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Ryan Christopher Rodems, Response To Florida Bar Complaint No. 2013-10,271 (13E)

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Via Email: tlittlew@flabar.

org, and
U.P.S. Ground, Tracking No. IZ64589FP298520203
September 21, 2012
Theodore P. Littlewood Jr., Bar Counsel
Attorney Consumer Assistance Program
The Florida Bar
651 East Jefferson Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399-2300
Re: Ryan Christopher Rodems; The Florida Bar File No. 2013-10,271 (13E)
Dear Mr. Littlewood:
This letter is to acknowledge receipt by mail yesterday, September 20, 2012, of Mr. Rodems'
response dated September 17,2012 in the above captioned Bar complaint. Mr. Rodems' response
is forty-six (46) pages long, which significantly exceeds the 25 page limit set forth in your letter
to Rodems of September 13,2012. Your letter included a Notice, Mailing Instructions,. that states
in very large type, "Please limit your submission to no more than 25 pages including exhibits."
Enclosed is a copy of the forty-six (46) page response I received from Mr. Rodems. If this is the
same response Mr. Rodems provided you, I ask that you not accept this response, which exceeds
the Bar's 25 page submission limit by twenty-one (21) pages, almost twice the limit.
This flagrant violation of the rules is typical of Mr. Rodems' behavior and should not be
permitted. Mr. Rodems' forty-six (46) page response contains an onerous amount of information
for me to review, and to formulate into a rebuttal. I abided by the Bar's rules in making my
complaint, which was 25 pages, and Mr. Rodems must be held to the same standard.
If you permit Mr. Rodems to submit a forty-six (46) page response, then I ask for leave to submit
a forty-six (46) page rebuttal, with an additional ten days time to do so. I request that you toll
time from today until such time that you notify me of your decision. Thank you.
Sincerely, \.
,. eilJoGil
092 SW 5th Loop
Ocala, Florida 34481
cc: Ryan Christopher Rodems, letter only, by u.S. Postal Service first class mail.
Telephone 813/4891001
501 East Kennedy Boulevard, Suite 790
Facsimile 813/4891008
WILLIAM ]. COOK Tampa, Florida 33602
September 17,2012
Theodore P. Littlewood, Jr., Esquire
Attorney Consumer Assistance Program
The Florida Bar
651 East Jefferson Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2300
Re: Complaint by Neil J. Gillespie against Ryan Christopher Rodems
The Florida Bar File No. 2013-10,271(13E)
Dear Mr. Littlewood:
I am in receipt of your letter dated September 13,2012, requesting my written position regarding
Neil J. Gillespie's September 10, 2012 inquiry/complaint. I have also enclosed, as requested, the
disclosure form mandated by Rule 3-7.1, Rules Regulating the Florida Bar.
I. Introduction
As a result of my defense of two clients -- my law partner and my law firm -- in a civil action filed
by Mr. Gillespie in August 2005, Mr. Gillespie filed a bar grievance against me in 2007. See
TFB No. 2007-11,162(13D). I am enclosing the November 19, 2007 letter from Susan B.
Bloemendaal, Chief Branch Discipline Counsel, in which she found there was "il1sufficient
evidence of a violation of the Rules Regulating the Florida Bar to warrant further proceedings."
Exhibit 1.
Many of the issues raised in Mr. Gillespie's September 10, 2012 complaint were raised in 2007.
Many of the other issues were raised by Mr. Gillespie with the various courts, and all were
In fact, Mr. Gillespie moved so many times -- unsuccessfully -- to disqualify me as counsel, the
presiding judge entered an Order, stating:
THIS CAUSE came before the Court upon the Plaintiffs motion, filed July 9,2010. This is
the third time that the Plaintiff has motioned to disqualify Defendant's counsel, despite having
been informed in an order issued May 12,2006 that this issue had been DENIED WITH
PREJUDICE. "With prejudice" that means that the motion in question is "finally disposed ..
Theodore P. Littlewood, Jr., Esquire
September 17, 2012
Page 2
. and bars any future action on that claim." Moreover, because ofthe doctrine ofres judicata
this motion must be DENIED.
The Plaintiff is again noticed (as he has been in two previous Court orders) that repeat filings
attempting to revisit the same issue can be found to rise to the level of a sanctionable offense.
The Clerk of Court is ORDERED to never accept another pleading from the Plaintiff that
indicates an attempt to disqualify Defendants' counsel, as this matter has been DISMISSED
Exhibit 2.
All of Mr. Gillespie's clainls in the lawsuit were dismissed by summary judgment or judgnlent on
the pleadings. Mr. Gillespie was sanctioned for filing frivolous pleadings, and held in contempt
at least twice. Mr. Gillespie was at one time represented by an attorney, Robert Bauer, Esquire.
Mr. Gillespie thereafter filed a bar grievance against him. Mr. Gillespie was then represented by
Mr. Castagliuolo, Esquire, and Mr. Gillespie also grieved him.
The lawyers have not been the only targets. During the litigation, Mr. Gillespie moved to
disqualify Judge Nielsen, Judge Isom, Judge Barton, Judge Cook and Judge Arnold. At one
point, Mr. Gillespie moved to have Fidel Castro appointed a judge ad litem. That was also
denied. Exhibit 3.
Mr. Gillespie was found on November 15,2010 to be Plaintiff "all abusive litigant" and was
barred "from filing any paper witll this court which is not signed by an attorney duly licensed to
practice law in the State of Florida." Exhibit 4. A copy of the motion preceding that Order is
attached as Exhibit 5.
Eventually, the only issue remaining in the litigation was my clients' judgment agaillst Mr.
Gillespie. He defied numerous court orders to appear for deposition, eventually leading to the
issuance of a writ of bodily attachment.
During the deposition of Mr. Gillespie at tIle Hillsborough County Courthouse, during which he
was represented by an attorney he chose, we agreed to resolve our judgment for sanctions against
Mr. Gillespie. The settlement agreement was executed by Mr. Gillespie before a notary public,
and while he was represented by counsel. Inlmediately thereafter, Judge Arnold attended a
hearing in which the settlement was announced and the case was dismissed witll prejudice.
Theodore P. Littlewood, Jr., Esqllire
September 17, 2012
Page 3
II. Response to Inquiry/Complaint Form
Mr. Gillespie's September 10, 2012 complaint is disorganized and disjointed, thereby making a
point-by-point response difficult; I will quote Mr. Gillespie's claims and respond to them.
Although I have diligently attempted to respond to each of the allegations, in the event my
response does not specifically address a point, please do not construe it to be an agreement with
the allegation. If you deem that my response inadequately addresses any claim, please advise
and I will supplement my response with additional information.
A. "Represented his partner/firm against nle, a former client on a 'substantially
related' matter." [Page 2]
This issue was raised in the litigation by Mr. Gillespie and rejected nunlerous times. Exhibit 2.
This was also raised and rejected in the 2007 bar il1quiry/grievance. Exhibit 1. I trust that I
need not provide any further response.
B. "Represented his partner/firm at ex parte hearings and mislead [sic] the
Court." [Pages 2 and 7]
All hearings were properly noticed. Mr. Gillespie failed to attend at least one duly noticed
hearing and voluntarily left another. I did not at any time mislead the Court.
C. "His exercise of independent professional judgment was materially limited by
conflict." [Page 2]
On each claim Mr. Gillespie raised, my clients prevailed. Mr. Gillespie, on the other hand, was
held in contempt, sanctioned, and ultimately, ordered not to file any more papers pro see Exhibit
4. I had no conflict, as proven by Mr. Gillespie's numerous failed attempt to disqualify me, and I
suggest my professional judgment was proper, as proven by the results.
D. "Lack of Candor Toward The Tribunal; Rodems failed to correct earlier false
testimony." [Page 2]
This claim, at least in part, was previously made by Mr. Gillespie to the Florida Bar and rejected.
Exhibit 1. At all times, I provided an accurate statement of the facts.
Theodore P. Littlewood, Jr., Esquire
September 17, 2012
Page 4
E. "Misused discovery and obtained sanctions thorough a pattern of racketeering
activity." [Pages 2 and 13]
The sanctions against Mr. Gillespie awarded by the trial court due to his frivolous pleadings were
affirnled on appeal. Any discovery I sought was proper. Mr. Gillespie's allegations tllat I
"misused discovery witll the llelp of the presiding judges" are baseless, but any such claim should
have been made through the judicial process. The appellate courts, not the Florida Bar, are
charged with reviewing a trial court's decisions.
F. "Disrupted the tribunal to inlproperly influence and prejudice the Court."
[Page 2]
I did not at any time "disrupt the tribunal."
G. "Disparaged, hunliliated, and discriminated against nle on tile basis of
disability." [Page 2]
I did not disparage Mr. Gillespie; nor did I humiliate him or discriminate against llim on the basis
of any disability. During tIle litigation, Mr. Gillespie acted in a manner that caused him to be
sanctioned and held in contempt.
III. Conclusion
As a result of the manner in which I defended my clients in litigation, Mr. Gillespie filed a bar
grievance against me in 2007, and the Chief Branch Discipline Counsel disposed of it withollt
even requiring a response from me. Over five years later, and in broad strokes, Mr. Gillespie
recites his jaundiced version of the litigation, again complaining about the manner in which I
defended my clients.
Notably, when Mr. Gillespie's actions during the litigation violated Orders, rules of conduct and
statutes, tIle Court sanctioned him and held him in contempt. It is clear, therefore, that the Court
monitored the conduct of the litigants.
Apparently having failed to obtain any relief fronl the Court, Mr. Gillespie has decided to ask the
Florida Bar to more or less review the Court's handling of the litigation. As the "Inquiry
Concerning A Florida Lawyer Pamphlet" states, "[t]he lawyer discipline system's primary focus is
on ensuring that lawyers act ethically in dealing with their own clientsG If you are involved in a
contested legal matter, and you believe the opposing lawyer has acted improperly, the matter
should be addressed through court proceedings prior to making an inquiry with the Bar, if
Theodore P. Littlewood, Jr., Esquire
September 17, 2012
Page 5
The Florida Bar should disnliss the inquiry/complaint as unfounded. Sllould you require further
information about my conduct in the litigation, I request that you contact Judge James D. Arnold
at 813/272-6991 or Judge Martha J. Cook at 813/272-7225.
cc: Mr. Neil J. Gillespie (w/enclosures)
Pursuant to Rule 3-7.1(f), Rules of Discipline, yOll must execute the appropriate disclosure
paragraph below and return the form to this office by September 28, 2012. The rule provides
that the nature of the charges be stated in tIle notice to your firm; however, we suggest that you
attacll a copy of the complaint.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 17 )r, 201 true copy of

Iny present law firm of l<ll.""Y a.O C , and,
if different, to , a member 0 the law finn of
, with which I was associated
at the tin1e of the act(s) giving rise to the COl11plaint in The Florida Bar File No. 013.. 10,271
(Corporate/Government Employment)
I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day of ,201_, a true copy of
the foregoing disclosure was furnished to , my supervisor
at (name of agency), with
which I was associated at the time of the act(s) giving rise to the complaint in The Florida Bar
File No. 2013-10,271 (13E).
