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Education Research, p.



RELEASE DATE: April 6, 2007



LETTER OF INTENT RECEIPT DATE: May 24, 2007 and September 6, 2007

APPLICATION DEADLINE DATE: July 26, 2007 and November 1, 2007


Section Page

PART I. GENERAL OVERVIEW............................................................................................................................................3

1. REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS.......................................................................................................................................3
2. OVERVIEW OF THE INSTITUTE'S RESEARCH PROGRAMS.....................................................................................3
A. Outcomes.........................................................................................................................................................................4
B. Conditions........................................................................................................................................................................4
C. Grade Levels....................................................................................................................................................................5
D. Research Goals................................................................................................................................................................5

PART II. RESEARCH GRANT TOPICS................................................................................................................................8

9. EARLY CHILDHOOD PROGRAMS AND POLICIES......................................................................................................8
A. Purpose............................................................................................................................................................................8
B. Background......................................................................................................................................................................8
C. Specific Requirements....................................................................................................................................................10

PART III. REQUIREMENTS OF THE PROPOSED RESEARCH...................................................................................12

14. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS OF THE PROPOSED RESEARCH..............................................................................12
A. Basic Requirements........................................................................................................................................................12
B. Requirements for Goal One (Identification Projects) ..................................................................................................12
C. Requirements for Goal Two (Development Projects) ...................................................................................................15
D. Requirements for Goal Three (Efficacy and Replication Trials) .................................................................................18
E. Requirements for Goal Four (Scale-up Evaluations) ..................................................................................................24
G. Requirements for Goal Five (Measurement Projects for Topics 4-5, 9) ......................................................................28

PART IV. GENERAL SUBMISSION AND REVIEW INFORMATION............................................................................30

15. APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE........................................................................................................................................30
16. MECHANISM OF SUPPORT.........................................................................................................................................30
17. FUNDING AVAILABLE.................................................................................................................................................30
18. ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS ..............................................................................................................................................30
19. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS..........................................................................................................................................30
20. LETTER OF INTENT ....................................................................................................................................................31
21. SUBMITTING AN APPLICATION................................................................................................................................32
22. CONTENTS OF APPLICATION ...................................................................................................................................32
A. Project Summary/Abstract.............................................................................................................................................32
Education Research, p. 2

B. Project Narrative...........................................................................................................................................................33
C. Bibliography and References Cited ............................................................................................................................34
D. Biographical Sketches of Senior/Key Personnel .........................................................................................................34
E. Narrative Budget Justification.......................................................................................................................................34
F. Subaward Budget .........................................................................................................................................................35
G. Appendix A....................................................................................................................................................................35
H. Appendix B (optional)...................................................................................................................................................35
I. Research on Human Subjects..........................................................................................................................................36
J. Additional Forms............................................................................................................................................................36
23. APPLICATION PROCESSING .....................................................................................................................................36
24. PEER REVIEW PROCESS..............................................................................................................................................36
25. REVIEW CRITERIA FOR SCIENTIFIC MERIT...........................................................................................................37
A. Significance ..................................................................................................................................................................37
B. Research Plan ...............................................................................................................................................................37
C. Personnel .....................................................................................................................................................................37
D. Resources.......................................................................................................................................................................37
26. RECEIPT AND START DATE SCHEDULE..................................................................................................................38
27. AWARD DECISIONS......................................................................................................................................................38
28. INQUIRIES MAY BE SENT TO ....................................................................................................................................38
E. Social and Behavioral Context for Academic Learning................................................................................................39
29. PROGRAM AUTHORITY..............................................................................................................................................41
30. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS ....................................................................................................................................41
31. REFERENCES.................................................................................................................................................................41
Education Research, p. 3



In this announcement, the Institute of Education Sciences (Institute) describes the research grant
programs that are funded through the National Center for Education Research. Separate announcements
are available on the Institute's website that pertain to the predoctoral and postdoctoral research training
programs, and national research and development centers funded through the National Center for
Education Research and to the discretionary grant competitions funded through the Institute's National
Center for Special Education Research (

The Institute invites applications for research projects that will contribute to its education research
programs in Reading and Writing; Mathematics and Science Education; Cognition and Student
Learning; Teacher Quality – Reading and Writing; Teacher Quality – Mathematics and Science
Education; Social and Behavioral Context for Academic Learning; Education Leadership; Education
Policy, Finance, and Systems; Early Childhood Programs and Policies; High School Reform;
Interventions for Struggling Adolescent and Adult Readers and Writers; Postsecondary Education; and
Education Technology. For the FY 2008 competition, the Institute will consider only applications that
meet the requirements outlined below under Part II Research Grant Topics and Part III Requirements for
the Proposed Research.


The Institute's over-arching priority is research that contributes to improved academic achievement for
all students, and particularly for those whose education prospects are hindered by inadequate education
services and conditions associated with poverty, race/ethnicity, limited English proficiency, disability,
and family circumstance.

With academic achievement as the major priority, the Institute focuses on outcomes that differ by
periods of education. In the infancy and preschool period, the outcomes of interest are those that
enhance readiness for schooling, for example, language skills, and for infants and toddlers with
disabilities, developmental outcomes. In kindergarten through 12th grade, the core academic outcomes
of reading and writing (including reading and writing in the disciplines), mathematics, and science are
emphasized, as well as the behaviors and social skills that support learning in school and successful
transitions to employment, independent living, and post-secondary education. At the post-secondary
level, the focus is on enrollment in and completion of programs that prepare students for successful
careers and lives. The same outcomes are emphasized for students with disabilities across each of these
periods, and include the functional outcomes that improve educational and transitional results. The
acquisition of basic skills by adults with low levels of education is also a priority.

In conducting research on academic outcomes, the Institute concentrates on conditions within the control
of the education system, with the aim of identifying, developing, and validating effective education
programs, practices, policies, and approaches as well as understanding the factors that influence
variation in their effectiveness such as implementation. Conditions that are of highest priority to the
Institute are in the areas of curriculum, instruction, assessment (including the identification of students
Education Research, p. 4

with disabilities), the quality of the education workforce, and the systems and policies that affect these
conditions and their interrelationships (for example, accountability systems, delivery mechanisms
including technology, and policies that support the ability of parents to improve educational results for
their children through such means as choice of education services and provision of school-related
learning opportunities in the home).

In this section, the Institute describes the overall framework for its research grant programs. Specific
information on the research topics described in this announcement may be found in the sections
pertaining to each education research program:

• Reading and Writing

• Mathematics and Science Education
• Cognition and Student Learning
• Teacher Quality – Reading and Writing
• Teacher Quality – Mathematics and Science Education
• Social and Behavioral Context for Academic Learning
• Education Leadership
• Education Policy, Finance, and Systems
• Early Childhood Programs and Policies
• High School Reform
• Interventions for Struggling Adolescent and Adult Readers and Writers
• Postsecondary Education
• Education Technology

The Institute addresses the educational needs of typically developing students through its Education
Research programs and the needs of students with disabilities through its Special Education Research
programs. Both the Education Research and the Special Education Research programs are organized by
outcomes (e.g., reading, mathematics), type of education condition (e.g., curriculum and instruction;
teacher quality; administration, systems, and policy), grade level, and research goals.

A. Outcomes
The Institute's research programs focus on improvement of the following education outcomes: (a)
readiness for schooling (pre-reading, pre-writing, early mathematics and science knowledge and skills,
and social development); (b) academic outcomes in reading, writing, mathematics, and science; (c)
student behavior and social interactions within schools that affect the learning of academic content; (d)
skills that support independent living for students with significant disabilities; and (e) educational
attainment (high school graduation, enrollment in and completion of post-secondary education).

B. Conditions
In general, each of the Institute's research programs focuses on a particular type of condition (e.g.,
curriculum and instruction) that may affect one or more of the outcomes listed previously (e.g., reading).
The Institute's research programs are listed below according to the primary condition that is the focus of
the program.
Education Research, p. 5

a. Curriculum and instruction. Several of the Institute's programs focus on the development and
evaluation of curricula and instructional approaches. These programs include: (a) Reading and Writing;
(b) Mathematics and Science Education; (c) Cognition and Student Learning; (d) Social and Behavioral
Context for Academic Learning; (e) Early Childhood Programs and Policies; (f) Interventions for
Struggling Adolescent and Adult Readers and Writers; and (g) Education Technology.

b. Quality of the Education Workforce. A second condition that affects student learning and
achievement is the quality of teachers and education leaders (e.g., principals, superintendents). The
Institute funds research on how to improve teacher quality through its programs on (a) Teacher Quality –
Reading and Writing; (b) Teacher Quality – Mathematics and Science Education; and (c) Research on
Education Leadership.

c. Administration, systems, and policy. A third approach to improving student outcomes is to identify
systemic changes in the ways in which schools and districts are led, organized, managed, and operated
that may be directly or indirectly linked to student outcomes. The Institute takes this approach in its
programs on (a) Education Policy, Finance, and Systems; (b) Early Childhood Programs and Policies;
(c) High School Reform; and (d) Postsecondary Education.

Applicants should be aware that some of the Institute's programs cover multiple conditions. For
example, the following programs cover multiple conditions: (a) Cognition and Student Learning; (b)
Early Childhood Programs and Policies; (c) High School Reform; (d) Education Technology; and (e)
Postsecondary Education.

C. Grade Levels
The Institute's research programs also specify the ages or grade levels covered in the research program.
The specific grades vary across research programs and within each research program, and grades may
vary across the research goals. In general, the Institute supports research for (a) pre-kindergarten and
kindergarten, (b) elementary school, (c) middle school, (d) high school, (e) post-secondary education, (f)
vocational education, and (g) adult education. In addition, the Institute supports research on infants with

D. Research Goals
The Institute has established five research goals for its research programs. Within each research
program one or more of the goals may apply: (a) Goal One – identify existing programs, practices, and
policies that may have an impact on student outcomes and the factors that may mediate or moderate the
effects of these programs, practices, and policies; (b) Goal Two – develop programs, practices, and
policies that are theoretically and empirically based; (c) Goal Three – establish the efficacy of fully
developed programs, practices, and policies; (d) Goal Four – provide evidence on the effectiveness of
programs, practices, and policies implemented at scale; and (e) Goal Five – develop or validate data and
measurement systems and tools.

