2 , where c is the speed at which pressure waves propagate through the liquid. The pressure gradient in equation (4) now becomes a density gradient. In this form, all of the derivatives in both pairs of equations match and solvers developed for one pair of equations can generally be applied to the other pair will little modication. In our solver, we further simplify equations (1) and (3) by assuming that the uid is nearly incompressible such that the divergence term, u, can be treated as negligible. Hence, we set the right hand side of equations (1) and (3) to zero. An additional benet of this is that, provided a conservative scheme is used for advection, the total height/mass will be constant. In practice, we nd it difcult to tell the difference between results which include and exclude this term. In this form, h corresponds to and g corresponds to c2 . Our method solves equations (3) and (4) and then computes h by linearly scaling . This corresponds to the assumption of hydrostatic pressure, which the shallow water equations are built on.

Du = gh Dt


Here, h is the height of the water above ground level, u is velocity and g is gravity. Note that, for simplicity, we have assumed that the ground has at topography in these equations. Our method easily handles variable height ground however. The form of these equations is nearly identical to the inviscid, 2D Navier-Stokes equations with no body forces:

1 D = u Dt
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Richard Lee & Carol OSullivan / A Fast and Compact Solver for the Shallow Water Equations

Figure 1: Shallow water simulation on a 100 100 grid. On the left, the user interactively applies forces to the uid to form a whirlpool. The corresponding density and velocity elds are shown on the right.

2. Previous Work There are two popular approaches for animating bodies of water in modern interactive applications. Both are based on the manipulation of heightelds, since computing solutions to the 3D Navier-Stokes equations is generally too slow. The rst approach uses procedural animation techniques to perturb the heights of vertices in a grid. These perturbations correspond to the propagation of water waves which are superimposed on each other, usually using Fast Fourier Transforms [Tes04, HNC02, FR86, Pea86, TB87, Sch80]. In particular, the technique of Tessendorf [Tes04] is very popular since it uses a statistical model from oceanography to describe the wave properties and models a dispersion relation so that different waves can travel at different speeds. Furthermore, Tessendorf presents a way to displace vertices in the horizontal plane to make the water appear choppy instead of calm. While procedural techniques can produce highly realistic results, they suffer from the major disadvantage of not being able to respond to outside inuence, such as a disturbance from an object interacting with the water. The second approach uses simulation to compute the height perturbations in the water plane. These methods are usually based on either the shallow water equations [LvdP02, TRS06], which can be derived from the Navier-Stokes equations, or the simpler wave equations [BMFGF06, OH95, KM90, Tes04], which are themselves a simplication of the shallow water equations. All of these methods have the big advantage that they allow surface disturbances to affect the behavior of the water. Furthermore, the shallow water equations have many important advantages over the wave equations: they account for the advection of uid which allows it to ow due to its horizontal momentum; they take ground topography into account; and they can simulate the ooding of previously dry areas. However, since they do not model the velocity eld within the water volume, they cannot model the dispersion relation

which hinders realism. Still, for real-time applications, these methods are the most frequently used solution for animating water. 3. Fluid Solver 3.1. Overview We consider an algorithm to solve the coupled equations, (3) and (4). Traditionally, this requires computing a massconserving pressure eld by solving a Poisson equation. This is a matrix equation that relates pressure to divergence and is generally the bottleneck in most uid simulators, accounting for as much as 50% of the total time in our experience. The use of an artical equation of state relating uid density to pressure alleviates us from having to solve the Poisson equation. Even though we are no longer solving for an incompressible uid, we believe that compressibility in the context of shallow water simulation does not adversely affect visual quality, especially considering our method still achieves global mass and volume conservation. The main computational burden now rests on evaluating the material derivatives on the left hand sides of equations (3) and (4). The overall structure of our uid simulator is very simple. At the beginning of each iteration of the time-stepping loop, the velocities and densities of the uid can be modied, for example, to simulate the effect of wind or rain on the water surface. Next, the advection step transports u and along the velocity eld from time t n to time t n+1 . Finally, in the pressure step, the pressure gradient is calculated by scaling the density gradient, and this is then subtracted from the velocity eld to give u at time t n+1 . At the end of the update, the new heighteld can be calculated by simply scaling the density eld. Appendix A contains a listing of the C++ code which implements the entire update routine for the 1D equations. The next section discusses the grid structure we use to arrange state variables. This is followed by a description of the
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Richard Lee & Carol OSullivan / A Fast and Compact Solver for the Shallow Water Equations


