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Gujarat Board Biology Books

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Gujarat Board Biology books

Gujarat Board Biology books

UNIT : 1 LIVING WORLD Biology and its branches; relationships with other sciences; scientific methods in biology; historical break throughs; scope of biology and career options; characters of living organisms (metabolism, transfer of energy at molecular level, open and closed system), homeostasis, growth and reproduction, adaptation, survival, death) Unit : 2 Diversity of life Variety of living organisms, systematics, need, history and types of classifications (artificial, natural, phylogenetic); Two kingdom system, five kingdom system their merits and demerits, status of bacteria and virus; botanical gardens and herbaria, zoological parks and museums. plant classification - salient features of various plant groups; phanerogams classification of angiosperms up to series level (bentham - and hooker's systam) Animal classification salient features of nonchordates up to phylum level and chordates up to class level Unit : 3 Cell and Cell division Cell as a basic unit of life, discovery of cell, cell theory. Prokaryotic cell and eukaryotic cell; Unicelluoar and multicellular organisms tools and techniques (compound microscope, electron microscope, cell fractionation); ultra structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell - cell wall, cell Know More About :- Accountancy Books for Gujarat Board .

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membrane, unit membrane concept (fluid mosaic model); membrane transport, cellular movement (exocytosis, endocytosis) Cell organelles and their functions-nucleus, mitochondria, plastids, endoplasmic reticulum, golgi complex, Lysosomes, microtubules, centriole, vacuole, cytoskeleton, cilia and flagella, ribosomes. Molecules of cell; In organic and organic materials - water, salt, mineral ions, carbohydrates, lipids, Amino acid, Protein, Nucleotides, Nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) Cell cycle significance of cell division, amitosis, mitosis and meiosis Unit : 4 Genetics Continuity of life - heredity, variation, mendel's laws of inheritance; chromosomal basis of inheritance; other patterns of inheritance - incomplete dominance, epistasis, multiple allelism. Chromosomes - bacterial cell and eukaryotic cell; parallelism between ganes; and ehromosomes; genome, lin9kage and crossing over; gene mapping, recombination; sex chromosomes; sex determination; sex linked inheritance; mutation and structural chromosomal aberrations. Human genetics - methos of study, genetic disorders. DNA as a genetic material - its structure and replication; structure of RNA and its role in protein synthesis; gene expression - transcription and translation in prokaryotes and eukaryotic; Regulation of gene expression, induction and repression Housekeeping genes; nuclear basis of differentiation and development; oncogenes. Basics of Recombinant DNA technology; cloning; gene bank; DNA finger-printing; genomics principles and its applications, transgenic plants, animals and microbes. Unit : 5 Morphology of Plants and Animals Morphology - root, stem and lead, their structure and modifications; Inflorescence, flower, fruit, seed and their types; Description of following families; Liliaceae, Solanaceae Internal structure of plants Tissues (meristematic and permanent); anatomy of root, stem and leaf of monocot and dicot. Morphology of animals - Salient features of earth worm, cockroch, frog and rat; Tissue systems structure and function of tissues - epithelial, connective, muscular and nervous.

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