For a list of the Institute's FY 2008 research and training grant topics – including grant competitions
through the Institute's National Center for Education Research and National Center for Special
Education Research, please see Table 1 below. Funding announcements for these competitions may be
downloaded from the Institute's website at
Education Research, p. 6

Table 1: FY 2008 Research and Training Grant Topics

National Center for Education Research

1. Research Grant Topics
• Reading and Writing
• Mathematics and Science Education
• Cognition and Student Learning
• Teacher Quality – Reading and Writing
• Teacher Quality – Mathematics and Science Education
• Social and Behavioral Context for Academic Learning
• Education Leadership
• Education Policy, Finance, and Systems
• Early Childhood Programs and Policies
• High School Reform
• Interventions for Struggling Adolescent and Adult Readers and Writers
• Postsecondary Education
• Education Technology

2. Research Training Grant Topics

• Postdoctoral Research Training Program
• Predoctoral Research Training Program

3. National Research and Development Center Topics

• Cognition and Science Instruction
• Instructional Technology

National Center for Special Education Research

1. Research Grant Topics
• Early Intervention, Early Childhood Special Education, and Assessment for Young Children with
Disabilities Research
• Mathematics and Science Special Education Research
• Reading, Writing, and Language Development Special Education Research
• Serious Behavior Disorders Special Education Research
• Individualized Education Programs and Individualized Family Service Plans Research
• Secondary and Transition Services Research
• Autism Spectrum Disorders Research
• Response to Intervention Research
• Related Services Special Education Research

2. Research Training Grant Topics

• Postdoctoral Special Education Research Training

3. National Research and Development Center Topics

Education Research, p. 7

• Center on Serious Behavior Disorders at the Secondary Level

• Center on Response to Intervention in Early Childhood Special Education
Education Research, p. 8


For FY 2008, the Institute's National Center for Education Research is accepting applications for
research grants under 13 topics. There are two application deadlines for each of these 13 topics: July
26, 2007, and November 1, 2007. In this section, the Institute describes the research grant topics.

Across its research programs, the National Center for Education Research is particularly interested in
interventions for students who are from low income backgrounds and/or racial, ethnic, and linguistic
minority groups that have underachieved academically, but will consider applications that focus on other
populations if the results are likely to be applicable across socioeconomic, racial, ethnic, and linguistic


Program Officer: Dr. Caroline Ebanks (202-219-1410;

A. Purpose
Through its Early Childhood Programs and Policies (Early Childhood) research program, the Institute
intends to contribute to improvement of school readiness skills (e.g., pre-reading, early mathematical
skills, language, vocabulary, social skills) of prekindergarten (i.e., four-year old) children by: (1)
identifying early childhood curriculum, instructional practices, programs, and policies that are associated
with better school readiness outcomes, as well as mediators and moderators of the relations between
these interventions and child outcomes; (2) developing new early childhood curriculum, instructional
practices, programs, and policies for improving school readiness; (3) evaluating fully developed early
childhood curriculum, instructional practices, programs, and policies for improving school readiness
through efficacy or replication trials; (4) evaluating the effectiveness of early childhood curriculum,
instructional practices, programs, and policies that are implemented at scale; and (5) developing and
validating assessments for use in early childhood instructional settings.

The long-term outcome of this program will be an array of tools and strategies (e.g., assessments,
instructional approaches, programs, and policies) that have been documented to be effective for
improving school readiness skills for prekindergarten (four-year-old) children.

B. Background
Despite decades of federal, state, and local programs intended to support young children's preparation
for schooling, children from low-income families continue to begin formal schooling at a disadvantage.
Findings from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, a multiyear study following over 22,000
children in the kindergarten class of 1998 through the fifth grade, show that children from families living
in poverty had lower reading achievement scores, on average, than students living in households at or
above the poverty line. In particular, 61 percent of students in poverty scored in the lowest third of the
distribution of reading achievement scores, compared with 25 percent of students in households at or
above the poverty threshold. These differences in reading achievement based on poverty status are
evident at the beginning of kindergarten and persist throughout the elementary years (Princiotta,
Flanagan, & Germino Hausken, 2006). There is a similar pattern of findings in mathematics. In short,
substantial numbers of children from low-income families begin kindergarten behind their more affluent
peers, and remain behind throughout the school years.
Education Research, p. 9

In previous years, the National Center for Education Research has supported research on early childhood
education through its regular Reading and Writing, Mathematics and Science Education, Teacher
Quality, and Education Policy, Finance, and Systems research programs, as well as through its FY 2002
and FY 2003 Preschool Curriculum Evaluation Research program. Although the Institute has received
and funded several early childhood projects in early literacy, early mathematical skills, and teacher
quality, the Institute believes that its regular competitions are not reaching many researchers who
typically apply to early childhood research programs. The Institute also recognizes that early childhood
curricula and programs are often designed to be comprehensive programs that cover several domains
(e.g., early literacy, mathematical skills, social skills), and as such, may not be well suited for research
programs that focus on a single domain. In addition, the Institute seeks to attract more proposals that
address early childhood policies. Hence, the Institute has established its Early Childhood Programs and
Policies research program.

Currently many states are considering the costs and benefits of different early childhood policies, such
as: (a) universal prekindergarten programs versus targeted prekindergarten programs; (b) full-day
prekindergarten programs versus half-day prekindergarten programs; and (c) one-year programs (i.e., for
four-year olds) versus two-year programs (i.e., for three- and four-year olds). The Institute encourages
proposals that address these and other important systems-level issues including: (a) financing early
childhood programs (e.g., are there more efficient and effective ways to coordinate funding streams?);
(b) alignment of state early learning standards with Kindergarten to Grade 12 standards; (c) assessment
of children's kindergarten readiness (e.g., what should be assessed or what is predictive of later school
achievement?); and (d) teacher certification requirements (what criteria are predictive of child

The Institute is interested in the identification, development, and evaluation of programs and practices
intended to improve young children's pre-reading, pre-writing, language and vocabulary, and early
mathematical skills. In addition, the Institute encourages research on the identification, development,
and evaluation of programs and practices intended to improve young children's socioemotional
readiness. Socioemotional competence covers a broad range of knowledge and skills. The Institute
encourages research on those skills that are predictive of later school performance.

In addition to the identification, development, and evaluation of interventions to improve school

readiness, the Institute intends for the Early Childhood program to support research on the development
of practical assessments of teacher subject matter knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, and instructional
skills, and validation of these assessments (or existing assessments) against measures of student learning
and achievement. Understanding what skills and knowledge make a teacher effective, and identifying
teacher candidates and current teachers who have these skills and knowledge is critical to developing a
highly qualified teacher workforce. Ideally, assessments of pedagogical knowledge and skills and
subject matter knowledge would not only predict student achievement but also be practical to administer
and cost-effective. Although some existing tests of pedagogical knowledge and subject matter
knowledge have been correlated with the test takers' SAT or ACT scores, validation of existing tests
against measures of school readiness remains to be accomplished (Gitomer, Latham, & Ziomek, 1999).
Hence, the Institute is interested in proposals to validate existing measures of pedagogical knowledge
and subject matter knowledge against measures of school readiness as well as proposals to develop and
validate new measures. Assessments of teacher pedagogical and subject matter knowledge that predict
student outcomes could form the basis for an improved system of certification and for determining the
Education Research, p. 10

effectiveness of professional development activities. The Institute also invites applications to develop
and/or validate measures of instructional practices that could be used by schools to provide feedback to
teachers and improve the quality of classroom instruction; such measures must be validated against
measures of student achievement.

Under the Early Childhood program, the Institute intends to support the development and validation of
assessments of school readiness, pre-reading, pre-writing, early mathematics, early science, and social
skills. Such assessments could be used to monitor progress in these domains and/or for purposes of
screening for school readiness. Applications that would be appropriate for consideration include, but are
not limited to: (a) proposals to develop new assessments that teachers could use to inform classroom
instruction; (b) proposals to modify or adapt existing assessments so that teachers can use them to
inform daily or weekly instructional plans for specific students; and (c) proposals to adapt assessments
originally designed and used for research purposes for broader use in instructional settings.

Finally, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children
and Families, approximately 27 percent of the children who are enrolled in Head Start programs are
English language learners.1 The Institute encourages applications on early childhood practices for
English language learners. What curricula and instructional approaches are most effective for preparing
English language learners for school? What is the effect of different languages of instruction (e.g., home
language only, English only, two-way immersion programs, bilingual instruction) on the school
readiness of English language learners? In addition, the Institute is interested in the development and/or
validation of assessments for English language learners.

C. Specific Requirements
For the FY 2008 Early Childhood Programs and Policies topic, applicants must submit under either Goal
One or Goal Two or Goal Three or Goal Four or Goal Five. More details on the requirements for each
goal are listed in the section on General Requirements of the Proposed Research. In this section,
specific requirements that apply to applications to the Early Childhood Programs and Policies topic are

Under the Early Childhood program, applications must address:

• curriculum or instructional practices in pre-reading, pre-writing, early mathematics, early
science, or social skills intended to prepare young children for school and designed to be used in
center-based programs;
• assessment of prekindergarten children's pre-reading, pre-writing, early mathematics, early
science, or social skills;
• teacher professional development training related to school readiness;
• assessments of teacher subject matter knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, or instructional
practices for prekindergarten teachers; or
• state or local policies that apply to the implementation or improvement of early childhood
programs and initiatives.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, downloaded from on February 12, 2007.
Education Research, p. 11

The Institute recognizes that some interventions are designed to change directly the teaching and
learning environment and indirectly affect student outcomes. In such cases, applicants under Goal Three
and Goal Four must provide measures of the primary mediators (i.e., proximal outcomes), as well as
measures of student achievement.

Under the Early Childhood program, the Institute is primarily interested in programs and policies
intended to improve school readiness for children who are at-risk for later school failure. The focus of
the Early Childhood program is on center-based programs and policies for prekindergarten children
(four-year old children), but the Institute will accept applications that include three-year old children in
center-based programs with four-year old children.
Education Research, p. 12



A. Basic Requirements
a. Resubmissions. Applicants who intend to revise and resubmit a proposal that was submitted to one
of the Institute’s FY 2007 competitions but that was not funded must indicate on the application form
that their FY 2008 proposal is a revised proposal. Their FY 2007 reviews will be sent to this year's
reviewers along with their proposal. Applicants should indicate the revisions that were made to the
proposal on the basis of the prior reviews using no more than 3 pages of Appendix A.

b. Applying to multiple topics. Applicants may submit proposals to more than one of the Institute's FY
2008 competitions or topics. In addition, within a particular competition or topic, applicants may submit
multiple proposals. However, applicants may submit a given proposal only once (i.e., applicants may
not submit the same proposal or very similar proposals to multiple topics or to multiple goals in the
same topic or to multiple competitions). If the Institute determines prior to panel review that an
applicant has submitted the same proposal or very similar proposals to multiple topics within or across
competitions and the proposal is judged to be compliant and responsive to the submission rules and
requirements described in the Request for Applications, the Institute will select one version of the
application to be reviewed by the appropriate scientific review panel. If the Institute determines after
panel review that an applicant has submitted the same proposal or very similar proposals to multiple
topics within or across competitions and if the proposal is determined to be worthy of funding, the
Institute will select the topic under which the proposal will be funded.

c. Applying to a particular goal within a topic. To submit an application to one of the Institute's
research programs, applicants must choose the specific goal under which they are applying. Each goal
has specific requirements.

d. Determining which goal is most appropriate for the proposed project. Applicants should read
carefully the requirements for each Goal and the examples of appropriate projects under each Goal. The
Institute strongly encourages potential applicants to contact the relevant program officer listed in Section
28 if they have any questions regarding the appropriateness of a particular project for submission under
a specific goal.