advection and pressure steps which are invoked each iteration to update the uids state. 3.2. Grid Conguration The state of our uid is dened by its 2D velocity and density elds (e.g. see Figure 1). These elds need to be sampled at a nite set of points in space. Usually a uniform grid is used for this purpose, where horizontal/vertical components of velocity are located at the centre of vertical/horizontal cell faces respectively, and density/pressure variables are located at cell centres. This staggered conguration avoids the classic checkerboard problem [Min96], that arises from decoupling between the pressure and velocity elds, since the location of pressure gradients naturally coincide with velocity variables, and the location of velocity gradients coincide with pressure variables. In our solver, we abandon the staggered grid in favor of a collocated arrangement where all variables are located at the centre of grid cells (see Figure 2). This conguration has been shown to suffer from instabilities and spurious oscillations in the pressure eld. Specically, central difference approximations to pressure and velocity gradients will not use adjacent nodes in the grid and, as a consequence, pressure elds can be calculated which satisfy the discrete equations but do not satisfy the continuous equations. In other words, non-physical pressure values can result. However, we expect that large computational savings can be made if the collocated scheme can be stabilised to avoid decoupling, even if this means compromising physical accuracy. Such a tradeoff may be unacceptable in other scientic elds, but our goal is to produce plausibly realistic animation as fast as possible. Furthermore, the collocated conguration is less geometrically complex and easier to understand, implement and debug, which makes it attractive from a practical standpoint.

Figure 3: All cell variables are advected together by forward-tracing N N packets, where N = 2 in this example.

of the run-time. Normally the semi-Lagrangian advection scheme [Sta99] is used in uid animation because it is fast and remains stable irrespective of the time-step size. The downside of this scheme is that it introduces dissipative error due to interpolating the new velocity eld from the old one. This tends to smear the ne details in the ow, which requires an additional technique such as vorticity connement [FSJ01] to counteract. In our experience, the semiLagrangian method performs very well for velocity advection. However, the numerical diffusion incurred by interpolation performs poorly for advecting density, and we found that the divergence term we omitted from equation (3) was necessary to get this to work. A bigger problem is that the semi-Lagrangian method is not conservative, meaning that mass loss will occur when th is scheme is used to advect density. To overcome this, we propose a new conservative advection scheme which is sufciently stable for our requirements and, similar to the semi-Lagrangian method, avoids a timestep restriction due to cell size. While the semi-Lagrangian method works by tracing the trajectories of particles upstream (against the ow), our scheme works by tracing particles downstream (with the ow). More specically, let us consider the advection of density from a grid cell of area (x)2 , whose density is i j . We partition the cell into an N N subgrid (N determines the accuracy of the advection scheme) and, for each subcell, we trace a packet of 2 area x N from the centre of the subcell, forward along the velocity eld, and deposit this packet at its nal location. This is illustrated in Figure 3. We use either Eulers method or the midpoint method for tracing packets and we bounce packets off of colliding obstacles to prevent mass from clumping in regions adjacent to boundaries. To deposit the packet, we overlay it on top of the grid and compute the area of overlap with each of the cells it intersects. Each of these overlapping cells is then updated by adding an areaweighted fraction of i j to that cells density accumulator variable. After all density packets from all cells have been traced, the accumulator variables correspond to the new density eld. It is clear that this scheme conserves mass the to-

Figure 2: Location of horizontal velocities (green), vertical velocities (red) and densities (blue) for a staggered grid conguration (left), and a collocated conguration (right).

3.3. Advection Step Advecting u and is, by far, the most expensive part of the simulation algorithm, accounting for at least 90%
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Richard Lee & Carol OSullivan / A Fast and Compact Solver for the Shallow Water Equations

tal density before advection will equal the total density after advection. Our approach uses this advection scheme, not only for density, but also for velocity. This is very convenient in the context of collocation since all variables (density and the two components of velocity) can be traced together using the same packets. This saves considerable computation as compared to performing semi-Lagrangian advection separately for velocity. Note that, unlike mass, our advection scheme does not conserve momentum. This is because, when we perform accumulation of velocities, positive and negative velocities will be summed which will cancel each other out, resulting in momentum loss. Momentum loss occurs when using the semi-Lagrangian method for the same reason interpolation between velocities causes cancellation between positive and negative values.

tion 3.3) at negligible additional cost. This is done by simply scaling the size of each packet by a small amount so that it covers a slightly larger area. So, instead of an area of 2 2 x N , the packet now has an area of sx N , where values of s greater than 1 result in smoothing. To compensate for this increase in packet size, the quantities carried by the packet need to be scaled down by 1 s2 . This smoothing does introduce noticable articial dissipation to the velocity eld which is undesirable. However, given the performance benets of using a collocated grid versus a staggered grid, we consider this tradeoff to be worthwhile.