Ryall Christopher Rodems
(Sole Practitiol1er)
I HEREBY CERTIFY to The Florida Bar on this day of , 201_,
that I am not presently affiliated with a law firm and was not affiliated with a law firm at the time
of the act(s) giving rise to the complaint in The Florida Bar File No. 2013-10,271 (13E).
Ryan Christopher Rodems
TAl\IPA, FL 33607..5958 TA1\IPA, FL 33607..5958
November 19, 2007
Neil Gillespie
8092 SW 115th Loop
Ocala, Florida 34481
RE: regarding Ryan Christopher Rodems
TFB No. 2007-11,162 (13D)
Dear Mr. Gillespie:
The above-referenced file was closed by letter dated May 15, 2007. The basis for closing the file
was the non-receipt of additional infonnation requested in our letter to you dated March 7, 2007.
You state that you responded to the request by correspondence dated April 18, 2007; ho\vever a
review of our files indicates that no additional correspondence was received from you prior to
Jllne 22, 2007.
We have carefully reviewed all infonnation you provided relating to yOllf complaint against Mr.
Rodems. You 11ave made a nunlber of allegations ofmisconduct against Mr. Rodems. You
allege that: 1) he has ellgaged in a conflict ofinterest by representing Barker, Rodelns & Cook,
P.A. in tIle civil suit in \vhich you are the plaintiff; 2) that he filed a frivolous and retaliatory
counterclaim for libel in the civil suit; 3) that he threatened to present criminal charges against
you to gain an advantage in the civil suit; 4) tI1at he made a misrepresentation to the court ill a
pleadil1g (Verified Request for Bailiff and for SaIlctions); and 5) that he lied to the judge in a
letter dated October 12, 2006.
Mr.. Rodems fonnerly represented YOll in a consunler law action. In 2005, )'OU filed a civil suit
against Barker, Rodems & Cook, P.A. and William Cook, alleging fraud and breach of contract
in connection \vitl\ that representation. You have alleged that Mr. Rodems' represelltation of the
defendal1ts constitutes a conflict of interest in violation ofBar lules. Mr. Rodems has not
engaged in a conflict .of interest by defending himself and the law fitm against your allegations
ofwrongdoing.. You waived tIle conflict by initiating civil action and disciplinary proceedings.
Moreover, Rule 4-1.6(c)(2) allows an attolney to reveal infolmation relating to the representation
to the extent tIle lawyer reasonably believes necessary to defend.himself in a controversy
between the lawyer and client. Rule 4-1.6(c)(4) silnilarly allows the lawyer to reveal such
information to respond to allegations in any proceeding concerning the lawyer's representation of
the client.
Neil Gillespie
November 19, 2007
Page 2
You have alleged that Mr. Rodems fIled a counterclaim for libel against you in retaliation for
your filing of a Bar complaint against Mr. Cook. You assert that the libel claim is ilnproper
pursuallt to tIle holding of Tobkin v. Jarboe. TobkiIll10lds that an individual ,vho files a
complaint against an attolney in \vhiclll10 probable cause is found, is afforded absolute
ilmnunity from a sllbsequellt defanlation action by the attorney. The libel claim asserted by tIle
Defendants in the civil suit js based on allegedly false statements made by you in a letter dated
July 25, 2005 and is not based on any Bar complaint. There is no evidence to conclude that the
clailu was filed in retaliation for your filing of a Bar complaint Concel11ing yOll allegation that
the claim is frivolous, this is an issue for the trial court in the pending civil case.
You have alleged that Mr" Rodelns accused you of criminal extoltion in his "Answer,
Affilmative Defenses and Counterclaim" in order to gain an advantage in the civil suit.
Paragraphs 57 and 67 allege that the Defendants considered your threat of a Bar cOlnplaint al1d
lawsuit ifthey did not meet your demand for paYlnent "to be extortion under section 836.05, Fla.
Stat. (2000)." We cannot conclude that the statement and citation to the Florida Statutes rise to
the level of a violation ofBar rules. Rule 4-3.4(g), Rules Regulating The Florida Bar, prohibits a
lawyer from presenting, participating in presellting, or threatening to present criminal charges
solely to obtain an advantage in a civil matter. Altll0ugh YOllr demand is labeled "extoliionate,"
the language used does not state an intention to present crilninal charges against you. We cannot
infer this intention from the language used.
You also allege that Mr. Rodems made a false statemellt ofmaterial fact to the court in the
"Defendant's Verified Reqllest for Bailiff and for Sanctions" \vhen he stated tIlat you had
threatened to physically assault him ill Judge Nielsen's cllambers on April 25, 2006. In the
pleading, Mr. Rodems qlloted you as saying, fir am going to slam you up agail1st the \vall in
Judge Nielsen's chambers." Mr. Rodems went on to state that he asked you \vhether you were
threatening him physically or metaphorically and you said "metaphoricaIly.lI According to the
transcript you provided ofyonr consensually recorded telephone conversation with Mr. Rodems,
you stated, III will see you on the 25
and I will sIanl you against the wall like I did before." You
went 011 to clarify that you meallt the statement metaphorically and not physically. It appears
that the pleading fairly represents your telephone conversation and \ve therefore cannot conclude
that it was materially misleading. .
Y011 fulther allege that Mr. Rodenls lied to the judge in a letter dated October 12, 2006 \Vllen he
stated that he llad not heard from you regarding a proposed order. YOll provided a transcript of
your consensually recorded telephone conversation with Mr. RodenlS on October 11, 2006,
which you claim proves that Mr. Rodems was lying. It is apparent from the transcript that you
and Mr. RodeIll:s discussed many aspects of the litigation, but the transcript does not clearly
reflect a discussion about a proposed Order. Based on the information provided, we calmot
conclude that Mr. Rodems' letter was intentionally misleading.
Neil Gillespie

Page 3
After evaillatillg your complaint agail1st the above-referenced attolney, we find that there is
insufficient evidence of a violation of the Rules Regulatillg The Florida Bar to warrant further
proceedings. Accordingly, our file in this TIlatter ,viii remain closed. The records regarding this
Inquiry/Complaint will be destroyed one (1) year fronl today. OUf disposition of your complaint
l1as no effect on any other legal remedy you may have.
cc: Ryan Christopher Rodems wI copy of Inquiry/Complaint received June 22, 2007
TheFloridaBar II, /hc(13o)
S'//::J 07
Attorneys Name:
JUN 22 ZOOl 10
PART ONE: (Read instructions on reverse side.)
Your Name: file,} a'lI
Address: <{LU ./1/;%(j(y?
City: C1 ca 69 State: -L-R.....a..-__
Phone: &S') 78'p 7 Zip Code: ,2 l/LJ e/ t
ACAP Reference No. _
Address: Lto I-YA- A>i/ey /)I). !:u;/c.. '2./l.-eJ
City: 7/l14,oA . State: ...:-rl_L, _
Phone: SJ3: Hrt'l-/60 I Zip Code: 3.36/).;(.
PART TWO: (See reverse, part two.) The specific thing or things I am complaining about are:
PART THREE: (See reverse, part tht"ee.) l"'he witnesses in support of my allegations are: [see attached
ee reverse, part four.} FU.
I did I d no circle one or the other) attempt to use ACAP to resolve this situation.
To attemp 0 resolve this matter, I did the following:
Rirz: ;';SG :fd;::: J
It- EINt,d; I3tllZ. ole> I ]i cu"'! MJ-r /hItthl.'PlJ-fc j,v
PART FIVE (See reverse, part five.): Under penalty ofperjury, I declare the foregoing facts are true
and complete.
p r:r;t=" ,en
JUN 2 1 2007
LEGAL U\vlo;,luN
Ju.ue 2.0( 7
Neil J. Gillespie
~ 0 9 2 SW 11S
Ocala, Florida 34481
Telepllone: (352) 854..7807
June 20, 2007
The Florida Bar:
This is a cOlnplaint against Tampa lawyer Ryan Christopher Rodems, bar ID 110.
947652, for unethical behavior during his appearance in a civil lawsuit styled Neil J.
Gillespie v. Barker, Rodenls & Cook, P.A. and William J. Cook, case no. 05-CA...7205,
Circuit Civil, Hillsborough County. I am the plaintiffsuing my fanner lawyers for fraud,
breach ofcontract, and breach of fiduciary dUtyl. In retaliatioll Mr. Rodems COllntersued
me for libel over a previous bar complaint, and accused me of felony extoliion for
utilizing The Florida Bar's Attorl1ey Consumer Assistance Program (ACAP) in a good
faith effort to resolve my dispute witlloUt litigation. Accompanying this letter is a signed,
sworn il1qully/conlplaint fOlm, witness list, and supporting exhibits.
Note: Anumber of Mr. Rodems' unethical acts violate one or more rules of
professional conduct. Therefore the Inisconduct and the corresponding rule violations are
not all inclusive.
Tl1is complaint against Mr. Rodems alleges the following unethical acts:
1. Conflict ofInterest violation ofRule 4-1.9(a), 4.. 1.. 9(b), Rule 4-1.7, Rule 4-1.10(a)
Lawyer as witness, violation ofRllle 4-3.7.
Threat to reveal client confidences; intimidation of a witness
Mr. Rodems' representation afhis firm and Mr, Cook in the above captioned
lawsuit is a prohibited conflict of interest. Mr. Rodems has a direct conflict of interest
with me, Mr. Rodems' law film and his law partner, William J. Cook, are defendants in
my lawsuit against them for fraud and breach of contract. I aln their fonner client. A copy
of the civil complaint (filed August 11, 2005) accompanies this complaint. (Exhibit A).
Mr. Rodems' first appearance in this lawsuit was August 29, 2005 when he filed
Defendants' Motion to Dismiss and Strike. (Exhibit B). On JanllalY 13, 2006, Judge
Nielsen found a cause of action for fraud and breach ofcontract. (Exhibit C).
1 Breach offiduciary duty ,vas added April 30, 2007, by attorney Robert W. Bauer.
The Florida Bar Page - 2 of 13
June 20, 2007
The contract which is the subject ofthe lawsuit is a contingent fee agreemellt
between myself and Mr. Rodems' law firm. Mr. Rodems is now trying to disavow tIle
contingent fee agreement between me and his law firm.