B. Requirements for Goal One (Identification Projects)

Because the requirements for Goal One are essentially the same across the Institute's research grant
topics, a generic description is used in the funding announcement. Consequently, the examples provided
may not apply to a particular topic.

a. Purpose of identification studies. Through all of its research programs that include the
Identification goal (Goal One), the Institute is interested in the identification of existing programs and
practices that may be associated with better academic outcomes and examination of factors and
conditions that may mediate or moderate the relations between student outcomes and these programs
and practices.
Education Research, p. 13

For Goal One, the Institute invites applications to conduct analyses of multivariate data, such as
longitudinal individual student data that exist in a number of federal-, state-, and district-level databases.
Using existing longitudinal data sets, investigators are able to capitalize on natural variation or
discontinuities in education practices. For example, in a particular year, a large district might have
implemented an intervention (e.g., curriculum, program, policy) at the beginning of a specific year. An
investigator might propose interrupted time series analyses of the district's longitudinal datasets to
examine changes in student outcomes that follow the implementation of the new intervention.

The strongest approaches to statistical modeling of multivariate data involve testing two or more models
of relationships using the same data. Because multivariate analyses cannot fully adjust for selection
biases and the effects of variables that were not measured or were not measured well, they are seldom if
ever sufficient to support strong causal conclusions about what works. However, when two or more
models of relationships among variables are tested with the same data, it may be possible to determine
that one is more plausible than another, thus providing information relevant to understanding what does
not work, as well as what does work. That, in turn, can direct future efforts in avenues that are more
likely to be productive.

As an alternative to analyzing existing longitudinal databases, applicants may propose to conduct a

small scale descriptive longitudinal study with primary data collection in which they attempt to predict
student outcomes based on differences in observed education practices. For example, a researcher might
propose to conduct detailed, quantifiable observational measures of instructional practices (types of
instruction, frequency, duration, under what circumstances), and then use the instructional data in
conjunction with child characteristics to predict subsequent student performance. The objective here is
to identify what type or combinations of instructional activities are associated with better student
outcomes and for which students. Researchers following this strategy who can successfully predict
student performance could use this information as the basis for developing an intervention (see, e.g.,
Connor, et al., 2007).

Evidence obtained through a Goal One project of the association between exposure to a program or
practice and better student outcomes has the possibility of being used to support a subsequent
application for a Goal Two (Development) or Goal Three (Efficacy) project.

By addressing the theoretical and empirical rationale for the study and the practical importance of the
intervention (e.g., program, practice) that will be examined, Goal One applicants are addressing the
significance of their proposal.

b. Methodological requirements. For all applications, including those submitted under Goal One,
the proposed research design must be appropriate for answering the research questions or
hypotheses that are posed.

(i) Research questions. Applicants should pose clear, concise hypotheses or research questions.

(ii) Database. Applicants proposing secondary data analyses should describe clearly the database(s)
to be used in the investigation including information on sample characteristics, variables to be
used, and ability to ensure access to the database if the applicant does not already have access to
it. The database should be described in sufficient detail so that reviewers will be able to judge
Education Research, p. 14

whether or not the proposed analyses may be conducted with the database. If multiple databases
will be linked to conduct analyses, applicants should provide sufficient detail for reviewers to be
able to judge the feasibility of the plan. If the applicant does not currently have access to the
databases needed for the study, the applicant should provide sufficient documentation (e.g.,
letters of agreement) to assure reviewers that access can be obtained and the project can be
carried out in a timely fashion.

The applicant should describe the primary outcome measures to be used, including reliability and
validity. In particular, applicants should provide sufficient information on the construct validity
of the proposed measures. For example, if the applicant proposes to use a state database from
which the primary outcome measure will be performance on a reading or mathematics
achievement measure, the applicant should detail the standardized measure from which the
reading or mathematics scores are derived.

(iii) Primary data collection. Applicants may propose a Goal One project in which the
primary focus is on the collection and analysis of original data. The applicant should carefully
describe the sample, measures (including reliability and validity), and procedures proposed for
the primary data collection. Because Goal One projects must be designed to predict student
outcomes, if observational data are collected, applicants should describe how the data would be
collected (e.g., procedures for maintaining inter-observer reliability), coded, and quantified to
allow quantitative analyses predicting the relation between what was observed and student

Applicants may also propose to collect original data as a supplement to be used with an existing
longitudinal database in order to answer the question of interest. In such cases, applicants should
describe the sample and how the sample is related to or links to the proposed secondary database,
the measures to be used (including information on the reliability and validity of the proposed
instruments), and data collection procedures.

(iv) Data analysis. The applicant must include detailed descriptions of data analysis procedures.
Because predictor variables relevant to education outcomes (e.g., student, teacher, or district
characteristics) often covary, the Institute expects investigators to utilize the most appropriate
state-of-the-art analytic techniques to isolate the possible effects of variables of interest.
Analytic strategies should allow investigators to examine mediators and moderators of programs
and practices. The relation between hypotheses, measures, independent and dependent variables
should be well specified. Strong applications will include an explicit discussion of how
exclusion from testing, or missing data, will be handled within the statistical analyses. Strong
applications will propose an approach for comparing hypotheses or models of relationships
among variables.

c. Personnel and resources. Competitive applicants will have research teams that collectively
demonstrate expertise in: (a) the relevant student outcome (e.g., reading, mathematics, student
behaviors); (b) the type of intervention under investigation (e.g., curriculum, program, policy); (c)
implementation of, and analysis of results from, the research design that will be employed; and (d)
working with teachers, schools, or other education delivery settings that will be employed if original
Education Research, p. 15

data will be collected. Competitive applicants will have access to institutional resources that adequately
support research.

d. Awards. Typical awards for projects at this level are $100,000 to $350,000 (total cost = direct +
indirect costs) per year. For applicants proposing to do primarily secondary data analysis, the maximum
duration of the award is 2 years. Applicants proposing to do short-term longitudinal studies may request
up to 2 additional years (i.e., the maximum duration of the award is 4 years) and additional funds, but
must justify the need for the additional time and funding. The size of the award depends on the scope of
the project.

C. Requirements for Goal Two (Development Projects)

Because the requirements for Goal Two are essentially the same across the Institute's research grant
topics, a generic description is used in the funding announcement. Consequently, the examples provided
may not apply to a particular topic.

a. Purpose of Goal Two (Development). Through all of its research programs that include the
Development goal (Goal Two), the Institute intends to support the development of education
interventions – curricula, instructional approaches and programs. The Institute stresses that Goal Two
applications are about development, rather than demonstrations of the efficacy of an intervention. Under
Goal Two, the Institute does not intend to support applications that propose to allocate substantial
resources for testing the effect of the proposed intervention. For example, the Institute does not intend
to support under Goal Two applications in which the researcher proposes to spend one year developing
the intervention and the second and third years on testing the effect of the intervention in a significant
number of classrooms or schools. Applicants who have an intervention that could be tested for efficacy
should apply to Goal Three.

From the Institute's standpoint, a funded development project would be successful if at the end of a 1- to
3-year development award, the investigators had a fully developed version of the proposed intervention,
including prototypes of all materials and products necessary for implementation of the intervention in
authentic education delivery settings, and evidence demonstrating the feasibility of its implementation in
an authentic education delivery setting. The Institute anticipates that investigators with successful
development projects would submit proposals to subsequent competitions for Goal Three (Efficacy)

b. Requirements for proposed intervention. Under Goal Two, the Institute invites applications to
develop new interventions or further develop interventions that are in the early stages of development
(e.g., those that do not have an entire program or product ready to evaluate). It is important for
applicants to provide a strong rationale to support the development of the proposed intervention. In
essence, applicants are answering the question: Why is the proposed intervention likely to produce
better student outcomes relative to current education practices?

In strong applications, researchers provide context for the proposed intervention by including data on, or
reviewing research describing, the attributes of typical existing practices. Understanding the
shortcomings of current practice contributes to the rationale for the proposed intervention.
Education Research, p. 16

Applicants should clearly describe the intervention and the logic model for the intervention. For
example, how do the features or components of the intervention relate to each other temporally (or
operationally), pedagogically, and theoretically (e.g., why does A lead to B)? Applicants should provide
a strong theoretical and empirical justification for the design and sequencing of the features or
components of the intervention. When applicants clearly describe the logic model that guides the
intervention and the specific features making up the intervention, reviewers are better able to evaluate
(a) the relation between the theoretical and empirical foundation for the intervention and the intervention
(e.g., is the proposed intervention a reasonable operationalization of the theory?) and (b) the relation
between the intervention and the outcome measures (e.g., do the proposed measures tap the constructs
that the intervention is intended to address?).

Applicants should explain why the proposed intervention is likely to produce substantially better student
outcomes relative to current practice. By clearly describing the intervention – particularly, the unique
features of the intervention ("active ingredients") that are hypothesized to produce the desired
improvement in student outcomes – as well as the typical existing practices, reviewers are better able to
judge whether the proposed intervention has the potential to produce substantially better student
outcomes because it is sufficiently different from current practices and has "active ingredients" that
appear on the basis of theoretical or empirical reasons to be powerful agents for improving student

In the rationale to support the proposed intervention, applicants should address the practical importance
of the proposed intervention. For example, when the proposed intervention is fully developed, will it
have the potential to improve students' achievement scores in educationally meaningful increments, if it
were implemented over the course of a semester or school year? In addition, would the proposed
intervention be both affordable for schools and easily implemented by schools (e.g., not involve major
adjustments to normal school schedules)?

By describing (a) the intervention (e.g., features, components) and the logic model for the intervention,
(b) the theoretical and empirical support for the proposed intervention, and (c) the practical importance
of the intervention, Goal Two applicants are addressing aspects of the significance of their proposal.

c. Methodological requirements. For all applications, including those submitted under Goal Two,
the proposed research design must be appropriate for answering the research questions or
hypotheses that are posed.

For Goal Two projects, applicants must clearly address the proposed methods for developing the
intervention and testing the feasibility of implementation of the prototype in an authentic education
delivery setting. Applicants should describe the systematic process they will use to collect empirical
data that will provide feedback for refining the intervention. A major objective of Goal Two projects is
to refine and improve the initial version of the intervention by implementing it, or components of it,
observing its functioning, and making necessary adjustments in the design of the intervention so that it
functions more as intended.

Strong applications include clear descriptions of the development activities so that reviewers will
understand (a) what will be developed, (b) how it will be developed, and (c) when the development will
take place. Applicants should describe what they would measure or observe to determine whether the
Education Research, p. 17

intervention is working as intended when they are testing the feasibility of successive versions of the
intervention. A useful by-product of such testing is a set of fidelity of intervention measures that could
be used if the intervention were evaluated in an efficacy trial (see Goal Three).