3.4. Pressure Step In this stage of the algorithm, we subtract the scaled density gradient from the velocity, as in equation (4). The natural way to compute this gradient is using central differences. However, as discussed in section 3.2, it is generally unstable to use central differences in conjunction with a collocated conguration due to the checkerboard problem. We tried a number of different solutions to x this. One approach is to average the cell-centred velocities to cell faces, then subtract the pressure gradient from the face velocities and nally average these velocities back to the cell centres. This was successful in avoiding the stability issues. However, averaging the velocities back and forth causes signicant smoothing of the velocity eld (even more than the semi-Lagrangian method) which produces unsatisfactory results. Note that, to reduce dissipation, it may be tempting to avoid averaging the entire velocity from cell faces to cell centres, and instead only average the change in velocity [GSLF05]. However, this change in velocity is equal to the pressure gradient and averaging this gradient from the faces to the centre of a cell is equivalent to performing a central difference approximation of the gradient in the rst place. There is also a technique called Rhie-Chow interpolation [RC83] which denes a way to interpolate velocities to cell faces such that the checkerboard instability is avoided. We did not consider implementing this technique since the interpolation scheme is considerably more expensive than linear interpolation. However, it can be shown that this approach is equivalent to adding a pressure smoothing term, the effect of which is to eliminate pressure oscillations. Motivated by this, we tried simply to smooth the pressure eld (while using the central difference pressure gradient approximation) and found that this was sufcient to avoid the checkerboard problem. Conveniently, this smoothing can be performed as part of the advection step (described in Sec-

Figure 4: 1D adaptive shallow water simulation. Notice that the height changes smoothly over the boundary between cells of different size.

4. Adaptive Simulation One advantage of our compressible uid solver is that the same methods map conveniently to adaptive and unstructured grids. It is traditionally very complex to implement incompressible solvers on adaptive grids [LGF04, Pop03] due to difculties in making convergence of the Poisson solver competitive with uniform grids. However, our scheme can be adapted easily to new grid types. All that is required in the ability to compute the overlap between packets and grid cells, and a consistent way to evaluate density gradients at the centres of cells. To verify this, we have implemented an adaptive 1D version of our solver (see Figure 4). The procedure to redistribute density packets across the boundary between cells of different size is trivial. However, computing the density gradients is slightly more complex. Apart from the usual central difference case, there are two cases to consider: evaluating the gradient in a cell of size x when the two neighboring cells have sizes x and 2x; and evaluating the gradient in a cell of size 2x with neighbors of sizes 2x and x. We compute approximations to these gradients by tting a parabola y = ax2 + bx + c, through the centres of the three cells, and evaluating its gradient, dy dx = 2ax + b, at the centre cell. Note that, while it may seem like this approximation is unnecessary, it is not much more expensive than
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Richard Lee & Carol OSullivan / A Fast and Compact Solver for the Shallow Water Equations


Figure 5: From left to right: normal in-plane grid vertices; in-plane grid vertices deformed by pressure gradient; corresponding pressure eld; 3D heighteld with (top) and without (bottom) choppy wave modication.

