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JKR - Conditions of Contract

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CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 1. 1.1 Interpretation, definition etc.

Unless otherwise specifically stated a reference in the Articles of Agreement, the Conditions and the Appendices to any clause means that clause of the Conditions. The Articles of Agreement, the Conditions and the Appendices are to be read as a whole and the effect or operation of any article or Clause in the Conditions or item in or entry in the Appendices shall, unless otherwise specifically stated, be read subject to any relevant qualification or modification in any other article or any of the clauses in the Conditions or item in or entry in the Appendices. Unless the context otherwise requires or the Articles or the Conditions or an item in or entry in the Appendices specifically otherwise provides, the following words and phrases in the Articles of Agreement, the Conditions and the Appendices shall have the meaning given below or as ascribed in the article, clauses or Appendix item to which reference is made: (a) Appendices means Appendix 1, 2#, 3, 4, 5, 6**, 7, and 8 to the Conditions as completed by the parties; (b) Articles of Agreement means the Articles of Agreement to which the Conditions are annexed, and references to any recital are to the recitals set out before the Articles; (c) Conditions means the Conditions of Contract including the Special Conditions as listed below: *Clause 59 *Clause 60 *Clause 61 Maintenance of Works and Services Direct Payments and Consultancy Agreement with to Contractors Consultants ....................................................;
Method of Reference To Clauses


Articles etc. to be read as a whole



(d) Contractor means the person named as Contractor in the Articles of Agreement and includes the Contractor's heirs, executors, administrators, permitted assigns, successors and duly appointed representatives; (e) Contractor's Proposals means the proposals as per Second Recital;
# Delete if method of payment is based on valuation on Site ** Delete if Contract Schedule of Rates is not applicable * Delete if not applicable

(f) Contract Sum means the sum stipulated in Article 2 of the Articles of Agreement; (g) Contract Sum Analysis means the analysis of the Contract Sum prepared by the Contractor for the purposes of this Contract as referred to in the Third Recital; (h) Contract Schedule of Rates means the schedule of rates agreed between the Contractor and the Government prior to the execution of the Contract, for the purpose of valuation of variations under the Contract; (i) Date for Completion means the date fixed and stated in Appendix 1 or any date fixed under Clause 45 as provided under Clause 41.1; (j) Date for Possession means the date stated in Appendix 1; (k) Date of Tender means the date fixed for submission of Tender as stated in Appendix 1; (l) Defects Liability Period means the period stated in Appendix 1 or if none stated the period is twenty four (24) months from the date of practical completion certified by the P.D. as provided under Clause 41.2; (m) Site means the lands and other places on, under, in or through which the Works are to be executed and any other lands or places provided or approved by the Government for working space or any other purpose as may be specifically designated under this Contract or subsequently agreed by the P.D. as forming part of the Site; (n) Project Director or P.D. means *.................................................... ...................................................................................................... and his successors in office. Provided that during the continuance of this Contract any successor in office of such P.D. shall not disregard or overrule any decision, approval, concurrence or direction given to the Contractor in writing by his predecessor unless he is satisfied that such action will not cause any pecuniary loss to the Contractor or unless such action be ordered as a variation pursuant to Clause 27 of these Conditions;

State the official designation of the officer responsible for the overall supervision and direction of the Works.

(o) P.D.'s Representative means any person or persons deputed or authorized from time to time by the P.D. to perform any or all of the duties of the P.D.; (p) Works means the works briefly described in the First Recital and referred to in the Government's Requirements and the Contractor's Proposals and shall include both permanent and temporary works; (q) The terms concurrence and approved wherever used in this Contract means written consent or approval by the Government or the the case may be, pursuant to a written request or submission made by the Contractor; (r) The term instructed wherever used in this Contract means instructed in writing by the P.D. (including subsequent confirmation of previous verbal instruction by the P.D.). 1.4 1.5 Words importing the singular shall also include the plural and vice versa. The marginal headings or notes in these Conditions of Contract shall not be deemed to be part thereof or be taken into consideration in the interpretation or construction of this Contract.
Singular and Plural terms Marginal headings or notes

2. 2.1

Contractor's Obligations The Contractor shall subject to the provisions of the Contract and save in so far as it is legally or physically impossible, (a) design, construct and complete the Works; and (b) provide all design, services, labour, materials, Contractor's equipment, temporary works, transport to and from and in or about the Site and everything whether of a temporary or permanent nature required in and for such design, construction and completion so far as the necessity for providing the same is specified in or reasonably to be inferred from the Contract.
Contractors General Obligation


The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the design, execution and maintenance of the Works/portion of the works for which his design/alternative design have been accepted by the Government, and shall absolutely guarantee the Government independent of fault that the design, materials and workmanship for the Works or portion of the works is suitable for the known requirements of the Government.

Design Guarantee

2.3.1 Any reference to the design which the Contractor has prepared or shall prepare or issue for the Works shall include the reference to any design which the Contractor has caused or shall cause to be prepared or issued by others. 2.3.2 Where any part of the Works has been designed by or on behalf of the Government and that design has been included in the Government's Requirements the Contractor shall check the design and accept responsibility therefore having first obtained the approval of the P.D. for any modifications thereto which the Contractor considers to be necessary. 2.4.1 To the extent required by the Contract the Contractor shall institute a quality assurance system, and for this purpose the Contractor shall submit to the P.D. the Contractors plan for the quality assurance systems for his approval before the commencement of the Works. 2.4.2 The parties hereby agree that compliance with such approved quality assurance system shall not relieve the Contractor from any of his other duties, obligations or liabilities under the Contract and neither shall the P.D. or the Government be liable in any manner whatsoever notwithstanding the approval by the P.D. of the said system. 2.5 Where any Act of Parliament, Regulation or Bye-law requires that a separate check of the design or a test shall be carried out prior to the construction or loading of any permanent and temporary works the Contractor shall arrange and carry out such check or test at his own costs. The Contractor shall take full and unequivocal responsibility for the safety of the design and for the adequacy, stability and safety of all site operations and methods of construction.

Any reference to Contractors design to include design proposed by others Contractors design responsibility

Quality Assurance

Contractors duties, etc not relieved

Statutory checks


Contractor responsible for safety Care of the Works

2.7.1 (a) From the commencement of the Works to the date of the issuance of the Certificate of Practical Completion for the whole of the Works the Contractor shall save as in paragraph (b) and sub-clause 2.7.2 hereof take full responsibility for the care of the Works and for materials, plant and equipment for incorporation therein and shall at his own cost replace, repair and make good any damage, loss or injury to the same so that at completion the Works shall be in good order and condition and in conformity in every respect with the requirements of the Contract and the P.D.'s instructions. The Contractor shall also be liable for any damage to the Works occasioned by him in the course of any operations carried out by him for the purpose of complying with his obligations under Clause 48.1 hereof.

(b) If the P.D. issues a Certificate of Practical Completion or Certificate of Partial Occupation for any Section or part of the permanent works the Contractor shall cease to be responsible for the care of that Section or part from the date of issue of that Certificate of Practical Completion or Certificate of Partial Occupation when the responsibility for the care of that Section or part shall pass to the Government. Provided always that the Contractor shall remain responsible for any damage to such completed work caused by or as a result of his other activities on the Site. (c) The Contractor shall take full responsibility for the care of any outstanding work and materials, plant and equipment for incorporation therein which he undertakes to finish during the Defects Liability Period until such outstanding work has been completed. 2.7.2 Risks for which the Contractor is not liable are loss and damage to the extent that they are due to: (a) the use or occupation by the Government, his agents, servants or other contractors (not being employed by the Contractor) of any part of the permanent works; (b) riot, war, invasion, act of foreign enemies or hostilities (whether war be declared or not); (c) civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection or military or usurped power; (d) ionising radiations or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel, radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear assembly or nuclear component thereof; (e) pressure waves caused by aircraft or other aerial devices travelling at sonic or supersonic speeds and (f) any such operation of the forces of nature as an experienced Contractor could not foresee or reasonably make provision for or insure against.
Excepted Risks

2.8.1 If any accident, failure or other event occurs due to any cause whatsoever to, or in connection with the Works or any part thereof either during the execution of the Works or during the Defects Liability Period the Contractor shall immediately report the accident, failure or event to the P.D., and unless otherwise directed by the P.D. generally or in any particular respect conduct a full investigation into the said accident, failure or event in order to determine the cause or reason for the accident, failure or event and submit a report thereon to the Government and the P.D. together with his proposals for remedial works in respect thereof. 2.8.2 The Contractor shall not, however, cause remedial work to be carried out in respect thereof until directed to do so by the P.D. in writing. And upon being so directed the Contractor shall proceed with the remedial works within fourteen (14) days from the date of such direction. 2.8.3 Where the Government, its employee or any person or body appointed or authorised by it carried out any investigation in relation to any accident, failure or other event which has occurred to, in or in connection with the Works or any part thereof for the purpose of determining the cause or reason for the said accident, failure or event, the Contractor shall render all such necessary assistance and facilities as may be required by the Government, its employee or such person or body including the giving of access to all specification, designs, records or other ava ilable information relating to the Works. 2.8.4 If by reason of any accident, or failure, or other event occurring to in or in connection with the Works, or any part thereof, either during the execution of the Works or during the Defects Liability Period, any remedial or other work or repair shall, in the opinion of the P.D. be urgently necessary for the safety of the Works or the public and the Contractor fails to immediately do such work or repair, the Government may employ and pay other persons to carry out such work or repair as the P.D. may consider necessary. If the work or repair so done by the Government is work which, in the opinion of the P.D., the Contractor was liable to do at his own expense under the Contract, all costs and charges properly incurred by the Government in so doing shall be recoverable from the Contractor by the Government, or may be deducted by the Government from any monies due or which may become due to the Contractor. Provided always that the P.D. shall, as soon after the occurrence of any such emergency as may be reasonably practicable, notify the Contractor thereof in writing.

Duties of the Contractor to inform of any accident and failure etc.

No remedial work by the Contractor unless directed

Contractor to render necessary assistance

Urgent Repairs


The Contractor shall only employ local consultants for the design and supervision of the Works and the management of the Project. Under no circumstances will the Contractor be permitted to employ foreign consultants except where there are no local consultants with the required expertise and special exemption had been obtained from the Government, prior to the execution of the Contract. The Contractor shall submit a complete list of consultants to be employed for the Works stating their job category and their obligations. The Consultants shall be suitably qualified and competent and shall be registered with their respective professional Boards. The Contractor shall not employ any other professionals (other than those named in his proposal) without the prior consent of the P.D. The Contractor's attention is also drawn to the fact that the said consultants shall be retained throughout the Contract Period for the supervision of the Works and they shall not be discharged without the consent of the P. D. All as-built drawings required for the Works shall be certified by the relevant consultant.

Employment of Consultants


Proposed Consultants


Employment of Consultants with the consent of the P.D.

2.10.1 The Contractor shall employ Bumiputera organisations and/or professionals to carry out specific portion of the Works on a Sub-contract basis as defined under Clause 31 and the amount of all these participation shall be at least 30% of the total Contract Value. 2.10.2 It is also required that: (a) the Bumiputera organisation shall be from the list of registered Contractors maintained by the Contractors Service Centre of the Ministry of Entrepreneurial Development Malaysia or the list of registered suppliers and professional firms maintained by the Ministry of Finance Malaysia, whichever is applicable; within fourteen (14) days from the receipt of the Letter of Acceptance, the Contractor shall submit to the P.D. for his approval a list of works, supply or services which he proposes to sub-let to Bumiputera organisations in accordance with this Clause. The P.D. shall within twenty-one (21) days after receipt of this list (i) approve the list in writing; or

Bumiputera Participation

List of Bumiputera organisation



reject the list in writing with reasons and/or request modifications; and/or request the Contractor to supply further information to clarify or substantiate the list;


Provided that if none of the above actions is taken within the said period of twenty-one (21) days the P.D. shall be deemed to have approved the list as submitted.
Default by Contractor


If the Contractor fails to fulfil the requirements of this Clause, the Government reserves the right to: (i) reallocate any portion of the Works to Bumiputera organisations for which the Contractor shall remain fully responsible for any delay or failure on the part of the Bumiputera organisations; or take disciplinary action against the Contractor by suspension or cancellation of the Contractors registration as a Government Contractor.