A timeline that delineates the iterative process of drafting and revising the intervention (e.g., features or
components of the intervention, procedures, training activities, and materials) is often a simple way of
showing reviewers how research activities will feed into subsequent development (refinement) activities,
so that information can be used to make decisions and improvements. A variety of methodological
strategies may be employed during this phase. For Development projects, reviewers need to understand
the iterative development process to be used in the design and refinement of the proposed intervention.

By the end of a Goal Two project, the Institute expects investigators to have a fully developed
intervention and demonstrated that the intervention can be implemented in an authentic education
delivery setting.

(i) Sample. The applicant should define, as completely as possible, the samples and settings that will
be used to assess the feasibility and usability of the intervention.

(ii) Research plan. The applicant must provide a detailed research plan in which they detail the
proposed procedures for developing the intervention. Strong applications will include clear
descriptions of: (a) what needs to be developed; (b) the procedures for developing the
intervention; and (c) the procedures (including sample, measures, and procedures for analyzing
data) for determining if the intervention is functioning as intended (e.g., Does the software
program crash when students use it? Are the activities planned for a particular lesson do-able
within the allotted time?). Applicants should describe the iterative development process to be
used in the design and refinement of the proposed intervention, and plans for acquiring evidence
about the operation of the intervention according to the logic model that they describe.

(iii) Measures. Goal Two projects typically rely on the collection of process data that can help the
researcher refine the intervention and provide insight into the feasibility and usability of the
proposed intervention in authentic education delivery settings. Applicants should clearly
describe (a) what needs to be observed in order to determine if the intervention is operating as
intended and (b) how those observations will be collected. Observational, survey, or qualitative
methodologies are encouraged to identify conditions that hinder implementation of the

d. Personnel and resources. Competitive applicants will have research teams that collectively
demonstrate expertise in: (a) the relevant content area (e.g., reading, mathematics, student behaviors);
(b) type of intervention to be developed; (c) implementation of, and analysis of results from, the research
design that will be employed; and (d) working with schools and other education delivery settings.
Competitive applicants will have access to institutional resources that adequately support research.

An applicant may be or may involve for-profit entities in the project. Involvement of the commercial
developer or distributor must not jeopardize the objectivity of the research. Collaborations including
for-profit developers or distributors of education products must justify the need for Federal assistance to
Education Research, p. 18

undertake the evaluation of programs that are marketed to consumers and consider cost-sharing part of
the cost of the evaluation.

Applicants who previously or currently hold development grants with the Institute should describe the
results and outcomes of those grants to date. They should indicate whether what was developed has
been (or is being) evaluated for efficacy (Goal Three) and if results are available, what the results of
those efficacy evaluations have been. The Institute intends to support researchers under Goal Two who
can demonstrate their ability to develop interventions that can be used in the field and tested for efficacy.
e. Awards. Typical awards for projects at this level are $150,000 to $500,000 (total cost = direct +
indirect costs) per year. Development projects are for a maximum of 3 years. Development costs vary
according to the type of intervention that is proposed. Larger awards will be considered. In all cases,
the size of the award depends on the scope of the project.

D. Requirements for Goal Three (Efficacy and Replication Trials)

Because the requirements for Goal Three are essentially the same across the Institute's research grant
topics, a generic description is used in the funding announcement. Consequently, the examples provided
may not apply to a particular topic.

Under Goal Three, the Institute requests proposals to test the efficacy of fully developed interventions.
By efficacy, the Institute means the degree to which an intervention has a net positive impact on the
outcomes of interest in relation to the program or practice to which it is being compared.

a. Purpose of efficacy and replication trials. Through all of its research programs that include the
Efficacy and Replication goal (Goal Three), the Institute intends to fund efficacy trials to determine
whether or not fully-developed interventions – programs, practices – are effective under specified
conditions (e.g., urban schools with a high turnover rate among teachers), and with specific types of
students (e.g., English language learners). Results from efficacy projects have less generalizability than
results from effectiveness (scale-up) evaluations under Goal Four. The limited generalizability can arise
both from the lack of a full range of types of settings and participants in the study, as well as through the
intensive involvement of the developers and researchers in the implementation of the intervention. A
well-designed efficacy trial provides evidence on whether an intervention can work, but not whether it
would work if deployed widely. Under Goal Three, applicants may propose an efficacy trial to
determine if an intervention will work under specific conditions or a replication trial to determine if an
intervention shown to produce a net positive impact in one setting will produce a net positive impact
under different conditions (e.g., with a different population of students).

Under Goal Three, an applicant might propose to examine the efficacy of the intervention in an
experimental study in which, for example, half of the classrooms are randomly assigned to the
intervention program and half are assigned to continue using standard district practices. Alternatively, if
the research team hypothesized that a variation in the delivery of the program might improve the impact
of the intervention, the team might propose instead to randomly assign: (a) one-third of the classrooms
to the basic intervention; (b) one third of the classrooms to the variation; and (c) one-third of the
classrooms to continue with standard district practices. Applicants should use the efficacy and
replication trials to determine the conditions, if any, under which an intervention produces meaningful
improvement on academic outcomes.
Education Research, p. 19

Also of interest to the Institute are proposals to compare the impact of two interventions that are based
on different theoretical models. In such cases, the purpose might be to compare the efficacy of two
well-developed approaches to improving student learning. One advantage to this approach is that,
relative to designs in which the comparison group experiences whatever the school or district currently
provides (but see the discussion of "business-as-usual" treatments below), the investigator should have
better knowledge of the critical components of each intervention and can attempt to create two
conditions in which, for example, instruction varies on a number of critical components.

From the Institute's standpoint, a funded Efficacy/Replication project would be methodologically

successful if at the end of the grant period, the investigators had rigorously evaluated the impact of a
clearly specified intervention on relevant student outcomes and under clearly described conditions using
a research design that meets the Institute's What Works Clearinghouse standards
(, whether or not the intervention is found to improve student outcomes relative
to the comparison condition. The Institute would consider methodologically successful projects to be
pragmatically successful if the rigorous evaluation determined that the intervention has a net positive
impact on student outcomes in relation to the program or practice to which it is being compared.

b. Requirements for proposed intervention. Interventions appropriate for study under Goal Three are
interventions that are fully developed and have evidence of their feasibility for use in authentic
education delivery settings.

(i) Applicants must have an intervention that is fully developed and ready to be evaluated.
Applicants who intend to devote a significant part of the project period to developing new
components or materials for the intervention or new delivery approaches should apply to Goal
Two. Goal Three projects are limited to those interventions that are fully developed.

Applicants must provide evidence that the intervention can be implemented in authentic
education delivery settings – that is, evidence of the feasibility and usability of the proposed
intervention in authentic education delivery settings. The interventions may already be in wide
use in education setting or may be newly (but fully) developed interventions.

Also appropriate for Goal Three applications are proposals to replicate the efficacy of an
intervention in a different setting. For instance, in a previous study, the applicant could have
demonstrated the efficacy of an intervention in a small random assignment trial in an urban
school district, and a reasonable next step would be to replicate these findings in a rural school

(ii) Applicants must provide a compelling rationale that justifies the Institute's investment in the
evaluation of the proposed intervention. As justification for the evaluation of an intervention, the
Institute will accept conceptual arguments of the importance of evaluating the proposed
intervention because of its relevance to public policy or current education practice as would be
judged by practitioners and policymakers. For example, the proposed intervention may already
be widely used but have not been rigorously evaluated (e.g., a commercially distributed program,
a specific education policy). To support this argument, applicants might include documentation
of the widespread use (e.g., across multiple states, or a single large state) of the program to
justify the proposed efficacy evaluation.
Education Research, p. 20

Alternatively, applicants could provide a strong rationale justifying the investment in the
evaluation of the proposed intervention based on (a) the theoretical foundation on which the
intervention was developed; (b) research on related interventions or components of the proposed
interventions; and/or (c) empirical evidence of the effect or potential effect of the proposed
intervention based on smaller scale studies. In such cases, the applicant needs to address the
question: Why is this intervention likely to produce better student outcomes relative to current
practice? In addition, such applicants should address the practical importance of the proposed
intervention. For example, is the intervention sufficiently comprehensive to improve student
outcomes on end-of-year assessments? Is there evidence indicating that the proposed
intervention is sufficiently different from current practices to potentially improve student
outcomes relative to current practices?

(iv) Applicants should clearly describe a logic model for the proposed intervention (e.g., describing
the features or components of the intervention and how they relate to each other and to the
intended outcomes both temporally (or operationally) and theoretically (e.g., why A leads to B)).
When applicants clearly describe the model that guides the intervention and the intervention
itself (e.g., specific features or components of the intervention), reviewers are better able to
evaluate the relation between the theoretical and empirical foundation for the intervention and
the intervention (e.g., is the proposed intervention a reasonable operationalization of the
theory?). Reviewers are also better able to evaluate the relation between the intervention and the
outcome measures (e.g., do the proposed measures tap the constructs that the intervention is
intended to address?).

Some interventions are designed to affect the teaching and learning environment and indirectly
affect student outcomes. In such cases, it is important for applicants to be clear in their logic
model of the mediators that the intervention is designed to affect and through which student
outcomes are intended to be improved.

Strong applications will also include detailed descriptions of what the comparison group
experiences. By clearly describing the intervention and the comparable treatment that the
comparison group will receive, reviewers are better able to judge whether: (a) the intervention is
sufficiently different from the comparison treatment so that one might reasonably expect a
difference in student outcomes, and (b) fidelity measures and observations of the comparison
group are sufficiently comprehensive and sensitive to identify and document critical differences
between what the intervention and comparison groups receive.

By describing (a) the intervention (e.g., features, components) and the logic model for the intervention,
(b) the theoretical and empirical support for the proposed intervention, and (c) the practical importance
of the intervention, Goal Three applicants are addressing aspects of the significance of their proposal.

c. Methodological requirements. Under Goal Three, the proposed research design must be
appropriate for answering the research questions or hypotheses that are posed.