Rule 4-1.9(a) states that a lawyer who has f01"111erly represented a client in a matter
shall not thereafter represent another person in the same or a substantially related matter in
which that person's interests are materially adverse to the interest of the fOlmer client
unless the f011ner client COl1sents after consultation. (I do not consent). In my lawsuit
against Mr. Rodems' finn and Mr. Cook, they represented my interest in a contillgent fee
contract beginning November 3, 2000. Now with the commencelllent of this lawsuit,
Mr. Rodenls is representing 11is own filnl's il1terest in the contract, and taking a position
materially adverse to me, their former client.
This is wllat West's Florida Statutes Annotated states tInder Conunent (Vol. 35,
pp. 354-355): "After termination of a relationship, a lawyer may llot
represent another client except in confolmity with this rule. The principles in Rule 4-1.9
detelmine whether tIle interests ofthe present alld fOlmer client are adverse. Thus, a
lawyer could not properly seek to rescind on bellalf of a newclient a contract drafted on
behalf ofthe fOlmer client." (underline added). ' ~ W h e n a lawyer has been directly
involved a specific transaction, subsequent representation of other clients with materially
adverse interests clearly is prohibited." (underline added). In the instant matter, the
contract between me and Mr. Rodems' firm is a specific transaction directly involving his
firm and Mr. Cook who 110W have materially adverse interests to me. Thus Mr. Rodems'
representation ofhis finn and Mr. Cook is cleal'ly prohibited.
Furthermore, the comment to Rule 4-1.7 states tllat a lawyer ordinarily may not act
as advocate against a person the lawyer represents in some other matter, even if it is
wl10lly urn-elated. (p. 330). IftIle probity ofa lawyer's own conduct in a transaction is in
serious question, it may be difficult or inlpossible for the lawyer to give a client detached
advise. (pp. 330-331). And a suit charging fraud entails conflict to a degree not involved
in a suit for a declaratory judgment concerJllng statutory interpretation. (p. 331). In the
instant matter, the underlying la\vsuit charges Mr. Cook and llis law film with fraud and
breach of contract, and a cause of action has been sustained.
Rule 4-1.10(a) states that while lawyers are associated ill a fiml, none of them shall
knowingly represent a client when any 1ofthempracticing alone would be prohibited
fronl doing so by rule 4-1.7, 4-1.8(c), 4.. 1.9, or 4-2.2. A firm of lawyers is essentially 1
la\vyer for purposes of the rules governing loyalty to the client or from the premise that
each lawyer is vicariously bound by the obligation of loyalty owed by eacillawyer with
whom the lawyer is associated.
Rule 4-3.7(a) states that a lawyer shalillot act as advocate at a trial in Wl1ich the
lawyer is likely to be a necessary witness on behalf ofthe client. In the ongoing civil
lawsuit, Mr. Rodems will certainly be called as a witness, both on the fraud and breach of
The Florida Bar Page .. 3 of13
June 20, 2007
contract issues, alld his own misconduct since his appearance as counsel, on his threat to
reveal client confidences, peljury to Judge Nielsen, aIId other matters herein.
Mr. Rodems threatened to disclose confidential inforluation obtained in his firm's
prior representation ofme, although he did not yet make the disclosure. Mr. Radems'
threat to reveal client confidences was for the purpose ofintimidating me as a witness, to
force me to drop my civil lawsuit against his law firm and law partner.
On March 3, 2006, Ryan Christopher Rodenls telephoned me at home and
threatened to reveal confidential infom1ation about my payment for medical treatment.
Mr. Rodems leatned this confidential informatioll fronl Mr. Cook. The infonnation was
not public knowledge, and was known only to my lawyers. Mr. Rodems' threat was
nlemorialized by a voice recording which has been transcribed. A copy of the transcript
accompanies this cOlnplaint as Exhibit Q.
Rule 4 ~ 1.9(b) states that a lawyer Wl10 has f011uerly represented a client in a matter
sIlall not thereafter use illfonnation relating to the representation to the disadvantage ofthe
fOl1ner client. On MarcIl 3, 2006, Mr. Rodems announced his threat to use confidential
informatioll acquired in" his firm's prior representation ofme to my disadvantage. This is
what Mr. Rodems said: (relevant p011ion) (Exhibit Q, beginning on page 9)
"MR. RODEMS: Didn't you at one time purcIlase a car so that yOll could get the
cash rebate to get some dental work done? We're going to get to the discovery,
anyho\v, so just tell me, did that really happen?
MR. RODEMS: Did you purchase a car so that you could get the cash rebate to
get some dental work done?
MR. GILLESPIE: Listen, this is WIlY you need to be disqualified.
MR. RODEMS: No, I mean, that's -- because I know that? Because I know that
to be a fact?
MR. GILLESPIE: You know it to be a fact from your previous representation of
MR. RODEMS: Well, you know, see that's-
MR. GILLESPIE: If it is -- if it's a fact, anyway.
MR. RODEMS : Yau need to study tIle rules and regulations of the Florida Bar
because when you make
The Florida Bar Page - 4 of 13
JUlIe 20, 2007
MR. GILLESPIE: I think, I think I bought a car so I would have sOlnething to
drive. I don't know why you buy cats, but that's why I bought it.
MR. GILLESPIE: Ifit had some other benefits, that's different.
MR. RODEMS: I understand that car was repossessed shortly after you bought it
MR. GILLESPIE: No, it wasn't repossessed.
MR. RODEMS: Okay. Well, then you can probably drive that dow!1 to the
11earing tllen on the 28th.
MR. GILLESPIE: No, it was voluntarily turned in because after 911 attack tIle
job that I was in dried up.. I."
2. Frivolous Libel Counterclahn, violation ofRule 4-3.1, Meritorious claims and
contentions.. Mr. Rodems brought a fi:ivolous, retaliatory libel counterclaim over nIY
previous bar complaint against Mr. Cook. I made a written complaint about Mr. Cook to
the bar on June 7, 2004. Susan Bloemendaal wrote me on February 9, 2005 that the
objective evidence was insufficient to SUppOlt a finding of misconduct on bellalf of
Mr. Cook. Once the complaint process was completed, I wrote to JaIl Mackechnie,
president ofAmscot Corporation, who was an interested party. I told Mr. Mackechnie
about my dispute with Mr. Cook and that my bar complaint was not stlccessful. My letter
to AnIscot, dated July 25, 2005, was written during the time period when Mr. Cook's file
was a public record. That time period ended February 9, 2006.
Mr. Rodems is very anglY over my letter about a bar complail1t. On March 3,
2006, Mr. Rodems tllfeatened me during a telephone call about the letter. This is what
Mr. Rodems said: (Transcript, Exhibit Q)
MR. RODEMS: "I mean, it was kind of bizarre that you would even send that
letter, but you did, so now you will have to pay for that." (Transcript, page 9, line 1).
Mr. Rodems has made good on Iris threat to nlake me "pay for tllat" by
commencing a frivolous, retaliatory libel counterclaim.
The Counterclaim for Libel was served JanualY 19, 2006, in Mr. Rodelns' Answer,
Affirmative Defenses, and Counterclaim. (Exhibit D). The counterclaim is active and
ongoing, and I have retained and paid attolney Robert W. Bauer of Gainesville to d e f e l ~ d
the counterclaim.
(a) The counterclaim is contrary to the holding of Tobkin v. Jarboe, 710 So.2d 975.
The Florida Bar
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On July 12, 2006, Kennetll Lawrence Marvin, Director, Lawyer Regulation, The
Florida Bar, wrote me and provided a copy of Florida Supreme COUlt case Tobkin v.
Jarboe, 710 So.2d 975 (1998), which holds that an unsuccessful complainant cannot be
successfully sued for defamation. (Exhibit E).
Specifically, Tobkin applies to this case because my letter to Atllscot is dated July
25, 2005, and is afforded absolute il11ffiunity a defamation action by the complained
against attorney because it was written after the grievance procedure ran its natural
course. During the course of the bar's investigation I did not publicize the complaint.
After the bar concluded its investigation, I informed Amscot that my conlplaint against
Mr. Cook was unsuccessful. On May 4, 2005, Susan BloemendaaI, ChiefBranch
Disciplillary Counsel, wrote (in palt): "This file will therefore renlain closed and is
scheduled for destruction on February 9, 2006.
Mr. Cook's file was a public record
pursuant to chapter 119 Florida Statutes from February 9, 2005 through February 9, 2006.
TIle timing of my letter to Arnscot was lawful, and is afforded absolute immunity from a
defamation action by the complained..against attolney. (Tobkin v. Jarboe, 710 So.2d 975).
Tobkin 110lds that for the sake ofmaintaining the high standards ofthe profession
and disciplining those who violate the Canons of Legal Ethics, one who elects to enjoy
the status and benefits as a member ofthe legal profession must give up cel1ain tigIlts or
causes ofactioll which, in this instance, is the right to file an action against a complainant
who lodges an unsuccessful complaint \vith the Grievance Committee of TIle Florida Bar.
Tobkin holds that inherent in tIle decision was the court's recognition ofthe strong
public policy reasons for encouraging individuals with knowledge of attorney luisconduct
to step forward and present such evidence so that the bar may callY out its disciplillaly
duties. The court acknowledged the possibility that groundless or baseless conlplaints
against attorneys may sometimes be filed by individuals. However, bar complainants
must be encouraged to step forward with legitinlate complaints, which will furtller the
impOl1ant public policy of disciplining attollley misconduct.
Tobkin recognizes tlle inequitable balance ofpower that may exist between an
attolney who brings a defamation action and the client who must defend against it, which
in tum creates the potential fol' attorney intimidation ofbar conlplainants. Attolneys
schooled in the law have the ability to pursue defamation litigation thrOllgh their own
means and with minimal expense when compared with tIle bar cODlplainants. Conversely,
the cost of litigation coupled with the risk of liabilityin defending against such "an action
could be enough to discourage an individual from bringing a meritorious complaint. The
mere possibility of chilling valid complaints would undelmine public confidence in the
bar's ability to regulate and discipline unethical members.
Tobkin holds that recognizing an absolute immunity for a complainant WI10
follows The Florida Bar grievance procedures when filing a complaint will prevent any
chilling effect on bar complaints while at the same time adequately protect attoll1eys. If
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June 20, 2007
an individual files a complaint against an attorney and the Bar Grievance Committee
finds probable cause to believe the attolney is guilty ofmisconduct justifying disciplinaly
action, then the attolney is clearly in no position to complain about the absolute ilnmunity
afforded the complainant Ho,vever, ifa baseless bar complaint is filed against an
attorney and the Bar Grievance Committee returns a finding of no probable cause, then
public exoneration is a suitable remedy for any negative effects created by the public
awareness that a complaint lIas been lllade against tllat attorney. Granting a cOlnplainant
absolute immunity when filing a complaint against a Inelnber ofthis statefs integrated bar
is essential in order for the legal profession, and the cou11, to adequately police its
members and discipline those who violate tIle ethical standards ofthe legal profession.