Any action, decision, instruction or consent taken, made or given by the Government or the P.D. as the case may be under this Clause shall not in any way whatsoever relieve the Contractor of any of his obligations under this Contract.

Contractors obligations unchanged



Within fourteen (14) days from the receipt of the Letter of Acceptance the Contractor shall submit to the P.D. for his approval a programme showing the order in which he proposes to carry out the Works having regard to the provisions of Clause 39.3; and the Contractor shall also provide in writing for the information of the P.D. a general description of the arrangements and methods of construction, which the Contractor proposes to adopt for the carrying out of the Works.

Programme of Works to be furnished



The P.D. shall within twenty-one (21) days after receipt of the Contractor's programme: (a) (b) approve the programme in writing; or reject the programme in writing with reasons and/or request modifications; and/or request the Contractor to supply further information to clarify or substantiate the programme or to satisfy the P.D. as to its reasonableness having regard to the Contractor's obligations under the Contract,

Action by the P.D.


Provided that if none of the above actions is taken within the said period of twenty-one (21) days the P.D. shall be deemed to have approved the programme as submitted.
Modified Programme or Further Information


The Contractor shall upon receipt from the P.D. any request under subclause 2.14.2(b) or (c) of this Clause resubmit a modified programme or provide further information as requested.


If at any time it should appear to the P.D. that the actual progress of Works does not conform to the approved programme referred to hereinbefore the Contractor shall produce, at the request of the P.D., a revised programme showing the modifications to the approved programme necessary to ensure completion of the whole Works within the time for completion provided for in Clause 41 hereof or extended time granted pursuant to Clause 45 hereof.

Programme to be Revised

2.11.5 The submission to and approval by the P.D. or the P.D's representative of such programme or the furnishing of such particulars shall not relieve the Contractor of any of his duties or responsibilities under this Contract.

Contractor to remain responsible


P.D.'s rights to take action Notwithstanding any provision in this Contract, it is hereby agreed that: i) the right to take action and/or initiate proceedings on behalf of the Government in respect of any matter which arises out of the provisions of Clauses 40, 45, 54, 55 or 56 where appropriate, is expressly reserved to the Officer named in Appendix 1; and the power of the P.D. to issue instructions requiring a variation under Clause 27.2 shall be subject to the financial limits as set out in Appendix 1 hereto. If the P.D. is required to issue an instruction requiring a variation under Clause 27.2 which is more than the financial limits set out in Appendix 1, the P.D. shall obtain the prior written approval of the relevant authorities of the Government.
Officer empowered to act on behalf of Government and to approve variations.


4. 4.1

P.D.'s Instructions The Contractor shall, subject to Clauses 4.2 and 27.2, forthwith comply with all instructions issued to him by the P.D. in regard to any matter in respect of which the P.D is expressly empowered by the Conditions to issue instructions, save that where such instruction is one requiring a variation within the meaning of Clause 27.1(b), the Contractor need not comply to the extent that he makes reasonable objection in writing to the P.D. to such compliance. If within seven (7) days after receipt of a written notice from the P.D. requiring compliance with an instruction the Contractor does not comply therewith, then the P.D. may employ and pay other persons to execute any work whatsoever which may be necessary to give effect to such instruction and all costs incurred in connection with such employment including on-cost charges calculated by applying the Percentage of On-cost charges stated in Appendix 1 to the amount incurred, shall be deducted by him from any monies due or to become due to the Contractor under this Contract, failing which such deductions shall be recovered from the Performance Bond or as a debt due from the Contractor. All instructions issued by the P.D. shall be in writing.
Compliance with P.D.'s instruction


Action of P.D. in event of non compliance with instructions


P.D.s instructions to be in writing



Notices All written notices or instructions to the Contractor under the terms of the Contract shall be left at his office on the Site and an acknowledgement receipt thereof is obtained from the Contractors Project Manager or shall be sent to the Contractors principal place of business. Notices

6. 6.1

Custody and supply of Contract Documents The Contract Document shall be prepared in an original and a duplicate copy. The original copy of the Contract Document shall remain in the custody of the P.D. and shall be made available at all reasonable times for the inspection of the Contractor. The duplicate copy shall be kept by the Contractor. Immediately after the execution of this Contract the Contractor shall furnish without charge to the Government unless the Government shall have been previously so provided with at least eight (8) certified true copies and one (1) original copy of the Contract Documents. The Contractor shall without further charge to the Government, provide the P.D. with two copies of the construction drawings, specifications, details, levels and setting out dimension which the Contractor prepares or uses for the purposes of the Works. The Contractor shall keep one certified true copy of the Contract Documents and other documents referred to in Clause 6.3 at the Site so as to be available to the P.D. at all reasonable times. After the practical completion of the Works but within three (3) months after that date, the Contractor shall without further charge to the Government supply for the retention and use of the P.D. two (2) sets of drawings stored in CD-ROMs and four (4) sets of such drawings, documents, information and manuals showing or describing the Works as built, and concerning the maintenance and operation of the Works, including any installations comprised in the Works, as may be specified in the Contract Documents.

Custody of Contract Documents


Copies of Contract Documents


Drawings etc. of the Contracto r Availability of documents on Site Supply by Contractor of `as built' drawings






It is expressly agreed between parties that all maps, drawings, reports, specifications, calculations, designs, and all other relevant documents pertaining to this Contract shall be the absolute property of the Government and shall not be utilised or retained by the Contractor for any purpose other than with the permission of the Government.

Use of Documents


The Contractor's plans and specifications shall use the S.I. Units (System International D'Unites) of measurement, commonly known as the metric system as this is the requirement of all approving authorities in Malaysia.

Contractor's plans and specifications to use S.I. units

7. 7.1

Sufficiency of Contract Documents The Contractor shall provide everything necessary for the proper execution of the Works until its completion according to the true intent and meaning of the Contract Documents taken together whether the same may or may not be particularly shown or described provided the same can be reasonably inferred there from. Except if and to the extent provided under this Contract, the Articles of Agreement, the Conditions and the Appendices shall prevail over these or any other documents forming part of this Contract. Subject to the foregoing the several documents forming the Contract are to be taken as mutually explanatory of one another but in the event of any ambiguity or discrepancy the same shall be explained by the P.D. to the Contractor who shall rectify the discrepancy at his own cost and expense. (a) The documents forming the Contract are to be taken as mutually explanatory of one another. If in the light of the several documents forming the Contract there remain ambiguities or discrepancies between the Government's Requirements and the Contractor's Proposal, the Government's Requirements shall prevail without adjustment of the Contract Sum.

Contractor to provide everything necessary


Conditions to prevail






Any ambiguities or discrepancies within the Government's Requirements shall be explained and resolved by the P.D. who shall thereupon issue to the Contractor appropriate instructions in writing.


Where there is a discrepancy within the Contractors proposals the Contractor shall inform the P.D. in writing of his proposed amendment to remove the discrepancy and (subject always to compliance with Statutory Requirements) the P.D. shall decide between the discrepant items or otherwise may accept the Contractor's proposed amendment and the Contractor shall be obliged to comply with the decision or acceptance by the P.D. without cost to the Government.

Discrepancies within Contractors Proposals

8. 8.1

Materials, goods and workmanship The Works shall be designed, constructed and completed in accordance with the Contract and where not expressly provided otherwise in the Contract, in accordance with appropriate standards and standard codes of practice. All materials, goods and workmanship shall, so far as procurable, be of the respective kinds and standards described in the Government's Requirements, or, if not therein, as specifically described in the Contractor's Proposals or specifications referred to in Clause 6.3: Provided that the Contractor shall not substitute anything so described without the P.D's consent in writing which consent shall not be unreasonably delayed or withheld. No such consent shall relieve the Contractor of his other obligations. The Contractor shall upon the request of the P.D. provide him with vouchers to prove that the materials and goods comply with Clause 8.2. (a) Further to his obligations under Clause 2.5, the Contractor shall submit to the P.D. for his approval proposals for checking the design and setting out of the Works and testing the materials and workmanship to ensure that the Contractor's obligations under the Contract are met.
Standards and Codes of Practice


Quality of materials, goods and workmanship


Vouchers of materials and goods Checks and tests




The Contractor shall carry out the checks and tests approved under sub-clause 8.4(a) of this Clause or elsewhere in the Contract and such further tests as the P.D. may reasonably require including the opening up of any work covered up for inspection and/or any test.


The P.D. may issue instructions to the Contractor requiring at his own cost, the removal from the Site or rectification of any work, materials or goods which are not in accordance with this Contract.

Removal from Site work, materials or goods Tests


The Contractor shall provide such assistance and such instruments machines, labour and materials as are normally required for examining, measuring and testing any work and the quality, weight or quantity of any materials used and shall supply samples of materials before incorporation in the Works for testing as may be required by the P.D. Unless the Contract otherwise provides, the cost of making any test shall be borne by the Contractor if such test is: (a) proposed by the Contractor under Clause 2.5 or sub-clause 8.4(a) of this Clause; or clearly intended by or provided for in the Contract.


Cost of tests

(b) 8.8

Notwithstanding anything in Clause 8.7, if the Contractor carries out any further test as required by the P.D. pursuant to sub-clause 8.4(b) and the result of such test shows the workmanship or materials is not in accordance with the provisions of the Contract then the cost of such test shall be borne by the Contractor, but if the result of such test shows the workmanship or materials comply with the provisions of the Contract then the cost of such test shall be borne by the Government.

Further tests


9. 9.1

Restriction and Procedure on Use of Imported Materials and Goods The Contractor shall use the materials and goods of Malaysian origin as listed in the `SENARAI BAHAN-BAHAN BINAAN TEMPATAN' issued by Kumpulan IKRAM Sdn. Bhd. (hereinafter referred to as KISB ) and other local materials and goods certified by KISB or such materials and goods approved by the P.D. Under no circumstances shall the Contractor be permitted to incorporate or supply imported materials, plant, equipment, vehicles or other goods into the Works or forming part of the scope of the Works except those approved by the Government, prior to the execution of the Contract. The Contractor shall at his own cost entirely substitute any materials, plant, equipment, vehicles or other goods proposed to be imported but not approved by the Government, with suitable local materials, plant, equipment, vehicles or other goods, including making any necessary sub-sequential changes or adjustments to the design of the Works to accommodate such substitution, all to the concurrence of the P.D. Such substitution, any necessary subsequential changes to the design of the Works and the P.D.s concurrence thereto shall not prejudice or affect the Contractors obligation and liability to guarantee the design under Clause 2 hereof. The Contractor shall ensure that the procurement of approved imported materials; plant, equipment, vehicles or other goods are obtained directly from the country of origin based on F.O.B. or other similar basis. The transportation and insurance of such imported materials, plant, equipment, vehicles or other goods from the country of origin to the Site shall be arranged by the Contractor through the Governments Multi Modal Transport Operators (hereinafter referred to as MTO) as listed in Appendix 8. The Contractor shall allow in his tender all costs and time required in complying with the requirements of this Clause including the cost required for the services provided by the MTO. The Contractor shall submit documentary evidence of compliance with this Clause to the P.D. within one (1) month from the date of each delivery to the Site of such materials, plant, equipment, vehicles or other goods.