(i) Research questions. Applicants should pose clear, concise hypotheses or research questions.
Education Research, p. 21

(ii) Sample. The applicant should define, as completely as possible, the sample to be selected and
sampling procedures to be employed for the proposed study, including justification for exclusion
and inclusion criteria. Additionally, the applicant should describe strategies to increase the
likelihood that participants will remain in the study over the course of the evaluation (i.e., reduce

(iii) Research design. The applicant must provide a detailed research design. Applicants should
describe how potential threats to internal and external validity would be addressed. Studies
using randomized assignment to treatment and comparison conditions are strongly preferred.
When a randomized trial is used, the applicant should clearly state the unit of randomization
(e.g., students, classroom, teacher, or school); choice of randomizing unit or units should be
grounded in a theoretical framework. Applicants should explain the procedures for assignment
of groups (e.g., schools) or participants to treatment and comparison conditions.2

Only in circumstances in which a randomized trial is not possible may alternatives that
substantially minimize selection bias or allow it to be modeled be employed. Applicants
proposing to use a design other than a randomized design must make a compelling case that
randomization is not possible. Acceptable alternatives include appropriately structured
regression-discontinuity designs or other well-designed quasi-experimental designs that come
close to true experiments in minimizing the effects of selection bias on estimates of effect size.
A well-designed quasi-experiment is one that reduces substantially the potential influence of
selection bias on membership in the intervention or comparison group. This involves
demonstrating equivalence between the intervention and comparison groups at program entry on
the variables that are to be measured as program outcomes (e.g., student achievement scores), or
obtaining such equivalence through statistical procedures such as propensity score balancing or
regression. It also involves demonstrating equivalence or removing statistically the effects of
other variables on which the groups may differ and that may affect intended outcomes of the
program being evaluated (e.g., demographic variables, experience and level of training of
teachers, motivation of students). Finally, it involves a design for the initial selection of the
intervention and comparison groups that minimizes selection bias or allows it to be modeled.
For example, a very weak quasi-experimental design that would not be acceptable as evidence of
program efficacy would populate the intervention condition with teachers who volunteered for
the program to be evaluated, and would select comparison teachers who had the opportunity to
volunteer but did not. In contrast, an acceptable design would select teachers in one particular
geographical area of a city to be in the intervention, whereas teachers in another geographical
area, known to be demographically similar, would be selected to be in the comparison condition.
In the former case, self-selection into the intervention is very likely to reflect motivation and
other factors that will affect outcomes of interest and that will be impossible to equate across the
two groups. In the latter case, the geographical differences between the participants in the two
groups would ideally be unrelated to outcomes of interest, and in any case, could be measured
and controlled for statistically.

For additional information on describing procedures for randomization, see the What Works Clearinghouse
document, Evidence Standards for Reviewing Studies (p. 6), available at
Education Research, p. 22

(iv) Power. Applicants should clearly address the power of the evaluation design to detect a
reasonably expected and minimally important effect. When applicants justify what constitutes a
reasonably expected effect, applicants should indicate clearly (e.g., including the statistical
formula) how the effect size was calculated.

Many evaluations of education interventions are designed so that clusters or groups of students,
rather than individual students, are randomly assigned to treatment and comparison conditions.
In such cases, the power of the design depends in part on the degree to which the observations of
individuals within groups are correlated with each other on the outcomes of interest. For
determining the sample size, applicants need to consider the number of clusters, the number of
individuals within clusters, the potential adjustment from covariates, the desired effect, the
intraclass correlation (i.e., the variance between clusters relative to the total variance between
and within clusters), and the desired power of the design (note, other factors may also affect the
determination of sample size, such as using one-tailed vs. two-tailed tests, repeated observations,
attrition of participants, etc.).3 Strong applications will include empirical justification for the
intraclass correlation and anticipated effect size used in the power analysis.

(v) Measures. Measures of student outcomes should include relevant standardized measures of
student achievement in addition to other measures of student learning and achievement that are
more closely aligned with the proposed intervention (e.g., researcher-developed measures). The
applicant should provide information on the reliability, validity, and appropriateness of proposed
measures. In strong applications, investigators will make clear that the skills or content the
intervention is designed to address are captured in the various measures that are proposed.

Some interventions are designed to change directly the teaching and learning environment and
indirectly affect student outcomes. In such cases, applicants should provide measures of the
primary mediators (i.e., proximal outcomes), as well as measures of student outcomes.

(vi) Fidelity of implementation of the intervention. The applicant should specify how the
implementation of the intervention would be documented and measured. In strong applications,
investigators will make clear how the fidelity measures capture the critical features of the
intervention. Investigators should propose research designs that permit the identification and
assessment of factors impacting the fidelity of implementation.

(vii) Comparison group, where applicable. Comparisons of interventions against other conditions are
only meaningful to the extent that one can tell what comparison group receives or experiences.
Applicants should compare intervention and comparison groups on the implementation of critical
features of the intervention so that, for example, if there is no observed difference between
intervention and comparison student outcomes, they can determine if key elements of the
intervention were also provided in the comparison condition (i.e., a lack of distinction between
the intervention treatment and the comparison treatment).
For more information, see Donner, A., & Klar, N. (2000). Design and Analysis of Cluster Randomization Trials in
Health Research. New York: Oxford University Press; Murray, D. M. (1998). Design and Analysis of Group-
Randomized Trials. New York: Oxford University Press; W.T. Grant Foundation & University of Michigan,
Education Research, p. 23

In evaluations of education interventions, individuals in the comparison group typically receive

some kind of treatment; rarely is the comparison group a "no-treatment" control. For some
evaluations, the primary question is whether the treatment is more effective than a particular
alternative treatment. In such instances, the comparison group receives a well-defined treatment
that is usually an important comparison to the target intervention for theoretical or pragmatic
reasons. In other cases, the primary question is whether the treatment is more effective than
what is generally available and utilized in schools. In such cases, the comparison group might
receive what is sometimes called "business-as-usual." That is, the comparison group receives
whatever the school or district is currently using or doing in a particular area. Business-as-usual
generally refers to situations in which the standard or frequent practice across the nation is a
relatively undefined education treatment. However, business-as-usual may also refer to
situations in which a branded intervention (e.g., a published curriculum or program) is
implemented with no more support from the developers of the program than would be available
under normal conditions. In either case, using a business-as-usual comparison group is
acceptable. When business-as-usual is one or another branded intervention, applicants should
specify the treatment or treatments received in the comparison group. In all cases, applicants
should account for the ways in which what happens in the comparison group are important to
understanding the net impact of the experimental treatment. As noted in the preceding
paragraph, in strong applications, investigators propose strategies and measures for comparing
the intervention and comparison groups on key features of the intervention.

The purpose here is to obtain information useful for post hoc explanations of why the
experimental treatment does or does not improve student learning relative to the counterfactual.

Finally, the applicant should describe strategies they intend to use to avoid contamination
between treatment and comparison groups. Applicants do not necessarily need to randomize at
the school level to avoid contamination between groups. Applicants should explain and justify
their strategies for reducing contamination.

(viii) Mediating and moderating variables. Observational, survey, or qualitative methodologies are
encouraged as a complement to experimental methodologies to assist in the identification of
factors that may explain the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of the intervention. Mediating and
moderating variables that are measured in the intervention condition that are also likely to affect
outcomes in the comparison condition should be measured in the comparison condition (e.g.,
student time-on-task, teacher experience/time in position).

The evaluation should be designed to account for sources of variation in outcomes across settings
(i.e., to account for what might otherwise be part of the error variance). Applicants should
provide a theoretical rationale to justify the inclusion (or exclusion) of factors/variables in the
design of the evaluation that have been found to affect the success of education programs (e.g.,
teacher experience, fidelity of implementation, characteristics of the student population). The
research should demonstrate the conditions and critical variables that affect the success of a
given intervention. The most scalable interventions are those that can produce the desired effects
across a range of education contexts.
Education Research, p. 24

(ix) Data analysis. All proposals must include detailed descriptions of data analysis procedures. For
quantitative data, specific statistical procedures should be described. The relation between
hypotheses, measures, independent and dependent variables should be clear. For qualitative data,
the specific methods used to index, summarize, and interpret data should be delineated.

Most evaluations of education interventions involve clustering of students in classes and schools
and require the effects of such clustering to be accounted for in the analyses, even when
individuals are randomly assigned to condition. Such circumstances generally require
specialized multilevel statistical analyses using computer programs designed for such purposes.
Strong applications will provide sufficient detail for reviewers to judge the appropriateness of the
data analysis strategy. For random assignment studies, applicants need to be aware that typically
the primary unit of analysis is the unit of random assignment.

d. Personnel and resources. Competitive applicants will have research teams that collectively
demonstrate expertise in: (a) the relevant content area (e.g., reading, mathematics, student behaviors);
(b) the type of intervention being evaluated (e.g., curriculum, teacher professional development, policy);
(c) implementation of, and analysis of results from, the research design that will be employed; and (d)
working with schools and other education delivery settings. Competitive applicants will have access to
institutional resources that adequately support research.

For Goal Three projects, an applicant may be or may involve developers or distributors (including for-
profit entities) in the project, from having them as full partners in its proposal to using off-the-shelf
training materials without involvement of the developer or distributor. Involvement of the developer or
distributor must not jeopardize the objectivity of the evaluation. Collaborations including for-profit
distributors of curriculum materials should justify the need for Federal assistance to undertake the
evaluation of programs that are marketed to consumers and consider sharing the cost of the evaluation.

Competitive applicants will have access to institutional resources that adequately support research
activities and access to schools in which to conduct the research. Strong applications will document the
availability and cooperation of the schools or other education delivery settings that will be required to
carry out the research proposed in the application via a letter of support from the education organization.

e. Awards. Typical awards for projects at this level will be $250,000 to $750,000 (total cost = direct +
indirect costs) per year for a maximum of 4 years. Larger budgets will be considered if a compelling
case can be made for such support. The size of the award depends on the scope of the project.

E. Requirements for Goal Four (Scale-up Evaluations)

Because the requirements for Goal Four are essentially the same across the Institute's research grant
topics, a generic description is used in the funding announcement. Consequently, the examples provided
may not apply to a particular topic.

a. Purpose of scale-up evaluations. Through all of its research programs that include the Scale-up
Evaluations goal (Goal Four), the Institute intends to support effectiveness evaluations of interventions -
programs, practices - to determine whether or not fully developed interventions are effective when they
are implemented under conditions that would be typical if a school district or other education delivery
setting were to implement them (i.e., without special support from the developer or the research team)
Education Research, p. 25

across a variety of conditions (e.g., different student populations, different types of schools). The key
differences between Scale-up Evaluations (Goal Four) and Efficacy Evaluations (Goal Three), as the
Institute uses these terms, have to do with the delivery of the intervention and the diversity of the
sample. Scale-up Evaluations require that intervention be implemented at a distance from the
researcher/developer of the intervention. That is, the researchers must not be heavily involved in
making the intervention work. The intervention must be implemented in the school or other authentic
education setting, as it would be if the school, or entity, had purchased and implemented the intervention
on its own without any involvement in a research study. Second, Scale-up Evaluations require sufficient
diversity in the sample of schools, classrooms, or students to ensure appropriate generalizability. Scale-
up Evaluations typically require a larger sample than an Efficacy Evaluation. For Scale-up Evaluations,
the primary question of interest is, "Does this intervention produce a net positive increase in student
learning and achievement relative to the control group?" As is true for Goal Three studies, for Goal
Four studies, depending on the research question of interest, the control group may receive a well-
defined alternative treatment, or may receive whatever programs and practices are already currently
available and utilized by schools (business-as-usual control group). Finally, the Institute invests in Scale-
up Evaluations for interventions that have strong prior evidence of the efficacy of the intervention.

b. Requirements for proposed intervention. To be considered for Goal Four awards, applicants must
provide a clear rationale for the practical importance of the intervention. Applicants should address
three questions related to practical importance. (i) Is the intervention likely to produce educationally
meaningful effects on outcomes that are important to educational achievement (e.g., grades,
achievement test scores) and, therefore, are of interest to parents, teachers, and education decision
makers? (ii) Is the intervention reasonably affordable to schools and other education delivery entities?
(iii) Is the intervention designed so that it is feasible for schools and other education delivery entities to
implement the intervention? In addition, applicants should clearly describe the components of the
intervention. Interventions appropriate for study under Goal Four are interventions that are fully
developed and have strong evidence of the efficacy of the program on a limited scale.

