Duckpin Bowling
Duckpin Bowling
Duckpin Bowling
in bowling. Remain back of the foul line at all times. After delivering the ball, walk straight back on the approach. Do not remain standing near the foul line. Do not walk in front of a bowler to pick up your ball of the rack or to mark up a score, is he/she is in the position to start his/ her delivery. Do not attempt to deliver the ball at the same time as the bowler on the adjoining lane. If you are both ready to bowl at the same time, remember- the person at your right has the right way- acknowledge it. After delivering the ball, use only the width of your lane for any contortions of body English in which you may wish to indulge. Do not talk to a bowler while he/she is delivering his ball. You can have a lot of fun kidding but do it at the right time. Control your temper and refrain from abusive language. Do not always expect a strike every time you hit the head pin. Use good sportsmanship at all times- give credit where credit is due. Do not get discouraged- you can learn. Remember, a happy disposition and a bright smile is as big an asset in bowling as anywhere and being able to laugh at yourself and your own failures is the first step in correcting your errors. Use your own balls of the house balls, never to use another persons ball without his/her permission. Class Guidelines 1. 2. 3. 4. Get your index card and sign as you arrive at the Alumni Center Bowling Alley. Go to your respective lane assignment. Write your name in the score sheet. And wait for the go signal to start the games. Every bowler must finish 3 consecutive frames (frames 1, 2, and 3) before the next bowler starts. When all bowlers in the score sheet are finished, the play on the next 3 frames (frames 4, 5, and 6) on the adjoining lane. (e.g. Bowler X played in Lane 3, and Bowler Y played on Lane 4 on their 1st 3 frames. On the next 3 frames, Bowler X will be on Lane 4 and Bowler Y will be on Lane 3.) On the next 3 frames, Bowler X will be on Lane 4, and Bowler Y will be on Lane 3.) When all are finished playing 6 frames, play on the next 4 frames continuously but you will exchange lanes after 2 frames (frames 7 & 8) 5. You must record your score in the index card before you leave. (There should be an assigned scorer and checker per meeting day.)
A GLOSSARY OF BOWLING TERMS ADDRESS- a bowlers starting position ALLEY- synonym for lane ALLEY BED- the part of the ally between the foul line and pit; surface on which the ball is rolled. ANCHOR- last man to roll in team competitions; usually the best bowler APPLE- bowling ball APPROACH- area on which the bowler takes his steps to the foul line; mostly are 16 feet long ARROWS- aiming points embedded in the lane 7ft away from the foul line; 7 arrows used for targeting BABY SPLIT- the 2-7 or 3-10 split BACK-UP BALL- a ball the curves left to right for a right-handed bowler, or right to left for a lefthanded bowler BALK- crossing the foul line with the ball and failing to deliver it BARMAID- a hidden pin BED POSTS- a 7-10 split BTCYCLE- a pin hidden behind another pin; synonymous to BARMAID, DOUBLE WOOD, and TANDEM BIG FOUR- the 4-6-7-10 split BLOW- a missed spare; (ERROR, MISS, OPEN) BOARD- an individual piece of the lane BODY ENGLISH- contortions of the body wishfully intended to steer the ball after its release (BODY LANGUAGE) BOX- a synonym for FRAME BREAK- all pins are down on the third ball. CANAL- the channel or trough at either side of the lane; it directs a wasted shot into the pit. CHANNEL- see CANAL or GUTTER CLEAN GAME- strike or spare in each frame (e.g. no open frames) CLOTHESLINE- also PICKET FENCE. The 1-2-4-7 or 1-3-6-10 pins still standing after the first ball. COUNT- number of pins knocked down on the first ball CURVE- a ball with a lateral spin that works to the left in a wide arc from the moment it contacts the lane. CUSHION- the upholstered backstop in the pit that absorbs the shock of the ball DEADWOOD- fallen