Contractor to use materials of Malaysian origin


Substitution of imported materials etc. with local materials .


Procurement based on FOB and use of Governments MTO


Documentary evidence of compliance


10. 10.1

Constructional Plant, Equipment, Vehicles and Machineries The Contractor shall pay all port dues including (but not by wayof limitation) wharf age dues, pilot age fees, anchorage, berth age and mooring fees, quarantine dues, loading porter age and overtime fees for constructional plant, equipment, vehicles and machineries for use directly in connection with the construction, completion of the works brought into and despatched from Malaysia by the Contractor (or in his name by agents). The Contractor shall furnish to the P.D. all such shipping documents, invoices and other documentation as may be required by the Customs Authorities in connection with the importation of goods, materials, constructional plant, equipment, vehicles and machineries. In the case of constructional plant, equipment, vehicles, and machineries imported on the Contractor's behalf by importing agents and the like both the shipping documents and the invoices of the original suppliers or manufacturers must indicate clearly that the consignment is for the Contractor's account. The procedure in respect of the requirements of the foregoing shall be determined by the Customs Authorities. The Contractor shall make written application to the P.D. and shall provide the relevant documentation of all constructional plant, equipment, vehicles and machineries to be imported into Malaysia not less than 45 (forty-five) days before the arrival of the said constructional plant, equipment, vehicles and machineries. The Contractor shall pay all charges and other expenses in connection with the landing and shipment of all constructional plant, materials and other things of whatsoever nature brought into or despatched from Malaysia for the purpose of the Contract. The Contractor shall make his own arrangement in obtaining clearance through the Customs of constructional plant, equipment, vehicles and machineries. However, if required, the P.D.'s assistance may be sought. Under this Contract the Contractor shall be required to furnish all lists of constructional plant, equipment, vehicles and machineries to the P.D. whether the constructional plant, equipment, vehicles and machineries are hired or acquired.
Payment of Port Dues


Administration of Customs Authorities


Importation by Agent


Application for Custom Duties


Landing charges


Customs Clearance


Contractor to supply information



Non- removal of Materials and Equipment on Site No equipment, temporary works, materials for temporary works or other goods or materials brought on to the Site for the purposes of the Contract shall be removed except for use upon the Works without the written consent of the P.D. which consent shall not unreasonably be withheld where the items in question are no longer immediately required for the purposes of the completion of the Works.
Non-removal of materials and Equipment on Site

12. 12.1.1

Statutory obligations, notices, fees and charges The Contractor shall comply with, and give all statutory notices required by any written law, regulation or requirements, byelaw or any local authority or of any statutory undertaker which has any jurisdiction with regard to the Works or with whose systems the same are or will be connected (all requirements to be so complied with being referred to in these Conditions as `the Statutory Requirements') and the Contractor shall submit to the P.D. all approvals received by the Contractor in connection therewith. If the Contractor or the P.D. finds any divergence between the statutory requirements and either the Government's Requirements (including any Variation), or the Contractor's Proposals, he shall immediately give to the other written notice specifying the divergence. In either case, the Contractor shall inform the P.D. in writing of his proposed amendment for removing the divergence, and with the P.D.'s consent (which shall not be unreasonably delayed or withheld) the Contractor shall entirely at his own cost save as provided in Clause 12.3 complete the design and construction of the Works in accordance with the amendment and the P.D. shall note the amendment on the Contract Documents. If in any emergency compliance with Clause 12.1.1 requires the Contractor to supply materials or execute work before receiving the P.D.'s consent under Clause 12.1.2 the Contractor shall supply such materials and execute such works as are reasonably necessary to secure immediate compliance with the statutory requirements. The Contractor shall forthwith inform the P.D. of the emergency and of the steps that he is taking under this Clause.
Compliance with Statutory Requirements


Divergence between Statutory Requirements and Contract Documents


Emergency compliance with Statutory Requirements



The Contractor shall pay and indemnify the Government against liability in respect of any fees, charges, rates or taxes (excluding capital contribution) legally demandable under any written law, regulation or byelaw of any local authority or of any statutory undertaker in respect of the Works. No adjustment shall be made to the Contract Sum in respect of the amount of any such fees, charges, rates or taxes.

Fees, charges, rates or taxes


If after the Date of Tender, there is a variation in the statutory requirements affecting the Works which necessitates some amendment to the Contractor's Proposals, such amendments shall be treated as if it were an instruction of the P.D. under Clause 27.2 affecting a Variation.

Effects of changes in Statutory Requirements after Date of Tender Changes in Statutory Requirements requiring amendments to Contractors Proposal


If any amendment to the Contractor's Proposals becomes necessary for conformity with the terms of any permission or approval made by a decision of the relevant authority after the Date of Tender, such amendment shall be treated as if it were an instruction of the P.D. under Clause 27.2 affecting a Variation to this Contract provided that such treatment is not precluded in the Government's Requirements.

13. 13.1

Custom Dues and Taxation The Contractor shall be required to pay all Customs Duties and Sales Tax in respect of all goods (or in his name by agents) for incorporation in the Works or for use directly in connection with the construction and completion and maintenance thereof. The Contractor shall be required to pay all Malaysian taxes on such part of their profit in respect of this Contract as is chargeable therewith under the laws for the time being in force. The Contractor's employees including non-Malaysian personnel shall be liable to pay Malaysian Income Tax in respect of their salaries as are chargeable therewith under the laws for the time being in force and the Contractor shall perform such duties in regard to the deduction thereof as may be lawfully imposed on them by the Government.
Custom Dues


Payment of tax on Profit


Payment of Income Tax by non-Malaysian personnel


14. 14.1

Antiquities All fossils, coins, antiquities and other objects of interest or value which may be found on the Site or in excavating the same during the progress of the Works shall become the property of the Government and upon discovery of such an object the Contractor shall forthwith a) use his best endeavors not to disturb the object and shall cease work if and in so far as the continuance or work would endanger the object or prevent or impede its excavation or its removal; b) take all steps which may be necessary to preserve the object in the exact position and condition in which it was found; and inform the P.D. of the discovery and precise location of the object.

Effects of find of antiquities

c) 14.2

The P.D. shall issue instructions in regard to what is to be done concerning an object reported by the Contractor under Clause 14.1 and (without prejudice to the generality of his power) such instructions may require the Contractor to permit the examination, excavation or removal of the object by a third party. Any such third party shall for the purpose of Clause 34 be deemed to be a person for whom the Government is responsible and not to be a sub-contractor. If compliance with the provisions of Clause 14.1 or with an instruction issued under Clause 14.2, has involved the Contractor in direct loss and/or expense for which he would not be reimbursed by a payment made under any other provisions of this Contract then the amount of such loss and/or expense shall be added to the Contract Sum.

P.D.'s instruction on antiquities found


Direct loss and/or expense

15. 15.1

Copyright, royalties and patent rights All royalties or other sums payable in respect of the supply and use in carrying out the Works of any patented articles, processes or inventions or in respect of the supply and use for the Works of drawings or models of buildings the subject of copyright other than drawings or models provided by the P.D. shall be deemed to have been included in the Contract Sum, and the Contractor shall indemnify the Government from and against all claims, proceedings, damages, costs and expense

Treatment of royalties etc. and indemnity to Government


which may be brought or made against the Government or which it may be put by reason of the Contractor infringing or being held to have infringed any patent rights in relation to any such articles, processes, and inventions or infringing or being held to have infringed copyright. 15.2 Provided that where in compliance with the P.D.'s instructions pursuant to Clause 27 the Contractor shall supply and use in carrying out the Works any patented articles, processes or inventions, etc. the Contractor shall not be liable in respect of any i fringement or alleged infringement of any patent n rights in relation to any such articles, processes and inventions and all royalties, damages or other monies which the Contractor may be liable to pay to the persons entitled to such patent rights shall be added to the Contract Sum. Except where otherwise specified, the Contractor shall pay all tonnage and other royalties, rent fees and other payments or compensation (if any) for getting stone, sand, gravel, clay or other materials required for the Works.
P.D.'s instruction treatment of royalties etc.


Payment of royalties etc.


Site boundaries and setting out The P.D. shall define the boundaries of the Site and shall determine any levels, boundary stones and any other points of reference, which may be required by the Contractor for the execution of the Works. The P.D. shall also furnish to the Contractor such information as shall enable the Contractor to set out the Works at ground level. The Contractor shall be responsible for, and shall entirely at his own cost amend, any errors arising from his own inaccurate setting out. Provided that any information given or forwarded by the Government to the Contractor shall not relieve the Contractor of his obligations under Clause 2. The Government gives no warranty in any manner whatsoever for the information either as to their accuracy or sufficiency or as to how the same shall be interpreted and the Contractor, when he makes use of and interprets the same shall do so at his own risk and shall not constitute a breach of obligation on the part of the Government if such information is not accurate or sufficient for the purpose of performing the Contractor's obligation under this Contract.

Sites boundaries and setting out



Inspection of Site The Contractor shall be deemed to have inspected and examined the Site and its surroundings and to have satisfied himself and allowed in the Contract Sum as to the form and nature of the Site, the extent and nature of the Works and the means of access to the Site, the accommodation he may require and in general shall himself obtain all necessary information as to risks, contingencies and other circumstances which may influence or affect his tender.
Inspection of Site

18. 18.1

Employment of Workmen The Contractor shall employ in the execution of the Contract only Malaysian citizens as workmen. If in any particular trade or skill required to complete this Contract, the Contractor can show to the satisfaction of the P.D. that Malaysian citizens are not available, and then the Contractor may employ non-Malaysian citizens subject to the approval of the Ministry of Human Resources and other relevant authorities in Malaysia. The ratio of Malaysian citizens who shall be employed by the Contractor in the execution of this Contract shall reflect the racial ratio of the citizens of this country as prescribed by the Government from time to time. The Contractor shall on the commencement of the Works furnish to the Department of Labor of the state in which this Contract is performed all particulars connected with this Contract and such returns as may be called for from time to time in respect of labor employed by him and his subcontractors (including `labor only' sub- contractors) on the execution of this Contract, in accordance with the requirements of the Employment Act 1955, Employment (Restriction) Act 1968, and Internal Security (Registration Of Labor) Regulation 1960 or any subsequent modification or re-enactment thereof. The Contractor shall maintain on the Site at all times during the progress of the Works an up-to-date register containing particulars of all workers employed by him.
Malaysian Citizens


Ratio of Workmen


Particulars of Labor



All workmen employed in connection with the Works shall be employed from within the District where the Works are situated and where such workmen are not available in the said District, then from within the State where the Works are situated. The Contractor shall immediately after the award of this Contract arrange with the local labor office, District Officer/Pegawai Jajahan or Penghulu/Penggawa to effect such employment. The Contractor shall cause his sub-contractors including labor-only sub-contractors to comply with Clauses 18.1 to 18.4.

Source of Labor


SubContractor to comply


Compliance with Employment Act 1955 etc. The Contractor shall comply and shall cause his sub-contractors including `labor only' sub-contractors to comply with all the requirements of the Employment (Restriction) Act 1968, Employees Provident Fund Act 1951, the Industrial Relations Act 1967 and any other law relating to the employment of workmen, or any subsequent modification or re-enactment thereof.
Compliance with Employment Act 1955, etc.

20. 20.1

Epidemics and Medical Attendance The Contractor shall maintain the Site in clean and sanitary condition and shall comply with all requirements of the Government Health and Sanitary Authorities. In the event of any outbreak of illness of an epidemic nature the Contractor shall comply with and carry out such regulations, orders and requirements as may be made by the Government or the local medical or health authorities for the purpose of dealing with and overcoming the same. The Contractor shall provide to the satisfaction of the Government or Local Authorities concerned adequate medical attendance for his employees. In particular the Contractor shall provide first aid kits at suitable locations on the Site and shall instruct an adequate number of person in their use. The names of the persons so instructed shall be made known to all employees of the Contractor.


