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Kaikorai Primary School: N e W S L e T T e R

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1 7 August 201 2

Wri ght St, Roslyn

www. kai korai . school. nz
Important Dates
20 August - Raffle
goes home
21 August - Cross
22 August -
24 August - Funky
26 August - Hall open
for poster painting
27 August - Les Mills
session #3
27/28 August- Sports
Activator coaching
31 August - Room 10
7 September - Next
8 September -
N e w s l e t t e r
A very special welcome to Skye Rea, Annabelle Batchelor, Rosa
Miller, Benjamin Crump, Ryan Shaw, Lily Walker and their families
to Kaikorai Primary School!
Dear Parents
With the Olympics now over the school will turn its
attention from a global event to a local event in the
school fair. Please put a ring around the 8th of September on your
calendar as we hope to see as many parents, friends, family,
workmates and acquaintances as possible!
The school fair is the major fundraising activity that the hard
working Parent Group undertakes and it has allowed us to buy
reading resources, musical equipment and interactive whiteboards in
the last year.
Thank you to all of the parents who have offered to help on the day.
We still need 6 or 7 people to help us out on the day. If you can
help please contact me as soon as possible.
Kind regards
Simon Clarke
1 7 August 201 2
Wri ght St, Roslyn
www. kai korai . school. nz
Senior News -
The senior classes have thoroughly enjoyed the challenges of planning, preparing and delivering a Mini Olympics to our
neighbouring preschools. We started by thinking about the Olympics and recognising that there was an opportunity to
have some special contact with our kindergartens.
Each class made a team of experts who visited the three kindergartens to outline our ideas for an event and to gather
important information about what would be important to them. We used this information to plan for the Mini Olympics
Our three classes were then cross-grouped into areas of their own interests and skills.
One group designed and made medals for each child. They also invented and trialed the physical activities.
A second group researched flag design and created specially personalised flags for each kindergarten, one large one
for display and a souvenir one for each child. They also wrote the speeches that an Olympic event would need to have.
The third group wrote songs (anthems) for each kindergarten, by using songs that they already knew and changing the
lyrics to fit the kindergarten. They also made an Olympic Torch for each kindergarten.
The team of experts supported each group by providing guidance and knowledge of the groups of children at each
Middle News -
The Olympics have provided a wonderful opportunity to develop thinking in different ways. Solo
taxonomy, thinking hats and thinkers keys have been used to explore aspects of the Olympics such as
sports, athletes, countries, buildings, and environmental ideas. The use of these thinking tools has helped
children to gain a greater understanding of ideas, and considering different perspectives. The Olympics
have also inspired children to discuss and research favourite aspects of the games including buildings,
records, athletes, and the history.
The weather may have been terrible at the beginning of the week but children have been able to keep
active in the swimming pool. It has been great to see the improvements over the week that children have
made both in technique and the distance they are able to swim. The rain has made it difcult to get out
for our daily run but when possible we are out running. Children have been adding their weekly distances
together to get to 40km by the end of week 7.
Junior News
It is hard to believe that it is already week 5 of Term 3. There has been a lot of sickness in the last few weeks
as the winter bugs do the rounds. What a great focus we have had with the Olympics. The children have avidly
followed the NZ team during the last few weeks. What fun we had in the whole school Olympics where we
got to belong to a country. The atmosphere in the whanau groupings was supportive for all our children. Thank
you to the families that came to support us we were so lucky with the weather.
We are all busy making things to sell at the fair, which is on the 8
of September. Be ready to come along and
buy some amazing treasures.
Our next focus in the Juniors is We belong in the solar system. This continues our big idea of belonging.
We began with ourselves and families and now we are launching into Space! The children and teachers are
really enjoying our Les Mills fitness sessions. We hope you are enjoying your free sessions at the gym too.
1 7 August 201 2
Wri ght St, Roslyn
www. kai korai . school. nz
Childrens Marathon
Fitness running is a tradition at Kaikorai and an important
part of the PE/ tness programme.
To help celebrate the Olympics the Caversham Harriers and
Athletic Club are running the Childrens Marathon
Challenge. Year 3-6 children run 40km at school over eight
weeks of the term and then on the day of the Moro
Marathon they run the last 2.195km around Logan Park and
into the Forsyth Barr Stadium. They will be on the large
screens as they appear in the stadium!
While we will strive with our school challenge, the run on
Sunday September 9
is of course optional and parents
would be responsible for their children. A parent can run with
year 3-4 athletes.
This sounds like a fun and challenging experience in an
Olympic year. For more details contact
Tony Reid
Health Consultation
Many thanks to the many
families who completed our
Health Consultation review.
We were very pleased to see that
98% of those who completed the
survey thought our Health
Programmes catered for the
needs of their child.
Many thanks to those who
submitted ideas of what they
would like to see in the
programme. Your feedback is
greatly appreciated.
Mini Olympics
1 7 August 201 2
Wri ght St, Roslyn
www. kai korai . school. nz
Parent Group News
1hank you Lo all Lhose famllles who supporLed Lhe Sausage Slzzle lasL lrlday on Clymplcs uay. 1here was a greaL LurnouL, Lhe
number of sausages ordered and cooked was hlgher Lhan usual and Lhe arenLs Croup made [usL over $700. lL was wonderful Lo
see so many parenLs, careglvers, younger slbllngs and oLher exLended famlly members comlng Lo supporL Lhe chlldren and [oln
wlLh Lhem ln Lhelr Clymplcs celebrauon.
!usL 3 weeks Lo go!!!
189:8;< - 3 more helpers are sull requlred for Lhe day of Lhe lalr. lease volunLeer now lf you're avallable on
8 SepLember buL haven'L already slgned up.
-=<>8;=&7?@98<&A&7?B8< - lease keep brlnglng ln donauons for Lhe MysLery 8oules and 8oxes SLall. 1here's a box ln Lhe School
Cmce where you can leave Lhese. We've declded Lo make Lwo dlerenL prlces for Lhe MysLery 8oules and 8oxes - $3 and $3 -
dependlng on whaL Lhe lLem ls and lLs reLall value. 1hanks Lo Lhose who have already broughL someLhlng ln.
3CD8 - A 8aMe Card wlll be senL home Lo every famlly on Monday. 1here are 10 amazlng prlzes Lo be won and we would really
appreclaLe your help and supporL wlLh selllng raMe uckeLs.
2EFG=&2;HIC= - nexL lrlday (AugusL 24) ls lunky lrlday whlch means LhaL Lhe klds can come Lo school dressed any way Lhey llke
(wacky halr, cosLumes, py[amas, eLc.). ln exchange for dresslng up, we ask LhaL each chlld brlng someLhlng along for Lhe lalr. Lach
class has been allocaLed someLhlng speclc ([usL so we don'L end up wlLh Loo much of one Lhlng). Pere's Lhe llsL:

8ooms 2, 4, 9 - 8ags of lndlvldually Wrapped llaL Lollypops

8ooms 1, 2A, 3, 11, 12 - 8locks of ChocolaLe (approx. 200g slze, any avour)

8ooms 3, 6 - 8ags of Wrapped Lollles

8ooms 8, 10 - 8ags of WhlLe Sugar (1.3kg slze)

Chlldren should Lake Lhelr donauons Lo Lhelr classroom and someone wlll come and collecL Lhem durlng Lhe mornlng.
lf you'd llke Lo volunLeer Lo help aL Lhe lalr or you have any quesuons abouL Lhe lalr, Lhen please conLacL 1or (433-1108,
027-633-1312, devereux[
Whanau hui
Nau mai haere mai wh!nau come along and join
us on Wednesday the 12th of September at 5.30pm
for our rst Whanau Hui. If you have an interest in
M!ori achieving as M!ori and want to meet other
wh!nau from our school, this is the hui for you.
We are interested in your feedback on what is
currently happening in our school and our plan
going forward.
Kai will be served and we look forward to seeing you
then. Please RSVP to
for catering purposes.
Kopua Waititi and Simon Clarke
Ukulele Jam
The sound of hundreds of ukuleles never sounded
better as children from Kaikorai Primary took part
in the annual Ukulele Jam at George Street School.
Many thanks to Jill Kumar for all of your hard work
in preparing for this.
Take a kid Fishing Day
Fish and Game Otago Council is running two free
shing days at the Southern Reservoir on the 29th and
30th of September. Both start at 9am and nish at 12
noon. Registrations for the event are essential and will
be taken after 1st September at the Fish and Game
Ofce or by emailing They
need the name and full contact details of the children
and an indication of which day you prefer.
Registrations are limited to 130 children so be in quick.
Spare shing rods will be available along with experts
to held the kids get started.
Special Rigs for Special Kids
The annual Special Rigs for Special Kdis
will by the the 26th August at the Edgar
If you know of anyone who would like to
be involved please contact Simon Clarke
at school.
Kaikorai Primary School has been hit hard with sickness in the last few weeks. Here are some notes for
tackling inuenza from the Medical Ofcers of Healthcare Otago.
Inuenza like illness rates are now increasing as expected for this time of year throughout the Southern
!!!!!!!teens and young adults are most affected now, but expect an increase in younger children and older
adults in the next few weeks
!!!!!!!Seasonal inuenza is!not!a notiable disease
!!!!!!!Inuenza A (H3N2) is the predominant strain this year
Not all respiratory illness is inuenza!
Infection Prevention and Control practice is a key control strategy
!!!!!!!Stay home if you are sick; use frequent hand hygiene; cover your cough
!!!!!!!environmental cleaning
!!!!!!!use droplet and contact precautions for patients with inuenza-like-illness.
In the community:
!!!!!!!Swabbing of inuenza cases in the community is not indicated and swabs will not be processed by the
community laboratories
!!!!!!!Antivirals can be prescribed but are not subsidised.
Vaccination is the most important way to prevent inuenza and is available free to eligible persons.!!The
Ministry of Health is currently considering whether to extend the availability of vaccine beyond 31 July.
Please encourage those at higher risk of complications from inuenza to be vaccinated.

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