pins DELIVERY- rolling of the ball DOUBLE WOOD- see BARMAID, BICYCLE or TANDEM ERROR- a missed spare attempt except when shooting for a split; MISS, OPEN FILL- number of pins knocked down in the next frame that apply to a spare or strike FIVE-BAGGER- five strikes in a row FLOATER- a ball that goes where the lane lets it FOLLOW-THROUGH- motion after release FOUL- touching or going beyond the foul line in delivering the ball FOUL LINE- the restraining line between the lane and the approach; the line that denotes the actual beginning of the playing surface or the alley bed FOUR-BAGGER- four strikes in a row
FRAME- the tenth part of a game; synonymous with box GAME- a line on the score sheet consisting of 10 frames GOAL POSTS- see BED POSTS GRAVEYAR(S)- an extremely difficult lane in the house GUTTER- see CANAL GUTTER BALL- a ball that goes into the canal/gutter and doesnt hit any pins HAMBONE- another term for FOUR-BAGGER HANDICAP- pins added to a bowlers score to equalize competition; a predetermined number of pins conceded to the lower average bowler or team to compensate for an obvious inferiority HEADPIN- the number 1 pin; the closest to the bowler HOOK- a ball that skids straight down the lane and then breaks sharply left and into the pins HOUSE- bowling center HOUSE BALL- bowling ball provided by the center JOKER- a bowler who got the lowest in a team event and whose score is not added to the total team score KEGLER- a bowler KINGPIN- the number 5 pin LANE- the playing surface; the regulation lane for all kinds of bowling is 62 feet, 10 and 1/8 inches long from the foul line to the pit; 41 to 42 inches wide from gutter to gutter LEAD-OFF- the first bowler on a team line-up LEAVE- pins left standing after a ball has been delivered LINE- a complete game of ten frames; also refers to the path of the ball from release to the pins LOFTING- throwing the ball out on the lane too far beyond the foul line MARK- a strike or spare or break MISS- a missed spare; (BLOW, ERROR, OPEN) MULE EARS- see BED POSTS, GOAL POSTS, SNAKE EYES MURPHY- baby split (2-7, 3-10) OPEN- a frame that doesnt have a mark PERFECT GAME- 12 strikes in a row with a count of 30 pins in a frame resulting in a score of 300 PICKET FENCE- see CLOTHESLINE PIN- object which the bowler is trying to knock down PIN DECK- area where pins are set PIT- space to the rear of the lane into which the pins are hit POCKET- space between the 1 and 3 for a right-hander, the 1 and 2 pins for the left-hander; can also refer to the space between any two neighboring pins PUSHAWAY- movement of the ball and starting foot together which begins the approach RAILROAD- any wide split RELEASE- hand motion as ball is put onto lane RETURN- the track on which the balls roll back from the pit to the ready rock SCRATCH- actual score without handicap SHADOW BALL- a ball rolled in practice without the pins being set, usually for 5 minutes or just one or two balls before competition play SIX PACK- six strikes in a row SLEEPER- a rear pin the is not easily seen because of a pin directly in front of it ( e.g. 5-1, 8-2 and 9-3) SNAKE EYES- the 7-10 split
SPARE- all the pins down with two balls SPLIT- a spare leave in which the headpin is down and the remaining combination pins have an intermediate pin down ahead of or between them SPOT- a place on the lane at which a bowler aims to line up his shot with the ultimate target STEPS- number of steps a bowler takes when delivering the ball STRAIGHT BALL- one the rolls in a straight line from point of release to the targer STRIKE- all the pins are down on the first shot STRIKE OUT- making three strikes in the tenth frame STRING- a complete game of ten frames; same as LINE TANDEM- two pins, one directly behind the other; BARMAID, BICYCLE, OR DOUBLE WOOD TAP- an apparent perfect hit for a strike but one pin is left standing TARGET ARROWS- see ARROWS TRIPLE- three consecutive strikes in a row; see TURKEY TURKEY- three consecutive strikes