Medical Attendance


21. 21.1

Days and hours of working No work shall be done on: (a) (b) the weekly day of rest; any public holiday which is recognized in the state where this Contract is being carried out; or between the hours of six in the evening and six in the following morning,
Days and hours of working


without the written consent have the P.D. and such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed. 21.2 Provided that when the written application of the Contractor is approved by the P.D. under Clause 21.1 the Contractor shall comply fully with all requirements of the Employment Act 1955 in regard thereto or any subsequent modification or re-enactment thereof and shall bear all cost for compliance therewith.
Contractor to bear costs

22. 22.1

Contractor's Project Manager Unless otherwise provided elsewhere in this Contract, the Contractor shall keep constantly on the Site of the Works, a competent Project Manager who must be capable of receiving instructions and communicating proficiently in Bahasa Melayu and English. Any instruction given to such Project Manager referred to in Clause 22.1 by the P.D. shall be deemed to have been given to the Contractor.
Employment of Contractor's Project Manager Instruction given to Contractor's Project Manager



Wages books and time sheets The Contractor shall keep and shall cause his sub-contractors (including labor only sub-contractors) to keep proper wages books and time sheets showing wages paid to and the time worked by all workmen employed by him and his sub-contractors as aforesaid in and for the performance of this Contract and shall produce such wages and time sheets on demand for inspection by any persons duly authorized by the P.D. and shall furnish to the P.D. or his duly authorized representative such information relating to the wages and conditions of employment of such workmen as the P.D. may from time to time require.
Wages book and time sheets



Default in payment of wages In the event of default being made in the payment of any money in respect of wages, and/or default in the payment in respect of Employee's Provident Fund Contributions of any workman employed by the Contractor or his sub-contractors including `labor only' sub-contractors in and for the performance of this Contract, then the P.D. shall make payment to the Director General of Labor and/or Employee's Provident Fund Board, as the case may be, and such payment including On-cost charges (calculated by applying the Percentage for On-cost charges stated in Appendix 1 to the payments made), shall be deducted from any money due or to become due to the Contractor under this Contract and failing which such payment shall be recovered from the Performance Bond.
Default in payment of wages


Discharge of workmen The Contractor shall only employ such project manager, technical staff, foremen, artificers and laborers on the Works as are thoroughly competent, efficient and of good character. If, in the sole opinion of the P.D. any person employed by the Contractor misconducts himself or has caused delays or is incompetent, the Contractor when so directed by the P.D. in writing, shall at once remove such person from the Works and he shall not again be employed on the Works without the written permission of the P.D. Any person so removed from the Works shall be replaced without delay by a substitute approved by the P.D. Provided that the Contractor shall not be entitled to any claim for any expense whatsoever incurred by him in respect of any direction given by the P.D. under this Clause.
Discharge of Workmen


Access for P.D. to the Works The P.D. and any person authorized by him shall at all reasonable times have access to the Site and the Works and to the workshops or other places of the Contractor where work is being prepared for this Contract and where work is being so prepared in workshops or other places of a sub-contractor, the Contractor shall, by a term in the sub-contract, so far as possible secure a similar right of access to those workshops or places for the P.D. and person authorized by him and shall do all things reasonably necessary to make such right effective.

Access for P.D. to the Works


27. 27.1

Variations The term `Variation means: (a) a change in the Contract Documents which makes necessary the alteration or modification of the design, quality or quantity of the Works as described by or referred to in the Contract Documents, otherwise than such as may be reasonably necessary for the purposes of rectification pursuant to Clause 8.5 including: (i) (ii) the addition, omission or substitution of any work; the alteration of the kind or standard of any of the materials, goods to be used in the Works;

(iii) the removal from the Site of any work executed or materials or goods brought thereon by the Contractor for the purposes of the Works other than work, materials or goods which are not in accordance with this Contract; and/or (b) the addition, alteration or omission of any obligations or restrictions imposed by the P.D. in the Contract Documents with regard to: (i) (ii) access to the Site or use of any specific parts of the Site; limitations of working space;

(iii) limitations of working hours; (iv) the execution or completion of the Work in any specific order. 27.2 The P.D. may issue instructions effecting a Variation in the Government's Requirements or the Contractor's Proposal. No Variation instructed by the P.D. under this Clause shall in any way vitiate or invalidate the Contract but the fair and reasonable value (if any) of all such Variations shall be taken into account in ascertaining the amount of the Contract Sum except to the extent that such Variation is necessitated by the Contractors default. Provided that the Government may not effect a change which is, or which makes necessary, an alteration or modification in the design of the Works without the consent of the Contractor, which consent, shall not be unreasonably delayed or withheld.
Instructed Variation



The Contractor shall effect Variations to the Works or design if in the opinion of the P.D. the same is necessary for the purpose of suitability, functionality and safety of the Works.

Variations for the purpose of suitability, functionality and safety Cost to be borne by Contractor


Where a Variation under Clause 27.3 by the Contractor results in extra cost, the said extra cost, shall be borne by the Contractor unless the Contractor can prove to the satisfaction of the P.D. that such Variation is necessary in a consequence of any physical condition (other than weather conditions or condition due to weather, the nature, character and extent of local conditions, accessibility of the Site, the supply of electricity and water, the nature and geology of the ground, subsoil and sub-marine, the hydrological and climatic conditions, the form, nature and suitability of the Site, the supply of and conditions affecting labor and materials) or artificial obstruction which could not reasonably have been foreseen by an experienced Contractor. However, if a Variation under Clause 27.3 results in a reduction in cost the Contract Sum shall be accordingly reduced. No changes to the Governments Requirements or Contractors Proposal made under this Clause shall relieve the Contractor of his obligations under Clause 2.2 hereof.


Contractors obligations unchanged

28. 28.1

VALUATION OF VARIATIONS The valuation of additional or substituted work shall be consistent with the values of work of similar character set out in the Contract Sum Analysis or Contract Schedule of Rates making due allowance for any change in the conditions under which the work is carried out and/or any significant change in the quantity of the work so set out. Where there is no work of a similar character set out in the Contract Sum Analysis or Contract Schedule of Rates a fair valuation shall be made. The valuation of the omission of work shall be in accordance with the values in the Contract Sum Analysis or Contract Schedule of Rates.
Valuation of instructed variation


Valuation of omission of work Allowance for Site administrate etc.


Any valuation of work under Clause 28.1 and 28.2 shall include allowance for any necessary addition to or reduction of the Site administration, Site facilities and temporary works.



Where an appropriate basis of a fair valuation of additional or substituted work is Day work, the valuation shall comprise the prime cost of such work plus 15%, which shall include for the provision of Site administration, Site facilities and temporary works and for profit. Provided always that as a condition precedent to any right to any payment the Contractor shall produce vouchers specifying the time daily spent upon the work, the workmen's names, the plant and the materials employed to the P.D. for verification not exceeding seven (7) days after the work has been executed. If a Variation under Clause 27.3 changes the conditions under which any other work is executed and the Contractor can satisfy the P.D. that such variation was in consequence of any physical condition (other than weather conditions or conditions due to weather, the nature, character and extent of local conditions, accessibility of the Site, the supply of electricity and water, the nature and geology of the ground, subsoil and sub-marine, the hydrological and climatic conditions, the form, nature and suitability of the Site, the supply of and conditions affecting labor and materials) or artificial obstruction which could not reasonably have been foreseen by an experienced Contractor then, such work shall be valued in accordance with the provisions of this Clause. To the extent that the valuation does not relate to the execution of additional or substituted work or the omission of work or to the extent that the valuation of any work or liabilities directly associated with a Variation cannot reasonably be effected in the Valuation by the application of Clause 28.1 to 28.5 a fair Valuation shall be made.

Day works


Variation by Contractor affecting other works


Fair valuation


Provided that no allowance shall be made under Clause 28 for any effect upon the regular progress to be made of the Works or for any other direct loss and/or expense for which the Contractor would be reimbursed by payment under any other provision in the Conditions.

No allowance to be made for loss or expense Adjustment of Contra ct Sum


Effect shall be given to Clause 28 by addition to or deduction from the Contract Sum.


29. 29.1

Provisional Sums The term Provisional Sum included in the Contract Documents means a sum for work to be executed or the supply of materials or goods which cannot be entirely foreseen, defined or detailed before the Date of Tender and the P.D. shall issue instruction to the Contractor in regard to the expenditure of such Provisional Sum. The value of works which are executed by the Contractor in respect of a Provisional Sum shall be ascertained in accordance with Clause 28. At the settlement of the accounts the value of such work executed by the Contractor shall be set against the Provisional Sum and the balance shall be added to or deducted from the Contract Sum. The Provisional Sum if not used either wholly or in part shall as to the amount not use be deducted from the Contract Sum.


Adjustment of Contract Sum in respect of Provisional Sums

30. 30.1

Contract Sum The Contract Sum shall not be adjusted or altered in any way whatsoever otherwise than in accordance with the express provisions of the Conditions.
Adjustment of Contract Sum to be in accordance with the Conditions Adjustment of Contract Sum to be accounted for in the Interim Payment


Where in the Conditions it is provided that an amount is to be added or deducted from or dealt with by adjustment of the Contract Sum, then as soon as such amount is ascertained by the P.D. in whole or in part, such amount shall be taken into account in the computation of the next Interim Payment following such whole or partial ascertainment.

31. 31.1

Sub-letting and Assignment The Contractor shall not without the written consent of the P.D. (which consent shall not be unreasonably delayed or withheld) sub-let the design for all or any portion of the Works. Where the P.D. consents to any sub-letting under this sub-clause such consent shall not in any way absolve the obligations of the Contractor under Clause 2.2.

Sub-letting of design



Except where otherwise provided by this Contract, the Contractor shall not sub-let the whole or any substantial part of the Works without the prior written consent of the P.D. (which consent shall not be unreasonably delayed or withheld) and such consent, if given, shall not relieve the Contractor from any liability or obligation under this Contract and he shall be responsible for the due observance by such sub-contractors, of all the terms, stipulations and conditions under this Contract. The Contractor shall also be responsible for the acts, defaults or neglects of any sub-contractor including in this instance, `labor only' sub-contractors, his agents, servants or workmen as fully as if they were the acts, defaults or neglects of the Contractor, his agents, servants or workmen. Provided always that the provision of l bor on a piecework basis shall not be deemed to be a suba letting under this Clause. It shall be a condition in any sub-letting which may occur that the employment of the sub-contractor under the sub-contract shall determine immediately upon the determination of the Contractor's employment under this Contract and no claim whatsoever shall be made by the Contractor and/or sub-contractor against the Government for any work done and/or materials or goods supplied. All sub-contractors employed in connection with the Works shall be employed from within the District, where the Works are situated and where such sub-contractors are not available in the said District, then from within the State where the Works are situated. The Contractor shall not assign the Contract or any part thereof, or any benefit or interest therein or there under without the prior written consent of the P.D.

Subletting of Works


Determination of subcontract


Employment of Subcontractor s


Assignment of Benefits


Artists and Tradesmen The Contractor shall permit the execution of work not forming part of this Contract by artists or tradesmen or others who may be engaged by the Government on the Site.