The net result will benefit both tIle legal profession and the public.
In the instant case, The Florida Bar did not return a finding of"no probable cause".
Instead, Susan Bloelnendaal \vrote the following on February 9, 2005:
"Mr. Gillespie, tIle bar has carefully reviewed all the information and
documents provided by you and Mr. Cook. Based UpOll this review,
it is the bar's position that the objective evidence is insufficient to
support a finding ofmise011duct on behalfofMr. Cook.
(Exhibit F).
Ms. Bloemendaal's "objective evidence" finding is a lower standard of .
exoneration that that of "no probable cause". It should be noted that Ms. Bloemelldaal
took over investigation oftIle original complaint from Assistant Staff Counsel William
Thompson. Given the circumstances, a reasonable person could infer that she forced him
out because he refused to ignore Mr. Cook's misconduct
(b) The libel counterclaitn is contrary to the holdil1g ofNodar v. Galbreath, 462
So.2d 803 (Fla. 1984). Tampa attolney David M. Snyder notified Mr. Rodems by letter on
September 7, 2006, that the counterclaim for libel "...has little chance ofultimate" success
given the limited distribution and privileged nature of the ptlblication complained of. See
e.g. Nodar v. Galbreath, 462 So.2d 803 (Fla. (Exhibit G).
(c) Mr. Rodelns brought the libel counterclaim for the purpose of intimidation, to
force me to drop my lawful claim against his law firnl and Mr. Cook. On four separate
occasions Mr. Rodems llas offered to drop the libel counterclaim ifI drop my claim
against lliln. Mr. Rodems made the following offers:
(i) By letter dated Septenlber 14, 2006, Mr. Rodelns offered to drop tIle
libel counterclaim: "We would agree, however, to a walk away. That is, each party
dismisses all claims with prejudice, each party to bear l1is or its OWll attorneys' fees
and costs." (Relevant portion). (Exhibit H).
(ii) By letter dated 5, 2006. (Exhibit I).
(iii) By discussion with Traveler's ofFlorida Insurance COlnpallY.
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June 20, 2007
(iv) By letter dated February 7, 2007. (Exhibit J).
(d) Mra Rodems demands mOlley from Iny insurance company. Mr. Rodems tried
to take money fiaom my hOnleO\Vners insurance can-ier, Travelers of Florida. He demanded
$4,500.00 to settle his libel claim, which amounts to $1,500.00 each for mIn and his two
law partners. In effect, Mr. Rodelns admits that his professional reputation as a lawyer is
wOlih Ollly $1,500.00. Mr. Rodems makes this admission during our phone call of
October II, 2006. (Exhibit K). Mr. Rodems' initial demand to Travelers was $10,000.00,
which is $5,000.00 less than the jurisdictional demand in his counterclaim. The following
is from the transcript, beginning on page 7, line 3:
MR. GILLESPIE: Well, on the matter of
Travelers itls -- they told me that YOll called
them and demanded they pay you ten thousand
dollars; is that 1
ight? Did you call them and
demand ten thousand dollars from them?
MR. RODEMS: I don't remember exactly the
MR. GILLESPIE: That's what they said.
lVIR. RODEMS: Well, ifthatts -
MR. GILLESPIE: They said they spoke with
you. Yau dOll
t remember whether you demanded ten
thousand dollars from them?
MR. RODEMS: It may have beell ten thousand.
I mean, I did make a demand. We have -
MR. GILLESPIE: It may have been ten
thousand, but you're not Sllre?
MR. RODEMS: It l11ay have been, yeah.
MR. GILLESPIE: Ifit wasn't ten thousand how
much \vas it?
MR. RODEMS: I'll tell you what, let me look
at my notes because I think I have some notes 011
this. Give me just a second, I'm going to have to
pull up a document. Yup, yup, yup.
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MR. GILLESPIE: Okay. So you, Ryan Rodems,
called up Travelers, I guess you spoke with
Ms. Kaufmann?
MR. RODEMS: Yes, sir.
MR. GILLESPIE: A11d you deluanded that they
pay yOll ten thousand dollars for what purpose now?
MR. RODEMS: To settle the COullterclaims.
MR. GILLESPIE: To settle the counterclaim.
Okay. Which hasn't even been found the basis of
yet, we're still waiting on the Motion to Dismiss.
Okay. And then I understand, and yOll can correct
me if I'm wrong, that within a short time you
dropped that offer to forty-five h'undred?
MR. RODEMS: COll-ect
MR. GILLESPIE: Okay. You haven't answered
any discovery ofmine about what your actual
damages were.
MR. RODEMS: Yeah, we did respond to the
MR. GILLESPIE: I don't have any response for
that. But anyway, I'm not going to argue with
you, Ijust want to establish those facts.
I have told Travelers not to pay you a dinle.
In my view what you're doing is extoliion. It's
the same thing you did to Amscot and it's
certainly not going to happen in tllis case. Now,
ifthey \vant to represent me by defending the
case, fine. But ifall they're going to do is
make a nuisance payment because they know about
what your company is about, then I'm not going to
- agree to tl1at.
(e) Our family is at risk of losing our llome. Because Mr. Rodems tried to extract
money from Travelers Insurance Company, Travelers sent us a notice oflIon-renewal for
homeowners insurance. Because our mOltgage requires us to maintain honleowners
insurance, unless we can locate another carrier, we will be in technical default on our
n10rtgage and therefore could lose our home.
The Florida Bar Page - 90f13
June 20, 2007
3. False Accusation of EXtOl1ion, violation ofRule Fairness to
Opposing Party and Counsel. Mr. Rodems lIas accused me of crin1inal extortion for
particIpating in TIle Florida Bar's Attorney Consulner Assistance Prograll1 (ACAP).
Mr. Rodems accused me of criminal extortion in his Answer, Affirmative Defenses and
Counterclaim, paragraphs 57 and 67. (Exllibit D). When I moved to strike tllis absurd
accusation fiom Defendants' libel counterclaim, Mr. Rodems moved for sanctions under
Section 57.1 05(1), Florida Statutes. Mr. Rodems is demanding attolneys' fees from me
because I objected to his false claim of extortion.
Mr. Rodems asserts. that"my participation in ACAP is "... exto11ion under section
836.05, Fla. stat. (2000) and the holdings of Carricarte v. State, 384 So.2d 1261 (Fla.
1980); Cooper v. Austin, 750 So.2d 711 (Fla. 5
DCA 2000); Gordon v, Gordon, 625
So.2d 59 (Fla. 4
DCA 1993); Berger v. Berger, 466 So.2d 1149 (Fla. 4
DCA 1985)."
Mr. Rodems violated Rule 4-3.4, FairJ1eSS to Opposing Party and Counsel. Rule
4..3.4 A lavvyer shall not: (g) present, participate in presenting, or threaten to present
criminal charges solely to obtain an advantage ill a civil matter. Paragraphs 57 and 67 of
Mr. Rodenls' Answer, Affirnlative Defenses and Counterclainl present criminal charges
solely to obtain advantage in a civil matter contrary to Rule 4-3.4(g).
The Florida Bar should be aware that Mr. Rodems and his law partners are
notorious throughout Florida for engaging in antics which include throwing a cup of coffee
in the face oftheir opponents' counsel during a mediation
, and claiming that the other
side engaged in criminal extortion against them

About the tirrie I retained the law film Alpert Barker, Rodems, Ferrentino & Cook
the S1. Petersburg Times repolted that Jonathan Alpert threw a 20 ounce cup of
coffee in the face of attorney Alnold Levine during mediation in a season ticket holder
dispute, (Exhibit L). Alpert, Rodenls
Ferrel1tino & P.A., represented the
Bues' fans, and A1nold Levitle l'epresented tIle Tampa Bay Buccaneers. According to
stories published in the 81. Petersburg Times, Alpelt was ranting and raving when he threw
a 20 ounce cup ofcoffee in the face of Levine, who then sued Alpert for civil damages and
a battery complaint with Tanlpa Police. The St. Petersburg Times also reported that
Jonathan Alpert atmounced in court that he had asked police to investigate "tllreats and/or
extortion" by the Bucs' lawyer Atnold Levitle. Tampa police detectives reviewed the
extortion complaint, which l1amed Levine, Bucs general manager Riell McKay and
Edward and Bryan Glazer. (Exhibit M). The purpose ofpresellthlg the ctiminal charges
against the Hues was to obtain advalltage in a civil matter contrary to Rule 4-3.4(g). The
St. Petersburg Tinles repolted that Alpert's finn received $180,000.00 in attorneys' fees
and $30,000.00 ill costs. (Exhibit N).
2St. Petersburg Tunes, June 6,2000, CCAttomey's suit says he received coffee in the face"
3 St. Petersburg Tnnes, June 10, 2000, "Hues accused ofextortion"
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Presenting criminal charges to obtain advantage in a civil matter is Mr. Rodems'
modus operandi; Mr. Rodems accused me of felony extoltion in his libel counterclaim.
On March 7, 2006, I offered my surrender to State Attorney Mark Ober on the accusation
ofexto11ion, but he has not replied. See the witness list, exhibits AA through DD.
I also contacted The Florida Bar about Mr. Rodems accusation, and it does not
agree. On July 12, 2006, The Director ofLawyer Regulation, Kenneth Lawrence Marvin,
wrote me that "Those questions illvolve a legal conclusioll of criminal law and I am not in
a position to answer them." (Exhibit E).
As to a legal conclusion of criminal law, Mr. Rodems does not practice criminal
lavv, nor do his partners. But any lawyer should know that criminal intent is needed to
sustain an accusation of exto11ion, and that making a good-faith effoli to resolve a matter
under ACAP is evidence of nlY intent to comply with the law, not commit a crime.
4. False Accusation ofThreat of Violence, violation of Rule 4-3.4(g)
Dishonesty, Lack of Candor Toward the Cou11, violation of Rule 4
Improper Influence ofDecision Maker, violation of Rule 4-3.5(a)
Disruption of Tribunal, violation of Rule 4-3.5(c)
(a). Mr. Roden1s' perjury resulted in the recusal of Judge Nielsen. Mr. Rodems
.knowing made a false statement of material fact to the COllli, prohibited by Rule 4-3,3(a)(I).
On March 6, 2006, Mr. Rodems filed Defendants' Verified Request For Bailiff And For
Sanctions, \vhere he swore under oath that I was going to violently assault him in Judge
Nielsen's chalnbers on April 25, 2006. However, the conversation was recorded, and the
transcript impeached Mr. Rodems' sworn testimony. Mr. Roderns lied to the Comt.
Mr. Rodems invoked the nalne ofthe oftlle Honorable Richard A. Nielsen in the
threat I allegedly made against him. Mr. Rodenls did this ill a calculated effort to
prejudice the Court against me. Mr. Rodelns used his position as an Officer of the Court
to lend credibility to his verified accusation against lne. Mr. Rodenls invoked the nalue of
the Judge Nielsen to make the Court itself fearful of a violent attack from nle.