(i) Educationally meaningful effects. Applicants must provide strong evidence of the efficacy of the
program as implemented on a small scale to justify the proposal to conduct a large-scale
evaluation of the effectiveness of the intervention. As an example of strong evidence of efficacy,
an applicant might describe the results of two or more small scale, rigorously conducted
evaluations using random assignment to intervention and comparison conditions in which the
efficacy of the intervention is demonstrated with different populations (e.g., urban and rural
school districts). Alternatively, a single efficacy evaluation might have involved schools from
more than one district and included a diverse population of teachers and students and alone could
constitute sufficient evidence of the efficacy of the intervention. Importantly, the evidence of
efficacy must be based on the results of randomized field trials, or well-designed quasi-
experimental evaluations. Strong applications will include information on the size and statistical
significance of the effects that were obtained through efficacy trials. Effect sizes and confidence
limits should typically be calculated based on a unit of analysis that is the same as the unit of
random assignment. For example, the results of an efficacy trial in which classrooms were
assigned to conditions should be analyzed based on classroom means rather than results from
individual students. Applicants should indicate clearly (e.g., including the statistical formula)
how the effect size was calculated when they use effect sizes as part of the rationale for justifying
Education Research, p. 26

their intervention. Furthermore, information on effect sizes is more useful to reviewers when
sufficient context for interpreting the effect sizes is provided.

(ii) Feasible implementation. The materials, training procedures, organizational arrangements, and
all other aspects of the intervention must be developed to the point where the intervention is
ready to be implemented under real-world circumstances in a real-world way. Strong
applications will provide reviewers with sufficient information to evaluate whether
implementation of the intervention is feasible for schools and other education entities under
normal conditions (i.e., without any support from the researchers or developers of the
intervention that would not typically be available to entities wanting to implement the
intervention outside of a research study). For example, applicants might include results from
prior efficacy trials indicating the degree of support provided for the implementation of the
intervention and the level of fidelity attained across classrooms or schools.

(iii) Description of the intervention. All applicants should clearly describe the intervention (e.g.,
features, components). When applicants clearly describe the intervention, reviewers are better
able to evaluate the relation between the intervention and the outcome measures (e.g., do the
proposed measures tap the constructs that the intervention is intended to address?). Strong
applications will also include detailed descriptions of what the comparison group experiences.
By clearly describing the components of the intervention and the comparable treatment (e.g.,
training program) that the comparison group will receive, reviewers are better able to judge
whether (a) the intervention is sufficiently different from the comparison treatment so that one
might reasonably expect a difference in student outcomes, and (b) fidelity measures and
observations of the comparison group are sufficiently comprehensive and sensitive to identify
and document critical differences between the intervention and comparison conditions.

c. Implementation of the intervention. One goal of scale-up evaluations of interventions is to

determine if programs are effective when the developers of the program do not provide any more
support than would be available under normal conditions. That is, the program should be implemented
as it would be if the schools or other entities that are delivering the program were to obtain the program
on their own and decide to use it apart from participation in any research and evaluation study. A second
goal is to determine if programs implemented under these conditions are effective in a variety of
settings. Interventions that are effective at scale are those that can produce the desired effects across a
range of education contexts. For Goal Four, the applicant should detail the conditions under which the
intervention will be implemented – including explicitly detailing what involvement the
researcher/developer will have in the implementation of the intervention and justifying this level of
involvement – and provide procedures that will capture the conditions and critical variables that affect
the success of a given intervention.

By addressing the implementation of the intervention and the requirements for the intervention in
section 14.E.b, Goal Four applicants are addressing the significance of their proposal.

d. Methodological requirements. Under Goal Four, the proposed research design must be
appropriate for answering the research questions or hypotheses that are posed. For the
methodological requirements for Goal Four projects, please refer to the methodological requirements
listed under Goal Three.
Education Research, p. 27

In addition, to the methodological requirements listed under Goal Three, for Goal Four projects, strong
applications will include a Cost-Feasibility analysis to assess the financial costs of program
implementation and assist schools in understanding whether implementation of the program is
practicable given their available resources. Data should be collected on the monetary expenditures for
the resources that are required to implement the program. Financial costs for personnel, facilities,
equipment, materials, and other relevant inputs should be included. Annual costs should be assessed to
adequately reflect expenditures across the lifespan of the program. The Institute is not asking applicants
to conduct an economic evaluation of the program (e.g., cost-benefit, cost-utility, or cost-effectiveness
analyses), although applicants may propose such evaluation activities if desired.4

e. Personnel and resources. Competitive applicants will have research teams that collectively
demonstrate expertise in: (a) the relevant content area (e.g., reading, mathematics, student behaviors);
(b) the type of intervention proposed (e.g., program, practice, policy); (c) implementation of, and
analysis of results from, the research design that will be employed; and (d) working with schools and
other education delivery settings.

Competitive applicants will have access to institutional resources that adequately support research
activities and access to schools in which to conduct the research. Strong applications will document the
availability and cooperation of the schools or other education delivery settings that will be required to
carry out the research proposed in the application via a letter of support from the education organization.

An applicant may involve developers or distributors (including for-profit entities) of the intervention in
the project, from having the developers as full partners in its proposal to using off-the-shelf teacher
training materials without involvement of the developer or publisher. However, involvement of the
developer or distributor must not jeopardize the objectivity of the evaluation. Strong applications will
carefully describe the role, if any, of the developer/distributor in the intervention. Developers may not
provide any training or support for the implementation that is not normally available to users of the
intervention. Applicants should describe how objectivity in the evaluation would be maintained. Strong
applications will assign responsibility for random assignment to condition and data analyses to
individuals who are not part of the organization that developed or distributes the intervention.

Collaborations including for-profit distributors of materials should justify the need for Federal
assistance to undertake the evaluation of programs that are marketed to consumers and consider
sharing the cost of the evaluation.

f. Awards. The scope of Goal Four projects may vary. A smaller project might involve several schools
within a large urban school district in which student populations vary in terms of SES, race, and
ethnicity. A larger project might involve large numbers of students in several school districts in different
geographical areas.

For additional information on how to calculate the costs of a program or conduct an economic evaluation,
applicants might refer to Levin, H.M., & McEwan, P.J. (2001). Cost-Effectiveness Analysis. 2nd Ed. Thousand Oaks,
CA: Sage Publications.
Education Research, p. 28

Awards for Goal Four projects may go up to a limit of $6,000,000 (total cost = direct + indirect costs)
over a 5-year period. Typical awards are less. Awards depend in part on the number of sites, cost of
data collection, and cost of implementation. The size of the award depends on the scope of the project.

G. Requirements for Goal Five (Measurement Projects for Topics 4-5, 9)

In Section 14.G, the Institute specifies the requirements for Goal Five projects for the following topics:
(Topic 4) Teacher Quality Read/Write, (Topic 5) Teacher Quality Math/Science, and (Topic 9) Early
Childhood Programs and Policies.

a. Requirements of proposed assessments. Applications that would be appropriate for consideration

under Goal Five include, but are not limited to: (a) proposals to develop new assessments; (b) proposals
to modify or adapt existing assessments; (c) proposals to adapt assessments originally designed and used
for research purposes for broader use in instructional settings; and (d) proposals to validate assessments
of teacher content and pedagogical knowledge and skills against student outcomes.

Applicants must provide a compelling rationale to support the development and/or validation of the
proposed assessment. Reviewers will consider the strength of the theoretical foundation for the
proposed assessment, the existing empirical evidence supporting the proposed assessment, and whether
the proposed assessment duplicates existing assessments of teacher subject matter knowledge,
pedagogical knowledge, or instructional practices. Applicants should clearly describe the components of
the assessment (e.g., specific knowledge and skills that the instrument is designed to tap) in sufficient
detail to allow reviewers to evaluate relations between the theoretical and empirical foundations for the
assessment and the assessment itself (e.g., does the proposed assessment capture critical skills?), and
whether the proposed assessment will meet the needs for which it is intended. Applicants should
consider the pragmatic constraints, such as ease of administration and cost, that states or districts will
use to determine whether the instrument is a reasonable option for general use. In short, applicants must
clearly and concisely articulate why the proposed assessment, as opposed to some other assessment,
should be developed and/or validated.

By describing the theoretical and empirical support for the proposed assessment, the practical utility of
the assessment, and the components of the assessment, applicants are addressing aspects of the
significance of their proposal.

b. Methodological requirements. For applicants proposing to develop an assessment, there are two
aspects of the research methodology that they must clearly address: (a) the proposed methods for
developing the assessment and (b) the proposed research methods for obtaining evidence of the validity
and reliability of the instrument. Applicants proposing to validate existing assessments of teacher
subject matter and pedagogical knowledge must clearly specify the proposed methods for obtaining
evidence of the validity of the instrument.

(i) Assessment development. Applicants must detail the proposed procedures for developing the
assessment. Strong applications will include descriptions of: (a) the procedures for determining
the constructs that will be "tapped" by the instrument (i.e., construct validity); (b) the procedures
for selecting items to be used in the assessment, including assessing difficulty of selected items,
and obtaining representative responses to items; and (c) the process for determining the
administrative procedures for conducting the assessment (e.g., mode of administration,
Education Research, p. 29

inclusion/exclusion of individual test takers, and whether make-ups or alternative administrative

conditions will be allowed). Applicants should describe the process they will use to collect
empirical (but not necessarily experimental) data that will provide feedback for refining specific
components of the assessment. Applicants should describe the iterative development process to
be used in the design and refinement of the proposed measurement tool.

(ii) Assessment evaluation. Applicants must clearly describe the research plans for determining the
validity and reliability of the instrument. Applicants should describe the characteristics, size, and
analytic adequacy of samples to be used in each study, including justification for exclusion and
inclusion criteria. Applicants should describe detailed planned analytic methods (e.g., statistical
and/or psychometric models), plans for treatment of missing responses, and criteria for
interpreting results.