Artists and Tradesmen



Government's Indemnity in respect of Injury to Persons and Damage to Property The Contractor shall be liable for and shall indemnify the Government against any damage, expense, liability, loss, claim or proceedings whatsoever whether arising at common law or by statute in respect of personal injury to or death of any person whomsoever arising out of or in the course of or by reason of the execution of the Works. The Contractor shall be liable for and shall indemnify the Government against any damage, expense, liability, loss, claim or proceedings due to injury or damage of any kind to any property real or personal (including the Works and any other property of the Government) insofar as such injury or damage arises out of or in the course of by reason of the execution of the Works, and provided always that the same is due to any negligence, omission, breach of Contract or default of any person for whom the Contractor is responsible including the Contractor's servants or agents or of any sub-contractor, his servants or agents. The indemnities given by the Contractor under Clause 33.1 and 33.2 shall not be defeated or reduced by reason of any negligence or omission of the Government, the P.D. or the P.D.'s representatives in failing to ensure proper performance of any obligation of the Contractor under this Contract.
Injury to Persons



Damages to Property


Negligence of Government or P.D.

34. 34.1

Insurance against Injury to Persons and Damage to Property Without prejudice to his liability to indemnify the Government under Clause 33, the Contractor shall as a condition precedent to the commencement of any work under this Contract effect and maintain such insurances whether with or without an excess amount as specified in Appendix 1 hereto as are necessary to cover the liability of the Contractor and all sub-contractors, in respect of personal injuries or death arising out of or in the course of or by reason of the execution of the Works and in respect of injury or damage to property, real or personal, arising out of or in the execution of the Works and caused by any negligence, omission, breach of contract or default of the Contractor, his servants or agents or, as the case may be, of any such subcontractor, his servants, or agents. Where an excess amount is specified in Appendix 1 the Contractor shall bear the amount of such excess. The policy or policies of insurance shall contain a cross liability clause indemnifying each of the jointly insured against claims made on him by the other jointly insured.
Insurance for Personal Injury or Damage to Property



The Contractor shall effect and maintain insurances during the execution of the Works as well as during the Defects Liability Period for such amount of indemnity as may be specified in Appendix 1 in respect of any expense, liability, loss, claim or proceedings which the Government may incur or sustain by reason of damage to any property (including the Works and any other property of the Government) caused by collapse, subsidence, vibration, weakening or removal of support or lowering of ground water arising out of or in the course of or by reason of the carrying out of the Works except damage arising from any of the excepted risks in Clause 2.7.2. Such insurance as referred to under sub clause 34.1 hereof shall be effected with an insurance company approved by the P.D. and maintained in the joint names of the Government and Contractor, for the whole construction period and in such manner that the Government, the Contractor and all subcontractors, whether nominated or otherwise, are also covered during the period of making good defects for any claim occasioned by the Contractor or any sub-contractor in the course of any operations carried out by him or any sub-contractor for the purpose of complying with his obligations under Clause 47 hereof. It shall be the duty of the Contractor to produce the relevant policy or policies of the insurance together with receipts in respect of premiums paid to the P.D., whether demanded or not. If the Contractor or any sub-contractor fails to renew such insurance as are necessary under this Clause, the Government or the P.D. on its behalf may renew such insurance as aforesaid and may deduct a sum equivalent to the amount in respect of premiums paid including on-cost charges (calculated by applying the Percentage for On-cost Charges stated in Appendix 1 to the premiums paid), from any money due or become due to the Contractor under this Contract and failing which such premiums shall be recovered from the Performance Bond or as a debt due from the Contractor.

Insurance Liability, etc of Government


Production of Policies


Default in insuring



Indemnities to Government in respect of Claims by Workmen The Contractor shall be liable for and shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Government and its officers or servants from all liabilities arising out of claims by any and every workmen employed in and for the performance of this Contract for payment of compensation under or by virtue of the Workmens Compensation Act 1952 and the Employees Social Security Act, 1969 or any other law amending or replacing such law and from all costs and expenses incidental and consequential thereto.

Contractor to indemnify Government

36. 36.1

Employees Social Security Act, 1969 The Contractor shall submit his Code Number and Social Security Numbers of all workers on the Site required to be covered under the Employees Social Security Act 1969 to the P.D. for checking. The Contractor shall make payment of all contributions from time to time on the first day on which the same ought to be paid and until the end of the Defects Liability Period and it shall be the duty of the Contractor to produce to the P.D. contribution cards or stamp vouchers as evidence of payment of such contribution, whether demanded or not. If the Contractor fails to comply with the terms of this Clause, the Government or the P.D. on its behalf may without prejudice to any other remedy available to Government for breach of any of the terms of this Contract: (a) withhold an amount from any money which would otherwise be due to the Contractor under this Contract and which in the opinion of the P.D. will satisfy any claims for compensation by workmen that would have been borne by SOCSO had the Contractor not made default in maintaining the contribution; and/or pay such contributions as have become due and remain unpaid and deduct the amount of such contributions including on-cost charges (calculated by applying the Percentage of On-cost Charges stated in Appendix 1 to the contributions paid), from any money due or become due to the Contractor under this Contract, and failing which such contributions shall be recovered from the Performance Bond or as a debt due from the Contractor.


Registration with SOCSO Scheme Payment of Contribution


Default by Contractor



Insurance of works 37.1 The Contractor shall, in the joint names of the Government and Contractor, insure against loss and damage by fire, lightning, explosion, storm, tempest, flood, ground subsidence, bursting or overflowing of water tanks, apparatus or pipes, aircraft and other aerial devices or articles dropped there from, riot and civil commotion, all work executed and all unfixed materials and goods delivered to, placed on or adjacent to the Works and intended there of (but excluding temporary buildings, plant, tools and equipment owned or hired by the Contractor or any sub-contractor) to the full value thereof together with the cost of the design work of the Contractor (plus any amount which may be specifically stated in Appendix 1) and shall keep such work, materials and goods so insured until the practical completion of the whole of the Works but subject to any partial termination of insurance permitted under this Contract in cases of sectional completion or Partial Occupation by the Government. Such insurance policy or policies shall provide expressly for payment in the first place to the Government of any insurance monies due under the policy or policies. The said insurance with or without an excess clause as specified in Appendix 1 shall be effected with an insurance company approved by the P.D. and the Contractor shall deposit with the P.D. the policy or policies and the receipts for the premium paid for such insurance. Where an excess clause is specified in Appendix 1, the Contractor shall bear the amount of such excess. In the event the Contractor fails to renew such insurance as are necessary under this Clause, the Government or the P.D. on its behalf may renew such insurance and pay the premium in respect thereof and deduct the amount so expended including on-cost charges (calculated by applying the Percentage of On-cost Charges stated in Appendix 1 to the premiums paid), from any money due or become due to the Contractor under this Contract, and failing which such premium shall be recovered from the Performance Bond or as a debt due from the Contractor. Upon the occurrence of any loss or damage to the Works or unfixed materials or goods prior to the completion of the Works from any cause whatsoever, the Contractor shall notwithstanding that settlement of any insurance claim has not been completed, with due diligence restore, replace or repair the same, remove and dispose of any debris and proceed with the carrying out and completion of the Works. All money if and when received from the insurance under this Clause shall be paid in the first place to the Government and then (less only such
Risks to be insured


Production of Policies


Default in renewing insurance


Application of insurance money


amounts as are specifically required in Appendix 1 or elsewhere in the Contract Documents) be released to the Contractor by installments on the certificate for payment issued by the P.D., calculated as from the date of receipt of the money in proportion to the extent of the work of restoration, replacement or repair and the removal and disposal of debris previously carried out by the Contractor. The Contractor shall not be entitled to any payment in respect of the work of restoration, replacement or repair and the removal and disposal of debris other than the money received under the said insurance.

38. 38.1

Performance Bond (a) The Contractor shall, as a condition precedent to the commencement of any work under this Contract, deposit with the Government a Performance Bond in the form of an approved Banker's or Insurance Guarantee equal to five percent of the Contract Sum for the due observance and performance of this Contract. The Performance Bond shall be held or shall remain valid and effective for such period as provided in the approved Banker's or Insurance Guarantee. The Contractor may opt for a Performance Bond in the form of Performance Guarantee Sum in lieu of the Bankers or Insurance Guarantee as specified in sub-clause 38.1(a) whereby deductions of ten percent shall be made from interim payments until the total amount deducted aggregate to a sum equivalent to five percent of the Contract Sum.
Condition precedent and Validity of Bankers /Insuranc e Guarantee


Performance Guarantee Sum in lieu of Bankers /Insurance Guarantee


If the Contractor commits any breach of his obligations under the Contract, the Government or the P.D. on its behalf may utilize and make payments out of or deductions from the said Performance Bond or any part thereof in accordance with the terms of this Contract. The Performance Bond (or any balance thereof remaining for the credit of the Contractor) may be released or refunded to the Contractor on the completion of making good of all defects, shrinkages or other faults which may appear during the Defects Liability Period and upon the giving of the Certificate of Completion of Making Good Defects for the whole of the Works under Clause 48 hereof. Notwithstanding sub-clauses 38.2 and 38.3 above, in the event the Contractor's employment under the Contract is determined under Clause 53 hereof the said Performance Bond or any balance thereof shall be forfeited.



Release of Performance Bond




39. 39.1

Possession of Site No work on this Contract shall be commenced unless and until the Performance Bond stipulated under Clause 38.1(a), if opted for by the Contractor, and such insurance policies as specified under Clauses 34 hereof, shall have been deposited with the Government or the P.D. Provided that for the purposes of this Clause only (but for no other), if the Contractor shall produce to the Government or the P.D. the Performance Bond, if opted for by the Contractor, and the Cover Notes of the said insurance policies and the receipts of premiums paid, it shall be sufficient discharge of his obligations under this Clause. Unless the Contract Documents shall otherwise provide, possession of the Site as complete as may reasonably be possible but not so as to constitute a tenancy, shall be given on or before the `Date for Possession' stated in the Letter of Acceptance of Tender to the Contractor who shall thereupon and forthwith commence the Works (but subject to sub-clause 39.1 hereof) and regularly and diligently proceed with and complete the Works on or before the Date for Completion as stated in Appendix 1. The `Date for Completion' of the Works as referred to under Clause 41 hereof shall be calculated from the said `Date for Possession'. Provided always that possession of Site may be given in sections or in parts and any other restriction upon possession of the Site shall be stated in Appendix 1 or in the Contract Documents. In the event of any delay in giving possession of the Site from the `Date for Possession' as stated in the Letter of Acceptance of Tender or delay in giving any section or part of the Site whether provided in sub-clause 39.3 or otherwise, the P.D. may issue instructions in regard to the revision of the `Date for Possession' and the `Date for Completion' shall be appropriately revised under Clause 44(g) hereof, but the Contractor shall not be entitled to claim for any loss or damage caused by such delay in giving possession of the Site, nor be entitled to determine his own employment under this Contract.

Conditions Precedent to Commencement of Works


Date for Possession


Possession by Stages


Delay in giving possession of whole, sections or parts of the Site

39.5(a) Provided that in the event that the giving of the possession of the whole Site is delayed beyond ninety (90) days from the `Date for Possession' stated in the Letter of Acceptance of Tender, the P.D. shall give written notice to the Contractor of the causes of such delay. Upon the receipt

Delay in giving possession of whole of the Site beyond ninety (90) days


of the said written notice, the Contractor may, by written notice served on the P.D. within fourteen (14) days of receipt of the said notice issued by the P.D.: (i) agree to proceed with the Works when the Site is subsequently made available, in which case sub-clause 39.4 above shall apply and in particular, the Contractor shall not be entitled to claim for any loss or damage caused by such delay in giving possession of the Site; or determine his own employment under this Contract, without prejudice to any other rights or remedies he may possess.