Mr. Rodems' presenting of criminal charges to obtain advantage in a civil matter,
and dishonesty atld lack of candor toward the court" had its intended result, to prejudice
Judge Nielsen against me. Therefore I ,vas forced to nlove to disqualify the judge.
AccoDlpanying this complaint is the following:
Plaintiff's Motion to Disqualify Judge, November 3,2006 (Exhibit O(a))
Plaintiffs Memorandum ofLaw, Plaintiffs Motion Disqualify Judge (Exhibit O(b))
Order Denying Plaintiff's Motion To Disqualify Judge, November 20, 2006 (Exhibit G(e)
Order of Recusal, November 22,2006 (on the Court's own motion) (Exhibit Oed))
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Judge Nielsen initially ruled that my ffi'?tion was not timely filed. Two days later
the Judge recused himself on his own motion, presumably on the luerits of DIy motion that
Mr. Rodems peljured llimself, lied under oath, in order to prejudice the Court against Ine.
The Bar.should take note that shortly after Judge Nielsen recused himself in this
case, he was reassigned to another division. As of January 22, 2007, Judge Nielsen was
reassigned to tIle newly created "Division L" for Complex Business Litigation_ Judge
Nielsell had a reputation of disregard for unrepresented persons, and Mr. Rodems
exploited that prejudice to the COUlt's detrimel1t. Mr. Rodems the Court.
On May 28, 2002, a story authored by Kathryn Wexler appeared in the St
Petersburg Times about the Honorable Richard R. Nielsen entitled "Without an attorney,
boy falters before judge". The stOly described 110W Judge Nielsen failed to provide an
attorney to an hldigent minor during a restitution llearing.
On May 31, 2002, another story authored by Kathryn Wexler appeared in the St.
Petersburg Tilnes about Judge Nielsen entitled "Teen who defended self gets attorney".
The story describes how two days after tIle St. Petersburg Times detailed the teen's
CQUltroom predicament, Judge Nielsen made room 0]1 his docket to deterilline wllether
the family was indigent and, Ilence, entitled to fiee counsel. The llearing was over in 10
minutes, and the teen got a court-appointed Spanish tra.nslator and a public defender, tIle
Times repolted.
On May 29, 2002, the St. Petersburg Times published an editorial about tlle
Honolable Richard R. Nielsell entitled "Judge should have kno\vn better". The editorial
begins "What was Hillsborough County Circuit Judge Richard Nielsen thinking when he
forced a 16-year... old to represent himself in court?"
The St. Petersburg Times is a highly respected newspaper ofnational acclaim.
The Times published at least two news stories critical of Judge Nielsell relative to an
umepresented person. The Tinles also published an editorial that said Jlldge Nielsen
made a mistake that needed cOll-ectioll. This is what the Times wrote about Judge
Nielsen's reasoning that he thought the tninor was somehow protected by the fact his co
defendant had an attolney: "That is either an alarming perspective on the law or an inept
attelnpt at damage control, for he also said, in the same breath, that the attorney may have
had a conflict playing two roles in the case.H
Judge Nielsen's reputation with um-epresented persons is infamous, and
Mr. Rodems exploited Judge Nielsen's lalown prejudice against umeepresented petsOlls.
In the process Mr. Rodems embarassed the Judge and caused Judge Nielsen to recuse
himself) and likely caused the Judge to be reassigned to another division.
Currently the following motion to show cause is pending before the court, but not
currently scheduled: Plaintiffs Motion With Affidavit For An Order To Show Cause
Why Ryan Christopher Rodems Should not Be Held In Criminal Contempt Of Court And
The Florida Bar Page - 12 of 13
June 20, 2007
Incorporated Melnorandum Of Law. Kindly advise ifthe Bar would like to consider this
motion to sho,v cause and I will provide a copy to The.Florida Bar.
5. Dishol1esty, Lack of Candot Toward the COUlt,_ Mr. Rodems willfully lied
to Judge Nielsen in a letter dated October 12, 2006 about my failure to communicate.
Mr. Rodems wrote the following: " ~ ..1transmitted a copy of the enclosed proposed Order
to Mr. Gillespie and asked him to comment by today. I have not heard fl.-om l1im
regarding this proposed Order." (Exhibit P, relevant portion).
Mr. Rodenls statement to Judge Nielsen is false, because I spoke witIl .
Mr. Rodems about this and other matters the previous day by telephone. A transcript of
tIle telephone conversation between me and Mr. Roden1s accompanies this complaint as
Exhibit K. This example is illustrative, 110t exhaustive, ofMr. Rodems' dishonesty to the
Court for the purpose to advantage in civil litigation.
In conclusion, to the extent that matters in the civil lawsuit, and my prior
relationship with my former lawyers bear upon Mr. Rodems' curl-ent misconduct, I have
enclosed Plaintiffs Motion for Punitive Damages Pursuant to Section 768.72 Florida
Statues, witll supporting exhibits_ (Exhibit R).
TIlls complaint Ineets the requirements of Rule 3-7.16(a), LilnitatiorlS on Tilne to
Bring Complaint, because the offenses occurred on or after August 29, 2005, when Mr.
Rodems made his first appearance in the civil litigation. The six year time period to
commence an inquily luns through August 29, 2011. This complaint also meets the
requirements of Rule 3-7.4(e), No Delayfor Civil or Crinlinal Proceedings. Rule 3-7.4(e)
says an investigation shall not be deferred or suspended without the approval of the board
even though the respondent is Inade a palty to civil litigation or is a defendant or is
acquitted in a criminal action, notwithstanding that either of such proceedings involves
the sl.lbject matter of the investigatioll.
This concludes IllY complaint against Ryan Christopller Rodenls. It is my intent to
fully cooperate with The Florida Bar and its grievance p r o c e s s ~ Killdly contact me ifyou
have additional questions or need anything else. Thank you.
Signed Florida Bar Inquily/Complaint FOIID
Witness list, and witness exhibits AA through DD
The following Suppolting evidentiary exhibits:
The Florida Bar Page - 13 of 13
June 20, 2007
A. My Complaint for Breach of Contract and Fraud, filed August 11, 2005
B. Defendants' Motion to Dismiss and Strike. This was Mr. Rodems' first
appearance in tllis lawsuit, August 29, 2005
c. Order by Judge Nielsen finding a cause ofaction for Breach ofContract
and Fraud against BRC and William J. Cook, JanualY 13, 2006
D. Retaliatoly Libel counterclainl by Mr. Rodetns, January 19, 2006, against
Neil J. Gillespie, witll allegation of extol1ion; Libel Counterclaim
submitted in Answer, Affirmative Defenses and Counterclaim
E. July 12, 2006 letter, Kenneth La\\lrenCe Marvin, Director La\vyer Regulation
F. Febluary 9, 2005 letter, Susan Bloen1endaal, ClliefBranch Disciplinary Counsel
G. September 7, 2006 letter, David M. Snyder to Ryan C. Rodems
H. Septenlber 14,2006 letter, Ryan C. Rodems offering a "\valk away" settlement
Ia October 5, 2006 letter, Ryan C. Rodems, settlement offer to David M. Snyder
J. February 7, 2007 letter, Ryan C. Rodems settlelnellt offer to Neil Gillespie
K. October 11, 2006, transcript of telephone conversation, Rodems to Gillespie
L. June 6, 2000, St. Pete Times story, "Attorney's suit says he received coffee in the face"
M. June 10, 2000, St. Pete Times story, "Bucs accused of extortiol1"
N. JUlle 22, 2000, St. Pete Times story, "Bucs fans win in ticket settlement"
O. (a) Plaintiff's Motion to Disqualify Judge, November 3, 2006
(b) Plaintiff's MelTIOrandum ofLaw, Plaintiff's Motioll Disqualify Judge
(c) Order Denying Plaintiff's Motion To Disqualify Judge, Novelnber 20, 2006
(d) Order ofRecusal, November 22, 2006 (011 COtlrt's OWll motioll)
P. October 12, 20061etter, Ryan Roqenls to Judge Nielsen
Q. Transcript of March 3, 2006, telephone conversation with Mr. Rodems
where he threatened to reveal confidential client information
R. Plaintiffs Motion for Punitive Damages Pursuant to Section 768.72
Florida Statues, with suppoliing exhibits.
June 20, 2007
Witness list for the bar complaint against Ryan Christopher ID no. 947652
1. The Honorable Richard A. Nielsen
Circuit Couli Judge, Thirteenth Judicial Circuit
Roanl 800 East Twiggs Street
Tampa, Florida 33602
Witness to the false statements and peljury ofRyan Christopher Rodems
2. Kenneth Lawrence Marvin
Director ofLawyer Regulation
The Florida Bar
651 East Jefferson Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2300
Mr. Marvin is a witness to the authenticity and content of his letter to me of July
12, 2006 'conlmenting on whetller or not good-faitll effolts to resolve a dispute with an
attorney or face a bar complaint alnount to the crime of extortion under Florida law.
3. Mark A. Ober, State Attorney
Office ofthe State Attolney
for tIle Thitteenth Judicial Circuit
800 East Kennedy Blvd.
Tampa, Florida 33602
Enclosed are four letters written to State Attorney Mark A. Ober about my
lawyers' accusation that I committed the crime offelony extoliion pursuant to Florida
Statutes, section 836.05 (2000), and the holdings of Carricarte v. State, 384 So.2d 1261
(Fla. 1980); Cooper v. Austin, 750 So.2d 711 (Fla. 5
DCA 2000); Gordon v. Gordon, .
625 So.2d 59 (Fla. 4
DCA 1993); Berger v. Berger, 466 So.2d 1149 (Fla_. 4
1985), for followil1g instructions on The Florida complaint form, and taking the
advice of Don Spangler ofthe Attorney Consulner Assistance PrograJll (ACAP) to make
a good-faith effolt to resolve Iny dispute before making a bar complaint.