Applicants proposing to use existing datasets (e.g., state or local student achievement databases)
to validate an assessment should explicitly address how exclusion from testing, or missing data,
will be handled within the statistical analysis. If multiple data sets will be linked for the proposed
analyses, applicants should provide sufficient detail for reviewers to judge the feasibility of the

Applicants proposing to collect original data should carefully describe the sample, measures
(including reliability and validity), and procedures proposed for the primary data collection. If
observational data are collected, applicants should describe how the data would be collected
(e.g., procedures for maintaining inter-observer reliability), coded, and analyzed. In all cases,
teachers' scores on the proposed assessment must be validated against the achievement of their

c. Personnel and resources. Competitive applicants will have research teams that collectively
demonstrate expertise in (a) the relevant academic content area (e.g., reading, mathematics, physics); (b)
teacher training; (c) assessment; (d) implementation of, and analysis of results from, the research design
that will be employed; and (e) working with teachers, schools, or other education delivery settings if
original data will be collected. Competitive applicants will have access to institutional resources that
adequately support research activities and access to schools in which to conduct the research.

d. Awards. Typical awards under Goal Five will be $150,000 to $400,000 (total cost = direct + indirect
costs) per year for a maximum of 4 years. Larger budgets will be considered if a compelling case can be
made for such support. The size of award depends on the scope of the project.
Education Research, p. 30



Application forms and instructions for the electronic submission of applications will be available for the
programs of research listed in this RFA from the following web site:

by the following dates:

July 26, 2007 Application Deadline Date April 23, 2007

November 1, 2007 Application Deadline Date April 30, 2007

The application form approved for use in the competitions specified in this RFA is the government-wide
SF424 Research and Related (R&R) Form (OMB Number 4040-0001).


The Institute intends to award grants pursuant to this request for applications. The maximum length of
the award period varies by topic and within topic by goal. The maximum award length for each goal
within a specific topic is specified in the award section for that topic and goal and ranges from two to
five years. Please see details for each topic and goal in the Requirements of the Proposed Research
section of the announcement.


The size of the award depends on the scope of the project. Please see specific details in the
Requirements of the Proposed Research section of the announcement. Although the plans of the
Institute include the research programs (topics) described in this announcement, awards pursuant to this
request for applications are contingent upon the availability of funds and the receipt of a sufficient
number of meritorious applications. The number of projects funded under a specific topic and goal
depends upon the number of high quality applications submitted to that topic and goal. The Institute
does not have plans to award a specific number of grants under each particular topic and goal.


For the research grant topics, applicants that have the ability and capacity to conduct scientifically valid
research are eligible to apply. Eligible applicants include, but are not limited to, non-profit and for-profit
organizations and public and private agencies and institutions, such as colleges and universities.


Research supported through this program must be relevant to U.S. schools.

Recipients of awards are expected to publish or otherwise make publicly available the results of the
work supported through this program. The Institute asks IES-funded investigators to submit voluntarily
Education Research, p. 31

to the Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) an electronic version of the author's final
manuscript upon acceptance for publication in a peer-reviewed journal, resulting from research
supported in whole or in part, with direct costs from the Institute. The author's final manuscript is
defined as the final version accepted for journal publication, and includes all modifications from the peer
review process.

Applicants should budget for one meeting each year in Washington, DC, with other grantees and
Institute staff. At least one project representative should attend the two-day meeting.

The Institute anticipates that the majority of the research funded under this announcement will be
conducted in field settings. Hence, the applicant is reminded to apply its negotiated off-campus indirect
cost rate, as directed by the terms of the applicant's negotiated agreement.

Research applicants may collaborate with, or be, for-profit entities that develop, distribute, or otherwise
market products or services that can be used as interventions or components of interventions in the
proposed research activities. Involvement of the developer or distributor must not jeopardize the
objectivity of the evaluation. Applications from, or collaborations including, such organizations should
justify the need for Federal assistance to undertake the evaluation of programs that are marketed to
consumers and consider sharing the cost of the evaluation, as well as sharing all or a substantial portion
of the cost of the implementation of the product being evaluated (e.g., sharing the cost of textbooks for

The Institute strongly advises applicants to establish a written agreement among all key collaborators
and their institutions (e.g., principal and co-principal investigators) regarding roles, responsibilities,
access to data, publication rights, and decision-making procedures within 3 months of receipt of an


A letter indicating an applicant’s intent to submit an application is optional, but encouraged, for each
application. The letter of intent form must be submitted electronically by the date listed at the beginning
of this document, using the instructions provided at:

The letter of intent should include:

 Descriptive title;
 Topic and goal that the applicant will address;
 Brief description of the proposed project;
 Name, institutional affiliation, address, telephone number and e-mail address of the principal
 Name and institutional affiliation of any key collaborators and contractors;
 Duration of the proposed project;
 Estimated budget request for each year; and
 Total budget request.

The project description should be single-spaced and should not exceed one page (about 3,500
characters). Although the letter of intent is optional, is not binding, and does not enter into the review of
Education Research, p. 32

a subsequent application, the information that it contains allows Institute staff to estimate the potential
workload to plan the review.


Applications must be submitted electronically by 4:30 p.m.,Washington, DC time by the application

deadline date, using the standard forms and the instructions provided at the following web site:

Potential applicants should check this site for information about the electronic submission procedures
that must be followed and the software that will be required.


All applications and proposals for Institute funding must be contained within specified page limits.
Internet Web site addresses (URLs) may not be used to provide information necessary to the review
because reviewers are under no obligation to view the Internet sites.

All of the instructions and requirements regarding (a) submission of the application, (b) application page
limits, (c) acceptable format, and (d) necessary attachments (.PDF files) will be provided in the
Application Instructions document for this competition to be found under the “For Applicants -- Apply
for Grants” link of Also, all of the required forms will be provided in the Application
Package that accompanies the Application Instructions.

You must search for the downloadable Application Instructions and Application Package for each
competition by the CFDA number. Do not include the alpha suffix in your search (e.g., search for
84.305, not 84.305A). For this competition, make sure that you download the “Education Research”
Application Instructions and Application Package.

In this section, the Institute provides instructions regarding the content of the (a) project
summary/abstract, (b) project narrative, (c) bibliography and references cited, (d) biographical sketches
of senior/key personnel, (e) narrative budget justification (f) subaward budgets, (g) Appendix A, (h)
Appendix B, (i) human subjects narrative, and (j) additional forms. The instructions below will be
reiterated in the Application Instructions document for this competition, which will be available, as
noted above, under the “For Applicants -- Apply for Grants” link of

A. Project Summary/Abstract
The project summary/abstract will be submitted as a .PDF attachment, is limited to 1 single-spaced page
and must adhere to the margin, format, and font size requirements described in the project narrative

The project summary/abstract should include (1) the title of the project; (2) the RFA topic and goal under
which the applicant is applying (e.g., development, efficacy); and brief descriptions of (3) the purpose
(e.g., to develop and document the feasibility of an intervention); (4) the setting in which the research
will be conducted (e.g., rural school districts in Alabama); (5) the population(s) from which the
Education Research, p. 33

participants of the study(ies) will be sampled (age groups, race/ethnicity, SES); (6) if applicable, the
intervention or assessment to be developed or evaluated or validated; (7) if applicable, the control or
comparison condition (e.g., what will participants in the control condition experience); (8) the primary
research method; (9) if applicable, measures of key outcomes; and (10) if applicable, data analytic

B. Project Narrative
The project narrative will be submitted as a .PDF attachment. Incorporating the requirements outlined
under the section on Requirements of the Proposed Research and the requirements listed under the
Specific Requirements section of the relevant research grant topic, the project narrative provides the
majority of the information on which reviewers will evaluate the proposal.

The project narrative must include the four sections described below (a. "Significance" through d.
"Resources") in the order listed and must conform to the format requirements described on the
application submission website.

The project narrative is limited to 25 single-spaced pages for all applicants. This 25-page limit does not
include any of the SF 424 forms, the one-page summary/abstract, the appendices, research on human
subjects information, bibliography and references cited, biographical sketches of senior/key personnel,
narrative budget justification, sub award budget information or certifications and assurances. Reviewers
are able to conduct the highest quality review when applications are concise and easy to read, with
pages numbered consecutively.

For the purposes of applications submitted under this RFA, a “page” is 8.5 in. x 11 in., on one side only,
with 1 inch margins at the top, bottom, and both sides. Text must be single spaced in the narrative. To
ensure that the text is easy for reviewers to read and that all applicants have the same amount of
available space in which to describe their projects, applicants must adhere to the type size and format
specifications for the entire narrative including footnotes. It is very important that applicants review
carefully the “Application Format Requirements” outlined in Fiscal Year 2008 Application
Package Highlights, which will be part of the application instructions, available on by April 23, 2007.

a. Significance. In the General Requirements of the Proposed Research section and in the subsections
describing the requirements for the proposed intervention for Goal One, Goal Two, Goal Three, Goal
Four, and Goal Five, the Institute details the information that the applicant should include in order to
address the significance of the proposed project.

For projects in which an intervention or assessment is proposed (whether to be developed or to be

evaluated), applicants may use Appendix B to include up to 10 pages of examples of materials to be
used by participants (e.g., training materials for teachers, computer screens depicting how information is
presented to students, examples of test items for a proposed assessment). Applicants should be aware
that all narrative text describing the theoretical background, empirical support, components of the
assessment or intervention, or any other aspect of the proposal must be included within the 25-page
project narrative. The only materials that are allowed in Appendix B are examples of the materials that
are used by or presented to participants in the intervention or assessment.
Education Research, p. 34

b. Methods. The Methods section of applications for Goal One, Goal Two, Goal Three, Goal Four, and
Goal Five should address all of the requirements detailed in the methodological requirements sections
for the appropriate research goal.

c. Personnel. Applicants must include brief descriptions of the qualifications of key personnel
(information on personnel should also be provided in their curriculum vitae) in the research narrative to
be compliant with the requirements of the Request for Applications. For each of the key personnel,
please describe the roles, responsibilities, and percent of time devoted to the project.

d. Resources. Applicants must include a brief description of resources available to support the project
at the applicant’s institution and in the field settings in which the research will be conducted in the
research narrative to be compliant with the requirements of the Request for Applications.

C. Bibliography and References Cited

This section will be submitted as a .PDF attachment. Please include complete citations, including titles
and all authors, for literature cited in the research narrative.

D. Biographical Sketches of Senior/Key Personnel

This section will be submitted as a .PDF attachment. Abbreviated curriculum vitae should be provided
for the principal investigator(s) and other key personnel. Each vita is limited to 4 pages and should
include information sufficient to demonstrate that personnel possess training and expertise
commensurate with their duties (e.g., publications, grants, relevant research experience), and have
adequate time devoted to the project to carry out their duties. The fifth page of the attachment should
list current and pending grants with the proportion of the individual's time allocated to each project.
The curriculum vita must adhere to the margin, format, and font size requirements described in the
project narrative section.