39.5(b) Provided that in the event that the giving of possession of any section or part of the Site (whether provided for in sub clause 39.3 or otherwise) is delayed beyond ninety (90) days from the Date of Possession stated in Appendix 1 or the date the Contractor is scheduled to commence work on that section or part of the Works in accordance with the approved programmed of Works as referred to in Clause 2.14 hereof as the case may be, then the P.D. shall give written notice to the Contractor of the causes of such delay. Upon receipt of the said written notice, the Contractor may by written notice served on the P.D. within fourteen (14) days of receipt of the said notice issued by the P.D.: i) agree to proceed with the Works when the section or part of the Works is subsequently made available, in which case sub-clause 39.4 above shall apply and in particular, the Contractor shall not be entitled to claim for any loss or damage caused by such delay as aforesaid; or request for P.D.s instruction to omit the relevant section or part of the Works from the Contract. If the P.D. agrees to such request then the relevant section or part shall be duly omitted and deemed to be a variation to the Contract. If the P.D. does not agree to such request as aforesaid then the Contractor shall be entitled to claim for any loss or and/or expenses caused by and in respect of such delay beyond ninety (90) days as aforesaid.

Delay in giving possession of sections or parts of the Site beyond ninety (90) days



The P.D. may issue instructions in regard to the postponementof any design or construction work to be executed under the provisions of this Contract.



40. 40.1

Mutual Termination If any circumstance arises during the currency of the Contract, which renders it impossible for the Government or the Contractor with the concurrence of the Government, to proceed with the Works, the Contract shall be deemed to be mutually terminated u the service of a written notice by the pon Government to the Contractor to that effect. Upon termination of the Contract pursuant to this Clause, the Contractor shall carry out any protection works instructed by the P.D. and shall within one (1) month from the date of the written notice remove from the Site all Contractors Equipment (except those required for protection works) and site facilities so as to leave the Site in a clean and tidy condition. In the event the Contractor fails to do so, the Government may sell or otherwise dispose of such items. From the proceeds of the sale of any such items, the Government shall retain any costs or expenses incurred in connection with their sale and/or disposal before paying the balance (if any) to the Contractor. Upon termination of the Contract pursuant to this Clause, the Government shall pay the Contractor (in so far as such amounts or items have not already been covered by payments on account made to the Contractor) the value of all work carried out up to the date of termination and in addition: (a) the amounts payable in respect of any preliminary items so far as the Work or service comprised therein has been carried out or performed and a proper proportion of any such items which have been partially carried out or performed; the cost of materials or goods reasonably ordered for the Works which have been delivered to the Contractor or of which the Contractor is legally liable to accept delivery (such materials or goods becoming the property of the Government upon such payment being made to the Contractor); a sum being the amount of any expenditure reasonably incurred by the Contractor in the expectation of completing the whole of the Works in so far as such expenditure has not been recovered by any other payments referred to in this sub-clause; and
Notice of termination


Removal and disposal of Contractors Equipment etc.


Payment on termination



(d) the reasonable cost of any protection works and removal of equipment and site facilities under sub-clause 40.2 hereof.



If upon termination of the Contract, any section or part of the Works has reached practical completion in accordance with Clause 41 or is completed so far as to be useable then in connection therewith, the P.D. may at his discretion and in lieu of the Contractors obligations under Clause 48 allow against the sum due to the Contractor pursuant to sub clause 40.3 hereof, the cost (assessed by the P.D.) of repair, rectification and making good for which he would have been liable under the said Clause had it continued to be applicable. In the event of termination of the Contract pursuant to this Clause, Clause 51 shall apply in such a manner as if the date of abandonment was the date of issue of the Certificate of Completion of Making Good Defects. Save as aforesaid the Contract shall continue to have full force and effect.

Works practically completed


Final Account upon termination


Contract to continue in force

41. 41.1

Completion of the Works Subject to any requirement as to the completion of any section or part of the Works under Clauses 39.3 and 43 before the completion of the whole of the Works, the Contractor shall complete the whole of the Works on or before the `Date for Completion' stated in Appendix 1 or such extended time as may be allowed under Clause 45 hereof. When the whole of the Works have reached practical completion according to the provisions of this Contract and to the satisfaction of the P.D., the date of such completion shall be certified by him and such date shall be the date of the commencement of the Defects Liability Period as provided in Clause 48 hereof. The certificate issued under this sub-clause shall be referred to as the `Certificate of Practical Completion'. Notwithstanding the provision of Clauses 42 and 45, time shall be the essence of this Contract.
Date of Completion


Certificate of Practical Completion


Time, the essence of Contract

42. 42.1

Damages for Non-completion If the Contractor fails to complete the Works by the `Date for Completion' stated in Appendix 1 or within any extended time under Clause 45 hereof, the Contractor shall pay the Government a sum calculated at the rate stated in Appendix 1 as Liquidated and ascertained Damages for the period during which the said Works shall
Damages for Non-completion and written notification to the Contractor


so remain and have remained incomplete and the P.D. may deduct such damages from any money due to the Contractor under this Contract and failing which such damages shall be recovered from the Performance Bond or as a debt due from the Contractor, and the P.D. shall inform the Contractor in writing of such deduction. 42.2 If upon a subsequent or final review of the circumstances causing delay, the P.D. grants a relevant extension or further extension of time, the Government shall no longer be entitled to liquidate damages in respect of the period of such extension. Any sum in respect of such period, which may already have been recovered under this Clause, shall be reimbursed forthwith to the Contractor.
Reimbursement of liquidated damages


If after liquidated damages have become payable in respect of any part of the Works, the P.D. issues a variation order under Clause 27 which in the opinion of the Contractor results in further delay to that part of the Works, the Contractor shall within thirty (30) days after the issuance of the variation order notify the P.D. in writing of such further delay; and if the P.D. concurs with the Contractor that the variation results in further delay to that part of the Works, the Governments entitlement to liquidated damages in respect of that part of the Works shall be suspended for such period as determined by the P.D. The P.D. shall also inform the Contractor in writing of such period of suspension. Such suspension shall not otherwise invalidate any entitlement to liquidated damages which the Government may have and any monies deducted or paid in accordance with this Clause may be retained by the Government.

Intervention of Variations


Sectional Completion Where different completion dates for different sections or parts of the Works are stated and identified in Appendix 1 or elsewhere in the Contract Documents and different and separate Liquidated and Ascertained Damages are provided for each section or part of the Works, the provisions of this Contract in regard to the Certificate of Practical Completion, Delay and Extension of Time, Liquidated and Ascertained Damages for delay, and the Defects Liability Periods (but not insurance of the Works under Clause 37, Performance Bond under Clause 38 and final payment on the Final Certificate under Clause 51 hereof) shall, in the absence of any express provision to the contrary elsewhere in the Contract Documents apply mutatis mutandis as if each such section or part was the subject of a separate and distinct contract between the Government and the Contractor.
Sectional Completion



Partial Occupation/Taking over by Government If at any time or times before the whole of the Works have reached practical completion, the Government with the consent of the Contractor shall take possession of and occupy any part or parts of the same (any such part being hereinafter in this Clause referred to as `the relevant part'), then notwithstanding anything expressed or implied elsewhere in this Contract (a) within seven (7) days from the date on which the Government shall have taken possession of the relevant part the P.D. shall issue a Certificate of Partial Occupation stating the estimated value of the said relevant part, and for all the purposes of this Clause (but for no other) the value so stated shall be deemed to be the total value of the said relevant part; for the purposes of Clauses 41 and 48 hereof, the relevant part shall be deemed to have reached practical completion and the Defects Liability Period in respect of the relevant part shall be deemed to have commenced on the date on which the Government shall have taken possession and occupied thereof. at the end of the Defects Liability Period of the relevant part and if in the opinion of the P.D. any defect, imperfection, shrinkage or any other fault whatsoever in the relevant part which he may have required to be made good under Clause 48.1 and 48.2 here of, shall have been made good by the Contractor, the P.D. shall issue a certificate to that effect; notwithstanding the partial occupation by the Government of the relevant part the Contractor shall insure and keep insured the Works in the manner as stipulated under Clause 37 and the Contractor shall give notice to the insurer of such partial occupation; the Liquidated and Ascertained Damages specified under Clause 42 for any period of delay after such certification of the practical completion of the relevant part under sub-clause 41.1 hereof, shall be reduced in the proportion which the total value of the relevant part bear to the Contract Sum;

Certificate of Partial Occupation


Defects Liability


Certificate of Completion of Making Good Defects


Insurance of Works


Reduction of Liquidated and Ascertained Damages



it is expressly agreed that nothing contained in the preceding paragraphs shall entitle the Contractor to the release of the Performance Bond or any part thereof, the intention being that the said Performance Bond or any part thereof shall be released or refunded only upon the completion of making good all defects, imperfections, shrinkages or other faults which may appear during the Defects Liability Period and upon the giving of the Certificate of Completion of Making Good Defects for the whole of the Works under Clause 48 hereof.

Performance Bond not affected

45. 45.1

Delay and Extension of Time Upon it becoming reasonably apparent that the progress of the Works is delayed, the Contractor shall forthwith give written notice of the causes of delay to the P.D. and if in the opinion of the officer named in Appendix 1 the completion of the Works is likely to be delayed or has been delayed beyond the Date for Completion stated in Appendix 1 or beyond any extended Date for Completion previously fixed under this Clause (a) by an occurrence of force majored not within the control of the party affected, which that party is unable to prevent, avoid or remove, and shall mean (i) war, hostilities (whether declared or not), invasion, act of foreign enemies, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power, civil war, terrorism; ionizing, radiation o contamination by radioactivity from any r nuclear waste, from the combustion of nuclear fuel, radioactive toxic explosive, nuclear assembly or nuclear component thereof;

Delay and Extension of Time


(iii) pressure waves caused by aircraft or other aerial devices traveling at sonic or supersonic speeds; (iv) natural catastrophe including but not limited to earthquakes, floods subsidence, lightning and exceptionally inclement weather; and (v) riot and disorder, criminal damage, sabotage, strike, lockout, labor unrest or other industrial disturbances (affecting the performance of this Contract) which are not the fault of the Contractor or of any sub-contractor; or


(b) by reason of directions given by the P.D., consequential upon disputes with neighboring owners provided the same is not due to any act, negligence or default of the Contractor or any sub-contractor; or (c) by reason of loss or damage occasioned by any one or more of the contingencies referred to in Clause 2.7.2 hereof (provided and to the extent that the same is not due to any act, negligence, default or breach of contract by the Contractor or any sub-contractor, whether in failing to take reasonable steps to protect the Works or otherwise); or (d) by reason of P.D.'s instructions issued under Clauses 7.3.1(c), 8.4(b), 14.2, 27.2, 39.6 hereof, provided that such instructions are not issued due to any default or breach of contract by the Contractor or any subcontractor; or (e) by reason of the Contractor not having received in due time necessary instructions, decisions, information, concurrence or consent from the P.D. which the P.D. is obliged to provide or give under the Contract for which the Contractor shall have specifically applied in writing on a date which having regard to the Date for Completion stated in Appendix 1 or to any extension of time then fixed under this Clause, was neither unreasonably distant from nor unreasonably close to the date on which it was necessary for the Contractor to receive the same; or (f) by delay in receipt of any necessary permission or approval of any statutory body or local authority which the Contractor has taken all practicable steps to avoid or reduce; or (g) by reason of delay in giving possession of the Site as provided under Clause 39.4 and/or 39.5 hereof; or (h) by delay on the part of artists, tradesmen or others engaged by the Government in executing work not forming part of this Contract; or (i) by the Contractor's inability for reason beyond his control and which he could not reasonably have foreseen at the date of closing of tender of this Contract to secure such goods, materials and/or services as are essential to the proper carrying out of the Works,


then the P.D. shall so soon as he is able to estimate the length of the delay beyond the date or time aforesaid make in writing a fair and reasonable extension of time for completion of the Works, provided always that the Contractor shall use constantly his best endeavors to prevent delay and shall do all that may reasonably be required to the satisfaction of the P.D. to proceed with the Works. The certificate issued by the P.D. under this Clause shall be referred to as the `Certificate of Delay and Extension of Time'. 45.2 If during the regular progress of the Works or any part thereof has been materially affected by reason of delays as stated under Clause 45.1(b), (d), (e) and (h) hereof (and no other), and the Contractor has incurred or is likely to incur direct loss and/or expense beyond that reasonably contemplated and for which the Contractor would not be reimbursed by a payment made under any other provision in this Contract, then the Contractor shall be entitled to claim for such direct loss and/or expense incurred, subject always to Clause 46 hereof.