The letters are presented withollt enclosures, with the exception of the March 24,
2006 letter, which includes my letter to Amscot CO"plaintiff Gay Ann Blomefield& Kindly
advise ifyou desire the other enclosures,
ExhibitAA March 7, 2006, lettet only
ExhibitBB March 2006, letter only
ExIlibitCC March 24, 2006, with enclosed letter to Gay Ann Blomefield
ExhibitDD July 15, 2006
a Florida corporation; and

THIS MATTER is before the Court on Defendants' "motion for an order to show cause as
to \vhy Plaintiff should prohibited from henceforth se," filed on July 29,
2010. It alleged that'Plai'ntiff is abusive who should 'not be permitted to flllther
pleadings in this cause' they are reviewed and signed:b; ahoniey practice
law in this state. Defendants allege that s prosecution is an affront to the dignity of the
judicial system and an unacceptable burden on its resources. On November 4, 2010, this court
issued the order to show cause why Plaintiff should not be prollibited from appearil1gpro see
Among response were his fourth and fifth attempts to disqualify this court. This
response is typical of Plaintiff's litigation style. And his continuing course of conduct in this case
is all the more troublesonle because this case is presently pending appellate review of a final
summary judgment order. There is nothing left to litigate at this tinle. Yet Plaintiff continues to
file spurious pleadings \vith this court, each of which must be reviewed and evaluated by members
of the court staff. For these reasons and the reasons el1umerated in the nlotion, the Court hereby
finds that Plaintiff is an abusive litigant and, in order to preserve both the dignity and the efficient
operation of the judicial systenl, his right to full access to tIle court should be curtailed to the
extent described in this order. Plaintiff is hereby PROHIBITED from filing any paper with this
court \vhich is not signed by an attorney duly licensed to practice la\v in the State of Florida.
The Court therefore ORDERS as follows:
I. Plaintiff SHALL CEASE filing any pleading, correspondence, or other document in this
case unless the document is signed by an attorney who is duly licensed to practice law in
the State of Florida.
2. The Clerk of Court SHALL REJECT for filing any document received from Plaintiff
which does not bear the clear and conspicuous signature of an attorney duly licensed to
practice law in this state.
3. The Clerk of Court SHALL NOT DOCKET any pleading, correspondence or other
document received from Plaintiff which is prohibited by this order.
DONE AND ORDERED in Chambers in Hillsborough County, Florida, this 15
day of._
November, 2010. OR\G\NAL b\vNb.
1 5 20\0
J. CO?\>
___________ .)\JOGE:
MARTHA J. Circuit Judge
Send copies to:
Neil J. Gjllespie
8092 SW 115
Ocala, FL 34481
Ryan Christopher Rodems, Esquire
Attorney for Defendant
400 N Ashley Drive
Suite 2100
Tampa, FL 33602
Plaintiff, Case No:
Division: G
A Florida Corporation, and

THIS CAUSE came before the Court upon the Plaintiff's motion, filed July 9, 2010. This is the
third time that the Plaintiff has motioned to disqualify Defenda"nt's counsel
despite having been informed
in an order issued May 12, 2006 that this issue had been DENIED WITH PREJUDICE. "With
prejudice" that Ineans that motion in question is "finally disposed ... and bars any future action on
that claim.
] Moreover, because of the doctrine of res judicata 2.this motion must be DENIED.
The Plaintiff is again noticed (as he has been in t\VO previous Court orders) that repeat filings
attempting to revisit the same issue can be found to rise to the level of a sanctionable offense.
The Clerk of Court is ORDERED to never accept another pleading fronl the Plaintiff that
indicates an attelnpt to disqualify counsel, as this matter has been DISMISSED WITH
DONE and ORDERED in Chambers at Tampa
Hillsborough County, Florida, on July __,
JUL 2220\0
Martha J. Cook MAHTHA J. CO?!<
1 Black's Law Dictionary, 7
2 Matters that have been "definitively settled by judicial decision." Black's La\v Dictionary, 7
:1 Lanier v. State ofFlorida, 982 So. 2d 626 (Fla. 2008).
Page 1 of2
Copies Furnisbed To:
Neil J. Gillespie, pro se (Plaintiff)
8092 SW 11S
Ocala, FL 34481
Ryan Christopher Rodems, Esq. (for Defendants)
400 North Ashley Drive, Stet 2100
Tampa, FL 33602
Page 2 of2
THIS MATTER is before the Court on emergency motion to disqualify Judge
MattIla J. Cook, filed on November 1, 2010. The undersigned judge is a successor judge as
defined in Florida Rule of Judicial Administration 2.330(g) because a previous judge has already
disqu'aIified himself from these pursuant to a rule 2.330 motion filed by Plaintiff
This is the third such motion addressed by the undersigned. It is without merit. For the reasons
discussed below, the COlll1 denies the motion.
In11is motion, Plaintiff alleges that the undersigtled is bias"ed against him and requests the
appoil1tment of a judge ad litem; he recommends for the purpose Fidel Castro, of Cuba. There is
yet no agreement bet\veell the parties as to whether such a judge ad litem is satisfactory to them.
This is alone sufficient reason to deny the request to. appoint J\tfr. Castro judge ad litem under
section 38.13, Florida Statutes.
In support ofhis motion, Plaintiffreiterates a legally insufficient allegation previously
argued, llamely, that the judge must disqualify llerselfbecause he has brought federal suit against
her for civil lights violations. This remains a legally insufficient basis for disqualification. See
Dowda v. Salji.o So. 2d 604 (Fla. 5
DCA 1984), 5-H COJporatioll v. Padovana, 708 So. 2d
244 (Fla. 1994), May v. South Florida Water ManagelJlen!, 866 So. 2d 205 (Fla. 4
DCA 2004),
and Ba)' Bank & Trust v. Lelvis, 634 So. 2d 672 (Fla. 1st DCA 1994). Plaintiff also argues that tIle
ulldersigned is acting in partIlership with Defendant, intentionally inflicts severe emotional
distress on him due to his "legal abuse syndrome,u alld has declared that she believes he lies. TIle
Court is entitled to lule on tIle truth of these assertions and finds that they are inaccurate. The
COUlt is Ilot in fact biased against Plaintiff.
It is therefore ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that Plaintiffs motion is hereby
DONE AND ORDERED in Chambers in Hillsborough County, Florida, this day of
November, 2010.
NOV 02 20'0
Send copies to:
Neil J. Gillespie
8092 SW 11S
Ocala, FL 34481
Ryan Christopher Rodems, Esquire
Attolney for Defendant
400 N Ashley Drive
Suite 2100
Tanlpa, FL 33602
.' 'I
a Florida corporation; and

THIS MATTER is before the Court on Defendants' "motion for an order to show cause as
to why Plaintiff should not,be prohibited from llenceforth se/' filed on July 29,
2010. It alleged that 'Plaintiff is abusive who should 'not be permitted to file fmiher
pleadings in this cause' they and signed:b; practice
law in this state. Defendants allege that Plaintiff's prosecution is an affront to the dignity of the
judicial system and an unacceptable burden on its resources. On November 4, 2010, this court
issued the order to show cause ,vhy Plaintiff should not be prollibited frolll appearhlg pro se.
Among Plaintiff's response were his fourth and fifth attempts to disqualify this court. This
response is typical of Plaintiff's litigation style. And his continuing course of conduct in this case
is all the more troublesome because this case is presently pending appellate revie\v of a final
summary judgment order. There is nothing left to litigate at this tinle. Yet Plaintiff continues to
file spurious pleadings \vith this court, each of which must be reviewed and evaluated by members
of the court staff. For these reasons and the reasons enumerated in the nlotion, the Court hereby
finds that Plaintiff is an abusive litigant and, in order to preserve both the dignity and tIle efficient
operation of the judicial systenl, his right to full access to tIle court should be curtailed to the
extent described in this order. Plaintiff is hereby PROHIBITED from filing any paper with this
court which is not signed by an attorney duly licensed to practice la\\' in the State of Florida.
t of2
The Court therefore ORDERS as follows:
I. Plaintiff SHALL CEASE filing any pleading
or other document in this
case unless the docun1ent is signed by an attorney who is duly licensed to practice law in
the State of Florida.
2. The Clerk of Court SHALL REJECT for filing any document received fronl Plaintiff
\vhich does not bear the clear and conspicuous signature of an attorney duly licensed to
practice law in this state.
3. The Clerk of Court SHALL NOT DOCKET any pleading, correspondence or other
document received from Plaintiff which is prohibited by this order.
DONE AND ORDERED in Chambers in Hillsborough County, Florida, this 15
day of " ". ..
November. 2010. OR\G\Nf\l S\GN\:::.\)
\iQ'I 15 2.6\0
______________ .)UPGE
MARTHA J. COOK, Circuit Judge
Send copies to:
Neil J. Gillespie
8092 SW 115
Ocala, FL 34481
Ryan Christopher Rodems, Esquire
Attorney for Defendant
400 N Ashley Drive
Suite 2100
Tampa, FL 33602
vs. Case No.: 05CA7205
Division: F
a Florida corporation; and
Defendants Barker, Rodems & Cook, P.A. (BRC) and William J. Cook, move the Court
for an Order to show calIse as to why PlaintiffNeil J. Gillespie should not be prohibited from
henceforth appearing pro se, and as grounds therefor would state:
1. In Shotkin v. Cohen, 163 So.2d 330, 331 (Fla. 3d DCA 1964), the Third District
Court ofAppeal issued a show cause order requiring Shotkin to "show cause in writing ... WIlY
he should not be prohibited from henceforth representing himself' because ofms conduct, which
the Court stated denl0nstrated that he "either deliberately ignores the rules ofprocedure
applicable to this court, or is unable to understand said Florida Appellate R u l e s . ~ '
2. In PlateI v. Maguire, Voorhis & Wells, P.A., 436 So.2d 303, 304 (Fla. 5th DCA
1983), the Court required a pro se litigant to Ilave all court filings reviewed and signed by a
tnember ofthe Flolida Bar.
ill the past fourteen months, Mr. Platel has filed nine notices ofappeal in connection with
several civil actions.... In SODle instances, Mr. Platel has sued judges who have issued
adverse rulings. In connection with these several appeals, Mr. Platel has filed a plethora
ofmotions which have included "Notices ofSupplemental Authorityu amounting simply
to factual arguments, a "Request for Jury Trial," and a "Memorandum ofLaw,Evidence
ofRis Ability to File Law Suits,tt wherein Mr. Platel attached several form letters
addressed to himselffrom politicians.
The consequence ofMr. Platel's litigious disposition and apparent lack oflegal training is
that this court has been inundated with voluminous and, for the most part,
incomprehensible documents from him. TIns court has spent an unreasonable amount of
time and effort attempting to decipher his pleadings, often with no success. This court
recognizes the constitutional mandate that courts be open to all persons under Article I,
21, Florida Constitution. Because the judicial process is the recognized dispute-settlement
method, access to courts should not be placed beyond the reach ofany citizen. However,
when one person, by his activities, upsets the normal procedure ofthe court so as to
interfere withthe causes of other it is necessary to exercise reshaint upon that
person, i.e", requirement that pleadings be accompanied by an attorney's signature-a
restraint which does not amolmt to a complete denial of access.