E. Narrative Budget Justification

This section will be submitted as a .PDF attachment and should provide sufficient detail to allow
reviewers to judge whether reasonable costs have been attributed to the project. The budget justification
should correspond to the itemized breakdown of project costs that is provided in the Research & Related
Budget (SF 424) Sections A & B; C, D, & E; and F-K. It should include the time commitments and brief
descriptions of the responsibilities of key personnel. For consultants, the narrative should include the
number of days of anticipated consultation, the expected rate of compensation, travel, per diem, and
other related costs. A justification for equipment purchase, supplies, travel and other related project
costs should also be provided in the budget narrative for each project year outlined in the Research &
Related Budget (SF 424).

For those applications that include a subaward(s) for work conducted at collaborating institutions, the
narrative should also provide the details about the subaward(s). Include the actual subaward budgets as
a separate attachment. (See below “Subaward Budget”.)

Applicants should use their institution’s federal indirect cost rate and use the off-campus indirect cost
rate where appropriate (see instructions under Section 19 Special Requirements). If less than 75 percent
of total indirect costs are based on application of the off-campus rate, the applicant should provide a
detailed justification.
Education Research, p. 35

F. Subaward Budget
This section will be submitted as a .PDF attachment. For applications that include a subaward(s) for
work conducted at collaborating institutions, applicants must submit an itemized budget spreadsheet for
each subaward for each project year. As noted above, the details of the subaward costs should be
included in the Narrative Budget Justification. An Excel spreadsheet will be provided in the electronic
application package to allow applicants to enter the subaward budget information in accordance with the
prescribed format. Applicants will complete the spreadsheet in Excel format, convert it to a .PDF file,
and then upload it as an attachment.

G. Appendix A
Appendix A should be included at the end of the Project Narrative, and will be submitted as part of the
same .PDF attachment.

The purpose of Appendix A is to allow the applicant to include any figures, charts, or tables that
supplement the research text, examples of measures to be used in the project, and letters of agreement
from partners (e.g., schools) and consultants. In addition, in the case of a resubmission, the applicant
may use up to 3 pages of the appendix to describe the ways in which the revised proposal is responsive
to prior reviewer feedback. These are the only materials that may be included in Appendix A; all other
materials will be removed prior to review of the application. Narrative text related to any aspect of the
project (e.g., descriptions of the proposed sample, the design of the study, or previous research
conducted by the applicant) must be included in the research narrative. Letters of agreement should
include enough information to make it clear that the author of the letter understands the nature of the
commitment of time, space, and resources to the research project that will be required if the application
is funded. The appendix is limited to 15 pages. The Institute recognizes that some applicants may have
more letters of agreement than will be accommodated by the 15-page limit. In such instances, applicants
should include the most important letters of agreement and may list the letters of agreement that are not
included in the application due to page limitations.

H. Appendix B (optional)
If applicable, Appendix B should be included at the end of the Project Narrative, following Appendix A,
and will be submitted as part of the same .PDF attachment.

The purpose of Appendix B is to allow applicants who are proposing an intervention or assessment to
include examples of curriculum material, computer screens, test items, or other materials used in the
intervention or assessment. These are the only materials that may be included in Appendix B; all other
materials will be removed prior to review of the application. Appendix B is limited to 10 pages.
Narrative text related to the intervention (e.g., descriptions of research that supports the use of the
intervention/assessment, the theoretical rationale for the intervention/assessment, or details regarding the
implementation or use of the intervention/assessment) must be included in the 25-page research
Education Research, p. 36

I. Research on Human Subjects

This section will be submitted as a .PDF attachment. If an applicant proposes research activities
involving human subjects at any time during the proposed project period, either at the applicant
organization or at any other performance site or collaborating institution, then the applicant must provide
either a human subjects "exempt research narrative" or a "nonexempt research narrative” and upload this
narrative as instructed in the Fiscal Year 2008 Application Package Highlights. See the U.S.
Department of Education’s web page for detailed information about the protection of human subjects in

J. Additional Forms
Please note that applicants selected for funding will be required to submit the following certifications
and assurances before a grant is issued:
(1) SF 424B-Assurances-Non-Construction Programs
(2) Lobbying Form
(3) ED 80-0014 (if applicable)-Lower Tier Certification
(4) SF-LLL (if applicable) - Disclosure of Lobbying Activities
(5) Protection of Human Research Subjects assurance and/or Institutional Review Board
certification, as appropriate


Applications must be received by 4:30 p.m. Washington, DC time on the application deadline date
listed in the heading of this request for applications. Upon receipt, each application will be reviewed for
compliance and for responsiveness to this request for applications. Applications that do not address
specific requirements of this request will be returned to the applicants without further consideration.


Applications that are compliant and responsive to this request will be evaluated for scientific and
technical merit. Reviews will be conducted in accordance with the review criteria stated below by a
panel of scientists who have substantive and methodological expertise appropriate to the program of
research and request for applications.

Each application will be assigned to one of the Institute's scientific review panels. At least two primary
reviewers will complete written evaluations of the application, identifying strengths and weaknesses
related to each of the review criteria. Primary reviewers will independently assign a score for each
criterion, as well as an overall score, for each application they review. Based on the overall scores
assigned by primary reviewers, an average overall score for each application will be calculated and a
preliminary rank order of applications prepared before the full peer review panel convenes to complete
the review of applications.

The full panel will consider and score only those applications deemed to be the most competitive and to
have the highest merit, as reflected by the preliminary rank order. A panel member may nominate for
consideration by the full panel any proposal that he or she believes merits full panel review but would
not have been included in the full panel meeting based on its preliminary rank order.
Education Research, p. 37


The purpose of Institute-supported research is to contribute to the solution of education problems and to
provide reliable information about the education practices that support learning and improve academic
achievement and access to education for all students. Reviewers for all applications will be expected to
assess the following aspects of an application in order to judge the likelihood that the proposed research
will have a substantial impact on the pursuit of that goal. Information pertinent to each of these criteria
is also described above in the section on Requirements of the Proposed Research, in the Specific
Requirements section of the relevant research grant topic, and in the description of the project narrative,
which appears in the section on Contents of Application.

A. Significance
For significance of the project, Goal One applicants need to address the theoretical and empirical
rationale for the study and the practical importance of the intervention (e.g., program, practice) that will
be examined issues, as outlined in section III.14.B.a (Purpose of identification studies).

For significance of the project, Goal Two and Goal Three applicants need to describe (a) the intervention
(e.g., features, components) and the logic model for the intervention, (b) the theoretical and empirical
support for the proposed intervention, and (c) the practical importance of the intervention, as detailed in
section III.14.C.b (for Goal Two: Requirements for proposed intervention.) and in section III.14.D.b for
Goal Three.

For significance of the project, Goal Four applicants need to address the implementation of the
intervention as discussed in section III.14.E.c and the requirements for the intervention in section

For significance of the project, Goal Five applicants need to describe the theoretical and empirical
support for the proposed assessment, the practical utility of the assessment, and the components of the

B. Research Plan
Does the applicant address the requirements described in the methodological requirements section for
the Goal under which the applicant is submitting the proposal?

C. Personnel
Does the description of the personnel make it apparent that the principal investigator, project director,
and other key personnel possess the training and experience and will commit sufficient time to
competently implement the proposed research?

D. Resources
Does the applicant have the facilities, equipment, supplies, and other resources required to support the
proposed activities? Do the commitments of each partner show support for the implementation and
success of the project?
Education Research, p. 38


A. Letter of Intent Receipt Dates:

July 26, 2007 Application Deadline Date May 24, 2007
November 1, 2007 Application Deadline Date September 6, 2007

B. Application Deadlines:
Summer Deadline Date July 26, 2007
Fall Deadline Date November 1, 2007

C. Earliest Anticipated Start Date:

July 26, 2007 Application Deadline Date March, 2008
November 1, 2007 Application Deadline Date July, 2008


The following will be considered in making award decisions:

o Scientific merit as determined by peer review
o Responsiveness to the requirements of this request
o Performance and use of funds under a previous Federal award
o Contribution to the overall program of research described in this request
o Availability of funds


For the convenience of applicants, in this section we provide contact information for all of the NCER
research programs.

A. Reading and Writing

Dr. Elizabeth Albro
Institute of Education Sciences
555 New Jersey Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20208

Telephone: (202) 219-2148

B. Mathematics and Science Education

Dr. Christina Chhin
Institute of Education Sciences
555 New Jersey Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20208

Education Research, p. 39

Telephone: (202) 219-2280

C. Cognition and Student Learning

Dr. Carol O’Donnell
Institute of Education Sciences
555 New Jersey Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20208

Email: Carol.O’
Telephone: (202) 208-3749

D. Teacher Quality (Reading and Writing and Mathematics and Science Education)
Dr. Harold Himmelfarb
Institute of Education Sciences
555 New Jersey Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20208

Telephone: (202) 219-2031

E. Social and Behavioral Context for Academic Learning

Dr. Christina Chhin
Institute of Education Sciences
555 New Jersey Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20208

Telephone: (202) 219-2280

F. Education Leadership
Dr. Katina Stapleton
Institute of Education Sciences
555 New Jersey Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20208

Telephone: (202) 219-2154

G. Education Policy, Finance, and Systems

Dr. Katina Stapleton
Institute of Education Sciences
555 New Jersey Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20208

Telephone: (202) 219-2154
Education Research, p. 40

H. Early Childhood Programs and Policies

Dr. Caroline Ebanks
Institute of Education Sciences
555 New Jersey Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20208

Telephone: (202) 219-1401

I. High School Reform

Dr. David Sweet
Institute of Education Sciences
555 New Jersey Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20208

Telephone: (202) 219-1748

J. Interventions for Struggling Adolescent and Adult Readers

Dr. Elizabeth Albro
Institute of Education Sciences
555 New Jersey Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20208

Telephone: (202) 219-2148

K. Postsecondary Education
Dr. Ram Singh
Institute of Education Sciences
555 New Jersey Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20208

Telephone: (202) 219-2025

L. Education Technology
Dr. Edward Metz
Institute of Education Sciences
555 New Jersey Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20208

Telephone: (202) 208-1983
Education Research, p. 41


20 U.S.C. 9501 et seq., the “Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002,” Title I of Public Law 107-279,
November 5, 2002. This program is not subject to the intergovernmental review requirements of
Executive Order 12372.


The Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) in 34 CFR parts 74, 77, 80,
81, 82, 84, 85, 86 (part 86 applies only to institutions of higher education), 97, 98, and 99. In addition
34 CFR part 75 is applicable, except for the provisions in 34 CFR 75.100, 75.101(b), 75.102, 75.103,
75.105, 75.109(a), 75.200, 75.201, 75.209, 75.210, 75.211, 75.217, 75.219, 75.220, 75.221, 75.222, and


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