Claims for Loss and/or Expense Due to delay

46. Procedure for Claims 46.1 Notwithstanding any other provision of the Contract, if the Contractor intends to claim any additional payment pursuant to any Clause of these Conditions or otherwise, the Contractor shall within sixty (60) days of the occurrence of such event or circumstances or instructions give notice in writing to the P.D. of his intention to claim for such direct loss and/or expense together with an estimate of the amount of such loss and/or expense, subject always to sub-clause 46.2 hereof. 46.2 So soon as is practicable but not later than ninety (90) days after practical completion of the Works, the Contractor shall submit full particulars of all claims for direct loss and/or expense under sub-clause 46.1 hereof together with all supporting documents, vouchers, explanations and calculations which may be necessary to enable the direct loss and/or expense to be ascertained by the P.D. The amount of such direct loss and/or expense ascertained by the P.D. shall be added to the Contract Sum.

Notice of Claims

Submission of Claims


47. Testing and Commissioning of Mechanical, Electrical and other Services 47.1 The Contract shall include for the testing and commissioning of the installation to prove that the equipment has been properly adjusted and calibrated to produce the required guaranteed performance as offered and that the system as a whole can perform the performance and functions as specified. Hence on completion of the installation work on the Site the Contractor shall also arrange for all necessary tests, to be carried out on the equipment and installation as required by statutory regulations and by-laws. The Contractor shall also perform all other tests, which may be specified elsewhere in this Contract. The costs of all tests including the provision of necessary equipment, tools, materials, labor and all other expenses shall be deemed to be included in the Contract Sum. 47.2 In the event of the installation failing to pass these tests, the Contractor should take such measures as are necessary to remedy the installation including the replacement of part or whole of the equipment installed, so as to pass all necessary tests. The whole installation shall not be considered as complete until all such tests have been passed. 47.3 The Contractor shall notify the P.D. when these tests are to be conducted so that the P.D. or his representatives may be present to witness such tests. A test programmed shall also be submitted by the Contractor. 47.4 Further adjustments to the controls shall also be made whilst the building is occupied and the installation is in use during the Defects Liability Period. No additional cost shall be charged in carrying out these adjustments. 47.5 A complete record of the tests and results of such tests (whether successful or otherwise) shall be kept up-to-date by the Contractor. At the conclusion of all the tests, these records shall be collected and two bound sets provided to the P.D. 47.6 On successful testing of the complete installation, the Contractor shall arrange to commission the equipment in the presence of the P.D. or his representatives. The Contractor shall demonstrate the correct operation of all mechanical and electrical aspects of the equipment, the correct operations of all controls and generally prove the installation is complete.

Requirements for Testing and Commissioning

Failure to pass tests

Notice of tests

Further adjustments to controls Records of tests

Commissioning of Equipment


48. Defects After Completion 48.1 At any time during the Defects Liability Period as stated in Appendix 1 hereto (or if none stated the period is twenty-four (24) months from the date of practical completion of the Works), any defect, imperfection, shrinkage or any other fault whatsoever which may appear and which are due to design, materials, goods, workmanship or equipment not in accordance with this Contract, shall be notified by the P.D. in a written instruction to the Contractor who shall, within a reasonable time to be specified therein by the P.D., make good such defects, imperfections, shrinkages or any other fault whatsoever at the Contractor's own costs. 48.2 Notwithstanding sub-clause 48.1 above, any defect, imperfection, shrinkage or any other fault whatsoever which may appear during the Defects Liability Period to be made good by the Contractor, shall be specified by the P.D. in the Schedules of Defects of which the first schedule shall be delivered to the Contractor within fourteen (14) days and the final schedule shall be delivered not later than twenty-eight (28) days after the expiration of the Defects Liability Period. The defects, i perfections, shrinkages or any other fault whatsoever m specified in the Schedules of Defects shall be made good by the Contractor at his own costs and to be completed within a reasonable time but in any case not later than three (3) months after the receipt of the final schedule. Provided that the P.D. shall not be allowed to issue any further instruction requiring making good of any defect, imperfection, shrinkage or any other fault whatsoever after the issue of the said Schedule of Defects or after twenty eight (28) days from the expiration of the said Defects Liability Period, whichever is the later. 48.3 If the Contractor shall fail to comply with either sub-clause 48.1 or 48.2 or both within the time so specified, the materials or works so affected may be made good in such manner as the P.D. may think fit, in which case the costs incurred including on-cost charges (calculated by applying the Percentage of On-cost Charges stated in Appendix 1 to the costs incurred), shall be deducted from any money due or to become due to the Contractor under this Contract and failing which such costs shall be recovered from the Performance Bond or as a debt due from the Contractor.

Defects Liability Period

Schedules of Defects

Default of the Contractor


48.4 If any defect, imperfection, shrinkage or any other fault whatsoever be such that, in the opinion of the P.D., it shall be impracticable or inconvenient to the Government to have the Contractor to remedy the same, the P.D. shall ascertain the diminution in the value of the Works due to the existence of such defects, imperfections, shrinkages or any other fault whatsoever and deduct the amount of such diminution from any money due or to become due to the Contractor under this Contract, and failing which such diminution shall be recovered from the Performance Bond or as a debt due from the Contractor. 48.5 When in the opinion of the P.D. the Contractor has made good the defects, imperfections, shrinkages or any other fault whatsoever which he is required to make good under sub-clauses 48.1 or 48.2, or both, the P.D. shall issue a certificate to that effect, and the date stated in such certificate shall be the date on which the Contractor has completed making good such defects, imperfections, shrinkages or any other fault whatsoever. The said Certificate shall be referred to as the `Certificate of Completion of Making Good Defects'.

Diminution in the value of the Works due to defects etc.

Certificate of Completion of Making Good Defects

49. Unfulfilled Obligations Notwithstanding the issue of the Certificate of Completion of Making Good Defects under Clause 48.5 hereof the Contractor and the Government shall remain liable for the fulfillment of any obligation incurred under the provisions of the Contract, prior to the issue of the said certificate, which remains unfulfilled at the time such certificate is issued, and for the purpose of determining the nature and extent of any such obligation, the Contract shall be deemed to remain in force between the Parties hereto.

Unfulfilled Obligations

50. Interim Payments 50.1 (a) Where a Payment Schedule is included in the Contract, Interim Payments shall be made by the Government as set out in the Payment Schedule in Appendix 2 which shall be drawn up by mutual agreement of the Government and the Contractor having regard to the approved programmed of Works provided that upon application by the Contractor, the P.D. reserves the right to make payment according to the value of work done if the Contractor has not reached the required stage in the Schedule but has in the opinion of the P.D. completed the said stage substantially.

Interim Payments based on Payment Schedule


(b) Where no Payment Schedule is included in the Contract, the Interim Payments shall be made by the Government based on the P.D.'s monthly valuation of the Works properly executed and of any goods or unfixed materials delivered to or adjacent to the Site intended for use or to be incorporated into the Works. 50.2 The Contractor shall submit to the P.D. at such times and in such form as the P.D. may prescribe written application for Interim Payments showing the amounts which in the Contractors opinion are due under the Contract and where appropriate showing separately: (a) the amount of any valuation of Variations or of the instructions by the P.D. (Clause 28); and the amount in regard to the expenditure of Provisional Sums executed or expended (Clause 29),

Interim Payments based on Valuation of Works

Application for Interim Payments


and where payment is not based on Payment Schedule: (c) the value of any goods or unfixed materials delivered to or adjacent to the Site intended for use or to be incorporated into the Works.
Interim Certificate based on Payment Schedule

50.3 (a) (i)

Where a Payment Schedule is included in the Contract, the P.D. shall within fourteen (14) days upon receipt of any application for Interim Payment, issue an Interim Certificate stating the amount due to the Contractor from the Government if the P.D. considers that the amount stated as due in the application is in accordance with this Contract. If the P.D. considers that the amount stated as due in the application is not in accordance with this Contract he shall forthwith issue to the Contractor a notice with reasons to the effect and the Government shall pay within the same period stated in Clause 50.3(c) such amount as the P.D. considers to be properly due as an Interim Payment.


The payment by the Government of the amount referred to in sub clause 50.3(a)(ii) shall be without prejudice to the right of the Contractor in respect of any amount which he considers has been improperly withheld by the Government or in respect of any payment which he considers was not in accordance with this Contract.


(b) (i)

Where no Payment Schedule is included in the Contract the P.D. shall within twenty-eight (28) days upon receipt of any application for Interim Payments, make a valuation of the Works properly executed and of any goods or unfixed materials delivered to or adjacent to the Site intended for use or to be incorporated into the Works and issue an Interim Payment Certificate stating the amount due to the Contractor from the Government provided that the total value in each monthly valuation shall not be less than the sum referred to in Appendix 1. The amount stated as due in an Interim Certificate shall, be the estimated total value of the Works properly executed and up to ninety (90) percent of the value of any goods or unfixed materials delivered to or adjacent to the Site intended for use or to be incorporated into the Works up to and including the date the valuation was made, less any installments previously paid under this Clause. Provided that such Certificate shall only include the value of the said goods or unfixed materials as and from such time as they are reasonably and properly and not prematurely delivered to or adjacent to the Site and then only if adequately protected against weather, damage or deterioration.

Interim Certificate based on valuation of Works


(c) Within a number of days as stated in Appendix 1 (or if none stated then within thirty (30) days of the issue of any such Interim Certificate, the Government shall make a payment to the Contractor as follows: (i) where the Performance Bond is in the form of a Bankers or Insurance Guarantee, payment shall be made on the amount certified as due to the Contractor in the said Certificate; where the Performance Bond is in the form of a Performance Guarantee Sum, payment of ninety percent on the amount certified as due to the Contractor shall be made with the remaining ten percent being retained as a Performance Guarantee Sum. Provided that when the sum retained amount in the aggregate to a sum equivalent to five percent of the Contract Sum then in any subsequent Certificate, payment shall be made on the full amount certified as due to the Contractor.

Honoring of Interim Certificate



51. Final Account and Final Certificate 51.1 Not later than three (3) months after issuance of the Certificate of Completion of Making Good Defects or the Certificate of Completion of Maintenance (if any) whichever is the later, the Contractor shall submit to the P.D. a statement of the final account and supporting documentation showing in detail the value in accordance with the Contract of the Works carried out together with all further sums which the Contractor considers to be due to him after giving credit to the Government for all amounts previously paid by the Government and for all sums to which the Government is entitled under the Contract up to the date of the Certificate of Completion of Making Good Defects or the Certificate of Completion of Maintenance, as the case may be. 51.2 Within three (3) months after receipt of this final account and of all information reasonably required for its verification, the P.D. shall issue a certificate (hereinafter referred to as the Final Certificate) stating the amount which in his opinion is finally due under the Contract from the Government to the Contractor or from the Contractor to the Government, as the case may be after giving credit to the Government for all amounts previously paid by the Government and for all sums to which the Government is entitled under the Contract. 51.3 If the Contractor does not submit the final account within the three (3) months referred to in Clause 51.1 the P.D. may on the expiry of the said three (3) months give notice in writing to the Contractor that if the final account is not submitted by the Contractor within two (2) months from the date of the written notice the P.D. may himself prepare the Final Account. 51.4 Subject to any deductions authorized by the Conditions any balance properly stated in the Final Certificate shall as from the 30th day after the issuance of the same become conclusive as to the balance due between the parties and be a debt payable as the case may be by the Government to the Contractor or by the Contractor to the Government. 51.5 Where the Government exercises any right of deduction from monies due or to become due to the Contractor, the P.D. shall inform the Contractor in writing the reason of that deduction. 51.6 No final payment due to the Contractor shall be made unless and until the Contractor shall have satisfied the P.D. by means of either: (a) a Statutory Declaration made by or on behalf of the Contractor; or (b) a certificate signed by or on behalf of the Director General of Labor,
Final Account

Final Certificate

Contractors delay in submission of Final Account

Final certificate to be conclusive

Right of deduction by Government

Condition Precedent to Final Payment


to the effect that the workmenwho have been employed by the Contractor on the Works, including workmen employed by sub-contractors, whether nominated or otherwise (including `labor only' sub-contractors) have received all wages due to them in connection with such employment, and that all dues or contributions under the Employment Act, the Employee's Social Security Act, the Employee's Provident Fund Act and any other laws relevant to the employment of workmen, have been paid.