3. The Article I, 21, Florida Constitution right ofaccess to Courts is not unlimited.
Gillespie's actions have exceeded the tolerable limits. He should be barred from self-
representation. Kohn v. City ofMiami Beach, 611 So.2d 538, 539-40 (Fla. 3d DCA 1992)("We
conclude that it is a mistake to hold a pro se litigant to a lesser standard than a reasonably
competent attorney. Section 454.18, Florida Statutes (1991) clearly provides 'any person ... may
conduct his own cause in any court ofthis state ... subject to the lawful rules and discipline of
SUCl1 court.' Likewise, in CalT v. Grace, 321 So.2d 618 (Fla. 3d DCA 1975), cert. denied, 348
So.2d 945 (1977), we observed a party's self-representation does not relieve the party ofthe
obligation to comply with any appropriate rules of civil procedure.").
4. In the event that Gillespie is permitted to continue to act pro se, the Court should
require that every pleading, motion or other document served or filed in this case is reviewed and
approved by a member ofthe Florida Bar.
5. On or about August 15, 2005, pro se, served his Complaint, alleging
two counts against Defendant BRC and two counts against Defendant William J. Cook. Since
that time, Plaintiff: by his activities) has upset the nomlal procedure of the Court so as to interfere
with tIle causes of other litigants, including Defendants in tbis action. As a result, the Court is
empowered to evaluate whether Plaintiff should be prohibited from continuing to represent
himself in this matter. Platel, 436 So.2d at 304.
a, Plaintiff has denlonstrated a lack ofunderstatlding ofthe Florida Rules of
Civil Procedure, substantive law, professional decorum, and has on two occasions displayed
symptoms ofillness during court proceedhlgs, whether feigned or actual,
following Gillespie's
failed requests to stop proceedings when the COUlt was presiding in a manner that Plaintifffound
unfavorable to him.
b. In Court filings, Mr. Gillespie claims to suffer from U[d]epression and
mood disorder," for which he is taking prescription medications. He has, at times, declared his
qualifications to represent llimself: but also filed motions seeking the appointment ofcOlUlsel by
the Court, proclaiming his mental and intellectual limitations.
6. Plaintiffhas demonstrated a history offiling impertiJlent, scandalous and
incomprehensible documents with this Court. The following is a patiiallist of Plaintiff's actions
in this case that upset the normal procedure of the Court so as to interfere with the causes of
1 On July 12, 2010, Mr. Gillespie stated to the Court during a hearing that he required
medical attention, and he asked to be excused. As of3:36 p.m. on July 12, 2010, Mr. Gillespie
was well enough to send e-mails. On February 5, 2007, dW'ing a hearing before Judge Isom in
this matter, Mr. Gillespie" announced after several unfavorable rulings, ' ~ I don't even know why
I'm sitting here. And I'm very ill. I've expressed that to you. I can't even effectively assist myself:
So I'm not going to participate in this charade anymore." Whether Mr. Gillespie was actually ill
in either hearing has not been established.
other litigants, including Defendants in this action:
a. On February 4, 2006, Gillespie moved to disqualify the undersigned from
representing Defendants, but Judge Nielsen denied the motion on April 25, 2006, with a written
Order entered May 12, 2006.
After Judge Nielsen recused himself: Gillespie moved to
reconsider the 11lling denying 11is Illotion to disqualify and brought it for hearing on Febluary 5,
2007. Because Gillespie claimed he could not answer the Court's questions about the motion
because he was "not an attomey/' Judge 180m decided not to consider any further the motion to
reconsider Judge Nielsen's ruling denying Gillespie;'s motion to disqualify the undersigned.
b. On July 12, 2010, Gillespie filed another motion to disqualify the
undersigned, and it is largely incomprehensible, replete with citations to irrelevant portions ofthe
Rules Regulatlllg the Florida Bar, atld citations to irrelevant case law on legal points not at issue.
On February 8, 2006, Gillespie moved to dismiss Defendants' libel counterclaims, raising
waiver, economic loss rule and other defenses that had no legal or factual basis. 011 February 28,
2006, Defendants served a section 57.105(1), Florida Statutes motion for sanctiol1S on Gillespie,
seeking an Order that Gillespie be required to obtain an attorney_
c. In response to the section 57.105, Florida Statutes motion for sanctions, on
April 28, 2006, Gillespie filed a docwnent entitled "Plaintiff's Qualifications to Proceed Pro Se."
2 Gillespie has moved to disqualify every judge assigned to this case. He also filed bar
grievances against Defendant Cook, Chris A. Barker, and the undersigned, all of which were
determined to be unfounded. Gillespie then filed a grievance agail1st the Florida Bar lawyers
who handled his grievances against Barker, Rodems and Cook. Gillespie also filed a complaint
against the undersigned with the Tampa Police Department, claiming the undersigned committed
perjury in defending his clients in this action, but the Tampa Police Department, as did the
Florida Bar, found that there were no perjurious statements made by tIle undersigned.
Yet, three days earlier, on April 25, 2006, Gillespie filed "Plaintiff's Motion for Appointment of
Counsel, Attorney's Fees, and Legal Retainer," requesting that the Court appoint an attorney for
him and require Defendants to pay for his attorney.
d. On March 3, 2006, during a telephone conversation regarding the case,
Gillespie threatened to "slam" the undersigned "against the wall;" as a reSll1t, I filed a verified
request that a bailiff be present at all hearings. Subsequently, Judge Nielsen advised that a bailiff
is present at all matters involving pro se litigants.
e. On MarcIl 28, 2006, Defendants served discovery on Gillespie. Gillespie
did not "fully or completely respond to i t ~ so after consultation, Defendants filed a Dlotion to
compel on May 11, 2006. Judge Nielsen heard and granted the motion to compel on June 28,
2006 and awarded attorneys' fees and costs. The written Order was entered on July 24, 2006.
On August 14, 2006, Gillespie filed a notice ofappeal ofthe July 24, 2006
Order on discovery with the Second District Court of Appeal. The undersigned advised him in
writing that it was improper to appeal a discovery order, and that Gillespie was in violation ofthe
July 24, 2006 Order because he did not provide the discovely responses ordered. Gillespie
responded by telling the undersigned not to give hinllegal advice. On August 25, 2006, the
Second District Court ofAppeal entered the "Order Denying Petitioner's Notice of Appeal."
g. On August 22, 2006, Gillespie filed a petition for writ of certiorari with
the Second District Court ofAppeaL On Septenlber 8, 2006-, the Second District Court of
Appeal entered the "Order Dismissing Petitioner's Petition for Writ of Certiorari."
h. Because Gillespie did not comply with tile July 24, 2006 Order on
discovelY, Defendants moved for an order to show cause on August 25, 2006. The hearing on
this motion was scheduled 011 October 4, 2006. In filings with the Court before tIle hearing on
October 4, 2006, Plaintiffrepresented to this Court that, because ofWs disabilities, he req1.1ired
that an attorney be appointed for him under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and he
requested a continuance ofthe hearing on Defendants' motion for an order to show cause.
i. At the hearing on October 4, 2006, Judge Nielsen denied Gillespie's
request for appointment by the Court of an attolney for him. Gillespie represented to the Court
during this hearing that an insurer lnay provide counsel to defend him on Defendants'
COllnterclairns for libel, but if it did not, he intended to hire an attorney. Judge Nielsen decided
to not make any otller rulings to give Gillespie time to retain counsel, and he ordered Gillespie to
advise the Comt ofhis progress in retainil1g counsel by October 18, 2006.
j. Subsequently, Plaintifffiled letters dated October 16 and 18, 2006 in
response to the Court's request for infonnation regarding progress hiring counsel.
Rather than provide a progress repolt, Gillespie submitted numerous attachments including,
among other things, transcripts of telephone conversations between Gillespie and Defendants'
counsel, correspondence regarding settlement discussions, criticisms ofthe Court's rulings on
matters in this case, allegations about an alleged act by Jonathan L. Alpert more than five years
in an unrelated case, criticism ofJudge Nielsen for his decisions in other cases, as well as
hearsay statements purportedly fl.-om unidentified nlembers ofthe Florida Bar criticizing Judge
Nielsen and Defendants and Defendants' counsel. The substantial majority ofthe nvo letters is
inunateriaI, impertinent or scandalous, and the letters should be stricken from the record.
3 A written Order was entered on October 23, 2006.
k. Plaintiff claimed an entitlement to appointment ofcounsel under the ADA
-- an argument that would be considered frivolous by a licensed attorney. When the Court asked
for citations supporting his claim for an attorney under the ADA, Plaintiffdeclined to offer any,
telling the Court til am not an attorney and I have not been to law school." (Plaintiffs October
18, 2006 letter, Exhibit 1 (Transcript of October 4, 2006,--page 7)). Yet, on other occasions, he
has filed documents touting his legal abilities.
1. On November 3, 2006, Gillespie nloved to disqualify Judge Nielsen.
Gillespie accused him of being "llostile" to pro se plaintiffs and having a "sadistic quality." In
that same motion, Gillespie also accused tIle undersigned of aggravating his "existing disability,"
which required medical treatment "that reduced Plaintiffs intellectual ability to represent
himself." The motion to disqualify was untimely and legally insufficient, and Judge Nielsen
denied it on November 20, 2006. Two days later, however, Judge Nielsen entered an Order of
TIl. On Novelnber 29, 2006, Judge Claudia Isom was assigned to the case.
Gillespie filed a motion requesting Judge Isomto disclose conflicts ofinterest, and included in
the supporting documents a transcript ofa voice mail from a staffer in then..Govelnor Jeb Bushrs
office regarding some unrelated matter.
D. On February 5, 2007, Judge Isom held a hearing, and after several rulUlgS
unfavorable to Gillespie, including the denial afills motion for rehearing on the July 24, 2006
Order on discovery, Gillespie stated "Judge, rm going to ask that you disqualify yourself I'm not
getting a fair hearing here. rve asked to have an attolney present many times.
Everything I say
is not considered. I don't even know why I'm sitting here. And I'm very ill. I've expressed that to
you. I can't even effectively assist myself. So I'm not goil1g to participate in this charade
anymore." (Transcript of hearing, February 5, 2007 at 72:12-19). Judge Isom terminated the
proceedings to afford Gillespie an opportunity to file a written motion to disqualify her.
o. Before lnoving to disqualify Judge 1som, Gillespie filed "Plaintiffs Notice
ofVoluntary Dismissal," and "Plaintiffs Motion for an Order ofVoluntary Dismissal" on
FeblUaty 7,2007.
p. On February 13, 2007, Gillespie moved to disqualify Judge Isom.
same day, Judge Isom entered the "Court Order OfRecusaI And Directing Clerk To Reassign To
New Division/' fmding the motion to disqualify hel' to be legally insufficient, but nevel1heless
recusing herself.
q. On February 15, 2007, Gillespie served his "WitIldrawal Of Plaintiffs
Motion For An Order OfVollUltalYDismissal" and "Withdrawal OfPlaintiffs Notice Of
4 Of course, Gillespie, pro se, served the 110tice ofhearing, thereby scheduling hearings
on February 5, 2007. Moreover, he previously told Judge Nielsen, on October 4, 2006, that he
intended to hire an attorney, and he never did so. No judge assigned to this case has ever denied
Gillespie the opportunity to hire an attorney.