central differencing and wa s found to be the only solution which gave smooth transitions across the boundary between different sized cells. We also tried the gradient approximations proposed in [LGF04] but found that these approximations produced small, spurious waves which reect off the adaptive boundary. These artifacts did not appear when the parabolic approximation was used. We are currently in the process of implementing an adaptive solver for the 2D case. Our strategy is to tile uniform grids of varying resolution, instead of using a quadtree as is more common. In our experience, implementing uid solvers on quadtrees/octrees, particularly when using a staggered conguration of variables, is very complex and difcult to make efcient. Uniform grids in comparison have a number of advantages. They perform better, they are more memory and cache efcient, they are much quicker to query and update, and they are easier to parallelize. For performance critical applications, we suspect that adaptive quadtree renement is overkill compared to using tiled uniform grids and we will investigate this claim in future work. 5. Results The results of our uid simulation are converted to a heighteld as described in Section 1 and visualized in OpenGL. Although not physically based, we displace the grid vertices in the horizontal plane to make the water appear choppy. We experimented with using velocity and pressure gradient information to compute the displacements but we achieved the best results by simply displacing the vertex coordinates from (x, z) to x + cd p dx, z + cd p dz , where p is the pressure computed in Section 3.4, and c is a scale factor which controls the degree of choppiness. It is also useful to clamp the gradient to avoid excessively large displacements which would result in mesh tangling. We achieved good results with this simple approach, but note that more advanced lters for the gradient terms could be designed to achieve nicer-looking effects. The results of this modication are shown in Figure 5. We evaluated the speed of our serial solver for different
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grid sizes on a Xeon 3.6GHz PC using 2 2 packets per cell in all cases. The timings are as follows: No. cells Updates/sec 252 3185.7 502 736.0 1002 177.5 2002 43.7 4002 10.2

We also note that, compared to incompressible uid solvers, our method is very easy to parallize. Our current approach is to subdivide the uniform grid into subgrids. Each subgrid is operated on in parallel. When packets need to be transferred across subgrid boundaries they can either be added to a list which is later processed when safe to do so, or locks can be used to protect cells near subgrid boundaries. So far, we have only been able to test the former algorithm on a dual-core machine. For large grid sizes (e.g. 250 250), we achieve speedups of about 1.8x. Although we have parallelized the entire simulation update routine, the parallel efciency drops signicantly for small grid sizes. We have not yet investigated the reason for this loss of efciency but we believe that excellent parallel scaling can be extracted from the algorithm. 6. Conclusions and Future Work In this paper we have discussed how stability and efciency concerns affect the choice of grid conguration, advection scheme and pressure gradient computation for a compressible uid solver. We have presented an efcient technique for advecting velocity and density together on a collocated grid and we discussed how the pressure instabilities can be avoided by smoothing the density eld during advection. We also discussed how the solver can be parallelized easily, and modied to work on multiresolution grids. Finally, we presented a cheap modication to augment the visual quality of heighteld water. Much remains to be done as future work. Of primary importance is a proper evaluation of the accuracy, stability and efciency of the presented advection scheme and how overall performance compares to using the semi-Lagrangian method on staggered and collocated grids. Further investigation into the effect of smoothing the density eld should


Richard Lee & Carol OSullivan / A Fast and Compact Solver for the Shallow Water Equations

also be performed to see if this can be improved using more advanced lters to blur the packets. Finally, it would be interesting to map this algorithm to graphics hardware and let the GPU perform the overlap tests and accumulative advection step using rasterisation and blending. This could be achieved by using textures which are larger than the grid dimensions to perform the advection step and downsampling the result back to a texture whose dimensions are the same as the grid.

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const const const const const int DIV = 3; double SMOOTHING double HALFPKT = double LFTWALL = double RGTWALL = = 1.05; 0.5*(SMOOTHING/DIV); (1+HALFPKT)*DX+1e-12; N*DX - LFTWALL;

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memset(newVels, 0, N*sizeof(double)); memset(newRho, 0, N*sizeof(double)); for(int i = 1; i < N-1; ++i) for(int j = 0; j < DIV; ++j) { x = (i + (j+0.5)/DIV) * DX; gx = x/DX - 0.5; idx = int(gx); fx = gx - idx; u = (1-fx)*vels[idx] + fx*vels[idx+1];
c The Eurographics Association 2007.

Richard Lee & Carol OSullivan / A Fast and Compact Solver for the Shallow Water Equations nx = Clamp(x+DT*u, LFTWALL, RGTWALL); left = nx/DX - HALFPKT; right = nx/DX + HALFPKT; li = int(left); ri = int(right); f1 = (ri - left) / SMOOTHING; f2 = (right - ri) / SMOOTHING; newRho[li] += rho[i] * f1; newRho[ri] += rho[i] * f2; newVels[li] += vels[i] * f1; newVels[ri] += vels[i] * f2; } memcpy(vels, newVels, N*sizeof(double)); memcpy(rho, newRho, N*sizeof(double)); double s = CSQ * DT / DX * 0.5; vels[1] -= (rho[2] - rho[1]) * s; for(int i = 2; i < N-2; ++i) vels[i] -= (rho[i+1] - rho[i-1]) * s; vels[N-2] -= (rho[N-2] - rho[N-3]) * s;


c The Eurographics Association 2007.

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