52. Effect of P.D.'s Certificates and Payment by Governmen t No certificate of the P.D. or any approval, written or otherwise, by the P.D. or the Government or payment by the Government under any provision of this Contract shall be considered as conclusive evidence as to the sufficiency of any design, works, materials or goods to which it relates, nor shall it relieve the Contractor from any or all of his obligations under this Contract and/or his liability to amend and make good all defects, imperfections, shrinkages, or any other faults whatsoever as provided by this Contract. In any case, no certificate of the P.D. shall be final and binding in any dispute between the Government and the Contractor if the dispute is brought whether before an arbitrator or in the Courts.

Effect of P.D.'s Certificates and Payment by Government

53. Deduction from Money Due to Contractor The Government or the P.D. on its behalf shall be entitled to deduct any money owing from the Contractor to the Government under this Contract from any sum which may become due or is payable to the Contractor under this Contract or any other contracts to which the Government and Contractor are parties thereto. The P.D. in issuing any certificate under Clauses 50 and 51, shall have regard to any such sum so chargeable against the Contractor, provided always that this provision shall not affect any other remedy to which the Government may be entitled for the recovery of such sums.

Deduction from money due to Contractor


54. Determination of Contractor's Employment 54.1 Without prejudice to any other rights or remedies which the Government may possess, if the Contractor shall make default in any one or more of the following respects, that is to say (a) if he without reasonable cause suspends the carrying out of the design or construction of the Works before completion thereof; (b) if he fails to proceed regularly and diligently with the performance of his obligations under the Contract; (c) if he fails to execute the Works in accordance with the Contract o r persistently neglects to carry out his obligations under the Contract; (d) if he refuses or persistently neglects to comply with a written notice from the P.D. to remove and replace any defective work or improper materials or goods; or (e) if he fails to comply with the provisions of Clause 31, then the officer named in Appendix 1 may give to him a notice by registered post or by recorded delivery specifying the default, and if the Contractor shall either continue such default for fourteen (14) days after receipt of such notice or shall at any time thereafter repeat such default (whether previously repeated or not), then the officer named in Appendix 1 may thereupon by a notice sent by registered post or by recorded delivery determine the employment o the f Contractor under this Contract. 54.2 If the Contractor (a) commits an act of bankruptcy; (b) becomes insolvent or compounds with or makes arrangements with his creditors; (c) being a company, is having a winding up order made against him; or (d) is having a provisional liquidator, receiver or manager of his business or undertaking duly appointed, or possession taken by or on behalf of creditors or debenture holders secured by a floating charge of any property comprised in or subject of the said floating charge, then and in any such event, without prejudice to any other rights it may possess, the officer named in Appendix 1 may by a notice sent by registered post determine the 51
Bankruptcy or insolvency Defaults of Contractor

officer named in Appendix 1 may by a notice sent by registered post determine the employment of the Contractor under this Contract. 54.3 In the event of the Contractor's employment under this Contract being determined under sub-clause 54.1 or 54.2 hereof irrespective of the validity of such determination (a) the Government shall be entitled to repossess the Site and the Contractor shall immediately cease all operations on the Works, remove his personnel and workmen there from and yield up possession of the Site leaving all temporary buildings, plant, tools, equipment, goods and unfixed materials belonging to him upon the Site, save only such as he may at any time be specifically directed in writing by the P.D. to remove there from; (b) the Government may carry out and complete the Works departmentally or employ any other person to carry out and complete the Works and the Government or such other person may enter upon the Works and use all temporary buildings, plant, tools, equipment, goods and materials intended for, delivered to and placed on or adjacent to the Works, and may purchase all materials and goods necessary for the carrying out and completion of the Works; (c) the Contractor shall, if so required by the P.D., assign to the Government without payment the benefit of any agreement for the supply of materials or goods and/or for the execution of any work for the purposes of this Contract. In any case the Government shall have power, but shall not be obliged, to pay any supplier or sub-contractor for any materials or goods delivered or any work executed for the purposes of this Contract (whether before or after the date of determination) for which the Contractor has failed to make payment and the Contractor shall reimburse the Government for the said payment; (d) the Contractor shall as and when required remove from the Site any temporary buildings, plants, tools, equipment, materials and goods belonging to or hired by him within such reasonable time as the P.D. may specify in a written notice to him and in default the Government may (but without being responsible for any loss or damage) remove and sell any such property belonging to the Contractor, holding the proceeds less all cost incurred to the credit of the Contractor;
Effect of determination of Contractors Employment


(e) the Contractor shall allow or pay to the Government in the manner hereinafter appearing the amount of any loss and/or damage caused to the Government by the determination of his employment under this Contract. If or as soon as the arrangements for the completion of the Works made by the Government enable the P.D. to make a reasonably accurate assessment of the ultimate cost to the Government of completing the Works following the determination of the Contractor's employment and the engagement of other contractors or persons, the P.D. may issue a certificate stating the amount of such loss and/or damage caused to the Government by such determination of the Contractor's employment. Such certificate shall state separately the sums previously paid to the Contractor by the Government, the sums paid or due or to become due to other Contractors or persons engaged by the Government to complete the Works, any sums paid to subcontractors or suppliers under paragraph (c) hereof and any costs or expenditure incurred or to be incurred including On-cost charges calculated by applying the Percentage of On-cost charges stated in Appendix 1 to the cost or expenditure incurred, by the Government in completing the Works, (all such costs herein referred as `Completion Cost'). The certificate shall also state the final Contract Sum which, allowing for any variations or other matters which would have resulted in an adjustment of the original Contract Sum and for any other sums, which the Government might be entitled under the terms of the Contract to deduct there from, would have been payable under the Contract had the Contractor's employment not been determined and if the Final Contract Sum is less than the Completion Cost, the difference shall be a debt payable by the Contractor to the Government. This certificate shall be binding and conclusive on the Contractor as to the amount of such loss and/or damage specified therein; (f) In the event of the completion of the Works being undertaken departmentally, allowance shall be made, when ascertaining the amount to be certified as costs or expense incurred by the Government, for cost of supervision, interest and depreciation on plant and all other usual overhead charges and profit as would be incurred if the Works were completed by a contractor or other persons.


55. Effect of War or Earthquake If during the performance of this Contract a state of war in which the Government is involved or any earthquake, arises or exists which has rendered the fulfillment of the Contract impossible then any question respecting the continuance, suspension or termination of this Contract shall be settled by mutual agreement between the Government and the Contractor or failing such agreement shall be settled by Arbitration as provided in Clause 56 hereof.
Effect of War or Earthquake

56. Arbitration 56.1 If any dispute or difference shall arise between the Government and the Contractor, either during the progress or after completion of the Works, or after the determination of the Contractor's employment or breach of this Contract, as to: (a) the construction of this Contract; (b) any matter or thing of whatsoever nature arising under this Contract; (c) the withholding by the P.D. of any certificate to which the Contractor may claim to be entitled, then such dispute or difference shall be referred to the officer named in Appendix 1 for a decision. 56.2 The decision of the officer named in Appendix 1 which is to be in writing shall subject to sub-clause 56.5 hereof be binding on the parties until after the completion of the Works and shall forthwith be given effect by the Contractor who shall proceed with the Works with all due diligence whether or not notice of dissatisfaction is given by him. 56.3 If the officer named in Appendix 1 fails to give a decision for a period of fortyfive (45) days after being requested to do so by the Contractor or if the Contractor be dissatisfied with any decision of the officer named in Appendix 1, then in any such case the Contractor may within forty- five (45) days after the expiration of the forty-five (45) days after he had made his request to the officer named in Appendix 1 or forty-five (45) days after receiving the decision of the officer named in Appendix 1, as the case may
Reference to the Officer named in Appendix 1 for a decision

Decision of the Officer named in Appendix 1 to be binding until completion of the Works. Reference to the Arbitrator


be, require that such dispute or difference be referred to a single Arbitrator agreed for that purpose, or in default of agreement appointed by the Director of the Regional Center for Arbitration, Kuala Lumpur. 56.4 Such reference, except on any difference or dispute under Clause 55 hereof shall not be commenced until after the completion or alleged completion of the Works, determination or alleged determination of the Contractor's employment under this Contract or abandonment of the Works, unless with the written consent of the Government and the Contractor. 56.5 The Arbitrator shall have power to review and revise any certificate, opinion, decision, requisition or notice and to determine all matters in dispute which shall be submitted to him, and of which notice shall have been given in accordance with sub-clause 56.3 aforesaid, in the same manner as if no such certificate, opinion, decision, requisition or notice had been given. 56.6 Upon every or any such reference the costs of such incidental to the reference and award shall be in the discretion of the Arbitrator who may determine the amount thereof, or direct the amount to be taxed as between solicitor and client or as between party and party, and shall direct by whom and to whom and in what manner the same be borne and paid.
Reference to Arbitrator shall not be commenced until after completion of the Works Powers of the Arbitrator

Discretion of the Arbitrator in respect of costs and award

56.7 The award of the Arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties.

Award of Arbitrator is final Appointer of Arbitrator

56.8 In the event of the death of the Arbitrator or his unwillingness or inability to act, then the Government and the Contractor upon agreement shall appoint another person to act as the Arbitrator, and in the event the Government and the Contractor failing to agree on the appointment of an Arbitrator, an Arbitrator shall be appointed by the Director of the Regional Center for Arbitration, Kuala Lumpur. 56.9 In this Clause, "such reference" shall be deemed to be reference to arbitration within the meaning of the Arbitration Act 1952 (Revised - 1972).

Arbitration Act 1952


57. Law Governing This Contract 57.1 This Contract shall be deemed to be a Malaysian Contract and shall accordingly be construed according to the laws for the time being in force in Malaysia and the Malaysian Courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction to hear and determine all actions and proceedings arising out of this Contract and the Contractor hereby submits to the jurisdiction of the Malaysian Courts for the purposes of any such actions and proceedings. 57.2 The Contractor binds himself to acknowledge and accept as final in all respects within the country of domicile of the Contractor or elsewhere any decision or award of an Arbitrator or judgment in any Malaysian Courts in relation to any dispute between the parties under this Contract.
Malaysian Law

Contractor to accept the decision of Malaysian Court or Arbitrator Enforcement of any decision or award in Contractors country of domicile

57.3 Clause 57 applies in all respects in case any such decision award or judgment is to be enforced in the courts of the country of domicile of the Contractor or elsewhere in any manner. However, if the country of domicile of the Contractor is not a party to the 1958 New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards and the Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgments Act, 1958, the principle of Common Law shall apply.

58. Stamp Duty

Stamp Duty

All costs for the preparation of this Contract including the Stamp Duty, if any, shall be borne by the Contractor.


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