S In his motion to disqualify Judge IsoID, Gillespie accused her of"forc[ing] Plaintiff to
participate in a hearing .... without counsel." Judge Isom denied the motion as legally
insufficient. More recently, in open court, Gillespie accused me and Judge 1som of conspiring
against him by agreeing to not advise him tIlat Judge 180m's husband was once a Ia,v partner of
Jonathan L. Alpelt's at my predecessor law fum. Not only was Mr. Isom never a law partner of
my predecessor law firm, but also the only occasions in which I ever spoke to Judge 180m about
anything in this action is when Gillespie was present.
Voluntary Dismissal.
r. On March 27, 2008, Judge Barton detennined after an evidentiary hearing
that Gillespie must pay $11,500.00 in sanctions because ofhis discovery violations, which
resulted in the July 24, 2006 Order entered by Judge Nielsen, and his pleadil1g in violation of
section 57.105, Florida Statutes, which resulted in Judge Bation entering the Order granting
sanctions on July 20, 2007. Gillespie \vas represented by counsel at this heating.
s. On October 13, 2008, Gillespie's attolney moved to withdraw, but
apparently he and Gillespie resolved their issues. Several months later, Gillespie's attorney again
moved to withdraw again, whicl1 was granted on or about October 1, 2009. The case was stayed
to provide Gillespie with 60 days within which to find replacement counsel.
1. Despite the stay, on October 5, 2009, Gillespie filed a pro se motion to
disqualify Judge Barton, alleging lUlder oatIl that "[a]s a proximate cause ofJudge Barton's
actions, plaintiffs mother, Penelope Gillespie, died Septelnber 16,2009." That motion was
denied as legally insufficient on October 9, 2009.
u. On December 16, 2009, Defendants noticed the post-judgmellt discovery
motions to compel for hearing on Janumy 19,2010, but Gillespie, pro se, complained that the
hearing dates were not cleared witll him, and he demanded that several other motions be
scheduled for hearing. Thus, Judge Barton scheduled all pending motions for hearing on Janumy
v. At that hearing on January 26, 2010, Gillespie claimed to be disabled and
that he required accommodations.. Judge Barton inquired as to what accommodations were
required, and Gillespie requested an opportunity to file written support, which Jlldge Batton
granted. No other action was taken during that hearing.
w. Thereafter, Gillespie apparently submitted a hearsay report from a
purported expert exparte to Judge Barton. Despite Defendants' objections to the exparte
communication, Gillespie has never filed the ex parte hearsay report or served a copy on
x. Unhappy with Judge Barton, Gillespie made complaints to tIle Chief
Judge, in ,vriting.
y. As a result ofthe Court's caseload, the next hearing was not scheduled
until May 5, 2010. At the May 5, 2010, Gillespie served a motion for leave to file an amended
complaintj attaching an amended complaint. Defendants did not stipulate to its filing, and
therefore the motion for leave to file the amended complaint remains pel1ding. A reviewof it
SllOWS it is also largely incomprehensible, raises claims already dismissed, raises futile claims,
and fails to comply with the pleading requirements of the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure.
z. Plaintiffhas failed to schedule his motions for hearing, and then blamed
the Court and the undersigned for the fact that tIle motions were not ruled upon.
aa. After Judge Batton was disqualified, Gillespie filed a motion to disqualify
Judge Cook on Jtme 14, 2010, wmcll was denied. The motion to disqualify was legally
insufficient Gillespie's first basis for disqualification was dissatisfaction with Judge Cook's
decision not to cancel a hearing. Housing Authority of City of Tampa v. Burton, 873 So.2d 356,
358 (Fla. 2d DCA 2004)("Adverse rulil1gS, by themselves, wllether they are correct or incorrect,
are not legally sufficient grounds upon which to base a Inotion to disqualify a judge for prejudice
or bias. n). Gillespie's second basis for disqualification was Ius self-perceived "controversy
between Plaintiffal1d [the judicial assistant] over whether notice was provided to record calls
with her: II and therefore, Judge Cook may be prejudiced against him. (plaintiffs motion to
disqualify at ~ 29). This also was legally insufficient.
bb. On July 23, 2010, Gillespie filed a third motion to disqualify Judge Cook,
tWs time in writing, al1d under oath. Gillespie alleged as follows in paragraphs 8 and 9:
Judge Cook is biased toward Gillespie on matters ofdisability. Judge Cook is
emotional on matters ofdisability because daughter [ ] is disabled. This
information is public knowledge and Judge Cook seeks publicity about her daughter's
disability. In a S1. Petersburg Times story May 13,2009 reporting on [ ]'s
disability, the Times wrote "Her mother, Hillsborough Circuit Judge Martha Cook,
fought back tears as [] told the story.n (Exhibit B). Another story published April
12,2001, Birthing Bad Legislation (Exhibit C) wrote "Martha Cook-Sedgeman, chokes
up with happiness as she describes her daughter" [] who was hOITI two months
premature. Her buill mother exited when [ ] was 1 day old. There were clearly
problems at birth, which would become apparent later as a 70 percent loss ofhearlllg.
The [ ], who had arranged to adopt [ ] before her birth, had to guarantee an
unexpected $100,000 in medical bills. "The costs were staggering," Martha recalls.
Judge Cook is typical of a certain kind ofparent ofdisabled clrildren who are hostile to
adtuts with disabilities. Some of Gillespie's disabilities are congenital like [ ]'s but
Gillespie's disabilities \vere much more extensive.
(plaintiff's Motion to Disqualify Judge Martha J. Cook, July 23, 2010, ~ ~ 8-9). There is no
factual basis for these repugnant and despicable allegations. It is clear that Gillespie, having not
gotten Iris way, will use any means to try to get rid of anyjudge or person involved in the case
that does not conform to Plaintiffs jaundiced vie"v ofjustice. This motion to disqualify is
beyond a desperate act; it draws into question Gillespie's motives and mental and intellectual
ability to adequately participate in these proceedings.
co. Gillespie is also trying to intitnidate witnesses. On July 26, 2010,
Gillespie sent by facsinlile a letter to John Gardner, Esquire, Defendants' expert witness in
connection with the sanctions against Gillespie. In the July 26,2010 letter, Gillespie accuses Mr.
Gardner ofvarious wrongdoings connected with his expert testimony and threatens action ifMr.
Gardner does not yield to Mr. Gillespie's demands -- another apparent act ofextortion. See
Exhibit 1.
WHEREFORE, Defendants request that the Court Order Gillespie to show cause as to
,vhy he should not be restricted from representing himself.
RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED this 26th day ofJuly, 2010.
Flor aaBarNo. 947652
Barker, Rodems & Cook, P.A.
400 North Ashley Drive, Suite 2100
Tampa, Florida 33602
813/489-1008 (facsimile)
Attorneys for the Defendant
6 On June 13 and 18,2003, Gillespie wrote to Mr. Cook, tlueatening that ifBRC did not
pay him money, tilen he would file a complaint against Mr. Cook with the Florida Bar and
contact his former clients. Gillespie's actions may llave constituted extortion. See 836.05, Fla.
Stat. (2000); Carricarte v. State, 384 So. 2d 1261 (Fla. 1980); Cooper v. Austin, 750 So. 2d 711
(Fla. 5th DCA 2000); Gordon v. Gordon, 625 So. 2d 59 (Fla. 4th DCA 1993); Berger v. Berger,
466 So. 2d 1149 (Fla. 4th DCA 1985).
07/2612010 14:54 FAX 813 651 1874
]WJ MAll. RR.R
Arlicle NCl.. 7009 0080 00022061 1457
VJA }'AX CBlJl 651 ..1874
Mr. John William Gnrdnor
John W. Gardner, PA
221 East Robertson Street
Brandon, Florlda 33511 ..5234
RE: Ne'jl 1. Oille8pie Vtl. Barker! Rodcnrns & Cook, fa end William J. Cook
No. OSa.CA-7205, llillsborough Circuit ClvU Court, Tampa) Florida
Dear Mr. Gardner:
On Maroh 2008 you negligently tostified as an expert witness in the above captioned matter
concemillg attorney:!s fees tor Ryan Christophor Rodems. As a. result I sustained dmnages and
yOUT neglig.enl testimony was the proximate cause ormy damages.
As an expert witness you kIlew or should have known that Mr. Rodcms was unlawfully
representing llis finn and partner against a fonner cJient inthe sanle Qr substantially re)$.(ed
matter, and that Rodems" independont professional judgment was materially limited by the
lawyer's own interest. As such Mr. representation was unlawful, and Rodems not
entitled to any attorneys fces. You apparently violated FI.. Bar Rule 4-3.3(0) when you failed to
disclose'to the tribullal legal authority in the controlling jurisdiction lalown to the lawyer t(l he
directly adverse to the positi(lll oflhe client and not disclosed by opposing counsel,
Counsel has responsibility to lully inform the court on appJicablo law whether tavora.ble ox
adverse to position ofclient so that th" court is better able to make a. fair and accurate
detenni.natiOll ()f Lhe maiter before it. Newberger v. Newberger, 311 So,,2d 176. As evidenoed by
t=mel-gency Motion To DiliQual11y Dofendants" (:oullsel Ryan ChrIstopher Rodems &,
RodxIDs 4t Cgok, PAll legal authllrily directly adverse to the position ofMr. Rodems and Barker,
Roclems & Cook, !'A was disclosed to tile Court by either YOll or Mr. Rodoms.
Enclosed you will find a CD with Emergency Motion To DisqualifY Defendants' Counsel R.yan
Christopher Rodems & Rodcms & Cook. This is also available online at
Please immediately notify the court that your expert witness testimony of
March 20
2008 was neglJgent, and lake stops to recant your negligent expert wItness testimony_
In addltiou, pursuant to Bar Rule Reporting ProfessIonal Misconduct (relevant portion)
(a) Reporting Mi!-iconduct QfOther Lawyers. A lawyer who knows that another lawyer has
committed a viola.tion of the Rulos ofProfessional Conduct that raIses u as
Mr. John Williatn Gardner
rage -2
John w. Oaroner, PA July 26, 201()
to that lawyor's honesty, trustworthiness, or fitness a.q a lawyer in other respects sha.lllnfornl the
appropriate pt(lfessional authority. Kindly rcpon Rodems' lnisconduct lo the Florida Bar..
Please action Lo oorrect your negligenoe and misconduct wltl,fn the next five (5) days,.
otherwiso TYt/illtake that as your refusal and 1wIll proceed on that Thunk Y(lU.
, 8092' 115th Loop
Ocala, Floridf134481
(352) 854-7807
ltnclosure: CI)

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